#ans watching: last twilight
mooninagust · 5 months
thinking about how maybe, MAYBE, mok was letting himself be soft and flirty with day despite knowing he was about to set him up with his crush bc he wanted to experience it at least a little bit. he wanted to live in that "we're going on a date" bubble for just a little while before he was to step away.
and then when he did, he realized that even though he did the "good thing", didn't follow his heart but went with what he thought day would want, his heart was still aching. maybe even more so bc now, he knew what could have been.
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baseballmomlesbiandad · 4 months
no, i'm not crying at Day dancing with the grandma at the wedding, it's just a branch in my eye
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zapreportsblog · 9 months
Hellooo darling angel!
Can I request a poly!volturi kings x singer!reader where the reader wrote a song about their ex ans it's called "vampire"?(by Olivia rodrigo hehe) how would they react?
Thank you ❤️❤️
Ofc ofc, I hope you enjoy the story :)
↱ a nocturnal sojourn ↰
➘ summary : it isn’t like the volturi kings get out much and for explore the human world that surrounds them, but when they do interesting things tend to follow
➘ volturi kings x reader , twilight x reader , marcus x reader x caius x aro
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The ancient city of Volterra lay nestled under the celestial blanket of the night sky, its cobblestone streets winding through time-honored architecture that bore witness to centuries of history. In the heart of the city, the imposing Volturi castle loomed, a symbol of both power and the passage of ages.
In their fortress of shadows, the three Volturi kings - Aro, Marcus, and Caius - had long embraced their roles as guardians of the vampire world. Yet, amidst their solemn responsibilities, an unspoken longing for a taste of life's vibrancy remained.
One night, under the canopy of stars, Aro's voice resonated through the castle halls. "My esteemed brothers, it has been far too many years since we ventured beyond these walls for reasons other than duty."
The other two kings exchanged a rare glance of agreement, curiosity and interest lurking within their ancient eyes. "Indeed," Marcus mused, "perhaps it is time to experience the world we watch over from a different perspective."
Caius, the most reserved of the trio, nodded in silent accord. "I find myself intrigued by the notion. A change of pace, if you will."
With an air of anticipation, they decided to embark on an unconventional outing - a nocturnal stroll through the city that had witnessed the rise and fall of empires. They shrouded themselves in cloaks, their presence veiled by centuries of mastery over their craft.
As they wandered through the darkened streets, the city's secrets whispered around them like an ancient lullaby. The sensation of freedom, of experiencing life beyond their eternal duties, was a rare and exhilarating one.
In the distance, the sound of raucous cheers drifted to their keen ears. Drawn by the excitement, the kings followed the jubilant notes until they arrived at a bustling square illuminated by torchlight.
A makeshift stage stood at its center, its presence casting a spotlight on the performers who dazzled the enraptured audience. Acrobats twirled through the air, jugglers exhibited feats of precision, and fire dancers painted the night with their blazing choreography.
Aro's eyes sparkled with amusement as he watched the spectacle. "Ah, the marvels of human artistry. Truly, their creativity knows no bounds."
Caius observed with an air of detached curiosity, while Marcus, known for his contemplative nature, seemed to absorb the atmosphere like a silent observer of fleeting beauty.
Yet, it was the sound of a lone voice that captivated their attention. The crowd's cheers swelled as an announcer stepped forward, calling out the name of the last singer for the night.
"Let us welcome our final performer, the enchanting (Y/N)!"
As the spotlight cast its glow upon the stage, a girl named (Y/N) emerged, her presence akin to a luminescent mystery woven into the night. Her voice, pure and captivating, resonated through the square like an invocation, weaving stories and emotions into the very fabric of the air.
The Volturi kings exchanged glances of intrigue, their eyes fixed on the ethereal figure who commanded the stage with a rare enchantment. Her melodies were timeless, echoing with tales of love and heartache, weaving a spell that held the crowd in rapt attention.
Yet, it wasn't just her voice that drew them in. It was the energy she exuded, a power that resonated on a level they couldn't quite comprehend. As the notes of her song hung in the air, the kings felt a connection, a sensation that stirred ancient instincts within them.
And in that moment, as (Y/N) held the crowd's gaze and her voice soared through the night, the Volturi kings found themselves on the precipice of a discovery that would set their world on a new course. The city's secrets were vast, and the girl on the stage was a puzzle they were determined to unravel.
As the enchanting (Y/N) took the stage, a hush fell over the crowd, and an air of anticipation hung in the air. The spotlight illuminated her figure, casting a spotlight on her as she held the microphone in her hand. With a confident smile, she addressed the audience.
"Thank you all for being here tonight. I'd like to share a song with you that i wrote about an ex, I hope resonates with each and every one of you."
The crowd's murmurs of approval were replaced by an eager silence, all eyes fixed on (Y/N) as she began to sing. Her voice, sweet and haunting, filled the square, each note weaving a tapestry of emotion that drew the audience into her world.
[Verse 1]
I see your face in every crowd
Your every dream, I dream out loud
I guess that's what true love is like
They say all good boys go to heaven
But bad boys bring heaven to you
It's automatic, it's just what they do
As the lyrics flowed from her lips, (Y/N)'s voice carried the weight of the words, her expression mirroring the emotion imbued within the song. Her voice resonated with the yearning and complexity of the lyrics, making the audience feel every word she sang.
They say, "Don't go to bed angry"
I say, "Don't go to bed at all"
And I say, "Don't say you're sorry"
'Cause I'm not even sorry at all
The crowd was spellbound, caught in the spell that (Y/N) had cast with her voice. Her presence on the stage was magnetic, and as she sang, it was as if the words came alive, wrapping around each listener's heart.
You're my vampire
You're my vampire
You're my vampire
You're my vampire
As the chorus began, (Y/N)'s voice soared, her eyes alight with passion. The lyrics resonated with a longing that seemed to touch both the supernatural and human aspects of the night. The kings of Volturi, hidden in the shadows, watched with fascination, a recognition stirring within them.
[Verse 2]
You make the rules
You'll have to choose
But I don't wanna lose you
Don't wanna lose you
You make the rules
You'll have to choose
But I don't wanna lose you
Don't wanna lose you
As (Y/N) continued to sing, her voice held a sense of vulnerability that juxtaposed the power within her words. The melody seemed to echo the complexities of the choices that often came with love and life, and the crowd couldn't help but be swept away by the emotions she conveyed.
They say, "Don't go to bed angry"
I say, "Don't go to bed at all"
And I say, "Don't say you're sorry"
'Cause I'm not even sorry at all
The words carried a weight that resonated with everyone present, the universal struggle of love and its challenges finding a voice through (Y/N)'s performance.
You're my vampire
You're my vampire
You're my vampire
You're my vampire
As the chorus repeated, (Y/N)'s voice soared once more, filling the night with a blend of vulnerability, strength, and yearning that spoke to both the human and immortal experience.
With the final note, the square erupted into applause, the audience's appreciation a testament to the emotional journey that (Y/N) had taken them on. As the song faded, (Y/N) smiled at the crowd, gratitude and satisfaction emanating from her.
The Volturi kings, hidden observers of this enchanting moment, exchanged glances, the lyrics resonating within them in unexpected ways. The night had brought an encounter they hadn't anticipated, and as the applause washed over (Y/N), they found themselves drawn into the melody, the magic, and the questions that her presence had awakened within them.
And so, (Y/N)'s performance left an indelible mark on both the city and the trio of ancient rulers who watched from the shadows, intrigue and a newfound sense of curiosity guiding their thoughts. The night held secrets, and as the echoes of the song lingered in the air, the kings of Volturi found themselves on the precipice of a journey that would challenge their roles, their beliefs, and the very fabric of their existence.
(Y/N)'s enchanting performance faded into the night, the crowd once again erupted into enthusiastic applause. The atmosphere was alive with a mixture of emotions, and the young singer's face lit up with a genuine smile as she soaked in the adoration of the audience.
Unbeknownst to her, the trio of Volturi kings had been observing from the shadows, their expressions thoughtful and intrigued. They exchanged glances that held a rare shared sentiment - one of appreciation for the artistry they had just witnessed.
Stepping out of the shadows, Aro, the most outgoing of the kings, approached (Y/N) with a charismatic smile. "My dear, that was quite a captivating performance. Your voice held both power and vulnerability."
(Y/N)'s eyes widened in surprise at the sudden appearance of the mysterious trio before her. Their presence seemed to hold an aura of authority that commanded attention. She curtsied slightly, her voice laced with gratitude. "Thank you, kind sirs. I'm honored by your words."
Caius, usually reserved, spoke next. "Your song choice was interesting. It speaks of a rather unique perspective."
(Y/N) met his gaze, her expression enigmatic. "Indeed, it does. There's something intriguing about exploring the complexities of such supernatural themes through music."
Marcus, known for his contemplative nature, joined the conversation. "It begs the question, my dear, do you believe in vampires?"
A smile tugged at (Y/N)'s lips, and she met their gazes with a twinkle in her eyes. "Belief is a powerful thing, isn't it? In a world steeped in history and mystery, I find it hard not to believe in things beyond the ordinary. Just as legends and folklore have been woven into the fabric of humanity, so have stories of creatures that walk the line between night and day."
Aro's smile deepened, his gaze lingering on (Y/N) with renewed interest. "An intriguing perspective, my dear. It seems you have an appreciation for the enigmatic and the unexplained."
(Y/N) nodded, her expression one of quiet confidence. "The past is filled with accounts of unexplainable phenomena, and history often contains elements that defy rational explanation. It's what makes life all the more fascinating."
Caius observed her with a scrutiny that was almost unnerving. "You speak as if you've encountered such phenomena personally."
(Y/N)'s gaze held a hint of mystery as she replied, "I've always had a fascination with history, both known and hidden. In my research, I've come across tales that hint at the existence of beings beyond the realm of human understanding. But sometimes, it's the stories that have been passed down through generations that hold the most truth."
Marcus nodded slowly, his expression inscrutable. "Indeed, stories are a reflection of the human experience, a way to make sense of the unknown. But there are some stories that defy explanation."
As the kings' eyes held hers, (Y/N) felt a connection that transcended words. There was an unspoken understanding, a recognition that they shared something beyond the ordinary.
Aro extended a hand, a charming smile on his lips. "You have a rare perspective, (Y/N). It's a pleasure to meet someone who appreciates the allure of history and mystery."
(Y/N) placed her hand in his, their contact brief but meaningful. "Likewise."
With a nod of acknowledgment, the Volturi kings began to retreat back into the shadows. As they walked away, (Y/N) couldn't help but feel that their encounter was anything but ordinary. There was a sense of mystery, an unspoken connection that left her with more questions than answers.
And as she watched them disappear into the night, (Y/N) knew that her encounter with the Volturi kings had ignited a spark of curiosity that would lead her down a path she could have never anticipated - one that would challenge her beliefs, unveil ancient truths, and perhaps even rewrite the stories of both mortals and immortals alike.
As the Volturi kings retreated into the shadows after their conversation with (Y/N), Marcus's contemplative gaze lingered behind, his expression holding a touch of thoughtful introspection.
"A bond," he mused softly to himself, his words carrying a weight that seemed to reverberate through the night.
Aro and Caius exchanged puzzled glances as they walked. "A bond?" Aro echoed, his curiosity piqued.
Caius raised an eyebrow in question. "What kind of bond are you referring to, Marcus?"
Marcus turned to face his brothers, his ancient eyes reflecting an emotion that was both rare and profound. "A bond that transcends time and origin. A connection that reaches beyond the realm of the known."
Aro's gaze sharpened, his voice carrying a note of intrigue. "You felt something, didn't you?"
Marcus nodded, his expression contemplative. "There was a resonance, an echo in the fabric of existence. A feeling of familiarity that I haven't experienced in centuries."
Caius's skepticism was evident as he spoke. "Familiarity? With a human?"
Marcus's gaze held a certainty that silenced any doubt. "That young lady is our mate."
Caius halted in his tracks, his eyes widening in disbelief. "Our mate? Marcus, you can't be serious."
Aro's curiosity was piqued, and he regarded Marcus with a thoughtful expression. "A mate, you say? A human?"
Marcus nodded solemnly. "Yes, Aro. It's a connection that goes beyond our understanding. A bond that we share with her on a level that defies explanation."
Caius seemed to struggle with the concept. "But she's human, Marcus. We are vampires."
Marcus's gaze shifted to Caius, his voice steady. "Caius, did you not feel it? The pull, the resonance that tugged at the very essence of your being?"
Caius's expression changed from skepticism to contemplation, a flicker of realization in his eyes. "I did sense something, but I attributed it to the strangeness of the night."
Marcus's gaze held a knowing look. "It wasn't the night, Caius. It was her. She carries a piece of us within her, a connection that defies the boundaries of species."
Aro, ever the perceptive one, interjected with a sense of intrigue. "This is an interesting turn of events. Our mate, a human, and a bond that stretches beyond time."
As the trio continued their journey back to the Volturi castle, the weight of Marcus's revelation hung in the air. Their steps were measured, their thoughts consumed by the mysterious connection they had encountered.
The streets of Volterra seemed quieter, the city shrouded in an air of contemplation. And as they walked, the image of (Y/N) lingered in their minds, a young woman who had stirred emotions, challenged beliefs, and awakened a bond that none of them could ignore.
As they entered the castle, the grand halls echoed with silence, and the three Volturi kings retreated to their private chambers. But as they settled into their respective spaces, their thoughts were consumed by the enigma of (Y/N), the connection they shared with her, and the possibility that their lives were about to be irrevocably altered by a force that defied the boundaries of both the human and immortal worlds.
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veryberryjelly · 9 months
could i have a 🥐 for a golden trio era character (no poly ships) please? and congrats on graduating btw <3
(btw this is oddly formatted cuz i still dk how to write abt myself 😭)
my hogwarts house is slytherin & i'm an intp. i've been told im observant, 'mature for my age', 'elusive' & creative, and that i could do a lot of things if i choose to and set my mind to it. i can be really funny, vulgar & charismatic, but also aloof and cold. im a bit of a slacker and i get into my fair share of trouble. i also keep a small amount of friends.
my favourites books are the secret history & the goldfinch. i like journaling and reading but i tend to procrastinate a lot. my fave fruit is pomegranete. i tend to associate certain places with how deeply i felt or an eventful moment that happened. i have an eclectic music taste and usually listen to songs from/before the 2010s, mid 60s/early 70s & 50s. once in a while i will listen to some modern new releases, though. the song ive been listening to on repeat recently are sleepwalker by akiaura, your face by wisp, noisy sunday by patrick watson and you know im no good by amy winehouse. other than harry potter, i know mcu (spiderverse films <33), the umbrella academy, the twilight franchise, the walking dead and lord of the rings. i also like silent films. i love daydreaming and sleeping. i have the burden of the oldest sibling. ans i plan to taste all the best wine i could get my hands on, but that probably won't happen.
idk if this i a necessary description but i have olive/tan skin,  black wavy hair, freckles & dark brown eyes. and my aesthetic would probably by beatnik and midwestern emo combined (and 'older brother' core but minus all the videogames).
𝐣𝐨𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐜𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭
i ship you with...
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theo nott !!!
i have no hard reasoning for this apart from the fact that i get the sense you'd both get along so so well !!!
i know theo likes old times music and he would 100% put some on and just twirl you around your dorm room whether it's just the two of you or if the room is full of you're dormates
his friends have grown used to it and at this point just watch in adoration as you two get so wrapped up in your own world.
theo will take you on a trip to taste the best wines in the world, probably to italy during your last summer at hogwarts and he makes sure it's the best trip you've ever taken.
theo will also go to see every marvel film in the cinema with you if you asked.
he loved those kind of films so he is very excited to see all of them
doesn't let go of your hand through the whole movie. <<33
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mickgaydolenz · 2 years
i'm digging the weeb-grave deeper <3 top five anime?
jo…….jo…… exposing me like this, for everyone to see 😔 (but also thank you interweb bestie 💖💖💖💖💖) p.s i fucking dare you to post your top five anime so we can both go down in this weeb trashfire together 💖😊
1. Monster - both the anime and manga wrecked me. destroyed me. husked me out into nothing but a hollow thing of a person. i could go on for fucking YEARS as to why this is the best anime of all time, but let me just sum it up by saying i’ve never experienced a more well thought out plot, a more well developed cast of characters, or a more well developed world in my whole fucking life and i will go to the grave believing that. also i’m full on in love with eva, she is my everything, my sun, my moon, the light in my life etc 💖💖💖✌️😔
2. Okay this is kind of cheating because it’s the franchise i love and not one anime in particular BUT Lupin The Third - my twin and i both fucking love the Lupin franchise. one of the old series, i think green jacket??? aired on tv when we were younger and we were fucking HOOKED. i’ve subsequently gone through most of the movies (my favourites being harimao’s treasure, twilight gemini, ans the secret of mamo). Also fucking LOVED the newer series The Woman Called Fujiko Mine (fujiko, my love, what a fucking great character ✌️😩).
3. This is for nostalgia’s sake so it’s a tie between Azumanga Daioh and Hamtaro - both of these anime series were huge for me as a kid (as well as sailor moon and naruto) but these two really meant a lot to me. Azumanga Daioh became like a comfort series that i’d rewatch a lot, especially in the summer. and fun fact! it’s the only series where i prefer the english dub. and jo as you know hamtaro was a feral obsession for me. those hamsters got into my brain and never left. my childhood bestfriend (whom i’m no longer friends with) my sibling and myself would draw those hamsters 25/7. i also loved the games (hamtaro hamham heartbreak is still one of the best games ever no one can fucking convince me otherwise)
4. Ookiku Furikabutte (or as I affectionately call it fruity booty) - time to out myself as sports anime trash :))). this (and One Outs) is probably my all time favourite sports anime. i don’t even know how to explain it fr, i never thought i’s be a sports anime person. also the characters dynamics are tropey as hell, like so typical animu, but i love them so much anyways??? and it’s so gay??? mihashi is a precious babygirl and i need to protect him with my whole body.
5. I’m cheating again but these all kind of have the same vibes so i can’t distinguish between them so Neon Genesis Evangelion (the original series)/Serial Experiments Lain/Alien Nine - okay so i hated Eva the first time i tried to watch it, but then when it was put on netflix i decided to watch it again and loved it??? similarly i tried i think 3 times to watch Serial Experiments Lain and finally finished it last year?? Alien Nine is also technically a series of ova’s, but that shit is so bizarre i fucking love it. anyways these are all perfect examples of the weird side of anime i like where it’s a little psychological horror, a little existential dread, and a little bit of mystery action. also unironically i fucking love the openings for Eva and Serial Experiments Lain, they slap so fucking hard dude
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jin0 · 2 years
My GOD Jin, that last response was so perfect, it literally reads like a film and I can see everything so clearly.
I picture this big empty-ish glass house (kind of like the Cullen house from twilight) and it’s kind of grayish but there’s a white ray of sunlight peaking through when midday comes. That’s when he gets home from work and the juxtaposition of their frames is just *chefs kiss* him on his knees and the feminine silhouette standing before him he’s like taken aback with an obsessive love like god I’m obsessed. And the part where you wrote that she knows not to interrupt or disturb him when he takes her into the bedroom at first is so FASCINATING because it’s like of course everyone loves to be loved but only so many can take the flattery beyond words and actions, into something so simple as digesting someone wholly or absorbing them up and down because that is so intimate. That part was extremely beautiful and not like anything I’d read before which makes me appreciate it so so much!!
I just woke up to that and I was like immediately giddy to read that and I feel 10x better. You’re. Amazing. ALSO THE TIE REMOVAL I CANT. AND THE BABY SCENARIO 🥺🥺🥺🤰🏻🤰🏻🤰🏻🤲🏼
😽😽 - STN
the way imma start looking forward to these ?? hopefully you'll still be reading my stuff even when it's not about peter/andrew cause omg ?? i love your reviews sweetie <3
but the glass house/cullen house thingy has me screaming cause you don't know how much i love the forest house, giant glass house concept ?? like this is my dream house and i just put it everywhere !!
and when he can, after working hard and not getting to see you truly for a while, he'll just lift you up ans carry you to your bed. he'll undress you, undress himself and just watch you lay there. he'll be staring for a few minutes before he starts touching and when he does he just needs to feel you truly before saying anything else. he takes his time, taking you in with his eyes, then his fingers and afterwards he'll try with his mouth and his nose. he'll taste you and take you in truly by smelling you.
and if i could elaborate on the fascination andrew would have for you, i could mention that it's not something new, like he was always a little obsessed yk ?? but unlike most relationships (or at least the ones that don't work, he kinda doesn't ever get better ?? like he doesn't get used to it, he doesn't stop chasing after you ever. he just chases your love and affection for the whole of the relationship and he makes sure to make you understand how much of a goddess you are to him.
and on the tie removal, sometimes, when he's feel exceptionally tired, he'll let you do anything to him. you'll take off his tie and he'd already be at your mercy, trying to kiss you desperately while you try and get him to focus or be calm enough for you.
like you'll have him with his hands toed to his back, your face swallowing his whole cock in your mouth and he's just losing it.
"god, fuck, fuck, fuck... mouth so good bunny... can't think straight, fuck you're so perfect... needa feel you pretty, need to stuff myself everywhere in you... needa, fuck, fuck... don't know what i need but please bunny, please bunny gimme everything."
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tpwkxxangel · 2 years
Is this the real life? pt. 3
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**not my photo**
[warnings: mentions passing out and loss of a parent, maybe a little concert depression?, language]
No great mind has ever existed without a touch of madness. That's the excuse I'm using after getting back from the Harry show. Even if I told my mom that I went to the show and now Harry knows me by name, she would think I'm certifiably insane. I have been in love with this man since he was sixteen years old and suddenly, he knows me by name? This is totally not my life.
Last night was so insane that I don't think I've fully absorbed what happened. Yes, I'm physically fine, but emotionally? Definitely bruised. The girls explained exactly what happened after I passed out and it sounds like something straight out of a rom com.
Harry stopped in the middle of the song to make sure I got over the barricade safely. He sang the rest of the encore songs, but he did seem a little worried. My friends had all been told by the same security guard that lifted me over the barricade that they could follow him after the show. They followed him into the green room where they waited for me.
Jeff, Harry’s manager, came to reassure them that I was just getting checked out and would be escorted to the room once I was given the okay to leave the arena.
I just can't wrap my head around anything that happened this past weekend. It can't be real.
When I stepped on the plane this morning, I thought everything would be fine. With all the excitement the last 24 hours, I'm supposed to be happy, right? I'm lucky enough to see the little fruit man prance around on stage more than once this tour, and this past show was not my last one. So why do I feel so fucking empty?
I didn't want to go back to reality at all. I know I have to go back to work and face my big kid responsibilities, but I have no motivation whatsoever.
When my Uber drops me off at my house, I can't help but sigh. All I want to do is get into my bed and cry for a little bit. I specifically flew in at a time when I knew my mom would be at work.
The door makes a soft clicking sound locking and I place my duffle bag on the ground.
"Y/N? Is that you, honey?" my mother's voice sounds through the foyer. I nearly jump out of my skin from surprise.
"Ah!" I scream clutching my chest. "Mom? What are you doing here?"
She makes her way over to me holding a dish towel. "Who else would it be?" she playfully rolls her eyes before continuing, "I decided I'd work from home today. You were at Caroline's all weekend so I figured we could do a movie marathon when you got home today."
This wasn't unusual for us. At least once a month, when her workload was light, we would blow off all our responsibilities and just binge watch the Twilight series. It's just her and I, so we often do those types of things together. And honestly, it sounds better than crying myself into a nap.
"Um, yeah. That sounds fun. Let me shower really quickly," I gesture upstairs. She nods, and I quickly make my way up to my room.
I notice I still have my pit wristband! I quickly take it off and set it on my dresser. That was so close. It's not that she wouldn't be happy for me if I told her the truth, but like most mothers, she worries about everything. Did I almost die? Probably. Did I actually die? That's still up for debate.
She also doesn't understand Harry's part in my life. She thinks I'm too old to be a fangirl for a grown adult. Since I started my dream job of being a content editor, I should have moved out of obsessing over childish things according to her.
What does she honestly expect though? I mostly read and edit books for a living. My head will forever and always be in the clouds surrounded by love and heart wrenching storylines.
When Harry released his 'Love on Tour' show dates, I begged her to let me go, but she only responded with "It was different when you were a teenager. You are twenty-two years old now. Why are you so fascinated with a twenty-five-year-old?"
That was a little over two years ago, and my answer still hasn't changed.
He saved me when no one else could. That's why. It's not like I didn't have a support system when I was going through the worst stage in my life. I am thankful enough to have a lovely family and friends, but they could never understand what it was like to feel that low. Harry did. Through his music I was able to heal wounds that I didn't think could ever heal. She doesn't understand that though.
I love her to death, but we just don't see eye to eye sometimes.
I throw my travel duffle on my bed before walking to my closet to pick out a cozy outfit. I can't help but smiling at the knock off Rolling Stone's shirt that Harry used to wear so often. I'll definitely be comfortable in that. I grab a hold of that and some biker shorts and head into my bathroom.
Maybe I should just move out and then she might understand better? One of the main reasons I haven't is that my mother has no one else. She hasn't dated since dad passed a few years back, and she loves to work so she rarely has time to hang out with her friends. I'm all she has left and she hasn't hinted once about me getting my own place.
As much as she worries about me, I worry about her too.
After my shower I head downstairs where my mom is setting everything up. I smile and laugh at the hoard of blankets and pillows decorating the couch.
"If we're having a marathon, I figured we'd do it properly," she chuckles.
Yeah, I don't know that I could move out anytime soon.
The incessant buzzing of my phone woke me up the next morning. I blindly reach for the object on my nightstand. The screen causes me to squint but what I see has my heart sinking hard into my chest.
The 'OT5' group chat is blowing up with 115 messages. I quickly jump into action, sitting up and turning on my lamp. This could only mean one thing...
One of the boys did something!
If one of the boys did something I will literally never sleep again. I was asleep when they released Drag Me Down and I have never forgiven myself for putting sleep over them since.
Dove: Y/N!!! WAKE UP!!!
Sofie: What happened?
It looks like it didn't take her long to figure it out because she spammed the chat moments after sending that message.
Katie: i will literally never get over the fact that i didn't get to go to the show. i hate you all
The procedure that we have all agreed upon years ago is that if it was too hard to articulate what was going on through text, we would use a designated code word for whichever boy to narrow down who did what. Obviously, this emergency is about Harold.
I hit the facetime button as soon as I read that message.
“Y/N have you checked Twitter????” Rachel calls out being the first one to pick up. The other three following shortly after.
“No! I just woke up! Someone tell me what’s happening!” I shout quickly feeling the impending stomach drop of Harry doing something while I was asleep.
They all start talking at once, so I interrupt them. “Katie, as the voice of reason, please explain before I hyperventilate.”
“The video of you passing out is circling around Twitter right now. It’s trending, Y/N. Luckily the video doesn’t have a clear view of you, so they don’t know who you are yet,” she responds quickly.
I freeze for a moment. How did I not consider this before? We are living in the 21st century so of course someone would have been videotaping what was going on. I quickly pull up Twitter to see an update account has posted a video of what happened. I read some of the comments under the post and they are all surprisingly kind. Most just want to check to make sure I'm okay.
“Alright. This isn’t bad. I don’t connect my personal social medias with my stan social medias,” I say trying to play off the minor panic attack I’m having over a video of me passing out going viral. What if my mom see it?
“It’s okay to be upset. You couldn’t help it. You literally just dropped,” Dove says.
“Yeah. They don’t know who you are. This video will be last week’s news once he plays his show tomorrow,” Sofie says gently.
It’s not that I’m upset per se. I’m more overwhelmed by people acknowledging my existence when I’m almost always overlooked.
“Sofie’s right. No one will know it’s you,” Katie comforts. She’s honestly the most levelheaded out of all of us. She had her sister’s wedding to go to this weekend so she couldn’t make it out to the show.
“Holy shit is that the time?” I jump out of bed quickly running to my closet. “I’m gonna be late for a meeting!”
“It’s okay! We’ll keep you updated,” Dove says before I say my goodbyes and get ready.
This meeting was a normal meeting with a corporation who wants me to ghost write their web page for them. I’ve done that a few times, so I made sure to draft up a few ideas to show them this past week. There’s a lot of things you can get done while waiting in line for nearly 14 hours to see the love of your life.
I’m very much a homebody, so this job is perfect for me. I hate idle chit chat in general, so my job allows me to work virtually anywhere. It’s incredible.
When I get to the building, I scan my badge to slide through straight to the elevators. I get to the meeting room just in time to start. I let out a sigh of release and relax into my chair while my boss makes introductions.
Despite the minor freak out this morning, I know today will be just as normal as my life was before the Harry concert. Back to reality.
By the end of the meeting, the company decided to go with one of my ideas which was nice. Since I already had some things written, all I have to do is revise the draft with their slogan and motto before sending it over to their IT person to place on the website.
I turn my phone back on, only to have it blow up similarly to this morning. The group chat is going off, and my twitter notifications are flooded too. I check the group chat to confirm what I already know.
Dove: They found your username.
Rachel: Those assholes from the line posted your @/
I don’t need to read the rest to know that that’s why my twitter is going off.
This was unfortunate but inevitable. They were bound to find me. I’m lucky to have never posted anything super descriptive of myself on this stan account, because yes, I have multiple. They will only know the first initial to my name because that’s what it is on there. This isn’t as bad as it sounds. I might as well check twitter just in case.
When I get back to my office, I pull up my twitter on my laptop. I see about 700 new people followed me.
I instantly freeze.
Not from the number of new followers, but from the DM that is sitting in my inbox taunting at me...
@/Harry_Styles: Hey Y/N! I was just wanting to check in and see how you were doing after the show last night? -H
tag list: @harry-is-my-sunflower @gucci-hazza @damnasstyles @msolbesg @hi-yekaterina @imaginesofdreams @multiplums @gxldenxash @infinitely-yellow @sunshinetemptress9
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ordonianhero · 3 years
A Heated battle
So this inspired by the fact half the United States and Canada are in the grips of a heat wave. Be safe out there my friends. Keep hydrated and in a cool place if possible.
Time and Twilight had spent most of the morning repair a line of fencing that one of sneak horses has been breaking out of. The warm summer air started rising as it the shade they had shifted. Exposing them the the sun beating down on them. Malon went out to make sure they had water.
She watched as the sweat dripped from her husband’s face. From the golden locks of his hair. Stuck to his face. Twilight mirroring the same look. The two of them down the water she provided. “Now dont you two knuckle heads spend too much time in this heat. Go seek shelter in the shade soon when you’re done.”
The two nodded. She warmly smiled and went back to cool ranch house. She also made sure the rest of the lads also had water and took breaks. This summer was sure unseasonably warmer then the last. It mean working smart in these temperatures. However she had faith these lads would know when to go seek shelter and not over do it.
As the day dragged on, the heat rose. Most of the lads had seemed shelter in the ranch house and took it easy. Wild help prepare some cool down snacks ans drinks. To help replenish their energy. Majority of them were there from what malon could see, but her husband and Twilight.
“Oh fiddle sticks.” She mumbled. “What’s wrong miss Mal?” Question the sky child. “Oh nothing my dear. Just Link being his stubborn self, matched with a stubborn ranch hand, I can only hope they are hiding out in some shade and not over doing things.”
The Captain chuckled, “oh those two? Yeah no. They will go above and beyond.” This worried Malon to hear that statement. “That’s what I was worried about.”
And before she her self was about to head out and drag them both walk in. The rancher he forgone his top. The sun had clearly kissed his skin with a healthy tan and Time’s shirt was drenched in sweat. “Well. Think that’s enough farm work for the day.” Times at down hard in the nearest chair. Wild rushed to get him and Twilight a refreshing cold drink.
Twilight found the nearest couch not occupied and just laid down. Laying on his stomach, breathing hard. Then his body went limp. As he fell into a deep sleep. Wild returned with the drinks. Time chuckled and then thanked the cub. “Think that took it out of him.”
There was a huff from his wife. “What did I say about taking care of your selves.” Time sipped the fruity drink. “Hm. Don’t be stupid-“
“Don’t be stupid.” She replied.
The gang chuckled. When Wild approached twilight to see if he could get him to drink some. He could feel the heat radiating from his skin. “I think he got heat stroke. Someone get me some cold cloths. Got to bring his temperature down.”
Four rushed to get ice cold towel for wild. Malon checked her husband as well. “I am fine.” He groan. She crossed her arm and also retrieve a cold damp cloth and placed it on his neck. Then she made her way to help four out as the two of them both went to bringing twilight’s temperature down.
Warriors chuckled, “oh man old man. You is in trouble for sure.” Time smirked, “in the barn tonight trouble probably trouble. But at least the farm work is done. However stubborn Twilight and I are.”
Once Malon and wild felt satisfied that Twilight’s temperature was down. The room which was quite could hear to soft snores emanating from the rancher’s mouth. “Well one thing for sure, he’s sleeping peacefully, but sure like Time.”
“That he is.” Responded Time.
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raven-black102 · 5 years
The Vampire and Symbiote.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Imagine being Jasper Hales little sister and dating Eddie Brock/ Venom. Twilight Saga crossover Venom. I just made this out my butt and I'm to lazy to fix my mistakes. Hope you enjoy my crazy cross overs.
(Y/n)'s POV
A small sigh escaped my lips as I stood on top of the room of the apartment complex me and my boyfriends live in. "Babe? Why are you out here?" I heard as I didn't look away from the view of the city. "I'm waiting." I said softly as he stood next to me. "WAITING FOR WHAT?" Venom asked as he appeared out of Eddie Shoulder.
I smiled as my phone started to ring. "Hello?" I asked as I heard a soft chuckle. "Its been awhile sis." My brother Jasper said as I smiled softly. "It has hasn't it. Is there something wrong?" I asked as Eddie and V looked at me intensely. "We need your help." I heard Edwards voice said causing me to frown.
"With?" I asked as I was meet with silents. "Its the newborns isn't it?" I asked as I couod see them looking at each other with a worried look. "How do you know?" Jasper asked causing me to chuckled. "They've been here. My and my boyfriend had to kill a few of them." I said as Eddies and Venoms eyes widen.
"You have a boyfriend?!" Jasper yelled causing me to move the phone back slightly. "Watch it!" I growled as I saw Eddie bit his bottom lip and Venom went back inside Eddie. "Yeah I have a boyfriend. Thats not the problem though is it!" I yelled as I can imagine both Edward ans Jasper whining. "I'll meet you there in a few hours." I mumbled then hung up the phone.
"Your gonna leave us?" Eddie asked with a small pout. "Not really. They mifht need you and Venom for the battle field." I said as I wrapped my arms around Eddies neck. "So that mean I get to meet your brothers..." He mumbled with a slight panic look. "Yeah and my sister's, and foster parents." I said as I saw him paled.
"Don't worry you two. I'll protect you." I said as I lend in slightly. "But where supposed to protect you." Eddie mumbled as I smiled at him. "I lived for 178 years. I think I can live a lot longer." I mumbled as Eddie chuckled softly before pressing his lips agents mine.
Time Skip
I smiled slightly as I parked my car close to tge house Esme has design along with me, Alice, and Rosalie. "What if they don't like us?" Eddie asked softly causing me to look at him. "Is Eddie Brock and Venom scares to meet a coven of vampires?" I asked cauaing him to chuckled nervously. "I mean I am kind of human. They could drink my blood." Eddie said causing me to raise an eyebrow at him.
"You my mate now Eddie, Venom, if they so much as hurt you. I'll kill them myself." I said seriously as they look at me. "Come on. Oh and Venom. Don't be talking to loud in Eddie mind cause Edward can read minds." I said as Eddie nods his head. We both got out the car as I then appeared next to Eddie cauaing him to laugh. "Show off." He said as I closed the door to the car. "Only for you." I winked as the door opened and someone wrapped there arms around me.
"Hey Alice." I said hugging her back. "I missed you! Oh this must be your boyfriend Eddie!" Alice said as she took notice of Eddie right away. "Yes he is." I said as Eddie chuckled and took out his hand for Alice to shake. "Nice to meet you. You must be Alice. (Y/n) has told me so much about you." Eddie said as they shook hands.
"Jasper this is Eddie. Eddie this is my brother Jasper." I said aa Jasper appeared next to Alice and slightly glare ar Eddie. "Jasper Whitlock form the Civil War. (Y/n) has told me a lot of story's about the battle you guys where in." Eddie said as he didn't seem a bit fazed about Jasper.
"She has had she?" Jasper said as I saw his eyes darken slightly. "Major." I said as I stood infront of Eddie. "How come you never told me about your Boyfriend." Major said causing me to glare at him. "Ya never asked." I said as my accent came out strong.
"He's hidin' something." Major growled as I hissed at him. "Babe. Don't." Eddie said as he place a hand on my shoulder calming me down slightly. "His my mate." I said then took Eddies hand as we walked towards the house.
Time Skip
Eddie wrapped his arms around me as we watch Jasper teach the wolve on the others how to kill Newborns. "It seems that only Jasper dislikes me." Eddie said causing me to laugh softly. "He doesn't dislike you. He just doesn't trust you." I said softly then felt something on my shoulder.
"CAN WE EAT HIM?" Venom asked causing me to bit my bottom lips to stop me from laughing. "No V. As much as I love to see you try. His the only real family I have left." I said softly as V started to nuzzle himself closer to me and slightly purr. "(Y/n)!" Jasper called causing Venom to disappear and Jasper or Major to look at me.
"You ready big brother?" I asked as Eddie lets me go and watched me instantly. "I'm not gonna lose to you sugar." Major said causing me to chuckle darkly. "Then let the game began." I grin as we got in our stance. It looked like we were dancing around as me and Jasper continued to fight. At last I bet him to the ground. "I win." I said darkly as Major panted and chuckled.
"Seems so." He said as I helped him up. "You guys look like you were dancing." Alice said as I smile at her. "Its been awhile since me and Major spar each other." I said as Major placed an arm over my shoulder. "You've gotten better." He said as I grin at him. "And you have gotten slower." I said then stood next to Eddie.
"(Y/n)." Edward called as I looked up at him only to see him glaring at Eddie. "Your not keeping your thought to yourself Eddie." I said as Eddie to chuckled and scratch the back of his neck. "It can't be help." He said with a childish grin. "Who's that?" Edward said as he stood in front of Bella.
"Who?" I asked confused until I took notice Eddie frown look. "V?" I asked then Venom appeared over Eddies shoulder scaring everyone even the wolves. "WHY DO YOU ONLY TALK TO EDDIE?!" Venom snarled casuing me to chuckle at him softly. "Cause I was gonna introduce you to them V. I didn't mean to make you feel sad." I said as I pat his head causing him to purr.
"Guys meet Venom. A Symbiote from another planet." I said with a soft smile. "His not dangerous. Unless you anger him." I said softly as Eddie held an panic look. "He could help us." Carlisle said as I chuckled when V started to nuzzle himself closer to me dragging Eddie with him.
Time Skip
"Get ready." Major said as I nod my head and grin. "Ready you two." I said to Eddie as he pulled me towards him. "Please be safe." Eddie said as I frown at him. Then he gently pressed his lips aganet mine. I smiled as I pulled away and chuckled softly. "I always well." I said softlty as I peck his lips.
Once the Newborns started to run towards us Eddie lets Venom take over. The fight was easy as me and Major Jasper fought and had each other back just like back then. "You need to watch your back brother dear." I said as Major chuckled. "Behind you." He said as I turned a 180 with my leg up breaking the newborn neck.
"Your no fun." I pouted causing him to glare at me playfully. "Kill the rest." Major said as I nod my head. Once we only had a few left I saw two of them jump on V causing me to get on off him. "(Y/n)!" I heard as the newborn through me acrossed the field. I gasped slightly as time went slow around me.
Then I felt a sharp pain on my head, back, and shoulder. "(Y/n)!" I heard V yelled as I started to lose consciousness. "You pay for that!" V yelled as I felt myself starting to heal. "(Y/n). Baby. Please come back." I heard Eddie said as I saw a blure. Once every part of my body healed I gasped again and quickly sat up.
"Fuck that hurt." I mumbled as Eddie wrapped his arms around me tightly. "Your okay." Eddie whispered as I wrapped my arms around him. "I told you never go for the obvious kill (Y/n) Major said as he looked at me with concern. "It not like I'm human anyways." I said as I heard a small whimper escape Eddies lips.
"Please. Don't do that. We thought." Eddie said as I took notice there no more newborns. "Its gonna take a lot more then that to get rid of me you two." I said softly as I kissed his neck to his cheek. "There coming." Alice called as Edward and Bella got here.
"They won't accept the fact we have the wolve here. They need to go." Carlisle said as I ignored them. "I can't wait to go back home." I mumbled softly as Eddie helped me up and wrapped an arm around my waist when I lost my balance. "Thanks." I smiled as he pecked my cheek.
"Can't wait to go back eating some chocolate and tatter tots." Eddie said as Venom appeared between us. "Yes and some snakes on humans." V said causinf me to chuckle and Eddie to sigh. "There here." Alice said as I tensed up and lookes ahead. "Stay close to me." I said as I took Eddies hand and stood close to the last Newborn girl.
"Seems we messed an entertaining fight." Alec said as I rolled my eyes. "Maybe if you wouod have been her earlier then you would have some fun yourself." I snarled getting there attention. "Hmmm. Another Vampire with a human mate." Jane said as she looks at Eddie up and down with her red eyes.
I could tell V and Eddie didn't like them. "Sure. You can say that." I said with a grin. "You missed one." She said as she took notice of the girl next to me. Me and Jasper glared at Jane as we stood next to the girl. "She's with us now. She didn't even have a choice." Esme trued to be reasonable. "That wasn't your choice to make." Jane said then stared at the girl.
"Why did you come?" Jane asked and before the girl could saw anything she started to scream in pain. "Who created you?" She asked as the girl fell to the floor. I glared at her as I used my gift making Jane look at me. "Let her speak." I said darkly as she looked at me scared. The girl panted as she looked up.
"I don't know. Rally never told us. He said our thought weren't safe." She cried as I crouched down and helped her up. "The name is Victoria. You should know." Edward snarles slightly as I chuckled. "Edward if the Volturi knew about Victoria they would have done something. Isn't that right Jane?" Carlisle asked as I saw Jasper used his gift. "Of course." She said then looked at the girl.
"Caius wouldn't be happy to hear that shes still human." Jane said as she looked at Edward and Bella. "The Date is set." Bella said as Jane then look at me. "Aro would like to meet you two once he finds out another Cullen has a human." Jane said causing me to chuckle. "I'm not apart of the Cullens anymore. I moved away." I said as she glared at me.
"You want proof kid?" I asked as I stood in front of her. She narrowed her eyes at me as she look down at my hand. She grabbed it as I showed her me the day I told them I'm moving away, to the day I meet Eddie, to how I told Eddie about myself, and how I told him about the Volturi. "Interesting." She said I she lets go of my hand.
I didn't want to show her about Venom knowing they were gonna take him away from me and try to kill him. "Felix, I'd like to go home now." Jane said as I stood next to Eddie. I looked down as Felix went to the girl causing her to scream in fear.
I quickly pulled Eddie down to my neck as we heard a snap causing Eddie to tensed up. "The Volturi doesn't give second chances. Keep that in mind." Jane said then they left. The girl's body was on fire as Eddie looked down at her. "We could have done something." Eddie mumbled as I looked down.
"We couldn't. Or they'll kill us all." I told him as everyone looked at the girl. I frown slightly as it started to get a bit winder blow out the fire. I raised my hand causing bright neon blue flames to appear and revised back time. The girl's body was pit back to place as she gasped out.
Third Person POV
"(Y/n)." Carlisle said as she held her throat. "When was the last time you hunt?" Jasper asked (Y/n) as she frown at him. "Your safe (Y/n)." Eddie said as she look down at the ground confused. "What wrong?" Rosalie asked Eddie as he place a gentle hand on her shoulder. "(Y/N) HASN'T USED THAT GIFT IN WHILE. WHEN SHE DOES SHE TEND TO FORGET THINGS AND PEOPLE." Venom said as Eddie moved his hands down to her hands and intertwine there fingers.
"Where am I?" (Y/n) asked confused as Eddie slowly. "Fuck. My head hurts." (Y/n) mumbled as Venom nuzzled himself closer to her. "You guys should go." Eddie said as the Cullen's were hesitant. They nod and took the girl with them leaving only Eddie, Venom, and (Y/n) alone.
"You know where you are sweetheart?" Eddie asked as (Y/n) frown before slowly nodding her head. "Florks?" (Y/n) said confused as she looks around. "Yeah. We just defeated the Newborn army." He said as (Y/n) frown slightly. "Yeah. Now I remember." She said with a slight smile.
"Come on. Your brother is probably waiting for you." Eddie said as he let V took over and picked (Y/n) up bridle style and ran through the woods.
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song-of-storms162 · 5 years
Mipha’s pie
Cooking is one of Wild’s solaces but it seemed Fate had a way of messing with even that.
Wild had gotten his hands on a really good recipe.
He had been in Gerudo town, vai clothes and all, hanging around the communal kitchen that was shared by all the Gerudo. He was looking at the shelves of spices, wondering what he ought to make for the group currently camping outside the town walls.
Riju had told him that he was welcome to help himself to use the spices or the kitchen to his liking. Since he wouldn’t accept other gifts, the young chief told him it was the least she could do for him.
He had done them a favor after all.
Wild took up more bottles in his hands, inspecting them, sniffing the spices, checkling the cutlery and the available dishes. He heard a whine from the wolf seated next to the ktchen and a growl coming from the stomach of the hero standing near the creature.
Looking at Hyrule’s appearance made Wild recollect on the day and momentarily stop.
Before coming to Gerudo town, Wild had taken them all to Kara Kara Bazaar and had them meet with Vilia.
Wild hadn’t told them much, except for the fact that she could get them in. They climbed up the ladders that led to the top of a sandstone building, Wild was first to reach and told the others to stay where they were as he approached Vilia.
The two talked in hushed tones, Vilia looking occasionally looking over Wild’s shoulder to glance at his companions. When they were done, the two separated and stood in front of the remaining Links.
Wild told them to all to file into one line, confused looks were exchanged among them but they obeyed. Vilia walked around them, eyes scanning the heroes who held the triforce of courage.
Eventually she stood in front of Time and nodded at Wild. Wild came up to them and dragged Time away from the line, Vilia did the same to Twilight, Warriors and Legend.
And then it was just Sky, Hyrule, Wind and Four.
Sky left first, then Vilia started circling the remaining three like a hawk. She stopped in front of Hyrule.
“This one,” she said before turning to Wild, Wind and Legend taking it as a cue to join the ones she had dismissed.
Wild told the rest to remain downstairs while Vilia, Wild and Hyrule stayed up.
And when they finally met with the others, Wild wished he could take a photo of their faces.
Because there was Wild and Hyrule in women’s clothes.
Both their stomachs were bare, their shoulders were exposed to the desert air but their chests and faces were covered by silks and cloth. While Wild’s outfit was mostly blue and purple, Hyrule’s was black amd white. But both wore the slippers and bracelets the group saw Vilia wear and realised with a start, that Vilia was the one who pretty much gave Wild access to Gerudo Town.
Hyrule thought about haggling with the merchants here but the prices were already reasonable enough so he supposed the only reason he was here was to help Wild carry more food from the kitchens to the camp outside.
Twilight was tasked with keeping watch of the two and Hyrule didn’t have to know that the wolf behind him was chuckling every time they had eye contact. He was sure everyone had to keep from laughing their entire journey here. He was glad that Wild could warp them, he didn’t want to face any monsters without his armor.
Wild signed to Hyrule, an easy one he had seen before.
Wait here
Hyrule nods and Twilight barks in agreement before the Wild hero disappears into a nearby building. Hyrule wonders if Wild doesn’t feel disturbed by everything that’s happened so far. Hyrule crouches down so only Twilight can hear him.
“I wonder how did Wild feel when he first wore these?”
Twilight doesn’t make a sound but he gives Hyrule a look that shows he’s listening.
“I’m really glad we have him, he’s the reason we’re all eating healthy after all. I wish i could do more for him.”
Twilight stares at him before looking up at an approaching figure, Hyrule too looks up and feels relieved it’s only Wild.
Wild has two picnic baskets in one hand and a book in the other.
He places the basket down ans tucks the book under an arm before signing.
I start now
Hyrule nods and watches as Wild begins cutting up fruits, fish and meats. As Wild falls into the rhythm of cooking, a Gerudo lady comes out of the building that Wild was in. She carries another picnic basket and nods with a smile at Hyrule, who nods back.
When Wild finishes cooking, Hyrule’s eyes glimmer at the feast they would be having tonight. When he turns to Wild, the latter nods to the picnic baskets. Hyrule places the pumpkin pie and fruit pie carefully inside while is tasked of stuffing anofher basket with meat pies and fish pies. When Hyrule finishes he places silverware and plates at the remaining basket.
But he stops when he sees the meat pies still on the counter.
He turns to Wild, about to point them out but see Twilight staring at Wild worriedly.
Then Hyrule realizes.
Wild is in the middle of a memory.
The cook still holds the fish pie in his hands, his eyes glazed and unblinking, the way they are everytime a memory happens.
Because Wild doesn’t want to miss a moment of it.
Twilight notices and Hyrule and looks at him before looking at the pie in their friend’s hands. Hyrule nods, carefully taking the pie and tucking it away into the picnic basket.
They wait, seconds pass, and when they do, Wild looks down at his hands.
Then minutes pass, the language of silence covering them like a blanket. Hyrule’s glad it’s night time now, less people to see them like this. Twilight gently nudges Wild and after a few more tries, their friend finally comes out of it.
Wild looks at Twilight first then at Hyrule, his expression even more unreadable under the veil but he slowly signs to them.
Let’s go
They all notice his silence.
Their focus only breaking when they ate but it seemed there was a cloud ready to pour over them when they were full. Twilight had already told Time and Hyrule sat closer to Wild than usual.
And finally finally when nearly all of them are asleep, does Twlight go to Wild with Hyrule at his heels.
“You didn’t eat like you used to, saved some of mine for you.”
The older hero starts the conversation. Wild’s eyes are still slightly glazed but something changes when he sees the dish Twilight saved for him.
Fish pie, that was what started this all.
Wild was about to refuse but the growling from his stomach wasn’t going to let him. Ears going up in embarrassment, Wild hastily takes the pie but frowns at it.
“You can start with dessert first.”
Hyrule holds out the piece of fruit pie he saved for Wild.
“Or meat, if you’d like.”
The three nearly jump when Time appears out of nowhere with a grin and a slice of meat pie in his hands. Wild looks at the three of them uncertainly before sighing.
“I guess i owe you an explanation.”
Wild started with the meat pie. He hadn’t realised how hungry he was until the first bite came to him. Soon he was scarfing down the fish pie he fretted over, there were tears in his eyes as he tried not to think too hard about its taste.
He saved the fruit pie for last. Desserts were comfort food after all.
Time, Twilight and Hyrule watched him eat, none of them speaking and waiting for Wild to start.
What did he see in his memory this time?
When the fruit pie is in his hands, Wild switches to a smaller fork to make it last longer.
“It was Mipha this time.”
Wild pauses then allow them time to digest that before continuing, the only sound in the air being light snores and the crackle of the campfire.
“Zora eat raw fish but she wanted to try making me something, she said she wanted to see what the fuss Hylians made out of home cooking was. She wanted to make something we could eat together and looked for a recipe.”
Wild takes a bite out of the pie.
“She made a fish pie.”
The others stay silent, coaxing him to continue.
“If,” Wild pauses. “If i have a memory of food with Mipha then...”
Wild places the fork down and his hands are clasped together.
“What if, i have more memories related to cooking and the people i ate with or made the food for?”
Wild’s hands tremble and Twilight gently places a hand on his shoulder.
“You’ve cooked for us before,” says Time. “I’ve lost count of how many dishes you’ve had to come up with. And this is the first time a memory like this has surfaced.”
Wild looks at Time and it’s Hyrule who continues the older hero’s words.
“Your memories don’t change who you are. They show you someone you can be or someone you used to be, or even a part of yourself you don’t know about.”
Hyrule smiles and takes Wild’s hands, relieved at the minimal flinching at touching.
“You have told us about your adventures and some of your memories too. From what i’ve heard, you haven’t changed in bad ways and you’ve improved your good ones.”
Wild’s expression is one of surprise before the wild hero smiles. “You’re right.”
Hyrule lets go and picks up the forgotten dessert before handing it to Wild. Wild takes it, taking bites out of it and he slowly feels the anxiety slipping away.
“Finish your pie ans get some rest cub, you deserve it.”
When Time, Twilight and Hyrule see him nod, they feel relieved and content.
For they had succeeded against a formidable inner demon.
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gonewiddershins · 5 years
Romancelandia you don’t have to ask I’m just gonna say it anyway~
Original Post Here
Barbara Cartland: Favourite author?
Courtney Milan.
Alisha Rai: Favorite era? (i.e. when they were written, not when set)
Current! I’m ecstatic to see how much more punk the romance novel genre has become lately- so many authors explicitly talking about race and class and gender and mental health and neurodivergence in so many interesting ways. Independent publishing opening up entirely new avenues which were not recommended for traditional publications. It’s exciting and wonderful.
Eve Dangerfield: Favourite setting for historicals?
Not sure if my opinion matters here because I have read books from very few eras? I think my preferences have moved to mid-to-late Victorian era for England-based books, but what I really want more of is historicals on other (non North American) continents. I badly want to do a romance in Historical India that is not about Englishmen, for example. Like a Muslim and Hindu falling in love during the Aurangazeb era, maybe. 
Anne Mather: Favourite contemporary setting/sub-genre
Again, I haven’t really read enough to form a nuanced opinion- when I look for contemporaries, my first priority used to be “does this make me laugh?” Which is um- a relic of a bygone era, because that used to be the only thing I wanted from contemporaries. 
Right now, I try to get read more of diverse romance in contemporary eras. Again, including non-American/English nationalities.
Georgette Heyer: Third or first person tense?
Either will do. It’s not really a factor in how much I enjoy a story. 
Lisa Kleypas: Hero/ine you’d most like to date & Jane Austen: Hero/ine you’d most like to be friends with
Same answer to both of the above categories. I’ll take anyone who I think is a rational person who forgives misunderstandings ans does not try to actively make them. I’m not really that picky. 
Amanda Quick: Hero/ine you most relate to
At the time when I first read it as a dramatic early twenties person, Minerva Lane from Courtney Milan’s The Duchess War spoke to me. There was a lot in there about fear and having to push yourself down fro the sake of survival that was similar to my life back then. I cried a lot when I read that book. 
More recently, I really wanted to snuggle up to Verity Plum from Cat Sebastian’s A duke in Disguise because her feelings of independence and placing it above pretty much everything else her life is... yeah. A lot of what Verity says sounds intimately familiar. 
Julie Anne Long: Historical or contemporary?
Historical. Given a choice between two books which are similarly positioned in terms of tropes I like and hate, I’ll pick a historical every time. 
Mariana Zapata: Open or closed door sex scenes? & Anne Hampson: Erotic or clean romances?
Ninety percent of the time I’m thoroughly disinterested in the sex scenes, and sometimes I am actively annoyed at the many pages of boning happening while the protagonists barely have an emotional connection. That said, there are plenty books which have no sex scenes where I am reduced to gross sobbing because GODDAMMIT THERE IS TOO MUCH SEXUAL TENSION IN THE AIR GIVE ME BONING.
I am still thirsty about Jo Beverley’s The Unwilling Bride. There was so much sexual tension and growth and Lucien was hot as hell but there was no sex scene. //grumbles
Elizabeth Hoyt: Paranormal or science fiction?
I haven’t read that much SF romance, but I’m going to pick it anyway because the usual tropes associated with Werewolves/Vampires bug the crap out of me. 
Nalini Singh: Favourite tropes
Both the protagonists have problems with stakes, and one is not there to manic pixie the other. Protagonists have relationships (non-romantic) outside of the romance. Subversions and reversions of gender norms. Banter and Snark. Character tries very very hard to not be emotionally vulnerable, but goddammit there are these stupid feelings. 
Alyssa Cole: Least favourite tropes
Prolonged Miscommunication. Slut shaming, especially when coupled with I Have Had So Much Sex and I am So Experienced hypocrisy. Gratuitous sex with no emotional connection. Protagonists immediately throwing over all other friends/family/loved ones for the sake of their new romantic interest. False competence in female characters which immediately get thrown to the wind when the romantic interest comes on scene (Ahem. Never Judge a lady By Her Cover.)
Rose Lerner: Favourite / Least favourite series
Sandra Marton: Favourite romantic non-romance or love story
Unspoken Trilogy, by Sarah Rees Brennan. It is in part a fascinating exploration of privacy in a relationship- most of the rest of it is about friendships and platonic relationships. There is also a cult of sorcerers trying to take over the world via human sacrifice but I continue to insist that’s mostly just setting information. 
Skye Warren: Any problematic faves?
I have a depressingly large soft spot for anything funny, and I will forgive a lot of despised tropes if a book makes me laugh. I’m easy.
Specific examples: Until You (Judith McNaught), Dragon Shifter Series (Katie MacCalister).   
Ainsley Booth: Position on HEAs
I’m cool with those.
Abby Green: Position on HFNs
I like these better than HEAs, because the characters I like tend to be difficult and also fighting various difficult scenarios so it’s far more likely that more problems will pop up in their lives than not. 
Kristen Ashley: Position on the “romance novels are feminist” discourse
Conflicted. I think many romances are feminist, but there are an equal number or more which are patently not. Like all other genres, it has to be judged on a book by book basis, not for the genre as a whole.  
Carla Kelly: Position on the “calling romance novels trashy is problematic” discourse
Yes. Outright dismissal of an entire genre is just dumb. 
Diana Palmer: Position on the “are romance novels porn” discourse
Ha, no. Porn is porn. 
Johanna Lindsey: Position on the “romance novels represent the female gaze” discourse
Yes, I guess? In many romances the way men are portrayed is markedly different from the way they are seen in other genres. Again, this is not a universal constant- all romances do not show men in the exact same way. 
Also, it is hard to find any other genre with a larger proportion of characters, viewpoints and conflicts centered around women so there’s that.   
Mary Jo Putney: Position on the “calling romances without sex ‘clean’ or ‘sweet’ is implicitly slut shaming romances with sex” discourse?
Yes. Just call them romances without sex. What are we, the moral police?
Cara McKenna: What’s your hot take on the “forced seduction” trope?
I understand the time and place where there scenes were popular, and the social norms which prompted them. I’m still uncomfortable with them and there are may things I’d rather read about so I avoid them.    
Abigail Barnette: Opinion of Fifty Shades of Grey
Never read it, don’t plan to. Like I said, sex is not really my thing.
Tessa Bailey: Opinion of Twilight
I gobbled these books like a maniac when I first read them and there is a lot of pure entertainment in there and there is so much emotion. That said, they are not quite as interesting on re-reads. :(
Kathleen E. Woodiwiss: Opinion of Pride & Prejudice
I’m not comfortable with the prose, which means i prefer to watch/read adaptations. Most notably the Lizzie Bennet Diaries. 
Lynne Graham: Opinion of Harlequin Mills & Boon
Tessa Dare: Opinion of bodice rippers
I mean, I would be fine if there wasn’t so much of people causing their own problems by refusing to talk to each other. 
Sylvia Day: Opinion of Fabio
I did not even know he was a real person till like- recently.
Roni Loren: Opinion of male romance authors
Yes please. Particularly if they are writing under female pseudonyms. With this, we are getting the exact same thing that female authors did and have to go through- a forced perspective from people oft he other gender. That can only lead to more nuance and acceptance and I am all about that.  
Courtney Milan: All-time favourite romance novel & Jana Aston: Favourite contemporary romance & Judith McNaught: Favourite historical romance
Alexa Riley: Physical or digital books?
Digital. I tend to make a lot of highlights and notes and that holds up much better with ebooks. 
E.L. James: Internal drama or external drama
Characters who are not getting together/along because they can’t communicate with each other are better off not being with each other in the first place. So if that’s what internal drama is then I prefer the external type. 
Sarah MacLean: Favourite heroine/s & Maya Rodale: Least favourite heroine/s & Penny Reid: Favourite hero/s & Megan Hart: Least favourite hero/s & Stephenie Meyer: Favourite and least favourite couple/s
I have types rather than specific examples. Most of it has already been detailed out in the tropes questions.
Beverly Jenkins: First romance novel you ever read
Almost Heaven, by Judith McNaught.
Sabrina Jeffries: How long have you been reading romance novels?
14 years or thereabouts.  
Loretta Chase: Last romance novel you read
A Duke in Disguise by Cat Sebastian. I’m currently reading An Unconditional Freedom (Alyussa Cole) and Earthrise (MCA Hogarth).
Christina Lauren: Do you need to start a series from the beginning, or can you just dive in anywhere?
Anywhere is fine.
Chuck Tingle: How strong does your HEA have to be?
Not much. See the HFN answer. 
Julia Quinn: Underrated author/s & Mary Balogh: Most overrated author/s & Violet Winspear: Most overrated book/s & Sara Craven: Most underrated book/s & Susan Elizabeth Phillips: Best romance by a debut author? & Madison Faye: Favourite romance by a non-romance author
Error Report: Cannot Compute, not enough data.
Nora Roberts: Least favourite hero and heroine archetypes
Eloisa James: What are you reading when you’re not reading romance?
Fantasy, Science Fiction, YA, Comics, Mysteries, Fanfiction, Nonfiction. I’ll read anything. 
Teresa Medeiros: Other media property you wish was a romance novel
Idk what this means?   
Laura Lee Guhrke: Last romance novel you DNFed
I think it was Elizabeth Kingston’s A Fallen Lady? Which was actually a GOOD book and I skipped ahead to scenes I really wanted to see and those scenes made me cry but also... there was not much about the romance itself that I was really interested in. I loved the heroine to death though. 
Cat Sebastian: Alpha, Gamma, or Beta heroes?
Depends on how they are written, but I confess an Alpha is so easily made into an irredeemable dipshit.  
Jeannie Lin: Ideal hero and heroine archetypes
Family-minded hero stressed out about taking care of his family. Independent, business minded heroine. 
Helen Hoang: Sexually experienced or inexperienced heroines? & Lucy Monroe: Sexually experienced or inexperienced heroes?
Experienced heroines and inexperienced heroes. Play against the type!
Lorraine Heath: When you choose a book do you look for tropes, plots or authors?
Authors, then Tropes. I barely pay attention to plots. 
C.D. Reiss: Puns in titles: 👍 or 👎?
YES. I have picked up books purely because of punny titles. 
Emily Bronte: Favourite cover designs/illustrations & Maya Banks: Least favourite cover design 
I suck a remembering covers so this question is going to get skipped~
Penny Jordan: What would you like to see more of in romance novels?
Diversity and cliche subversions. 
Lauren Blakey: What would you like to see less of in romance novels?
Overplayed cliches played in the same way again and again. Relationships based entirely on sex. 
Betty Neels: What do you think are the high and low points of the genre?
Highs: Romancelandia is probably the most intelligent and nuanced fandom I have ever been a part of and I have been a part of many fandoms. The genre is very, very diverse and there are so many experiments going on in the fringes. Questions and stories about the emotional components of relationships can never get old because there are too many permutations to explore in a few lifetimes.  
Lows: The core of the romance novel industry is still trying desperately to hold on to tropes and themes of older days, many of which are regressive. 
Jill Shalvis: Finish this sentence: “Romance novels are__________”
complex social commentaries. 
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mooninagust · 6 months
"one won't be able to see in the future while the other one can't see his future."
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shadowcipher17 · 6 years
My Top 5 Fight Scenes of Friendship is Magic
Since Friendship is Magic hardly does fight scenes anymore I want to put in my input for my top 5 fight scenes of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic.
These and won’t be based on action alone, but visuals, music, and facial expressions. With that being said let’s get started:
5. Cadence and Shining Armor vs. Chrysalis (A Canterlot Wedding Part 2)
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This scene still remains one of my favorite villain defeats in the show because of the visuals and the music. I remember listening to the background music for this scene back when the episode aired combined with the beautiful visuals of Shining Armor’s magenta magic and Cadence’s light blue magic combining to create this mixture of light and dark purple magic was truly beautiful. 
4. Celestia vs. Nightmare Moon (Princess Twilight Sparkle Part 2)
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This got in here because specifically the visuals and the music and facial expressions but not so much the action. Celestia hardly put up a fight before getting the Elements. Celestia had a few good facial expressions but I gotta give it to Nightmare in the first few seconds:
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They made Nightmare look stunning compared to the pilot episode and since her design kept on getting better I mean:
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Kay Nightmare Moon appreciation over, back to the fight.
Anyway, Celestia’s expression of tears before blasting Luna was saddening to see considering that she has to banish her sister for 1000 years but the music during that part was simply beautiful so that’s why this got number 4.
3. Anytime The Mane 6 Used The Elements/Rainbow Power to defeat a villian
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Ok, first off I know the last picture was in a dream so it doesn’t really count but I like the visuals for it. Anytime that the Mane 6 use the Elements of Harmony the visuals are amazing and with each new season they find some way to amp up the visuals and effects for it. Same with Rainbow Power despite only seeing it twice. I personally like Rainbow Power it’s like an upgraded form of the bearers able to use the Elements without physically taking them out of the Tree of Harmony.
Who knows if we may see it again in Season 8 or Season 9?
2. The Mane 6 vs. The Changelings (A Canterlot Wedding Part 2)
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Ok, now we’re getting into the action fight scenes. This fight scene makes To Where And Back Again look like a joke. In fact A Canterlot Wedding made To Where And Back Again look like a joke but enough about that. This is the first real physical fight scene that we see in the show and it was fucking fantastic. The Mane 6 (although they got defeated) KICKED ASS!!!
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In this shot alone the Mane 6 took down 22 changelings and everything was physical with the exception of Twilight of course. But still one of the most badass scenes in the series for me still to this day.
And without a doubt, hooves down, with 8 seasons and a movie, the number 1 fight scene of Friendship is Magic fight scene goes to
1. Twilight vs. Tirek
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With the rate Friendship is Magic has been going since season 5 started, I don’t think any fight scene is going to come close to Twilight vs Tirek levels of badassery. (insert comparison to DBZ). Ok, where do I start with this:
3. The Music
The background music in this fight scene is so deep and feels like your watching an actual fighting scene compared to the music when the Mane 6 are using the Elements with it having a light and harmony esque tone while this was more serious, so that’s the 3rd reason why I liked it.
2. The Visuals
The main colors we have for the skies are light blue for the day and purple for the night but this fire-type burnt reddish- orange sky really sets the mood for the scene ans well as of course the magic beams and effects. I like how the alicorn magic colors have lighter tones of color to contrast Tirek’s magic being with darker shades of red, orange, yellow, and black. Not to mention everything was fluid and smooth.
1. Facial and Vocal Expressions
Let’s start with Tirek really quickly
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Throughout the fight scene Tirek’s facial expressions showed him to be determined to bring Twilight down to steal her magic and that’s about it for Tirek. With the power of Discord and all the earth, unicorn, and earth pony magic he was able to go toe to toe with the magic of four alicorns.
Now onto Twilight
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Now before the fight began she was persistent on getting away from Tirek and having her emotions in check. But once Tirek destroyed her library...anger started to take over until she was consumed by sheer rage. Still to this day this was the most pissed off that Twilight has ever been with her being pissed at Chrysalis posing as Cadence at second. If looks could kill Tirek would be dead multiple times over from the rage filled glares that Twilight gave him. I’m not gonna lie, in a way Twilight kinda scared me a little bit. She showed him absolutely no mercy. She didn’t want him defeated, she wanted him dead.
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There was even an instance where she blasted Tirek straight to the ground with a large amount of force and then directly blasting him again not giving him the chance to get up. She was going straight for the kill.
With the except of one scream, Twilight was dead silent during the battle. She was so pissed she didn’t engage in conversation with Tirek but instead every chance she got at Tirek she took and delivered with full force.
Even after the battle Tirek was under a bunch of rubble and had to get up while just Twilight just walked up and continued glaring in silence without getting tired.
Moral- Even though Twilight is calm and level headed at times, don’t piss her off to the point where she’ll kill you and we all know when it comes to Twilight she’ll keep going until the job is done.
So that’s my list for the Top 5 fight scenes of Friendship is Magic so far. Considering that these only consist of Season 1- Season 4, there are hardly any new fight scenes from Season 5 onward or they’re not as good but that’s my input.
The Climax of Rainbow Rocks
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Although, an Equestria Girls fight, I’ll admit that it’s easily my favorite fight scene in the entirety of G4 with Twilight vs. Tirek in close second. The song was great, the fight scene was amazing for MLP standards, so much so that any other climatic scene in Equestria Girls doesn’t even come close. This fight actually ended up being one of the rare instances where the Magic of Friendship almost didn’t work and the girls needed to rely on Sunset to save the day, since the Dazzlings were winning. But overall, the entire sequence was good.
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my top 111 first viewings of 2017
(pictured films in bold)
1) Reality's Invisible (Robert E. Fulton, 1971)
2) 화엄경 / Passage to Buddha (Jang Sun-woo, 1993)
3) 河童のクゥと夏休み / Summer Days With Coo (Keiichi Hara, 2007)
4) E V E R Y T H I N G (David OReilly, 2017)
5) Twin Peaks: The Return (David Lynch, 2017)
6) Path of Cessation(?) (Robert E. Fulton, 1974)
7) Gambling, Gods and LSD (Peter Mettler, 2002)
8) "Short Films by Robert Fulton" (Robert E. Fulton, various)
9) 边走边唱 / Life on a String (Chen Kaige, 1991)
10) 50 Feet of String (Leighton Pierce, 1995)
11) មុនដំបូងខ្មែរក្រហមសម្លាប់ប៉ារបស់ខ្ / First They Killed My Father: A Daughter of Cambodia Remembers (Angelina Jolie; second unit director & director of photography Alexander Witt, 2017)
12) the KILLING of a SACRED DEER (Yorgos Lanthimos, 2017)
13) 百日紅~Miss HOKUSAI~ / Miss Hokusai (Keiichi Hara, 2015)
14) Nazar (Mani Kaul, 1990)
15) Ад / Põrgu / Hell (Rein Raamat, 1983)
16) Manoel dans l'île des merveilles / Manoel on the Island of Marvels / Manuel on the Island of Wonders (Raoul Ruiz, 1984)
17) Odchádza clovek / A Man Leaves Us / The Man is Leaving (Martin Slivka, 1968)
18) 風月 / Temptress Moon (Chen Kaige, 1996)
19) Krisha (Trey Edward Shults, 2015)
20) Christine (Antonio Campos, 2016)
21) Sudden Fear (David Miller, 1952)
22) A Reflection of Fear (William A. Fraker, 1972)
23) mother! (Darren Aronofsky, 2017)
24) Le tout nouveau testament / The Brand New Testament (Jaco Van Dormael, 2015)
25) Une femme a passé / A Woman Passed By (René Jayet, 1928)
26) Good Time (Josh and Benny Safdie, 2017)
27) Le pays des sourds / In the Land of the Deaf (Nicolas Philibert, 1992)
28) Munchsferatu (Julien Lahmi, 2017)
29) Silent Snow, Secret Snow (Gene R. Kearney, 1964)
30) માટી માણસ / The Mind of Clay / Mati Manas / Maati Manas (Mani Kaul, 1985)
31) Zardoz (John Boorman, 1974)
32) Rekni mi neco o sobe - René / Tell Me Something About Yourself: Rene (Helena Trestíková, 1992)
33) L'amour à la mer / Love at Sea (Guy Gilles, 1964)
34) सिद्धेश्वरी / Siddeshwari (Mani Kaul, 1990)
35) The Passing (Bill Viola, 1992)
36) 霸王別姬 / Farewell My Concubine (Chen Kaige, 1993)
37) Play for Today: "The Lie" (Alan Bridges; written by Ingmar Bergman, 1970)
38) 另一種教育 / Lessons from a Calf (Hirokazu Kore-eda, 1991)
39) उसकी रोटी / Uski Roti / His Daily Bread (Mani Kaul, 1970)
40) Simon Killer (Antonio Campos, 2012)
41) 金刚经 / The Poet and the Singer / Diamond Sutra (Bi Gan, 2012)
42) 青梅竹马 / green plums and a bamboo horse / Taipei Story (Edward Yang, 1985)
43) Docteur Jekyll et les femmes / The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Miss Osbourne (Walerian Borowczyk, 1981)
44) "Leighton Pierce - short films" (all the ones I've watched)
45) Elsewhere (Nikolaus Geyrhalter, 2001)
46) I Do Not Know What It Is I Am Like (Bill Viola, 1986)
47) No Man of Her Own (Mitchell Leisen, 1950)
48) Without Memory (Hirokazu Kore-eda, 1996)
49) Pointilly / Le château de Pointilly (Adolfo Arrieta, 1972)
50) Otello / Othello (Sergei Yutkevich, 1956)
51) The Fourth Dimension (T. Minh-ha Trinh, 2001)
52) Deadfall (Bryan Forbes, 1968)
53) En kärlekshistoria / A Swedish Love Story (Roy Andersson, 1970)
54) Code Blue (Urszula Antoniak, 2011)
55) ...Geist und ein wenig Glück (Ulrich Schamoni, 1965)
56) Mulholland Dr. - Pilot (David Lynch, 1999)
57) Vital (Shinya Tsukamoto, 2004)
58) Dawn of an Evil Millennium / Dawn of an Evil Millennium: The Trailer (Damon Packard, 1988)
59) The Pursuit of What Was (Huang Ya-li, 2009)
60) Фабрика / Fabrika / Factory (Sergey Loznitsa, 2004)
61) カラフル / Colourful / Colorful (Keiichi Hara, 2010)
62) Mysteries of the Unseen World 3D (Louie Schwartzberg, 2013)
63) Cruel Optimism (Paul Clipson, 2017)
64) A Woman's Tale (Paul Cox, 1991)
65) Chargez ! (Johanna Vaude, 2017)
66) 시 / Poetry / Shi (Lee Chang-dong, 2010)
67) Eastern Avenue (Peter Mettler, 1985)
68) Nothing Personal (Urszula Antoniak, 2009)
69) High-Tech Exploration par Johanna Vaude (Johanna Vaude, 2016)
70) The Reflecting Pool (Bill Viola, 1979)
71) Retour en Normandie / Back to Normandy (Nicolas Philibert, 2007)
72) Les films rêvés / Dreaming Film (Eric Pauwels, 2010)
73) Dream Enclosure (Sandy Ding, 2014)
74) 白い朝 / Ako / AKO: 16 ans japonaise / White Morning (Hiroshi Teshigahara, 1965)
75) The Unnamed (Huang Ya-li, 2010)
76) Twilight's Last Gleaming (Robert Aldrich, 1977)
77) Dzieje grzechu / The Story of Sin (Walerian Borowczyk, 1975)
78) Liebelei (Max Ophüls, 1933)
79) 달마가 동쪽으로 간 까닭은 / Why Has Bodhi-Dharma Left for the East? (Bae Yong-kyun, 1989)
80) The Wheel of Becoming (Bill Viola, 1977)
81) Abendland (Nikolaus Geyrhalter, 2011)
82) Frost (Fred Kelemen, 1997)
83) Arrière-saison (Jean-Claude Rousseau, 2016)
84) 海よりもまだ深く / After the Storm (Hirokazu Kore-eda, 2016)
85) 幻の光 / Maborosi (Hirokazu Kore-eda, 1995)
86) Look Inside The Ghost Machine (Péter Lichter, 2010)
87) Chez moi / My Home (Phuong Mai Nguyen, 2014)
88) दुविधा / Duvidha / Indecision / In Two Minds (Mani Kaul, 1973) 
89) Emperor of the North Pole (Robert Aldrich, 1973) 
90) Le roman d'un tricheur / The Story of a Cheat (Sacha Guitry, 1936)
91) Le convoi / Fast Convoy (Frédéric Schoendoerffer, 2016)
92) Deserts (Bill Viola, 1994)
93) Charles Manson Superstar (Nikolas Schreck, 1989)
94) 空山灵雨 / Raining in the Mountain (King Hu, 1979)
95) Voda a práca / Water and Labor (Martin Slivka, 1964)
96) Impressions: A Journey Behind the Scenes of Twin Peaks (Jason S., 2017) 
97) Контакт / Kontakt / Contact (Vladimdir Tarasov, 1978)
98) Fountain of Dreams (Jordan Belson, 1984)
99) Les perles de la couronne / The Pearls of the Crown (Sacha Guitry, 1937) 
100) Fassbinder: at elske uden at kræve / Fassbinder - lieben ohne zu fordern (Christian Braad Thomsen, 2015)
101) Adventure Time with Finn & Jake: Food Chain (Masaaki Yuasa, 2014)
102) 海街diary / Our Little Sister (Kore-eda Hirokazu, 2015)
103) Metachaos (Alessandro Bavari, 2010)
104) Love's Refrain (Paul Clipson, 2016)
105) Le bercail (Marcel L'Herbier, 1919)
106) Never Let Go (John Guillermin, 1960)
107) 오아시스 / Oasis (Lee Chang-dong, 2002)
108) Hounds of Love (Ben Young, 2016)
109) We hear the distant ring of Saturn (Dalibor Baric, 2016)
110) Faisons un rêve... / Let's Have a Dream (Sacha Guitry, 1936)
111) 蝴蝶夫人 / Madame Butterfly (Tsai Ming-Liang, 2009)
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slowlyfantasticfart · 4 years
Il y a beaucoup  d'acteurs et d'actrices que j'aime beaucoup et que j'admire énormément et parmi cette liste il y a ACTEURS Johnny Deep Paul Walker Channing Tatum Robin Williams Adam Slander Jason Stanham Dwyane Johnson Kellan Lutz Chris Hemsworth Liam Hemsworth Heat Ledger Nicholas Cage Liam Neeson Brad Pitt Tom cruise steve Martin James Franco James Marsden ACTRICES Katherine Heighl Rachel Mc Adams Zoe Saldana Mila Kunis Anne Hathaway Drew Barrymore Jennifer Lopez Jessica Alba Scarlett Johansson Natalie Portman Reese Witherspoon Sandra Bullock Julia Roberts Cameron Diaz J'aime beaucoup le domaine du cinéma, c'est une passion c'est quelque chose que j'aime quand je veut relaxer. N'es ce pas réconfortant. Ici je me suis fait tout un répertoire de film de tout les genre vous y voyez tout un choix films et de série que j'ai beaucoup aimer alors l'es voici. HORREUR Annabelle série Us La conjuration série Ma Silence Dead (Silence de mort) Malédiction de l'enfer (Drag Me to Hell) Le cauchemar de Molly Hartley 2008 Le bal de l'horreur (Prom Night) 2008 Terreur sur la ligne (When a stranger calls) A Qiet Place (Un coin tranquille) Ça, Dans le noir One missed Call (Un appel manqué) Mortelle St Valentin Instinct de survie Visions, Ouija Ne t'endors pas Poltergeist Sinistre 1 Jessabelle Mama insidous 2,3,4 I Still I Know what you did last summer Halloween Chucky Jaws (les dents de la mer) Scream (Frisson) 1,2,3,4 N'aie pas peur du noir Freddy Krueger les griffes de la nuit (2010) Boogeyman Apparence Meurtre a la St Valentin destination ultime (Final Destination) La maison de cire The darkness Jeepers creepers SCIENCE FICTION ET FANTASTIQUE Les animeaux fantastique 1,2 La momie, Thor La belle et la bête le film Le livre de la jungle le film Coeur d'encre Pan, Pete's Dragon (Peter Elliot et le dragon) Oz le magnifique Alice au pays des merveilles 1,2 Percy Jackson 1 et 2 Chronique de narnia 1,2,3 Légende 1985 Merlin 1998 Casper, Maléfique Le labyrinthe de pan Le cygne noir (2011) Harry Potter série Bright Les gardiens de la galaxie 1,2 L'ascension de Jupiter A-X-L Transformers Armageddon Le jour d'après La stratégie Ender X-Men Life, Prometheus Alien, Passager La guerre des mondes La stratégie d'enfer La série Star Was Chappie Le chaos La guerre des mondes COMÉDIE DE FILLE Année bixestille Le journal d'une princesse 1, 2 Gagner un rendez vous avec Tad Hamilton 13 ans bientot 30 Elle a tout pour elle, Monte Carlo The Parent Trap Sweet Home Alabama, Le prince et moi Et si c'était vrai, Un amour infini Comment perdre son mec en 10 jours Something Borrowed (Duos en trois) Le mariage de mon meilleur ami 27 Robes Les douzes coups de minuit Ma belle est un monstre La fille du président Éloge de la liberté Blonde et légale Méchantes Ados Bring It On (Le tout pour le tout) 1,2,3,4,5 Lettre a Juliette Le diable s'habille en prada Confession d'une accro du shopping Profession hôtesse de l'air Julie & Julia Meilleure ennemies Because I Said So (Cherche homme parfait) Sexfriends, Sexe entre amis A Cinderella Story ACTION ET AVENTURE 300 1 et 2 Rambo : la dernière mission Le casse noisette et les quatres royaumes (The Nutcraker an... Un raccourci dans le temps ( A Wrinkle on Time) Aquaman Venom Le masque de Zorro série Mission impossible série Bumblebee Divergence série Spider Man série Charlie's Angel série Hancok The Island Jumanji 1,2 Life of Pie San Andreas Pacifim Rim 1 et 2 Voyage au centre de la terre 1 et 2 Les aventures de Tintin : Le secret de la licorne Jurassic World série John Wick 1,2 The Equalizer 1,2 Skyscraper (Gratte Ciel) Ant-Man et guêpe (Ant-Man and the Wasp 1,2 Mégalodon (The Meg) Peppermint (Déchainée) La légende d'Hercule, Lara Lara Croft: Tomb Raider Parker Trésor National 1,2 Fast Furious 4,5,6,7,8 le 1 et 2 (version française Rapide et Dangereux) Blanche neige et le chasseur 1 et 2 Mr. S Smith Bleu d'enfer Le mécano : la résurrection 47 Ronin Tigre et dragon Jake Ryan Le gardien Die Hard Rampage Maraudeurs Top Gun (1986) Underworld V for Vendetta ENFANT ET FAMILLE Dora et la cité perdue UglyDolls Jack Frost (1998) Free Willy The Polar Express (Boréal Express) Une nuit au musée Moins Cher La Douzaine 1 et 2 The Lizzie McGuire Movie Hanna Montana: The Movie Une princesse sur la glace Nancy Drew Les 101 Dalmatien Happy Family Pierre Lapin Enchantés Stailion Benji Mes vies de chiens 1,2 Whisper série L'incroyable histoire de Winter le dauphin 1,et 2 Tobby The Amazing Penda Le dragon des mers Chérie j'ai agrandi le bébé The House With a Clock In its Walls Incredibles 1 et 2 DRAME The lake house (La maison près du lac) La série Twilight Salt À Cinq pied de toi (Five feet Apart Midnight Sun (Soleil de minuit) A Star is Born (Une étoile est née) Forever my Girl Beastly (Sortilège) Gold Diggers: The Secret of Bear Mountain 1995 Crossroads (A la croisé des chemins) 2002 Stepmom (La blonde a mon père) Match Point Doux Novembre The Roommate The Other Woman Red Eye (Vol sous haute pression) Flight Plan (Plan de Vol) My Girl (L'été de mes 11 ans) L'arrivée (Arrival) Sully Wicker Park Pearl Harbor P.S. I love You Le porte bonheur (The Lucky One) Tristan & Yseult Le secret de Charlie Hors du temps The Lovely Bones The Notebook Remember Me (La rage de vivre) A Walk To Remember (Une promenade Inoubliable) Une bouteille a la mer Coyote Ugly Apparitions (Libelule) La maison sur la falaise Flicka Sexe Intemtions Black Swan Ou le coeur nous mène Brothers FILM DISNEY À MONSIEUR Dumbo The Lion King Maléfique FILM D'ANIMATION Tout ce qui est film d'animation de Walt Disney, Dream Works. Peut importe, c'est les films que je préfère écouter. Quand j'étais enfant, je me souviendrai toujours à quel point, que j'ai eu beaucoup de plaisir à l'es écouter en boucle. Et encore aujourd'hui, j'ai du plaisir à l'es regarder. C'est des film qui sont réconfortant mais aussi que du bonheur. ANIMATION Ballerina La reine des neiges Coraline Kung fu Penda Rebelle (Brave) Dragon Hôtel Transylvanie Ratatouille Volt L'ère de glace La belle et la bête La petite sirène Pocahontas Cendrillon Le roi Lion Aladdin La princesse des cygnes 1 Le livre de la jungle Moana Abominable Storks Raiponce La princesse et la grenouille Zootopia Lilo et Stich La route d`Eldorado Rox et Rouky Spirit L'empereur du nouveau genre Le chat potté Drôle d'abeille Planet 51 THRILLER The Boy Next Door (2015) La prison de verre Fenêtre secrète The tourist Before I Fall Truth Or Dannce Le beau père (The Stepfather) Sans un bruit 2:22 Kidnap Home Invasion Get Out Sex Crimes COMÉDIE MUSICALE Heartbeats High Strung, Mamma Mia 1,2 Dirty Dancing 1,2 Honey 1,2 The Fame La série Step Up Footloose Romance Titanic Nos étoiles contraires Le voeux un été sur terre The longuest Ride (Le plus beau des chemins) Une seconde chance, Un havre de paix Cher John Everything, Everything Cinquante nuances plus sombres, 10 choses que je déteste de toi Get Over It, Adaline Bleu Saphir Cendrillon Amour et honneur Twilight Fascination A tout les garçons que j'ai aimés Love Simon À tout jamais 1998 COMÉDIE Sex and the City Simplement Irrésistible (Simply Irresistible) 1999 Miss congeniality (Miss personnalité) Patch Adams In Good Company, (En bonne compagnie) Never Been Kissed Home Alone (Maman j'ai ratée l'avion 1,2,3 Dr. Seus 'How the grinch Stole Christmas Le lutin (Elf) Madame Doubtfire The Santa Clause What a Girl Wants Pyjamas Party Sisterhood of the traveling pants New York Minute (Escapade à New York) Clic Bay Watch Game Night l'Abominable vérité Pas si simple Baby boss Book Club Drink, Slay, Love Mère indigne 1 et 2 Pourquoi lui ? Le stagiaire Famille recomposée Joue-la comme Beckham De père en flic 1,2 Intouchable Chérie nous avons été rétrécis Papa, j'ai une maman pour toi (It Takes Two) 1995 Little Giants Back to the Future Trilogy Encore 17 ans (17 Again) Grandes personnes Just Go With It (méchant menteur) LES MEILLEURES SÉRIES QUE J'AI ÉCOUTER Buffy contre les vampires Charmed 2018 Charmed Le chalet Chicago fire Dawson Dexter Elite Everwood Greenhouse Académie Good Witch (un soupçon de magie) Gossip Girl Grimm Gilmore Girls Heroes Izombie Jane the Virgin Lucifer Nashville Newport Beach Once Upon A Time Orange the new Black Prison Break Pretty Little Liars Riverdale Stranger things Scream Shadow Hunters Sense 8 Supernatural (Surnaturel) Switched at Birth Teen Wolf True Blood That' 70s Show Thirteen Reason Why - 13 Raisons Vampire Diaries PALMARÈS DE MES MEILLEURES FILMS Tout les films de Nicholas Sparks Le mariage de mon meilleur ami La blonde a mon père Titanic L'homme au masque de fer High Strung L'été de mes 11 ans Crossroad Le secret de bear mountain Un baiser enfin Coraline Miss personnalité A tout jamais (1998) Le jour d'après La belle et la bête (film à monsieur) La reine des neiges Ballerina Le livre de la jungle(film à monsieur) Fenêtre Secrète AUTRES SÉRIES À DÉCOUVRIR Younger Scandal Murder Revenge Beauté Désespérées   Hart of Dixie gg
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njmphadora · 7 years
misc tag games
okay so here are some random extra untitled ones that are quiteee long & descriptive (hence the read more) :) i've decided to combine them all into one to stop me from having to repeat myself in answers. also i won't be tagging anyone because this is kinda just a medley of random ones but if you want to do this bc you like how many interesting questions there are then pls feel free!!!!
--- tagged by @sirrius @howlingremus @knocktvrnalley
name: natalie nickname: nat / natt / natty / nattikur / snig / sniggums / snook / flah gender: female age: 20 biggest fear: needles / paper cuts / general slicing of the skin (ew) current time: 17:38 drink you last had: coffee every day starts with: going to the toilet........ favourite song right now: probably "halo - ane brun" just bc it's so peaceful ghosts, are they real? idk but i don't think so in love with: my boyfriend (you may all go puke now) jealous of: people who are confident & can make friends easily killed someone? lmao no last time you cried: umm yesterday...... middle name: rachel number of siblings: three one wish: to write a novel someday person you last called: my boyfriend questions you’re always asked: "so, what are you doing with yourself now natalie?" (grrr) / "what happened to that writing thing you used to do?" (grrrrrrrrrrrrr) reason to smile: friendships & kindness :) song last sang: well technically halo by ane brun bc i put it on when chosing it for this tag game and ended up singing along to it time you woke up: ummm probably about 11am? underwear colour: pink below, blue on top :) vacation destination: amsterdam / israel worst habit: panicing in social situations x-rays you’ve had: the hospital are legit always x-raying my chest anytime i get even the smallest of coughs your favourite food: sushi / spagbol / chicken tikka masala / chicken soup - i can't decide, so those are the top choices zodiac sign: aries height: aprox 5'2 sexual orientation: straight-ish hogwarts house: hufflepuff / ravenclaw (a lil bit of both but mainly huffle) favorite color: pink :D favorite animal: tortoise time right now: 17:49 average hours of sleep: ummm like maybe ten?? cat or dog person: both tbh favorite fictional characters: umm okay so excuse the external tag but i literally just answered this here number of blankets i sleep with: blankets ????!!? it's winter in the uk... i sleep with a giant thick mofo duvet favorite singer/band: caravan palace dream trip: amsterdam with my boyfriend, my best friend & her boyfriend :) dream job: okay so this was to be an editor but that's p much impossible now so i guess it's back to being an author (even tho that isn't a real job but shhhh) when was this blog created: march 2011 when did this blog reach its peak: ummm right now tbh what made you decide to make a tumblr: xDD i have noo idea. i was about fourteen?? so probably teenage angst lmao relationship status: happily taken, thank god pets: none of my own, but my bf has three ish cats that are basically mine too :) last song i listened to: literally listening rn to "when i go down" - reliant k fave tv shows: gilmore girls, sherlock, doctor who, gossip girl hobbies: reading, watching rubbish, tumblring, playing strategy games and... that's it??? favourite place: my boyfriend's bedroom :) we always have so much fun when we actually spent time together and honestly i miss him when i'm not there first fandom: umm omg probably twilight books that i'm currently reading: i just started rereading harry potter favourite book: 1984 (such a typical answer but idec it's still the best ever) worst thing you've ever eaten / tasted: probably chinese sweet & sour sauce? urgghghhhh
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