#This is totally not related to a fanfic im writing
fandomqueen6754 · 2 years
Dagger Squad Clubs in High School
Phoenix: Cheerleading, Gymnastics, Track, Swim, Yearbook, Volleyball and Student Council(I hc she loves photography so yearbook and plus she's an athletic badass so lots of athletics)
Rooster: Baseball, Ultimate Frisbee and Football(You cannot convince me this boy does not enjoy ultimate frisbee)
Hangman: Baseball, football, basketball, hockey and JROTC(I'm sure none of these are surprising)
Bob: Beta Club, Engineering club, Robotics, FBLA, Computer Club, Quiz bowl, stem club, fanatics club, band and Academic Decathlon. Occasionally does science fairs, as well.(He is the kid who wants to be involved in everything academic)
Halo: Beta Club, Stem Club, Model UN, Student council, student government, peer tutoring, Academic Decathlon, Math League, Robotics club, Science bowl, quiz bowl, Key club, Band, chess club and debate club(She is the girl who's achievements take up their own page in the yearbook and good for her.)
Harvard: Beta Club, Football, Hockey, Track, JROTC, FBLA, history club, DECA, Model UN and peer tutoring(He is well versed in both athletics and academics imo)
Yale: Beta Club, FBLA, STEM Club, Computer Club, Fanatics Club and Debate(He is very nerdy and I love him)
Fanboy: ASL Club, Spanish club, fanatics club, Beta Club, Band, video game club and Model UN(I feel like these are also very obvious. He's just a little cutie.)
Payback: Fanatics Club, Football and Basketball(I feel like he doesn't like to get that involved in school
Fritz: JROTC, Band, Volleyball, swim and track(He is definitely one of the most popular guys in school.)
Coyote: Baseball, football, basketball, hockey and JROTC(I feel him and Hangman stay connected at the hip at school and are in the same clubs)
Omaha: Beta Club, JROTC, peer tutoring, chess club, Academic Decathlon, Student Council, Student Government, Football, baseball, track, Model UN and band.
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criticaaaaaaaal · 2 years
me about to read a shadowpeach fanfic only to notice that its tagged with “wukong is a bad person” or “wukong traumatized macaque” or “wukong hate club” or anything akin to that
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I ran this morning AND wrote some AND made art and I’m so proud of me
#didn’t get any of my actual office work done oopsies#but in my defense it’s a Friday and also I did allot time for it I just ended up not doing it#anyways still proud of me!!! guys art is so so important and I know that and I preach that but I haven’t been doing it#and I just picked up a blank sheet of paper and did it#and is it good or anatomically correct? no but it was so FUN#and I’ve been working thought Tim Clare’s writing stuff and it’s been GOOD#I like this new series of exercises a lot better than the couch to 80k#they’re. the same honestly and I don’t actually care about his commentary all that much#maybe I’m just more present or more invested in them#I only ran for 15. min and then I had to call my brother to pick me up because the heat was gonna make me pass out :/#but also I TRIED#I fucking tried today#also did u know running is utterly miserable.#runners high is def a thing#felt amazing afterward#but holy shit it’s awful in the moment#my roommate ran a 25k recently and I talked to her about it and she said it never gets better#which is. not very encouraging#but also I Want To run as much of this 5k as I can#maybe I’ll be dead after but it’s fine I have a couple days to recuperate before the eclipse#WHICH IM ALSO EXCITED SBOIT. I’ve never seen a total eclipse before#goddamit my brain jumped to too many places#delete later#anyways. if u didn’t u should acknowledge ur accomplishments today#even if they didn’t feel like much#now I’m gonna go read a 115k fanfic that’s gonna wreck me#that’s my treat to me#I HAVE ACTUAL BOOKS TO FINISH. but NO. THIS is how I’m spending my time. and it’s fine I’m valid#I’ve been talking to all the lesbians about running too#and they’ve been so encouraging too!! I love my coworkers and very distantly related coworkers sm
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catcze · 8 months
I just read the “you won’t regret marrying me” for wriothesley and let me tell that this man is definitely going to cry on the wedding day
related 'you won't regret marrying me' fanfic here ! OH OH OH OHHH HE SO TOTALLY WOULD ?!??!? Like;;;; anon. when i tell u i got a vision when i received ur ask and i had to type it IMMEDIATELY thank u for sharing your thoughts im a mess now LMAO
Reblogs are greatly appreciated !!
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i like to think that you're both a bit unconventional with how you go about your wedding— for one, you had gone to each others' fitting for your wedding day outfit. Wriothesley had damn near cried when he saw you in the wedding garb that you would eventually choose as your piece— he had barely managed to keep it together when he saw his engagement ring on your finger, and you dressed in white, looking so breathtaking, and his to be together with forever.
He had to turn towards the corner in the fitting room for a second, frantically wiping his eyes and willing not to cry, because he was up next after you, and he didn't want his fitting to be with puffy red eyes. You had clung to his back, giggling at how cute and sweet he is, all the while you petted his back and hair comfortingly.
On your wedding day, though? All cards are off the table. He doesn't care about keeping his composure in front of the audience. Doesn't care that even Furina is there, or that Neuvillette is there, or even Navia or the traveller. He doesn't give two shits about how he's the Duke of Meropide, and he has a reputation to uphold.
The moment those big, grand doors open and you walk yourself down the aisle, a beaming grin on your face, he fucking cracks. He sniffles first, and there's itchiness in his eyes, and then fuck, tears are genuinely welling up in his eyes, and he groans, pressing his palms into his eyes to stem the stream of tears, but it's absolutely no use.
Because fuck, he's here, you're here, you're both wearing white, there are the rings, and you're about to get married. You're about to spend the rest of your life with him, and you look so excited for it. It makes his stomach flip like crazy, makes his brain turn to mush because he loves you so much, doesn't want to spend a single day not being yours for the rest of eternity.
He sobs into his hands, and Neuvillette, who's officiating the wedding, hands him a handkerchief, which he dabs at his eyes with, to no use. He can't stop the tears from flowing, because he's so happy.
And oh, you have a trembling smile on your face when you reach him, willing yourself not to cry too because you just know that if you do, you'll be a teary mess just like him, and the wedding will never finish at that rate. But you can't stop yourself from rushing into his chest, wrapping your arms around to hold him, and he holds you back too on pure instinct— buries his face in your hair as you bury yours in the crook of his neck.
"We made it," you tell him, squeezing his body to yours, smiling through the tears.
Wriothesley gives another hiccuping sob, holding you so close you think you could pop like a balloon. He leans further into you, like he wants to melt into your very person. "Yeah, sweetheart," he breathes, voice shaky. "We made it."
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botboots · 9 months
Hey! I'm probably SOOO late to transformers fanfics and one shots but I've come with this prompt,( I hope you like it enough to write it!) could you write Ratchet x injured reader, g/n or female. Injured shoulder, and maybe trying to hide it from him? Also in Tfp? If all this isnt too much to ask? Thank you for considering! Have a good day/ night
a/n: heehee this one was fun. the dialogue is kinda splotchy because theres a lot going on in my brain rn but!! hope you like it <3 also reader is cybertronian bc there are NOT enough cybertronian!reader fics out there and theyre very fun to write tbh. hope thats okay!!
ALSO! guidelines have been updated so before anyone submits a new req please read it! and please please request mirage/rotb fics oh my god im obsessed with it ROTB WAS SO GOOD </33
warnings: very minor injuries, pining <3 word count: 1059 (GN, cybertronian!reader) continued under the cut
The purple and green swirl of the ground-bridge closed behind you as you followed your team back into base, the lingering energy buzzing under your plating.
Glancing at Bumblebee, a small twinge of pity struck you as he made his way over to the medical bay. The scout had taken a few nasty punches from Breakdown and clearly wasn’t feeling too hot; dents littering his armor.
“We showed ‘em, huh?” your focus was snatched when Bulkhead caught you off guard with his usual celebratory elbow-bump, sending you stumbling a little from the force. A sharp pain ran up your arm to your shoulder and you winced.
“Yea- totally.” sending the wrecker a strained smile, you gave him a half-hearted push back. He tilted his head, about to open his mouth to ask you something when Miko booked it over to the two of you, questions spilling out of her mouth at a mile a minute. All of them were something gore or violence related, asking Bulkhead if he got any pictures of some “hardcore massacre-ing”. The girl's interests were a little concerning, but endearing. Nonetheless, you took the opportunity to slink away and avoid any more attention. Angling your helm, your face scrunched up at the sight - and feeling - of the wound on your shoulder.
Too focused on the fight in front of you, a stray Vehicon had been able to sneak up behind you and catch you by surprise. Fortunately for you, Vehicons were mass trained for quantity over quality and didn’t have the best shots. The blast grazed your shoulder, tearing between some of your paneling to the barely exposed wires. It hurt like a bitch at first, but adrenaline buried it enough that it wouldn’t distract you - plus it was small enough that none of your team noticed. Now that you were back at base, though, the piercing sting prodded at your processor incessantly. You did want to go and see Ratchet about it - always finding some kind of excuse to be around the mech - but he was dealing with Bumblebee right now, and you didn’t want to add to his plate. Not like it was anything life-threatening, anyway. You could just try and patch it up yourself - you’ve spent enough time with Ratchet to pick up a few things yourself.
You stole a glance at said medic, who you only just noticed was looking right at you. Immediately you realized from the questioning look on his face, raised brow and all, he had probably caught both your reaction to Bulkhead bumping into you and the grimace you had made at your shoulder. Optimistic, you shook your head at him, giving the mech a meager thumbs-up and a “I'm-actually-totally-fine” smile. He gave you a hard stare, and your spark sank when he motioned you over with a flick of his digits. You begrudgingly made your way over to the medical bay. As you neared, Ratchet had already cleared Bumblebee and was shooing him out. The scout passed you, and your attention was focused on Ratchet waiting with a cocked helm and his ever-present RBF. Standing awkwardly under his gaze, almost scrutinizing, you huffed. Without a word, the red and white medic picked up his scanner, turning it on with a loud click and running the green laser over your frame.
“Really, doc - I’m fine. It’s nothing.” you tried, and failed, as he kept the device lingering at your shoulder. With a deadpan look covering his faceplate, he put the scanner down and placed his servos over your shoulder plating. You grit your denta to keep a pained hiss from leaving you, wincing when he felt around the frayed wiring.
“Nothing, huh?” you pouted at his scoff, his metal brows knitted together as he examined the shot that had barely missed doing any serious damage. “Sit.” he ordered, gesturing to the medical berth while he moved to grab some tools from a nearby counter. Embarrassment was settling in your chassis, but you did as you were told.
It technically didn’t take long to patch you up, but the old mech made it seem like eons to you with the way he was muttering about “some of the team having egos too big for their own good.” It only made the burn of embarrassment grow, and you ducked your head when he gave you a pointed look. Ratchet was nothing if not thorough in ensuring you knew when he disapproved of something.
Soon enough he finished up, giving the patched wound a once-over.
“Anything else you’re not telling me?” he questioned, the familiar lilt of sarcasm back in his tone. That at least steadied your nerves a little.
“No, sir.” you mocked, raising one of your servos in a half-assed salute.
He scowled, crossing his arms, “I’ll have Optimus enforce mandatory health checks every time you come back to base.”
Frantically shaking your helm, you raised both servos defensively, “Okay, okay!” you sputtered, “Won’t happen again.” His optics narrowed, giving you a hard stare, and you released a heavy sigh. “Promise.”
Ratchet debated it for a moment, still having half a mind to just assign the checks anyway, but as you kept your optics trained on his, the mech’s will buckled and he huffed a quick, “Good.”
You both were staring at each other for just a moment too long before Ratchet gave a quick cough. “Come back if the pain flares up again.” he waved you off as he made his way back to his usual spot at the terminal. You blinked, watching him walk off with a slightly heated face. Awkward. Hopping off the medical berth, you were careful not to irritate your shoulder and mess it up more than it already was. As you walked past Bumblebee he whirred to grab your attention. You paused, turning your head to him with a raised metal brow.
The scout chirped at you teasingly from where he sat, nodding his head way too obviously towards you and then Ratchet, who was already burying himself back in his work. Your optics widened, immediately narrowing into an offended glare as you jabbed a digit towards him.
“Don't. Even.” you grumbled, folding your arms and walking briskly away from Bumblebee’s poorly stifled, chittering laugh that echoed behind you. Your previous pity for the mech quickly dissipated as your faceplate burned. Primus.
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ao3-shenanigans · 2 months
I have a fanfic related question im struggling with, and figured that this would be the best place to ask. So:
I wanna write fanfiction for a game franchise that may or may not have a super cool animate series that drew me in, but I find myself unable to play the game itself due to hardware issues. However, because of this (and the fact that the game is massive, thus making it an actuall challenge to watch on youtube as its like a good few dozen hours of content) I'm struggling to find ways to properly immerse myself in the setting so I can make my fics as cannon-accurate (aka as believable) as possible. I know timeline videos and the like exist, but in my mind there's a sharp disconnect between being told about something (a faction, a location) and being able to fully absorb and understand the details of it myself. And yet, I really, REALLY wanna write for this fandom. Any tips? In case it helps, the fandom in question is Cyberpunk.
Ah! I have friends in that fandom!
Everyone connects with fandom franchises differently, so to recommend a way to really connect will be difficult. One of my friends loves playing the games, another enjoys hour long video essays and another enjoys forums and discourse
My best suggestion is for you to just write. Write the story you want to tell and allow yourself time and space to fill in details that you want to be accurate later. Accurate is good- but honest and heartfelt in fanfiction is better.
The brackets method works really well for this, for example:
She turned her head twords the towering city skyline. The neon signs advertising [FILL IN ADVERTISEMENT] hurt her eyes.
For a series as massive as Cyberpunk with a game, an anime, AND a ttrpg, anything goes. There are so many cracks and crevices within the world that if you want Militech to go up against the Voodo Boys gang or whatever- it’s totally believable. Additionally, not many people read fanfic for the accuracy, more so the vibes (which I think a few play through clips can provide)
Ultimately, writing for a fandom should be about writing to enjoy yourself - so have fun with it! Allow yourself to not be accurate!
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ohdeerfully · 3 months
OhDeerfully's Discord
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I already have a post like this, but since it's been some time and the server has been flashed out a bit, I wanted to make a new post with more details!
Click to Join!!!
All About It
first of all, if you like my writing, the discord is a great place to get in touch with me! i love chatting with everybody. plus, i have my own little corner where i post sneak peaks to my fics and links to new posts as soon as they come out
we also accept all citizens of alastor nation
also just a general place to chat with other writers, get feedback for writing, request writing, etc. etc. all about writing!
the server has come a long way in just a week (or two i dont really know tbh), and still growing!! help me build this empire >:)
everybodys welcome! you dont have to write your own fanfiction to join or anything; just connect with other hellaverse fans!
also i may plan a hazbin hotel (or something else) watchparty later on, so u should totally join for that it would be awesome
as stated above, there are a handful of writing related channels from self-promotion, requests, feedback, etc.
share your art too! and OCs if you have them. we eat those up like crazy. theres a "share your OC" tax to joining the server btw (im joking)
fresh baked roles. standard color, gender, and interests roles but also choose which of the seven deadly sins you are, and where you are in the hellaverse hierarchy! fun stuff. we are overrun with overlords and its awesome
honestly just a fun, little growing community of real nice people who all share a passion for hazbin hotel, helluva boss, and fanfiction!!
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^also we have this emoji specifically which i think is neat I JUST LOOKED AT THIS ON MOBILE AND REALIZED HOW HORRIBLE IT LOOKS IM SO SORRY
Really Simple Rules
rule #1 be awesome B)
also please be respectful. considering my blog is an 'x reader' type blog, there's no shortage of that! if that makes you uncomfortable (especially alastor x reader), this server may not be for you. if you still join, just be polite!
minors are welcome. i know hazbin is pretty NSFW, but please don't post anything explicitly nsfw. i can make an 18+ restricted channel if needed
tbh i trust yall to behave so i dont need to be more strict
Click to Join!!!
still not sure? no worries! you can easily access the link later on all of my fanfic posts! or, you can find this post under the '#ohdeerfully discord' tag
if you have any questions, feel free to DM me!
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cherrytinz · 14 days
Hello, I really like your character and I’m curious do you have any story on your oc if so, I would love to hear it (:
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Hello darling! First of all, thank you so much! It really makes me happy that people like my ocs! It really means a lot. Not to mention that I was generally surprised to see that so many liked Lucy's design! thanks yall! I was so happy to read those comments 🖤
And well, yeah! I want to write a fanfic with her so I have a few things planned. Lucy is an old oc frommmm 2019, but I decided to bring her back to life with a redising and all 🦇
Soooooo Lucy Fernby is a British girl who was born in 1975. Her parents are quite famous musical artists (especially her father) so she always had an approach to music. Actually, Lucy has absolute pitch and ease with some instruments, however she prefers to play the bass and write songs to cope with certain emotions that she doesn't know how to share. If I had to assign her a voice, I would say that she speaks like Gwen of Total Drama but with a British accent (although certainly Serena's voice from downtown is still an option lmao) , and when she sings it would sound like Mary Elizabeth McGlynn.
Even so, her parents (Emily, a goth singer and Luke, a rock band guitarist) got divorced when she was still a child. Her father returns to the USA but still tries to be as present in her life as possible. Despite this, due to a situation that Lucy does not want to talk about, they distance themselves when she is 14. I CLARIFY because I know it is very ambiguous, no, her father did not hurt her or anything, only Lucy keeps everything to herself.
Lucy had a lot of problems that affected her way of relating to others, both with people of her age and with her own parents. Due to a series of bad decisions she misses the school year and that's when her mother decides that it is best to send her to live with her father so that she can get away from "the toxic environment she is in."
(conclusion that Emily draws after brief questions that Lucy did not develop when she answering)
This is how Lucy ends up going to live with her father at the Addison Apartments because well, a rock star who lives in a town that no one knows = peace of mind and time which he can dedicate to his daughter and himself!
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oh, another fun fact of her! A year before moving to the Addison Apartments, she had a platonic friend/crush named Meri with whom she lost connection. I mention this because Lucy has a tendency to isolate herself when something happens and simply end a relationship instead of fighting for it, which she did at the time with Sally and the rest of the gang, but she has learned to be more open about how she feels.
thanks for asking! just in case, if anyone is interested feel free to ask me anything abt my ocs or even if you want to know my headcanons of Sally Face (in this case bc im in others fandoms like BG3 and Gorillaz) I'm more than happy to share them 💖💖💖
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emerxshiu · 2 months
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i forgot it was april fools lol. i definitly did not end up sprinkling in a bunch of memes in there, nope, not at all.
I havent checked my dashboard until a few minutes earlier, but now im booping everyone i find in there, its just so damm fun! its kinda sad that its just for april fools, i wish the booping stayed forever like its way too silly i love it.
Oh yeah the drawing yep aight. So uh, i had the idea yesterday and this looks NOTHING like what i had planned, it was just going to be a plain white backgroung, and i was trying to make it look like a pencil sketch (kinda). and simple coloring. but i had a lot of problems and drawing this ended up being really frustrating but im kinda happy with the result even if it difers so much from the og idea.
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also here is a clean version (aka no memes)
i tend to change my idea as im drawing so after i realized this was not going to look like i thought, i tried some effects and i came up with the idea of making it look...off.
Backgrounf with saturated colors consisting of red and blue and a fecto elfilis who looks rather dreamy, wich is totally not kinda inspired by isolated isles and high school musical 2 believe it or not (im confused as to how that was present in my mind as inspiration but i guess anything works as a reference) and contrasting with the darker background from how light and glowy i made him.
Fun fact: when i drew elfilis here, they were reminding me of a bunny, so you could kinda count this as a bit of an easter post since im probably going to forget to do something for that.
fun fact 2: this image is based on a fanfic im writing right now, i havent posted it yet, and when i do im pretty sure i'll put it into the Anonymous collection, since what im writing is very different from my usual, i tend to write about my splatoon ocs or sometimes about kirby characters, most of these fics tend to be general with not a lot of archieve warnings and stuff (save for one but that one was very very tame and just had an implication of a character dying at the end) and they're oneshots, most of them, this one is also a oneshot. i just enjoy writing that, but its a little bit....how to say it? bloody, i just have like the start made and its probably going to take me a while to finish, im also thinking of reading it multiple times since most of my works are usually just the first draft. but uh since its quite different and has that im quite scared of the reception it might have when i post it, in fact a lot of times i dont post stuff since even tho i know i shouldnt worry about others, i still do like an idiot, i just cant help caring about what other people think of me. and yeah basically its just not like the usual fluff i write.
next post might be splatoon related since im redesigning some ocs i had, or it might be princess peach showtime because my father got me the game and im loving it
Thank you for listening to my unnecesarily long rambles and Jambuhbye!
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alliepretends · 2 months
been thinking about your post on aromanticism and fandom with riz, and before i say anything else, i want you to know that I 100% agree with you. my primary interaction with fandom is through ao3 and fanfiction, and the heavy focus on shipping and romance has shaped what fandoms i choose to actively read fanfiction for: because I do not want to read romance heavy stories, I'll interact with fandoms/fanfic on a much higher level for fandoms that contain a large amount of gen works, regardless of how much i enjoy the source content in comparison.
within d20 fanfic, out of the 1167 fics with the Riz Gukgak character tag, only 89 of those fics have the aromantic asexual Riz Gukgak tag, and within the 95 fics total that have the aroace Riz tag (apparently there are fics with the aroace riz tag without tagging him as a character?), 18 of those 95 fics are tagged with Riz/Fabian, but only 12 are tagged Riz Gukgak-centric. In d20 fic overall, Riz/Fabian currently comes in as the most written relationship, with 365 fics. The highest written platonic relationship is Adaine & Aelwyn, who are sisters. As someone who personally, also does not like fabriz, queerplatonic or otherwise, and primarily enjoys reading about platonic relationships, this is, not gonna lie, disappointing to me.
However, like you said, it IS incredibly important for the aroace people who DO want to have/see qprs represented to get that! I want them to have it, and im incredibly happy for them that they do! yes, it's not something that i would enjoy, (it just doesn't align with my interpretations of either character) but like you said, a lot of aroace people find qprs to be an integral part of their experience, and seeing stuff get represented is so, so important!
this brings me to my actual point: you talk about how fandom falling in with your (and mine, i agree. you've encapsulated how i feel about riz.) point of view, this would end up alienating other aroace people who don't share the same view, or experience in their identities, and I don't want that either! The thing is, to me at least, that's just not how fandom works! Yes, in canon, if they confirm riz to be aroace (please please please please please) they will end up giving him one singular experience. it's impossible for him to represent all the wide and varied and wonderful ways for him to be aroace in canon, but that's what's beautiful about fandom for me! The metaphor you used for fandom was fighting over a bone, and while I definitely understand why you feel that way, to me, I cannot see it the same way at ALL. For every single individual person who watches fantasy high, there will be a completely different interpretation of each and every character, and all of them will be true. The thing is, when we're talking about Riz as an aroace character, well, there are not a lot of aroace people just in general, and fewer of those aroace people are going to have the same point of view, and there will be less fan-created content centered around this part of his identity as a result.
The solution, because there is one! is not to fight over the bone, or give up the bone, or keep the bone for ourselves, because there is no one bone. The beautiful thing about fandom, when the character passes from the creators hands into ours, is that there are infinite ways to interpret the character, all of them true, and when you don't see enough representation of the interpretation you have, the solution is to take YOUR interpretation and share it with the world. Write fics! Write massive text posts! Encourage and lift up the people who create things you DO relate to! Share what this character is to you and what you want him to be, and while it may not be a large percentage of people, you will find people who feel/have felt the same way you have. You're already doing it. You did, after all, reach me. I guess my point is, be the change you want to see in the world?
I understand that your whole point was about how fandom is so heavily romance focused and how that's frustrating, and maybe this isn't what you want to hear, maybe you just wanted to have a nice little complain (complaining and sharing your frustrations is good for the soul) and that's totally okay. I'm simply an optimist, and you seemed kind of doomy about it, so I just wanted to let you know that there is hope, and community, and people who feel the same way that you do, and hey, maybe if we work together we can create small pockets of fandom that can give you and everyone who feels the same way the aro rep they want to see in the world.
(I am so sorry for how long this got. um. sorry. thank you for putting up with me, I hope you have a wonderful day!)
It's lovely that you have such an optimistic perspective on this. And I hear you about wanting fandom to be a place that has space for a multitude of interpretations, but I think you're kind of missing my point. This goes beyond what you're saying, but it's something I get frustrated about in every fandom I've been in. There's a tendency for fans to want to ignore that fandom is a culture. That fan behaviors are shaped as much by cultural trends within fandom as by the desires of individual fans. Those cultural trends can be really harmful. But because fans often tend to treat fandom as a space outside of culture, and tend to act as if each individual character/ship/fandom is only made up of people having a personal engagement with the text, it becomes very difficult to address the problems that are deeply rooted within fandom culture. And those problems in fandom culture are reflective of the broader cultures of which fandom is a subculture, but they are also built, exchanged, and cultivated in a unique way within the subculture. That's how oppression works, relatively few people are actively trying to hurt others, but people all want to see their actions as independent from a larger cultural context so they don't have to worry about how they might be contributing to a culture that hurts people. It's why fandom, a space historically made up primarily of women, spent a very long time shielding itself from any accusations of sexism (which ran and continues to run rampant in fandom - as seen in everything from how female characters are treated to how m/m ships are forced into heteronormative tropes) by pointing to the failures of the source material. Despite the same problems occurring across the majority of fandoms regardless of the source material. And despite the justification not really holding up when one examined how many one-dimensional male characters fandom was happy to flesh out. I'm not a POC and I don't want to speak for POC but I've read enough critiques of fandom by people of color to know that racism (of all kinds) is an equally rampant problem in fandom.
And this issue of fandom as culture was what I'm talking about with Riz. The discourse over Riz's aromanticism frequently gets heated on this website. And I wanted to make a post exploring why that is. Because while discourse about any aspect of fandom can get heated (we're all emotionally invested here), I felt a particular weight of baggage in this discourse that I thought was worth attempting to bring to the forefront. There is a culture of romance-centrism in fandom. There is a culture of devaluing friendship (found family is great, but in my opinion, it has also become a way of talking around the devaluation of friendship in fandom spaces). There is a culture of characters only getting fic or analysis written about them if it fits into the context of romance or into a romance-dependant context of family. And so the baggage that I was trying to draw attention to with my post is that cultural baggage. Someone shipping fabriz may feel unfairly attacked by the desire of many people to keep romance away from Riz ("it's just a ship," "it's just me projecting on to the character," "it's just fandom, we're all supposed to have fun here.") And I wanted to point out the cultural hostility toward aromanticism in fandom spaces that makes viewing Fabriz that way impossible for someone whose spent any time observing and struggling with the broader culture of fandom. My metaphor about being thrown a bone was more an acknowledgment that being aromantic in fandom is always hard and that our options are limited trying to address this cultural problem by just talking about one character does leave a lot of people out. But this is the problem we have and the character we've got.
You're right that I was kind of doomy and gloomy about it. I'm not a person who likes to put myself out there in fandom. I'm fundamentally a lurker. This blog originally existed as a practice in positivity and contributing my own ideas. But after I left the fandom I started it for, I didn't come back to it. And it took me feeling mad about something for me to be motivated enough to post again. I already kind of regret it. But my intention wasn't just to have a good complain. My intention was to make the case that this particular discourse has a deeper cultural weight within the subculture of fandom. One that, if not considered properly, can easily allow people to shrug off their own role in building that culture. And it's a culture that is actively harmful for people who live romance-free lives (whether they are aromantic or not). I don't need there to be less romance in fandom. I just need there to be more space for characters like Riz to be allowed not to engage in it at all and still be considered worthy of fan attention.
Anyway, this is preachier than I like to be. I do appreciate that you are trying to bring optimism and empathy to fandom. But I also hate to be misunderstood. So I hope this clears up my point for you.
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yoongiaahh · 1 year
First Day - Me or Him
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title: first day
series: me or him
pairing: yoongi x reader(f), namjoon x reader(f)
genre: love triangle ; rating m (18+)
summary: as you and your best friend start the first day of senior year you realize you have no classes together. you don't like people and stray away until someone catches your eye in class, not only that but you're assigned to sit next to each other. this is not how you wanted to kick off the first day of school… will feelings bloom? does your bestfriend approve?
note: hiiii this is my first fanfic so im really nervous lol. i decided on a series because as i was writing my mind was RACINGGG lmao i had so many ideas and didnt want it to be forever long. so i hope youll stay along for the ride. please let me know how you like it! im trying to work on my writing skills so any tips are appreciated :) as for the fic its gonna be spicy but itll be a slow burn so dont get your hopes up lol i want to give you a good taste of the characters before jumping in. i wanted to keep this chapter pretty short to begin so we can leave off with a little cliff hanger SORRY itll be worth it i promise! im also new to the tumblr writing scene and still figuring out the controls AGAIN tips appreciated! thank you <3
warnings: none YET
estimated total wc: 1.6k
Your alarm is much louder than you're used to. Not that it matters, you had woken up a whole two hours before it went off.
It’s the first day of your senior year, you can hardly keep your smoothie down due to the rumbling pit of nervousness in your stomach. As you are pacing the room waiting for your brother to come bursting through the door you get a phone call. It's Namjoon, your best friend since middle school and suddenly you feel a little better about how the rest of your day is going to go knowing he’ll be right by your side.
“You ready? I'll be there in five.”
“As ready as I'll ever be Joonie.” You say with a smirk and major sarcasm wondering how you landed a friend so opposite from you.
“Perk up, it's our senior year… what could go wrong.”
“Yeah, yeah whatever see you soon.” Hanging up the phone quickly you grab your bag and run down stairs. You practically plowed through your brother as he was running up to make sure you were ready.
He’s pissed you can just tell by the way his eyes bolt directly to yours.
“Are you fucking kidding me, I had the courtesy of coming to get you and you repay me by messing up my hair.” His words come out like an avalanche as he immediately runs to fix what you supposedly messed up, yet it doesn't look like one strand fell out of place.
“Tae maybe instead of worrying about your appearance so much you can put more effort into school this year.” You scream through the house.
Your brother is a year below you and a complete douche. It comes across your mind more than ever how the two of you can be related. He's the king of his class, making new friends every day while you have had one friend for the entirety of the time you've been in this city. You’ve never really had the want or need to have anyone else than Joon, and you’re glad you havent had to share since he’s never kept another friend besides his gaming buddies.
Joon finally arrives at your driveway. As you're walking out the door you remind yourself there's only one more year of this hell you've been going through for the past three years. You atleast need to get through today, leave your worries for tomorrow and do your best.
The car ride to school lifts your spirits as you listen to Joon gawk about all the clubs he wants to enter and all the classes he signed himself up for. You’re happy for him but not at all what you are thinking about at the moment. Playing your favorite tunes through his amped speakers you reflect on the amazing summer you had and wish that it never had to end.
Gathering your things you and Joon walk up to the bulletin board to check what classes you got put into. Just as your morning got better all the nervousness you had earlier hits you like a truck. You don't have a single class together with him, which in the five years of knowing each other has never happened.
Immediately you both turn your heads in shock. You knew one day this would happen but why the first semester of your last year. You're sweating bullets not knowing how you'll get through today without him.
Trying to make you feel better, Joon offers to switch a class in hopes the teacher would approve.
“It’s alright Joonie, you already said how excited you were for the classes you picked and you got into all of them. I’ll manage somehow.” As soon as you say it you regret it. He would definitely switch if you had just agreed but you don't want to hold him back.
“Well we still have lunch together so just keep your cool till then.” His smile is the nausea pill you wish you had.
He wraps you up in a hug, letting you know everything will be alright. Once separated from the embrace you needed you make your way to your first class of the day.
The bell rings and students come piling in to take their seats before the teacher starts going over the plans for the semester. Writing everything in your notebook to keep your mind off this lonely day that has just started.
It’s not that you don't like school, you actually very much enjoy it and have always kept good grades. You’re just horrible at conversation and not much of a people person to begin with.
Joon and you had been paired together for a project way back when, which is how you and him ended up being friends. He is a very straightforward person so making conversation with him was never an issue, and you actually had quite a bit in common. He could clearly tell you were shy so to say the least he started most of the talk between you two. Once the project had been turned in everyone had returned back to their chosen seating to sit with their friends and you were surprised to see that he chose to continue sitting by you. Since that day you had been inseparable.
Lunch is finally here. Classes fled by quick since it was mostly introductions and receiving your sylbasses. Your backpack feeling like a brick from the textbooks you gathered you make your way to the cafeteria. You quickly find Joon and walk up to the line to get food.
“So how’d it go? Make any friends?” Joon snickers as he says the last part, knowing you all too well.
“Oh yeah I actually already have a new best friend so I guess i'll go sit with them.” Turning your head pretending to look for someone as Joon lets out a laugh. You spin around to smack his arm knowing he saw right through your mockery.
“As much as I would hate to be replaced, it wouldn't kill you to make a friend or atleast find someone else to talk to.” Nudging your shoulder as he says the words.
“I’m good with my small circle, thanks”
You both go back and forth with how the day has gone so far. He couldn't go on enough about how happy he is with his classes, which makes you forget the regret you had earlier about his offer.
The lunch bell goes off so you both clear your trays and head out to the hallways. Study hall is next for you so the nerves have suppressed as you know you can put your earbuds in and tune out the class. Joon gives you a wink and lets you know to meet back at his car when the day is over.
Heading to your locker to put the stack of textbooks you received away you get a text.
Whatever loser❤️
You giggle as you put your phone back in your pocket and head to your class.
“Hello class, I hope your first day of senior year has been great! As you all know, study hall is your hour window to get caught up with your work or take a breather and relax before heading to the rest of your classes.” The teacher says much too loud for your liking. “I have put a seating chart together in hopes everyone can meet some fresh new faces. Please follow this chart as it is part of your participation grade.”
The last thing you wanted was to meet ‘fresh new faces’.
You grab your assigned seat and whip out your airpods in hopes that the person who's placed next to you takes the hint and stays to themself. Though to your surprise the bell had rung and the seat next to you was still vacant.
As you get out your syllabi to scan and send to your mother you hear commotion at the front of the class. You take out an airpod to see what is going on and you're taken aback when you see a boy with bleached blonde hair rolling his eyes as the teacher is complaining to him about being late. You don't know why but there are butterflies in your stomach as you look at him. Retracting your gaze he turns to meet your eyes. and the butterflies only get worse as you see him heading to the seat next to you.
He throws himself down in the seat and you can feel the heat in your cheeks rising. You don't know why your body is reacting this way.
In all of your other classes you had gotten a seat to yourself luckily but that wasn't the case here.
Hoping he doesn't notice your face looking like a cherry, you press play on your phone and get back to sending the photos to your mom.
“From the way you look you either really didn't want someone sitting here or you must be absolutely enthralled that I’m the person to sit here.”
You barely make out the words as you throw your head around to look at the all too cocky boy taking up the seat next to you.
“I-I don't know what youre talking about.” Turning away with a flushed face. Your mind racing wondering why he would even spout out those words.
“My name silly, I’m Yoongi.”
“Oh okay”
The smirk on his face is absolutely annoying. You want to slap it right off his face.
“So do I get to know your name?” The smirk slowly turns into a grin as his eyebrow cocks up.
“Alright class, enjoy the rest of your day, I’ll see those bright faces tomorrow.” Your teacher says as the class ending bell goes off.
You have never gathered your things into your bag with such haste. Not realizing you left your notebook on the desk you throw the bag over your shoulder as you dart out the door to get anywhere but that classroom.
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reallifemarvbruh · 1 month
hello and welcome.
this is my official new intro because the other one was waayy outdated.
people call me by a couple different things, those things being Zebruh, Travis, and Gamzee.
my pronouns are he/they and im a t4t trans dude.
if you have a problem with that then please see your way out. i post mainly dead dove content and nsfw concepts.
if youve made it this far then we can get into the good shit.
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i am a fanfic writer and role player, specifically into dead dove and angsty porn although i do like fluff and normal shit.
i have been writing and role playing since i can remember and am pretty good at it.
im always open to role play or make new friends.
toxic yaoi<3
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i am always online and am into fandom related spaces.
i enjoy
sally face
warrior cats
boyfriend to death
your boyfriend
aqua teen hunger force
smiling friends
popee the performer
and many more.
this account is mostly homestuck and hiveswap with some other stuff mixed in.
i have been into fandoms ever since i can remember and it is literally what my life revolves around i love fandoms so much omg…
they give me life and help me through everything
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i love zebruh more then anything he totally didnt do anything wrong at all he deserves all the love and respect in the world no matter what. for sure.
i am a HUGE marvbruh shipper if you couldnt tell already, i will defend them until the day that i die.
if you dont like that then why are you here?
they are literally my babies and they are in love i dont want to hear a WORD about it.
marvus hypes up his loser boyfriend alright deal with it.
i am on a sinking ship and i am the captain.
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i am a freak beyond understanding. i am something otherworldly.
im a scenemo kid, i have black hair with side bangs and purple/blue raccoon tails.
i love music of all different kinds, mostly music thats about darker topics such as stalking, suicide, necro, cannibalism, age gaps, etc.
im also a rollercoaster enthusiast.
i have two cats that probably hate me but pretend to love me.
i have an awesome group of friends and THE BEST BOYFRIEND IN THE WORLD.
pray for him he puts up with my shit.
his blog is @dirtymaidpanties go give him love.
we’ve been together for four years and hes probably so tired of me posting and promoting him LOL i dont blame him im crazy.
i have a discord but youll have to beg on your hands and knees for it.
im a huge history and music nerd. i can talk about it for hours.
i have a myriad of mental health disorders.
i am hypersexual and have a porn addiction.
i love all fucked up characters.
bro, gamzee, cronus, it doesnt matter i love them all equally.
im also a furry.
and i cosplay.
you can interact if youre anti, proship, or whatever else. our lives are too short to judge solely based off of one thing alone. if i dont like you ill just block you its that easy. plus dnis are dumb.
if you wanna yell at me for that i dont really care.
you guys are so judgmental its fucking crazy holy shit.
if you wanna make fun of me and be a bitch i wont block you though. that shit makes me horny i have a kink for that.
anyways bye kitties remember to support your local marvbruh fan.
pictures ehehee
i am literally zebruh guys i can confirm that marvus loves me very very very much hes my boyfriend
(he just doesnt know it yet)
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magicstormfrostfire · 11 months
Fanfic fanons that are now canon in Monkie Kid!
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This is a sequel to my post in 2021 'Things that I have to keep reminding myself are not true (or at the very least not confirmed) in 'Lego Monkie Kid' because Fandom and Fanfics have warped my perception of reality' back when we only had seasons 1-2! I made a funny list of lmk fanon tropes I found in fanfics so much that they kinda made me forget what was real and what was fanon. But after season 4 and the special, I decided to go back over things because a LOT has changed. So, without further ado, lets get into all the juicy details (with pictures!) hehehe~
Despite the events of 'Shadow Play' the rest of the gang does not know about Macaque
Okay so this one got solved immediately after season 2. Like Mac just showed up right where s2 ended. He made his presence known. Repeatedly! Relentlessly! I love him btw.
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MK has never told Sun Wukong that Macaque appeared while he was gone
I listed this one specifically because some fics decide to either have MK confess to Wukong that Mac's been in contact with him after his debut episode, or MK might keep it a secret. But in the grand scheme since his debut, its kinda irrelevant now. Man is everywhere.
The Gold Fillet has not been mentioned
This is also no longer true! I mean we see it a lot but there's not a conversation about it specifically. I think that counts... (We're gonna get to the juicy ones I promise)
MK's real name has not been mentioned in the Dub
Still true! (I should clarify; I mean they havent told us what it is. Only that MK is a nickname because his real name is too long.)
MK does not have any confirmed biological family details
Whew, okay so this one is harder. We know that MK was adopted by Pigsy after being born from a stone on FFM just like Sun Wukong. So while its not exactly like Wukong laid him as a stone egg (I mean...he might've idk) its safe to say he is more related to Wukong biologically than anyone else. Right?....I think.
MK does not have an older sister
Still true, for reasons above! (Him having an older sister happened in fanfics a lot more than you'd think)
Reincarnation has not been confirmed or denied
Comfirmed now! It was HEAVILY implied in season 3 toward the end anyway heh.
Red Son and MK are not dating
YET. (But they do have cute moments -crosses fingers-)
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Pigsy and Tang are not dating
Im HAPPY to say that this one is actually sort of implied to be canon? I could list a bunch of knowing looks and one off remarks but I'd be here all day gushing so I'll just go with the most obvious piece of evidence. Season 4's Pig-Napped! Has a moment where Tang is trying to get through to Pigsy, who is trapped in his ancestor's body. He mentions that he has "dedicated his life to this man (Pigsy)" and idk how else to read that if ya know what I mean. (Also this cuddle moment when he got Pigsy back. Tee-hee)
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Sun Wukong and Macaque have not had any kind of relation or relationship confirmed beyond "Beloved Friends"
This one is ALSO having some VIBES but not anything confirming enough for me to outright say its canon. Though there's...there's somethin' goin on. Shadow Play set the table but seasons 3-4 gave us a FUCKING ANGST MEAL.
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and the special we learn a lot more about Macaque and Wukong's relationship. They were canonically a lot closer and more affectionate than I had originally expected and the implication of being "sworn brothers" the two sharing a home at FFM, and peach metaphors/nicknames I could write a whole book about. I can't really say it has anything as concrete as Tang saying his life is for Pigsy, but I can say the implications are MIGHTY, and their wounds are DEEP. (Shadowpeach flows in my veins so deeply, season 5 please give me what I need its Sonadow but Monkey men please gods, all of the gods, just give me--)
Mei, Red Son, and MK have never had a party or a sleepover
Weirdly enough, this totally happened??? Like not gonna lie out of all of these things on this list, this one was the one I didn't expect to come through. But they did sleep over at Red's place, and had a beach party at the end of s4.
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Lady Bone Demon has not been directly referred to as White Bone Spirit in the Dub
This is true, likely because they just went with a different name entirely for the English dub.
The Shame Temple is not for sex
There is no Easter Bunny, There is no Tooth Fairy, and there is no Spindrax
Honestly considering what happened to the spider gang as a whole, I'm not surprised this is still true....(RIP)
MK has not called Pigsy Dadsy (Update: a few people have confirmed this has happened) and Mk has not called Sun Wukong Dad
Im including these two together (even though the Dadsy one was already confirmed in s1) for a few reasons because I feel like I need to talk about why.
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MK not only has called Pigsy Dadsy, he says flat out in season 4 that Pigsy is his dad, due to adopting him. This is in reply to Mei saying that Wukong is his dad, due to the whole stone monkey thing. While its implied he and Wukong are cut from the same cloth somehow, both being mystic stone monkeys, MK only sees Pigsy as his true father.
Macaque has not been redeemed yet
This one is a lot more nuanced. While Mac is no longer their enemy and is a reluctant ally, I wouldn't call him redeemed necessary. This is mostly because around the end of season3 and all of season 4 we begin to delve into the complexity of Wukong/Macaque. It's shown that both parties did damage and hurt each other in the past. It feels a bit black and white to try and put all the blame on Macaque and say he needs to be 'redeemed' now that we know more about the two monkeys. But for the sake of argument, I will say that as of season 4, Macaque can be considered one of the good guys even if they're not his 'friends.'
His relationship with Wukong is just beginning to mend and that's a whole different can of worms, but as past antagonists go, I'd say he's got a seal of approval when it comes to being a reliable ally.
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Aaaaannnddddd that's all the ones I had! This was really fun to comb through all of the fanfic themes and see how much they've snuck their way into canon (or were flat out proven to be the deal from the start) since season 2! Hopefully once season 5 rolls around I can address some of these unconfirmed fanfic themes again, and maybe even have new ones! (Right now the only one I can think of is Azure having romantic feelings for Wukong but since he's kinda gone idk if that would ever come up)
If anyone has some other fanfic themes that are so fanon they get mixed up with canon, let me know so I can make a list! mwhehehe UwU
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seattlesellie · 2 months
this is unrelated but whenever i read elliexfem reader fics i almost never can relate to the fem’s discerption , like idk y but the fem is always written as insanely pretty skinny popular rich(?) n every detail about her is positive. and like i get y they would do that to an extent but damn not even one fic where the fem is a loser or just isn’t completely perfect 😭
and its not only in fics cus when i was watching bottoms It made me cringe how they focus on physical appearance sm but then i read that its like a joke? but i still couldn’t get passed it
(yes im projecting heavily, sry😭)
totally get where you're coming from! its really interesting how certain character portrayals in fanfics and media can sometimes feel a bit one-dimensional, it's like theres this common template that gets recycled over and over again. i think projecting onto characters or stories is all part of the fun sometimes, n makes it more relatable in its own unique way. but i hear you, it'd be refreshing to see a wider range of representations out there. personally i never describe my readers physical appearance. perhaps when i first started writing i did cos i did it purely for myself with my own image in mind n then people started reading it which made me want people to relate to what i write. i'm no professional writer so generally my goal when people read my fics is just for them to enjoy it and just that, which is why i don't delve too much into what the reader is like, or her inner world, cos it's mostly about the x character i write for. we all write dynamics we personally enjoy, and as ellie can sometimes be more shy, and less feminine, i usually like to write a reader that is different than her cos i like the opposites attract trope :*
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footemoji · 7 months
my name is footemoji !
(or danny if you wanna get personal with it)
im a 16 year old high school junior who decided to get a lil silly one day
i draw total drama related things and am currently writing a fan-fiction :3
i swear this blog used to be normal i dont know what happened :(
things the footemoji community has:
-a discord server (go join its in my desc!!)
-a couple fanfics on ao3
-a subreddit (????)
-a lore recap blog (go follow @lemonadeanonarchives )
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empires-boundaries · 5 months
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Seapeekay: My Boundaries
This is never something that i have had to write out before, so if anything needs clarifying do not hesitate to tweet me and ask and i will try to clarify, hopefully i covered most of the things that will come up! • Please just generally be respectful, i have spent close to 10 years creating an incredible community! im proud of my community. we openly welcome newcomers and look forward to the CPK Community expanding! But please see my boundaries on things below. if they change i will update or add to the below Boundaries! • Fanart: I am Super Happy to see fanart and actively encourage it. • Edits: I am ok with edits as long as they do not break other boundaries set below. • NSFW/sexualization: I am not comfortable with NSFW and Oversexualisation of my character. be that in edits, fanfics etc. • Shipping: Shipping is a strange one. ive always been jokingly shipped with theorionsound and never drawn issue with it. but just be respectful. i am an adult in a relationship. being romantically shipped with other people makes me uncomfortable. friendly shipping eg duo/trio names with creators etc is fine! • Fanfic: I am ok with fanfiction but please nothing NSFW. • Reuploaded content: I have no issue with content reuploads and clip channels using my content. if it can be changed to make it more unique and not be a direct upload then thats even better, but its not something i have an issue with either way • Violent themes in fanworks: Fine with gore related works etc as long as it is to do with my character on the DSMP or another server im on. • Profile pictures: I dont mind people using the same profile picture as me or any picture of me, but please do not directly impersonate me. Fan accounts, parody accounts etc all ok! • Harassment: I Do not approve of any harassment or hate from my fans, including doxxing, “joking” death threats, and harassment based on race, ideology, or ethnic background. • Selling art: Totally fine with selling art of my character as long as it was created by you! • Miscellaneous: Please do not spam creators about addressing something, Do not speak on my behalf for things like boundaries etc, please refer to this document, Please do not get into arguments on my behalf! Official Seapeekay Social Accounts Twitter @Seapeekay Instagram @Seapeekay Twitch.tv/Seapeekay youtube.com/Seapeekay // Youtube.com/AllthingsMCC // Youtube.com/SeapeekayLive Tiktok @CPK
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