#Turkish Stars
brother-genitivi · 1 year
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Star Wars Culture Week Day 1 - Music & Art featuring Barriss! @starwarscultureweek
In my culture, we have special spoons used for percussion. You clack the backs of the spoons together to create a beat to accompany the dance. This is usually done at weddings.
Usually you would have spoons in both hands, but sometimes there are too many people and not enough spoons! Spoons will often break due to the force of people’s clacking (especially if they’re having fun). Many broken spoons on the floor is a sign of a good event.
The first technique I know of is fairly simple - place a spoon face down so the inside is resting against your palm between your thumb and forefinger. Place the next spoon face up so its back is against the back of your first spoon. I prefer to rest it between my middle and ring fingers.
The second technique I find harder to finesse (and I’ve definitely not mastered it yet). Weave the spoon between alternating fingers - pinky, ring and middle with the back facing your palm. Pinch the other spoon with your thumb and forefinger, making sure to have its back facing the back of your first spoon. Now clack away :)
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taglist: @tatert07s @penandsaber
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hetalia-fannn · 9 months
Sadiq ✖️
Sadık ✔️
Yep, again with Turkey's name.
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rosesandalfazemas · 5 months
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Having long hair is a topic, and when you're near the sea and lots of curls it's not a good combo )? Hope you like it!
Have a nice weekend~ and yeah sometimes I have silly ideas
Timelapsing under the cut :D
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prismasartworks · 5 months
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Meet Yildiz, the celestial performer at Mount Rageous!
Known for her melodic voice and generous personality, this gal works really hard for her performances, unlike a certain duo....
However, she actually doesn't care about the wealth, as long as music makes her happy.
As you can see, I made a Mount Rageous OC, based on Turkish Pop. As such, her color palette is mostly white and red, with some blues mixed in. Her eyes and eye makeup are based on a Nazar amulet.
Also this is her theme;
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how-much-for-a-whump · 8 months
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Prompt: "You drew stars around my scars, but now I'm bleeding."
Ateş Kuşları 22. - 23. Bölüm
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alright y'all, you know what time it is... time for another Alenick fanfiction!!! This is the one where they go to Türkiye so yeah enjoy this one!!!
Disclaimer: swearing, mention of drugs
(1) means "my mom" in Turkish
(2) means "my dad" in Turkish
I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock beeping loudly. I groan and roll onto my back, then pull my pillow over my ears. I release one of my hands from the pillow and slap snooze on the clock before letting go of the pillow completely.
I let out a sigh of relief and close my eyes again.
If the alarm clock didn't wake me up, then Nick sure did. He kicks my bedroom door open, then flips on the light and screams, "It's turkey day!"
I scream "Fuck!" and slap my hands over my eyes.
He laughs. "Sorry." He flips the light back off, walks over to my bedside table, and clicks my lamp on.
I slowly remove my hands from my eyes and stare at him. He crouches down next to my face and says, "You really aren't a morning person, are you?"
I just shake my head. He smiles.
I wish I could see that fucking smile right now. He's just an attractive blur at the moment.
I reach over and grab my glasses off the nightstand and put them on.
I look over at him.
He smirks and says, "You should be excited to wake up though. You know why?" He waits a second, then says after I don't respond, "It's turkey day."
I squint my eyes at him. "But it's not even November?"
Nick raises an eyebrow at me. "What?"
I continue to stare at him. "Oh. You mean the country."
"No shit, Sherlock." He kisses me on the forehead. "Come on. Get up. We got to go to the airport."
He stands up and yanks my blanket off my legs. He crawls onto my chest and mutters into my white tank top, "Come on. Don't you want to go see your home country?"
I press my face against the top of his head and whisper into his rose-scented hair, "Of course I do." I slip my fingers under his bathrobe, then his white tank top, and rub his back gently. "But can we just lay here like this? Just for a little bit?"
He sighs and nuzzles his head into my chest. "Sure, sexyback. Whatever you want."
I roll my eyes. "You haven't called me that in a while. I kind of miss it."
"I just forgot I called you that at all." He kisses my chest. "I've been calling you other names like 'love' and 'baby.' They suit you much better to be honest."
I chuckle. "I do miss you calling me 'sexyback' though. It's like a souvenir from the start of our relationship."
"I can call you it more often if you want."
"Yes please."
"Alright then." He puts his hands against my chest and hoists himself up, pinning me against the bed. "And to think you hated that name."
I blush and smirk up at him. "Well..." I fumble for words. "You're just so charming. It's hard not to love your annoying pet names for me after a while of you calling me them."
He blushes. "You think I'm charming?"
I smile and place my hand on his hip. "You've always been. Since the first day I saw you at Camp Tipiskaw. I just never really admitted it."
He puts his hand on my face and says, "You're so gay for me."
"Bisexual actually."
"Does that matter? The side of you that loves men loves me so therefore, you are gay for me."
"Whatever. You're gay for me too."
He smirks and leans closer to my face. "Bisexual actually."
I roll my eyes and bring my other hand up to his neck, then pull him in and kiss him.
He quickly kisses me back and runs his fingers through my hair.
But this kiss is quickly over.
Nick pulls away and smiles down at me, blushing. "Come on. Get up and get dressed. We don't have time to make out right now."
He pushes himself off me and gets off the bed. He leaves the room, stretching his arms out and yawning, his slippers making a rhythmic thumping against the hardwood floor. I just laugh and sit up.
I push my glasses up on my nose, then pull my blankets off and get out of my bed. I walk over to my bureau and open the second drawer from the bottom.
I sift through my clothes and find a blue polo shirt and some white dress pants. I change into the clothes and find my sienna leather belt in the top drawer.
I pull the belt through the belt loops on my pants and buckle it. I slip my new watch around my wrist and take my hair out of the ponytail I had it in while sleeping. I gently brush my hair before tying it back up. I slip a pair of black dress shoes onto my feet.
I look at myself in my mirror before opening my bedroom door, slinging my carry-on onto my shoulder, and rolling my suitcase over to the front door. Nick’s was already by the door, and he was leaning against the door in a white polo shirt and a pair of jeans, his carry-on lying next to his suitcase.
“Ready to go?” he asks, smiling as he sees me.
I smile back and nod. “Yep.”
He pulls his keys out of his pocket and swings them around on his index finger. “Alright, let’s go.”
He slips his backpack around his shoulders, then opens the front door. “Come on.”
He rolls his suitcase out the door, then starts walking over to his blue car. I adjust my tote bag on my shoulder, then rolled my suitcase out the door after him and shut the door, locking it behind me.
Nick opens the trunk of his car and stuffs his suitcase inside, then grabs mine as I roll it over to him and stuffs it in next to his. Then he shuts the trunk and opens the back door, shoving his backpack onto the backseat.
He looks at me and gestures to my tote bag. "Do you want to put that in the backseat too?"
I just laugh sweetly and say, "No, I'll just hold it in my lap."
He smiles and says, "Alright. Get in the car, sexyback."
I roll my eyes but hop in the passenger seat anyway. Nick gets in the driver's seat and as soon as he starts the car and we're both buckled up, he starts driving to the airport.
As we're driving down the dark highway, I anxiously check my watch. 5:00 AM. My foot is bouncing up and down quickly, and I keep picking up my phone.
Nick's eyebrows furrow. "What's wrong, Alec?"
I sigh. "I'm just nervous."
"About the flight?"
A beat.
"Then what?"
"About... my family."
The day after my birthday, I had told Nick that my family lives in Istanbul. He suggested we go stay with them while we are there. I called my Annem (1) and asked if we could stay with them, which resulted in a very long phone conversation involving my Babam (2), and after it ended, I got phoned later by my older brother Ali, which was another long phone conversation. Word spreads fast in my family.
My Annem was very surprised that I would come to visit my "dear old family" on my own accord. For some reason, she still has a firm believe that I'm still that little rebel teenager I used to be. Can't believe I was ever like that.
Nick takes one hand off the wheel to steady my bouncing foot. "I'm sure they'll be fine."
"I'm just so worried." I sigh. "What if they don't end up liking you?"
"I'm sure they will." He rubbed my shoe and smiled. "If they don't end up liking me, we can find a hotel and continue our vacation alone. How does that sound?"
I exhale and smile. "Thank you. I just... really hope they do like you."
He laughs. "We'll just have to see when we get there."
I laugh and say, "Yeah."
Getting through the airport was no easy feat. Nick forgot to take his phone out of his pocket when we were going through security, so we got held back for that. My tote bag also had to get checked after going through the x-rays because I forgot to take my laptop charger out of the bag when they literally told me to keep it in there.
We also took us a bit to find our gate but once we boarded the plane, everything was easy.
I mostly read the whole flight but only stopped once Nick stationed his head on my shoulder and fell asleep. I just smiled and put my book away, then laid my head on his and fell asleep.
We both woke up quickly before we landed. I quickly checked my watch. It says 8:00, but I now need to remember that Istanbul time is 2 hours ahead of London time so it's actually 10:00.
Once we were off the flight, we picked up our bags at baggage claim and got a rental car. I give Nick my parent's address and we start driving to their house.
"So does your brother and his family live with your parents?" Nick asks.
"Well, no," I say. "Him, his wife, and his son are just staying with my parents while we're there. They have their own house; they just want to see us too."
"Oh." He stops at a red light. "What are they like?"
"My parents? Or my brother?"
"Everybody. Tell me about them."
I scratch my chin. "Well, my parents are very energetic and sometimes they say things that can come across as rude, but they usually mean well. My brother is probably going to be really skeptical of you at first, but he'll eventually warm up to you. He's nice once you get to know him. A big pain in my ass though. My sister-in-law is really sweet, it just feels like she really is my sister. And my nephew, Adlee. A little ball of happiness, he is. I've never seen that kid without a smile on his face." I laugh sweetly.
Nick smiles. "They all sound nice. I'm excited to meet them all."
I sigh and smile too. "I'll just be happy to see them all in person again."
Nick reaches over and pats my knee.
As Nick pulls into the driveway of my parents' house, I take a deep breath.
Nick stops the car and looks over at me. "You okay?"
I smile and look over at him. "Yeah. Let's go."
We hop out of the car, and I sling my tote bag around my shoulder. I open up the trunk and grab our suitcases as Nick grabs his backpack from the back seat. He shuts the door, I shut the trunk, and he locks the car. He comes around the back of the car and takes a hold of his suitcase.
He pats me on the shoulder and says, "You ready?"
I laugh. "Oh, I'm ready. The question is, are you?"
He scoffs. "Definitely not."
We laugh.
"Come on, let's go," I say, starting towards the front door. He follows closely behind.
I take a deep breath before ringing the doorbell.
Almost immediately, the door swings open. Standing there, with a huge grin on his face, was my Babam. He springs forward and wraps me in a tight hug.
“Alec, my boy! I haven’t seen you in so long!”
I laugh awkwardly and pat his back. “Hi, Babam.”
He lets me go, then looks directly at Nick. “And you must be Nick! Nice to meet you!” He throws his hand out at Nick.
Nick smiles and shakes his hand. “Nice to meet you too, sir.”
My Babam pats Nick on the back, then says, “Come on inside! Make yourselves comfortable!” He walks into the house.
Me and Nick look at each other.
Nick widens his eyes and says, “You weren’t lying when you said energetic.”
I laugh. “I wasn’t lying about any of them. Come on.” I walk through the door, Nick following behind me.
Not even one second after Nick closes the door behind us, a little squeaky voice from down the hallway shouts, “Uncle Alec!”
I smile and crouch down as little Adlee comes running down the hallway towards me. I laugh as he runs into my arms and I scoop him up.
“Adlee, my boy! Oh, you’ve grown so big! Pretty soon, you’ll be as tall as your old uncle!”
Adlee laughs. “I’m only 5.”
I widen my eyes. "Oh wow! You're getting old." I smirk as my brother Ali walks down the hallway. I point at him. "Just like your dad."
Ali scoffs and walks up to me, taking Adlee into his arms. “Still the same pain in the butt as always. Figured you wouldn’t have changed much since you were a teenager.”
I roll my eyes. “Oh, quit it, Ali. I have changed, you just fail to see it.”
He passes Adlee over to my sister-in-law, Halime, who waves to me before walking into another room. I wave back to her, smiling.
Ali takes a hair tie off his wrist and ties his long brown hair up into a bun. He pushes his glasses up on his nose and looks me up and down.
I squint my eyes at him. “Ali.”
A long silence.
Then, Ali smiles and brings me in for a hug. “I missed you.”
I laugh, wrapping my arms around his back. “I missed you too, Ali.”
Ali unwraps himself from me and looks over at Nick. He holds his hand out and says, “You must be Nick. I’ve heard so much about you. It’s really nice to meet you.”
Nick takes Ali’s hand and shakes it. “It’s nice to meet you too.”
Ali pulls Nick closer to him by his hand and whispers something in his ear that I couldn’t quite make out. He lets go of Nick’s hand, then politely smiles and walks away.
Nick looks at me, his eyes wide.
I just smile. “I told you he’s a little intense.”
Nick just nods his head.
We take our suitcases and we roll them down the hallway and into the living room.
When we walk through the doorway, my parents’ fat old Dachshund lumbers towards us, his tongue sticking out of his mouth.
I crouch down and say, “Albert!”
Nick laughs. “Albert?”
I look over at him as I scratch the top of Albert’s head. “Isn’t it just the most perfect name?”
Nick crouches down next to me, then starts petting Albert’s back. “He’s so fat!”
I laugh. “Yeah, he’s a bit of a foodie.”
Albert rolls over onto his back very slowly, and me and Nick start scratching his tummy.
My Annem walks through the doorway that connects the living room and the kitchen, rubbing her hands with a towel. “I guess Albert likes you, Nick!”
I look up at my Annem and get up off the floor. I walk over to her and wrap her in a tight hug.
She laughs and hugs pats my back, then pushes my hair back and tenderly kisses my forehead.
“I’m making dinner right now. You boys can go make yourself comfortable in our other spare bedroom. We just opened up another room for you guys; we cleared out your Babam’s old office since he recently just got a new job and doesn’t work from home anymore.”
I smile and say, “He got a new job? Tell him I said congratulations!”
She gives me a smirk and says, “Why don’t you tell him yourself?”
“I would but I have no idea where he ran off to.”
She laughs. “Well, I’ll be sure to tell him.”
I laugh. “What are you making for dinner?”
He flings the kitchen towel over her shoulder and smiles. “I’m making spinach and chilli bean pide. Your favorite.”
I pump my fist, my eyes glittering. She shakes her head and kisses me on the cheek, then strides back into the kitchen.
When I look back at Nick, he is now currently lying on his back on the floor, Albert sitting next to his head and licking his face. Nick was giggling and petting Albert’s ears.
I just shake my head and get down on the floor next to Nick. Albert stops licking Nick and lumbers over to me. I pick him up and place him on my chest. I start scratching the top of his head.
“It seems like you have a new friend,” I say to Nick, as Albert takes his paw to hold down my hand so he could lick it.
Nick just laughs and rolls over on his side to face me. “What can I say? He likes me!” Nick scoots closer to me. “Let me contribute to the kissing booth over here.” He starts showering me with kisses all over my face.
I just laugh.
After a while, Albert stops licking my hand and tumbles off my chest, then lumbers away into the kitchen with my Annem. Nick stops kissing me, then takes my chin in his hand and turns my face towards him. He leans in and we share one long kiss.
He pulls back and smiles at me. I smile back, blushing, and push my glasses up on my nose.
Nick sits up and says, “We should probably go bring our stuff into that bedroom.”
I nod and sit up too. Nick gets to his feet, then holds his hand out. I grip his hand tightly and he hauls me up.
Together, we roll our suitcases down the hallway and into the spare bedroom. We set them down next to a wooden dresser. I slide my tote bag off my shoulder and place it on top of my suitcase. Nick places his backpack next to his suitcase.
Nick stretches his arms behind his head and sits down on the bed. “Whose side is whose?”
I pull my dress shoes off my feet and lay them next to my suitcase. I flop onto the bed and say, “I want the right side.”
He just laughs and takes his shoes off as well, laying them next to mine. He lays down on the bed next to me and looks at me.
We just laugh.
I sit up on the edge of the bed. Nick sits up and scoots across the bed to sit next to me, and lays his head on my shoulder.
“Are you happy?” he says.
I wrap my arm around his waist. “Hmm?”
“Are you happy?” he asks again.
I just smile and kiss the top of his head. “Of course I’m happy. Why do you ask?”
He smiles. “I just wanted to know.” He lets out a sigh. “Your family is so nice. I’m so glad they let us stay here. I was really excited to meet them.”
I laugh. “They were really excited to meet you too.” I smirk at him. “Next up, it’s time I meet your family.”
He just scoffs. “Good luck with that one. My parents are a little overprotective and they might not like you.”
“I said the same thing about Ali. He seems to be warming up to you already.”
“How do you know that?”
“Uh… because I’m his brother and I grew up with him?”
Nick laughs. “Just kidding around.”
Suddenly, the bedroom door swings open. Me and Nick swing our heads around to see my Babam standing in the doorway.
My Babam looks at us for a second, then smiles, pushes his glasses up on his nose, and says, “Alec, Nick, dinner’s ready. Come on!”
He practically ballet danced back down the hallway. Me and Nick stare at each other.
“Does that guy ever run out of energy?” Nick asks, standing up off the bed.
I laugh. “Nope. For someone who’s a grandfather, he seems to think he has great knees for the amount of energy he keeps stored in his body.”
Nick just laughs. “I’m going to tell your dad you said that.”
I get up off the bed. “Don’t you dare.”
Nick takes my hand in his. “Just kidding around again.” Together, hand in hand, we walk out to the kitchen.
Adlee was standing on one of the kitchen chairs, talking really quickly about his favorite kind of train to Ali, who was nodding along as he set plates on the table.
I sneakily walked up behind Adlee and wrapped my arms around him, scooping him up and roaring like a dinosaur.
Adlee screams, then giggles and kicks his feet around in the air.
I laugh and put him back on the chair. He sits down with a thud and looks up at me. “Uncle Alec, are you a ninja? Or are you a dinosaur.” He gasps, then smiles a toothy smile. “Are you a ninja-dinosaur?”
I smile and laugh. “Yep. A ninja-dinosaur in disguise!”
Adlee laughs and claps his hands together, his face lit up with excitement.
Ali shakes his head and says, “I didn’t know I had a ninja-dinosaur for a brother.”
I flip my hair at him, then say, “I do. And I’m going to eat you while you’re sleeping tonight.”
He rolls his eyes, then starts placing wine glasses for each of us on the table, then a regular glass for Adlee.
My Annem brings two plates of food over to the table, and I rush over and grab one from her. “Here, let me help you with those, Annem.”
She laughs and says, “We raised him right.”
Ali scoffs. “Just barely.”
I ignore him, and place the plate in the middle of the table. I go over to the kitchen counter and help haul more plates of food over to the table.
My Babam grabs a bottle of red wine from the fridge and says, “You drink wine, right, Nick?”
Nick smiles and says, “Of course I do! Thank you!”
My Babam smiles and pats my shoulder, then whispers to me, “He’s a keeper.”
I just blush and nod.
My Babam starts pouring wine into everyone's glasses, then pours some water from a pitcher into Adlee's glass.
My Annem places the last plate of food onto the table as Halime places silverware next to the plates and Nick helps put napkins at each plate.
My Annem smiles and looks around at the family. "Alright everyone! Wash your hands before you eat!"
My Babam pushes his glasses up on his nose, then leans in and whispers to me, "Your Annem thinks we're all children, not just Adlee."
I give him a small chuckle, then move over to the sink with Nick. We quickly wash our hands together by the sink. He sneakily bumps his hip against mine, and I bump him back. We smile stupidly at each other, then dry our hands.
Adlee jumped off his chair and runs over to the sink. He tugs on my pant leg, then says, "Uncle Alec, help me up!"
I laugh and bend down, then hoist him up into my arms and hold him over the sink. Nick turns the faucet on for him and he quickly washes his hands. Before I put him back down on the floor, I blow a raspberry on his cheek. He laughs and I set him down on the floor.
He runs over to Ali, and Ali scoops him up into his arms. Ali places Adlee back on his chair, then walks over to the sink next to me and Nick.
Ali starts washing his hands, then looks at me, raises an eyebrow and says, "You're really good with kids. Why couldn't you handle your own?"
I look down at my feet, and Nick grabs my hand. "Just because I'm good with kids doesn't mean I was ready for the responsibility of having my own."
Ali looks back at the sink, then dries his hands off and pats my shoulder. "Sorry."
Before I could ask why he's apologized, he walked off and placed a kiss on Halime's cheek. As Halime walked over to the sink, me and Nick went and took our seats at the table, our hands interlocked.
Nick takes my hand in both of his and caresses my palm with his thumbs. I never really noticed how big my hands are compared to his.
He places a gentle kiss against my palm, then whispers to me, "I want you to know that if we ever get to that point in our relationship where it's good to have kids and you're still not ready, I'm totally okay with that. We don't ever have to have kids if that's what you want."
I blush. Then a smile tugs at the corners of my lips. "Why are you thinking about having kids with me already?"
His face quickly turns red and he stutters a little. "I...I..." He sighs. "On a serious note though."
My smile immediately fades. I look down at my lap, then back up at him. "Maybe one day. When I'm ready." I smile sweetly.
He smiles back, then places another kiss on the back of my hand.
He let go of my hand as everyone started filing into their seats.
My Annem smiles and gestures her hands out to the food on the table. "Alright everyone! Dig in! There's plenty for everyone!"
Everyone started filling their plates with the Turkish wonders, Ali helping Adlee with his plate.
Nick takes some food onto his plate, then looks at it suspiciously.
I stare at him and raise my eyebrow, chewing my pide furiously. I stop munching and say, "You can eat, you know. My Annem isn't going to poison you."
Nick picks the food up off his plate and smiles at me. "I know, I know. I've just never had this before so I'm just wondering what it's going to taste like." He lowers to food up to his lips, then takes a big bite. He chews slowly, my whole family staring at him.
Then he freezes. A beat. Then his eyes close and he leans back in his chair. He looks straight at my Annem and says, "Mm, this is so good!" He takes another huge bite, and I elbow his arm before continuing to eat my food.
The rest of the dinner drags in a quiet conversation. Me and Nick just held hands under the table and listened intently as we ate.
Now, me and my family are sitting on the living room couch, watching the TV. Nobody is really paying attention to it though. The conversation is young in the room.
“So Nick,” my Babam said, holding his hand out to Nick. “How is our Alec? How are you liking him?”
I blush and Nick says, “Well, he’s actually wonderful. He’s fun to spend time with. He always knows how to cheer me up."
Ali elbows me in my arm. "Since when?"
I brush him away, then said, "We're not having this conversation again!"
Nick raises an eyebrow, then looks at Ali and said, "I know he was an absolute dick on Disventure Camp and was a really sucky father, but he has changed."
"Oh, I'm not referring to that," Ali said, smirking in my direction.
I raised an eyebrow at him.
Then it hit me.
Oh no. He's referring to when I was a teenager.
I shot Nick an anxious glance but he didn't notice. "What are you referring to then?"
I lean forward and put my head in my hands as Ali started talking. "Do you know that he's a really good singer?"
Nick nods. "Oh, yes. I've heard him sing; he's got great vocals."
I pick my head up and look at him. "Can't say the same for you though."
He rolls his eyes and Ali continues. "So, when Alec went into high school, he entered a talent show at the beginning of the year and he sang a song for the judges. Basically, these three guys in the audience were looking to form a band and only needed a lead singer to make it happen, so they recruited Alec after the show, and he accepted."
Nick's jaw drops and he looks at me. "Alec, you were in a band!?"
I just roll my eyes and rest my head on my hand. "Just let him finish please."
Ali smirks and continues. "So, Alec was in this band for all of high school. He was lead singer obviously, this Russian guy Rooney was the bassist, this Colombian guy named Juan was the guitarist, and this Italian guy named Luke was the drummer. They were called The Broken Records; they made two albums and an EP. They broke up after high school ended because they all went to different colleges and couldn't find a way to make music together long distance."
Nick looked at me with a glimmer in his eyes. "What was it like to be in a band?"
I fiddled with my fingers and said, "It was quite stressful, but it was fun too. I made so many great memories while I was in that band. I still talk to everybody and we're all still great friends like we were in high school."
"You got so stressed your started smoking weed!" Ali said, laughing.
I elbowed him. "Yeah, whatever. Thank God, you ratted me out to Annem and Babam before I could get addicted.
"We still sent you to rebab."
"Whatever, let's just stop talking about this."
"Where is everybody else now?" Nick asks, changing the subject.
I smile. "Rooney went to live in Russia because he 'didn't feel Russian enough' and wanted to reconnect with his culture. He's living with his boyfriend in Moscow, and he started his own solo music career and is touring all over Russia. Juan moved to the States for college and decided he wanted to stay there after meeting his boyfriend who sings really well. They make music together and tour the world together. Luke started his own solo career too, but he stopped doing concerts. He still makes music, but he wanted to be able to spend more time with his wife and two daughters."
"They all have way better lives than you," Ali said, smirking.
I roll my eyes at him. "Whatever. I don't need fame anymore. I have Nick, I'm good."
I could see Nick blush out of the corner of my eye.
Ali chuckles. "Why don't you tell Nick about you and Rooney, hm?"
I jump to my feet. "Don't you bring that up!"
Nick raises an eyebrow. "What?"
I shoot a piercing glance at Ali, then sit back down next to Nick. "Me and Rooney... well, we were in a relationship together while we were in the band. We were great together; we really could have lasted but once the band broke up, we broke up. We just couldn't do long distance."
Nick looks at his feet. "Oh, I'm sorry."
"It's fine," I say. I smile and grab his hand, then started tracing the lines on his palm. "Rooney is happy with his boyfriend in Russia and I have you. I don't need Rooney when I have a Nick for myself."
He smiles.
Suddenly, a pillow hits my side. I look to my left to see who threw it. Ali is looking at his feet and holding back a laugh, so I smirk, pick up the pillow and get to my feet.
I walk over to Ali, then swing the pillow in his direction. He quickly dodges it, then laughs and grabs a pillow from next to him and gets to his feet as well.
The two of us start whacking the pillows at each other, running around the living room and laughing like hyenas. My parents look at each other.
My Babam smiles. "They're getting along."
My Annem shakes her head. "They're like children!"
Ali knocks me to the floor and starts whacking his pillow at me. I hold my pillow up to him as a shield, laughing as I block his hits.
My hair comes loose, and I shout, "Okay, okay! I surrender! You win!"
He throws his pillow back onto the couch and goes to sit back down next to Halime, smoothing his shirt out. I sit up and grab my hair tie off the floor, then tie my hair back into its ponytail. I grab the pillow and get off the floor. I place the pillow back on the couch before sitting back down next to Nick.
Suddenly, Adlee comes bounding out of nowhere and jumps onto my lap. "Uncle Alec, I think you won that fight."
I laugh and say, "Yes, I did."
"Hey! You said I won!" Ali shouts at me.
I shrug. "Adlee gave his input. He says I win so therefore, I won."
Ali rolls his eyes. "Whatever."
Later on, when the sun had set and the stars came out, me and Nick were sitting on the edge of our bed talking.
"I'm not tired enough to go to sleep now," Nick says, slowly placing his hand over mine.
I twist my hand around and interlock my fingers with his. "Honestly, same. What should we do?"
Nick looks over at me and smirks.
I blush. "Nick! No! My family is in the house! There's a child here!"
Nick laughs. "Chill out, mate! I'm only joking."
I shake my head. "But on a serious note, what should we do?"
Nick squeezes my hand, then turns his head to look out the window. He looks back at me and says, "We could go on a walk."
I smile and say, "That's a great idea! We can get tulumba!"
"What's that?"
"They're like these donut bites. They're so good!"
"Alright. Let's go!"
We hop off the bed and walk out of the room, then walk out into the living room, down the hallway, and through the front door.
Me and Nick found a cafe selling tulumba and ordered some to share. He practically melted when he tried it. Hard to believe this man refused to try Turkish food but once he did, it was like the best thing he's ever eaten.
Once we finished and left the cafe, we started walking. We walked to a park and found a bench to sit on.
As we were talking, a brown street cat comes near us and rubs its head all over Nick's legs. Then it hops up into his lap and starts making biscuits on his thighs. It eventually curls up on Nick's lap, purring happily.
Nick scratches the cat's head.
I laugh and pat it's back. "All the animals love you today."
"I must be a Disney princess or something."
I laugh.
Nick sighs and rests his hand on top of mine. "I absolutely love animals. Your family is so nice too. I never thought I'd love it here so much."
I smile and lay my head on top of his. "See? I told you you'd love it here."
Anyways, I really hope you enjoyed this one! I hope it wasn’t too long and I’d like some input on the little family I made for Alec and his teenage lore. I worked hard on those
Anyways I love yall take care bye!!! <3
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vodika-vibes · 3 months
The Corrie Guard: If Fox is here then here we be
Of course the Guard would track down Fox and refuse to leave him
The Guard are so loyal to Fox, and he's so touched. And also amused. And poor Sanctuary sudden has a whole battalion of battle ready men who need places to live and medical attention.
Thire scowls as he rubs the side of his head, where the chip was removed. He's thrilled that it's gone, he's less thrilled that his hair needed to be cut for it. A deeply frazzled young woman hurries over to him, her hair is frizzing in every direction, and Thire feels a moment of sympathy. His hair does the same thing in this weather, "Commander...um..." She glances down at her datapad, "Thire?" "That's me." "Oh thank the force," She drops her datapad back to her side, "With all of the Marshal Commanders in the meeting with Commander Fox and Yuu, we have a slight...situation on our hands." "A situation? What situation miss-?" "Ah! Sen. I'm Sen. And it...well...you'll see. Please, follow me." She turns and leads him through Sanctuary, until they reach a large clearing, a garden Thire is pretty sure, filled with different vod. And Thire sighs when he sees the problem. A vod, clad in the deep purple of Pond's battalion, is standing toe to toe with the sniper from Clone Force 99, honestly looking like they're about to kill each other. "They won't listen to me," Sen frets, "And Commander Fox and Yuu already have so much stress-" Thire lightly touches her shoulder, cutting her off. He might not be Marshal Commander, but he is still a commander, which means he outranks all of them. He presses two fingers into his mouth, and whistles sharply. The men immediately snap to attention, "Form up. All of you." Thire orders, and his eyes narrow when they hesitate, "Now!" That gets them moving, and they're in neat rows in a matter of moments. He casts his gaze over them, "Now, what is this about?" There's silence for a moment, before a man clad in the yellow from Bly's battalion steps forward, "They were trying to determine why Clone Force 99 is here, Commander." "How is that any of your concern?" Thire demands sharply. His gaze sweeps across the men, "For the time being, you are guests in Sanctuary, and you have caused Miss Sen, here, no small amount of distress. I suggest that you apologize to her, and if you can't keep a civil tongue then don't talk to each other." It very much wasn't a suggestion, it was an order. "Thank you, Commander. It's just that the children are supposed to come and tend to their gardens shortly and-" "You don't have to explain, Miss Sen. I'm happy to help." He rubs his head, "I'll grab Thorn and Stone and we'll keep them in order when the kids are around, promise." She beams at him, and folds her datapad across her chest, "I appreciate it, Commander. Truly."
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theghostwrites · 1 year
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He put the stars in her hair 🥺✨
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mariocki · 1 year
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A young Paul Darrow turns up to lend an expert opinion, as Omar, a conservationist at an Istanbul museum, in The Saint: The Gadic Collection (5.27, ITC, 1967)
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brother-genitivi · 1 year
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Star Wars Culture Week Day 2 - Language @starwarscultureweek
Language is often more complex than you realise. For example, you may think this Mirialan is being rude by responding with ‘tsk’ to a question like, “Are you heading to the market today?” It’s a common misconception, though the truth is far from it. Simply put, she’s saying ‘no’ in a completely neutral way.
(Just a simple thing for today, but I wanted something at least. The tattooing on the chin is inspired by Syrian Bedouin facial tattooing. The clothing is referenced from Turkish culture, as is the language mannerism.)
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taglist (dm to join): @tatert07s @penandsaber @forbodium
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seriesluticons · 7 months
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like or reblog if you save. ♡
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noovva · 1 year
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Afra Saraçoğlu x Vogue / December - January 2023 🦋
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pastelispunx · 1 year
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Help I have so many thoughts of the Star Wars Textiles variety
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tvstcff · 2 years
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giffan · 2 years
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