#and why is he not considered an idol rapper
maehemthemisfit · 9 months
— 5wirl+ (game world chars)
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masterlist || sleep deprived and maidenless || unlocked love interests
★ : SCARAMOUCHE — main vocalist/center || previously a solo artist, scaramouche is a magnet for drawing attention despite his love for privacy. due to being in the industry longer, he has the bigger fanbase. in his free time he loves to play with cats and play his guitar.
★ : KAZUHA — main writer and sub vocalist || kazuha is considered the leader of 5wirl despite not being a visual or the face of the group. he writes most of the songs behind the scenes and help xiao with the choreography. he's also a favorite at fan meets.
★ : HEIZOU — lead vocalist/visual || is most know for his facial expressions during performances or videos. he also pitches ideas for some of their songs and thinks of most of the concepts. has the most expensive clothes and gets the most fan mail.
★ : VENTI — main rapper/face of the group || he's the most lively during interviews, livestreams, etc. very playful with all of the members and is the reason why everyone there is close. is fluent in multiple languages and checks the lyrics of everyone song to make sure everything flows right in make sense when incorporating other langs.
★ : XIAO — lead dancer of 5wirl || the newest addition and rising star of the group. he's grown in popularity due to fans admiring his "mysteriousness" and alluring aura... and maybe because the way he dances is so eye catching. he's the member that gets hated on for no reason but his fanbase never disappoints and always defends him. hates logging on social media but secretly loves watching edits. (the ganyu scandal is basically a meme the fanbase created, it's not actually a scandal)
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♡𝅼 ་ ׅ PREMISE : after getting the bad ending for the otome game you're obsessed with, you accidentally crack your phone and suddenly find yourself transported into the game! how will you survive in this fictional world with no money or real identity? your only option is to play the game and hope you can save all the characters... but how are you supposed to be discreet when the love interests you're supposed to help are famous idols who are all programed to like you? and why do you still have to work for gems just to make good choices??
in the future, you'll be able to click their names and access their character profile and relationship changes here as you progress through the story. it will include information such as their opinions on you, likes, dislikes, and more that can help influence your choices in game.
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— genshin x reader : smau choose your own adventure ៹٠ ࣪ idol au
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throwaway-yandere · 1 year
Wound Dressings (Yandere Idol!Xiao/Reader)
a/n: happy lantern rite, everyone!!! here's xiao, hope anyone that wants to pull for him gets him <3 (CW: yandere, implied ptsd, mild violence, scaramouche is fricking foul as hell.)
unreliable synopsis: As the producer of 5wirl's beloved rapper, you found yourself stuck between Xiao and the nefarious fashion stylist/designer- Scaramouche-'s wars.
Alice's note: Producer Starlight, we need to talk. Right now. The CEO is waiting.
Yandere Idol Match-Up Masterlist
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“Xiao, your face, it's burnt–”
“Don’t.” Xiao huffed. “Don’t come any closer. I’m fine.”
Anyone can tell 5wirl's rapper has a hard time getting close to people and you find that rather tragic. It’s a shame that Xiao chose to be distant when you find his rap music enthralling like no other, and you can tell he pours his soul into each lyric he writes. He sings desperately as though it's his last strip of breath left with voice cracks so raw and heartbreaking. While Venti sounds theatrical and clear, his will always be raspy and hauntingly unique. Every project he’s involved with sheds light on his authenticity, and you yearned for an opportunity to have him talk to you just as honestly.
However, you paid more heed to his need for emotional distance, not wanting to be nosy in this instance. You concentrated on advancing his career without meddling in his personal affairs, staying strictly business. It was not your place to know more and be some uneducated therapist.
At least, you had faith that you could maintain that belief until you noticed his sloppy bandaged cheek. Xiao stumbled forward, his hair untidy. You clenched your jaw. You grasped for his arm, feeling somewhat enraged. Instead of reacting, he simply awaited your inevitable worry.
“Who did this to you, Xiao?” You whispered angrily.
“A firework accident,” Xiao grunted. “My cousin can vouch for me. Yesterday’s lantern rite. Do not worry about me.”
“Is that so…”
You can’t muster the courage to question ADDICKTZ's Mister Zhongli, and that’s precisely why you know Xiao’s hiding a secret. Lying between his molars was not something he could do without a hitch.
Especially not to someone as observant as you.
“Does this have something to do with the stylist?”
While you technically shouldn’t risk your neck for a theory…
… It's better to route the problem immediately.
Xiao shamelessly ignored your question. In any case, you already knew the answer. This was just for confirmation’s sake. He would have stayed as stoic as always had you two been in a space that was any less secluded than the backrooms. No fan was aware of how much Xiao detested 5wirl's main stylist because none of his musings were made public.
Scaramouche, “The Wanderer.”
He’s a big name with a larger-than-life ego. Giving credit where it is due, Scaramouche is a fantastic model, but a patient stylist? He was not. He has an incurable habit of pushing everyone’s buttons that it's almost impressive. You've seen the way he yanked and pulled 5wirl like ragdolls, the only exception was Kazuha and Venti, but the latter to a lesser extent.
To no one’s surprise, Xiao does not like him.
Just a week ago, you've watched him perform “Fallen Leaves” uncomfortably on a Mondstadt Television (MTV) award show. An untrained eye is unlikely to notice how little footwork he displayed considering his constricted jeans. After the song ended, Xiao irritably loosened his belt and rolled his eyes. He didn't bow like the rest of 5wirl, instead, he left immediately without a word— that was something the fans certainly did not miss. To the common stan, it was "hot", to the wiser folks, it was a sign that something was amiss.
“He did it on purpose. The Wanderer wanted to prove a point,” these were the only words Xiao told you with bated breaths as he wrenched the buttons off his suffocating attire, popping and dropping them to the ground. He has little consideration for who might enter his room— not when he couldn’t breathe— not when he trusts that you’ll guard the door.
Once his chest was out and he could inhale with ease, a small smile was sighted adorning his face. He favored you with a victorious grin. 
“And he failed.”
You’ve known that whenever he’s down, he tends to focus more on his skills. Thus you mistakenly thought this was just a matter of work. You didn’t realize at the time that he was fighting for something else.
It was a gorgeous smile. A rare eye candy enticing enough to make you wish he considered you a companion. But the frown that followed as you heard Scaramouche screeching outside erased whatever joy you felt as you stumbled to lock the door.
You scowled.
“Did he really fail when he still has you wrapped around his fingers?”
Xiao didn't answer. Instead, he pried your hand off and unlocked the door.
“As long as it’s not you, it doesn’t matter how far he takes his tantrums.”
You believe otherwise.
That incident stirred a cold war between Xiao and 5wirl’s lead stylist. Scaramouche used to just pepper vulgar phrases but now it appears in every other sentence. None of the fans knew thanks to the AKASHA Device Policy System of disabling screenshots on employee devices. What happens in Teyvat Productions, stays in Teyvat Productions. Scaramouche would have been fired from the company with a hollow public apology from the CEO if they had known even a glimpse of the snark he spews at every 5wirl employee. 
”Did he do this?”
You cupped his cheek. Xiao didn't wince from the pain. It's all due to his extended Military Service training, you're sure of it. Thankfully, it doesn't look too bad. Curable, most definitely, but it doesn't change the fact someone attempted to hurt your employer.
“It’s… This is my burden to carry. It has nothing to do with you—”
“But I’m here for you, Xiao. You know I have a strong sixth sense, and something is wrong. You can tell me anything.”
Xiao leaned onto your palm, putting a hand above yours. He felt his chest tighten, but his face did not mark his anguish.
He may not show it visibly, but your touch broke him. On the souls of all his friends and the lives of his family, he can swear with every fiber of his being that this is as honest as he could be.
“He doesn't understand that I lost everything.” He did not look at you, but his sudden grip begged you to stay.
“–that I felt EVERYTHING.”
You stiffened, your spine shook at how concise but oddly oppressive those words were. His words were nothing to write home about, but the way his husky voice and slight growl loomed after a moment of silence was unforgettable.
Instinctively, you knew what this was about.
You didn't want to pry so you knew little about him other than he accidentally died when he and Xiao were reservists. There is a mandatory Liyue and Inazuman law that stipulates that men must serve their country for about a year or two, no idol is exempted from that. According to speculations and a few hints in the lyrics Xiao composed, the idol likely watched his friend cover up a faulty grenade to save everyone in the vicinity. You did attempt to console him once, but Xiao is adamant that such comments would be an insult to Bosacius' Heroics. He “accepted” his death long before you became his producer. His soul is likely in a better place.
See where this is headed? It's not rocket science. Put “Scaramouche” and “fireworks” together and you’d get something foul. That damn multi-talented designer did something and now Xiao’s uncharacteristically more emotive.
Scaramouche likely used fireworks to reignite Xiao’s trauma.
Perhaps this line of thinking is uncouth, but this would serve as a great opening to finally get to know the person you work for on a deeper level. But for Scaramouche to unearth those memories for the sake of arguing… What a petty man.
“He wanted to “share” something that’s mine to protect,” Xiao muttered. "He insisted that giving them up to him will be a way to absolve my sins. But… I…”
He grunted.
“I don’t want to share them.” Xiao sneered. "Having them around is the last joy I have."
You feel as though the thing or person they’re fighting over is someone related to 5wirl, but you were too tired to listen to your muted intuition.
“Who is “them”?” You asked. “Would you be willing to tell me?”
He shook his head.
“I… can’t.”
“I see, that’s okay. It takes time to open up— Xiao?”
Xiao remained silent. He quickly seized the water bottle you were holding and chugged it down. As Xiao drank, you both moved in the direction of the fans while giving him your famous mask to cover the burn. His followers don't need to be aware of this.
But damn it. You’re tired of this back-and-forth pettiness.
You’ll have to step in.
However, your colleagues do not favor that idea. 
“Are you certain you wanna approach him?” Venti’s producer frowned. “Knowing Scaramouche’s past… instability, I’m not sure if that’s the brightest idea you’ve come up with.”
It usually takes a long time for you to naturally get close to others but after careful observation, you've deduced that none of your fellow producers were unsavory people. In truth, they were simple to read, particularly Venti and Heizou's producers. As a result, you already knew this was going to happen; you just want to let them know out of respect.
“We never know unless we try,” Heizou’s producer spoke up, somewhat optimistic but with a twinge of demur. “You’re too depressed. Who knows? Maybe you can persuade him to stop. You’re Scara’s favorite, after all.”
Favorite is a bit of a stretch, but that man does tolerate your presence.
Kazuha’s producer chortled, “that kind of hypothetical is next to impossible.”
Heizou’s producer hummed the bridge to 5wirl’s song “Sweet Dream.” You knew your coworker didn't want to prove them right, but the lyrics to that song referred to failed plans– and that's enough information for you to infer that even they think deep down that the idea was stupid.
You closed your eyes. It truly wasn't your best plan— it's straight up walking to the lion’s den, but you have to try….
“… (Y/n)? Hello?”
You blinked. Ah, you've zoned out again.
“It's better than nothing,” you said. “I can't just let everyone here be constantly berated by that narcissist.”
“Even his assistant can be a pain in the neck too, you know?” Venti’s producer chimed in. “Ya better hope you're not dealing with both of them once you get there. You might start a house fire or something.”
There's no point in this conversation. Sighing, you reached for your bag, ready to leave.
“Hmm? Now, where are you going, my ge qin'ai de?”
Baizhu— 5wirl’s creative director— stood, leaning by the door frame. Based on his lax demeanor, you assumed he had just recently taken his medicine. The rest of the producers laughed awkwardly, not knowing whether they should let him in on your plans or not. He usually accepts all forms of communion, no matter how chaotic or personal it is. But this instance urged everyone that omitting some truths was the best option.
“(Y/n)’s on their way to buy some fabric,” Venti’s producer lied. “Scaramouche had been such a pain in the neck lately so, eh, we decided to be more proactive to avoid his stupid wrath.”
“Ahhh, I see! How lovely.” Baizhu laughed, but just as you were about to walk past him, he weakly grasped your arm.
"Far be it from me to pry into my producers’ personal affairs, but once you get there,” he bent down and whispered to your ear.
“Tell that charlatan and his assistant that this will be the last time they hurt one of my kids, understood?”
As you looked up at the creative director's snake eyes, a chill went up your spine. He didn't express it as a threat; rather, he said it as a certain truth. It seemed as though Director Baizhu was determined that this was Scaramouche's final transgression. You made a mental note of that.
Director Baizhu must’ve known something that you didn't.
“Yes, Director.”
“Wonderful,” Baizhu smiled, but his gaze looked distant.
“Be sure to buy wound dressings along the way.”
“No way. Nu-uh.”
“Please, I seriously need to talk to him—”
“Do you wanna get stabbed? Just trust me, bro, he doesn’t want to see anyone right now. He’s too busy dressing up that haunted doll of his.” Scaramouche’s assistant trembled burlesquely, putting more pressure on the door that separates you two. “Like, he’s so unhinged right now that– high-key? Working at KFC ain't sounding so bad.”
His assistant sighed, rolling their eyes. They appeared different compared to when you last saw them. Their hair’s significantly shorter and their fingers are red from sewing– and if your eyes weren't fooling you, they're a bit burnt…?
You squinted.
“Those marks… He overworked you last night, right? Forced you to use lighters to cut threads over scissors, didn’t he?”
They glared. Struck a nerve there.
“You have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Maybe I am just reaching for straws here–” you admitted rather plainly. “But that doesn't change the fact that you don't like your boss, and I don't like him enough that I drove all the way to confront him. What say you to letting me give him a piece of my mind?”
That seemed to work. At least, for a second.
“No… No, I seriously can't.” His assistant shook their head, with more conviction this time. “I don't want a repeat of last time.”
“(Y/n), you’re here as well.”
You both turned to look behind you.
A man wearing a mask and sunglasses— clearly Xiao— stood just a breath away from touching your shoulder. You jolted.
How didn’t you notice that he was right behind you?
“Oh, he’s here too…” the assistant said. They didn’t sound particularly hostile when addressing Xiao. “Sir, you can’t just enter if it isn't urgent.”
“But it is urgent,” You lied. “Just let us in or at least have me go inside alone—”
Xiao gently squeezed your shoulder. The mulish look in his visage beckoned you that he didn't like that idea. You didn’t have time to question what he’s doing here. His opaque stubbornness made you completely forget that he was holding you longer than he usually does.
Time and time again, he’ll remind you that he didn’t want you near Scaramouche.
“Oh my God— bitch. How many times do I have to fucking— HE'S NOT ENTERTAINING GUESTS.” The assistant growled. “Please, just listen to me. I'm honestly saving you both the trouble of talking to that edgelord.”
“Please, this seriously wouldn't take long–”
“Are you deaf or just stupid? What part of not entertaining guests did you not understand?”
Speak of the devil.
The pretentious prick arrived– him and his damn ostentatiously designed hat. He shared your gaze immediately and you swore his face lit up. It was as if he was waiting for you for quite some time now, but you’re not confident in that hunch.
“Ah, it's you.”
You cleared your throat. “Good evening, sir Wanderer–”
He smirked.
“Long time no see, starlight,” Scaramouche said. “Your dog here sure kept dragging us apart from each other.”
Xiao raised an eyebrow. It was the first time he had heard someone call you by that nickname, and while it doesn’t show in his features, he was rather unnerved at how you casually let him call you by such an endearing nickname.
This only matters because Scaramouche rarely addresses anyone beneath him with respect, much less affection.
Xiao glared at him.
Scaramouche continued, “here to give me an answer?”
“No.” You didn't waste a second. “The answer is no. I don't want to be your model.”
Xiao’s eyes widened. He immediately shielded you, but Scara merely tilted his head to maintain his gaze.
“Model?” Xiao spat coldly. “So that’s the card you're playing, Kunikuzushi.”
Scaramouche’s grin widened, “move your head away, insect.”
He doesn’t deserve to see you.
Without much thought, you bit your lip. You weren’t expecting much of a reaction if you told Xiao that Scaramouche wanted to hire you before. He tried scouting you months before he started harassing Xiao. Telling him about it slipped past your mind.
Scaramouche frowned, his eyes gauging his assistant’s reaction, “still, what a shame… With your face, you would've been a fine addition to my runway, Mx. (Y/n).”
“… Huh, so you do know my name.”
“Course I do. Xiao follows anyone who says (Y/n) around like a damn shit-for-brains dog. I’m not stupid enough to miss his owner’s name.”
Xiao made a sound you couldn't quite describe. It bordered on both a whimper and a threat.
You scrunched at the title, “that’s not true.”
“Then that only speaks volumes to how good of a stalker he is,” He clapped. "Bravo, I'm impressed. For once."
Scaramouche scoffed yet there was a genuine smile on his face. Swiftly, he approached you and had his assistant not held Xiao back, the famous designer wouldn’t have had the opportunity to grab your hand and gently kiss it out of nowhere.
You felt absolutely nothing from this gesture. Instead, you unconsciously fixed your eyes on Xiao.
And he’s most certainly pissed.
“You deserve to be working for me instead, puppet,” he muttered. “Honestly, I can’t see why you’re working for him— he's barely aesthetically pleasing. A lower-rate beauty. Do you even give a damn about your skin-care routine, worm? You look like shit. Go back to the fucking military. Muscles are required there, but looks? Not expected.”
Out of the blue, the designer gently cupped your face– your faces now an inch apart as he fixes stray strands of your hair. Strangely enough, you can't feel his breath. His face may be close, but his attention did not belong to you. You can tell from a mile away you’re being used.
As to what you’re being used for? You can’t tell.
Suddenly, Scaramouche’s assistant cleared their throat.
“Hey starlight, can you come outside with me for a sec?” They said.
The assistant held up their phone. You heard Xiao shakily exhale as you pulled away from the stylist.
“Director Baizhu’s calling.”
“Director? Is something the matter?”
“Ah yes, did you buy the wound dressings?”
You did your best to hide your scoff.
Seriously, right now?
“Yes, right now.”
Oh. You didn’t mean to say that out loud.
Scaramouche’s assistant— whom you were borrowing a phone from— laughed softly, bemused. They led you to The Wanderer’s garden for some “privacy”, and yet their ears seemed cleaner than most. You didn’t mind them listening to some "tea." It’s better than being alone in unfamiliar territory.
“Trust me, dear. You’ll need it later.” Baizhu’s laughter echoed.
“What do you mean by that, sir?”
“Answer me first, did you buy some?”
“Poor choice. You’ll never know when there’s an emergency that calls for it.”
Your eyebrows furrowed.
Something is off.
Baizhu sighed, “nevermind. So, how was your shopping trip? What fabric have you brought, send me the hex code.”
“Yes, qin'ai de?”
“You called because you wanted to distract me, didn’t you?”
You were hoping that you wouldn’t hear his laughter from the other line.
“Oh, Xiao. I’ve tried.”
Slowly, you hung up and lowered the phone down to your thigh.
No… It can’t be.
You started sprinting back to where you came from.
“H-Hey, wait! You still have my phone!—”
You need to go.
You already knew what was happening, but at that moment you slipped out a prayer to any Archon that might listen.
Please… Please don’t be right…
… But then again, when has your sixth sense ever failed you?
Xiao’s stony expression crumbled and his more livid countenance shone through. You were too far to cinch his right arm from throwing a punch in the designer’s direction–
But he managed to surprise you by using his left fist instead.
“You will sooner die than lay a hand on them— not even their fucking hair.”
Scaramouche was already littered with bruises when you got there, his hanfu torn and his hate discarded and stomped on with abandon.
You trembled at the sight, knees nearly buckling down.
You were too late.
They both appeared unaware of your ghostly presence behind. In a single fast motion, you witnessed your beloved idol punch Scaramouche in the ribs. You winced as a crack reverberated throughout the room before Scaramouche inhaled sharply. The thing that most alarmed you, though, was the sound of Xiao's curt yet stern chuckle, which was a dead giveaway that he wasn't going to stop until the designer was rendered immobilized. Scaramouche made an effort to stand up from the ground using his fist as support, but Xiao quickly grabbed him by the collar like a mother cat would a difficult child.
“Weak,” Xiao spoke. “Why did you even dare to provoke me when you can barely defend yourself? You’re not worthy of calling (Y/n) by any other name.”
“Y-You fucking jealous dumbass. Your career is over once I’m through with you!” Scaramouche coughed up, blood spitting out from his mouth and onto Xiao’s clenched hand. “You fucking worm— I could just release the CCTV recordings and—”
“You won’t be able to retrieve any recordings,” Xiao said in an as-a-matter-of-fact tone.
He dropped Scaramouche and knelt to his level.
You wanted to scream. You wanted to beg Xiao to stop.
But you can’t recognize him, and the words died in your throat.
“You won’t find a single clip.”
Scaramouche’s face softened into a look of dismissive defeat. However, his stony yet smug expression resurfaced.
“Ah, so Tighnari’s in on this too,” Scaramouche laughed, slowly devolving into a mildly hysterical fit. “Of course, of course! You already have Baizhu’s go signal so it’s not surprising you got that genius’ approval too. Only natural that a weak person like you have so many accomplices to back up your obsession—”
“And you?”
“H-hah. And what?”
Xiao dragged him closer.
“Where are YOUR friends, Kunikuzushi?”
Xiao breathed in, closing his eyes.
“I am not like you. I am not an easy target simply because I often act alone.”
In a stroke of luck, Scaramouche turned his gaze away— and saw you at the door instead.
Positively mortified.
“D-Don’t—” Scaramouche coughed. “—talk big… H-Ha… Look behind you, insect.”
Once he did, Xiao stiffened.
No, no, no— why are you here?
… Why did you get back inside?
That wasn’t part of the plan— didn’t Baizhu call you?
“(Y-Y/n), I…”
You weren’t supposed to see this.
He took a step forward, you instinctively took two steps back. You cursed yourself internally for letting your fear get the best of you when you knew that despite Scaramouche’s broken nose and bloody lips, it was Xiao who needed your help the most.
His heart dropped.
“Producer, this is…”
His throat dried up.
Why is it so draining for him to open himself up to you?
“D-Did you see that, starlight?” Scaramouche droned. Even when he's losing blood, his silver tongue quips a retort.
“Did you see the monster you were working for?”
“Xiao” pivoted his heels, frowning even now as the mutilated man lost consciousness below him. You could barely recognize Scaramouche from all that blood. “Xiao” took a step closer to you. You couldn't move. Your feet were rooted to your spot.
Fortunately, he moved on auto-pilot, grabbing you by the arm and carefully swerving past Scaramouche’s assistant to head outside.
He didn’t give you a chance to ponder over Scaramouche’s words.
For a moment, neither of you said a thing as you stood at the front gate. It felt like an eternity before you mustered the courage to speak up.
“… You’re bleeding.”
Why aren't you comforting his hand? Please hold his hand gently. Please hold him.  
Another voice screamed inside his head, one that sounded similar to Scaramouche.
Can't you see that expression on their face? That's fear. That's betrayal. The person you love thinks you're a monster, Xiao.
“... I bought some wound dressings. They’re inside my car.”
“Be sure to buy wound dressings along the way.”
Instead of feeling relief, you shivered at how convenient it was for him to keep some in his vehicle. Director Baizhu’s mind echoed in your head almost like an apparition.
In other words: this was premeditated.
And you don’t know what to make of that information.
You zoned out that you didn’t realize you were already in front of “Xiao”’s car, still holding the assistant’s phone.
He squeezed your hand lightly.
“Don’t leave me.”
His voice cracked.
After a moment of brief silence, you gave him a hesitant frown.
… Your intuition tells you that no matter what you answer, the outcome won’t change.
You squeezed his hand back. If you didn’t, Archons know he would’ve fallen apart. 
“I’m staying.”
In a sense, you think you finally understood Xiao better. It’s just as he said yesterday: he lost everything and he felt everything. This overprotective and downright possessive nature must’ve stemmed from what had happened when he was a reservist. He can’t bear to lose another person. While it may sound nice to know he does think of you as someone important, you wish you realized this about him sooner.
Xiao has a crush on you.
He smiled.
It was a gorgeous smile. A rare eye candy enticing enough to make you glad he considered you a companion.
… But why do you feel terrified?
“Thank you. Allow me to protect you from him— from anyone from now on. Just call out my name.”
You could only fake a laugh in response.
‘Xiao, what an awful liar you are. Lying between your molars was still not something you could do without a hitch.
So do not speak as if you haven't been doing that since the very beginning.’
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ANSYTEA: Thank you for joining the 1k idol event, starlight anon!!!!
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foxydivaxx · 8 months
Idol Sanji headcanons part 2
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- He has multiple personas which you can see in his songs:
Mr Prince (yes that Mr Prince): His default persona. His pop star persona who is sweet but also dangerous and sexy in a cold calculated manner
King Nasty: his inner slut. This is the persona most people are familiar with
Brooklyn Rage: This is his inner gangster. Like if he is in this mode, bitch run
- He has the foulest mouth of the Strawhats. He is rapper no surprises
- He enjoys being a bratty sub which makes Zoro’s work even harder
- He has a lot of sex toys hidden in his room
- He has a lot of cars
- He shakes his ass a lot xD
- Zoro is more than his baby daddy and lover. He is his best friend
- He is worse than Nami in regards to the love of money. Yeah he loves the cash
- He was once a stripper during his younger years and did that to hustle for money
- He deep down does not value himself
- He often masturbates to videos and photos of Zoro
- He always does the more sluttier photoshoots
- He started smoking at the age 12 as a coping mechanism
- He loves clubbing
- According to Lelouch, Sanji had the highest grades of all the trainees under their label years ago and he was the most popular trainee at the time
- He is the member of Aogiri with the most collaborations for obvious reasons
- He suffered from an eating disorder that would later rebound during his idol years
- He used to hate his looks and body and wondered why anyone would want him. Still struggles with that today
- He and his dad both released albums on the same day. He ended up outselling the old man which greatly angered Judge
- He does not use the Vinsmoke name. Instead he uses his mother’s maiden name as his surname
-He sees Luffy and Chopper as his little brothers
-All those moans and orgasms he does in his songs? Those are not fake according to him. According to him, he masturbates in the studio to create those sounds
-He is an ATL dude due to spending most of his time growing up there even though he was born in New York but moved down to ATL with Zeff with his siblings
-His mother got shot by his dad when he was 3 years old. He rapped about this, literally destroying his dad and exposing the truth about the old man and destroying his reputation and ending Judge's career. A lot of people mock Judge, saying that his son is more gangster than he is. Judge has tried to hurt Sanji but his plans always backfire
- His mother was a pop star and was in a famous girl group before launching a successful musical career. So Sanji inherited all his talent from his parents but he got his mother’s looks, kindness and charisma
-He has been a victim of domestic and sexual abuse, first at the hands of his dad and later a lot of his exes
-Jojo's villain club are huge fans of his
-In fact every single villain you could think of love this guy to the point where many consider his songs "The Ultimate Villain Playbook." since he tends to play a villainous role in his songs since the character he seems to exude is a sexy evil Homme fatale
-As far as he is concerned, he is an all round entertainer. All that matters is that everyone has fun
-He was and still is the main moneymaker and breadwinner for the family for years because Ichiji unfortunately got shot but survived whilst selling newspapers on the streets
-The biggest scandal involving Sanji was an old sex tape of his from his stripper days resurfacing online. Pudding leaked it thanks to Judge but the plan backfired as that sextape made him even more popular than ever as it helped cement Sanji's sex symbol status
-He has the video with the highest amount of views on YouTube thanks to said sex tape scandal (Might as well add this to my fanfic)
- Don’t even dare try to sabotage him and his friends. He will destroy you
- There was one part in one of his songs that more or less defines him as a person:
Sticks and stones may break my bones,
But I am no lazybones,
Motherfucker left me for dead,
Yet I still stand,
You asked me why I do this shit?
This life goes way beyond making hits,
Started off as a poor weakling,
These days I answer to the name King
- He has a tattoo on his back close to his ass and has one on his ankle
- Sanji’s character’s stance towards women and feeding others is a reflection of real life Sanji’s past. The guy has been a victim of abuse for years and also his character’s interactions with women in the show is as a result of the things women like Pudding had done to him in the past
- He loves leather especially leather catsuits and wears those a lot
- During his Aogiri days, Sanji was not Sanji without his famous round shaped glasses. So many young idols would later emulate the style for years to come. Also his signature leather catsuits have made apperances in a variety of videos ever since
-He looks just like his mother
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colorful-white-ideas · 3 months
These Crow Reboot haters are rearing their racist head as well. First they blab on about the disrespect to Brandon Lee, now they're throwing in the "oh my god the disrespect to the goth scene which is a distinctly WHITE subculture" for casting a FKA twigs as Shelly... Hey do they know Brandon Lee is fucking mixed lol
I have not come across a comment so explicit in their racism but I'm not surprised if you did because I did read some other "subtle" words about this new Shelly. Ahhh the way they have idolized and white washed their own sub culture is almost unbelievable.
And by white washed I mean not only the racist part but also the classism... Now suddenly all goths look one way : no tattoos like " rappers" they have "cool long hair" , "cool wardrobe" and they have the clear appearance of nice quiet guys.
You just need one ONE night at a goth club and you'll see people with normal clothes, the one with a lot of face piercings , some dressed like vampires , other with full face black & white make up , girls in tight leather attires and guys that seem out of a trailer park with tattoos like Bill in the new pic.
The "goths" want to be seen as "cool" by outside people, that's all , they are desperate for compliments ... they think they will stand out from the " current trends" if they have another Brandon Lee cosplayer in this movie. Someone "clean and decent ... "
I even got to read the stupid rant of the actress who played sarah in the '94 movie , she says that "the modern Eric Draven looks like the bad guys he is supposed to fight "
I'm sorry ? Why does he look like a criminal for these people ? Because of a bunch of tattoos ? Are they trapped in the 1950's ? it's fucking 2024 !
Also the way they talk about the new Shelly, saying " this one had a relationship with a drug mob and dies because of a deal gone wrong that's not my Shelley, she will never do that she was sweet and wanted a better world" 🙄
People think that you can only be a victim if you check all the boxes to be one. And no. Women , and people in general, can be tangled in very shady situations and even like that be absolute victims of people who are way more dangerous.
That is how this new movie will play , this is not the 1994 story done again. It's partially based in the comics with a modern touch, cause it's been 30 fcking years.
This is the tragic love story of 2 lost souls ( moderns Eric and Shelly ) who tried to get better overcoming addiction, fall in love in the process but didn't get to enjoy that new opportunity in life because of death... So Eric will return looking for revenge.
Why are people hating this new storyline, it sounds pretty similar to the one they love soooo much ('94) , oh yeah because they don't consider flawed people humans deserving of redemption.
Again. They are sooo out of the norm so accurate goth , that they are now on the conservative - purist end.
Uhh and don't get me started with the stupid posts the director of the 94 movie made ... That guy is an asshole.
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pathesisa · 3 months
the marketing strategy for wayv members is so wrong and i will try to explain: (this is not hating towards any members i love all of them)
1 - the first member is xiaojun, sm pushing xiaojun into korean market after that man left was a wrong move, he is not the most marketable member for korean people. he is mcing for 1 year and he is the wayv member who gets korean promo only (bare minimum compare to other units) but it doesn't work, never saw him in the brand reputation list; ten and winwin are the only members who made it to the list. anyways xiaojun is a vocalist who should be sent in singing programs korea already has kibum, bambam kind of male idols who have the same career strategy and are obsessed with gg groups yes short viral moments are good but being labeled as this would be bad for his future career because no one gaf about kibums albums in korea they only interesting his entertainer side, xiaojun is most versatile nct vocalist he needs to market himself as a singer more, if he wants korean fame he should sing in korean but even korean singers won't charting there so i think the best market for xiaojun is mainland, my boy is more talented than any chinese mainstream artist rn. he is just talented and needs to focus on his talents more than his entertainer side because it's shadowing his talents. i really want xiaojun release covers every week, i need his angelic voice. [someone asked about his visual, yes his visual is good and my top 3 in the whole nct but he is short and has a big head (idk why this is a beauty standard) which doesn't fit in korea and chinese beauty standards]
2- second one is winwin and probably most complicated member and i'm scared yunqis will attack me, please he and xiaojun are my biases don't attack me. winwin didn't set his foot in korea for months but being on the reputation list proves he is the most marketable member for korea, if i'm not wrong he fits kbs %90 or something, but he never makes friends there, never saw him with any korean idol outside nct members, he makes himself stuck in nct circle in korea, korean people loves handsome boyfriendable cute k-idols and winwin is perfect example for this but unfortunately ww never gaf about korean market all obsessed is chinese market. i went to nct nation at japan he got the most cheers, he was the only member trended on japan twitter, he went viral 3 times he went to japan which is even no wayv and any wayv member trended here because winwin become so popular after he made into japanese national news about his and satomi ishihara similarity, not even have to mention nct life osaka.he is the most popular member in indonesia but only went here 1 time. second most popular member in thailand. ph has his biggest fanbase he never went there. this dude has a terrible career plan, all he wants become popular in mainland china, he need to open his eyes. his manager probably hates him because it's not hard to make an overseas schedule for him.
3- hendery. he is the least interesting wayv member if we have to be honest. he doesn't know how to be a private. after that man left the company he had the most potential to shine but xiaojun handled the post-lucas era better than him. i don't like his and winwin's rap parts in wayv songs, even yangyang's these raps ruining wayv's songs for being pop perfection for me. i dont see a singer or rapper future for him, wukong was a terrible experience. but you know what he has big potential among all wayv members to become popular, he is so an entertainer. he should be sent with winwin into those variety shows instead of that man, he would be x2 big in the mainland rn. i mean with 0 promotions he is the 3rd most popular member in china, having bigger fanbases than xiaojun, kun, and yangyang who have more gigs in their bags. he is so popular in indonesia, i remember he went viral there every day after a hendery fic adapted to an indo-drama. he should consider acting in movies, wong kar wai needs to open his eyes.
4- yangyang.. a big wasted potential. he would be more popular than any chinese idol in korea if he debuted in a korean group.. he is so baby. he is so marketable there, hip-hop alt culture is so popular nowadays he could probably be friends with everyone. but the company made him mark 2.0, with no originality not saying he is the less talented because yangyang is the most talented member in wayv (yes more talented than ten) but the marketing strategy killed his all hype there. this man outrapping the top 2 nct rapper (ijbol) with his 3rd language with ease, but if marketing is wrong you will start 1-0 behind. the other marketing fault is making him ten's sidekick in variety shows, this is why his fanbase never grows. all yangyang stans also love ten they have very common fandoms he needs to promote with different people, 10velys will never let yangyang shine in a show there ten is also there. yall he needs to hang out with some korean dudes outside the nct members and do some collabs, trust me is would benefit him more than those tenyang contents. everyone thinks yangyang is benefiting ten in tenyang collabs but all yangyang get is overshadowed by ten because ten has a huge fanbase. being a duo with ten was the worst thing in his career now all he gets from these, annoying shippers and a hateful fanbase who hates him because they think he is using ten's opportunities. send him in a show as mentor than watched him. my talanted boy!
5- maybe he is not the most popular in any country but he has the biggest potential for his future after wayv because he is friends with every composer, and producer, improving himself, and growing his friend circle. he is the best with these. the friends that winwin, xiaojun, or yangyang made into the industry will never benefit them in the future but having producer friends means you have secured your position. instead of being hyped for 4-5 years and then being forgotten after new idols debuted, i will always prefer people like kun who have stable careers because he will still have the same fanbase even after 10 years. this is why i think he has the best strategy in wayv and dont want quick viral moments like didi line of wayv (hendery, xiaojun, yangyang), all people know him as the member who can do 20 things.
6- ten lee.. ace of the aces. being compared to with the ten lee would be biggest achivement for those nct members yall trying to believe us they are more taleted than him lol. wayv was the biggest miastake for his career. this dude want int fame, being 2000s popstar. relasing a fully english song without thai or chinese version just proving my point. he really dgaf about these markets. he should be debuted as a soloist at the first day now we probably would compare him with the taemin but now people only calling him taemin 2.0 and it's so sad. i think he and winwin really loves wayv because both of them have better chances outside the group but they are still with them. his album is doing so good and break some records and surpassed big soloist like taeyeon, seulgi etc. in spotify numbers. the company need to already start to organize his 2nd album even before wayv album sorry not sorry.
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absolutebl · 1 year
Kpop end of 2022 shows
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In which I mostly slam 4th gen boy groups, so if you’re a stan skip this post or go in prepared to be offended. I am aware that this is off brand for this blog. But I’m also aware that I have a number of followers who are as deeply into Kpop as me, and...
who probably will unfollow me after reading this. Oh well, I’m gonna do it anyway. This is my tiny corner of the internet. MINE I tell you!  
Look, there was no Between Us airing today, and so nothing for me to get my watch-along snark out on except for the 2 Kpop shows that Viki popped into my feed. So skip this post if that’s not your thing. 
2022 Gayo Daejeon (stadium event) 
OMG! Either mic them properly or don’t mic them at all! This is a music concert, right? Why can’t Korea ever fucking get the sound right in these goddamn bonanza shows? I had this problem with Kingdom (arguably more of an issue since that was supposedly made for TV) but it’s 100 times worse with this show. It’s so frustrating. 
For example, with NCT, why is Johnny’s the only hot mic in the group? Sound tech on stuff out of Korea is mind numbingly confusing and ear wrenchingly annoying. I am reminded why I never watch the live shows and never go to Kpop concerts.
And now, here’s some offensive thoughts and unpopular opinions:
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Yeonjun of TXT is one of the best 4th gen dancers ever fielded, and one of the better all rounders. But Kpop stylists gotta learn how to dress a dancer so that they can be properly watched, ya know, WHEN THEY ARE DANCING. No puffer vests, you brainless fashionista numb-nuts. Poor thing kept having to do wardrobe adjustments. Honestly, this plus their red carpet looks this year? 
TXT desperately needs a new stylist.
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Stray Kids
As a group? They really can’t sing very well or consistently, their strength is in their performance and rapping. And their rappers MUST to be micced hot for live - just KILL 3racha's backup recording, okay? They can handle it. Otherwise please just let them all lip-synch so we can watch them perform. It’s a much better experience.
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Yuta has more charisma in his little finger than Taeyong has in his whole entire body. Doyoung is an incredibly underrated vocalist. Their’s was some of the worst miccing and sound of the night (which is saying a lot considering how terrible it was the whole time). Fantastic use of the stage tho. One the best stadium performance I’ve seen since GOT7. Also, 2 Baddies is an objectively terrible song - which is probably why it’s so popular.
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The Boyz
Definitely the prettiest, how are they consistently so glorious on their visuals? Sunwoo keeps getting hotter, it’s patently unfair. But, oh my god, if you are going to have a group sing ballads, then bring 2nd (Highlight) or 3rd (BTOB) gens up there don’t use The Boyz (or SK for that matter). No one wants to hear unstable vocals, even if it’s a CNBLUE cover. Is it weird that The Boyz make me miss Seventeen? Same vibe... better syncopation. 17 is not as pretty tho.
Who is? 
Well, UNIQ of course. But I don’t wanna talk about that. 
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Jongho is the only 4th gen idol in existence who doesn’t need a mic even in a goddamn stadium. He is insane. But there is a reason the boy likes a handheld mic, because he takes his vocals seriously. And still the sound tech didn’t trust him enough to leave that mic hot? Frankly, it’s a crime that Jongho’s voice is wasted on a performance group. (Yes, I said it.) But Ateez did give the best stage of the night. They really are one of the industry’s hardest working groups at the moment. I’m a little worried they’re being pushed too much.
Actually singing for a change *gasp* what will they do without auto tune? Ooof, I’m hella mean tonight. And... they seem to have been practicing their vocals since last time. Honestly? They lack the stage presence of some of the more experienced 4th gens. NCT fucking EATS up a stadium. Enhyphen looked a little sad up there by comparison.
MBC 2022 (New Year's showcase) 
Much better sound (mostly lip-synching) and most groups handle a showcase stage better than a stadium. 
The MC team was better on this one. 
Any time the Boyz and Ateez would like to dance together, I will be happy to watch it happen.
I’m not particularly interested in either of them, but Tempest and Kepler covering Pretty U was pretty damn cute. But younger boy groups + younger girl groups intermixing on stage always comes off as awkward. Dancers should be dancing together when they share a stage together. It’s weird when they are clearly afraid to touch each other. 
Hanbin is such sunshine, so pleased to see a Vietnamese idol at last.
As expected the bands doing live Krock had the best music performances. Well and the opera singers, of course. 
NCT’s Jungwoo is Taemin’s little brother, they look too much alike, you cannot persuade me otherwise. 
It’s a sin that Jeahyun hasn’t has a break away acting role yet. No babies, he really isn’t going to do us a BL. 
It’s always great when the surfeit of music shows at the end of the year forces a group like NCT to divide and conquer, because we get to see some of the lesser publicized members do some killer performing. 
NCT’s choreographer is phenomenal. Best in the biz? 
A sexy cover of Love Killa is fine but if you can’t go hard on Monsta X’s raps then why bother? This only made me want to go watch the original. Which I did. 
I’d like to see SK cover Monsta X but that’s about it. Maybe P1H.
Speaking of MX. Why did they cover a song where Kihyun (one of the most consistent voices in Kpop) mostly has to sing falsetto? What a damn waste. 
Fun to see IM getting more confident in his vocals but I’d still rather see the MX maknae line rap. 
And… thank you for doing an end of year stage Monsta X! Holding onto my beloved 3rd gens by the skin of my teeth here. Look I just love them, okay? Even down 2 members Monsta X goes harder than other groups, but effortlessly. They gave the best performance of my whole night, both shows, 6 hours of content and I’m just left wanting to watch MX comeback stages.  
Am I 3rd gen biased? 
Bite me. But only if you can do it as hard as Monsta X would. 
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jihyoruri · 6 days
I’m not rlly surprised richgirlyn is a rapper… I mean I thought she’d be giving like “this one is for the boys w the boomin system” but after that insta update…
FIRSTLY “I wanna have a breakup so I can have a breakdown and no one will question” NO BECAUSE YALL SEE WHAT IVE BEEN SAYING? I’ve been right this whole time she wants to be vulnerable and wants to feel her emotions fr but she thinks it’s embarrassing
also ning js like me fr “you should cry rn” YASSS💥💥
moving on.. richgirlyn I was not aware of ur game! “don’t ever suggest that stupid shit to me again” OKAYYYY
no because everyone talking about baemonyn but richgirlyn is hard asf like standing on BUSINESS.
ik her company don’t let her say shit in the songs I know she’s going crazy on features like those unhinged exy verses (ifykyk) like I know she has BARSSSS. i know when they see she on the song everyone on twt is like NOT AGAAAINN😭😭
like I was not aware of her game… imagining her dressing in all pink 2000s core and posing with her hands in front of her tryna act hard LMFAOOO😭😭
there’s no way.. I know her members kinda confused asf sometimes because they think she’s just kinda shallow and preppy and whatever but then they witness her bars..
I think shamelessyn, wowyn, and baemonyn stans might lowk respect richgirlyn… like they could hate her all they want but game recognize game.. baemonyn as a rapper too like.. I feel like after that instagram shit they’d get along 😭😭
LIKE in the works she’s chill just kinda yknow.. bitchy and real asf but !?! WHY IS SHE ACTING LIKE SHE SCARY LMFAOO😭😭
was saying cibyn and richgirlyn stans fighting but.. I mean I think baemonyn stans probably be arguing who’s the better rapper 😭
the way she specifically said bf because she knows the bf wouldn’t be the real reason she’s crying and he wouldn’t have any emotional toll on her because she barely likes men😭 (she has had a couple of bfs tho)
ning is so real for that (she’s also yn’s only real friend yn likes to keep her circle small so that’s why ning is the only person in her priv.)
LOL she can get snappy for real we “don’t ever suggest that stupid shit to me again” but let’s talk about “nah it makes me real get ur money up and you’ll be real too.”
her features are considered the best she says the craziest shit on her verses and barley collabs with kpop idols it’s mostly krnb so yk she’s allowed to say some stuff.
she rlly does try to act hard in her little pink outfits it’s like her trademark
her wow!yn shameless!yn and baemon!yn would definitely get along no doubt about it (two singers two rappers)
baemon!yn stans and richgirl!yn arguments probably go crazy because they’re both crazy good rappers
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RPWP let's go! To be honest, I didn't know the album dropped today. I thought Lost was another pre-release and that the album would drop in June, but I think that's NJs new album?
Anyway, I watched the Lost MV after waking up and was kind of disappointed. Namjoon's always a mixed bag (except in collabs). I don't understand his way of writing and expressing himself, and find it quite indigestible and dense; his English rap is very slurred most of the time too. Yes, he's incredibly intelligent, can write amazing lyrics, and his Korean rap can be insane, but a lot of the times I can't enjoy his songs. I tend to like his features more (he has some amazing ones, like Change, Sexy Nukim and Don't).
Hours later, I'm back from work and have listened to his album:
Right People, Wrong Place: Nice intro, but immediately his English accent and the way he sings in English is off-putting. The track is also very alternative and indie, which are genres I don't vibe with.
Nuts: Very interesting song... The way he's rapping in the beginning is a bit... it doesn't work super well. I loved the outro though - that part was cool. Overall, it's a good song. People went fucking crazy over the "she's a pro-rider", and also "he's a pro-rider", but I'm not sure this is Namjoon being a "bisexual king"; it's like the relationship from the guy's pov, which is why he says "no woman could stop him" and not "no man [RM] could stop him". But it's still a possible interpretation. I just see too many Armys taking everything he said literally and filling in the blanks with assumptions, creating their own narrative which is quickly being spread as the truth. People are saying RM cut his hair, started working out and deleted his IG pics because of a breakup and that he then got into situationships. I mean, this would be a normal thing to do but those could all be isolated events. You don't know if he cut his hair over a breakup?... Like, Army wants BTS relationship drama so much they act like they know everything. I admit I'm not a normal 20 year old, so who knows? I also wasn't keeping up with his Weverse lives.
out of love: Well, this whole album is very Sundance coming of age movie about a "cool yet lost guy in his 20s who goes to bars, drinks, smokes with this friends while contemplating his existence" which couldn't be further from my vibe. I hate indie music because it's slow, lethargic, whimsical, loose, and I'm neurotic, high-strung, literal, and uptight. I can't vibe with indie; I can't relate to normal 20 years old who smoke weed at parties. That's really nothing special, but to me it's a whole different universe. I have no friends or a life. I can't relate to Namjoon at all... Anyway, him saying "bitches" is not cool. I see Army praising him for hitting back at those who criticize idols for smoking, but, no man - unless he's explicitly queer and saying it and a fun manner, maybe, can use the word "bitch" imo. I fucking hate that word. I also felt like Namjoon was trying to copy black rappers in this song, but I'm probably too white to comment. Can't say I enjoyed the track. I feel really basic, but I'm too straight-laced, boring white girl to appreciate this album, sorry.
Domodachi: Eh... I was expecting the woman to be an amazing rapper, since I saw Army hype her up, but she's... alright? Lyrically, she's pretty basic - in this track at least. Also, it's so weird listening to Brits rap lmao. There's no translation of this track yet, so I don't really know the lyrics.
? (Interlude): I like classical music (won't include XXI classical music in this statement, which I know nothing about and is a lot different from what we traditionally think of as classical music), but I don't like jazz that much in general... Both are considered "intelectual music", but jazz isn't for me... I like structure and a certain repetitiveness in music. Improvisation is just confusing to me and, like, I'm so type A, I just can't vibe with it.
Groin: Joon's cursing is a bit too much in this album. The way he curses is a bit... aggressive?, yet at the same time giving Jungkook in Seven vibes. I guess that's the point. We have "bitch" here again. It's pretty disappointing... I thought he'd learned better. I read the lyrics translation from an account on X and on Genius, and they were quite different... The first was very anti establishment, the second less so. "Not a fucking diplomat" is great though. But I hate the chorus... "Get your ass out the trunk?"...
Heaven: Didn't particularly stand out. This song also doesn't have a translation yet (or I couldn't find one. It's been hours though. If this was an ot7, maknae line, or Yoongi track, 100% sure there would be multiple translations already).
LOST!: The woman singing in the beginning sounds so familiar... The song has a fun rhythm, and of all the RPWP tracks (aside from Come Back to Me), it's the easiest listening song. It actually represents the album very well, unlike Come Back to Me which is a clear outlier (feel kind of deceived, really) and easily the most GP friendly track (hence it being the pre-release). The song is fun but the English lyrics are just bad. The album's full of poorly written English lyrics. I guess it's on purpose? Don't like it, don't get it.
Around the world in a day: Another count for "bitch". The song's okay, butthe lyrics are... Honestly, it feels like the whole album is just vibes. What is he even saying? Heartbreak, anger, etc., but in terms of message, it's very repetitive. It's all so vague too? Don't know what he means because I like things spelled out to me - maybe that's my bad.
Credit Roll: Well, no use commenting haha.
Come Back to Me is the only relatable and truly enjoyable track to me. Sorry, I don't know how to appreciate this album and can't stand a lot of the English. I feel like RPWP highlights everything I like least about RM as an artist... While, I didn't enjoy the album on my first listen, it's cool how experimental it is and that it sounds nothing like idol music. BTS are so diverse musically. If you play this album to anyone and tell them it's BTS, they'll be in absolute disbelief lmao.
Second listen through and review here!
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 13 days
"It wasn't until he made music with Dom and became friends with him and started seeming more human and accessible that I fell in love with him"
So... when he was around his black friends and colleagues and in a black scene he was not enough of a 'human' and not enough 'accessible' for you?
Right now you sound no different than Megan who said somewhat of the liking 'he was abandoned and was left to be raised by wolves' in her 'poetry' when plenty times he credited plenty both Ashleigh mom and Slim+Dub moms and other black women (like his best friend's mom in Denver) for being there and essentially raising him. Who are the wolves? (This question is for Megan) and... who are the people around him that didn't allow him to 'seem more human and accessible' (this one indeed is for you, tho?).
You can find this info - the credit he gives the black community- in his past rap interviews... but maybe he was to inhumane and inaccessibile for you to watch them.
I don't except you to post this, this is just for you, this is not a hate attack just a fruit for thought. Some of you do not realize how tone deaf the things you say are while having good intentions. There is more to intersectionality, beyond gender and their roles, that you choose to ignore. And that's just sad.
Oh I'll totally post it because anyone who has followed me for any length of time already understands why this is. I really hope you send something else later so I can take care of something but I'm pretty sure you're the only person who thinks this.
I am a very open person who's been through a lot of shit in my life. Colson used to scare me because when I was a teenager I was raped by my ex who idolized Em and all rap. Maybe it wasn't right of me to have PTSD with a whole genre of music but I was a child and went through hell because of that boy. You don't get to choose triggers, only that you wish to heal from them. He assaulted me in my church and left me pregnant- which I lost a few months later. I spent the next decade or more too terrified of anyone who looked, acted, and tried to seem an alpha male. It wasn't just rappers or whatever, ANYONE who had that "I'm a man lemme smash" personality. If you followed anything I've posted about Kells or myself before YOU wouldn't sound so ignorant and tone deaf. If you don't like us, GET OFF OUR PAGES. Stop attacking us and our followers. It's that easy. You don't have to try and convince me I don't like people. I'm a trans man so yeah I like the boy who wears skirts and what he's done with Colson. If you somehow haven't noticed, that's what I focus on. It's a fanpage, not a political statement.
I fell in love with Dom and his kind heart even though he sung some rap. It opened me up to healing, finding myself, and a world of new things. Because of him I found Kells again and started to see how he was around Dom. It was different than who he was around anyone else. He started seeming okay with someone like me and I took his name BECAUSE of how much he helped me heal and changed my outlook.
I'm glad for all the people he had over his life but given my past I wouldn't have been able to deal with him if not for his relationship with Dom. I (and Roxy) don't owe you shit and you sound like you're desperate for everyone to think you're a better fan than the rest of us. You put him down for no longer being manly enough for you so which of us comes off worse? I love all versions of him. He helped me heal.
I hope by now @triplexdoublex has blocked you but please do message me again so I can block you now. This triggered the fuck out of me and gave me a panic attack so thanks for ruining my morning, I'm sure that makes you feel big and strong. Considering how you talked about him you're probably transphobic too so this is the only power I'm giving you and it's more so Roxy can see what you are and hopefully never gives you a platform again. People are allowed to grow and heal and change, maybe you should try it? I know you hate that Colson did but it might help you.
To all my mutuals who already know all this I'm sorry to have to go back over it. I just felt like this needed to be seen. Someone like this might try to use it later and I'm not in the mood to let anyone think they have one over me. I love you all and I hope you're having a lovely day 🖤
Edit to add: How very fucking DARE you compare me in ANY way to that abusive woman. I'll give the benefit of the doubt that you just follow Roxy and don't know my past. But that was worse than you reaching for the rest. You were literally the one spewing abusive rhetoric about him not being manly enough- that sounds more like Megan than I'll ever be. But Dom and Cols taught me how to be a man so I'll let this go like they would. Hope you have the day you deserve!
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bonny-kookoo · 2 years
OT7: Sunset Songs 5
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In which a hybrid is nothing but a status symbol, a pet, a sign of wealth and power- or are you maybe more than that?
Tags/Warnings: another hybrid fic shut up, Idol!OT7, Puppy hybrid!Reader, stigmatization and shitty views on hybrids, romance, angst
Additional Chapter Warnings: angst, yoongi focus, blurring lines between owner/hybrid and romantic relationship oops
Chapter Length: short
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"that's ridiculous." Yoongi scoffs, earning a look from Namjoon who's desperate to keep his members in check, well aware that everyone, including him, is currently more than just on edge.
"I- shouldn't this be discussed with us first? After all, we're her legal owners-" Namjoon starts, though he is promptly interrupted by the new staff member- a guy who's very much overly proud of his high position in the company.
"technically-" he cuts the leader off. "-the company owns her, not you. So the company ultimately makes decisions on this matter, not you." he explains, shrugging. "and considering from what I've heard, you guys never wanted her anyways. we're simply taking the burden away." he tells the group, who doesn't seem happy about it at all.
"but that's- that's different! We've bonded now, you can't just take her away-" Jimin argues- though Namjoon steps in to protect him from potentially being scolded later.
"there has to be an alternative. Why now?" he wants to know, when the manager shrugs.
"we want to send you on tour." he explains. " The company decided that it's too much effort and wasted resources to provide her with medication for the flight, meals and daily care from a staff member that could better be used doing their actual job than babysitting. It's as simple as that." the man says- and that's when something unexpected happens.
Because after hearing that, Yoongi simply walks out the meeting room, slamming the door shut viciously to make known that he's not having it in the slightest.
And while everyone else stays behind to argue about the decision to put you back up for adoption, the rapper who left earlier now has you in his studio, playing around with a tug-toy you're holding onto, before you crawl onto his lap. "you're sad." you say, and he clenches his jaw, before shaking his head. "angry then?"
"a little." he admits, hands holding you by your lower back, his fingers intertwined while he leans back to look at you. "not at you though. Whatever happens-" he says, face unreadable, "-I'm not mad at you. None of us are." he urges.
"did something happen?" you wonder, and he wants to punch a wall because of course they didn't share something huge like that with you. Of course they'd never think about your feelings about this.
"..." but neither can he say it, unable to break your heart after all this time spent together with you. He won't lie to you, but he can't just slam something like this into your face like it's nothing either. "I just love you a lot. 's all." he shrugs, and your tail begins to wag at that before you hug him tightly, falling onto the couch with him.
He chuckles at your enthusiasm, holding you close before you mumble something into his chest. "I love you all, you know?" you say quietly. "Like.. A lot-lot." you admit, and he knows what you're potentially talking about.
He knows, because he feels the same as well about you, and he also knows he's not the only one.
And it makes it all so much worse- the timing couldn't be more horrible than now. You've overcome so many fears of yours, your trust in the guys stronger than ever- and now, they just want to take you away again. He feels like a child in a way, craving to just scream and yell and tell them they can't have you. You're the little emotional luxury he has, someone to lean on, someone to love- and now you're going to be taken away just like that.
No, he doesn't want that.
He's not giving you up without a fight.
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sageistrii · 2 months
the rapline take you just made whewwww..very bold if you ask me to be saying all of that while stanning ggs that bring nothing to the table and other artists that ALL have writers on credits but are also praised for being good producers and writers nonetheless because thats normal and even if all these cases including bts you would never know the exact percentage of involvment and for all you know the tracks that namjoon talks about are ideas and part that he came up with for the biggest part...but somehow other ppl on a song credits its something you use as a drag against rapline? also you're clearly missing out on actually ready many bts songs lyrics from rapline and their verses that they wrote themselves cause wooow the way you're talking...
I dragged them for having other people on their song credits? Wouldn't that be a stupid thing to do considering Jimin had credits from other people on his album?
Or did you just ignore the whole context of everything I said and decided to get mad at the credits thing only?. But I do understand why you would get mad because that is the only thing they have over vocal line, and most other idols really because if you take away those song credits most girls in Kpop actually bring more to the table than those three (y'know...since you wanted to go there).
I find your ask funny though because, first I actually do think Yoongi and Namjoon are the best rappers in Kpop and I have defended and praised their contribution to BTS multiple times (if you're new here or maybe you aren't even supposed to be here just say that because if you kept up with my posts on sagemariner you would know that.) Secondly you ignored the part where I called them one trick ponies and you're mad about the credits portion?, everything I said was said in relation to armys and their shadiness towards vocal line, not that I think it's shameful to have others on the credits.
Also I get the feeling you're a pjm who has some love for rapline and that's why you're mad because I notice that some of y'all do this thing where you like following accounts and eat up the drags against members like Tae and jk but go ballistic whenever they do the same to rapline especially Namjoon and Hobi. I care about Jimin, whatever bias you feel towards some of them has nothing to do with me and it's wild that i have to say this when I myself have also defended other members of BTS from pjms, but the thing is I defend them by giving my opinion about why I don't agree with their takes about the members, because that's what we do here, not whatever you just did talking about some "whewww... That's a bold take" and trying to bring in the girlgroups I "Stan" (Stan is used loosely by the way because I've said several times that BTS is the only Kpop group I actively Stan) when they have nothing to do with this. Every BTS member gets whacked here, your bias list has nothing to do with me.
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You make a really interesting point actually.
I’ve always been aware that not every member was going to be equally talented in certain categories and sometimes they weren’t even that talented and were added just for their looks (which I don’t believe is right considering the overwhelming amount of talented people that could’ve been in their place, but that doesn’t mean I don’t love them any less). But I feel like I saw people always being kinda mean about it so I tried to defend them and sometimes try and delude myself into believing they had more talent than they really did. I just wanted to be more positive if I’m being honest, but hindsight is 20/20 and I’ve realized that them being mean wasn’t always the case, they were just stating the facts lol. I’ve also grown since then. Idols like that still exist and I don’t hate on them for it. But I also don’t try and convince myself or anyone else that they’re something they’re not. I have hopes that they’ll continue to improve though!
As for demanding equal lines, I admit that I am one of those people, or I at least just complain about it to myself or my friends. But I’ve recently realized that more often than not, it’s for a good reason. They might not get many lines in singing or rap, but they can be a stellar dancer and show their talent through that. I’ve never quite considered that to be a possibility.
I do remember times though where I noticed a member got little to no lines, but were constantly center or at the front during the dance or got lots of screen time during the music video. I’d like to think that the reason why that is is because the company wants the members to present themselves and perform in the best way possible that is effective to their strengths and weakness and not because they like or dislike a member more than the others (which is also a possibility that I keep in mind).
The thing with all-rounders is interesting as well. I personally do think that some idols are all-rounders, they’re just the strongest in one category and that’s usually the one that they present as the most. But I agree that most idols aren’t all-rounders when their fans consider them so. I wonder if that’s just because they want to think the best about them even when it’s not completely true. I personally do base my “favorite singer in the group” or “favorite rapper in the group” off of my personal tastes, but I’ll always say that when stating my opinion because I know it’s not a universal thing.
The Kpop fandom as a whole is soooo… I don’t even know.
Anyways! I’m sorry for the long paragraph and opinion that literally no one asked for 🥲, I’m just having all of these epiphanies😅
I hope you’re doing well! Love youuuuu🫶🫶🫶
I guess in kpop it makes sense some are added for their looks. Kpop isn't just about vocals. In fact it mainly isn't and the visuals are the stan attractors but they at least should carry a tune and there should be a proper main vocalist.
Yeah there is being mean and there is stating a fact. Like i said some are my own faves and even i can admit they're not good lmao but they shine somewhere else
Oh i used to be one of the equal lines demanders and i used to resent jungkook because he got the most lines in bts songs lol but now i get it. He is by far the most stable live and the most in control over his own vocals. My own fave at the time V had and still has very poor technique that despite his pleasant tone of voice makes him hard to listen to for long.
Yup while there are cases of idols with good vocals not getting their due lines (liz from ive is the most recent example) sometimes they make the idol shine in something else like momo in twice. Ofc at the same time they should still get a couple of lines so they're not completely removed from the song because that's just cruel.
Yeah there are all rounders but they're very rare. Like txt for example, yeonjun is the only all rounder. The rest aren't and it's dishonest to say they are but companies wanna claim their idols are all all rounders to not do the work of finding standout talent over just visuals. Like newjeans, ive, lesserafim, all groups I adore but where is the main vocalist? Main dancer? Main rapper?
Yeah the kpop fandom is made up of younger kids so of course they'd be passionate about defending their faves. I was when i was their age.
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yourkimjaejin · 1 year
Johnny x Moxy (Minny) Moments
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Here's a couple of moments in the relationship between Johnny and his little sister Moxy, Enjoy!!! ~ Author Izzy
Moxy has a one track mind. When she’s focused on something, she won’t stop until she gets it done. 
That gets in the way when Moxy was in school at SOPA
Sometime’s the rapper would get frustrated at how things were worded, how they solved math problems, and the sheer amount of homework given was overwhelming. To avoid it, she would fake like she had dance practice. Dancing all night until she was forced to spend an all nighter finishing her work
After the fifth time Moxy wandered into practice with blood shot eyes that were barely open, Johnny stepped in telling Taeyong he’d handle it.
Johnny told her that his door was open no matter the time. He’d been through what Moxy was going thru but he didn’t have help. 
Anytime Moxy needed it, Johnny would stay up and help solve any question Moxy had regarding her homework
Eventually they formed a system where the two would take over a conference room and knock out her homework for the next day
When Moxy love’s something, she studies everything she can about it. She wouldn’t be a kpop idol if she didn’t want to know more about the Korean side of her.
But Johnny can’t get enough of Moxy’s little obsessions. He finds her one track mind sooo cute
Like when it comes to wrestling, Moxy loses her collective mind. She’ll start reacting like nobodies in the room with her. He has dozens of videos of Moxy practically hyperventilating at different segments from show
Moxy has a weird eating habit. She eats all the vegetables out of her meal before any rice or meat. Seeing her dig through every section of a meal for any veggies she forgot makes Johnny want to squeeze her.
Johnny could just shake her when Moxy reads something in Korean. It’s when she sounds out the words she doesn't know. 
The audible coo Johnny releases when Moxy’s pouts or glares in frustration
Johnny think’s Moxy is the cutest when she’s listening to music. It’s like she can’t control her body anymore. She’ll start dancing and singing no matter who's around. 
The best are when they’re in the car on the way back home from a schedule. It's those times when Johnny can tell Moxy is lost in another world while listening to her music. Sometimes the two will meet each others eyes. Johnny will smile and Moxy smiles back….yeah those are the times when Moxy is the cutest to Johnny
Johnny is in AWE of Moxy
Her Strength and Fearlessness. 
Johnny and Doyoung would frequently accompany Moxy to the gymnastics gym to keep an eye on her, making sure she didn’t get hurt 
Sometime’s Johnny couldn’t watch as she threw herself into dangerous trick after dangerous trick. Doyoung would laugh at his hyung hiding behind his fingers.
The couple of times Doyoung was able to get Johnny to look up, he couldn’t help but see why Moxy was considered one of the best from her high school’s cheer squad. 
The strength she held while flipping and cartwheeling across the mat. The fearless expression in her eyes as Johnny watched her do one last rotation at the last second to land properly. 
Her Mind
Johnny could listen to Moxy talk about her passions for hours. 
The best times are when she has an idea for music videos. Johnny can’t count the nights he’s stayed up for hours listening to Moxy’s ideas for NCT music videos
Johnny always encourages her to write them down. Hopefully one day she’ll share them with the company, he knows she will
Her Talent
Johnny is pretty sure nobody is luckier than 127 to have Moxy on their team. She has so much talent it's embarrassing 
Moxy can pick up lyrics in a snap. Choreography comes so easy to her. The versatility of her voice. 
Johnny could spend hours gushing about his little sister so make not to ask him about what’s his favorite thing about Moxy cause you’ll be stuck listening for HOURS
There's one thing that all the 127 members know and its that Moxy is considered, by a large margin of male kpop idol’s, to be one of the sexiest female idols out there
A lot of guys take glimpses at her. She never notices because they’re stopped by her fellow members
Johnny has literally seen boys stop what they're doing and gaze at Moxy with so much longing. It makes him sick.
Johnny and Moxy will get into a ton of fights because he’ll want her to cover up  but not explain why. Most of the time, Moxy will change just to get him to shut his mouth
The worst era’s for this were Favorite and Faster. 
Favorite was bad because the stylist thought of the amazing idea “Let's show off Moxy’s body after YEARS of hiding it.”. 
Dresses that stopped right before the middle of her thigh, tight in all the right places(all the wrong places in Johnny eyes). She always wore shorts underneath so she was never afraid to dance full out. 
Faster was even WORSE! Moxy was walking around in leather crop top and pants that showed off just a bit too much for Johnny
Johnny and Yuta have mastered their glares due to this ‘problem’. Jaehyun doesn’t glare so much as he blocks the view of Moxy with his body. 
Moxy hasn’t run them down because of this but it’s coming
Whenever Moxy wanted to go somewhere, It was on Johnny's gas tank. He took her and anyone with her everywhere
The unofficial reason, Johnny wanted to practice driving in Korea. The official reason, Johnny didn’t trust Moxy alone on Korean Public Transit
But like most big brothers forced to lug their sister’s around Johnny got tired of it. So he began teaching Moxy to drive
In the end, Johnny took Msquared to take their driving test together. Marks loves to rub his higher score in Moxy’s face. 
To keep in practice, one of their older members will take them out for a drive late at night so they don’t get caught by a wandering camera. This usually ends up being Johnny and 
Side Msquared note: Mark and Moxy are saving up to buy a car together
Taglist: @alixnsuperstxr / @1-800-call-ria / @sophrodite / @sunflower-0180
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foxydivaxx · 8 months
Idol Sanji AU Headcanons
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- Sanji is a member of famous boy band Aogiri. (A combo of Exo and BTS xD)
- Sanji is one of the lead vocalists and rappers of the group
- His character in One Piece is an affectionate parody of his real life self as it is a well known fact that Sanji is a bit of a pervert and flirt and a ladies man.
- Sanji is one of the sexiest members of Aogiri and actually won Sexiest Man Alive 3 times. Whenever he wins, the rest of Aogiri rejoice because they want him to get that love and attention
- The One Piece cast consider Sanji as the sexiest cast member
- Sanji loves Zoro so much and wants him to always know that
- A lot of men have admitted to having a crush on him, something he finds cute
- He and his siblings actually get along in real life compared to their characters but they all hate their father for being a jerk and ran away from home.
- It was Sanji’s fame that got the other Vinsmoke kids enough money to take care of themselves and jobs in the industry. Yonji is an actor and rapper, Ichiji is a famous DJ, Niji is a music producer, rapper and songwriter and actually produces all of Sanji’s solo work and Reiju is a model and actress and she occasionally sings and she can rap too. Everyone can rap and sing in this family
- The Vinsmoke kids lived with their uncle Zeff who helped them kickstart their careers
- Sanji’s playboy antics is as a result of getting his heart broken by Pudding and a lot of his ex girlfriends whom either dumped him or cheated on him or both years ago. He became the bad boy that he is now as a form of revenge to every single damn bitch that dared to break his heart. A lot of his songs talk about this a lot.
- Speaking of Pudding, she tried to beg him to come back to her but Sanji refused. Not just her, a lot of his exes tried to beg him. Now he is a cold-hearted bastard. Or so he thinks. He sleeps around so that no one would dare break his heart. Yet he is in love with two guys
- He loves strip clubs and often hangs out there and often has sex there
- He lost his virginity when he was 14 which is why he is wild
- His bickering with Zoro is his way of flirting with him because he overheard a conversation Zoro had with Nami where he said he liked his men feisty
- Every single Sanji music video always has a scene with Sanji smoking a cigarette. Fans find it sexy when he does that and so he puts it there
- He always panics whenever Natsu devours most of the food in the fridge because that reminds him of Luffy a lot
- He has been singing and dancing since he was 3. He started rapping when he was 10. Thank Ichiji and Niji for that. His rapping skills was ironically what landed him a spot on Aogiri in the first place because he looks innocent but when he opens his mouth and spits, he goes gangster on everyone.
- The rest of the One Piece cast are shocked whenever they listen to Sanji’s music because Sanji is a sweet guy yet there he is spitting the most explicit, sexual lyrics. As if that is not enough, he often touches himself whenever he dances and does the most erotic dance moves and his music videos are considered low key porn by many people
- His sexiest video saw him covered in diamonds and he was naked (Britney Spears toxic)
- Another sexy video shows him dancing with a strip pole. That video gave Zoro nosebleeds
- He has two songs dedicated to him rapping about his ass. Zoro listens to those songs often wondering what goes through Sanji’s mind due to how graphic and explicit his lyrics are.
-There is another song about ass that is actually Donflamingo’s song but Sanji got featured in it. The video shows Sanji literally shaking his ass and twerking his ass against Donflamingo’s crotch. A lot of the male One Piece cast members were reduced to blushing messes the day they saw that video. Doflamingo ironically wrote that song as a tribute to Sanji’s ass
- He is terrifying when he disses people and a lot of people learn this hard way. Do not break his heart otherwise you are on his hit list
- His lyrics tend to be the most explicit in Aogiri's songs
- He has a very famous laugh
- Why does he annoy Zoro? Simple. He wants to reel the guy up so that he will pounce on him and fuck his brains out xD
- He has sent dirty photos of himself to Zoro, driving the man nuts in the process.
- When he wore the Raid Suit for the first time, everyone’s jaws dropped because he looked sexy in it.
- He allows Zoro to grope his ass whenever he wants to
- He calls Zoro Mosshead and calls him Daddy behind closed doors
- Sanji is a kinky little bastard
- Unlike his character, he gets every damn bitch. Yes even his female co-stars. Also unlike his chracter, he would happily kill a bitch
-The girls call him King Nasty because of how much of a bad boy he is and his sex appeal
- Some scenes involving his character were painful for him to film due to his past
- Everyone ships him and Zoro because the sexual tension between them is obvious
- Sanji is the Aogiri member with the highest solo album sales.
- Due to people's tendency to try and discredit him, a lot of people have started to give him his flowers now
- Eren often says that Sanji is the true dance king of Aogiri due to the risks he takes
- He pushes Zoro to take more crazier risks in terms of sex no thanks to his many kinks
-Sanji's rap style is similar to Nicki Minaj's but a lot more deranged. Yes this guy can spit fast xD
-He, Eren and Kaneki formed a hip hop subunit for Aogiri called Bad Boys Club
- He and his dad diss each other in interviews and diss tracks. Yup Judge is a rapper too. Ironically, Sanji is way more successful than his father hence Judge's saltiness
- Sanji’s main music influence in-universe is Doflamingo, which says a lot about his performance style and sexy image. Both men have collaborated loads of times . Doflamingo sees a lot of himself in Sanji which makes them working on One Piece together even more hilarious
- His main chart rival is none of his band mates but Queen (One Piece fans know where this is heading to). His ex Pudding counts too because she keeps scheming against him. Another person that hates Sanji so much and envies his success so much is Sesshomaru
- Everyone agrees that he has the best ass in the world
- There was a scandal involving Sanji’s sex life years ago. Way before he and Zoro started their relationship, he was dating Sukuna. Besides the fact that Sukuna cheated on him with loads of people and was abusive to Sanji. Besides that, both of them got arrested after Sukuna got caught by the cops with some cocaine and a gun in his possession. That forced them to break up and added more to Sanji’s wild lifestyle.
- Another huge musical influence for Sanji is Viego. Sanji can relate to his chaotic nature and loves it. Both men are fans of each other and deeply love and respect each other and have worked together and are great friends
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hebimoonlightwrites · 2 years
seeing that orders close soon: '00 I wanted to order this again haha platonic hdcs (this time the boys have a reader as a crush) with a fem reader who sings beautifully like a mermaid, but only sings as a hobby but this time for kei , itsuki, shiki and kanata UwUr
Writer's corner: Aw, don't worry, dear! I appreciate that you're keeping requesting something so adorable and interesting too! Hope you'll enjoy reading it! If you do not like it, please tell me and ask for something else, so I can do another one for you. Enjoy~
Warnings: nothing in particular, only kind stuff and compliments, because everyone needs to feel appreciated!~
⋆𝒦𝑒𝒾, 𝐼𝓉𝓈𝓊𝓀𝒾, 𝒮𝒽𝒾𝓀𝒾 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒦𝒶𝓃𝒶𝓉𝒶⋆ 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽 𝒶 𝒻𝑒𝓂!𝓇𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇 𝓌𝒽𝑜 𝓈𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈 𝒷𝑒𝒶𝓊𝓉𝒾𝒻𝓊𝓁𝓁𝓎 𝒷𝓊𝓉 𝒶𝓈 𝒽𝑜𝒷𝒷𝓎
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⋆Yess!! Finally our dear 1nM8!
⋆Kei is a rational and brilliant rapper and appears to be so close to music to consider it as some kind of breathing itself (how to blame him!)
⋆This former idol seems also to identify people as and thanks to their sound's colours, which are something similar, maybe, to their souls and true being.
⋆That's why he also tends to prefer calm and relaxing places, like the beach at sunset, and try to avoid noisy streets.
⋆I personally headcanon that he would hear you singing by mistake, maybe while he's having a relaxing walk at the beach.
⋆It'd be sunset when he'd first manage to hear your voice, as he'd try to find the source of it.
⋆He'd immediately open his eyes wide, finally seeing a beautiful and young woman, sat on the sea's shore, peacefully singing. You'd be wearing a white long dress (or, if you prefer, something white in general).
⋆"Is... Is she a mermaid...?", that's what he'd think of you, keeping his look on your shape while you'd elegantly caress each sand's grain, still singing a melody.
⋆That melody would seem unknown but also so familiar to Kei's ears. He'd even take his own airpods off only to focus more on each note your voice let out.
⋆After that he'd completely allow himself to be lost in your adorable voice.. in your sweet soul.
⋆What was an angel like you doing there?
⋆Your hair would be dance in the cold sea's breeze, no matter if it's short or long, it would fit your mermaid-like figure and would attract Kei more, since they'd smell like something unhuman, like sea, but also like roses. It'd have a sweet smell, in short, and Kei would love it, no doubt.
⋆This poetical view would soon stop, since you'd feel like you're not alone any longer and surely notice Kei approaching you. That's when you'd immediately jump scared and try to stand up as quickly as you could.
⋆Your eyes would meet Kei's ones, finally, and that young man would apologize for scaring you.
⋆"It wasn't my intention to bother your relaxing break.. What is your name?"
⋆After the introduction, you both would surely start to talk about what you think about world and what are your favourite hobbies.
⋆He'd comment yours as interesting and you'd carefully listen to his and think they're kinda philosophical.. I mean. He doesn't like noisy places and prefer to spend some time relaxing making music or walking through a sunset beach.
⋆Kei would be so surprised if he found out that you both have some things in common! He'd surely start spending some time with you and you both would get along well!
⋆"You're surely a kind person. Your sound... it has that color, 𝓎/𝓃… 𝒴𝑜𝓊'𝓇𝑒 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝑜𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇𝓈.."
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⋆Itsuki is the most rational and serious guy among 1nM8. He looks and acts like a robot would, analyzing everything and searching for concrete results in reality.
⋆That's why he seems to avoid or even hate emotions a lot. They're not things and seem to be also useless to him.
⋆That's why I think Itsuki would be shocked by your voice but not because he subjectively thinks it's amazing, but because he'd rationally think about how easily you show to hit high notes without any kind of effort.
⋆He'd rationally be there studying your voice as a computer would do with an online exam, completely taking distance from emotions.
⋆You both would meet in a library for the first time. It'd be pretty late and Itsuki would be still there looking for some other books he'd need to.
⋆Suddenly he'd notice how dark is getting outside and think it'd be better for him to hurry up and come back home.
⋆He'd grab all those books he'd love to study and walk through all those library's shelves.
⋆It's only when he'd turn the corner that he'd see you, still sitting and reading a book, which is elegantly placed on the table in front of you.
⋆Your hair would be organize into a giant messy bun and your eyes would still be determined to finish the book before coming back home.
⋆Among that book's words you'd sing a softly and delicate melody which would resound as a mermaid's call for Itsuki.
⋆Even if MC 5 is such a rational young guy, he'd surely stand there, still holding those books he was about to borrow from the library, keeping listening to your sweet voice, which would almost whisper all those words.
⋆"Her voice is so smooth and clear... It's objectively perfect!!"
⋆That's when he'd walk towards you only to tell you that it's pretty late and that you must've hurried up, if you hadn't wanted to be closed into the library.
⋆You'd smile, saying that it'd be a magical dream, but after that you'd stand up, thanking Itsuki for telling you.
⋆"I'm so sorry.. I've lost myself singing while reading again.. Maybe I've bothered you. I know I must not sing in library!"
⋆You'd be so embarrassed thinking about the possibility to have bothered that young man. Itsuki wouldn't answer you, though, because he'd be pretty focused on your shape, like a body-scanner would do.
⋆He would immediately start to think that you're probably a singer or maybe you've taken some singing classes at least once.
⋆But I think he'd be even a little bit surprised to find out that you're actually singing as hobby.
⋆Itsuki would surely decide to keep an eye on you, since he thinks that reason could not be beaten by only fortune! You couldn't be only a gifted girl with a perfect voice! Reason does not admit fortune!
⋆You'd appreciate to spend some more time with Itsuki, by the way, even if you'd surely find him muttering something to himself most of the time.
⋆"That's impossible. Her voice's parameters are too high for belonging only to an amateur!"
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⋆Shiki would show to be quite surprised by your voice, no doubt!
⋆I headcanon that he'd hear you singing for the first time while you both are cleaning Bar 4/7 after closing.
⋆You'd decide to stay only to help Shiki with the Bar cleaning and then end up sweeping around the dining room with some low music in the background.
⋆Shiki would be behind the bar's counter, drying a bunch of glasses.
⋆He'd be losing himself in his own thoughts about school and the next day's exam.
⋆He'd have gotten a good mark, since he'd been helped by Saimon... right? He hoped so.
⋆His thoughts would be interrupted by your sweet and melodious voice, coming from the dining room.
⋆That's when Shiki would blink twice and rub his own eyes, yawning tired.
⋆"Is.. Is it an actual singing voice or am I only too tired..?"
⋆Still hearing you singing, he'd put that glass he was just drying down, on the table, and follow your voice.
⋆He'd make his way to the dining room and finally see you.
⋆Shiki would be shocked. He'd stay still, holding that piece of fabric he was using to dry the glasses, completely unable to speak. He'd also lose his ability to think. In his mind your voice would be the only protagonist.
⋆He'd point his eyes straight at your figure. You'd keep singing softly while still sweeping around the dining room.
⋆Shiki, on the other hand, would only think about how beautiful your voice is and try to keep calm. His heart would start beating faster as he'd try to breathe deeply.
⋆"Is... Is it really her voice..?"
⋆That's when you'd turn around and meet Shiki's eyes. You'd smile softly and stop singing.
⋆"Do you need anything, Shiki-kun?", you'd ask as he'd realize you've seen him and softly blush.
⋆"Uhm... Actually.. Actually I was listening to your voice... It's.. It's melodious.. I love it."
⋆He'd be so embarrassed, babyy!! Aw!
⋆Of course he'd be also sooo surprised! I mean.. you've been his friend, as well as others' TCW's members, for so long, but he's never heard your voice! It'd indeed be a great surprise for him!
⋆You'd blush heavily and hold that mop tightly, turning completely towards that sweet boy. Then you'd brush your hair over your own ear and giggle embarrassed. After that you'd try to convince him that your voice is not as special as he actually thinks.
⋆He'd compliment you again and again, even blushing pink softly and whispering those compliments.
⋆"Do you really sing as hobby, though?!... Y/n... I can't believe 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝓋𝑜𝒾𝒸𝑒 𝒾𝓈 𝒶𝒸𝓉𝓊𝒶𝓁𝓁𝓎 𝓈𝑜 𝓈𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉…"
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⋆Kanata wouldn't show his surprised expression so often, but he definitely would love your voice!
⋆Just imagine him working on the new song both Cozmez would be about to release and keep to re-read all those notes about lyrics he'd have surely taken.
⋆Kanata would surely try to adjust some small details on the lyrics and sing softly, keeping his eyes on the written paper.
⋆After some seconds, though, he'd hear your voice singing exactly those lyrics.
⋆He'd open his eyes wide softly and still keep his gaze at you.
⋆What would he think of you?
⋆"...Damn.. her voice is seriously adorable...."
⋆I think he'd surely try to act like if your voice wouldn't have surprised him at all, but end up quite blushing and focus on your voice and its high notes.
⋆He'd freeze as he'd hear you saying:
⋆"Wow.. this new song is going to be amazing! I already love it!"
⋆That's when he'd definitely blush red, seeing you smile at him.
⋆Would he compliment you for your incredible voice?
⋆He would, of course!!
⋆Kanata would reach you while you're maybe just chilling on a old sofa both Yatonokami brothers have at their home, and just say:
⋆"When were you going to tell me about your voice?"
⋆After that question you'd look at him blushing heavily, trying to understand what he means.
⋆Then, realizing he's actually saying that you're amazing, you'd blush heavily and say that you sing just as hobby.
⋆It'd surely be unusual to hear a compliment by Kanata himself, but he'd be there, actually, complimenting your voice!
⋆On the other hand he wouldn't look at you with a surprised expression, but just with a sweeter one.
⋆His eyes would be adorably sparkling, like, seriously. I headcanon you'd see his sweeter part after that.. Idk.
⋆Kanata would think you're an actual mermaid and LOVE hearing your voice singing his songs' lyrics.
⋆He'd think his songs would sound cuter when they were sung by you. Your voice would make them more adorable.
⋆"What..? Why are you looking at me like that..? I DO enjoy listening to your voice, y/n!"
⋆Kanata would sing along with you sometimes and happily take some notes if you slightly adjust something about the lyrics, even without realizing it.
⋆He'd also record your voice and re-hear it even to sleep at night.
⋆So just imagine him laying on the futon he shares with his brother while he listens to your voice singing.
⋆He'd surely fall asleep and end up dreaming of you, wearing his earphones.
⋆"Your voice, y/n? .... 𝐼 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒 𝒾𝓉."
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©hebimoonlightwrites_tumblr Please, do not copy my contents nor repost it without my permission.
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ezamevolni · 8 months
Traces: 2jin detour
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So this post is strongly speculative and theory-based. Meaning that I'm reaching for the connections. But after spotting some interesting correlations between the events when placed on the same timeline, I'm putting this out there so maybe the you who's reading could take a look and tell whether there's truly a thread here.
One of my favorite YT Jinkookers moonbathingrite had made a great video that opened my eyes to the possibility of 2jin being a thing before Jin and Jungkook. (Note: she never said that they were, but did present interesting parallels between 2jin and Jinkook who came later)
2jin is the ship name for Kim Seokjin and Jin Hyosang.
Jin Hyosang, also known as Kidoh (ex-member of Toppdogg), used to be a BigHit trainee and was in the same underground rap group (DamNamhyup) as RM. He was actually in one of the final lineups for Bangtan (based off a poster) but joined Stardom Ent. some time in late 2012. The likeliest reason for switching agencies probably had to do with creative issues since BTS did go through a major revamp before debut - the original lineup of 'rappers only' eventually turned into a choreography heavy, idol group.
Kidoh was able to start releasing mixtapes with his new members in March and April of 2013, and later debuted officially in October. If you look at Toppdogg's debut album, Kidoh had writing credits on almost every single one of them. He even had a solo track, which was a major indicator of how much the agency was planning on pushing him.
Kidoh's connection to Jin is one of the rarer K-Pop phenomenons I've seen - fans shipping two male idols from different rookie groups right out the gate. This was mainly bolstered by Kidoh's fans all being acutely aware of how extremely infatuated he was with Jin, and Kidoh's encouraging responses. There was even something of a love triangle being touted back in 2013 between Kidoh, Jin and Rap Monster 😐 Ancient times were different 😺
So fan spectacle aside, how credible was 2jin being an actual item?
Truthfully, not very much. Because the affection was simply too lopsided to call it a relationship. Kidoh seemed enamored by Jin but Jin was generally aloof and cavalier in return. Of course, you could argue that Jin had always been a master of disguising his emotions but taking into account their careers at the time, it would have been impossible to date anyway (even if they wanted to).
For a more comprehensive history on 2jin's social media interactions, you could check out this 2jin blog - here (look at the number of notes under each post...considering the small fanbases att and this being the international side, it's impressive)
And if interested, here's an overview of predebut BTS - reddit
And if you're wondering why I'm bringing an ex-idol/trainee/friend into the picture, stay with me :)
Jin moved into Bighit's dorm on July 29, 2012 and the very next day, Kidoh tweeted about Jin:
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When Jin...or maybe not Jin, tweeted using the group account at the end of 2012:
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Kidoh possibly already left BigHit by then
Commenting on a post by BTS_twt with a candid snap of Jin:
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Kidoh's tweets about Jin were always harmless but had just that unnecessary hint of... attentiveness?
So with these social media traces, his affection for Jin was known since their trainee days. He had left enough crumbs online for the shippers to gather rapidly in their debut year.
On a related note, it's amusing how there's essentially no traces of Kidoh and Namjoon's friendship despite these two being in the same underground rap group far longer than either ever knew Seokjin. Joon was there the whole time and yet, there's no signs of the rappers knowing each other. In fact, they barely interacted during their special collab stage for Show Champion in 2014.
And it might have been fine to label his affection for Jin as overly-affectionate-best-friend feels, but Kidoh definitely toed the line at times:
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One more picture! Gay goosebumps..
And maybe Seokjin was also aware of the possibility of Hyosang being romantically interested in him because
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Fan: Seokjinnie oppa! Who is Jin Hyosang to oppa?
Jin: not gay haha
TBH I had doubted the credibility of the post it at first because I found it on a 2015 tweet:
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But I did spot this translation from way back in 2013:
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Jin's response is incredibly telling of the whole situation because first of all, he had to be aware of what the fans were thinking when they asked him the question. Secondly, he skipped over several thoughts to arrive at 'I'm not gay' because the question wasn't asking if he was??
(and the response is so deeply closeted iykwim)
Meanwhile Kidoh was on another wavelength:
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Q: What is Seokjin-shii for Hyosang? K: Destiny
Personally... I've heard best friends refer to each other as 'soulmates' before, but never 'destiny'. His answer seemed to imply another layer to their friendship.
Another interesting aspect of 2jin was the way Jin used to tweet about Kidoh, where his habits later carried over when he was tweeting about Jungkook.
For example, Jin would add his name to the end of a sentence:
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I am too, fascinated-jin #kimseokjinhyosang
@/BTS_twt My friend is debuting, its fascinating-jin..
Jin's tweet for Jk's birthday in 2013:
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Jungkook-ah  Hyung will always be on your side  I love you-jin  Happy Birthday!
It's like his little watermark to say he was the one who tweeted.
And that hashtag #kimseokjinhyosang conjoining the two of their names <3
That's a thing Jin once did during mid-2016 on the day of Jinkook's waterpark date.
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And of course it's cuter when Jin did it for Jk and himself, because it was half and half of their names. He will cram them together even if none of the alphabets are the same ❤️
These little things that Jin would do for his closest person/friend remained constant but of course, the two relationships were probably not of the same nature.
The difference mainly being Jin - his attitude towards Hyosang and Jungkook was like if you compared night and day. Indifference vs great affection.
Here's another set of 2jin post its famous for the contrast:
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Q: What do you like about BTS' Seokjinie oppa?? K: Lips .. (Shy)
The similarity of his answers to our younger protagonist is surreal.
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...And here's Jin's answer to the same question posed of Kidoh:
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Q: Hyosang said he likes your lips the most. What do you like the most about Hyosang? J: Money
He's consistent. Still focused on moneys when it comes to other people 🤣😋
Other than these traces of the 2jin friendship, you can explore their lore further on the blog linked above. You'd understand what I meant by how Kidoh 'encouraged' the shippers. Jin lived rent free on his mind.. he got mentioned even when Kidoh was interacting with fans on entirely unrelated topics. It didn't seem like fan service because the moments were so random and neither of them seemed to actually care about the reaction.
There's also some Yt compilations comparing how similar 2jin's personalities were, both a little eccentric, loud and confident about their looks. It is easy to tell why they clicked.
So it's interesting how Kidoh appeared rather infatuated with Jin.. which Jungkook's attitude resembled at times. Everything else aside, his focus on Jin lasted throughout their trainee period together up to the last second of their fallout.
Considering how forward Kidoh was and how they'd still meet each other backstage at music shows, it's certainly possible that members of both teams had observed 2jin's interactions and knew about their close friendship. And for someone who was in close proximity to Jin and paid him a lot of attention, he might know they're close and perhaps had wondered about the nature of the two 92-liners' relationship.
The fallout seemed to happen out of the blue.
On November 8, 2014 Jin and Kidoh still seemed fine and had taken a selfie together
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And on Jin's birthday, Kidoh tweeted a polaroid of themselves and a short message:
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Isn't it funny how they looked like twins
Then before the year could come to an end, BTS_twt was discovered to have unfollowed Kidoh.
Shippers who were watching 2jin's moves saw that Kidoh also deleted many of his posts related to Jin. Following this, on Christmas Eve he tweeted:
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Lamenting how he was single and surrounded by couples.
Whether it's actually related to Jin or not, I can't say. But the timing of the tweet did coincide with his abrupt disconnection from Jin. And sadly these two had never interacted, or at least publicly, ever again after December 2014.
And on a very loosely related note, Jungkook had posted his cover of Crush's Sofa on Dec 16 that year
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Which was a melancholic breakup song speaking from the perspective of someone who's clearly been dumped.
As armys we know more than to dismiss the lyrics of Jk's cover songs right... so the timing of this cover seemed pretty interesting in the scheme of things.
So that's something to think about there.
My own loose theory is that there was something more than friends there going on but not enough to call it an official relationship. And for the sudden 'breakup', it could be anything. Maybe it was business - had to do with Kidoh's lawsuit that surfaced half a year later, or personal - a failed confession... the possibilities are whichever you believe in. (My dream is for Seokjin to publish an autobiography at the age of 40 and spill all the tea) As for how Jk fits in... I have no idea how much he knew (did he ever ask or did Jin ever tell), but that lil cover showed he was probably aware of events in this arena.
LOL Didn't I say that I was reaching 😋
And unfortunately, the story for Hyosang kind of kept going downhill for a while. The following year, he filed a lawsuit against his agency for mismanagement of his career, and then in 2016, was convicted for drug use along with ex-Bighit trainee Iron.
After the ordeal, he returned to the industry as a producer for AOMG and almost exclusively produced for Woo (Woo Wonjae). He's under the new monicker Khyo now. That lasted for about 2 years and more recently, he doing DJ gigs at festivals.
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So he's up and still doing music 🙌
This ended in a sort of somber note with the lost connection between 2jin....
But the silver lining to it is that both of them are living well, and I'm not a 2jin shipper 👻✨
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