#all the marios helping each other with their knowledge to make sure the other's world is safe ^^
multicolour-ink · 11 months
One of the other Marios visiting the 1993 universe, using his knowledge of warp pipes (gained since living in the Mushroom Kingdom, if it's a version that came from Brooklyn, or throughout his life as he initially studied to be a plumber, if it's a version that was born there) to construct a pipe between that universe and its parallel one, using a piece of the meteorite as a conduit to link the two realities through the Warp Zone. He does this in a way that still keeps the two realities separate, as they should be, but still provides a stable bridge to freely traverse between the two as one pleases.
That would be a very sweet thing for one of the Mario's to do ^^
What if it's all the Mario's, and they help each other figure out and create/stabilise the connections between their Brooklyns and Mushroom Kingdoms? Game Mario would use all his knowledge of the warp pies from his world as best as he can, as he doesn't come from another world in his universe.
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nuctoria · 2 months
childhood friends/first meeting (as children)
Luigi's harem... surprise
Before disappearing, do writers also do hand exercises like digital artists?
Good bye
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I don't do exercises other than cracking my knuckles every so often. Anyways!
Daisy: if these two met as children, Daisy would be the first to initiate conversation and try to get Luigi to come out of his shell and play. Luigi would be extremely shy but with a bit of encouragement he'd come out and be friends with Daisy. These two would be great friends and spend a lot of time together, drawing, playing sports, etc. A strong friendship that will come to last for years.
Peasley: if these two met at a young age, I feel like Luigi would end up being more confident in himself thanked to Peasley's encouragement and support, especially if Mario followed suit to it. It wouldn't be a drastic change but a noticeable change. Luigi would also be a good support system to Peasley when his royal duties start to become a bit too much or when he starts doubting himself, especially in their teenage years when they can feel the most emotional.
Dreambert: if they met young then it would be before Antasma came into the picture. These two would find solitude in each others calm demeanors and friendly attitudes. If Dreambert offered to show Luigi the dream world or enter Luigi's dreams for a surreal adventure, they might have ended up tapping into Luigi's dream powers a lot sooner and they would have helped train him to use them better. Eldream would be able to help with this too since Snoozemore wouldn't have been in the picture either and Eldream is a trusted friend of the royal Pi'illo family with a lot of old knowledge about dreams.
Bowser: I mean, canonically these two did meet when they were young, Luigi being a newborn but the meeting wasn't all that great. It even got worse when baby Mario and Yoshi showed up. Plus, baby Bowser is spoiled rotten by Kamek and was shaped into the beast the Mushroom Kingdom now fears so I don't think there would have been a chance of a friendship with them.
King Boo: King Boo was probably around way before the bros were born so he'd still be an adult when Luigi is a child, but he'd still have his normal red gem instead of the purple one on his crown so he wouldn't be all that insane. Even if we make a version where King Boo is still a normal, common boo, his main goal when meeting Luigi would be to scare him to tears, especially when Luigi is an easy target to be frightened. However, when the bros become the heroes of the MK and King Boo kidnaps Mario, he might remember them, faintly since then he'd only see them as nameless victims to scare. He might remember Luigi a bit more from being a favourite so he'd be surprised at how he can push forward despite how scared he still is. Pretty sure the boos would have given him early trauma from that so it'd be a lot harder on Luigi.
Antasma: for Antasma, I'll stick to Luigi being Dreambert's friend and they both found Antasma as a bat and took him in. He'd get attached to both children due to their care and kindness towards him. You didn't hear this from me but he is closer with Luigi since he sneaks him extra sweets and has the best dreams to munch on. When he turned evil and took the Dark Stone he tried to get Luigi to join him but he obviously refused and it made Antasma have a festering hatred of betrayal much like with Dreambert. Luigi was forced by Dreambert to escape before Antasma was imprisoned since Dreambert didn't want him to be targeted and so he wasn't aware of the petrification of the Pi'illos, only that Antasma didn't intent to go down alone.
Dimentio: We can't even confirm his past, how can we confirm he was ever a child? Technically, my new AU fits with this scenario but might as well come up with another. Unless Dimentio was aware Luigi would be the Man in Green of the Prophecy, I doubt he would even care. If he did know, however, he may be the reason Luigi is still alive after everything he's been through before the events of SPM happened. He would monitor Luigi whenever the Count didn't have need of him for a mission or task and he would keep an eye on how he faired as a child, which he could then use to manipulate him with in the future.
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egg-emperor · 1 year
What are your detailed thoughts on the Mario movie?
I appreciate your interest! ^^
Gonna preface by saying I've only been interested in the Mario series for a few years (beyond the Mario & Sonic Olympics if that counts) for about 5-6, compared to 16-17 years of Sonic and still can't say I'm the biggest fan as I haven't played many games and don't have a lot of knowledge. So I feel I'm not equipped to speak much on some parts but I can share my thoughts based on what I do know and saw! And don't be surprised that I compare it to the Sonic movies quite a bit XD
Not gonna go heavy with spoilers by getting too much into specific moments but might mark as such just in case.
I'll start with the summary of my overall feelings and that I think it's simple, cute, and fun and that's been my impression of every Mario game I have played and seen so far, so it's along the lines of what I expected and I'm satisfied with it, I'm not sure what else people were expecting. It made me smile and feel joy the most I have from any movie I've seen in a while. And it's not quite as generic as a lot of other movies of the genre because they care about capturing a lot of the game's essence.
The visuals and atmosphere were gorgeous, I love how they took great advantage of some of the beautiful colorful worlds they've already created for the series and utilized them well, as well as how they merged them all together creatively. That's exactly what all movie adaptions could and should do, it'll always be so much more beautiful and appreciated than anything you can do in boring dull live action landscapes lol
I like all the references and callbacks, I noticed many despite not being the most knowledgeable Mario fan, compared to both Sonic movies where I didn't even notice a lot despite all my knowledge and years of enjoying it because I couldn't even see them. The Mario movie managed to include tons of noticable ones AND has more subtle easter eggs and background details.
The actual Nintendo games music being involved so much more instead of just outside licensed music was really good. The visuals of the returning environments are fantastic. The tons of characters they already managed to include in such a short but sweet movie and handle so well is amazing. The tons of game aspects, references, and easter eggs to find are a delight.
I like the implementation of the power ups and how they didn't turn them into some magical thing and change it drastically. I like how they know that the game mechanic can work for a movie story and cared to add all the things that people actually know and enjoy about the games. Unlike the Sonic movie not doing that and giving him completely different abilities.
The faithfulness to the series capturing the magic and fun all around makes me smile. Despite not knowing Mario for long I can appreciate all of these things too and it feels like they care about what the fans actually want and enjoy about the games. Every video game adaption movie ever needs to take notes from this because it has all the main most important fundamentals.
I like how Mario was silly but still brave and heroic. I like how he determined he is and doesn't know when to give up. I love how it's a good thing and one of his biggest strengths and the important theme throughout. He's told he can't do something or the odds seem against him and he still fights and believes in himself and protects what he cares about. A simple but good message.
I like how Luigi is the cute silly shy scaredy cat he is but how he manages to step up to help his bro at the end. Would've been nice to see him get to do more but his moment of saving Mario and teaming up with him at the end was great. Their bond and moments together was sweet and I like how much it motivates them and how they want to stick together and protect each other.
Bowser was great because he's funny and wants to marry Peach and is also genuinely really threatening. It makes you understand why he's the villain and why it's such a serious dire situation for him to take over, he's fucked up and mean and evil and destructive and that's what I love in my villains!!! And Jack Black did an awesome job and didn't just use his own voice like hey I'm Jack Black lol Very unlike Carrey just being Carrey instead of Robotnik, especially in the first movie.
If I got a movie Eggman anything like this I would've gone insane and died from joy went to heaven ahsjsbfjsnfb it's not faaaair. I'm happy for anyone that feels the way I do about Eggman but for Bowser because I'm sure y'all would've been especially losing it for this. I do love him too and he is hot but you know my ultimate preferred fucked up dilf of the two lol. Bowser got such better treatment in my eyes. Happy for him as a fellow bf of Eggman's XD
Bowser, Mario and Luigi were my favorites so they're the ones I'll bring up here but I think every other character was handled pretty well too based on my limited knowledge of them outside of the movie and I didn't have any issues, they added to the entertainment a lot too. I like how they pretty much all have a good balance between humor and seriousness when the scenes call for it, nothing felt really annoying or forced, handled with respect.
The humor in itself was actually fine too, my brother and I tend to cringe at certain jokes and humor in kids movies these days some stuff being in the Sonic movies ngl but there was nothing of the sort in this movie that made us feel that way, we both noted to each other right way. Very inoffensive, not super obnoxious or hip and just generally enjoyable for all ages, which is a cool pleasant surprise coming out of a movie by Illumination especially lol
The animation is fantastic too, really putting all the character's tooniness to it's full advantage so they're lively and bouncy and expressive in ways that really helps bring out their personality. Again, that's why cartoony characters will always be best in CG no matter how exaggerated and expressive you think your live actors can be. Every character was charming and pleasing to the eye, a ton of love was clearly put into capturing them visually.
I'm surprised it's rated so low by actual reviewers last time I saw, not that I care about their opinions but I'm with the audience more than usual. I don't know what I'm missing about it not being likable because I haven't read the reviews and don't plan to lol. I think this is practically everything a video game adaption should be, though in a perfect world I'd want all the characters to have all the same actors behind them too.
I liked this way more than both Sonic movies combined, though I'm biased as of course I'll love full CG over live action hybrid for toony series like Sonic and Mario any day. But man, Mario is genuinely better and more likable to me than both Sonic movies in every way because I'm not really a fan of those at all in comparison. Even without the comparison as I hardly even thought about the Sonic movie throughout, it was enjoyable and made me really happy.
But then it's funny because I've been a Sonic fan for near my whole life while Mario for a mere 5 minutes in comparison so you think I'd be biased and saying that the Sonic movies are better or just as good but they really didn't do it for me. It felt like both Sonic movies were too concerned about appealing to non Sonic fans with generic Hollywood plot lines taking up huge chunks of the stories than giving them more of what we all actually love about the game series in the first place.
The Mario movie went all out in almost every way it could right from the first movie and THAT'S how it's done, I have so much respect and appreciation for it. They knew they didn't need to appeal to non fans specifically and can hold up great as is. I think that should always be expected out of any video game adaption, especially cartoony kids ones that have existed as long as Mario and Sonic. They did a great job and there's a lot of video game heart in it bravely and unapologetically.
The voice cast is still their most bizarre choice but it's honestly okay once I'm watching it and I don't have major issues with it, I stopped thinking about it after the first few minutes and it wasn't annoying as it was random and unnecessary. But of course I still think it's really sad and not fair that Charles Martinet didn't get to at least have the main role of voicing Mario, despite him literally being right there and more than willing to do so because nobody deserved it more than him.
I wish they'd honor legacy actors by letting them shine in their role on the big screen instead of bigger names for audience and money. Same happened for the Sonic movie and it raises my fear that even if we did get the CG Sonic movie of my dreams, Eggman might not even be voiced by Mike Pollock then either :( But I love what Charles get to do, I'm glad he had some part in it! Hearing him as Giuseppe/Jumpman and Mario's dad was a delight, his performance is always pure joy.
Though he still deserved way more of course and I'll always be really sad that most actors in the Sonic series didn't even get any cameos or side roles at all.
Something also funny to me is there were TONS more people in the cinema than both Sonic movies, both on the first day when we almost went as it was sold out and there were actually a lot of people in there when I went yesterday too. I haven't been amongst an audience for a movie for so long. For both Sonic movies the cinema was near empty for all those, so everyone around here has a big preference! XD
So yeah, I had a great time with it! I recommend it to everyone and this is a movie I want to watch again and own on blu-ray. This has helped me appreciate the Mario series even more because of how much fun it has with things that are in the games and don't stray from using it for the sake of wider appeal. And it's a gorgeously animated and designed movie with a simple but sweet story and sometimes it's all a great movie needs! I loved it 🥰❤️💚🐢⭐🍄🪠
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s-creations · 1 year
Stare Them Down
Mairo's not used to being called a hero, nor the work that comes with it. Even more so when he has to tackle an issue that no one has an idea what the cause of it is. Doubly so when he has to also deal with a loud mouthed, in your face individual.
Inspired by: @weevmo Link to art (hope it works): https://www.tumblr.com/weevmo/708159600198909952/i-want-wario-to-hate-marioi-also-want-him-to
Fandom: Super Mario & Releated Fandoms Rating: Teen and UP Audiences Relationship: Luigi & Mario (Nintendo), Wario & Waluigi (Nintendo), Wario & Mario (Nintendo) Additional Tags: Luigi and Waluigi and other characters are going to be mentioned, Focus on Mario and Wario, this is personal world building, author has no knowledge on Wario's lore, sorry, based off artwork, mentions of blood/violence, cursing, additional tags will be added.
This was not what Mario was expecting when he woke up that morning. 
When he’d been summoned to the castle, Mario was prepared to face off against Bowser again. Or to learn that Princess Peach had been kidnapped once more. He instead was greeted with a throne room filled with frantic looking Toads and a worried princess. The smaller creatures shouting at each other as they attempted to get Princess Peach’s attention first. Who’s smile was more than a little strained. 
It took longer than Mario liked to calm everyone down to get a proper explanation as to what was happening.
Apparently a new town had just struck down. Right on the very edge of the kingdom to better manage items to be traded and shipped out. As well as a way to hopefully keep an eye out if Bowser was up to something. 
The houses were half finished when issues started to arise. First, it was the fact that items started being moved. Either to different areas from where they’d previously been placed to out right disappearing. Then loud and frightful noises could be heard at night. Nothing the Toads had heard before, making it impossible to sleep. Structures started to be tampered with, half broken or on the verge of collapsing.
The final straw came when a Toad lost their life while working. Another who had been in the same room with the departed swore they saw nothing wrong happening at the time. All seeming secure with the Toad focused on what they were doing. Only to see their companion fall from the rafters with a look of fear and confusion on their face. Those in the area unable to forget the sickening ‘crack’ and how the other just fell limp upon reaching the ground. 
The high pitched laughter that followed was the final push to get out. 
The Toads were now begging Peach for help. Either to send someone to figure out what was going on. Or at least give them permission to build elsewhere.
“Both Toadsworth and the Foreman don’t want to count the time as a loss,” Peach explained further, “So I’m hoping you could see what’s going on.”
“And…no one has any idea what could be causing all of this?” asked Mario.
The red-cladded hero frowned at that. Mario was still getting used to his new title. Sure, he’d faced a few…interesting things before. Was even on his high of taking Bowser down twice at this point. But he was normally given some kind of information about what he was going against. Given a chance to be prepared or at least have enough to know what kind of power-ups to use. 
Going in completely blind made his stomach churn in worry.
Mario eventually reached the conclusion that he should expect moments like. Especially given how crazy this world was. But he was the hero! He should be able to face any issue brought to him. This big unknown just came with the title…right?
With a verbal agreement to help, Mario was brought to the barely constructed town. Just able to make out the half finished structures over the hill.
What was not hard to make out was a group of Toads, not the ones currently carting Mario to their supposed new home, circling around a larger form. The hero worried for a split second in thinking Bowser was here, for some random reason. Only for the person to turn and Mario’s attitude soured. 
There had only been one ‘proper’ meeting Mario and Wario. Which was one time too many.
It was after Mario’s second rescue of Princess Peach, both having returned to the castle. The princess wanted to throw a small celebration for the newly anointed hero as a thanks for saving her life once more. Mario was just happy the injuries were minimal. They were about an hour in when the large entrance doors were kicked open. Mario had a brief panic, thinking that Bower had sent a new minion to cause trouble.
Only for Peach to welcome the sudden newcomer like an old friend. The princess let out a noise of glee, handing her plate over to Toadsworth so she could pull the other into a proper hug. It was a strange contrast, watching the two interact. Mario thought the princess’ royal and prim appearance were soiled by the other. As they appear like they’d just rolled out of bed with the most stained outfit they could find and rushed over.
Toadsworth quickly explained to the extremely confused human who Wario was. Apparently, he was a childhood friend. But not the good kind. More of the ‘constantly causing trouble and fixing the same issue he caused’ kind of not good. 
“He’s loud, stubborn, and rude. But the princess finds his brash personality charming and he’s technically not done anything…illegal. Yet, or at least not discovered. But he does like to stick his nose where it doesn’t belong. Just…keep on your toes Master Mario.” The elder Toad warned. 
That was all the warning got before Mario was suddenly strong armed. Getting a stomach churning whiff of sweat and day old cheese. Wario was loud and abrasive. Eager to call Mario ‘Mini-misprinted me’ or ‘The friendly child-size version’. Laughter rattled through the hero’s head as he was cheerfully shaken.
“My name is Mario.” The human growled out, trying to push himself free. Stumbling slightly when he was allowed to stand on his own two feet. 
“Exactly,” Wario smirked, “I said ‘misprinted’ for a reason. The ‘W’ was flipped upside down.”
“Are you always like this?” Mario held his ground as the other leaned closer.The smirk seemed to grow.
“It’s part of my charm.”
Oh, Mario really didn’t like this guy. In only two minutes Wario had ticked off every box that grated on Mario’s nerves. 
Which made the worry over this mysterious assignment melt to annoyance when Mario realized it was Wario talking to the other group of Toads. Still large, still loud, still able to put everyone on edge. He was casual as he addressed the small group. Uncaring about the clear fear on everyone’s face. There was no reason for him to be here, Mario seriously doubting that anyone would deliberately call Wario. So why the heck was he here?
“Don’t you worry your little nervous heads,” Wario commented calmly, shifting his shoulder bag as he stood straight. “I’ll take care of whatever issue you lot have… For a good price.”
“You really are the worst.” Mario called out.
Wario’s pointed ears twitched, turning sharply to glare at whoever spoke up. But it quickly melted to a smirk seeing Mario. “Well, if it isn’t mini-me! What’s an adorable short stack like you doing all the way out here? Must be big if it pulls you from your cushy home.”
“I was asked to help with the situation. What are you doing here?”
“Same as you. Except I was just in the neighborhood and saw this group of panicked citizens. I’m helping out of the kindness of my heart and not acting as a lap dog.”
“You mean you’re scamming them. Why do I get the feeling like you’re behind whatever’s going on.”
Wario’s smirk tightened. “You really took old Toadworth’s words to heart. I’m a little hurt, to be honest! You’re not even going to give me an proper chance.”
“Our first meeting was ‘chance’ enough and there’s nothing honest about you. Now, If you’ll excuse me, I have a job to do.
“Whoa, slow down there little buddy!” Mario was less than pleased when he was easily lifted off the ground. Held up where his overall straps connected on his back. Forced to face that stupid smirk again. “Now, I know you’re not talking about taking my payday?”
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Artwork by: Nikikeya (Ao3 Account)
“Why would anyone hire you! Besides, I’m here on the kingdom’s behalf. Paired with the fact that I’m doing it for free and with being their hero, I’m curious as to why you haven’t been chased off yet. These Toads don’t need you when I’m here to help.”
“Look, it’s super cute what you’re doing. Endearing even! But you’re still way too new to any of this ‘hero work’ to be counted as reliable. Can’t go rushing unprepared.”
Mario flushed in anger at that. “Oh, so you know what’s going on?”
“Not in the slightest,” Wario shrugged casually, “But I do know that I have seen some crazy stuff. Whatever this problem is, I know I won’t have any issues dealing with it. Better than you could anyway. Just do yourself a favor to avoid embarrassment and run back home before you get hurt. Let Peach know that I’m dealing with this now. That’ll make her feel better.”
It took everything for Mario to not throw a punch. He was close enough. He could knock that stupid smirk off easily-
He paused as a thought struck Mario. His own grin formed, which clearly confused Wario. “Oh, I get it. Look, I understand, with old age comes slower results.”
Wario gritted his teeth as he growled slowly. Getting a little satisfaction watching the human stumble upon hitting the ground suddenly. “I ain’t that much your senior.”
“Hey, no shame in being worried about young blood pushing you out.” Mario attempted to sound casual as he rubbed his lower back. Trying to alleviate some pain from the hard landing.
“You’re really pushing your luck.”
“And you’re pushing your age. Experience means nothing if your body gives out halfway through a job.” 
Wario glared, but stood his ground. “If you’re so sure about that, how about a little challenge?”
“First one to figure out what the issue is, solve it, and get back up here gets their desired outcome. Me getting paid or you getting another ego boost for your already inflated head.”
“You’re one to talk. You keep your self-entitlement in your gut?” Mairo was not pleased when he flinched as Wario started forward as if to hit him. Glaring back at the other’s laughter.
“Back up your words if you’re so sure!” Wario held out his hand. Smirk in place as he raised a taunting brow.
Mario took a slight step back as the hand was brought up. Giving himself a mental facepalm realizing it was an offered handshake. Acknowledgement of agreeing to said terms. Straightening his stance, Mario placed one of his own into the offered hand. Trying to ignore how his dwarfs compared to the other.
“Fine, we have a deal.”
Mario let out a yelp of surprise as he was pulled forward. Being flung back as Wario rushed towards the half completed town.
“Thanks for the head start, little hero!” Wario’s signature laugh echoing as he raced off.
Having enough focus to keep himself upright, Mario let out a sigh of relief of not having to hit the ground again. Quickly turning just to watch Wario disappear among the buildings. 
A timid voice brought the human out of his competitive anger. Getting a jolt of reality hitting him in remembering he had an audience during that entire performance. Finding numerous worried faces staring back at him. A thought of ‘Placing a bet on their new home wasn’t the smartest idea,’ ran through his head. 
“Uh, don’t worry! I’ll have this sorted out in no time, promise.” Mario offered a warm smile and a tip of his head before running off. Down the same dirt path Wario had taken. Getting a boost of assurance as the Toads cheered him on.
Nothing made Wario quick to annoy than pompous attitude. People who automatically think lowly of others by looks or status. That if someone didn’t grow up in the same silver spoon situation, that person was worse than dirt. How someone would try and claim their life was ‘so hard’ when work was just handed to them. How they would never understand what it meant to just survive each day…
He’s been dealing with it all his life. Struggling to find some footing while the world crumbled around him. He eventually learned to just deal. That he’d become the lightning rod of disaster. Wario having to put on a face of indifference while being the focus of injustice. It happened more times than he’d like to admit.
Deciding if he was going to be labeled as a bad guy, why not play the part? Give everyone what they were expecting. If being a despised individual made everyone else feel better about their own shortcomings, so be it.
Princess Peach was the only person who treated Wario like…well, like a person. It’s why he panicked upon hearing Bowser had kidnapped her. Apparently for a second time! The first incident, he and his brother were on a job and he didn’t have ears on the kingdom. Needless to say, Wario was only in a bit of a panicked state when he arrived at the castle. 
Only to find a human standing next to Peach.
Mario was who Wario wanted to be seen as. Helpful, approachable, charming in a more acceptable way. Clean cut and clearly well put together. It was annoying at how an outsider had so easily wormed his way into other’s hearts. Wario also didn’t like how accepting the human was of Toadsworth’s words. Of course he’d heard what the old Toad said about him. Wario wasn’t standing that far away. 
There had been a brief hope that, seeing how well Peach accepted Wario, Mario wouldn’t be that quick to judge. 
Storm of bad luck strikes the lightning rod again. 
Wario could actually feel the venom dripping from Mario’s eyes before they properly met. The former easily falls into his protective attitude. Playing the part everyone was expecting him to be. Peach even seemed a little concerned by the end of the night at Wario’s actions. 
He was brought out of his thoughts when he ran right into a metal post. Grumbling as he pulled away to rub his now sore nose. Bitterly asking who would put a random post just right there and was thankful no one was there to see that. 
Speaking of…
“If I’m going to get a 1-up on that ‘hero’, I need to focus.” Wario grumbled as he reached into his bag of tools. Various items collected over the years to help make his random jobs a little easier to manage. Pulling out a small notebook, he thumbed through the pages until he reached the recent  entry.
“Let’s see… Objects moving, items being destroyed, someone getting a Game Over… Whatever this is, it’s territorial as all can be. Unfortunately this doesn't offer a clean idea of what it is. Too many creatures are fast and territorial. If someone could have just seen something…”
Wario stilled as a warning chill traveled up his spine. Quickly turning, only to find nothing. He allowed a few seconds to pass before slowly making his way forward again. “Possibly- No, definitely an invisible being. Would explain how that Toad was attacked with no visible sign of the attacker. Maybe they give off a heat signature.”
Putting the notebook away, Wario pulled out a small device. A panel of glass framed by a metal structure. It softly hummed as it powered on, soon displaying the surrounding area in a monochromatic kind of way. Mainly displaying different shades of blue. There were a few areas giving off a yellow/orange/red heat signature. Wario guessed that’s where the power had been contained that was supposed to light up the town.
“Nothing seems out of place,” Wario let out a huff as he looked the area over once more, “Come on, give me something substantial…”
He hated to admit how badly he needed this job, or more specifically the pay. It was honestly lucky that he’d come across the issue. The small house he lived in was running cold in more ways than one. There was a weird bulldog forming in the living room ceiling. The fridge was filled with items he could barely call food and Waluigi…
He couldn’t think about that right now. He couldn’t be caught unaware if this enemy enjoyed sneaking up on unsuspecting victims. 
But it was hard to not panic when there was so much riding on this right now. It also didn’t help in thinking that little ‘wanna-be-hero’ pest was rushing around here as well. Where in the world did some human get off on acting so much better than Wario? Just because Mario saved Peach didn’t mean he gets to take on everything. He doesn’t get to run around with his ‘better than everyone else’ kind of-
Something heavy fell in the nearest outs. Wario turned sharply to face the half completed building, heart racing. He lifted the scanner and found…
“No heat signature?” Wario frowned. 
He didn’t like the idea of being cornered, but this was a bad idea he had to take. Putting the scanner away, because it clearly wasn’t helping, Wario cautiously walked in. By the given skeletal structure’s design, this was probably supposed to be a house. Two stories with the given height and a rather bare stairway. The sound had apparently been caused by a number of wooden boards that were currently lying on the ground. Dust still settling down where they had landed.
The increasing darkness led to Wario pulling out a heavy duty flashlight. The beam fell over the partially completed building, searching for something, anything, to tell him what was happening.
Why did all of this seem familiar? And not in a good way.
Moving further in, Wario continued to look for the intruder. Going from room to uncompleted room, quickly coming back to the entrance in less than a minute. Toad houses weren’t that large. Especially compared to Wario’s stride. There was only one clear way in and out, the front door, as the windows were covered. Meaning Wario should have at least heard someone scrambling to get out quickly or at least the covering being torn down if they didn’t want to use the door.
But there was still nothing.
Wario grumbled in annoyance, saying out loud, “Alright, I’m tired of this game. Come on out, I just want to talk.”
Again, nothing…
A warning chill traveled through Wario’s spine, the flashlight starting to shake in his hand. He sharply turned once more. The flashlight, more specifically the beam it was producing, found the intruder first. Wario just catches enough of a glance to get a flash of an eerie green glow with little nubs covering eyes. The form disappeared due to the light before Wario could fully take in what he was seeing. 
Heart hammering, Wario quickly and quietly left the house. Eyes wide and constantly darting around. He had to keep on his toes. Needing to rely on his other senses to give an early alert if another tried to sneak up on him. Feeling very little relief once he was outside of the building. 
If the infestation was bad, there would be no way to tell how many there would be. If the number was large, his light wasn’t going to be enough anymore. They tend to get stronger in groups. One was worrisome, but more…
 It would be the best idea to just call this town a loss and to keep everyone as far away from here as-
Wario stumbled to a stop. A new form of fear chilling him.
Mario was here. 
Mario was here and had no idea what he was up against. 
“Shit…Shit!” Thoughts of leaving disappeared from his mind as he raced off to the opposite side of the town. Hoping he could find the other before the worst could happen.
Wario pointedly ignored the cold laughter that followed him. 
Mairo’s eyes traveled over the half constructed buildings. Biting his lower lip in worry as he realized he really had no idea what he was looking for. Panicking upon realizing that Wario had a huge head start. Not only in distance but in resources. Mario saw the bag dropped over the other’s shoulder. All the tools half-hazardly thrown in together, resting in a jumbled mess. There was also the fact that Wario had more knowledge of this world than Mario did. His mind unhelpfully reminded him how a hero title meant nothing if he didn’t know what he was up against.
Mario felt a chill travel through him and he trend sharply. Only to find nothing there.
This was not normal. At least by Mario’s standard when facing an enemy. They usually took the head on approach when fighting him. The ‘out in the open, make eye contact, then charging forward’ style. If anything hid in the shadows, they would have become bored at this point and jump out to attack. This was all just too different.
As the darkness increased, so did Mairo’s worries. Was he too late in finding a solution? Had Wario already returned to the awaiting Toads with good news? Were they already heading back to Peach’s castle? Mario couldn’t help the bitter feeling settling into his stomach at the thought of being left behind. Wario no doubt chuckling at being able to land such a big win over the hero.
Mario gave his head a shake. Slapping his cheeks a few times muttering, “Stop that, you need to focus. Negative thoughts aren’t going to help. You still haven’t found out what the issue is. Just worry about that and-”
Not paying attention to his surroundings, Mario walked right into a metal pole. Stumbling back as he let out some choice words. Rubbing his sore nose and was thankful no blood was found on his gloves. Understanding he was just an idiot and merely in pain. 
Mario turned to glare at the offended item. 
Only to realize that there was a pole placed right in the middle of the road. There was absolutely no reason for it to be placed there. Mario also noticed that the pole was in no way placed into the ground. Looking more as if someone was just holding it in place. Except there wasn’t another living soul seen. 
“What the… Wario, is this you?” Mario called out, trying to alleviate some worry. “Very funny. You got your moment to make me look like an idiot. Ha ha, hilarious, you can come out now.”
Nothing moved.
The laughter that sounded wasn’t what Mario was expecting. It wasn’t Wario’s, his was loud and boisterous. This was chilling and turned the human’s blood to ice. And it sounded like it came from everywhere.
That wasn’t good.
As Mario tried to think of what his next move was going to be, the pole clattered to the ground. Just barely missing him. Mario jumped back, a little embarrassed in an overreaction. Until he remembered that whoever was holding said item was now on the move. That thought had just entered his mind when something pierced his right arm. 
Mario let out a cry of pain as he forcefully pulled his arm away. Pain increased as the stabs now became tears. Facing his attacker, Mario’s anger turned to fear in a split second.
There were three small beings, all giving off an eerie green glow, floating before him. Little nubs for arms reaching up to cover their eyes. Bodies are round and very wispy, allowing Mario to look through them. 
But the features that stood out the most were the mouths. Elongated, taking up the most space in the already small bodies. The closest to Mario had theirs open. Revealing mismatched, jagged teeth, with a mix of red and green liquid dripping from them. 
Well, at least Mario knew what attacked him.
Heart pounding furiously, Mario felt as if he was in some sort of bizarre standoff. He couldn’t move and creatures hadn’t tried to get closer. Still covering their eyes. Mario knew he couldn't stay there. If how wet his arm and glove felt was any indication, he was losing a lot of blood, quickly. 
Fighting was not going to be an option. His best bet would be to run now and patch himself up enough to get back to the castle.
Mario had just started to turn when something latched onto the back of his head. Forcing him to remain looking forward. His noise of complaint was cut off by another voice snapping out, “Don’t move.”
“Your first instinct with Boos is to turn tail and run… Don’t. That’s how you die. Stand your ground, look them in the eye, never turn your back. You’d better be happy I’m here. These things are bad to deal with period, but even worse on your own.”
This didn’t sound like Wario. He was too serious, too focused, and too worried. This wasn’t the carefree, disruptive individual that Toasdworth warned Mario about. The hand on the back of his head didn’t make him feel worried, that he was about to be harmed. It was comforting.
“W-What do we do?” Mario eventually asked. 
“We’re gonna make a break for the town’s limit. We should be left alone once there. But that means we play my way. If there’s three here already, then there’s more approaching. Seems you’re tagged as a good snack. I can keep an eye on these three. But you need to run.”
Mario went to nod, forgetting that Wario wouldn’t be able to see him. That concern disappeared when the ground suddenly shifted. The human stumbled, shifting to one side as a dazed fog entered his mind. In Wario’s attempt to keep the other upright, his eyes leave the Boos. Remember that was a stupid thing to do and snapped his eye snack up, hand grabbing Mario’s right arm. Cursing, finding the Boos closer…and something warm was soaking into his gloves.
“Are you hurt?”
“...One of them bit me.” This announcement was met with cold laughter. Loud and bone-chilling, Mario’s heart race increased to a furious degree. The weight now shifted to rest on his back offering the only comfort.
Wario did everything to keep himself as calm as possible, because now they were in the middle of a feeding frenzy. If they were going to run, they needed to go, now.
“Okay, I need you to listen to me carefully,” Wario’s voice was still steady as his eyes flickered between the Boos before them and those no doubt now drawing closer. “The closest way out is to our left. I need you to turn that way and run. I’ll be right behind you. If you see a Boo, stare them down.”
The fog in Mairo’s mind was starting to become stronger, eyes blinking furiously. His arm started to burn. His first thought was to fight back. “I-I have power ups-”
“They won’t work. You can’t fight Boos. I can keep these three at bay, but you need to run.”
“Stop being a hero and just worry about yourself! You need to go now!”
The same hand that had held him in place was now pushing Mario forward. The hero stumbles as he turns to make an escape. Only to fumble as he almost ran right into another Boo. The creature already had their eyes covered. 
“Just keep an eye on them until you can get a clear path out!”
It wasn’t the fastest escape route. Mario both having to stumble around a terrifying amount of slowly approaching Boos. As well as the pain from his arm seemed to interrupt his concentration with random shocks of intense pain. The mind fog was becoming worse.
Relief came in the form of the nearby forest getting closer. No further Boos appeared, the cold breeze giving relief to Mario’s burning arm. Unable to keep the strength up, unable to take another step, Mario collapsed to his knees. Breathing harsh as his blood started to soak the ground. He barely flinched when Wario appeared again. The latter pulled the damaged arm up.
“Hold still. I need to get this cleaned quickly.” Wario replied softly as he dug through his bag.
Mario didn’t say anything. Barely able to keep his eyes open. His head was pounding, starting to lull to one side…
Dull blue eyes darted back over to the town. Except…the town was gone. Replaced with a large castle made of rock with lava flowing everywhere. He was back at Bowser’s castle. But…that wasn’t possible.
“Mario, help!”
The voice that was calling out…that was…
Wario halted in tearing the red sleeve away, trying to get a better look at the wound, frowning when Mario spoke. “Who?”
But the hero didn’t reply. Wario peered up to find Mario staring intensely to where they’d just fled from. The normally blue eyes were now colored a dull gray. Worry turned to panic when Mario started to move back towards the town.
“Shit- Hey, no! No, you’re not going to move,” Wario growled immediately, forcing Mario back down. Surprised at how strong the little guy was. “Stop fighting me!”
“Let me go, my brother’s in there! Luigi, I’m coming, just hold on!”
“You idiot, there’s no one here but us!”
“I said let go, he could be hurt!”
“It’s not real, it’s a-” Wario’s grip fell lax when Mario elbowed him in the gut. Having to push past the pain quickly to grab Mario once more. Wrapping one arm tightly around the other’s chest while placing the free hand over Mario’s eyes. 
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Artwork by: Nikikeya (Ao3 Account)
“Listen to me! Listen to-”
“I won’t! Why are you-”
“Just listen to what I’m saying! Just listen… It’s not real. Do you remember where you are?”
Mario was furious with how calm the other was being. “I’m at Bowser castle, he has my brother, why won’t you let me go!” 
“What were you doing before you got there?”
“Why are you-”
“Think about it Mario. Really think about it. What were you doing?”
“I was- …I was…” The hero faltered, his determination slowly melting away. “I was…helping a town…”
“What were you helping with?”
“...They were having an issue…someone was attacked… Princess Peach requested that I go help.”
“Okay. So is it possible that you could suddenly be at Bowser’s castle?”
“N-No… Wario, what’s happening?”
“Do you remember the Boos? One bit you and their teeth have some pretty powerful venom.” 
“Venom? Am I going to-”
“You’re not going to die. The venom causes hallucinations. What you’re seeing is not there. Are you hearing your brother shouting still?”
“Do you believe me now that no one is in trouble? Besides you with your damaged arm.”
“Okay, I’m going to let you go. Do not open your eyes for anything until I give you the all clear.”
Mario gripped onto Wario’s hand that was covering his eyes. “How do I know you won’t try anything?”
“Stop being an idiot! I’ve been trying to help you this entire time! Grambi, stop being stubborn. Don’t open your eyes, I’m not going to hurt you.”
Mario didn’t fight this time. Keeping his eyes tightly shut as he felt himself be moved to sit back down on the ground. Not heated rock, just cool grass. Frowning when he hears the sound of fabric being torn. Something wrapped around his eyes, tightly but gently.
“And…done. That’ll help you until I can neutralize the venom.”
Eyes opening again revealed a piece of yellow cloth covering his eyes. Flinching back slightly when something grabbed his wrist. 
“Sorry! Sorry, it’s just me,” Wario spoke softly, “I need to keep your arm steady while I work.”
“It’s fine, just… Can you tell me what you’re doing.”
“Yeah, that’s fair. I have to clean and disinfect the wound to get the venom out. It’s going to be a bit of a process and it’s going to hurt… Like, a lot.”
“Joy,” Mario sighed weakly, “Okay, let’s just get this over with.”
He didn’t pull back when Wario gently grabbed his wrist. Biting his bottom lip as his arm started to get the familiar healing stings. Now that his mind was relatively focused, Mario strained his ears. Trying to confirm to himself that everything was okay, as Wario worked. After a few minutes, the hero realized what he’d been hearing wasn’t what he thought he had. 
The whistling wind almost sounded like screams. The leaves rustling together almost mimicked the sound of cracking fire. His mind really was playing tricks on him. 
“I was hallucinating…” Mario voiced weakly.
“Boos feed off of fear. The venom makes you live your worst fears. A lot of people have died due to stress and a few heart attacks. Or being malnourished…”
The hero shivered weakly at the thought. “Well, that’s horrible to think about. Wish someone could have informed me about this.”
“No one in this kingdom would have any idea about Boos. They aren’t native to the areas and this is the first case that I can confirm there’s an infestation here.”
“But you knew about them?”
“There’s more than just the Mushroom and Dark Kingdom to this place. This…whole situation isn’t fun to deal with on your own… Just take my word for it. Hold still, this is going to sting.”
Mario couldn’t hold back the hiss of pain as something heavy was slathered on. Unintentionally trying to pull his arm away from the sensation. Wario continually offers words to keep Mario calm. The hero couldn’t tell when Wario started to wrap his arm up; he was in so much pain.
“So… Care to tell who this Luigi is?”
“Luigi, you kept calling out that name when you were freaking out.”
Mario bit his lip before answering. “He’s my brother. More accurately we’re twins, but I’m older.”
He heard Wario snort. “Uh huh, sure, by how many minutes?”
“Dad said it was 20 something minutes.”
“Whoa, that’s quite the stretch.”
“Luigi says that’s why is taller. Baked for a little too long.”
Wario let out another snort, having to pause and collect himself before continuing. “Why isn’t he here now?”
“...He’s not a fan of the hero work.”
“A bit of a worrywart?”
“I mean yes, but I get why. We fought against a giant, fire breathing turtle. I mean, I’m sitting here with hallucination venom in my veins. It’s all just too new…and we have no idea what to expect next.”
“Right, you’re from Earth.”
“Yeah…have you been there before?”
Wario didn’t answer the question. “So, Luigi’s not much of a fighter?”
“He can if he needs to be,” Mario quickly defended.
“But not…”
The hero shuffled weakly. His free hand nervously tapping his knee. “No…he’s not.”
“Well, sounds like there’s way more to that statement.”
“...Luigi had a weakened immune system when we were younger. He’s stronger now, has some issues still, but nothing like before. I still remember how every weekend was spent at the hospital. Our parents tried to appear brave, but they were constantly stressed. I think that worried and panicked stance rubbed off on Luigi. He was terrified the first time he could actually go outside and play. I held his hand the entire time. But we didn’t make it past the patio before he begged to go back inside.”
Wario’s eyes were trained on Mario as he finished wrapping. “And what about you?”
“What about me?”
“Don’t play high and mighty with me now. You were also a kid when this was all going down.”
Mario frowned and turned away slightly. He really didn’t like this prodding. “I won’t say it was a picnic, but I’m fine.”
Eyes still covered, Mario missed the way Wario’s shoulders slumped. The latter gave a heavy sigh as he cradled Mario’s arm between his larger hands. Even with the numerous times he’d playfully tossed around the size difference between them, right now, it hit Wario hard. 
It wasn’t just size anymore. It was experience, life experience, knowledge only gained with age. 
“Have a younger brother too,” Wario said softly, “Bit of an age gap between us, a few years. We’re both in an underdog situation, he took it harder through. We didn’t have the best life growing up. Stable living was a dream for us. We tried going into business together at some point, but it never worked out. He’s a big dreamer. I’m more practical, if you can believe it.”
Mario merely nodded at that. Not wanting to interrupt and ruin the moment.
“I’ll be honest with you, I only found out about this whole crumbling town thing because I was looking for a job. Came here to see if they needed an extra pair of hands. Wasn’t called to help with an extermination. Wasn’t called period. But money’s tight and… Just…look, I get it. Carrying everything on your shoulders, it sucks. But that doesn’t make it easier knowing it’s going to be hard.”
A weird silence fell between them. It wasn’t uncomfortable but it was heavy.
“Luigi’s not strong,” Mario whispered, “Not…Not physically anyway. But he’s very kind, worries about others, and makes sure everyone’s okay. He’s also quiet and timid. Meeting new people makes him panic, extreme changes aren’t good for him, big unknowns are terrifying.”
“People…kids weren’t nice to him. Saw him as weak, took advantage of him… Every negative interaction just made him close off more… It soon came to a point where I was the only person he felt comfortable around. I tried to help, but it was such a terrible balancing act. I wanted to give him room, but I wanted to stay close in case something happened. Give him a chance to be his own person…but he seemed content just being ‘Mario’s brother’. 
“Maybe he’ll find his own life here?”
“Being the older brother is not fun sometimes.”
“I’m worried I’m going to mess everything up somehow. If not with Luigi than with the life we have now. That becoming a hero was just a stupid luck of the draw and I’ll trip and stumble and lose everything. And if that happens, then what? I don’t know how to get us back home. But it’s not like we left that much behind. We are better here… Peach is kind and the Toads like to talk to Luigi…”
“Doesn't make you feel better about the situation.” Wario offered. 
“No, it doesn’t.”
Unsure of where to pull the conversation to next, Wario turned his attention back to the damaged arm. Nothing was seeping through the heavy wrappings. A few spots, but not enough to worry about. Mario would get better help when they get back to the castle. 
“Okay, I’m going to uncover your eyes. You should be fine. But we’re going to take it slow.”
Mario nodded slowly at the request. Holding still as he felt the blindfold become undone. Both finding it too bright and too dark at the same time as he looked around. There was a moment of relief not seeing the castle. Only to be shocked when his eyes landed on Wario.
The other was covered in cuts, nothing seeming to be too worrisome. But he looked far worse than before this whole thing started. Wario’s right sleeve from his worn yellow shirt had been completely torn off. Now hanging limp from his hands. Mario understood what had been used as his temporary blindfold. 
“You look terrible.”
 Wario laughed at that. “I feel beautiful compared to you.”
“Ah, fair,” Mario looks down at his arm. A hand cautiously running over the wrappings. “How bad was it?”
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Artwork by: Nikikeya (Ao3 Account)
“We’re definitely going to get you to the medical wing as fast as possible. But you’ll be fine. We just need to get to the castle.”
“Probably not a bad idea…” The hero was a little surprised when a comforting weight was placed on his shoulder. Looking up to find Wario staring back. It was a weirdly calm moment. Mario had never seen Wario so…soft before. Coupled with the conversation, Mario wondered if this was going to be the new norm. 
Until Wario said, “I’ll accept your apology now.”
“What!?” Mario let out a small yelp as he was strong armed into a side hug. Legs kicking as Wario’s knuckles dug painfully into the top of Mario’s head. 
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Artwork by: Nikikeya (Ao3 Account)
“I saved your ass even after you were so rude to me! I’m being very forgiving right now.”
“Would you get off!”
“I feel like, now that we’ve bared our souls a little to each other, we’re family now! Not direct family mind you. More like distant cousins. Born in two completely different countries.”
“And your family crawled out from the sewage dump! Seriously, let go!”
“You little rascal. If you’re going to keep up this ‘hero’ business, then you’re gonna need help. Luckily for you, I’m in a generous mood. Next time you have an issue, call me. I’ll be happy to lend my expertise…for a fee, of course.”
“You absolute leech!”
“Ah, I’m so happy we’re back to teasing,” Wario smirked as he gently shook Mario. Eventually letting the hero back down on solid ground again. Still keeping a hand on Mario’s shoulder as the other swayed slightly. “Come on. We should get you back to the castle to get that report in.”
Mario slowly nodded. Silently thankful that Wario kept his hand in place. Not feeling well enough to walk straight and remain upright. “Is there really no way to get these Boos out?”
“Not as far as I’m aware. It’s not like you can suck them up into a vacuum of anything.”
“I…guess not.”
“Take this as a lesson: You’re not going to win every battle.” 
“Right,” Mario frowned as something dawned on him, “Um, are we walking all the way back to the castle?”
“Of course not! I drove here.”
“...You drive?”
Wario laughed, giving Mario’s shoulder a shake, “You’re such a silly little man.”
They arrived back at the main dirt road. The group of Toads had disappeared. Mario hoped that they had the wherewithal to head to their camp for the evening and didn’t enter the town to search for them. Worries for the others fell away when steered towards a large bush. Finding a large motorbike with an attached sidecar resting on the other side from where they stood.
“You’ve got to be kidding me…” Mario yelped as he was easily lifted off the ground and gently placed into said sidecar. “Warn me next time!”
Wario raises a brow. “Next time?”
“...Shut up, you know what I meant.” 
Instead of replying, Wario instead grabbed his leather jacket. Plucking Mario’s hat off his head, throwing it onto the hero’s lap, before casually draping the jacket over him. “Here, keep that on. It’s going to get cold.”
Mario merely nods at the request. Grunting weakly as a helmet was forced onto his head. Missing the vivid purple it was colored as, to focus on the thick goggles being placed over his eyes. 
“There we go, it’ll work for the short trip.  We’ll get you a better fitting helmet later. You know, for next time.”
“It was a slip of the tongue and you know it.”
“Sure it was.”
An attempt at an argument was drowned out with a roar of the engine. Wario let out an inaudible huff as he settled down, his own helmet secured on his head and the motorbike set off. 
Mario  wasn’t sure when he started to drift off. The engine, while loud, was dampened by the padding in the helmet. The only part the wind reached were the small parts of his face that couldn’t be covered. But even then, it wasn’t uncomfortable. The ride was smooth, the rumbling seeming to add another level of comfort weirdly. They had barely left the town in their dust before Mario’s head lulled to the side, fast asleep. 
Wario chuckled to himself giving a side glance to his passenger. “Kid needs to calm down… But he’ll be alright…”
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7grandmel · 3 months
Todays rip: 26/02/2024
Shopping on Star Road
Season 2 No Album Release (Read More) Game Over (OST Version) - Super Mario World
Ripped by sadkey
Requested by bobthetacocat! @bobthetacocat
There's a part of me that really doesn't quite know how to approach this rip in particular, for a few reasons. Sure, I've covered hip-hop themed rips on the blog before, including other lo-fi ones like Yoshi's Cookie World and Stickerbrush State of Mind - but with those and others, I've felt like I've had a story attached to them to tell, to sort of make up for my lack of knowledge on the rap scene in general. I still heard the name "Lil Peep" around from time to time, but knew nothing about the guy or his work - and further wasn't even aware that he's now been away from us for close to seven years, after his passing in 2017. Like I said with Through the F​-​F​-​Fire and the F​-​F​-​Flames, there's an added difficulty in talking about someone's legacy after the fact when you never really felt like you knew them to begin with. Those were, at least, the thoughts I had when receiving the request to cover Shopping on Star Road. And then I listened to it - and then, I dug deeper.
On SoundCloud's official Wikipedia page, Lil Peep is one of ten artists listed as examples under the "SoundCloud Rap" sub category, a label many of you are likely more familiar with than I've ever been. I recognized the names of several of the other listed examples, of course - XXXTentacion, Playboi Carti, Juice Wrld - yet never put it together that they were all born under the same umbrella, the umbrella of SoundCloud as a platform. This community formed of creators expressing themselves with as much honesty and raw emotion as possible, a sort of re-emergence of emo expressions as told by individual rising stars...The more I read, the more fascinated I became - and, of course, given my brainrot, I couldn't help but draw parallels to the SiIvaGunner channel itself.
Much of the joy of SoundCloud as a platform is how...unrestricted it is, as a platform. There's little in the way of licenses, little moderation, no reason for quality control - from what I've gathered without using it, its able to act much like your average social media in that you can post practically anything (that isn't hate speech) and have a chance of getting noticed. There's little pressure to perform, little direct monetization: it is, in its purest form, an audio playground. The idea of "SoundCloud Rap" came about from that culture as a result, to just perform and release something without the pressure of a perfect mix, of perfect vocals and mastering, effectively "venting" in the form of music. There's an aura of sincerity to rap music like Lil Peep's Star Shopping, with a simple beat that sets an immaculate vibe alone, with vocals that speak from the heart, with flow carried by emotion despite the music's simplicity.
And, like, I know it sounds a bit insincere to draw a connection between this thing that I'm not very invested in, and the thing this blog is about that I am VERY invested in, but...that sort of sincerity has always been a huge part of SiIvaGunner's appeal to me. Be it in stupid bits where the mask of the parody occasionally slips with a laugh, such as Can't Say Goodbye to Yesterday - as performed by Bob Dylan, or mashups where you can feel that each source was picked out with affection like vs SAYU (Based Version), there's an aura to many SiIvaGunner rips that make you feel...connected to the people behind them. A connection not all too dissimilar to the one formed between the artist and listener with music as unfiltered as SoundCloud's often is.
There's that, and of course that several of the team's oldest rippers, such as toonlink of Dr. Soulja fame, initially got their start doing the very same thing they do now on SiIvaGunner, but on SoundCloud. It was this messing around with other "rippers" as part of what was then called the "SoundClown" community that SiIvaGunner creator Chaze the Chat cites as the primary inspiration for starting the channel all the way back in Season 1. With this shared history in mind, Shopping on Star Road gains a new sort of meaning - a sendoff from one side of SoundCloud's old guard from another, in tribute to a rapper who passed just as SiIva's own first season ended. It obviously helps that ripper sadkey has a fantastic ear for what he does, and would later go on to make one of the channel's most underrated rips of all time in Unstable Connection. sadkey, Lil Peep, the sentimentality born from the shared history on SoundCloud, and the Super Mario World Game Over theme itself, come together to make Shopping on Star Road one of the most soul-healing listens on the channel.
I never knew much of Lil Peep, nor know much of just how much he impacted people. But I can feel a connection to both him and the people who miss him through Shopping on Star Road and its comment section alone.
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ot7always · 4 years
Fractured (part 1)
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Word Count: 2.8k 
Pairing: OT7 x Reader (platonic); future Yoongi x Reader
Genre: Mafia AU, angst, fluff, (future) smut
Chapter Warnings: Mentions of violence including murder (non-explicit). Mentions of sex (non-explicit). Mentions of drugs, guns, neglect, physical abuse, parental death. Toxic household, implicit mentions of mental illness (depression).
Rating: 18+
Summary: You’d always known something was strange and different about your “family,” but it wasn’t as though your environment encouraged curiosity from you. You thought you wanted to know all the answers, but nobody ever told you that the more you learned the more pieces of yourself you would leave behind.
A/N: This is my first story in this fandom, and I haven’t written anything for any fandom in years. This plot came to me all of a sudden last night and I decided I needed to write it. Please let me know what you think!
You used to be naive.
You were 11 when you first held a gun.
12 when you first made every shot through the centre of the target.
13 when you first noticed the fathers’ proud eyes rather than empty ones.
14 when you first defeated one of the boys in a spar.
15 when you first learned the details of why this was all necessary.
16 when the boys last saw you smile for real.
17 when you first participated in a mission, knuckles bloody for the first time.
18 when you first gave yourself to a man, only to later drug him and strangle him in his sleep.
They say ignorance is bliss, and you can’t help but to agree. Knowledge is not always power – you understand that better than anyone. Because the day you sought more knowledge was the last day you might have considered yourself truly happy.
“I said no. You’re not going anywhere.” The man looked at you, stone-faced in the doorway to his office. You had sought him out for permission to attend a classmate’s birthday party, but already regretted trying. It wasn’t as if you were ever allowed to go anywhere but school and back, escorted by the man’s driver.
Your neck had to crane upward to give him the pleading looks that often worked on his wife, but to no avail. With your head barely reaching the man’s waist, his cold stare had your six-year-old heart pounding, tears filling your eyes.
“But-“ you started, however it appeared there was no room for negotiation. The door was slammed in your face, door rattling in the frame. The noise was enough to make you jump, hands rising to wipe away the wetness that you could no longer hold back after being denied again.
Wanting to hide under your covers for the rest of the night lest you run into the man again, you turned around but instantly collided with another body. Gasping, your eyes immediately fell to the floor, hands falling to your sides.
“I’m sorry,” you uttered with as clear of a voice as you could manage, unwilling to invite the anger of another in the household, especially not the other adults. But the response was not one you expected.
“Y/N?” a soft voice questioned, reaching for your trembling hands. Your eyes rose to meet those of Namjoon’s, who only looked at you with more concern once he properly saw your state. His eyes swept over you quickly, assuring himself you weren’t hurt. He was only a few years older than you, but he worried for you greatly. “What happened?”
Hearing a kind voice after such an icy rejection only caused you to cry harder, stepping forward to wrap your arms around Namjoon’s waist, head buried in his chest. He accepted you without hesitation – it isn’t as though this is the first time this has happened. His hand rose to rub at your back, his warm touch calming you down some. But still, you did not offer an explanation. You knew the rules in this house, and it was your own fault for wanting more, after all. As you begun to pull away, still seeking the safety of your bed to avoid the rest of the world, Namjoon’s hands remained on your shoulders.
“Did my father say something to you again?” he questioned, sympathy in his gaze. You breaking eye contact was answer enough for him. And while he wished he could do something more for you, approaching his father about this would only invite him to unleash his anger on both of you.  
Instead, he grabbed your hand, lacing his fingers with your own. When you peered at him inquisitively, he was glad to see that while your eyes were shiny and nose runny, you were no longer crying. Unwilling to let you mope for the rest of the day, he begun leading you away.
“I’ll make you some pasta, okay? I’m sure you haven’t eaten dinner yet,” he said, continuing the long trek from the upstairs rooms down to the kitchen.
While no, you hadn’t eaten, the last time you ate Namjoon’s pasta you ended up throwing up into the toilet hours later. But unwilling to reject his kindness, you allowed him to seat you at the dining table as he looked for ingredients in the fridge. You had planned to sit and watch him quietly, until you felt somebody collide with you from behind, arms wrapping around your neck.
“Y/N! We need one more person for Mario Party!” an excited voice yelled right by your ear, making you wince. After giving you the appropriate 0.3 seconds to formulate a proper response, hands begun shaking you at the shoulders hard enough to whip your head forward and back.
“Taehyungie…” you started, ready to deny him, unsure if you could handle the raucous of three young boys yelling at each other for stealing stars.
“Pleeeeeease! Please please please pleaseplease,” he begged, rocking your smaller body back and forth in the chair. His enthusiasm had you cracking your first smile since returning home from school.
“Y/N! We’re waiting for you!” a softer voice called from the living room. While you had been thinking about denying Taehyung, you never would’ve been able to deny Jimin. While mischievous, he had never been anything but kind to you growing up, leaving a huge soft spot in your heart for him.
Namjoon let out a small laugh from the stove, where he was stirring a pot that seemed to be letting out a suspicious amount of smoke for what he claimed to be pasta.
“You’d better join them or you’ll never hear the end of it,” he chuckled, giving you a wide grin when he saw you looking significantly happier than before. He was thankful that even if each of their parents might give you a hard time, at least you had seven brothers who only wanted to make you happy.
By the time you were ten years old, you had grown to accept that your life would not be like the lives of your classmates. You would not bake cookies at other girls’ houses, you would not join the after-school volleyball team, and you would not walk with friends to the ice cream shop down the street from school. That isn’t to say you hadn’t been invited. You had, years ago, but a child can only be told no so many times before they stop trying. After all, who wants to ask a question knowing the answer will always be rejection?
You were friendly with your classmates, but they knew you were some type of untouchable. You heard the whispers. She says she likes us, but why won’t she hang out? Why does the same car with tinted windows pick you up everyday? Why were you always alone on Parents’ Day?
While others had always wondered about your life, nobody dared to ask you. Whenever anyone mentioned family, the friendliness stopped. “It’s none of your business,” you would always answer, ending the conversation then and there. If your teachers ever tried to get information out of you, you would tell them not to worry. You always had an excuse for your parents not being there.
“They’re away on a trip.”
“My mother is ill.”
“They need to work during the day.”
The staff at school thought your parents were government officials, and you had likely been instructed not to talk about it. They were half right – your entire living memory you have been instructed not to talk about your family or your living situation no matter what.
It was easy to lie about why your parents weren’t there when your parents were dead. After all, who was there to refute your claims when the only family you had to speak of wasn’t even related to you by blood? The seven young boys – teenagers now, you supposed – had always been close to you, but you weren’t family.
No, you had been told that your parents were business associates of the seven families, but they had unfortunately died in an accident shortly after your birth. Unwilling to send their friends’ newborn to an orphanage, they instead took you in and allowed you to live with their families, where they raised you.
If raising you was the right term. In fact, many of the boys’ fathers ignored your existence. Namjoon’s father seemed to loathe you, though you didn’t think you did anything to cause such hate. However, you supposed that since he was not a kind man to his own son either, you could not complain. He was the head of the household, after all. You didn’t dare anger him, preferring to keep out of his way than to risk his booming voice and hard gaze.
It was not an ideal life. This much you understood, after seeing your classmates boast of their grades to their parents, happily shoving their report cards in their faces. When you see fathers raise their sons above their head, making obnoxious noises and pretending they’re an airplane, something deep inside you mourns something you’ve never had. You’ve never laughed at your father’s jokes, nor picked out an outfit with your mother.
It was not an ideal life, but at the very least you had the boys. They were perhaps the only people you could ever call a friend. They were loud and annoying, but also the only people who made you feel that you had a home.
By the time you were eleven, you had become curious. After all, every television show you’ve seen only had one family in one house, sometimes two. Seven was unheard of as far as you knew, and your adolescent brain with a newfound passion for science and mystery novels needed to know why this was. Of course, nobody could know about his goal of yours. This was top secret.
It started with casual eavesdropping. Before, you had tried to avoid the men in the house at all costs. Their serious looks scared you, and though the majority never specifically targeted you with their anger, you dared not risk it. However, you knew the men of the house frequently gathered behind closed doors, sometimes their wives too. It almost seemed like a business meeting, based on the dramas you’ve seen Seokjin watching in his spare time.
It was surprisingly easy to sneak around in the house, considering your presence was ignored by most. Even the maids didn’t look twice at your antics, knowing how teenagers always seemed to play weird games.
It was difficult to listen well, and you didn’t want to risk getting caught. You’ve only heard snippets of conversation, but it was enough to raise suspicion. The words you’ve been able to catch recently – “mission,” “warehouse,” “armed,” had you furrowing your brows, but what confused you most was “Bangtan,” or what you thought was Bangtan. You didn’t know what that meant. But what surprised you most was how often the others boys’ names seemed to come up, particularly Seokjin and Yoongi, the two eldest.
Your sleuthing continued through the weeks, but the words were hard to hear and you didn’t gain much from it. In fact, you considered giving up and trying to figure things out based on what you already had, but you figured one more try couldn’t hurt.
Perhaps you should have stayed in your room. Not that you knew now whether that could have helped you or not.
On one Wednesday after school, you returned home quicker than normal, traffic having been light for some reason. You figured you may as well use the opportunity to listen to any conversations that might be going on. After all, you made it home earlier than expected, so perhaps nobody would think you to be there to hear anything at all. Not that anyone paid attention to your schedule at all.
So there you sat – squatted, more accurately – outside Namjoon’s father’s office. You heard two muffled voices inside, but could not place who the other belonged to. What you did not expect, however, was to hear your own name coming from their lips.
“We’ve waited long enough. Y/N is useless right now, a liability more than anything,” a gruff voice said. The domineering tone itself told you it was Namjoon’s father, even if you couldn’t see anything at all.
“She’s still young-”
“And your son was years younger than her when he learned of everything. Stop babying her.”
Hearing a conversation centered around you was definitely not the norm. You leaned closer, hoping to hear better, but that was your downfall. Your shoulder brushed against the door – barely a touch at all, but enough to shake the door, and clearly noticeable to the men inside. Before you could even think to stand up, the door swung open, your eyes meeting those of Taehyung’s father like a deer in the headlights.
You felt as though your chest was going to explode, bracing yourself for the worst berating of your life. Would they kick you out? Would they hit you?
“I-I’m sorry,” your voice trembled along with the rest of you, “I thought I heard my name and I was curious, I promise I didn’t mean to,” you let out all in one breath, flinching and preparing yourself for the yelling, the fists, for anything.
What you didn’t expect was laughter. Namjoon’s father’s laughter, to be exact.
“The choice has been made for us,” he declared, directed toward Taehyung’s father.
“Sit.” he instructed you harshly, gesturing toward a chair across from his desk. There was just enough distance between you and him to feel that you were miles away. It made the man seem even more powerful than before.
“Do you remember what we told you about your parents?” he said as he fixed his stare on your wide eyes, more a demand than a question. You nodded, afraid a verbal answer would only get caught in your throat.
“Then you know we were in the same business,” he continued. You nodded again. This is the nicest he’s ever been speaking to you, and that had you relaxing some.
“You see, the boys here are all involved in this business as well. That is their responsibility to their family. Their duty. And it is time for you to fulfill your duty as well. This is what your parents would have wanted, and it is what we need from you in return for sheltering you all these years,” he went on, taking in your expression. The confusion and wariness must have been apparent on your face, because he kept on without waiting for a reply.
“You will train. After school for four hours everyday. You will become part of this business. The boys will help you,” he stated firmly, and you clearly knew these were not requests. These were commands, and you had no place to deny them, despite the questions you wanted to ask. You turned your head to look at Taehyung’s father, who had been one of the only people in the house who treated you as human. He nodded at you reassuringly, hiding his own hesitation well.
“Yes, sir,” you managed to get out, the first words you’d spoken since you entered the room. Even those were a struggle considering your shock.
“Good. You start tomorrow. Now leave.”
And train you did.
You were 11 when you first held a gun.
12 when you first made every shot through the centre of the target.
13 when you first noticed the fathers’ proud eyes rather than empty ones.
14 when you first defeated one of the boys in a spar.
15 when you first learned the details of why this was all necessary.
16 when the boys last saw you smile for real.
17 when you first participated in a mission, knuckles bloody for the first time.
18 when you first gave yourself to a man, only to later drug him and strangle him in his sleep. That was the first night you’d made yourself vulnerable in years, sobbing into Hoseok’s arms lamenting what you had done.
19 when you finally seemed to earn the respect of Namjoon’s father.
19 when you finally seemed to realize you would never be happy, never hold a real job, never get a real education.
You were no longer just part of the house, invisible to the powerful men and their wives who lived there. You had skill, talent.
No, you were no longer just a thing. You were a weapon, an asset. A tool to be used.
But a tool can only be used for so long before its shine fades.
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MHA Headcanon: Being Apart of Both The Baku + Deku Squads
(Description: Wow! I’m so happy with the amount of praise my FatGum fic has gotten! I cannot thank you guys enough for over 100 likes/reblogs, you all mean the world to me. This idea struck me in the dead of the night and I just had to write it down. Love you!)
Requester: No One!
Reader Gender: Gender Neutral (They/Them)
Style of Story: Headcanon(s) // Just some funny ideas I had. Nothing extremely romantic about this one, unless you count Denki’s insatiable flirting attempts as romance!
Word Count: 2.7K Words
WARNING(s): None, just a few cuss words here and there.
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You were more than likely an OG of this group (with Deku, Uraraka, and Iida alongside you) and became fast friends on the first day of school together
You went to class early on the first day at UA (which was unusual for you since sleep is high on your priority list), but you wanted to make a good impression on the staff and meet potential new friends or allies in your career
You got there before most, sat in your designated seat, and people watched the unfamiliar faces in the classroom, trying to get a feel of the energy the kids presented. Not long after you sat down did a scene already break out between a stiff, but kind-looking bluenette who shouted orders at an aggressive blonde with spiky hair. They bickered for a bit, it was eventually calmed down by the teacher, but you noticed a few people at the doorway having a conversation
A brown haired girl and a green haired boy who looked like he was about to die from blushing too hard were standing near the door with the bluenette from earlier. They were all smiling so wide and all had such different personalities that it made you smile, deciphering in your head that there was no way you were leaving this school today without saying ‘hi’ them
Eventually, over the course of the school day (before the whole incident with the fake expulsion) you introduced yourself to the three, and you being the sweet cutie you are, were quickly accepted into the trio as one of them
And the rest is pretty much history! All of you became besties from that point on, dragging Tsu, Momo, and a reluctant Todoroki (at first) into the whirlwind that is your friend group!
What Do They Think Of You Personally
Deku: You’re one of his best friends, he can trust you with pretty much anything. He even considers telling you about One For All once, but sadly that is too big of a secret to tell (for now), but he’ll tell you basically anything else! Learning about your quirk, your goals and dreams, and just plain talking with you always puts him at ease. You help him with his life problems and stressors, even when he’s mumbling away and overthinking you give him a moment to let him get all of his thoughts out instead of interrupting him. He hopes to be heroes with you to the very end, never forget that!
Uraraka: She absolutely adores you! Smart, funny, sweet, you’re the whole package. You’re trustworthy and the drive you have in life keeps her motivated to be a hero with you. You help each other out, she values this friendship more than some others. She feels she can go to you for anything, she only hopes that you feel the same way with her because she has no doubt in her mind that she will go to hell and back for you.
Iida: For awhile he didn’t understand why Midoriya and Uraraka liked you so much. Don’t get me wrong, he found you fun to hang out with and nice, but he never really saw why they blindly trusted you. That is, until you came to visit Izuku, Shoto, and him in the hospital the weekend after the Hosu/Stain (but you don’t know about the villain) incident. You wished for them to get better, gave each of them a handwritten card and baked goods before leaving to get back to UA, parting with a wide smile and hugs for them all. He finally fully sees your kind nature and the open honesty you give to everyone, and is ready to be a hero with you for as long as you deem necessary. The kindness you gave him that day affected him more than you will ever know, as you helped him see past his plot of revenge and strive to be a hero not to hurt others but to change the world so tragedies like this never happen again.
Tsu: She noticed early on how you always brighten a room whenever you’re there, so she (along with many others) were drawn to that warmth. She appreciates your understanding and forgiving attitude, she feels like she doesn’t have to hide or be ashamed of who she is around you. The USJ incident really made her think about how precious life is and how quickly it can be taken away, so she is grateful that someone as generous as you decided to be friends with her and the rest of the DekuSquad.
Todoroki: Apprehensive of you at first (like he was with everyone), but after you showed your loyalty and dedication to not your work but your friendships, he wants to get to know you better. It’ll take awhile to get past his cold exterior, but if you stay he’ll consider you one of his greatest allies. Plus, you can teach him how to open up to others and learn to love again, who wouldn’t want to help Shoto?
Momo: She knows she’s smart so she’s more than happy to help you with school work (if you need it, that is). The first time she knew she could fully trust you is when Mineta was perving about her hero uniform and tried to inappropriately touch her, but you grabbed and punted him at least 50 yards into the distance while screaming, “Women's rights, perv!” and ever since that day you’ve been her knight in shining armour. She always thinks about inviting you as her guest first when she has to attend fancy dinners/parties with her parents. She appreciates all your help with protecting her and the other girls in Class 1-A, but also a great friend. If you ever need anything, she’ll be there first to help!
Hanging Out / Having Fun / Random Things
Group. Study. SESSIONS! Seriously. You have some of the smartest people in Class 1-A in the DekuSquad with you, if you don't use that knowledge to your benefit, I’ma slap you. They’re always willing to help one another out, no matter how immense the problem.
Mario Kart, Apples to Apples, even Hide-And-Seek (in and outside the dorms), everything is on the table for Group Game Night (and, yes, Group Game Night is a weekly event)
You train with Deku, Todoroki, and even Uraraka sometimes on the weekends and HOE BOI, you haven’t felt true envy until you jokingly test to see if a cutsie green-haired 16 year old can bench your entire body and feel your soul die as he actually lifts you up and over his head with ease
Your noodle arms could never. You just want to be sTRONG!!! (I feel that)
You cannot make a self deprecating joke in front of them. Ever. Even if you THINK about making one, you will be sat down on a comfy chair, given a glass of milk and a cookie, and counseled on your emotions and well being until the dorm’s curfew
They just love and care about you. Why can’t you see yourself the way they do? (K, I made myself cry with that one.)
Anyways, it’s wholesome, cinnamon roll energy 24/7. Finally, the serotonin we all need.
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You’re a little late getting into the BakuSquad, but you get there eventually!
You, Mina, and Kirishima are paired up for a group project in the middle of the year. Sad that you can’t be with your normal friend group in this project, you try to look on the bright side and enjoy their company.
You three end up having way too much fun. Opting to, instead of doing the homework, end up playing video games with Kirishima, Mina, and a flirty blonde named Kaminari, hanging upside down on the ceiling with the smiley blacknette, Sero, pretending to be “Spiderman” while relaxing with the spunky Jiro, and eventually getting caught by the angry blonde from the first day of school named Bakugou, who forces the three of you to sit down and finally get the work done before it was too late, but even that was fun!
Later that weekend, you all plan to meet up at the mall (Bakugou being dragged along by Kirishima) and hang. You ended up running around the different floors laughing like maniacs, getting way too many sugar highs from eating too much candy, somehow end up in a Taco Bell parking lot at 1AM screaming “Bohemian Rhapsody” to the moon while drinking Baja Blasts together, and having to sneak back into the dorms carrying a derpy Kaminari carefully inside because he blew out his power trying to impress you with a flirty pickup line.
You stumbled into your dorm after hearing a quick, “Night, (Y/N)!” from Kirishima since he had kindly walked you to your room to make sure you got back okay, and took a deep breath in while leaning against the door. You walked to your bathroom mirror and looked at your frizzled hair, colorful stained lips from the candy you’d eaten, the empty Baja Blast cup in your hand that you had used as a microphone, and smiled. You have got to stay friends with these idiots.
And that you did, the crazy BakuSquad has a new member!
What Do They Think Of You Personally
Bakugou: I’ll just say this, it takes guts to befriend a person like him, and he knows it, so he pretends to hate you and your determination to stay by his side (as he does with most people) for the LONGEST time. It takes him years to show you his softer sides, but when he does break down those barriers for you it’s well worth the wait. After that, he trusts you with his life, and him with yours. He hates to admit it because he has seen the crazy in you around the others, but you are caring and would take all the time in the world to listen to his or anyone else's problems. He knows you’ve seen the tough things in life and he respects you for it. You’ll be a strong hero, just not better than him!
Kirishima: Honestly after meeting the BakuSquad and now you, his self esteem has never been higher! He was struggling for the longest time with self doubt but after befriending all of you he knows that he finally has a place in this world and people who care about him for more than his quirk. You give him an even bigger reason to keep striving to be a hero, if he can meet amazing people like you in his career path then he never wants to leave. He sees that project as one of the best things that has ever come out of school!
Denki: Definitely tries (and fails miserably) to score a date with you an ungodly amount of times. He can’t help it, you’re so pretty and nice and if you were his significant other he’d be over the moon. If you’re not comfortable with his flirting, he will eventually lay off, but that won’t stop him from daydreaming of being with you. Fate or not, meeting you feels like a dream, and with you being kind to literally everyone around you, it would have been impossible for him to resist being friends with you either way. He loves you and admires your strength as a hero, you’re both gonna go far together.
Mina: She feels that getting paired together for that project was destiny in the works! You make everyone so happy and she feels blessed that she can help you learn how to let loose and go with the flow. You two have an infinite amount of gossip supply, the tea is never not hot or empty. You both have some righteous dirt (but you’re both nice enough to not cause chaos within UA, so it stays on the ground).
Sero: The life the BakuSquad gained from you joining is indescribable. You are like the cool parental figure who turned into a thrill junkie, and seeing that transformation was absolutely hilarious. He enjoys your company, where the room can be filled with noise or dead silent but still be comfortable, he lives to find those people. Plus, being non-judgmental means that he’ll open up to you about more than what others see. 10/10, you two vibe together.
Jiro: Best buddies. You fight alongside her in defending the women of UA from pervs, so that is already a huge gain. She loves sharing her music taste with you and you with her, you’ve opened up her tastes far more than she ever imagined (because of you she listens to the catcher pop songs more now than just straight punk 24/7, good for you!) Your opinion is one of the few she won’t brush off, so she’ll listen to what you have to say too.
Hanging Out / Having Fun / Random Things
The chaotic, feral energy you guys have is something else, my dude. Just thinking about it gives me shivers (I pray for Aizawa sometimes).
Intense battles of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Just Dance, and Cards Against Humanity every weekend (Bakugou always wins because he gets all the nastiest/funniest cards)
Who you are with the DekuSquad (calm, careful, collected) gets YEETED away when the BakuSquad comes into play. You go batshit, and it feels good! Like, you’re still kind and caring, but you add a dash of crazy in there when Kaminari starts bumping the Crazy Frog song, so you finally decide it’s okay to let loose with them. It’s a full on identity crisis if I’ve ever seen one.
But don’t be mistaken, if ever someone in the squad needs help or is hurt in any way, you’re all over it. You’ll counsel, hug, and/or kill whoever you need to make sure your friends are okay (and vice-versa with everyone else too)
You sometimes train with Bakugou and Kirishima after school. It’s tough, so you don’t do it often, but when you do you never leave feeling you could have put in more effort. Bakugou’s taunts and Kiri’s encouraging words always compel you to give more and more, to the point of you feeling like passing out at the end.
Weird side note: Bakugou’s parents love all of you like you’re their own kids??? IDK why, but I have a feeling if he ever brought the BakuSquad (+ you) home to hang and meet his parents, they would fall in love and adopt you guys faster than Katsuki can say “DIEEE!”
~ ~
~ ~
Both Groups Together
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What Do They Think Of You Being In Both Groups
DekuSquad: They don’t care at all. You’re allowed to be friends with whoever you want. True, they’ll be sad when they make plans together but you can’t make it because you’ve already planned to hang with the BakuSquad and get nervous when they see your Snapchat story update that Denki got himself stuck in a trashcan trying to impress you, but that’s okay! They’ll just let you know if anything important or hilarious happens when you're gone! All in all, it’s great.
BakuSquad: They pretty much feel the same as the DekuSquad, who are they to choose who you associate yourself with, but Bakugou is still pissed to this day that you cannot/will not pick a “side”. He honestly sees it as a test, if he can make you officially be in the BakuSquad and not hang out with those “extras” anymore, then he beats Deku in yet another thing. He’ll eventually come to terms with the fact that your friendships and feelings aren’t a game, but he’ll still keep it a personal goal to try and make his group more enjoyable to be around so you potentially be on only his side. The rest of them don’t view you as property to be owned, your life is your life!
Both Hanging Out: Getting Bakugou to chill with “losers” who aren’t his own team is extremely difficult. He doesn’t play nice with others, even sometimes his own squad! But everyone else enjoys the opposite squad’s vibe, so if you guys wanted to have a group movie night or just a massive hang out, everyone would be down! Get ready for countless nights of gossiping with the girls and playing pranks on other students with the boys (and maybe running away from a furious Aizawa)!
~ THE END! ~
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fucnhg-slee-p · 3 years
Hard times
Robert Pattinson x liza
prompt: something stupid leads to something epic

This was it, the stupidest idea you’ve ever had.
“We can call it... uh, No cum december”
“What? That’s the worst name ever!” Rob laughed.
You and robert were having game night and having the oh so normal conversation about how you’ve never actually participated in no nut november and for some god forsaken reason, wanted to try it out.
This conversation would have been quite weird with anyone else but you’re known robert your whole life, and when college came around ended up being roommates, the luck was unbelievable. He was your closest and practically only friend so of course you could talk about things like this without it being weird.
“Okay, well I’d like to see you come up with something better then!” You retorted, laughing.
“Uh...well I don’t know, no cum December is fine i guess” he said chuckling, obviously not being able to come up with a better name
“Ha! Uno!” You said putting your last card down.
“What! That’s not fair, you definitely cheated” rob said jokingly
“Yeah yeah whatever you say.” You laughed while putting the cards away and pull out another game.
By now the games were put away and the two of you were watching tv, cuddling.
“Hey! It’s almost 12. In 20 minutes you wont be able to cum for 31 days” you stated, pointing at the time on your phone. Robert looked away from the tv in order to look at you. “In that case ill be right back..” he quickly got up and you both laughed. “I guess I should take advantage of it too”
Both of you were very open with each other so mentioning that you were going to masturbate wasnt really that weird. the only issue was that right now all you could think about was him.. for most of your life you’ve been in love with him, you’ve been in other relationships but it never felt as good as being around robert so of course none of them lasted. It felt wrong to think of him while you were doing this but you couldn’t help it, especially when you knew what he was doing in the next room.
by now you were both back in the living room as if nothing had happened, talking about how dumb this episode of fresh prince was.
“It’s twelve now, if either of us fail we have to tell each other” robert said, reaching for the popcorn on the coffee table and eating some. “Yeah we have to be honest about it, no cheating” you replied, taking the bowl from him, leaving robert with just a handful. “Hey!” He exclaimed, mockingly upset that you took his popcorn, he threw his handful at you, laughing.
You retaliated by dumping the bowl on his head, “alright, thats it” robert said moving from his spot on the couch to get closer to you, he put his hands on your waist and started tickling you until you had tears in your eyes from laughing too much and begging him to stop. He was laying above you laughing from how cute you looked.
It’s been 6 days and you feel like you’re going crazy, everything he does is the hottest thing you’ve ever seen. You feel like hes doing it on purpose, what an asshole.
After a long day (or week) of studying going from class to class, you just needed to relax but you were constantly on edge and robert was making it much worse. Right now he was just standing by the fridge drinking water but it was somehow the most sexual thing you’d ever seen
“Robert?” You sounded kinda pissed off but you really didn’t mean to
“Yeah?” He took a deep breath after completely finishing the bottle, with some water dripping down to his shirt, what the fuck
“What the fuck are you doing?” You were done with his bullshit, yeah it had only been a week but it was torture especially with the way he was acting
“I’m.. drinking water..” he answered with a confused expression, throwing the empty bottle away and walking towards your spot on the couch
“Ok well stop being annoying” you looked back at your notebook to continue with your studies. “Hey! I didn’t even do anything,” he laughed “i think someone needs to get laid, you’re getting a little frustrated huh?” He teased, only making it worse.
“No im completely fine” you lied “I’m just frustrated with all this shit” you said gesturing to your pile of books. you put your head in your hands “god this is just so hard” you were talking about both situations but if you were being honest the main reason for how stressed you felt was because of this stupid challenge it wasnt even for money or some prize, its literally for no reason.
“I’m sorry Liz, i can help out if you want”
“What?” You quickly looked up at him with a slightly shocked expression that you’re sure he didn’t notice “if you need help with your classes and stuff I’m here for you”
“Oh.” you sighed in both relief and disappointment “no its okay”
“Well if you need me I’m here” he put his hand on your shoulder and it sent a spark through your whole body. “How are you doing with this challenge anyway?” You changed the subject back to the only thing you could think about
“I’m okay, it was really hard for the first few days but now its kinda fun, especially when you think about how it’ll feel at the end of the month, you know? Waiting so long and then finally-“ “ok shut up!” You cut him off, this was all too much. He laughed “uh, do you wanna play Mario kart?” He asked softly, rubbing your back “yeah sure, i think i need a break from this anyway” you smiled at him, making sure not to stare too long.
After about 2 hours of playing and him winning almost every time, you ordered pizza and played uno while you waited. The whole time you were stuck on the way his hands moved and how his arms looked so good in the shirt he was wearing, he knew you were half zoned out but he figured you were just stuck thinking about school again.
The knock at the door pulled you from your haze “ill get it, you put the cards away” you said getting up to open the door.
You both ate in a comfortable silence for a while, little did you know he was suffering just as much or worse than you were. At this point you were both shamelessly staring at each other without the other even realizing.
Eventually you realized he was looking you up and down as if you were the only girl in the world and hes been waiting his whole life to have you, you slowly looked away as not to startle him or let him realize you were staring too, or even caught into the fact that he was looking at you with such hunger, which by the way was extremely painful to see from how hot it was.
the tv was quietly playing avatar “if you had a flying bison what would you name it?” You broke the silence
“Hm? Uh.. I don’t know, maybe Bryan”
“That’s an ugly name” you laughed
“Okay well what would you name a flying bison?”
“I would name it robert” you said, forgetting that you were talking to robert
he smiled “aw you’d name him after me?”
your eyes widened subtly “no.. i would just name him robert”
“Yeah ok” he joked, his hand brushed your outer thigh, for a little too long
You inhaled sharply at the sensation. It was only a short moment but it felt like forever and as wild as your thoughts were running it was much much worse now.
You don’t think he even realized how intense that was for you, it must’ve been all in your head, you need to calm down.
Now it’d been 10 days, you’re surprised you lasted more than 24 hours, really. But god these last few days have been hell, you’re sure roberts teasing you on purpose, trying to see how long you’ll last when he ‘bumps’ into you or takes his shirt off because ‘it’s too hot’ even though it was freezing. If one more thing happened you were done. You were at the library, trying to catch a break from the stress, listening to music and reading a short novel that caught your attention, sitting in the library always made you feel good. After a few hours of being there you decided it was time to head back to your dorm, on the way there you got a hot tea from the local bakery.
Walking into your dorm you were greeted by robert, sitting on the couch watching some documentary about something stupid. “Hey, i got you a muffin” you said putting your stuff down and taking your coat off. “God its so cold out there”. You handed him the muffen and sat next to him, silently watching the documentary and drinking your tea, figuring out it was about aliens. Without your knowledge he wasnt watching the tv, he was intently watching the way you drank the tea, the way your lips wrapped around the cup was addictive to him. And then it happened, he stretched and you glanced at him from the sudden movement, right then you knew it was over, you took a second look and you could’ve died, his stomach was peaking out from the hem of his shirt and his head was tossed back, showing off his collarbone, and his arms stretched above his head showing off his muscles. You were done. You were completely lost in a trance, staring at him for far too long
“What?” He asked sounding worried.
“I cant do this anymore” you let out a breath you didn’t know you we’re holding. Your eyes trailed down to his lips for a moment and he realized what you meant.
“You need me, don’t you?” You almost whined when he said that, he knew exactly how badly you wanted him, there was no denying it.
You both leaned in slowly, testing the waters before your lips finally crashed together, your whole body felt electric, you were on fire.
Pulling away for a moment, you felt dizzy. Resting your forehead on his to let your lungs catch a break. All you could do was smile “you don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do that” you said leaning in to kiss him again. It felt just as intense as the first time, he pulled you into his lap without breaking the kiss, your hands gripping into his hair while his hands roamed over your whole body.
He pulled on your bottom lip with his teeth and deepened the kiss, if that was even possible. He rubbed his hands up and down your thighs taking his time to get where you wanted him. “Please” you groaned, desperate for more
Obliging, he started to rub his fingers over your underwear delicately, gradually building pressure “mmh fuck” you moaned into his neck. “I’m already so close”
Suddenly he stopped and pulled away to look into your eyes. “Wake up”
“What?” You asked, voice laced with confusion
“I said, wake up” he said more aggressively this time, reaching to pinch you.
Your eyes opened and you were in bed, out of breath and covered in sweat. “What the fuck” you rubbed the sleep out of your eyes and got dressed quickly.
Walking into your shared living area you grabbed a snack and headed out to class — you were running late so you kind of rushed out. On your way there you texted robert, making movie night plans for when you both got back to your dorm.
Every time you closed your eyes you could see everything from your dream so clearly. You were barely hanging on at this point
Walking back home was dreadful for a number of reasons, one, it was freezing, two, youd have to see robert and be the way you always are with each other and not accidentally let your feelings slip out
Your phone buzzed
You got a text from robert
“I got Wendy’s, get home asap! I’m gonna eat your food >:)”
Smiling to yourself you sent a quick response warning him not to and started walking faster. Forgetting how hard it was to keep your feelings down, you were just excited to hang out with your best friend for the night, even though you spent most nights together, you were never tired of each other
You opened the front door and walked inside “Robert! You better not have ate my food” you yelled through the small apartment
Robert walked out of his room half naked, his only covering being the towel wrapped around his waist. clearly he’d just gotten out of the shower. “Dont worry i waited” he laughed. There’s no way this wasnt on purpose.
“Go put clothes on so we can eat and watch our movie!”
“Why am i distracting you” he smirked, his tone changing drastically. Still standing by the front door He walked up to you caging you between the wall and his body “is it hard for you to focus when I’m practically naked?”
It felt as though all of the air left your body, you closed your eyes for a minute to try to keep your cool— “liza?”
You opened your eyes again and robert was standing in front of you, at a normal distance — fully clothed
“You okay?”
“Yeah sorry, just stressed. Everything’s fine”
These daydreams are fucking brutal
You both ate in a peaceful silence and watched Scott pilgrim. After it was over you were having a regular conversation on the couch
“I think I’m gonna head to bed, its getting late” you said, about to get up.
“Wait” rob stopped you, “i have to tell you something”
He said nothing, just stared at you while trying to figure out the best way to get the words out. “You failed didnt you?” You teased, knowing whatever he had to say was more serious than the stupid bet “no no, thats not it” he chuckled, getting lost in your eyes
He moved a strand of hair out of your face and kept his hand on your cheek. Both of you just staring, too scared to make the first move. “Rob?” He hummed in response, eyes flickering to you lips “what did you want to tell me?”
He leaned in and softly kissed you. Before he could pull away you held onto his face.
“I have a crush on you” he whispered into the kiss, deepening it.
You moaned in response, climbing into his lap “is this real?” You said with desperation. “I hope so” he said putting his lips back into yours, pulling himself off the couch and walking into his room with you in his arms, not breaking the kiss
he gently laid you on his bed and held himself above you, moving his lips down your neck and sucking on a sensitive spot. He tugged at the bottom of your shirt, you sat up to help him get it off and he continued kissing down your body, stopping here and there until he made it to the waistline of your pants, he looked up at you while slowly pulling them down “please” as much as you loved how gentle he was being it was torture to go this slow “patience baby girl” he said kissing over your panties softly, moving them to the side he swiped his fingers through your folds then bringing them to his mouth, licking them clean “so wet already, how long have you wanted this to happen huh?” He said putting his fingers on you again. “Too long” you moaned.
Stopping his movements he pulled his ring off and put it on your finger, then continued his work, sliding his fingers inside of you now, slowly pumping them. “faster please” you cried out, grabbing into his hair. He thankfully started going faster, and faster and holy shit “fuck I’m so close don’t stop” your words were slurring together and you could hardly concentrate on anything going on beside the way his fingers felt “pleasepleaseplease” at this point the only thing coming out of your mouth was a string of cursing and pleas to keep going, and finally after two weeks of barely hanging on you felt so good it almost hurt, but he didnt stop there. He kept going, keeping up with his fast pace and now licking and sucking on your clit, you felt so sensitive it hardly took much to fall over the edge again and he still didnt stop until your third time and you couldn’t feel your legs.
“Holy shit” you said out of breath as he moved up your body to kiss you softly “did i hurt you?” You shook your head in response, moving your hand down his body, “no, you don’t have to”
“I want to”
He stayed hovering over you as you stroked him at an agonizingly slow pace. After a while you pushed him down to lay beside you and you continued to take your time. It felt so intimate. “I love you” you whispered onto his lips as you kissed him. “I love you too” he said with so much admiration in his eyes. You moved your lips down his body and kissed his tip gently “I’m close” he pushed his head into the pillow and squeezed his eyes shut “please. Faster”
You obliged, moving you hand faster and taking him in your mouth, matching the pace of your hand. “Liza” he moaned quietly. You hummed around him in response. “I love you so much”. With a few more strokes he finished and you pulled off oh him, “i love you too” you said laying down on his chest “i cant feel my legs”
“Good” he said, wrapping is arms around you.
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ranmanjuu · 4 years
Hello! I really enjoy you Gen Z MC headcanons a lot! Can you make headcanons for Non-Native/American MC? Like, Japanese isn’t her first language and while she got some words and phrases down, she still struggles a lot. Especially with saying names correctly. So, she give our warlords silly nicknames or just completely pronounces it word. Just with the Oda Forces right now. Thank you!
thanks for the request! as someone who's bilingual and Fluent in None, i'll try my best lol. and iirc sengoku japan has some differences in their writing than modern japan, but i'm Not sure to what extent because i'm no Expert™. and this is from my personal experience, so not everything may apply (aha i'm no american)
—oda forces with non-native/american mc
consider him intrigued! he’s met a few portugese men and a few other nationalities from the west trading, but he didn’t expect his fireball to be one!
pre-learning you came from the future, he was a bit confused on why some of your words sound different than what the others were speaking. it’s still japanese, he knows that for a fact, but it’s slightly different.
your responses in conversation come slowly, and sometimes not even correctly. he sees the way you kind of falter each time someone corrects you, then steel your eyes in resolve in speaking correctly. he’ll wait for them patiently all the same.
if you’re ever to use a phrase wrong or say a word you didn’t mea nto say, he’ll let out a loud guffaw. he doesn’t correct you (most times), it’s a bit entertaining how a sentence can sound funny to him while you remain clueless.
if it’s of any need, or perhaps you asked for it (because japanese was already hard, the fact that it has differences from the one you were learning adds to the weigh), he will order to have someone tutor you.
as time passes, you become more and more fluent. and by then, nobunaga will invite you to his tenshu on sleepless nights, and demands that you tell him how your country is. it’s land, the culture, anything and everything. and he’ll listen in very carefully—he really is interested.
when the two of you are alone, he often encourages you to “do it how you do in your land.” it’s a way of learning more outside japan, and learning more about you! in a time when you’re stressed with all the shocks, he wants his fireball to be comfortable at least.
sometimes he goes above and beyond once you’re in a relationship. you can’t use chopsticks and prefer to use cutlery? well, the portugese had a supply, so he got ‘em. you want a specific fabric that isn’t available in the market and maybe even the country in general? trades, baby!
he’s a bit interested in some of your words, even if he can’t exactly use them in japanese. (we talkin things like “y’all”, etc.)
you call him “naga”, mostly due to the “nobu” part heavily influenced by your accent. you’re the only one who he’ll allow to call him that.
and if anyone, even another daimyo, comments about your foreignity, they’ll have to face with him personally.
as any other time, he still suspects you. hideyoshi doesn’t doubt that you’re a foreigner—the clothes you wore and lack of knowledge of most things seems to prove it. but that doesn’t mean you’re not dangerous.
so, for the first few days, he tailed you everywhere. and he got to be a witness of your struggles in mostly language. even talking to the maids become a challenge as you stumble across your sentences and still make mistakes. he saw how, when you don’t manage to get what you want to say across, you just shook your head dejectedly with a small, “sorry, nevermind.”
his suspicion picked away slowly from that point. but it wasn’t gone; he just felt immensely guilty for tailing you now.
until, one day, you walked into a soldier harshly scolding a maid. what’s the matter? something about...sword training...’not supposed to do that, you’re a woman’...? the longer you listen and try to decipher it, the more you hear some sexist bullshit. and you were not tolerating.
“hey, stop that!” the two looked at you now, and only after you said that did you realize you’re gonna have to make your argument in japanese,”what if she want to.. sword... practice...”
as you went on, your voice died and your grasp of the language seems to fade away. the soldier took advantage, and swept in like an eagle, “hah, what do you know about fighting, huh?! much less speaking japanese!”
you stopped right there, your heart stung and twisting. the air became suffocating, shrinking down your body and blurring the world. thankfully, hideyoshi, who’s seen everything, stepped in. your vision only regained once the soldier and maid were gone, with hide speaking as soft as he’s ever been, “are you okay?”
with reassurance from you, he apologizes, and so comes to an agreement to start over. from then on, he became the overbearing mother he is.
he’s always looking after you whenever he can. aiding you in speaking, teaching you some basic customs, all that jazz. worry plagues him 24/7 about you, what if you got kidnapped, or what if a ronin attacked you because of accidental provoking?!
you had to spend a long, long time convinving him you were fine.
he always reinforces the, “say the t word instead of sorry” principle if you apologize because of your lack of knowledge.
you often call him “yoshi” now (same pronounciation as yoshi from mario lol) since you spent,, so long calling the ‘hide” part like hide in hide n’ seek.
and while he doesn’t tolerate people who make any bad remarks about you, if it’s someone like a daimyo, he’ll hold it in and curse them to hell afterwards.
a little mouse from another land, hm? this’ll be interesting.
he often teases you at first. it’s a bit inviting, how you keep mixing up words and he could make you think it’s correct, delivering a message that was misspelled, and even telling you to write something (the japanese writing system,,,, shudders)
but if it genuinely upsets you, he will tone it down.
ntb cruel, but he finds it a bit charming of how helpless you are at times. a jittery little mouse, walking around the castle.
he’s quite baffled at the lack of knowledge you have. he understands it a bit, but even so, the teasings don’t stop. “my my, we have a long way to go ahead, don’t we little mouse?”
the princess lessons he gives include learning japanese, the customs (using chopsticks, bowing, etc.), and everything you should at least know. it’s often very taxing, and mitsuhide is a very strict teacher, but sometimes you wouldn’t change it for the world.
when he congratulates you at something, it feels weirdly fulfilling. he doesn’t give them often, only if you’ve done a wonderful job, but his words make your heart flutter and encourage you to do better.
man would definitely know what you’re talking about if you speak your language. he’s the mvp spy for the oda, i’d wager he knows some other languages. so if you’re muttering to yourself, be prepared to have a mitsuhide appear out of thin air and make a comment about it
and he doesn’t,, really help you at times. like when you know a word in your mother tongue, but you just can’t think about what the japanese is—all the he says is, “my, i wonder what it is.”
you just glare at him half-heartedly.
that being said, secret conversations that (most of the time) only you two know about happens here and there. maybe during a mission, he’ll whisper something into your ear with your mother language (mitsuhide is totally the type to pretend to be shit talking someone while he’s actually having a normal conversation, so)
as you two become closer, he becomes painfully aware of how vulnerable you can be, especially with someone in his position. if you were kidnapped or anything of the sorts, you can have more trouble with your captors,,
in short, he’s often very Protective of you if he needs to.
if anyone scrutinizes you in any way because of the whole foreign thing? well,, they won’t be seen ever again :)
you pronounce hide the same way like in hideyoshi’s. you called him like that,, for the longest time,,, and he still hasn’t lived it down.
despite there being two mitsus, you call mitsuhide “mitsu” (sometimes as ‘mizu’ if your tongue slips)
he’s very ice cold (as anytime at first) to you, the whole “useless waif” thing  multiplying in his salt.
you did bear with it during the first few days, but if it starts getting to you and making you visibly upset, ieyasu will slowly notice. he feels a bit bad, and the ‘avoiding people’ part of him told him to just leave it be and avoid you. but after seeing some instances of you trying your absolute best and looking so crestfallen if you’ve done the slightest bit wrong, his hearts feels obligated to apologize.
well,, apologize in his term. in his own roundabout way, he invited you to feed wasabi. most of the time it was silence, but somehow, it felt nice. comfortable.
in the end, both of you finally said something, and at the same time. “uhm, ’yasu—”  /  “look—”
you two paused, and ieyasu looked away while you held back a chuckle. “i really enjoy this. thank you.”
your  enunciation was still slipping, but the smile you sent left him almost speechless. only after you tilt your head in confusion did he go back to reality, scoffing to the side, “whatever. i don’t care what you think about this.”
it’s a bit maddening at times; you were like another mitsunari, but instead of misprocessing what he said, you often just didn’t understand. all the insults flew over your head because you didn’t know any of them. it’s like, a part of the reason why you’re so hard-headed to spend time with him.
if he were honest, he felt a bit bad seeing your state. as someone who spent time being vulnerable and having to force the world to give him a space of his own, seeing you reminded him or himself. maybe that’s part of the reason he agreed to teach you some medicine,, he wanted to give you a place. even if that place was him.
he’s very often protective of you, in his own, indirect way. he walks with you to the market even if you insist you can do it yourself, he jumps in each time you look like you need help with language—it’s a bit adorable.
you call him “yasu” or “yass” (more often the latter). the “ie” part really confused you, and while the warlord himself couldn’t care less of what you call him, you’re the only one who can nickname him like that.
just like mitsuhide, the man’s quite excited to see what would come from you. while you couldn’t really tell anyone off in japanese, you definitely did that in your language. and while masamune didn’t know what you said, but by the expressions you made, it was enough.
ngl, that part of you made him take you less seriously.
i’d imagine it’d be quite hard for you to keep up with him, even in just a normal conversation
he doesn’t mind the slip-ups (which can make your sentences range from bizzare to just absolute rude) and it actually fishes out a loud laugh from him. but if you happen to talk to anyone from his clan like that, even unintentionally, you’ll be in a lot of a pickle.
and by pickle i mean near death experience.
first time he saw you fumble around with your chopsticks cluelessly (and using them in less efficient ways), he didn’t understand at first, but was quick to teach you. how else were you supposed to eat and savor the flavor?
speaking of that,, since you aren’t really familiar with japanese food, you kinda dined blindly without knowing which part of the food tastes like what. masamune thought he was facing another mitsu and almost had a heart attack.
he’d gladly tell you what tastes good with what, how you should eat it, etc. etc. man would definitely feed it to you and tease you heavily while he’s at it
you’d often ask him what some foods were, even the most common. masamune gaped at you when you innocently asked him what a ‘dango’ is. and most times, you’d find the same thing on the dinner table later.
still on the topic of food, you can absolutely tell him the food from your country! actually, given the ingredients and basic instructions, he’ll absolutely make it for you if you feel homesick.
you call him “moon”, coming from how you said the “mune” part like you would in english rules (like in commune, etc.) he really liked the nickname, and it eventually stuck.
(irrelevant but you also said “date” like,, y’know, the english words date.)
(^ some puns came from that)
the first time you came to the senoku era, you were confused, but most of all, panicked. when mitsunari raised the hypothesis that you were a foreigner, you managed to catch on that one word. in a response, you pointed at him and just nodded, hoping the others would get what you were saying.
from then on, he was the first to start talking to you slowly and use basic words he’d hope you understood. in discussions where you were left in the dark, mitsunari would take the time to turn to you and explain it slowly.
you felt absolutely grateful and indebted to him. as such, no objections were raised as you were appointed as his caretaker.
through the,, trial and tribulations (him mistaking you for kitty, the almost impossible reading-trance he had), you kept patience over it all. he made you feel the most welcome, this was a way to repay him.
mitsunari himself saw you as a saint; you didn’t have to be so nice to him. he knows how unbearable he can be in terms of taking care of, it’d be way easier for you to just get it done in the fastest way possible. you absolutely objected to that, he helped you, you’d help him now.
his admiration just grew. he saw you as so, so strong and brave, held in a castle with a language you didn’t know much with customs you were a stranger to. on top of that, you were so kind and patient with those who needed help, despite your own troubles. it wasn’t love yet, but a deep-seeded admiration.
i’d like to think he knows enough of your language to hold a normal conversation in it, maybe from the books shipped from the portugese and the likes. other than sasuke, he was the one who you could just let go the worries and stress of language in talking.
to repay your repayment (which is,,,,.. nvm) he offered to help you learn japanese and the common customs. the tiny “really...?” you said, along with the slightly widened eyes littered with stars; it was something mitsunari’d never forget.
he’d always be supportive and understanding, explaining things over and over again until you understood. he’s the best teacher you could ask for.
when he started avoiding you so he could focus on work (and figure out why he feels so weird around you,,), you felt the most devastated you’ve been through your stay. he felt like the someone who you could feel the most close and safe with.
even as some people started secretly scrutinizing you as a foreigner princess, dear oblivious mitsunari kept respecting your appointed title. if someone made a rude comment about it, he’d strictly (which to him is just say it with a straight face and serious tone) remind that you rightly held the position.
you call him “navi”. at first, it was “nari” but the dull R slipped into a v somehow, and the nickname sounded  pleasant to you and him. and so it stuck
the first time you met him, it was when he hid behind you to avoid being killed. you gained just enough knowledge to understand what the guard was saying, and without much thought, jumped in. in a moment of panic from the thought of ‘this man’s life is kind of in my hands’, the stuttering and incorrect japanese switched into your fluent mother language. your mind flowed clearly by using words you were familiar with.
and while the guards didn’t understand (or anything, really), someone stepped in and deescalated the situation.
next time you saw him, you were glad to know that he was alive. he dismissed your apology of a poor defense for him considering it was in a foreign language with a gigantic hug, to which you just melted and laughed for the first time since coming.
he quickly understood that you had trouble understanding japanese, and tried to speak slower and clearer. tried. in moments of excitement, his speech would become faster and faster—to which you’d have to stop and ask him to repeat.
as your knowledge of japanese grew and grew, your conversations turned more and more fun. while you had small slip-ups, both of you would often stay in your room discussing whatever topic came to mind.
i think ranmaru would be interested in your country—what’s it like, how’s the food? are they delicious? you just laughed at his fascination and explained (more of you ranting on) many things. you missed the place, you very much do. seeing your slightly nostalgic face, ranmaru pulled you in a hug. stunned silence, your voice only came back as a weak chuckle.
“your country sounds great, my lady! i wish we can visit it someday!” he’d then say. and despite how different it’d be now than modern day, you still humored it together. “i promise.”
he’d also be gaping at how you don’t know some foods—but as opposed to masamune, he’d drag you out to town and dine at a teahouse. you’re working? it can be done later, come on!
he introduced you to many things, and you were immensely grateful for it. you couldn’t ask for a better, hyperactive friend.
due to your tongue used to the dull R, rather than a sharp R, you often just,, slurred his name into unintelligible mumbles. but now, from his own suggestion, you call him an-kun. (though more an-chan. it sounds cuter is all)
as the reveal of him being a traitor eventually came, you didn’t know what to do. you’ve known for a while; but never how to approach it. ranmaru was already prepared to take out his own life, but never in your life can you accept it.
“an-chan, weren’t we going to visit my country together,,?!” the begging, desperate voice from you made him stop in his tracks, spilling the tears from his wide eyes. they scrunch up; softer than ever.
“.... yeah. our promise, wasn’t it?” after some thought, he steeled himself up and looked you in the eyes with a new resolve, “... i’ll make sure it can be fulfilled, my lady. just—please wait for me, alright?”
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askaceattorney · 4 years
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Dear Anonymous,
That’s probably because the maker of Inga’s sprites requested that they keep the link to them a secret.  I doubt we’ll ever use his gun sprites in a letter though, so here are the talking and non-talking ones:
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(Link in Letter)
Dear Anonymous,
That's an interesting theory, all right, but I doubt it would hold up in court (either in the Ace Attorney universe or the real world).  Either way, from what I remember, it seems to like the game tried to make it clear that he was the culprit behind Manov’s death, completely for the sake of revenge.  Even if he didn’t, the guy clearly has some anger to work out, so hopefully a prison sentence will do him some good.  That’s my less-hot take, anyway.
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Dear Anonymous,
Clever, but I doubt puppy eyes are enough to sway His Honor’s opinion.  Heck, I doubt he even knows an iPhone from a Gameboy Color.
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(Previous Letter)
Dear trearoos,
Rrroooo got it!  That’s a line from Bubs, by the way.  I can’t remember where he said it, though...  Think you could help a fellow Homestar fan out?
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Dear skibot99, 
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I’ll do my best at answering, though.  I like to think of ask blogs as a way to “fill in the blanks” by showing what characters are like when they aren’t fulfilling their role in their game, movie, book, etc.  For example, what’s Sonic like when he isn’t busy thwarting Dr. Eggman’s plans, what’s Donkey Kong like when things are peaceful on his island, and what’s Henry Stickmin like when things are (ahem) normal in his world?  And if the character happens to be a silent protagonist (ex. Mario, Link, Kirby, etc.), that’ll give you even more blanks to fill in, which makes it more challenging, but also more fun.
So, the key ingredients for an ask blog are a deep love and knowledge of the series your character(s) are from and a good imagination.  If you know what your characters are like in their series and can fill in the rest with your imagination, it’ll be easy for your followers to go along with the illusion that they’re really talking to people from a fictional universe, which should be your main goal, aside from just having fun with it.  As long as you can make it convincing and fun, there’s no real right or wrong way to do it.
I don’t know very much about the Kingdom Hearts series, but I assume there aren’t any sprites you can grab from a resource page, so you’d either have to make drawings of the characters, find some still images, or clip some from gameplay videos (or even make gifs from them if you’re feeling up to it).  It might take some work to get it the way you want it, but like a lot of things, it gets easier over time.  And in my experience, the best source of motivation is your love for the series and its fandom, so keep that in mind if it starts getting burdensome.  I hope that helps!
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(Previous Post)
Dear starry-nightengale,
It was an announcement so much as something that wasn’t announced.  That letter was in reference to TGS 2020, which, unless I missed something, didn’t mention a new entry in the Ace Attorney series.  That may not be solid proof that it’s reached the end, but that’s what it’s beginning to look like.
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But, as I mentioned before, the fandom’s nowhere near dying, so that’s good news, at least.
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Dear Anonymous,
It’s an interesting idea, but I can’t say I feel the same way (and not just because I’m a closet Justicykes shipper).  Besides their considerable age gap, I see their relationship as more of a big-brother-and-little-sister one.  Whether they’re on the same side or opposing each other, Simon can’t seem to resist the opportunity to tease Athena, but he also knows how to provide help whenever she needs it.  In his own way, at least.
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I also have a hard time picturing Simon in a romantic relationship with anyone, to be honest.  I’m not saying it’s impossible, but any hopeful candidate would have to put up with his moodiness, his twisted humor, and his equally moody feathered friend.  I’m sure there might be someone out there who can deal with all that, but finding them would be a big challenge, to say the least.
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Dear clowncomputing2,
Not at the moment, unfortunately.  I don’t know about the other Mods, but I haven’t watched the anime, and even if I had, making sprites from it would be a bit tricky.  Perhaps that’ll happen somewhere down the road, but for now, characters and cases from the anime are off limits.  Sorry.
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Dear Anonymous,
Youse talkin’ to me!?
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Dear skibot99 again,
For me, it’d have to be Tahrust Inmee.  That might seem unfair, considering his murder was that of himself, but let’s not forget that he was willing to let an innocent woman and her lawyer lose their lives in order to hide the truth.  Normally, this would be enough to give me an overall negative view of a character, but his motive was to protect his wife and unborn child from certain death.  That may not excuse his actions, but it did put him between a rock and a hard place.  I’m honestly not sure what I would be tempted to do in his situation, but I know it’d be a difficult decision.
I definitely feel for Yanni Yogi, too, but we weren’t given as many details about his past, plus his only motive was revenge, so my sympathy for him isn’t quite as strong.  While we’re talking about tragic culprits, I should also mention Simon Keyes, who “was himself a victim,” as Edgeworth worded it, as well as the almost-killer Katherine Hall, who just wanted to find whoever was responsible for her adopted father’s unjust prison sentence.  Not to mention the overload of remorse she displayed afterward.
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(Previous Letter)
Dear trearoos again,
Yep, I’ve been a fan of the Henry Stickmin series since Infiltrating the Airship.  I’ve been meaning to buy the collection, but haven’t made the time for it just yet.  I’m looking forward to seeing all the fails.
In the meantime, here’s some distraction for you:
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Dear mungeondaster,
Not yet, but I like what I’ve seen of it...which mostly just includes the blooper reel (Strong Language Warning).  Your description of it makes it sound even more enticing, so maybe I'll get around to it soon.  I've been aching to give something a Co-Mod Seal of Approval lately, anyway.
-The Co-Mod
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catmarioonline · 3 years
What can online gaming do for children?
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Online games can be fun however, with the guidance of a parent and support they can assist kids develop their creativity, build relationships with their friends, and improve their strategic thinking.It also helps them build stamina to achieve goals, build resilience, and enhance their communication skills so they can accept the opinions of others.Here's a list that shows how playing can be beneficial for children:
• Learning and development benefits:
• It's an excellent resource to help children learn early skills Research has shown that some games can help enhance the reading abilities of children in the younger age group with the help from their teachers and parents. Games like 'Times Table Rockstars' that are used in elementary school and preschool games such as 'Endless Alphabet' could be a great tool to help kids learn more engagingly. The proliferation of connected toys mean children can have physical play using their devices. Osmo, an educational toy that combines tactile toys with a device's cameras to bring in-game action to life, is one examples of a toy that is educational.
• Enhances brain speed, memory and concentration Immersive games demand players to remember and absorb a lot of information. Best game for brain is impossible cat mario Playing these kinds of games often can enhance children's short- and long-term memory, as well as aiding their brains in processing information more quickly.Additionally, games can spark the imagination of the players and assist them to focus on certain tasks. They can also inspire determination and perseverance to achieve a goal.
• Improved multitasking skills The games need quick reactions and focus on the details. Studies have demonstrated that children can develop multitasking skills through games like these.
• Develop skills for your future career Multiplayer games that are more difficult allow players to think critically and utilize their analytical abilities to assess risk and reward, and to react quickly to changes. The abilities they acquire can be applied to real jobs based on the ability to solve problems, analytical skills, and strategic thinking.Explore new perspectives and ways of understanding the culture Because children can be immersed in virtual worlds via games, and even meet people from all across the globe, this is a great way to get to know different perspectives and cultures.
• Benefits for the body and society
• Group play offers social benefits These games, whether with other players playing in multiplayer, or with family members via apps like Heads Up, can foster friendships and help to improve social skills. This is a great opportunity for children with disabilities to meet new friends and socialize regardless of whether their lives are difficult.
• Encourages teamwork and trust Multiplayer games give kids the chance to play in various roles. They will learn to lead teams when they are the group leader or devise successful strategies for their team. It can be a great way for children to gain knowledge from each other and to work in a team.
• It's a great and fun method to stay active Examples of how games can inspire kids to exercise are games like Zumba or Pokemon GO. With the rise of mobile gaming apps children no longer have to sit in front of the TV to play their favorite games. You can now play at your own pace. You can play anywhere by using our list of current applications.
• Give the chance to show compassion There are many apps and games that aid children in managing their emotions. The list below of wellness apps includes more details.
• Create a safe space to allow people to talk about their fears Sometimes, it's more convenient to talk about your worries in a virtual environment. Games can provide a safe space for children to express their emotions.
• Are a new method to read stories Immersive games can help children experience the stories in an engaging way and shape the way the story is told to evoke creative skills.
• Take time and create space to think deeply about topics Schools are using game-based learning to help students comprehend and think through complex topics and also to help them develop mathematical skills (e.g. STEM) or master the concepts and theories of science. Children learn best through play, and can see the world in a variety of ways. This helps them understand topics better and faster.Why are children drawn to play?It's a great and social way to spend time, encourage teamwork, and build skills. It's all great. However, here are a few points to be a part of mind. mind.
• Children can play games and chat with other children around the globe. They might also be confronted with the sexiest language and bullying.
• It's possible that not everyone on the internet is who they say they are. Children should refrain from revealing any personal information that might be used to identify or locate them.
• Certain games make players purchase additional products. It is known that children can earn huge amounts of money when playing even though they don't realize it.
• Bullying, also known by "grief" can be employed in extreme circumstances to gain advantage in games. Children can be bullied or abused.
• Engage by finding out what kinds of games your child likes and making sure they are suitable for their age.
• Because there are penalties for not playing, it can be difficult for children to quit games.
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game-boy-pocket · 4 years
I just finished Banjo Kazooie: Jiggies of Time - a full length mod by Mark Kurko
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I don’t normally do reviews because I find it hard to be objective... and this will be no different, so just think of this as me gushing. I’ll go ahead and put the long winded bit under a read more. But the short version is, fans of Banjo Kazooie and Ocarina of Time should play this FOR SURE. Banjo Kazooie fans may actually still love this if they’re not fans of Zelda ( but Zelda knowledge helps sometimes ). Zelda fans may not fare so well if they don’t love the Banjo Kazooie gameplay  ( perhaps they should try the first game as a test if they haven’t played it?  *nudge nudge* )  
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I’ve been aware of this project for some time but didn’t really know too much about it. There were a lot of Banjo Kazooie hacks that were just smaller projects that take less than an hour to finish. I was suprised to learn just a few days ago that this project was completed, and was a full length game with the same number of worlds and collectibles as the original Banjo Kazooie. Even better, it ran on a real Nintendo 64! I played mine on the real deal and it ran near perfectly ( there were minor frame dips and a few graphical bugs but nothing too distracting or too frequent )
I’m assuming you already know how Banjo Kazooie plays if you’re reading this, but just in case, Banjo plays a lot like Mario.  You run around in little sandbox areas collecting things, the main collectible being golden jigsaw puzzle pieces called Jiggies, you find these out in the open, by solving puzzles, or by helping NPCs, the secondary collectible being golden music notes, both are needed to progress.  Each level also has five different colored critters called Jinjos that award you with a Jiggy when you find them. Each level has two empty honey comb pieces, collecting six adds another unit of health to your life meter. There are also silver skull shaped tokens used to transform your character into another form in certain levels, and finally, other miscellaneous collectibles to restore health, abilies, and lives.  Pretty basic stuff, you should be familiar if you’ve played any of the Sandbox Mario games, though in Banjo, you unlock your abilities as you progress. 
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As I said before the game has 10 worlds. You start in Kokiri forest just like Ocarina of Time. You learn your basic moves in the Lost Woods, though I question the practicality of that, I actually did a full two worlds without my three basic attacks.  I got... lost... I just assumed I was going to learn the attacks elsewhere.  Kokiri forest is actually the first world, with Lost Woods serving as a sort of “Spiral Mountain” area.  Brentilda makes a return here offering three tips about the game each time you encounter her, as well as refilling your health. She appears in every world. Once you get some notes, you can leave to Hyrule Field.
Hyrule Field is the “Gruntilda’s Lair” ( Your Hub world for the uninitiated ) portion of the game, Everything is where you expect it to be, but it’s all sealed off. Instead you need to look for new areas containing jigsaw puzzles to open the locked areas. You will eventually learn a trick to simulate the Sun song as well, but it can only be done here. There’s 10 Jiggies to collect in Hyrule, 7 of which are contained within Lon Lon Ranch, I won’t spoil anything but Lon Lon Ranch has changed pretty drastically. The remaining 3 Jiggies are a bit more elaborately hidden. I’ll get back to those.  When you’re here, Gruntilda will banter with you, just like the original Banjo Kazooie, but sometimes, other characters will talk instead, and there is some genuinely hilarious exchanges between characters here.
Castle Town is the second world, and this is where you get the idea that “oh this isn’t just Banjo in Ocarina of time” because you start to uncover a lot of areas that were not in the original game. It only makes sense that a character with completely different skills can reach places Link never could.  Mumbo Jumbo returns in this world, all of his transformations are the same as the original game, but they’ve been reskinned to fit a Zelda theme... well... mostly.  
Once you wrap up in there, you head to Kakariko village, the third world. And it’s pretty standard. You actually learn the final move in this world. This game utilizes all of the original game’s moves except for the wading boots... they were kind of lame anyway I suppose.  This is also where you start to notice that this game is absolutely loaded to the gills with easter eggs. game cases and consoles are littered everywhere, Nintendo characters playing games are hidden away ( except for one ), and you may also notice some Golden eye characters spying on you ( they actually creep me out when I first catch a glimpse of them. They look ghoulish to me... ) 
Explore Kakariko enough and you should find the way to open Death Mountain, which is the fourth world.  Now this part of the game drove me slightly crazy. Death mountain has lava. Lava is an instant death for Banjo. When you die, you lose all of the notes you collected, and all of your Jinjos too if you haven’t got them all yet.  Here’s the thing, it’s another world where you have to turn into a small creature to get some of the notes, but before you do, you have to open the path for the creature as Banjo. And you have a LOT of ground to cover ( it includes Dodongo’s Cavern, the  mountain trail, Goron City, and a few extra areas not in Ocarina of Time ), so it’s almost like you have to do everything in this level twice... I died several times, at one point all I needed was five more notes, I was about to blow a gasket. After you finish up there, it’s time to head to Zora’s Domain. The world actually starts at Zora’s River, I enjoyed the world a lot but it was also pretty taxing. It demands a LOT of resources I had previously been taking for granted. Namely the eggs you shoot.  I was expecting Jabu Jabu to be replaced with Clanker the whale from the original Banjo Kazooie, but no, it’s just Jabu Jabu.. which is probably fine, this is Hyrule after all.  Jabu Jabu is not actually a dungeon though, which is a little disappointing, but there is some very interesting stuff in there... and this is where I start having a little bit of an issue with the easter eggs, subtlty goes out the window here and we actually start leaving the Zelda theme behind for two pretty big areas in this world.  It doesn’t bother me too much but I really wish this sort of thing was kept for secret levels instead of the main game... there’s a lot of tough platforming around Jabu Jabu’s area.
By now you should have stumbled across the means of opening the way to the Forest Temple. And this is one of the coolest parts of the game but also one of the most long winded and complicated parts.  The game expects you to go back to the old days of taking notes on paper.  You explore the temple looking for letters of the Hylian Alphabet and their English equivalent, you’re expected to to write these down as a chart and then use them to decipher some messages written in Hylian Text through out the temple... the thing is, a lot of the things the text asked me to do, I figured out on my own. There are also paintings on the wall meant to give clues, but I got mixed messages from one of these paintings that was meant to be used in tandem with the hylian writing. So I was trying the wrong thing over and over...  But I will say this level is truly the most jam packed with Zelda easter eggs and It’s hard not to spoil any of it, because I lost my mind at some of it...
At this point I should throw in that this game doesn’t have any new enemies or bosses. Most of the enemies are reskinned to be Zelda themed. It’s pretty effective in selling the illusion... except in the case where it’s not.
Next destination is Lake Hylia. I’ve got to stop to talk about the music real quick because Lake Hylia has my favorite track in the game.  This game has an amazing soundtrack.  It’s mostly Zelda songs remixed in a way that makes it sound like a song you would expect to hear in Banjo Kazooie ( and some hints of Banjo Kazooie/Tooie tunes get mixed in as a medley as well ), very bouncy and fun.  Not all of it is Ocarina of Time music. Lake Hylia actually uses an upbeat version of the Twilight Princess lake hylia theme.   In any case, this level sees you explore the lake, the fishing hole, the water temple, and a new series of floating islands above the lake.  As far as the Water Temple goes, it’s not too bad.
Next is the Gerudo Valley area, which includes the valley, the gerudo fortress, and the desert temple. Disappointingly, you cannot explore the insides of the gerudo fortress.  You can enter them, but you just exit out a different door in the fortress, like some kind of warp maze.  This area was also a real drain on my gold feather and blue egg resources, I almost had to leave to stock up on gold feathers, but I was sly and found a work around my problem and was able to progress. It was probably the least impressive area in the game if I’m being honest... also, Brentilda says that the hylian letters I wrote down were going to be useful here, but I couldn’t find anywhere  in the dungeon that had Hylian letters... hmm.
With this, you head to the final world.  The means which you use to enter this world are very cool. I won’t spoil it but it should be obvious to anyone who’s played already, assuming they haven’t completely forgotten one of the most important locations in the original Ocarina of Time...  Now, the world itself?  It’s cool thematically, but the usage of another small creature transformation really drags the world down.  Not to mention another easter egg really kills the mood of this final world, but it’s easily forgiven.
The final world is also what houses the entrance to the final battle.  But this game actually requires you to get ALL the Jiggies save for three in order to enter the final battle, so if you missed any jiggies at all during the normal levels, time to turn back and get them... unless you’re only short three, and wouldn’t you know it, there are three “secret levels” in this game with extra hidden Jiggies.
So, you would have no doubt seen this by now if you were playing the game but in Castle Town, there’s a museum you can reach by transforming into a small creature and crawling through the keyhole, and this museum houses clues to the location of these secret levels, as well as the secret jiggies within those levels. They’re pretty well hidden.  The clues get revealed more and more as you collect notes. First, just a general description of the area, then a more exact description of the area, but written in hylian, then a photograph of the area you need to inspect to find the entrance, and lastly, a picture of the hidden jiggy in the secret level ( though if you wait this long, the nature of the secret level will be spoiled, and these levels are BIG easter eggs. ), so maybe don’t wait too long to find them.
The final Battle with Gruntilda is the same as it was in the original Banjo Kazooie, but the arena is just slightly altered to make it a little more difficult, but not unfairly so.  Not much more to say beyond that.  The game has a pretty cool credits sequence and ending that Zelda fans are sure to appreciate.
I do kind of wish there was a Quiz show like the original Banjo Kazooie, I was expecting to get my Zelda knowledge tested, but no such luck.
Playing this game was such a blast and it made me feel like I was experiencing Banjo Kazooie and Ocarina of Time for the first time again at the same time, which is a very strange but welcome feeling. I never would have expected these two games fused into one to work so well, but it really is remarkable how well it works, and it tickles my nerd fanboy bone for Zelda in many ways, as well as Banjo, Rareware and Nintendo in general too.  I can’t recommend it enough for fans of both games...  I can only recommend this to non Banjo Zelda fans if they’re willing to play the original Banjo first to see if they like it.  But non Zelda fans of Banjo, I think you’ll just enjoy having a new Banjo Kazooie Adventure to tackle, though the lack of Zelda knowledge might make the road a little bumpy in a few areas.
I love these games to death but i’ve replayed them so much that they don’t entertain as much as they used to. This was a great way to freshen up the experience for both. I’m dying to play more like this. There’s a very interesting “Link in Mario 64″ mod i’m keeping my eye on. But that may take a lot of time, as it’s only released the first demo... for now... I actually kinda want to replay the original BK and OOT agian. Heh.  
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