#Workplace Management Techniques
Mushroom Management
Photo by Kiwihug Mushroom management is maybe a term not so often used. However, most working people would have complained about having “Been treated like a mushroom” at least once in their career. So I can take a stab that most people will also understand that being treated like a mushroom. Is being kept in the dark, fed on sh**. Anyone sticking their head about the crowd having their heads cut…
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manaljh-blog · 7 months
How To Manage Conflict In The Workplace
Conflict is an inevitable part of any workplace. When people have different opinions and personalities in a pressuring and stressful environment, some form of conflict is bound to happen. Continue reading Untitled
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theambitiouswoman · 5 months
How To Become A Brand New Person ✨✨
Self Reflect:
Journal daily.
Think about past decisions and how they impacted your life.
Meditate regularly.
Create a vision board to visualize your goals.
Review your strengths and weaknesses.
Identify your core values and beliefs.
Figure out your passions and interests.
Think about your childhood dreams and aspirations.
Evaluate your current state of happiness and fulfillment.
Set Clear Goals:
Define specific career goals, like "Get promoted within two years."
Set health goals, like "Lose 20 pounds in six months."
Create financial goals such as "Save $10,000 for a vacation."
Establish personal development goals, like "Read 24 books in a year."
Set relationship goals, such as "Improve communication with my partner."
Define education goals, like "Complete a master's degree in three years."
Set travel goals, like "Visit five new countries in the next two years."
Create hobbies and interests goals, such as "Learn to play a musical instrument."
Set community or volunteer goals, like "Volunteer 100 hours this year."
Establish mindfulness or self-care goals, such as "Practice meditation daily."
Self Care:
Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day.
Follow a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables.
Prioritize getting 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night.
Practice in relaxation techniques like deep breathing or yoga.
Take regular breaks at work to avoid burnout.
Schedule "me time" for activities you enjoy.
Limit exposure to stressors and toxic people.
Practice regular skincare and grooming routines.
Seek regular medical check-ups and screenings.
Stay hydrated by drinking enough water daily.
Personal Development:
Read a book every month from various genres.
Attend workshops or seminars on topics of interest.
Learn a new language or musical instrument.
Take online courses to acquire new skills.
Set aside time for daily reflection and self improvement.
Seek a mentor in your field for guidance.
Attend conferences and networking events.
Start a side project or hobby to expand your abilities.
Practice public speaking or communication skills.
Do creative activities like painting, writing, or photography.
Create a Support System:
Build a close knit group of friends who uplift and inspire you.
Join clubs or organizations aligned with your interests.
Connect with a mentor or life coach.
Attend family gatherings to maintain bonds.
Be open and honest in your communication with loved ones.
Seek advice from trusted colleagues or supervisors.
Attend support groups for specific challenges (e.g., addiction recovery).
Cultivate online connections through social media.
Find a therapist or counselor for emotional support.
Participate in community or volunteer activities to meet like minded people.
Change Habits:
Cut back on sugary or processed foods.
Reduce screen time and increase physical activity.
Practice gratitude by keeping a daily journal.
Manage stress through mindfulness meditation.
Limit procrastination by setting specific deadlines.
Reduce negative self-talk by practicing self-compassion.
Establish a regular exercise routine.
Create a budget and stick to it.
Develop a morning and evening routine for consistency.
Overcome Fear and Self Doubt:
Face a specific fear head-on (example: public speaking).
Challenge your negative thoughts with positive affirmations.
Seek therapy to address underlying fears or traumas.
Take small, calculated risks to build confidence.
Visualize success in challenging situations.
Surround yourself with supportive and encouraging people.
Journal about your fears and doubts to gain clarity.
Celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small.
Focus on your strengths and accomplishments.
Embrace failure as a valuable learning experience.
Embrace Change:
Relocate to a new city or country.
Switch careers or industries to pursue your passion.
Take on leadership roles in your workplace.
Volunteer for projects outside your comfort zone.
Embrace new technologies and digital tools.
Travel to unfamiliar destinations.
Start a new hobby or creative endeavor.
Change your daily routine to add variety.
Adjust your mindset to see change as an opportunity.
Seek out diverse perspectives and viewpoints.
Practice Gratitude:
Write down three things you're grateful for each day.
Express gratitude to loved ones regularly.
Create a gratitude jar and add notes of appreciation.
Reflect on the positive aspects of challenging situations.
Show gratitude by volunteering or helping others in need.
Send thank-you notes or messages to people who've helped you.
Keep a gratitude journal and review it regularly.
Share your gratitude openly during family meals or gatherings.
Focus on the present moment and appreciate the little things.
Practice gratitude even in times of adversity.
Be Patient:
Set realistic expectations for your progress.
Accept that personal growth takes time.
Focus on the journey rather than the destination.
Learn from setbacks and view them as opportunities to improve.
Celebrate small milestones along the way.
Practice self-compassion during challenging times.
Stay committed to your goals, even when progress is slow.
Keep a journal to track your personal growth.
Recognize that patience is a valuable skill in personal transformation.
Celebrate Small Wins:
Treat yourself to your favorite meal or dessert.
Reward yourself with a spa day or self-care activity.
Share your achievements with friends and loved ones.
Create a vision board to visualize your successes.
Acknowledge and congratulate yourself in a journal.
Give yourself permission to take a break and relax.
Display reminders of your accomplishments in your workspace.
Take a day off to celebrate a major milestone.
Host a small gathering to mark your achievements.
Set aside time to reflect on how far you've come.
Maintain Balance:
Set clear boundaries in your personal and work life.
Prioritize self care activities in your daily routine.
Schedule regular breaks and downtime.
Learn to say "no" when necessary to avoid overcommitment.
Evaluate your work life balance regularly.
Seek support from friends and family to avoid burnout.
Be kind to yourself and accept imperfections.
Practice mindfulness to stay present and grounded.
Revisit your priorities and adjust them as needed.
Embrace self love and self acceptance as part of your daily life.
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cryptotheism · 9 months
Tell us about the wellness to fash pipeline tho
Here's a recent piece from the guardian on wellness communities and Qanon, so don't take my word for it.
"Wellness" is not just alternative medicine, it is essentially a theory of the body which posits if something makes you feel better, you are better in some meaningful way. I would argue it one of the most commonly held nonreligious magical beliefs in the modern world.
Wellness as a concept has its genesis in the 1950s with "workplace wellness" programs, a sort of budget alternative to offering employee healthcare benefits. This was an era soaked in itinerant business preachers offering classes on things like "hypnosis at a management level" and "yoga to improve leadership abilities". I am exaggerating for effect, but not by much.
The capitalist medical system regularly abandons people. We've all heard stories of profit driven pharmaceudical companies holding the ill hostage for extreme markup on life-saving medicines. People have real, legitimate, reasons to mistrust medical professionals.
Let's say you have chronic pain, and everything your doctor offers you is either ineffective, expensive, or addictive. You are desperate for literally any release, so you start looking into other solutions. You will find an OCEAN of snake-oil salesmen willing to sell you "the secrets doctors don't want you to know."
What is frustrating, is that pain is actually partially psychological. Some wellness techniques may have an actual, medical, benefit on some patients. The worst thing a conspiracy theorist can have is a point. So now you actually do kinda feel better, and you have a sense of loyalty to the grifter selling you 300$ Sumerian Cock Oil Pills. These people are the core of the wellness industry. They are the examples that everyone else points to and says "Well it worked for them!"
Reactionary thought blooms in environments like this. If the medical industry can't be trusted, what else can't be trusted? At any given time, you are two clicks away from "vaccines cause autism." Three clicks away from "Cavemen were 15 feet tall because they only ate meat." And four clicks away from "The medical industry is controlled by The Jews to drain our wallets and keep us sick." Echoes of Nazi attitudes towards German-Jewish doctors are a common backbeat.
Wellness itself is relatively harmless, (compared to the things it is adjacent to) but it acts as a sort of idealogical airport that exposes the curious to a deluge of potentially radicalizing communities. The longer you spend in communities like this, the higher the chance you'll come across something that meshes perfectly with your own biases.
If y'all wanna learn more about wellness and pseudomedicine grifters, I highly recommend the podcast Maintenance Phase.
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brandwizz · 1 year
In modern day corporate employees facing workplace stress as the top point of concern in their daily lives. This work stress causes nearly 16% of employees are looking for new jobs and also has a significant adverse effects on their quality of work. To overcome these issues Brandwizz Communications comes up with some effective stress management techniques in order to tackle workplace stress.
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memoriesndew · 2 months
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This is a step-by-step guide to what I do when I'm behind on work. For example, not too long ago, I wasn't feeling like myself and couldn't work, and my work began to pile up, and I started panicking, which just made things more overwhelming. This is what I did to get back on track.
💌 — braindump: anything you have in your mind that you need to do even something simple like put your water bottle in the dishwasher WRITE IT DOWN, writing things down is the easiest way to know ok I’m supposed to do this ok this is next do an intense braindump
💌 — break it down: once you’re done with your brain dump, divide your tasks, for example, assignments divide them by due dates for other tasks just divide them based on how much they’re a priority to you. after dividing it, do physical tasks first, stuff like trying to hit 10k steps, do tasks that are hardest first especially when you’re really motivated and have the energy for it but if you don’t have the energy for it do milder tasks that way at least something gets done.
💌 — create a plan: create a realistic plan or timeline for finishing the activities or assignments. set aside precise blocks of time to focus on each assignment, taking into account your other obligations and deadlines. also if it's not a bunch of work you have to do that particular day, try and add each task to a particular date and remember to take breaks.
💌 — focus and minimize distractions: create a distraction-free workplace to promote productivity. turn off notifications, choose a quiet workstation and avoid multitasking to keep focused on the subject at hand.
💌 — use time management techniques: to increase productivity and efficiency, utilize time management strategies like the Pomodoro Technique (working in short, focused bursts with breaks in between) or time blocking (allocating certain time slots for different tasks). I use the Pomodoro method and it works great for me
💌 — stay positive and keep moving forward: it's natural to feel frustrated or overwhelmed when you're behind on your work, but try to remain positive and focus on making progress one step at a time.
bye, my dew drops that is all for today…
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The red string of fate.
It tied around your finger and led you to where your soulmate was. Regardless of who you were, everyone had one.
The strings were indicative of what the relationship would be like if the soulmates ever met.
For some, it was frayed and coming apart. For a minority, it was tangled with knots. For the majority, it was thin and barely even there.
But for God’s chosen select spirits, it was smooth and thick, gleaming with a glassy sheen and basically indestructible.
And, Gojo added with distaste as he stared at his ring finger, tied in a little neat bow.
It was no secret that Gojo was God’s favourite. His looks, his inherited curse technique…but having a perfect soulmate story? Really?
Due to his six eyes, he could see the string all the time. He wasn’t like other people, who could make it appear and disappear as they pleased. It was always there. Eating? It was there. Sleeping? It was there.
It could filter through walls and lead you to the direction your soulmate was, the other end of the string being tied to your soulmate’s hands. It could stretch and-
“ow!” Y/n gasped.
-if you tried to cut it, it would send a searing pain to both parties’ hearts.
“He tried to cut it again?” Y/n’s best friend Ichigo sighed. Her head rested on her left hand while her right hand held a giant mug of coffee. “Mhm,” Y/n responded. She was browsing the web for job opportunities at the local cafe. “Ooh! There’s this job offer at a nearby bank.” Y/n turned her laptop so Ichigo could see. Y/n was used to the pain now. At least once a month her soulmate tried to cut their string, to no avail. Y/n learned to be indifferent to this. She could still find love - not everyone ends up with their soulmate.
“Hey, What’s that?” Ichigo pointed a carefully manicured finger at a job proposal on the side of the screen. “Holy crap! It says Jujutsu tech!” 
“NO!” Y/n gasped, disbelief written across her face. She snatched the laptop out of Ichigo’s hands and her eyes traced back and forth the words of the job advertisement.
*Manager Job applications open* Right next to the advertisement was a funny little badge.
And Y/n knew exactly what that badge meant.
This was a job application for Jujutsu Sorcerors.
Unfortunately for Y/n, not everyone with cursed energy was cut out to be a Jujutsu sorceror. But Y/n had experience in corporate workplaces. She would definitely snag this job. 
She would 100% be a manager.
“Hopefully I’m not the manager of some bratty kids.” Y/n sighed and ran a hand through her hair. “Wouldn’t it be worse if you were the manager for some snotty Special Grade?”
Y/n’s eyes widened. “God, that would be so terrible. Imagine being at the beck and call of a stuck up prick!”
Little did Y/n know, she wouldn’t have to imagine it for long.
(part 2 here)
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sweaterkittensahoy · 7 months
As Long as I'm Thinking about Job Interview Stuff
Here's my general pattern for answering the "Tell us about time you failed / dealt with a bad co-worker / had to struggle to complete something /etc."
These questions are asked to suss out if you're an asshole. The reason there's more than one of them is to see if you have a shit talking problem that can take a little time to show itself. Basically, interviewers are trying to get a sense of if you're gonna be a fucking problem once you're comfortable at a new workplace.
I literally once watched myself lose a job because the managers asked, "How do you deal with people who might be temperamental at times?" It was a software company, so I figured they meant "At least one of our engineers is a huge asshole, but we think he's worth keeping around even if he yells at people." And so I said, "Look, we all have our moments, and I do my best to be understanding if someone's having a tough time. I think it's important to remember we're all working together and trying to make something succeed. That being said, if the problem is I'm getting yelled at because someone else is being unprofessional, I'm not going to stand there and allow that abuse. I will be talking to HR, at a minimum, and if that doesn't resolve it, I will take care of it myself."
And, let me be clear, the moment any positive vibes left the room was when I said, "I'm not gonna stand there and allow that abuse." Which told me EXACTLY how they were handling the situation currently.
Anyway, sorry for the recipe blog wander. Back to the point. Here's how I handle the questions where they want you to discuss something negative.
I take a moment to think. Yes, I know the question is coming and already have a few options picked for an answer, but taking a moment to think before answering means I'm not gonna stumble over my words when I start.
Start with the negative. If the question is, "Tell us about dealing with a difficult co-worker," Start at the problem. "Well, I remember once I worked with someone who really didn't like answering questions via email."
Explain why it made the job difficult. "Given that what I do is focused on getting things written down, I prefer sending questions via email whenever possible so I always have a clear starting point on the information I use, even if the information changes a lot through conversation."
Restate the problem as the beginning of the solution. "But, this person didn't like to answer questions in writing, so I started going over to his desk and asking him the questions."
Say something nice about the problem. "He was great face-to-face. Always happy to help."
Explain the solution. "And it turned out he was happy to read anything I would print out and hand him. So, I'd go ask him the questions, go back to my desk and do a first draft based on what he'd said, and then give him a physical copy to mark up."
Stamp a positive final remark on it. "Once I realized how to best communicate with him, he was very open to helping. If I walked over with a first draft, he'd just look at it right then so I could make updates as quickly as possible. And he started letting me know if there were any major design changes on the way and explaining it to me earlier in the process, which made it easier to make updates."
That's my technique. The biggest thing of it, I think, is to make sure your answer is sincere. Don't use a situation where you still want to shove someone into traffic. Pick a situation where you feel like it actually turned out well in the end.
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husbandhannie · 9 months
don't tough it out
pairing: jeonghan x reader
warnings: reader is in a toxic (not detailed) work environment
word count: 600
a/n: popping in for a bit to write little snippets
tags: @itsveronicaxxx @leejungchans @junhui-recs
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“everything okay?”
jeonghan’s voice makes you look up from your phone, the masked concern on his face making you forget about your worries for a second. 
“yeah”, you respond, closing the outlook app and putting down your phone, “just checking email”.
“ah”, he nods, “your boss?”
you sigh.
you really thought your first job would be different. while you’d heard plenty of stories about micromanaging bosses, you didn’t think you’d end up with one on your very first job. when you received the offer letter from your company – your dream company at the time, you couldn’t have predicted the constant ball of anxiety your supposed “dream job” would give you.
“yeah, it’s just”, you start, before giving up, “not great”.
jeonghan extend his hand to rest over yours, squeezing in support. i’m sorry i can’t make it better, it says.
“do you think i should look for other jobs?”
you’re not sure what makes you ask the question. you hadn’t even seriously considered it before this moment. things have been stressful since the first week, but leaving your job barely a year into it was not something you ever considered doing. 
despite the unexpectedness of the question, you find yourself anxious to know jeonghan’s response. his face betrays no clear emotion – is he glad that you’re leaving a toxic situation? relieved that he won’t have to hear you complain again? or is he disappointed that you’re giving up so soon? that you can’t stick it out even for – 
“i don’t want to tell you how to live your life”, he answers, squeezing your hand again. 
ofcourse. you smile despite yourself. it’s not like jeonghan to cross lines.
“i want to know”, you respond, your voice sounding rather desperate, “please”.
your boyfriend pauses for a second, pondering. 
“you’re an intelligent professional with two degrees and a year of proving yourself in the industry”, he starts, eyes intently focused on you, “you’re dedicated, hard-working, and have well sought-after skills in your field”.
it’s silent for a moment. when he speaks again, it’s much softer.
“you deserve a workplace where you’re valued and respected”, his other hand reaches out to rest on your thigh and he scoots closer to you on the couch, “and not one where you’re constantly questioned and overworked”.
it’s silent again for a moment. you’re not sure how you manage to not cry.
“i think i should look for other jobs”, you say finally, swallowing the lump in your throat, “it’ll take a while, but i don’t want to do this anymore”.
you’re not sure why you thought sticking it out at your toxic job would make it better somehow. maybe it was that you had romanticized jobs in your field when you were a student, or maybe it was that you didn’t want to throw the towel in so soon. 
or maybe you didn’t think people in your life would support you giving up on your supposed “dream job” so easily. self-doubt is a funny little thing – it makes you doubt the loyalty of people who have always stood by you.
people like jeonghan.
“i’ll update my resume, maybe ask some friends to give me tips”, you speak to fill the silence, “god, i’ll have to brush up on interview techniques. i should also ask friends if their companies have any vacancies – “
jeonghan’s soft voice interrupts your ramblings. 
“i’m proud of you”, his hand reaches up to frame your cheek.
“because i decided to leave my job?”
“no”, he smiles, “because you decided to put yourself first”.
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cator99 · 2 months
Experienced my first instance of genuine overt workplace undermining but it was such an obvious coping and seething at my superior strength and technique when compared to a younger and more fragile ego future suicide statistic lives-with-parents male and the comment was made by dead-behind-the-eyes Todd (he's back everyone... and I'll be getting my own coffee this time) that it would've been so embarassing to even acknowledge it or take offense... The thing is that not only am I at the top of the ladder socially at this job due to my bald charismatic swag but I also found out that as far as the workplace heirarchy goes Todd is way below our district manager in terms of importance despite being a family friend of the company owner (strikes me as a "please hire my failson" owed-favor hire) but the real lifeblood of this company is our district manager and since I'm her little lapdog I'm basically company princess. Tyler Win. Say what you will I'll never stop being a team player you can't even truly hate because I just saved your asses an hours worth of time and I do it purely for the love of the game
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 11 months
Do you have any coping methods for having “non-human” days at a job.
What I mean is those days where clothes don’t feel right, every noise is too loud, and you just feel negative in the key of sad.
Hi there,
I’m sorry I’m just now getting to this. I found an article that might help. It gives some tips on how to handle sensory overload at work.
Tips for Handling Sensory Overload
Make a catalog of all the things that negatively impact your senses while at work. Consider all five of your senses, sight, sound, smell, touch/texture, taste, when you do this.
Try to rank order them, if possible, in order of what bothers you the most.
This week, pick one thing from the top of your list and see if there is something you could do that would help. Often it’s a small change that can make a big difference for you.
Consider joining a support group to discuss these challenges and practice coping techniques
Workplace Modifications to Cope with Sensory Overload
Wear noise cancellation headphones,
Eat lunch out of the office. Especially if you have a coworker that is eating something that smells offensive.
Keep a hat at your desk if you need to block out lights while you work,
Shift where you sit at your desk or in your office to reduce the number of visual distractions,
Consider working from home once a week, if telecommuting is possible
The full article will be below if you’d like to read it.
I also found another article listing some things that also might help with sensory overload:
How to Prevent and Cope with Sensory Overload
1. Identify triggers and recognize early symptoms
2. Understand how sensory overload works
3. Develop coping strategies that work for you
It also goes into coping mechanisms for sensory overload at work:
If you work in an office, there are a few ways you can minimize sensory overload. Set up your desk in a quiet corner, with your boss’s permission of course. If you have control over your work hours, consider coming in early, when it’s still quiet. You could also put on noise-cancelling headphones when you have to do focused work. Finally, you can discuss working from home one day a week to prevent sensor overload.
Don’t keep too many tabs open – neither on your screen, nor in your brain. Multitasking requires a lot of brainpower, leaving you with less capacity to process sensory input.
Take brain-recharging breaks. Not all employers acknowledge this, but you can’t crank out high-quality work for 8 hours straight. To be actually productive, your mind and body need time to recharge. Alternate your mentally-stimulating work with more physical breaks, like a short walk or desk stretches.
The full art to this will also be below in case you’d like to read it too.
I hope these can help you. Thank you for the inbox. I hope you have a wonderful day/night. ❤️
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animatorweirdo · 1 year
Imagine your feanorian family reacting to you courting someone
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(Another headcanon for little nerdanel’s adopted daugher collection. I hope you like it. This is oc x reader by the way, meet Melo)
Requested by @eunoiaastralwings
Warnings: none really, some goofy crushing, pining, family fluff, protective brothers, and finally some courting and a reaction from the family. 
-Your family was famous and known for their misdeed in the past regarding the kin slaying and the silmarils. The wounds were still there, but after several years of peace– things had significantly calmed down, and you could live more peacefully without anyone seeking a fight. 
-People did still talk badly about your brothers and father. You did not like it, but since there was nothing you could do about it– you learned to ignore them and continue your passion for painting. 
-You had grown into a beautiful young elleth, and your skills and paintings allowed you to become quite famous among people. 
-Your techniques sometimes were considered a hazard since you had a tendency to throw paint and make a mess, but the outcome of your paintings would even make the proudest of elves captivated by their beauty and clean work. The balance of colors, strokes, and even the soul put into them had made people spread the word, and you almost got a new commission every week. 
-It got you busy, but you didn’t mind since you could spend more time painting and being in your world of colors than dealing with drama and people who only sought trouble. It was like a dance to you when you threw paint onto the white canvas and started working with the brush, creating each paint stroke with grace as you often hummed music in your mind. 
-Music was one of your inspirations. It helps you concentrate and keep your mind active as you paint. You even sometimes had Maglor play for you as you worked, but you have often listened to what you hear in your mind. It makes you lose yourself in thoughts, like today when you had a visitor. 
-Melo was one of the low-class elves from the Vanyar with a Noldor heritage. He had a rough beginning ever since the kin slaying took place– and his father, among many, left with the host that left for Middle Earth. He was just a little child back then, and it had been hard for his loving mother since he was part Noldor. 
-People had shunned him for it like they shunned every Noldor that remained in Aman back then. It wasn’t easy being a low classed elf, especially being half Noldor despite looking like every Vanyar. 
-Things had calmed down, and he had managed to build a balanced life for himself and his mother as a scribe. 
-He wanted to give his mother a gift, so when he saw some of your works displayed in the homes of lords and people above him. He was impressed and captivated, so he sought you out in hopes you would take a commission from him. 
-He knew about your family like everyone else, but your story always made him curious since you were adopted into the family by Nerdanel and have accepted your seven brothers and father despite the truth about them being kinslayers.
- He was nervous when he first walked through the hallways. You were technically a princess while he was just a scribe, and there were rumors about how you were just as mad as the rest of your family, but he didn’t believe such a thing until he heard strange banging sounds.
-He found his way to your workplace and witnessed as you were throwing paint buckets at a white canvas with force, each bucket creating a loud bang and a huge mess with paint. 
-He was confused and almost believed the rumors to be true– till you took out your paintbrush and began painting the messed canvas with deep focus while humming a melody he had not heard before. 
-Melo was baffled yet captivated by your way of working, and he couldn't help but watch as you blended the colors and soon painted a beautiful landscape with animals and flowers. He did not know how long he had been watching, but you were shortly done with the painting and standing in front of it with an approving gaze. 
-You stood silent for a moment before finally speaking, acknowledging his presence. 
-” Well…are you just going to stand there or say something?” You questioned him with a smile as he broke from his thoughts and spluttered incoherent words in embarrassment. 
-Melo was nervous when you were now giving your attention to him, but he managed to collect himself to explain his visit and see if you would take a commission to make a portrait of his mother as a gift for her. 
-He was prepared for rejection since he heard people used to pay for your work, and he was not wealthy enough to pay for anything worth your skills. He was surprised when you just laughed and explained you used to sell your work because you and your mother used to be struggling, but now that you were well off, you paint for a price that is usually cheap and sometimes even free. 
-His commission and wish for a canvas size were moderate, so he didn’t need to pay you. 
-He felt a bit embarrassed for believing an old rumor, but he was relieved and liked how casual you were for royalty. 
-You found his little embarrassed antics kinda adorable and found his shyness rather endearing that you couldn’t help but tease him just a little. 
-You ended up talking a bit more as you accepted his commission, and he handed you a picture of his mother. You took a look at his mother and told him you found her rather beautiful, which made him blush a little. 
-He was also a bit flustered when he realized he had been rambling about things while you had been listening to him this whole time and apologized for boring you. You laughed and told him you didn’t mind because you found his rambling adorable. 
-The encounter was short lives as he had to return to work, so you bid him farewell and promised to inform him when the painting would be ready. 
-It was such an intriguing meeting, and there was something special about him because you couldn’t stop thinking about him. 
-You were disappointed because you thought you would not see him again till the painting was ready, and you would have to bid him goodbye, but it changed when you joined a meeting with your family and found him standing in the corner documenting. 
-You were rather happy to see him again, so you couldn’t help but walk over to talk to him. 
-Melo was startled when you greeted him, but he returned the greeting, and you both talked throughout the meeting. You apologized that you couldn't start his commission early because you had several pre-ordered commissions, which would take time before you could begin his. He assured he didn’t mind and that he would gladly wait. 
-Time passed fast because before you knew it– the meeting was already over, and Melo was panicking because he was supposed to write everything down, yet he got caught talking with you. Having empty pages was never a good thing in his line of work.  
-His supervisor was pretty angry and scolded Melo for slacking, so you interfered and took the blame since it was you– who disrupted his work, so you convinced them to be lenient and leave Melo only with a strict warning not to do it again. 
-Melo thanked you for your help and then asked next time that you don’t come to talk to him when he was working, so he won’t get into trouble again. You only laughed and promised to avoid that in the future before you heard your family calling you, and you bid him farewell for now.
-He bid you farewell as well– then you both returned to your own things. 
-Melo was honestly surprised to see you again and how eager you were to talk to him. He did enjoy it and was surprised you took the blame and helped him out of trouble instead of leaving him alone to deal with it. Not many people would do that, so he was grateful. 
-He couldn’t stop thinking about you since you were so much kinder than how people made you out to be. 
-It was the same for you as you couldn't stop thinking about him again. You wanted to hear him talk and see that adorable smile again. He was running through your mind so much that you couldn't properly focus on painting commissions, so you decided to go out and buy more paint from the market. 
-When you saw him in the market holding a basket and going through some food stalls, you got excited and almost ran up to him to greet him. 
-Melo was surprised but equally pleased to see you again, so you both talked throughout the day, going from stall to stall. You talked about your passions and interest in work and shared some drama. 
-Time passed fast once again, and you returned home in a happy mood. Apparently, you were in such a good mood that your mother noticed right away and asked you about it, which you didn’t mind sharing. 
-Nerdanel chuckled and explained how it sounded like you had a crush on your new little friend. 
-You didn’t think about it at first, but when you started seeing Melo more often at the market and observed how you felt after them. You started considering it because you decided to paint a portrait of him from your memory once. 
-It was a good portrait, but you felt unsatisfied because you wanted to make it properly where he modeled for you. 
-You decided to confirm it by asking Maglor since he knew a lot about romance, and when he explained how being in love worked, it hit you pretty hard, and you got excited by the realization. 
-You thanked Maglor for his help and decided to barge into Maedhros’s room to tell you about your discovery. He was startled and almost spilled his drink on the book he was reading, but he listened as you rambled about your crush and asked him to keep it a secret from the rest of your brothers. He promised to keep quiet and wished you good luck trying to win the ellon’s heart. 
-You then went to find your mother and asked for advice on how to win someone’s heart. 
-Nerdanel was prepared for it since you spoke about Melo for the first time, so she made you sit down and gave you a brief lecture on how to charm someone. She even gave you old tips on how she used to flirt with Feanor, who used to be nervous around her back when they were courting.
-You almost laughed at it because you couldn't imagine someone like your father being nervous. You and your mother giggled so much that Feanor came to check on you to see what was so funny since he heard you from a hallway. 
-You left him outside the matter and started planning how to charm Melo’s heart. 
-You met with Melo as usual since you were now good friends, but this time you threw in the conversation couple of hints and pick-up lines which left him incredibly flustered. 
-You decided to help him buy stuff when he didn’t have enough money and always refused when he tried to offer to repay you. 
-You became a bit touchy as well since you liked touching and holding his incredibly soft hands, but you were always careful not to overwhelm him and apologized whenever he noticed, telling him your hands slipped. Even though; it was on purpose. 
-You even used an excuse to meet his mother for better details for the portrait. You called her even more beautiful than in the picture, leaving Melo even more flustered but happy that you thought so well of his mother since your father had a history of thinking lowly of the Vanyar. 
-You sometimes even see each other in events and meetings, and while you promised not to disturb him when he was working, you sometimes threw in some words and lines which would leave him blushing for the rest of the day. 
-Melo was confused by your change in behavior and how bold you had become with him. He didn’t mind– though, because he kinda liked it even though he probably shouldn’t. He did try to figure out the meaning of things and gifts you started giving him. 
-You started inviting him to your painting room, allowing him to watch as you painted, and even allowing him to try to paint something. He felt a bit embarrassed because his painting skills were on a beginner's level, and nothing compares to yours, even though you assured him his paintings were great and adorable. 
-Then, one day, when Melo was waiting for you. He found a couple of portraits you had made of him in a corner, and he couldn't help but stare in wonder and with a red face because he now knew the meaning behind your strange actions.
-You froze, caught red-handed as you watched him look at the portraits you made of him. You did not mean for him to see them yet, so you felt embarrassed and hoped you didn’t cross the line this time. 
-When Melo asked about them, you mustered the courage to explain and confess your feelings here and then and how he had been your inspiration lately. 
-You were prepared for rejection, but you were ecstatic when Melo confessed he felt the same ever since you started seeing each other. He just didn’t have to courage to confess his feelings because you were a princess, and he was someone from a lower class. 
-You were happy and explained it didn’t matter if he was a lower classed elf. He stole your heart, and now you wanted to see if you could have his. 
-He accepted your proposal with a gleeful smile, and you two officially started courting. 
-You were over the moon and couldn’t help but tell your mother that you have succeeded in winning your ellon’s heart. 
-Nerdanel was happy for you and told you to bring him over when you felt ready.
-You were excited and started to leave the house more often and come back late, which caught the rest of your family’s attention as they began to get suspicious. 
-Your mother and Maedhros already knew about it. Maglor guessed it some time ago and was okay with it. Caranthir already knew as well since he saw how you always went to Melo whenever you had the chance and sometimes stared at the Vanyar with a stupidly in-love face. 
-Now, Celegorm and the twins were the ones who only started to notice and started to observe your outgoings more. 
-They even went far to spy on you when you went on a date with Melo, watching from the distance as you laughed and shared kisses with the strange ellon they had not seen before. 
-Since they were more protective than the rest of your family, they had plans in mind on how to confront you and your new supposed lover. Luckily you were already familiar with their antics after living with them for a long time, so you managed to avoid them and keep Melo safe from their shenanigans. 
-They tried to expose you by asking about it during dinner, but you decided to make it a game and play dumb by asking which Vanyar they were talking about since you met a lot of Vanyars during the day. The game went on as they tried to make you speak about Melo. Half of the family was laughing at this point since they already knew. 
-You finally decided to give mercy and told them about Melo. 
-Celegorm and the twins felt betrayed that you tried to make them feel stupid and almost demanded to know if Melo was worthy of you. You assured them Melo wasn’t a lecher who would try to take advantage of you because you were the one who chased after him, and he was easy to fluster. He was your adorable little book nerd. 
-Celegorm still said along with the twins that they would keep a close eye on him, which you did not mind unless they attempted anything funny with your lover. 
-Feanor was okay with your courtship since it was your life, and he trusted you knew what you were doing. You appreciated it since it showed he had come a long way from the prideful elf he used to be. However, he did say he’ll do something if Melo ever decided to break your heart, which you kept in mind. 
-Curufin didn’t really care, but he promised to keep an eye on Celegorm if he ever caught him planning on doing something out of line. 
-You were happy with your family’s approval and even brought Melo to meet them when he felt ready to meet them since you met his mother already, who loved the painting you did for her. 
-Melo was nervous, but he got along just fine with your mother and oldest brothers, who were friendly to him and talked about stuff. Celegorm and the twins did try to intimidate him, so you kept a careful watch on them. 
-You were happy as Melo got comfortable with your family. You even brought him to meet your favorite cousins, who were delighted to meet him. 
-You enjoyed your courtship blissfully. But, no one knew that you were already planning to ask Melo to marry you and what the wedding would look like, but you kept those plans to yourself because who knows how big of a heart attack Celegorm and the twins would have if you suddenly announced an engagement, so for now you kept quiet about it.
Taglist: @heilith
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ferusaurelius · 2 years
Izzy and Who Does the Work
So I was thinking the other day about work dynamics and how one early interview compared OFMD to a workplace comedy. The comparison was fairly thin, since there was a throwaway line about the crew of The Revenge spending all of the first episode deciding whether or not to murder Stede (their captain/boss).
However, there’s also this much better take: a conversation between the most excellent meta writers @chuplayswithfire and @knowlesian about Izzy the toxic leader that I want to riff on a bit. 
And I want to talk a little about what it’s like to be the person who works for a toxic manager (aka: Izzy) and that journey and why it’s harmful/erasing to believe Izzy when he claims he’s doing all the work.
At the root of his claims is an unfounded belief and self-perception (toxic, untrue pretty much in any workplace):
No one else is competent (arrogance)
Confuse direction (delegation) with action (work)
Assume things will fail without their involvement (micromanaging)
We’re going to talk about the impact beliefs like this have on others and their experiences. 
Because really important and complicated tasks are by necessity collaborative, there’s a truism in strategic studies that: “Remember, terrain doesn’t wage war. Machines don’t wage war. People do and they use their mind!” 
No matter how good a plan or a strategy is, unless it’s executed well (by the people on the ground) it will fail. Izzy reminds me of the guy who just doesn’t quite understand the above because he treats everyone around him like interchangeable action-doing machines. If they would only just do everything exactly like he says, everything would work and be fine!
Izzy does not live in actual reality by any measure.
Izzy justifies his violence toward others as necessary in order to get them to conform (except he calls it ‘doing the work’) and that ends up hurting everyone around him and even himself ... when it’s people like Fang, Ivan, Frenchie, Oluwande, and Roach quite frequently doing their work well IN SPITE OF HIM or primarily out of some loyalty and admiration for Edward Teach, Blackbeard, most brilliant sailor alive and (actually good) leader.
Blackbeard’s crew notably has no love or loyalty for Izzy ... they reserve it for Edward, who also instantly wins over the crew of The Revenge, too.
His reputation precedes him.
Good leaders:
Say thank you.
Give credit to the team.
Listen to the ideas of others.
Remain confident and humble (because it’s important that people WANT to do the work).
Does the list above remind you of anyone? If you said Edward Teach you were correct.
It’s fun to watch Edward TEACH (haha a pun!) these techniques to Stede and it’s a bit FLABBERGASTING that Izzy has managed to serve and follow a good leader for so many years while LEARNING NOTHING. 
Izzy believes he’s essential to Edward’s success ... when the crew has been organizing things just fine because they love Edward, a bit like Izzy himself does (while making it weird forever). In fact? When Izzy removes himself from The Revenge after the duel? Nothing melts down and nothing implodes. 
Fang and Ivan have things on lock with or without Izzy giving them a hard time -- and we even get that beautiful “co-captains” moment with Edward and Stede that breaks me on every rewatch because they suggest it, bashfully, together in the same moment. 
Izzy Hands You Elitist Jerk
Izzy Hands is the man who remains ignorant because he thinks he knows everything -- he’s the kind of person who cannot be taught. 
In the rock-climbing world, a beginner who confidently ignores everyone’s offers of help or education is known as a “gumby” ... after the hard rubber kid’s toy that nothing will stick to.
While Izzy is far from a beginner at piracy (that’s Stede), unlike Stede he is willfully and comfortably blind to the talents and contributions of others. 
Izzy is the kind of person who equates vulnerability with shame and who is terrified to admit he doesn’t know something. 
Izzy is someone who demands respect without earning it (abuse of positional authority), who takes credit for the work without doing it, and who punishes people who have done nothing wrong (in pretty consistently gross ways).
I love to hate him and I hate understanding him. He’s a pretty good example of a toxicity death-spiral and, as Edward calls him: a real bummer. But enough about Izzy, let’s talk about one of the people he’s unjustly ignoring.
Consider Fang - My Hero
Fang is unironically the most amazing crew member and Izzy treats him horribly from Episode 03. 
Who spots The Revenge run aground in the intro shot with Blackbeard’s crew? Ivan and Fang. Who leads the shore party? Izzy. Strike one.
Who pulls Fang by the beard (what the FUCK) when he asks why Blackbeard wants to follow Stede’s ship and then tells Fang it’s not his job to fuckin’ think (EXCUSE ME) in the most heinous way possible? Izzy.
To be honest if I were Fang I’d have murdered Izzy right there, but Fang’s too nice a person to do anything but tell it like it is:
FANG: Ow, that really hurts! I hate it when he does that.
Implying this is NOT THE FIRST TIME this has happened to him. This is yet another of Izzy’s toxic entitled power moves to keep other people “in their place.” With all the loaded classist, colorist, and racist associations of that phrase fully intact in these scenes, by the way!
We see Izzy once again making things awful in the scene with Lucius cleaning barnacles, which is yet another pointless cruelty and/or punishment. Who pulls Lucius up and rescues him? Fang. Who says no one has ever taken an interest in his form before? Fang. 
Lucius is right to say that Fang’s never met anyone worth a damn!
Who is it that tells Lucius (and by extension Roach and Frenchie) about Izzy the Spewer? Fang.
Who listens to Edward telling ghost stories in Episode 06 and says it seems like he’s having an awfully nice time? Fang. Who says it’s the most open and emotionally available he’s ever seen Edward? Ivan.
Izzy is the only person in the named ‘original’ crew of Blackbeard who calls this openness seduction and insists that the plan is still on, because “he promised me.” Excuse me Izzy WHAT? When did Edward promise you shit? Never that’s when.
Which brings me around to the problem with Izzy: he thinks respect is what he’s owed, not something earned and voluntarily (freely) given. Izzy Hands doesn’t say thank you to anyone. 
Even when Edward Teach signs the Act of Grace to save Stede Bonnet (because he loves Stede, because Stede is his friend), Izzy is the one in the corner telling him he doesn’t have to do this. Like the only reason anyone could ever make a sacrifice is because it was pried out of them by force rather than -- as the title puts it -- through grace.
Responsibility Doesn’t Mean Taking the Credit, It Means Taking the Blame
Let me tell you I, like Fang, have worked for “an Izzy.” 
And in the MMO gaming realm (a bit more like piracy than most capitalist workplaces, imho!) ... the Izzy Hands attitude is pretty endemic and that dysfunction bleeds over into drama, greed, and self-serving petty awfulness.
Why compare MMO raid groups to piracy? A few reasons:
It’s not a formal commitment. You can stay or go at any time.
You have your choice of ‘crews.’
You have your choice of leaders (insofar as if someone pisses you off, and you’re in a place of trust, you can steal their shit and laugh your way to the bank - think Calico Jack)
Standard procedures vary based on the group (culture, respect, organizational structure, etc.)
The informal-but-still-structured nature of the endeavor means having to decide where to place your effort -- having just enough trust in the group leadership that you won’t get fucked over (you’ll get your loot) and that as a whole the group can take on big challenges without those being totally futile
Picking the wrong group is a waste of time (you get no loot; Stede’s crew is starts out here even though they get a salary)
Picking the group that gets things done but are miserable fucks is miserable (Calico Jack)
Picking the right group is badass and can be a source of pride AND loot (Edward Teach, Thee Great Blackbeard)
Edward is that phenomenal raid leader with a fantastic crew who has an absolutely jack-shit “co-leader” who is ruining everyone’s day.
Stede Bonnet has it right in Episode 04!
STEDE: Ed, do you know this guy? Because he’s an asshole!
And you know what really breaks me about this scene? Stede Bonnet in Blackbeard’s clothes is standing in for what Edward has to put up with in managing his unhinged, angry, furious, exhausted, taking-the-credit-but-not-the-responsibility first mate, one Israel Hands.
The biggest power move in my current place of work that defuses conflicts?
“I take full responsibility.”
Izzy Hands takes and takes and takes everything except responsibility.
Look What You Made Me Do
So yeah, as much as I enjoy Izzy Hands as a character, I can’t help but think his protestations and his viewpoint are not to be taken seriously, much less justified.
Leaning too far with OFMD meta analysis into Muppet-land, or corporatism, or any of a number of other useful metaphors ... can tip over into accepting Izzy’s harmful self-justification (excuses!). 
Careless use of metaphor has the double-bind effect of letting Izzy take credit he has not earned while erasing the work that the rest of the crew are doing more quietly (very well, thanks, because they’re amazing and they just DO what needs to be done rather than grandstanding about it):
Frenchie - A bard. Invents pyramid schemes and fanfiction. Sews. Code-switching master who Edward picks for his “new crew” because he’s a badass who was ‘in service’ for a minute, has a mind like a steel trap, and navigates every situation with grace and aplomb.
Oluwande - Voted Captain after Izzy gets thrown overboard. Level-headed. The man Blackbeard’s crew picked to lead them instead of Izzy when they thought Edward Teach was never going to return.
Roach - A chef, a “knives are knives, meat’s meat” doctor who will always get the job done. Treats scurvy. Makes a mean tapas. Calls Stede on his bullshit (I wasn’t asking you, I was asking him (Buttons)). Embodiment of ‘fuck around and find out’ (entertained). Wins the award for best smile.
Ivan - Professional with an eye for valuables (spotted the Revenge aground; dibs on the gold teeth; ‘I’ve never seen him so open and emotionally available’).
Fang - BLACKBEARD’S HELMSMAN. Buries Lucius’s finger at sea.  ‘That Brown Peter, he can’t be first mate. I saw him talking to Izzy about it before. Never. Disaster. No offense, Lucius.’  Give him a dog in season two.
Did you notice they were all men of color? 
Because if we talk too much about how Izzy “just wants performance awards and recognition” I am afraid we are contributing to ignoring at whose expense he is operating, and once again justifying a white man’s mistreatment of POC while he(we!) ignore, minimize, and erase the actual work they are doing.
And that’s not a narrative I’m looking to repeat or reinforce, and I am as capable of fucking up as the next hyperfixated OFMD meta writer, so ...
Moving Forward
That mutiny scene at the end of Episode 09 has something to teach us!
Go back and re-watch it! It took me a bit to get all the dialogue (had to turn on captions because there’s a song playing at the same time):
IZZY: Okay, okay! Maybe, maybe we got off to a bad start. But, what, what, what, what, can I do differently, huh? I’m open to suggestions!
ROACH: Mm-hm! (Delighted, smiling like it’s his birthday, getting ready to throw Izzy overboard)
IZZY: Pete! Help me out here!
PETE: For the record, I never formally accepted the role of “first mate” and I fully endorse this mutiny.
IZZY: Gah! Y-you, you, you don’t have to do this. Part of good leadership is restraint. [Looking at Oluwande.]
OLUWANDE: Everyone’s got their own style.
Like LOOK AT IT???
This show is so good I swear. And if you’re gonna doubt me or doubt other meta writers about the anti-racist beats (Ivan and Fang are in the foreground during the mutiny, all of the people throwing Izzy overboard are men of color ... and the people Izzy has hurt the most are the ones taking the lead in pitching him overboard) ... FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING BELIEVE THE SHOW.
Izzy even uses the classic racist tone-policing excuses to try to get some sympathy!
“Part of good leadership is restraint?”
IZZY GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK. WHERE WAS YOUR RESTRAINT WITH FANG? (His poor beard. It really hurts, Izzy you bag of dicks. As you would know if you ever listened to him.)
Thanks Izzy fandom I love you, I’m one of you, but let’s not make Izzy’s exact same mistake by believing his warped self-serving story about how he’s the one doing all the work.
Maybe (if you’re a white fan like me) ... start by taking responsibility to focus on THE HARM IZZY DOES TO OTHERS and taking a second or a third watch looking at the people around him rather than ... you know, minimizing the harm and exclaiming ‘but he did the work!’, just like he tries to do when he’s getting thrown overboard.
Here’s the on-screen truth: the crew’s just fine without him. Better than fine! Living their best lives! Getting free of a toxic ex!
Acting like Izzy is the only competent pirate on a crew of otherwise muppets erases the men of color who are amazing and doing just fine without him and don’t need that bullshit in their narrative -- from Izzy, from fandom, from meta writers like me, or from anyone.
Blackbeard’s crew and the crew of The Revenge deserve better, especially from people like me who write about Izzy Hands.
Because I’m thinking a lot about Fang and Frenchie lately, who are my personal heroes. And Jim. 
And where OFMD is going to go with everyone, including Izzy, in our renewed-for-pride Season Two ... so what do we do? We talk it through as a crew.
See Also: It’s Not About You, Izzy for the other half of this meta where I talk about why OFMD is (rightly) Edward Teach’s story and the narrative framing could not be more clear about that.
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transmutationisms · 10 months
what do u think of jesse saying tom is kenneth widmerpoole meets stalin 💀 i feel like every new quote i read of his is increasingly reactionary and it makes me wonder if my commie goggles have been blinding me this whole time
did he really. lmao. i think he probably meant a pretty superficial comparison to some of stalin's, uh, workplace management techniques and maybe also his tendency to bureaucratisation and class/ethnic background. like, it's not a very insightful comparison lmao but also jesse armstrong is not a very serious person politically. so fortunate for us that he was not the only succession writer (will tracy call me)
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lunarsands · 27 days
So, I get to work yesterday, ready to hand in my doctor's note and request for reasonable accommodations, and can't find any managers despite doing a circle of the store. I fold up my note and put it in my apron rather than bring it back to my locker for later.
As it so happened a little while later, one of the assistant managers was in the backroom, so I took a chance and said, "I have a new doctor's note, should I give it to you or wait until I see [store manager]?"
And she tells me the store manager is on vacation for the rest of this week. And she can't act on the note or the request for accommodations, but she'll hang onto them to text a photo to the store manager and see what he can do when he gets back.
I'm so tired.
I feel like my life is a series of waiting for things to get better. And then they don't. And I just have to wait until I can try again. And then I have to wait after I try. And then things go poorly again. And I wait. And I scrape myself together yet again to try.
And then I get told things like, "Why not get a job somewhere else?" "Mind your posture and lifting techniques" "I can help you with XYZ [but not really, because I'm unavailable during the times you need that specific help]"
If it was just ONE thing, I might be able to handle it. But it's my demoralizing workplace. It's my now chronic back pain along with other health conditions. It's my toxic father. It's my hypocritical mother. It's my ablist sibling. It's a dragging winter that won't end, so the seasonal affective disorder won't go away. It's politicians who want me and my friends dead. It's horrifying world news that the so-called "good guy countries" won't put a stop to. It's wishing I could save everyone in the world but being unable to save myself. It's being unable to find even just brief escapism in my writing so I can face any of the above with renewed strength. ...It's being rejected from a fandom project I hoped to participate in, dealing a blow to the confidence I had in my writing strengths, and being the straw that broke the camel's back with the entire rest of the shitshow going on irl...
I'm. Tired. There are precious few things preventing me from completely giving up.
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imperialchem · 8 months
Addressing H2S in Downstream Processes: Refining and Petrochemical Applications
Hazardous gas management is an absolute necessity in the complex arena of the refining and petrochemical industries.  Hydrogen sulphide (H2S) is very poisonous and poses a threat to both people and the environment, making it one of the most dangerous gases around.  Downstream operations, especially in the refining and petrochemical industries, face a significant challenge from hydrogen sulphide (H2S).  Hydrogen sulphide (H2S) is a highly poisonous, combustible, and odorous gas that forms when sulphur compounds in crude oil break down.  Health hazards, including respiratory difficulties and nausea, have been linked to even brief exposure to even trace amounts.  Safeguarding lives and operations with the cutting-edge H2S scavenger solutions offered by Imperial Oilfield Chemicals – an excellent H2S Scavenger Chemical manufacturer in India.
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Management options that work include constant monitoring, confinement, chemical treatment, and staff education and development.  These sectors protect their workers and the environment from H2S hazards through preventative measures, without sacrificing productivity.  This article discusses H2S and its significance in the refining and petrochemical industries, including its origins, risks, and efficient methods of control.
Understanding the Origins and Hazards of H2S:
The odour of hydrogen sulphide is sometimes compared to that of rotten eggs, despite the gas being odourless and unpleasant.  It is present in several steps of the downstream processes, especially in the refining of crude oil and the manufacturing of petrochemicals.  H2S is produced in large part due to the oxidation of sulfur-containing molecules present in crude oil.  This implies that the possible emission of H2S is a constant risk when refineries process crude oil to produce useful products like petrol, diesel and jet fuel.  Beyond boundaries, beyond H2S threats.  Get started with Imperial Oilfield Chemicals - a top-ranking H2S Scavenger Chemical exporter in Libya for recognised chemical exports!
H2S poses serious dangers in a number of different ways.  Exposure to even trace amounts might cause symptoms like respiratory irritation, itchy eyes, queasy stomach, headache, and dizziness.  Exposure to higher concentrations for longer periods of time can cause serious health problems, including respiratory failure and death.  Because of H2S's high combustibility and explosive potential, strict control measures are required to ensure the integrity of plant safety and forestall disasters.
Effective Approaches to Mitigate H2S Risks:
Given the severity of the risks, the refining and petrochemical industries use a variety of techniques to reduce the likelihood of being exposed to H2S.  The industry's dedication to environmental responsibility is highlighted by these measures, which also guarantee the safety of operations.  Global solutions for local safety.  Request a quote for premium H2S scavenger chemical solutions from Imperial Oilfield Chemicals – a trusted H2S Scavenger Chemical exporter in Gujarat today!
Detection and Continuous Monitoring:  The constant monitoring and rapid identification of H2S concentrations are foundational to effective control of the gas.  Operators can detect H2S in real-time with the help of modern gas detection systems that come with cutting-edge sensors and alerts.  This allows for quick reactions and appropriate interventions to reduce any risk of exposure.
Containment and Ventilation:  Limiting H2S emissions requires careful containment of any activities that produce the gas, as well as good ventilation.  Good ventilation helps get rid of H2S in the workplace, reducing the risk of exposure.
Chemical Scavenging:  To neutralise H2S, chemical scavengers are commonly used.  These chemicals are meant to trap H2S molecules in their vapour phase and neutralise them before they escape into the air.  This has two advantages: it stops pollution and protects people's health.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Training:  The most important step in protecting workers from H2S is providing them with proper PPE, such as gas masks and full-body suits.  Workers can learn more about the dangers of H2S and acquire the skills they need to respond appropriately in an emergency thanks to extensive training programmes.
Process Optimization:  The production of H2S can be reduced by the use of process optimisation strategies at refineries and petrochemical facilities.  Changing the parameters of operation or adopting new technologies that slow the breakdown of sulphur compounds could be necessary.
Final Thoughts:
Ethically and legally, the refining and petrochemical industries must ensure that hydrogen sulphide is effectively managed in downstream processes.  The multifaceted approach taken to mitigate H2S concerns includes detection in real-time, training for workers, chemical treatment, and process improvements.  H2S management techniques, which promote safer operational environments and sustainable practices, will need to evolve as these industries adapt to meet rising worldwide needs.
All parties involved in the refining and petrochemical industries have a responsibility to manage H2S in a proactive manner.  These sectors contribute to a safer and more environmentally responsible future by prioritising the deployment of effective mitigation methods, which in turn reduces the risks associated with H2S exposure.  Maintaining a focus on H2S management is critical to creating more secure workplaces, protecting natural habitats, and laying a solid groundwork for these industries to expand.  Delivering H2S safety across borders – Partner with Imperial Oilfield Chemicals, your trusted H2S Scavenger Chemical supplier in Libya!
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