#baby Boga
kairukitsuneo · 9 months
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I miss this little good girl 😭😭💕💕💕💕
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padawansuggest · 1 year
Obi-Wan: *dragging Cody eagerly into the room while holding his hand* Guys, I have super important news! Cody and I are getting married!
Anakin: …oh? I mean… I guess it’s about time. I don’t know if I can bring the twins, will we have to get a babysitter for them?
Obi-Wan: Absolutely not, that’s free baby-holding hours and I’m not letting you cut them!
Cody: What do you mean it’s about time?
Rex: Well, the war’s been over nearly eight months. We just expected you two to tie the knot sooner.
Ahsoka: I mean, you already live together. The 212th kept your… dalliances quiet, through the war because they didn’t want the higher ups to break you guys up.
Anakin: Honestly, I’m a bit disappointed. I had money on you guys getting married no less than a week after the war.
Obi-Wan: Dalliances??
Rex: ??? Yeah?? You two aren’t very subtle, Cody didn’t even try sneaking out of your room after!
Obi-Wan: *looks at Cody in worry* Cody, why would you have to sneak out of our room? That’s where you sleep?
Cody: ??? I don’t know? The quartermaster said it was okay if we slept in the same room.
Obi-Wan: What’s wrong with Cody and I sharing a room?
Anakin: …remember when I was fourteen and you told me where babies come from?
Obi-Wan: …yes?
Anakin: ??? That????
Obi-Wan: …but we weren’t trying to make babies?
Cody: Do we even have the right parts to do that?
Obi-Wan: I think I have the carrier parts but I stopped checking if they worked a while back.
Obi-Wan: Oh gross!
Cody: 🤢
Ahsoka: Why are you two getting married now??
Obi-Wan: I don’t know TAX BENEFITS AND SHIT we’re in LOVE fuck off!
Cody: Oh gross you guys really just assume we naked touched???
Anakin: oh my god. What was your exact marriage idea composed of?? Tell me right this second!
Obi-Wan: um??? We said we wanted to be a family and raise some padawans together???
Anakin: *starts dragging Obi-Wan off to the bathroom* You’re taking a pregnancy test right this second, you chose the wrong wording! Every time someone I love is asexual or a top the force shoves a baby in them!
Obi-Wan: oh my god
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lilredghost · 1 year
(Obikin, rated M, arranged marriage, a/b/o)
From this chapter:
Obi-Wan reaches the edge of the western courtyard, then stops short. Anakin is there, practicing his forms with a sword.
He handles the weapon easily, confidently, like he’s trained with it all his life. The afternoon sun makes his husband look like a figure of legend, all gleaming muscles and shining hair.
He can’t help stopping to watch—the determined glint to Anakin’s expression, the flex of his arms and back. Obi-Wan thinks absently that it’s a good thing he takes suppressants, or the scent of his interest would be flooding the courtyard already.
As it is, he’s able to wrestle it under control and move closer.
“Hello there.”
Anakin startles, whirling to point his sword at Obi-Wan as he approaches, though he quickly lowers it with a wary expression. “...Your Majesty.”
“We’re married, Anakin.” He gives the man a small smile. “I think you can use my name.”
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merlyn-bane · 4 months
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from the codywan dinosaur cowboy au me and @meebles have been talking about for like. three days? something like that lol. in which the jedi operate a dinosaur sanctuary and cody stays on to volunteer after bringing them an injured baby kulindadromaeus because he's very intrigued by a certain member of their staff 👀👀 featuring everyone's favorite girl boga as a utahraptor, because they are my favorite and i am predictable.
inspiration/pose ref under the cut:
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anxiousotters · 4 months
could u share about the codywan x hunger games crossover? it sounds so fun!
Ask about my WIPs
Hello!! Thank you sm for the ask
*rubs hands together* yes, I can absolutely talk about this one. the old therebefore is fun if you enjoy a ton of hurt with a sprinkle of comfort at the end.
I did talk about this crossover in this post here, but the first instillation in the series is (marginally) more fleshed out now, so I’m talking about it again.
Fair warning: this fic is going to have violence in line with (THG) canon, so it’ll be fairly gory with major character deaths, family angst, torture, war, psychological horror, etc.
Enter 16 year old Cody Fett, eldest sibling of six (Rex, Fives, Echo, Jesse, Boba). He’s from the Seam, and he’s known around town for being a brooding, imposing figure and as fearsome hunter who specializes in traps/ snares.
On the day of the Reaping, Padme Amidala (our Effie Trinket) reaches into the bowl for the first time and pulls out:
Rex Fett
Cody immediately volunteers. Of course he does, that’s his baby brother. He stands on the stage and waits for the next name to be called. Padme reaches into the bowl again, and fishes out Obi-Wan Kenobi’s name.
And oh shit, it’s the boy who saved Cody’s life.
In this timeline, Obi-Wan and his family (Qui-Gon, Anakin, & Ahsoka) run the local apothecary. When Cody gets badly injured on hunt gone wrong, Obi-Wan finds him and patches him up. Cody was never able to repay the debt, and it haunts him.
Little does he know that Obi-Wan found him and helped him because he’s had a crush on Cody for years.
Some other details include: Cinna and Portia are played by Breha and Bail Organa, Cato is played by Pong Krell, and Haymitch is going to be an even grumpier alcoholic version of Alpha-17. Buttercup will (obviously) be named Boga, and she’s going to love Obi-Wan.
I won’t give too much more away, but the arena won’t be the canon-typical forest terrain (it’ll be so much worse)
Welcome to the 74th Hunger Games, and may the odds be ever in your favour.
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gentlespace · 1 year
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Baby-Wan and Boga gift for @calltomuster !!!
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mallornart · 5 months
Baby Hel and Loki
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If Loki loved anyone, it was Hel, Fenrir, Jormungundr, Vali, and Narfi. I have some doubts about Sigyn and Angrboda. 😅😅🤷🏻
His daughter, his princess. Those tiny arms and legs… he didn't think anything had ever caught his attention for more than a second, the 9 worlds seemed rather indifferent to him, which was why he was so often bored and liked to irritate the people of Aagard and the jotuns, their idiotic arguments were entertaining him entertainment, and yet… He didn't believe in miracles, but he would undoubtedly call the little giantess a miracle. That night was one of the best nights of his life. He adjusted the baby in his arms, on which took a long time, opened one light green eye, then the other, looking curiously at his father and stretching out his little hands. Loki smiled. When he gave his daughter his finger, she closed her fist and after a while she started sucking it. God chuckled
– Hello, snowflake. - he whispered to the girl After a moment, he thought about it, looking at the baby's fiery hair. This newborn was different, he saw something interesting in her , in her pattern where she focused attention on everything around but she was also clearly looking at him. In fact, he didn't know each other on raising children, but Frigg recently gave birth to her second son - Baldur. She once said they were like little kids they cannot yet focus on the person of their parent and not much that they see, because the light is too bright for them. Additionally, they most often look upside down. Girl was observing him on purpose, certain of who she was, he became immediately sure of it. Eventually, however, she lost interest in his finger and instead her chubby paws tried to touch the neck, specifically the pendant with a raven skull attached to a strap, between a strand of brown beads. Loki laughed again.
–You like it - he said happily, taking the ornament over his head - he placed the skull in the roll of the blanket, to which the girl reacted with enthusiastic squeaking. Then she clumsily grabbed the object, wrapped it in her arms, and curled it into a ball. She fell asleep immediately. Loki looked on with growing admiratio.You like bones. - he said - Just like the inhabitants of the land of Hel. It is ruled by Garm, a shapeshifter like me and perhaps you," he stroked the tiny head. In his large hand she seemed as small as a grain of sand - Hella, Hel… he repeated thoughtfully - It suits you. Angrboda will like it, right Hel?!
Angrboda zmęczona porodem udała się na spoczynek, a reszta mieszkańców dworu zajęła opijaniem przybycia nowej członkini rodziny. Dwie siostry i matka żony boga zostały z olbrzymką w komnacie by czuwać przy jej boku w razie potrzeby. Loki jednak chociaż zapraszano go do zastawionego suto stołu pierwszy raz w życiu odmówił udziału w biesiadzie. Pierwszy raz uznał,że wybierze coś innego niż huczne świętowanie. Wolał bowiem zostać z córką, z noworodkiem na rękach, .Zafascynował się całkowicie. Gdy reszta olbrzymów zostawiła ich samych, zasiadł z dzieckiem przy palenisku z kocykiem w ramionach a gdy spojrzał na córeczkę, tak niewinnie i słodko drzemiącą w jego rękach serce stopiło mu się jak bryłka lodu. Mógł być potworem, lisem Asgardu, jak nazywali go inni bogowie, oszustem, nigdy sam nie nazwał by siebie prawym, nie zaprzeczył gdyby ktoś określił go jako hipokrytę lub egoistę,.sam dobrze wiedział,że wszystko, co robi, robi dla własne korzyści lub by uciec od problemu,nie nadawał się do pomocy innym,nie lubił zajmować się cudzymi problemami chyba,że po to by zrobić komuś na złość,ale patrząc na to kruche stworzenie wiedział od razu,że ten jeden raz zrobi dla niego dosłownie wszystko, bez względu na swoje dobro. Jego córeczka, jego księżniczka. Te malutkie rączki i nóżki….nie sądził by cokolwiek,kiedykolwiek zwróciło jego uwagę na dłużej niż na sekundę, 9 światów zdawało mu się raczej obojętne, właśnie dlatego tak często się nudził i lubił irytować mieszkańców Aagardu i jotunów, ich idiotyczne spory dostarczały mu rozrywki, a jednak … Nie wierzył w cuda ,ale małą olbrzymkę bez wątpienia nazwał by cudem. Ta noc należała do najlepszych jego życia. Poprawił dziecko w ramionach, na co przeciągnęło się,otworzyło jedno jasnozielone oko, potem drugie z zaciekawieniem patrząc na ojca i wyciągając małe rączki. Loki uśmiechnął się. Gdy podał córce palec zacisnęła na nim swoją piąstkę a po chwili zaczęła go ssać. Bóg zachichotał
–Witaj śnieżynko. - szepnął do dziewczynki Po chwili zastanowił się, patrząc na ognistą czuprynę maleństwa. Ten noworodek był inny, widział w nim coś interesującego , w jej wzorku, w którym skupiała uwagę na wszystkim wokół, ale też wyraźnie mu się przyglądała. Nie znał się co prawda na wychowywaniu dzieci,lecz Frigg, niedawno urodziła swojego,drugiego syna - Baldura. Twierdziła kiedyś,że takie maluchy nie potrafią jeszcze skupić wzroku na osobie rodzica i nie wiele co widzą, bo światło jest dla nich zbyt jaskrawe. Do tego najczęściej patrzą do góry nogami. Poparła ją Eir- lekarka bogów, gdy oglądała małego. Za to, to cudo bez wątpienia skupiało spojrzenie na tym, co chciało. Lustrowało go celowo,pewne kim jest ,nabrał co do tego natychmiastowej pewności. W końcu jednak przestało się interesować jego palcem a zamiast tego pulchne łapki próbowały dotknąć szyi, konkretnie wisiorka z czaszką kruka umocowaną na rzemieniu, pomiędzy splotem brązowych koralików. Loki znów się zaśmiał.
–Podoba ci się.- stwierdził radośnie, zdejmując ozdobę przez głowę – położył czaszkę w zwoju koca, na co dziewczynka zareagowała entuzjastycznym skrzeczeniem. Potem chwyciła niezgrabnie przedmiot,otuliła ramionami, zwinęła w kłębek. Natychmiast zasnęła. Loki przypatrywał się temu z rosnącym zachwytem.
–Lubisz kości. - stwierdził - Zupełnie jak mieszkańcy krainy Hel. Włada nią Garm, zmiennokształtny jak ja i być może ty.– pogłaskał malutką główkę. W jego wielkiej dłoni wydawała się drobna jak ziarenko piasku- Hella, Hel… powtórzył w zamyśleniu Pasuje do ciebie. Angrbodzie się spodoba, prawda Hel ?!
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agirlunderarock · 9 months
Sunrises and Fireworks
Summary: Its been five years since Palpatine was outed for playing both sides of the Galactic Civil War, but getting out of bed is still a losing battle. Treaty week is upon Obi-Wan and his family but not everyone seems eager to celebrate in Theed.
Pairing: Obi-Wan X Sas Vom (OC)
Warnings; Fluff, all fluff no angst, no hurt comfort just straight up fluff and Obi-Wan enjoying life without war and outrageous missions.
Read on Ao3
A/N: This was requested by @heyhawtdawgs who had been asking that 1. I write Obi-Wan happy and no longer angsty and 2. Obi-Wan interact with some Boga babies, but since I can't write just a few hundred words this turned into a nine and half page One shot that took several months to write. Its fine its totally fine. Divider used is by @saradika As always I hope you enjoy reading!
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The first thing Obi-Wan was aware of was the warmth washing over his face, and flooding his eye lids with the glow of mid morning light. Keeping his eyes closed he rolled over and reached for Sas to bury his face in the crook of her neck. However, where he had thought to find the soft sleeping form of his wife, Obi-Wan's hand spread over a cool and empty bedside. He blinked his eyes open confirming again that his bedside was empty. He felt his chest tighten  as his mind very quickly came up with the worst possible scenarios. Each thought grew more intense than the last. He clutched the sheets trying to force the thought away that he'd open his eyes to find himself alone on some desolate backwater planet.
“Oops too hot-” a woman's voice exclaimed from another room.
 The war ended five years ago and yet it still had a tight grip on his psyche. He supposed that was something that would never really go away. He would feel the effects as time marched on. That of course went without saying, he had enough physical markers from the war littered over his body. He had a lifetime to think about that though, and he would prefer to focus on the sounds drifting through the house and the open door to the bedroom.
Rolling over onto his back, Obi-Wan looked up at the ceiling of his bedroom and took a few deep breaths to still his mind and calm his racing heart. He just needed a minute to ground himself in this moment, to remind himself that the war was over, his fight was done, they won. He had chosen to live the rest of his life for himself, or at least as much of himself as he could imagine without feeling selfish. He folded his hands on his stomach and took another deep breath as he focused on the sizzling sounds from the kitchen, the warmth of the sunlight streaming in from the window, the light weight of the blanket against his bare torso, and the soft sound of Sas’ humming as she moved around the kitchen. 
“Ow kriff!” 
 That was his cue to get up. 
Loud sizzling filled the hallway. Sas must have been rushing in the kitchen again.
Rolling out of bed, Obi-Wan decided that it was time to spoil the surprise Sas had for him. It wouldn’t be the first time and he preferred to spend the morning with her rather than laying around waiting. Being with her every morning was a much better surprise than bringing food into their bedroom. 
During the war he didn’t dare to entertain the idea that he could spend his life with the woman he loved, at least not in the way one would normally think of. Sas herself had kept a strict rule of never talking about a future together, not because she didn’t want it, but moreso because neither could imagine a life that didn’t involve one of them, if not both of them, giving their life to the war cause. Yet, by some grace of the Force, the war ended, Sas was no longer fighting to prevent civil war on her planet, there was an active effort to negotiate and find compassion between the systems that were at war. He supposed it helped that one man responsible for playing both sides and was responsible for a good portion of their problems, but still there was room for growth and reflection on the part of the Republic.
This left room for Obi-Wan to focus on other things for the time being. Things that didn’t have to do with the state and well being of the galaxy. He married Sas. She was his wife. Five years passed and the little rush that fluttered in his stomach hadn’t subsided whenever he thought of her as his wife. He was still a Jedi in all ways but title, but he understood why the Jedi had their rules about attachment. He had to choose, and this time he chose a life for himself. 
The way Obi-Wan understood things, was that the Force laid two path’s before him. There wasn’t one right or wrong answer, but he had to trust the Force to guide him along both. He had expected the long hours of meditation as he considered the life he would lead going forward. He expected questions and concerns once he had made his final choice. What he hadn’t expected so much compassion upon his leaving. That Sas would encourage him to stay with the Order, that his Jedi family was so understanding of his need to leave and encouraged him to visit and return should he ever need guidance. He didn’t consider himself a person who dwelled too long on the past, or stress too often about the future, but the life he currently led, wasn’t one had ever imagined he would have. He felt at peace with his choices, and there was peace in his heart.
He paused by the doorway to Jinn’s bedroom, the window curtains drawn open to the Naboo countryside painted orange by the rising sun. Obi-Wan watched the little lump still sleeping soundly under a pile of blankets. Again he found himself wondering how five years ago, he, Sas and Anakin had been fighting for their lives in trenches of the Outer Rim Sieges. After all of that, why didn’t he  deserve to have this peace in his life? He supposed he wasn’t being completely fair, they volunteered their very lives for a manufactured war, and only just managed to put an end to it before it was too late. Obi-Wan’s children would have the chance to live a quiet life he nor his wife had never known.  This absolutely included not having to wake up before the sun rose to meditate. Jinn would get to sleep in a little longer.
“Good morning, My Dear,” Obi-Wan greeted as he came up behind Sas. Before she could turn around he wrapped one arm around her middle, and the other hand gilded slowly over the large swell of her belly. “You’re up early ,” he observed , placing a light kiss against her emerald colored neck as she leaned her head back against his shoulder.
“I had to pee,” she sighed honestly as she placed a hand over his own on her stomach. He slowly rubbed her hand over it, as if to soothe the fussy child giving his wife a hard time. “Our little one was being extra pushy, squishing my bladder, and demanding I be up early. Thought we might surprise you, but I should know better than to try that by now. The good news is I just finished the bacon, so if you distract me, we won’t almost burn the house down.”
“Darling, are you still trying to pin the blame on me?” he teased, pressing a kiss to her jaw. “I cannot help it if you are so easily distracted,” he nuzzled into the crook of her neck and felt her shiver in his hold despite the mild morning.
“I told you, I’m going to have to change your nickname from Pretty Boy to The Arsonist. It’s almost like you want me to burn down our house.”
“Oh no, I just want you,” He said with a kiss to her cheek this time. Without her tattoos painted on, Obi-Wan could have sworn he saw some color rise in her face. Pink patches had yet to appear on her neck or shoulder, but he could see her cheeks turning a slightly deeper green.
"Hmm you can have me, in… hold on, seven months in… two months! Actually four and I'm all yours again."
“Four months?”
“Two months until I can deliver the baby, and then another two months for us, mostly me, to catch up on sleep after” She gestured vaguely with her free hand and closed her eyes with a sigh. “On second thought we’re going to need a lot more than two months. You know I think I slept more during the war.”
“You said you wanted another,” He reminded her with a kiss to her forehead.
“You were supposed to remind me that I didn’t like being pregnant last time. That my back hurt, I hated feeling sick, and I hated waddling back and forth everywhere-”
Obi-Wan chuckled. “I did remind you of all that, and what did you say?”
Sas grew quiet for a moment, reconsidering her life choices. She stopped his slow circles by weaving her fingers with his own and humming to herself. “I said I’d be fine.”
“That is not what you said.”
“Yes it is!”
“In those exact words?
“More or less…” She started, and this time Obi-Wan could see the deep green flush across her cheeks and a little pink patch bloomed where his breath whispered over her neck. “But,” Sas continued, before he could properly remind her of her exact wording, “I knew things would be fine, if you were with me. So long as I didn’t face the diaper wars alone, I thought I would be okay, and I was mostly right.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” Obi-Wan asked, a small amused smile playing on his lips. Nuzzling the small pink patch, he found himself pleased with her reaction. He had her flustered already, but that didn’t mean he was about to let up. For as long as they had known each other it still felt rare for her to stumble over her words like she was now.
“It means I was mostly right.” Obi-Wan couldn’t help but roll his eyes, “Then what were you wrong about?” 
“That there was nothing in the galaxy that could make me happier in that moment.” She reached one hand back and up to guide his lips to her own. 
His eyes slid close as he let himself melt into the kiss. Though brief, he felt her warmth in the Force radiating like the early morning sun rising outside the kitchen window. He was more than happy to bask in her light for the rest of his life. He held her close as she leaned back into him. As he pulled away he placed one last kiss to her forehead, “I love you, Sas,” he breathed against her skin.
“I love you too.”
For a moment Obi-Wan just held his wife, letting her sink into him, and slowly swaying with her. Nothing Obi-Wan could have imagined included a reality where he spent his mornings this way. He just needed a few moments to be present with Sas, to hold on to the lightness he felt in his chest, and be thankful for things working out the way that they had. He took a deep breath.
“We’ve got a long day ahead of us,” Sas murmured, her hand rubbing up his arm.
Obi-Wan just hummed thoughtfully in answer. “Indeed we do, might as well enjoy the quiet while we can.”
"Lots of fireworks, lots of people- And we're only on Naboo, can you imagine Coruscant?"
"I can picture it too clearly. Thankfully Padmé and Anakin are staying in Theed this year, so we don't have to go to Coruscant, like Rex and Fives."
"I didn’t tell you? Pyrrha and Jankari invited us too-" Sas laughed.
 Obi-Wan just hid his face in her neck. He loved returning to the temple but not during Treaty Week. Theed was overwhelming enough, since they were always with Padmé and Anakin, but Coruscant was too much. The temple was still his home, but his home was always swarmed with holonet reporters, during this specific week. Part of why he and Sas stayed in the Naboo Lake country was because it was so far away from it all. They would visit the temple after the festivities died down.
That and somehow in the last five years they'd managed to adopt two full grown Veractyl but that was a different matter altogether. 
“I was about to say at least there aren’t any statues of you in Theed, but well they're just of a younger you." Obi-Wan felt himself momentarily deflate, and earned a laugh from his wife as consolation. "Lucky for us then, I said that it was their turn to have Coruscant to themselves. We get to blend in the background this time on Theed.” She raised his hand to her lips and kissed his knuckles. “Luke and Leia will be very happy to see you and Jinn- Oh! Can you check on Jinn? He was up helping me earlier, but went back to his room once I started making the bacon. He said he had a nightmare about Boga being scared of the fireworks.”
Obi-Wan blinked a few times trying to process the several shifts in conversation. “I just looked in on him, he was still asleep.”
“Maybe he went back to sleep. He did say he was going to try to have another dream.”
He pursed his lips with a small nod. While Obi-Wan always felt that his son had a connection to the Force, he was also a little wary about his emerging abilities. This was usually why morning meditations weren’t something that they normally skipped. Dreams were rarely just dreams. More often than not, they offered a vision of things that could happen or offered insight to what someone was feeling. Jedi Order or not, both Sas and Obi-Wan felt it was important for their children to learn to connect with the Force. 
“I’ll check on him. Boga might not be the only one scared of the fireworks,” he said, before gently squeezing his wife in his arms one last time before going back up the hall to their son’s room.
“Jinn,” Obi-Wan called softly as he entered his son’s room. “Jinn, are you awake?” Even as Obi-Wan sat on the bed, as he had done many times, something felt off. He expected to feel some sort of weight move or shift once he sat down but there was nothing. Obi-Wan reached a hand toward the lump huddled under the blankets. “Mama said you had a dream?”
 He reached for Jinn’s shoulder, only for his hand to sink into something soft and plushy. He gave a gentle squeeze expecting his hand to meet some resistance in his son’s shoulder. Instead, the lump gave way under his fingers. He felt his heart rate pick up. Obi-Wan’s brows furrowed as he quickly patted down the rest of the lump, only to be met with the same plushy give. He pulled back the blanket only to find pillows and a stuffed bantha and veractyl lined neatly under the sheets.
"Sas? How long ago did Jinn go back to bed?" He was already jogging back down the hall, his heart threatening to burst in his chest. The line of boots in the doorway was already missing its smallest pair.
"Just a few minutes before you got up, Love- What's wrong?" Sas asked from where she was setting the food on the table. “Obi-Wan?” She called after him.
Obi-Wan was already moving out the door, shirtless and missing his shoes.
There was only one place that Jinn would have gone to.
The veractyl stables.
Jinn’s path down to the barn was still visible in the dew-covered grass. Though a little windy, like he got distracted by something, Obi-Wan  could clearly see the end of the trail leading up to the barn doors. Obi-Wan did his best not slip as he sprinted for the door, the chirps and whistles of the veractyls getting louder the closer he got.
Then came his son’s voice crying out over the noise.
“Jinn!” He called as he threw open the doors. His heart pounded wildly in his chest as he quickly scanned the room for his son. 
A loud clatter of a beam rang through the barn, followed by the squeals of laughter. 
“Dada! Help!” a little voice called.
Before Obi-Wan could find where exactly the voice came from, something rammed into the back of his knee, sending him tumbling toward the ground. Little hands clutched at him only finding grip on the waistband of his pants.
“Hey wait a minute-`” he exclaimed, turning to fend off the little hands from accidentally pulling down his pants only to fall over onto his butt, much the same way Jinn used to when he was learning to walk. Before Obi-Wan could fully process how he ended up on the ground, tiny arms wrapped around his neck in a firm hug, and two small Veractyls, one violet and one green and teal, came charging up to him, their tails swishing excitedly as their bodies wiggled with each step. He put out his hands trying to keep the creatures from jumping on him only to have the arms squeeze him tighter. If he could breathe, he would have been laughing at the little veractyls trying to dodge around his arms. It was as if someone were pulling them on some invisible strings.
“Jinn baby, we don’t hug that way remember,” Sas’ voice called from the doorway.
Immediately the arms loosened their hold, and air rushed into Obi-Wan’s lungs. In that same moment he managed to stop the little creatures by letting them run their heads into the palms of his hands. “Settle down,” he breathed between laughs, but they only scrambled harder on the dirt floor trying to get around his hands, their loud chirps of protest rang out through the barn. With a deep breath and wishing for them to calm down, their wiggles slowed before they settled beside him and nosed their way under his arms.
“Sorry Mama,” Jinn said, as his mother came more into the barn. 
“Not to me-”
“Sorry Papa,” Jinn said, moving to stand in front of Obi-Wan and holding out his arms to him, as if asking for a hug this time. His dark hair was standing at unnaturally odd ends, and had straw sticking out of it. The banthas trudging along Jinn’s pajama bottoms looked like they were trying to escape being tucked into his little rubber boots. Clearly the five year old had been prepared to be out in the stable for a while. 
“Thank you for apologizing, Jinn,” he answered, hesitantly lifting his arms from creatures at his side before his son crashed into him. “You are forgiven, just be a little careful next time.” He held his son close, one hand cradling the back of his head as he kissed his forehead. 
“Or you’ll turn blue?”
Obi-Wan shook his head with a breathy laugh. “Yes, if I’m changing colors then something is wrong. Luckily, that won’t be happening any time soon.” 
“Maka is blue,” Jinn stated as he untangled himself from Obi-Wan, sat in his lap and motioned for the small teal veractyl to come closer to him. She chirped happily and curled up between Obi-Wan’s legs.
For a brief moment Obi-Wan held his son and  just watched as Jinn gently smooth out the wispy feathers along her head. Maka’s large eyes slowly closed with each pass of his little hand until she had her head in the child’s lap on the verge of sleep. “Ow!” Gia, her sister, nipped her beak sharply at Obi-Wan’s fingers, clearly displeased that she was not getting nearly as much attention. “Alright, girl, I’m sorry,” he sighed using his free hand to gently run his hands over the smooth violet scales along her side. She gave a few sassy chirps before wiggling away and following after Sas as she walked further into the stable.
From her pen, Boga chirped at her little one as if to tell her not to ram into the back of Sas’ legs like she had done to himself. Gia, instead continued to chirp and zip between Sas and looking like she might pounce on Jinn if he looked up from Maka. After a few laps, and one more warning from Boga, she settled back in next to Obi-Wan’s hip with a small huff. “There, there Gia,” Obi-Wan said, rubbing the smooth scales of her belly. “Maybe next time don’t try to knock me to the ground.” 
Further into the stable, Obi-Wan watched as Sas made her way to Boga and ran her hand over her beak. He couldn’t hear what his wife was saying to the dragonmount, but the low chirps that came from Boga were unmistakably happy. She nudged her beak against Sas’ chest who laughed and rubbed down the dragonmount’s neck again. 
“Papa? What are you smiling at?” Jinn asked, turning his blue eyes up toward him.
Obi-Wan hadn’t realized he was smiling at all. Truthfully he was just finding himself awestruck again by the turns his life had taken to get to this point. Of course he couldn’t exactly explain all that to his five year old. If it was overwhelming for him to think about surely it would be overwhelming for his son. But maybe it wasn’t he didn’t have to know the why after all. “I’m watching your mother talk to Boga and-”
Okay he should have known that was coming. “She makes me happy, just like you do.” Obi-Wan lifted his hand from Gia and offered it to Jinn. Despite having done this numerous times, Obi-Wan felt a flutter in his chest when his son placed his palm over his. “Take a deep breath,” he said before doing the same and taking a moment to close his eyes. He smiled feeling Jinn lean back against him as they both breathed out, but in his mind he could see Sas embracing Boga again, Jinn running after him with the veractyl hatchlings. Another deep breath and Obi-Wan felt the warmth of his family wash over him. No matter what he had been through before, this was his place now, and there was nowhere he would rather be. 
“You and Mama feel like sunlight,” Jinn said as he reached his other hand out to Sas as she walked by. 
“Do we now?” she asked, swinging his hand and ruffling both Jinn and Obi-Wan’s hair. There was something in the way the sunlight danced off Sas’ hair that briefly had him mesmerized. He could see the first few strands of silver hair burning orange in light, the faintest hint of smile lines around her eyes and corners of her lips. She was beautiful, she always was, but somehow in that moment the last eight years of their lives felt more real and weighted. A lifetime of fighting, years of war, and somehow they’d survived it, earned their smile lines and slivers of grey alongside their scars and faded wounds.
“Mama, he’s being silly again,” Jinn’s voice pulled Obi-Wan back to the present. “Oh he’s always being silly,” Sas assured him. “Thats why he came out without his shirt and shoes.”  As if on cue, both Gia and Maka pounced at Obi-Wan’s feet, much to Jinn’s delight. 
“It wasn’t on purpose,” he said, trying to keep Jinn from falling and keep his feet away from the veractyls. 
A louder chirp came from the far side of the stables and Gia and Maka scrambled away to their mother. Boga nudged them a few times with her beak, playfully pushing them back as they tried to jump on her, their little legs seeming to flail about with each jump.
“I was just in a hurry,” Obi-Wan said after a few moments. 
Sas just hummed in answer and gave Jinn a knowing look, like the two of them were sharing some kind of secret. She then focused on Obi-Wan. “Well, lucky for you, I brought them out to you. Can’t have Gia and Maka clawing you all up right?”  Sas said with a wink as she handed him a dark blue shirt. He didn’t need the force to know there was something more she wanted to say, he could practically feel it rippling off of her. Thankfully she let her grin speak for her thoughts, but he still felt heat rising in his face and ears. 
He looked away for a moment as he pulled on his shirt. “Thank you, Darling, I’m lucky to have you looking out for me.”
“You’re welcome,” she said leaning down to kiss the top of his head. “I’m going to finish up breakfast, you two should come back in soon,” she added after kissing Jinn’s head as well. “Crix and Marker will be here soon to load up the speeder, and we still have to finish packing-”
“Sas, Darling?” Obi-Wan said, taking her hand.
“We’re going to be okay.” He pressed a kiss to her fingers. “Its only two nights we’re staying there.”  He pressed one more to her knuckles. He saw the tension in her shoulders slowly  leave as she took a deep breath and let his reminder sink in.
“Thank you, Obi-Wan,” she said, giving his hand a small squeeze before making her way back up to their home. 
Jinn had been watching his parents the whole time, and though Obi-Wan knew his son absorbed things like a sponge and was always watching them closely, he found himself surprised by his look of distaste. His nose held little wrinkles and his brows furrowed together. Sas had always said Obi-Wan made a distinct face when he was thinking really hard, he hadn’t fully realized what kind of face that was until he saw Jinn making the same one.
“Something bothering you, son?”
“Mama didn’t listen to Boga. She told her I couldn’t go.”
“Boga said you can’t go to Theed with us?” In all honesty between almost losing his pants and being tackled by his son and the veractyl, Obi-Wan had forgotten to ask why Jinn had come outside in the first place.
“I had a dream about her getting scared of the fireworks. She’s afraid of the big ones. They’re too loud.” Jinn kept his eyes fixed on the open doorway where Boga, Maka, and Gia left the stable.
“Is that why you came outside?” Obi-Wan rubbed his back slowly, while Jinn’s little hands twisted the hem of his shirt. “Why don’t we go for a walk and you can tell me about your dream,” Obi-Wan offered. 
Jinn again wrinkled his nose, before looking up at his father before really taking a moment to think about it.
“Or at the very least you can tell me why your stuffies were hiding under your blankets pretending to be you.”
A mischievous giggle bubbled up from Jinn in answer, his eyes crinkling around the corners much like his mother’s when she was up to something. “They were cold.”
“Mhmm I’m sure they were, they looked very comfortable under your blankets.”
Jinn only giggled more, but held his arms up to be carried, finally accepting Obi-Wan’s offer. 
After a brief moment of Obi-Wan having to wrestle his boots away from his son, he finally had his shoes on, and walked out of the stable holding him.
“Boga!” Jinn cried, as the dragonmount playfully rolled over in the field, while Maka and Gia leaped over onto her. Their loud chirps and whistles rang across the field as they moved closer to the edge of the lake where another large, though not larger than Boga, violet veractyl, Agob was waiting for them.
For a brief moment Obi-Wan was abruptly reminded about all the precautions he would have to take housing Boga and Agob to ensure that they would lead to an invasive species issue on Naboo. That he had Sas even had to before the Queen and her advisors to get permission to house the dragonmounts. He might need to update them on some other precautions given Maka and Gia, but for the time being everything was still fine and manageable.
“Boga said I can’t go to the festival today or tomorrow.” Jinn said, breaking the silence.
“You said you had a dream that she was scared, right?”
“The big fireworks scared her,” Jinn said with a nod. “They’re  loud…” Again his face got that scrunched up thoughtful look. Like he wasn’t sure what to say, despite having more to say. “She got scared in the barn, and there was no one to help her.”
Obi-Wan nodded, wanting to take his son’s vision very seriously. While Obi-Wan was certain that Boga would in fact be frightened by loud sounds like fireworks, he got the feeling that Jinn’s dream wasn’t really about Boga. “Boga isn’t going to the festival though, she’s staying here, and no one here will be doing any sort of fireworks. Did she tell you why you can’t go?” 
“She said-” he giggled again, as Gia overestimated her leap, threw herself too far over her mother and tumbled to the ground. “She said I have to protect her from the big booms”
Obi-Wan nodded, “She will be perfectly safe here away from all the fireworks. But are you worried about them?”
Jinn nodded slowly. “They’re too loud and make my brain funny.”
“Can you tell me how they make your brain funny?” For a moment Obi-Wan was dragged away from his peaceful life on Naboo to back to the Clone Wars. The sound of an explosion and a firework weren’t all that different. Five years had passed, and though Obi-Wan never fully let down his guard, he had done his best to let go of his anxiety. Sas had too, but even she still jumped or gave his hand an extra squeeze at each burst.
“My ears get full, but the fireworks are so pretty. I like the colors.”
“The colors are very nice.”
“I think I might have a way for you to just watch them, without it being too loud.” Obi-Wan felt something unclench in his chest as Jinn’s eyes widened and he looked up excitedly.  
“Really?” he asked. At Obi-Wan’s nod however, his brows furrowed low over his eyes. “What about Boga?”
“Hmm, can you tell me where you and Boga were in your dream?”
“We were in Theed…but she’s not going to Theed.”
“So do we need to worry about that part of your dream?”
A large smile broke out on his face. “No! And Gia said she’d protect her-”
“Well good. Let's go back inside to eat. I can feel Mama watching us through the window.”
“Mama’s blowing kisses,” Jinn giggled.
“We best not keep her waiting then.”
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Obi-Wan leaned against the balcony railing watching the parade dance by below. Hundreds of people marched by, waving flags and color costumes, some even had some lights that made the whole street glow. Despite the cheering, and confetti, and lights and music, the energy flowing through the streets was nothing compared to the energy radiating off of the three children running zipping and dashing in and around the balcony trying to watch the parade between the pillars holding up the railing.
While admittedly Obi-Wan was on his third cup of caff to keep up with Luke, Leia and Jinn, he was happy to hear them laughing and playing.
“Uncle Obi!” Leia exclaimed, pulling on the sleeve of his tunic. “They’re coming they’re coming!” “I wanna see!” Luke cried, trying to climb up his side to see over the bannister.
“Hold on-” Obi-Wan said, doing his best not to let either of the children get too close to the railing. Wrangling the veractyls had seemed easier than wrangling Skywalker children. “Take a seat over here,” he said, leading them to a spot on the balcony that had a clear view of the streets, and the float Padmè would be on. He kept the twins in front of him, one hand on each shoulder, wanting to make sure that neither of them got any ideas about trying to lean between the columns.
“Did we miss them?” Sas asked from behind, holding Jinn’s hand as they walked out on the balcony.
“Not yet.” Immediately after Obi-Wan answered her, a flash of blue light washed over the courtyard, and the figures of Padmè Amidala, and Anakin Skywalker were projected over the heads of the people.
Luke and Leia erupted into cheers with the rest of the crowd, but the holoimage of Anakin seemed to look directly at them and give them a wide grin and a wave. Padmè followed suit, but then turned her attention to the crowd of people.
“Five years ago the Republic was engaged in a civil war…” she started. In all honesty, Obi-Wan wasn’t really listening to his friend’s speech. He had heard Padmè practicing it in the background of holo calls with Anakin. Instead, he found his attention drawn to the crowds moved by Padmè’s words, just like they are every year. Just moments before they had been cheering and dancing, now they stood listening in awe. Leia and Luke looked on, washed in the same blue light, with a mixture of pride and admiration in their eyes. “Together we can continue to rebuild relationships, and forge new connections to make a better galaxy.”
The moment she ended her speech the sky erupted in a burst of colors. Blues, pinks and purples littered the sky as the firework show began. Below the crowd exploded into cheers, but at his side, Sas held Jinn to her side as he looked to the sky wide eyed.In his ears, Jinn wore small ear pieces to block out the majority of the sound. He wiggled in his mother’s arms before moving next to Luke and Leia. Obi-Wan reached out and pulled Sas against his side before pressing a kiss to the side of her head.
“You missed,” She teased as she reached a hand up to guide his attention to her.
“I never miss. I just like to hear you ask for another,” he teased, kissing her palm on his cheek, and then pressed a soft kiss to her lips. “I love you,” he said softly, though he quickly remembered she couldn’t hear him over the noise of the fireworks or her own ear plugs.
Still, just smiled and mouthed the words, “Love you, too,” before resting her head against his shoulder. He leaned his head against hers when he felt her put her own arm around him and closed his eyes, letting the colors of the fireworks dance behind his lids. He took a deep breath, soaking in the moment, and slowly let out his breath. When he opened his eyes, Jinn and the twins were still laughing and watching the light show above, the woman he loved was content in his arms, and there was peace in his heart.
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Tag list: @itsonlymyecho @heyhawtdawgs @pickleprickle
Join the list here!
Thank you guys and I hope you enjoyed!
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kabbal · 6 months
WIP titles meme
I got tagged by @belphegor1982 to talk about my WIPs so here we gooooo
The Owl and the Nightingale, a Call of Duty medieval AU fanfic. It's plotty and details-heavy so i'm not even out of the first chapter yet (out of six I think) but I'm having fun like crazy with it. I didn't work on it much this month because I'm on other projects but soon as that'll be over it goes right back at the top of my priority list.
My gift for an exchange so of course I can't say anything about it (but god i wish i could)
A DC fanfic with the working name of old jason because it stars my beautiful baby Jason Todd as - you guessed it - an older but no wiser version of himself
Boga, a cod fanfic that's supposed to be a sequel to another fanfic Suord. Anglo-saxon setting, fucked up dynamics aka sleeping with the ennemy to save one's arse
I actually had a bunch more WIPs earlier this month but I managed to cram a good number of them into Fictober prompts so I am free of them at last
tagging @garnetrena @kaantt @sausagesquirrel @gerceval and anyone who wants to do this
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padawansuggest · 2 years
Cody: Ugh.
Obi-Wan: What???
Cody: I swear to god, if you ask Boga if she ‘wants to go walkies’ in that high pitched tone that gets her all excited, one more time-
Obi-Wan: Sometimes we have to get them excited for the walkies!
Cody: She’s a twenty-six foot lizard! She spun in a circle and threw me into a wall! She’s gonna step on the wrong Jedi master one day and kill them!
Obi-Wan: Oh you’re being dramatic.
Cody: What if she steps on Master Yaddle and initiate Grogu one day, huh??? Are they gonna survive her big paws??
Obi-Wan: I notice how you left Grandmaster out of that scenario.
Cody: He made me drink swamp water last week and told me it was tea! I won’t cry at his funeral and now I’m determined to outlive him!
Obi-Wan: Babe. It’s traditional for the lineage. Normally he gets us with it when we’re still tiny, but it provides very important bacteria for gut health. I used to be intolerant to most Mandalorian seed spices before he gave it to me.
Cody: …so he wasn’t just torturing his new bu’ad-in-law?
Obi-Wan: Two things can be possible.
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vocaloid-as-gaeilge · 10 months
Féach ar an mBealach Seo, Baby (Look This Way, Baby)
Ceol & Liricí: ryo
Bunteideal: こっち向いて Baby
Amhránaí: Hatsune Miku
Aistriúchán Béarla: Project Diva F2nd
1… 2…
1,2,3, Yeah!
Nílim ach ag cur cuma chrua orm i gcónaí
Mothaím go bhfuil mé ach ag caill mo dheiseanna
Tá rudaí do-aithriste gur mhaith liom a déan
Tá fhios agat, rudaí mar sin…
Fan, cén cinéal rudaí?!
Is amadáin go fírinne iad buachaillí
Anois, smaoinigh tú rud claon!
Níl sórt tú a insíonn bréaga
Tá sé go soléir ar d’aghaidh, an bhfuil tú ceart go leor?
Nílim ag cur na imthosca maolaitheacha san áireamh
Tá sé cosúil nach bhfuil mé ag caint in aon chor
Roimh a labhraíonn tú faoi d’aislingí éachtacha,
Ar thug tú faoi deara do stáid reatha?
Aaa! Is duine dúr tú!
Féach ar an mbealach seo i gceart, baby!
Ní ligfidh mé thú “níl” a rá
Mar táim i mo mheon tromchúiseach
Le mo bheola boga a fhéachann tú ar gan smaoineamh,
Beidh tú mo phríosúnach ghrá
Ó inniu, tá sé cogadh!
Seo leat, baby!
Nílim ach ceanndána i gcónaí
Ní féidir liom a bheith macánta, níl aon dul thairis
Ba mhaith liom tú a bharróg orm ón gcúl
Ach ag magadh, hee hee
…Eh, fan soicind!?
Ná cuir ionadh orm! Dáiríre…
Is gá duit an fonn ceart a chruthú
Ag cur na mothúcháin seo orm
Agus ansin tréig mé… do-mhaite!
I ndáiríre! An nglacfaidh tú freagracht?
Féach ar an mbealach seo beagáinín, baby!
Ní ligfidh mé thú “níl” a rá
Mar cuirfidh mé an fonn ort
Le mo chosa a adhrann tú gan smaoineamh,
Beidh tú mo phríosúnach ghrá
Ná bí rósplanctha liom!
Ní féidir focail a léirigh
An marc mórmhór ar mo chroí
Cad anois? Tá mo chroí ag preabadh
Nílim in ann fiú aon rud a ceap
Oooh, tá buachaillí mar tú…!
Féach ar an mbealach seo níos mó, baby!
Ná cuir orm é a rá arís
Mar níl a fhios fiú agam a thuilleadh
Tarraingeoidh mé d’aird gan smaoineamh
Uh, sílim…
Anois, níor tharla sé sin!
Céard, an bhfuil fadhb agat le sin?
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cj-kenobi · 2 years
little quick sleepy obi-wan and baby boga because my friends dog fell asleep on me like that
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Hello!! Im really really sorry if im disturbing u or anything but i wanted to request a matchup of thats ok😭
Since I saw that they were open, I'd like to request a twst matchup^^ be warned my grammar is really eurghgh bad😢😢
So starting off with my personality,, Im an enfp, 7w6, scorpio sun, cancer moon, and sagittarius rising!
Im honestly a really fun and charming person to be with -said pretty much everyone i know
But even though I'm fun to be with, i can lowk be pretty annoying😭 But shoving that aside, Im really caring, really motherly tbh. Ive sorta been a personal nurse AND doctor for my friends - and family members when they were sick - as a child and now. Im kinda like,, a duplicate of emu otori and mizuki akiyama from pjsk..!
I can always cheer anyone up, jokes, comforting words, anything! I always try my best to make people happy,, honestly kind of a people pleaser but whatever!
My friends tell me I remind them of a goldfish, so they just call me "the celestial goldfish of (gc name)"
VERY soft hearted person😞
Im really good with children somehow.. I dont even know how but yeah - somehow,, babies cry whenever i leave the room😭 so pretty much - im a good babysitter err aunt! I guess!
My love language is probably physical touch,, i always want to kiss my lovers cheeks, and hold their hands! Im asexual though so im like- really uncomfortable if it gets mistaken for something sexual😭😭
I also love giving gifts to my friends even though im broke asf
Buuuuuut moving on - what abt my interests, hobbies??
I love astronomy so so much, and stargaze whenever given the chance! I've memorized like 10 constellations in the spam of 5 minutes since i have a photographic memory (even when i have the memory span of a goldfish,, wow)
I also love art! Sculpting, painting, music (that counts right?) Anything.. It calms me so so much i just love it😍😍
I also like gaming, even if i dont game as much anymore.. Im honestly so pro at every game i swear💯💯💯‼️‼️‼️
I also like collecting anything and everything. Plushies, sea shells, dolls, make up, mirrors.. No wonder im poor damn
i love listening to music too, i mean who doesnt!! Stan twice and yousei teikoku (lob their music sm)
I also like reading, and writing too! I mostly read and write poetry, sometimes i cry because i relate to it though huhu..
I also love love loveee shopping, especially with friends! I also buy atleast 1 or 2 plush(ies) whenever i go shopping because of my unhealthy obsession with them😔🤞
So liek after i just told u all of that pls let me tell u random stuff abt me🥰🥰
I usually get into fights (depending on my mood tbh) and end up just dating the person i was fighting😭 (enemies 2 lovers fr)
I dress in lolita fashion!! Mostly sweet lolita, but i dress in gothic lolita at times!
I am an energy ball,, no, i am a rain cloud looking to ruin someones day,, no, i am both.
I honestly love rainy days sm😍😍 sometimes i like it when its kinda stormy, but where im from were more prone to floods so keyword SOMETIMES😭
I totally give off black cat, introvert, loner, emo vibes at first glance but i am the total opposite. I WILL BECOME UR BEST FRIEND IN LIKE THE SPAN OF A MINUTE
Even though im more extroverted, and energetic, im sort of a calm person tbh. The perfect person to go to if you wanna have fun or just calm down!
I actually like being more educated on true crime, reding them.. That stuff.. It usually just ends up in me being more uhhmm dead inside tbh😭
I give people the weirdest nicknames, and they do too - like.. "Goldfish" "voodoo doll seller" "kulangot at boga seller" there are weirder stuff but atp it would just become a whole 29739373837386383937392729 word essay😟😟
I adopt introverts, and become their bestie, so we sorta just become the sun and moon trope😭
Anyways,, im just gonna tell u my type now😍😍 beware since this is gonna be long (i have like 17 crushes who are all the different person with waaay different personalities)
ppl with the same vibe as me. Me and that other person r gonna be commiting arson probably /jj
Confident ppl that give of "gege ml boy who plays basketball for a living"
Practically all of my best friends (im besties with everyone in my school ahahahhaha....)
hopefully i didnt take up too much of ur time and that the reqs dont close after i just typed this😔😔 TYSM HWIAH THANKYU BE MY FRIEND PO IM COOL I SWEAR‼️🤞
Lol oh my- waking up to this was a great surprise, you seem very cool so I hope I see you around ‼️‼️
Anyways, I match you up with...
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Rook Hunt!
Through your request, I was getting the vibe that you were hoping for someone who was introverted but I feel like an extrovert would be much better to match you up with! Rook at first would totally fall for your mask of being a loner and ngl like wet cat energy. I'm not sure about you but I'm 100% sure that Rook has talked to everyone on the NRC campus at least once. So, it was to his surprise how you seemed to be didn't match how you acted at all!
Also regarding weird name names he'll give you one back in return! Besides Floyd he wouldn't expect anyone to give him a weird nickname so when you gave him a nickname he gave you the nickname Madame/Monsieur Renard(e) which means fox in french!
Also, be prepared for him to break out the french and compliment you in french. "Je t'adore" "Tu regarde magnifique aujourd'hui" Although they seem such general pharses he means everything he says.
If you didn't know this man's family is r i c h- He has villa's in every kingdom of Twisted Wonderland, I doubt he's as rich as Kalim, Idia or Vil but he still probably has a pretty penny or two to spend. Anything within reason he'd buy for you!
Videogames? Rook would probably try to play a couple just for you but as he would say it "How about we switch it up and go to chasse (hunt)"
Overall, Rook matches your energy. Plus he'd do anything to make you happy. He's always one step ahead of you and is always ready to help you, all you have to give him is your love and he'll reciprocate it tenfold.
Idia Shroud
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RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPS.
got a tag from @charrhylis, thank you friend
i have so many, some of them i haven't worked on in a while but i still hope to come back to them at some point
Fic 63- Chomp for Chase
Fic 62- biz fic
Fic 58- pandora fic
Fic 56- Heart of the Blade
Fic 52- Every Small Disaster
Fic 36- Catatonia
Fic 34- obi has a headache take two
Fic 32- BOGA FIC
Fic 29- Wings!
Fic 25- Time-Travel Baby-Wan
Fic 22- Tahl is a goddess
Fic 21- Soldier, Poet, King
Fic 10- Whumptober Day 1
Fic 8- A Step to the Left
Fic 3- The Will of the Force
Fic 2- The Burdens We Carry
not going to tag that many people, but i will tag @autolysed @star-byrd @coalmine301 and @stolen-pen-name23 and leave open tags for anyone else who wants a go
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ooops-i-arted · 2 years
For 101 Yodito's: Din playing the finger game with many itty bitty green babies. If you please.
"This little blurrg went to market, this little blurrg stayed home, this little blurrg got roast beast, this little blurrg got none, and this little blurrg went wee-wee-wee all the way home!"
Of course that's five lines for six toes, so Din has to improvise. Sometimes he does two toes at once, sometimes he skips around randomly, but always does the last blurrg on the pinky toe, which is the most sensitive. The littlest babies, especially Ika'ika, are so small it's just easier to do a whole hand or foot, and then tickle their belly on the last line. Either way it's adored and the ones that can speak demand more! more! more, Daddy!
Of course once one gets to play they all want to (and Yod'ika is never shy about pushing his way to the front to demand immediate attention). Greef and Cara watch in amazing as the fastest gunslinger they know puts his speed to work, randomly tickle-attacking various babies, and they can't help but smile at the storm of giggles it produces.
And yes, of course Boga Jr. gets her turn too. Usually after scattering Yoditos everywhere (they like that game too, so they don't mind much) and jumping on Shiny Papa to make sure he knows she wants to play.
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A little bit of leet.
1 = i
2 = z
3 = e
4 = a
5 = s
6 = g
7 = t
8 = b
9 = d
0 = o
Thus making it:
V = a e i o
C = b d g s t z
Thus giving us something to work with.
I made another onomasticon :D
A'ab A'ad A'ag A'as A'at A'az A'eb A'ed A'eg A'es A'et A'ez A'ib A'id A'ig A'is A'it A'iz A'ob A'od A'og A'os A'ot A'oz Ab Abab Abad Abag Abas Abat Abaz Abeb Abed Abeg Abes Abet Abez Abib Abid Abig Abis Abit Abiz Abob Abod Abog Abos Abot Aboz Ad Adab Adad Adag Adas Adat Adaz Adeb Aded Adeg Ades Adet Adez Adib Adid Adig Adis Adit Adiz Adob Adod Adog Ados Adot Adoz Ag Agab Agad Agag Agas Agat Agaz Ageb Aged Ageg Ages Aget Agez Agib Agid Agig Agis Agit Agiz Agob Agod Agog Agos Agot Agoz As Asab Asad Asag Asas Asat Asaz Aseb Ased Aseg Ases Aset Asez Asib Asid Asig Asis Asit Asiz Asob Asod Asog Asos Asot Asoz At Atab Atad Atag Atas Atat Ataz Ateb Ated Ateg Ates Atet Atez Atib Atid Atig Atis Atit Atiz Atob Atod Atog Atos Atot Atoz Az Azab Azad Azag Azas Azat Azaz Azeb Azed Azeg Azes Azet Azez Azib Azid Azig Azis Azit Aziz Azob Azod Azog Azos Azot Azoz Ba Ba'a Ba'e Ba'i Ba'o Bab Baba Babe Babi Babo Bad Bada Bade Badi Bado Bag Baga Bage Bagi Bago Bas Basa Base Basi Baso Bat Bata Bate Bati Bato Baz Baza Baze Bazi Bazo Be Be'a Be'e Be'i Be'o Beb Beba Bebe Bebi Bebo Bed Beda Bede Bedi Bedo Beg Bega Bege Begi Bego Bes Besa Bese Besi Beso Bet Beta Bete Beti Beto Bez Beza Beze Bezi Bezo Bi Bi'a Bi'e Bi'i Bi'o Bib Biba Bibe Bibi Bibo Bid Bida Bide Bidi Bido Big Biga Bige Bigi Bigo Bis Bisa Bise Bisi Biso Bit Bita Bite Biti Bito Biz Biza Bize Bizi Bizo Bo Bo'a Bo'e Bo'i Bo'o Bob Boba Bobe Bobi Bobo Bod Boda Bode Bodi Bodo Bog Boga Boge Bogi Bogo Bos Bosa Bose Bosi Boso Bot Bota Bote Boti Boto Boz Boza Boze Bozi Bozo Da Da'a Da'e Da'i Da'o Dab Daba Dabe Dabi Dabo Dad Dada Dade Dadi Dado Dag Daga Dage Dagi Dago Das Dasa Dase Dasi Daso Dat Data Date Dati Dato Daz Daza Daze Dazi Dazo De De'a De'e De'i De'o Deb Deba Debe Debi Debo Ded Deda Dede Dedi Dedo Deg Dega Dege Degi Dego Des Desa Dese Desi Deso Det Deta Dete Deti Deto Dez Deza Deze Dezi Dezo Di Di'a Di'e Di'i Di'o Dib Diba Dibe Dibi Dibo Did Dida Dide Didi Dido Dig Diga Dige Digi Digo Dis Disa Dise Disi Diso Dit Dita Dite Diti Dito Diz Diza Dize Dizi Dizo Do Do'a Do'e Do'i Do'o Dob Doba Dobe Dobi Dobo Dod Doda Dode Dodi Dodo Dog Doga Doge Dogi Dogo Dos Dosa Dose Dosi Doso Dot Dota Dote Doti Doto Doz Doza Doze Dozi Dozo E'ab E'ad E'ag E'as E'at E'az E'eb E'ed E'eg E'es E'et E'ez E'ib E'id E'ig E'is E'it E'iz E'ob E'od E'og E'os E'ot E'oz Eb Ebab Ebad Ebag Ebas Ebat Ebaz Ebeb Ebed Ebeg Ebes Ebet Ebez Ebib Ebid Ebig Ebis Ebit Ebiz Ebob Ebod Ebog Ebos Ebot Eboz Ed Edab Edad Edag Edas Edat Edaz Edeb Eded Edeg Edes Edet Edez Edib Edid Edig Edis Edit Ediz Edob Edod Edog Edos Edot Edoz Eg Egab Egad Egag Egas Egat Egaz Egeb Eged Egeg Eges Eget Egez Egib Egid Egig Egis Egit Egiz Egob Egod Egog Egos Egot Egoz Es Esab Esad Esag Esas Esat Esaz Eseb Esed Eseg Eses Eset Esez Esib Esid Esig Esis Esit Esiz Esob Esod Esog Esos Esot Esoz Et Etab Etad Etag Etas Etat Etaz Eteb Eted Eteg Etes Etet Etez Etib Etid Etig Etis Etit Etiz Etob Etod Etog Etos Etot Etoz Ez Ezab Ezad Ezag Ezas Ezat Ezaz Ezeb Ezed Ezeg Ezes Ezet Ezez Ezib Ezid Ezig Ezis Ezit Eziz Ezob Ezod Ezog Ezos Ezot EzozGa Ga'a Ga'e Ga'i Ga'o Gab Gaba Gabe Gabi Gabo Gad Gada Gade Gadi Gado Gag Gaga Gage Gagi Gago Gas Gasa Gase Gasi Gaso Gat Gata Gate Gati Gato Gaz Gaza Gaze Gazi Gazo Ge Ge'a Ge'e Ge'i Ge'o Geb Geba Gebe Gebi Gebo Ged Geda Gede Gedi Gedo Geg Gega Gege Gegi Gego Ges Gesa Gese Gesi Geso Get Geta Gete Geti Geto Gez Geza Geze Gezi Gezo Gi Gi'a Gi'e Gi'i Gi'o Gib Giba Gibe Gibi Gibo Gid Gida Gide Gidi Gido Gig Giga Gige Gigi Gigo Gis Gisa Gise Gisi Giso Git Gita Gite Giti Gito Giz Giza Gize Gizi Gizo Go Go'a Go'e Go'i Go'o Gob Goba Gobe Gobi Gobo God Goda Gode Godi Godo Gog Goga Goge Gogi Gogo Gos Gosa Gose Gosi Goso Got Gota Gote Goti Goto Goz Goza Goze Gozi Gozo
I'ab I'ad I'ag I'as I'at I'az I'eb I'ed I'eg I'es I'et I'ez I'ib I'id I'ig I'is I'it I'iz I'ob I'od I'og I'os I'ot I'oz Ib Ibab Ibad Ibag Ibas Ibat Ibaz Ibeb Ibed Ibeg Ibes Ibet Ibez Ibib Ibid Ibig Ibis Ibit Ibiz Ibob Ibod Ibog Ibos Ibot Iboz Id Idab Idad Idag Idas Idat Idaz Ideb Ided Ideg Ides Idet Idez Idib Idid Idig Idis Idit Idiz Idob Idod Idog Idos Idot Idoz Ig Igab Igad Igag Igas Igat Igaz Igeb Iged Igeg Iges Iget Igez Igib Igid Igig Igis Igit Igiz Igob Igod Igog Igos Igot Igoz Is Isab Isad Isag Isas Isat Isaz Iseb Ised Iseg Ises Iset Isez Isib Isid Isig Isis Isit Isiz Isob Isod Isog Isos Isot Isoz It Itab Itad Itag Itas Itat Itaz Iteb Ited Iteg Ites Itet Itez Itib Itid Itig Itis Itit Itiz Itob Itod Itog Itos Itot Itoz Iz Izab Izad Izag Izas Izat Izaz Izeb Ized Izeg Izes Izet Izez Izib Izid Izig Izis Izit Iziz Izob Izod Izog Izos Izot Izoz O'ab O'ad O'ag O'as O'at O'az O'eb O'ed O'eg O'es O'et O'ez O'ib O'id O'ig O'is O'it O'iz O'ob O'od O'og O'os O'ot O'oz Ob Obab Obad Obag Obas Obat Obaz Obeb Obed Obeg Obes Obet Obez Obib Obid Obig Obis Obit Obiz Obob Obod Obog Obos Obot Oboz Od Odab Odad Odag Odas Odat Odaz Odeb Oded Odeg Odes Odet Odez Odib Odid Odig Odis Odit Odiz Odob Odod Odog Odos Odot Odoz Og Ogab Ogad Ogag Ogas Ogat Ogaz Ogeb Oged Ogeg Oges Oget Ogez Ogib Ogid Ogig Ogis Ogit Ogiz Ogob Ogod Ogog Ogos Ogot Ogoz Os Osab Osad Osag Osas Osat Osaz Oseb Osed Oseg Oses Oset Osez Osib Osid Osig Osis Osit Osiz Osob Osod Osog Osos Osot Osoz Ot Otab Otad Otag Otas Otat Otaz Oteb Oted Oteg Otes Otet Otez Otib Otid Otig Otis Otit Otiz Otob Otod Otog Otos Otot Otoz Oz Ozab Ozad Ozag Ozas Ozat Ozaz Ozeb Ozed Ozeg Ozes Ozet Ozez Ozib Ozid Ozig Ozis Ozit Oziz Ozob Ozod Ozog Ozos Ozot Ozoz Sa Sa'a Sa'e Sa'i Sa'o Sab Saba Sabe Sabi Sabo Sad Sada Sade Sadi Sado Sag Saga Sage Sagi Sago Sas Sasa Sase Sasi Saso Sat Sata Sate Sati Sato Saz Saza Saze Sazi Sazo Se Se'a Se'e Se'i Se'o Seb Seba Sebe Sebi Sebo Sed Seda Sede Sedi Sedo Seg Sega Sege Segi Sego Ses Sesa Sese Sesi Seso Set Seta Sete Seti Seto Sez Seza Seze Sezi Sezo Si Si'a Si'e Si'i Si'o Sib Siba Sibe Sibi Sibo Sid Sida Side Sidi Sido Sig Siga Sige Sigi Sigo Sis Sisa Sise Sisi Siso Sit Sita Site Siti Sito Siz Siza Size Sizi Sizo So So'a So'e So'i So'o Sob Soba Sobe Sobi Sobo Sod Soda Sode Sodi Sodo Sog Soga Soge Sogi Sogo Sos Sosa Sose Sosi Soso Sot Sota Sote Soti Soto Soz Soza Soze Sozi Sozo Ta Ta'a Ta'e Ta'i Ta'o Tab Taba Tabe Tabi Tabo Tad Tada Tade Tadi Tado Tag Taga Tage Tagi Tago Tas Tasa Tase Tasi Taso Tat Tata Tate Tati Tato Taz Taza Taze Tazi Tazo Te Te'a Te'e Te'i Te'o Teb Teba Tebe Tebi Tebo Ted Teda Tede Tedi Tedo Teg Tega Tege Tegi Tego Tes Tesa Tese Tesi Teso Tet Teta Tete Teti Teto Tez Teza Teze Tezi Tezo Ti Ti'a Ti'e Ti'i Ti'o Tib Tiba Tibe Tibi Tibo Tid Tida Tide Tidi Tido Tig Tiga Tige Tigi Tigo Tis Tisa Tise Tisi Tiso Tit Tita Tite Titi Tito Tiz Tiza Tize Tizi Tizo To To'a To'e To'i To'o Tob Toba Tobe Tobi Tobo Tod Toda Tode Todi Todo Tog Toga Toge Togi Togo Tos Tosa Tose Tosi Toso Tot Tota Tote Toti Toto Toz Toza Toze Tozi Tozo Za Za'a Za'e Za'i Za'o Zab Zaba Zabe Zabi Zabo Zad Zada Zade Zadi Zado Zag Zaga Zage Zagi Zago Zas Zasa Zase Zasi Zaso Zat Zata Zate Zati Zato Zaz Zaza Zaze Zazi Zazo Ze Ze'a Ze'e Ze'i Ze'o Zeb Zeba Zebe Zebi Zebo Zed Zeda Zede Zedi Zedo Zeg Zega Zege Zegi Zego Zes Zesa Zese Zesi Zeso Zet Zeta Zete Zeti Zeto Zez Zeza Zeze Zezi Zezo Zi Zi'a Zi'e Zi'i Zi'o Zib Ziba Zibe Zibi Zibo Zid Zida Zide Zidi Zido Zig Ziga Zige Zigi Zigo Zis Zisa Zise Zisi Ziso Zit Zita Zite Ziti Zito Ziz Ziza Zize Zizi Zizo Zo Zo'a Zo'e Zo'i Zo'o Zob Zoba Zobe Zobi Zobo Zod Zoda Zode Zodi Zodo Zog Zoga Zoge Zogi Zogo Zos Zosa Zose Zosi Zoso Zot Zota Zote Zoti Zoto Zoz Zoza Zoze Zozi Zozo
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