phiori · 2 months
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Sakura flower
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fromindianlakes · 2 months
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chimenat · 1 year
Alice in Wonderland Again
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I think I'll start posting the comics I find everywhere.
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mike1947universe · 2 years
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The Blind Girl's Secret - Prologue (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/265072813-the-blind-girl%27s-secret-prologue?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_originator=Sco6VAMLRdAevzfaaUeCsWl0rY8LwsEQr4oRat1UOZzDpW%2BWeN2v%2B6CeGucUoojUFswP%2FRg9VwSlq8odF%2BWDoAqVU1FKYVJIkHuAlg7ZGXcyKy9x05no7EtMAaAcNKDq Ava Winters. The seventeen year old girl, who has been blind for 8 years due to a serious incident that happened when she was nine, has a secret that no one knows about. Although, she may be blind, she moves like she isn't so at times it's hard to notice that she is. She lives with her uncle and goes to Southern High. She has two best friends who have been with her since 7th grade and could always depend on them. Her life has been a rollercoaster ride for the pass few years and now that it's her senior year, she thought that it would be a normal and relaxing year. Little did she know, she was wrong. Meet Ryder King, the new bad boy of Southern High. He transferred schools during his junior year and immediately became popular due to his looks, status and attitude. One day, they bumped into each other and let's just say, she was not what he expected. What could the blind girl be hiding? Will Ryder be able to figure it out? What will happen if he does? Keep it to himself, confront her or tell someone else?
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hellosoysauce · 2 months
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This image holds an energy that I have been curious about. Please know that it may not hold the same or even similar energy for you - our journeys are individual and this image has been coded for me to have this realisation at this moment.
It will be hard to articulate this energy, but I will try my best.
This energy I'm trying to describe is the Flow. It's exactly 0, not negative or positive. It holds power that only it has. It's force is, as it is. Experiencing this energy at this moment takes me back to the day I viewed water differently - I had a huge shift in perspective that day.
This is the energy that is clearing the deep fog for me. It is unveiling layers of reality. I'm sure there are more layers that need to be revealed but for now, the depths of my sights are fascinating me very much.
I'll update this post soon with more details.
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lamajigme · 7 months
Meditation and the Force (followed by group practice)
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baliportalnews · 9 months
Angkat Isu Mental Health Awareness, Ras Muhamad Garap Klip "Sand Castle" di Tempat Angker Bali
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, BADUNG – Setelah sukses merilis single ‘Like Summer’, musisi reggae Indonesia, Muhamad Egar atau dikenal dengan nama Ras Muhamad kembali merilis single teranyar ‘Sand Castles’, dimana pada single tersebut merupakan visual dan musik yang sangat kontras dari lagu-lagu Ras Muhamad sebelumnya. Secara visual, Ras Muhamad dengan Jovian Fraije di kursi sutradara memilih konsep Gothic Bali dan dipilihnya Taman Festival, taman wisata yang telah terbengkalai 25 tahun lamanya di daerah Sanur, Denpasar. Walau lokasi tersebut yang luasnya 9 hektar dan memiliki reputasi ‘angker’ oleh warga setempat, namun Ras Muhamad melihat sesuatu keunikan dari Taman Festival. Lokasi tersebut bisa diubah menjadi keindahan karya dalam bentuk visual. Tema dan lirik lagunya pun, Sand Castles yang berarti kastil-kastil pasir, membuka blak-blakan sosok di belakang nama Ras Muhamad dan apa yang ia alami sepanjang karirnya sebagai seorang entertainer.  Dari pengungkapan momen rasa sepi, rentan, lemah, ketidaktentuan dan resah secara personal yang menghantui dirinya, ia pun bergulat secara emosional dan mental di mana lagu ini melukiskan rasa jatuh dirinya pada era pandemi dan pasca-pandemi. Musik Sand Castles di-produce oleh Achmad ‘Leztey’ Maulana dan Ras Muhamad, di mana Ras Muhamad memperpadukan spirit Nirvana dan Trap music ke alunan irama reggae dengan juga permainan gitar olehnya secara langsung. Di dalam visual pun, ada juga sosok Emerie Seins seorang penyair dan penari dari komunitas kreatif Voices Unleashed, Emerie mewakili emosi Ras Muhamad dalam bentuk tariannya. “Yang ingin disampaikan pada karya Sand Castles, bahwa sehabis gelap datangnya terang dan kegelapan adalah bagian dari kehidupan. Segala emosi yang kita kategorikan sebagai gelap adalah manusiawi dan semua yang kita rasakan adalah valid.  Utamakan dan prioritaskan Kesehatan mental dan hilangkan stigma kepada seseorang yang depresi bahwa mereka orang yang salah. Kita tak pernah tahu secara pasti rasa yang dialami seseorang pada saat depresi. Saat kerentanan begitu menyesakkan butuh adanya bantuan dan emotional support. Bilamana kita menilai bahwa kebahagiaan adalah emosi semata, paling penting dan emosi lainnya tidak berarti, ibaratnya kita hidup di kastil-kastil pasir (Sand Castles) yang kapan saja bisa runtuh dan terbawa saat ombak kehidupan memberi kita ujian dan cobaan,” ungkap Ras Muhammad saat ditemui di The Flow Pererenan, Jumat (25/8/2023).
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Angkat Isu Mental Health Awareness, Ras Muhamad Garap Klip "Sand Castle" di Tempat Angker Bali. Sumber Foto : tis/bpn Sand Castles adalah single kedua yang menjadi bagian album Ras Muhamad Kaleidoscope Vol. 1, dijadwalkan rilis pada Oktober 2023 mendatang oleh Black Coral Music. Early Video Screening Sand Castles diadakan pada Jumat (26/8/2023) di The Flow, sebuah lokasi di Pererenan, Badung, Bali yang menjadi homebase bagi Voices Unleashed dan performance acoustic di-support alat-alat musiknya oleh Canggu Guitar.(tis/bpn) Read the full article
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kawaiianimeredhead · 2 years
Does anyone who knows butterflies things, or how to Google well, know if the butterfly I saw yesterday will possibly return and also learn/remember I'm not a threat and they don't have to fly away when I come near them?
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minu25n1 · 2 years
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#아침독서노트 #018 #sprint #google #1daySprint #theFlow #startup #leanStartup 스타트업씬 에서 필독서로 항상 언급되는 책은 린스타트업 비즈니스모델제너레이션 #블루오션전략 #모멘텀이펙트 #스타트업바이블 #마케팅불변의법칙 #제로투원 #디퍼런트 #스틱 #매칭 #권도균의스타트업경영수업 #쫄지말고창업 😌 등등이 있다. 문득 떠오른 책들만 적어봤지만 전부 필독서로 지정해도 될만큼 좋은 책들이다. 이미 알고 있거나 이미 몇 년 전에 읽어봤다 한들 다시 한 번 리뷰하면 반드시 새로운 인사이트를 얻을 수 있다고 확신한다. 독서의 가장 큰 즐거움은 한 권의 책을 다독하는데에 있다고 확신하기에 강권하는 바이다. 다만 잘 언급되지 않는 한 권의 책이 있어 오늘 소개하고자 한다. #googleVentures 의 #JakeNepp 이 쓴 #googleSprint #구글스프린트 라는 책이다. 저자는 #최적화작업 에 미쳐있는 괴짜였는데 뭐 늘상 그렇듯이 #구글 에는 이런 괴짜들이 모이게 된다. 🤣 구글에 입사 후 그의 최적화작업은 이내 프로세스로 귀결되며, 스타트업이나 프로젝트의 프로토타입 제작을 위한 최적화작업을 완성해낸다. 2012년에 구글에서 처음 시도했고, 반복적으로 사용하고 개선하며 쌓은 노하우들을 집대성 한 책이 바로 구글스프린트가 되겠다. 경영, 마케팅, 스마트워크 ( 협업툴 , 프로세스 ) 를 컨설팅하는 내 입장에서는 미친듯이 땡기는 책이기에 번역서가 출간되기 이전부터 애정했던 책이다. 컨설턴트로서 고객들에게 제품이나 서비스의 프로토타입을 일주일만에 출시할 수 있다고 얘기하거나 기존에 하던 일이 있기에 한 달이 걸릴 것 같다는 식으로 얘기하면 그게 가능하냐는 식의 반응을 자주 접한다. 그렇게 갸우뚱 하면서 시작한 스프린트는 한 달 뒤에 확신으로 변한다. 그 과정은 사실 이 구글스프린트 프로세스의 변형이며, 누구나 적용할 수 있는 최적의 시스템이라 자부한다. 스타트업 뿐만 아니라 #개인사업자 #소상공인 #자영업자 #부케프로젝트 #글쓰기 등등 모든 프로젝트에 적용이 가능하다. 구글 기준에서 하나의 프로젝트는 우리가 상상하는 것 이상으로 스케일 크므로 중간 단계가 매우 복잡하고 정보와 데이터를 방대하게 모은 뒤에 토론을 하고 조언을 구해야 하지만, 소규모 프로젝트는 1daySprint 로 충분히 가능하다. 일단 스케일이 작고, 기존에 이미 수많은 정보와 데이터가 쌓여있고, 해당 프로젝트에 대한 계획이 어느 정도 잡혀있는 경우가 대부분이기에 가능하다. 이번 주말 일요일에 간만에 #1daySprint 를 달린다. 그날의 최적화 작업을 위해, 놓친 것이 있는가 검토하기 위해, 다시 한번 구글스프린트를 리뷰하는 중에 끄적여본다. 몇 번의 1daySprint 를 하면서 충분히 최적화작업이 된다면, 이 또한 하나의 컨설팅 서비스로 런칭하게 될 것임을 알리며 글을 마친다. 혹여 자신이 아직은 미완성인 1daySprint 의 실험체가 되어 자신의 프로젝트의 프로토타입을 만들어보고 싶다면 편하게 연락주시면 됩니다. [email protected] asap!! 😈 (at 반포 한강 공원) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChaoHJzBSWZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sakurailady · 2 years
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"Embrace the billowing winds And open the brightly colored world Inside my shy soul (...)" 💖 #nowlistening🎧 #nowplaying▶  #kpop #koreanpop #southkorea🇰🇷 #leovixx #theflower #maximilianhecker #duet https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce6HgcvDhqt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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moralesluvr · 11 months
hii! i cant tell if you do requests or not but i’ll try anyways. can you do a miles42 with a black reader who loves all things barbie, hello kitty and pink? like girl is obsessed with her miniskirts and crop stops and accessories
earth42!miles morales and his girly girl gf!
♡ pairings & aus: miles morales x girly!black!reader ♡ summary: just miles and his pretty girly gf! ♡ warnings: jus fluff! also a little teeeeensy suggestive ♡ a/n: thanks for your request! ♡ got a request? | masterlist ♡
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when miles first came to your place, he felt like he stuck out like a sore thumb
he walked into your room and pink was literally everywhere. on your bedsheets, on your desk, on your wall, on your dresser- literally everything
he would pick up your hello kitty plushies and stare at all the different variants of them
"this cute as hell." he giggled, twisting the stuffed animal in his palm, looking at all the little trims on it
he definitely loves the contrast between the both of you. he finds it adorable when he's wearing like black and white, and you're over here in a pink miniskirt with a fluffy white sweater and heels
although he loves buying you jordan's that fit your aesthetic, especially if they're pink!!
everytime he kisses you he gets lip gloss on his lips and i just know he secretly loves it. bonus points if you're wearing lipstick because he likes the print your pretty lips leave on hip
he notices that you have tons of collectibles. china dolls, cute mini lego characters, plushies, and limited edition barbies. he finds delight in looking at them, theyre just so cute
miles knows how much you like matching sets from victoria's secret or pink, and he always asks you to show them to him
def admires the way they look on you. he's over here sitting on the couch, leaning back onto the velvety cushioning as you display your new set for him. he's like licking his lips and hyping you up as you spin for him
bro is your bodyguard when you go out in public. you're always somewhere wearing cute little itty bitty skirts, so he always has his hand behind you or on his side so people aren't hitting on you
although when they do, he's so protective of u it's so cute
he doesn't like to bring it up, but he jacked a mf at the mall for telling you that your skirt was too short. security had to escort him AND you out, but he always claims it was worth it
buys you all the kate spade, all the marc jacobs, all the tiffany and co. it always has pink or hearts on it, and your favorite is the tiffany and co bracelet that he got you. it's got a heart chain on it and the back has both of your initials on it (last names both m...he's locked in)
if you cheer or dance, he's pulling up to every comp/game that you have
he loves his girly girl gf <3
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𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦 ☻ thank you for reading!
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fromindianlakes · 2 months
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Out May 15.
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hiromusicarts-blog · 3 months
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ヒロオガワの新譜「叙情 - Lyric Suite」修正版マスタリングプルーフとサンプル盤
以下、メール文を抜粋 「どこをどう手直ししていただいたのかは、正直よくはわかりませんでしたが、初回盤での違和感が全くなくて驚きました。淀みのない「流れ」そして4曲目10曲目において、高音部の最大音量の箇所でのキシキシ感も除かれていて(感覚的で、センシティブな問題でした)とても満足しています。」
と言うわけで、ゴーサインが出ましたので、修正版を元にさらに煮詰めていただいている最中です。 そのプルーフから、サンプル盤を作り、4月後半に、関係各所にプレゼンしていきます。
Hiro Ogawa's new album "Lyric Suite" revised mastering proof and sample edition With the second revision, it was wonderfully reborn, and the discomfort I felt the first time (songs 4 and 10) faded, and it came together well as a whole.
Below is an excerpt from the email Honestly, I wasn't sure exactly what they had changed and how, but I was surprised that there was no sense of discomfort in the first edition.
Theflow'' was smooth, and the treble part of the fourth and tenth songs was… I am very satisfied with the fact that the squeaking sensation at the highest volume has been removed (this was a sensitive issue). ” So, now that we've been given the go-ahead, external engineers are currently working on further refinement based on the revised version. From that proof, we will create a sample record and present it to related parties in the latter half of April.
ヒロオガワのCD, 音楽配信​など ​iTunes(AppleMusic)​ ​タワレコ​ ​レコチョク​ ​レコチョク2​ ​CD Japan​ (international shipping , in any currency of the world) ​​​dミュージック​ ​dミュージック2​ ​HMV​ ​Amazon​ ​facebookページ​ ​​ホームページ​ ​YouTube
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kccarmine · 8 months
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💐🧡✂️The Flower Arrangement - MM romance
Flirting by means of flower bouquets doesn’t guarantee success, and Brendan learns that the hard way.
🔗 mybook.to/TheFlower
☀️✂️ sunshine hairdresser 🐻💐big bear florist 🌲 pining 🧡 friends to lovers 💦 steamy tub 🍆 piercing 🏳️‍🌈 MM 🥰 HEA
Heartbroken after a bitter divorce, Brendan finds solace in running his beloved flower shop. His vow to think twice before jumping into a new relationship becomes hard to keep when he meets Hugh, a flamboyant hairstylist with skilful hands and a cheeky smile.
Hugh has finally succeeded in opening his own salon, but the glow of his success is overshadowed by not having anyone to celebrate it with. When brawny, six-foot-three Brendan appears on his doorstep with a bouquet of exquisite flowers, Hugh is tempted to break his no-dating-clients rule. Their Friendship blooms fast, and Hugh resigns himself to another straight-boy crush.
One kiss changes everything though. Hugh’s world is set on fire, and even if Brendan gets cold feet, Hugh isn’t about to let go of what could be love.
A story of second chances, idiots in love, and steamy jacuzzi scenes. A standalone book 1 (novella) introducing the series of MM books from the contemporary Pursuit of Love series. 💐🧡✂️
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thestonelady · 1 year
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Chapter 32 is UP!
Rating: Mature Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Category: F/M Fandoms: The Flower from Tiamat's Fire (Visual Novel), Romance club - Fandom Relationships: Niall/Nikkal, Niall (The Flower from Tiamat’s Fire)/Nikkal (The Flower from Tiamat’s Fire), Characters: Nikkal (The Flower from Tiamat’s Fire), Niall (The Flower from Tiamat’s Fire), Su, Shimun, Ethan (The Flower from Tiamat’s Fire), Varassa (The Flower from Tiamat’s Fire), Iyar (The Flower from Tiamat’s Fire), Agga, Unzi, Kingu (The Flower from Tiamat’s Fire), Enki, Shamash, Enlil, Ishtar, Ninhursag, Other(s) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, War, Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Character Death, Original Character Death(s), Lagash’s A+ Parenting, Enki’s A+ Parenting, Shamash Is His Own Warning, Enlil Is His Own Warning, Enki Is His Own Warning, Ishtar Is Her Own Warning, Dragons, Additional world building, Eventual Smut, Slow Burn, Intrigue, Tags May Change, Hurt/Comfort, Cross-Posted on Wattpad, Battle Couple, slowburn ended in ch28 Language:English
AU Nikkal and her friends were born earlier, and were recruited into the army to fight against Kengir. Alone, Nikkal ends up under the command of Enki’s general. Her goal: to survive and regain control over her magic.
I hope you all enjoyed the chapter! Apologies for the delay, but all the travelling and subsequent jet lag threw me off balance so-to-speak. Now, due to my exams, the fic has to go on another hiatus. However, if everything goes well, I think I can start updating again in the 24th of June. I would again thank everyone who has read and kudo-ed the fic!
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Sorceress Pt.7
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Susan's sixth adventure began with a summons from an old friend, a wise wizard named Merlin. Merlin had sent for her because he needed her help to stop a great evil that was threatening the land. A powerful dark wizard had taken control of a legendary artifact, a crystal that held the power to control time itself. The wizard intended to use the crystal's power to alter theflow of time, rewriting the history of the world and bringing about a new age of darkness.
Susan and her dragon friend were eager to help, and they set out on a journey to stop the dark wizard and recover the crystal. They knew that the task ahead of them would be difficult, and that they would need all of their skills and strength to succeed.
As they made their way through the dangerous and uncharted wilderness, they encountered all manner of challenges, from fierce beasts to treacherous weather. But despite the dangers, they pressed on, driven by their determination to stop the dark wizard and save the world.
Finally, they arrived at the dark wizard's castle, a towering fortress that rose up from the heart of a dark and forbidding forest. The wizard had fortified the castle with powerful magic, making it nearly impregnable. But Susan and her dragon friend were undaunted, and they approached the castle gates, ready to do whatever it took to stop the evil that threatened their world.
As they entered the castle, they encountered the dark wizard's minions, fierce warriors who were eager to defend their master and prevent Susan from reaching the crystal. Susan and her dragon friend fought bravely, using their magic and courage to overcome the minions and push deeper into the castle.
As they approached the wizard's throne room, they could feel the power of the crystal pulsing in the air, and they knew that the end of their journey was near. They burst into the throne room, ready to do battle with the dark wizard, but they were stopped in their tracks by a strange sight.
The dark wizard was standing in front of them, but he was not alone. He was holding the crystal in his hand, and at his side was a young woman, who was chained to the wizard by magic. The woman was the wizard's captive, and he was using her as leverage to control the power of the crystal.
Susan and her dragon friend were stunned. They had not expected this twist in the tale, and they were unsure of what to do. The dark wizard was laughing, reveling in his newfound power, and he was taunting them, daring them to try and stop him.
But Susan and her dragon friend were not ones to back down in the face of evil. They rallied their strength and their magic, and they launched an attack on the dark wizard, determined to stop him no matter what.
The battle was intense, and it lasted for hours. The air was filled with the sounds of magic and the clash of steel as Susan and her dragon friend fought to overcome the dark wizard's power. They battled with all their might, and in the end, it was Susan's love for the captive woman that gave her the strength she needed to defeat the dark wizard.
With a powerful spell, she shattered the chains that bound the woman to the wizard, and the wizard's hold on the crystal was broken. The crystal's power was unleashed, and the flow of time was restored to its natural course. The dark wizard was defeated, and the world was saved.
As they made their way back to civilization, Susan and her dragon friend were hailed as heroes. The people of the land thanked them for their bravery, and they celebrated their victory over the dark wizard.
But as they celebrated, Susan was filled with a sense of sadness. She realized that the battle they had fought was just one of many, and that there would always be more evil to overcome. She knew that her adventures were far from over, and that she would continue to face challenges and face dangers as she journeyed through the world.
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