#and i don't respect people who just decide they Want to be a system sorry lmao
pansypr3p · 1 year
i dont blatantly sys post often!!! im not super into syscourse, i am not always against non-traumagenic systems. it depends. but i am here to complain abt how fucked up it is that anti non traumagenic systems/people are called sysmeds. like. its a play on transmeds y'know? and the thing about transmeds is like. being trans isnt a disorder. this is because. gender is not real. its a thing we made up. cant be a disorder. nothings wrong with you. yknow?
but like. being a system is stressful if not inherently caused by or influenced by trauma!! like. i fucking love and adore my headmates and wouldnt give them up for the world but. its hard sometimes, yknow??? like. switching is hard sometimes, role switches and internal conflict and all this bullshit. we love each other but having like 200 ppl in one noggin is a Bad Time, especially when there can be like 15-25 people in the front room at a time, not to mention the dissociation. i cant remember friday. or thursday, or wednesday, or tuesday. i think i have a vague idea of what happened? but i just. its just not there. yknow? and yesterday and today- ive been fighting feeling utterly apathetic because the dissociations so bad. and that was all because someone yelled at me for a second and i shut down because i got triggered because hey! trauma! woo!
so yes. being a system is a problem. not for others around you! but for me and many others. and i dunno. i just like. i just really wish they wouldnt compare us to transmeds?? like systemhood IS medical. maybe you got some other shit going on like systemhood, and yeah, okay! sure! cool! whatever! i could care less. but if you dont have that trauma, that dissociation and struggle. i want a different space!!! than you!! bc that shit is fucking hard. and fuck it. if you dont struggle like that i dont want you to talk like you do. and if you do, and you still think youre non-traumagenic. okay. sure. whatever. i dont want you in my space either. denial is a bad look.
maybe that was rude. i am sorry. i dont like being mean to people and i much rather respect everyone and leave them alone. bur i got a little frustrated so here! a rant.
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surftrips · 1 year
game on
pairing: rafe cameron x female reader
summary: y/n runs into rafe at the bar.
word count: 802
a/n: haven't posted in a while but i figured with the new season finally out i would publish this draft i had, might do a part 2 depending on the feedback!
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Y/N didn't even want to go out tonight. She was only here because her roommate dragged her, completely ignoring the fact that she had class tomorrow morning.
The nightclub was dark and crowded, but the energy was electric. She could tell that most people were here for one thing and one thing only: a hookup. Despite being in college for a few years now, the hookup culture was one thing she never got used to. She respected people that could participate in it, but personally, she had a hard time with the idea of sleeping with a stranger and never seeing them again (or worse, seeing them in the elevator and having it be awkward).
Her roommate dragged her into the middle of the dance floor, because "that's where all the fun happens!" It was also where people got trampled if they weren't careful, but she didn't think her friend would appreciate her bringing that up.
As soon as they made it on the dance floor, the music started picking up and it was getting harder to keep up. However, Y/N tried her best to dance to the songs and stay close to her friend, knowing that the night would go by a lot faster if she at least tried to have fun.
About two hours in, Y/N had to excuse herself from the floor and grab some water from the bar before she passed out. She signaled to her friend that she was leaving and began weaving her way through the crowd.
"Y/N? What are you doing here?" A familiar voice asked her. Startled, she turned around with her drink in hand to be met by.... someone from her business class.
But not just anyone, the Kook King himself, Rafe Cameron.
"Hey, you're from my business class right?" she said, deciding not to give him the satisfaction of knowing his name.
"Uh yeah, sorry if I scared you there, I just thought you looked like a girl from my class and I was right."
"Would've been very awkward if my name wasn't Y/N. I'm sorry, what's yours again?"
He looked a little disappointed, "You don't remember?"
"Agh, sorry. It's embarrassing, but I'm really bad with faces and names so don't take it personally," you responded.
"All good," he reached out to shake your hand, not seeming to notice the sarcasm in your tone, "Cameron, Rafe Cameron."
"Oh! Rafe, that's right. How could I forget? You're always showing up late to class."
"Woah... I came out here to have a good time tonight, not to get made fun of." Rafe put his hands up in defense.
"Sorry, haha. People have told me I come off a little too strong sometimes."
"Hey, it's no worries, I appreciate your assertiveness."
It wasn't that she hated Rafe, she had nothing against him personally, but he was Rafe. Spoiled, privileged, and entitled, he lived in an entirely different world from the majority of the island. Even next to other Kooks, he stood out. The Camerons were by far, the most affluent family on the Cut.
So, she couldn't help herself when it came to taking jabs at him, masked as sarcasm or banter.
Fueled by the drink in her hand, she continued, "You here alone?"
"Well, I came with Topper and Kelce but I'm not sure where they are now. Hoping to leave with someone else though..."
Again, Y/N knew that everyone here was looking for a hookup. Still, she paused for a second at hearing Rafe being so blunt. Normally, she would be unfazed by his actions, in fact she had been dodging people's advances all night, but whether it was the alcohol in her system or sleep deprivation messing with the chemicals in her brain, she decided to keep entertaining him.
"Oh, yeah? Seen a couple blonde girls around that might be your type."
If Rafe was taken aback, he did a good job of hiding it. "Thought you didn't know my name, but now you know who my type is?"
"I only remember the important stuff," you took another sip of your drink.
Rafe was used to getting what he wanted. Most girls that he approached gave in almost immediately, but Y/N was not most girls. She was going to make him chase her.
"Alright," he nodded. "Do you want to play a game to test your memory?"
"Depends, will there be a prize if I win?"
"Of course, but I have a feeling we'll both get something out of it."
He was being a douchebag. Y/N knew all this, and yet, she couldn't help but be amused by his perseverance. If there was one thing she loved, it was the thrill that came with chasing someone. Game on.
"Okay, I'm in. What's the game?"
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ae-azile · 2 months
Chapter 18 Preview
“...I let my depression amplify my resentments,” Kim finally says, “It amplified that and my grief over everyone we have lost. It was easier to blame you. For as long as I remember, you controlled…everything. Even though that isn't possible, that's how it seemed. So it was easy to pin how out of control I felt onto you. I'm sorry.” 
Going by Pa’s expression, he definitely wasn't expecting an apology. Kim has been expecting one from him for weeks, since Pa claimed to Kinn that he would. It never happened, and it probably would have been a front anyway. But it still annoyed Kim, even though receiving an apology would have meant interacting with Pa even more. 
“I accept your apology,” Pa says, his voice a little more subdued, “And I realize that I could have…conducted myself a little differently. I could have been kinder. You…Kim, you push back so hard. Talking to you can be like talking to a brick wall.”
“I know,” Kim says, because he does know that, “But like I said, you have been a lot easier to blame. Taking time off, having support, and being in therapy have helped me see it is a lot more complicated than that and I am trying to work on…breaking down that wall.” 
Pa studies him, then nods, “Well, I am glad to hear that. And I am glad you decided to talk to me about all of this.” 
“I’m glad I decided to talk to you about this too,” Kim says, then tries to think of a way to begin wrapping up the conversation, “I need…some agency though. Trust. I am in therapy, have a support system, have gained weight back, and am doing better than I was. I have even written a lot of music recently-” 
“With Porchay?” 
He really wanted to leave Chay out of this. 
“He's been really helpful,” Kim says anyway, “We’ve written music together, but sometimes we sit in different rooms, write separately, and come back to see what the other thinks. He's been a really good friend to me.” 
“A friend,” Pa says, as if he doesn't quite believe that, “People seem to think you two are more than just friends. Do you have feelings for him?” 
Kim saying that he doesn't would be an obvious lie, so he settles on a partial truth. 
“We are…feeling things out, but taking it slow and mainly focused on friendship and music,” Kim says, then tries to get back on track, “Anyway, I have been doing a lot better and-”
“I don't think he’s right for you.” 
Kim turns his head sharply as his eyes immediately narrow, “Why not?” 
There is a glint in Pa’s eye, something calculating. Kim isn't sure what his goal is, but he needs to be on his guard right now. 
“He…seems troubled,” Pa says, “I think he probably has a good heart, but he's extremely stubborn. He has neglected re-applying for college multiple times-” 
“I got him to apply last month.” 
Pa seems intrigued to hear that, but presses on, “He also seems very angry. I can appreciate that he has certain areas of discipline. When his training stats got as high as they did, I was pleasantly surprised. He also saved his brother. He saved you. I recognize his strengths. But he has no ambition-”
“He does too,” Kim grits out. 
“He doesn't. He has yet to get back to me about taking a position in this family. An actual position, where his high skill set can be utilized effectively. He can't expect to do as well as he has and just…sit on everything he's learned. He needs to be using those skills to help those who made them possible in the first place.”
Kim feels his blood run cold and tries to keep his breathing steady, “Chay…he…no. Porsche doesn't want him involved in…whatever you're implying.” 
“Porsche needs to remember that he has the position he has because of me too,” Pa says, just watching him with this stupid neutral expression, “And while I can respect Kinn stepping back for a while to help you, and Porsche trying to lead in a more compassionate manner than my brother did, we also have an influx of business opportunities that will be coming in. Some are new connections and others are long-standing. But a few in both of those circles can be…challenging. There are also some financial discrepancies we will have to address while they are in. I suspect a few of our international associates are working together, and we will need to narrow down who they are. Chay’s skill set might come in handy. In fact, his skills could be...broadened. As happy as I am for Vegas now that he's living a quieter life, I will say his absence has left a hole when it comes to dealing with conflict.” 
Kim wants to scream. He wants to jump out of his seat and stab Pa in the eyes with a butter knife. But that would give Pa a reaction, and Pa is likely fishing for a reaction. 
But he also could be telling the truth, weaponizing his honesty like he so frequently does. And that just makes Kim feel sick. 
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gipzisays209 · 3 months
Be careful with this Discord owner. They're saying they're ready to make changes and all they ever wanted was healthy debates between both sides. They say things got a little out of hand regarding usernames, but they'll reign it in and you should totally go debate with them over there.
Does that sound right, though? This person created a server where they share system posts to mock and fakeclaim them collectively. They go so far as to pretend to be like the people they mock in order to invade their spaces to find more "cringe".
So according to them, the plan all along was this?
Create a fun server where they laugh at systems and fakeclaim
Eventually those systems find the server, join it and see how terrible the server is (slurs included for good measure)
The systems start posting about their server and they want to retaliate and get the server banned
And that way finally everyone can get together and have a mature nuanced discussion about… let's see… ah yes, a mature nuanced discussion about if those systems deserve any respect or if they're dangerous lying fakes
You have to see this for the bullshit that it is. Nobody in their right mind who wants to encourage healthy debates does any of this.
I do not believe this Discord server owner or its members have good intentions. I do not believe they want genuine discussions. I do not believe that it's just a matter of which academic sources they rely on. I do not believe you should accept invitations to debate them on their server. And if you do, you should expect the worst from them.
This is someone who thinks fakeclaiming is funny. Even if they go back on their rules about uncensoring usernames, they created a server where mocking systems, fakeclaiming systems, lying to get access to their spaces, and deciding who is a real system or not is acceptable. It's not just acceptable - it is the entire point.
Please be safe. I would not trust their words if I were you. Their actions speak loud enough as it is.
Believe me. As much as I'd love to go no holds barred and drop all defenses, I know the vast majority of people in that server are still the same people. Even if the owner stays on the halfway decent path, the mods and the members of that server most likely are not.
All that this has done has prove that the owner themself is worth listening to, at the very least. I have no intentions of going in there on my main (sorry, guys! You won't get me this easily!), and while would happily talk to the owner one-on-one through Tumblr (no, not Discord), I still don't view the server as anywhere near safe.
The server itself is an absolute dumpster fire, and I'd highly recommend everyone take the proper precautions when dealing with them, if they ever choose to (and godspeed to you, if you do). But from my interactions, the server owner themself is the only person in that server (so far) worth trying to talk out a solution with.
Is this a total teardown of all defenses? Uh, fuck no. While I do believe this is a very important step in the right direction, the server itself is still an absolute mosh pit. But the owner, despite creating that hellhole, has shown they're willing to listen. And I'd like to remain optimistic and say a few other people there share the same mentality.
I see no reason why one can't both harbor caution and optimism at the same time.
Is it stupid? Probably. Is it naïve? Most definitely. But I'm still choosing to remain cautiously optimistic, given recent events.
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aurumacadicus · 1 year
The Last Star in the Sky - Winteriron
You know, you guys give me such deep titles for this pairing. I've decided this makes it not entirely my fault when I write tearjerkers.
The Last Star in the Sky
"How long are you going to go on like this?" Steve asked, not unkindly.
Bucky didn't look at him, gruffly answering, "I told you that you didn't have to come with me."
Steve didn't rise to the bait. "You know I'm with you 'til the end of the line. I just want to know what I'm in for."
Bucky bit back his resulting anger. It wasn't Steve's fault that his best friend was a lovesick fool. "This is the last one," he said, instead of calling him stupid, or saying he'd be better off leaving at the next space port. He frowned at the map he'd been toying with for the last three days. There were no other galaxies that he could see. No where else left to look.
"...We'll find him," Steve said after a brief pause to take in all of the things he hadn't said along with what he had, promise in his tone.
"This is the last fucking solar system we can reach, Steve, and I haven't found him in the last eight years," Bucky snarled, spinning to face him, trying to goad him into a fight.
Steve reached out to grab his cheeks, staring into his eyes in a way that made him immediately lose all his hostility. "We'll find him," he repeated firmly.
Bucky couldn't help the way his eyes began to burn, trying to blink back tears. "What if he doesn't want to be found, and that's why he's never there when I look?"
"He loves you," Steve said. "And he didn't leave you because he wanted to. He left you because he had to."
"I know," Bucky muttered, dropping his eyes to the floor.
"Natasha said he cried the whole ride back to the main port," Steve continued.
"I know," Bucky repeated, adding a bit of acid to his tone as he jerked his gaze back up to his face.
Steve scowled back at him. "Then stop feeling sorry for yourself. It's embarrassing. You got to travel the galaxies to find Tony again. Tony has been stuck on his planet, ruling a people who don't respect him, so much that he was terrified they'd hunt you down and kill you to teach him a lesson when you know the only thing he ever wanted besides to stay by your side was to explore space. You've gotten to do everything he ever wanted as you searched for him, and all he's gotten to do is sit and worry that you might be dead."
Bucky dropped his gaze again. That was true. Tony had always chattered about exploring other planets, maybe extending trade treaties, but then he'd remember that his freedom had an expiration date, and he'd go quiet and grip Bucky's hand tight. He'd been afraid his people would be so intent on cutting him off from the outside world that he hadn't even told anyone the name of his planet, let alone where it was. Bucky had picked up things he thought Tony might like on his travels, but he'd known, even as he bought them, that despite any joy it might bring him, it would also make him wistful for a life he couldn't have.
And that was if Tony's people didn't kill them as soon as they found him, anyway.
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screampotato · 16 days
as a transmasc whos had a complicated relationship (haha ship boat ship) w hearing people talk about objects w the same pronouns as they talk abt me, and also more primarily as a transmasc who likes to think HUGE, why dont (or moreso, why cant we now) refer to boats (at least/relevant thing for rn) as he? i mean the huge brained thing would be designing neos for your boat (id love to hear the discourse between marine workers abt what pronouns the boat would have. can you imagine) but idk, whatd happen if you he/him'd a boat? would your peers take the change in stride after thinking about it? would there be some sort of strange peer group split about people deciding he/him should be valid vs staying she/her?
anyway sorry if this is insane im autistic but instead of only failing social situations i also think of novel insane social situations. i think we should just have more fun w weird pronouns in situations like that. the "being out at sea for too long" generated pronouns would go really hard i think.
Hi there! This is a more elaborate version of a question a lot of people have been asking. The reason boats are she is steeped in a lot of (most likely sexist) history. These days people in the marine industry are not thinking of the pronouns in that way, really, or in any particular way, except as a way to vaguely personify the boat, because that is just how we see them. It's not explicitly granting her feminine characteristics, it's just respecting her totality, as an individual (very few boats or ships are identical to another, they tend to be unique) and as more than the sum of her parts, and from my point of view as a designer, sort of arguing for the need to respect her as an integrated whole where every system affects every other system, not just an assortment of independent systems.
Could you call a boat "he"? You could. I remarked in a couple of other places that if you wanted to make it stick, you'd have to actually make it part of the name, like "Empress Sophia (he/him)". Actually register him like that and paint it on the hull. It would be hilarious. Whether people would respect it or not I don't know, no doubt some would, others might try but forget because the she habit is so ingrained, others would just ignore it altogether. You might run a risk of people just reverting to "it" in confusion.
If I personally just started using "he" for boats in a professional setting, people would find it very weird, but also funny, and would eventually put it down to a personal eccentricity, of which there is no shortage in this line of work. They would be unlikely to follow suit.
As an aside, the fact that calling a boat she doesn't confer feminine characteristics also means that you can say amusingly gender-bent phrases like "she's a big lad" if it makes you happy.
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irenespring · 6 months
TV characters and their mentors
I have realized as I watch TV and find myself liking a character I also start considering who their mentor in @lorata's THG District Two system would be, almost as a personality test. I've put too much thought into it to not publish it somewhere. So, here is a very niche character analysis. TV characters and their District Two mentors. If you are a fan of these shows and have no idea what I'm talking about because you don't read Lorata, do it now. I haven't read the Hunger Games since middle school but I return to Lorata's District Two every few months.
The Mentalist:
Patrick Jane: Callista. The way this fits is actually one of the reasons I decided to actually write a post. He considers himself immune to the rules. He hates authority. He is charming and manipulative, with only fleeting indications he has a conscience. A chaos agent. Exactly what Callista looks for. He would absolutely break up the career alliance early because he decides he doesn't want to kill the youngest tributes if he doesn't have to for his survival and he would rather kill his "allies." It gets Callista in hot water with the other alliance mentors but she is just like "he's excellent."
Teresa Lisbon: Brutus. Lisbon is actually a lot like what Petra would probably become in twenty years. Still hot-headed, still stubborn and rules-focused, still wanting respect at all costs... but a little more chill about it. She's a pretty easy choice for Brutus because she gets things done and doesn't resort to the flashy nonsense of certain Calli tributes. Speaking of... Jane and Lisbon kind of work as an inversion of the classic "back-to-back Victors are a wild girl and chill boy" and would probably hate each other at first before slowly becoming closer as time goes on.
SVU (this is a weird case because I've published a THG AU, but lets just say all of them are Two in this case):
Alex Cabot: This is the hardest of all of them for me, but I'm going to say Devon. She fits the dreamer archetype of always wanting to make things better for everyone (even with the weird season 18 twist SVU pulled, Alex is still fighting for what she perceives as justice). That twist however does rule her out for most of Brutus' branch because it's coloring too far outside the lines. She's very charming and witty, but is focused on trying to do right in the world, rather than the more self-focused goals of Callista or Misha (my runner up for this character).
Olivia Benson: Brutus. Pretty much for the same reasons as Lisbon. She is very closely tied with the rules; even when she disagrees with them, she never really thinks about leaving. She is District Two in the AU I published, so I'm to promote myself and say for more insight into how she views the Games as a Career, go read that.
Rafael Barba: Lyme. The essence of a Lyme tribute. Abusive childhood, attachment issues, using flash to cover for insecurities, depression, and ambition. Has a very tough time in early recovery because he has difficulty squaring the horrors of the Games with his motivation for volunteering---a Claudius-esque (though less intense) desire for family and acceptance.
Sonny Carisi: Tough to decide between Devon and Emory but I'm going to go with Emory. He bakes for everyone. He tries to be a good person even the face of horrors. He has no real desire to do violence to people except when under massive amounts of pressure. He didn't even necessarily need to be volunteering, he just did his best, tried to make friends, and figured they'd tell him to stop when he failed.
Bones (this is another interesting case because I have written a THG AU but have not posted because of how much it uses Lorata's characters in the absence of mentor characters in Bones, and in the AU Temperance is from District Nine, but they will both be Two in this case):
Temperance Brennan: Artemisia. She isn't really sorry about anything from Career training, viewing the Program as the only rational choice given the Capitol's governmental system. She often insults other candidates on accident, because she is the best according to the rankings so why do they take offense when she points it out? She avoids serious injury because she really is the best. It cracks Misha up just reading the file. After it becomes clear in recovery that many of her nightmares come from the foster family that she was sent to after he parents and brother abandoned her, Misha tracks them down to make sure they...understand her displeasure.
Seeley Booth: Emory. He is Two in the AU I'm writing so I've thought this through at length. In the show, he is very pre-occupied with being a good person despite having killed people, and Emory is described as the most decent of the Victors. I've thought of an argument where as Lyme is to Claudius, so Emory would be to Booth growing up in District Two. He also has a habit of pushing all his emotions down because he views them as unimportant, something Emory is shown to have a very good way of countering as a mentor. Emory and Misha meet up to talk about how their Victors are clearly infatuated with each other, Emory dismisses it because Misha had a crush on her, but Misha is like "no this is different." They wager a batch of cookies (Misha's would be baked by Devon). Misha accepts her cookies at Seeley and Temperance's wedding.
Kerry Weaver: Lyme. A lot of the characters I like have similar vibes, so the explanation for this one is kind of similar to Rafael. She has a harsh persona that is used as a cover for someone struggling with abandonment issues and wanting to belong. As a District Two candidate, she likely would be a lot like Petra (quick to anger, sensitive to being disrespected or not taken seriously), but with less regard for duty and more personal investment. She cares about the people of her district, but she wants to win for herself and the family she would be promised. I've almost written an essay on Kerry and how she behaves and her mental health while she thinks she has a shot at fitting in to ER's found family, and how it declines after she realizes that they will never accept her around season 7 and 8. She really, really wants a family, and Lyme is drawn to those types of tributes.
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sophieinwonderland · 9 months
I feel invalidated sometimes when people are talking about nonverbal because it feels like their actively trying to make me feel like I don't have it hard enough. I have 2 alters who are nonverbal and nonscribal. I am trying to respect nonverbal people ofc but the constant passive aggressive posts are absolutely not helpful they just make me more paranoid about fucking up. and also id feel kinda uncomfortable if someone decided for me that im verbal and I don't think theyd want to be assigned that like we aren't good enough. most of us are hyperverbal and we are selectively mute so don't say I don't have it hard since I encounter the situation that makes me mute often.
I'm so sorry you've been made to feel this way.
I've noticed a lot of minimizing the experiences of nonverbal headmates with the recent conversation and it comes off as really gross. Just because not all members of the system are nonverbal, that doesn't mean that those who are don't suffer because of it.
If someone is nonverbal both when fronting and in headspace, they're still going to struggle in many ways. If they want to be able to communicate with other people, then they have to use the same tools as other nonverbal people. (See the ask from before about searching for AAC apps for their headmates.)
And from the perspective of a nonverbal headmate, this is their life all the time. These headmates are never verbal.
It's just really gross to erase their experiences as individuals.
This also just feels a lot like sysmed talking points where they claim exclusive ownership over certain words. And I mean basic English words. While "alter" as a noun was created in reference to DID, words like "system," "switching," "inner world" and others are just basic words they've tried to stake ownership over.
The nonverbal debate is just that all over again. "You can't use this basic word that accurately describes your experience because we said so."
And as with similar issues, there is power in working together and sharing resources instead of just tearing each other down.
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midnight-in-eden · 1 year
Sorry to bother you. I'm a transmasc exmo and my brother is inactive but intends to leave someday. He brought something to my attention, but so far I've only seen a reddit post about it, allegedly a story about a transgirl was affected by this already is on facebook, but I can not find it. It's being said that a new policy has gone to affect, that "Any one who has socially transitioned, is now excluded from baptism." In other words, transgender children can not be baptized, and neither can any other transgender individual, unless they detransition. People are confirming that this policy is going into the Handbook within the next few weeks. I don't have a big exmo support system, has anyone heard of this policy? Are they going to announce this change or are they literally just trying to slip this in and hope it goes unnoticed?
You’re not bothering me at all. Yes, I’ve heard of this. I don’t know any more than you do, I’m afraid.
I think the surface reason is this way they just don’t have to deal with transgender people. Just like they don’t have to deal with gays. Either group will still be “welcome”—as long as we don’t “act on it.” “We love you, but only if you stay in the closet and don’t make problems for us.”
I think the underlying reason is the church has elected to try and ingratiate itself with mainstream American Christianity. (I mean, it’s been doing this since it got rid of polygamy, but it’s accelerated in recent years.) That is why they’ve emphasized the church’s full name instead of “Mormon,” that’s why they’ve quietly backed off more outlandish beliefs (Kolob, exalted people getting their own planets, etc). That’s why they got rid of the various pageants showing parts of 1800s church history—and kept the Easter pageant in Arizona, redoing the soundtrack and script to be more appealing to Christians in general. And that is why they’ve dug in their heels when it comes to accepting LGBTQ people. Genuinely, I believe that this policy is meant to play out like the first Policy of Exclusion, which banned the children of gay parents from baptism until they turned 18 and could disavow gay marriage. That policy was reversed after a few years, but not before flushing out a lot of people who—up until then—had been trying to stay in the church but advocated loudly for LGBTQ acceptance. A lot of undesirables, in the church’s view. A wave of those people left when the original PoX was instituted. Another wave will leave with this one. That will leave the church with a membership that skews even more strongly conservative, that is even more acceptable to American evangelicals. They do not want gay and trans members. They want to be respectable to American Republican Christians.
(Most evangelicals are never going to accept Mormons as Christians, imho, but that isn’t going to stop the church from trying.)
My feelings on this are torn. I think it is actually better for LGBTQ people to leave/not join the church, and perhaps this will protect some trans people from the harm the church does. On the other hand, I know queer people who consider the church their spiritual home. I think everyone should have spiritual autonomy—but in Mormonism, you really don’t. Your access to every covenant necessary for salvation and exaltation is locked behind a gate that is only opened if a priesthood leader decides you are worthy. Trans people who transition are being deemed unworthy en masse and that seems like spiritual abuse to me.
We’ll have to wait and see how this plays out. Even among Mormons I know who are relatively accepting of gay people, few are as welcoming of trans people, so I doubt they’ll get much pushback from the majority of members.
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leminhthinking · 3 months
"add something, if youd like" ok, here is something i used a throwaway account to comment on the Double MV. i didnt reread so i didnt remember anything about it sorry but there probably is mention about internalized ableism. also personal experience. its kinda shaped like a rant
posting it here now that i came out about being plural here. yeah.
tldr (theres another tldr at the end of it but it was from the time i commented and i want to add something else here) i love representations
I keep finding myself wanting to comment something under this video, but I know I'll say stuffs about myself that I feel would be unsafe to share using my main so I'm using this throwaway account to do it instead 😔
I just want to say that I'm so grateful that Mikoto and John (and maybe other alters in their system too? saying this just in case) were ever written. Being a system who had just discovered that only over a year ago, I can almost see myself, no, I can almost see *us* in every part of their story up until now. And in a way, I feel like I've also... grown with them? If that makes sense?
I have been following MILGRAM for quite a while, enough to be there when MeMe was just released. Back then, I still thought that I was certainly a singlet (didn't have DID), despite how one of my alters - I will refer to her as my sister from now - showed up pretty regularly at the time. That's why when I watched MeMe, I remember thinking to myself, "oh shit, this guy's just like me, and because [insert internalized ableism here] I'm saying he guilty then." But then we all know what's got confirmed 😂 Funniest thing is, a short while before that, I also came to term about being a system. Dammit, to think about it, it felt like a second confirmation 😭😭😭😭
Now that I have accepted who we really are, the release of Double and their second voice drama feels exceptionally special to me, as the host of our system. John and Mikoto's situation right now really reminds me of us last year. My sister and I specifically, respectively. At that time, I tried hard to deny the fact that I am not alone in my head, and that we are entirely separate people. It took me a while (with a few tarot spreads. fuck. I'm a Mikoto kinnie now) to know that we actually are... and some actual, honest conversations to know that she actually loved me, rather than wanting to harm me... Yeah. Yeah. You see what I'm talking about? That's why I'm really rooting for Mikoto and John to have better communication... Ah, maybe if Mikoto watched "his" own second trial MV, he would understand...
That being said, I'm still not sure on what to vote... When I first watched Double and listened to the second voice drama, I thought to myself, ouch, ok, guilty because John clearly seems to be the alter who knows more right now and that would keep him fronting more to interrogate. But after a while, my opinion... changed? I don't want Mikoto to be affected too much from the verdict and maybe going dormant because of that. John maybe still there for the interrogation but fuck, I don't think he's ever been without Mikoto for a long time and I'd hate to see his heart breaks. Maybe innocent is the better solution after all for the whole system, as it might soothe Mikoto's mood and his mindset. I also trust that MILGRAM's writer team know what they are doing and therefore would not "kill off" John. Maybe they will just let him be inactive for a while if they are voted innocent, given that he's finally satisfied with our decision...
(Yes, I do know innocent = forgiven and guilty = not forgiven and I'm deciding while knowing that. I'm just calling them innocent and guilty because I'm more used to it while speaking in English.)
Hmm, that was a longer rant than I expected. I don't know how to conclude really, so I'll say something that would sound entirely unrelated 😔 If I remember correctly, prisoners can hear us audiences right? If that's really true, I just want to scream to Mikoto and John that it's 100% ok to be a system! To not be alone inside your mind! To exist alongside another person in your system and love them! It's ok to just be yourselves! And please please please fucking find a way to communicate with each other!!!
Once again, thank you MILGRAM for letting them exist... I really hold them so dearly in our heart...
TL;DR: local system getting emotional over Mikoto and John, rooting for them to have better communication.
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acourtofthought · 10 months
I recently saw a theory about the Elucien bond being fake or missed assigned.
This is what it said:
The cauldron lie because when Elaine was made AZ was dying and so it picked the next suitable male.
Also; feyre and Nesta describe the bond as a tug on their soul whereas Elain describe it as a thug on her ribs.
I call BS.. pardon my French, because there is so much more that debunk this however what are your thoughts?
First, what kind of bullshit system would mating bonds be if they were randomly assigned simply because one person was injured? 😂. If that's the story we're going with than why was Feysand made mates while she was human, with a mortal lifespan and near starvation at certain points?
Mating Bonds aren't randomly given, they are decided well before people are even born (we have proof of this in the TOG series). New mates aren't assigned in adulthood just because one person from the pairing is injured. Azriel wasn't dead despite his injuries and I'm pretty sure the system that decides who is paired with who isn't going to randomly look at a bleeding guy and go "hmmmm, there's a chance he's not making it, on to the next random Fae male within Elain's vicinity!".
I think this is yet another attempt to discredit the Elucien bond because for all the cries that Elain doesn't want a mate and how Elucien's don't respect that, I think the bond still a worry for them considering SJM is a Fated Mates author.
This is how Feyre once described Rhys pulling on their bond:
I was pulled from sleep by something tugging at my middle, a thread deep inside.
If Feyre can feel a tug in the general area of her stomach ("her middle") or possibly lower since middle is probably more in the area of your intestines and she turned out to have a legitimate mating bond then I feel confident that Elain feeling a tug near her ribs (which protect the heart) is a bit more romantically coded and would also indicate her bond with Lucien is real.
The only time the bond is described by Nesta or Feyre as a thread between souls or something merging them together is when the bond is consummated:
until I felt and saw and smelled that bond between us, until our scents merged, and I was his and he was mine, and we were the beginning and middle and end. We were a song that had been sung from the very first ember of light in the world.
The golden threads shimmered and sang, and she couldn’t take it, the music between their souls, the feel of his body on her and in her, and—
Since Lucien and Elain haven't been physical (yet), we're not going to have the same kind of language in reference to their bond. Lucien went a bit feral over Elain being taken back to the NC. Mor used her gift of truth on him. Az can scent the bond. Elain and Lucien both felt the bond snap at the same time. Feyre used her demati powers to slip into Lucien’s mind and confirmed his feelings and instincts towards Elain as being sincere.
Not only would it be really odd for SJM to have to turn around and explain how every single person was rendered completely clueless for multiple books by this supposed false mating bond but what would the point of it be?
"Your bond is fake".
"Oh, thank goodness! I'm so relieved we spent the last two years feeling angst and confusion and guilt over the past loves we thought we were betraying, all for nothing! Now we're free to be with who we want even though we could have been with whoever we wanted the last two years anyway since we really didn't spend that much time together in the first place. Let's shake hands and part ways, sorry about all the discomfort and tension!"
It just makes no sense and I get they're trying to pull a TOG storyline to make a mating bond between E/riel a possibility but no villain is trying to have Lucien or Elain swear loyalty to them because they're so distraught over the loss of their mate who was never actually their mate. Lucien and Elain aren't really talking so what does a fake mating bond add to the plot? Not only are they not talking but they're both spending time with the character who some claim are their "true mates". Which again, doesn't make sense if the goal was to keep them away from their "true mates" 🤦
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kingsonne-zedecks · 6 months
Well fuck.
I guess I just learned the tactic that is going to be used to discourage democrat voter participation.
I just saw a couple of posts on other social media sites talking about "respecting people's decision to follow their conscience in not voting for Biden in the 2024 presidential election due to his actions and stance regarding the Israeli-Palestine conflict."
I cannot possibly understate just how bad faith this stance is. The main people pushing this idea don't care about anyone in Israel or Palestine. They care about preventing your vote by playing to your sense of justice. They care about harnessing that sense of justice to get you to convince other people not to vote.
There is no true moral backbone to this stance. It hides beneath the idea that you can serve your conscience by not voting in a time when every vote counts and Facism sits on the doorstep. I must emphasize that things would be horrifically worse if the Facists were in control of the country. By not voting you would be abandoning your easiest and most essential way to speak out against this.
Its okay to hate the democratic party for not doing enough and for doing bad things. Its not okay to abandon your civic duty at the influence of bad actors.
I don't want to vote for Joe Biden. I am mad that its no support from the Democratic Party for a real primary with alternative candidates to Biden. I would much rather have someone better than Biden. But I would also much rather have Biden than someone worse than Biden and I will vote to make sure that this happens.
If this continues to get pushed you're going to see a big resurgence of arguments how a vote for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil. It will claim that voting for a lesser evil is a concession, a statement that you are okay with any bad things done by Biden (or any other candidate where this tactic is employed.) This simply is not true. A vote never has been and never will be a blank endorsement for all opinions and policies of a politician.
Abstaining from voting is not the moral high ground. Its only half a step away from Both Sides centrism.
As a moral stance it doesn't say "Here I am, I am righteous and will not support the unrighteous"
It says
"Here I sit. I do not care if the Facists win." The moral highground of the stance is an illusion. The stance looks in the face of every individual who will suffer and die under Facism and pats them on the head and says I'm sorry you are going to suffer and die, but it was worth it for me to feel good about myself.
The bad actors don't want you to think about these things. They will keep the attention on ever failure of the Democratic party and ask you if you condone them. They will accuse you of approving of these actions and showing them with your vote.
There might be people you trust who become convinced by this and share these feelings in what they feel is good faith. They might be convinced and upset if you don't agree with them. It won't be pleasant.
Please look into efforts within your state to overturn First Past the Post voting. Oregon has put Ranked Choice Voting on the ballot for 2024 and the people will get to decide against the system that let's this lesser of two evils argument exist. Instant Runoff Voting is not the only valid form of ranked voting or otherwise non FPTP voting. Look at your state and check to see if there is a petition to get a new voting method on the ballot. Oregon's legislature placed Ranked Choice on the ballot, but a petition was already in place to accomplish the same thing if they didn't. The same might be going on in your state.
Politics sucks and I wish we didn't have to deal with things like this. But we do. Doubt anything someone says that discourages you from voting.
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kyriat-stories · 7 months
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Unfortunately Eira would later have to eat those words, and she did deeply regret challenging the Gods like that.
- Dear Astanna, she pleaded, Mother of all, please forgive me for my shortcomings and lack of respect. And please help my sister's family and spare them from the misfortune they are about to face.
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It was Itaja, with his connections in the political and legal system of Manthos, who had to bring the news to Noor, when she came to visit her oldest children.
- Noor, I have to tell you that Telamon was taken into custody last night. They had caught him stealing at the Agora.
- What? That can't be!
- Unfortunately it is true Noor. They say he will be beheaded for theft next week. I'm so sorry!
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- But uncle, there must be something we can do! Noor felt her blood freezing to ice.
- I don't think there is, honey. The merchant wants to set an example. I don't think he can be convinced otherwise. Unless of course if it was directly on the King's order.
Noor swallowed.
- I don't know if I can beseech King Ifiklis to help me, uncle. Not that I think he would even consider listening to my appeal.
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- The King is very capricious and unpredictable, yes. But if you wish to go to the palace, I will help you. He will have to listen to us, but his decition might not be in our favor. It's up to you, dear.
- Thank you uncle. I will think about it and let you know.
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There were few people in the world that knew how much it would cost Noor to even go to the palace, not to mention the ephialtes it would be for her to speak to King Ifiklis, for any reason at all. Nevertheless, she decided to do just that.
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There simply was no way around it, if she was to save Telamon's life. To say that it costed her a lot would be an understatement. It was a relief when she could kneel in front of the throne, because she felt that she would faint if she had to stand up straight.
- So what brings you here Kyrie?, the King addressed Itaja.
- I'm here with my niece to plead for her husband Telamon's life, Itaja said, He has admitted to theft, and the merchant wants him beheaded.
- And why should I rule differently?
- He deeply regrets his wrongdoings, Sir, and promises to pay for any losses the merchant had. Also Sir, he and my niece have five children who depend on his support.
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- Hmm. And you can guarantee that he will be righteous for the future? This is a serious crime after all.
- I will guarantee it, Noor said.
- And how are you going to make sure he will keep such a promise, Kyria mou?
- Because if he isn't, I will kill him myself, Noor whispered.
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- Haha! The King found that amusing. Nevertheless, I can't really see any reason why I should spare his life.
- Please Sir! Have mercy on his children, if not for him or myself, Noor cried.
- Do I know you from somewhere, Kyria? What is your name?
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chaos-in-one · 1 year
hi! anon from earlier. hope you all are having a good day!
also i'm somewhat new to this so i am trying to be respectful/use right language and i am truly and genuinely sorry if i get that wrong
i (singlet, white) have a system friend who is living in a white body but has POC headmates. lately they have been talking to me about IDing as POC and changing how they dress so that they are perceived as brown - not just POC, but specifically brown. this makes me uncomfortable as the body the system is in is not brown, and does not have the life experience of being brown. i also feel uncomfortable about the idea of someone accessorizing differently (headwear, clothing) in order to be perceived as a different race. i don't know if it makes a difference, but my friends also say that the body itself does not have a living/presenting identity of its own, and so the body is white, but the entire system is POC.
if y'all have the time/energy/ability, i would really like some help in understanding and talking about this. i don't want to ask my friends about it as i'm afraid they will get upset and say that i'm being bigoted or unsupportive. maybe i am, but i do want to understand. any advice would be greatly appreciated! thank you!
Yeah no as a system of color what they're doing is... extremely racist. Alters cannot ID as a separate race from the body, they will never have those lived experiences and therefore will never understand what it is like to live as a person of color. And outright trying to change their appearance to pass themselves off as a different race is race-fishing, which is both appropriative and really fucking racist. They are not people of color, they are the same race as the body because race is based off of genetics and heritage and social perception (last one to an extent, as some light-skinned poc don't always get perceived as their actual race). Alters can have appearances that differ from the body, obviously, but different appearances does not equal different race. Alters that appear darker in skin tone being labeled as poc while in a white body is more often than not built off of racist racial stereotypes of who people of color are.
What the body is is still important in certain contexts. Race is one of them, because race is based off of the body. Same with some other things (for example, age. Yes alters can have different self perceptions of their individual age but, for instance, an adult alter in a minor bodied system should NOT be treated the same as one in a bodily adult system because age is largely based off the brain and it's stage in development as a whole). Saying the body doesn't have an identity by itself does not mean it is devoid of any traits. Certain things are not just identities that can be picked and chosen based on personal preferences, sometimes there are things your body simply is or isn't and even if you don't like it, that's how your body is. An example of that for me other than race (because obviously to me, my race is something I just am, I can't just pick and choose that, but I find it is harder for white people to understand when race is the only example used) is me being disabled. I simply am disabled. My body does not function as well as typical. Even if I didn't explicitly identify as disabled, I still would be perceived and live life as a disabled person does because that's how my body is.
Hope that helps it make sense. I'm sorry about your friend. Personally I would tell them bluntly they're being racist, and if they refuse to listen then cut them off, but they aren't my friend so what you decide to do is ultimately up to you.
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crippleprophet · 1 year
I'm really sorry if this is the wrong place to send this but you're the only person i know who still takes covid seriously. I live with someone who won't get vaccinated or mask as well as several other people who won't take covid precautions for the most part. I've been masking at home around them to be safe, but now my parents (who i have to live with still) have decided that I'm not allowed to wear a mask at home anymore. I don't know how to keep myself and others safe like this, especially since I live in a place where no one else in public will mask either. Legally I can't move out yet (I would love to) but yeah sorry if this is inappropriate I just don't know who to ask or what to do
no need to apologize at all <333 i am so fucking heartbroken that i’m the only connection you have to someone still taking covid seriously, but i’m also incredibly grateful & honored that i can be that for you.
we definitely aren’t the only ones, no matter how much it feels like it - the discord i started recently has 41 members and growing, and that’s just folks who’ve seen my tumblr post. you’re absolutely welcome to join if that’s safe for you, but if your circumstances don’t allow it, please know that there are other people in very similar circumstances to yours, who’ve been masking in their homes and whose right to manage their own risk is being denied.
i don’t want to tell you how to conceptualize your own experiences and relationship with your parents (lord knows i couldn’t apply certain language to my own until i was ready for it, and i believe it’s so crucial to respect your autonomy here when it’s being denied elsewhere) but please know if no one else has told you that that form of control absolutely qualifies as abusive, and it is not, under any circumstances whatsoever, your fault that you are being denied the ability to protect yourself and others.
i’m reminded of a quote about how systems of power, in this case referring to how affordable products are dependent on exploited labor, intentionally force people to break our own moral codes in an effort to break our spirits. again, this is not your fault, and the most important thing to remember right now is that keeping yourself safe includes (unfortunately, ironically, heartbreakingly) keeping yourself safe from & with your parents, which right now may mean not wearing a mask. any infection that may happen as a result is their fault, not yours. it is the fault of every layer of the ableist system that has stoked their resentment of others, not yours.
i usually don’t talk about this, but i left my parents’ house (“ran away from home” rubs me the wrong way but would not be inaccurate) in 2017, a little less than 3 months after turning 18, so i have counted down the days until i was legally my own person, and throughout the duration of the pandemic i’ve thought a lot about the nightmare that would be still living in that house. i can’t fully imagine or understand the grief and fear you’re experiencing, but my heart goes out to you & all others in your situation.
what’s been most instrumental to me in maintaining my personhood in situations where i’ve been denied autonomy has been reading sociological studies, because it helps me understand my circumstances as an outcome of oppression and not a personal failing, and by virtue of others writing about it reminds me i’m not alone. if you’re interested in that sort of thing, i recommend literature my scholars & activists on children’s rights and liberation. the UN is definitely deeply flawed, but i’d point you to the Convention on the Rights of the Child as a starting point because of (at least for me) the impact of so many governments agreeing that this is what should be happening, even if it’s also a massive grief when it isn’t.
my advice when it comes to covid would be to do what you can when you can, especially because it would likely give you some feeling of autonomy, which is so crucial under these kinds of circumstances. simultaneously, you are under no moral obligation to risk your safety with your parents—if their response to finding out you’re masking when you’re out of the house would endanger your physical or mental health, for example, please do not feel pressured to do it. all of my posts about masking, and anyone else’s if they aren’t a piece of shit, are directed at people whose behavior is not being controlled by others upon whom they depend.
to put it super bluntly, you can’t keep anyone else safe in the future if you’re dead. in order to protect others later, you need to protect yourself now, whatever that may look like based on your decisions. you, and others who aren’t being allowed to mask, are among the people everyone else should be masking to protect, and i’m more sorry than i can ever put into words that our society has failed you.
i’m gonna ask a few folks in similar circumstances if they have any advice, and anybody reading feel free to add on, but remember that you’re the authority on your circumstances and you don’t have to make any decisions or follow any advice you think would put you at risk.
so much love to you, and my asks & dms are & will remain open if there’s anything at all i can do.
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beyond-far-horizons · 22 days
Hey hon, for the ask: 2,4,18,20,27 and 29? 😊
Hey hon, sorry it took so long to answer this - it's been a difficult week.
Right FYI for folks reading this - I'm not tagging it and I'm not getting into a debate esp re the first answer given that it's an emotive topic. With that said - let's begin!
2) Thoughts on veg@nism?
I have mixed feelings that are hard to articulate esp on here and given how fraught the topic is, is why I'm hesitant to answer the question. In short, I have a huge deal of respect for veg@ns but I'd struggle to be one. I do want to try to bring in more of it when I can, mainly because I find the industrialisation of food/farming so repellent. I hate the idea of animals suffering so I try when I can to avoid meat or to get things that are well sourced. My feelings on this subject have changed and developed across the years and it's complex so I think it's always worth thinking about. For example, although I hate the thought of killing something for food, I don't necessarily think that it's wrong. What I think is wrong is lack of compassion. Animals should be treated with respect, care and not as a product without feelings. I respect Indigenous communities for example that don't sentimentalise animals but respect and care for them and the world as part of a whole with themselves as a part of it. I also admit that I love meat and some of my favourite foods are dairy. Food is one of the few pleasures in my life so I don't want to be dictated to or guilt-tripped about that especially by people who haven't thought the topic through and just want to evangelise and gatekeep others (however understandable and worthy the cause.)
Also there's the tension with the fact that veg@n products aren't always environmentally friendly - mass deforestation for mono-crops like soya (although this happens for cattle grazing too) and toxic plastic for leather. There's another Indigenous perspective (I'm thinking of certain Plant Shamans in the Amazon for example) that view plants as having their own souls and awareness and if you think that sounds weird there are scientific studies revealing the sensitivity and intelligence of plants (look into rhizome forests for example.) Movements like Animism, Post-Animism, Post-Humanism incorporate the Non and More-than Human worlds and this includes plant-life. Are we and animals more important than them? How did we decide that just because we can't see their pain? Or is that just anthropomorphising them? It's another perspective for sure.
I don't think there's any easy answers but thinking in that way is the main reason I decided to get a forest burial if I can, instead of getting cremated. If I take from the earth as part of the circle of life well I should give back and there's no better way I think than to become a tree and give back when I die (yep this post just got weird lol, but seriously this is what I'm talking about - circle of life!) This way I get to be something that I adored in life - a blossom tree - as well as a whole eco-system supporting lichen, insects, birds, people etc. And I think that is pretty awesome. But that doesn't get round the central dilemma so I'm still working on it and doing the best I can in difficult times.
4)Mythical Creature you believe/think is real?
As a Brit I have a weird hope that the Loch Ness monster is real because I loved learning about it as a kid and it's too awesome to think that a prehistoric monster still lives in the modern age. I think the folkloric White Hart (Arthurian/British symbol of Kingship/Sovereignty) is real in terms of the Universe throwing up symbols sometimes. There was a really bad omen for my country in recent years when one was shot running through Manchester and that tells you everything you need to know about our government and current state of the country even if it was allegedly for health and safety reasons.
18) Your Boba/Tea order?
I'm ashamed to say I've never tried these. Sorry but they just look weird. As a English Breakfast tea-drinking cliché I don't trust cold tea or weird balls that look like rabbit droppings. Hehe sorry. I should give it go sometime. If we are talking actual tea then what we Brits call 'Builders tea' aka black tea with a little milk and one sweetener x 3 a day. Can't function without it.
20) Favourite Disney Princess Movie?
Ooh, good question! I love the Golden Age - Little Mermaid (I pretended to be Ariel as a kid for ages, drew her, had a whole toy cave set and dolls etc), Aladdin(first movie I saw in the cinema, had posters, toys etc) and Beauty and the Beast. Special shout out to Hunchback of Notredame as well even though that's not a Princess movie, it's awesome and I love Esmeralda. However the prize has to go to B & B. I was and still am obsessed with that movie, I think I can still recite it line for line. My friend and I spent one sleepover casting our school year group as the cast in our heads and then singing (badly) all the songs on a walk. I also have Belle's colouring (can't claim I look exactly like her, can I?) and more importantly can do a mean impression of many of the characters esp the Narrator and the bookstore owner (minor characters for the win!) Did I mention I was obsessed?
27) What’s your favourite or go-to outfit?
Difficult one...I'm (again) living out of a suitcase and carrying more weight than I want to so I don't have all the clothing options I'd like rn. Ideal world my favourite piece of clothing is this little black dress I have that you can wear for the office or for a night out - it makes me look great and I used to match it with different accessories including this beautiful pink and gold belt. Both are in storage now cos mama's too chubby to fit them! At present it's my chunky white grandma cardigan over black trousers with a different colour top and jewellery - pastels or vivids like bright red.
29) Preferred pasta noodle?
The phrasing of this question upsets me - is it fave pasta or fave noodle? I know them as two different things. So I'll cheat and answer for both! Haha.
Fave pasta...I...don't really have one. I like all of them - twists, shells, linguine (my internet is playing up so I can't check all the italian names.)
Favourite noodle - love a lot of them but Naruto and I share a love for ramen so ramen noodles!!
Thanks and hope that wasn't too much information overload!
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