#bassist keigo
dabisqueen · 2 years
Falling in Love Ch.8
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Rockstar Dabi (Touya) x fem!Reader
⇢ word count: roughly 6.2K
⇢ series plot: after receiving a VIP ticket to a concert of the most popular rock band, you go and it proves to be a life-changing event.
⇢ current plot: the first concert proves to be fun and entertaining, but behind the scenes tension is coming to an explosive peak between Dabi, Keigo and you
⇢ warnings: 18+, minors DNI, alcohol consumption, drug abuse, kissing, groping, sex in public, oral (m receiving), deepthroat, lots of dialogue, some hurt, more jelousy 
Personal note: almost at the big finale. A big shout out to @/hunajan and @/crumbly-scrombly for helping me finish this! Couldn't have done it without you 💙
Series Masterlist
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Even though everyone else kept watching from the side, you wanted to be closer. You wanted to see him in person, see his face with your own eyes, in front of you – not through some LED screen in the back of the stage. 
You turned and let your gaze roam across the area, trying to find a way to get closer to him. Seeing one of the crew members wearing a security shirt walk down the hallway, you followed him, around the corner and down the stairs. 
Flashing your All Access Pass at the men waiting at the bottom, you stepped past the security into the space separating the audience and the stage.
You could see Dabi clearly now, his handsome features, sweat dripping off it, the lights reflecting in the bright azures of his eyes. The lights fell perfectly on his face, emphasizing the sharp cut of his nose and lips, as they kept grazing the grille. 
The pounding drumbeat drove the performance, the crowds were pushing against the railing behind you, their hands raised in the air, heads bobbing to the music, while the security and staff had their hands full keeping the crowd in control.
You knew everyone's hearts were racing, blood pumping, as they sported the hand-horns, feet bouncing off the ground in the air. The crowd surged forward and back in one relentless wave like the wild waves of the ocean during a high tide. 
The LoV showed off with an energy and staging most artists leave until their encore. It was simply the most visually stunning concert you had ever had the pleasure of experiencing.
The level of sound was astronomical, the music roared through the streets for miles and the crowd went crazy. 
Every time the bass drum was struck, you could feel the repercussions within your chest. The floor beneath you seemed to move with the beat of each song. The vibration that each sound produced, felt like current passing through your body.
Dabi was so effortlessly sexy - dark clothes, dark hair and piercings that adorned his features. He was one of the hottest rock stars in the world for a reason, completely taking over the audience with his presence.
The stage presented a spectacular sight and the atmosphere sucked you into the aura of rock music. Plenty of pyrotechnics kept everyone entertained, supporting certain refrains or lines by flashing bursts of lights along the stage.
With Dabi continuing to banter and flirt with the crowd, the stage suddenly went dark after half the concert was over. Excited screams echoed across the venue as black seeped into every inch of the stadium, a promise for something big to come. 
And then everyone fell silent, aching with anticipation. 
Out of nowhere, the venue lit up in a sparkling sea of crimson red. Dabi stood right in the middle of this sea of red, his shirt taken off, showcasing his sculpted chest to the crowd.
He stepped close to his microphone, his lips brushing against it as he shouted, "Are you ready for the next song?"
The crowd roared back in anticipation and Dabi closed his eyes for a second, inhaling deeply before he opened them again, sweat dripping down his temples.
"Cause this song is for someone special," Dabi spoke softer into the microphone, his eyes roaming the crowd until they landed on yours and stopped right there.
You swallowed hard, your hands starting to tremble. Blue eyes that seemed to hold a world of mystery behind them shone like gems in the sea of red while his lips curved up into a soft smile. 
His tantalizing blue eyes never left yours, when he lifted his left arm, his finger pointed at you.
"From the darkness I see the light in you." He whispered into the microphone,
While stringing his pec into the chords to start the guitar riffs, a tightness spread across your chest as you looked at each other, the everything around you starting to fade. 
It was just you and him– nothing else. 
And then, while his gaze never left yours, he started singing, deep and husky.
"Don't stress, don't stress. No one knows what goes on in our heads, our heads. 
We are invisible to the rest, the rest. 
They don't know nothing 'bout what we have, we have."
Tears started pooling in your eyes as you listened to his lines, the world around you dissipating as he continued singing, never averting his gaze.
Taking a deep breath, his eyes slowly shut before he started singing, husky, deep and low, "'Cause everyone's living in black and white. But we see each other in a different light." 
"Infra-Red," as the iconic lyrics burst from both Dabi's mouth and the crowds', he opened his eyes and looked right at you, "I know that you're burning up for me. Fire in your bloodstream, moving through you at light-speed. I see you, I see you. In Infra-Red!"
While delivering one fiery riff after another from his straining guitar, he was standing there with his eyes fixated on yours, singing the lyrics only for you. Among the endless crowd, you couldn’t believe that his attention was only pointed at you. The mere thought of it had your ribs ache as your heart was thrumming with love and admiration.
For the next part of the song, he cast a glance into Keigo's direction, followed by a hint of a nod before going harder on his instrument. Keigo complied, kicking into the song with a low pitch of his bass guitar, adding into the chorus.
"The heat and the light and the way you move, Like nobody else is in the room. I see you, I see you."
While he sang, his stunning eyes, deep as the bottomless ocean, never left yours and your heart started aching, longing for him so much it seemed like you were suffocating. 
The cameras placed below were capturing each and every expression on his face, reflecting them on the LED screens in the back as if proving to all that you were the only one he saw and the only one who mattered during these moments.
When he finished the song with the words, "From the darkness, I see the light in you”, he smiled at you, his face lighting up before the stage fell into darkness again. 
A strange glow arose and turning around, you noticed thousands of cellphones held up into the air, lighting up the crowd with their lit screen. It was a tribute to the band, to their music. 
It was overwhelming.
You brought your gaze to the ground with your teeth sinking into your lip. Hot tears started trickling down your cheek and you let them, wiping them off with trembling fingertips.
He had touched your heart. This was beyond anything you've ever experienced. A declaration of love in front of thousands of people.
Fat tears continued to roll down your face while the band regrouped and the people behind you one by one tugged their cell phone away.
It took a few minutes for your tears to dry up. After having wiped off your face, you inhaled deeply and straightened up again, focusing back on the show. 
As the concert rolled on, the three made sure to keep the crowd on their toes, changing the pace of the concert with every couple songs. Dabi's fresh and clean guitar riffs and shimmers were complimented by Keigo's brutally heavy bass, pulling out grunt after grunt from his overdrive guitar. 
They were driven forward by Tenko’s thunderous drumming, oftentimes high pitched and explosive, other times nice and smooth. It all came together in a blend of novelty, complexity and rhythm that offered surging, propulsive energy.
Right before they dove into one of their songs, Dabi stepped up to the microphone, his guitar hanging loosely around his neck. He pointed a finger into the crowd when he screamed, "For the next song, I need your help."
Lifting the straps of his guitar over his head, he placed the instrument on the floor and proceeded to head off the stage towards you. Leaning towards you, he called at you over the roar of the nearby crowd, "Gimme your phone!"
While the bodyguards had their hands full trying to retain the frenzied crowd behind you two, you shook your head, "Why?"
"Just give it to me, goddammit!" He called again, as he held out his hand, curling his fingers in a rapid motion repeatedly towards him.
Confusion still written on your face, you reached into your purse to retrieve the device and handed it to him. Taking it from your palm, he blew you a kiss, the crowd behind you erupting into screams. 
Strutting back up the stage to the microphone, he grabbed it tightly with one hand while running a hand through his sweat-drenched black hair, screaming, "All the hot girls and boys out there, how much do you love us?"
The reply from the crowd was deafening as Dabi threw you a glance, winking at you.
"Wanna show how much you love us?" His question was again answered by a deafening roar.
Dabi's melodic laughter echoed through the venue with the cameras turning to film what happened in the crowd. Everywhere, women were lifted onto people's shoulders as they stripped off their shirts and bras, flashing their bare tits at the band.
Keigo and Tenko hollered into the microphone while Dabi held up your cell phone and started snapping pictures.
A blue piece of fabric hurled through the air and landed with a soft thud on the stage. At first, you were unsure what it was but when Keigo picked it up you realized it was a thong.
"That's the spirit!" Dabi screamed into the microphone, stretching his pointed fingers towards the crowd, "Now— Show. Me. More!"
Chaos broke loose. Endless pieces of fabric of all imaginable sizes and colors, even some boxers, flew onto the stage.
Dabi laughed as he kept shouting, "Keep ‘em coming."
It went on for minutes and you couldn't help but chime into the cheers and laughter. It was so intense and amusing, seeing all the endless smiles in the crowd, you couldn’t help but get caught up in the middle of it all.
With the entire stage covered in underwear, he gave the phone to a security who handed it over to you. Then Dabi put on his guitar, taking the plectrum to string into the chords.
The first tunes of the next song started and raising your gaze, you saw Dabi looking at you, his eyes soft, a smile playing about his lips as he started singing. Taking a deep inhale, you calmed your heart, smiled back at him and continued watching. 
Halfway through the song, Dabi placed the mic stand in front of him, starting to thrust his hips forward in sexual gestures towards the crowd. As if that was a cue, Keigo came up to him, pressing his body against his, starting to rut his hips into his bandmates side. 
Cupping Dabi's cheek, he urged him to turn his face towards his own, his lips nearing for a kiss.
But Dabi slightly shook his head, pressing his lips into a fine line and Keigo stilled. It was as if only you witnessed the short scene, with the crowd behind you too immersed in the thrumming music.
Keigo's expression turned stone cold and you could see his lips moving as he said something to Dabi. Covering the microphone with his palm, Dabi shook his head again and replied as to which Keigo’s jaw clenched and he turned on his heel, strutting back off to the side.
For the rest of the concert, you watched Keigo as he wore a sour expression, his back always turned slightly towards his bandmate. 
When the show ended with seemingly endless fireworks, you felt elated. Endorphins rushed through you, your heart beating at a million times per minute. You felt like you were part of the crowd that cheered and screamed behind you with no end in sight. 
Seeing the three boys walk off stage you hurried back up to meet up with them, longing for seeing Dabi again. You knew they just had enough time to grab a drink or a towel or do a quick check in the mirror.
Entering the waiting area, you saw the LoV standing there, exhausted, sweat dripping down their faces and bodies. They were all smiles— except for Keigo, whose expression was still clouded over with an unreadable darkness. 
The crew helped the boys re-tune their instruments and adjust the levels for the encore while you stepped closer to them.
You saw a young crew member hand Tenko, his pale locks sticking in wet strands to his face, a dry towel to wipe himself off. He gladly accepted a water bottle, while he continued joking with Keigo over having messed up.
As Dabi turned to see you approach, he walked towards you, circling his arms around your waist, pulling you into a tight embrace while his lips met yours for a kiss.
"Ew Dabi," you mewled into his mouth, struggling against him, his sweaty chest pressed against your top, the damp wetness seeping through it.
Dragging his tongue over yours, his hands slid down your sides, cupping your ass cheeks and pressing you even tighter against him. His lips were coated in sweat and had a tantalizing salty taste to it. His hair stuck in messy wet strands into his face, but his eyes were nonetheless full of passion and fire. 
"Missed ya," he breathlessly panted into your open mouth, and you felt the growing hot erection in his pants pressing against you.
Parting from you, he slid his fingers into yours. Turning towards his band mates, he called out, "I'll see you in five, got some business to attend to—" before dragging you off down the hallway.
“Hey,” Keigo yelled at Dabi over the crowd calling for an encore outside, “Don't have time for this shit!”
“Ain't no shit, but love," Dabi winked at him before turning the corner and disappearing out of sight with you.
Taking another sip from the water bottle, Tenko, sporting a pink blush on his cheeks, murmured, "Fuckin' rabbits."
Keigo's expression however stayed dark, when he grunted, "More like fucking idiots."
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Stumbling after Dabi, you both went down a breeze-block corridor.
Unsure where he was taking you, you inquired, "Where are we going?"
"Been to this venue before," he rasped, "Know the perfect place to have some fun."
"Dabi–" you rolled your eyes at him while stumbling after him, "Seriously, do I even wanna ask how you know?"
"Not really," he tilted his head, half-facing you so you could hear him better, a cocky grin on his face.
With a defeated sigh, you continued trotting after him.
At the end of the hallway, he opened a door to a room, empty except for some cleaning supplies and a broom. Shutting the door behind him, he took it and wrenched it between the door handle and the concrete floor.
Then he turned around, "We got five minutes. On your knees."
“B-But— you're sweaty!” You pouted, while he placed his hands on your shoulders, weighing down on you. 
Sinking down to your knees, he opened his fly, his already half erect dick popping out.
“You said I was perfect, no matter what,” he grinned at you, his voice oozing with mischief.
His eyes locked on you kneeling between his legs, a playful glimmer of excitement in them. Licking your lips, you wrapped your palm around his growing girth, rewarding him with slow strokes. 
"We gotta hurry up," he urged, tangling his fingers into your hair, his glowing sapphire blues never leaving your crouching figure.
With a firm hand, he brought your face towards his cock so you could  wrap your lips around the flushed tip of his cock.
The taste of leather mixed with his salty sweat and the sweetness of his precum along your tongue.
Moaning deep in your throat, you looked up at Dabi through thick eyelashes. Feeling him throb in your mouth, you started taking him in, deeper and deeper each time you slid down on his length. 
“Fuck. You look so pretty like that.” Dabi moaned, leaning back to watch you lazily through half-lidded eyes.
You hummed and took him deeper, flicking your eyes up to look at him as you hollowed your cheeks, a familiar heat starting to bloom in your lower region.
"Fuck- Just a little more," Dabi panted, placing his hand on the back of your head.
He started to push you down on his length and you gagged lightly as the tip of his cock pressed against the back of your throat, drool starting to spill past your stretched lips and dribble down your chin.
Relaxing your jaw, his spongy tip breached the back of your mouth and you took all of him in until he was nestled deep in your throat.
Being impaled by him, struggling to breathe you slowly started pulling off his length just to start sliding up and down his fat girth, each time taking him to the hilt, your nose buried in his pubic hair.
“Ohh yes, just like that– shit.” He let out a groan as he felt your wet throat convulse around him.
His cock twitched in your mouth, making it harder for him to stay still as your skilled mouth kept working him silently.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck–" Dabi’s head tossed back, totally blissed out.
Dragging your mouth over his fat cock, his hips started to tremble as he felt his balls tense, his high nearing, “Ready?”
Drool coated your mouth and chin while your eyes, misted by your tears, flicked up to his, your lips stretched around the thick girth of his cock.
You nodded slightly, your tongue stroking the underside of his cock when you slid your hand up his inner thigh to start squeezing his balls.
He groaned, lips parting. “Gonna cum, baby,” 
eyes half-lidded with want.
Dabi inhaled sharply, his gut starting to clench. Grabbing your hair tightly and giving you no room to move, he thrust forward one last time, shoving himself deep into your throat. 
Your face was pressed against his pelvis, as he started pumping ropes of hot cum down your esophagus. And you silently swallowed, struggling not to gag around him, trying to take short shallow breaths through your nose.
"Fuck, so good," Dabi grunted deliriously, his cock spasming inside your mouth, as you continued gulping around him, swallowing every bit of the salty release he was giving you.
When his balls had emptied themselves, he pulled out of your mouth. Inhaling deeply, you tried to regain your breath, while he tugged himself back into his tight leather pants, his azure eyes roaming your spit-covered face. 
“Babe, you’re too good for me,” his voice was so soft when he helped you stand, trailing his fingers over your skin, wiping the drool and cum off your chin with his thumb. 
His lips found yours, his tongue sliding in as he tasted himself on your tongue, smelled the scent of himself on you. 
“Simply amazing," he whispered into your open mouth, and you tilted your head to deepen the kiss while his arms circled your waist to start groping at your ass. Peppering small kisses up your jaw bone, he took the shell of your ear between his lips and let out a little breathy moan.
"But—" he pulled off you, trying to look composed, "I gotta run. Encore."
You nodded and grabbing your hand, he kicked the broom off to the side and opened the door.
Looking back at you while you both strutted down the corridor he said “I'll be all yours in about an hour, ok?”
Offering him a soothing smile, you both made your way back to the stage, his bandmates already waiting, being assisted with their in-ear monitors.
Seeing you both approach, Keigo gritted his teeth then snagged a water bottle from a passing staff member. 
As you slipped into sight, he shot you a dark look, his fingers twitching around his water bottle.
“Got a problem?” Dabi asked, noticing his bandmates' reaction towards you.
“Why would there be a problem?” He pretended to be fine, gesturing around the room with his drink, “Everything is just… perfect.”
"That's not what I meant." Dabi glared at him.
"What did you mean, then?" Keigo tilted his head and shrugged.
“You know exactly what I’m talking about."
"No. And I don't care either." And with that he threw the bottle into a corner, the remaining water splashing against the wall and floor.
Kicking an empty coke can with his boot across the floor, he ripped his bass guitar from a surprised looking staff member before stepping up the stairs towards the stage. 
Dabi was seemingly on edge, as you soothingly layed a warm palm on his arm.
"C’mon," Tenko nudged his head towards where Keigo had disappeared, "Got an encore to deliver."
“Yeah yeah,” Dabi's shoulders slumped as he turned to you and pecked a chaste kiss to your cheek before grabbing his guitar and lifting its straps around his neck.
Stepping back on the stage, not a minute too late, the LoV started their encore. 
The concert was like a drug, a visual spectacle unlike anything you had ever seen and the stadium echoed back the screams of the audience and the sounds of the band.
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The LoV ended their concert with fire, fountains of flames rising from the sides of the stage and sparks raining down. After placing his guitar on the floor, Dabi took down to the crowd, high-fiving and touching them. Keigo and Tenko followed suit, taking their time to bond with their fans. 
Eventually, they turned around and walked off-stage, with Dabi pulling you close to him, his arm draped around your shoulder. Tenko and Keigo sauntered behind you, grabbing the towels that were handed to them.
Back in the Catering room, they had champagne waiting for them – several oversized Moët & Chandon Impérial bottles as well as smaller ones.  
Keigo strutted in, a towel drying off the sweat off his face. He wore a sour expression, roughly shouldering Dabi as he went past him.
"What's gotten into you," Dabi snapped at him.
But Keigo ignored him and just grabbed one of the bottles of Moët & Chandon sitting open in a wine cooler to lift it to his lips and started drinking. 
"Don't know what you mean," the bottle left his lips, champagne spilling past them and he wiped it off with the back of his hand. 
Lifting his gaze to stare at Dabi he replied, "The question is, what's gotten into you?"
"Nothing. What's your problem, man?" Dabi stepped closer to him.
Keigo's gold eyes caught yours, one finger pointing at your face as he replied plainly, "She's my problem, that bitch is gonna fucking ruin us!"
Tenko cut in between, "Keigo, that's uncalled for…"
"What the fuck did you just call her?" Dabi growled, his hands balling into fists.
"Dabi, don't—" you closed in on him, laying your palm calmingly on his hand, "Let him speak."
Taking a step closer towards his bandmate, anger painted across every inch of his face, Keigo said through gritted teeth, "Ever since she joined, all you've been doing is fucking her brains out."
Dabi stared expressionless at him, a chilling silence spreading as everyone stopped what they were doing, watching the scene unfold. 
“It's like—" Keigo's golden orbs grew darker as he talked, raking a shaky hand through his wind-strewn ash blonde hair, "You've replaced me, no us with your new… toy!” 
You continue to breathe in a desperate bid to calm the panic you feel clawing up your insides.
“Fuck, I miss you so fucking much–" Keigo stepped closer, staring right into Dabi's glowing eyes, "I hate what's become of you — of us!" 
Nobody was moving, Dabi and Keigo stared at each other and you could feel the air oozing thick with pent up tension. And right then and there, it became clear to you that Dabi and him knew each other better than you had assumed.
After a moment, Keigo lowered his gaze, taking a deep, gusting breath, letting it out through his mouth, “Fuck, need to get out — I'm loosing my goddamn mind." 
Keigo's gaze met yours, his golden eyes before he turned with an irritated grunt, leaving the room, clutching the bottle tight in his hand when he slammed the door shut behind him.
"Fuck," Tenko muttered, to rake a hand through his pale long locks, "’M gonna go after him..."
With that, Tenko silently slipped out the door.
Dabi started shaking, eyes filled with anger and pain while you continued to softly talk to him, taking a grab of his hand. A few moments passed but eventually he stopped trembling, his eyes getting focused again.
You cupped Dabi's face with your hands, "Dabi, are you ok—" 
"Yeah—" Dabi acknowledged with a frown, grabbing a bottle of champagne before slumping down on the couch nearby.
While you joined him, he popped open the bottle and started taking deep gulps of the sparkling liquid. 
"Damn," he muttered, taking another big gulp of the champagne. 
"Hey Touya, it's alright," you kissed him on his cheek, running your hand through his raven hair.
Instead of answering, Dabi took another sip, casting you a tentative smile.
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Back outside the room, Tenko managed to catch up with Keigo, "Hey stop!”
He turned on his heels, “What do you want, Tenko?” his body trembling, his eyes red and glossy.
Tenko had never seen his bandmate in such distress before. All these pent up emotions unlocked a wild, feral kind of energy inside of him. All the anxiousness, sadness, betrayal and most importantly rage that he had bottled up, exploded at once.
“I–” the words were stuck in Tenko’s throat, the pressure of trying to somehow fix the entire thing suffocating him. 
He needed time, a breather, a break.  
“Let’s go outside, grab some fresh air, ok?" Stepping up to the bassist, his hand landed on his shoulder, squeezing it reassuringly. 
Keigo took a deep breath, humoring Tenko’s effort with a roll of his eyes but followed him down the hall and through the door outside.
They were instantly greeted by a choir of screams from a group of fans waiting behind a metal fence, hoping to get recognized and spend an unforgettable night with a rockstar.
"So, what do you want?" Keigo said lowly, golden eyes meeting red ones.  
Tenko stood there, trying to find the right words to say.
"I know you hurt," he started, "But you may need to accept that Dabi and her are a thing now."
He could see Keigo flinch at his words. Because all he could think about was how he considered Dabi to be special, his actual very first time. And how you got in between them, ruining everything.
But his shoulders slumped, realizing that Tenko was probably right. Yet, he wasn't gonna give up without a fight.
"Cmon Keigo," Tenko tried reaching out again, "Let's just calm down and have a good time ok?"
That sparked an idea in the bassist.
"A good time, you say?" Keigo's gaze drifted over his bandmates shoulder, roaming the small crowd of willing groupies, settling on a blonde in the group.
His lips curled into a smug grin. Tenko turned his head, following Keigo's gaze and landed on the object of desire. 
"Keigo–" the drummer pleaded, "Don't do anything stupid."
But his bandmate's eyes told him that he already made up his mind. Keigo knew he behaved petty and childish but if he was just some disposable piece of trash to Dabi – then he was gonna return that favor right back at him.
“Ok, deal. I'm gonna have a good time~” his grin grew, anticipating, no, gleefully enjoying returning the hurt Dabi had put him through.
This wasn't  just about righting a wrong, or vindicating the same hurt to dabi anymore. This was about taking back what was his, making Dabi pay for the tricks he played on him. It was about mirroring what a joke Dabi had become with you.
And so, he sauntered over to the group of people who started screaming when they recognized him.
Everyone wanted an autograph or more and Keigo closed in on one of the security men, saying something into his ear. 
He knew his intentions were heinous. But he didn't care. He watched how the man in the neon yellow safety shirt stepped up to the metal fence and helped the blond girl up and over it. 
Sighing, Tenko directed his gaze to the floor and turned on his heels, not wanting to witness Keigo grabbing the girl to smash his lips against hers, rutting his hips against her. Silently slipping back inside, he followed down the hallway towards the Catering room.
A few minutes later, Keigo returned as well– but he wasn’t alone. The blond girl in tow, he went straight for the tables, grabbing a bottle of champagne before turning towards Dabi.
Taking a gulp from the bottle he wrapped his arms around the girls waist, cocked his head, pupils dilated. He tried his best to hold her the way Dabi always protectively held you.
“Hey Dabi, do I need to yap out some love song and eat her panties live on stage for this to work?" Not waiting for him to answer, Keigo's hands traveled down her waist, evoking gasps and giggles from her.
“Keigi—" the situation flew right over the girl's head as she returned those gestures to him.
Keigo continued, turning to lock eyes with Dabi, “Or do I need to piss her off first so I can crawl back like some pathetic worm?” 
He looked to you, and Dabi growled, “What the fuck are you getting at, man?”
"Oh nothing nothing," Keigo cooed into her ear and pulled her closer, making her feel his hard on through his jeans.
"Dabi tell me, is yours just as easy to fuck?" Keigo pulled his chin up, a smirk spreading across his face, his hand trailing up underneath her shirt, taking it with as he moved further up. 
"Aah– why am I even asking." Keigo exposed her large bare breast, starting to squeeze it in his palm, "Yours is hopping on your dick like a feral bitch in heat, hope mine’s like that as well–"
The girl, obviously heavily intoxicated, giggled as Keigo continued to grope her bare breast in front of everyone, his eyes never leaving Dabi's. 
Dabi's face went dark with anger and he was about to when Keigo turned his face back to the girl's.
"C'mon, let's go and lemme fuck you as good as I used to fuck him," he turned, pulling the girl after him.
Dabi's face grew a deep red, his lips pressed into a thin line, his eyes shaking with rage. The pain ramped up all the way to searing, blinding agony faster than he could blink.
You all stayed there for a moment in the silence of the room. Jumping to his feet, Dabi ran off into the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind him, without as much as looking back at you.
One by one, the rest of the crew left through the door, leaving only you and Tenko behind. A deafening silence fell upon the room. Tenko’s crimson gaze fell upon you as you instinctively turned towards him.
"I didn't want any of this to happen!" your voice was shaky with tears.
"It's not your fault," he reassuringly brushed his palm up your back.
You turned to sit down on the couch, hiding your face in your palms. All the tension that had built up overflowed and you noticed your face growing hot, as tears welled in your eyes. 
Tenko looked so different than usual, broken, tired as he took a few steps to slump down beside you, the couch dipping as he did, one leg bouncing rapidly.
You swallowed hard, trying to hold it all in. It proved useless as hot tears freely found their way down your cheeks and you turned to press your wet face against his chest. 
Tenko’s eyes shot open, a blush blooming on his cheeks as his right hand rose to dig into his neck, while the other tentatively laid on your back.
"Hey, if you need to vent, I’m here for you," he murmured nervously. 
"I- I just don't… I don't know where to start." You quietly sobbed into his dark shirt, the tears starting to leave luckily barely visible mascara spots on it. 
“I know it's complicated–," he reassuringly brushed his hand over your back, "It’s like I’m the only one who’s still sane here.”
You swallowed once before continuing, "I've caused this, I'm the one to blame for everything..."
“Hey, don't say that. It's not true." Hesitating a second, he tightened his embrace as you continued crying into his shirt, "When I joined the band, Keigo and Dabi were already tightly bonded to each other." 
He paused, collecting his thoughts "They had both been through some major shit, sharing an intense bond."
The silent tears kept falling while you listened, and you wrapped your arms around him to press yourself against his warm comforting chest. 
The constant blush on his face spread to his ears and his fingertips continued to rub at his neck when his gaze fixated the ceiling, sighing deeply. 
“One couldn’t do anything without the other following," his eyes turned pensive behind disheveled pale hair, "Dabi being the cynical rebel – and Keigo getting off on that."
His palm was warm and soothing against your back as you felt yourself calming down.
"You are good for Dabi–" he added, "He's finally confronting his problems and moving forward."
Then he muttered, "And you are good for me too…" His eyes flew open as his face turned a dark crimson at his sudden admission. "Shit, ehm–”
"Tenko–" As you try to lift your gaze to look at him, his hand came down from his neck, sliding into your hair and pressing your face back against his chest, "Don't look!"
You let out a mix between a sob and a giggle but started to relax in his hold, while he continued.
"Keigo on the other hand breaks further and further." He added quickly, "He's obviously trapped in the past."
You nodded, the warmth of his body, his timid gentle touch so comforting, soothing your rattled nerves.
You stayed like that until no more tears welled, when Tenko’s shoes squeaked against the floor, shuffling his feet.
A hand rose again to scratch at his neck, "Now that we're alone, I was gonna ask you something "
"Of course, anything, Tenko," you moved up to wipe your tears off your face.
"Well, I met this–" but he was cut short when the noise of Dabi slamming the door open thundered through the room.
You both jolted up, seeing him standing there, eyes fixed on the scene before him. His chest was heaving with deep breaths, his pupils enlarged, his eyes bloodshot.
"Getting cozy with my girl behind my back, Tenko?" He growled, wiping the remnants of white powder off his nose as he strutted towards where you were sitting. 
"Dabi, cut it out, I’m just comforting her," Tenko hissed while he continued to hold you. "She needed someone – while you got yourself high again!"
"I fucking warn you, step the fuck away from her," Dabi growled again, his expression darkening.
"Dabi please, he really helped me—" you explained but were cut off as he was on you in an instant, pulling you off the couch and away from Tenko.
"She's fucking mine," he wrapped his arms protectively around you, "Don't you fucking dare touch her again." 
His eyes narrowed as his grip around you almost became crushing. Tenko sat there for a second, visibly shaken, his fists clenching and clenching. You've never seen him like that before and opened your mouth to say something to him when he stood, turned towards the door and left, Dabi's slithered eyes boring into his back.
You slumped against Dabi, your heart ringing still in your ears, as the implications of what just happened slowly sank into your mind. 
"C'mon," Dabi's voice had turned soft again, shaking his head as if to clear the tension from it, "Let's get out of here."
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lemmetreatya · 2 years
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💙 - Request
❤️‍🔥 - Contains Smut/Mature
Val’s “Got Dat Love Inem” Valentine’s Event
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job!character masterlist ❤️‍🔥
teasing during sex (gojo, geto, sukuna, toji, nanami) ❤️‍🔥
Gojo Satoru
Party Pooper (Gojo x fem reader)
Office Shambolics (Gojo x Geto x fem reader)
Expensive Gifts (Gojo x fem reader) 💙
JJK Men Turn Ons and Offs 💙
Geto Suguru
Office Shambolics (Gojo x Geto x fem reader)
JJK Men Turn Ons and Offs 💙
Toji Fushiguro
home and away (coworker!toji x fem!reader) ❤️‍🔥
JJK Men Turn Ons and Offs 💙
Nanami Kento
JJK Men Turn Ons and Offs 💙
job!character masterlist ❤️‍🔥
Eren Jaeger
Gentleman’s Kryptonite (Eren x fem reader)❤️‍🔥
Eren’s Insta spam (Eren x black!fem reader)
pt. 1
pt. 2
pt. 3 💙
Deliveryman!eren x reader
In Memory of Me (Eren x fem!reader) 💙❤️‍🔥
Using your products 💙
Reiner Braun
Play Housewife for A Bit (Old money!Reiner x fem reader)
PURE/HONEY (Reiner x fem reader) ❤️‍🔥
The Guy at The Till (Reiner x fem reader)
Part 1 ❤️‍🔥
Part 2 ❤️‍🔥
Band drummer!Reiner x fem reader
Reiner’s Insta spam (Reiner x black!fem reader)
Husband!Reiner x fem black!reader
The Landlord’s Son (Christmas special: Tumblr Exclusive) ❤️‍🔥
Home for New Years — Husband!Reiner x fem!reader ❤️‍🔥
KU LO SA — Reiner x reader
It’s Everyone’s Game — Southern!Reiner x Fem!reader 💙
farmer!Reiner x fem!reader 💙❤️‍🔥
Waking up next to him
Dom!reiner in bed ❤️‍🔥
Sub!reiner in bed ❤️‍🔥
AOT men Facials pt. 1 ❤️‍🔥
Teacher!Reiner x reader
Jean Kirstein
AOT men Facials pt. 1 ❤️‍🔥
Levi Ackerman
AOT men Facials pt. 1 ❤️‍🔥
AOT men Facials pt. 1 ❤️‍🔥
For a Time Such as This — Onyankopon x fem!reader ❤️‍🔥
What’s Mine is Mine — Onyankopon x fem!reader ❤️‍🔥
Postcard for the Road — Onyankopon x fem!Reader 💙
In Words I struggle to Express — Bassist!Onyankopon x Singer!fem Reader
No Self-Control — Pilot!Onyankopon x Air Hostess fem!Reader ❤️‍🔥
Triple N — Onyankopon x Fem!Reader 💙❤️‍🔥
We Really Shouldn’t…But — Onyankopon x fem!Reader ❤️‍🔥
Feet kink — Onyankopon x fem!Reader 💙❤️‍🔥
Nerd!Onyankopon x fem!reader 💙❤️‍🔥
Nerd!Onyankopon x fem!reader PT 2 💙❤️‍🔥
dilf!Onyankopon x fem!reader 💙
Zeke Jaeger
Rent-A-Boyfriend — Zeke x fem!reader
It Was An Accident!!! — Zeke x Eren x Jean x fem!Reader ❤️‍🔥
job!character masterlist ❤️‍🔥
Jotaro Kujo
The Girl Who Works at The Diner (Jotaro x fem reader) 💙
Jotaro x Goth!fem reader 💙
soft!jotaro x accidental pregnancy!fem reader
single!father jotaro x fem reader
6789998212 (jotaro x black!fem reader) 💙❤️‍🔥
ARSENIC (jotaro x black!fem reader) 💙❤️‍🔥
My Protector (jotaro x reader) 💙
New Years and A Hint of Blue Magic - Jotaro x black!fem reader 💙
New Muse (Jotaro x black!fem reader) 💙
Size kink + bulging prompt (jotaro x fem!reader) 💙❤️‍🔥
When Life Gives you Pastries (single dad!Jotaro x baker!reader) 💙
Fear is for the (supposed) weak! (jotaro x reader) 💙
Stay (so i have you with me) — fwb!jotaro x black fem!reader 💙❤️‍🔥
Mornings with jotaro (christmas edition)
Jean Pierre Polnareff
Everything, Everything for You My Dear (Polnareff x gn reader) 💙
Josuke Higashikata (Part 4)
Ready Player One (josuke x black!fem reader) 💙
Giorno Giovanna
Never Would Have Thought (giorno x black!fem reader) 💙
New Dawnings (giorno x black!fem reader) 💙
Leone Abbacchio
Abbacchio x Goth!fem reader 💙
Team Bucciarati
Honey (Team Bucciarati x reader) 💙
job!character masterlist ❤️‍🔥
Keigo Takami
Just Say It — Hawks x fem!reader ❤️‍🔥
Daddy’s Home — BD!Hawks x fem!reader
Miguel O’Hara
Maybe it’s Foreboding (Or Not) — Miguel x fem!reader
Change and Her Consorts — Miguel x fem!Reader ❤️‍🔥
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univvrse · 2 months
we're in all the magazines (chapter 3)
chapter title- he just kind of smiles, it really shakes me up
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hawks x dabi
There were four members of the band 'Puncture'; each with deeply buried secrets. Dabi, Hawks, Shigaraki and Mr Compress.
Each about to find out things about eachother that will change their relationship as band mates forever.
previous can be found on my masterlist
on my ao3 if you'd prefer
1.3k words
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Band rehearsal never tended to be uneventful. Puncture rehearsed in what should’ve been the apartment’s living room. There were no couches nor a TV in order to maximise rehearsal space, and still the members were uncomfortably cramped, their various instruments replacing the space furniture would have been allocated in any normal apartment. It usually took about 15 minutes to set up the instruments, tune them, and plug in what needed to be plugged in. Another 10 minutes would be lost to arguments over what song they would perform. Then ensued the frantic search for the right sheets. Finally, Puncture would begin to practise. Tomura was a relentless critic, always quick to call out even the slightest mistake. Voice cracks, slow or off beat members, and poorly tuned instruments never went by unannounced. He would stop playing and turn to the offender, verbally attacking, his voice laced heavily with frustration. This would cause more arguments and intensify the tediousness of rehearsal. The process, overall, would last several hours most days. On this particular occasion, after the inevitable arguments ceased, the members agreed to rehearse “I wanna be your boyfriend” a relatively well-known Ramones song.
Their next show was in a few days. They were performing in a line-up with four other punk bands: Loose Screws, Welcome To My Twisted Mind, Pink Palace, and Ben’s Boys. The show was to be held in a real venue rather than basement. Tomura’s fuse was predictably short, and tensions were at a record high. Every few minutes he’d interrupt to yell about some tiny imperfection that would go entirely unnoticed by even most trained musicians. “Oh my god, lay the fuck off, Shigs.” Dabi turned to Tomura, who was lecturing Keigo for supposedly being a beat behind the rest. Dabi had noticed that Tomura especially seemed to call out Keigo on mistakes, despite not hearing any himself. “How else is he gonna learn?” Tomura had this sort of sick snarl playing across his lips. He waited for Keigo’s eyes to meet his before continuing, “I know you’re still new here, but don’t think for a second I’m gonna ease off. You don’t get special treatment just because he,” he nodded over at Dabi, “apparently saw something in you. How strange that me and Compress never really saw it.” “Do not put words in my mouth, Tomura, you and I both know I never said anything like that.” Sako generally tried not to get involved in any arguments between the members, but he refused to allow himself to be talked about with no interjections.
Keigo had remained silent throughout the altercation, still unsure of where he stood regarding the group’s dynamic. He didn’t want to reverse whatever little progress he made with Tomura. “How are we supposed to practice if we can’t get through the song without you stopping every thirty seconds to correct something no one else can hear?” Dabi’s eyes darted from Tomura to Keigo, silently begging Keigo to finally say something. “Yeah, you know, can’t you just wait till the end of the song to say something. We’ve barely run through the whole song twice and we’ve been here for how long? Like an hour at least?” Keigo sucked in a breath after he spoke, scanning Tomura’s face, searching for any sign of a reaction. “Closer to two.” Sako chimed in, smirking at the slight surprise on the bassist’s face. “Okay, what-fucking-ever, have it your guys’ way. Just try not to cry too hard when this is the last gig you guys ever play after you totally blow it in front of the biggest audience we’ve ever had.” Tomura scoffed and turned around, making sure to shoot a death glare at Keigo as he did. Dabi cocked an eyebrow, amused by his bandmate’s immaturity. He nodded at Keigo, attempting to communicate his approval at him finally not allowing Tomura to walk all over him.
He motioned to Sako, letting him know he should count them in. Sako tapped the drumsticks together in time with his counts.
“One two three four”
The instruments came in first. Dabi used this short introduction to take a better look at Keigo. From his slightly poked out tongue, to his crinkled nose, and the way his brows were furrowed. His eyes were trained on his guitar, his face heavy with concentration. He was impeccably unruly. “Hey little girl,” Dabi kept his gaze on Keigo as he began, “I wanna be your boyfriend.”
He watched the way Keigo moved his hands swiftly along the the neck of his guitar, his fingers moving so fast it was impossible to keep up.
“Sweet little girl.” Dabi watched as Keigo looked up from his guitar and met his eyes, “I wanna be your boyfriend.” Keigo almost forgot how to play. Dabi’s gaze didn’t falter.
“Do you love me babe? What do you say?” With a wink, the singer turned back to face the front to continue the song, worried he might cause some kind of short-circuit in Keigo’s brain if he kept going the way he was. He felt Keigo’s eyes linger on him momentarily, before honing back in on the guitar in his hands. Dabi liked to pretend he didn’t see the way Keigo looked at him. He acted as though he was entirely oblivious to the guitarists blatant feelings for him. He knew the way it tormented the poor boy, he just couldn’t help but enjoy the sweet game of cat and mouse, though he hated to think of himself as a mouse. No, this was more like dog and cat. Dabi knew exactly what he was doing and could easily take control, but he was more than happy to let Keigo chase him like a clueless puppy.
It’s funny. On stage, Keigo disappears completely and becomes an entirely different person. He’s magnetic. Eyes are drawn to him. His shaggy blonde hair and lawless demeanour are intoxicating. He’s a sight almost impossible to draw your eyes from. But once he’s out the venue, he does everything he can to fly under the radar. Dabi often found himself wishing Keigo could be more like his on-stage persona, there was no reason for him to act such a hopeless pushover. He reckoned with enough subtle convincing, Dabi could force this change. “Hey.” All eyes turned to Dabi as the members began to pack up their respective instruments, “The original song has backing vocals, yeah?” “Yeah, I think so. Why?” Sako gave Dabi a confused look. They’d never had anyone sing backings in any of the previous songs that had them. “So why doesn’t Keigo sing backing?” Dabi turned to the blonde, “Come on, dude, I heard some of the stuff you did with your old band, you were backing for that guy.” “Really? I didn’t think you guys liked the idea of backings with the sound you’re going for. Thought you said something about it way back when I first joined. Did your, um, last guitarist do vocals?” Keigo really hoped no one would call him out on his blatant lie. He obviously knew their previous guitarist never backed; he had gone to basically every gig they’d ever played.
“I just think this song should have them. It’s romantic, it can’t just be me singing alone, I feel like a weirdo. Come on, please.” “I mean if you want me to I will.” Keigo’s eyes were laced with curiosity, “What do you guys think?” he turned to the other members. “It’s all the same to me. As long as we sound good and the audience enjoy our performance, I really couldn’t care less.” Sako shrugged, “Tomura?” “You guys wouldn’t listen to me anyway. Do whatever you want, it’s not like we’re gonna last much longer after this bullshit gig.” Dabi chose to ignore Tomura’s comments, opting instead to help Keigo unplug his guitar and slot it into its stand, “Okay, sweet. I’ll run shit over with you later, Keigo, yeah? We’ll have a one-on-one session.” He smirked, “I’m fucking exhausted, let’s just order food in.”
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A/N: tyy so much for reading, hope u enjoyed <3
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ao3feed-hawks · 1 year
I'll Still Play for You
I’ll Still Play For You by LeftiesAreHotter
Quite some distance away, Keigo watched them play. No, watched him play. He was so engrossed by Dabi that he never once brought the drink in his hand to his lips. His gold eyes glittered with enamor, clinging to every note and fluid motion. Dabi spared him one or two glances, playing coy as though he didn't know Keigo had been watching this whole time.
Only a fool would think someone such as Keigo would be enthralled with him rather than his song. ** Dabi has spent years watching Keigo dance at the Winter Ball to the songs he plays with his violin. Every year a different partner, every year someone that isn't him.
Words: 1998, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M
Characters: Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Hikiishi Kenji | Magne, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Toga Himiko, Usagiyama Rumi | Miruko, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight
Relationships: Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Takami Keigo | Hawks, Dabi | Todoroki Touya & Toga Himiko & Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko & Hikiishi Kenji | Magne, Dabi | Todoroki Touya & Hikiishi Kenji | Magne, Dabi | Todoroki Touya & Toga Himiko, Dabi | Todoroki Touya & Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Takami Keigo | Hawks/Usagiyama Rumi | Miruko, Takami Keigo | Hawks/Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight/Takami Keigo | Hawks
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - No Quirks, Angst, Minor Injuries, Unrequited Love, One-Sided Attraction, League of Villains as Family, Kinda, Mentioned Todoroki Family, Violinist Dabi, Violist Toga, Cellist Shigaraki, Bassist Magne, Minor Hawks/Miruko, Minor Hawks/All Might, Minor Hawks/Midnight, Dabi | Todoroki Touya is Bad at Feelings, terrible actually, Dabi | Todoroki Touya is a Mess, Dabi | Todoroki Touya Needs a Hug, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, No Dialogue
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43640275
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silkylious · 3 years
hi! i love reading these moot games. wanna assign your moots a bnha character? no pressure :)
Hshshd I love these too!! Feel free to send more in hehe 👀👀 I'm gonna add a few hq characters in the mix if you don't mind ^_^
@sassi-sunflower x kinoko komori, because y'all would look unbelievably cute together. I can just picture a flower shop meet cute AU. So adorable <33
@khionne x (tall) bakugou katsuki, I've already explained how much I love this dynamic in your matchup. Canon compliant slow burn where this idiot realizes he's totally in love with you. So much mutual pining.
@whipped-cream-writings x todoroki shoto, So friggin CUTE. Coffee shop AU, the amount of oblivious pining would hurt my soul to read but it's worth it in the end. Would ask you out on a coffee shop date before awkwardly realizing you work at a coffee shop, dorky fluff ensues <33
@marilags x takami keigo, pro hero Hawks saves andro from a villain attack, he's expecting the usual obsessive fan behavior, but he receives the exact opposite. She's grateful but he's not all that. Politely thanks him and walks away, leaving him to stare in a mix of confusion, slight offense and pure awe. Cue Hawks bugging the shit out of her every time they "coincidentally" meet.
@sugas-sweetheart x sugawara koushi, band AU where daichi and asahi drag him out to a punk rock concert for an up and coming underground band. It's not his scene but he might as well have fun. And oh have fun he did. Immediate infatuation with the bassist. From then on he goes to all the concerts he can, until one fateful day after he runs into Sofia. Fanboys so much omg, cuteness ensues
This was so fun to do thank you nonnie!! <33
@meliorist-midoriya x midoriya izuku, pro hero x journalist AU. You just happen to be there at every villain attack to be the first to get the latest scoop. Friendly banter and subtle flirtation slow burn, you both know there's something there but neither of you have the gall to confront the other about it just yet. Until one day she gets injured while reporting at a crime scene, and deku loses his shit. Realizes he wants to spend every waking moment by your side </33
@softdazais x akaashi keiji, bookshop AU where he starts working at a library that you frequently visit, and omg blushy crushes all the way!! He learns your favorite romance novels, slowly but surely familiarizing himself with your taste in literature and his recommendations are so good. One time, you reach for a book that's just a shelf too high, he was passing by the aisle but in a second he's behind you, reaching for the book and slightly brushing up against your hand. A moment passes and you both realize what he'd just done. Just two bookworms living out their own romance fantasy <3 (edited in later because tumblr hates me and fucks up my drafts)
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ao3feed-tododeku · 3 years
You're the Song Stuck in My Head
you’re the song stuck in my head (and i don’t ever want it to stop playing) by juurensha
“So I'm Takami Keigo, also known as Hawks, and—be my boyfriend.”
Touya just stares at him for a long time, halfway through setting away his bass.
(Oh crap.
Maybe he should have waited until tomorrow?
But he swears that he can feel as though Chikazoku might be lurking about, so he should do this as fast as possible.)
“Not like for real,” Hawks hastens to add. “It's just that—there's a guy who won't take no for an answer from me, and I need you to be my shield.”
Words: 9163, Chapters: 1/3, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M
Characters: Takami Keigo | Hawks, Usagiyama Rumi | Miruko, Dabi, Todoroki Touya, Todoroki Natsuo, Todoroki Fuyumi, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Toga Himiko, Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku, Chikazoku Tomoyasu | Skeptic
Relationships: Dabi/Takami Keigo | Hawks, Takami Keigo | Hawks/Todoroki Touya, Todoroki Fuyumi/Usagiyama Rumi | Miruko, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko/Todoroki Natsuo, Takami Keigo | Hawks & Usagiyama Rumi | Miruko, Dabi & League of Villains, Dabi & Todoroki Natsuo, Takami Keigo | Hawks & Todoroki Natsuo, Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto
Additional Tags: Fake/Pretend Relationship, Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe - No Quirks, Music, Band Fic, Cheerleaders, Stalking, Fluff and Humor, Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, Insecurity, Bassist!Dabi, Cheerleader!Hawks
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27884635
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ao3feed-todoroki · 3 years
You're the Song Stuck in My Head
you're the song stuck in my head (and i don't ever want it to stop playing) by juurensha
“So I'm Takami Keigo, also known as Hawks, and—be my boyfriend.”
Touya just stares at him for a long time, halfway through setting away his bass.
(Oh crap.
Maybe he should have waited until tomorrow?
But he swears that he can feel as though Chikazoku might be lurking about, so he should do this as fast as possible.)
“Not like for real,” Hawks hastens to add. “It's just that—there's a guy who won't take no for an answer from me, and I need you to be my shield.”
Words: 9163, Chapters: 1/3, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M
Characters: Takami Keigo | Hawks, Usagiyama Rumi | Miruko, Dabi, Todoroki Touya, Todoroki Natsuo, Todoroki Fuyumi, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Toga Himiko, Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku, Chikazoku Tomoyasu | Skeptic
Relationships: Dabi/Takami Keigo | Hawks, Takami Keigo | Hawks/Todoroki Touya, Todoroki Fuyumi/Usagiyama Rumi | Miruko, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko/Todoroki Natsuo, Takami Keigo | Hawks & Usagiyama Rumi | Miruko, Dabi & League of Villains, Dabi & Todoroki Natsuo, Takami Keigo | Hawks & Todoroki Natsuo, Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto
Additional Tags: Fake/Pretend Relationship, Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe - No Quirks, Music, Band Fic, Cheerleaders, Stalking, Fluff and Humor, Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, Insecurity, Bassist!Dabi, Cheerleader!Hawks
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27884635
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ao3feed-shigadabi · 4 years
I just switch toys
by artsyhan
Okay, so maybe Dabi wasn't all in for polygamy or some other shit, but when they both sat down with his childhood best friend, and he casually asked Keigo Takami if he wanted to fuck with them, maybe, after all, he was into it.
Especially when the three of them clicked like they were born to do it this way.
Words: 1740, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 7 of 100 days of writing challenge
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Dabi (My Hero Academia), Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Toga Himiko
Relationships: Dabi/Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko/Takami Keigo | Hawks, Dabi/Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Dabi/Takami Keigo | Hawks, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko/Takami Keigo | Hawks
Additional Tags: Dabi is a Todoroki, Alternate Universe - No Quirks (My Hero Academia), band au, drummer Toga, bassist Dabi, guitarist Hawks, Polyamory, Smut, Top Dabi, Bottom Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Bottom Takami Keigo | Hawks, Top Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Top Takami Keigo | Hawks, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Teasing, Threesome - M/M/M, Bruises, I don't really know who to tag a fucking smut omg, its just those three fucking
from AO3 works tagged 'Dabi/Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko' https://ift.tt/2NJlh0k via https://ift.tt/1ffprbE
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japanessie · 6 years
I was also wondering if you could shed some detail on the contents of the different versions of MFS' CDs and DVDs. I am aware that they started putting out limited edition and Storyteller versions in 2016, but I'm not quite sure what kinds of content I'm missing out on, especially since I only joined the fandom this year. What are the differences between the versions? Thank you, and I hope this won't be too much of a bother! Thank you for always helping out new fans like me
MFS has been doing the Limited Edition thing as far back as 2014. But not many international fans knew that. There was just a small group of fans running a few FB pages and nobody really actively translated their info into English. That’s one of the reasons I started this blog. Basically to help my MFS friends.
These are the bonuses and limited official contents that I know of. Apart from bonus stickers or posters etc, I hope I didn’t leave out anything.
MY FIRST STORY Limited Editions List
Except for No.19, ALL photos are mine.
1. MY FIRST STORY Album-nil-
2. THE STORY IS MY LIFE Album-nil-
3. 最終回STORY Single-The Story Is My Life Tour Final at Shibuya Club Quattro DVD- about 30mins long- bundled as standard package with the CD
4. The Ending of The Beginning Tour Final at Ebisu Liquidroom DVD-nil-
5. BLACK RAIL Single- Limited Tsutaya Records bonus DVD of BLACK RAIL MV *- Limited TOWER Records bonus DVD of former drummer Masack miming Hiro singing FAKE *
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6. 不可逆リプレイス Single-nil-
7. 虚言NEUROSE- Bonus behind-the-scene DVD of the making of 虚言NEUROSE MV *- it was offered as a limited bonus at Village Vanguard Japan in 2014- sold out since 2014- I believe some fans already managed to get the soft copy and uploaded it.
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8. ITSUWARI NEUROSE Tour Final at Shinkiba Studio Coast DVD- 虚言NOBROSE Season 1 DVD bundled as standard package with the main DVD.
9. ALONE Single- Behind-the-scene DVD of the making of ALONE MV- bundled as standard package with the CD- Pre-order bonuses were buttons (CDJapan, HMV) and this below plastic folder (Amazon Japan) *. Doesn’t the folder look awesome \(^^)/?- Japanese fans even got official rubber bands! *
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10. ANTITHESE- Limited Edition with DVD of 虚言NOBROSE Season 2 but bundled as a standard package with the CD *- Limited Autographed cardboard cover STORYTELLER Edition *- Limited Pre-order Bonus DVD of MY FIRST STORY at A.V.E.S.T. Vol 9, Tsutaya O-East *
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11. We’re Just Waiting 4 You Tour Final at the Budokan DVD/BD- see Note 1
12. 虚言NOBROSE Special DVD- contains Season 1, Season 2 and Season 3.- see Note 1
Note 1:- Limited STORYTELLER Edition ごっちゃんです!! Vol.1 DVD* for bundled pre-order of Item 11 + Item 12
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13. We’re Just Waiting 4 You Single- available only at MAGIC-ROOM Store
14. 全心 Documentary DVD/BD- Pre-order bonus was MFS plastic folder envelope with a postcard of members’ photo *
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15. ALL LEAD TRACKS Mini Album- Limited First Press Edition contains 花0714 acoustic version.- Limited Amazon Japan Edition * has a special Hiro portrait by the Hortensia Saga artist + original version of REVIVER.- Limited STORYTELLER Edition has ごっちゃんです Vol.2 *. That silver disc.
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16. ALL SECRET TRACKS Mini Album-nil-
17. MERRY CHRISTMAS Single- available only at MAGIC-ROOM and MY FIRST STORY Online Official Goods Store.
18. THE PREMIUM SYMPHONY Album- Limited quantity first-come-first-serve bonus of random postcards of the band members at MMA Tour Final if you order from HMV, TOWER Records or Tsutaya Records.
19. MMA Tour Final DVD- Pre-order bonus DVD of NOB One-Man Live at Tsutaya O-East by 15 April 2018.- Limited VR Contents only at WIZY Japan (pre-order already closed).
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20. BONEDS Split Album (AIRSWELL, BLUE ENCOUNT, MY FIRST STORY, SWANKY DANK)- Each band contributed 2 songs.- MFS did What’s My Name? and START OVER.
21. BONEDS Tour Movie DVD- Each band performed 5 songs.- Behind-the-scene documentary + interviews included. Bromance alert XD!- Someone told me that this DVD is discontinued but I doubt it because both CDJapan and Amazon Japan still list it. - But if it really IS discontinued, then it’s the better reason to grab it NOW.
22. SAVIOR of SONG Single (w/ Nano)- Released as Nano’s single and there are different versions of the single but get the “MY FIRST STORY version" with Hiro’s face on the cover which is this.- Contains the duet version of START OVER between Hiro and Nano.
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As you can see, some limited items are almost impossible to find anymore especially the pre-order bonuses or the ones I marked with (*). If money is not a problem, you can try hunting for them at Yahoo Auction or Amazon Japan marketplace. But the good news is ALL THREE seasons of 虚言NOBROSE that you want, can be bought in that one DVD (Item 12).
If you’re interested in their other collaboration work, I can list more (^^). See below the cut.
23. VOICES Digital Single- Only available on iTunes Japan at ¥700. Tutorial on how to buy from iTunes Japan here.- The names of the singers were never revealed but Hiro was obviously one of them and the other guy was speculated as INTACT labelmate KeiGo from Another Story- MV is here and here.
24. CIRCLES Album by SWANKY DANK (read the details in my post here)- Hiro as the guest vocalist on the song Sink Like A Stone- I will forever credit SWANKY’s KOJI Matsuo for pushing Hiro out of his comfort zone and exploring his untapped high notes potential at that time.- Sink Like A Stone was a crucial turning point for Hiro as a singer as he then became more confident and adventurous with high notes after this song.
25. RIMFIRE Album by AIRSWELL - Hiro as the guest vocalist on the song JAP POPPER. A superb song!- One of the best debut albums I ever own.
26. GENE Album by Pay Money To My Pain (read Hiro’s heartfelt words for his friend/MFS mentor Kei Goto here)- Hiro as one of the guest vocalists on the song Respect For The Dead Man.
27. PASSCODE Miss Unlimited single (w/ DVD) (read the details in my post here)- Kid'z played on this single as a studio drummer.- The DVD is the full Tour Final at Shinkiba Studio Coast, Tokyo.- For Kid’z fans as he was PROMINENTLY featured, was VERY visible on camera as the drummer and even got introduced as “Kid’z from MY FIRST STORY”. Check him out in the below MV.
28. ROCK ON Album by Nano (read the details in my post here)- Sho composed the song Be The One and played the guitar. Bass by Nob and drums by Kid'z. - Kid'z played on a few other songs on that album too. He was her drummer before joining MFS.- Be The One is available on iTunes Japan and USA. Not in my country Malaysia though :-P
29. ASH Single by LiSA (read the details in my post here)- Sho composed the song 罪人 / Tsumibito. Guitar by Sho, bass by Nob and drums by Kid'z.- Internationally available on iTunes.
30. Ochanomizu Rock Soundtrack Album (read the details in my post here)- Sho is the music director and composer of the drama/stageplay.- Sho and Kid'z also coached the actors on guitars and drums.- Internationally available on iTunes.
31. ZiNG Project (read the details in my post here)- Nob is the bassist. They recorded a song in 2017 for the smartphone phone game App Kamurai Tribe. The song isn’t for sale I think.
32. FUUKA 【風夏】Anime Soundtrack - Available as a CD+DVD which also includes the instrumental version. Details in the following YouTube video description.- Sho is the music arranger and guitarist. He’s in this MV below. It his first public appearance since taking a hiatus from being a full-touring member with MFS.
33. DREAMCATCHER Single by Nano (read the details in my post here)- There are TWO version. the アニメ / Anime version and the ナノ / Nano version. Get the ナノ version.- Sho composed the song HolloWorld in the ナノ Version. The CD includes the instrumental version. Part of the song can be heard in the video below. 
Wow. Those AREN’T even ALL the stuff these guys have worked on. Since MFS members are professional sessionist musicians, the list will definitely grow longer and longer XD.
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dabisqueen · 2 years
I love that while Dabi and Keigo do fanservice on stage, Tenko is on the background just doing his job. He's probably the most decent of these three
Nonny, you're so dead on! This is exactly how Tenko is. He's the most decent, sweetest one of them all.
Hell, hell probably stands watch outside the door while Keigo and Dabi fuck some groupies - or each other.
Poor guy.
Sweet guy.
Probably hasn't even be deflowered yet 💙
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elaf94 · 7 years
My unique BL collection part 8
Key symbols: ♡ manga likability [out of 5] ● uke likability [out of 3] ■ seme likability [out of 3]
-"Suki" da Nante Zettai ni Iwanai: ♡
          "I'm not in love with you anymore." When Mamoru was 12 years old, Kanato, the childhood friend he thought of as a brother, told Mamoru that he loved him. But Mamoru replied, "Two guys can't be like that," and rejected him. After that, they went their separate ways. Mamoru wanted to apologize and return things to they way they were before... Now 15, Mamoru moves to Tokyo to pursue Kanato and they meet again at the same school, in the same dorm room... They feel such warmth when they sleep next to each other, Kanato's hand stroking Mamoru's head... Nothing's changed. But they can't turn back time.
-Kowagaranai de, soba ni ite: ♡♡■
           Ono Shizuka is a baker who got into an argument with his partner Sakai and fell off the stairs. The accident caused him to forget about Sakai entirely. However, he now is very interested in the beautiful but lonely man.
-Takashima Kouichirou no Risou no Koibito: ♡●●■
           One day Kitamura forgets his cellphone, being found by his kouhai. He find out that his senpai is narcissist, telling him that he will keep his secret if he will become his sex friend.
-Love is Blind: ♡●■■■
            one shot about a blind masseur and his roomate.
-Tsukiatte Agete mo Ii n Dakara ne: ●■■■
          At a bar, easy-to-stalk Akesato meets a guy who's just his type and whose true identity is...!?
-Aishuu: ●●
         College student Haneji Kaoru is surprised when popular actor Aragaki Jin appears in his workplace. They were high school friends, but unable to cope with his deepening feelings for the playboy, Haneji cut all ties after graduation. But now that Aragaki has found him, he has no intention of letting Haneji go...
-Makkurayami de Kimi to: ♡♡
         Adults have secrets. One night, after hearing a scream, Takimoto Kaoru is suddenly held tightly by someone in complete darkness. He was too surprised to retaliate, but the smell that tickled his nose was… Sakumra-kachou?! In addition he tells him to “sleep with me tonight”?! Takimoto, who couldn’t refuse an elite superior is now being used all over the place! And the appearance of a troublesome yandere ikemen Iwase Yuutarou doesn’t help either. A bitter love, where the guys’ wounds and secrets overlap, is here.
-Yoru to Asa no Uta:
       Asaichi can't play any instruments, his voice is average, and he's only in the band for the girls and the sex. Plus, he's homophobic. For some reason, the new bassist is infatuated with him despite the treatment Asaichi gives him.
        ▪1-2) Scarlet: College student Akio is dating his beautiful classmate, Ryou. Unable to stand the slightest loneliness, Ryou accepts any girl who approaches him. One day, Ryou introduces Akio to a girl he is thinking of marrying which makes Akio decide to completely break it off with Ryou. Instead, a heart wrenching love story takes stage!
        ▪3-4) One Night Stand: During the day Harumi is just a normal businessman but when night comes he changes into a different person.
        ▪5) My Lover: Keito wonders why he is still in a relationship with the overly depressive Naoki
-Kuroneko Kareshi no Asobikata (and sequels): ●
          Shingo, who has the ability to change into a black cat, will sleep with anyone as long as he likes their face and body. Pushed down by a male who has a musky scent, the No.1 popular actor Kagami, has fallen for him. On top of Shingo's sticky abdomen, the beastly form Kagami has shown is--?!
-Mou Ichido, Nando Demo: ♡●■
          After an accident, Takahiro loses his memories of his relationship with his live-in boyfriend, Tarou. Will Takahiro get back his memories? Will he be able to fall in love again?
-Harete Bokutachi wa: ♡♡ (I really love the GL subplot)
             High-school student Chihiro is small and cute, and gets molested by middle-aged men on the train. But it wasn't always this way - up through elementary. Chihiro was bigger than all the other boys and defended his friend, smaller and gentler Keigo, from the bullies. That is until Keigo was transferred to Vienna! Despite promising to write, Chihiro had long ago left behind the memories of Keigo. Now Keigo is coming back to Japan and what's more they'll be living under one roof! Will Chihiro accept the confession from Keigo who has become like a stranger to Chihiro?
-Dokidoki Renai: ♡♡●●
         After declaration of love from both. Now Chihiro and Keigo have started dating...but really what is the difference between best friends and boyfriends. Will the two of them learn in time the difference between friendship and love! Not to mention jealousy...
-Samishigariya no Love Letter: ♡♡ (●●Haruto ■■ Hina)
         Yuuki is a university student bored with his ordinary life. One day after returning home after class, he finds a strange chocolate tin in his bag. Inside it is a letter with "I want a friend" written on it by an unknown sender. When he writes a reply as a joke, the next morning another letter is inside it...
-Mods: ♡♡■■
            Tora is looking for a job, so he decides to apply for this particular place... What he didn't know is that this place is a Male's Brothel. Here he meets Shiro, the most requested male prostitute. At the beginning Tora feels reluctant to work in this environment, but the vulnerability aura that surrounds Shiro makes him stay, plus he needs the money. Everything goes well at first, they stablish this sort of friendship, but shortly after that, feelings, desires and painful secrets complicates their already fragile relationship...
-Tasogare Dare:
          Asahi Kikuchi is a university boy who has a hole in his memory and a real difficulty to remember people's faces and names. One day, he meets the waiter at a restaurant right after his girlfriend dumps him, and can't help noticing how much he looks like his first love.
-Minori no Te: ♡●■■
           The chiropractors, oasis, is no place for ordinary customers. It caters for all sorts from hotshot, crime syndicate leaders to nationally popular celebrities. Even those socially depicted as assertive are no match to the touch of Dr. Minori Shigehumi's magic fingers. Overflowing with affection, Dr. Minori's technique leads their heated bodies to a greater level of satisfaction
-Mahoroba Days: ♡♡●●●■■
            The Kuga House is the most prestigious deer family in Nara Prefecture. Shiraha, their heir, is attached to childhood human friend, Sousuke. Shiraha is popular and loved by all, while Sousuke is a mere servant of the house. But he is always telling Sousuke how much he likes him. Even though he feels special to be singled out by the beautiful and esteemed Shiraha, he knows that there is a line that he cannot cross. But! During mating season, Shiraha can't control himself anymore and he comes on to Sousuke! Since then, the scales of their well-balanced relationship tips and Sousuke's virtue falls into danger!
             The story centers around the 17-year-old Tagami Masataka as he aims to find his place in life. While attempting to start prep school as a rounin, he encounters Saiki Souma, the son of a distinguished noble of the Saiki Koushyaku family, and becomes part of the Saiki household.
-Kaeru no★Prince-sama: ■■●●
            Socially awkward Aono was perfectly happy working in Quality Control as but fate would have it he's been transferred to the Sales Department?? As if being ridiculed by his co-workers for his nervous stutter isn't bad enough, he's thoroughly mortified when the departmental star Gouzaka overhears him having a breakdown on the roof. But no matter how often he pushes Gouzaka away or how fast Aono runs Gouzaka is always there by his side...
-Danshi Koukousei-teki Kazoku Keikaku!: (Satoru is cute beyond words)
             Hino-kun is good-looking and a rumored delinquent. Actually, he is a kind-hearted high school student who looks after his young nephew. He can see that Mizusawa-kun is good at making sweets so for the sake of his fatherless nephew, he asks him to, "Please marry my older sister!" But instead, he receives a reverse proposal from Mizusawa saying, "I want to marry you."…?!
-Kono Ore ga Omae nanka Suki na Wakenai: ●●
           Fujima Taisei is a high schooler who had grown up spoiled by the people around him ever since he was little because of his pretty face. In his pleasant school life, there was only one time that had become the only stain in his life, when a student named Okachi Machi, whom Taisei had grown close to in order to get others' attention, had told him that actually he had never been his friend at all. Now Taisei wants revenge. What will happen these two?!
-Void: ♡■●●
          Maki receives humanoid Arata as a birthday present. Arata is an illegal male pet type humanoid with appearance and some memories copied from stolen data of Maki's late lover Ren.
-Okubyoumono ni I Love You: ♡●●
          Due to his scary face, Shougo has been alone since entering university. But unexpected events lead him to become close with Hina, from the same university. Shougo, elated at the fact he's become friends with the cool and kind Hina, finds out that Hina breaks out into hives when people treat him with affection—a "love allergy"?!
-Romantic Joutou: ♡■■
          Kei [Ω] acts cute & innocent as fancying to have a happy glamourous life with a rich, kind & cool Alpha while needs help from childhood friend Tsugi [B] during heat.. Unfortunately, a dreamy [∝] Ekihito turns out to be a haughty crazy scum, thinks of their relationship as 'Master-Servant' and even plans to collect 66 mistress Omega to have >198 children for pro-league soccer.. Worse that Tsugi's had enough of Kei's whims & wanna leave, what's Kei's gonna do?
-Taikutsu wa Warawanai: ■■
           Passer by on the street, Satake Tamotsu gets knocked over by beautiful Tamenaga Makoto whom he falls head over heals for at first sight, but Tamenaga Makoto, though pretty to look at, has a complex...
-Yajirushi: ♡
           A student who's had it super easy his whole life & an errand boy with communication difficulties.  Also contains multiple one shots about twisted love.
-Yamete kudasai, Koishii desu: ■■●●
the spinoff of Yamete Kudasai Mabushii desu. Following the happiness of the Koga and Sasano, Sugiyama and Hibiya began to deepen their relationship from friendship little by little. However, because it was something trivial, they are still under the impression of “being friends”. Meanwhile, a year passes and a new encounter comes.
-Iyayoiyayo mo Kiss no Uchi:
          1-2) Iyayoiyayo mo Kiss no Uchi: Souji kun hates his older brother's bestfriend Megumi. Though their relationship was fine, why did they end up being far from their closeness before?           3-4) Start line made Atto Ipo When his close friend Kazu who's unamused & uninterested in anything but Seichi, confessed to him. Super-duper kind & compassionate Seichi just let Kazu do him though not agreed to date yet.. even planed about supporting Kazu when he found a nice gal.
-utsukushii koto/Itoshii koto:
           Matsuoka is hooked on wearing his ex-girlfriend's clothes and going for nighttime walks into town, feeling the pleasure of being stared at by men wherever he goes. One night, after he is assaulted by a man during a one-off encounter, he is saved by Hirosue, a nondescript senior worker from his company. Drawn to Hirosue's innocent, pure love, Matsuoka continues to meet with Hirosue dressed as a woman, until Hirosue finally confesses to him.           (The novel started perfectly with slow and concrete progression, all that crumbled under the rushed, too convenient and unsatisfying "happy" end. The extras served as home remedies for my wound, not curative but palliative)
            An erotic novelist and a college student. What will transpire when the latter is forced to take down sexually-explicit dictation?
-Lonely to Organdy: ♡ (3rd saddest story I've ever read)
          Haruta gets involved in an accident with a scooter, believing he would die from his injuries but instead of that he starts to see ghosts!
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ao3feed-hawks · 2 years
Rolling with the Punches
Rolling with the punches by Vridelian
Security expert Hawks has worked as a bodyguard for reluctant clients before, but none of them as hostile as Dabi, star bassist of the increasingly popular band "LoV" and dead set against being protected. Winning him over isn't part of the contract, but Hawks could never resist a challenge...
Words: 9467, Chapters: 6/6, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Takami Keigo | Hawks
Relationships: Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Takami Keigo | Hawks, Dabi | Todoroki Touya & Okuta Kagerou | Giran
Additional Tags: Bodyguard, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - No Quirks, Alternate Universe - Music, Protectiveness, light Violence, People getting punched, especially dabi, Protective Takami Keigo | Hawks, Protective Giran, Dabi | Todoroki Touya is a Brat, Takami Keigo | Hawks in a suit, Wound Tending, Implied Sexual Content
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42451632
0 notes
kkodzvken · 3 years
Glad to see that you’re back! If requests are open, could I ask for more about the band AU that you’ve been teasing?
aaaaa thank u angel!! requests r certainly open (and much appreciated bc i need to get back into the groove lol) and i am always thinkin band au thoughts ksjfjdks
although my brain is quite fried rn so i’ll add more later, but here’s some of the stuff i’ve written in my planning doc!!
tags/warnings: notsfw so 18+ only pls, manipulative/toxic relationships, mentions of drug use, infidelity
touya’s the scary one. hes covered in tattoos and metal, and his eyes are as cold as ice. hes scary, but he loves you. he loves you, right? that’s what you want to believe. you repeat it to yourself, even as he’s slamming his hips against yours and biting your lips so hard that they bleed.
truth be told, he knows that it’s wrong. maybe he felt a bit guilty at the beginning, but he’s too far gone to care now. you’ve always been too pure for a man like him, whose blood and brain are sticky with toxins. but you just look so pretty when you’re crying for him. he just can’t help it.
keigo is the golden boy, the songbird with the prettiest voice and even prettier eyes. he’s always so sweet to you, always treats you like you’re something precious. he’s liquid sunshine, and despite your touya telling you to never fucking talk to him, you can’t help but be drawn to his light.
you hate seeing what fame is doing to touya. he’d always loved music, ever since you were kids, but this band is dragging him deeper and deeper away from you. he promises that he loves you, but when he’s on tour, he never spends a night alone. the fame, the drugs, the attention, they all consume him. he gets meaner and meaner, treats you worse and worse.
but at least keigo is there. he’s your light in the darkness, your liquid sunshine who’ll steal you away. when you run, he’s the one that catches you. but you can’t get rid of the sinking feeling of wrongness whenever you’re with him. he’s not touya. he’ll never be touya. even though he whispers the sweetest words against your skin as he fucks you into the mattress. his hands, his tongue, his cock — they all feel good, but they’re not touya.
keigo says he loves you. you’re not sure if you believe him. you’re not sure if you believe touya, either, when he finally pushes past his pride and apologizes. you’re not sure if you can trust a single word that leaves their lips, or a single thought that leaves your brain.
for reference — keigo (singer) n touya (bassist) are in a band, along with tomura (lead guitar) and toga (drums). i have …a whole Lot that ive been thinking about in terms of the relationships between the todorokis and their whole messy dynamic, particularly between enji and touya bc the potential there drives me MAD aksjfndksj enji will definitely be the catalyst for a lot of touya’s actions
i’ve written a fair amount but it’s all just random scenes and flashes and nothing that i’m satisfied w so idk how long until i’ll have something /ready/ but we’ll see!!!! hopefully soon!!!!!!!
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by junmoney
Takami Keigo is the bassist and lead vocalist for the up-and-coming band, Ultra. He's long since been a fan of the rock band Endeavor, so when he's able to get close to Todoroki Enji and his family, it all feels like it's too good to be true. He doesn't realize the encounter would change his life in ways he never could've imagined before.
(Please look at the tags first!! I've listed potential triggers so please proceed with caution! Also if you're here for endhawks, the relationship won't be painted in a good light so please do keep that in mind if you decide to read!!)
Words: 14082, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Takami Keigo | Hawks, Todoroki Touya, Dabi (My Hero Academia), Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Shirakumo Oboro, Usagiyama Rumi | Miruko, Todoroki Shouto, Todoroki Natsuo, Todoroki Fuyumi, Todoroki Rei
Relationships: Dabi/Takami Keigo | Hawks, Takami Keigo | Hawks/Todoroki Touya
Additional Tags: Character Study, Alternate Universe - Rock Band, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Depression, Anxiety, Implied/Referenced Domestic Violence, Suicidal Thoughts, Suicide Attempt, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Unrequited Love, one sided endhaws, there's a lot of endhawks at the beginning but i swear this is a dabihawks
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dabisqueen · 2 years
Between the latest chapter of Falling In Love and the new MHA episode, I’m about ready to deep fry Keigo and send him to KFC
Bahhahahahaa... well, yes, I can see that 🤭
Like, at first I liked Hawks for his looks but the more I saw him the less attractive I thought he was. Just his... character?!? The way he can just lie to people without as much as blinking, the way he is so consumed by himself.
Naa. I'd rather have some unhinged villain for breakfast than him.
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dabisqueen · 2 years
Felt like punching Keigo in the face, but then I realized that the bird brain is infatuated with Dabi
Haha... yep. Each character has a flaw. Birdbrain here is obsessed with Dabi, he's like his comfort blanket or sleeping bear.
But Keigo needs to learn to let go...
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