#angel channeling
cosmichighpriestess · 6 months
Why bad things happen to good People
My dear friends, we love you so very much, One of the questions we hear most often in heaven is, “Why do bad things happen to good people?” “Why do God and the angels not intervene and save people from the cruelty of others?” “Why does God not destroy those who wish to destroy others?”
These are questions worth asking because the answer will carry you beyond the world of your conditioning and into the energetic reality that governs how your universe operates.
You projected yourselves into your 3D reality because you wanted the adventure of creation. You were eager to immerse yourself in the vast diversity of life on earth. You knew that as you witnessed different things, behaviors, people, and situations, you would be inspired to create—through your focus and tuning—as never before. You knew you would call love from the intangible realms into this reality and, therefore, be part of the continuing creation of this reality. You were eager. You knew you’d have free will. Even if you chose parents who would catalyze great growth, you knew you had the free will to think what you wanted to think, focus on what you wanted to focus on, and, therefore, empower different realities.
In your 3D world, babies appear helpless. They are not yet mobile, verbal, or able to care for themselves. However, in the energetic reality, these brilliant souls are already emitting vibration, engendering reactions from life around them, and pointing their powerful love at what they wish to experience.
This begs the question, “Why are some babies born sick?” “Why are some born into unthinkable wars?” From the 3D perspective, this seems unjust, but the universe operates in a vibrational dance. Vibration does not punish and reward as you do in your human reality—vibration matches or not. A radio tuned to FM does not punish the AM signals by ignoring them. It simply cannot receive the differing signal due to its very nature. It can focus only on FM wavelengths.
So, too, there is a focus of energy in these souls coming to earth that will influence their family of origin, their circumstances, and, therefore, the experiences that transpire. The minute a soul incarnates in a physical body, they begin to emit vibration and attract what is a match. If they are born into a fearful family, it will take a great deal of focus from their soul not to fall into fear and experience fearful circumstances. They know this before they are born.
There are those among you who go to the gym to lift heavy weights. This is neither easy nor pleasant at times. However, these souls have a strong desire to become very, very strong, so the temporary pain is worth the gain to them. One could lift very gradually over a long period of time and become strong. One could visualize lifting in great detail and become strong. One could become a mother and become strong carrying their child! One could live their entire comfortably and never care about being physically strong. Each one of you would choose a different path—neither right nor wrong, simply different.
This analogy applies to souls coming to earth. Suppose you wish to create an unshakable focus on the security of God. In that case, you might choose a faithful family who acts as a role model. If you tend to worry and fret no matter what, you might face that tendency head-on by choosing a fearful family that would mirror that back and present a strong incentive for you to be different. If you wish to create more self-love, you might choose a family in which you see others love and care for themselves and follow those role models, or if you have a tendency to be hard on yourself, you might incarnate into a family that mirrors that until you, yourself, choose to remove your attention from the unloving and love yourself.
Sometimes, these souls are little angels who incarnate into families, knowing they will die with them, just to help guide the loved ones into the light. Sometimes, they go through the unthinkable to inspire compassion in the millions who will see their story on the news. Sometimes children come in with an illness as teachers weathering their challenges with amazing grace and inspiring all around them.
While immersed in 3D reality, it is difficult to understand that the eternal dance is more important to the soul than a possible, temporary experience of pain or challenge. Nonetheless, you are eternal souls. Some of you embraced challenges willingly as part of your pre-birth plans, and some of you embrace challenges that result from simply focusing too often on vibrations less than loving, that don’t feel good, to begin with.
This is why we teach, preach, and enjoin you to care about your feelings and choose thoughts that feel good. You experience more love, grace, and ease as you reach for the loving vibrations. Even if you came in determined to put yourself through challenges to incentivize the reach for love, you don’t have to continue on that path. You can reach for love now and shift out of those challenges.
The Divine gave you free will. Your angels must honor that. A parent could lock their child up in paradise to ensure a smooth and easy journey on earth, but the child would rebel. The child wants to experience life, make decisions, and expand. Likewise, the Divine could plant you in paradise, and for a while, you’d love it, but then you’d become bored. You’d want new experiences. You’d want choices and challenges. Would a child want a parent who gives them only a limited range of “safe choices?” Many of your parents tried. Did you appreciate it or seek your freedom to experience all of life?
Dear ones, life, within you and all beings and even universes, seeks expansion and growth. The Divine, your angels and soul who can truly love on earth, allows you the free will to make your own choices and experience your own outcomes. If you reach for help, we, your angels, can respond to all the loving vibrations in that request. To the degree you fear, you cannot hear. To the degree you hate, you make yourself wait for that love. To the degree you choose to look away from the pain and find the beauty in each moment, you open like a flower to eternal sunshine, love, assistance, and grace. It is always there.
So, “Why do bad things happen to good people?” You would have to examine each case individually for a specific answer, but the general answer is simple in all cases. Either they are open to the love flowing in each moment that can help them through even their chosen challenges, or they are not. Perfectly good people are hard on themselves and pinch off the flow of love, creating illness. Amazing earth angels feel they must martyr themselves instead of caring for themselves and often become silently bitter about it, thus pinching off love. Amazingly generous souls often ignore their warning signs and forge ahead with their giving even when it ceases to feel good.
We are not encouraging you to leave behind the love and goodness in your heart but rather to pay attention. When things feel good, in that moment, they are good. When they start to feel differently, make different choices. Good things happen to match good vibrations. Bad things happen when good vibrations have been sufficiently pinched off.
What you experience has nothing to do with your value or worth because you are already precious, already worthy, already encouraged by the Divine and your angels to choose a path that gives you joy.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels
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uselessalexis165 · 4 months
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more little details i was able to gather
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hellish-cruelty · 1 year
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Maggie Cheung on the set of Wong Kar-wai's In the Mood for Love (2000).
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xoxmads · 4 months
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love these tumblr girls 🎶
follow my pin @ilovmydogi
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deweyduck · 1 year
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luz noceda being the most relatable character of all time
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asdelyon · 1 year
ⓘ This user is an angel
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linterteatime · 1 year
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Doodles and stuff I couldn't post by themselves part 2 ( cartoons and also some videogames because they just happened to be right at the side of the non videogame drawings and like,okay you will be posted with them I won't separate you, don't cry)
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thecosmicangel · 8 months
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If you feel called to participate and pick a photo please do so as it may contain a message for you. Please take a few seconds to breathe in and out with the intention of being guided towards the photo that holds a message for you and turn your attention inward. Once you feel ready, pick a photo you feel most drawn towards. I channeled the messages with the intention of reaching the people that need to hear this message in divine timing, as well as making the message timeless and not having a time frame. Remember to take what resonates and leave what doesn't.
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drconstellation · 8 months
Michael the Watchful
Updated 11 Nov 2023
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I'm going to be upfront - I don't like Michael. But I am intrigued by some of their actions in GO.
The above screen shot highlighting their angel ring came across my dash last week, and there was a comment that the ring looked like "Ophanim rings with pearls for eyes." I have to admit that for all that I am fairly widely read in mythology I hadn't heard of these before, and had to go look them up. I realize its probably because I'm not up to speed with all the religious references yet. Don't get me wrong - I'm not a complete newbie in that dept, its just a muscle I haven't flexed in a while and its a kind of "use it or lose it" kind of thing, you know? Happens when you've been around for a bit.
Ophanim: "The many-eyed ones." Oh. Right. That's tv series Archangel Michael to a T, actually.
(There are probably some parallels to the greek monster Argus here, but not sure if I should digress. The hero Perseus, winged sandals, Medusa's snek-locks, the 1000 eyes that never sleep, rescuing a maiden, the goddess queen's grief over the slain monster...)
Michael was the one that presented the incriminating photos of Aziraphale and Crowley meeting over time to Gabriel in S1, then followed it up with a phone call to Hell on the back-stairwell to Heaven.
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And Michael is the Duty Officer during S2, they are "on watch" so to speak.
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Michael is also the one that maintains the back channel connection to Hell, "the grapevine that obviously doesn't exist" that Beelzebub mentions to Crowley in S2E1, and that Gabriel also officially denies exists in S1E4.
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The fact that in S1 they were seen talking to Ligur originally, who was destroyed by the holy water Crowley obtained from Aziraphale, and then in S2 they are talking to somebody else again (Beelzebub) in S2 via their angel phone again, says that they have to have established a new connection in between seasons. I commented elsewhere it seems to be implied the contact is Dagon, due to the little flirtation the tried to send to the angel that Michael quickly shuts down in S2E6,
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but the fact the back channel is still working is still something to be concerned about. I mean, weren't you just a little suspicious when it was Michael who turned up with the holy water for the bath during the body-swap punishment scenes, when Hell only bothered to send a disposable Eric clone with the hellfire to Heaven?
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Wondering how this angle is going to play out in S3.
Found some information about the golden collars in the Job minisode in S2E2 and the detail on Michael's costume adds to this meta.
Around their neck they have row upon row of eyes, and around their sleeves they have wheels.
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celestial-artisan · 4 months
Alternative ending from this
Alastor: What are the disadvantages of eating a clock? Vox: You ate cocks? Alastor: It's time-consum- Alastor: Vox: Thought you weren't into that but cool
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cosmichighpriestess · 1 month
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•°÷*°Enjoying the 3D°*÷°•
Message from the Angels:
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
You live forever, dear ones. So do all beings. Humanity, the animals, the spirit of the plants, trees, and Earth herself are part of the beautiful energy field that cannot and never will cease to exist. One with your creator, you immerse yourself in this 3D world for a while, then expand back into love—your true nature—when you make your exit.
When you transition to spirit once again, you have a body that is a projection of your consciousness, but it is not the dense body you live in while in your physical world. It is a body made of light. Although you can hug and eat and do whatever you like in the heavens, there’s an awareness of yourself as energy and an awareness of the One love that lives within all.
On Earth, you immerse yourself in amazing biological bodies. They are magnificent miracles. Every cell is a conscious being, very much like a little animal, always wanting to love, always wanting to surrender to the steady stream of guidance, information, and healing from the Source. That is why we implore you to love your bodies, love your cells, and reaffirm to them that you believe in their ability to recalibrate to their original design. When you live in fear, you pinch off the stream of light. When you live in anger you do the same. When you find something to love, appreciate, or just enjoy a moment of relaxed contentment, you open once again to that flow and allow your little cells to once again receive their instructions straight from the Source.
That said, when it is time to expand back into the heavens, your cells, having done their job, retire their 3D forms as as well and merge once again with the greater consciousness that you are.
There is nothing in the world of form that will last forever, dear ones, while everything in the world of spirit will endure for eternity.
This is not meant to frighten you but rather to inspire you to enjoy this beautiful and temporal reality in which you are journeying for the time being. Enjoy the exquisite feeling of being able to touch your own hands in the physical world, to give yourself or another a hug. Enjoy the miracle of your own skin. Enjoy the cool feeling of a splash of water on your face or a sip of tea. Enjoy your senses. They are unique on your planet Earth, and certainly an experience not to be missed.
We also encourage you to take time regularly to go beyond the sensory world and tap into your eternal being. Connecting with the Source can help you truly enjoy your physical reality, as you feel and know the love behind it more often. After your meditations or prayers, enjoy your 3D reality! Bring your spirit into it fully by living in the present moment with as much love and appreciation as you can. Don’t do this to be “holy.” Don’t do it to achieve anything. Do it because human life is an exquisite experience, not to be rushed through, but rather to be savored.
You will absolutely have senses in the heavens beyond your wildest dreams, but there’s something exquisite about being immersed in your physical, sensory reality that is not to be taken for granted. We even find it difficult to put into words. In the heavens, there is love beyond your wildest dreams. There is music in in the air, and colors beyond your physical specturm. Everything, colored with love, is more beautiful than words can express. And yet, there is something so precious about your 3D, physical, sensory reality that you will treasure once you come to the other side because it is an experience that is unique, precious, and beautiful and oh so tangible in ways that are hard to describe until you expand back into light.
Right now, upon your Earth, you can put on a pair of goggles and visit any location on Earth in a way that seems very real. You can see, hear, and almost touch the spaces that you witness from your own home. Your computer could make these locations seem perfect and fill them with every conceivable beauty. Yet how much more interesting and enjoyable it is to take off the goggles and use your own eyes and senses to experience the imperfect “real” 3D reality that you must drive or fly or walk to see, that you anticipate, and that you embrace with a sense of adventure. How beautiful it is to experience the world through your physical senses. This analogy has its limits, but we are simply encouraging you to enjoy your physical world while you are in it, knowing, of course, that there is so much more behind it that you cannot see.
Your dear ones who have transitioned are with you, often walking right beside you. Your animals in spirit are running around joyfully, visiting both relatives in heaven and those they love on Earth. If you break a glass, the spirit of love that held it together simply releases into the ethers once again, ready to take form as you direct it.
So when you find yourself fearing loss of anything or anyone, breathe. When you fear losing money, or a job, or finances, breathe. Remind yourself that all 3D things are temporary, but the spirit of love that lives within them lives forever. If you lose a loved one, they live on. If you lose a job, the good parts of that job live on as well as even better and you will find the “spirit” of the better job in a new one. If you lose a little money, the bank account might temporarily be a little lower, but the spirit of abundance lives within you, just waiting to be focused back into form so you can enjoy it with even more appreciation.
Dear ones, treasure your earthly lives. They are a precious experience, even if they are often a challenge. There’s not a moment of your life that will seem wasted when you see it from the heavens someday. In the meanwhile, enjoy the grass under your feet, the warmth of sunshine on your face, the smell of your dinner, and the touch of a dear one, because your time on Earth, however long it may be, is an experience to be treasured. Don’t rush to the finish line. Enjoy what you have right here and now, and in that bliss of the moment, you and your cells remain open to the well-being, joy, abundance, and Love that is part of your eternal flow.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels
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lokh · 2 years
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kind of part of the ship week but i got the prompts mixed up LOL and got it in my head that angels were in there somewhere. i like to think that there was a fucked up blood demon art that splits their subconscious into the 'positive' and 'negative' parts and well <3
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hellish-cruelty · 11 months
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Wong Kar-Wai's In the mood for love deleted scene.
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maridoodles · 1 year
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i played sonic frontiers and now i am in my sonic era 
etsy | twitter | instagram  
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faerytreealtars · 8 months
₊˚⊹♡ Your Love Story ˏˋ°•*⁀➷♡•°`.
Hello again, Saplings! 🌱 A new PAC today that I hope you enjoy, take a deep breath, and choose whatever images resonate with your soul and heart, Happy reading! ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚  
I wouldn't say I am one for love readings, Don't get me wrong I adore Love, helping and seeing others find the love worth them and bringing loving energies into this world, and that comes in many forms throughout life but I personally feel more drawn to focusing on self-love, we shouldn't chase after love. Whatever is meant to find you will find you, the right time and right place. That's my belief, perhaps a bit stoic in its methods. Still, I know many of my lovely saplings do care for love readings, and in appreciation of all of you I have made this reading which tells a little snippet of your love story.
I would love to hear if the message you received resonated with you, so don’t feel afraid to comment, for it makes me so happy to connect with you all! 💕
Song: Exist for Love - Aurora
Faery-Tale: The Little Mermaid - "We must all make our sacrifices in the name of true love, are you willing to make yours?"
[ My Instagram ♡ / Personal Readings ♤ /  Faery Masterlist ☆  ]
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Pile 1
[Cards: Knight of Swords, Four of Pentacles & Ten of Cups + "The Tinderbox Soldier: Ambition" ]
This is a love story spanning years or centuries, this true love is one that is from the past, Perhaps you knew of them in childhood, or for others, I am picking up a past life connection that is unbreakable even through death and rebirth you will find each other again and again. Before this love story can open up to chapter one many of you will be making an important decision that will be bringing the final chapters of your old life to a conclusion. This will allow the new book of life to begin with your soulmate as a main character in it. In any case, they will be the ones to approach first. They will come across as very well-spoken & intelligent, perhaps a bit of a charmer. This may cause some mistrust at first as they may come across as a 'player' But they are actually a very mature, loyal, and stable person looking for a lasting and fulfilling connection. If they are not mature & stable they're not the one. You may meet overseas, while traveling or on a trip of some-kind
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Pile 2
[Cards: The Hierophant, Two of Wands & Knight of Pentacles + "The Frog Prince: Intimacy"]
This love story may begin with a change in jobs, or workplace, or the beginning of a creative passion project close to your heart. This person may join up with you to work on this project or be a colleague, I'm also hearing for a very small percentage of you they may be a client, take that only if it resonates and is allowed in your job role. I got overwhelmed with the feeling of annoyance and stress while shuffling the cards so I think this person may annoy you at first, they will not seem your type or there was a misunderstanding at the beginning of the connection. Besides that, I see a traditional and loving courtship taking place with the masculine energy taking charge but remaining gentlemanly & courteous. It will be a slow-burn relationship but that is what will bring more fulfillment and deep bonds to the connection. You will both create a life of comfortable abundance and stability together.
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Pile 3
[Cards: Wheel of Fortune, Five of Wands & Strength + "Red Riding Hood: Rites of Passage"]
This is a love story that has been devotedly written, watched, and protected by higher beings, spirits, and angels. This is a high-level soulmate or twin-flame connection so don't expect it to be easy, it will require deep strength, persistence, and patience on both your parts for it to work, but it will be guided and protected always. Do not worry or fuss over how to meet them or when it will happen for these divine unions are unpredictable, the advice today is to focus on yourself and live your life for you, not some mystery soulmate. The rest is being shrouded from me as it is not yet to be known by us mere mortals - actually, I'm getting the Frodo Baggins meme "All right, then keep your secrets" in my head so sorry that's all I've got for you today
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Many thanks to all of you lovely souls, Your Guardian Spirits and Angels, and, your future loves too for letting me do this reading for all of you. I hope you enjoyed it!
If you are looking for more in-depth readings catered to only you, and you alone. Feel free to check out my personal readings, the link is up top or you can check this helpful post to understand how my readings will aim to help you!
~Much love, Fae 🍀🧚🏻‍♀
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so-very-small · 2 months
I won’t be the tiny you marry. We won’t ever settle down, you’ll never see grey hairs start to peek out at my temples, you’ll never see laugh lines settle in my cheeks. We won’t be together forever. And you might even think that’s a good thing. But in twenty, thirty years, when you’re up late looking at your lover in the dark, you’ll think of me. They’re taller than you, and you’ll think of how I once fit so perfectly in your hand that it felt as if it were made for me. You’ll never look at a doll the same way. You’ll never crush another bug. We will never see each other again, but I will always be in your pocket.
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