#also that pic is old
Who’s the guy with the red shirt in your banner?
Do you mean Dave Strider from Homestuck?
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obsob · 1 year
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love is stored in the parallel play
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taxinealkaloids · 1 year
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girls will literally turn their parents’ corpses into meat puppets to prevent the House of their birthright from being annexed by other powers 
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tricos-here · 11 months
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I'm normal about her I promise (lie)
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ottosbigtop · 4 months
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And what if i gave him an old band he joined after brozone huh. What then.
Well ok less like a band and more of general. Performance group. I saw someone mention one time that they hced that Bruce used to do drag and it has NOT left my brain so Bruce drag group baby!!
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I imagine he performed with them sometime before meeting Brandy, and it sort of reintroduced him to enjoying performing again after a dry spell post BZ breakup. Gets more confident in performing again without having to keep up the chiseled heartthrob boyband persona anymore or something.
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And my designs for his old group!! Around his age currently in the ref. They definitely had different styles when they all first met but I’ve already drawn far too much for this post good lird.
They parted on decent terms but i think it was a little shaky on account of. Idk. Something something im thinking of parallels between sugar and JD leadership wise but thats not important. But they meet back up again later and i think theyre all on very good terms currently :o]
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Ok and finally the whole reason i even started this in the first place to draw that funny guy in a dress. They (affectionately) rope him back into performing with them when they visit Vacay Island and he updates his old look for the hell of it. Very Dionysus coded.
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bigcatbulges · 4 months
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Source - astrodae
(Artist's Bluesky and Telegram Channel)
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camphelion · 4 months
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sort of obsesssed w the idea of gwen being super nervous when she meets david and then coming to realize that she basically just won the job interview-er lottery
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finalgoob · 2 years
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in a happier world, i’d like to think that leia would run to obi-wan whenever she’d have a tiff with anakin lmao 😭
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@veryconnoisseurcherryblossom requested some more smiling Starscreams! They didn't specifiy what kind of smile, so here's a bunch of sinister smiles and cute smiles
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braisedhoney · 9 months
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in judgement and in apathy
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sirmanmister · 1 month
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This is a redraw from January 6 2023, in honour of it being 1 YEAR since I posted the last chapter of The Father(s) and Son(s)!!!!! A little bit over a year actually because it was April 10th and it took me a little while to draw this lol
So much has changed in the span of a year omg. And for THE BETTER?? Like I’m going to school, I made and lost friends, I’m slowly but surely getting over some social anxiety (still a wip tho!!! 😭😭) and I’ve found so many cool mutuals and artists and just!!!! AAA!! Not to mention my art skills have improved a whole HELL of a lot!! LMAO
I don’t write as much as I did when I wrote my fic initially, and I feel bad for that sometimes, but it’s just a testament to how things have gotten a lot better for me and it’s not bad that I’m busy. I’m still trying to cobble together some more writing to eventually get another fic out, cuz I do genuinely miss it, but we’ll get there when we get there!
Pspsps closeups/old pic under the cut!!
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levemetal · 18 days
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Watercolor test to get back into it! It's botched, especially the chair but eh. Gonna post anyway ٩( ᐛ )و
Mei Nianqing, inspired by the lovely @kimbapchan's gorgeous design of him in their swap AU <3
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watercubebee · 1 year
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Mixing colors in the Valentine´s Day Ball
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shummthechumm · 10 months
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"son, i could move the sky for you"
so...midnight and sol in the rewrite... (more info below the cut!)
in the scorched ruins of a long abandoned ravine awaits an elderly badger. for seasons, midnight retraced the ancient claw-marks of those before this time; fading echoes of now forgotten spirits. every night she patrols the worn stone, accompanied only by the distant pelt of stars above her.
the low humming of wind bouncing off the gorge walls was scarcely broken--be it by a passing critter or occasional loner--but tonight, something was different.
she follows the shrill wailing--lumbering after it with more energy than she had showcased in moons--down the ragged cliff edge, and into the hollowed out stone. there lay a scrawny cat--a kitten. midnight's ears itch at it's mewling, and her throat tightens.
she reaches out a clawed paw, and pulls the shivering scrap towards herself. the kit whimpers still, but unscrews it's eyes. brilliant sunburnt irises burn into her own; and a warmth she had long been deprived melted the aches of age away--if only for a moment.
those pools of yellow observed her curiously. after a heartbeat, the child nuzzled deeper into her wiry coat.
how long had it been since held new life? how long had it been since was held by someone?
regardless of the answer, she couldnt let go now.
i love sad old people
Original/Alt. Version here:
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ego-meliorem-esse · 1 year
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I hate this man and i hate myself for not hating him harder.
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lordcastaway · 5 months
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they are trying to solve the greatest mystery there is — why some people still think they are straight
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