#and i hate you sometimes but also i cant imagine who i would be without you because youre so important to me and i care about you
lunarsapphism · 1 year
my little brother turned 17 today :( most of the time i dont think about all of my siblings ages and whatnot cause usually none of it is relevant but god. i remember when i used to make that guy blueberry oatmeal and feed it to him in his high chair when he was a toddler and ur telling me hes just seventeen all of a sudden?? that shit is fucking wild.
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gatorbites-imagines · 17 days
Thank you so much for writing for Invincible!!!!!! There's hardly anything especially with a male reader
So like yandere Mark, am i right? If he were to be yandere i could totally imagine him using his powers to intimidate his lover and get rid of anyone who he doesn't like and he would act like it's your fault if you're sad when he kills someone, he got it from his dad
Mark Grayson Yandere Alphabet
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I found this yandere alphabet, so I decided to fill it out for Mark :3c This is post season 2 mark, or something around that, which is why Mark is different to what Nolan would be like. Let me know if you guys wanna see more alphabets like this.
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
I think after everything that’s happened, Mark would be a very clingy guy. He would hug, hold, and kiss his darling any chance he gets. It can get pretty intense, like, mark holding you so hard bones would break if you try to wiggle free or if he’s feeling extra emotional, be it positive of negative. In the beginning hed be too shy to kiss you, but when he crosses that bridge, he never stops.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
After everything with his dad and with Angstrom, it would be much easier for Mark to get violent and bloody, especially if he thinks someone is trying to harm you, in his opinion. And to him, anybody trying to rescue you from him is a threat.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
I don’t see Mark as someone who would mock his darling. Instead, he would try to pamper you and make you love him back, to make you accept that this is your new life now and its for the best. He would be overly affectionate, to the point where its extremely overbearing. His horrible self-worth also makes you seek a lot of validation. So, all in all, he’s very draining to be around.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Mark would hug you, cuddle you and kiss you against your will. Hed go as far as to force you to take care of yourself if you don’t, either by him doing it for you, or watching you like a hawk as you do it. hed never force himself on his darling though, since he still sees himself as a hero.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
He would expose his heart to you from the very beginning, since he feels so guilty about kidnapping you. Mark would just word-vomit everything he feels and how this is what he needs to do, because he loves you so much and can’t lose you.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Mark would be so sad, but he understands why his darling fights back in the beginning, at least some part of him does. But he would grow frustrated if they kept fighting back for a longer period of time, since he thinks hes doing the right thing. Why cant his darling just SEE that?
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
Its in no way a game for Mark, this is almost life and death for him. He hates seeing you trying to escape too, since he knows its just proof that you don’t love him back or understand his version of the truth.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Probably the fact that there is a high possibility that Mark has killed his darling’s family and loved ones, since if he killed them, there’s no reason for you to leave right? You have no one else, just him, and that’s all you need. Hes also broken many bones, sometimes without meaning too, and sometimes on purpose.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
He fantasizes about an almost movie like future, with a happy spouse who loves him back just as much as he loves them, where you’ll greet him at the door and embrace him so happy he’s home. It wouldn’t be too out of this world for Mark to imagine his darling as still living in solitude in what he deemed the safest place.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Mark gets so jealous, since his mental state is already very broken. The very thought of his darling loving someone else or wanting to leave him for someone else? Its almost enough to get him spiraling, and it either leads to him having a horrible breakdown, or growing extra violent when he fights crime.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Disgustingly doting and clingy. Hes always right behind you or touching you in some way. He absolutely craves your attention and validation, and will have a panic attack if you ignore him. But he also uses a lot of guilt tripping when he isn’t getting his way, or his darling it acting out.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
I imagine your relationship was actually pretty normal in the beginning, with you replacing Amber. As normal as a relationship dating a superhero is at least. So mark was kind of clumsy but so sweet and genuine. But then everything with angstrom happened, and he just kinda breaks.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Yes. Mark acts cooler and a lot more down to earth around people, suppressing the worse parts of himself. He wants to come across as a hero that everyone can look up too, which also means very few people know of your existence after you disappear.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Mark doesn’t like to hurt his darling physically, but he isn’t above breaking bones. He will sob the entire time though, crying and yelling at you that this is your fault and hes only doing it because you gave him no other choice. But he prefers emotional punishment instead, like isolating you for long periods of time.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
He would try to keep as many rights for his darling as possible, not wanting to damage their way of life too much. But you would have no connection to the outside world, and you defiantly wouldn’t be able to leave wherever he keeps you. If you act up too much though, then he would have to start taking privileges away, and chaining you to the bed can also be one of those privileges.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
He tries to be patient. Mark knows it’s a big change for you, so of course you’re gonna act out and you’re gonna scream at him and try to fight back. But it also wears on him, making his frayed edges get worse, until he just can’t take it anymore and breaks down, which only adds onto all the guilt he’s been piling on you.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
No way. If his darling dies, then Mark would spiral completely out of control. He would either isolate himself completely, or snap to the point where nolans acts look like a field trip. This depends on if his darling’s death was caused by someone else though. If you leave or escape, you bet your ass Mark is coming for you again. And the GDA would most likely help him, since they know the easiest way to control Mark is to let him keep you.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
Mark would feel incredibly guilty and selfish for kidnapping you, but since he thinks it’s the right thing to do, then he would learn to cope with it. There is a chance you can get him to leave you go though, if you catch him at the right time when he’s most vulnerable, and if he thinks you truly love him in return. But this would be rare, and him coming back for you would be very likely.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
All the loss and chaos he’s experienced since gaining his powers. The stuff Mark has experienced is enough to break the strongest of men, and with his mental state already being so fractured, the thought of losing you would be the last push he needed.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
Mark would feel so horrible about seeing his darling cry or scream, since he already feels guilty about kidnapping you. This is also why it would take him months or even longer to tell you he killed your entire family and all your loved ones, since he doesn’t want to see you cry more.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Theres so many flavours of yandere, that Marks acts would fit some type of yandere, so probably not. Maybe the fact that there is a small chance he would willingly let his darling go? Or the fact that he resorts to using his own guilt and tears to manipulate you.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
Honestly just play along with his delusions, that yes Mark, this was the right idea and the world id dangerous. You love him too, and of course you’ll hold him and tell him he’s doing the right thing and being such a good hero. It wouldn’t be too hard to twist him around your finger, since he’s so starved for you and your attention. Escape would be pretty fucking hard though, since even the GDA wouldn’t help you.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Most of Mark hurting you would be accidental, if hes under a lot of stress or very wound up. But it isn’t above him to hurt you on purpose if he thinks there’s no other choice, like you trying to escape too much, or trying to attack him.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Mark would worship the very ground you walked on and would see you as the center of his universe. This is also why the GDA wouldn’t do anything, since Mark sees you as his everything, and you are human and live on earth, then he wouldn’t turn against humanity. Mark would also bend over backwards to gain his darlings affection, whatever it takes, as long as it isn’t letting you free or anything like that.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
If you replaced Amber, then you two would have been dating for a while before he snaps, so he would have pined for around that time.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
I don’t think he would do it on purpose, but it would come as a byproduct of his darling being isolated for so long that they just kinda break on their own. Or might be more his darling being slowly shaped into the same kind of stuff that Mark is made out of than outright breaking, since Mark still loves you for who you are. This is where he’s different from his dad.
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kisses4suna · 1 year
can you please give me some really soft suna bf headcannons !!!! i love ur works btw ur my fav suna writerr ahh
☆ featuring. suna rintarou
☆ a/n. OMFG. anon im so sorry this took me so fkn long to answer. im slowly starting to finish requests people have sent in months ago. i love this idea sm tho!! im so sorry again; i literally deleted tumblr and finally got it backk ill be finishing more requests soon and posting drafts, then during the summer ill post WAY MORE FREQUENTLY. (so be prepared for sm more suna content guys ;))
ps. i might make a p2 for post timeskip suna too so lmk if you’d want that !!
- suna mfing rintarou will raise your standards to heaven bro. even if he’s only in highschool
- his face will be so deadpanned and neutral but the minute he sees you he grows that small smile that he hopes nobody sees
- he talks about you like crazy to his sister but doesn’t even realize it
- “did you see her new insta post? shes so pretty bro how tf did i pull her”
- “i miss my gf rn”
- “hey do you think y/n would want something like this?”
- his sister loves you, but is so tired of her brother constantly talking about you
- he would choose you over anybody, and anything. even over his airpods. which says a lot for suna
- will literally do anything to spend time with you. he will drop as much as he could on his schedule for you. he just genuinely wants you to be with him all the time. (he’s so clingy its cute but he hates admitting how attached he is to you hes like a lil koala bear hanging onto his branch)
- without you even knowing he signed you up to be a manager for his volleyball team just so you could spend time with him at his practice
- this mf so obsessed with you he got hit in the face with a volleyball because he was too busy looking at you instead of paying attention to the actual practice
- he will ‘go to the bathroom’ during practice just to sneak off underneath the bleachers to give you a quick kiss and talk to you.
- suna isn’t dumb he’s actually really smart just very lazy, so if you were in advanced classes he would literally get his grade up, request a transfer to your advanced classes, just so he could spend more time with you there
- plus he loves seeing you seem so smart and focused he thinks you look so cute like that ^^
- he unfollowed every girl on his socials besides you and his sister
- he has a whole instagram highlight dedicated for you and its filled with over 20 stories of you and him together or sometimes just pictures of how beautiful you are.
- his insta bio has your initial with a heart, and says “i love my gf” just for fan girls to back off
- his photo album is way worse. he organized his whole camera roll and has a full album of you which takes up half his storage, but who cares, he doesn’t mind having to delete games he downloaded cause he was bored ( especially if its for you )
- in his notes app he has every little detail about you written down, not in a creepy way, just to remember important stuff about you. like what you hate in people, your fav stuff, etc.
- he dedicates every long song to you.
- also hes like very touchy in private, i mean in public he is too, BUT IN PRIVATE. oh my. he is not afraid to cling onto you.. you will literally have to claw him off you if you have to use the bathroom while your cuddling
- he’s only like that because he loves you so much and he’s so attached to you, he just wants to stay with you forever because he cant imagine losing you
- he asks his mom if he can sleep over at your house as much as he could, the days he can’t, you either go to him, or he facetimes you and you both end up falling asleep on the phone.
- everytime he goes to the mall with his friends or something, he will ask them every 3 seconds “do you think y/n would want this ?” he really just wants to spoil you to show you how much he loves and appreciates you
- sometimes he sleeps late at night rewatching his volleyball games and analyzing his plays, so he bought you a sleeing mask and earplugs so you could fall asleep without the sound or light of the tv bothering your slumber
- he loves being in between your thighs, your fingers tangled in his hair while you both watch tv.
- but at night he loves burrying his face in the crook of your neck with one armed wrapped around your waist and the other placed diagonally on your back while his hand covers the back of your head, almost looking like hes protecting it.
- you’ve genuinely helped him become a better version of himself, when he’s with you he’s at his best, which is probably why he loves you so much. because when he’s with you it feels like he’s just at peace, he just falls in love with you even more everyday.
- he hates thinking your love is puppy love and it wouldn’t last, and some nights when he’s not with you, he’ll overthink like crazy, really just wondering why someone as perfect as you hasn’t left him yet, or why are you even with him in the first place ?
- little does he know, he means as much as you mean to him, and you don’t plan on leaving him anytime soon.
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cant stop thinking about roommate AU Q and others seemed to like him so I'm gonna share some of my ideas, though a lot of you got the vibe perfectly and described him better than I could with my bad english but here you go nonetheless.
Noone has any idea how he pays his half of the rent, considering the fact that he seems to be unemployed.
He seems to be absolutely loaded (which comes directly from the Q continuum) and though Picard never struggles with money often, when he does Q will be dramatically reluctant about it but always jump to help him out.
Almost never actually in the apartment, usually like twice a month.
Despite him almost never being in the apartment Picard can call him up and Q will come running ( though lord knows that's the last thing Picard would wanna do)
When actually in the apartment he makes use of all of it, rarely ever staying only in his room. Most of his time is spent in the kitchen/living room (i always imagined it would be joined) couch, or following Picard around to any room he tries to escape to.
CONSTANTLY steals clothes, towels, just whatever he can get his hands on. This man has absolutely zero regard for personal space.
This applies not only to Picard, as Picard is a fair bit smaller than Q, Q will often resort to just "borrowing" Riker's clothes if he's around.
This also applies to Picard's bed, in which he will sleep whether or not Picard is there. Sometimes Picard will let him stay, throwing his blanket to cover Q also, most of the time he will immediately angerly shoo him out.
This is an if you choose to imagine him without his powers thing- He gets cold really easily. In the summer it's fine but during the winter there will be no blankets in sight unless you look to Q who is bundled up as if he's about to go live in a shed in Greenland.
In the winter his hate for the cold often is the cause of him appearing in Picards room and plopping down to sleep next to him, which in turn due to the extra 5 blankets and man will leave Picard overheating.
Will bring the most awful and garish decorations known to man. when he leaves Picard will instantly put them in Q's room, never to be seen again.
Will never clean or do the dishes, but will leave with the fridge way more full than it was before, despite him only ever being seen eating takeaway or Picard's cooking.
ok thats enough thanks, highfive. If you care more about this dumb little AU please go look at the reblogs for my first post about it because some of you nailed the vibe so hard..... high five....
also sorry if any of this is kinda ooc ive still only seen 2 q episodes hihihiihihoooihohaaa
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spectrum-core · 3 months
Alternative title: a very angry (and tired) Full Stop fan's thesis.
ok, so me being the stephan/sinclair comparison's strongest hater is a bit i really like to lean into, but for the sake of keeping things semi-serious i will try to keep the actual essay content as free of me ranting my frustrations as humanly possible (which i mean commitement to the bit aside this will be hard bc it is frustrating to see people calling them both the same character, at best it shows a very surface level understanding of either character and at worst it shows just reducing them to cookie cutter meme fandom archetypes neither character actually fits into, so bear with me if i slip up and make unserious comments from time to time)
so before i start the actual essay let me say this: this essay doesnt even scratch the surface of how much i hate this comparison you guys cant even possibly fucking imagine ive been obssessed and i mean OBSSESSED with the full stop office since 2021 and im glad i wasnt in the limbus prerelease fanbase because if i had to see people comparing my beautiful boy and beloved best friend to a guy we had no info about other than "hes based of the guy from demian" i would have turned into the joker this is not even about saving my own mental health this is about sparing the entire pjm fandom of the monster i would have turned into
spoilers for ruina and limbus, universe terminology heavy and surface level references and interpretations of demian by herman hesse because imma keep it real with you guys the first and only time i read that book i was still in high school and i barely remember shit.
Table of contents:
Stephan - a summary
Sinclair - a summary 2.1. Emil Sinclair in Demian (1919) 2.2. Emil Sinclair in Limbus Company (2023)
Addressing common arguments
1.- Stephan - a summary
And of course I will start with Stephan, because I love him very much, just like Liwei he's one of my favorite pjm characters (yeah i like him more than your favorite popular character don't ask) so it's not surprising that i have A Lot to say about him, right?
And of course, I do.
As I said in the serrated duo post, a core part of my perception of the Full Stop office depends on the fact that they are poor. Mentions of money are common all across many factions in the game, yes, but the Full Stops are extremely constant about money, how taking a wrong turn means losing more than they can afford, how they can't afford to drop their weapons because they were too expensive, how even getting the permissions to be able to buy and wield these weapons was ridiculously expensive and so on. Of course, Stephan is the one talking about this the most (something I will elaborate on later), but Liwei and Tamaki also make a few ocassional mentions to it in their dialogue and keypages and considering this is a shared business it just makes sense that this is something that affects all of them.
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These are just some few of the callbacks to money that Stephan alone does in his dialogue, without focusing in keypage text or what Liwei and Tamaki have to say about it.
And idk man, at least to me the difference between social classes is an important aspect for their characterization, specially because of how constant the concern with money is for Stephan. From this point alone comparing them feels like erasing a core aspect of Stephan's characterization, a lot about Stephan (and the Full Stop office as a whole, let's be real here) starts making more sense once you read the office as lower-middle class (and I'm saying lower middle class because they can afford some place to live and their weapons, but to me these guys are the types who precisely because of their need to keep bullets at all times can't pay for water or electricity all the time and sometimes they simply can't afford food or if they do they can spend a week straight eating nothing but unsalted pasta).
Now, going back to Stephan being the most outward about his complaints with money, he is in general the most outward about all problems the office is facing, to the point in which he doesn't mind inconveniencing everyone else with his rants, being one of the few guests who interrupt Angela's introductory speech and getting into Tamaki's nerves (something he's well aware he's doing, as these two know each other) at least two times through the course of their pre-battle cutscene, even Roland comments after the reception on how he wishes he would always have been as open about his problems as Stephan was.
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However, it's worth nothing that he doesn't spend the entire cutscene crying about his miseries, and he only starts losing hope at three key moments: when they can't kill Eileen inmediately (making them waste more bullets than needed), when Argalia shows up (forcing them to retreat and making them fail their mission, meaning they won't get paid for this after they already lost a ton of money, as well as turning the situation into something much more dangerous than what they had signed up for) and once they enter the Library (an Urban Plague grade threat they have little to no information about, when him and Tamaki are almost out of bullets so Liwei is essentially the only fixer with some chance of putting up a fight and, you know, making it out alive).
Now, while it's true that Stephan is someone who dislikes danger, he isn't someone who isn't used to seeing gruesome events, his instinctive reaction to seeing a guy getting his head put into a meat grinder was cracking jokes and calling the concept of thought gears "a load of horseshit", which is something that falls in line with him being a somewhat experienced Fixer (sure, grade 5 isn't amazing but we can assume it's still either in the higher side of average or barely above average, and for someone specialized in firearms, which are far from the best weapon in the city, getting that high means he must have some experience and skill, right? more so considering he's been at this for 5 years at most) who has seen a fair share of horrid shit and can be unfazed by (most of) it as long as his own safety isn't on the line.
Another point is... he dislikes danger and is always wary about money and expenses, to the point in which he enjoys checking his bank account (or at least he believes so, if we go for the theory of the artbook profiles being more a mix of what the characters perceive themseves as/would describe themselves as to others, which is a theory i go by, I see him as someone who's convinced he does that for fun instead as out of desperation), but this seems to be more a generalized feeling of impending doom at everything rather than something that can be traced back to a particular traumatic event (anything can be dangerous, anything can cost him money), dude's from the backstreets after all, he's seen shit and he's used to assuming the worst. How I see Stephan, he's a guy who already expects bad things to happen but once things go wrong he starts freaking out about how this time They're Screwed For Real, but he never really tricks himself into believing "maybe things will turn out just fine this time?" or who thinks "well, we've done this before, surely we can handle it again."
This is not very related to Stephan as a character in terms of personality but I think it's still an important point to make as it is particularly related to body mods, his physical condition and his body shape.
So we can easily say that Stephan is a strong dude, at least if compared to real world standards without the fancy and insane body mods we see people in the city have access to. He carries that huge rifle around with his bare hands, something that Tamaki doesn't do and that not even Stephan himself in earlier iterations of his dessign did, and his main talent (which based of my theories is something that can be assumed as "something he's proud enough of to consider it the thing he does best") is physical labor.
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Pictured, Tamaki's talksprite, carrying a rifle almost as long as she is tall with a strap supporting the weight on her shoulders, like a normal person.
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Also pictured, an earlier iteration of Stephan's dessign, carrying the same rifle his current version does, but also holding it with the help of a similar strap supporting the weight on his shoulders.
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And finally, Stephan's current dessign, holding that shit with his bare fucking hands in an exhibition of his brute animal strength, what the fuck is wrong with this man (affectionate)
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And Stephan's artbook profile, the important part here is his speciality being physical labor, not only he's strong but he aknowledges this.
However, I made a point about the Full Stop office being poor, right? Even Roland says that "giving a whole office augmentation procedures is cheaper than keeping a decent supply of bullets in stock" (not the exact phrasing).
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At least personally, I see this as Roland essentially saying "it would be cheaper (and more efficient) to get body mods for everyone in the office and buy another (cheaper) type of weaponry instead", but as things stand, the Full Stops can afford to either buy more ammunition and maintain their weapons, OR to get body mods, and since their whole deal is firearms... well, they can't really Stop investing in them, meaning they have no body mods At All and they got their grades purely out of their own physical strength.
Similarly, Stephan makes a similar point about how body augmentations are required for people to be able to run while carrying their weapons around (specifically talking about the rifles he and Tamaki use).
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And... you know, the whole point is that they couldn't run carrying their weapons because they were too heavy, Argalia mocked them for that, Liwei urged them to drop their weapons, something they refused to do because of the prices.
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Lastly on this point, while it's true that Ruina talksprites have a very bad case of Long Anime Legs (to the point in which how Roland's legs take about 2/3 of his height is a common joke), if we focus only on his head and torso, Stephan looks pretty Wide, and not only because he's wearing thick, fluffy and multilayered clothing, as other characters wearing similar clothing styles still look thinner than him.
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This is all to say: I don't think this guy is a twink, or thin at all. He's a prime example of the strongman build to me and this is yet another hill I'm willing to die on watch project moon turn him into a beanpole once he inevitably shows up in limbus and me turning into the first real world distortion as a consequence.
Finally, Stephan is very notoriously the most informal member of the office, not only being the only one who doesn't wear any sort of formal clothing fully prioritizing comfort and practicality over looks but also completely disregarding formalities with his attitude at work (again, he interrupts Angela's introductory monologue, and again, his first two lines when being introduced are him cracking jokes), being the only member of the office to swear on screen and using several informal expressions and metaphors through both the reception dialogue and his keypage story.
And for good measure, he's a compilation of Stephan being the creature he is.
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The literal introduction of the characters, also known as the moment in which Stephan became one of my favorite characters because he's Just Like Me Fr
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Very normal behavior for someone who hates blood and violence and isn't used to seeing it. This man is more than capable (and willing, assuming money is involved) to murder kill.
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Which, I mean, this attitude is very different from what we see from Sinclair.
2.- Sinclair, a summary
In retrospect I probably should have made this one first because I'm gonna be honest with you, Sinclair is one of the sinners I care about the least (I still like him and think he's pretty cool mind you I just don't vibe too much with most of the tropes making up the character) so what I have to say about him is less me grasping for straws and subtext because I don't care enough about him to be bothered with a super serious and in depth analysis like I did with Stephan and more things we can explicitly see about him in game and things that happen in the novel Demian.
And if I can have a small parenthesis here, people saying that one of my favorite pjm guys Ever is in any way similar to a guy who despite being pretty cool is just Not the type of character I fully vibe with... really, it gets annoying fast. Anyway back to the serious analysis now.
2.1- Emil Sinclair in Demian (1919)
To be able to understand Sinclair as he is depicted in Limbus Company, it is important to first be familiar with the source material of the original iteration of the character, that's it we're doing your high school homework by compiling several literary analysis of a symbolic psychological early 20th century autobiographical novel i hope you guys signed up for this (and if you didn't, though luck! i will do this anyway, I love literary analysis).
In the novel, young Emil finds himself torn between the worlds of light (which can be equated to the Garden of Eden, but it's more tangible meaning for our protagonist is his childhood home and family, a serene and well structure/organized space where he can be innocent, untainted by the evils of the outside world) and darkness (basically all the scary shit that goes on outside, where people do evil things for the sake of it), he finds himself tempted by the violence of the outside world, particularly through the actions of his classmate Franz Kromer, which eventually leads him to consider that due to being exposed to this tainted world of evil he no longer can return to the world of good and innocence.
Here, the character of Demian acts as a guide, someone who helps Sinclair to trascend this binary perception of good vs evil and to see himself as someone worthy of happiness because him witnessing the world of evil didn't taint him as a person but rather merely showed him another face of the world, Demian here mentions the Mark of Cain as a symbol of mental strenght and freedom, considering that bearers of this mark are capable of making their own choices and should be able to go beyond their assigned roles, being able to embody aspects of both worlds. This is to say that Demian's view is less focused on good vs evil, instead taking a more order vs chaos approach (without giving an explicit moral character to either).
In the book, the symbol of a bird breaking out of the egg is frequently used to represent Emil's personal growth, the egg represents safety and innocence, but a bird must eventually leave the egg or it will die, and getting out of the egg is a process than can be seen as violent, as a bird must fight to get out of the egg, and getting out of the egg represents birth but also an irreversible change, it can be seen as breaking out of the world of light and getting permanently in the world of darkness since a broken shell can't be fixed, but it can also mean achieving the enlightment and personal balance to not feel permanently bound to a condition, place or state of being and therefore growing as a person by learning to see himself as a whole human instead of supressing his "evil side" by only forcing the "good side" to surface.
Max Demian is here to show this second meaning of growth/self improvement (while also explaining that Sinclair is permamently growing and must always keep this balance between all the parts conforming the whole being that is himself rather that trying to make parts of himself antagonize each other). This idea of personal growth being one of the core themes of the book.
2.2- Emil Sinclair in Limbus Company (2023)
With Sinclair's source media analyzed (at a very surface level, mind you), we now can start talking about the depiction of Sinclair in Limbus Company, how it parallels the book, why the book symbolism is important for this instance of Sinclair and so on.
When we are first introduced to Sinclair in the game he's clearly nervous, he doesn't know what he's supposed to do as he hasn't worked for a similar company before and he isn't used to the gruesome sight of the bus eating people, this does fit inmediately in the motif of a naive person with limited experience about the world (well, to be fair to him most people won't be seeing man-eating buses at a regular basis, but the average backstreets dweller would be familiar with equally violent situations).
With this said, despite Sinclair's obviously nervous behavior... he isn't really a pessimist like Stephan was, in fact, almost every chapter (counting cantos, intervallos and the short mini chapters such as the Dante's notes update episode) have at least one key moment with him trying to rationalize horrible stuff as something much less violent, or simply going "but I thought this thing didn't work like this..." when confronted with the more horrible realities in the city. He thought the G corp veterans were really going to let them pass without a fight, he thought the people being controlled by headhens were just actors wearing mascot costumes, he thought mermaids were the beautiful half-woman half-fish creatures he heard about in fairy tales, and there's more examples but I don't really feel like looking for The Entire Fucking Plot Because This Guy Is An Actual Protagonist Instead Of A Background Guy Like Stephan Was to make my point clearer than it already is. And it's only when he realizes that the real world doesn't fit his expectations that he panics.
Well, there is one exception to this pattern: his own canto. Here, he panics inmediately as soon as K corp's nest is mentioned and spends the first half of the chapter pleading to turn back while saying that they are going to get killed. So what is different here with the rest of the plot?
Obviously, the fact that is related to his very own very personal very specific trauma. That is to say, unlike Stephan who is wary of anything that can put him on danger or cost him more money than it should, Sinclair has a very specific traumatic event that makes him act Like That (sure, he gets scared and nervous outside that, but these are more normal "I'm unfamiliar with this and I don't fully know how to react, this is normal behavior in a human being" reactions than outright "I am Actually Terrified due to being reminded of an actual traumatic event, this reaction is a textbook definition of post-traumatic stress disorder").
HOWEVER, Sinclair being someone who's deeply traumatized and kind of a scaredy cat when it comes to violence and unfamiliar situations... it doesn't mean that he's incompetent or a bad fighter. Almost all of his identities are terrifyingly good fighters (at least in their lore), Los Mariachis fear jefe Sinclair, Cinq director Sinclair is someone most association members are terrified to duel even during training, Blade Lineage Sinclair is considered a talented killer (it's also worth noting that save maybe for the mariachi one, in none of these mirror worlds Sinclair is precisely happy of being recognized as "the guy who's very scary when he fights people", unlike Stephan who I don't think he particularly likes killing but has a more "as long as I get paid..." mentality about it), the only "not very good at this" Sinclair id I can think of is the molar boatworks id where he's more a mechanic than a fighter so he fears he's lagging behind in that aspect. Hell, even the Canon Timeline so to speak (which is to say: his base identity) has him carrying that huge halberd, going on a frenzy attacking some already mutilated inquisitor's corpse, piercing through Guido's armor and dealing a fatal blow that finally killed him for real. To compare, Stephan is good at physical work, but we don't know about his close combat capacities other than the fact that he dislikes it, for Sinclair however we know he's terrifyingly good at physical combat.
Now, I've seen a lot of people call Sinclair a twink and while it's one of these words that nobody agrees on what it means, let's give it the benefit of doubt and say "alright, for the duration of this analysis let's settle on a twink being a young looking (regardless of actual age), thin man with almost no facial/body hair".
Since Sinclair is a rich guy (not just Any Rich Guy though, we're talking of someone whose family had ties to a Wing, probably not some elite guy like Daniel or Hong Lu, but not a self perceived "mediocre" nest dweller like Samjo either), and pressumably not very experienced in combat in most mirror worlds (we know he has no prior experience in the base one where he joined Limbus, at least), let's say that he has enough body mods for him to be much stronger than he looks like despite being thin, he does look thin and young and much to my dissapointment he also has no facial hair, so yeah, under this very broad definition of the term he is a twink.
However if you start adding personality archetypes to the definition he stops being one almost inmediately, as we've been shown time after time that his "submissive" attitude is mostly a result of him not knowing too well how to impose himself and just going along with what the rest say or do, but he's starting to grow tired of that ever since Hell's Chicken (even if he clearly still isn't great at that), as it should be more than obvious for anyone who even just googled "demian herman hesse literary analysis", Sinclair is undergoing a lot of changes even now, and the game is doing a good job at portraying that.
Honestly I also think he'd be hotter with a sleeper build but really, I don't care enough about him to argue about that.
And for the last point, precisely due to his upbringing as a rich guy AND his traumatic experience with Kromer, Sinclair is not only a very polite and mild mannered guy (again, unlike resident creature Stephan), but also he tries to take as little space as possible, both literally and metaphorically, as Dante notices near the end of canto 3 when they finally comment on how Sinclair never talks about his own problems until it's too late because he doesn't want to bother the others as they probably have it worse (again, unlike Stephan "i don't mind loweing team morale and making everyone in the room uncomfortable as long as i get to vent" Full Stop office).
3.- Adressing common arguments
Alright, now that I talked about each character, let's see some of the most common arguments I've seen people use to compare them.
"They look the same!" No, they don't. The only thing they have in common is being blonde but even their hairstyles are different with Sinclair having a simple bowl-ish cut with slightly wavy hair and Stephan having curlier hair (not to mention the whole point I made about body types because I'm the sort of lunatic who cares about that stuff). I won't even bother with this argument.
"They have the same personalities!" Again, they don't. Stephan is very cynical with a lot of his attitude being clearly derivated from him coming from a poor background and having stayed there his whole life, he also doesn't care about his cynism getting in the way and bothering everyone else. On the other hand, Sinclair is someone who could almost be described as naive due to having lived a sheltered childhood and only having his experiences with Kromer and his time at Limbus as moments of realizing that the rest of the world is Not Like His Childhood House, still believing that the world is a binary of good vs evil and expecting things to turn out fine or be much better than they actually are, just to be hit with the reality of the city Not being a nice place where people are nice and polite and not trying to kill him, this is not to say he doesn't have his own issues but even Dante notices during his Canto that Sinclair makes a point to avoid bothering everyone else with his personal problems, keeping them to himself even if that makes things worse on the long run.
"Both are opposed and harmed by a lunatic!" This is an argument I've seen a lot and is incredibly filmsy at best, half of the city's population are lunatics and the other half are people who got opposed by them some way or another. Will you say that Ishmael and the rest of the Pequod crew can be compared to the Full Stop office (or really, even mention the other Full Stop fixers instead of just focusing on Stephan because he happens to be blonde and can be compared to Sinclair) because of their situations with Ahab? Or the W Corp crew who got their train targetted by Jae-heon and Elena (or, you know, the train passengers who were turned into Love townspeople or puppets)? What about the Vermillion Cross who got killed by the Reverb Ensemble? Or the Cane office fixers? or the Zwei association section 6 who got beaten to death by Gyeong-mi just because he felt like doing so? Or the Liu association section 1 who had to deal with Argalia taking Philip away? Or the Kurokumo clan members when they were attacked by Tanya? You aren't comparing them to either Stephan or Sinclair, right? Not to mention that in her weird and fucked up perception of things, Kromer was less opposed to Sinclair as she was trying to lead him to join her and her cause, even the last things she says before getting killed are her calling him to follow her.
"Both are compared to birds!" Oh, right, because I forgot that a very directed symbolic comparison to a baby bird breaking out of it's shell as a symbol of rebirth, learning about the nuances of the world and self improvement/liberation that is consistently used in the source material Sinclair comes from is exactly the same as one (1) throwaway line the big bad guy uses to mock not only Stephan but the whole Full Stop gang, right. And if you want to say "but Tamaki compares him to a bird once too", yeah she calls him a parrot because he keeps repeating the same complaints over and over, it's still not the same as a consistent metaphor.
"Both are sad blonde twinks! They're essentially the same guy." Sad? Yeah, everyone in the city is sad but their ways to be sad are polar opposites, and neither of them is the pure cinnamon roll uwu crybaby archetype people tend to lump both into, Stephan was merely having a bad day and people decided to make that his whole personality (when honestly we get more insight on his actual personality before Argalia shows up, when he's making sarcastic remarks and getting impatient because they weren't starting killing people fast enough) but he's still perfectly capable (and willing) to murder people, and Sinclair is just... someone who lacks experience about the real world and how it works and has a tendency to get nervous because of this, but he can adapt quickly to situations once he understands them. Blonde? Yeah, but I guess if that's a point to draw a comparison then we should also compare them to Don Quixote, the Tiphereths, Lenny, Yun, Lulu, Olga, every single npc, librarian, and agent who comes with blonde hair from the generator... Twinks? Stephan absolutely isn't one, Sinclair depends on how you define twink as nobody seems to get to an agreement with that, if you define it as merely "young looking thin man with almost no visible body hair" then yeah he is one, but if you go for any more specific definition than that he stops fitting into the definition almost instantly.
In conclusion: if I see anyone else comparing them I'll start blocking people liberally bc I'm sick of seeing that shit (I do that already tbh but just so you know), now scram
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faeriescorpio · 3 months
Mission Impossible Dashboard Simulator
🎮 letmewearamask Follow
Why is it called the Impossible Mission Force if we've succeeded at almost every mission we've done? Impossible mission? More like possible mission
🪈 ihatemi6 Follow
she mission on my impossible til i task force
🎮 letmewearamask Follow
this was an unnecessary addition to my post. i have your IP address.
#im going to tell Bravo Echo 11 what you wrote
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📺 failed_da_field_exam Follow
I can't believe that they decided to tell the public that it was a gas leak. how many gas leaks per month will the public accept??? theyre so gullible smh
⚙️ tiredofthisshit Follow
dude... don't know how to tell you this. it was really a gas leak this time.
📺 failed_da_field_exam Follow
oh my god?! you're joking. well i guess one of them had to be real
⚙️ tiredofthisshit Follow
ha! got you. you're just as gulible as the general public it seems.
📺 failed_da_field_exam Follow
📺 failed_da_field_exam Follow
guys can we not reblog this. can we stop reblogging please
1,369 notes
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🎯 mycircus-mymonkeys
i hate it here. let me resign.
#officelife #imissbeingafieldagent #workingforkittragefuckingsucks
3 notes
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📼 BE11-deactivated10112023
Hey guys. I'm new to tumblr. My partner told me to make an account. He also said to tell you guys some stuff about me but that seems like a breach of information.
🎮 letmewearamask Follow
Dude. I promise no one's going to know it's you. You can share something, like, what's a hobby of yours?
📼 BE11-deactivated10112023
i climb things.
🎮 letmewearamask Follow
...no. That's what you do for work.
🎮 letmewearamask Follow
hello? did you just delete your account???
6 notes
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🔪 i-fucking-lovefieldwork01 Follow
guys talking to some of my peers and im encountering some strange opinions. just want to clear things up.
🔪 i-fucking-lovefieldwork01 Follow
🔪 i-fucking-lovefieldwork01 Follow
jeez. reading the tags and some of you need a raise in morale. sure this was the only option that left you alive or free but after a certain amount of years most of you should be allowed to retire to a civilian life. couldn't be me though. i fucking love shooting people.
735 notes
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🎯 mycircus-mymonkeys
sometimes a workplace rivalry is just as good as a workplace romance
🎞️ should_you_choose_to_accept Follow
guys OP let his team leader give real nuclear launch codes to a terrorist. dont follow him
🎯 mycircus-mymonkeys
I can neither confirm nor deny details of any operation without the Secretary's approval.
545 notes
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💻 hackerrrman Follow
you guys will not believe how insane my team is guys. the mask machine broke again and my team leader decided we would just go without masks. does anyone else have this problem?
📡 tango-foxtrot32
omg yes!! we always keep TWO mask machines on hand for all of OUR missions because one of them is always breaking! ive complained to the tech team so much but apparently its 'our fault' and we need to 'be more gentle' with the machines
💻 hackerrrman Follow
what do they mean, "be more gentle"?? i mean my team once had a guy slam the mask machine against our targets face and it broke. but i cant imagine other teams doing that
📡 tango-foxtrot32
yeah no that's.... why did you use the mask machine as a weapon? i... our problem is that we've been 'making too many masks at once' according to the tech. what.... how have your other mask machines broken....
💻 hackerrrman Follow
well now i don't want to say.
📡 tango-foxtrot32
#goodlord #imscared
2,001 notes
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🚐 vanguy Follow
so was anyone going to tell me that the prisoner ive been transporting to america was actually the most wanted terrorist of our times. or was i supposed to find out when i dropped him off and the CIA congratulated me for keeping him contained.
🎯 mycircus-mymonkeys
It wasn't your buisiness to know. especially if you're going to be talking about it on social media.
🚐 vanguy Follow
im so sorry please dont fire me
125 notes
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⌛️ fuckthecia Follow
day 78 of saying FUCK THE CIA
🪈 ihatemi6 Follow
⌛️ fuckthecia Follow
HELL YEAH! day 1 of saying FUCK THE MI6
🪈 ihatemi6 Follow
903 notes
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🎙️ good_evening
good evening everyone. you probably could figure out already by my manner of typing, but I am in fact the person who voices all your mission dossiers. I just want to say that I'm also responsible for gathering and summarizing all the information you need. and let me just say. you all have some serious shit going on. jesus christ.
🔪 i-fucking-lovefieldwork01 Follow
🎙️ good_evening
and what? I'm glad I'm not a field agent. LOL
#my average day is me reading papers out loud #your average day is 'if your team is caught or killed you will be disavowed' LOL
219 notes
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♟️ its_treason_then Follow
guys why is Lane kinda.... 😳
🚐 vanguy Follow
??! no he's fucking not
♟️ its_treason_then Follow
politely i disagree with you.
🚐 vanguy Follow
YOU'RE looking at dossier photographs. *I* saw him IRL
♟️ its_treason_then Follow
omg you met him?! can you get his autograph for me please
🚐 vanguy Follow
what is wrong with you?!
58 notes
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🪣 hr-sux Follow
do you guys ever just sit in a local coffee shop and try to profile random strangers for fun
🗝️ washington_locale Follow
no? wtf
🪣 hr-sux Follow
what? theyre civilians. its fun
🗑️ techboy33 Follow
girl.... in D.C.? ain't no one a civilian
📁 imf-heritage-post
Official IMF Heritage Post
986 notes
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🗂️ days-without-disasters Follow
0 days without a disaster
📡 tango-foxtrot32
🎮 letmewearamask Follow
dude... you don't even want to know....
413 notes
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thats all for now ^w^ i have more ideas
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spoiledlbleach · 3 months
russian cyrillic alphabet for anyone who asked! it's gonna be hell of a ride but that's what you asked for kekw
So the cyrillic alphabet was based on the greek alphabet just like the latin alphabet and therefore theres a lot of greek letters in russian
disclaimer for reading rules (you can skip this part)
i need to mention that the russian letters denote sounds but in russian theres such a phonetical phenomenon called reduction and you can hear this as a part of russian accent in english when bed sound like bet, fog like foc, sob like sop etc (b, d, g & others at the end -> p, t, k). Also o, a, e vowels are pronounced differently in different parts of the word... And sadly for russian learners the stress on the words is flexible and changes bc of different reasons. And theres no way you can see stress marks on the words except if youre looking at them in the dictionary.. yeah. So if the pronunciation doesnt make sense thats why
There are 33 letters in russian alphabet. P.s. ['] means its a soft, palatalized sound, like british l in a word village
Аа - basic, its the 'ah' sound (Алфавит [ahl-fah-v'EEt] -> alphabet)
Бб - the capital letter looks like B without the head and the lowercase one looks like 6 for some. You were right when you thought that it looks like B because its the 'b' sound! (Буква [bOOk-va] -> letter, краб [crahp, no not crap] -> crab)
Вв - looks like B, right? that's a v. Imagine it like this emoji :B this silly lil guy looks like theyre saying vvvvv. (Вишня [v'EEsh-n'ya] -> cherry)
Гг - upside down L, its actually g, like a Бумеранг [boo-m'ee-rAHnk] -> boomerang. Another example, Гость [gohst']
Дд - that's a weird looking one, looks like a house and its Дом [dohm, not dom] in russian. Another example, друг [drook] -> друг
Ее - yeah. the pronunciation is yeah (Ель [yel'] -> spruce/christmas tree, деревня [d'ee-r'EHv- n'ya] -> village)
Ёё - the yeah brother! yo lmao (Ёж [yozh] -> hedgehog) its always stressed so no problems with that. btw if you ask me its the most hated letter. ppl dont put it where it should go and just leave e! wtf! its ё т-т)
Жж - looks like a bug and sounds like one. its zhhhh like in the word garage (Жук [zhook] -> bug, гараж [gah-rAHsh] -> garage, see the reduction there?)
Зз - ah yes the number 3. its the z sound actually (Змея [zm'ee-YA] -> snake, образ [OH-brahs] -> look, image, outfit)
Ии - backwords N is actually a vowel, its our ee sound! (Игра [EEg-rah] -> game)
Йй - и brother, the short и. its y- (Йогурт [yOH-gurt])
Кк - straight up k, always and ever, no example cuz its the same in every position and pretty straightforward
Лл - um... its an L.. idk how you should remember that... (Люстра [l'YOO-strah] -> chandelier]
Мм - an M (Медведь [m'eet-v'EHt'] -> bear)
Нн - you cannot laugh like that in russian, it would be not hahaha but nanana (Банан [bah-nAHn] -> banana]
Оо - oh (Облако [OH-blah-koh] -> cloud)
Пп - p sound (Папа [pAH-pah] -> papa, dad)
Рр - thats not p, its r (Русский алфавит [rOOsk'iy AHl-fah-v'eet] -> russian alphabet]
Сс - not c but s (Собака [cah-bAH-kah] -> dog)
Тт - T
Уу - not y but more like u/oo (Уже [oo-zhEH] -> already)
Фф - impaled o, almost like Q, yet it is ph/f (Фит [f'eet] = Fit)
Хх - never an x, its a h! xaxaxaxa
Цц - upside down п with a tail? erm alright its a ts (Цирк [tsyrk] -> circus)
Чч - upside down h, ch! (Что [shtoh] -> what, more like an exception; Человек [ch'eh-loh-v'EHk] -> person, human being, also чел is the way we say dude, also чувак [ch'oo-vAHk])
Шш - шшш quiet its a sh (Душ [doosh] -> shower]
Щщ - soft sh, sometimes transliterated as tsch or shch. jesus christ (Щека [sh'ee-kAH] -> cheek)
Ъъ - you cant pronounce that. its the glottal stop so you pronounce some sounds separately. like british water you would spell it with ъ in theory, waъer (Съел [s-yel] -> he have eaten; if there wasnt a ъ it would be pronounced [s'ehl] which mean he has sat down. different meaning)
Ыы - okay thats a tricky one. make this face 😬 and now make a sound. thats ы, ive marked it as y in the square brackets (Мы [my] -> we, us)
Ьь - cant pronounce that too. this one denotes the softness of the consonant sound
Ээ - ay without the y (=Эй)
Юю - you (Юбка [YOObkah] -> skirt)
Яя - ya, not backwards R (Яблоко [YAH-blah-koh] -> apple, Pommie ^_^)
Now try to write down your name or the name of a cc/npc/egg/other in russian ! you can leave them in the comments or in my ask box, id love to see you learning :D
some tips on transliterating:
ENGLISH w is generally у, can be в. q is к (qu is кв), j/g is дж, x is кс, h is г in the begging of the names/foreigh words like hannibal is ганнибал
SPANISH ñ is нь, pls google other cases
PORTUGUESE nh is нь, lh is ль, pls google other cases
general advice try transliterating like Fit -> Фит, so every letter/cluster of letters in the original language correlates with similar letter in russian. but in french portuguese and spanish you have to pay close attention to pronunciation, more than to the spelling cuz Ricardo will be Рикардо for spanish but Рикарду for portuguese etc etc
ok i hope you had fun with this long ass post ! ^_^
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shanksxbuggy · 10 months
PLSOLSPLSSS share more of ur shuggy headcanons the last one was so good that it has been my lil entertainment in the head cuz i cant write for shitttt
Ask and you shall receive c: I didn’t know if my headcanons would be very interesting, so I’m glad to hear you enjoy it.
I started this out thinking hmm do I even have any more headcanons, but now I’ve written all this…
Sometimes I imagine them as cis, but sometimes I like to headcanon them as trans. Shanks as a transman, Buggy as nonbinary or trans or genderfluid or like a drag queen. However they are, they’re hanging with Ivankov and the rest of queer community because they just fit there.
Buggy used to be insecure about his hair and hid it under a beanie. He used to want a more ‘normal’ hair color like the other crewmembers.
Shanks is the better liar when he wants to be. He doesn’t lie as often, but he’s better at controlling and hiding his emotions.
Buggy first became interested in the circus by seeing street performers as a kid, and somehow felt the circus lights calling out to him. His heart longs for the stage, to be at the center of attention before a huge crowd. But he also hates being made fun of and isn’t very good at dealing with criticism. He became inspired to include circus techniques and magician’s tricks in his fighting style, light and airy and impossible to predict.
Buggy didn’t come up with being called the clown, the Marines did. He just begrudgingly went with it.
Shanks is a lot more touchy-feely. He likes casually having an arm around Buggy, having their thighs touching, resting his head on his shoulder. Buggy is generally fine with it in front of people he knows, but he’s not one for overly public displays of affection. He has a reputation to uphold.
After Buggy got his powers, whenever he used to get annoyed or mad at Shanks, he’d detach his body and float away where Shanks couldn’t reach him.
Buggy knows sign language, because it’s useful for subtle communication and even better when you’re someone who can detach their hands.
Shanks used to show his affection by teasing Buggy a lot, who’d take it the wrong way and thought Shanks was just being an ass for no reason to Buggy. It’s classic pigtail-pulling behavior.
Buggy was real upset about not being able to swim anymore, so Shanks promised to take Buggy out into the water whenever he felt like it, so he could experience the seas without fear of drowning.
One of Shanks’ favorite foods is lobster, which is hard for him to eat unless someone cracks open the shell for him. Buggy is always the one who unshells it for him.
Shanks is a morning person, Buggy is more of a night owl who consumes multiple cups of coffee to function.
Shanks doesn’t like sleeping by himself so he shares sleeping quarters with the crew. After Elegia, he started getting nightmares more frequently. Sleeping with a room full of people he can trust helps put him at ease.
When Shanks can’t sleep, he’ll drink a lot of alcohol until he just knocks himself out.
Same as Luffy, Buggy also has the special ability to turn people into allies, just in a slightly different way.
All the Red-Haired Pirates already know about Buggy because of Shanks’ tendency to ramble while he’s drunk. At first they expected Buggy to be this exotic beauty, they were shocked when they found out the love of Shanks’ life was a literal clown. But then again, Shanks always had…questionable tastes, so they should have expected it.
Shanks really loves Buggy’s red lipstick. He especially loves it when Buggy leaves red lipstick marks on his clothes and skin. Buggy does it as a way of staking his claim.
Despite his good looks, Shanks is bad at posing for photos. He’s not the type to try and utilize his looks, so he’s more awkward in photos than in real life. Buggy is the one who knows how to work the camera and loves showing off in front of it.
Shanks definitely isn’t the type to whine or complain about pointless things…except he will with Buggy, just as a way to get his attention or be pampered. Shanks turns into a big, immature baby around Buggy, but it’s because he feels comfortable enough to do so.
Shanks likes summer islands, Buggy prefers winter islands (his nose gets sunburned easily lol)
They used to swap clothes a lot when they were kids. As adults they don’t do it that much anymore, but when they do, usually it’s Buggy stealing Shanks’ things.
Shanks wears the same damn outfit all the time unless someone forces him into something else (usually it’s Buggy who does). Shanks also sleeps naked or just in his underwear most of the time.
Buggy trains Uta in the circus trade and teaches her tricks so she can include them in her performances. The Buggy Pirates and Uta do collaborations on the stage. It’s like an idol concert meets Cirque du Soleil and the result is mind-blowing. Shanks is not talented enough in that area to be an entertainer, but he is their biggest fan.
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yokakaiju · 4 months
i got bored and made a tierlist based off who smokes the most weed
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justifications under cut
so like i made this cause its funny first and foremost, but i did put like somewhat actual thought into this. not much, but synapses were firing in my brain putting this together
also im not tagging everyone, ill just like pick 2 or whatevs
okay so first up is chidaruma. dude prolly invented weed ngl. you know he's smoked everyway imaginable: blunt, pipe, bong, can, apple, vape, synthesized, edible, hotbox, blower; you name it, he's done it. he's kinda over it, but he's still up there just cause like... idk he is and won't take criticism
haru is a beautiful weed smoking gf thats literally it
13's entire schedule is probably wake up, smoke, jerk off, sleep, eat, smoke, jerk off, eat, smoke, repeat. he also would probably kin jesse pinkman
ton is a bitch and smokes all the cross-eye commanders weed. like they'll save up for MONTHS to get like 5oz (one for each of them :3) and he'll be like, "woah! a bag of weed!" and smoke it ALLLLLL in like an hour. he's like a truffle pig for weed, they can try to hide it but his ass always finds it and smokes it all. he would prolly also call it za or skunk or some shit like that
ebisu isn't quite in the high 24/7 catagory, but she could be. dawg loves weed, like she is also 100% a fucking master at rolling blunts she rivals chidaruma at it. rolling blunts is like a sport for her tbh
aikawa's gotta cope dawg. like if he aint at school or currently being possed by demons his ass is smokin that shit bruh he needs a minute to chill. also he's got crazy money (kai's money but shhh) so he might as well spend it on his pookie <3 (risu)
noi may be controversial being up so high, but hear me out. weed smoking gf? i think yes B) mogs at you
asuka also has to cope, but its cause shes a blackpilled femcel (her own words i stg)
chota would smoke, but he hates the smell and doesn't want it to ruin his clothes and shit. he prolly wears like silk gowns and dances around to madonna while trippin off like 10g. he's livin the life tbh
OKAY HEAR ME OUT HEAR ME OUT HEAR ME OUT johnston. fucking johnston is only i repeat ONLY UP HERE‼️ because kasukabe gives him those little non thc thc pills people give to dogs with anxiety and agression issues to keep him calm
poor dokuga cant share with his besties so he's been condemed to eating edibles alone... also smoking/inhaling smoke makes him drool a bit so like a bit deadly for everyone around him to even try. i like, debated on putting him in never, but tetsujo prolly cooks smth up for him so he doesn't feel left out <3
natsuki is only at the top of sometimes because she probably would more if she had money. also she sucks in a blunt rotation cause her ass ALWAYS WITHOUT FAIL tries to hold it in and always coughs like a mfer and taps out after like one hit
vaux just makes sense. he looks like an average 30-40smth nu metal oldhead, theres no way he DOESNT smoke at least a little. id put him in 100% but he's also a fairly responsible doctor so liek idk
kasukabe doesnt as much anymore, mostly only when he's with haru, but he still does sometimes for funsies cause he's just chiil like that :3
tetsujo doesn't thattt much cause it fucks with his already dog shit depth perception super bad, but sometimes if ton or the others dont find it he shares it with dokuga and they like yuri pose and eat edibles together or smth idk
ik kaiman is gonna be controversial being so low, but listen. 1) his ass is too focused on socerers and shit to care 2) he's dirt poor. he simply cannot afford it 3) how tf is he gonna smoke with no lips? that blunt would just get chewed to shit. like genuinely he would maybe get one singular edible if nikaido or vaux were feeling nice, but other than that its like, idk almost never for him
i would but shin in never, but ik noi is like "boss!!!! come take hits off this bong with me!! its gonna be so sick omg you HAVE to come smoke with me RN!!!!" and he'd be like "sighhhhhh... anything for my weed smoking gf ig..."
ushishimada is only so low cause i feel like he's too mothery to smoke a lot? like, he's too responsible, but not responsible enough to outright say no. also they're poor asf and ton always smokes it all
fukuyama would get his ass kicked by tanba if he found out, but ik dawgs gotta take a load off sometimes tbh
now again, controversial take but i have reasons. risu is so fucking poor. like, genuinely he is too worried about his tuition, bills, and groceries to give af about it (also cause aikawa is a bitch and makes him pay for everything cause "i forgot my wallet oopsie :3c"). now aikawa does supply him tho and he hooks him up with the primo shit ong. so at least when he does smoke he smokes that good shit (also they yuri pose as well while they smoke)
again, saji is too mommy to smoke that much weed (also another case of being too poor). bro doesn't want his clothes and needlework to smell like shit, which i respect
ai 100% would if his ass wasnt so busy with his damn self expiramentation bs. like, he wants to smoke so bad tbh, but he's like "sigh i gotta work on my plans to rebuild my body from the ground up.. maybe tomorrow" stares longingly out the window imagining how cool smoking weed is
again, kai's over here fuckin "i have to go to work" like he genuinely just doesn't care or have time. he's never even thought about it tbh, like you're tellin me this mfer has had a single thought outside of total domination in his entire existance??? HELL NAH HIS ASS DOES NOT THINK HE HAS ZERO THOUGHTS IN HIS HEAD I STG
now this may also be controversial. why isn't by beautiful coquette cottagecore angelcore babe out there rolling and smoking the fattest blunts known to man? turkey just like doesnt feel it. its not for her tbh. she tried smoking, she tried edibles. she just wasnt a fan tbh. like, she'll cook up some of the tastiest edibles you've ever had if you ask, but she just aint a fan
kirion also just doesn't feel it tbh. again, its not for her and thats alright
wow surprise surprise another controversial take. like, before you get mad just think abt it for a sec. like, she's so fucking business first and always has been that i think she would just see it as a major hinderance on her job performance, as well as the performance of her employees later down the line. now im not saying she's a narc or hardass about it, im saying she just doesn't feel it. the high she gets from people enjoying her food and making money is enough for her tbh. also she does do edibles sometimes, but mostly like when it rains in hole to make it a little less miserable and painful
en is about the same. like, he def has. he's just like, idk. he doesnt wanna. its not for him anymore. he doesn't care if anyone in the family does it, but they better not sacrifice the quality of their work for it. like if he catches you high on the job its prolly like some sort of repremanding, but off the clock he dont gaf
genuinely copy paste nikaidos shit for tanba. he's too worried about his business to even consider smoking weed
now... kawajiri is a fucking narc and a half. his ass would be like "erm ☝️🤓 well actually" and then give a big long speech about how weed is bad blah blah blah whatever no one cares dawg stop fuckin yappin. but like, he's just pissed cause no one will smoke with him or share their weed with him cause he's such a hardass
fujita is kinda weed smoking gf coded, but like ik his ass would be like "EN! EN! I SAW EBISU SMOKING A BLUNT THE SIZE OF HER OWN FOREARM AND TRYING TO SHARE IT WITH KIKURAGE!!! YOU NEED TO STOP HER RN!!!!" but hes only like this cause when he was in a blunt roation with shin, noi, and ebisu they all told him holding it in made you higher, but he ended up puking and they all laughed at him and made fun of him for it because hes a fucking idiot. so now he's an evil little narc who squeals to en when he even catches a whiff of a skunk like scent
curse is a bitch and ik his ass is like "RAAAHHHH‼️ I GOTTA GO KILL THE CROSS-EYES BOSS RAHHH‼️ I NEED TO SEEK REVENEGE FOR MY MURDER RAHHHHHH‼️" like dawg chill tf out be so real rn. he's too focused on revenge and shit to smoke and like, i think if he did smoke and kai also smoked they'd have beautiful hot sexy yaoi, thats just me tho
kikurage is literally just a dog dawg. her ass dont even know what weed is
store crow mauler is like... idk man. idk how it would smoke weed or if it even knows or cares what weed is. whatever, its kinds like a pet so whatevs
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merakiui · 1 year
Pleeeeeaaaaseee the interactions between yan!Foxtaglia and yan!Kunikitty would be so good. Because of Foxtaglia's kind demeanor id imagine that the bunny reader would start warming up to him. They play around all the time and foxtaglia always manages to distract Dottore before his experiments get out of hand. Naturally, because of this bunny reader hangs out with him more often. Kunikitty would be so jealous. He'd not act rashly but he'd lurk in the shadows of the hallway watching your every move around Foxtaglia. If he feels youre getting too close he'd go and wedge himself between the two of you. He glares daggers into Foxtaglia's soul. Foxtaglia notices. He notices as Kunikitty stalks the two of you and hes certainly not oblivious to the disdainful glances he gets. He continues his pursuit of you but only makes it more dramatized and quick paced to annoy Kunikitty.
I love this dynamic so much like bro i cant articulate it
Yes yes omg!!!!
Foxtaglia loves to roughhouse, so when you play with him and entertain his mischief he’s quite happy. Not only because it’s a chance to play-flight, but it’s also a chance to rub it in Kunicat’s face. He’ll have you pinned beneath him, flashing pretty, pointed pearly whites at you while you teasingly submit to surrender. Kunicat sees it all; he’s always watching and Foxtaglia is aware of this, which is precisely why he’ll constantly tease and play with you. It won’t be long until you smell more like him, until you favor him, until you willingly come to him. Foxtaglia loves to sleep curled up with you because it’s much warmer and comfier this way. Poor Kunicat is too prideful to make his jealousy known, so he’ll just sulk in his cat tower, silently glaring at the both of you.
Foxtaglia will also protect you when Dottore thinks a bunny hybrid is necessary for his next experiment. Since Dottore’s house is so big, it’s easy to find all sorts of hiding spaces. Foxtaglia will keep you hidden. He loves a good game of hide-and-seek, and what better opponent to test his skills on than Dottore? Foxtaglia is also quite affectionate. It’s said he came from a big litter, which could explain why he’s always so energetic and outgoing with you. He does try to get Kunicat to join in on the fun, but having sustained enough scratches he’s yet to give up in his pursuit.
He rarely shows his hybrid form when Dottore’s around, instead choosing to stay in his animal form when he knows Dottore is home. The lot of you will often transform when he’s gone because it’s more comfortable to roam about without the threat of Dottore and his love for experiments looming.
Kunicat doesn’t like Foxtaglia or the energy he brings. Kunicat likes to nap his sadness away, but ever since that troublesome fox showed up he’s been getting less and less sleep and it feels as if you’ve drifted from him. Kunicat misses the days when it was just you and him, where he’d sleep cuddled up to you or share meals with you when Dottore was out. He misses all of the time he’d spend with you. Now you’re so absorbed in Foxtaglia and it feels like he’s been abandoned.
Kunicat is sly and so very silent on his paws. He’ll slip through the shadows undetected and wedge himself between you and Foxtaglia at night, sometimes even pushing the fox off of the bed when he wants the entire mattress to himself so that he can sleep with you. Or he’ll walk up to Foxtaglia and swipe at him, claws out, when he lavishes you with affectionate nips and nibbles. He hates how easy Foxtaglia makes affection look. Kunicat has known you longer; he’s loved you longer! It should be he who you spend all of your time with.
At the very least, both can agree on one thing: the more they’re around you, the deeper into obsession they fall.
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rubiedtarantula · 6 months
✨Noel Gruber HC’s 🥀
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✨{This is my first time ever writing Head Cannons or even writing anything based on a fictional character. Please go easy on me if I make any mistakes and writing tips are always appreciated!}✨
[🎢🌀Before The Incident🌀🎢]
🥀 ~ His favourite subject in high school would definitely be History. YOU CANT CHANGE MY MIND.😭 Loves the French Revolution, or anything to do with France in general. Also a fan of American history! (The story of Alexander Hamilton, The battle of Yorktown, Wallstreet crash, so on and so on.) ~ 🌟
🥀 ~ Is actually quite emotional? Cares alot about his family and friends, especially the choir members; he cares deeply for them and thinks that they have made him who he is and they give him a sense of belonging, like the choir is his home. His getaway when things are rough or he’s stressed. He knows that they’ll try their hardest to help him out. ~ 🌟
🥀 ~ Never really thought he’d join a choir, but has always had a thing for singing. Singing when he’s alone, singing in the shower, singing in public, and when he was a child was probably a thing he did in-front of his mother but lost the confidence to do so as he grew up. Also loves to dance; and he’s really good at it too, quite flexible.~ 🌟
🥀 ~ Bath person. A nice hot bath just calms him down y’know? Face mask, cucumbers on eyes, elegant music, like a little spa day for him every once in a while when he has the time. Even though he is a bath person, Noel probably showers a lot more. It’s more convenient and quick to him but he also loves to relax and feel at his best, so he’s often tied between a bath, or a shower. ..He also hums/sings, as stated before..🤫 ~ 🌟
🥀 ~ Him and Ocean get along quite well actually. As they got more comfortable with eachother, they found that both him and Ocean have alot more in common than he thought. Her upbeat attitude and willingness to bring cheer makes him more upbeat and happy. Like a train of contagious laughter that brightens the whole mood up! ~ 🌟
🥀 ~ Cat person. [But absolutely HATES it when cat hair gets on his uniform or normal clothes, he thinks it ruins the outfit but doesn’t get mad or tell the cat off or anything, maybe just scowls at it… but then feels silly since the cat doesn’t mean too/ dosent even know it was a problem.] ~ 🌟
🥀 ~ Following up from the previous HC, probably has a really fluffy/long haired cat, named in French or either the most ridiculous name ever. Noel would take care of his cat very well, making sure to feed it everyday, check up on it, pet it, play with it, etc. He’d be a good and responsible owner! ~ 🌟
🥀 ~ Noel Is a “normal?” human with normal, functioning human emotions, so this means that although he is a extremely likeable character, he does get his moods and bad days. He often texts Mischa at these times since he finds that Mischa is quite humorous and can help his mood up a bit without Noel having to tell him he’s upset. During these moments, he likes to read. Read about France. Let his imagination run free with his dreams about post war France and who he would be, what he would do.. He longs to be there so much sometimes it makes his mood worse. So he doesn’t think alot further than read about France.. Noel would probably nap aswell, to get the day over with. ~ 🌟
{ !! Hey! I hope you enjoyed that, I’m sorry it was kinda short but it’s 3am rn! :,) Well, I enjoyed writing this alot and I guess this is it for my first write! Thanks for reading! <3 !! }
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lunazera · 11 months
So I was diagnosed with inattentive ADHD this week
It's something I've had a growing suspicion for over the last few years, accepting I was struggling and then noticing how I was struggling. And learning to reach out for help.
I don't think it's sunk in yet.
The diagnosis is not really important to me honestly, my experiences would be here with or without it. But it does help me now get access to help in different forms.
I've always been hesitant to openly relate to ADHD, some fear of labelling myself with something that I might not be. As if it's so wrong to question your experiences. It shouldn't be wrong, but it's been so hard to break past that with many things in my life.
It really took advocating for myself and trusting my experiences (and my partner who sees me a lot). Nobody else was going to tell me this. Most people likely don't see how much I struggle, not unless I'm open about it. And generally, I'm not open. So who would know but myself?
Seeing hate and vitriol against self-dxing made me afraid to speak about my own experiences. But I never understood it. Your experiences are yours, others cant know them unless you share. A diagnosis is an external observation, but those experiences are real with or without it. Your internal experience shouldn't be gatekept. Experiences should be listened to, first and foremost. Maybe sometimes a different diagnosis makes more sense, but the experiences of the person shouldn't be invalidated. If someone relates to something, enough to question about experiences, there's probably a reason why.
Diagnoses are often gatekept behind walls of access, especially with cost. I could only look into ADHD because it became affordable and accessible. Until recently it was not possible, wanting report cards I have no access to and report about 20 years ago from a mom I'm mostly no contact with. My childhood was very irregular and disruptive, and it seemed for a while that it was just not possible to have a diagnosis done. Glad I found another route I could afford, but I can imagine many cannot. That doesn't mean their experiences aren't real. It always comes back to trusting yourself, trusting your experiences, trusting when you relate to someone others experiences. It took me 13 years from having the thought that I was trans to come out as a transwoman. And most of that time was spent not trusting myself. Not trusting that I was relating to trans experiences, and being afraid to label myself with something unless I was absolutely certain. In the end, nobody else could tell me I was trans. I had to trust myself and what I was experiencing.
Gatekeeping only ever hurt me, made me distrust myself, invalidate and deny what I was experiencing, and silenced me from speaking or reaching out for help.
Anyways, I'll leave off with this.
I'm also suspecting some level of autism. I'll likely never pursue a diagnosis (its also very expensive), and even identifying as such is not too important to me. But, that question is there, and with or without a dx my experiences are there.
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thelunarfairy · 7 months
And gosh I never knew nene received that kind of hate? Am I too oblivious 😭😭 but omg the points you mentioned about her being way too nice for her own good? I second that claim- she's actually so selfless. Hell even I would be petty, but that selfless quality makes her even more beautiful.
Also no hate to any character, but I just don't like it when they go about making fun of her legs like anything. Once? Okay, like its comical so it's fine, but I really didn't appreciate the fact that even after mistuba saw that nene's biggest fear was being left alone, unloved, all because of her legs during the mirrors chapter, he STILL chose to make fun of her legs. Who does that please- that instance made me angry-
I really really feel like she needs a break. Or a person who would ACTUALLY hear her out and support her. Because if you want my opinion? NONE of the characters at present would exactly help her out. Like yk what I mean? I want a character being empathetic about Nene for once and hear her out. I feel like the things that happen in the manga most of the times happen against Nene's will. Her problems get doubled, she gets trapped into dangerous situations, she needs a long break-
Anyways thank you so much for the points you shared! I'm so glad to see someone agreeing with me on Nene, she deserves the world and people should know that she's developing too. It's not just kou suffering because of her mother's death and his complex with teru, not just mitsuba suffering because he wants to be a human again but cannot for obvious reasons, not just hanako who killed his twin and regrets it with his whole heart, but also Nene who suffers that complex of feeling unloved, I've never been in the situation often, but I understand what she feels like. Imagine someone says that they find your best friend pretty but ignores you completely, especially if it's a boy. How would you feel? That feeling hits hard. It's not simply "Oh but others shouldn't determine how pretty you actually are." While that's true, we cant help but feel bad now can we?
Awww look who came back to answer me hahaha ♡ I'm glad you liked my answer.
Yashiro's legs are taken to the comical side of the story, it was something built for that, but I like to point out that this actually bothers her a lot. Hanako loves her legs haha but doesn't admit it, Kou doesn't seem to care about it and he also likes (or liked) her romantically, but she didn't notice, the girl with her head in the clouds haha
Don't get angry with Mitsuba, no one escapes him hahaha no one, not even his own mother XD
In fact, your view is correct, the vast majority of things that happen to Nene are against her will, sometimes because she was too naive or because of the influence of other people. She and Kou are very similar, easily fooled by a sad or beautiful story, they are very easy to convince and manipulate. This is not stupidity, it is naivety. They act like children sometimes (not that I can ask much more than that from two teenagers) but they don't think twice before making decisions.
Nene simply swallowed a mermaid's scale without even hesitating, did she think about the consequences? That's about it.
Nene's complexes are more linked to common and more human problems compared to Kou, Mitsuba and Hanako. This explains why people don't care so much, don't these three's complexes seem to be heavier and more intense than Yashiro's? So, even if that is the case, it doesn't negate her problems. Because if she didn't have these problems she would never have summoned Hanako and the story wouldn't even exist XD
Let's see what Nene's backstory will be, I'm curious to know!
♡ ♡ ♡
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limpfisted · 7 months
while wyll is a very well intentioned person part of the game is about subverting tropes, and to ME hes MY special princess. he is by no stretch of the imagination “perfect” n hes not SUPPOSED to be perfect, n he has glaring flaws present in the text in subtext that make him very interesting narratively
while wyll trying to fight monsters and devils to save people is objectively good
in dnd, monsters, devils, goblins, even animals in the context of this game. theyre still literally people. theyre capable of language and complex thoughts and motivations
while im not about to be like (fire emblem vc) DIMITRI. KILLS. WOMEN. wyll’s quest to be a generic lawful good human warrior male is not as black and white as he wants it to be
and he can be a hypocrite and a liar
and he can be dumb and needlessly vicious. he stands in the middle of the room with priestess guts and to her face goes “tav lets just kill her. lets kill everyone here lets blow this nasty wench to smithereens” and u have to go priestess guts i am so sorry my friend would fucking say that to you. while we are. trying. to be SNEAKY, WYLLIAM!!
he DOES try to kill karlach. he probs killed other innocent prisoners of zariel. he thought it was the right thing to do, its reasonable. but he still did it. n he never faces tbe consequences or even the guilt.in fact he only faces consequences n guilt when he does the RIGHT thing
wyll IS a very kind and tolerant person to a point but its interesting to see like. who deserves second chances to wyll. and why
like obviously being a generic goblin killer doesnt make u a bad person or anything. its good to kill momsters that are hurting ppl. but hes eventually going to hv to look back on the things hes done for mizora and the devils hes killed, and go “hm.” bc even tho he HAD to do it. he also justified it. and that makes it worse
its honestly kind of interesting he doesnt hv anything to say abt freeing 7000 hungry vampire spawn. n when ascended astarion mentions them, wyll asks how many ppl astarion has killed. “dozens, hundreds?” bro it was 7007 ppl, u know the exact number. he cant even wrap his head around it
like everything else in his life—i dont think he really knows how to weigh the burden of that decision bc he can really never let himself feel the full severity of anything without going “ok moving on” or “let my next action prove my worth.” (ie when he tells karlach hes been a beast but he still wants to prove himself, when u tell him hes a monster, he will still prove himself to the sword coast n be tbeir protector.)
its a very rich thing, hes going on his own little narrative journey here where hes realizing what kind of man and hero he wants to be, same as all the rest of them
n a part of that is coming to terms with things like balduran being a lie, n baldurs gate being so much less than he remembers
something i really enjoy abt the game as someone who considers themself an existentialist is. the burden of freedom. we are condemned to be free. despite the facticities and realities of the world n other ppls reactions to our decisions—we alone make our choices n deal with those consequences
wyll is always, always making the best of a bad situation, hes always doing the best he can, hes always doing what he thinks is right, he always tries to be kind and good and gentle to the people “who deserve it.”
but hes only human, and the road to hell is paved with good intentions
when it comes to morals and “goodness”—sometimes being guided by fairy tales and legends is…. lazy moralizing, that will lead to more pain for everyone, wyll included
wyll DID do good things for the people of the sword coast. and that matters. but u know what. everybodys got something to atone for, pobodys nerfect
again this is not a wyll hate post this is actually a WYLL IS AN INTERESTING CHARACTER AND INTERESTING CHARACTERS HAVE FLAWS post lol. hes really not as goody goody as people think. he loves murder and blood tbh, just u know, the murder and blood of evil doers
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feisaru · 10 months
Cant stop thinking about your older feisaru art. I was wondering if you have a hc of what they're upto at that age. Like hobbies, career, or the people they (still) hang out with?
ALRIGHT LET ME JUST SAY- talking about them on main like this is a little hard 4 me. The whole "if it mattered less, maybe I could talk more about it" bit. I'm still gonna try to not make it super vague? While also not being as overly elaborate as I sometimes get in private chats
Fei still loves soccer a lot. Overall he enjoys powering himself out physically when he gets the chance to. Wheter that can be considered a hobby, I dunno, but he enjoys painting nails a lot, especially if he gets to use a lot of colors and to draw silly little animals on them. He also likes cooking. He taught himself how to very early after CS-finish.
Whereas Saru really enjoys reading. He's been doing that even back when he was Feida's emperor, to escape reality a bit. Every so often, Fei comes up to him and asks what he's reading. If Saru wants to infodump about it, Fei gladly lets him. Honestly, it's not a seldom occurence that they just read together. It often starts with Fei asking Saru to read out loud for him because he really enjoys his voice, while he cuddles into Saru a bit. Then after a while Saru passes him the book. Sometimes they also read their own individual novels while just sitting together. Saru also still does soccer sometimes, but for him it's more like a bonding activity with Fei? He does it mainly because Fei likes it so much and he likes when Fei is happy. He'd still enjoy leading a soccer team but other than that, the physical aftermath of the vaccine was pretty hard on him, leading to him not being able to exhaust himself too much physically (he'd still throw hands if necessary tho). Well, he was never too much into sports anyway. Despite that he still loves climbing on trees. And once again I don't know if that counts as a full on hobby but at some point, because he has so much time on hand, he started attempting to scribble Fei in notebooks. I don't think he'd tell Fei though, he finds it embarrassing.
So now to the more complicated bits! Most of these are still Thoughts In Progress™️
I try not to think too hard about the whole job thing because- I'm still not that experienced with jobs and because I can't see either of them working traditionally. Saru still hasn't forgotten about what El Dorado and the system has done to them. He wouldn't want to work in it. He doesn't want to work in a system created and controlled by people who have damaged him beyond repair. He doesn't want to pretend all's well, he doesn't just want to act like nothing ever happened. And Fei? In theory, he's the one more likely to do it, just because his morality doesn't get in the way, but I can't really imagine him feeling good about working at all. It would really drain him. So the possibility I'm tending to most right now is that they're getting the 200 years into the future equivalent of Hartz IV (as much as Saru hates existing in the state they unfortunately can't just cease doing that and so taking the state's money is still the better option) (I barely know anything about what this whole thing is like so take this with a grain of salt) and that Asurei sometimes helps them out financially because he has more than enough money for himself. They don't have a lot but it suffices to live pretty okay as long as they keep in mind they have a limited amount of money at their disposal. But like I said, my thoughts might change in the future, when I know more myself. I once have entertained the thought of making Fei a mental health professional but that's in the scraps right now because. I know someone pretty similar to him who worked as that and I sure as hell do know it would exhaust him in the long run. He wouldn't be able to handle so many people professionally at once without starting to feel worse himself. He likes psychology but the reason he likes it is that he likes helping Saru. Using psychology on people whom he meets in an office on a professional basis just ain't it
Concerning hanging out, I and a friend have an AU (Trio AU) where Fei reaches out to Zanark so the 3 of them can play soccer together when they're 17-18-ish and he third-wheels for them. Later on he gets a gf, my friend's OC. The AU is more for giggles and laughs than anything and Zanark and Saru go on each other's nerves impossibly. A lot of the time it's "calm down, breathe in, breathe out, you're better than this, there's no reason to get seriously mad at this motherfucker, and most importantly you're doing this for Fei" for Saru. They still see Meia and Giris sometimes, albeit they live a little farther away. And they probably encounter Protocol Omega members sometimes, because they live in the same city as them (thinking about them encountering Alpha and Gamma on a date someday is fun... @amalg4me)
Either way I have some drawings where they're supposed to be young adults (Trio AU, including the banana sweater, all the CS x SPOP drawings... maybe even more. Most of the fluffier drawings are set at least 2 years after Chrono Stone) but I've only recently started figuring out how to get better at varying ages and I'm still working on it
Uh btw... if you wanna see some old man cuddles... I can gladly send you some in the dms. I've been drawing them as adults a lot lately, but I don't feel like posting those drawings on main
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jassackles · 1 year
I thought you never would-Chapter 7 (FIN)
Warnings: depressed!dean, asshole!dean, selfish!dean, hurt!reader, a lot of cursing
words: 3.5k
A/N: yes, this is the end already, because I started writing this story after my breakup which helped me to deal with my feelings, but I’m not that person I was when the breakup happened. So yeah it’s quite long, but I just wanted to finish this since I’m not feeling it anymore.
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After that weekend Dean and Sam visited you at your hometown, weirdly Ryan didn’t join them. Which was weird since he wanted to visit you too, even asked what your mom likes so he could bring something.
You had a fun time with Dean and Sam at your house, they picked you up from work, got drunk, watched a movie, played some video games and cooked food.
You talked to Ryan via FaceTime and he was just weird as soon as Sam showed him you and Dean cuddling in your bed. You liked being so close to Dean since he smelled so good, you never thought a guy could smell so good. You nuzzled even more into Dean since you were just tired after work and drinking. Sam enjoyed the sight of his brother truly being happy and having a girl by his side who’s not crazy and fucking stupid like Kira was.
Sam honestly hated Kira, and yes hate is a big and heavy word, but he just couldn’t stand her. She took everything Dean did for granted, using his money and just everything Dean had to offer. But with you? You payed your own stuff, helped cleaning up whenever you were around Dean’s place, made sure Dean had to eat, wouldn’t spend too much money on stupid and unnecessary stuff Dean just didn’t need. You made sure he was okay and doing fine.
His and Dean’s dad really liked you after meeting you a month later, you were sweet always polite, helping around the house and in the kitchen, you always made yourself useful. All of the family members that met you told Dean, that’s you’re a keeper. Dean knew you were special, he told you in the beginning how thankful and grateful he is to call you his girlfriend, who’s helping him a lot.
The sex at the beginning of the relationship was awesome, just excited and adventurous, but after some time it got…boring. Dean didn’t bother to work you up and literally just put his cock inside you, no foreplay, no making out, no nothing. At first you weren’t mad, but later you enjoyed touching yourself more than being fucked by your boyfriend. He didn’t even care about making you cum, it was all about him during sex. It wasn’t as much fun and exciting as you imagined it would be and it disappointed you. He didn’t put any effort into sex, complaining about why you didn’t cum and why it would take you so long.
Frankly, it hurt you, hurt you he didn’t put any effort into the sex and later the relationship. Yes, a long-distance-relationship is hard and needs a lot of strength, but if both people fight for and want it, it definitely could work out. You two couldn’t see each other a lot, due to your school and his work, but you always tried to visit him. You always really tried, even when money was tight for you, you always fucking tried. Dean wouldn’t get it sometimes that you couldn’t visit him every weekend, you just couldn’t.
Dean couldn’t visit you either since he was working on weekends and he also hadn’t a lot of money. So which lead to fighting from Dean’s side. Dean would’ve never admitted that he’s depressed, he cant be alone, he always needs someone to come home to. After his best friend died a few years back, Dean wasn’t the same anymore. He barely talked about anything, blamed everything bad that happened on him and he just closed off. Whenever you and Dean fought either over phone or in person, he would close off completely. You tried to teach him that you talk about something during a relationship since he preferred keeping stuff that was bugging him to himself than talking about it. He once was so depressed saying stuff he couldn’t do it without you and he needed you there everyday. He even made you think about it moving in with him for college.
There were moments, you had the feeling Dean was trying to change you, make you someone you weren’t. Yes you were fucking stubborn so was he. Even though you were stubborn you always compromised and did it his way. Sometimes you hated it.
The more time passed the more things changed. Dean started to take you for granted, taking the things you did for him for granted, taking for granted that you did grocery shopping from your money even tho it wasn’t your fridge you were filling. He took for granted that you cleaned his apartment and did his laundry. Basically everything you did he took it for granted. Kira never did this stuff, so he was using you, if we’re being honest.
But you didn't see it and you also didn't want to. You were helping him, because you loved him and you wanted to make things easier for him. After such a sort amount of time you already imagined living with him, like already mentioned you wanted to go college where he lived. It felt like he was your life, you felt so dependent from him, it wasn’t even healthy anymore. Which you realized some time Later.
Since he was your first love and boyfriend, the love you had for him was very very different. He was your first love after all.
When your birthday came around, it wasn’t him who wished you a happy birthday first. It was Sam. Sam. Not him. And you knew he was still awake. Dean was a Person who wouldn’t go to sleep before 3 am in the morning. What the saddest thing was ans what hurt you the most was that he didn’t call you to wish you a happy birthday, he wished you a happy birthday via snapchat. It hurt and disappointed you so much, it was the worst birthday you had. From the person you wanted to hear first, was probably the last one.
Sometimes it was hard for you to have sympathy for his actions, since some of them were just fucking selfish. It wasn’t even your birthday he forgot, he forgot your first anniversary. It felt like it didn’t matter to him, like you had no worth to him at all. You hadn’t meant to him as much as he meant to you.
There were times where Dean still talked a lot about Kira and you didn’t understand back Then he wasn’t over her. She was his first love. So you understood later on, since it was hard for you to get over him as well.
Dean also never really listened or tried to help you when you were feeling like shit and had shit going on. Your drivers license took so much money and strength from you, you were feeling desperate. Dean basically didn’t give a fuck. You two fought so hard and didn’t talk for at least two days. Which lead to why he didn’t call you for your birthday, because he was too fucking stubborn.
One day, you had a bad feeling, since Dean has been acting strange for a couple of days, so you needed to talk to someone. So you talked to Sam. Sam listened to you and told you, Dean’s having his introverted phase, where he isn’t talking to anyone socially. You knew he had phases like that, because he had one before, but this phase felt much more different than the other one. Sam tried to cheer you up that night trying to make you laugh, it actually helped and you managed to ignore the bad feeling in your gut.
Just a day after that Dean broke up with you, for you it was out of nowhere. It was unexpected. He told you, he didn’t love you anymore and his feelings weren’t as strong as they used to be because of the distance. You were the one who was unsure about the whole long-distance-relationship, Dean was the one who wanted to try. You’ve asked him so many times if he was sure and he always said yes, fucking yes, every damn time. He said, the long-distance-relationship wasn’t working for him anymore, he needed someone there and not every couple of weekends. The whole long-distance was hard for you too! You wanted to see him as often as you could, but he didn’t get it that you hadn’t much money.
Funny thing, he didn’t broke up with you via phone call, no! He broke up with you via fucking Snapchat! This stupid child didn’t even had the guts to do it via phone call if he couldn’t wait a couple of more days, since you planned on visiting him that week. No he couldn’t wait to do it like a decent human being, no! He did it like a fucking coward he was.
You had to leave school early, because he broke up with you during school time. You felt like something broke inside you. He was the first person you let come so close to you. He knew stuff, no one knew. You felt safe, but every word he said, were just…words. He didn’t mean them seriously.
He broke up with you, two weeks after you two had last seen each other. You didn’t understand why he didn’t do it back then, losing feelings couldn’t happen over night right? You lost feeling for someone over time and not over night like he did.
At this point you weren’t sure what you were supposed to do. It felt like a big part of you was suddenly missing. It was hard for you to get no phone calls when he finished work. It was hard for you to not laugh with him anymore. It was hard for you to not play video games with him anymore. You were missing him so bad, it fucking hurt. You were feeling lonely after that. You and Sam stayed in contact.
Julia, their step-sister, stayed in contact with you too. They all liked you so much, they were very sad to hear that you two broke up. Dean’s step-mom didn’t understand it at all, calling him stupid for letting you go. You really liked them, those people were like a second family to you. You missed them everyday since then.
You even visited Julia once, guess to who’s apartment you went to first? Dean’s! You were having so much madness in you, you needed to tell Dean what a coward he was. You were more angry and hurt when you found out, he got back together with Kira just two weeks after the break up. Yeah he really got back together with that bitch. He called her many bad and barefaced names and still got back together with her.
You reminded him how he called her different names, reminded him how glad he was they broke up, reminded him of how she was only good at spreading her legs and using his money, while she was in his apartment. Since then you were doubting yourself, asking yourself what was wrong with you that he chose her over you. But he did.
He was dumbfounded and surprised to see you, that you actually ever showed up in his life again.
You laughed sarcastically, “You’re a fucking coward who couldn’t even break up with me via a phone call. You haven’t been honest with me! Now you’re fucking that fucking whore again? What’s wrong with you?! Y-You’re ridiculous and just fucking pathetic!” You yelled at him by the end you finished.
Dean clenched his jaw chewing in the insides of his mouth, “Then I am. You finished?” He asked coldly. Dean was furious and didn’t expect to get called out by his now ex-girlfriend while his girlfriend, former ex-girlfriend was in his apartment. He actually was also shocked to see this side of you, he never, literally never saw you this angry in the past year of your relationship. You always told him not to test you, because if you wanted to, you could be a bitch and it wouldn’t end funny for him.
Your eyes went wide not expecting him to be so cold after everything you two went through. He was your boyfriend and you expected some respect, but Dean wasn’t showing any respect at this point. All he did was shutting the door into your face. You blinked looking at Sam and Julia who were standing behind you. Sam rubbed his face, he lost the last faith he had in his brother. Sam did not understood how his brother could be so stupid and got back together with that bitch Kira. He was so disappointed and he wasn’t sure what to do with his brother.
You brushed past them walking down the stairs and leaving your ex-boyfriends apartment building. Your emotions were all over the place. You were feeling a little better that you could finally shout those words into his face after bottling them up inside you for weeks. You felt relieved.
“You okay?” Sam asked when he approached you.
“Yeah.” You said with a small smile hugging yourself.
“Come here.” He said and pulled you into a hug. You immediately melted into his arms feeling yourself tear up again. “He’s being a big dick. I’m sorry about the way he treated you. You definitely didn’t deserve that and neither did he deserve you.” He whispered as he rubbed your back gently.
You were so grateful to have Sam as your friend. It surprised you that he wasn’t on the side of his brother. Sam loved his brother a lot, but the thing he was pulling off with you, didn’t sit right with Sam. In Sam’s eyes, you were awesome and had a great personality. He understood why Ryan was crushing on you. Ryan distanced himself from Dean and you over the time you were together. You always told Dean to reach out to him again since a final fight lead to separate ways between Dean and Ryan. Dean eventually did the summer before you two broke up.
“Thanks,” was all you said and gave him a small smile. He smiled at you and nodded holding you for a little moment before letting you go.
What happened that night was something unimaginable. You ended up sleeping at Sam, probably not the smartest thing to do and regretted it the moment you woke up. You got so drunk at the next bar you guys found, both of you. One thing lead to another and you ended up in the same bed. You were supposed to stay at Julia’s place, she had to leave early because of work. Sam promised her to take you to her place, but that didn’t happen obviously.
Julia was worried sick when you didn’t show up but assumed you crashed at Sam’s place. You lied to her telling her you didn’t want to wake her up, since you were so drunk. She bought it.
When you were alone at Julia’s place, your mind kept going back to the talk you had with Dean. Julia and you talked about it when she came home during her break from work. She told you, to talk to him alone with no other people involved. You texted him and he even agreed to meet up and talk things out. And you guys did.
“Hey.” You said awkwardly.
“Hey.” He said with a tight smile. “You wanted to talk then…talk.”
You swallowed hard and nodded, “First of all, yesterday wasn’t the smartest ting to address the whole situation. But the way we broke up wasn’t fair. You broke up with me via fucking Snapchat which is worse than text and you told me, you love me the day before.” You rubbed your arm and looked at the ground.
When he didn’t answer you kept going, “We had plans. I wanted to move here for you, for our relationship. I was going to give up so mich for you, because I really love you, Dean. I trusted you, we talked about so many times and y-“
“I couldn’t wait anymore and come on, we wouldn’t have worked out.” He interrupts you.
Ouch, that one hurt.
“Do you ever loved me?” You asked out of the blue, just being curious and dying to know if he ever did.
“I did.”
“Then you have no clue what love means. You never put mich afford into this relationship. You didn’t even want to try fighting to make it work, just because you need to get your dick wet by that bitch.” You slipped so done with being nice.
“You’re right it wasn’t fair how I broke up and I’m sorry.” Is all he said ignoring the last part. You looked at him and just scoffed, knowing he didn’t mean the apology serious. He said it, because he knew you wanted to hear it.
“I thought you never would hurt and disappoint me the way you did.” You said and teared up. “Have a great life.” You walked off not able to stand there anymore. You were hurt and just devastated he left you. You were hurting.
You and Dean never saw each other again after you walked off, but you felt better after the conversation helped you to put your emotions into place. Kira stalked you on instagram most of the time because she felt intimidated by you, even though you lived miles away. It annoyed you, so you blocked her and her beat friend.
Dean blocked and removed you on every social network. You didn’t understand why. You understood he unfollowed you, but the whole blocking this was just ridiculous at this point.
You and Sam talked about the hook and told each other it was a one time thing which shouldn’t repeat itself.
Sam became your closest and best friend after the breakup and you were just grateful to have him.
tag list: @leigh70​  @wittysunflower @jensensgirl
Thank you so much for reading!!
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