cellarspider · 3 months
13/?? Science interlude!
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We return to Prometheus, where I am taking a break to ramble about my job. A thing that I love. It will be a nice change. Also: weird blood!
I have been informed that some methods of accessing tumblr do not play well with long alt text rambles. To keep the flow between the main text and alt text separate, I’ll be copying the longest ones below the main text and citations. Captions that I think are going to be long enough to need this treatment will be marked with “Overflow Ramble [number]”, so they’ll be slightly easier to find. It’s not a perfect system, but Tumblr is not a perfect website.
And I am going to need the overflow space this time, because we’re getting into genetics!
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After electrocuting a decapitated alien head until it exploded into a shower of green gore, the creatures that claim to be scientists stuck a bit of the goop in some sort of very science-y DNA machine, leading to this:
“Let's have a look at its DNA. Isolate the strand. Okay. Compare it to the gene sample?”
“[Overlay… Processing… Processing… DNA MATCH.]”
“Oh, my God. It's us.”
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I want this preserved for posterity, because this made me absolutely hoot. They avoided fake science technobabble by going so far in the other direction that it becomes equally meaningless.
What the scene is trying to say is “this alien shares the vast majority of its genetic material with humans, indicating that they are in fact related.” 
I will get to how one would actually determine that, but first: The head turned into green goop. Green goop. Humans are notably not prone to turning into green goop. Otherwise Nickelodeon would’ve probably been shut down within a week.
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(Image credit: Rich Fury/KCA2021/Getty Images for Nickelodeon)
This annoyed me so much that years later, I dug up a possible explanation that backfills this with cool biology.
Humans, and almost all vertebrates have hemoglobin-filled blood. And on a tangent that I must follow: The only vertebrate that doesn’t is the icefish Channichthyidae family, commonly known as the white-blooded fish. 
You’ll never guess what’s special about them. 
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Yes, somehow these fish manage to live without hemoglobin, their blood only having 10% of the oxygen carrying capacity of their red-blooded cousins. Hell, most of them also lack myoglobin, which stores oxygen in muscle. The loss of myoglobin isn’t just a one-off event either, genetic studies have shown that these icefish have seen four distinct branches of their family tree lose myoglobin independently of each other. They have a wild series of adaptations to permit this, but basically they were already in such cold-oxygen rich water and moving so slow that they didn’t need all that extra oxygen-having stuff. They lost it, kept going, got bigger hearts, weirder muscles, and just kept going. They’ve actually expanded their range in the past 30 million years or so!
I love them! Evolution is wild. You know what’s also wild? There’s green-blooded vertebrates. Yes. You read that right. Yes, they still have hemoglobin. What they also have are staggering levels of biliverdin, which human bodies only produce when breaking down hemoglobin–when a bruise takes on a greenish hue, it’s because the dismantling of the blood under your skin has created biliverdin. While it’s generally been thought of as just a breakdown product, some research suggests that it also has protective effects against a number of diseases. In moderation, though. If you have enough of it to actually turn a bit green, you’ve got jaundice, which is not a thing you want to have. 
But for a number of fish species, bush frogs, and skinks, they have way more biliverdin. 
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(Austin, C. C., & Jessing, K. W. (1994). Green-blood pigmentation in lizards. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Physiology, 109(3), 619-626.)
Humans usually don’t have much circulating biliverdin at all, so the table above compares someone with untreated jaundice to a number of other species–fish with two to fourteen times that amount, and the green-blooded skinks have twenty-two times as much! These creatures have green blood and turquoise-colored bones, and we still don’t know why. Maybe it’s protection against diseases, maybe it’s protection against parasites like malaria, maybe it’s to make them really blend in with foliage. Could be all of those at once, could be none of them, we don’t know! What we do know is that, as with the icefish, the green-blooded skinks in particular have independently evolved this feature four different times. (Rodriguez, Z. B., Perkins, S. L., & Austin, C. C. (2018). Multiple origins of green blood in New Guinea lizards. Science Advances, 4(5), eaao5017.)
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We have no mammals identified with biliverdin-filled green blood, you would need a lot of tweaks to how our bodies function to make this work. But it’s not literally impossible, like I thought in the theater! I’m quite sure the prop department didn’t do this level of research on the subject, but think about it! 
I love biology! It’s! So! Weird!
And because I love biology, you’re not getting rid of me yet. My chosen field is genetics. This movie has presented me with a laughable sci-fi depiction of what we do. 
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So! What do we actually do, when we want to find out how related we are to another species?
I’m going to get into excruciating detail, so here’s the top-line summary: We extract the DNA, mash it up into readable little chunks, use some wicked cool machines to do the actual reading, and then we compare the target DNA with our DNA, and do some cooler stuff the movie isn’t aware of. A competent analysis would not only be able to tell you how much overlap two genomes have, but also be able to estimate how long the two species have been genetically distinct. 
Is this way more than the movie needed for this plot point? Yes. But they didn’t actually have to do this at all, they could’ve just said the truth that science fiction usually ignores for budgetary reasons: “there’s no way these beings independently evolved to look so much like us, we have to be related.” 
(Although even Star Trek, despite being the classic example of “putting a rubber thing on an actor’s forehead to make them an alien”, actually does acknowledge this. Precisely once. TNG s6e20, “The Chase”. It has never been mentioned again in the main line series, possibly because Rick Berman didn’t like it.)
Now. Time for me to take you all on a grand tour of DNA sequencing and phylogenetic analysis. You are all getting into the Willy Wonka boat with me. You have no choice.
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So! You have a sample you’ve taken from a non-human mammal, one that’s never been genetically analyzed before. You are very lucky. You get to do fun stuff.
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But before you get to sequencing, you have to purify any DNA in the sample. Your sample is full of all sorts of other biochemical gunk, and when cells are happy, DNA is packed away in the nucleus–you need to crack those open to get at the DNA. 
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Next, you need to break the DNA into chunks, that’s #1 on the diagram above. For most of the past twenty years, this has meant chunking DNA down into pieces 25-50 letters long–just enough to probably get something unique over most of the genome, though you will have some areas that look identical at that tiny scale. In recent times, we’ve been getting better and better at what’s called “long read sequencing”, which at this point means fragments of several thousand DNA letters in length–though that’s still pretty short, compared to human chromosomes though: the average length of a human chromosome is 134 million letters long.
Depending on the sequencing technology and its needs, the sample may also need “amplification”: getting copied over and over using a protein originally harvested from hotspring-loving bacteria (#2). I always love that bit just as a concept: it’s one of many places where the modern study of genetics uses the microscopic, biological machinery of proteins for our own use! 
After everything’s prepared, Then the sequencing itself can occur. That too is wild–the most common versions these days use tiny little fluorescent proteins to tag each letter of the DNA and read the sequence of lights (#3!). Some use infinitesimally tiny electrical modulations as DNA passes by a microscopic reader. There’s loads of different ways, anything works, so long as it can be read by a computer.
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All this takes place in machines that are either small enough to fit on a countertop, or big enough to look like a fridge, and come in Apple White or Cheap Plastic Appliance.
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Because you have a new species, you’re building what we call a reference genome. This tries to capture as much of the entire genome sequence as possible. Here’s an interesting wrinkle, though–A lot of samples won’t be just DNA from your target species! You might be picking up microbial DNA along the way as well. That can be really interesting and worth knowing about, though! Some people spend their whole careers studying the genomes of microbes found on people’s skin, or in their bodies. You’ll be computationally sorting out which sequences are in contiguous, mammalian chromosomes, which are from mitochondrial DNA (those cute little powerhouses have their own genomes!), and which come from microbes.
At the end of it, you have sequenced an entire genome. Because you want to find out how related it is to humans, you compare it to our reference genome–The human reference genomes we use is an assembly made from multiple individuals.* We use the reference genome as a common point of comparison that we refer to when studying genetic variation.
*Though if you’re working with data form the Genome Reference Consortium as is usually standard, one anonymous African-European donor, RP11, is still the backbone of the reference, accounting for 70% of the latest assembly.
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So, we’d compare this new mammalian genome to our own–how much overlap would we find? A lot. How you define our similarities and differences from other species can change the answer, but you’ll expect a lot of overlap. Some areas of the genome diverge faster than others, others are highly conserved–generally the more stable it is, the more important it is for our function. 
Through many, many, many studies and corroboration with the archaeological record, we’ve worked out how to estimate how long ago two species diverged from each other. Actually, you’d rarely be comparing between just two species at this stage–get out all the other relevant reference genomes you’ve got! Compare them all! Build a phylogenetic tree–the modern version of that “tree of life” idea that Darwin popularized. Then you’ll have a more accurate sense of how your mystery species relates to everything.
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I’m going to go off on a tangent to end this post, because that’s just the start, taking the entire genome of a single individual. This is what most people think is what we always do. But no! That’s expensive overkill for most experiments. Once you’re familiar with a species, and you’ve sequenced DNA from many individuals, you can identify areas where lots of them have sequence variants. These can be completely benign, differences that make us all unique, or make an individual more susceptible to disease. This allows us to target what we want out of DNA sequencing: Are we trying to diagnose an illness? Identify a person from a tissue sample? Or are we doing something more exploratory?
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Depending on what you want, you select anywhere from a handful of locations, up to tens of thousands. The closest many people have gotten to this stuff is through ancestry services like 23andMe, which uses this kind of sequencing.
But that’s not all! There’s so many different targets to choose from, depending on what you want to do! So many techniques to get DNA in different ways! And we still haven’t gotten to the part that I actually work on.
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I’m a computational geneticist. I get all the gigabytes of data that comes out of these experiments and I get to dig into the details, the patterns that emerge between genetic code and the details of the organisms we study, the connections between genome sequence and other, wilder things we can collect data on, the dizzying complexities of what goes on every microsecond of every day in every cell in your body.
I love my job. 
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Citations for alt-text rambles:
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_YuTMDkWfI 2. https://doi.org/10.1242/jeb.116129 note: this source lists the image as credit to “J.M.B.”, which is not how I’m used to seeing images credited. Those are the initials of one of the authors, but I thought it meant “Journal of Molecular Biology”, so I went on a half hour wander around the internet trying to find where the hell this fish blood came from. 3. https://www.thebhs.org/publications/the-herpetological-journal/volume-13-number-4-october-2003/1729-01-hyperbiliverdinemia-in-the-shingleback-lizard-tiliqua-rugosa 4. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1439-0264.2009.00952.x 5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandrill#Characteristics 6. https://www.vogue.com/article/dune-part-two-costumes-jacqueline-west-interview 7. http://dx.doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.29564.08327 8. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/357946568_New_approaches_and_concepts_to_study_complex_microbial_communities 9. https://karobben.github.io/2023/10/30/Bioinfor/PacBio/ 
Overflow Ramble 1
 the fuckin “DNA MATCH” machine. I already wrote a 380-word alt-text about this thing last time. I’m not doing it again. I’m going to talk about things I like instead. Such as Dune: Part Two! Yes! I mentioned it last week and then didn’t ramble about it after seeing it. Well, NOW I WILL. tl;dr it’s good, go see it. I only vaguely remember the book, but I liked the changes they made to center the fact that no, Paul becoming Lisan al-Gaib is not actually a good thing.
Man, it’s nice to see a movie where the costumers and set designers got good time to work on their craft. (cite 6) Even the generic Harkonnen soldiers looked great–reminded me a lot of my beloved Warframe, probably because the costume designer was using H.R. Giger for inspiration there. Everything felt real. Even the stuff that definitely wasn’t–the gigantic spice harvesters and ships felt like living, physically present beings. The sand worms looked great. The movie did a fantastic job visually communicating the massive size of so many things. Especially because the camera remains restrained: no weightless zipping around, the camera itself follows paths and finds locations that make sense. 
Chakobsa continues to be a fantastic conlang, now the work of both David and Jesse Peterson. It’s heard a lot more in this movie, and there are some great flourishes with it. While there isn’t as much Arabic vocabulary in it as in the original books, I remember from DJP’s work streams that he definitely was using the grammar of Arabic as one of his touchstones. Most key words remain Arabic though–jihad was removed, but it made me double-take in the theater when Stilgar referred to Paul as the Mahdi.
I’m of two minds about lowering the Arab influences on the Fremen–on the one hand, missing representation, which included some explicit ties to real world anti-imperial struggles in North Africa and the Middle East. On the other, these first two movies are about how the Fremen are manipulated by a colonial power, using their adherence to a faith that was manipulated by a different colonial power. They become both hapless victims and also perpetrators of colonial violence, with only Chani seeing through it.
I think the general decisionmaking process on cultural changes was motivated by a desire to remove some of Frank Herbert’s bad ideas–particularly around the Harkonnens, thank fuck. That seems to have been the thinking around altering the Fremen a bit as well. Did it succeed? Not my place to say. On all other notes, I have no reservations recommending the movie. It’s a very earnest attempt to bring that world to life, and I think it succeeds.
Overflow Ramble 2
A figure showing the basic steps of the standard Illumina sequencing method (cite 7). It is broken into four sub-figures:
Library Preparation. The genome is snipped into small fragments, then adapters are attached (“ligated”) to stabilize the molecule and make it behave. This creates a “library” of DNA that will be read from.
DNA library bridge amplification. The adapters on DNA fragments stick to a prepared plate, which is covered in little clusters of molecules that specially attach to those adapters. Biochemical processes are then carried out in repeated cycles to duplicate (or “amplify”) those fragments in such a way that the clusters on the plate are all filled with copies of just one DNA fragment.
DNA library sequencing. The DNA is modified so that the four letters it’s made out of all glow a specific color, with each DNA letter shining in sequence. This is pure awesome and I love it.
Alignment and data analysis. Because of some details on how step 1 is done, you have lots of fragments that create an overlapping patchwork of sequences. This allows (most of) the genome to be pasted back together by looking for overlaps (“contiguous sequences”, or “contigs” for short).
Congratulations! You have just attended an abridged graduate-level introductory lecture on Illumina sequencing.
Overflow Ramble 3
A diagram of PacBio Systems’ sequencing technology, Single Molecule, Real-Time Sequencing, or SMRT Sequencing, because scientists love acronyms. Pretty much every step is different from how Illumina does it. I cannot find a diagram that’s both brief and also good at explaining what it’s showing, so this is the best I could find. It’s split into four parts with attendant text, which I’ll try and explain as well.
“SMRTbell template. Two hairpin adapters allow continuous circular sequencing.”
Library preparation basically involves taking a longer chunk of DNA and splitting it in half lengthwise, in such a way that the two strands of DNA will form a single-stranded loop. This is called a SMRTbell library. Why? I have no idea! 
“ZMW wells. Sites where sequencing takes place.”
Then, these are fed into SMRT Cells, which contain zero-mode waveguides (ZMWs). I was once told what this means, and I have completely forgotten, but it sounds like something from Gundam.
“Modified polymerase. As a nucleotide is incorporated by the polymerase, a camera records the emitted light.”
What I do understand is that at the bottom of each of these little holes, they stick a molecule which the DNA sticks to. This molecule, a polymerase, has precisely one job: make more DNA, an exact copy of what it’s latched onto. So you give it this loop of DNA, feed it a soup of free DNA letters, and it starts cranking out a new strand. 
“PacBio output. A camera records the changing colours from all ZMWs; each colour change corresponds to one base.”
Each one of the DNA letters given to the polymerase has a special modifier, on it which flashes a color when the polymerase slots it into the new strand it’s making. A camera picks up this flash. And, because the DNA is a circle, the polymerase doesn’t know where to stop–it just keeps going and going until something breaks or it runs out of letters to work with. This means that even if the camera misses a flash the first time, it will have more chances to see it, and confirm what it already saw.
Wait what in the fuck this figure was from somebody’s thesis (cite 8), but that wasn’t what actually got this into search results. What got it there was a github page with a vtuber avatar sitting in the corner?? What??? (cite 9)
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Jess Piper at The View from Rural Missouri:
I am not going to make you wonder what this essay is about — the extremism in the Missouri Republican party. This extremism is laser focused on women and girls. To demonstrate how extreme they have become, I only have to take you back a decade. Remember: Missouri is a testing ground for the rest of America. What they have done to us, is meant for you too. Do you remember Todd Akin? He was the Missouri Republican who won the nomination for US Senate, but was beaten soundly by Claire McCaskill in 2012. Do you remember why the race was tilted toward Claire during the last few weeks of the campaign?
During an interview in 2012 at a St. Louis television station, Todd Akin was asked by reporter Charles Jaco whether abortion should be legal for women who have been raped. Akin replied with this: “From what I understand from doctors, that’s really rare,” Akin said, referring to pregnancy resulting from rape. “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.” Akin also said he would prefer that punishment for rape be “focused on the rapist and not attacking the child." That did it. Those statements sealed the deal for so many voters in Missouri. Akin tried to walk them back and apologized. He even said he misspoke. It didn’t matter to Missouri voters — he paid for those comments by losing the race and becoming a sort of meme for extremism. That was 2012. Today, those statements likely wouldn’t lose a race or even raise many eyebrows in the GOP, especially not in Missouri. We have become nearly numb to the constant barrage of inaccurate, insensitive, and invasive line of comments and laws against women in this state.
[...] The horrifying reality for Missouri victims of sexual assault? Senate Republicans blocked attempts to add rape and incest exemptions to Missouri’s abortion ban. Amendments to legalize abortion in cases of rape or incest, added by Missouri Senate Democrats, were voted down by Missouri GOP lawmakers in February, 2024. [...]
Missouri has slowly been pushed to the edge of extremism. We are the frog in the pot. We have been looking around and trying to use reason to say, “this can’t be happening.” We wonder if these lawmakers are just making missteps — just a quote taken out of context or an off the cuff remark that they didn’t mean. Surely they don’t mean the things they say? No, they do. They mean the things they say. They prove it by the bills they propose and the bills they vote against. The water is boiling and still some of us sit and ponder. It’s past time to jump, friend. The best thing we can do is speak out about what we see and tell everyone we know what is happening in our state. One of the most courageous things we can do is to point out what the GOP is saying and doing and be loud about it. We warn others. We save ourselves by warning the country.
Jess Piper wrote in her Substack blog earlier this week the history of Missouri Republicans-- mostly men-- downplaying or excusing rape, sexual assault or other predatory behavior, such as the infamous late Rep. Todd Akin.
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maeleelee · 10 months
ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ ᔕI᙭
It’s Stoner y/n x Felix Goodie Two Shoes. "There was something off about Felix in her mind. No one was that nice, that *good* without some sort of motive. But he's everywhere all at once, and she finds herself drawn to him in ways she didn't want. But she wouldn't fall for the cliché. Fuck clichés, they never work out anyway."
⚠️Minors do NOT interact with this au⚠️
Warnings: Smoking, sex is mentioned.
They all sat around in the clearing, giggling and laughing at things people said. Y/n smiled at her group. She loved them all but her girls were her life.
Mae is the sweet, kind, Imma little crazy type. (She’s a lotta crazy but she don’t talk about that.) She’s the menace of the five. She also thrived off chaos. She is baby.
Kayla was the mom of the group. She became the one everyone went to when something happened. She’s kind but she’s also momma when it comes to her cubs.
Cassi was the dad of the group. She’s super overprotective of her girls. Never one to back down from anything. Her babies come first.
Then there’s Jess. Jess was the goofy one. Also, baby’s baby. Jess thrives off Mae’s madness and they’re two peas in a pod when they’re together.
Y/n met Mae first. Mae was putting frogs in the library with the help of her two best friends, Wooyoung and San. They had maybe fifty in the library by the time Kayla came into play. Kayla pulled out a spray bottle and started spraying the three. Mae simply stuck her tongue out at Kayla and told her to “fuck me”. Exact words too.
Y/n met Kayla after she got the situation figured out. “I’m so sorry about them. They’re a handful and a half. I found them in middle school and have never been about to get away.” Y/n didn’t want to tell her that she thought the idea Mae had was fun. That she would have joined if they had asked.
Next was Cassi. She met most of the others(boys) before she met Cassi. Cassi was in the bathroom, smoking a joint when Mae pulled y/n into the bathroom with her. “Cassi, hey. Share.” Mae made grabby hands and Cassi handed it to Mae. Mae took hit and took a deep breathe. She held out the joint to y/n and she took it and did the same thing. Soon the three were giggling with each other about nonsense.
Jess was the last one y/n met. Y/n had went to Chan, a friend of hers who sells her weed, and she was there hanging out with him. “Y/n, this is Jess. Jess, this is y/n.” Chan smiled brightly and Jess waved at y/n. She held the joint out to y/n and smiled. Of course y/n wasn’t gonna turn that down. They started talking and soon became close friends. Then y/n let Jess meet Mae and the chaos got ten times worse.
Wooyoung had his arm around Mae’s waist as they sat in the ground. Y/n had her head in Mae’s lap, laying down as she looked up at the sky. Jess was on the other side of Mae. Kayla had Mingi and Seonghwa next to her. Cassi and Hongjoong were sitting next to each other. Yeosang sat there next to Mingi and Yunho. “Come on man. Relax. They aren’t gonna bite you.”
“I mean. They might not but she will.” Y/n pointed up to Mae. Mae looked down at her and made the biting motion.
“I bite it, so it’s mine.” Mae smirked down at y/n. Y/n laughed at her.
“I’m yours?” Y/n raised an eyebrow at Mae, who nodded and kissed the fingertip of the finger y/n was holding up.
It’s been a minute since they’ve hung out with this. Just vibing with each other as they all smoked. “How you all gonna come smoke and not invite us?” They looked up and saw Chan. Jisung and Changbin were behind him smiling.
“Stop complaining and sit down.” Jess told the three. She had been friends with them the longest due to her being best friends with Jisung. Jisung sat next to Jess and the other two sat down next to him.
Mae pulled Jess closer to her and kissed her cheek. “Mine.” Mae glared at Jisung. She knew how he was and she knew he slept with anyone who would say yes. Everyone knew what he was. A fuck boy.
“Y/n. Why do you hate Felix so much, bun?” Y/n turned and looked at Jess. She had a sad look in her eye and y/n hated that look.
“I just, I don’t like that always happy front he puts on.” She mumbled lowly. Mae sighed and tan her fingers through her hair.
“Back in Highschool, we had a friend name Kelly. She was sweet as pie and didn’t have a mean bone in her body. Until she started dating San. She was so sweet around us when he was there and then did a complete one-eighty when he wasn’t. We figured it was just a face to get to San. Thankfully he blamed his best friends over the girl. She was vile and mean. We were all super close too and after San broke up with her, the first thing she did was find the guy y/n liked at the time and claim him. Literally.” Mae grumbled the last part.
“She was honestly super sweet. She tried asking me out first but I told her no. So she ran to San and San liked her. The sweet her. I record her being mean to the girls one day and sent it to San. Game over after that. She’s still a bitch to this day.” Wooyoung chimed in.
“I beat the shit out of her. With mommy permission of course.” Cassi smiled brightly, the joint burning in her hand.
“So Mae’s being added to the game, right?” Jess smirked, as she caught Mae’s eyes.
“Game?” Chan asked the girl.
“Yeah. We have a game going on. Whoever catches a couple having sex has to take the one that caught them out to eat.” Y/n chimed in. She was still in Mae’s lap.
“I mean, if you find them “doing the naughty” as Mae says, then yes.” Kayla laughed as she took the joint from Mingi.
“I’ll take you all out of eat any day of the week if it means I can fuck this girl wherever I want.” Wooyoung smirked. Mae pushed his face away from her and she giggled.
“Please don’t. I’m already scarred by those two.” Y/n pointed at Cassi and Hongjoong.
“Awh bun. If you wanna join all you gotta do is ask.” Mae smiled down at her and winked.
“Bunny, leave bun bun alone.” Kayla warned.
“Fine fine. I’m sorry. Offer still stands though.” Mae leaded her head on Wooyoung’s shoulder.
This was what family was. Everyone relaxing and enjoying themselves. This was what y/n loved the most. Being with everyone and smoking with them. Laughing and joking about it. About life. Enjoying the people who know who cares.
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I think that Bart and Ace should channel Iris' news anchor energy and start a podcast together. Call it 'Speedforce AM' and start it obnoxiously early in the morning with just the loudest and most nonsensical noises. I'm talking Wilhelm screams every two minutes, I'm talking clown nose honks, I'm talking slide whistles, anything and everything. They should also speak in the most cartoonishly loud radio voices. You know what I'm talking about. The 'super up beat, never takes a pause to breathe, saying that wackiest things' kind of radio voices.
And now you are asking 'Okay sure, but what's the point? Why would they do this' and the answer dear Tumblr mutuals is that they wouldn't air this on your local podcast haberdashery. This show would not air live on the radio waves, no, no.
This podcast would be blasted into the speedforce at full volume. You could say that they have a captive audience and you should, because there is no way for the other speedsters to turn it off or tune it out. It's broadcasting directly from the speedforce and into their brains. Short of disconnecting from the speedforce entirely they can't escape it.
Not for lack of trying. Wally and Jesse have decided quite a few times that they would track the boys down and make them stop but they can never find them. Neither one has put it together that the call is coming from inside the house (aka Bart and Ace record in the speedforce).
No one but the speedsters can hear it. People are getting curious why Barry looks like he hasn't slept in days and keeps jumping at nothing. He keeps smashing beakers at an alarming rate.
Irey and Jai think it's the best thing ever and they 'call in' every once'n'awhile to suggest songs. They really like three hour loops of crazy frog and baby shark.
Anyway, I just think that Bart and Ace deserve to have bonding activities where they torture and torment the rest of their family for no other reason than teenage rebellion.
(Although Jay and Max have no idea what everyone else is complaining about. They've never heard a 'speedforce radio show'. They think everyone else has spent a little too much time in the sun. Maybe they're just lucky or maybe Bart's smart enough not to target the two people who can shut him down)
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superlinguo · 4 months
Superlinguo 2023 in review
I spent 2023 on leave to hang out with a new tiny human. I still found time for some linguistics, including regular Lingthusiasm episodes and even some intermittent blogging. I also got to reuse all my linguist pregnancy announcement jokes.
Lingthusiasm turned 7 this year! We celebrated with a dozen main episodes as well as our monthly bonus episodes for patrons. We had some help to get through the year while I was on leave with interviews with linguists from around the world, including Lingthusiasm team members Martha Tsutsi-Billins and Sara Dopierela.
We released our new Etymology isn't Destiny merch, which is available alongside merch for all kinds of linguists and language fans.
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Main episodes
Where language names come from and why they change (transcript)
How kids learn language in Singapore - Interview with Woon Fei Ting (transcript)
Bringing stories to life in Auslan - Interview with Gabrielle Hodge (transcript)
Tone and Intonation? Tone and Intonation! (transcript)
Word Magic (transcript)
The verbs had been being helped by auxiliaries (transcript)
Frogs, pears, and more staples from linguistics example sentences (transcript)
How kids learn Q’anjob’al and other Mayan languages - Interview with Pedro Mateo Pedro (transcript)
Look, it’s deixis, a word for linguistic pointing! (transcript)
Ergativity delights us (transcript)
Revival, reggaeton, and rejecting unicorns - Basque interview with Itxaso Rodríguez-Ordóñez (transcript)
If I were an irrealis episode (transcript)
Bonus episodes
Parrots, art and what even is a word - deleted scenes from Kat Gupta, Lucy Maddox and Randall Munroe interviews
Singapore, New Zealand, and a favourite linguistics paper - 2023 Year Ahead Chat
When books speculate on the future of English
Neopronouns, gender-neutral vocab, and why linguistic gender even exists - Liveshow Q&A with Kirby Conrod
2022 Survey Results - kiki/bouba, synesthesia fomo, and pluralizing emoji
Linguistic jobs beyond academia
LingthusiASMR - The Harvard Sentences
How we make Lingthusiasm transcripts - Interview with Sarah Dopierala
Field Notes on linguistic fieldwork - Interview with Martha Tsutsui Billins
Postcards from linguistics summer camp
Linguistic Advice - Challenging grammar snobs, finding linguistic community, accents in singing, and more
Frak, smeg, and more swearing in fiction - Ex Urbe Ad Astra interview with Jo Walton and Ada Palmer
LingComm: 2023 conference
The 2023 LingComm conference happened in February, and was once again in the LingComm conference space in Gather Town. I enjoyed being on the planning committee that put together an amazing event that built on the inaugural conference in 2021. Stay tuned for 2024 lingcomm updates!
Top Superlinguo posts in 2022
This year was a chance to reflect on the decade since I graduated, and to articulate the important role my main supervisor had in shaping my career.
After wrapping up the linguistics jobs interview series last year, this year was a chance to share some aggregated resources from 8 years and 80 interviews.
I also got to read a couple of great linguistics books for kids, keep up to date with linguistics podcasts, share some of my favourite linguistics books and check in on some things happening online.
General posts and reviews
10 years of a PhD
Barb Kelly
Gender Variations for Person in Suit Levitating Emoji - Emoji Proposal
Linguistics and Language Podcasts (2023 update)
Language Books for Kids: Highly Irregular, Arika Okrent & Sean O'Neill
Linguistics books for kids: Once Upon a Word - a Word-origin Dictionary, Jess Zafarris
Linguistics Jobs resources
Linguistics Jobs Interviews - directory of posts and resources
Linguistics Jobs resource set
Superlinguo Linguist Job Interviews full list
Linguistics education and its application in the workplace: An analysis of interviews with linguistics graduates (new publication in Language)
Information and advice
hapax legomenon and automated email replies
Lingthusiasm guide to pop linguistics books
Hello Grambank! A new typological database of 2,467 language varieties
What we can accomplish in 30 years of lingcomm: Opening keynote of #LingComm23
Australian Linguistic Society’s Accredited Linguist program
Academic articles in 2023
Although I was on leave, things that I was working on earlier made it through to publication. I like that there was one paper on lingcomm, one on gesture (including emoji!) and one on the linguistics job interviews, it feels like a nice mix of some of my current interests. Just a pity there wasn't a Tibeto-Burman paper in there!
Gawne, L. & A. Cabraal. 2023. Linguistics education and its application in the workplace: an analysis of interviews with linguistics graduates. Language, 99(1), e35-e57. [doi][Superlinguo post]
Freestone, P., J. Kruk & L. Gawne. forthcoming. From Star Trek to The Hunger Games: emblem gestures in science fiction and their uptake in popular culture. Linguistic Vanguard, 9(3), 257-266. [doi][Superlinguo post]
Gawne, L., & McCulloch, G. (2023). ‘Communicating about linguistics using lingcomm-driven evidence: Lingthusiasm podcast as a case study’, Language and Linguistics Compass, 17/5: e12499. DOI: 10.1111/lnc3.12499 [doi][Superlinguo post]
The year ahead
I'll be back to work full time. I've found the low-key level of blogging I managed this year to be sustainable, so expect it to be business-as-usual here. Lingthusiasm will also continue with monthly main and bonus episodes, thanks to the patrons who support the show and ensure we have a team that can keep everything rolling while begin to take on more administrative responsibilities in my job.
I'm looking forward to sharing some things that are in the final stages of peer-review and copy editing, and I'm excited to be spinning up some new projects.
Browsing old Superlinguo content?
I have a welcome page on the blog that points you to aggregate posts, and series of posts I've done over the years, as well as themed collections of posts that have appeared on the blog in the last twelve years.
Previous years
Superlinguo 2022 in review
Superlinguo 2021 in review
Superlinguo 2020 in review
Superlinguo 2020 (2019 in review)
Superlinguo 2019 (2018 in review)
Superlinguo 2018 (2017 in review)
Superlinguo 2017 (2016 in review)
Superlinguo 2015 highlights
17 notes · View notes
everydayzefron · 10 months
Some facts about Zac Which you may or may not know!:
1. He turned down a big record deal.
Jesse McCartney said Zac turned down a record deal, with six zeros attached to the end of it (huge $ offer) Due to his preference for acting. The deal wanted him to put out a solo album. Not sure how many offers he got, but it is known Simon Cowell of all people wanted to sign Zac.
Additionally it was Zac’s love for singing that opened the door for him into the acting world.
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2. He knows how to play the piano.
Growing up Zac has mentioned a few times very briefly that he knows how to play the piano extremely well. He took piano lessons as a kid, and it was his piano teacher who took notice of how talented he was and helped aspire his parents to get him involved in auditioning for roles.
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3. Taylor Swift herself taught him how to play guitar.
Even though he knew how to play piano quite well, Zac said he struggled with learning how to play the guitar. He stated his previous attempts have all been failures and nobody could teach him. Up until Taylor Swift of all people (who he calls a legend) volunteered to teach him. Since being taught by Taylor, Zac continued working on his guitar skills and has said he knows how to play almost every song with the four chords Taylor taught him. One of his go to songs he learned to play is Santeria. All thanks to Taylor Swift for being an incredible guitar teacher, according to Zac.
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4. He has frog hands.
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Picture is self explanatory!
5. He’s into song writing! Says he wants to write his own album one day or even a musical!
One thing a lot of people don’t know about Zac is his interest in songwriting, or rapping. While working on his comedy film, ‘Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates’ Zac wrote (and is credited on) for writing ‘Stang Life’ which is an offical sound track song for the film. Zac additionally raps on the track. The lyrics are understandable if you watch the film, as it’s film-based inspired lyrics. Zac also co-wrote his collaboration parody duet with Taylor Swift and wrote Vanessa Hudgens a song for her birthday.
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6. He likes to write poems, and loves to paint & draw which he does really well.
A Zac fact that most people don’t know but something he mentions often is his love for poetry & painting/drawing which he is good at.
His (now removed, or faded) feather tattoo on his bicep was actually designed (drawn) by entirely him. Which he once mentioned in an interview.
Quote: “I actually designed it (tattoo). I like to sketch - it’s my favourite medium. I’ve done drawings and paintings for girls, but mostly I do comic books. Sometimes it’s just nice to put thought.”
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7. He is super nerdy which was a big shock to Zendaya.
In an interview while doing press for The Greatest Showman, Zendaya shared her first impressions on Zac. She never expected that Zac would be what she calls a “super nerd” since he’d go on telling her about Stranger Things, which he’d passionately deep dive about. Growing up, Zac wasn’t the popular kid in school, and sometimes bullied. Although he did community theatre which was an escape for him. His teacher once described him as “shy and quiet” and spoke about his passion and determination for acting.
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8. He did extremely well in school growing up, with high grades and never slacked off. Leading him to be accepted into the University of Southern California (USC) & University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)
Pretty self explanatory. Zefron is very smart, especially since USC has a very low acceptance rate. Always has been. Zac not only was a top performer in arts but also academically. Friends of his past said he would take studying very seriously since he doesn’t slack off anything he does.
9. He is a huge animal lover! Who grew up with his Siamese cat Simon, and two dogs, Dreamer and Puppy.
This one is a more obvious fact! Since there are plenty of interactions with animals, since he is a big time animal lover. One of the very first pets he owned was a kitten he called ‘Cucko Kitty’ it was a kitten Zac found as a stray & rescued.
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10. He played on a baseball team while growing up and has a signed baseball from Dusky Baker.
Before he got into theatre, and singing & dancing. Baseball was one of the sports Zac would play growing up! Dusky Baker is also one of the players who signed his ball when Zac was only a kid. Promising after 35 minutes he’d return from church to sign it, which he did.
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11. He had a very large gap between his teeth while growing up, and has a whole lot of freckles!
His gap may be fixed nowadays! But time to time when he doesn’t wear his retainers his signature gap between his teeth makes a small comeback! Other than the bright eyes and gap, Zac also has a freckles all over his nose and freckles on his cheeks too.
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rocksanddeadflowers · 2 months
THINKING ABOUT BEAUTY AGAIN!!! (I love you Starship I love you asexual and trans coded protagonist I love you bugs I hate you bugs wow bugs.) A lot of the song is bug facts but the main point of the song is very "Kiss The Girl" with the romance and "don't judge appearances" vibes
Lizzie getting comfortable around the boys and infodumping about bugs while they play in the gardens and/or woods together.. .. the trio are already crushing so hard too
"Spreading pollen, how can you not fall in love?" <- she fully says that and the boys are trying so hard not break no one has communicated their feelings yet it's such a mess "And it might make you sneeze but you better believe it's beautiful stuff." <- Jesse has cringe allergies now I can't unsee it. He's the loser that sniffles and is all snotty every spring (I can make that joke bc that's me).
Also I feel like there's trans allegories here (tbh I can dig up trans or aspec allegories from anything sometimes so)
"If you’re preoccupied with what’s on the outside, you get lost in the “how it can seem", but open your eyes and you’ll be surprised, to find out how much more something different can mean!"
"So look out, it's all around, kinda weird, but that’s neither here nor there, you can face it, embrace it, no need to fear the beauty."
I mean the whole point is "don't judge a book by it's cover" so it can kinda fit the kids especially if they're not passing yet AND it fits the Beauty and the Beast vibes going insane bye
(Actually wait!! The verses the frame these space bugs as living in a utopia ("We don't got any kind of worry" "no wealth, no poor, no hypocrisy, just beauty") while not fully true is definitely romanticizing the better aspects of insects, both bug world and earth insects. Lizzie saying stuff like that bc it sounds like being part of mother nature sounds so much better than being human sometimes bc humanity can be so messy and complicated and scary and idk if I'm explaining that right. I'll probably come back and ramble more later but you maybe get it!!! Sometimes wanting to be a frog or a beetle just vibing even if you know there's cons to living like that too)
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4Town Headcanons but make it 2022😋
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T and Jesse are Drake enthusiasts! They will try to play every single album in one day!
Z will stay up playing NBA 2k and sometimes another member will join and if it’s not Jesse then he will stomp to Z’s room and unplug the game and walk away😭 saying something along the lines of “it’s 4 freaking am I need beauty sleep”
Z, Ro and Jesse (tbh all of them) will kill for Beyonce! She once hugged Z out of nowhere and he never been the same since
They have a shared TikTok account and they literally just put random stuff on there especially T and Tae! They love acting a fool and being funny any chance they get. Robaire persuades Z to do small dances with him on there so that’s always something the 4townies look forward too
They do have separate accounts, but they love trolling on the shared one
They go live on TikTok and instagram at the most random times! they sometimes will tell the 4Townies they’ll go live soon but usually they just start one out of nowhere and you just gotta hope you don’t miss it.
Also with the lives it’s always a surprise because you never know who is live until you click it! Sometimes it’s one member sometimes time its 3 it’s always different
The lives are always fun even if it’s just a Q and A
The lives might be cooking, playing a game, just talking, Z beating everyone in basketball, you name it!!!!
They also have separate instagrams!!
Definitely have a YouTube channel! It was all T’s idea which the group thought was crazy but they all ended actually liking the channel and posting on it!
Jesse posts himself throwing down on the pottery wheel! The videos are always calming and the conversations are always lovely. He posts vlogs and cooking/baking videos with Tae and Ro
Ro does vlogs as well and loves going to the bookstore and talking about the books. He has videos called “Reading with Ro” or “Read with me” and it’s like 25 mins of him reading his book quietly while serving looks and adding his opinions on what happens in the book.
T has a video for everything he does to be honest! He has so many prank videos it’s uncanny. His vlogs consist of him skateboarding, doing parkour, trying a bunch of food from different places, and etc. he is the king of Mukbangs and does them a lot with the other members! Z tends to join a lot because he has the most tea to spill and he likes free food
Z loves posting videos of him playing basketball and loves showing off his different ways of dunking! He will have like 15 min videos of him dancing and it’s always so entertaining. He has a few videos that shows his different daily routines for going to the studio and the 4Townies go crazy when he is shirtless while washing his face.
Tae vlogs going to animal shelters a lot! He will have videos of him introducing new animals, feeding them, and washing them! He has sooooo many cooking videos! His video of him making Tteok-bokki literally has so many views it’s crazy! He has like 20 minute videos of him teaching Korean and it’s so educational and cute.
They all have gameplay videos, but mainly T, Tae, and Z! They are all freaking hilarious and chaotic! Z might be the quietest out of the members, but I kid you not he is funny asf and so talkative during gameplays he is like Berleezy and CoryxKenshin!
There are like different versions of hoverboards of all shapes and sizes and they own all of them! But Jesse band them from riding them indoors because of him and Tae running into each other which caused them to break a vase and Jesse’s finger
Z lovesss the Spider-Man game on the PS4/5 he finished it twice because it was just that good
Tae, T, and Ro play Fortnight all the time! They have all the skins and play like pros
Every single one of them will get on Roblox and troll! They will literally tag team in murder mystery and make fun of the 12 year olds 😭
Robaire loves The Greatest Showman and the Princess and the Frog, and Black Panther
Z loves Avengers Endgame and All 3 spider-man movies (Tom holland) and Avatar (the tall blue people)
T loves the movie Ready Player One and Train to Busan and Encanto
Jesse loves Avengers Infinity War and Harry Potter’s Prisons of Askaban and Thor Ragnarok
Taeyoung loves Big Hero 6 and Spider-Man into the spider verse and Men in Black
Ro’s favorite show is the Mandalorian and Fresh Prince of Bel-air
Z’s favorite show is Wild N’ Out and Demon Slayer and Avatar the Last Air Bender
Tae’s favorite shows is Sweet Home, and Full House, and Naruto
T’s favorite show is Ridiculousness and Stranger Things and The Simpsons
Jesse’s favorite show is Teen Wolf and HunterxHunter and Neds declassified School Survival Guide
They definitely made songs with artists like Megan Thee Stallion, Billie Eilish, Sza, BTS
T and Tae makes everyone dress up every Halloween! they once dressed as Ghostbusters and T was the StayPuft monster and they made the most hilarious TikTok in the outfits
I have so many more ideas, so let’s see what I do soon ✨ ENJOY 😁
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artzychic27 · 1 year
More fluff headcanons (Heroes au by @msweebyness )
Reshma leaves cacti on Mme. Bustier’s seat as revenge for various reasons
The others can’t really understand Kagami half the time since she’s from the “Other Studio”
Adrien’s friends all give him hairbrushes designed to fit their personalities so he’ll be reminded of them when they use them
Alya’s love language is cooking for her friends
When either one falls asleep, Nathaniel will prick his finger and Myléne will take a bite out of an apple. Solidarity!
Reshma does aerial vine tricks just for the sheer thrill of it
Cosette is the only non-royal who can attract small animals with her singing
When Lacey sneezes, she spreads pixie dust and causes things to float
Zoé keeps mice in her purse
Kim uses his status as a demigod to keep bullies away from his friends (Especially Max)
Nino, Aurore, and Lacey keep pain meds for their wings in their bags
Ismael retreats to his lamp when he’s stressed and Reshma, Alix, and Austin T are the only ones allowed to hold it during those times
Ondine still doesn’t know that forks aren’t combs. Her friends don’t have the heart to tell her and eat their spaghetti with spoons
Marinette and Kagami race to school on their horses
Kagami is the only Royal who doesn’t sing. It drives the others crazy. But, they did hear her hum, so they count that
Jess was an American exchange student and came to DuPont in a flourish as the wind and colorful leaves blew through her hair
But she left because she couldn’t stand Bustier admonishing her for not wearing shoes, and for using the S-word (Savage)
The Royals sing at random moments. A spotlight shines on them, music plays, and background singers appear. You just gotta say one line from their main songs
Simon: But Bustier is just so damn-!
Denise: Simon, let it go.
Marc: Let it go~ Let it go~ Can’t hold it back anymore~
Denise: I brought this upon ourselves.
Juleka: It was like a hurricane of-
Reshma: *Swinging on vines* A hurricane of nuciferas~ Strangling figs! Hanging vines! Flame of the Forest fills the air as I climb and I push through! What else can I do?
Juleka: … So, anyway-
Kim: Don’t worry, I’ll walk with you-
Nathaniel: I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream~ I know you, that gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam-
Kim: I said ‘walk’! Not ‘walked’!
It’s best to let them keep singing. Oh, and under no circumstances should you even interrupt Jean doing one of his performances, because then he has to start all over again
Nathaniel falls asleep on the comfiest objects he can find. #1 is a tie between Marc’s arms and Adrien’s hair
With some help from Mme. Mendeleieve and none from Caline, he was able to get Markov recognized as a human so he could come to school with him
Sabrina refuses to lie because she hates how her nose looks when she does
She also gets stress splinters, so it’s best not to hug her unless you’re Kim or Denise
Marinette walks into the boy’s bathroom without even thinking. No one’s said anything about it
Denise knows every cheat code to every game and will tell you… For a price, of course. Also, they can’t be electrocuted
And as a video game character from the 80s, they’re not that caught up on modern slang. Their friends love them for it
Simon has stolen a ship with help from Lacey
Whenever he hugs people, Marc doesn’t let his hands touch them
Cosette sent their fan army after Mme. Bustier for gaslighting them. They’ve done it before and they’ll do it again
Jean and Alya are ridiculed for turning into animals by the students Mme. Bustier coddles, and of course, she doesn’t do shit
They’re visited by frogs in their lockers and llamas stampeding in their dorm rooms. Courtesy of Nino and some of Zoé’s mice
Rose hangs out in the library mostly and doesn’t fall behind on schoolwork because she’s read through all of her textbooks
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jrwi-art-archive · 9 months
(dividers by @cafekitsune )
Tws will be tagged as #tw trigger or #trigger
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The fated: #campaign: fated
Convergence: #campaign: convergence
Riptide and Black Rose Oneshot: #campaign: riptide
Prime Defenders and Age of Heroes Oneshot: #campaign: pd
Apotheosis: #campaign: apotheosis
Blood in the Bayou: #campaign: bitb
The Suckening: #campaign: suckening
Mythborne: #campaign: mythborne
Paradise Chronicles: #oneshot: paradise chronicles
Monster Control Service: #oneshot: monster control service
The final Episode: #oneshot: the final episode
Twitch Chat Oneshot: #oneshot: twitch chat
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Player Characters:
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The Fated:
#Br’aad Vengolor
#Sylnan Vengolor
#Alastyr Cross
#Flynn Gustwind
#Kroe Wyse
#Gillion Tidestrider
#Jay Ferin
#Doppelgillion (all Doppelgillion posts will be tagged as Gillion as well)
Black Rose:
#Drey Ferin
#Finn Tidestrider
#Arlin James
Prime Defenders:
#Dakota Cole
#William Wisp
#Vyncent Sol
Age of Heroes:
#Ms. G
#Harlem Shade
#Jason King
#Peter Sqloint
Rumi/any of their other forms: #Rumi
Blood in the Bayou:
#Rolan Deep
#Timothy Rand
#Kian Stone
The Suckening:
#Emizel Tucker
#Shilo Bathory
#Arthur Bennett
#Aster Aeliana
#Ryan Selucreh
#Connor Connors
Paradise Chronicles:
#Captain Justice
#Mike Shore
Monster Control Service:
The Final Episode:
#Aren Auguste
#Jebediah Lightbringer
#Cherry Blossom
Twitch Chat Oneshot:
#Ikarus Gay Phoenix
#Gravel Igbe Flint
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Guest Characters:
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#Duke D. Dukem
#La Alma
#Ashe Winters
The Fated:
Redd Boye
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The Fated:
#Miriam Vengolor
#Alwyn Vengolor
#Lizzie Lafayette
#Ollie Teach
#Niklaus Hendrix
#Pretzel the Frogtopus
#Jayson Ferin
#Ava Ferin
#May Ferin
#Edyn Tidestrider
#Aster (goddess)
#Old man earl
#Marshall John
#Captain Widow
#Reuben Price
#Jasmine Drake
#Lucy the goat
Prime Defenders:
#Le Frog
#Mark Winters
#Summer Dileo
#Tide Lambert
#Mark Winters
#Alastyr Cross
#Anna Sol
#Mr. Wisp
#Janet Wisp
#Alaska Damascus
#Grandma Cole
#Mato Cole
#Alexander Hamilton
#Unnamed Hero
#Diana Shane
#David Bell
#Mallard Conway
#Clarence Albert
#Lizard the lizard
#Yuri Dawnguard
#Becky Jones
#Rachel Rand
#Officer Dudes
#Rat Sanders
#Sarah Thompson
The Suckening:
#Theo Collins //(soda)
#void the cat
#Uncle Lazarus
#Deacan Keller
#Queen Bathory (stand-in tag)
#Edward Twilight
#Viv Weylin
#Vex Weylin
#Mary Davis
#uncle threestrings
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(all ship-art will be tagged with #jrwi shipping!)
(i will tag ships if op also tagged a ship)
Gillion x Chip: #Fish and Chips
Gillion x Jay: #Navyseal
Jay x Chip: #Mockingjay
Caspian x Gillion: #Swordfish
Ava x Lizzie: #Waning Crescent
Jay x Lizzie: #Pistolwhip
Jay x Anastasia: #Bloodshot
Jay x Edyn: #Sheshells
Jay x Chip x Gillion: #Poly Pirates
Chip x Niklaus: #Fools Gold
Chip x Queen: #Chiptune
Niklaus x Caspian: #Wishingpool
Chip x Jazz: #Scarlet Captains
Caspian x Lizzie: #Rosewater
Goobleck x Felipe: #Gummyfrog
Dakota x William: #Ghostkicks
Rumi x Peter: #Angelstone
Rand x Rolan: #Keeperschampion
Rand x Rolan x Kian: #Nbr
Becky x Kian: #heartstrings
The Suckening:
Emizel x Soda: #fizzfangs
Shilo x Grefgore: #armored pheasant
William x Chip: #Flying Dutchman
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Types of media
digital art: #digital
traditional art: #traditional
#video (animations, animatics etc. I don’t really want to judge what counts as animation/animatic so I will tag everything with #video, including gifs)
#stimboard (I know that stimboards aren’t usually considered art, but i like them so I’m gonna include them on this blog. for consistency’s sake i’ll tag stimboard makers artist:*insert name*)
#crossover (includes crossovers between campaigns and between jrwi and other media)
#official art
#jrwi au
#tma (the magnus archives)
#spiderverse (will also be tagged as marvel)
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famousinmyfandom · 5 months
If you enjoy what I do, please consider donating to me at ko-fi.com/roxashasboxers. I am disabled and could always use some extra cash for medical expenses. (Also quick reminder NOT to discuss such things on AO3 as it is against their TOS to have transactions through their site.)
Current upload schedule:
5/24: SlimJess short - Rib
5/25: SlimJess fic - Whips
5/27: SlimJess short - Make Up
5/29: Jess short - Frogs
5/31: SlimJess short - Back
6/1: CandyJoe fic - Moan (Smut)
6/3: SlimJess short - Suspect
6/5: SlimJess short - Cold
6/7: SlimJess short - Dip
6/8: SlimJess fic - Arrival (Smut)
6/10: SlimJess short - Cut
6/12: SlimJess short - Sound
6/14: SlimJess short - Read
6/15: SlimJess fic - Steady
6/17: SlimJess short - Scarf
6/19: SlimJess short - Bullet
6/21: SlimJess short - Safe
6/22: Slim/Jess/Flint 2 (Smut)
6/24: SlimJess short - Side
6/26: SlimJess short - Lie
6/28: SlimJess short - Teeth
6/29: SlimJess fic - Recovery
7/1: SlimJess short - Coffee
7/3: SlimJess short - Beat
7/5: SlimJess short - Split
7/6: SlimJess fic - Dirty (Smut)
7/8: SlimJess short - Coat
7/10: SlimJess short - Breathe
7/12: SlimJess short - Treat
7/13: SlimJess Vampire fic 2 (With plot!)
7/15: SlimJess short - Elite
7/17: SlimJess short - Roof
7/19: SlimJess short - Sour
7/20: SlimJess fic - Host (Smut)
7/22: SlimJess short - Snake
7/24: SlimJess short - Grit
7/26: Jess short - Sweat
7/27: SlimJess Vampire fic 3
7/29: SlimJess short - Whiskey
7/31: SlimJess short - Feet
8/2: SlimJess short - Heart
8/3: Slim/Jess/Johnny (Smut)
8/5: SlimJess short - Ghost
8/7: SlimJess short - Cloak
8/9: SlimJess short - Return
8/10: SlimJess Mermaid fic 2 (With plot!)
8/12: SlimJess short - Salt
8/14: SlimJess short - Upside Down
8/16: SlimJess short - Hair
8/17: SlimJess fic - Threat (Dark)
8/19: SlimJess short - Rainbow
8/21: Jess short - Stone
8/23: SlimJess short - Burrow
8/24: SlimJess fic - Poison
8/26: SlimJess short - Pierce (Smut)
8/28: SlimJess short - Stretch
8/30: SlimJess short - Spine
8/31: SlimJess fic - Stress (Smut)
9/2: SlimJess short - Broken
9/4: SlimJess short - Kiss
9/6: SlimJess short - Taste
9/7: SlimJess fic - Stitch
9/9: SlimJess short - Wonder
9/11: SlimJess short - Balance
9/13: SlimJess short - Risk
9/14: SlimJess fic - Smoke (Smut)
9/16: SlimJess short - Steam
9/18: SlimJess short - Chest
9/20: SlimJess short - Hold
9/21: SlimJess fic - Fall
9/23: SlimJess short - Brush
9/25: SlimJess short - Feather
9/27: SlimJess short - Hide
9/28: SlimJess fic - Impact (Smut)
9/30: SlimJess short - Underneath
10/2: SlimJess short - Skin
10/4: SlimJess short - Soup
10/5: SlimJess fic - Shield
10/7: SlimJess short - Worry
10/9: SlimJess short - Cave
10/11: SlimJess short - Step
10/12: SlimJess fic - Floor (Smut)
10/14: SlimJess short - Spoon
10/16: SlimJess short - Vomit
10/18: SlimJess short - Metal
10/19: SlimJess fic - Heat
10/21: SlimJess short - Hunt
10/23: SlimJess short - Fur
10/25: SlimJess short - Change
10/26: SlimJess fic - Waterfall (Smut)
10/28: SlimJess short - Death
10/30: Jess short - Quit
11/1: SlimJess short - Spread
11/2: SlimJess fic - Slope
11/4: SlimJess short - Dust
11/6: SlimJess short - Spin
11/8: SlimJess short - Hands
11/9: SlimJess fic - Replace (Smut)
11/11: SlimJess short - Half
11/13: SlimJess short - Cook
11/15: SlimJess short - Sock
11/16: SlimJess fic - Drag
11/18: SlimJess short - Boat
11/20: SlimJess short - Growth
11/22: SlimJess short - Sand
11/23: SlimJess fic - Crack (Smut)
11/25: SlimJess short - Spring
11/27: SlimJess short - Sting
11/29: SlimJess short - Shell
11/30: SlimJess fic - Rescue
12/2: SlimJess short - Shed
12/4: SlimJess short - Puddle
12/6: SlimJess short - Order
12/7: SlimJess fic - Wall (Smut)
12/9: SlimJess short - Bar
12/11: SlimJess short - Bluff
12/13: SlimJess short - Grass
12/14: SlimJess fic - Reunion
12/16: SlimJess short - Watch
12/18: SlimJess short - Drop
12/20: SlimJess short - Arm
12/21: SlimJess fic - Mirror (Smut)
12/23: SlimJess short - Alone
12/25: SlimJess short - Marriage
12/27: SlimJess short - Wet
12/28: SlimJess fic - Secret
12/30: SlimJess short - Shame
1/1: SlimJess short - Ring
1/3: SlimJess short - Trapped
1/4: SlimJess fic - Awake (Smut)
1/6: SlimJess short - Vein
1/8: SlimJess short - Attention
1/10: SlimJess short - Formal
1/11: SlimJess fic - Paper
1/13: SlimJess short - Late
1/15: SlimJess short - Draw
1/17: SlimJess short - Lock
1/18: SlimJess fic - Drive (Smut)
1/20: SlimJess short - Fan
1/22: SlimJess short - Mountain
1/24: SlimJess short - Stab
1/25: SlimJess fic - Water
1/27: SlimJess short - Bruise
1/29: SlimJess short - Tree
1/31: SlimJess short - Sight
2/1: SlimJess fic - Saddle (Smut)
2/3: SlimJess short - Morning
2/5: SlimJess short - Rule
2/7: SlimJess short - Tie
2/8: SlimJess fic - Match
2/10: SlimJess short - Quilt
2/12: SlimJess short - Letter
2/14: SlimJess short - Press
2/15: SlimJess fic - Temper (Smut)
2/17: Jess short - Hang
2/19: Kid Curry/Jess Harper/Hannibal Heyes short - Gang
2/21: SlimJess short - Boots
2/22: SlimJess fic - Stranded
2/24: SlimJess short - Weight
2/26: SlimJess short - Clean
2/28: SlimJess short - Drift
3/1: SlimJess fic - Omegaverse (Smut)
3/3: SlimJess short - Legs
3/5: SlimJess short - Red
3/7: SlimJess short - Silver
3/8: SlimJess fic - Cage
3/10: SlimJess short - Truth
3/12: SlimJess short - First
3/14: SlimJess short - Honor
3/15: SlimJess fic - Palm (Smut)
3/17: SlimJess short - Trail
3/19: SlimJess short - Shoulders
3/21: SlimJess short - Angry
3/22: SlimJess fic - Ripple
3/24: SlimJess short - Trough (Smut)
3/26: SlimJess short - Close
3/28: SlimJess short - Cake
3/29: Kid Curry/Jess Harper/Hannibal Heyes fic - Plan (Smut)
4/1: SlimJess short - Fire
4/3: SlimJess short - Win
4/5: SlimJess short - Train
4/6: SlimJess fic - Pit
4/8: CurryHeyes short - Promise
4/10: SlimJess short - Haunt
4/12: CurryHeyes short - Miracle
4/13: SlimJess fic - Gun (Smut)
4/15: SlimJess short - Steal
4/17: SlimJess short - Growl
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BFCD Masterlist || Black Femme x Asian Character Relationships
This is a list of the ships with at least one Black female character x at least one Asian person or performer (Instances in which the characters aren't human will count as the person portraying the character's race).
As of the 4 Year Anniversary of blackfemmecharacterdependency April 30th, 2024, I am not going to be active. I decided to simply post what I had. The list is incomplete for the foreseeable future, but everyone is welcome to add on to it. Especially because I had several ships planned that I didn't get a chance to add before I had to stop maintaining the blog.
General Tags:
Black + Asian (This is for People with Black and Asian in them. They aren't necessarily ship representation, but sort of are because they are a product of such relationships and may be used for FC's if you have a character of similar makeup)
Black x Asian (This is for ships) | Black women with Asian men | Black women with Asian women | Black Woman with a Bigender Asian | Black Woman with Nonbinary Asian
Exceptions include if there is a nonbinary performer who plays the role of a female character, or vice versa, on the Black end. If there is an EXPLICITLY AFAB MALE, please do not suggest or expect them to appear.
List will include people from and with backgrounds from the countries on the map, but I don't intend to put any from Russia's portions, unless a special circumstance appears.
It was a little bit difficult for me to figure out how to curate the list (there are more of these relationships than I realized. So, for now, its mostly separated by regions of Asia, with the left portions on one list and the right portions on another. Not a perfect breakdown but everything to the left of China (west) and South is going to be the first part, and China to the east will be the second.
4400: Keisha Taylor x Soraya TV
Anything's Possible: Kelsa x Khal Movie
Big Brother: Taylor Hale & Joseph Abdin Reality TV/Real Life
Jonesy: Susan x Nisha Comic Book Series
Mythic Quest: Dana x Rachel TV
The Haunting of Bly Manor: Hannah Grose x Owen Sharma Mini-Series
Lucifer: Mazikeen x Eve TV/Comics
The Princess and the Frog: Tiana x Naveen Cartoons/Misc
Ragnarok, The Animated Series:Judia x Iruga Alam (Idk enough about these characters to know anything. I will put them on this end, because it sounds like this is where they go)
Sleepless: Pyppenia x Cyrenic Graphic Novel
Tut: Suhad x Tutankhamun Miniseries
Basquash!: Miyuki Ayukawa x Dan JD (I will be so honest with y'all. Inthe years of finding content, none of the times that I have ever found some, I have never seen an inkling of a pairing from that show and so just don't expect to see them here just because I included the names from suggestions)
Bleach: Yoruichi x Soi Fong
Borotu: Karui x Choji Akimichi (Once again, had no clue. Actually, I didn't know there was a Black women even In this series, which gives me pause to seek out content. Them fandoms where you never see the negress usually 1000% cannot be trusted. Long story short: Don't expect content.)
Hunter x Hunter: Canary x Amane | Revolutionary Girl Utena: Anthy x Utena
Can't Escape Love: Regina Hobbs x Gustave Nguyen Book - Alyssa Cole
Let's Talk About Love: Alice x Takumi Book - Claire Kann
Percy Jackson and the Olympians: Hazel Levesque x Frank Zhang Book Series | The Sun is Also a Star Natasha Kingsley x Daniel Bae Book/Movie
And just a fun tidbit for y'all. This assignment has my computer thinking I need suggestions. I haven't read any of these, but came across them, so here you are.
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Amphibia: Jess x Ally | Dragon Age Absolution: Miriam x Sapphira | The Dragon Prince: Janai x Amaya | Inside Job: Gigi x Andre (Adult) | Invincible: Amber Bennett x Mark Grayson (Adult) | Miraculous Ladybug: Ayla x Marinnette | The Owl House: Skara x Willow | The Proud Family: Penny Proud x Kwok
Comic Books
Batgirl: Rebirth: Frankie Charles x Malaya | DC Bombshells: Nell Little x Alysia Yeoh | Goldie Vance: Marigold "Goldie" Vance x Diane Kimura | X-Men: Ororo Munroe x Yukio
Boogie: Eleanor x Boogie | Bottoms: Josie x Isabel | Cinderella: Cinderella x Christopher | Lightyear: Alisha x Kiko Hawthorne | Ninja Assassin: Mika Coretti x Raiko | Romeo Must Die: Trish O'Day & Han Sing
TV/Streaming Series
The Baby-SItters Club: Ashley Wyeth x Janine Kishi | Black Lightning: Anissa Pierce x Grace Choi (Comics/TV) | Chicago Med: April Sexton x Ethan Choi | Dark Matter: Nyx x Two | Fate: The Winx Saga: Aisha x Grey | Gen V: Marie Moreau x Jordan Li | Heartstopper: Elle Argent x Tao Xu Webcomic/Streaming Series | Hunters: Roxy Jones x Joe Mizushima | Into the Badlands: Veil x Sunny | Killjoys: Aneela Kin Rit x Delle Seyah Kendra | Motherland: Fort Salem: Abigail Bellweatherx Adil of Tarim | Neon: Mia x Felix | New Amsterdam: Helen Sharpe x Cassian Shin | Helen Sharpe x Akash Panthaki | Nine Perfect Strangers: Delilah x Yao Book/Miniseries |
Orange is the New Black: Poussey x Soso | Power Rangers: Aisha x Adam | Aisha x Rocky x Adam aka Nesha's First Throuple | Tanya Sloan x Adam Park Kids TV | Riverdale: Josie McCoy x Reggie Mantle | Josie McCoy x Sweet Pea | Shadowhunters: Maia Roberts x Jordan Kyle Book/TV | Star Trek TOS: Uhura x Sulu TV/Movies | Star Wars: Jannah x Rose | Ketsu x Sabine | Pamich x Jessika Cartoons/Comics/Movies | The Umbrella Academy: Jill x Ben Hargreeves | Wheel of Time: Nynaeve al'Meara x 'Lan Mandragoran Book/Streaming Series
Dom & Mor: Morgan x Dominique | He's Harmless, I Swear: Tammy x Tomoya | If You'll Have Me: Momo Gardner x Priscilla Giang Webcomic/Graphic Novel | LMLY: Sofia x Leon Webcomics
Video Games
Mortal Kombat: Jacqui Briggs x Takeda Takahashi
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jennyowenyoungs · 1 year
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from the forest floor is out today! 🌳
You can listen to it here. 
This instrumental album was created collaboratively in partnership with John Mark Nelson, and features contributions from Hrishikesh Hirway and Jess Abbott (Tancred). What a gift to make music with people I love! A thousand thanks to OFFAIR Records for inviting me to take a leap and make this record. And a full heart of gratitude for Devan Power for creating the artwork, which I adore so deeply.
My family lived in a house tucked way back into the north Jersey woods until I was thirteen. Growing up, I spent a lot of time in the forest hiking, swimming, catching frogs and fish (then letting them go), and identifying the local flora and fauna using a beat-up field guide. Deer were a daily sight, and it wasn’t uncommon for opossums, raccoons, and black bears to find their way into the yard. In the summer, I’d make plaster casts of animal footprints left along the muddy streambank, and fill up on mulberries straight off the tree (also a popular pastime of the aforementioned bears). Even though I left New Jersey to live in Brooklyn, Los Angeles, and eventually Maine, I can’t separate the magical feeling of walking through those woods from my idea of “home.” 
For this project, I wanted to pay tribute to that very feeling, and create a record that feels like time spent in the forests where I grew up: earthy, organic, ambient, hypnotic. The twelve songs of the album cycle through a 24-hour period, beginning at 7am. Each piece is designed to reflect aspects of the time it's representing, from sunrise to dusk, moonset to blue hour.
You can find the album wherever you stream music; I hope you listen to it in the woods.
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corpseroadking · 8 months
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here's my design of blue's witch of space godtier look + the original witch of space design.
more info abt homestuck!blue:
i tried to mix practicality and something over the top for her design (and apparently that means. tutu + safety shorts and kneepads lmao)
as a witch of space, blue would be one who changes space. also i used homestuckexamination's class guide and the official homestuck definitions of the aspects to classpect the gangsey :0
so! blue is a space player bc thematically, it fits her the best. space players typically have the theme of actualization and fulfilled potential (kanaya as a rainbow drinker + jade becoming part dog). and like. her whole treelight + stars thing. space also has to do with creation, and like kanaya, blue alters her clothing and creates something new. blue Changes the Space around her (her bedroom and the canvas trees. her cleaning up jesse dittley's yard). space players tend to suffer from isolation, and i definitely think that's the case for blue. she was friendless prior to the raven boys, and has difficulty deeply connecting with other people. also, witches are naturally rebellious as well as practical. they're passionate abt their values and are motivated by protecting their sense of agency.
blue would be a derse dreamer. bladekind (im thinking scissors).
like any other space player, she would be responsible for gathering the frogs and stoking the forge. during the game, she gets visited by noah (page of void) and henry (knight of mind) in dream bubbles bc of her approximation to the horrorterrors in derse (although most of the time she'd meet henry bc noah was less reliable to find). she learns that they were the players of the last session but they don't remember what happened to make them fail. on top of gathering the frogs, she works on connecting them to their own session and bring them back to life.
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pbandjesse · 3 months
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I had kind of a hard day emotionally. I did not sleep well and that did not help at all. It left me feeling really bad. Physically and emotionally. I canceled with Celia. And completely changed my plans.
James had already left by the time I got up. I was so tired but I didn't think going back to sleep would make me feel any better. I got up and washed my face and got dressed. I felt okay. The overwhelmed dread I was feeling when I woke up lessened. I would spend the morning putting things away. I cannot wait until the rest of our shelves are here and I can put so much of our stuff away. It's been really tough living with things everywhere but it gets better every time we get a new piece of furniture.
I would clean the kitty litter and vacuum the frog tank. Omelet still seems a little freaked out from the move but I have seen him basically everyday so I'm not to worried about him. Though I noticed that the water was a little cool, so I turned up the temp and hopefully he is more comfortable.
I laid on the couch for a bit. I had breakfast. I decided I would go to the thrift store and then to Taco bell. I had wanted to go to home Depot but I lost motivation for that.
I had a nice drive though. I went through the tunnel to get to Glen Burnie. It was a the different side which I have not gone through in forever. I am not positive that it reads my ezpass. But it was still a nice drive.
I was surprised by how busy it was. As I was going in an older woman was coming out in an incredible ketchup/Heinz knot sweater and I told her how amazing it was and she was so nice.
And I had a good time looking inside. I would find two things I may be able to use for Uganda. And some linen pajamas. I found a framed little sea shell thing. And another wall candle holder. I had a lot of fun just looking at things but I was frustrated by how many things had proved from other thrift stores or yard sales and it was so much cheaper then they were selling them for. Like if you're going to price it higher take the other price off?? Ridiculous.
I had a good coupon though and still had a good haul.
I went to Taco Bell next. And it was so expensive? I was shocked. But it was still really good. And the cashier was also named Jesse and we had a really nice conversation about having the same name and being misgendered because of it. It was honestly just really sweet.
I ate my crunch wrap in the car. And listened to my podcast. And it was a really beautiful day. I was feeling better. My spirits were slightly better.
I decided I would head towards the museum. Go to five below and the dollar store. And then go stop and see James.
And that's just what I did. I would have a lot of fun in five below. I got three blind bags. And some candy. I would sit outside on a bench and open my blind bags and I loved my calico critter the best.
I walked to dollar tree next and got floss and a some hooks for the wall. And then headed back to the car.
Where someone was parked long ways across 3 spots? Bizarre.
I drove over to the museum and James was really surprised to see me. It was a nice surprise. I was also helpful because I could give them a few minutes to warm up their lunch and get some water. I would check in some guests and only panicked a little when I could not find the stickers. Panic panic. James's desk is always so messy but I was eventually able to find them and it was all good.
I hung out for a few more minutes. But I was tired. And so I went home.
When I got back here I brought all my treasures inside. I tried on all my purchases and was very happy with how they look. I took all the stickers off things and put things in their spots. Or temporary spots.
I spent some time hanging the hooks for I have a spot to put my embroidery hoops. And I really like how it looks. Once the other shelf gets here and I can put more things away I want to hang my looms as well.
I would get cuddled up on the couch until James got home. I was tired but didn't really want to sleep. I just watched tiktoks. And was so happy to see them when they got back.
We would hang out in the couch for a while. But eventually they would leave to go to the apartment to get the last of our stuff. The big furniture is still over there. But all of our things are here now.
While they were gone I had a really bad coughing fit and felt terrible. I tried taking a shower but I couldn't wait for the water to warm up and it was deeply unpleasant. I got changed and tired to calm down but I was wheezing really bad.
When James got back I was in the middle of starting to lay out how we were going to hang the big mirror on the wall. And I would help bring things in from the car but I was struggling to breathe and was not feeling good.
Once everything was inside James would get me some allergy meds and the inhaler and it take a little while but it does help. Like my nose is still running but I'm not choking anymore. I am still uncomfortable and I feel sad. But I will be okay.
James made me dumplings for dinner. And they had pasta and burned their mouth. But after dinner we worked together to hang up the very heavy mirror. I got clips that are for 75lbs. But I am nervous because we hung it behind the door. And I think we may have to move it in the end. But it was fun working on that together.
Once we got the mirror on I put hardware on the mirror's frame so we could hang it on top of the mirror and I think it's a very clever way to deal with the problem.
James went upstairs to paint their nails. And I came up here to do my face lotions and laid down. And that is what I'm doing now. I really hope I can sleep better tonight. I want to be in a good mood tomorrow.
Because we are going to visit my parents. I'm really looking forward to seeing them. We are going to borrow their washing machine to wash our towels. But that's just a plus.
I hope it's a fun day. Maybe we can go out to lunch. And my brother might come by. I am really looking forward to it.
I love you all. Sleep good tonight. Until next time!
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torchickentacos · 1 year
Summarizing TV shows I've never seen
Breaking Bad: takes place where high school musical did. Jesse and Walter. 99% sure Walter's the bald chem teacher. Jesse is either gay, homophobic, or both (?). There's a lawyer woman named Skylar who Walt may or may not be hitting on the side, not sure. Meth.
Yugioh: kid has cards that can summon magical creatures. I think there's a hell realm. There's one guy, Marik, who is actually two guys in one I think, but I wouldn't swear by it.
My Hero Academia: something to do with toe joints????? Is that like. correct???? I distinctly remember something about that. There's the frog guy, bakugou (the zuko one), Deku (not the zelda tree), and the girl that looks like May from pokemon or Suki from ATLA.
Fairy Tail: I actually have seen this one but couldn't tell you a damn thing about it. There's a guild thing. Lots of fanservice. Guy with the scarf.
Miraculous Ladybug: guy and girl are in love but also superheroes who are in love and nobody knows the oter is in love and a superhero? Shenanigans ensue. They're a ladybug and a cat but in a superhero way and not a furry way.
Fox 911: copaganda but firefighters????? no idea. Swifties really like it.
Friends: I've seen SOME episodes. Two of the guys look like the same guy to me and I can't tell them apart. Friends say I'm the phoebe because she's kind of got a hippie vibe. Rachel and Monica are not wlw apparently but you could have fooled me. SMELLY CAT. Also what's his name... david schwimmer. His character is kind of annoying to me. He had a monkey once? Also CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP!!!!
Supernatural: dude. NO fucking idea. Superhell. The two guys might be gay? or brothers? There's a third guy I think???? Someone's gay and someone's got a brother? They had a scooby doo crossover. Demons.
Doctor who: time travel in a phone booth??? There's a bunch of doctors. fifteen of them? One said feminist rights or something???
Supernatural: Sadie Sink, who people said I looked like in my red hair era. I think we're both just scots-irish 20somethings though idk. 80's. Byler. A lot of bowl cuts, unfortunately.
Amphibia: frogs and a blonde girl???
Moral Orel: No idea but it kind of scares me /lh. @blossyossyossy likes it.
Modern Family: family issues but there's a bazillion of them. My mom says I look like Haley dunphy. Idk who that is. Funny enough, Haley dunphy and Sadie sink look nothing alike yet I've been told I look like both of them. I don't see either, tbh.
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