#because the stories get dark! the creatures need to be hugged so so much for enduring the horrors!
screbelbaziu · 10 months
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creature art~ that nobody's gonna care for~ cause I did not post about my characters enough for people to care~ even tho they've been occupying like 50% of my brain power for a while~ let's gooooo
...you know, when a guy asks you to hold him instead of adjusting his god damn chair, and you start getting nauseous and filling notebooks with absolute lovesick gibberish about the situation, maybe you should just tell him?
you know what, nah. don't. sounds terrifying.
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cobaltperun · 4 months
Woe out the Storm - Shelter from the Storm
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Wednesday Addams x female Reader
Summary: It took some time, but eventually you came to realize only Wednesday Addams could look at the raging storm of chaos and destruction and make a home out of it. Only she could listen to the cacophony of the roaring thunder and hear a melody.
Story warnings: Wednesday Addams, violence, slow burn
Story Masterlist / Next part
Word count: 3.3k
-I came in from the wilderness, a creature void of form-
Lightning is the force of destruction, capable only of offense, never of defense.
You trembled, curled up in the corner of the room. You didn't dare to open your eyes, worried about what you'd see if you did. As the storm continued raging you felt more and more agitated, covering your ears to muffle the thunder and the sound of rain hitting the rooftop and windows. Feeling the stone walls you were pressed against heating up you stumbled to your feet and went to the other corner, still refusing to open your eyes. Your foot hit the desk and you winced when you heard sizzling and smelt the faint scent of smoke. That forced you to open your eyes and, much to your frustration, find out that you did, indeed see even in the near darkness the room was engulfed in. If nothing else at least the deck didn't catch on fire, but the smoke was just another reminder of why you weren't in your bed and why you were put in the highest room at Nevermore.
You were a lightning beast, a raiju, and you were at your strongest during thunderstorms. You were, also, at your most destructive, unable to completely control your lightning during those very storms.
It took immense effort not to blast the entire room with your lightning, to stop the pain you were feeling as the electricity accumulated within your body, begging to be released. You couldn't allow that, though, because you were finally getting a roommate two years after you first came to Nevermore. If you couldn't properly handle bigger and longer thunderstorms there was no way Weems would allow that.
So, you groaned, your cry sounding a lot like the subdued, quiet thunder, and slowly but surely you weathered the storm.
By the time morning came you were barely able to keep your eyes open. The last lightning strike was half an hour ago and you could finally gradually discharge the electricity within you without causing any damage to your surroundings or attracting lightning from the clouds.
With a yawn you slumped into the bed, you felt the static on the soft blanket beneath you, but you honestly couldn't care less. You needed to rest, you needed to recover at least some energy, to let your aching body heal. Your roommate was supposed to arrive in a couple of hours, and you promised yourself you'd only take a brief nap.
You should have known better.
The doors opening and energetic footsteps echoing through the room made you jump out of bed, and, due to momentary disorientation look around. You saw Weems already looking at you with a mix of sympathy and disbelief in her eyes. How did she even manage to combine those two? Still, as you looked at the energetic blonde turning around and taking the fairly bare room in, you found yourself thanking whoever designed this room for a couple of seconds you had to compose yourself.
"Uh, hello," that was definitely not smooth, your voice cracked a bit, and you'd be genuinely worried about someone's perception skills if they missed the uncertainty in your voice.
"Hi!" the girl's demeanor was the exact opposite as she immediately not only approached you but skipped to where you were. Skipped! "Howdy, roomie! I'm Enid!" right away she completely disregarded safety protocols and hugged you.
You didn’t expect the hug, or any contact, that was the protocol every student knew, do not touch a raiju after a storm. So, you didn’t have the time to react, your eyes just widened as you stilled in her hold and looked at equally surprised Weems. So, she did mention you were a raiju, and the girl still went for a hug. You cleared your throat and lightly patted the girl on her back. "Y/N, uh Y/N L/N, nice to meet you," you said and visibly relaxed when you were released from the hug.
It wasn't that you minded hugs, or were against touch, but a rather heavy storm just passed, and you didn't want to risk accidentally electrocuting someone. Okay, maybe you weren’t exactly eager to be hugged by strangers, but it really was the danger of electrocuting someone by accident that made you worried.
"Enid, what are you doing? Don't touch a raiju!" an older woman Enid somewhat resembled rushed over and pulled her back. You could see the excitement and energy just evaporating from the girl as she gave into her, you assumed, mother's demand.
"I can assure you, Miss L/N is no danger to anyone, Miss Sinclair was perfectly safe," Weems assured, but, judging by the way the older woman glanced behind you, you figured she didn't quite buy it.
In the two years at Nevermore, you only had one incident, about half a year ago, when there was a storm even worse than the one last night. A storm during which you couldn't go half a minute without another lightning striking. So, just for a few seconds, you lost control and even after fixing the wall one could still notice the large claw-like dents in it.
Still, Weems wasn't about to say Nevermore had a raiju that could be a danger to other students. The school was the safe haven for all the outcasts, and it couldn't maintain that reputation if the dangerous beast couldn't be controlled. Which was another reason why you didn’t have a roommate up until now. Weems only now considered trusting you, and even now it was just barely.
The older woman raised her head in contempt. "That better be true, Principal Weems," she huffed and marched outside.
Enid looked to the side. "Sorry about that, mom can be a bit, old-fashioned," she apologized and then looked at you with a small smile on her face. "I don't think you're dangerous."
You couldn't help it, you had to laugh at that. "Sorry, sorry," you raised your hands when you noticed the baffled look on her face. Your laughter turned into chuckles and eventually subsided completely. "Thanks, but raiju are dangerous, so maybe don't go hugging every single one you come across?"
Her eyes widened slightly as the two of you went to the balcony. There wasn't much that could top getting fresh air after being stuck inside due to a storm. Inside was nice and cozy, but there was just something about not having a choice but to stay inside. "I wasn't supposed to hug you?" she asked, almost as if she never heard that before.
You raised an eyebrow. Surely someone warned her. "Unless you know you are both safe, no, you shouldn't. Didn't someone warn you? I mean, you were told I'm a raiju," you hopped backward so you could sit down on the stone fence so you could still look at Enid.
"Uh, yeah, they told me you are a raiju, but no one warned me about not hugging you," she said, though she didn't back away from you, she just leaned against the fence next to you.
In hindsight Weems probably expected the old woman to tell Enid about what she shouldn't do since she was so adamant about you being dangerous. "Right, quick list of rules. Don't touch me during storms, or a few hours after the storm, or if you or I come into contact with any liquid that conducts electricity. It's better to be safe than zapped, so if at any point you think I might accidentally zap you, follow your instincts, don't touch me. The same goes for any electronics you have, don't bring them to my side of the room under those conditions. If I can zap you, I can definitely shortcircuit your things. I think that about covers it."
"So, you can't touch water?" Enid asked once she took the information in. "At all?"
"Unless it's distilled, nope, it really hurts to suppress the electricity and keep it from damaging something or hurting someone. I can't drink regular water either," you shrugged, used to the negative sides of being a raiju.
"What if it rains when you're outside?" her question brought forth all the memories of being caught in the rain and you flinched a bit.
"Well, it sucks to be me, that's for sure," and with your luck, well, it happened kinda often. "On the brighter side, when I'm completely in control you won't need to charge anything," you grinned when Enid perked up and offered you her phone.
She was lightly bouncing on her feet as you took her phone. "Show me!" okay, she was back to being excited.
You pressed a finger to where the battery was and you both watched as the screen lit up and showed the phone was charging. Within a minute you charged it from thirty to fifty-seven percent. "And I'm fast and safe as well," you grinned triumphantly. If only you knew what it would escalate to once more people found out you were basically a portable charger...
"OMG! That's amazing! I'd trade with you if I could!" Enid exclaimed and you tilted your head, blinking a few times.
"Trust me, not worth it," did she miss all the downsides you mentioned? Most groups could function in a normie society and would just have to avoid specific dates or circumstances. Say, full moon for werewolves. Raiju were different. Thunderstorm? Trouble. Rain showers? Trouble. Water in general? Trouble. Too much electricity in the air? Trouble. A damn water balloon could set off a reaction if a raiju was inexperienced. Luckily you moved past that level of inexperience. Still, that inability to function in normie society was what caused you to start attending Nevermore ever since you were twelve.
"Right, sorry," Enid laughed uncomfortably at your questioning look and turned back to look inside the room. "I know I just got here, but what are we going to do about our room?"
That was a question you didn't quite consider when you first arrived. The highest dorm room of Ophelia Hall was divided into two sections, bathroom and wardrobes not included. Looking at it now, you figured it looked a bit like the letter P. The main part was the same as the other rooms, open space meant for two people to share the room. A bed, a desk, a wardrobe, and a pair of nightstands on each side of the room, aside from that it was up to the student to decorate or leave their side of the room as it was. Your part of the room was on the right side, divided by a large sliding door that was usually left open, but could serve as an additional barrier during storms. You never really had to close it before.
Your part of the room showed signs of being lived in, and not just with the damage to the wall. You had a slightly bigger ice maker in the corner, just in case you ever ran out of distilled water Nevermore provided you with. Your collection of knives was on display, also for practical purposes, and then there was your pride and joy, a small fulgurite you created with your lightning. Sure, it was on accident, but you made it and you kept it. Finally, you had a shelf with books and movies you liked near your bed. All in all, between those additions and some posters hanging on the wall you figured you felt cozy enough while still staying safe during a storm.
Oh, and the bathroom was connected to your part of the room, so, whoever designed that took one person being a raiju into consideration. Likely that same person failed to realize taking a shower near a raiju, during a storm, wasn't the safest option.
"Honestly? I'm fine with whatever, as long as it isn't a safety hazard," you shrugged, finally answering Enid's question.
~X~ Two years later ~X~
Go to your shed, you thought. Do some 'one-raiju-club' activities, you thought. Well, getting caught outside in the rain was exactly what you deserved after you so stupidly decided to believe the weather in this damn town wouldn't get worse!
Luckily the red sparks coming from your soaked body made the students stay away from you as you sprinted through the pentagon. It was a damn pentagon, and you were not going to call it a quad!
The sound of thunder boomed in your ears as you finally reached Ophelia Hall. At least the heat coming from your body would make sure you were mostly dry by the time you reach your and Enid's room. You'd be tired, but you'd be dry.
"How's it going Sparky?" Yoko laughed as she saw you climbing up the stairs. Even with the teasing she still made sure she was way out of your path.
Your eye twitched at that. "Just great, thanks for-" lightning struck near the building and you dropped to your knees, barely containing the lightning within you. You were better at this now. Unless it was a really long and bad storm you could handle it, you could even handle electronics if lightning wasn't too close. But you were wet now, and all that control seemed to be going out the window. Yoko smartly stayed away. She felt sorry for you, but she wasn't getting anywhere close when you could light up with enough electricity to power the entire Ophelia Hall or fry every device in it, at any moment. "-asking," you groaned, the sarcastic reply you intended fizzled out as you regained control once again.
Finally, finally, you reached your room and stumbled inside.
Enid got up from her chair right away and tossed you a towel. She didn't approach you, even if she definitely was worried. "How bad was it?" she asked as you went to your side of the room and sat on the floor.
You were mostly dry by now, but it wouldn't hurt to use the towel just to be safe. Also, for a reason you couldn't explain keeping a soft towel over your face as you weathered the storm became a bit comforting to you. Maybe it helped you ignore the world around you a bit. "Could have been worse. I was two-thirds of the way back when it started raining," it wasn't raining hard right from the start, so you figured you had at least a bit of luck. "Don't worry, I'm just a bit tired," you assured her and glanced at your wardrobe. You should change, but you wanted to cool down a bit more before you did anything.
The sound of footsteps told you Enid was coming closer. You didn't worry. She knew not to get within fifteen feet of you. You still peeked at her. "I know," she said as she leaned against the wall. "It still hurts to see you like that," she said gently.
If anyone in this school actually cared about how you were handling being a raiju it was Enid. You took the towel off your face and offered her a wide grin. "Hey, I got this. It's not even the worst storm we went through in the past two years."
Enid nodded at that and grinned back. "That was actually terrifying. You think you can handle taking our new roommate on a tour?"
Your eyes widened, it completely slipped your mind! "Shit, you're on your own this time," even if you weren't outside when it started raining there was no way everything would be safe and dry by the time Wednesday Addams arrived.
Enid nodded. "Leave it to me, roomie! What do you think she'll be like?"
You thought it over, you heard the rumors, but the most telling sign was the furniture that arrived. Dark and vintage-looking. "I think you should get ready for a drastic change in scenery, at least on her side of the room," you really didn't think the decorations Enid placed were going to stick around in Wednesday's side of the room.
Barely fifteen minutes later Weems led three people into the room. The first thing you thought when you saw them was 'That's a lot of black,' the next thing you thought was specifically about Wednesday. 'She's kinda tiny,' and from the looks of it her boots gave her almost an inch, and she was still shorter than Enid.
"It's so... vivid," the man looked around, almost as if he was horrified by all the colors in the room.
Enid got up with much more energy than you did and, much like she did when she met you, skipped over to Wednesday and her parents. "Howdy, roomie!" she greeted the girl enthusiastically.
"Hey," you just raised your hand as you went to stand next to Enid. The girl remained silent and still. She wasn't even blinking! You had to double-check to see if she was even breathing.
"Wednesday, these are Enid Sinclair and Y/N L/N," Weems introduced the two of you.
"Are you okay? You look a little pale," Enid asked, worried for the girl.
"Wednesday always looks half dead," Wednesday's father explained.
You grinned and pointed a thumb at Enid. "Enid always looks too alive, so it evens out then," well, there was a sentence that could be taken out of context.
"I can see that," Wednesday spoke for the first time while Enid processed what you just said.
"Y/N!" Enid pouted at you, though you could tell she didn’t actually mind what you said. She was a ball of energy and sunshine and she was proud of that.
"Sorry, sorry, you just get excited easily," you raised your arms up, surrendering.
"Whatever," she shrugged, she had more important duties than dealing with your occasional antics. "Welcome to Ophelia Hall!" she went in to hug Wednesday, only for the girl to outright reject her by taking a quick step back. "Not a hugger. Got it," Enid backed away, respecting the boundaries Wednesday was setting.
"Please excuse Wednesday. She's allergic to color," Wednesday's mother spoke.
"Oh, wow, what happens to you?" Enid asked, unable to imagine what she would do if she had to deal with that.
"I break out into hives and then the flesh peels off my bones," dark humor and dry, even tone. Noted.
"Y/N is basically allergic to water," Enid pretty much returned the favor.
You thought it over for a moment. "Pretty much, yeah. I burn from the inside and light up like a Christmas tree, literally."
Weems faked a cough, not exactly appreciating your sense of humor. "Luckily, we've special ordered you a uniform. Enid, please take Wednesday to the registrar's office to pick it up along with the copy of her schedule and give her a tour along the way," Weems instructed and you honestly appreciated that she took notice of the rain that just recently stopped falling.
"I find social media to be a soul-sucking void of meaningless affirmation? That's what she said?" you repeated, watching from your bed as Enid paced around in your part of the room.
"That's right! Can you believe that?" she definitely sounded like Wednesday frustrated her, at least a bit. "She's like a pit of disdain, a black hole sucking anything positive out of whatever is near her! I don't know if we can do this, Y/N," forget the ‘a bit’ part, Wednesday absolutely frustrated her.
But you just began laughing. "Okay, I get it she didn't make the best first impression, but I think I'm going to like her! Soul-sucking void of meaningless affirmation? Damn, that's a good one!"
"Y/N!" Enid cried out.
"You survived rooming with me, a raiju, you can survive a goth girl with a questionable background," you just grinned. How bad could it possibly get? Surely one girl couldn't flip your lives upside-down.
A/N: And that, people, is chapter one. Light spoiler, if you are here purely for romance, I have to disappoint you, there will be hints, but as far as actual romance goes, that's for later seasons.
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 1 year
Yandere Vampire X f! reader pt. 1
The Woods PT. 2
Tw: noncon, dubcon,manipulation, mind control, isolation, sexual attraction to blood, blood.
A/N: This chapter is a slow burn kind. Mainly because the second chapter is just going to be smut due to certain circumstances which are revealed at the end of the story.
Kofi: Wanna buy me a coffee?
Your quiet gothic-themed village was never afraid of many things. Not even the bubonic plague scared the villagers. But, something that did scare them was the woods. They called it The Forest of Blood or El Bosque de Sangre. A long time ago, during the medieval ages, a family of wealthy nobles from Transylvania moved to your village. With their luggage were a human-sized coffin and a blanket with engravings of DC on them. They stayed in their castle surrounded by woods until the villager's livestock began to die. Cows and pigs as pale as ghosts with markings on their necks. The only clue was a trail of blood leading into the dark forest.
The villagers took their weapons and marched to the noble's castle, only to find the family in such a horrific condition, not even the graveyard thieves wanted them. Though, others say the family are beings of another name. Some called them Nosferatus, Draculas, Creatures of the Night, Demons, Bloodsuckers, anything but a human being. But that never worried you. What worries you were the girls going missing at the start of every winter, about a couple weeks before the first snowfall. No one knew who would be next, but no one dared to lock their daughters inside. For the last time they did, your village of Verano had mysteriously lost numerous amounts of harvest and livestock. And so here you are, walking to your grandmother's house to keep her company.
It didn't bother you that it's dark as you walk the dirt roads to your grandmother's house. You were used to the dark. It felt like home in a weird way. Even the predators that snatch livestock from the pens respect you as if you are one of their own. Although, it would lead to the villagers thinking you are a witch of some sort. But that didn't bother you either, for you always thought about flying high in the sky and doing witchy things with your friends, especially your friend, Nos, who you knew since that fateful day all those years ago.
"What are you doing behind that bush?"
The boy with pale skin and raven black hair looked at you with shock, fear, and surprise in his eyes.
"Come on, don't you want to play with the other children?"
The boy nodded and took your hand as you ran into the field to play with the village children. You put a flower crown on his head and held both his hands as you began to spin around.
"Nosferatu! Dracula! Demon and Creature of the Night! Everything you'll scream when they bite! Pure as snow! A virgin wearing a white wedding dress! Dye it red and rest in the forest! Be their bride in unholy matrimony!"
Your grandma walked up to you and said to say goodbye to the now-happy boy. You hugged him goodbye and skipped back to her cottage. When you got to her house, your grandma whispered in your ear.
"Nunca hables de los Nosferatus y sus novias. O de lo contrario desaparecerás en el bosque también."
"Bien, abuela."
That was fifteen years ago, and he's been your best friend ever since, even if you could never have adventures in the woods because you feared disappearing from the village.
"Nos, why do you insist on creeping behind me so much?" You ask, turning around to face a six foot three Nos.
"You shouldn't be walking out here so late at night. There are dangerous things in these woods," Nos says, putting his coat on your shoulders. "You should come back to my place and get warm."
"Sorry, grandma needs me to help with the pre-Christmas party," You reply, trying to move through the mud. "Did you hear about it supposedly snowing today?"
"Yes, I did, love. Are you going to start up about those girls going missing again?" Nos asks, walking side by side with you.
"How could I not?! It's supposed to be the first snowfall today, and not a single girl from the village has disappeared!" You exclaim, turning around to face Nos.
"Darling, those girls probably ran away from home. They found someone better in the world and left to explore it," Nos responds, taking you into his arms and dancing you around.
Snow begins to fall, and soon the roads become milky white. You made it to your grandma's house only to find she wasn't there. She had left on an emergency trip to Venice to help one of your cousins give birth. Your grandma had left a centuries-old family cookbook for you if you wished to cook something for dinner.
"It's snowing pretty heavy, darling. How about you stay at my place until it stops," Nos suggests, buttoning up the coat he put over you.
"That sounds fine, but what about you? Won't you be cold?" You ask, starting to shiver.
"I'll be fine. The cold doesn't affect me that much," Nos replies, taking the cookbook and carrying it in his bag. "Come, we can cook dinner and get warm by the fireplace."
You nod and follow his lead until he tries to enter the forest. The dark, snow-covered forest seemed to be staring back at you. Nothing made a sound, and nothing moved. You weren't sure if it was because of the snow absorbing the sound or because this forest was so terrifying that nobody dared enter it.
"It's ok. It's a shortcut to my manor. It's only a couple feet away, I promise," Nos promises, gently holding your hand. "If you feel safer, I'll hold you in my arms the whole time."
"Fine, but don't let me go," You whimper as Nos carries you like a princess.
Nos was known as a lady killer or a charming noble, depending on who you ask. Even though he only came into the village to meet you, he garnered attention from other girls. He got proposal after proposal but kept declining them. The girls eventually got over him, but the female elders couldn't help but notice how no boy or gentleman in the village would ask for your hand in marriage. Their husbands told them to pay no mind to it, but they stopped paying attention to you when predators acted like domesticated animals around them. Though others theorized you were the next Novia de Nosferatu.
"We're here! I'll get you some overnight clothes and make a fire. You can pick out a recipe if you want to," Nos says, handing you your family cookbook.
"I'll choose something yummy," You say, scurrying to the kitchen.
After fifteen minutes, Nos returned downstairs and saw you preparing to cook your family's calzone recipe. He wrapped his arms around your waist and asked if he could help.
"I'm fine, Nos. Why don't you get us something to drink?" You reply, putting the rolling pin away.
"Of course, darling. I'll be right back," Nos says, going to the cellar.
Dinner was ready, and Nos poured two glasses of wine. You brought the food to the table and began to eat with your friend.
"Sorry if the wine tastes bad. I know you're more accustomed to fruity alcoholic drinks," Nos comments, eating a piece of the calzone. "You're still not afraid of these woods, are you? My room has a pretty good view of the trees. It gets wonderful sun and moonlight as well."
"Don't you have a guest bedroom?" You ask, trying not to earn the title of village whore just for innocently sleeping with a guy.
"I'm afraid all the guest bedrooms are-oh fuck it. You've been the light of my life all the way into adulthood. Would you-would you please be mine?" Nos proposes, pulling out a box with a ring with a dark red gem.
The ring was silver with black markings going around it. It was something that only the richest of the rich could afford.
"Nos...of course I'll marry you!" You exclaim, kissing your now fiance.
"Are you sure? Are you absolutely sure? It's not the alcohol talking, right?" Nos questions, pouring you another glass of wine.
"It's not the alcohol talking. Besides, based on things are for me in the village, it seems you're the only guy who would willingly marry me," You respond, drinking the second glass of wine until it's half full. "What type of wine did you give me? It tastes so metallic."
Nos moves closer to you, eventually capturing you in an embrace. You can feel his muscles twitch, and he kisses the crook of your neck. Nos slips the ring onto the middle finger on your right hand.
"I'm glad you wanted this as much as I did, my unholy bride," Nos whispers, his voice becoming raspy and hissing towards the words of unholy bride.
You have no time to react before he bites you full force. Your ring extends a needle or blade into your skin and shoots something into you. You couldn't break out of his arms and felt nothing but pain. Your nerves felt like they were on fire, your body began to shiver, and your eyes felt like they were about to explode.
"Sh, sh, sh, it's ok. You'll get through the transformation soon. It’ll be nothing but pleasure from here on out, my love,” Nos comforts, gently stroking your head. “Once you drink my blood, the transformation will be complete, and we can be together forever.”
“Nos…Nosfer…Nosferatu!” You scream, rage and fear flowing through your blood.
“No! Call me Nos. I’m still your sweet, Nos. I’m your wonderful fiancé!” Panic is in his voice as he realizes he’s starting to lose you.
You yowl in pain, and with the newly formed claws, you swipe at Nos. He jumps away from you as you run toward the library. Everything was black and red. There was no other color present. You see a book on a desk and fiercely open it, only to find out some things are better left as secrets.
“The son of the chief of Verano made a deal with the blood devils. One maiden will be the sacrifice for us all and be the devil's future mother. A sacrifice made before the first snowfall, or else we will pay for it all,” You read the page making more anger surface. “This year’s Blood bride is Y/N. Please note that the heir has chosen to court her and then ask for her hand in marriage.”
“Darling, no! Don’t read that book! You’ll get confused!” Nos yells, grabbing your shoulder. “ Your body is tired from the transformation. You need to rest!"
"Don't touch me! I can't believe I was ever your friend! How long?! How long did you plan on doing this to me?!" You rage, tears falling down your cheeks.
"I only- thirteen. I knew you were my bride at thirteen and have courted you ever since. You wanted to stay friends, and I still wanted a relationship, so I abided by your wishes and drove suitors away from you. I didn't want you to find out who I was through force like the other brides of my family. I wanted it to be a nice experience for you." Nos holds you in his arms as your claws swipe at him drawing slow-moving blood. "We can still have a wedding with your family. I'll invite them, and they'll know you're ok."
"Do you know what you've done?! Everyone in the village thinks I'm cursed or a witch!" You scream, trying to get out of his arms. "I hate you! I hate you! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I FUCKING HATE YOU!"
"NO! You don't hate me! It's the vampire venom talking! You love me! You love me just like you did before!" He growls, slamming you onto the brick wall. "Clearly, we need a little couples therapy until that is gone from your system."
He bites your neck, and pleasure goes into your veins. Your legs wrap around his, and your hips unconsciously grind on his crotch. Nos is too strong from drinking your blood to try pushing him away. You can only try to keep your body still as he drinks from you. Your vision goes dark, and you let out a small moan.
When you wake up, your vision is dark, and your naked body feels cramped. You push open the padded ceiling, and something metal moves as light hits your face. Red liquid falls on you from above, making everything but your face smell metallic. You crawl out of the coffin, trying to head towards the backdoor facing the woods. Nos grabs you and licks your cheek, making you shiver.
"I think this will bring us closer together, don't you?" Nos asks, removing his red robes and putting his naked body against yours. "I won't take your virginity until the wedding night unless you want to lose your virginity before then."
"I will never marry you!" You scream, trying to break away but can't due to the wet blood.
"Oh, I love it that you're still stubborn. Let me treat and clean you up, my love," Nos kisses as his hands go straight to your crotch and breast.
He sticks his fingers in you and rubs your nipple as he makes out with you. Nos looks at you, and his brown eyes become bright red.
"Focus on the sensations. In and out," Nos whispers, kissing the previous bitemark he gave you.
You felt like you were losing your mind. You didn't want to follow his orders. Soon enough, you were begging for him to finish you off. He took out his fingers from inside you after you orgasmed. He sucked on his fingers covered in your juices and blood. Then, began to lick the blood on your body. You tried tugging at his pants from below, but he swatted your hands away. Nos licked and kissed his way down to your crotch, where he found that you were bleeding. His face lit up, and you were too euphoric and full of lust to care what would happen next.
"It seems your body has decided that we must have our wedding now," Nos says, taking you into his arms so he can put you in a bath. "We're going to have one bloody hell of a wedding, darling."
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an-angels-fury · 6 months
My Adam Frankenstein Headcanons: The Creature being vulnerable with you 💜
Another post that was already rotting in my drafts.
Have fun! 😘🫶
P.S.: Forgive me for any grammar mistake. English's not my first language.
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Warning(s): Touch-starved!Adam, self-depreciation, a perfect mix of angst and fluff, implied non-sexual nudity (kind of...)
At first, being intimate was a great challenge to Adam. As much as you both longed to be closer to each other, there was always that bad feeling haunting the back of his mind: the fear that, when he open up himself to you, the first moment your eyes fall upon the smallest imperfection, it wouldn't take longer for you to turn your back at him like everyone else.
After being abandoned by his own father, the man who gave him life, and all the other kinds of rejection he's been through in his short existence, which resulted in nothing but pain and heartbreak, the idea of finding anyone, specially someone so beautiful and kind like you, who genuinely cared about him - and even loved him - sounded as another sweet ilusion, something he was never meant to find.
You both had to put much effort to make this work. You always tried to be patient and understandable about his insecurities, especially after he finally reveal to you his story and his terrible experiences with human beings, but you can't deny this could be pretty frustrating sometimes.
There are times he thinks so low of himself that is hard to take him out of this dark hole. In these moments, he tries very hard to keep distance, to hide himself from you. A voice in his head convinces him he's no man at all, just a souless abomination from Hell unworthy from any kind of sympathy and love, from you or anyone. For his luck, you're always there to remind him that none of these things are true and never will be.
At the beginning, you were always the one who needed to start the first contact. Simple gestures like hugging, kissing, touching his face or just whispering some kind words to him, were enough to make him emotional to the point of breaking down. In these occasions, you just stayed there by his side, waiting until he calmed down and comforting him in the best way you could.
But with time, he learns to cope better with his emotions because he always feels embarassed for ruining such special moments between you and him, even when you assure him you have no problem with it. After a while, he finally starts to require your feelings, giving in to your sweet touches and genuine words of love. Later, he awkwardly tries to imitate the gestures you use with him: holding your hand gently, caressing your cheeks with his fingertips, even shyly touching his lips in your forhead.
When he realizes you don't even try to push him away from you, nor show any sign of repulse or disgust - actually you always make clear that you love it and want him closer - he becomes more confident in his actions and, day after day, gets more determinated to show how much he adores you and to do all he can to you never feel alone. As someone who knows very well how painful loneliness and isolation can be, he'd never want to make you go through this too. Never.
You still remember very well how awkward but sweet your first kiss was. It was fast, a simple touch of lips while Adam held your face in his hands. Even with his lack of experience, all the love put in the gesture couldn't be more real. You couldn't help but give a little laugh after open your eyes and see his pale face turning red and a shy smile coming to his face.
You love to fall asleep against his big warm chest. Nothing in this world makes you feel safer than hearing the calm rhythm of his heartbeat and having your small body being enveloped by his strong arms. He may deny it, but Adam loves to watch you sleep close to him. Something about your soft and relaxed expression, such state of vulnerability, how you demonstrate such trust on him not only touches his heart deeply, but awakes a deeper instict of protectiveness towards you. Just the idea of someone hurting or harming you in any way is enough to make his blood boil with furious rage.
After a while, he also lets himself relax around you and lay his head down on your chest to get some comfort too, especially after waking up, trembling and weeping, from a nightmare or being haunted by some horrible memory from his past. You'd never hesitate in putting his arms around him and kiss him all over his face until you feel his body ease and his breath slow down. It always breaks your heart to see him this way, but you still tries your best anyway. Also, you know very well that he'd do the same for you, with no doubt.
You already know about the conditions of Adam's conception. You already notice the red lines around his neck and the smaller ones in the pale skin of his face. So, one day, you gently ask him to see him as he is, but still make clear that he doesn't need to do it if he doesn't feel comfortable enough. You can see the hesitation and insecurity in his yellow eyes and you know that, in some dark and distant place of his mind, he still fears you'll abandon him when you finally realize he's not human at all. You caress his face and remind him how much you love him and that, whatever the choice he makes, you won't judge him. It takes him some time to consider the sincerity in your words, but, in the end, he finally gives in to his desire of making you happy.
When Adam finally reveals his body to you, his first instinct is to put his arms around his own body, ashamed, trying to hide himself from your view. But you don't give up, holding his hands gently and reminding him with your sweet voice that you'll always love him and that his physical appearence will never change that. Slowly, he puts his guard down once again and closes his eyes to not see the revulsion and disgust in your face. He is expecting a cry of horror, but the only sound his ears pick up are silence. And suddenly, a touch as soft as a feather in his chest, over the exact spot of his heartbeat.
He pays attention to the way you caress his skin, the feeling of your soft, delicate fingers tracing your scars, but what truly melts his heart and brings all his walls down is the spark of love that never leaves your eyes. Your touch, this kind of intimacy, feels like a blessing from Heaven he doesn't deserve, but longs for desperately. And with all the love you feel for him, how could you ever deny him anything?
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mykinkyyandere · 2 years
what if five severely punished darling for something they didn’t do (to the point where darling is very traumatized) and then finds out what actually happened?
Traumatized Mannequin
Pairings: Yandere/Dark! Daddy! Five Hargreeves X Traumatized! Are Regressed! f!Reader
Warnings: Yandere, dark, overly traumatized/ drugged/ numb/ kidnapped/ isolated/ living doll/ (forced) age regressed reader, obsessive/ possessive/ delusional behaviours, past abuse, dub-con touching, bottle-feeding, daddy kink, grown-up Five
A/N: It was supposed to be a short answer but it became long enough to be headcanons so i made it a little longer & detailed.
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Your trauma breaks you and he can't fix you back. Just like a mannequin, you remain unresponsive while he's taking care of you. You can't speak or resist. You either just stare blankly or you cry. He knows what he did to you and it traumatizes him too. He was supposed to protect you from all harm, but he did you the most harm. He feels like a monster, he hates himself. But his way of dealing with his terrible mistake makes him feel better: Treating you like a sensitive mannequin.
So now everything's very different for both of you. No more rules or punishments. You're now a living being that needs to be protected more than a human being. Like a poor little pet. It was already like this before, but not completely. You weren't this broken back then.
The way he talks to you, the way he treats you, it's all like he's communicating with a timid creature rather than a human. It's like you're having a hard time understanding him and your first instinct is to shut yourself up because of your trust issue. He talks to you so softly and constantly reminds you that he's not going to hurt you because you often forget that and cry in fear. Sometimes you keep crying so hard and he tries to calm you down in his arms, sometimes you just keep quiet and he pats your head. There is a deep sadness in his eyes as he looks at you.
He tries to spend all his time with you, and if he can't, he gives you sleeping pills. He's with you every moment you're awake and takes care of you as if you need full attention, as if you would die if you were alone. He never deprives you of his care and compassion. He never lets you remember loneliness and experience it more. He's never been this delusional. He will never forgive himself for what he did to a poor vulnerable girl like you.
He kisses your head, says he loves you and hugs you. He lays you down, reads you a bedtime story and makes you sleep on his chest. He swears to hide his cruel side from you forever. You can play with your toys and watch as many cartoons as you want. He'll buy you a room full of nice gifts. He'll even play with you as much as you want. Just don't freeze. Please move the doll in your hand, please react to what you are watching. Say something like you used to.
He adds medicine to your milk so that you don't get scared or cry more because you became very sensitive to sudden movements and noises. He takes you in his lap every afternoon and makes you drink all the bottle before you take a nap. He gently wipes the tears from your cheeks with his thumb and whispers everything is okay.
He got what he always wanted, now you're completely his. But he didn't want it to be this way. It hurts him so much to see you like this, so he takes your pain away with drugs while he takes his own pain away with alcohol. He had never been this drunk before. His only consolation is to hug you while you sleep. To smell your hair and apologize to you over and over. Every night.
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henrioo · 6 months
꒰ SYNOPSIS ꒱ : "Being a parent is a scary adventure for you and Kid, your partner has a lot of insecurities and fear, when he's about to freak out, the slightest sign can reassure him that fighting for his family is enough to convince him not to give up."
꒰ WARNINGS ꒱ : MALE READER, TRANSMASC READER, TRANS MALE READER, FTM, PREGNANT MAN, MENTION OF BIOLOGICALLY PREGNANT MEN,calling Kid your husband, you can decide if you are really married or just a nickname, first-time parents, insecurities and fears about being a father, Kid being insecure about himself and his ability to be a father, Considerably calm reader, Kid pirates being the best uncles and aunts to spoil your child
꒰ WC ꒱ : 753
꒰ NOTES ꒱ : Yes, again babies, I really was in baby fever and I still have some good baby stories, I can't help it. This is part of the collection for cannonically trans readers, but in the future most of the fics will not have this specified because sometimes it triggers me to write about some trans issues. I hope you like it and I still have lots of stories to share!
You were in the huge armchair that made your whole body sink into the softness and comfort of the snuggle, honestly everything you needed after hours without sleep with the arrival of your newborn. You sighed, opening your eyes and looking for Kid. He had been in the same place for the last few minutes and you laughed softly before getting up and walking over to your huge husband.
He stood in front of the crib that he had built himself, it was made of beautiful, dark wood and was rocking gently, rocking his little baby into a deep sleep. The little boy had his skin color but Kid's wild red hair… Although he didn't really have much hair yet. He was wearing a beautiful, extremely soft and probably very expensive outfit that the crew had given you two, in fact they had given you so many clothes that the baby must have had more clothes than you and Eustass combined.
The baby's face was peaceful and he sucked his pacifier while sleeping like a starfish. After two days in a row crying without calming down in any situation he was now so peaceful that you had become paranoid that he was sick or dying. Luckily, the ship's doctor came to assure you every two hours that your son was healthy and was just resting and regaining his strength, soon he would start crying and screaming again and the whole process would repeat itself again.
You hugged Kid's waist and turned to face the sleeping little creature. Kid didn't have any expression on his face, but you knew him too well to be able to read even the smallest signs. You had seen his emotions changing in the last few days, fear, joy, love, insecurity, he had been on a roller coaster and now it seemed like the ride was over and he didn't know which of those feelings he wanted to keep.
“If you stare at him that much he’ll wake up…” You teased him, hugging his waist tighter.
“I can’t help it” he said in a low whisper, still staring at his son, your son.
You understood his fears, the fear of having a child on a pirate ship, the fear of his first child... But you knew that Kid's main fear was himself. You knew his past, you knew he had to become a monster in order to protect everyone he loved, but he would never want his own son to see him as a monster. What if his own son feared him? Hated him? He never had a father, how could he be one?
“Don’t overthink it, it’ll melt what’s left of your little brain” you mumbled and rubbed your face against their back and in return he pinched your waist, making you jump and laugh.
“How do we make something perfect?” He sighed as he watched his son with love and tenderness.
“I don’t know, but I don’t regret it” you stated calmly “What’s wrong Kid?” You tried somehow to get your husband to let you in and you could help him.
“I… I don't know… I'm afraid of doing something wrong to him… Failing with him” he sighed.
You smiled and released him, staying next to him and then gently took his hand and led him to your sleeping baby, using his finger — which was much bigger than yours — and made him caress the baby on the cheek gently, just letting go. when he started doing it on his own.
“You won't fail... And if you fail, I know you'll realize it and do your best, that's what matters, you try and have good intentions about it” you smiled at him, trying to calm him down.
“I…” Before Kid could disagree with you again your baby rolled over, waking up for a brief moment, when he saw that it was only his parents who were watching and petting him, he cooed and grabbed his redheaded father's finger with his small hand, then turned over to go back to sleep. “Their hands… They’re so tiny… Little hands…” You smiled, knowing that that was enough to calm all his insecurities while ensuring that being a father would be the best adventure he could have. And you both knew very well that even if you weren't experienced parents, with risky lives and insecurities, you would do your best for that new being so that he would have the best life and the best parents... That would be enough for now.
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vibratingskull · 4 months
Hello hello! I have another request if you don’t mind.
Could you do a single dad Thrawn & female!child!reader? headcannons or a story I don’t mind! If you want to do a story an idea could be that maybe reader had a pet snake and the snake passed away and Thrawn if telling them about the life cycle and helping get over her loss?
Or another good idea is that she hurt herself (idk maybe she fell down or something) and he’s conforming her? I’m in a need for some Thrawn comfort rn 😓
Please have a good day!
Aaaaaaaaaw ❤️ Dad Thrawn is best Thrawn. Here you go, soft dad Thrawn comforting you his daughter
I hope you'll feel better soon ❤️
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Thrawn & Daughter!reader
Thrawn opens his eyes immediately hearing your sniffs, well awake in a second, he knows something is wrong.
“Visahot? Is something wrong?” He raises on his elbow, his red eyes shining in the dark of the room.
Your red eyes shine less, a testimony of your headspace right now. You sob and rub your eyes full of tears, gasping to breath.
“Its… It’s… Its Cheple… He doesn't move anymore…” You manage to say between gasp.
“I am coming.” 
Thrawn stands on his feet, taking your little hand and walking to your room on the Chimaera. He never gets mad at you for being awake at night, he works on the assumption that you have a good reason even if you’re just reading past your bedtime. He will chastise you gently and sit on the bed to read you a final story then tuck you to bed.
But tonight you don’t seem to want a fairy tale.
He approaches the nest of plaids and clothes in the middle of your room, where Cheple, your pet serpent likes to curl up and sleep.
“I… Hic… I wanted to hug him but he didn’t move at all…” You explain.
He kneels next to the nest, observing silently the corpse of your snake. He delicately takes the head in his palms but Cheple is soft and dangles without reaction.
Poor little creature.
“What’s wrong with him?” You look at your dad with eyes full of hopes.
Dad knows so much, dad can do so much, surely he can help! But he turns to you and shakes his head, holding your hand.
“Visahot, there is nothing else to do.”
“Why? Why doesn’t he move.”
“He is dead, my darling.”
You look at him shocked and mouth agape.
“He…? No! No, you’re lying!” You burst into tears.
Thrawn pulls you into a hug, holding you tight against his beating heart. You cry like you nver cried. Cheple was your oldest friend with your dad, you know no other kids on this planet but found Cheple as an egg years ago. Your little heart immediately melted for the abandoned egg, all alone in the nest and you took it back to the Chimaera, proudly showing him off to your dad. He helped you built a nest under a heating lamp and one day, the eggshell cracked and you witnessed Cheple first shy steps into the world.
You were inseparable, attached by the hips you run all over the Chimaera with Cheple circling your shoulders.
But tonight…
“I am so sorry, my darling.” Thrawn tries to soothe you, caressing your head and back.
“So that means I will never see him again?!” You cry.
“No my darling, you will not.” He admits gently.
“But I don’t wanna! I want him! Why can’t you do something?!”
“Visahot.” He parts from you, holding your shoulders in his large hands, “There are some things we cannot change, whatever we try or no matter our effort. I would do something if I could ease your pain, but life and death are beyond anyone’s power.”
“But…But…” You sob uncontrollably.
“He left because it was his time. We both knew he was getting old, we saw the signs. What matters is the love you gave him all his life.” He tilts your head delicately. “He is in a better place now.”
“My bedroom wasn’t good enough for him?” You let your tears flow.
“It was more than enough. He always liked to curl up and hide in this room specifically because he felt safe here. You built him a great nest that he appropriated for himself and tonight he chose to die where he felt the safest, in your bedroom, next to you.”
“Because you signified safety and warmth for him. He was so small he could have been devoured by anything, but you were always here to protect him from anything and he untrusted you for his final moments.”
“But I don’t want him to go away…”
“We cannot control that, my darling. Sometimes death comes at your door to rob you of your loved ones, tonight she came for Cheple while he was peacefully asleep. He left while dreaming, without any pain or worry because he was at ease with you, he felt loved and protected with you.”
You sniff, wiping your tears off your cheek.
“You remember when he felt ill for the first time?” Thrawn  continues, “You dedicated all of your time to take care of him and for the first time he came to sleep with you in your bed. He saw you as his savior and benefactor.” He brushes your cheek with his thumb, “You gave him a life filled with adventure and love, and you can be sure the memories he brought with him are filled with your smiles.”
“But why tonight? Coudldn’t he have waited again a little?”
“No, my darling. He was an old snake you know, and that is the best thing that could have happened to him : getting old at your side.”
“So he didn’t leave because he didn’t love me anymore?”
“No, quite the contrary. He came to the person he was the closest to live his final moment because you comfort him and give him so much love.”
“It hurts, dad…” you lower your head.
“I know, Visahot, I know.” He presses your foreheads together, “But it is part of life, the best we can do is enjoy the ones we love to the fullest while they are here. Do you understand?” He asks softly.
“... Yes.”
“That’s my girl.” He kisses your forehead with so much love, “Are you alright?”
“No, my heart hurt really bad.” You complain.”And my stomach feels empty.”
“It is perfectly normal. It is because you loved him so much, it will hurt for some time but one day you will be able to think back fondly about him and only feel your love for him filling your heart.” 
“For how long?”
“For one month or maybe one year. It depends on the heart.”
“I am sad, dad.”
“Of course you are, my darling. And I am sad for you. Do you want to sleep with me tonight? We will bury him properly tomorrow morning.”
You tiredly nod and snuggle against your dad, burying your head in the crook of his neck, inhaling his comforting scent. He lifts you up and carries you back to his bedroom where he lays you down gently, sliding next to you and holds you close.
You keep crying for a moment until you fall asleep, exhausted. Thrawn didn’t stop cradling you against his heart, holding you as close as possible.
His dear little girl… He will arm you to fight life, to win everytime, but tonight, only time can help such a wound. So he keeps you close, giving you his full support and love, ready to face the harsh reality together tomorrow. But tonight, you’ll sleep soundly in his arms.
In security.
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brandycranby · 2 months
You have Ari wips? ☺️ if you're up for it, may we have a nibble of something ip?
hi needle ☺️🫶🏻 have a snippet from one of my oldest wips, arranged marriage a/b/o duke!ari x princess!reader AU, (asian/desi coded as always but no description)
His hands guide yours off your clothes but he doesn't try to loosen your skirts. Instead, he slides closer on the bench, pulling you onto his lap and enclosing you in the fold of his arms.
"This is a hug, sweetest. Have you… have you never had one?"
Muted by the cloak of his scent, you shake your head. His heart beats under your ear, a steady even pound that soothes the bristling creature in your head. It's so warm, so dark where you're pressed up against his chest, hidden away in his arms. Safe. You're so safe cradled here. It makes you want to nuzzle his neck and breathe in his thick musk until you’re lightheaded, take liberties with this kind Alpha without his leave.
The wetness of your tears doesn't register immediately, but when it does, it's with a jolt of panic that makes you twist away.
long rambling under the cut :^))
i've wanted to write a palace setting ever since i started writing fic, especially during quarantine when i was consuming stuff like bajirao mastani and a shitload of tvb historical dramas. i think about what it must have been like to grow up in a harem, to fight for dignity and respect that should have been given to you, to have to hide your softness and be strong and sharp and smart unless you wanted to get killed by another concubine.
i also think about how physical touch is something so forbidden in many asian cultures and how much im starved for contact. i think about how emotional i am, how many tears i can cry at a time, and how my mom never ever cries when things get tough because it's natural for her to process rationally and logically. she's not broken or missing anything in the same way that someone with autism isnt broken for experiencing life and emotion differently. im not looking to demonizing one culture or another and i definitely not making this into an east vs west white savior thing.
but growing up, i didnt know what to do. it was a big learning process solved by communicating what i needed. i recommend this comic by ruth chan which is very healing
so, this fic is an illustration of the balancing act i've finally kinda mastered after 20 years. duchess isnt there yet, she's still struggling to accept that she's more emotional than what her culture prescribes as proper and appropriate and that she can't control it. because she was never taught why or how and how to feel safe communicating this with someone she trusts.
i thought it'd be interesting to put all of this in the context of a/b/o which we know deals a lot with physical touch and instinct and emotions. i wanted to see how different origins and traditions create miscommunications. and ari is the perfect vehicle for this. it's going to hurt so much (sorry duchess) and then he's going to be a soothing balm for us all.
it's all so very very complicated and close to my heart. thats why it's taking so long :'))
i also understand that this is reader with a lot of personality, one that you (general you) may not vibe with and i say thats valid. jjst please move on if she bothers you or if you feel like you cant connect with the fic.
that being said, even if she's was not written for you, i hope you can still try to understand her and feel affection for her and the story
@punemy-spotted duchess mention <3
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call-sign-shark · 11 months
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Seeing your asks about au love stories for Heaveb, and i got to ask: how would an Eva x Heaven story look like?
Ref to this Ask AU
JULI. THIS IS A FANTASTIC QUESTION. I’m enjoying this far too much, so my ask box is definitely open for this kind of shipping game with Heaven. (Arthur is yelling now lmao “stoppp stealing me angel arghhhhh 😭”). Honestly, I got a little bit excited with this because my mind buzzed with ideas for our two witches.
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“You’re the moon of my life, Eva.” “And you’re the light in my darkness.”
• Following Arthur’s death in the boxing ring attack, Heaven went into a downward spiral. The women meet for the first time in the nearby forest when Heaven attempted to kill herself by drowning in a river. Eva was wandering in the wild, needing a pause from the city’s noise, when she was struck by prophetic instincts.
• Her witch’s visions led her to Heaven and, when she sensed she was a witch like her (the very first and incredibly powerful she’s met) Eva saved her. In fact, our elegant Eva didn’t mind ruining her expensive black dress.
• Back to the ground, she pressed her soft and intoxicating lips on the pale woman’s to breathe her back to life — As soon as their flesh collapsed together, Heaven reopened her eyes and felt an indescribable fire lighting up within. A fire she had thought extinguished when her sweet Arthur died in her arms.
• “Dying is for the weak, ángel, and you’re no weak.” She whispered, “You’re a wonderful creature and I’ll make you reach your full potential.” Her voice lost itself in the wind, like the threatening rumble of a far away storm. That’s how Eva decided to bring her home.
• Luca and Eva had a heated argument about her: “She’s Arthur Shelby’s fucking window!! We’ve killed her husband, don’t you think she’ll be a danger to us? She’ll avenge him. Please, my Queen, this is not a good idea.”
_ “She stays or I leave with her.” That was the only thing she said in the whole discussion, her dark eyes glistening with confidence and authority. Luca knew he had lost.
• Eva took care of Heaven for months, for the poor angel was in a half-catatonic state. She would spend most of her time with Heaven, taking baths with her, changing her whole dressing, and bringing her in art galleries to change her mind. Soon, Eva became the only person she trusts and loves with all her heart.
• When Heaven starts getting better, our powerful Eva teaches her to use her power properly. One night they are in the forest, dancing around a bonfire, and pulls even in her arms to kiss her. They make love for the first time.
• At first Luca was jealous, but he rapidly understands that the two witches are inseparable. Somehow, they end up forming a polyamory couple.
• Heaven loves sex with the two of them, and it can get very tender and sensual, but her favorite moments are still when she’s alone with her Eva.
• She sometimes weeps when Luca hugs her in bed, for the sensation of his slender arms around her body reminds her of Arthur. Eva, behind her, kisses her shoulder tenderly and whispers lovely and reassuring sentences in Spanish to soothe her.
• Loved and cared for, Heaven’s hatred for Tommy grows more and more. She firmly believes that Arthur’s and John’s death are his fault. She just remains worried for Polly and Ada.
• As time passes, Heaven is always by Eva’s side. She has become Eva’s lover and personal body guard, even if she’s far more able to defend herself. I like to picture our goth Queen Eva sitting on a sofa with a glass of wine in her hand, and caressing her angel’s hair with the other. Heaven would sit on the floor scattered with comfortable cushions, next to the sofa. She would be ready to poison and kill at her command.
• Heaven is the only one who manages to calm down Eva when her bad memories come to haunt her. She lays with her in bed, all naked, and gently stroke her long dark hair until Eva falls asleep. Sometimes, Heaven sings for her.
• “Eva is the Queen, and God has mercy on those who disrespect her royal mistress.”
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Okay gonna stop her because I could write a whole series about the two of them. I know it’s quite original so I hope you’ll like it, Juli. 🤍✨
✞ Heaven is you in the Arthur x Reader!OC Heaven in your Eyes || Read last chapter
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fateheartblog · 9 months
Home - Sobfest Starless Sea event
My submission for @thehauntedair 's September sobfest fic event - making Dorian cry.
This one is, as ever, contingent upon the Fateheart timeline. Sorry about it (but not really). Also I have not even slightly read this for typos.
And it's way too long, but oh well. Dorian cries and gets hugged about it. It's a good time.
Dorian stands up.
He sees in the window panels the faces that look to him. He sees his own. The Tokyo night beyond it is startling as it sharpens into focus. A galaxy rendered closer by attention. A star mess he is lost in, standing at the far side of the table.
The room has fallen silent.
“I have to go.”
They glance at each other. The conversation has been long and tense. The hours just as long. Empty coffee cups are little satellite dishes amongst the papers and scrawled suggestions about how to move forwards. But without the town planning information they don’t stand a chance of solving this this evening.
And he’s tired.
Shever has stood as well. “Can I assist you?”
“No, you’re alright. Is Leander still here?”
She stands down at a lift of his hand.
“Yes,” offers Farne. “He’s gone up to a room. He wanted to stay so if he was needed in the morning he’d be on hand.”
Dorian nods, thanks them, ends the meeting, leaves, climbs the stairs, makes eye contact, does not make eye contact. Wonders, amongst those littering stars and the Tokyo striplights, what is wrong.
He’s not sure. But that in itself feels wrong.
Knowing himself is half the battle. Standing firm in the centre of this maelstrom is so much of the winning. Anchorage in the face of all kinds of weather. These people - his people - who drift in the sky, catching the turbulence and following it, reporting it back to him. All tied to him.
Being ‘not sure’ can be the death of so many things. Certainty.
He is walking quickly down the corridor. He is high above the world. He has a signet ring on his left hand bearing the embossed face of an owl - sharp lines, barely signifying a creature. More of a symbol than an image. A crown etched above it. Eyes perfectly open. Sight unclouded. Sure.
The room unlocks at the touch of the ring, as all of them do. A key as well as a crown. Hidden at the heart of the owl there. A heart as well as a feather.
The symbols dance around his head in the dark.
He crouches by the bed.
Leander jolts awake, turning to stare at him. He pushes himself up quickly.
“Dorian - is everything okay?”
“Sorry to wake you. There’s no emergency, it’s okay.” He lets Leander blink a few times. The light from the corridor has made a landing strip across the blanket. The room would be spartan and miserable but for the presence of a dear friend and a shelf of books. “I’m leaving. I’m going back to the Harbour. Just… just for tonight. For now. Possibly tomorrow as well. To be honest, we’re not getting anywhere with the municipal office in the foreseeable future anyway, and all the Owls assure me the consequences of going ahead without permission would be considerably more dire than waiting.” Dorian sighs and stands up again, looking out to the landing.
The light out there does not seem as bright as it does once it has fallen in here. Or maybe it is because here there is darkness to cut through.
“That’s fair. I thought it might take a few days. Happy to stay, if you need me.”
“That would be helpful, if that’s okay,” Dorian answers without turning back.
“Dorian, has something happened?”
Dorian does not answer. He does not turn.
“Do you ever…” The crown, the heart, the feather. A faint buzzing. Some kind of story. A sword upon his chest. A key above his heart. A heart that gives a crown. A crown upon a feather. Dorian looks back at Leander in the darkness. “Do you ever feel all of a sudden that you’re in the wrong place? That there’s a place you are supposed to be - absolutely and unequivocally. And you have to be there. No matter what. No matter why.”
Leander looks at him for a long minute. “Yes.”
Dorian nods. “I have to go home. Right now.”
“Is Zachary okay?”
“Yes. Well, I’m assuming so. I haven’t… I haven’t called him yet.”
“Right. Are you okay?”
This is much harder to answer. Dorian looks back at him, feeling the answer with some difficulty. Because he’s not sure why.
“I’ll take that as a no,” Leander says, and after a brief pause he shuffles out of the bed, leaning over and turning on a lamp with a touch of a stump. Dorian takes a step back in the light.
“I don’t know… what’s wrong. I’m not sure.”
Leander looks him up and down, his hair tousled, eyes puffy with sleep. “Does there have to be a reason? Sometimes you just get homesick. That’s fair. It’s been an exhausting few days and I was only here for two of them.”
Dorian frowns.
“Do you need me to get up and like, be functional?”
“No. You can go back to sleep. I just wanted you to know what you’d be waking up to. And to ask - if anything happens, call me immediately. Please.”
Leander nods and falls back onto the bed.
“Gotcha. Go home, Dorian. Take a breather. Sounds good.” He is asleep again before Dorian has closed the door behind him.
He does not call Zachary as he descends the stairway, fourteen floors through the hotel. He does not call Zachary as he debriefs Shever in the lobby and pulls his coat on. He does not call Zachary as he walks out into the night, moving swiftly through the people and the lights and the stars the stars the stars.
And then he’s sat on a train, heading away from all those stars. And the phone is in his hand, and he cannot work out why he is hesitating.The last train out of Tokyo that night is quite empty. One man further down is reading a book. A trio of teenagers are talking quietly in the stark carriage lighting.
It takes him nearly forty miles to dial the number.
He doesn’t answer the first time.
He does answer the second time.
“Hey. Hey, Zachary. It’s me. Hey.” He stares out of the window. Instinctively turning his head away from the carriage, hiding his mouth. At such an angle that even in the reflection his words can’t be read on his lips.
“Oh hey! Dorian. Hi. You okay?”
He stares at his own face in the darkness. Old instincts, an old restlessness. Running.
“I’m here.”
“Are you okay?”
“Not really.”
“Oh no - has something - I’m - hang on - what’s happened - I can-”
“No, no, nothing’s happened. I’m okay. Stay where you are, my love. I…”
“No, I’ll come, it’s okay-”
“No, you don’t need to. I’m coming home. I’m - I’m on my way back now.”
“You… you are?”
“Yeah. I’ll be, um, an hour or two. Probably closer to two, actually. I’ll keep you updated.”
“O-okay. You’re coming home?”
“Oh Dorian.”
“I love you.”
Dorian tips his head a little, hiding from the world. Unseen, unnoticed in the darkness and the harsh white of the train carriage lights. The starscape that ricochets by is bitingly cold against his forehead. The darkness is sheer glass and chill but at least there are stars. At least there are stars.
“Could you-” His voice breaks. He shuffles a little further down in his seat. “Could you say that again?”
“I love you,” Zachary says immediately.
Dorian closes his eyes. “I love you too,” he says into the phone, and something hurtles past. An unfamiliar city. Well, not quite true. He’s lived here. He’s lived so many places. If you could call it living. One all too familiar city out of many. One train out of thousands. One fractured existence over decades of loneliness.
“I love you,” he is saying again. And again and again. “Come home for a night. Let me look after you. You said… you said it’s been going badly. Are you just… has something happened, Dorian?”
The train window is sheer cold and hard, unforgiving vibration against his head. The train carriage smells of city and breath and fatigue and it makes him so, so tired. So many lifetimes spent on trains. So many cities.
“No,” he clears his throat. “I don’t… I couldn’t even tell you, really.”
The pause is only a moment.
“Oh, Dorian.”
He knows he’s crying. Zachary can always tell. Even though Dorian himself could barely tell. Could barely have said why.
Leander’s voice comes back to him, rattling beneath the seats the way the metal panels do as the train takes him home. Sometimes you just get homesick.
He opens his eyes, which lets loose a few more tears. He sits back a little, keeping his breathing steady, though the crying is steadier.
“Something about being in Japan,” he says eventually. Hiding his mouth with the hand which holds the phone. Just an instinct. An automatic one - to hide himself, his speech, his voice. To press against that cold hard darkness as the stars slip by.
“You spent quite a lot of time there, didn’t you?”
Dorian can hear that Zachary is moving. He hasn’t asked where he is. The phone works underground now - he’s probably in the Harbour somewhere. He can hear background music possibly but that doesn’t mean he’s at home.
“I did, yeah. But that’s not bothered me so much before. I think… I realised after today. You know it’s been difficult. The whole prefecture is in Sinjuin’s pocket. We got nowhere with it today. And I was just… I was sitting there-” Dorian breaks off as that feeling from the conference room washes through him again.
He leans back into the seat, but his chest has constricted.
He wishes he wasn’t on a train. He wishes his husband was with him, to catch this, to understand him, to help his breathing ease.
He wishes he wasn’t in public. Out in a world he trained hard for years never to trust. A world he has learnt to navigate in darkness.
He wishes he was home.
“I love you,” Zachary says again, and his chest loosens enough for him to talk through the tears.
“I realised, Zachary. I realised I wanted - I wanted to go home. And that’s - sometimes when I’m - I don’t always - I don’t usually-” It is difficult to find the words. It is difficult to do anything but cry.
“Oh, my Dorian. I’m sorry. I love you. So, so much.”
Zachary sits with him in the silence. A world away. A home, waiting for him. A home to go back to. Something he has never had before.
Eventually he manages to talk.
“I realised I had a place to long for. I realised I was homesick. And so… I wanted to come home.”
He ends in a whisper. He hears Zachary let out a long breath.
“I’m gonna come up to the cave. I’ll come wait for you by the door, yeah? We can - we can do something fun this evening, if you - wait, it’s the middle of the night for you, isn’t it? Well-”
“You don’t need to come wait for me, Zachary, I-”
“But I want to.”
Dorian finds himself laughing at the slightly put-out tone in his husband’s voice. And it doesn’t stop him crying. In fact it compounds it into something that might be hiccups. 
Which quiet down back into gentle crying as the train and the night and the aching for home stretches on.
He nearly falls asleep. Zachary stays on the phone with him for a bit until the battery protests. But by that time he is nearly home. 
Nearly home.
He had managed to persuade Zachary not to come sit in the entrance hall, though he is half-expecting to see him there when he opens the door. The cave is cold, but the two women passing outwards into the world beam at him. And the elevator moves smoothly. And the air is warm and soothing and tastes of lemongrass and honey and a little bit of blossom and apple and wood.
And the chamber doors open to the warm golden glow of the Starless Sea. And he is being greeted by several voices in the entrance way. And there is his husband.
Dorian takes a deep breath as Zachary closes his book and rises from a bench in the alcove.
He slips an arm around him, but he is looking out at the honey. That deep wave of a strange, pulling ache breaks upon the shore of his home.
“Hey. Hey, Dorian. Welcome home.”
He stands beneath the constellations of the vaulted antechamber and holds his husband.
Dorian feels so many things ease from his constricted ribs, his hurting, releasing heart, in Zachary’s arms.
He pulls back, looking over his face.
“You okay?”
Dorian smiles. Tears are pricking again, but they feel a little more like relief now.
“Oh yes,” he murmurs, and brings his lips to his for a slow, long kiss. “I’m home.”
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athymelyreply · 1 year
I'm sorry you're not feeling well!! Bringing you some soup and tea and a hug 🫂
Tell me about the Gawain and the Green Knight AU, I'm dying to know 👀
There’s sooo many ways a green knight au could go. Obviously Hob is Gawain in this au and it could go one of a few ways
I’ll finish one version here and reblog this post with the others
also thank you so much you really are the best and the soup, tea,and opportunity to be insane about this au means the world to me. <3
fist: hobletheros+dreamling
hob is at the knightly Christmas party or whatever, destruction comes in and hobs knees go weak because “oh my god I want him to rail me” when the game is proposed Hob does the whole thing with destruction’s decapitation and is conflicted about it but then, as with the og story destruction picks up his head and tells him that he’ll see Hob next year. He leaves with a wink and Hob covered in destructions blood and thinks he might be a little in love (the boy falls fast).
a year goes by and he sets out on his pilgrimage to the green knights home. Our dear Hob is exhilarated and terrified and all around conflicted. He’ll get to see destruction again but in the same breath it’s his death sentence. Hob loves life, but if he must perish, he thinks maybe death at the hand of the green knight isn’t the worst way to go, maybe he’ll even get a kiss before he’s dead. his journey takes him to the castle of a man named Oletheros and his wife. The man is oddly reminiscent of the knight from the party, however Hob writes it off as him just feeling something for both the knight and this man. the lord of the castle makes the same deal as the original story: Hob may have whatever lord oletheros catches while hunting, on the condition that Hob give him anything he receives during the day. hob accepts. The wife tries to seduce Hob, telling him she wants him desperately. For extra fun the wife is fem! Dream. She’s dark and alluring and Hob can’t help but be drawn to her, but he knows it would be wrong to disrespect his host in that way, restraining his desire and instead accepting only one single kiss from dream (and oh her lips are so sweet, tasting of white wine and stars and the feeling of flying)
when lord oletheros returns with a deer, Hob gives him a kiss in return, finding himself falling into the lord’s mouth, a kiss with the feel of oak and passion and campfire. The lord welcomes his lips, pulls him into the kiss. Hob pulls himself away with a gasp and tries to continue on, doing his best not to look shaken.
the next day Hob allows himself 2 kisses from dream, both to taste the lord’s mouth and hers but one more time. Selfish he knows, but he is a hedonistic creature, and if these are to be his last few days alive, let them be good ones. Lord oletheros returns with a boar this time. Kisses are traded and Hob feels as if he’s drowning with nowhere to turn. He cannot break hospitality but gods with dream staring like that from under her eyelashes, and oletheros’s rough hands on him he feels as if he might go insane. the last day dream approaches him with a look that has Hob burning for her. Three kisses. It’s so good he could cry. And he does, telling her that he goes to his death on the morrow, and he has no choice but to leave. Dream brings a green sash, saying it will keep him from harm, and not to tell her husband about it, so he wont need to give it to him. the lord returns yet again bearing a fox this time. Kisses exchanged and Hob feels all tied up in knots, awaiting his death at the hands of that strange and handsome knight, and readying himself to leave behind the lord and his wife, both of which he feels he could love, maybe already does, but he cannot admit that just to leave them the next day. he bids them goodbye the next morning, taking the sash and hoping against hope that it will protect him and he can return to them. In the clearing with the green knight he kneels and presents his neck, but when the knight raises his axe Hob flinches. He still wishes to live. The knight scolds Hob for his cowardice in that incredible voice of his and so Hob steels himself, picturing the the faces of the lord, the knight, and the lady. If he should die it will be with love. He prepares for the blade to fall and
A gentle tap at the back of his neck. Only a small trickle of blood. then he feels a hand reach to help him stand. Destruction helps him to his feet and caresses hob’s cheek, lifting the little knights eyes to meet his. He speaks gently, saying that “that’s it, darling, that’s all there is. Come now, we really must fix that cut of yours.” He bandages the nick on Hob’s neck, explaining that his name is destruction, and he was lord oletheros. He tells Hob what a darling boy he is, what a good little knight, he soothes him. And Dream emerges from the trees, takes Hob’s teary face in his hands and kisses him. then they both get to soft dom the shit out of him and Hob gets to cry with relief and joy.
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scoutisnthome · 4 months
whats the lindworm???
Jay of jayberd fame you have no idea what you have done (unleashed my autism)
The lindworm is a creature (and my favorite little guy) originating in the Danish folktale of the prince lindworm, theoretically arriving in Denmark somewhere around the 1700s.
(read more for people who don't care about my prince lindworm synopsis)
What a lindworm is, is a basically a snake dragon thing? It's hard to describe because reports and descriptions vary in terms of how humanoid it is (my depictions of him air on the more monstrous naga side of things) but the common factor is "insanely huge snake".
The story for this specific lindworm goes that there was a childless king and queen in Denmark, the queen went on a walk in the forest one day and was approached by a witch.
The witch asked her what was wrong and when she said it was because she couldn't concieve the witch gave her a solution. She said to turn over two handled jugs in her garden and leave them over night. In the morning they will have a white rose and a red rose respectively. She should eat the red rose for a boy and a white rose for a girl, but never both.
The queen goes home not expecting much, but when she wakes in the morning she finds the promise roses! She goes back and forth but eventually decides on the white rose, eating it. But apparently said rose is so tasty that she eats the red rose too. Which as stated, is not a good idea .
The queen falls pregnant as promised, and gives birth while the king is at war. And instead of a baby boy or girl, her first child is a baby lindworm, which promptly skitters away into the darkness. The queen thinks she's hallucinating and moves on, giving birth to her second child, a son.
Years later, when the human son is older and ready to be married, he sets off which a horse and carriage to find a bride. The fully grown lindworm blocks his way saying "a bride for me before a bride for you". The younger prince promptly goes home and the queen goes "shit man I thought he was like a vision or something. He is technically the older son tho so I guess we gotta help him get married."
So they do that and they bring a princess from a foreign kingdom too marry the lindworm, which he promptly eats and demands a second bride because apparently it doesn't count. So the entire thing happens a second time with the same result. The king running out of disposable alliances approaches his shepherd, who has one daughter, asking the shepherd to allow his daughter to marry the lindworm. The shepherd refuses but the king doesn't take no for an answer.
So the shepherds daughter goes on a forest walk lamenting her death a little bit and is met by the same witch who talked with the queen. And the queen instructs her that if she is too survive her wedding night she should wear every shift she owns (presumed to be 10 or 9) and when the lindworm tells her to shed a shift (in order to eat her) she should respond by telling him to shed a skin and they go back and forth taking off layers for a while, and then when the shepherds girl is on her final shift she needs to hit him with the whips, throw the liquids at him, and hug him. If only for a moment. She agrees and starts preparations.
The wedding day comes and she is married to the lindworm. And after they are led to the wedding chamber the plan goes off basically without a hitch until the lindworm is a writhing mass on the ground (the body horror makes me insane). She whips him and throws the buckets and VERY NOTABLY IN MY MIND (I'm Ill about it) instead of just hugging him for a moment she picks him up, lays him on the bed and promptly falls asleep cuddling with him. That was NOT in the instructions that was a DELIBERATE act of kindness.
And then he wakes up as a prince and it's happily ever after I guess. But yeah I'm consistently Ill about the skin scene specifically because as stated 1. There were deliberate asks of kindness there on the shepherds girls part that were not required of her, 2. The lindworm isn't stupid at a certain point he HAD to realize what was happening, the fact that he didn't attack her then and there was a show of both immense vulnerability and trust, and 3. The intimacy of it all drives me nuts it's so good. Also something comedy about it is that when asked to remove a skin he says "no one has ever asked me too do that before" which makes him seem almost flustered by the request it's cute.
I think about them constantly and I'm insane about the nuances and symbolism of this story. Also the body horror and my trans lindworm theory (I can go into immense detail). There is both immense comedy, horror, and emotional turmoil in the details of this story and I'm insane about it.
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islenthatur · 2 years
A Leshen’s Roar
Jaskier stood in the back of the hall far away from the others and shifted uncomfortably, hands fiddling with the woven gold bands around his wrists that he had made long ago to hide his Self from magical means. Geralt’s eyes found his as he, Ciri and his brothers all gathered ales and food, his head tilting in question.
Are you well?
He gave his Witcher a grin and nodded, it was a complete and utter fucking lie but still, it eased Geralt. Being here in these halls felt wrong all kinds of it, the magic of the Old Wards that protected this place itched under his Glamour-skin. Yet, he would endure like always. Geralt had begged him quiet in the night when he and his child surprise stumbled across him, startling him bad enough that if it wasn’t for Geralt’s fast reflexes and Jaskier’s own and age that the roots he sent tearing towards them would have struck true.
Geralt had been asking him for years to join him in Kaer Morhen even knowing the truth, he steadily rejected the fact that Jaskier would not be welcomed in his home with the same vehemence as Jaskier defending Witchers against humans
This time he agreed because he was a fool with a fool’s heart. There was still something hollow between them after the mountain, even with an apology but… no, there had been something broken between them since the Djinn and that fucking wish twisted Geralt so far up in the Witch’s presence… yet, Jaskier couldn’t refuse, not with the way Geralt looked at him, not when there was so much tenderness in those eyes directed at him.
He hadn’t looked at him like that for a very long time.
“Thank you,” He whispered to the polite Witcher – Coën – when the Griffin brought him a plate of food and an ale.
The Witcher dipped his head in reply and went back to the others while Jaskier leant against the wall and watched, a smile pulling at his own lips as they began to break out in cheerful stories. He couldn’t help but inch closer, coming to stand by Geralt and laughed as Lambert grew utterly animated in the midst of a fabulous story that Jaskier itched to write down.
Vesemir hummed as he moved to stand at the centre of the table, waiting till all eyes were on him. He cast a look at each other them, lingering on Jaskier for a beat longer than expected but still. "Each of your faces here is enough cause for a celebration. You're safe, made it back home in one piece… mainly. That is enough for me."
"Here's to another Winter together," Coën added a small grin on his face, cup raised in toast.
"To arguments over who gets cleaning duty!"
"To the breath in our lungs!"
Geralt hummed as he raised his own mug of ale, a twitch of a smile on his lips. "To the brothers."
"To forgetting the fucking path!" Eskel's voice booms in the hall. "For one fucking night!"
Something dark twisted in Jaskier as he turned with a smile to the new Witcher, the one Geralt was most eager to see. His favourite brother that he spoke of often, one that Jaskier was eager to meet as well to gather some embarrassing stories… yet that pleasure died as he took note of the man before him.
He looked like a Witcher, carried all the marks of one but everything about him was wrong. The air vibrated around him as Geralt moved closer to hug his brother, pausing as Jaskier’s hand clenched tight around his wrist with strength he knew the bard rarely used.
“You are not welcome here.” The voice that rumbled from the bard has Geralt stiffening, it was a tone he had only heard several times and it was when Geralt was truly in dire need or danger. Inhaling deeply he tried to sense what set off Jaskier for Eskel still looked like his brother, acted like his brother… but he knew that Jaskier’s senses were much more attuned to creatures than Geralt’s so with that in mind Geralt stepped back, hand going for his silver sword.
“What the fuck…/”
“Now see here bard!”
Several voices spoke out as one but Geralt ignored all to lock his eyes on Jaskier who’s eyes seemed to burn a brilliant blue, never wavering from Eskel who stood frozen in the spot.
“Jask?” He inquired slowly, hand gripping the hilt of his silver sword tight but did not draw it yet. “What is it?”
Blinking Jaskier turned his eyes ever so slightly towards Geralt, a spark of resignation in his eyes that made the Witcher’s stomach drop, he knew that look. It was an apology. Before Geralt could do anything Jaskier’s form twisted, the gold bangles on his wrist dropping to the floor with a plink.
“Release him youngling.” Jaskier snarled his voice warbling into the sound of creaking wood and a raging brook, his skin twisting to bark as horns began to sprout.
The others began to move, their hands drawing their own weapons as Jaskier’s form finally finished taking shape. Geralt moved and snarled, hands forming Quen as his brothers and mentor hurled daggers towards Jaskier’s back. “Stop!”
“Stop!? He’s a fuckin’ Leshen that you brought into our home and is about to kill our brother!” Lambert snarled as he charged forward, but Geralt didn’t allow him to get further than several feet before kicking out with all his force and a muttered apology.
Jaskier cared not for the fight behind him as he advanced on Eskel, his roots twisting to hold the being in place as rage simmered under his bark. Dandelions and buttercups wilted along his moss covered arms as he reached forward, his magic swirling.
“THIS ONE IS MINE!” Eskel snarled in a twisted warble that stilled the others behind him.
A dark laugh escaped Jaskier’s lips, the sound of grinding bone and snapping branches. “No youngling, he is not… he’s mine.”
A wretched snarl escaped Eskel’s lips as Jaskier’s power rippled out of him in a screech, his body arching back, arms splayed open as Jaskier burst into a flock of crows to swarm around him, looking for the infection. This Leshen was from an old Sphere, one that Jaskier was born to, for it to twist a being this way. The Leshen’s of this world were twisted, wrong… not as powerful but Jaskier was old, far older than this creature and he reached within the Witcher and grasped the fleck of twisted rotting wood that inched towards his heart and yanked.
Everything about the rotting wood was wrong, powdery like crumbling stone but sparkled like—like stellacite. His heart stuttered as he swung his head around to gaze at Ciri, remembering one night of her waking up screaming, burrowing into his arms and sobbed out the harrowing story of how she escaped Cintra, what her scream could do and that it toppled the monolith.
If this got through, then… fuck. What else got through?
Steeling himself Jaskier turned to the wriggling arm and felt the roar build up, releasing it as it reached its bubbling point and shattering the slivers of the Youngling that dared to harm something of his Beloved.
Everything spun as Jaskier let his magic release, letting his form shrink back down enough for Geralt to slip the bangles over his hands once more and solidifying him to his preferred human body. Exhaustion crept up on him as he moved Eskel, who was now unconscious, towards them all with is vines.
“He’s alive, will be unconscious for a while. The youngling was trying to Twist him into a Leshen- formować. If left to fester then Eskel would have died and in his place the puppet of the Youngling.” Jaskier explained broken, toneless as he moved to stand behind Geralt slightly. “He will be well now, sore but well.”
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i-am-blue15 · 1 year
Mystery Kids Classic Monsters Headcanons NO.2
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Dipper (Werewolf)
.Gets that wet dog smell, night or day.
.He’s secretly bummed that he still doesn’t have chest hair despite growing hair EVERYWHERE at night.
.Had a small panic attack after he ate some chocolate because he didn’t know if it would poison him (It didn’t).
.Clips his long claws so he can write his catalogues, but they grow back every 10 minutes.
.Is often treated like a puppy by either Mabel or Neil, like attempting to dress him in costumes or trying to boop his nose.
Mabel (Witch)
.Is handed a spell book at the time of her transformation.
.She is the most human-looking out of the monster kids.
.Has wondered if she can use her magic to make waddles a cute prince but the others strongly advise against it for they don’t know what could happen if it fails.
.Tried to use a spell to bring her plushies to life, this resulted in them turning against everyone in the shack and almost setting it on fire.
.Her first time flying a broom resulted in being stuck zipping in all directions until Coraline and Neil stepped in.
Coraline (Vampire)
.If she smells even a whiff of garlic, she’ll feel lightheaded.
.She’s safe from the sun at daytime if it’s overcast or cloudy, she states it’s “the one time she’s thankful for such crummy weather.”
.Her daylight survival gear consists of: a long dark cloak, an umbrella, sunglasses and thick gardening gloves.
.Her new teeth is designed not only for pricking but also ripping out chucks like a wolf like so:
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(She has hardly any need for them as she doesn’t need to feed).
.Likes to take naps sleeping upside down as a bat so she doesn’t feel soar when she wakes.
.Has discovered that peering into her seeing stone makes her able to see her reflection (She has mixed feelings about her appearance).
Wybie (Frankenstein’s Monster)
.Has one plug outlet in the back of his neck so he can take an extension cord and recharge the “safe” way. 
.When he feels excited or giddy, he produces static that can reach to about six feet from him.
.His eyes can also function like flashlights when he gives his head a few taps.
.Has thought of given himself new modifications like extending and grabbling arms with his original ones being detachable.
Raz (Swamp Creature)
.When Raz uses telekinesis, his psychic hand becomes a webbed claw.
.He can carry and balance himself with his tail, proving that even with a tail, he’s insanely strong for someone his age.
.Had small telepathic conversations with fish and has gained insight of their daily life, sometimes it's peaceful but it can also be traumatizing with fishing or natural predators.
.His usual attire feels restricting in his new body, so he either wears swim trunks or his family’s acrobat uniform.
.He can use telekinesis and hydrokinesis to form a water helmet for long trip with out hydrating himself.
Lili (Gorgon)
.Once tried to knockout Coraline by spraying her venom to shut her mouth but finds out she’s immune to poison.
.Likes to soak in sunlight along with her flowers.
.Has Raz take care of Harold the rat because she doesn't want him to risk being turned to stone and scarred for life. 
.She doesn't’ use pyrokinesis as much as she used to, for the intense heat makes her scales itchy and uncomfortable.
.Has trouble find the beat sleep position with her long tail.
Norman (Dullahan)
.Is a little geeked out about his new form as he almost resembles a certain demonic anti-hero.
.The skeletal horses he summons can be quite possessive and takes some convincing to let others ride them.
.His power of ghostly fire comes in handy when telling stories by the campfire for it creates the haunting atmosphere.
.Whenever he feels too shy or insecure, he becomes a little non-corporeal and see-through.
.When asked what it feels like to be hollow suit of armor, he states it's like " like his fleshy body's still there but also not there", similar to phantom limb.
Neil (Gargoyle)
.Uses his new wings to hold more people for his hugs but because he's made of stone, he has to be gentle.
.His jaw has proven to be quite quite strong as he once chomped a stone into pieces.
.Likes to imagine his new form would make him so good at hockey or football but the others point out that it would give him unfair advantage.
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mimis9thcircle · 1 year
Incorrect Persona quotes because I'm bored <3
I didn't make these I used a generator (im lazy), link will be at the end :D
Yukari: How would you like to live forever? Makoto (p3): I'd hate it. Shut the fuck up.
Kotone: Aww, what's your dog's name? Ryoji: Spartacus. Kotone, yelling to Aigis: TRY SPARTACUS! Aigis, on the computer: DIDN'T WORK! Ryoji: Kotone: What's your favorite number?
Makoto (p3): Hi, who's this? Ryoji changed all of my contacts to mythical creatures. Kotone: What's mine? Makoto (p3): Dwarf. Kotone: HE'S SO MEAN, I'M NOT THAT SHORT! Makoto (p3): Oh, hey Kotone. Kotone: FUCK!
Makoto (p3): Talk dirty to me~ Akihiko: Inflation is a serious problem and lumber prices are at a high. Makoto (p3): Wha- Akihiko: The economy is in shambles.
Yosuke (brainstorming ideas for pranking Yu): How much could a serial killer mask possibly cost? Kanji: Well it’s hard to find a high-quality one made out of leather or silicone, but if you did find a good one like that it’d be a couple thousands of dollars. I can try to hook you up with one but I don’t know if I’d be very successful. Yosuke: Huh, that’s pretty interesting actually- Wait, how the hell do you know that? Kanji: …I am very passionate about Halloween, Yosuke.
Chie: A mosquito tried to bite me and I slapped it and killed it. Chie: And I started thinking. Chie: Like, it was just trying to get food. Chie: What if I went to the fridge and it just slammed the door shut and snapped my neck? Yukiko: Are you ok?
Rise: I have so much energy, I want to run a marathon or commit a crime... which should I do? Ann: Please don’t get arrested. Rise: No promises! <;3 Yukari : Why not both? Get creative! Rise: Wonderful suggestion, thank you. Ann: Please don’t encourage her, Yukari.
Haru: You know you can die from that, right? Sumire: *smoking a cigarette* That’s the point. Ann: *drinking alcohol* We’re trying to speed this up. Makoto: *Eating raw cookie dough and nodding*
Yu: I once went on holiday and pretended to be twins. It was amazing fun. I invented this mad, glamorous sibling and went around really annoying everybody. And d'you know, I could get away with anything when I was my crazy twin Yu. Nanako: But you're Yu. Yu: Kinda stuck. It’s a long story.
Dojima: Hey, aren’t you Adachi? Adachi: You a cop? Dojima: No. Adachi: Then yes, I am.
Yu: So are you gonna explain how the hell you crashed my car? Makoto (p3): Well we were driving and there was a deer in the road, so I said "Akira, deer!" Yu: ...And what did Akira do? Makoto (p3): ...He said "Yes, Honey?"
Naoya: Is Tatsuya always like this when he loses? Maya: Oh, yes. You should've been there for the Great Jenga Tantrum of 2015. Tatsuya: You bumped that table and you know it!
Mitsuru: What's this? Yukari, hugging Mitsuru: Affection! Mitsuru: Disgusting. Mitsuru: ...Do it again.
Mitsuru: How would you like your coffee? Shinjiro: As dark and as bitter as my soul. Mitsuru, shouting to someone behind the counter: I need one vanilla latte with extra cream and sugar!
Ken: ...I'm pretty sure that place is fire-proof, or something. Aigis, grenade in hand: Alright, but is it explosion-proof?
Fuuka: Don't break someone's heart, they only have one. Futaba: Break one of their bones instead, they have 206 of them.
Naoto: *Answers phone.* Hello? Yusuke: It's Yusuke. Naoto: What did he do this time? Yusuke: No, it's me, Naoto. It's actually me. Naoto: What did you do this time?
Junpei: Never gonna make you cry! Ryuji: Never gonna say goodbye! Junpei: Never gonna tell a lie— Yosuke: I will hurt you.
Teddie: Why doesn’t Yukiko find me sexy when I bite my lip? Morgana: What do you look like when you bite your lip? Teddie: *bites lip* Morgana: ...Have you considered biting your bottom lip instead?
have fun <3.
8 notes · View notes
teaganmyrick · 2 years
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TIMING: Current
PARTIES: @teaganmyrick​ @eyes-in-the-night​
SUMMARY: Teagan brings treats to Marina, but finds Correy instead.
WARNINGS: Sibling Death, Parental Death
Summer was in short, hellish. Far too hot, even if Correy had (god forbid) been human. The Isle of Man was a dreary cold and wet place. His people built for winters that lasted the majority of the year and maybe three weeks of sun dappled between months of overcast skies and drizzling clouds. Lampade liked the dark. The cooler places. There were stories that his kin came from the greek underworld of Hades. Which was almost never described as one of brimstone and fire like the christian hell. So the nymph could only imagine that it felt very much like… this. It was just after dusk, but the temperature was still well into the 80’s. The fucking 80’s. And the shadowed man was still wearing his protective long sleeves. Covering himself from the last rays of sunlight that were too stubborn to sink below the horizon.
Normally he would have just waited to go out, but his crows needed attending to. A few of them had gotten into some sort of mess and needed a little help with preening and cleaning their feathers. Amongst the flock, the tall gangly man sat calmly. Chaos erupting any time a new sound or sight caught the birds’ collective attention. Correy looked a bit like a kindergarten teacher. Gently cooing and coercing the hyped up little creatures to gather in line, so he could quickly and carefully get the majority of the goo off of them. He was far too preoccupied with his corvid cleaning service to notice someone approaching the lighthouse.
When it came to baked goods, Teagan typically made one too many. Or rather, a dozen too many. It helped that she had friends, and while it ached to visit the lighthouse, she chose Marina to be her first delivery of bara brith. As she knocked on the door, anxiety pricked at her skin at the possibility that Levi would be the one to open the door. She really should have called first, but she was motivated by her love for Marina and her need to be fearless. She didn’t want to let the demon win
So, Teagan waited, foot tapping uncontrollably and her grip tightening around the basket after her first set  of knocks. Everything would be okay, she told herself. If Levi opened the door, she would just skirt past it, and move on. Other than that, she would be fine. She wanted to be fine. It would not have control over her just because of its stupid mark on her chest.
There was an unceremonious knocking coming from the door. In a way that was far too polite for any of the company the lighthouse crew usually pulled in. Beyond that, there was another sense. One more on the ethereal, vague sorta side. Another fae was around. Intrigue piqued, Correy finally plucked himself from his seated position. Long limbs carried him towards the front of the building. Toward the sound. And a vaguely familiar face. If only from descriptions and online profiles. A sleight young thing, fair of hair and eyes. Didn’t take a detective to put together who this visitor was.
“Miss Teagan, I presume?” The lampade loomed, but not enough to be intimidating. One of his crows had bobbled along with him, perching on his head and observing along with the nymph. He was always ready to welcome another fae unto his home. Correy liked to think he was a gracious host. Ready to cater to the needs of anyone who popped in. Well. As long as they weren’t trespassers, casters, or hunters. He had a different way of welcoming those sorts.
The chimes that rang beneath Teagan’s skin sent a smile to her face, which only grew when her eyes landed on Correy. She gasped softly, delighted that Marina’s friend had opened the door. Finally, they could meet, finally, she could hug him. Without a second thought, she surged forward and wrapped her arms around the lanky man. “Yes! And you must be Correy!” She exclaimed gleefully, relishing in the way her body buzzed, recognizing the lampade as her people. “I was looking for Marina, but this is a great surprise! Waw!” She finished her statement with a flare of her native tongue, elation filling her too much to remember to continue in English.
“Ni allaf ei gredu!” Teagan was in awe of Correy, and she wished more than ever that she would have brought an extra basket. Letting go of him, she took a step back, still grinning. “You’re even more magnificent than Marina described. My apologies for being so excitable, but it’s always so lovely to come across our kind.” Her smile fell only minutely, a pang of sorrow tugging at her chest at how she missed her old Aos Sí. “Please, take this as a gesture of goodwill. It’s bara brith. Best with afternoon tea on a day like this.” Eyes shined brightly as Teagan looked up at Correy, hoping he’d accept her gift, even hoping she’d be invited inside. Before she could ask though, she needed more information. “I could have some with you if you’d like, but uh…is it home? Levi?”
It was customary amongst the gentry, for welcomes to be warm and filled with laughter. Even when the other was nearly a stranger. But it’d been so long since Correy had been able to properly feel his way through one of these meetings that he’d almost forgotten how much it felt like starlight. How the smiles and barks of mirth simply bursted out of him. Before he could think she was hugging him, and he was hugging back. Allowing himself to lean into it. Wrap his long arms around the tiny Nix. Even lift her up a little as he squeezed. It felt good to let loose. To be present in the moment and free to express everything he felt.
“Le gach teas i mo chroí. Tá fáilte romhat anseo, a bhean óg” Welsh and Gaelige weren’t incredibly similar. But the sentiment behind each of their native tongues was one well understood. Even without a universal translator. Pale eyes drifted down towards the basket, and filled with a separate, but equally as delighted, joy. “Oh I wouldn’t have it any o’ter way. I’ve an assortment of teas ‘n such inside. Could get the kettle on from here.” He winked and let his shadows start the work in the other room. A few gentle clicks and the flame beneath the old tea kettle roared to life. A few mugs made their way from the cabinet and down to the counter. Seemingly moving on their own if not for the snakey tendrils that wisped underneath as they moved. Correy was a bit too proud at that. Now that he had his shadows back, he would use them to the fullest.
“Nah, heard you have a spot of bother with it, shouldn’t be home all day. C’mon in, iasc milis.”
The acceptance from a stranger wouldn’t normally ignite such strong emotion in Teagan, but Correy wasn’t ever really a stranger. Fates had connected them from birth, cutting them from the same cloth with delicate precision. He was a home for her, and she was a home for him. That love she held deep inside may have been a vulnerability, but never was it a weakness. Especially when fae gathered. Especially when they spoke a tongue so similar that it brought tears to Teagan’s eyes. Eons before the two met, they loved one another, and she could feel that connection in every fiber of her being. Feel it in the words of warmth and welcome. “Rydych chi mor brydferth, dyn melys. Hyd yn oed yn fwy prydferth nag y gallwn fod wedi dychmygu.” While their languages differed, she hoped he’d understand as she did.
Teagan’s eyes sparkled further at how the tea began behind Correy, and then they shined at knowing Levi would be nowhere to be found. The sting at her chest, over the mark, quelled. With a relieved sigh, she let out a chuckle, earning a sniffle. “Not just a spot of bother. The bloody bastard killed me and laughs at what it did to me. Would have killed it if I had the chance, but I wouldn’t do that to Marina. I love her far more than I hate it.” As Teagan spoke, she watched with pure admiration as everything was set in place by Correy. His abilities were stunning, and she couldn’t wait to see more, to speak and learn about such a beautiful fae.
“You are magnificent, lad.” Hands cupped Correy’s cheeks, hues of blue meeting his with a delight fae beyond comprehension. “I wish to delve into you. Tell me everything about you.” Bouncing her her tiptoes, Teagan traced over Correy’s features, making sure to memorize them. She never wanted to forget him.
Teagan’s enthusiasm was infectious. Even if it was so foreign to the older nymph at this point. Correy had spent far too long putting up walls. Three decades of it, with the three centuries of involuntary isolation behind to really drive home the point. This, this feeling right there, was the whole reason he’d secured the lighthouse in the first place. To make space, to share space. Form the Aos si the lampade never actually got to have. “Ní ró-olc tú féin. Ná buail le Nix cosúil leatsa riamh roimhe seo.” He allowed the other nymph to inspect him. Like they were long lost family. Or someone catching the first glimpses of the full moon in all its glistening glory. Like Correy was a work of art to behold. He was certainly old enough to belong in a museum.
“Oh aye. Heard as such. It’s a right bastard sometimes, but it’s better to have that on your side than against ye.” Correy was pragmatic. He could separate the idea of his friend being awful to some, and nice enough to him. After all, at the end of the day, that’s what mattered right? He liked having the Leviathan around. It was entertaining. The sort of entertainment that’d have him laughing at the ‘misfortune’ of someone he didn’t know. Though he liked to think he might think twice if it were another fae. If he were there when it happened. “Beat death t’ough then didn’cha?” He offered, not that it would make up for the wound. “I cannae say I blame yer grudge, though. You have every right to yer anger. If it pleases ye I’ll just make sure it’s well and away if ye ever wanna visit.”
Correy led Tegan in, a gentle hand on her upper back as he guided her towards the magic happening in the kitchen. Just as the kettle was set to scream at a boil, the shadows rose again, lifting the thing and pouring out two equal servings. Another cabinet opened from within (at this point the lampade was in fact just showing off) and a few varieties of tea joined the party on the counter. “Tea first, stories second. Pick yer poison lass.”
“No other nix like me. One of a kind.” Teagan spoke proudly, always finding the fae part of herself to be the most beautiful. She lacked confidence in herself, but never when it came to that beauty. But just as quickly as that smile formed, it fell, a frown taking its place at the mention of Levi. It was inescapable, but Teagan was grateful that Correy understood her ire for the demon. “Don’t want something so disrespectful on my side. Killed me and didn’t even have the decency top the deal off correctly. Now I’m stuck with the mark.” Her eyes rolled away tears and she was eager to move on, the pit in her stomach growing much too big. It was almost as if she could fall in, but she opted to land in Correy’s warm presence, and the even warmer kettle. It helped that the lampade was providing a sort of entertainment with his abilities. The kind  that came with a flair of drama that put the nix at ease as she entered the lighthouse.
Teagan made her way to the cabinet and browsed the assortment of teas and found herself almost unable to decide. Considering what the food would be, she thought Earl grey would be a safe bet for the spices in the bara brith. That was until Teagan saw her favorite lavender tea. She immediately reached for the box and pulled out a teabag to place it carefully into her cup. “Lavender is my favorite, and it’ll go great with the spices in the bread.” The elation Teagan felt at the prospect of someone new trying her baking made her grin. Light gleamed in her eyes and the joy rattled the chimes even further beneath her skin. To settle her excitement, she sat, propping her head on her hands and smiling up at Correy. “Shall I cut you a piece, love? Made it fresh not an hour ago.”
“Aye, right you are there, aye.” Correy’s eyes had a spark to them. Brighter than they’d been in ages. The closest they’d come to such pure joy was perhaps when he met Marina, but he’d been under the effect of his wish with Baz at the time. The collared leash on his emotions was useful, but it did have its downsides. The lampade couldn’t exactly say he wasn’t glad for it to be off. In fact, because of its absence he was fully able to feel just how glad it made him. And right now, he was downright giddy. Even if Teagan didn’t share his enthusiasm for the Leviathan, at least she was willing to share space that it sometimes occupied.
“D’you really expect any ot’er creature out there to honor deals and promises the way our kin do?” It was a gentle prodding question, more out of amusement than any actual expectations or wish to change her mind. More of a joke at the demon’s expense. Correy held fae in the highest regard. Well. Most of them. He wasn’t above helping a warden if the price was right. If it was amusing enough. Something nice about having so many folks in and out of the lighthouse lately, the nymph hadn’t felt the need to seek out those types of… interactions. Boredom came so infrequently now he’d all but forgotten his side hustle. “Could do somethin’ bout the mark though. Maybe make it so the beastie wears it for ye. Wouldn’t that be a sight. If ye like.” He shrugged, knowing things like this were often a tight line to tread. People got so offended by such little things, sometimes the old lampade lacked the energy to keep up.
“Oooah, Good choice. Cannae say I’ve tried these particular treats before. But love a good sweet, me.”  In truth, he was a glutton for anything with enough sugar to melt a molar. And after his little stint of ‘healing’ leaving him with little taste for anything, He was all too eager to stuff his gob. In a darkened flash, Correy was sitting in his favorite chair. Transported effortlessly through the shadows. The crow he had with him was fairly used to this trick, and it only hopped off his head after the shift had settled, then bobbled around in his lap as if waiting for its treat too.
“Aye. A slice for me n’ a crumb for the little one. Fresh butter in the icebox.” Perhaps the very best thing about meeting new fae, is how easily one could fall into a routine of acting like they’d known each other forever. Correy expected Teagan to treat this place like it was already her home, after all, in a way, it was. Home to those who needed it. For any fae lost without their own community. White Crest was far too full of them.
Correy brought up a reasonable point, one that the nix hadn’t really taken into account in the midst of her distaste for Levi. Shrugging a little disheartened, Teagan let out a dry chuckle and bit her lip. “I know you’re right. I guess I just hoped that if anyone were to honor deals similar to us, it’d be a demon. I was clearly…wrong.” Fact was, Teagan didn’t have much time to ponder deeper on the deal, not when she was in the middle of a crisis. Faced with death that caused a fear so powerful that it created a blockade between her and sense. She knew better now, but the cost was almost too great, and she had a lifetime to traverse through the intricacies of her actions and how she took advances too often. As if she wouldn’t be held accountable eventually.
But what luck that Teagan could be transported to a little getaway with one of the most beautiful creatures Fate had created. She leaned into it, taking that near-impossible leap to reach out and capture that moment with Correy. Hold it close and turn into multiple moments that they could get lost in. Become the glue that held each other together just as their deeply ingrained connection did. At the thought, a smile formed, slowly, turning into a giant grin on Teagan’s face. She forgot about the cost she paid. Believed there was nothing more precious or more worthy of spending her time on than her blinks of time with fae—with Correy, his beautiful shadows, and the lovely little getaway he’d managed to create just for people like them.
With a kiss to Correy’s cheek, Teagan plopped herself down onto a chair with a radiant smile, shaking her head. “No need for icebox butter. I made some of my own. The load is still a little warm still, so the butter should spread nicely.” Slicing a few pieces, she placed two on her plate and two on Correy’s. Like any fae, she was sure he loved his sugar and spices, and it seemed like his little friend was no different. “Hopefully that’s enough to start you both. Of course, have as much as you like. Oh! And I brought fresh honey from the market. For your tea” She poured her own helping in her cup, passing the jar to Correy thereafter. “Please dig in. I’d love to know your thoughts on my treat from home.”
“Ehh, I think demons are like our cosmic opposites.” The older nymph wobbled his hand between them, as if it were a scale tipping with the extra weight of something unseen. “They try to make every deal by the minimum. Intentionally try to skirt the edge of it.” Correy shrugged. “Least that’s what I understand from previous experience. S’why ye gotta be so specific and wordy with ‘em.” As if fae never had a tendency to do things by the letter and not the spirit, specifically to introduce some mischief. As if Correy himself hadn’t done essentially the same thing from time to time. He held himself and his kind in far too high esteem to actually see those faults though. If someone was making a deal with the fae, they should just know better.
The lampade accepted the kiss, leaned into it even. An observer might mistake them for old friends so used to each other's mannerisms that they rose to meet them before they really even started to show. Correy’s smile made no secrets on how he felt. For once a new person in his home wasn’t met with the careful calculations, the cold assumptions and deceptions he’d normally grace them with.
“Bread and butter, next ye’ll be tellin’ me ye’ve gotta circus in there too.” A toothy grin spread as easily across his features as the freshly made butter surely would across the warm confection his new companion brought to share. “Ahh, Miss Teagan yer makin’ me feel like a king here. This is far too decadent.” Without thank yous and the like, the courtly pleasantries one had to make were often mistakable for dismissive compliments. Even if the opposite was true. But to speak so plainly was not polite. They needed a bit of a shroud, the delicate social lace their kin were known for. “This bread belongs in the heavens. Melts like a cloud made of pure joy. Tell me, do you spoil all yer new companions as such?”
“Never will be able to compare, will they? We have honor in our endeavors. A respect. Is why Fate grants us such beautiful positions in the world. We speak for her, especially those beautiful Banshees.” Teagan settled into the warmth Correy created easily, already forgetting that Levi often spent its time in the lampade’s dwelling. That was the effect being around fae, her kin, had. No one was ever truly alone in their world, and the joyful humming beneath her skin was a reminder of that. No touching was required, no utterance was either. It was simply faith in Fate.
Teagan giggled at Correy’s way of complimenting her, seeing his way of dancing around words and showing his gratitude. She admired it and wondered how long he had lived to develop such a beautiful art form through words. “Nonsense. You’re much too kind, deary. I’d do this for any of my family. We’re hardly new to each other, not really. You and I have always been part of the same cloth, woven together by our maker.” It’d been a long while since Teagan was able to connect with a new fae, and she was grateful it was someone as welcoming as Correy. “You’re a breath of fresh air. It’s like we were meant to meet today, colliding on the path so suddenly and beautifully recklessly. Can already tell this is only the first of many sweet treats we will enjoy.” She took a greedy bite of her slice and paired it with her tea in the next motion, humming happily. Happier than ever.
“Oh aye, know a few o’ those meself. One’s just a kit, the other a distant beauty.” Correy thought fondly of the pair of banshee, how different they were from each other and how wonderful that was. That fate had such curious designs for all its instruments. A symphony suite, all to play their parts. “Gotta shoot them each a message. Been too long.” He clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth as he mused a little more on the subject. Maybe he’d been reminded of them right now for a reason. It was easy to run down that rabbit hole though, when you trusted fate with everything in your life. There had to be some chaos to it. Just a little. That or fate had some pretty mean ideas every once in a while.
“Well I’m glad the weave folded in such a way that our threads may share the same space.” Correy had been brushing up on his prose lately. Baz really brought it out of him. A little creative competitive streak, though he wasn’t really about to compete in something he couldn’t immediately win. The lampade agreed heartily, taking a massive bite out of his own piece of bread, perhaps a bit too much. More than the face his glamour sported should have allowed. Revealing just a hint of the bony skull that sat within the darkness of his true form. “Sláinte!” A laugh rumbled throughout his body, too big for his current form.
“So. How’d ye end up in these parts?”
Teagan loved the way Correy spoke. Both his choice of words and the way it sounded like they were just old friends catching up. It made her feel free and at home, like she had always belonged in his presence. The way every fae should feel around each other. It was like she was back in her old Aos Sí. “In White Crest? Well…” The nix tilted her head from side to side, as memories flooded in, forcing her brows to furrow in mild distress. Tears threatened to form as well, but Teagan used the bread and tea to distract in the midst of gathering her spiraling thoughts.
“I was born in Wales. My siblings and I. Got—had twelve of ‘em. There’s nine of us left.” She sipped her tea some more and then continued, “My mum and a few of my siblings were murdered by a hunter when I was five. Sister got taken by the hunter. And none of our fathers were ‘round so we got everything in order and lived on our own ‘til someone noticed we weren’t comin ‘round in our Aos Sí.” At that point, Teagan’s tears couldn’t be helped, but she was a persistent one, and was ultimately determined to get through the story. “My brother—the eldest—he thought it’d be best to find our blood. They were in the states, so we moved and were raised there.”
She gripped her teacup impossibly tight and kept her eyes down, not wanting Correy to see her tears. She’d brought down the energy enough with her story, but Teagan felt like she couldn’t stop and she didn’t know why. Maybe it was because he’d asked or maybe it was because she’d never really gotten a chance to process due to her inability to let herself. Whatever the reason, she kept telling her story. “Went to uni and then used those skills to find my sister. Lo and behold, she was here in White Crest. We’ve reconnected and I still talk to her daily, but she’s since moved with her fiancé so they can travel and be free.” Taking a deep breath, Teagan sighed heavily and felt a weight lift, noticing how tears no longer wanted to fall. She was…happy? Yes, she was happy. Despite the odds, she made it to a place where she felt like she had everything. “Stayed ‘round because I like it here. Feels like home. Even got a partner. A werewolf. Lovely lass.”
With the pair of nymphs both being from similar spots geographically, their conversation sure had a lot more lilt to it than the average one you might happen upon in Maine. It was nice. Reminded Correy of talking with Eilidh. Of course none of them were exactly from the same spot, but it was enough to make him feel even more at home with them. Even more at ease. Allowed the old codger to soothe the bitter parts of himself and present as sweetly as he took his tea. Which, with the added honey from Miss Teagan’s basket of treats, was delectable. Like the nectar of the gods, ambrosia. Added a light floral note to the drink. One that served to give it the depth and complexity it deserved.
He listened carefully, and watched with softened eyes as her own emotions threatened to flood over. “Twelve?” Correy let out a low whistle. That had to be a lot to contend with. Worse to lose some to hunters. “Like havin’ your heart taken out while you still live.” It was quiet. Barely an audible response, barely intentional. He never had siblings, but he’d had long enough to imagine what something like that might do to a person. How he might feel if someone took one of the few folks he found himself enjoying the company of. Like Metzli, or Cass. After the rage subsided all that’d be left would be an empty hole. One that’d never really get filled. So he sympathized with the girl. It was his turn to offer a hand. Cupping her cheek to wipe away some of the tears. “Ain’t no shame in feelin’ awful ‘bout such things.”
Teagan seemed to bounce back, and Correy was all the more glad for it. It’d barely been a half an hour and he already felt a tinge of responsibility for this nix. Of camaraderie and hope for her happiness. As he did with most fae. “Oh aye?” He quipped after the mention of the ladywolf. “Good on ye there. Hard to find someone worthy of the love you give.”
Teagan let out a strained sigh, the breath dancing toward a chuckle that had little life. She leaned into Correy’s hand, the warmth of which grew with every moment they shared with one another. Tears wiped away and were no longer replaced thanks to the lampade’s affection, and Teagan couldn’t help but place her hand over his. “No. Never felt shameful for mourning. Such a thing is natural. What I did feel shameful for was…” For a few moments, she struggled to find the right words, opening and closing her mouth but never quite latching onto the right flow. She shrugged, and tried her best to make sense of her thoughts. “I couldn’t protect them. I mourned them, of course I did, but it didn’t feel right to be comforted or be helped through the pain. Always felt like such…such a weak and pitiful nix. Unworthy.”
Taking Correy’s hand in hers, Teagan guided them both to the table, and she held firmly onto him. Focused on the ripples of buzzing that hummed at its strongest where they touched. It helped, if only a little, to keep the nix centered and holding onto what she had. “I think it’s getting better now. I’m learning better. She’s…teaching me better.” And Patricia didn’t even know it. Likewise, Teagan didn’t know what her partner was learning, if anything. She hoped she was. The best partnerships were give and take, even the one she shared. “So, ‘nough ‘bout me, mister. Please tell me about you. Tell me stories. I want to hear it all and we’ve got plenty of treats to discuss as many as we can.”
Something even rarer than a smile flitted across the lampade’s face. Sincere concern. His brows knit close together and those icy almost white blue eyes scanned over Teagan’s features as her declaration of inadequacy caused her to retreat, if only just a little. “Ain’t nothin’ bout you that’s unworthy. Shite things happen, but it don’t make it our fault, luv.” Correy’s hand squeezed tightly where her’s met his. Sending those gentle buzzes of familial warmth wash through them both. “The trees that stand after an avalanche don’t stop givin’ shade cause their kin were felled. You don’t look at the remains of a forest after the fire and think ‘aren’t they the weak ones’. You survived somethin’ terrible. And it hurts. But you are strong. I can see it, right here.” He moved his hand, only for a moment to point right at the scar left by the Leviathan. “Your marks don’t define you, but they show the world what you're capable of endurin’.”
The nymph snorted a breathy laugh through his nose as she asked for his story. “M’ from Éire. Grew up in the days just before electricity got real popular. Though it wouldn’t make it out to the haunts I roamed probably’d stick it out a few years longer just to spite the feckers what invented it.” A fond smile curled at the cusp of his lips, even if his eyes were somewhere far away. “Actually met Macleod o’re there, though that wasn’t her name back t’en. You two know each other fairly well, yeah?” Correy wasn’t really ever told directly, but he was perceptive. Picked up on things. It was how he knew of the darling little nix in the first place.
“Couple’a spots of bother n’ I ended up here. But the lighthouse is my greatest project. Want it to be a place for our folk. One they can stop and rest at. A real beacon of hope.”
Teagan nodded, taking Correy’s words to heart so they could wrap protectively around it. No one knew words like a fae, and for the first time ever, the nix was at a loss for them. A small whimper escaped the confines of her throat as the chimes rang and Correy made his gesture. She had lost so much and kept to herself for so long that she was saddened to see what she really did. Hiding and running away before she gave anyone, even herself, the chance to correct the wrongs. She made the grave mistake of letting the hunter win many battles; some he wasn’t even a part of. But no more. His mark was left on her family, but Correy was right. That only showed just how capable they were, as a whole. And it was at that moment that Teagan made a silent promise to herself to never lose again. She would love and reach out unapologetically, even more so than she already was, and never let anyone take that from her again.
Eyes lit up with wonder, knowing a lampade’s lifecycle was long, but still finding the time that Correy had lived to spark awe. Teagan was beside herself and began to grow teary for something much happier than before. Correy had seen the beginning of many things, had even met Macleod in a past life. Fates had planned for all of them to meet after all, and Teagan couldn’t help but feel so grateful for both her and Correy. He was creating a sanctuary for people that were just like her not even six months ago. What a wonderful thing, and what a wonderful fae. She wanted to consume everything he said and she needed him to continue to speak. Still listening, the nix rounded the table quickly and wrapped her arms around the lampase and uttered the most powerful and vulnerable words a fae could.
“Thank you.” Teagan began, slowly making her way to settle onto Correy’s lap so she could be close while he spoke, careful to not hurt his sweet crow. “Please, continue.” Her hand laid gently on his face and she felt so happy there, like a child she never got to be. “I just want to be close.”
For a moment he thought he was off the hook. Metaphorically of course. Teagan was being sweet, coming to sit with him like a grandchild listening to old stories by the fire. She spoke those most revered words, and all Correy could do was let the subtle wave of pressure wash over him before “And I release you.” He settled his jaw atop her head, a lilting laugh making them both bobble. The crow seemed to like this arrangement as well. It nestled into Teagan’s lap until she was in a spooky old bird sandwich. He thought he was off the hook, that she’d be sated for stories, until she asked him to continue.
A sigh rippled through the lampade, guess it was inevitable. For all the man talked, and for how full of himself he was, he never really talked about himself. He tried with Crow. He mentioned the basics to Marina and Levi. Always as little as he could get away with. Somehow, he mused, he didn’t think there’d be much the young nix would miss. Seemed like the kind who could tell when a story was supposed to start and stop.
“Ahh well. Bit more complicated than that I ‘spose.” Correy was happy for their shared position. Meant he didn’t have to look her in the eye for the next part. Meant she couldn’t see the way his face bent to the time and bounties it’d paid. “My kin, lampade. Never knew another one. Never came across one.” Should’ve been a much bigger clue into his past, not for her but him. Too much of the time before the lantern was a blur. He had bits and pieces, not a cohesive narrative. Maybe that’s why he strayed so far from telling any of it. Stories were meant to have structure. Stories were meant to have meaning. And maybe in lacking for one, he meant nothing.
“But our kind are sought after, powerful. ‘Specially by casters.”
A tidal wave of emotions crashed through Teagan, and she reveled in the way she was released. Each moment creating a new crack into the sky of her heart. Thundering and roaring through every chamber of her soul, consuming every bitter word despite how they overwhelmed her palette. Yes, lampades were beautiful, but their power, their very essence was the center of what made them. For people like spellcasters, they didn’t much care to learn the intricacies of what truly mattered, but people with hearts did. People who saw them for more than just their powers saw the beauty of who and what they were, and most of the time, it was only fae who could. Others couldn’t, and sometimes wouldn’t understand, but Teagan could and did. She could hear the empty spaces in the stories, and she knew that was intentional, so she tread carefully, never once expecting Correy to delve further than he wanted to.
“I’m sorry,” She muttered, swallowing and giving Correy gentle affections over his cheek as he spoke, making sure to include the little crow. To never meet another of one’s own kind was a sort of pain Teagan had never experienced, but she felt for Correy. While she couldn’t match the beauty of a lampade, of giving him what he deserved, she wanted to at least give him the complement of the buzzing of her presence. “Wicked are those who seek you like you are simple ingredients. You’re more than that.” She continued to trace patterns and dote on her two friends, smiling up at Correy, “And my sweet lad, please don’t overextend yourself. If you wish to speak of sweet nothings instead, I’d be more than happy to. Perhaps we can go on a walk? I know a very good pastry shop we can treat ourselves to.”
Without mention of thanks or bonds, she released him too, in a way. Saw his uncomfortable state and reckoned it would be better to allow him space to choose. Correy huffed a single laugh, more of a delighted exasperation if anything. Teagan seemed to feel things so freely, so openly. It was welcome but held the man hostage for his own fear of expressing himself. It emboldened him to try. He was able to now, wasn’t he? Freed from the wish, from the bindings he placed upon himself after explosive outbursts drove him to the fury, to the leash. The only chains left were mental. Hard won conditioning. Better to feel nothing than to only be fueled by rage and fire….right?
“I’ll take you up on the treats. Maybe I’ll have the energy to tell more one day. Cause there’s gonna be more of these trips. Now that I know you I don’t know if I could bear to keep ye out of me life.” His smile was sweeter now. A weight having been pulled from his shoulders, a feathery lightness took its place. “Oh dear all this talk n’ I’m still missin’ the important bits. Did I tell you bout the werewolf I secured for ye?”
Teagan’s pupils dilated like an excited cat at the mention of a gift Correy had secured, but she tilted her head in confusion. Her wavy locks curtained around her face and she was driven with curiosity. “How do you mean? I’ve already secured myself a werewolf in my own right.” She giggled, slipping out of Correy’s lap to ready herself for their departure, swaying her arms in a half circle back and forth. “Let’s go though. Want to make sure we can secure those delicious treats. You can tell me everything on the way there!”
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