#and I like them btw! nothing against those guys
ct-hardcase · 2 months
we were kind of talking about this on twitter but god it really does get to you how few women bell prominently has in his life, and the few that are are just...discarded by the narrative
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thawthebeez · 9 months
okay guys i may have gotten the haikyuu brain blast that i've been waiting for. that's right baybee i'm talkin' post-time skip Ali Roma/ASAS pre-game, during-game, and post-game kghn moments muahaha
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enha-doodles · 14 days
Heyya I love your works 💗💗 and I was wondering if u u could do Slytherin boys reacting to the reader being a muggleborn 🥹
Classic yk🕺🏻🕺🏻
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Pairing : (Mattheo , Tom , Theodore , Lorenzo , Draco) x muggleborn!reader
Note : tysm bestie 🤪🤪✨ also that is such a classic request !!!
Warnings : mentions of fighting , toxicness in Tom's (I mean?)
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Yes , he's got this thing against Muggle-borns, but if it's you, he's willing to put on his big boy pants and overlook it. But don't you dare insult his girl's blood status, or else you'll witness a show even Voldemort himself would be proud of! Picture it: a bunch of Slytherin wannabes start spouting nonsense about you not being worthy of Mattheo because he's the Dark Lord's spawn, and well you're just a stupid mudblood.
That sets Mattheo off like a firecracker! He goes all Hulk mode, smashing and bashing until they're all groveling at his feet. "Stay in your fucking place, you piece of shit, or else you won't live to tell the tale of Voldemort's son representing the Dark Lord himself!" He's a total hotie in fight mode btw
Now, Tom's got issues. He's got this whole orphanage baggage weighing him down, but deep down, he's just a lovesick puppy because he never received any. Sure, he hates the whole blood status talk, but he loves you more than he hates it. And merlin, does he have a way of showing it! He'll dominate and control like it's his daily job, but common, it's all out of love, right? And if anyone dares to even look at you funny, bam! It's going to be a hex city, and guess whose the population ? them.
But if you try to disobey or disrespect him he won't hesitate to return to his true self , he'd grab your chin harshly and menacingly whisper, "You're just a filthy mudblood, know your place. Here, God isn't your lord. I am."
hmm, Theodore, the rebel with a cause. He's not like his father , nothing like him at all and he constantly wants to prove it , this is just one of those things that help him show you and others that he's different.He couldn't care less about blood status drama. Nope, if he loves you, he loves ALL of you, flaws and all.
He'd threaten everyone around that you're his girl and if anyone says anything to you or if they try to hurt you then they'd be found dead before they can say sorry . "Get this in your stupid ass head, you dick - you mess with her, you mess with me and remember I don't pull bunnies out of a hat ."
Lorenzo's like that curious cat who just can't resist poking his nose into everything. Muggle stuff? Fascinating! Like Theodore he wouldn't mind . He'd actually ask more about how it's there and all the technology intrigues him but he'd still be on about how magic is better . He would support you all the time and try to indulge in stuff to make you feel better .
Would threaten his friends to be mindful of their words around you because you're very dear to him and he wouldn't mind a punch to two if it means you're protected "Hey hey hey , watch it or I won't!"
Draco, return of the drama queen of Slytherin lmao . He'll start off all high and mighty, spouting hurtful things left, right, and center. But when reality hits and you stop talking to him , he realizes he's messed up, cue the banging at your door , sputtering out apologies and the gifts galore - rich boy lowkey buying his way out but you can't complain because he's got all your favourite stuff .
Draco would kinda joke to lighten the mood "God, I love you, but my father cannot hear about this." Classic Draco, am I right?
。    ✧    ⁺     。
TAGLIST : @sugarcandydoll @helendeath
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anundyingfidelity · 3 months
AFFECTION — Soldier Boy
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Summary: During a mission, Soldier Boy receives a hug from you unexpectedly. He likes it.
Pairing: Soldier Boy/Ben x female supe!reader.
Word count: 0.9k
Warnings: canon violence and language, reader is kinda hurted, descriptions of blood and stuff, AU where Ben is working with the team on missions (which is what should've happened on the show btw), Soldier Boy being Soldier Boy lmao, Ben and reader are totally opposites and I live for that. Based on this post.
Note: soooo I'm still making some arrangements to my Soldier Boy long fic and instead I have this short drabble in the meantime. Hope you enjoy it hehe.
the boys/jackles tags: @k-slla
(if anyone would like to be added to my tags just tell me^^)
☕ if you like my writing, support me with a ko-fi !
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You groanned, feeling the hard wall hit against your back. It was hard to believe but you thought probably you wouldn't go out of this alive. Your body ached and not even your strenght could stop this guy.
Fucking Butcher, why did you have to follow him to suicide again? Just a couple of cunts, he said. But he forgot to mention they had a weird improved dosis of V injected.
You fell to the ground as the man walked towards you. He was extremely tall and well-buff. No sense the Compound V on his system made him better, or at least that's what he thought. He was tossed to the ground by your side, and you crawled to the corner of the small room.
The distance was not enough to let you run away. You stayed there, watching Soldier Boy's big frame over the man. He used his shield, beting him to death and destroying his face and neck during the process. You were so damn sure his loud groans of pain would remain on your mind at least for a couple of days.
"Fucking pussy," the old man said, wipping some blood off his face. He got on his feet ungracefully and grabbed his shield back. He turned to look at you, still sitting on the floor. "You okay?"
You nodded. "Yeah."
He held you a bloody hand, which you took to stand up. There was an akward silence as you and Ben left the small room, you followed him around the dirty basement, filled with lifeless bodies and fluids on the ground, to meet with Butcher and Hughie.
"Guess those were all," Butcher announced.
"I have the remaining dosis," you took the tube from the pocket of your pants and showed them with a smile on your face. "Was the last one."
"Excellent," Butcher grabbed it and tossed it to Hughie, who saved the tube on a bag.
"We made it out, huh," you mumbled.
"Well, we're still down here, so," Hughie shrugged and three pairs of eyes narrowed at him. "What?"
"Just think positively, for once," you pleaded with a fake sharp tone. "Isn't that hard, y'know."
Ben rolled his eyes.
"We're on a fucking shithole, the kid's right. Let's go now before any of you fuck this up," he ordered and passed by between Butcher and Hughie, hitting his shoulder intentionally in the process.
You quickly followed behind his long soldier strides. "Wait!"
Soldier Boy scoffed and closed his eyes slowly only to open them again. You stood on his way with a big smile and wide eyes. Bruises and blood adorned your face and neck, your clothes were also splattered with dry blood and dirt after killing those clandestine stupid supes on an undercover mission at night, and still you acted like nothing had happened. He stood in place, with Hughie and Butcher standing behind expecting what the fuck you'd be doing this time. Sometimes he thought you were so fucking annoying.
"The fuck you want?"
You opened your lips to say something but nothing came out. Once you closed them, you beamed again and closed the distance between him and you. You wrapped your arms around his strong waist and rested your grubby check against his chest. He tensed visibly under your hug and after a moment you pulled away, your hands behind your back with a shy smile. Hughie and Butcher were clearly holding back a good laugh. They knew better not to mock Soldier Boy, not yet though.
Ben blinked a couple of times, trying to process what happened.
"What the fuck was that?"
You giggled. "Affection."
He wrinkled his nose. "Disgusting."
You gasped and faked sadness on your voice. "Why? I was just saying 'thank you for saving my ass'."
"It's fucking nothing," he rolled his eyes and started to walk again to guide the team outside, with the other two men with playful smirks on their faces following behind.
"Ben!" you quickly caught his pace to stand by his side. "Thank you, okay? Probably you don't like physical contact but I do. And this is how I show others that I care about them and that I'm thankful. I also give hugs because I like them and–"
"Shh!" Ben raised his hand, suddenly stopping his tracks by the end of the stairs that'd lead you outside. He turned and looked at you with that grumpy face of his. "I said you're welcome, sweetheart. Now we need to go, you can talk to me about your hugs shit later."
He pointed to Hughie and Butcher. "Now, you, cocksuckers, go up."
Butcher grinned, going first. "Sure, cap."
"You shut up," Soldier Boy warned, Hughie gulped and nodded, and made his way up on the stairs.
You stood there, with a smile on your lips. Always that fucking, idiotic, stupid smile, even after hard missions like the one you just had. It was like if you were the only one who didn't seem scared of him or anything else. Sure, you were a supe and a smart asset on the team. But still, a very peculiar lady through his eyes.
He sighed and rolled his eyes. Once Butcher and Hughie were out of sight he finally talked.
"Do it again."
"Excuse me?"
"The stupid hug, do it again."
You raised your eyebrows, eyes bright as you realized his request. "Really?!"
"God, woman. Do I need to fucking repeat my—?"
His words were cut by your strong hug. You crashed against his frame so hard he lost balance for a bit. He was certainly surprised by how warm your hug it actually felt. You angled your eyes to see his face.
You let him go and got up the stairs. He barely curved his lips at how happy you climbed them. Yeah, well he actually liked your stupid hugs.
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soldier boy / reader
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bunni-v1 · 9 months
Can I please request a reader that has been so traumatised by what’s happened in the Scarabia book that they actively avoid the entire dorm and have Ace and Deuce as their guard dogs (I love those two and I really love how you wrote them as the readers protective besties during the Malleus break up fic). Like how would Kalim, Jamil and Adeuce react to that?
I find it really cathartic when I read fics that have the characters feeling guilty after what they put the reader through whilst the reader is getting support from their friends.
(Something I’m really salty about in twst is how no one ever holds the overblots accountable for what they’ve done. I full on agreed with Ace when he told Riddle that crying wasn’t going to erase all that he did before the overblot and I literally fell in love with him when he punched Riddle after he insulted us/Yuu/the player. I understand that those boys are traumatised and are in desperate need of therapy and overblotting was the only way for their problems to be solved but the treatment they inflicted on Yuu/us was downright hellish. Azul made us homeless and tore us away from the only family/comfort we had in twst (the ghosts) and then sent the tweels to terrorise us in our attempts to reclaim said home and free our friends from servitude; Jamil kidnapped us, hypnotised us, locked us up in a room against our will, isolated us from Adeuce and took away any contact we had with them, forced us on long marches in the dessert and turned a blind eye to our clear suffering during that time; Vil acted like a literal demon to not only us (and then almost made my Deucey cry) but everyone else as well and that was before he decided to try to murder an innocent teenager. Like why does no one understand just how much this can damage an actual child who has no magic and has been stripped from their home and family?)
Reader Terrified of Scarabia After Jamil’s Overblot
TW: PTSD; Mental Breakdown; Disassociation; Mentions of Abuse; Kalim and Jamil are tragic
Info: Ace, Deuce x Reader (platonic or romantic); Kalim, Grim x Reader (platonic); Jamil and Reader (neutral)
🍓I love requests like this tbh. My own OC sorta has her own grapplings with this stuff that I like to touch upon, and I’m excited I get the chance to talk about it here :) THIS IS LONG AS HELL BTW(like this intro here lol). I had a lot of fun writing it :))) I added a cute, shorter little grim part, because our little guy deserves more lovin’ than he gets. I also decided to do a cute little (read: long) intro, and then head cannons since you didn’t specify for either. I hope you enjoy this style, and I’m sorry for the wait <3
You had been through… a lot in your time at Night Raven College. Being thrown into a completely different world would’ve been enough, but it seems that the great seven thought you needed some extra troubles. You weren’t sure how you could’ve encored their wrath, but you were, and you were chugging along despite it all.
First was the attack from the phantom in the mines — something that should’ve been foreshadowing for what was to come. You didn’t even do anything to be in this position. It was Ace Grim and Deuce, but you got dragged into it all because you were “Grim’s keeper.” You managed to befriend Ace and Deuce though, so it wasn’t so bad.
Second was Riddle with his unending temper and strict rules. Despite everything telling you to just stay out of it, your good-natured heart just couldn’t stop you from helping Ace and Deuce. Nearly dying in the process, you managed to help Riddle and made newfound friends in Heartslabyul. 
Third came Leona, the selfish, stuck-up, lazy no-good prince of the Savannah. You knew he was trouble from the start, and you wanted nothing to do with him or his little lackey Ruggie. Then he hurt Trey, and you couldn’t stand by while he reigned terror on the school. He was a favorable ally to gain in the end, so you could dismiss his actions so long as he kept in his lane.
Fourth was Azul, another student you figured would cause you trouble. With the extra scary Jade and Floyd always tailing him, and that too buttery sweet voice of his, you were determined to keep your distance. Again, however, your friends were in trouble and you couldn’t help but help them. Azul was a broken person, and you could sympathize with his struggles. He even gave you a job at the lounge to help with funding yourself, so he couldn’t be all that bad.
You’d come to dislike the other house wardens out of principle. A pattern had emerged among them, and you weren’t going to fall victim to another horrific overblot. You still had suction cup-shaped bruises on your arm from Azul’s breakdown. Leona had given you more than just a nasty burn from the scalding hot whirlwind of sand he conjured up. The scars Riddle left behind on your face and arms were healed, but they still ached when you touched them. All painful reminders that you could not truly trust anyone here, that anyone could lose control of themselves and hurt you. Yet…
When you met Jamil in the kitchen, he seemed so kind to both you and Grim. He seemed so genuine and honest. Maybe it was wishful thinking, or maybe it was you missing your friends, but you wanted to trust him despite your gut feeling to be distrustful. Could everyone here really be that bad? Certainly not. Ace Deuce and Jack went here as well… so surely… surely…
The alarm bells didn’t ring at all during the dinner, and Kalim — despite everything you’ve been through — seemed so nice, if not a little overbearing. You could see the tiredness on Jamil's face, and you had the kindness in your heart to express your sympathies. And oh, Jamil so humbly assured you that he was fine. Filling your head with little half-truths and ideas that Kalim had been overworking not only him but the other students. That he had been acting “off” as of late.
You saw Kalim’s sudden shifts in personality. How he would be so sweet, so kind and soft. How he made sure you were enjoying yourself, made sure you ate to your heart's content, made sure you were comfortable in your uniform and your sleeping quarters. Then he would be yelling at everyone, demanding unspeakable exercises and work.
If Ace were there with you, he would’ve called bullshit. Still, you trusted Jamil to start. You actually believed he was kind and had good intentions. You believed that Kalim was the real evil here.
Then he wouldn’t let you and Grim leave, and the students were suddenly so aggressive toward you. He took everything you had and stripped you of your dignity and pride until there was nothing left but fight.
Truly, you didn’t realize it was him that was the issue until he was over-blotting in front of your eyes. It wasn’t an unusual sight to you at that point, you’d defeated multiple overblots and befriended these people. You don’t know what it was. The way you’d trusted him. The fact that you felt truly alone without Ace and Deuce. This one broke you…
You just didn’t feel a damn thing after he was saved. You felt no pity, no joy, no relief. Absolutely nothing, an empty void in your chest. Even as everyone around you celebrated, there was nothing. You stood watching everyone parade around with glee blankly, unable to speak to anyone around you. Just listening to the voices that had begun to mesh together.
You didn’t show anything until Ace and Deuce showed up. Something about their faces, the way they were looking over you, the way they seemed so scared for your wellbeing… it made you cry. It made you cry and cry and cry until you couldn’t make any noise and then you cried some more. They had to drag you away from everyone because you just couldn’t quite stand upright when Deuce would try to get you to walk away with him…
The days after were blurry. You remained holed up in your dorm, unable to really move from your bed. Ace and Deuce stayed in their own separate room next to yours. You could hear them talking through the walls about how worried they were about you, how angry they were at Jamil, how angry they were at themselves for not getting there in time to help you. If you’d had the energy, you would’ve scolded them for being so hard on themselves, but you could hardly speak in the first place.
They cared for you as best as they could. Deuce attempted to cook the recipes Trey sent him over magicam, making sure you ate and stayed hydrated. Occasionally you’d hear Azul downstairs, and Deuce would give you something nice from the Monstrolounge — free of charge, he promised. You could tell that he wasn’t sleeping much in his worry over you. 
Grim remained at your side as loyal as a dog and boasting that he’d keep you safe, but you knew he was scared too. He proclaimed that he would keep you safe, but you could feel him trembling at every sudden noise. You had to comfort him from the horrific nightmares he was having. That was okay, though, he was family and you were his.
Ace was the only one who really kicked your ass into gear. He’d tug you out of bed and into the shower as people began to return from winter break. Made you go on walks around campus to show you that you were completely safe. Eventually, he’d been able to get you to visit Azul to thank him directly for his kindness. He wasn’t soft or gentle with you, that wasn’t in his character at all, but he made sure you felt safe enough to return to classes before they started.
They both worked hard to help you recover, but you were still so afraid…
-Ace isn’t exactly the most comforting person, and he never claimed to be. 
-He’s not good at reassuring people, but he’s good at being honest, and if he was being honest he knew that you were safe around him and Deuce.
-He walks you to and from classes, spends most of his nights in your dorm doing whatever the hell you’d like him to do without complaint, distracts you when you’re freaking out, and most importantly keeps that snake as far away from you as possible.
-If he was being honest with himself, which was his whole thing, he didn’t really get your reaction to everything. 
-You’ve all been through this before, it's textbook at this point. A guy does some shady shit, a guy gets caught doing said shady shit, a guy overblots, and you defeat a guy with the power of friendship. Boom. Done.
-He’d get it more if you were completely alone, but grim and the octanivelle freaks were there! Kalim too, and he’s always seemed pretty nice. Not the best company, sure, but still you had people helping you out.
-When he looks at your face and sees how tired you are, he forgets the logical stuff. All he can hear are those horrific sobs you let out when you saw him and how you nearly ripped his uniform in half with how tightly you were holding him and Deuce.
-If that was too much for him, he can’t imagine how badly it must’ve felt for you. How bad it must still feel.
-So screw what he thinks, he’s gotta make sure you’re taking care of yourself.
-He doesn’t ask you how you’re feeling, he knows it's not good. He focuses on keeping your mind off of everything that might trigger you.
-Reroutes your paths to classes to avoid Jamil and Kalim completely. Sure it’s longer and more annoying, but it's better than you going dead silent and shutting him and everyone else out again.
-He does everything in his power and you’re doing so well… and then the VDC happens. 
-You’re given the title of manager and you’re forced to be around these people who terrify you. 
-Vil won’t budge on anything and sevens Ace wishes Rook would let him try out a little target practice with the (illegal) bow and arrows he’s got in his room.
-He keeps himself between you and Jamil at all costs. He won’t let Jamil bother you at all, not that he was trying in the first place.
-The real issue is Kalim, which sounds crazy, but it’s true.
-Kalim is so… forceful. A pretty strong word, but honestly the only one Ace can think to use.
-He’s really nice, really sweet, seriously such a good guy… but you’re still unsettled by him.
-There are several times during practices that Ace has to yell at him to just leave you alone.
-Sure, it gets him a pretty big scolding from Vil, but he couldn’t care less honestly. He doesn’t wanna risk you having a panic attack because Vil doesn’t wanna be a responsible leader.
-You confide in Ace a lot. How you really want to move past all this, but Crowley won’t provide you with any form of therapy, and you’re just not ready to forgive Jamil or Kalim for what happened.
-He won’t tell you this, but hearing you talk like this breaks his heart.
-You’re normally so strong, so brave, so confident… and now you’re absolutely broken.
-He’s proud of you for putting on a brave face to placate Vil, but he’s angry you have to.
-Surprisingly, though, you do begin to warm up to Kalim. Just a little. 
-It's only when Ace, Deuce, or Grim is around, but it's a really big step forward in his eyes.
-You’re getting back to where you used to be little by little.
-He still won’t give you or Jamil the chance to reconcile, but you honestly couldn’t be more grateful for that.
-Deuce is incredibly different from Ace in how he handles everything.
-He’s a delinquent, sure, but he’s a Mama’s boy at heart. Therefore, he’s much more equipped to help you emotionally through all this than Ace.
-Where Ace is the harsh pushing force to keep you going, Deuce is the calm where you can rest and cry your heart out for as long as you need.
-As I mentioned, he makes sure you’re eating and drinking and at least speaking to someone.
-He asks Trey for recipes without leading on to what’s going on and asks Cater for advice on helping someone feel safe after a traumatic experience.
-It’s not subtle, but it helps.
-He handles making all your meals, even though he isn’t the best cook, he absolutely puts all his heart and soul into everything he makes.
-A good portion of his days are dedicated to cooking for you, and he gets pretty damn good at it by the time classes start up again!
-With Sam’s shop closed, he has to go into town to get the ingredients he needs, and then he has to spend hours preparing and serving the food.
-He watches you eat, encouraging you that everything is safe and that he made it all by himself by hand. 
-He doesn’t question why things ended up this way for you, he wonders how can I help?
-And he does help, a lot, more than just with food.
-Sometimes, late at night, he hears you crying alone in your room. He gets up from his own bed, quietly enters your room, and holds you and grim while you both tremble in fear.
-It makes him so mad. Mad that this happened to you. Mad that Jamil did this in the first place. Mad that he couldn’t help more than he already is. 
-Like Ace, he accompanies you to all your classes and makes sure to stay close to your side if any Scarabia students are around.
-He’ll go anywhere you need him to, and if you’re not comfortable being alone and he’s got plans, you’re invited to join him. No matter what anyone else thinks.
-Things get better little by little. You make strides in your ability to be independent again and you’re smiling and joking around like you used to. You even agreed to try out for the VDC with him and Ace… a big mistake.
-He didn’t expect to actually get in, let alone get in with Jamil and Kalim. If it were just that he could’ve been civil, but no, you had to be dragged in too… because that’s always how it works out.
-He has to hold himself from getting in Jamil’s face more than once because just him looking at you is enough to send you into a clear panic attack.
-Deuce does his best to comfort you between all of this, though. Being your shoulder to cry on and trying his best to be your protector… it's just hard. Hard to see you like that, and hard to keep his cool for your sake.
-It's worse with Kalim because both you and Deuce know he means well. You both know he wants to reconcile, but you’re not quite ready.
-Deuce helps the confrontation with the two feel a bit easier though. He acts as a mediator between you and Kalim, and eventually, he’s proud to say he helped you trust Kalim just a little bit.
-Jamil… both of you could use some work, but Deuce is more willing to hear you out on him than Ace is.
-Grim was there with you the whole time. He understands the fear you’re feeling deeper than anyone else.
-He could just tell something was wrong the second he saw your face. Despite all the celebrations, he was focused on making sure you were at least a little okay.
-He tried to talk to you, tried to make you feel okay, but the only comfort he could offer you was letting you hold him while you cried.
-He could still hear your cries, and they made him want to cry too. He almost did, but he was your guard cat — he had to be strong for you.
-Unlike Ace and Deuce, he never left your side. Not a second. He was there with you from the moment you were unwittingly kidnapped to the sleepless nights in your dorm to the horror of finding out you’d have to work closely with Jamil for the VDC.
-He made his distaste for him very known, sure to make a snarky comment at least once every time he saw him. 
-It was so bad, at one point, that Vil had to give him a stern talking to. He didn’t stop regardless.
-You are Grim’s best friend, the only family he has, and Jamil hurt you in unspeakable ways. He couldn’t just sit back and be okay with that.
-He’s really such a good guy.
-Kalim means well. With his whole heart, he has the best intentions… just not the best execution.
-See, he didn’t notice initially that anything was really wrong the whole time.
-He didn’t suspect Jamil at all. In fact, he thought that you were really enjoying your stay in Scarabia, you seemed so happy and chatty up until Jamil flipped things on their head.
-Call him air-headed, but he was caught up in his own whirlwind of emotions at the time. You know, the whole betrayal of his supposed best friend took a toll on him too.
-It wasn’t until you were sobbing your throat raw that he realized something was really wrong.
-The look of sheer terror on your face when you made eye contact with him sent shivers up his spine.
-He knew that look. He’d worn that look on his own face too many times as a young child.
-Believe it or not, without Jamil’s intervention, he knew to keep his distance. He knew he had to give you time to adjust.
-Then a few days turned into weeks and weeks turned into a little over a month, and he had hardly seen you around campus.
-You are avoiding your normal route to class, and when he did see you he was also greeted by the harsh glares of your good friends.
-He understood if you’d never want to talk to him ever again, honestly. He couldn’t blame you. You were more headstrong than him, after all.
-Still, when the VDC came around… he was hopeful. Truly he was hoping that something would give.
-He would talk to you in hopes of showing you that he meant no harm, but Ace or Deuce or even Grim would shove their way between the two of you.
-Several times Jamil had to tell him to knock it off because “It’s not worth forcing.”
-Still, he wanted you to know he felt bad. He felt horrible.
-In a very un-Kalim-like move, he quietly asks you if you can speak with him. Alone. But in a crowded enough area that you wouldn’t feel threatened.
-He didn’t expect you to accept it, he wouldn’t have blamed you at all. But you said yes. 
-You showed up, with Grim by your side, which was fine. He earned some apologies too.
-He poured his heart out to you, apologizing for things that he couldn’t even control. In turn, he listened to you rant about how scared you were, how angry you were, how you wished you were any of these things.
-And after that, things improved. Slowly, but surely. You became more comfortable around him, and you spoke to him again.
-Sure, you wouldn’t be caught dead at one of Scarabia’s parties, but you considered him a friend. 
-That’s all he could ask for.
-Jamil is the monster in your story. 
-He’s the evil guy who kidnapped, manipulated and lied to you.
-He’s the one who used his misplaced anger as an excuse to hurt others.
-He’s the boogyman who made you endure days of long and hard training, just because he could.
-Of course, he felt bad. What he did was unspeakable, but he was more concerned with how his reputation would last after the overblot.
-More concerned with it not getting out for the safety of his family.
-Even with you sobbing, he just thought you were being dramatic in all honesty. You have a reputation already, he knew you’d been through this whole thing before.
-It didn’t really strike him how badly it affected you.
-He didn’t notice how you switched paths, how you were never in the same area as him for long, and the glares of your friends never once phased him.
-Even Ace’s snarky comments during basketball didn’t bother him for a second.
It wasn’t until he accidentally bumped into you in the hallway, and he saw the look on your face that he realized.
-The terror in your eyes, the way you shrunk back as if he would strike you. It was the same way his parents acted around the Asim’s.
-If he were a more insane man, he might’ve found it liberating, but it wasn’t.
-He had become what he hated to you, he had done what he hated to you. 
-Jamil was not only your monster, but he was his own.
-He steers clear of you and keeps as much distance as possible for both your sakes.
-He couldn’t handle someone looking at him like that, and he was sure you couldn’t handle the sight of him after what he did.
-Still, this is NRC, and luck is never on anyone's side here.
-Both of you are forced into a position where you cannot escape the other, you have to learn to live with the awful pits in your stomachs.
-He keeps Kalim away until you both are on good terms, then he simply watches quietly.
-He won’t apologize, he won’t antagonize, he won’t speak unless spoken to.
-You two never truly recover your small lasting friendship, but you do make amends with each other.
-During the trip to the scalding sands, you get to meet Najma, whom he’s confided in about ‘accidentally upsetting a classmate’.
-You get to have a good talk with her, and it makes you really realize some things about Jamil.
-You realize he’s just as broken as you, just as tired as you, and that he feels the most immense amount of guilt for hurting you.
-You, being you, find it in your soul to forgive him.
-Nothing really changes between you. The guilt is still there, and the fear still shakes you to your core, but you both have closure.
-In a situation like this, closure is the best grace a person can ever have.
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halcyone-of-the-sea · 8 months
I've never asked anyone in my entire tumblr presence, I'm excited you'll be the first, even if it doesn't get done 🙏☆♡🥬
Anyways, I feel like there is a very sad amount of Soap content on here so like..idk maybe pining Soap fluff??
He's totally the type of guy to follow someone around like a lovesick puppy and everyone notices except the person of interest LOL
Congrats on the milestone btw!! You deserve it 😼😼
—Oblivious Pining
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ 5k Drabble Masterlist ࿐ྂ
╰┈➤ ❝ [Johnny hangs off you like a silent beast. Not that you would notice, of course.] ❞
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Everyone had seen it, and at this point, it had just become painful. The soft, gentle eyes—the instantaneous smile whenever your unit showed up, your form not for a second missed to those cobalt blues. The deepening color of his cheeks was another tell, along with how he would clear his throat whenever your eye caught his, quickly looking away as if a teenager sneaking glances at his crush.
Which was what precisely was happening, actually—minus the teenager part.
But the worst of it was that you had absolutely no clue.
Perhaps it was because you’d grown so used to his teasing attitude, or even his touches or his open expressions, but you, truly, hadn’t the faintest clue that those actions were Johnny’s way of saying he was interested in you. You went about your joint missions together, touching shoulders and smiling widely, and everyone was about ready to go right back to war just so the two of you could stop it with the puppy eyes already. 
“I’m losing my mind,” Gaz utters, blinking in rapid succession at the two forms as they walk side by side across the tarmac. “I am absolutely losing my damn mind.” The exasperation can be taken and scooped with a spoon. The Sergeant gestures with his hand. “Are they bloody blind? Both of them?”
“Seems like it,” the Captain grunts, eyes narrowed and arms crossed as Soap’s hand comes up and ruffles your hair, you swat him away and playfully punch his shoulder. The Scot fake balks back in imaginary pain. 
Price rubs a hand over his beard with a sigh as Ghost blankly stares from behind them, leaning back against the base’s walls. The Lieutenant breathes out, “Fuckin’ hell. Gonna be dead ‘fore these bastards figure it out.”
Your unit was sharing most of the same looks, rolling their eyes and placing bets once more on whether one of you would make a move. Across the way your face is comfortably heated, heart hammering and yearning for something more. Johnny thinks the same as he chuckles, one hand going to itch at the side of his head.
“Well, it was more than good to see you again, Dearie.” He says, and you huff a laugh. “There’s nothing better than watchin’ you work, eh?” 
It’s a tease laced with truth, and you shift your feet, trying to hide the sudden flip of your intestines.
“Quit it, MacTavish,” your smile is infectious, and you send a glance at the setting sun before your smirk gradually grows. “In my opinion, you all hot and sweaty beats that out of the park.”
“Oh, aye,” the Scot cockily tilts his head, raising a brow as his stubble moves back. “Know it does.” 
You chuff, head looking away in childish glee. “You’re impossible.” 
“Ah,” he licks his lips, leaning back on his heels. “Don’t worry now, Little Lady, I’m all yours to figure out—I promise.” The flirting was a constant from both parties, and neither of you tired of it. 
A small silence grew, and over the course of the last month or so, the pauses had become more and more frequent when the want to speak prevailed, but no one knew what exactly to say. You both blink at one another, noticing that you’ve both been staring heavily. 
Johnny’s throat clears, and he licks his lips before quickly looking away; you awkwardly chuckle and decide that his vest is the most interesting thing in the world.
Both small teams want to bash their heads into a wall. 
“I’ll be seeing you?” Johnny sighs softly, speaking as his accent grows deeper with thought. He wanted to scold himself for his cowardness but had no idea that you were doing the same. 
“Of course,” you nod firmly. “I’m not as big of a fool to ignore my favorite Demolitions Expert.”
“You’re makin’ go all shy now, ya little beast,” Johnny levels, his cheeks gaining a reddish hue. 
You spare a laugh, and that silence once more returns. He wants to tell you, but he’s not sure how, and that itself makes his body tense with indecision—tell you the truth, or live with his own hesitation on your answer. Spare the man, he was too blind to see how much you already adored him.
Blinking away, you clench your jaw and hold out your hand. “Until next time, Sergeant.”
Johnny smiles lightly, eyes going soft. There were so many things he’d accomplished in his life by running head-long into them; by barging down doors and thinking of an exit while his foot was already halfway outside. But this…this he didn’t mind taking his time with. 
You were worth every second. 
Johnny gently grasps your hand, squeezing it as he hums, lips twitching. The teams would have to wait in their annoyance for another day. 
“Until next time, Dearie. Don’t be a stranger.”
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hysteria-things · 4 months
you just got back from the gym and are hot/sweaty but Matt/Chris finds it EXTREMELY attractive and it makes them hornyyy
but you’re tired/sore from your workout so they take the lead maybe like soft dom? help you ride him??
LOVE ur fics so far btw
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: soft dom!matt x reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: matt has always been your ride to the gym. he loves how you look after, but this time around he wants to do something: take you to the backseat.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: SMUT, swearing, teasing, handjob, p in v, praising, semi-public
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 737
𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: y/f/i = your first initial
for @angelic-sturniolos111
thank you bae ily. enjoy reading!
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nothing beats you up more than the gym. it’s your new year’s resolution, and even though it feels relieving after a workout, you fucking hated the gym making you sore all the time.
sweat drips down your body, and the towel on your shoulder is already soaked because of it. you take a sip out of your water bottle and walk out of the gym, wiping your forehead with your arm as you scan the parking lot to look for your boyfriend’s car. he’s always been your ride.
you notice him leaning against the car in one of the front spots, smiling at you when you start walking over.
you jog up to him. “hey!”
“hi.” he still smiles, leaning in for a kiss but you shy away.
“i’m too sweaty and gross for that.”
he squishes your cheeks and kisses you anyway, having you blush. he scans your body up and down, stopping at your chest for an extra second. you notice this immediately, and your eyebrows raise in amusement. “what’re you looking at, huh?”
“you’re fucking sexy.” he breathes out.
he thrusts into your thighs slightly. you can feel his erection through his jeans.
“does seeing me like this turn you on, matthew?” you ask teasingly, even though you already know the answer to that.
“maybe.” he bites his lip.
you smirk, inching your body closer to his to shield him. you reach your hand down and into his pants. he rests his forehead on yours, watching your hand’s every movement.
you grab his dick and pump slowly, causing his mouth to open but no sound comes out. he lifts his head and scans the parking lot to look if anybody can see you guys.
you don’t take your eyes off his face as your hand moves faster. “take me to the backseat?” you question in his ear.
he scurries to open the back door. he grabs the back of your neck and pulls your lips to his, leaning back to make you both fall into the car seats. you shut the door behind you, taking your sports bra off over your head.
matt’s back leans against the door and hurriedly takes his pants off, his shirt last. he quickly pulls down your shorts and panties, throwing them on the floor with your other clothes.
“you’ll always be the death of me.” he pants.
as you go to hover over his rock-hard dick, you hiss. he stares at you confused. “you okay?”
“yeah.” you sigh. “just sore from those dumbass leg workouts.”
he laughs, gripping your waist softly. “then relax, baby. i’ll take care of you.”
you rest your cheek on his shoulder and snake your arms around his neck. he lowers you onto his cock in one motion. you moan at the feeling of him inside you.
he groans. “damn. so wet, already.”
you purposely make your body limp so he has full control. his hand still rests at your waist as he moves you up and down.
the way he’s helping you ride him is rough but soft at the same time. your nipples graze his bare chest.
“oh, matt.” you moan, fluttering your eyes closed. “don’t stop.”
he groans here and there, the windows fogging up and the slap of your thighs on his fill the car. he kisses your shoulder and your neck repeatedly. “you always take me so well, sweetheart.”
he continues to whisper praises into your ear and rubs his hands up and down your hips. you continue to moan as you feel his tip reach your g-spot.
“shit, matt. i’m close.”
he kisses your shoulder. “go ahead, baby. you’re so gorgeous on top of me.”
he starts to thrust up into you since he too is close to his orgasm. your eyes shoot open and you grip his biceps, your moans becoming more high-pitched. “f-fuck, matt. i’m cumming.”
your legs shake as you come undone, matt thrusts a few more times until he shoots into you. you lay on top of him as you both catch your breath.
the two of you conjoined is a sight to see, truly. both yours and his cum drip down his dick. he pulls you off gently, sitting you across from him and kissing you on the cheek before turning around and writing something on the fogged window.
you roll your eyes playfully and chuckle. “you’re so cheesy.”
“fuck yeah i am.”
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𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭!
@bunbunbl0gs @lexisecretaccx @thy-mission @angelic-sturniolos111 @sophssturn @mattsneezing @janiellasblog @blahbel668 @meg-sturniolo @hearts4chris @mattslolita
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sonicblueartist · 2 months
What about a one-shot or just a suggestive story where Shadow takes advantage of y/n?
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A/n: I'm probably gonna get all the fans' attention with this one huh? I normally don't write anyone but Tails but I am making an expection for some reason today. Have a good read I guess! Idk why I write what I write today XD Sorry for the long wait.
I left you guys in a cliffhanger. hah! idk if I would continue tho
Pairings: Shadow x Reader
They/them // She/her // He/him // Other
Summery; Eggman made a new weapon out of Shadow. Let's see what it is
Warnings: smut, lemon, suggestive themes, blood, marking, biting, tearing flesh, attempted rape
Word Count: 1371
Btw does anyone want to be in the tag list?
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As your eyes flickered over him in fear, you were instantly struck by the sharp and scary aura emanating from his breathtaking violet eyes. Shadow stood before you, his chest heaving rapidly as if he had just completed a long and demanding marathon. His fur was damp, drenched in sweat, and his claws peeked out menacingly from his gloves. His fangs were visible, adding to the unnerving sight that confronted you. But what puzzled you most was the absence of any evidentiary explanation for his condition, except for one haunting phrase that echoed in your mind.
"What do you think is the most natural instinct of an animal, the most wild and scary one?" Eggman's voice resonated in your head, reminding you of his words moments ago. "Their bloodlust? Hunger to stay alive? Maybe. But there is something else that is much *more* dangerous and entertaining. 'The will to do anything to death for their mate.' "
The memory of Eggman's sinister revelation half an hour ago flooded your mind. You hadn't expected this game of catch to turn into something so disturbing. Though you had managed to catch your breath, your heart still raced uncontrollably, struggling to make sense of the unsettling situation unfolding before you.
Your eyes widened in fear as Shadow took deliberate steps toward you, raising the possibility of him falling victim to Eggman's trap, turning against his friends. A sense of terror gripped you, leaving you feeling trapped with no way to escape. Desperately, you scanned your surroundings, searching for an exit, but found nothing. You found yourself backed into a dead end.
"And to mate, of course." Your throat tightened as you heard Eggman's words reverberating in your mind. The realization struck you like a bolt of lightning—Shadow was hungry, thirsty for you. Eggman's twisted plans had successfully turned him, and now the true extent of Shadow' instincts became clear. No, this couldn't be true. Shadow wouldn't do this to you, would he? The shocking dishonor of Eggman's manipulation left you bewildered, unable to fathom the torment inflicted upon your friends.
"C-come on, Shadow. This isn't you," you started nervously, your voice shaking. "We both know that you don't wanna do this. Behave yourself! Think logically, like you always do! We're still in Eggman's base. He's playing with you, with your mind, your instincts! You are the ultimate life form, damn it! You can't just succumb to Eggman like that! There are Badniks running around, and if they find us, we're finished-"
Your plea was interrupted as Shadow forcefully pinned both his hands beside your head, a whimper left your lips in fear. A deep snarl escaping his lips as you attempted to slide away. Trapped between him and the wall, you realized the extent of his transformation. No longer the loyal companion you once knew, he approached you with predatory purpose, garnered by one sole instinct—breeding. You were left with a terrifying decision. Would you become the first to fall at his hands before the Badniks got to you?
After examining his prey's frightened face for a while, Shadow slowly lowered himself, his nose skimming along your neck. His actions mirrored those of a true animal, inhaling your scent as his salivating mouth revealed his primal desire for your presence. The sensation of his warm breath against your skin sent shivers down your spine, intensifying the horrifying nature of the situation.
Attempting to muster the strength to push him away, you fought against his grip, but his strength surpassed anything you could have imagined. Like an iron vice, his grasp held firm, rendering your efforts fruitless. In spite of the predicament you found yourself in, you couldn't help but be mesmerized by Shadow' well-built form, his muscles flexing in the most hypnotic manner.
You quickly shook away such distracting thoughts, forcing yourself to concentrate on finding a way out of this nightmare. Every fiber of your being screamed for escape as Shadow began to suckle at your neck and shoulder, exhaling his hot breath in sporadic bursts. The sounds he made only served to further ignite the blazing heat that reddened your face, flooding you with a mix of desire and terror.
Suppressing a moan, you desperately struggled to redirect your focus, your mind racing for an escape plan. Yet, how could you concentrate on anything other than the overpowering dominance Shadow exhibited? Pressed against the wall by his scorching body, each breath and moan he emitted only served to remind you of the pleasure he was experiencing.
Amidst his sloppy kisses and teasing nibbles, you fought fiercely against the sensations threatening to consume you, trying to maintain your composure. However, as Shadow momentarily eased the pressure of his body against yours, he replaced it with his leg pressed against your groin, effectively preventing any escape. The mix of pain and pleasure elicited a whine from your lips, pushing Shadow to suckle at your shoulder with renewed vigor.
Finally, he got bored and withdrew from his sloppy territory. The room grew suffocatingly silent as he moved his fangs along your throat, gently biting a few places, feeling your heartbeat increasing. He licked his lips and shifted his attention to your other shoulder, leaving a trail of kisses and sucking hungrily, leaving little marks. But it seemed like that wasn't enough for him anymore; he growled, as if yearning for something more primal.
With his fingers deeply entwined in your hair, he pulled, causing you to gasp, displaying your neck like a plate of meal to him. Without warning, he sank his teeth into your shoulder, his fangs piercing through your skin. Tears slipped from your eyes as you cried out in pain. He let your arms go and held you tightly from your waist, as you gripped his back for support. You closed your eyes, gritting your teeth, and unwillingly scratched his back in pain. It felt as though his teeth were digging deeper into your shoulder, testing your limits.
Shadow let out a pleasured sigh through his nose, not yet satisfied. He continued biting harder than before, his eyes closed as he let out an animalistic growl. The realization that he could break your neck in half if he wanted sent a shiver through your spine. He sucked your blood with such thirst leaving you weak as you sobbed silently, drinking and swallowing it all as if he hadn't had a drop in weeks.
Before things grew any wilder, he pulled back, a string of blood and saliva still connecting the two of you. Panting for air, he tried to lick all the blood flowing from his mouth with his tongue, his breath hot against your face. Your blood flowed from your shoulder to your chest.
Satisfied with the mark he left on you, Shadow now went for your lips. Gripping your form, he forced his lips onto yours, connecting them. You hesitated, not wanting to taste the disgusting blend of your blood and his saliva. He pulled your hair once again, and when you whimpered in pain, he immediately seized the opportunity and engaged in a fierce kiss, taking your breath away.
Your heart raced as his hand wandered across your body in a manner both unnerving and inquisitive. He marked his territory, staking claim to every inch of your being. Your mind battled to comprehend the situation, as your body responded to his predatory touch.
Fighting the rising panic, you summoned your inner strength you managed to wrap your arms around his shoulders in a desperate attempt to distract him. As your lips collided in a feverish kiss, you hoped to manipulate the situation to your advantage.
To your surprise, he welcomed your advances. He tilted his head, letting out a low, carnal moan. Sensing that this could be your one chance to regain control, you decided to play along. You pushed aside your feelings of self-disgust and harnessed your newfound determination.
As you passionately kissed, your mind churned, searching for an escape plan. With each stolen moment, you became acutely aware of his animalistic nature, his primal desires, and his desperate need to assert dominance. Yet, instead of submitting to the imminent danger, an idea began to form in your mind.
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localkiss · 2 months
Screaming for attention!
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manipulative brothers best friend re4!leon kennedy x fem!reader
cw: DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT!! Mentions of past grooming by leon, age gap(~8 yrs), manipulation, guilt, dirty talk, p in v, afab reader, noncon creampie, slight anal/talks of anal, codependency, slapping, daddy kink, pet names, depressed thoughts in the beginning, chubby/thicker reader, manhandling, praise kink, degradation kink, talks of pregnancy (just a bit), oral (f receiving), virginity talk, controlling leon, obsessed leon, slight size kink if u squint!
note: hhh... read the warning lol before you comment. I was going to put more of leon being so fucking weird but erm, decided not to. not proof read btw!! but i do want to say i am a victim of SA and i used to heavily think about him and wished that he went further. lol idc what people say, i still struggle thinking like that, but ik it's wrong. so yes that's what this fic is loosely based on -_-
wc: 3.1k! tags: @rigorwhoring, @argreion, @xoxostarlet, @fairry1 bc I love u all :33!
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Maybe it's for the best. No more surprises. This is nothing new. All you can hear is deafening silence, swallowing you up in a warm cocoon, suffocating you like a million years of guilt and thousands of weights on your throat and chest. 
You can't help but wish he had done more. Maybe he would've if he could see your thoughts. Maybe he would've stayed.
But those sleeping pills really did a number on your body. You tried to overdose on everything you could, even your antidepressants. Yeah, it was dumb. But it was all just killing you from the inside anyway. 
All you can do now is just sob violently into your pillows. Claw at the sheets and at your scalp, so pathetically. No wonder he chose you. So fucking easy to manipulate, to knead into someone he can use. No wonder he said he only loved you like a friend after he finally got caught in the act.
Whatever it was that he said, you can't remember exactly. You just tuned him out. White noise oozing into your eardrums like water does when you stand underneath the showerhead. He didn't apologize. Didn't explain. Didn't even try to. All you did was cry and plead for him to stay. 
"Please don't leave me, Leon. Please, I can't live without you! I love you! Please!" You sobbed into the phone because, yeah, he broke up with you over text. It's not like you guys were even in a relationship. The age gap was too big and illegal to even be considered a real relationship. 
You knew he was so much older than you. Liked it. Knew it was wrong, yet went forward with it. He should've stopped it. Should've. But he didn't, though. 
You still love him deep down in your heart. He was your first love. First 'boyfriend'. First person to grope your body. You asked for a kiss, and he pressed his chapped lips against your forehead. He asked you for ass pictures, and you gladly sent them. Giggling happily whenever he complimented you and your body.
He's still your ideal type. A cuddly, tall, muscular brunette. 
You wish you could stop yourself from comparing every guy to him or hoping they won't end up like him. Using you and throwing you away as soon as they got what they wanted. 
But, now that you're legal, he reached out to you. Said some nonsense to try and get back into your heart. You didn't even care what he said. Just wanted to feel alive, to feel loved, and to be loved again. Even if it meant being loved by your abuser, you would let him drag you through hell and back if it meant he would love you like he did in the past. If it meant you could feel happy, free, and weightless again, you would march into hell with him.  
As messed up as you are, you would do anything to make him stay. So that you can feel full again. Happy again.
"Wish you would've taken all of my firsts," you pouted as he pulled away from your lips. Swollen and red, so pretty.  
Leon grinned and raised an eyebrow at your statement. "Really, baby girl? Damn," he bites on his lower lip, and his thumb brushes across the apples of your cheeks. 
Taking in the way you look different but still the same as you were years ago, just a bit fuller in your hips, thighs, and stomach, he remembers when he gripped your thigh with both of his hands. Couldn't even manage to grab ahold of all of the fat. A few inches away from completely grabbing your thigh with both hands. 
Now, he probably couldn't even make it so that there were a few inches between his hands; it would be a bit of a distance. That's how much you've grown width-wise. Length wise, you haven't really grown much. 
"Yeah, daddy," you preen under his attention, shifting your weight from your heels to your toes, and back down flat on the floor. "I mean it." 
He lets out a soft chuckle, and his calloused hands softly grab onto your shoulders, rubbing small circles into the fabric of your shirt. "Wish I could've taken all of your first too, baby. I know I would've made it all special for you. For my special girl." Leon coos, his head dipping down to lick into your mouth.
Hot spit trickles down the back of your throat and onto your chin. Making you squeeze your doughy thighs together, moaning as his hands squeeze down to your ass. Pressing you up against his built body. His hard-on throbbing against the confines of his skinny jeans, onto your soft, pudgy tummy.
He groans as you tug at the hair on the back of his head. Pulling back and squishing your cheeks together, and then tapping your face as you try to press your lips on his. His blue eyes darken as you moan when his hand makes contact with your face. 
"Fuck," he grips onto your chin, forcing your mouth open to let a wad of spit hit the edge of your tongue, letting it slide down into your tummy. "Daddy knew you'd like that. I've got a slutty little princess, huh?" 
It's a rhetorical question, but you answer with a few quick nods.
"Yeah, daddy, I'm your slutty little princess." Always so quick to repeat what he said. What he drilled into your brain years ago obviously holds up. You still want to make him happy, even if he ruined you for anyone else. Ruined you for life.
The corners of his lips quirk upwards, his hands giving your ass a quick squeeze before he pushes you down into the bed. He climbs on top of you like a hungry animal, licking his lips at the sight of his prey.
A whine escapes from your throat at the sight. He's gotten even more attractive and bigger, and it's making your brain all mushy. Shooting directly down to your core, feeling it gush out slick onto the gussets of your panties. 
You lick your lips and wrap your legs around his hips. "Please, Leon." 
He lets out a low growl, his veiny forearms coming up by the sides of your head. Firmly planting them on the mattress as he rocks his hips into yours. His bangs fall into your face as he teasingly grazes his lips against yours. Panting hotly against your lips. 
"Relax, baby," is all he says before he moves his mouth, making a wet trail from the corner of your lips down to your jawline. 
"Let me love you." Leon murmurs into your skin as he sucks a hickey underneath your ear, making you gasp and squirm beneath him. 
You become pliable, easy to bend, and easy to please. Brain too foggy to clearly think straight. Leon's marking up your neck like you'll try to run away from him. It's like you're his property now. God, you've always been his, ever since that fateful day, right?
Just a few words, and he can do whatever he wants with your body. Maybe one day you'll let him take your first time with your other hole. Who knows. 
"So pretty, fuck," his tongue dips between the valley of your breasts, hands grasping at your shirt to push it up, exposing you to his hungry eyes. His knee slots between your thighs, making you squeak and squeeze his leg involuntarily. Pressing your tits together to swipe his tongue across your perky nipples. 
Bathing your tits in his spit, he suckles on them like a madman. Enjoying the way you mewl and gasp, using his teeth to draw out more noises from you. Obsessed with every single part of you, even the not-so-pretty parts. He has you mapped out in his mind, his sweet, supple princess. 
"Has anyone ever eaten you out?" Kissing your areolas, soothing the small bite marks he left. He looks up at you through his eyelashes, brows furrowed in concentration. He's doting on you like it's the last time he'll ever see you again. 
"No," you say, pressing your lips together in a flat line. Feeling your stomach tighten up with butterflies and hints of nausea. 
Leon likes that. So much so that he smiles into your stomach, softly gnawing on the pudge around your belly button, earning some soft squeals and pats to try and push him away. He wants to make you crumble under him, submit to him, and never leave. Never want another man. Always comparing someone to him, wishing they did it like him. He wants to plague your mind and control you from the inside out. 
He wants to tie you up in his bedroom and never let you leave. Live your own life? No. Leon wants to drill it into your brain and body that he owns you, no thoughts about anything else but him and his body. 
He pulls down your shorts and panties in one go, watching the string of your arousal stick to the gussets of your panties. His large hands pry open your legs, pushing them up to your chest and holding them down with his weight. 
"Remember this," he spits onto your pussy, watching it swim down to your holes. Squeezing your legs when you squirm a little too much for his taste, deciding to spit once more to make sure you'll have his DNA in you for the next couple of days. 
Pressing chaste kisses on your clit because he knows it'll make your mind go all fuzzy and only think of Leon, Leon, Leon. And how good he's making you feel. Nobody else but him.
He dips his tongue between your folds and begins to languidly make out with it. Thrusting his tongue and swirling it upwards as his upper lip continues to make contact with your clit. Drawing out all sorts of pathetically cute noises from you. 
Wishing he was recording this so he could show it to his friends and brag about how he has molded you to be his perfect girl. You're not a woman until he fucks a baby into you. 
"You like that?" He suckles on your clit and gently bites down on it. Watching the way your face crinkles up and how you squeeze your eyes shut. Everything you do amuses him. 
"Daddy, mmh... god, yes!" You grasp the sheets as you feel a warm, fuzzy feeling in your lower abdomen. Toes curling as Leon fucks his tongue into your drippy hole. 
He shakes his head, pressing his nose into your sensitive bundle of nerves, trying to get you to cum quickly. 
Your hands desperately try to reach for Leon for comfort as you stumble into an orgasm. "Daddy... Mmphh—fuck!" 
Legs kicking out and vibrating as he coaxes you through your orgasm. Slowly swiping his tongue through your folds to slurp up all of your cum, he presses soft kisses all around your pussy. "Such a good girl," he sighs. 
Leon spreads your legs, kissing his way up to your face. He licks his way into your mouth, forcing you to taste yourself on his tongue and gulp down some of his saliva. "So easy." He puts his hand on your neck, lightly applying pressure as he goes back in for more kisses. Make sure you never leave this cloudy state of mind, so he can do whatever he pleases with you. 
"Maybe I can even eat you out here," he says, letting his hand wander down to your asshole and lightly tracing the rim of it. Feeling you tense up brings a sly smile to his face. "No? Okay. Maybe next time." He chuckles and pulls back to unbuckle his jeans. 
Slowly undoing his belt and putting it next to you on the bed. Unzipping his fly as he makes direct eye contact with you the entire time. He makes you gulp nervously as he finally pushes his jeans down his muscular thighs.
Your eyes immediately jump to his hard-on. How does he even keep that thing in there? It's begging to be freed, and quite frankly, you want to run away out of nerves, not believing his cock can even fit inside of you! What the fuck did Leon even eat for it to even have grown that big and thick?
Leon sees the cogwheels turning in your head as he steps out of his pants. With each step he takes, it bounces against the slightly stained, striped fabric. "Baby, don't be so nervous. It'll be alright." His voice is soothing and convincing, almost hypnotic in the way it makes your body buzz and your mind go blank. 
It is a bit terrifying to think about the effect he honestly has on you, your mind, body, and soul. 
"Are you on the pill?" He asks, although he already knows the answer. 
"No, I'm not." You mumble shyly. Embarrassed to not be on some sort of birth control.
Leon reaches down for his wallet and pulls out a condom. "Good thing I always come prepared, huh?" Chuckles as he pulls down his briefs, stepping out of them as he tears open the condom packaging. He slipped it on his drippy and flushed tip, sliding all the way down to the base. 
Slowly kneeling on the bed to lead his dick to your hole. Sliding through your folds to gather more fluids to make the first push easier on you. 
"Ready?" He grunts as he teases you by tapping himself on your swollen clit. 
"Uhuh, 'm ready," you whine as he slowly eases himself into your pussy. 
Moaning as you helplessly flutter and tighten around his shaft. Watching your face carefully as you scrunch and tense up. Stopping halfway and grabbing ahold of your hand, his other one grips the fat of your hip so tight it'll leave a bruise the next day. 
"Almost there, baby girl, doing so well for me," he presses a soft kiss to your forehead as he drives more of himself deep inside of you.
You look down at your stomach and tighten around him as you notice the bulge from his cock being so big and deep inside of you. His tip is brushing against the opening of your womb.
"Nnh, Leon, too big," you gasp as he rolls his hips against yours. Legs squeezing against his waist as he slowly starts to thrust shallowly.
"Baby, relax. Can barely pull out of you," Leon rasps in your ear, sending chills down your spine as you try to force yourself to relax around him. 
"Mnmph, sorry, Daddy. Please—" you pout, squeezing his hand tightly. Trying to signal for him to start pounding your needy cunt already.
He nibbles on your earlobe, slowly shifting his hips to thrust in and out of you properly. Soft plap, plap, plap, of his body hitting yours, making sure that he hits your g-spot. 
You swallow a whine as he lets go of your hip to lazily rub his thumb on your swollen little button. Hearing the way your breath hitches and seeing the slight curve in your spine makes all his administrations worth it. Slowly speeding up his movements as he squeezes your hand, groaning low in his throat when you clench around him tightly like a vice. 
"Tight cunt all f'me," he thrusts harder and harder, making it difficult to keep quiet. Soft punched-out cries leave your lips alongside Daddy, Daddy, Daddy's. "Fuck, daddy's gonna make you cum so hard around his cock, might even make you scream." 
Leon slowly pushes your legs up, putting you into a mating press as he drives himself deeper into you. Fucking into your womb, which craves his thick cum. Ecstatic with the idea of 'accidentally' slipping the condom off and cumming deep in your womb. Get you pregnant and finally be his woman. 
"God, wanna get you pregnant so bad, baby," he pants, bangs falling into your face with each harsh thrust. "Would take care of you and the baby. Mmhh shit—would suck the milk outta your fat leaky tits." 
Drools into your mouth as he kisses you with fervor, teeth clashing as his dick continues to fill up your sloppy pussy. 
"Leon, please, 'm so close," you hiccup as he vigorously rubs your clit in tight circles. Your legs brush up against his head as you feel that familiar warm coil in your stomach. 
"Cum for me princess." Leon's eyes darken; pupil's swallowing up his iris as he watches you unfold before him. Because of him. 
Your body tenses up and convulses with each swipe of his thumb on your sensitive nerves. Letting out a silent scream, your eyes close tightly as you try to hold onto Leon as best as you can, feeling his hot breath on your kissed, swollen lips. His fat cock is hitting all the right spots, almost painfully good as he fucks you deeply. Constantly pressing up against your womb, making your toes curl. 
Slowly rutting through your orgasm, he feels his own start to creep up on him. "Fuck, hold on, baby. Gonna pull out for a sec," he pants, pulls out of your heat, and discreetly pulls off the condom, letting it fall on his jeans. 
He quickly puts it back in before you can notice, giving you a spine-chilling smile. Giving you a few pecks on your lips and on your forehead as he uses you like a fleshlight now. 
Letting out soft whimpers and moans, he puts his head on your shoulder. The sounds of sex are his favorite sounds. Your crying is his favorite sound in the entire world. Nothing can top you crying out for him while moaning like a total slut. 
"So fucking hot, Jesus Christ," he groans, hips rabbiting into your pussy. Your insides are so warm and so wet, he feels like it's the first time he's going raw ever. Orgasm on the fence with each thrust. That and you're making all these noises, it's hard for him to concentrate on not cumming so fast. 
"G'nna cum, babe, holy fuck—" He lifts his head off of your shoulder and kisses you feverishly, spitting deep into your throat. Putting his forehead on yours, his nose touches yours as he grunts, pumping his cum into your pussy. Sticky white ropes straight into your womb. 
Panting and whimpering as his cock slowly ruts into your messy cunt. "Fuck... So good," he chuckles lightheartedly. 
Your pussy quivers around his shaft as it softens up. It feels so hot and sticky, and your mind is too fuzzy to even process that he came inside. A dumbfounded smile plastered on your flushed pink face makes his heart swell up. 
"Such a good girl. My good girl, right?" Leon nuzzles his nose against yours. Driving the fact that you'll always be his. Even if you move across the country, he'll always follow. Always in your shadow. 
"Uhuh," you respond shyly, giggling at the affection he's giving you. His eyes soften up, and you take in his face. The light stubble, small acne scars, and the way his hair is fading from dirty blonde to brown. "always, daddy." 
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mary-kasexual · 2 months
In honor of lesbian visibility week, I present a full list of female characters from Total Drama who have canonically shown no attraction to men! (as far as I'm aware)
Staci - Only present for one episode and only spoke for one episode, having no lines in the finale. None of these lines hint at Staci displaying any interest in men.
Dawn - The closest thing I could find was the "I didn't know you were a beetle whisperer!" scene, but even then, that could easily be read as platonic. Svetlana - Similar case to Staci in that her lines are pretty limited due to being actively suppressed by Mike or Mal. However she has not, in fact, said anything that hints at her liking men in those few lines.
Sammy & Amy - Other than that one "Topher thinks you're fat" line of dialogue (which could easily be played off as Amy trying to mess with her), neither of them have shown any on-screen interest in men.
Scarlett - The only extensive interaction she has with men are Max, whom she DESPISES, and their alliance is only romantically framed for the sake of a gag.
Sugar - Nothing in canon hints at her liking men. She admires Leonard, but this is most likely due to his perceived magical abilities rather than any sort of attraction as she displays a similar interest in Max later on.
Tammy - Similar case to Staci, she only had a very brief speaking role in episode 1 and never in these lines was it implied she was attracted to men.
Mary & Ellody - Only here for a short time (with Mary only having dialogue in the episode she was eliminated in rip), but neither of them express interest in guys.
Laurie & Miles - Same deal as Mary and Ellody, they go pretty early overall but haven't been shown to like men.
Jen - You'd expect someone of her character archetype to mention looking for 'cute guys' or something similar, but surprisingly no? The closest thing she has would be her friendship with Tom, which is treated as 100% platonic by the show even if you don't take into account the fact that Tom is gay.
Taylor - Another surprising one imo, it's never stated or implied that she likes guys in the show, not even a passing mention from what I've seen which I could've sworn happened on first watch. Mandela effect I guess 🤷
Josee - Similar deal to Jen as far as I'm aware, being that her closest relationship to a guy is with a gay man and treated as platonic throughout the race.
Sanders - Pretty clear-cut, no scenes of her expressing interest in men or romance in general.
MacArthur - "What about Brody?" The only time she's shown to return his affection is during the finale and she's actively trying to throw him off his game by using his crush against him. She only asks Brody to call her in the Surfers ending, which she doesn't do at all in the Cadets ending implying that she's most likely only in it for the money.
Scary Girl/Lauren - While she does hold an interest in Damien, nothing in canon says she's attracted to him, only to the sound of his screams.
Nichelle - Too busy having no lines to talk about boys. seethingwithrage
Millie - Zero attraction to men in canon, the most interactions she has are with and about Priya. She's sorta friendly with Damien, but it doesn't rise anywhere above platonic (probably because she shoved him into a meat grinder but who knows) and actively seems to be disgusted by or otherwise pretty averse to most of the male cast.
MK - Has never been shown to be interested in guys or even romance in general. In fact, she actively seems to dislike it as seen in the episode where Caleb and Priya kiss where she goes “Yeah, that was sweet, but it’s also how you get mono” (this is ace mk propaganda btw). There was also Nichelle's intro in season 1 when she was looking at her starry-eyed, clearly a joke but yk still noteworthy.
Julia - My favorite lesbian <3 zero attraction or hints at attraction to men in canon + listen... we all watched season 2 you know what I'm talking about don't lie. The closest things she has to romantic interactions with men in canon are at most one-sided and always with her actively disliking said man on the other side (Wayne + maybe Ripper in season 1).
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winterarmyy · 9 months
Imagine a like avenger!Bucky x shape shifter! Reader.
It could be enemies to lovers smut too because why not?
The reader is the beast boy but a girl version...you can make them green
I don't see skin color 🙄(I'm joking,I'm black)
What if you make the reader green it could be like Bucky's in his room and he hears crying so he follows the sound to find y/n crying because she messed up on a mission and some agents said mean things idk and he is trying to comfort her and then they kiss and then more idk
Then, if she isn't green it could be .....sex pollen...she gets hit with sex pollen while on a mission and comes back...well you know worked up? She's in pain and even those Bucky "hates her" he also wants to help her so he..how do I say this.. he fucks her brains out.
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I'm Not Like Her
Y/N had her heart broken when some agents made fun of how her body look and Bucky came in clutch with the rescue.
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Note: I'm not even open for asks but your brilliant mind just spark something in me! Plus, i see you a lot in my comments so here you are... and the pic is hilarious btw 🤣
Pairing: avenger!bucky x shape shifter!reader
Words: 1.5k++
Warnings: mild enemies to lovers, hint fat shaming, angst, bucky likes to tease the reader but not too much, fluff, cause he secretly loves her, allusion to smut??? and sam just being himself.
Idea explanation: personally i don't think i'm qualified enough to write about being discriminate against for skin color. I need more research of it.
BUT, physically, i am on the curvy side. I don't have a flat stomach, my thighs are bigger than they supposed to. cause i'm fucking 4'11 (so i look fat for my height). And i know what it feels like when people comment abt that.
Soooooo instead of turning green, imagine that the reader doesn't have the fit and perfect model-like body like other agents. Her powers? She can shape shift into any living being (person/animals/aliens) for a short amount of time, like 3-7mins.
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Bucky Barnes is a bully. He'd do anything to annoy the shit out of Y/N. Everything he does just ticked her off, you name it; hair pulling, cheeks pinching, mean little jokes about how Y/N would suffocate him to death if she ever sit on him.
Bucky Barnes acts exactly like a mean teenage boy who bullies the person he likes. But she doesn't know that, does she?
What she knew was he is a menace that loves to see her bright red, in embrassment and anger. What she knew was he likes to dig into her skin and ripped her heart out from how vexingly mean he is with her.
But, he was never cruel. No. He is the sweetest a man can be when he wants to. She still remembered those days he would drop off bunch of her favorite snacks and sweets during that week she was hospitalized from a rough mission.
Don't get her wrong though, he still teases her A LOT during those visits but it was sweet of him to come by and cheer her up.
But if he wasn't cruel. Then, why was she on the verge of tears?
Y/N stood alone in the kitchen, her hands strongly gripped onto the edges of the counter like she would shatter it with her bare hands. At time like this, she wished nothing more than just to shift into a bird and fly away.
Just so far away that no will able to catch her.
But those agents certainly did shot a bullet through the thickness of her gut when they said those words.
Y/N was just going to grab a cold drink after her sparring with Bucky, when she heard their vile whispers. She stopped at her tracks and hid behind the wall the moment she heard her name was mentioned.
"I don't understand why we keep her around. Did you see her panting for air from a quick sparring with Barnes? And doesn't she sound like a pig?" He sneered.
"We keep y/n around cause she has powers you, dumbass. Why are you being mean anyway, didn't you guys had a thing like 2 weeks ago?" The other voice said.
"It was a prank. Didn't think she'd believe it. Me dating her? Please. Not in any universe." He trailed, "Though if she shift into Natasha, then maybe I'll consider fucking her." Y/N could hear his smirk even from the block of the walls.
The other man laughed as if it was funny, "But it only lasts so long though? What if she turn back into herself when you have your cock inside her?"
The man gagged and said, "Ewww please stop. That's just fucking disgusting."
And when they left the kitchen, Y/N aimlessly went to the area. What was she gonna do just now? Oh, get some cold water. But why won't her hands move? They've been digging into the hard surface of the counter for how long now? If she goes any harder, her fingers would bleed. And why's her vision was blurry? Why there's wetness on her cheeks?
She didn't even notice that she was crying, beause she was so focused on fixing her own broken heart. And even if her pride was left to almost nothing, but she held on. She chose hold on to it for as long as could. Cause deep down she knew they were right.
No one's gonna love her for who she is, they will always be blinded by the flaw of her body and not see the pure of her heart. And if that is the ugly truth she had to face, then she chose to love herself. To be proud of herself.
But it is so hard does it? How can you love yourself when no one else is willing to love you?
"Doll?" Bucky's voice was soft when he called her that she didn't even heard him the first time around.
When Bucky heard sounds of someone sniffling, he knew that someone was crying. So he followed the hiccups of voice to the kitchen. But he didn't expect the culprit would be Y/N.
He almost rushed to her when she continued to sob, "Hey hey hey, what's wrong sweets? Did you hurt yourself?" He briefly cupped the softness of her cheeks before slightly holding up her hands to see if there's any cut from it.
When he noticed that there weren't any physical injuries, the tense of his muscles relaxed just a little bit. His big hands went to reach her face again, and gently wiped her tears away. He was so tender with his hold but his tone was far from it, "Who did this to you?"
And she told him exactly what happened. Even with hiccups in between her ranting breath. He listened. He listened to every single word she had to say, not cutting into her confession, not even once. And Y/N didn't know why she told him that. He supposed to be the last person she complained to about her look, about her weakness, about her flaws.
Bucky Barnes, the same one that loves to tease her about it all. He wasn't supposed to hear the dooms of her heart. But, he was. He was listening to her.
And he was seeing red.
Bucky had never felt rage this powerful in his life, he swore that if he let it consume him, the tower would be painted with blood. But, he held back. For her.
Because she needed someone to be there for her. And Bucky felt he was the luckiest to be that person.
"I'm not like her." She whispered tiredly. "I'm not like her, Bucky. I'm not attractive like Natasha or pretty like Zendaya or even Steve at that matter, like he has such tiny waist for his built, and he's a fucking man!!" She ranted every minor things that bothered her to him.
Bucky thought of his words for a while and simply said, "Yes, you're not like Natasha, or Zendaya, or Steve..." he chuckled at the end, "...But that's the best bits about you, doll." There was this flare in his eyes that Y/N couldn't wrap her finger around it.
"Are you making fun of me, right now?" She glared in between the tears in her eyes.
"No, I'm only telling you the truth." Bucky tucked her hair as he continued, "So what if you're not like her? There will always be someone that will see you more that just a piece of meat to fuck."
"Well, then I won't have that someone then."
"Oh, but I know one person though." Bucky grinned, "Me."
Y/N was rendered speechless when he confessed his true feelings.
"Doll, have you ever wonder why I love pinching your cheeks so much?" His fingers started to trail across her cheeks and his stare lingered in her eyes as his naughty hands find their way to her hips.
"It's because I was desperately trying to avoid grabbing these soft, thick thighs of yours." his eyes darkened the moment that he said, "And oh baby the things I'd do for you just to slide my cock between them."
It was like she was hypnotized by the way his hardened bulge grinding against her tummy. It felt good and his lust-filled gaze was doing nothing but making her wet, "Bucky..." she whispered.
Bucky lips was so gentle on her eyelids and her temple, until his teeth grazed along her neck and his groaning call reached her ears, "And do you know why I was pissed when we were sparring just now?" Asked before quickly clarifying, "It's not because I lost to you."
He grinded a particularly hard thrust against her that he accidentally moan in pleasure, "Oh babydoll, no. It's because I have this absolutely gorgeous girl on top of me, and her slutty body was just so close to me that I got so fucking hard. "
Bucky lifted her face towards his to watch how she was melted in his touch, "I was so pissed, because I can't fuck you the way I want to." His lips was so close, hovering over her own as he confessed.
But suddenly they felt a splash of water hitting side of their face, "Woah woah woah. Down, boy. Bad bucky. Bad!" Sam yelled. Imagine his surprise when he got into the kitchen to see Bucky literally humping on Y/N like a dog in heat.
They didn't even notice him approaching them with a glass of water in his hand.
Though Y/N was absolutely red in embrassement, but surely Bucky doesn't give a fuck. He didn't even acknowledge Sam's pleas to stop, especially when he crashed his lips on hers.
Y/N moaned lewdly as he effortlessly lifted her on the kitchen isle, feeling his clothed cock rubbing against her needy cunt. At that point, who cares if anyone's watching. She wanted him so bad. As bad as he wanted ruin her.
Sam scrambled backwards when Bucky started to unzip his pants, "Shit he's going feral." He dramatically ran across the halls leading to the kitchen as he announced, "Okay people, out. Get out. No one is allowed to the kitchen unless you want to be in debt cause I am not paying for your therapy."
Safe to say the kitchen was a fucking mess when Bucky was done with her and the cleaning crew was traumatized by the amount of wetness and cum they had to clean around the area.
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A/N: This was so random but I hope you enjoyed it! Drop some thoughts behind for me to pick up and squeal at, would you?
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One Love
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Hi guys!
Another one for my babies, from some request I had here and here and here ♥
My request are still open, for player x reader or some player x player btw.
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 | PART 5
Searching in her cupboard for long minutes, Lucy mechanically straightens herself when she Heath the front door of her apartment open and close delicately. This sound and the one of dog tails running to the kitchen to drink from a bowl of water announce the return of Ona and their two dogs that the Catalan took for a walk. Usually they go together, but Lucy having a media appointment this afternoon, Ona went alone.
Lucy just had time to come home and take a shower before the trio was back. And desperately looking for the t-shirt she thought she’d wear after her shower.
"Ona Batlle Pascual, where is my black Nike shirt?" Lucy asks from the bedroom.
"No sé!" (I don’t know)
An amused smile on her face, Ona’s eyes slip mechanically on this precise t-shirt, she’s currently wearing. She simply cannot resign herself to the urge to steal Lucy’s clothes. She has the impression that they are softer on her skin, the fact that they are taller gives her a strange feeling of comfort and security. And in addition they smell like Lucy. She has nothing but profit to wear them.
Her smile expands when she hears Lucy’s footsteps coming behind her, knowing full well that she will be caught. Passing her arms around her waist from behind, Lucy lays a kiss on her cheek.
The smile of the English is audible in her voice and Ona rests the bottle of water she had taken in the fridge. Turning in Lucy’s arms, she puts her two arms around her neck to better look at her.
"If you weren’t so small I could do the same, but I can’t" jokes Lucy mischievously to tease her.
And it works since Ona’s eyebrows immediately frown.
"I’m only seven centimeters shorter than you" Ona says, pressing her index finger on Lucy’s chest.
But Lucy continues to smile maliciously, determined to continue teasing her girlfriend.
"You’re so small I could take you with me in my jacket pocket"
"You are so mean."
Ona tries to get rid of Lucy’s embrace, turning again to have her back against her belly, but the latter’s two hands keep her firmly against her. Ona is obviously not angry for real and if she manages to retain laughter by biting her lip, she cannot prevent a smile from appearing on her lips. Realizing this, Lucy takes deposes a multitude of kisses all over her face.
"Let go of me!" laughs Ona. "Coco help!"
The little dog, busy washing himself, raises an interrogatory look on his mistress. He’s perfectly aware that when this word is pronounce by Ona, he’s supposed to rush towards her, barking. But it was Lucy who taught her this trick, thinking that it could protect Ona if something happened to her during a walk where she is not present. And that’s what really confuses Coco. He knows Lucy isn’t a danger for his human.
"Don’t even try with Narla, she’s admiring her new rocks" laughs Lucy, glancing at her dog.
"We really bever can’t count on anyone"
Lucy laughs again and lays a final kiss at the corners of Ona’s lips before releasing her delicately.
"By the way, we received some mail" announces the English shortly after.
"We?" repeat Ona, looking up at Lucy.
"Yep" simply replies Lucy with a big smile, handing an envelope to Ona.
The Spanish one quickly realizes that the color of the envelope is far from traditional. A soft smile appears when she sees "Lucy Bronze + Ona Batlle" on the address. Lucy has already opened the envelope so Ona has no trouble getting out the wedding invitation from her girlfriend’s cousin. She has already met several times the different members of Lucy’s family, at least those who matter for her. The invitation to the wedding is therefore for both of them and there is no doubt that they will have no difficulty in being a part of it, given the date chosen for the wedding.
Returning to the region where she grew up is always weird for Lucy, who has the impression of traveling back in time. However, she appreciates the feeling a little more when Ona is by her side and since this realization, Lucy tries to make sure that her girlfriend is with her every time. Not to mention that her parents love her, she even suspects that they appreciate Ona more than their own daughter. But it amuses Lucy more than anything else.
The wedding arrived quickly, despite Ona’s many reminders that it was time for her to think about an outfit, Lucy had to find it urgently. She ended up going to the same store of Ona, making sure to coordinate their outfits.
Ona, which Lucy is actually observing a few meters away. Her long hair brought back in a hairstyle much more elaborate than her eternal bun, Ona is chatting and laughing with her brother’s son and daughter. These two also seem to have quickly fallen under Ona’s spell, as quickly as any other member of the Bronze family, including Lucy.
"Your girlfriend is a catch Luce"
Leaving the silhouette of her girlfriend’s eyes, Lucy reports them on one of her cousins. Born the same year as her, they are very close and Lucy remembers perfectly all the craps they both did when they were still children. He was always the one being caught.
"I know" Lucy simply smiled as she looked back at Ona.
They are at the aperitif in the gardens of the castle that her cousin and her husband rented for the occasion, guests enjoying the heat of the end of June, even for the north of England. Ona listens without flinching to her nephew telling her about his latest ride adventures, a bit embellished, while her niece tries to attract her attention by grabbing her hand.
"Will we be attending your wedding soon?" asks her cousin maliciously.
"I don’t really know" ended up answering Lucy with a shrug. "Maybe"
"Hey, if you don’t propose to her soon, I will"
But Lucy barely has time to turn in the direction of her cousin that he’s already moving quickly towards Ona and the trio she forms with her nephew and niece. Knowing full well that her cousin is capable of anything and doesn’t wish that Ona uncomfortable, Lucy hurries to follow him. (There might be a slight hint of jealousy too)
Ona doesn’t seem surprised to see that the hand on her shoulder belongs to a cousin of Lucy whom she doesn’t really know, probably accustomed to this kind of physical behavior by her Spanish origins. But Lucy doesn’t hesitate to pass a possessive hand in the back of her girlfriend, who melts to her contact after having cast a glance and a smile in her direction.
Finally her cousin keeps a superficial conversation, talking about the weather then questioning Ona about her native country for a future trip. A few moments later, the guests slowly go inside for the meal but Lucy deliberately hangs around to offer herself a few moments alone with Ona. Which she has hardly had since they arrived in England.
"Is everything okay?" asked Ona with curiosity.
"Yes. I just wanted the opportunity to have you for myself just a few minutes"
The confession makes Ona smile tenderly. She doesn’t hesitate to pass her arms around Lucy to cuddle herself against her.
"I love weddings. But I had no idea it would be at a wedding that we would actually get to know each other. Since then, I love them even more" whispers softly Ona after a few seconds of silence.
With a smile on her face, Lucy kisses her hair. The sun going down gives golden lights in Ona’s hair and when she looks up at her, the color of her eyes takes her breath away.
"Sometimes I think we lost a lot of time. We had known each other for years without really knowing each other. You were friends with most of mine and I literally lived in the city where you grew up" Lucy sighs.
"I don't agree. I think we met at the right time and life made it easier for us, creating links between us before we it got us together."
What’s the answer to that? Ona seems so sure of what she’s saying that Lucy doesn’t even try to contradict her, especially since she thinks that the Spanish is probably right. They are interlinked. So, far from enjoying surges of affection in public, Lucy gently draws Ona’s face towards her to kiss her tenderly.
"I love you so much" Lucy confess, looking at here eyes.
"I love you too" smile Ona, before adding with a slight smile "Without wanting to break the moment, can we take a picture?"
Lucy laughs and rolls her eyes, releasing Ona’s waist to grab her phone. Since the beginning of their relationship, Ona asks to immortalize each of their moment. And if at first Lucy teased Ona a lot about it, she must admit that it offers them a rather impressive photo album. That she finds herself cherishing every time they are separated because of their respective national teams.
After taking several shots in the sunset, the two lovers eventually join the rest of the party inside. Some people still standing, they have no trouble mingling with the crowd and sitting in their assigned seats.
Ona is surprised to see that Lucy leans on the back of her chair, but this surprise proximity is finally far from bothering her.
"You smell so good" whispers Lucy in Ona’s ear, completely ignoring the discussions around them.
Ona shivers as she feels Lucy’s lips settle in the hollow of her neck for a light but quick kiss. Their eyes cross and Ona does not need to say anything so that Lucy’s eyes start to sparkle with malice. Their entries arrive shortly after but Lucy does not take her hand from Ona’s leg.
Ona is surprised to see that Lucy leans on the back of her chair, but this surprise proximity is finally far from bothering her.
"You smell so good" whispers Lucy in Ona’s ear, completely ignoring the discussions around them.
Ona shivers as she feels Lucy’s lips settle in the hollow of her neck for a light but quick kiss. Their eyes cross and Ona does not need to say anything so that Lucy’s eyes start to sparkle with malice. Their entries arrive shortly after but Lucy does not take her hand from Ona’s leg.
After that they managed to mingle in the conversations a little more than until now. But always with physical contact with each other. When the meal is over and it’s time to go dancing, Lucy cannot resist long when Ona begs her to give her a dance. Even if the term "a dance" may not be appropriate given the number of pieces of music on which they sway.
When the music changes to become slower, Lucy does not hesitate to put her two hands around her girlfriend’s waist to draw her against her. Passing her arms around Lucy’s neck, Ona takes advantage of the position to bury her face in the hollow of her neck. Mixed with other couples, the attention of others is not more focused on them than on others for once and it is particularly pleasant for them to have this freedom to act.
"Un beso?" whispers Ona after slightly peeling away from Lucy.
With a small smile but without being asked, Lucy puts a kiss on the lips of the Spanish. Their respective smiles prevent them from deepening the kiss, but since children are present in the room, it is probably better like that. Moreover, when the song ends and a music with vaguely Spanish rhythms sounds, Lucy’s nephew magically appears next to Ona, pulling her sleeve to attract her attention.
"Will you dance with me Ona please?"
"If you don’t mind" smiled mischievously Ona to Lucy, gently getting away from her.
"Only for him then"
Ona winks at her and doesn't hesitate to take the boy in her arms and start twirling with him on the dance floor. Relegated to the bar, Lucy can't help but admire Ona and feel her heart warm when seeing the scene. The English woman has always want to have her own family, but with her sporting career it has always been something complicated to imagine and set up. Especially since she was mostly in a relationship with another athlete.
This time it doesn't differ since Ona plays at the same position as her, but seeing her interact with her nephew and niece, Lucy cannot help but imagine what it would be like to have a child with Ona. And she really likes the idea, even though they never really talked about babies together. Ona seems perfectly happy with their two dogs, which already requires a lot of attention, it’s true. They're lucky that Keira or Ona’s parents always agree to keep them when they are not in Barcelona for a few days.
"These heart eyes become tiring"
Lucy doesn’t need to take her eyes off Ona to know that it's no one but her older brother who appears to tease her. It's surprising that he didn't come before, in Lucy's opinion.
"Just because nobody looks at you like that doesn’t mean you have to be jealous" Lucy replies maliciously.
Jorge, knowing that it’s fair, laughs and leans on the bar alongside his sister.
"She’s good for you" ended up saying Jorge, a little more serious than before. "I’ve never seen you so smiling, happy and relaxed. Even before"
"You can say her name you know, it’s not Lord Voldemort"
Jorge rolls his eyes with an amused smile but adds nothing. Lucy doesn’t say anything either, but her brother’s words add things to think about. Of course the break up with Keira was hard for Lucy to swallow, despite the many arguments that punctuated their lives at the end. But it is also true that since Ona made her appearance in her life, it's as if everything finally took a meaning.
"Send me the video please" Lucy mumbles to her brother, noticing that he's filming her son dancing with Ona.
After a few dances for Ona and scenarios imagined for Lucy, the latter believes that she has lent her girlfriend enough to her nephew and decides to go and pick her up on the dance floor. Despite the sulky pout of her nephew, whose hair she gently ruffles before he returns to play with the children of her age, Lucy grabs Ona’s hand to take her with her.
"I thought you’d be thirsty" made Lucy putting a drink in Ona’s other hand
"Thank you. Where are we going?"
"Outside, the heat makes turn my head a little" confesses Lucy
"That, or the two drinks you drank in twenty minutes?" smiles mischievously Ona
"Oh, but I didn’t know I was being watched?"
"Always. I wouldn’t want anything to happen to you"
Lucy smiles softly and releases Ona’s hand to open the door and let Ona go before her. The night has fallen for quite some time now and the moon is lighting up the park. The music is still audible but muted, now that Lucy has closed the door behind them.
Sitting softly on a small wall, Ona looks tenderly at her girlfriend coming to lean against her legs.
"Are you okay?" asked Ona in an uncertain tone. "You looked thoughtful earlier"
Lucy recognizes this intonation. At the beginning of their relationship, Ona had a tendency to imagine that Lucy would quickly become uninterested in her, the various comments visible on social media rising a little to her head. This is the first time that Ona is facing this, her relationships having been perfectly hidden until now. She knew that comforting Lucy the way she did after the World Cup final would attract curiosity. But at the time, she felt her girlfriend’s well-being was more important than the rest.
And obviously this was exacerbated when she started playing in Barcelona with her.
After many long discussions, the two young women decided not to think about how to act with each other, while being careful not to be too demonstrative physically with each other. Lucy had thought at the time that it would be harder for Ona than for her, but it quickly turned out that it was the opposite. It's finally always Lucy who finds herself looking for Ona at the end of a football match and following her when she greets their opponents.
Ona knows a lot of them and since the only time she wasn’t with her an opponent started touching Ona in a way that caused a wave of jealousy unprecedented for Lucy, the Englishwoman has since decided to make sure the other players don’t forget that Ona is taken and that she is hers. It’s no longer a secret in the world of women’s football anyway.
"I was a little lost in my thoughts, it’s true" Lucy confesses, deciding that there is no point in hiding the truth from Ona.
But the young woman is quick to imagine that it's necessarily negative. Her mind quickly trying to remembers the last moments of the evening, from when she left Lucy’s arms on the dance floor, looking for what she could do to make Lucy uncomfortable.
"Hey now, turn that brain off please" Lucy gently taps into Ona’s temple. "It’s nothing bad. I mean, I think"
"That's help a lot, thank you very much mi Amor" mocks Ona while arching an eyebrow.
Lucy laughs and leans over her to put a kiss on the corner of her jaw, before resuming speech.
"It’s something we’ve never really talked about" Lucy says, looking closely at her girlfriend’s face. "And I know that’s not the case for a lot of people in our situation so don’t feel any pressure on the subject I’m going to talk about, okay?"
"Okay?" repeats Ona, a little lost.
"I was thinking about the future we could have together. Being at a wedding definitely gives people ideas, I think, and seeing you with Al and the way you behave with him and his sister… I also wondered how we could have kids too, if you want to. As I said earlier, it’s special when both people are women and even more so when they live sports like us, but… I really wanted to know if you had ever thought about this kind of thing?"
Lucy’s nervousness is palpable in the tone of her voice, but also by her hands that suddenly became a little shaky. She's aware that she's older than Ona and even if the Catalan woman teases her sometimes with this, it had never bothered her. However, she fears tonight that the age difference plays a lot in the response of her girlfriend.
"I always knew I wanted to get married or have children, but to be completely honest with you I never imagined myself in this role, I don’t know if you understand the difference" begins Ona, Lucy nodding, already somewhat defeatist in spite of herself. "But since we met… I’m trying to stop imagining us in that role because it hasn’t been that long since we’ve been together and we’re supposed to take our time, but… I think I’d really like that with you" says shyly Ona. "The wedding thing and kids"
A big smile is on Lucy’s face when Ona finishes talking, mixing joy and relief. Simply not resisting the urge to kiss her girlfriend, Lucy leans over her to put her lips on hers. A tender but quick kiss that makes Ona moan when Lucy steps back.
"Don’t be a tease" Ona whines
"I’m not" Lucy laughs softly, kissing her cheek several times before adding "I keep the others for when we get back to the hotel room"
"Okay, vamos!" exclaims Ona as she jumps from the low wall, grabbing Lucy’s hand to drag her towards their car.
Despite her protests mixed with her laughter, Lucy lets herself be dragged in the direction of the car they rented during their stay here. Having quickly readmitted to driving on the right and not on the left as in England, Lucy quickly decided to play the role of the driver. And Ona take back with pleasure her role of passenger princess.
A few hours later, Lucy and Ona did find their hotel room. And Ona finally got her fair share of kisses. But, the mind obsessed with the conversation she had with Lucy a few hours earlier, the Catalan has trouble finding sleep. She left her usual place in Lucy’s arms to lie down beside her, her head resting on her hand and her elbow on the mattress. It's rare for the brunette to be able to observe Lucy sleeping, the English woman usually needing more time to fall asleep and waking up almost every day before Ona.
The fullback must take on her not to cover her with kisses and take the risk of waking her. Instead, Ona delicately chases away a lock of hair falling on Lucy’s face. But when Lucy moves in her sleep, the young woman decides to get up from the bed so as not to bother her any longer. Picking a jogging bottom and a sweatshirt belonging to Lucy, Ona sneaks discreetly through the door to get to the vending machine located in the corridor. Now that her body seems to have digested the alcohol she drank, she suddenly needs sugar.
Her bottle of soda in her hand, Ona stands in front of the window at the end of the corridor, once again lost in her thoughts. Lucy and her haven't exactly discussed the different possibilities available to them to start their own family and this is what is currently in Ona's mind. It's true that when Lucy mentioned children, Ona immediately imagined herself with miniature Lucy running after their dogs. But there is also adoption that could come into play.
Realizing that fatigue finally seems to take possession of her body when she rubs her eyes with one hand, Ona decides to return to their hotel room.
Turning around, Ona finds herself with her face a few centimeters from the one of someone else and it's only thanks to a hand crashing on her mouth that the entire floor isn't awakened by a scream of terror.
Finally, it's only Lucy. But when she releases Ona, the Spanish carries her hand at the level of her heart.
"Madre mia Lucia estás loca de remate?!" (My god Lucia, are you crazy?)
Ona whispers-screams, leaning her hands on her knees to catch her breath.
"I’m the one who wakes up without my girlfriend in my bed and in my room and you’re the one who’s terrified?" groans Lucy
She was really afraid when she noticed Ona’s absence and this explains that it takes her a few seconds before empathy takes over the fear she had a few minutes ago.
"Come on, let's go."
Without waiting for Ona’s response, Lucy puts her arms around the Spanish’s waist and gently lifts her off the floor, making Ona laugh softly.
"I just didn’t want to wake you, I couldn’t sleep" Ona mutters as she puts her arms around Lucy’s neck.
"You should have woken me up"
Ona shrugs her shoulders and lets herself lay on the bed, Lucy closing the door of the room with her foot before dropping herself to her side on the mattress.
"I didn’t want to bother you" shrugs Ona.
Lucy growls for any answer, slipping under the sheets and authoritatively drawing Ona with her. Caught in a pincer between Lucy’s arms, Ona lies down against her and moaned with contentment when the English girl began to scratch her head and hair.
"That’s nice" mumbles Ona
The Englishwoman smiles softly as she feels Ona’s body relax against hers, her heart rate finally returning to the normal.
"You want to tell me what was keeping you up?" asks Lucy softly
"I was thinking about tonight"
"Mh, what part?"
Ona laughs as she hears Lucy’s playful tone, turning her head over on her chest so she can look at her.
"Even if this part was very nice, I was thinking about the discussion we had, about the children and all that"
"Do you want to elaborate?" asks Lucy again, regaining her seriousness
"The children’s part. I was wondering if you saw us adopt or if you thought one of them would be pregnant"
Wrapping a strand of Ona’s hair around her finger, Lucy thinks for a few seconds about the answer to give her.
"I hadn’t really thought about adoption. I know it won’t be tomorrow, but I thought I could carry the baby first. If you agree, of course."
"But… what about your career?" asks Ona, frowning.
"You know as well as I do that my knee won’t last another ten years, Love. I know if I stop for a year I probably won’t come back as good as I was before, but is there a better way to end my career than to have a baby?"
It’s true that between that or getting her ACL, you might as well choose the first option, thinks Ona.
"Are you sure that's what you want?" asks Ona
"Yes. What about you?"
"More than ever" Ona replies with a small smile, unable to hold back a yawn.
Slipping her hand into her girlfriend’s hair, Lucy smiles softly.
"On the other hand, if we want more than one, I want at least one that looks like you. It would be terrible not to make such perfect genes last."
"Go back to sleep, you don't think straight anymore" laughs Ona, giving her a little playful pat on the forehead.
"Not before you, you disappear otherwise. And I have to look for you everywhere wondering if you were kidnapped" Lucy sulks.
Ona rolls her eyes smiling, going up on Lucy to put her face in the hollow of her neck.
To support her apology, Ona lays a kiss on Lucy’s jaw before returning to her original position and finally closing her eyes. Sleep will not delay this time to take away the young woman, then Lucy when she will be assured that Ona has fallen asleep.
Please let me know what you think about this one please? ♥
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Literally all of The Shadowhunter Chronicle romances are completely unhinged it’s not even funny (I lied, it’s very funny). Here’s just some examples:
William “Will” Herondale/James “Jem” Carstairs + Theresa “Tessa” Gray: It totally would have been a vee type polyamorous situation if it wasn’t for all the death and 1800s London society going on.
Henry Branwell + Charlotte Fairchild: How dare this misogynistic society put us together, I mean, we wanted to get together anyway, but not for those reasons. Welp, time to be as unconventional as possible.
Gabriel Lightwood + Cecily Herondale: Look, you made fun of my sister, it’s only fair that I marry your sister; that’s the rules.
Gideon Lightwood + Sophia “Sophie” Collins: Dad, I have a perfectly valid reason to betray you and go to the other side. What your doing is wrong and – nO tHiS haS nOThiNG to do wiTh tHeIR mAid wHy wOUlD yoU eVEn sAy tHat?
Jesse Blackthorn + Lucie Herondale: Your request to not be brought back to life has been denied, deal with it.
James “Jamie” Herondale + Cordelia Carstairs: He didn’t commit arson we were just having sex – why are you all looking at me like that’s worse?
Anna Lightwood + Ariadne Bridgestock: Listen, there’s a lot of society going on right now, so we’re going to have to get together in secret. Oh, you don’t want to? Okay, never mind, fuck society, let me win you back real quick.
Christopher Lightwood + Grace Cartwright: Oh good, you broke into my house, now we can talk about science.
Thomas Lightwood + Alastair Carstairs: I’d really like to hate you, but I think the biggest problem with that is that I love you. Once I get over that hurdle, I think we’ll be in the clear.
Lucian “Luke” Graymark + Jocelyn Fairchild: Good job on us for breaking away from the genocidal cult run by our best friend/husband; we should hook up, you know, as a reward.
Jonathan “Jace” Herondale + Clarissa “Clary” Fairchild: Ayo the same guy conducted experiments on our blood, that’s crazy; btw so glad we’re not actually siblings.
Alexander “Alec” Lightwood + Magnus Bane: Marrying each other is against the law? Okay, fine, I’m a law biding citizen. Oh oops, I made it legal. I am the law now, and I want a wedding on the beach.
Simon Lovelace + Isabelle Lightwood: It makes sense to have our engagement party on the day of my brother’s death, that’s when we really started bonding.
Helen “Alessa” Blackthorn + Aline Penhallow: Well, I guess we’re going to go in exile together. Yes, I said together; your exile is my exile, what’s mine is yours and what’s yours is mine, that’s how relationships work.
Julian Blackthorn + Emma Carstairs: Yes, it’s a technical war crime to love each other, but the law itself is not really our main concern about it.
Kieran Hunter + Mark “Miach” Blackthorn + Cristina Rosales: We’re really living that cottage core aesthetic, and all we had to do to get here was do a small war and some amnesia. Worth it.
Gwyn ap Nudd + Diana Wrayburn: I’m going to stand by just in case something happens, but it probably won’t, she knows what she’s doing – WHY IS SHE JUMPING OUT THE TENTH STORY WINDOW OH MY GOD WAIT
Tiberius “Ty” Blackthorn + Christopher “Kit” Herondale: We take cosplaying Sherlock and Watson VERY seriously, so of course we needed to go to all the most illegal places, it’s only natural.
Ash Morgenstern + Drusilla “Dru” Blackthorn: So anyway I saw them in a sort of fever dream like state this one time and they’ve still been on my mind for years.
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suemaelee · 3 months
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Right here? |kitchen sex| ♡Quick smut ♡
Why Jungkook was cooking, you worked on your studies at the dinner table. A slice of life. It was raining, relaxing, quiet.
"Hey honey, come help me please?"Jungkook says.
You get up and walk over to the kitchen island.
"Whats wrong?" You asked.
"Mh, nothing..just wanted you here with me." Jungkook says biting his lif, with a detailed smirk.
You roll your eyes and try to walk off.
"Nu uh, come here...I want you tonight." He says pulling your waist towards him. "Babe, the assignment is due in 3 hours." You tell him.
"It won't take long, I promise. Plus why would u wait till the last minute to make it?" He asked.
"I wanted to do it this morning at Joon's so he could help and then I was going to leave but he started cooking and I got worried. Last time he ruined cereal. Then my girlfriends wanted to go shopping and then I was tired so I slept blah blah, now I have a very horny boyfriend who won't let me finish my work."
Jungook laughed at your exhaustion.
"Well, it seems like you need to relax a bit. I can help."
Jungkook picks you up and places u on the counter. He then leans in and kisses you gently. He grabs onto your waist, pulling you in closer. One of his hands slips between your thighs. He caresses your pussy outside of your pants. U squirm feeling his fingers rub against your aching clit. Oh, it's been way too long.
Then he proceeds to grab onto your pants and pull It down. You lift your bum to help him.
"Wait...right here?" You ask.
"Why not...? He responds before biting down on your neck.
"You're so wet baby," He says. He puts one finger in...then two. In and out into your slippery wet slope. Curling his fingers against your g-spot. Over and over again. You feel yourself getting closer. He starts to go faster and harder. Feeling yourself begin to lose control over your muscles you begin to shake.
"Cum for me..cum, cum, cum" He says looking deep into your eyes. U tremble into his arms feeling yourself cum. Your juices were going all over his fingers. Your back arching in pleasure, your head leaning back feeling the intensity.
"Fuuckk" you moan out as you start to catch your breath.
"That was so fucking hot baby," Jungkook says. "I can't wait. I need you right now." Jungkook says taking his rock-hard cock out.
He places his cock right against your entrance. He stops and looks at you for a moment. He leans in. He kissed your lips deeply and he began to enter his dick inside you. You let your moans escape into his mouth. More and more intense by the second.
"Fuck" He moans out. Going in and out slowly into you.
You grab onto the back of his neck. He grabs onto your thighs and places them over his shoulder bow going faster and harder.
He bites his lips and has a face full of aww. Lust in his eyes. The craving for you. You hear the sound of your skins smacking against each other. Harder, faster.
He grabs onto your waist harder pulling you deeper onto his cock.
"Fuck baby" He moans out. He looks down at hiw his dick enter u everytime.
"Fuuucckkuh.." He moans out. "I'm gonna cum baby."
With a couple of extra hard thrusts, Jungook releases himself into you. You feel his hot cum inside you. "Fuck, fuck, fuck" You feel him shake a bit releasing every last drop of his hot semen into you.
A moment if silence for you both to catch your breath.
"Right on time." Jungkook chuckles. He holds on to your waist and slowly pulls out. He leans in and kisses you passionately. "I love u so much, baby."
"I love you" You respond.
"Who's hungry?"
"Me!" You chuckle
"Alright, baby." Jungook gives u one last kiss before you both continue your night."
{Okay, u can shoot me. I skipped a week after promising every Sunday. Yo girl been busy but you don't wanna hear that. I hope you guys can enjoy this quick smut. Idk how I did on it. BTW, As I thought, yall are sluts for Jungook! But for those who did show the last Suga must love, thank you so much!! I don't even know if anyone reads these but still. I gained like 20 extra followers in such a short amount of time. So thank you for your support. I will do my best to try and stay consistent. LOTS OF LOVE ARMY!♡♡}
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momentomori24 · 3 months
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I swear to God, Twitter being able to accumulate so many brain-dead, malicious, pseudo intellectual low lives all in one place at the same time is a phenomenon worthy of being studied under a microscope in a science lab. And no, that is not a compliment.
Thankfully people have already spoken out against this bullshit-- the fact that people needed to is already maddening to think about-- but as someone who got the basic gist of what happened literally yesterday I'll also put my voice out there: Don't you fucking dare try to paint Hbomb as a murderer over this situation.
Somerton may be a lying, misogynistic plagiarist and conman, but he obviously doesn't deserve to die and while I do make fun of the guy, I genuinely hope that he continues to have a life after the dust has settled on everything. Not on YouTube or any social media platform for a long time at least, but just a life nontheless. I don't wish what he's potentially going through on anyone, and I hope that he makes it through this. But regardless of if he does or doesn't-- and God forbid he doesn't-- none of this is Hbomb's fault. It's not his fault, or Kat's fault, or Jessie's fault (because apparently there's people blaming her too cuz WHY NOT), or anybody's fault. All they did was call out his actions, hold him accountable for the harm he's done. They have done nothing to deserve having to carry this on their shoulders should the worst happen. They did nothing wrong. They didn't kill James (he's not confirmed dead yet either btw). They are not murderers. And to the people saying they are: say those words out loud, listen how they sound like, and re-evaluate. Just cease.
And to people like this:
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''Oh I'm not blaming him for anything I'm just blaming him for what his audience did because according to HIM you're responsible for your audience'' Yeah, you people can shut your mouths too. Of course you're responsible for your audience, and that includes Hbomb too. However, your tiny, godless little monkey brain can't see why your argument is still rubbish even with that in mind. The difference between James, Internet Historian and Hbomb is that Hbomb never promoted problematic behaviour to his audience. If you promote problematic shit like harassment or misogyny or racism, then yeah, you're absolutely responsible for how your behaviour influences your audience. But that's not what he did. He made it very clear where he stood on those things, literally stating that ''if anyone were to harass Somerton on his behalf they are worse than him and will not see the light of heaven''. He's done his part in making it clear that harassment is wrong, so if someone went out of their way to go against that and harass James anyway that doesn't reflecf on him at all. Also, what the hell do you mean ''hatemobbed'' to suicide? I don't doubt there are people who went to extremes because those bad apples always exist, but most of the things I've seen are valid critisisms, memes and call outs about that guy. If holding people accountable for their actions and poking fun at them a little counts as 'hatemobbing'' (which has Filip calling his critics a ''lynch mob'' energy tbh) what the hell do you call actual hatemobbing then? Do we just let people continue being shitty because calling them out ''damages their mental health'' or ''drives them to suicide'' then? Is that a world you want to live in?
Same thing goes for people like this:
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Criticing someone for their objectively bullshit content and wanting them dead are two seperate things. What the actual hell is wrong with you. The plagiarist in question is a person. Those ''harshest critics'' are still people. And because we're people, we care. I'd rather James pump out more plagiarised slop than commit suicide. I'd still hate him for it, but I'd prefer him being alive over the alternative any day. We all do. None of us would sleep easier knowing he's dead just because he wouldn't be ''committing the cardinal sin of putting out a 'pure content mill' video'' because someone taking their own life is horrific-- especially Hbomberguy, how dare you even try to imply that?
And this gets me to the reason I'm furiously typing all this out in the first place: Hbomb is the fucking victim here, so stop treating him like he isn't. He tried making things as right as possible by compensating those that were burned by James through a video where he revealed everything there needs to be known about the guy so that less people fall victim to his actions and lies. To just ignore the harm James was causing while he had the evidence to prove it and platform too big to threaten into non existence should he speak out would've been bad. So he didn't. He did the right thing by sticking with the people James had stolen from, giving them a voice and making them known after they've been scrubbed from the picture by decidedly being uncredited for their works or bullied into silence. He shouldn't have to deal with this for doing the right thing. He shouldn't be labelled a murderer for doing the right thing. He shouldn't have to have the death of a man on his conscience for doing the right thing. People claiming otherwise are obviously wrong, but I can't imagine what all this must feel like right now. Because even tho they're wrong, guilt isn't a rational thing, and I know that if I were in his position I'd still feel like a morally bankrupt individual were the worst to happen even if I knew that it was not my fault. This isn't a funny story. So to add to this dumpsterfire by using it as a prop to bash on a creator you don't like and immediately write Somerton off as dead even when he's not even been confirmed dead yet to do that shows how little these people actually care about the thing they're talking about. They don't care a guy potentially killed himself-- what they care about is using it to paint Hbomb in a bad light because they don't like him. Here they are, posting memes and ill jokes about this very delicate situation while barely a day since the news broke out had passed. It's opportunistic, it's sickening, and literally the exact thing he criticised in his video when talking about 'content mills'. Like, I know none of these clowns bothered to actually watch it, but have some self-awareness. And some shame too, while you're at it.
This long story short: I'm writing this to contribute to the narrative not getting twisted to make Hbomb out to be the villian. Same goes for everyone else. Don't let these people paint them as the villians. If I see another person pull this shit again I will literally bite you and shred you into salad and spit you back out because I hate you so much and I mean that wholeheartedly.
To Hbomb: you will never see this but if you do, take care of yourself.
To the asshats this post is about: Delete your account. Cease all together. Stop talking about this. Just leave him the fuck alone.
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fanfiction4sooya · 4 months
Hello, I hope that you're doing well ! May I please request a smutty/fluffy Tiffany fic with younger idol reader?  Where reader is a small ball of shy sunshine.. She's so sweet and understanding and very likeable.. Tiffany is very protective/slightly possessive of her younger gf.. So what happens when someone tries to ask out reader in a very public way? (It can be an idol or another celebrity.)
Hi luv!! first o all thank you for the request, I love snsd so much but there's barely any requests for them!! I hope you like it, hun 💖💖 btw sorry if it's short, I'm not really a fluff writer 😩
When you and Tiffany started going out (after she made the first move, of course) it took you a while to get used to how protective she was. Not that it was a bad thing, but sometimes it seemed like she could see things you couldn't, feel people's intentions way before you could even process them. Like the day one of the boys from a new group 'accidentally' spilled juice on your chest at the inkigayo's backstage and she literally made him apologize after talking to his manager and taking his phone from his hand just to smash it. Like imagine, the Tiffany Young scolding you in front of every single person present.
It got you upset, the situation didn't need all that, you thought, but of course she brought receipts: his phone with some very nsfw pics of you; up your skirt and a video of your wet chest.
That was all she did: watch you like a hawk and protect your naive self from anything and anyone.
They all knew you were hers, but of course no one dared saying anything out of fear or respect. And whoever dared looking at you the wrong way, boy... they regretted it.
You two were attending a party, something you guys were very fond of, given your both glam nature and it was all going so well it was like a dream.
"I am going to great some old friends, love" She leaned towards you, whispering on your ear. "Wanna come?" She smiled at you, her pretty brown eyes ever so in love.
"Can I stay here for a bit more?" You asked, closing your eyes to take in the fresh air of the secluded balcony away from all those people. "This breeze feels so good against my skin..." Your eyes met hers and well, they were equally in love.
"Of course you can, sweetheart" She gave your empty glass of champagne a look. "I'll be right back bringing one more, alright?" You nodded and she left.
You had your back to the party, admiring the city lights in your little introverted bubble when you felt a soft hand on your bare back. You turned around smiling for Tifanny only to be met with someone else instead.
"Irene sunbaenim?" You said, surprised. You smile faltered a bit, she wasn't your Tiff after all. You always liked to think that a few things were for your girlfriend's eyes only and that smile was one of them.
"Finally I met you by yourself" Her eyes were dangerously scanning your red dress. "I like your outfit" You blushed, lowering your head. She handed you a glass of champagne.
"Thank you..." Your hand nervously grabbed the glass, so shy you felt like a baby deer caught in the headlights. "Tiff chose it for me" You mindlessly said, quickly understanding by her look your mistake. "I mean... Tiffany sunbaenim uhm... Helped me choose" You furiously blushed and her eyes hardened on yours.
"Is she what?" Your innocent self didn't feel the poison on that question at first. "Your sugar mommy?" She bit her lip and you frowned, deeply hurt by that. "If that's the case I can be better for you..." She stepped closer and you opened your mouth to respond but nothing came out, your eyes were full of tears. "I could use a pretty thing such as yourself as my sugar baby" her breath fanned over your face and you lowered your head.
"Harassing one more young girl, Bae?" You heard her voice way before seeing her slightly taller frame. She knew how to be quite intimidating.
"Tiffany" Her voice came out as a snarl. Tiffany's eyes met yours and she grew ever angrier after seeing how hurt you seemed. Next thing you knew her slender fingers and sharp nails had enveloped irene's arm.
"If you talk to my girlfriend like that again i will end you" Her voice sounded low, dangerous. Irene smirked.
"You think I'm some easily impressed newbie?" She rolled her eyes. "You can't do anything against me and also... I was just talking to her, jesus" You held Tiffany's hand so she could let go of the other's arm. She relaxed a bit under your touch but you knew she wanted to throw the drink on the other's face.
"Can we go, please?" Your voice sounded small, unsure. You just wanted to run far away from that.
"This is not over, you are going to pay for upsetting her" She took your hand on hers, firmly walking away hand in hand with you for everybody's surprise. She never really touched you in public, always keeping the discretion for your sake.
The ride home was quiet and quite painful in the beggining. Your head were on her chest the whole time hearing to her strong and steady heartbeats, trying to calm yourself down so you could talk to her without crying,
"Tiff" You called and she only hummed, waiting for you to continue. "Do you see me as a sugar baby?" She never stopped caressing your hip, kissing the top of your head and lifting your face gently by your chin.
"No, my love" Her eyes were sincere and her voice controlled. "you are my girlfriend, hopefully my wife one day" Your cheeks got furiously red.
"But the others think..." She rolled up the partition of the big car, blocking any sound the driver could hear.
"The others think a lot of things" She pulled you to her lap to straddle her, a steady hand on your lower back. "If you keep trying to prove anything they'll keep doubting it just for fun, love" She gently kissed your knuckles, that intimate act giving you goosebumps. "Forget about them, it's just you and me" She kissed your wrist and you slightly shivered. She smiled against your skin, kissing your shoulder next.
"But Irene sunbaenim..." You tried to say and she cut you off.
"Forget about her" She sounded demanding. "I am yours and you are mine"
Her lips ghosted over your lips, her eyes staring into yours.
"You are mine" You recognized that tone. It was the possessive tone you loved, the one that made your legs weak when she used.
"I am yours" You whispered against her lips and she finally kissed you, one hand holding your waist while the other threaded on your locks.
It was fervent, passionate. Her kiss always made you feel good but that one was different, electrifying even. Her tongue quickly found yours, massaging it and making you whimper.
You skin felt on fire, as she bit your bare shoulder, pulling your hips forward to meet her knee. Moaning, you bit her lip and she gave you a whimper of approval, pushing your hips back while keeping one hand on your nape.
"Tiff, oh jesus" you whispered and she kept that pace. You were drenched, feeling your clit literally pulse inside your underwear as your wetness stained her black dress.
"Yes love, call my name" She growled and you tossed your head back, humping her leg with all the power you had, thinking how it was so fucking good you'd cum in no time if it kept that way.
"I think I'm gonna cum" You managed to say, rolling your eyes and scratching her shoulder, never stopping your hips.
"Not on my thigh you'll not pretty girl" She pushed you from her lap, positioning you in a way she could eat you from behind.
Your legs were spread apart as she ripped your panties from you, her tongue quickly finding your slit to gather some of your juices on it; your hand prints were all over the window already, your cheek glued to it in look for any support. Her skilled tongue kept it's assault on your pussy as it went in and out of it, her chin repeatedly hitting your clit made you jolt in pleasure. It was mind blowing, bone chilling, insane how she could have you wrapped around her finger with so little.
"Please tiff, please" You pleaded as if it was a prayer. You didn't know if you prayed to god or Tiffany, you only knew that in that moment she was devoted to you too. There, between your legs, she showed how adored you were and how much of her she could give to you.
You came in her mouth, gushing your nectar on her tongue as she lapped it up, spreading your wetness all over her face in pride. Trying to catch your breath your limp body was pulled out of the post orgasm haze and soon you found out why: her tongue was shoved down your throat, your taste passing from her tongue to yours felt delicious.
You kept kissing for a long time, sitting on her lap again. You held her against you and she did the same, not really wanting to let go of that warm embrace so full of love and vulnerability. Only after a while you two realized the car had stopped and you were in front of your shared mansion.
"I love you" She said and you took a deep breath.
"I love you too" You gave a little butterfly kiss on her nose and she crinkled it in the cutest way.
"Come on, pretty girl" She caressed your soft hair. You looked at her with doe eyes and she bit her lip. "I'm gonna show you how much I love you in our bed" Her whisper on your ear made your pussy throb.
Oh you loved when your girlfriend wanted to prove a point.
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