#Tail was fun to draw big tail fan
ksksksrahrah · 4 months
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dailypearldoodles · 2 years
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Day 112
Ok so pony Pearl, but what if rainbow power?
If you’re a fan of mlp and you haven’t seen Fuyusfox’s rainbow power speedpaints, you’re missing out man her art is gorgeous
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3amsnek · 1 year
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assortment of Litens :] some highlighter doodles I felt like finishing up digitally
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reblogs >> likes!! please don’t like if you don’t rb
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tandytoaster · 3 months
I was showing my grandmother some pages from my scrapbook ( my crapbook ) and on my page that's stuff about me, I have a sticker of Cosmo and when my nanny seen her she was like, "Oh I remember her!!!!!" 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
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totally-not-trolls · 2 months
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Julien redemption arc? Could be...
Finally! My Julien x Jet comic is done!! Thank you so much @felsicveins for letting me subject my son to the disaster that is Julien :)
More info about the piece and my thoughts under the cut :)
Once again, I am a BIG fan of drawing Julien and I had so so so much fun doing it! I got to add his tattoos this time which I thought was pretty cool and I ended up actually practicing facial expressions on him! Also, HE GOT A TAIL THIS TIME >:3
This is my first time doing a comic and I'm pretty proud of it given the fact that I took on so many panels. I tried typing the dialog and I was gonna give them all different fonts but that didn't end up working so I had to free hand it. I absolutely hated that bit but I think it is eligible enough and that was the goal.
Unfortunately, it doesn't have color. I really wanted it to and I fully intended on coloring it when I started but I simply could not get it to look how I wanted it to so it remains uncolored.
Some parts of it I think are lacking but over all I am really proud of myself for getting it done and it looking half way decent :)
Julien and Jet have been rotating in my brain for wayyy too long and I'm glad to finally be able to post this and hopefully get at least one other person on the Julien x Jet train!
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taralen · 3 months
Why I draw Spamton the way I do and in defense of the "Tumblr sexyman" Spamton G. Spamton. An ESSAY.
EDIT 2/3/24 - Fixed some grammatical errors, changed font colors to make them easier to read against a white background, and reframed some of my arguments, especially regarding the "Yaoi style" portion, as it came across as ignorant and spiteful.
I follow the #spamton tag here, and I hate to say it, but it's full of artists jabbing at other artists who so happen to draw Spamton handsome. I see comments like, "No, he's a middle-aged sleazeball who is grungy and dirty." Often, these depictions show him with graying hair, ratty clothes, and covered in filth and grime. While there is nothing inherently wrong about drawing him this way, I find it disingenuous that the same people who draw him this way criticize people who draw him more handsome and or clean-cut because this depiction is even less based on his canon appearance than someone simply drawing him more realistically proportioned and with a pleasing visage (the definition of what this is varies by artist, but they're all often reduced to just "tumblr sexyman.") I see similar comments by people who draw him in what they may describe as "disgusting" or a "dirty scammer."
If Toby intended for Spamton to look dirty and gross, he would have simply gone with a similar design route to this character as an NPC in Undertale.
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Toby or other official arts never depict him with the following, even though I see it in fan art all the time:
Ball-jointed hands. Some artists draw them properly and make them look super cool. Simple lines aren't how they look in reality, but I get why people do that. Either way, it's not canon.
Dirty with tattered clothes. Spamton is only ever shown with a black blazer. It's debatable if he wears pants, but Toby has also drawn him with a collared shirt and tie.
Graying hair. Should be obvious. He's only ever seen with jet-black hair.
Overweight/Fat. While some fan depictions of this are cute, it's not canon. Spamton is always drawn thin but not necessarily in shape.
Buff. Same as the above. It looks really good in some fanart but is also not canon.
Tail. It can look really, really cute, but not canon for him or any of the Addisons.
Feathers. Only Swatch and the Swatchlings are depicted with feathers in Cyber World.
"40+ years old" - There is zero evidence of this in-game or in official merchandise or media. This assumption apparently comes from people assuming that his birthday would be the same as the first "spam email," which (at the time of this writing) was 46 years ago. This is a false equivalency since there is no indication that Spamton has any associations with our real-world history of spam emails. It should also be noted that this was not a true spam email. The only thing closest to Spamton in association with real spam email history may be his favorite year, 1997, in which spam marketing emails became frequent nuisances. However, actions to stop spam mail started in 1996, and it was by the 2000s that they became a serious concern because technology had since advanced. If he were truly born in 1978, he would only be 19 by 1997. While not impossible, it's not how most people see him in his Big Shot years of barely just entering adulthood. Also, as someone who has lived through most of the 90s, I can attest to a lot of this. Spam stuff existed, but news reports only heavily got into it by the 2000s.
100% Inorganic or Robot. While a cool idea, there is more evidence against this, like his ability to eat, sleep, and genuinely feel pain.
Boobs. I get most people who do this are doing it for fun, but it's not canon to his design, lol.
Tall. The most obvious one. Spamton is below average height, as made evident by his nearly 1:1 scale with Kris, a teenager.
Toddler-sized. Same as above. I won't lie that it can be drawn super cute, though. Haha!
With all that being said, why is it such a contention among his fans to depict him as handsome?
There is evidence to support that Spamton is at least, to some degree, good-looking but unconventionally attractive based on several sources. It should be noted that people often use his shop sprite as the best representation of his head, but this isn't accurate, either. In Undertale and Deltarune, because of its cartoonish sprites, it shouldn't surprise anyone that Spamton's are the most inaccurate and change frequently. Another user posted an entire comparison of all his sprites and how drastically inconsistent they are. I tried searching through my likes for this, but I can't find it. If anyone finds this, please link or reblog it to this post. Anyway, the intent of the post was to show artists that there are numerous different ways you can interpret Spamton's design with what's provided in the game, alone.
Stuff people often miss that is canon:
Lips. Believe it or not, this bastard's got kissable lips. Toby's recent art and his Neo attack are proof of this.
Eyes under the glasses. Seen in his sprite of going "BIG SHOT" the first time with Kris. It also hints at heterochromia because they contrast in color with yellow pupils under the pink and pink under the yellow.
NEO has no visible jaw hinge line. Only puppet Spamton does. Big Shot Spamton doesn't have one, either.
NEO's glasses' colors are reversed, and they are pince-nez style.
Androgynous sense of fashion. This is the least missed one, but it's worth mentioning. Spamton has no issues wearing pink, a color nowadays associated with women, and the NEO body has fabulous heels in addition to mostly being a magenta pink. The dress on the mannequin that greatly resembles him (and may hint at him being a white Addison before) shows a pretty dress that mirrors the one Mettaton wore in Undertale.
So then, WHY is he being depicted as handsome or unconventionally good-looking a BAD thing?
There really shouldn't be an issue with it at all. It's less offensive and technically more canon than many of the supposed depictions of him being a sleazebag who looks like he hasn't showered in a century and is hooked up on drugs or booze. You don't become a media darling without a charming personality. Mettaton only got successful in Undertale before he got his EX body because there was literally nothing else the people could watch. Spamton, on the other hand, was competing against many, so he had to stand out and look good even with the help of Mike (and possibly Tenna).
I often see people make this very reductive argument that it's a "yaoi style." This is by far one of the stupidest arguments I've ever seen. Drawing good-looking men is NOT equivalent to liking Yaoi. There are plenty of other genres of Asian-origin or Anime-styled media that feature pretty boys that have nothing to do with Boy's Love. Even Shounen anime has some bishies. Drawing bishounen-style male characters is a design choice and does not indicate someone's interest in Yaoi media. I swear, I have never seen this problem with Eastern fans. It's rude to lump people with similar art styles under something most people who make this claim don't even understand. I've seen people make upset comments about other people calling their style stuff like "Cal-Arts" even if they never went to Cal-Arts or like the media produced by them. It's the same principle. Stop lumping entire artists under one umbrella.
I draw him handsome because it's simply the way I see him. I love many other depictions of him, undoubtedly, and I even have a sticker set that depicts him with the graying hair, but it looks really good anyway. My point is, the fact that people who draw him dark and handsome shouldn't be scrutinized any more than people who draw him way more off base.
My personal contentions with the assumption he is a "dirty sleazebag old man."
I find this absolutely hilarious because this is a genuine stereotype and stock character of people similar to him. The douchebag salesman is a trope that's been around for a long time, but people don't seem to realize that this is a caricature and not representative of real salespeople.
Go to any @$%^ing department store or even an electronics one. Do you ever see anyone selling you stuff looking like they crawled out of the trash? Most are lower-class people who can't find any other job, meaning they are stuck with sales. It takes skill to be a good salesman, and I hate to brag, but I can probably sell you a #@$%ing soap bar and convince you that the extra $10 you're spending on it over a drugstore brand is better for your hands by deeply moisturizing them through herbal extracts and only "naturally" derived cleansing agents. Your hands are dry from the cold, drawing moisture out of them, so the investment would be worth it for the health of your skin during this harsh winter season. Why risk a drugstore brand that will only make your hands feel even rougher, flakier, and cracked? Stuff like this requires you to look someone in the eyes and observe who they are—their body language, way of carrying themselves, and the cadence of how they respond to your words. Does it always work? No. However, do you think anyone would $%^&ing buy ANY LEGAL PRODUCT if a salesperson looked like they were a shady crack dealer who was suspicious as %^&( to deal with? NO. It's a stereotype caricature for a REASON. It's meant to demean the reality of the salesperson who is forced to peddle a stupid product for a living. It's hard, and if anything, GET MAD at the people who are the ones making the crappy product! Yeah, some salesmen are bad at their jobs, but do you really believe that Cyber City's #1 RATED SALESMAN got there from being mediocre?! He may have gotten outside help for something that Toby never made clear, but he definitely does NOT lack the personality to make a great salesman. And believe it or not, there is plenty of evidence to prove he WASN'T bad at it! The other NPCs sell stuff that was once his goods but with his labels removed, and based on his statement of wanting to "make his own deals," this heavily implies he was NOT selling products he wanted to sell before he became a Big Shot. He has a strong sense of pride in the way he sees and presents himself, and I think this may be overlooked by people who make him look as ratty as possible.
I will also CLEARLY state this but this depiction overall does several of the following, which I KNOW many people will say is bad:
Ageism. Why do so many people, mostly Zoomers, assume that a man in his 40s is washed-up, gross, or even considered old? I've seen hotter men in their 40s than some young men in their early 20s.
Downplays his mental health struggles. One of the best things about Spamton is how he DOESN'T play into just the "sleazebag" stereotype. Once we go into his shop, we see that he is truly just a very broken man. His theme song is a FARCE to try and convince you that he's tougher than he really is.
Classist/Poor-Shaming. The assumption that a homeless person has to have no sense of cleanliness. Please, for the love of all that is good, meet actual homeless people. Not all of them are like this. Spamton clearly keeps himself rather clean for someone who dumpster dives. He is trying to stay true to himself, and his sense of self is one of pride. There is no dialogue or description to imply he smells or lacks proper hygiene.
Again, while there is nothing inherently wrong with drawing him this way, I just want people to be more aware of why they draw him this way. Think of it like a thought experiment to reflect on why you see him the way you do. How I draw Spamton comes from a place of deep empathy, love, and life experiences I've had in sales in addition to ALWAYS being customer-facing, meaning I know what works and what doesn't for over a DECADE. It's rather bizarre to me that people who claim to be big fans of him draw him in such a demeaning way that goes beyond the canon depiction and lowers him to absolute dirt, almost like beating this character with the ugly stick just because it's "funny." Is he a tragic character to you? Or is he simply a clown to laugh at for his failures and hardships? How we depict and see people is utterly fascinating because it reflects in real life, too.
You can take the exact same person and show them to different groups of people, and they will all see the same person differently. They don't have to be artists, but they tend to vary if you ask their opinions. For example, I think the actor Mads Mikkelsen is very attractive, but I know many who wouldn't understand why. A guy I've had a crush on for years is one of the hottest men ever to me, but a friend of mine called him "just a guy."
I fully understand that some people find the way I draw him stupid. It is what it is. I can't force you to like it.
I'm simply trying to point out my reasonings for why I draw him this way, and I would like others to think about their methods, too, and NOT to bash other people outright or go "ewww Yaoi tumblr sexyman" just because someone doesn't depict him with stereotypical traits or as "100% canon style" (which is mostly just copying the game's sprite style.)
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spiritthemoron · 2 months
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[Hazbin Hotel Redesigns Pt.5] Alastor
Just doing these for fun!
Alrighty back on to the redesigns! I knew that Alastor would probably change the most out of all my redesigns when I started these, my thought process was to eliminate some of the bright red in his design, giving it a bit more accents of yellow. I’m also a big fan of when people redesign him in greyscale but I felt like I could do a whole design with just grey, so I thought “why not do both?” So I desaturated half of him. I also wanted to enhance this deer look more so I made his antlers bigger and have him more apparent hooves (he does have a tail I just couldn’t draw it with his coat on lol) I also have him these pins in his smile, forcing it into a smile, so if he wanted to frown for any reason he couldn’t.
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Happy Couple 7
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
I make no promise and am just following a whim.
Summary: Your father makes a deal to marry you to his top capo. (mob au)
Warnings: dark elements such a mob business and intimidation, spanking, threats., choking. More to be added as they become relevant. You know what I write typically so you know what to expect.
Thank you all for the encouragement and I hope you enjoy.❤️
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Bucky keeps you close as you slip your hand free of the biting leather and hiss. He fists your hair in hand and yanks your head back, swaying you with him tauntingly. The strength you cloud see before in his thick fingers and the bulge of his neck is now firm against you. You feel it coursing through him, taut in the belt wound around your neck.
You bat your last, still clawing at the buckle with one hand as your other presses to the chest of his jacket You stand on tip toes as he snickers and draws the leather even tighter. You cough and choke in shock.
“Bucky…” you rasp, “please–”
“Shhh, baby, I’m just having some fun,” he keeps your hand clamped in his hand, “you got such a pretty neck. I always liked that about you. Could always see my hands around it. You think it fits them perfect, huh?”
You whimper and snatch your hand away from your neck, wheezing as you slip your hands under his jacket, feeling the satin of his shirt and the hard muscles beneath. For a man his age, he should be proud. You can’t help but feel how finely corded his flesh is.
“Bucky,” you gulp out again and let a hand crawl up his collar, grazing his neck and the soft trim along his chin, “pl–” you touch his jaw and frame the square angle, “daddy.”
He tilts his head at the last word and the belt slackens, just slightly. Your eyes blur with the rise of tears throttled from you. You shakily pet his cheek and push yourself against him. Your heart hammers with adrenaline and fear. He’s a dangerous man but you were raised by a dangerous man.
“S-sorry, I’m sorry,” you croak, “please, daddy–”
“Don’t you start that game with me,” he warns as he leans in, hot breath fanning over you, “I know what you are, sweetheart, a spoiled little brat.”
You pout and let your other hand trail down from his chest, feeling along the buttons of his shirt and slipping lower. You cup him through his pants and arch your feet higher. You slide your hand around the back of his head, tugging on his grip behind yours.
“You talk a big game, old man,” you taunt.
“Do I? Cause I’m pretty sure you’re holding onto that big game.”
You squeeze him, the rigid bulge in his pants twitching as you do. You trace up his zipper and push it down slowly, exhaling as you hover your lips before his. His nose touches yours as he’s lured in by the heat of your gaze. 
You pinch the front of his pants, unhooking his fly with two fingers and tease along the top of his briefs. You feel his stomach clench as your lips curl and you press them to his. He purrs in surprise and the belt loosens further.
His tongue meets yours in an impassioned swirl, hungry, insatiable, searching for more. You hum around him as you turn him towards the bed. He retreats slowly, hanging on lightly to the tail of the belt as you push your hand past the elastic. You grip his veiny length and he parts you grunt at the ceiling.
“Fuck, sweetheart, who knew a bit of tough love would get you so worked up?” He puffs.
You urge him back and he lets you shove him down onto the foot of the mattress. He bounces as you follow him, tugged by the leather still looped around you. You climb onto his lap and swallow the chatter in your teeth. You’ve pretended with men before, they’re all a bit more boring without their clothes on.
You straddle him and push him down onto his back, bending over him as you crush your mouth against his again. You pump him easily, long strokes that have him shuddering. You nibble his lower lip as you grind your hips against him, closing your grip until he groans. 
His hands come up to frame your waist as he pushes his chest out and digs his thumbs into you.
“Tell me what you want from me, daddy?” You taunt, “my mouth…” you lick his cheek, “or maybe you just want me to play with you a little.” You run your hand up and down again, “oh, I don’t mind that,” your hand crawls down to fondle his sack, “you like that?”
“Fuck,” his hands fall to your ass and he kneads.
You lean into his ear, his beard brushing against you coarsely. You giggle and nuzzle him as you whisper, “you forget that you took my panties, daddy?”
He snarls as he gropes you, his hand crawling down to feel beneath your ass. He tickles your exposed cunt and you gasp. You push yourself up as you grab his dick again, pumping him to his tip as you watch the lewd motion beneath his briefs. You pull him above the fabric and bite your lip.
“Oh, daddy, you really are a monster,” you trill, “think I can take it all.” You pinch his bases and wiggle his dick before you, comparing it to your pelvis, “you’re gonna break me in half. Aren’t you?”
“Oh, fuck, princess, you know I–”
Your grip forms a vice around him and your other fist collides with his adam’s apple as it bobs. He coughs and his body constricts as you let go and roll off of him. You’re quick to swipe up the end of the belt as you spin to your feet and twist around. You barrel towards the door and swing it open as you hear him sputtering. 
“Fuck!” He rasps as you race into the hall, “catch her!”
You dodge the man to your left and continue on, holding onto the belt to keep it from snagging. You get to the stairs and slide to a halt as another man appears at the top. You huff and lift the belt over your head. You pull it taut around your hand and flail it, snapping it towards the man.
“Get the fuck outta my way,” you demand, “how dare you? This is my daddy’s house–”
You whip the leather again and it barely misses the man. As he steps back, you go to plunge forward down the stairs but the belt catches and you’re suddenly pulled backwards by your hand. You’re dragged around to face Bucky as he clutches the long end.
“You done it now,” he growls, “I promise you, I am gonna fucking break you in half. Right in your daddy’s bed.”
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stardustizuku · 1 year
Why Miraculous LadyBug Is the Worst Thing To Happen To Magical Girl Genre in All Its History.
It would be easy to sit here and tell you all the logical reasons why Ladybug is a bad show. It has horrible pacing, it has low stakes, repetitive episodes, and a dialogue that is cringe worthy enough to get its own tiktok sound.
But saying that, would be beating a dead horse at this point. Everyone knows this show is a bunch of wasted potential, only made worse by a director who keeps thinking he created gold, when in fact he messed up in a lot of areas – particularly the fact that he’s a grown man who thinks he knows what little girls want.
I’m not here for that.
Particularly, because I can be quite forgiving to shows like this. I mean, they’re kids' shows! Meant for little girls, and I haven’t been one for a few years now. But I still enjoy them.
Why? Well, cause I’m a massive fan of Magical Girl animes. I love the glitter, the sparkles, the silly adventures with friends, and the transformation sequences! Even with all its flaws, I really like them. So, stories or shows that borrow from them, get a pass in all these things. 
I mean, I have fun re-watching WINX Club, I love Star Vs The Forces of Evil despite its flaws. Steven Universe holds a deep place in my heart and She-Ra is…She-Ra is in its very own league of how amazing it is.
So, no. Be it a very dumb show or a very smart one, I can have fun. It’s very rare when a show with, you know, glitter, girly stuff and animals CAN’T hold my attention.
But, well, MLB failed at that.
It’s just, not a good show.
I mean, it could be. But the age demographic would need to drop several, several age groups just to be barely watchable – and even then, I seriously doubt that it would be good for young girls to watch it. The lessons it teaches are concerning, to say the least.
And at this point, you may be thinking,
"Why do you care so much about this show? It’s dumb and you’ve acknowledged it treats its demographic as toddlers. Why do you care so much?"
Well, because I've been here... for a very, very long time.
Listen, I started watching Miraculous Ladybug, back when I was in high school. Maybe a bit old, but, hey, a lot of unique cartoons came out around that time. (Star Vs, Steven Universe, etc). So, I was hopeful. Really hopeful.
Mainly, because I was here before it EVEN premiered. I remember it. The original PV was 2D animated and it had this vague Princess Tutu vibes that JUST I couldn’t resist. It was clear as day that it borrowed a lot of its inspiration from magical girls from the 90's, probably even 80's.
The premise looked similar enough to Kaito Jeanne, and Kaito St. Tail for me to draw those conclusions.
It had a dynamic very similar to Princess Tutu and seemed like a mix of silly and dark like that one was.
To be honest, I could even see hints of Sugar Sugar Rune with Pierre and Felix.
Not to mention, the animation was beautiful.
I will never, never forget that scene with Chat looking at Ladybug starry-eyed under the Paris Moonlight. That was so beautiful, a genuine touch of romance that rang so similar to the Magical Girl animes I grew up with.
I was thrilled, I was excited. I wanted this show to succeed, before even the premier had dropped.
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This is all to say -
I never came to this show with the intention for it to fail.
And I didn’t expect nor want it to be ground-breaking or a giant of the genre. I just hoped I could have a fun time.
I didn't want subversions, I didn't want it to be dark, or deep. All I wanted, was sparkles, fun and a good time.
So, when it first aired, I tried to stay positive. I tried to like it, even when it had all these massive red flags.
I’ve never been a big fan of 3D animation, and especially not how it’s used in Magical Girl animes. (We all know the disaster the first season of Sailor Moon Crystal was).
But I swallowed it down.
The characters were different from the original PV
But I swallowed it down.
The background scenery was bland and generic and hardly felt unique.
But I swallowed it down.
I was here since day 1. I was here when Stormy Weather premiered. I was here before many of you were, and
I swallowed it all down.
Because I really, really wanted this to be good.
And I really thought it would.
But things should have been made clear, when they fucked up the one thing they shouldn't. The one thing that held this all together. The one thing that kept me here even as everything was burning to the ground, and I was too naive to realize it.
They fucked up the thing that started all this, to begin with.
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twinkrundgren · 19 days
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a weeks worth of work... for a show i love to hate, and hate to love.
over the course of getting stockholmed into enjoying the setting of hazbin hotel, i ended up liking angel dust the most. even if he's an annoying gay stereotype with the most cliche'd backstory possible, at its heart i still like him and see potential for a three dimensional character if he was just written better. i think he's a fan favorite for a reason, despite his cliches: he's charismatic, funny, and pathetic with probably the only backstory taken seriously by the story.
he's also the only one to go through real character development in a breezy 8 episodes, being probably the only upstanding member of the hazbin hotel by the end of season 1 but my critiques on pacing and writing are better left to my friend robin who's a lot better versed in analysing *why* hazbin's writing is so bad.
anyway, here's a portfolio-worthy turnaround of my angel dust redesign. a lot of it was just making him more spider like, for the most part aside from all the random spots on his body i think his design is pretty well done but it could be stockholm again. read more cause its an essay on all the design choices i made
one of the main things i did was flesh out his head shape: for a long time angel dust's head shape felt like the worst of drawing for 2d, his hair and tufts are so entirely cheated to the side no matter the angle that it was impossible to understand what he'd look like at every angle, so i simplified it to a half circle shape where his big hair tuft is just overlayed on top, cheated to the side no matter the angle unless he's looking up/down, where i drew what i think those angles would look like.
he also now has spider fangs at the sides of his mouth, with one gold to match valentino's gold tooth. since spiders don't have teeth, he doesn't either, but can be drawn with some if the expression needs it (though i noticed that stolas is never drawn with teeth no matter his expression, so maybe that's not needed.)
instead of a bowtie he has a choker with a cock ring on it. you know what its referencing.
the spider thorax is attached a bit higher up than a tail would be, not only because of actual spider anatomy but to give him enough room to get dirty as his career requires him to do. it can flip up as well, i imagine its very manipulable.
leg designs were mostly to specify the sort of rhythm and curving i want his legs to work at. it's not perfect, but i think if someone was drawing from this reference they'd have a good understanding of how i want his legs to be drawn. they're one of my favorite aspects of his design and i think specifying how they'd bend is very important.
fun fact: i thought i made his legs too long, but comparatively to the canonical design he's a LOT more leggy. i even think you could get away with giving him more leg and the design still feels proportional.
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florenceisfalling · 5 months
more in depth void silver thoughts as i reread now that i have a paper version
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this bruce wayne reference is so egregious. im gonna be so real for a moment i thought it was marvins backstory and im so glad it wasnt. did make me laugh out loud though
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i was struggling so bad with the digital reader that i didnt even realize before that he's drawing electricity out of the light and phone! very cool and it reminds me of how my anti's magic works
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his hand tattoos arent consistent in design and i wonder if its unintentional or some kinda shifting tattoo thing - big fan of them though!
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really interested in how they circle his joints and im wondering if theres a puppet string connection...
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i think this is such a fun part bc i think it shows hes got pride about his magic as genuine real magic and doesnt wanna be associated with cheap tricks
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his hair stands on end like a cat's tail :3
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literally what is the deal with this did anti just absorb it up what
ill add more in reblogs!
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Death/Muerte sfw alphabet 
 -> Warnings: Muerte typical death mentions, suggestive content, probably ooc and I probably contradict myself at some point. There is slight angst in some of these, though nothing major. There is a singular radiohead reference in this.
 -> Notes: I fucking adore this wolf, so I figured this would be fun to do and it was! This is unedited, I’ll go over it again tomorrow. Also thank you to everyone who sent in requests, I plan to get started on them soon! 5.3k words.
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
 -> Muerte is actually rather affectionate! 
 -> He’s not the best at affection at first, purely because he’s never really had to be affectionate. Being the embodiment of death hasn’t presented Muerte with many opportunities to be like so with another, and though he’s been alive long enough to have witnessed his fair share of love between others that’s all it is - love between other people. So he’s a little stuck at first, unsure of how to ask for affection or initiate it, but with enough patience he learns how. A quick learner, too.
 -> Once Muerte has his head properly wrapped around the concept - both the giving and receiving - he’s very sweet with it, and there are two main ways he shows his affection for you, those being physical touch and quality time.
 -> Physical touch is perhaps a little surprising but Muerte is quite fond of it! 
 -> When receiving physical affection Muerte actually really likes being pet. It is definitely his wolf instincts kicking in, but whenever you thread your hands through his fur or scratch behind his ears/rub his belly, he just kind of melts. Tail starts wagging, he gets this real big grin on his face, and in general his mood just lightens. Your touch is fairly comforting to him, in a way he never knew he needed or even wanted.
 -> When giving physical affection Muerte is big on nuzzling as a thing. Rubs his face against yours, or wherever he can really, and it’s often accompanied by little love bites and licks. Speaking of love bites, they're something that happen often and at random. Basically; oversized puppy.
 -> Now in regards to quality time, it’s very important to Muerte. Due to who he is he doesn’t have all too much time with you, so what little there is he wants to make the most of. This is usually done through sharing stories and experiences! 
 -> He has undoubtedly seen a lot, and he’s never really had anyone to share any of it with so it makes his day when you listen to him. He’s quick to find that he likes talking and though he remains a fan of comfortable silences he’ll never complain about conversing.
 -> Similarly he likes listening to what you have to say as well! You could be talking about anything and he would spend hours just listening. Always so invested in it too, giving you his full attention.
 -> Sidenote: his ears are very expressive when both talking and listening.
»»—— • ☆ • ——««
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
 -> A friendship with Muerte is going to be a little tricky to get into, mainly because it’s kind of hard to meet death himself outside of, well, a near death experience. 
 -> Soooo this leaves three main options. You’re either immortal but not an arrogant asshole [so he has a reason to actually want to be your friend], you’re in a near death experience but due to circumstance he doesn’t actually take you, or you meet him in a bar, assuming he visits them outside of hunting down narcissistic animals [which is funny to imagine, can Muerte actually get drunk?].
 -> Now what draws Muerte to someone is hard to say, but I would wager a lack of fear towards him would be a good start. Even though you probably don’t know he’s death when you first meet him he’s still incredibly intimidating, from his stature to his eyes. It’s also in the way he holds himself, like he knows something you don’t, like something bad is going to happen. Seeing him is almost like a bad omen, so when you show little or no fear he is incredibly curious. 
 -> That curiosity leads to him visiting you often, and that leads to friendship. 
 -> Now I think Muerte as a best friend is a little distant but someone you can count on. He’s the kind of friend who you can trust to have your back and - when possible - be there for you but will never really open up to you, even after you’ve spilt your guts to him.
 -> He’s charming, laid back and calm, yet confident in a subtle way, and once you get past his unnerving demeanour he’s very easy to get along with. But despite that he doesn’t reveal much about himself, keeping things close to his chest and seldom does he express much outside of annoyance or joy. Things such as sadness [which for him often materialises as a heavy melancholy] aren’t often seen and whenever you do see them he’s quick to leave.
 -> I think the main thing keeping him back from getting close to you in a friendship is the nature of who he is. Muerte is a little worried about getting close to you, creating a genuine emotional bond and then telling you who he is, only for you to leave in fear and for the connection to break. 
 -> It’s only after he’s told you that he’s death and you still accept him does he get closer as a friend and subsequently start falling in love with you. 
»»—— • ☆ • ——««
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
 -> Ohhhh Muerte loves cuddling! 
 -> Now I can’t really elaborate on the why of it, it just seems like something he’d enjoy. Maybe it’s the fact that he can hold and touch another without receiving fear or hate - that he can do it without having to guide another soul to rest, or maybe it’s the fact that you just fit so nicely in his arms, it’s hard to say. 
 -> If you were to ask Muerte why he likes cuddling he’d probably make some quip about how it’s because you’re “so small and cute” [even if you’re neither of those things], so why wouldn’t he like holding you? 
 -> The comment itself is a little unsettling, making you feel like he’s sizing you up to devour you or something, but don’t worry about it. You are incredibly safe in his arms and he’s really just taking the opportunity to tease you.
 -> In regards to the cuddling position I think Muerte is a fan of spooning! It’s definitely the easiest for you both considering his size, though he likes when you face him during it. A part of this is because a lot of conversations happen during cuddling and Muerte finds them most enjoyable face to face, where he can watch your expressions and reactions to things. Facing him also means you’re able to give him affection easier, not that he’d ever ask for that, of course. 
 -> I think Muerte also doesn’t mind being the little spoon, though it’s really just him burying his face in your chest/stomach and letting you hold him like that. His tail is definitely wagging, though if you bring it up he’ll give you a little warning bite and half hearted growl.
 -> Big spoon or little spoon doesn’t matter though, Muerte will croon for you.
»»—— • ☆ • ——««
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
 -> Muerte cannot settle down with you. Due to his job as death he is unable to, because it is so constant and though he can seemingly teleport it can lead to him being gone for days, or weeks, or on the rare occasions even months. It’s not that he doesn't want to, but there is no real opportunity to.
 -> While Muerte cannot settle down he can leave bits of himself around your house and as a result it’s going to feel lived in by him. Spare ponchos hang in your warbroad, desks and shelves are littered with old books and scrolls, weapons are displayed along your walls, and your old storeroom has been turned into a makeshift workshop of sorts. Not to mention all the things he brings home for you specifically, ranging from flowers to letters to small knick knacks and trinkets. To everyone else your house is bound to feel uneasy, carrying a cold stale air to it, but to you it’s a sign that your lover cares enough to always return. 
 -> Which is all it is really; somewhere he returns to. Your home could never be Muerte’s, not really, but it can be his sanctuary and for as long as you let him he will always find his way back to it.
 -> Now in regards to cooking and cleaning, I’d say Muerte is okay at it? Nothing special, but also nothing atrocious either. I think the main problem is that he just kind of never has to do either. If he eats it’s not because he needs to, and he’s never really stuck around a place long enough to need to keep it clean, at least not consistently.
 -> With that being said however, now he has a reason to do both! Now once again he can’t do either consistently due to his job, but when he’s actually there he’ll help out while he can. Or not, I won’t pretend to know. I’m sorry, but picturing him in front of a stove is fucking hilarious. Imagine that absolute monster of a wolf holding a broom.
 -> Though, one thing I can say for certain is that Muerte enjoys bathing with you!
»»—— • ☆ • ——««
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?
 -> He wouldn’t <3
 -> No but genuinely, Muerte is not going to break up with you. From my understanding wolves tend to mate for life and even beyond that I don’t see him as the type to fall out of love.
 -> Getting Muerte to fall in love with you is near impossible, but once he has the feelings just never go away. Especially in your lifetime. Assuming you’re not immortal, your lifespan is so miniscule compared to his own that it’s not even nearly long enough for him to even consider losing such feelings for you.
 -> Now if, for whatever reason, Muerte does break up with you I think he’s polite about it. He finds no joy in seeing you cry at all, but his comfort is also very formal and impersonal. Though he respects you he doesn’t care for you anymore and during a breakup Muerte is very matter of fact, straight to the point, and refuses to sugar coat any of it.
 -> It’s simple, he’s sorry but he doesn’t love you anymore. Does he wish you well? Certainly, and he hopes there’s no bad blood between the two of you when you inevitably meet again.
»»—— • ☆ • ——««
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
 -> Muerte is a very committed lover, he doesn’t get into a relationship if he doesn’t plan for it to last. 
 -> With that being said though I don’t see marriage as being something important to Muerte. He kind of understands the appeal, but to him it’s idiotic. A ring and piece of paper should have no say over your relationship with him. 
 -> I do think Muerte would get you something to signify your bond with him though. It’d be a piece of jewellery - possibly a broach, something easy to keep on your person, and though it’s no real proposal or church it carries the same weight to it. A confession of his love for you, a promise to remain by your side for as long as you’ll let him.
»»—— • ☆ • ——««
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
 -> Is gentleness natural to Muerte? I think this is both a yes and no.
 -> Muerte is death itself, and this is something that can be both gentle and harsh. To some it is solace, it is peaceful and calm, while to others it’s harsh and cruel, unjustified.
 -> What we see with Puss is completely natural; Muerte enjoys a chase, he enjoys fear and borders on being sadistic. But it would also be just as in character to say that Muerte is gentle with souls undeserving of their fate, that he would comfort wounded animals as they die and let kids pet his fur so they’re no longer scared.
 -> Now I know that this question is in regards to him with a lover, but I do think it’s worth going over that he is very much both naturally depending on what’s needed. Neither is a facade or fake.
 -> So, to get to what we’re actually here for yeah, Muerte is a fairly gentle lover! You have given him no reason to be otherwise, and though he enjoys some fear [even from you] it’s in no way malicious. His fear comes as a warning to appreciate what you have, and any other moments of roughness are all rare. 
 -> I think Muerte has an easier time being gentle emotionally as opposed to physically, mainly because I believe him to be someone incredibly in tune with his own emotions. I think his natural disposition is a lot calmer than what we see with Puss and he’s most likely a very wise individual. Due to this it won’t be long before he’s in tune with your emotions as well and it leads to a fairly gentle and calm dynamic. Like “old married lovers” kind of gentle.
»»—— • ☆ • ——««
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?
 -> Muerte definitely likes hugs, but I think there are just other forms of affection he prefers over them. 
 -> The main thing Muerte likes about hugs is how protective they are. He completely smothers you in his arms and it always leads to him feeling like he’s keeping you safe. But even that isn’t unique to just hugging and he often feels that way during cuddling. So it leads to hugs, while being something pleasant, not being something that’s done all too often.
 -> Muere mainly reserves them for when he’s greeting you, especially if he’s been gone for a while. In those cases they’re are tight, secure, and can last for a minute or so, though that depends on how long he was gone for.
 -> There is one problem with Muerte’s hugs though, that being that he tends to lean into you and subsequently put his weight on you. Make sure you have good footing before hugging him, just for your own sake.
»»—— • ☆ • ——««
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
 -> Hmmm, hard to say. Not too quickly, but he certainly knows he loves you when he gets with you. 
 -> I think Muerte might be a little hesitant to say he loves you in all honesty, mainly because it’s so surprising to him that he actually feels this way. I don’t think he ever considered himself capable of love. Sure, he knows he’s not incapable of things such as sympathy or affection for another, but actual love - romantic love? That’s a whole different ball game.
 -> Muerte has a very theoretical understanding of love. He knows why people feel it, he knows the importance of it - the importance of why he should tell you how he feels - but when it comes to the actual doing and feeling he’s lost.
 -> And that leads to him feeling small, in a very weird way. This is outside of his knowledge, outside of his comfort zone, and it leads to fear. Fear of admitting that he cares, fear of losing you, fear of making a fool of himself. Muerte is prideful, and though that’s not something that gets in the way of your relationship all too often, when it first comes to an admittance of love it leaves him frozen.
 -> Muerte will bite the bullet and say it though, and all things considered fairly quickly too. Say, maybe three/four months into the relationship. It’s a little awkward on his part, but he still looks you in the eyes and says it with his full chest. There’s no doubt in his mind that this is what he feels for you.
»»—— • ☆ • ——««
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
 -> Not at all! Muerte holds you with full respect and never once doubts your loyalty to him. If you gave him reason to doubt it he wouldn’t stick around.
 -> While Muerte is indeed somewhat possessive he knows you’re his, and that he’s yours too, so that never leads to jealousy. If you like the whole jealous lover schtick he can certainly play it for you, but it’s just not something natural to him. 
 -> On the very rare occasion that Muerte gets jealous he gets quiet. He’s already an observer but it increases tenfold here, eyes like daggers as he watches whoever is stealing both your attention and time. Muerte has enough sense and control to never get angry at you when jealous, but he does get more possessive, pulling you into his side and once you both get home he’s not letting you out of his arms for the rest of the night. Make with that what you will.
»»—— • ☆ • ——««
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
 -> Muerte’s kisses, much like everyone else's, vary. In general they’re gentle yet passionate and are often drawn out. He tends to like taking his time kissing you, and they only ever become rushed and aggressive if things are getting heated or he hasn't seen you for a while.
 -> Even make outs with Muerte tend to be somewhat gentle, but this is partially because kissing him is a little difficult, especially if you’re human. He has lips and he can kiss you, but anything heated can be a little tricky to do with that mouth of his. Honestly his kisses are more tongue and fang at times.
 -> Now Muerte doesn’t really have a favourite place to kiss you, but if he had to choose he’d say your neck! This is heavily trust based, but he also likes the fact that he’s able to feel your pulse under his lips. 
 -> In regards to receiving kisses, please kiss his nose. He’ll accept them anywhere, but his nose and forehead are weak spots for him. Always results in a little happy growl of sorts.
»»—— • ☆ • ——««
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
 -> Oof, he likes kids but kids do not like him.
 -> I think children give Muerte a sense of peace. They are good, for the most part kind, and though they don’t really understand the world they tend to appreciate what they have. I think he finds their wonder in the world to just be very refreshing, if that makes sense.
 -> Kids don’t like him for obvious reasons, those being his general demeanour and appearance. Though, there are always a few that approach him. Mainly with the intent to pet him, or in some cases tell him that he “looks cool” [or very bluntly tell him that he’s scary, which always makes him laugh a little]. 
 -> Now despite his fondness for kids Muerte doesn’t want any. He’s already placing his heart on the line by being with you and he knows that he’ll have to take you some day. But outliving his own kids, having to bury them? No, no. He won’t do it. Muerte understands that it may be selfish of him to so adamantly refuse the idea, but it’s a weight he would much rather be without.
»»—— • ☆ • ——««
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
 -> Assuming you wake up with him and he doesn’t have anywhere to be, mornings with Muerte can be rather lazy. If he doesn’t have to get up and leave the warmth of your bed he simply will not, unless you were to blackmail him out with food or something of that ilk. Which isn’t guaranteed to work mind you, and that’s assuming he lets you get out of his arms in the first place.
 -> Which he won’t. Mornings with him are cuddly, in the sense that you are trapped and cannot escape. Seriously, unless you’re a fucking powerhouse or incredibly small you are not worming out of his embrace. So sorry </3
 -> Hehe morning sex hehe
»»—— • ☆ • ——««
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
 -> Nights with Muerte are bound to be very calm. He tends to spend a lot of them out working, but when he has free time Muerte likes to take you places! Usually places with a nice view and that are away from people, though sometimes he likes to just sit in the corner of a pub with you and watch everyone go about their night.
 -> Muerte is also a big fan of nights spent at home with you, simply coexisting. With him caring for his weapons as you get ready for bed or so on, they’re awfully domestic.
»»—— • ☆ • ——««
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
 -> Not slow, but not fast either. I think Muerte doesn’t go out of his way to reveal things unless they’re of importance, instead everything is revealed naturally through conversations. 
 -> The way he opens up is very calm in a sense, there’s never any spotlight placed on what he’s saying. It feels natural, it flows, and the mood never really changes. I think it’s comforting in a way, the casualness of it all highlighting just how much trust he has in you.
 -> There will always be an air of mystery to him though. He is only truly knowable through death after all, so when you die it’s like the last piece of a jigsaw falling into place.
 -> In regards to you opening up, Muerte is patient. There is no rush and he understands that some things are just hard to talk about. 
 -> There is also no judgement either, not with him. Muerte has seen just about everything there is to see, has witnessed the absolute worst of humanity. You are safe here, the scars on your hands will never drive him away.
»»—— • ☆ • ——««
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
 -> Hmm, this is hard. He’s not easily angered, especially by you, but there are some things that get to him.
 -> In general I think Muerte is very patient. Even with someone like Puss, it took eight lives for Muerte to finally snap and go after him, and that’s after heavy disrespect and wastefulness. He is easily annoyed, but getting actual anger [especially anger he’ll act on] is hard.
 -> With you, whether as friend or lover, Muerte is simultaneously very patient and very easy to anger. 
 -> In general, once again, he’s patient. You’re in no rush to open up, arguments with Muerte are fairly rare as he prefers negotiating and actually discussing things, and he has an incredible understanding of humans, along with being very in tune with your emotions. Calm, with the patience of a saint.
 -> Unless you act recklessly that is. Unlike with Puss, Muerte cares about you and so every time you do something idiotic or place your life on the line [intentionally or not] he grows angry. It is anger built from worry and results in him scolding you. He grips your shoulders, bares his teeth, growls, anything that will make you realise that death is still something to be feared, something that should not be so recklessly rushed towards.
 -> Is Muerte easy to calm down? Depends on what exactly angered him, but for the most part he needs a little bit of time to himself. Not just to calm down, but to fully gather his thoughts - especially in the case of you being the source. Afterwards he just wants to hold you. Like I said before, your embrace is comforting to him.
»»—— • ☆ • ——««
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
 -> Remembers everything.
 -> Muerte has an exceptional memory, so everything you tell him - whether in depth or in passing - will be kept tucked away in his mind. Honestly you don’t even have to tell him, his eye for detail is insane. He can read you off body language and expression alone.
 -> He’s the type of lover to know your order off by heart, the type that makes you feel seen and understood, to the point where it’s almost terrifying. The little details matter, and Muerte’s love lies in them.
 -> What makes it more heartwarming is that it’s not all natural either. Sure, his memory is fucking amazing, but he only knows you so well because he puts in the effort to listen and remember. 
»»—— • ☆ • ——««
R = Remember (What is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
 -> Muerte has two responses to you asking this. The first is saying that he doesn’t have a favourite memory, because how could he possibly choose just one? And the second one is pretending that his favourite moment is something that is probably very embarrassing for you, like the time he saw you trip over your own feet or that one time he popped up beside you and you screamed so loud the neighbours were worried [yes he did laugh, broke out in a sort of giggle fit actually </3].
 -> In actuality his favourite memory is when he told you he was death itself. While that might seem like a weird one to favour it meant a lot to him, and still does. 
Muerte had very much gone into that confession expecting hate, for any fondness you had of him to vanish, and for the most part your initial reaction had been what he had expected: fear. The stench of anxiety had come off you in waves as you tried to process what he had said, because what could death want with you if not to collect your soul?
There had been a minute of painful silence, and it was only after the rational part of your brain had convinced you that if Muerte wanted you dead it would have happened already that you had spoken. 
Your voice, while slightly shaky, had been gentle, telling Muerte that despite who he was you still trusted him and hoped that your friendship would remain the same. You had accepted him, overcome your fear to be with him, so it’s no surprise that he holds that night so dearly in his memories. 
»»—— • ☆ • ——««
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
 -> Muerte is extremely protective when there’s an actual threat to your safety, whether caused by someone else or yourself [like I said in P].
 -> Muerte has no qualms in killing someone for your safety, and honestly depending on how badly you were hurt/they planned to hurt you he’s liable to just going fucking wild. We all know that he enjoys the hunt and that he has a sadistic streak, so there’s a fair chance he’ll give them a similar treatment to what he did Puss, except this time there will be no mercy at the end.
If you weren’t hurt too bad he’ll just scare them away and [probably] out of town.
 -> Outside of threats though Muerte is pretty lax, he has an incredible trust and respect in your abilities. The most he ever really does outside of danger is check over you when he gets home, and that’s only after he’s been gone for a while.
 -> Now in regards to protecting him, well, you really don’t have to worry about that. He’s a force of nature, unkillable, and seldom ever gets hit, let alone hit hard enough to draw blood. And there’s also no way you’re scarier than him, so there’s really not much you can do. 
 -> Though Muerte does think that any and all attempts at protection on your part are incredibly endearing. Likes the idea that you want to keep him safe.
»»—— • ☆ • ——««
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
 -> Muerte is a romantic in his own way, so there’s always effort put into everything.
 -> In regards to dates and even anniversaries I think it’s a very subtle effort. You can notice it and certainly appreciate it but it’s not in your face. It’ll never be anything that will drop your jaw, never anything extravagant. Once again, it’s all in the finer details. 
 -> Dates in general tend to be quiet and are never really traditionally romantic. He’s not a fan of candle lit dinners or parties, rowboats aren’t his thing, and even picnics are a hit or miss for him. The best way to describe dates are as domestic, he prefers a more homely setting.
 -> As for gifts Muerte doesn’t like buying you things. He views bought gifts as somewhat lazy and lacking any real meaning, so everything he gives you tends to be handmade, or in the case that it is something store bought it’s very small and is less to impress and more because it made him think of you.
 -> One of the most notable gifts he’s given you is an old journal, filled with sketches and poetry. Now this may feel cheesily ooc, but when he’s out a lot of things end up making him think of you, from flowers [some of which end up dried and pressed], to scenery, to passages from books he finds in the houses of those recently deceased. So he writes them all down, or in the case of scenery sketches them down. 
 -> It’s sentimental and even Muerte will admit that it’s sappy, but he has several of them. All filled with things you would have liked but weren’t there to see.
»»—— • ☆ • ——««
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
 -> Okay here’s a funny one, Muerte eats animals. Muerte doesn’t really like human food you see, he can eat it fine but just isn’t the biggest fan of most of it. So the times where he does want to eat he goes out and hunts animals. That itself is perfectly fine, but here’s the problem: he brings the bloody carcass into your house and just. eats it on the floor like a dog.
 -> And it’s gross. It stinks and there’s blood and fat everywhere and sometimes afterwards he wants to give you a kiss or licks your face and his breath smells and there’s blood and augh. The only upside is that beforehand he cuts you off a leg of whatever it is he’s killed so you have food to put away [a massive bonus during winter], and he always picks the game completely clean, leaving only bones that he’s quick to dispose of. But yeah it’s just not pleasant. 
»»—— • ☆ • ——««
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
 -> Not very for the most part!
 -> Muerte, much like everyone, wants to look presentable, and with all that fur he has to put in extra work to make sure it looks and feels nice. 
 -> I do think he is vain in the sense that he likes looking his best even if he doesn’t have to, but he never puts in so much effort that it feels narcissistic or egotistical. More than anything Muerte just loves receiving compliments about his appearance from you. 
»»—— • ☆ • ——««
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
 -> Kind of?
 -> I don’t mean this in a heartless or cold way but Muerte doesn’t need you. He certainly wants you, but he has lived centuries without anyone. He is a person by himself, as much as death is capable of being its own being. You don’t make him complete, but rather allow him a way to be his true self, to show a tenderness usually [though not always] hidden.
 -> However Muerte would feel very lonely without you. His feelings for you will never really go away and though he certainly comes to peace with your leaving he will always carry a bit of you with him. Even after Muerte has lived another 30 lives of men he will still find something that makes him think of you, if only for a moment. A sort of nostalgia that never goes away.
»»—— • ☆ • ——««
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
 -> I actually have two! 
 -> The first being that Muerte knows how to sew and often patches up his own poncho or any other articles of clothing he has. He doesn’t particularly like sewing, but when he has to or is simply bored he’s surprisingly good at it!
 -> The second one is that Muerte likes gardening. His appreciation for life is immense and on more than one occasion has led to him planting a few seeds and, when possible, tending to them. Muerte mainly plants trees and flowers and is almost embarrassingly happy when they start sprouting.
»»—— • ☆ • ——««
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
 -> There are two main things that Muerte detests in people: a lack of appreciation for life and cruelty. 
 -> The former is very self explanatory. Muerte, more than anyone, knows the value of a life, how precious such a thing is, and so when people treat such a thing as worthless or disregard it entirely it makes his blood boil.
 -> The latter ties in with the former too. Having witnessed countless tragedy after tragedy Muerte is very much aware of how horrid life can be, how painful and unjust it is. So when people actively harm and step on others he - much like before - grows angry, because has there not been enough cruelty already?
»»—— • ☆ • ——««
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
 -> Muerte doesn’t really need to sleep. It’s not essential for him at all and though he can grow fatigued he only really sleeps to keep his mind sharp, and that’s only after months of being awake.
 -> Now despite the fact that Muerte doesn’t need to he certainly loves sleeping beside you. Sleeping is a way to kill time for him, and so if he can do that while being warm, comfortable, and with you? Sign him up. But as stated in M please do not expect him to let you get up easily, he absolutely will not.
 -> As for habits he doesn’t really have many. The main ones are that he holds things in his sleep and oftentimes curls in on himself during it, and if he’s extremely comfortable he may croon as well.
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duhragonball · 7 months
Dragon Ball Magic: Return of the Asspull
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So the word on Twitter is that there have been leaked reports of a new anime called "Dragon Ball Magic". I'm pretty sure it's all made-up bullshit, but I remember thinking Dragon Ball Super was a pipe dream too, and here we are. So I may as well discuss the topic here.
The whole thing comes across like a modern day Dragon Ball AF, where there seems to be a lot more emphasis on hype and speculation than tangible evidence. For example, there's a twitter account dedicated to gathering all the information available about the new series, but all it really does is amplify rumors and fanworks. When I search for the title on Twitter I mostly get skeptics making fun of the idea, or true believers talking about the show as if it were objective fact. Like AF, there's a lot of excitement but no clear picture of what the the thing actually is. The only real consensus I can find is the following:
Dragon Ball Magic will feature the Supreme Kai
Goku will be turned into a child, just like in Dragon Ball GT
Geekdom101 talked about this once, so that means it must be real.
And that's why I led off with the screenshot of the tail-yanking scene from GT, because I was trying to find an appropriate image of GT Goku and the Supreme Kai, and... yeah, that's it.
The more I think about it, the more this feels like something an internet troll would come up with. Like, someone started with the stupidest moment in the worst Dragon Ball series ever, and built a rumor around it. Oh, and also the rumor namedrops Geekdom101, just to make it extra absurd. It's the sort of thing gullible people would flock to while everyone in on the joke would have a laugh over it.
I don't know enough about Geekdom101 to insult him properly, but I'm like 90% sure he's an asshole. Back when Twitter actually worked properly, I'd see his name trending and there'd be a bunch of people in the fandom going "Dammit, what's he done this time?" Does he have inside sources in the anime industry? I dunno, maybe he does, but I think he's got a credibility problem. I mean, he calls himself "Geekdom101", and his avatar is Golden Frieza with a pair of glasses and holding a lightsaber. His YouTube videos look like a clickbait parody, with things like "Kai-o-ken EXPLAINED" and "WHAT WE KNOW SO FAR". Also plenty of what-if and who-would-win videos.
I'm gonna go out on a limb and suggest that maybe this is a guy who makes a decent living off his fandom channel, and when there's not much going on, he'll cobble together a story just to keep the conversation going and draw more attention to his videos. Which... I mean, if that's profitable, so be it, but if Geekdom told me water was wet I'd want to double-check for myself.
As to the rest, even if Toei was really planning something like DB Magic, there's no guarantee they'd actually follow through with it. Plans change, and even if this were 100% legit, it means nothing without an official confirmation and a release date. That "Superman Lives!" movie with Nic Cage was a real thing... right until it wasn't.
But I find the concept too vague and too specific all at once. Like, okay, it's Supreme Kai and a de-aged Goku. Why them in particular? What are they going to do? It just feels like something someone made up to get a reaction from the fans. GT likers are supposed to get all excited or defensive about a potential GT reboot, and other fans are supposed to get upset that the Supreme Kai got the lead instead of their favorite C-lister.
Compare this to the early reveals for DBS: Superhero. Toei teased a few details, and gradually it became clear that the Red Ribbon Army was back somehow, and maybe there were some new androids, and there was a lot about Piccolo and Gohan, so it seemed like they'd be a big part of the story. It wasn't a complete picture, but it made sense from a promotional standpoint. People were more concerned with the CG animation than any of the characters or plot.
I mean, anyone can come up with this stuff. I mean, my uncle works for Nintendo, and he told me that the next anime is going to be called Dragon Ball Snazzy, and it'll be about Vegeta and 18 starting up a private detective agency. Or... I don't know, Dragon Ball Jazz, which is a prequel series featuring a young Dr. Brief and Gine as secret agents. Wait, how about Dragon Ball Spatula, starring Elder Guru and Launch as they explore the multiverse!
And you know, I'd probably watch any of these shows. Hell, I sat through GT, and it was awful! The bar's pretty low when it comes to making a Dragon Ball project that I'm willing to try out. But people have been clamoring for Dragon Ball Super II ever since the first series went off the air in 2018, and that was years ago. This Dragon Ball Magic business just sounds like the same old empty hype with a fresh coat of paint.
Or maybe the whole thing is real, but my advice is: Don't get your hopes up. Life's too short to get worked up over things that might never happen. If it actually comes to pass, then it'll still be just as much fun whether you believed it ahead of time or not.
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tko-draws · 4 months
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I know for sure y’all have already seen some of these but I’m posting them all together anyway!
Besides ArtFight and a couple of pieces most of my full drawings have been these refs lately lolol
All Sploons! In order:
- Trinket (Trinkie, Tiny), kinda sorta my splatsona and who I play as in the actual game lol
- Slug (That Pink Bitch [/aff]), first guy, love his traumatized ass so much, used to be who I played as in the actual game lol
- Echo, Slug's bestie n roomie n someone I do not draw often enough!
- Naira (Ms. Tusks), big fan favorite everyone loves this old lady!! Silly silly very fun to draw, very gay
- Venus, tentacles are more complicated to draw than Echo's (quite a feat), used to the tallest of the Sploons (girl is 6'11 lolol)
- B (Zombie), another fan favorite, speaks in riddles and rhymes (emojis lol), also very fun to draw
- Bernadette (Bernie), bounty hunter who falls in love with their vampire score (SO GAY)
- Zuri, a bouncer with a big hidden temper, acts all big n bad but is only 5'7 and has the shortest tail of their whole shiver lolol
There's more sploons but they don't have refs yet lolol c:
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disneytva · 11 months
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Disney Television Animation Sets Creative Team For “Ariel” A New Preschool Animated Series Inspired By Halee Bailey’s The Little Mermaid.
Disney Branded Television has greenlit a new animated series for preschoolers, “Disney Junior’s Ariel,” inspired by the beloved story of “The Little Mermaid.” The announcement was made today by Ayo Davis, president of Disney Branded Television, during the Annecy International Film Festival in Annecy, France.
While making the announcement, Davis said, “For more than 30 years, the story of ‘The Little Mermaid’ has been beloved by audiences all over the world. It brings me so much joy to be able to introduce our new Disney Junior version of Ariel to preschoolers everywhere.”
Ariel follows a young Ariel and features some fan-favorite characters, including King Triton, Ursula, Sebastian and Flounder, as well as exciting new additions. “Disney Junior’s Ariel” is set to debut on Disney platforms worldwide in 2024.
Set in the fantastical Caribbean-inspired underwater kingdom of Atlantica, the series follows Ariel as she embarks on fun-filled, action-packed mermaid adventures with her friends. Driven by a deep and unending curiosity about the world around her, Ariel discovers land treasures, like a big floppy hat, squeaky rubber ducky and whisk, that she collects and keeps safe in her crystal cavern. Sometimes, Ariel uses the treasures to help solve problems. With each discovery, Ariel is filled with joy, and her mermaid tail, which changes colors depending on her emotions, lights up and shimmers.
“Disney Junior’s Ariel” is executive produced by Lynne Southerland (Dreamworks Animation’s “The Road To El Dorado”). Norma P. Sepulveda (“Elena of Avalor”) and Keith Wagner (“TrollsTopia”) are the story editors. Ezra Edmond (“Disney+ Draw Me a Story”) is producer. Kuni Tomita Bowen (“Dora the Explorer”) is supervising director, and Chrystin Garland (20th Television Animation’s “Solar Opposites”) is art director. The series is produced by Wild Canary in association with Disney Television Animation for Disney Junior.
Full of charm, big ideas and a powerful voice, “Disney Junior’s Ariel” is coming into her own, learning how to discover and appreciate the world around her and use her voice to inspire others.Throughout the series, the multicultural diversity of the Caribbean is highlighted through music, food, festivals, fashion, language and folklore. Dr. Patricia Saunders, professor of English and hemispheric Caribbean studies and director of graduate studies at the University of Miami and author of two books, serves as cultural consultant on the series. Sean Skeete, chair of Berklee College of Music’s ensemble department, is the Caribbean music consultant.
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lindalofbroome · 5 months
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14 - Foreshadowing
But always, just as he was about to fall asleep, the other, darker thoughts came creeping back, and made him afraid to close his eyes. Finally he did sleep — a shallow doze filled with nightmares. He was back in Sheba's hut. But now its four walls were made of rock, dripping with water and slime. And Sheba was huge, her nose long and pointed, her hair greasy grey tails swinging like thick ropes around her grinning face, her eyes red and piercing. Strong Jonn and his mother stood there with him, but they made no move to help as the Witch bent towards him, closer and closer, till her face was all he could see and her breath scalded his cheeks. "If you are the only one afraid, skinny rabbit, you are the only one with sense," she croaked. And she opened her mouth to scream with laughter, but she had no tongue, and the inside of her mouth was as yellow and smooth as cheese. ROWAN OF RIN Ch 3 The Heroes
i was planning on doing one of sheba's prophesies because those are always 😘👌 idk theres something so fun and i guess also satisfying about having a cryptic riddle foretelling the future and having it slowly unfold over the course of the story
the fate's hand prophesy in Zebak is probably my favourite because i looooove the symbolism of the group as the hand and also what a cast of characters 😌💖
the plot arch of Travellers is also one of my favourites and big fan of the secret enemy prophesy too. big fan of all the themes of change to embody metamorphosis throughout the whole story!!!
i just did a maris art so i didn't want to use the prophesy in Keeper of the Crystal and honestly when i chose sheba i honestly was envisaging the one in Bukshah where she and unos were huddled in the hut with a raging fire and the whole intense atmosphere, piercing eyes of intent, her snarky wisdom.
but i ended up going with the original, the first, the beloved, probably for nostalgia lol. Rowan of Rin was my first rodda book but thats not the only reason it's one of my top tier favourites. i love its story and its themes of bravery and how the saviour of the village was not a mighty warrior, but a gentle and kind soul.
but oh my god before i started sketching i randomly remembered rowan's dream after visiting sheba and like. ive read this book a bajillion times okay. but i only jUST saw a parallel?? i dont think it's a coincidence??? but i remembered that sheba's eyes were described as piercing and red, and i remembered that because i was like woah thats intense. aND YOU KNOW WHO ELSE HAD RED EYES. THE DRAGON. i remember this only because of when i drew the dragon of the mountain that one time.
so i go back to look at the dream scene. obviously this whole scene kinda went over my head the first time because i was like. eight. give or take. but when i picked it up again when i was older, i quite liked how kinda whacky it was? and i was like wow this is the weirdest and truly the most dream ive ever read lmaoo. i was like wow rodda really wrote things that rowan experienced recently and was thinking about aND made it whacky and weird.
and something i always thought was the most weird was that sheba is described to have a mouth full of cheese, and i always took it as yeah. rowan gave her cheese. it's haunting him now lol. but now?? with my eyes opened??? cheese = food, stuck in her mouth. you know who else had food stuck in its mouth?? the dragon of the mountain.
i was intending of drawing the dream itself but it was going to be a whole thing lol so i just drew when rowan was helping the dragon hahaha but behold my madman red string connection parallels ✨
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He was back in Sheba's hut. But now its four walls were made of rock, dripping with water and slime.
mountain top cavern, snowy and icy and probably a bit gross
And Sheba was huge, her nose long and pointed, her hair greasy grey tails swinging like thick ropes around her grinning face, her eyes red and piercing.
ngl i've found this description to be a bit [raises eyebrows] because stereotypes, but now it's like. oh maybe big nose is actually just dragon snout.
sheba definitely has an intense gaze normally, but a red and piercing gaze is like the intimidating but pained and fearful gaze of the dragon.
i got nothing for her hair. could just be description for her. could be folded wings maybe. maybe the dragon of the mountain is an Eastern dragon type even.
Strong Jonn and his mother stood there with him, but they made no move to help
jonn is, of course, weak and pinned to the wall by this point and cannot help.
i don't think jiller is as literally relevant, but we can kinda say that she cannot help also because she had to stay behind to look after annad etc
the Witch bent towards him, closer and closer, till her face was all he could see and her breath scalded his cheeks.
drawing rowan's attention to the face, uh. divine? guidance towards the answer.
sheba's breath was hot like the dragon's fire breath.
"If you are the only one afraid, skinny rabbit, you are the only one with sense," she croaked.
im choosing to interpret this as like, his fear gives him pause and allows him to consider. he seeks knowledge, before he acts, in contrast to his elders who act first, know later. kinda like benefits of Deer In The Headlights mode O-O lmao
could also just be a reminder, even affirmation that he and he alone can solve the villages problem and save it from disaster
And she opened her mouth to scream with laughter, but she had no tongue, and the inside of her mouth was as yellow and smooth as cheese.
perhaps opening her mouth to cackle can parallel the dragon unhinging its jaw, looking like it's about to eat you whole, but doesnt
cheese stuck in mouth = animal bone stuck in mouth
..oh my god??? i actually think this is just my headcanon but at the end of Bukshah sheba says "that the medallion she gave [rowan] may look like base metal, but it is made of pure gold, and she expects it back the moment she returns. she says that you could not take her place in a thousand years, whatever you may think" via allun, and idk when it happened but i think i did in fact imagine that rowan would be the wiseman some day. due to his insight, his experiences, his level-headiness and stuff like that.
sheba could just be messing around, enforcing being a spiteful and jealous old woman, but just passing on the message that she wants the medallion returned.
but also. maybe she knows he's gonna take her place someday, and she is hinting at it to him. i would imagine this definitely going over his head at the time, since he's you know. a child. but who knows, he's pretty discerning. anyway
it could perhaps be argued that sheba gave rowan the dream alongside the map, but i doubt it. i choose to believe it's his own. maybe im grasping at straws here about it being a supernatural dream, but if it is,,,,,,,,, it could be just the beginning for rowan.
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