#anthropomorphic sidekicks
silveragelovechild · 6 months
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Disney has had a rough year…
February 2023 - Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania falling short of its break-even point of $600 million and has a 46% score at Rotten Tomatoes
June 2023 - Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny is considered one of Disney's largest financial film failures
November 2023 - The Marvels is the lowest-grossing film in the MCU, and is considered to be a box office bomb
Which leads us to “Wish” - a film intended to celebrate 100 years of Disney Studios. Its opening weekend box office was well below projections and ticket sales dropped 62% on the second weekend. The reviews were even worse with a poor 48% score at Rotten Tomatoes. (I’ll bet Bob Iger wished for better reviews and more dollars at the box office.)
I decided to check “Wish” out at my local movie theater’s discount ticket night. I have to say that the movie isn’t terrible but perhaps even worst, it’s forgettable.
The best things I can say about it is that I liked Ariana DeBose performance as the main character Asha. I also like the animation style. While is was done via CGI, it hinted at an old school 2D with backgrounds that suggested water color paintings.
But the movie was cluttered with a supporting cast of 11 characters - way too large to keep track on or care about. There was:
Asha’s mother & Grandfather
Seven coworker friends (apparently based on the Seven Dwarves which I would never have guessed).
Two anthropomorphic sidekicks (a talking goat and a magical star)
The plot was muddled and confusing. We are told that King Magnifico (voiced by Chris Pine) establish the island kingdom of Rosas and invited dispossessed people to live there with the promise he would provide them a happy and safe home. (So far so good.) But he requires them to give him their “wishes” when they reach the age of 18. (But they are getting a safe and happy place in exchange, that’s better than a “wish” that you knew how to play the guitar, right?)
The movie opens with Asha arriving at the castle to apply for a job as Magnifico apprentice and within minutes asks the king for a favor. (A little pushy isn’t she.) He tells her most people wait days or weeks or even a year to ask for a favor.
Asha wants the king to grant her grandfather’s wish. The kings explain that he thinks the wish could be dangerous and declines. So what does Asha do? She decides to start a revolution and overthrow the government. (Whaaa!!!) This is starting to sound like the Bolshevik uprising in Russia which introduced communism.
Asha’s argument is that the wishes don’t belong to the king. BUT the opening narration told us the people gave their wishes to the king (he didn’t coerce them, instead he offered them a safe and happy home in exchange). If you want to know how to play a guitar - practice at it - you won’t appreciate a skill given to you by magic!
Perhaps the biggest failure of the movie is that the songs are utterly forgettable. It’s been over a week since I saw it and I can’t remember any of the songs… not a lyric and not a tune. Disney made a big mistake hiring songwriter Julia Michaels who is known for writing for the likes Justin Bieber, Britney Spears and Demi Lovato. Were fans of teen pop music the target audience for “Wish”?!?
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mochisquish · 4 months
I think there's no realistic scenario where Stone doesn't try to kill those weirdos. The old guy's got stolen tech, and the two sidekicks are Robotnik stans. Stone was ready to throw hands with an anthropomorphic echidna teenager just because Robotnik brought him home and Stone couldn't handle sharing Robotnik's attention. He will not hesitate.
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rooolt · 4 months
no plot twist more exhilarating than in the most recent 8bbc when they realized the lizard sidekick was actually an anthropomorphic jacked lizard and the second most exhilarating plot twist was when Brian Murphy realized they accidentally skipped the entire beginning of the book
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benoit blanc voice: batman....the batman. see, i knew there was a reason the mystery surroundin’ that man compelled me so. especially with the question of his true identuhty bein’ so recently debated.
if you'd be so kind to puhmit me a moment, i'd like to elaborate and, ah.. take yuh on a ride down the rains my train of thought has rolled along.
now most recently, durin’ a holiday gala the mayuh of gotham so kindly held, bruce wayne was in attendance, which is, of cawse, a regular occurence.
howevuh, somethin’...unexpected reared its head durin’ this purticuluh event. wayne had sipped on one too many glasses of champagne, if yuh know what i mean, though he’s been less prone tuh doin’ so ever since he took in a ward.
but nontheless, he was stumblin’ around quite confusedly durin’ this gala, and at one point, tripped on a table leg and had tuh, ah....bend ovuh tuh steady himself, thereby highlightin’ a significant portion of his backside previously covered by his clothin’.
now, if yuh follow along with the exploits of the batman, yuh’ll notice that a cuhple months ago, a stah’struck fan batman rescued from a muggin’ caught a picture of batman as he was leavin’, having ensured her safety. 
and lo an’ behold, the curve a’ that round buttock matched perfectly the curve a’ the suit pants along the be-hind of one mistuh bruce wayne.
if you’ll follow my line a’ thought just a touch fuhthuh....wayne recently took in a ward, richard grayson, who belonged to a travellin’ circus before he was orphaned. not so long aftuh the fact, batman appeuhs with a new child sidekick......one who can puhform the quadruple suhmuhrsault that the grayson family was so famuhs for.
....now, i may be in a city with anthropomorphic bats an’ penguins and a lady who’s half plant, but i do believe two plus two still equals foah. which now begs the question...
why would bruce wayne...or the batman, if i should be so bold...wear such tight fittin’ clothin’ in both a’ his personas if he knows that the butts do, indeed, match?
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astercontrol · 5 months
Ever think about how amazing it is that we got a character like the Bit in TRON 1982?
I mean, yeah, having some cute little robot or animal side characters was, and still is, very typical of movies in that genre.
But, look at the Bit.
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It's based on a computer science concept, of course: the simplest unit of data in a computer, a single 1 or 0 indicating yes or no. And it's anthropomorphized just enough to get actual computer nerds confused about what exactly it is supposed to be. Clearly you'd need lots more than one bit, to create a programmed entity that behaved the way a Bit does!
Is it the mystical energy of Programmer Spirits that animates it beyond what should be possible-- as it does for the Programs themselves, who also aren't nearly complex enough to be alive on their own? Or is a Bit something else, like an external subroutine of a program, which is called a Bit simply because of the way it communicates?
Who knows? Who cares? It's a Bit! It's adorable!
And yet… this same level of anthropomorphizing is very unusual for Disney, and for the whole genre, in a whole different way.
Though it's much more animate than one could reasonably imagine for an actual bit… the Bit is much less anthropomorphic than any creature playing any comparable role in any comparable movie I can think of.
It has no eyes, no mouth, no words except a synthesized Yes and No. It expresses itself only by shifting appearance between three faceless geometric shapes.
And yes, we love it! Yes, we adore the heck out of that sassy little thing! Yes, we will absolutely look at this object that resembles no person or animal in existence, and we will find enough cuteness to scream over!
We are the weird nerdy audience that you sucked in with the promise of a movie about computer programs being alive, and YES we are invested enough to take this ALL the way!
But I haven't seen any other movie do this, ever since.
And even the original Tron movie wasn't GOING to do it, at first.
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Now, every other time I've looked at the early development of ideas in a movie, I've seen a pattern of "Less Relatable being reworked into More Relatable." Any creature design that looks "too weird," "too unfamiliar," "too alien," will evolve over the course of edits, until it satisfies the developers' expectations for being something audiences can relate to.
In other words… looking at the early concept art and the final product, I am certain any other movie I can think of would've adapted the Bit in the exact opposite direction.
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Same with the MCP.
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Whether it's a villain or an adorable little sidekick, the fans who became captivated by the classic Tron movie are an audience eager and ready to see life and personality in something utterly alien, something that resembles no actual life in the world we know.
And yet, I'm sure this wasn't even the goal of any of the character designers.
When you look at the early design of the Programs, you see them follow a more typical pattern, starting out more robotic, less humanoid, less "Relatable," and progressing toward recognizable humanity.
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That movie, I'm pretty sure, was an exception to the rule not because of any philosophy about what would resonate with audiences... but simply because of the constraints of the medium.
The Bit and the MCP became more simple, more geometric, because that was easier to computer-animate.
Programs became more humanoid because that was easier for human actors to play.
A big, huge chunk of what made this movie relatable in a gloriously weird way, to gloriously weird audiences who may have had serious trouble relating to lots of other media, is just a serendipitous side-effect of the wild experiment that it was.
...I wish movies would take risks like that more often.
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jeffament · 11 months
if i was a tv character my little cartoon sidekick would be an anthropomorphic cd jewel case of elizium by fields of the nephilim n it would be my best friend
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frank look at the baby bunny that showed up in my garage
Victor now has an anthropomorphized rabbit sidekick
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mrmossmichael · 7 months
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It's been 50 years since Disney's Robin Hood came out in November-8-1973 and let me tell ya: it's totally a great movie! All of these characters of Robin Hood are anthropomorphic animals from the heroic Robin Hood the male red fox to the villainous Prince John the lion rather than humans like us. Anyways, it's the legendary story about the heroic Robin Hood (Brian Bedford) and his trusty sidekick, Little John the brown bear (Phil Harris), are the two outlaws living in Sherwood Forest, where they rob from the rich and give to the poor townsfolk of Nottingham. When evil Prince John (Peter Ustinov) deputizes the Sheriff of Nottingham the wolf (Pat Buttram) to collect unreasonable taxes from the animals of Sherwood Forest, Robin, Little John and the other merry men wage a lighthearted battle against their evil foes and SPOILER ALERT: Robin Hood also wins the hand of Maid Marian the female red fox. My favorite part of this movie is Lady Kluck the hen made a touchdown by defeating all of the rhino guards which reminds us of a scene reminiscent of an American football game. 
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msweebyness · 1 year
Here’s a bonus post for today, I guess! I finished this two days ago and completely forgot to post it! I added the new characters and decided to post it today! Enjoy, and as always, credit to @imsparky2002 and @artzychic27!
Plagg-Mushu: A snarky feline ‘guardian spirit’ who accompanied Marinette to the school in order to ‘guide’ her in becoming a worthy warrior. His real goal may be to regain his standing as a guardian, but he cares about the kid a lot.
Tikki-Cri Kee: Marinette’s ‘lucky cricket’, gifted to her by her Grandmother before going to the school. She may not be able to talk, but she still manages to keep Plagg in line and help guide Marinette.
Kaalki-Khan: Marinette’s loyal horse. Fiercely protective of the girl, but a bit pompous and gets annoyed easily, as evidenced by her tendency to trample Plagg over the head.
Sass-Pascal: Adrien’s beloved pet snake, who got into the tower when he was a child. Sass can change his scale color as he needs, so Gabriel never found him. He comes with Adrien to the school and often hangs about on his shoulders.
Markov-Baymax: Max’s constant companion, a large, blue pillow-like robot with artificial intelligence, he was designed by Max’s late cousin who he saw as a brother, though Max was the one who built him. He is kind and gentle, his primary purpose being to tend to the sick and wounded, but don’t underestimate him. He also has some impressive fight programming.
Xuppu-Pegasus: Kim’s winged horse, gifted to him as a baby, that has a tendency to act more like a monkey at times. He’s much more mischievous than Pegasus and has a tendency to mess with his nitwit of a demigod. He’s fiercely loyal to Kim, though, and would do anything to protect him. He loves Ondine and often competes with Kim for her attention.
Jalil-Abu: (Yes, I made him a monkey, what of it?): Alix’s dimwitted primate companion, named after her brother, who died when she was young. Fanatical and impulsive, he’s gotten Alix into quite a bit of trouble when he can’t contain his curiosity.
Stompp-Hugo: A gargoyle that resembles an ox, Stompp is hot-tempered and encourages Ivan to stand up and strike back against his bullies. He can be a bit much, but he cares a lot about Ivan.
Pollen-Victor: An insect-like gargoyle with a love of drama and romance. Encourages Ivan in romancing Mylene, gushing over the two at any possible opportunity.
Wayzz-Laverne: A turtle-esque gargoyle, and the oldest and wisest of the three. Ivan goes to him for advice or just someone to vent to. Kind and caring, he supports the boy in every way he can.
Mullo-Jaq: Zoe’s most frequent mouse companion, and the leader of the bunch. The one who organizes all the other mice with plans to help their ‘ZoZo’. Sassy and spirited, he loves messing with Chloé as retribution for how she treats his friend.
Fluff-Gus: A pygmy rabbit, she serves as Mullo’s right hand in helping Zoe. As absentminded and spacey as she may be, she loves Zoe as much as the other mice and does all she can to help her.
Nooroo-Jiminy Cricket: A small anthropomorphic butterfly spirit, assigned by Aurore to serve as Sabrina’s conscience. Unlike Jiminy, he has experience, and is kind and patient with the girl, but firm when he needs to be to help her be the best person she can be.
Duusu-Scuttle: A seagull with bright splotches of color in his feathers, Ondine gets most of her (incorrect) information about the surface world from him. He may not know as much as he thinks he does, but he cares about her deeply and does his best to keep her safe.
Longg-Angus: Kagami’s massive shire horse, and her primary means of transport. While fiercely loyal to and protective of Kagami, he is generally quite calm and serves as a comforting presence for the girl.
Alec-Timon: A wisecracking meerkat who initially sees the young Mireille as a ticket to safety from predators. He grows to genuinely care for the girl and is by her side when she goes to take back the Pride Lands.
Theo- Puumba: A slow-witted but kindhearted warthog who suggests to Alec that they look after Mireille after she flees the Pride Lands. He encourages her to go to the school when she receives an invitation, thinking it could be good for her to meet new people.
Austin T.:
Roaar-Rajah(Obviously): Austin’s pet tiger, who was given to him as a child, she is fiercely protective of the boy, serving as both his transport and a cuddling buddy. It takes her a while to warm up to Jean.
Note: Jagged, Penny and Anarka are Lumiere, Cogsworth and Mrs. Potts respectively, they’ll be detailed in my upcoming post about family!
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satanfemme · 2 months
If Lucia and Phineas met like at a dog park or something how do you think they would react to/interact with each other?
lucia kinda already knows phineas! in her "canon" she's roommates with a semi-anthropomorphic* version of phineas (*about "animal sidekick" level of anthropomorphic. not like an irl animal but not on the same mental level as your standard furry character either). they're buddies and get high together <3
I think if she met the irl phineas she'd like him too, but idk if the irl phineas would like lucia or not. they would have to be introduced Away from my apartment ofc or phineas would instantly hate her due to his territorial nature and grudge holding. he also sometimes decides other dogs have nebulous Bad Vibes and I have no idea how to predict that currently. that said, he DOES like dogs the vast majority of the time so as long as they're introduced well at a park or something I'd like to imagine they'd have fun sniffing each other and rolling around in the grass <333
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twistedtummies2 · 1 year
If you were to make your own Batman series, what would be the cast of villains you'd use? I'm curious to see some more obvious ones like the joker or two face, as well as some of the lesser known ones, like baby doll or lock up. If you have any original ideas for a villain (or at least a rough concept of one), feel free to tell.
It's funny you mention this: I actually had a LOT of ideas for a Batman series of my own as a kid, which naturally never went anywhere. XD I remember drawing sketches of different characters and having thoughts of my own on how I would portray them, which ranged from the reasonable to "what was in the chocolate milk at the cafeteria, seriously?" As far as the major villains go, I'd want to use as many of them as possible. Joker, Riddler, Mad Hatter, Catwoman, Penguin, Two-Face, Scarecrow, Killer Croc, Poison Ivy, Ventriloquist & Scarface...the list goes on. A lot of them I'd probably want to use more than once. However, there are a couple of villains I think I'd want to make "special" by only using once or twice, perhaps in large two-or-three-part storylines: Bane, for example, I think loses some traction after Knightfall. I'd probably want some kind of abridged take on Knightfall and that would be Bane's ONLY appearance. Similarly, I think I might do a couple of episodes with Mr. Freeze, but not a whole lot. Same thing with Professor Hugo Strange. Man-Bat I'd probably give one or two episodes to, and that's it.
As for lesser-known villains: the Tally Man is one I'd love to play with, and another is the Cavalier. I also think I'd do something with Dr. Death and make him the first villain Batman faces, since he was the first recurring supervillain in Batman comics, and I don't think he gets enough credit. The Terrible Trio are another group I'd want to use; I'd base them on the version from recent Batgirl comics, since that is my favorite take on them. One character concept I've had since I was young (even featured in some OLD fanfics I started work on back in High School) was my own take on the March Hare as the Mad Hatter's sidekick. I imagined him as a human being who was genetically experimented on, thus transforming him into an anthropomorphic hare. The Hatter ends up taking pity on the poor creature and thus the Hare becomes the Hatter's loyal sidekick and friend, the two genuinely caring about each other and working as partners. I'd also feature Tweedledee and Tweedledum as the Hatter's henchmen. Come to think of it, I should revisit that March Hare concept...time will tell...
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bb-blueyellow · 1 year
43 similarities between Crash Bandicoot and Sonic Boom!
1. They both have a minigame in which the main character works out with their strong buff friend! Both Minigames are button mashers too, and reward you with some sort of victory animation and collectables!
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2. Both Crash 4 IAT and the Sonic Boom 3DS games reward you for collecting things and completing specific tasks within the stage! They are all gems/crystal inspired too, which is pretty cool!
3. Both Crash and Sonic have a smart and adorable siblin sidekick!
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4. Both have legends of an ancient civilation that was supposedly very powerfull! While Crash didn't directly confirm it, I'm pretty much convinced they were the ones leaving those mysterious ruins!
5. Some of the developers of Crash's original trilogy also worked on Sonic Boom Rise of Lyric! One of the artists, Bob Rafei, even founded the studio that would pitch it! Take a pinch of salt with the following, But I heard some of those devs later worked on the new Crash games!
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6. Both Crash Mind over Mutant and the 3DS Sonic Boom titles allow you to enter your house, even if its just to access bonus content!
7. Uka Uka and Cortex have a very similair dynamic to that of Lyric and Cortex! Uka and Lyric are both ancient forces that manipulate a scientist (Cortex/Eggman) to free them and do their bidding!
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8. Both Sonic Boom and Crash Bandicoot have a controversial Beat 'm up title with 2 player co-op!
9. Cortex and Eggman both got depressed at some point when realizing they were never able to beat their nemesis.
10. The Crash n' burn prototype made by Big Red Button features very similair environment design to Sonic Boom Rise of Lyric! This is likely because Big Red Button were the developers behind Boom, and were reusing assets to speed up prototyping!
11. Both Crash Bandicoot and Sonic Boom feature iconic crab enemies
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12. Both Sonic Boom and Crash Bandicoot have an overdosis of Jungle stages! Some of these games have atleast 4 different jungle worlds, some even are JUST jungle worlds!
13. The villains of both series are humans with a PhD in mad science
14. Both series take place on tropical islands!
15. Crash Bandicoot and Sonic Boom are both "Semi-consistent" timeline! The wrecked robot from titans remains there up to Crash on the Run, where you recycle its parts to make helpfull machines! HypnoBot returns as a villain because it feels Tails treated it very poorly..
16. Both Sonic Boom and Crash Bandicoot feature death routes/challenge rooms!
17. Mojo in Titans and Orbs in Sonic Dash 2: Boom are very similair in appearence!
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18. Both Crash Bandicoot and Sonic Boom have been on an "indefinite hiatus". While Crash made an impressive comeback since, I'm afraid I can't say the same for Sonic Boom..
19. Sonic Boom and Crash Bandicoot are both written like cartoons! Crash Bandicoot takes heavy inspiration from Looney Tunes, while Sonic Boom tries to be more like a cartoon sitcom like the simpsons!
20. Both Crash and Boom offered an endless runner mobile game that use elements from their franchise (crates and collecting for Crash, enerbeam and combo from Boom) to improve and innovate upon the experience!
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21. Both franchises feature worlds that are inhabbited by regular animals, anthropomorphic animals, and on more rarer occasions, humans!
22. They both have an evil dimension with purple sky!
23. Speaking of dimensions, Team Sonic and Team Bandicoot have both traveled through different dimensions and time periods before!
24. Both Crash Bandicoot and Sonic Boom tend to refrence Uncharted time to time because their original developers worked on that project too! Crash Bandicoot tends to keep the refrences to social media posts, but Sonic Boom went as far to refrence it directly in its redesigns!
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25. From what I heard, the original plans for the Sonic Boom brand would be a more expirimental branch to try new stuff for the Sonic franchise, which were quickly axed when RoL happend.. Either way, these plans sound very similair to the PS2 crash line-up to me!
26. Both Amy and Crash Bandicoot have a spin attack ability!
27. If the Crash of the Titans shorts are to be believed, then both Crash Bandicoot and Sonic Boom have a village on their island!
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28. Both Sonic Boom and Crash Bandicoot devs put in lots of effort in on getting characterization right! Some even confirmed this in official interviews!
29. Another similarity between Sonic Boom and Crash Bandicoot is that both main characters live in a very small house near the beach!
30. Both series had their main protagonist team up with the main antagonist several times!
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31. Sonic Boom and Crash Bandicoot games tend to have their plot written around gems and crystals! Chances are that you will have to collect these before the villain does!
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32. Boom and Crash both try to diversify their content by adding gimmick stages! Some of these concepts are nearly 1:1 concepts!
33. World map design is very similair!
34. When there is no adventure on the schedule, the main protoganist tends to nap!
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35. Coco and Tails both have a similair attire, both wearing goggles and beltpouches!
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36. Boom Knuckles and Crunch both are pretty beefy characters that put a lot of effort in staying in shape! Both do lots of workouts and very clearly skip leg day!
37. Crash and Boom!Sonic both live near an native village!
38. Crash and Boom!Sonic are both troublemakers with a good heart! Basicially, they will save the day, but also leave a trail of destruction on their own.
39. Crash Twinsanity and Sonic Boom Rise of Lyric are both ambitious titles that have more concept art then actual content! I'm talking mountains upon mountains of concept art! Go look it up, its a rabbit hole you wont get out of anytime soon!
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40. Meh Burger (Sonic Boom TV Show) and Dingo's Diner (Crash 4) are two infamous restaurants that ensure you never want to eat again!
41. Its about time and Rise of Lyric had similair ambitions for their visuals: Pushing the genre futher! Unfortunately, only one of them succeeded.. :c
42. Boom Tails was going to have a bazooka at some point! The design looks really similair to the Fruit Bazooka from Crash 3!
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43. Crash Twinsanity and Sonic Boom Rise of Lyric both have some hubworlds where you can solve puzzels and get optional rewards!
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clouseplayssims · 1 year
Character Ask Game
Give me an archetype and I'll tell you about somebody from the Kingdom of Edirann. Feel free to reblog for your own stories or even add to it! I had to cut out some obvious ones because they just don't uh, don't exist in my fantasy medieval land. (Although I'm disappointed I have no Final Girl.)
All Loving Hero
Anthropomorphic Personification
Bad Boy
Big Fun
Boy Next Door
Career Criminal
Damsel in Distress
Dumb Muscle
Elderly Master
Evil Stepmother
Fall Guy
Father Figure
Femme Fatale
Gentle Giant
Girl Next Year
God or Goddess
Good King
Grande Dame
Lovable Rogue
Manic Pixie Dream Girl
Mother Figure
Mother's Boy
Reluctant Monster
Rightful King
Tortured Artist
Town Drunk
Tragic Hero
Troubled Teen
Wise Old Man
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midbus8 · 9 months
Professor Coldheart, Angris McBragg and Foudror
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I know I know, Although this is a Care Bears Marvel archive blog I still want to share this comparison meme art I made. It fits with the theme at least, seeing as Professor Coldheart and Frostbite are here.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, If I had a dollar for every time a cartoon where an evil magic blue man with a pointy nose and chin and small sidekick existed to create chaos and bully kids in a universe where otherworldly beings help children I would have 3 dollars, which isn’t a lot, but it’s super weird that this exact thing has happened 3 times.
Seeing as my blog is about Care Bears I think we all know what Professor Coldheart does, he basically makes kids stop caring and the Care Bears stop his evil plan for the day. Random off-note but I do wish Coldheart was more popular in the fandom, everyone gravitates towards Dark Heart and No Heart.
I have talked about Angris McBragg before and if you’ve read that post or seen the cartoon you’ll know that The Soulmates: The Gift of Light is very similar to Care Bears, heck the creator even compared it to Care Bears, saying it was meant to be for slightly older kids. Angris has serious Tumblr Sexyman vibes and I’m pretty sad everyone has forgotten about him now, he’s cool…
Now, this next character, I can guarantee that you’ve never heard of him before, unless you’re one out of 2 people who deliberately searched his name or have seen him on Tumblr Sexyman Showdown briefly. Foudror (his name is Striker in English but I call him by his French name) is strange.. In fact, the whole show he’s from is strange. It’s like Care Bears, but imagine if the Care Bears were replaced with Santa, a talking Reindeer, 4 elves (with one of them being a femboy), and a random fairy. Foudror himself is like if No Heart and Coldheart got fused into one weird looking vampire-esque sorcerer guy, and his anthropomorphic furry bait bat assistant called Aglagla is almost like if Beastly and Shreeky got fused together, very sassy, and would’ve definitely been ruined by the internet if she was more popular. She even has her own sub plot where she’s trying to be turned into a “Sexy Reindeer Girl” by Foudror so she can marry Santa’s Reindeer?… It’s as weird as it sounds.
The Soulmates is on YouTube for free and Dad’X is available on Internet Archive in English. The reason no one’s ever heard of Dad’X before is because it aired a few times in the 90’s and early 2000’s all across Europe and then it’s English dub was region locked to the UK and cost 40 dollars on Amazon, but a certain someone put it on the Internet Archive a few months ago. Someone like Saberspark or Phelous should review it for Christmas, I might try to email them about the show actually.
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ninjastormhawkkat · 2 years
Fair City vs The Facility Au
Okay I was talking with melody recently in the dms and I just developed the most spectacular humongous au idea. It combine’s Melody’s and liloskull’s ideas and lore for Carrie and frankenstein bob along with Eris’s lab mouse au plus my becky boxleitner au and the facility Becky au.
So this takes place after the Kid Math episode. Becky is doing her usual patrols as Wordgirl with her sidekick Bob/Captain Huggy Face when one dad they just disappear. The villains start to worry about their missing hero when she stops showing up for their daily battles. The villains get more nervous when the find out that Dr. Two Brains’ daughter Becky and her pet monkey Bob are missing as well. None of the civilians make the connection between them and neither do most of the villains. Those that do well, now is not a time to talk about it with the distressed parent. At this point only Scoops knows about Becky’s secret identity as Rose has not appeared yet and Violet does not know either. She right now is more worried about her missing friend than the missing superhero. Kid Math takes over while Wordgirl and Huggy are gone. But the poor kid misses her too. Soon 3 to 4 months have passed and Dr. Two Brains is an emotional wreck. He has exhumed all his resources into finding his child and nearly thought about holding some people or the city hostage until he got his daughter back. Even Squeaky despite being vicious actually cares about Becky in a twisted way. They both ignore their obsession with cheese until Becky is found. One day, some of the local police find Becky passed out and looking malnourished in an alley way. The problem here is that she doesn’t look no longer humanoid. In fact, some of the doctors at the hospital where Becky was taken had to run some blood tests to identify here. Becky now looks like an anthropomorphic monkey but that is not the worst of it. When she woke up in the hospital, she started freaking out and panicking, acting and speaking like a regular monkey until her dad came to see her. Becky recognized her dad and eagerly went up to hug him and greet him in monkey speak. Soon after speaking to a licensed therapist, Two Brains discovers to his horror that Becky was somehow brainwashed and genetically altered so that she not only looked like a monkey, she thought she was one too and behaved as such. Poor Dr. Two Brains couldn’t even understand his child. She refused to speak human tongue as if she were afraid she would be punished for it. (eris’s idea for the lab mouse au for Two Brains) Dr. Two Brains has elected to working with Professor Robert Tubing in some hopes of returning his child back to the way she was. Even thought Two Brains can physically hold his daughter again and she still recognizes him as her dad, he feels there is a part of her that is still missing. Taken by those heartless people who he swore to make pay if he ever found them.
With Becky, she does have slight aversion to lab coats now. She doesn’t like when her dad wears them and has on occasion messed up his lab coat when he was not wearing it such as burying it or throwing dirt on it. This confirms Two Brains’ suspicions that scientists were behind what happened to his daughter. Becky also has bad nightmares and she spends most of her nights being comforted by her dad. Although Becky still cannot help people like she used too, she still has control over her powers and uses them to do minor good deeds without public eye. Kid Math and Two Brains made the lie that Wordgirl was back on Lexicon for extra hero training to stop people from worrying about the missing hero. Becky still recognizes Violet and Scoops who do their best to make Becky feel comfortable. Though Becky can’t speak she still has her vocabulary skills and will express anger or disappointment if someone misuses words. The henchmen are fine around Becky after getting used to them for a few weeks. Kid Math is surprisingly also recognized by Becky even though they had known each other for a short while. The villains give Becky her space but still help Two Brains anyway they can. 
As for how Carrie ties into this. Well after a few months of Becky’s return, she is getting better but has not spoken any human language yet. Tubing and Dr. Two Brains both think and fear it might not just be psychological trauma but also a result of Becky’s genes getting spliced with monkey DNA. They both soon realize that Becky had gotten spliced with Bob’s DNA through blood tests. Also Tubing now knows about Becky being Wordgirl but Dr. Two Brains made him swear to not tell anybody else even though Tubing said he would not risk her hero identity being revealed to anyone. Soon Carrie comes to the city and encounters Becky at Two Brains’ hideout. Even thought TB is first terrified because it is a cat person, he is confused and shocked when Becky seems to recognize her and Carrie calls Becky by their facility numbers which for Becky is 094. After calming himself down, TB confronts Carrie and pleads with her to tell him what happened with his daughter who he was constantly searching for with worry. Carrie, although still not comfortable with talking about her past, tells TB because she senses that he truly cares for his child and was wracked with grief when she disappeared. So the truth is that Carrie and Becky interacted even after Becky could no longer speak human. The way Becky and Carrie both escaped was due to Becky unleashing her powers full force accidentally one day which allowed the test subjects from the facility to escape. Unfortunately Carrie and Becky got separated in the chaos and confusion which is how Becky wound up back in Fair City way before Carrie did. Carrie does become a mom figure to Becky even though Carrie and Two Brains don’t get along at first. Soon the facility rears their ugly head when Franken Bob comes to get back Carrie and Becky.
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omorales81 · 1 year
The first campaign I will back on Crowfundr shall be Lock & Doc — an all-ages book by my man @sippenator101! The art looks amazingly fun, check out the pre-launch link below. 🧸🗝🔎 #AllAges #MakeComics #LockAndDoc #CrowdFunding @crowdfundr
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