#bm headcannons
An AU Where...
AfO and Nezu are role swapped. AfO is the head of UA and Nezu is a villain looking for revenge on humanity.
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missyandthemisfits · 12 days
Grand Line Baby Daddies pt1
One Piece
Baby Daddy Headcannons Pt1
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God Usopp
BD Usopp is so overcome with the wave of emotions he's literally crying at the news - he's scared but really excited as well
BD Usopp is probably the most neurotic parent, a literal worrywart in every sense of the word, sheltered child inbound 
BD Usopp adores your son, doting on him and praising him when he decides he wants to craft something for his father for the first time - it's not the best looking gadget but BD is brought to tears nonetheless 
BD Usopp is naturally an amazing story teller so it's cake getting his child to fall asleep - but staying asleep is another thing entirely
BD Usopp is incredibly dorky but so sweet, it's hard not love him quite honestly, even when he's this clumsy. Thankfully, he's never once dropped your child
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Vinsmoke Sanji
BD Sanji really REALLY wants to tie the knot, he ain't playing around here! No seriously he asks every few weeks...
BD Sanji is slightly more doting on his child than he is with his lover but we know how he is so that's never an issue
BD Sanji has Daddy-Daughter dates twice a week without fail - and it's effing adorable, him wearing a tiara shamelessly and all
BD Sanji cooked breakfast, lunch, and dinner every single day during pregnancy and continues to cook meals curtailed to his BM and his beautiful daughter - has never once complained at the outlandish requests of either 
BD Sanji never forgets to compliment you, even on days you feel awful, because to him you really are the most beautiful creature to ever walk the Earth
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Roronora Zoro
BD Zoro is surprisingly amazing with children but he's still shook when you pop out his big headed twins
BD Zoro isn't super duper affectionate but he's big on headpats and positive reinforcement when they do something that makes him proud - which is still pretty often 
BD Zoro is actually kind of skeptical about you drinking wine during the pregnancy which is perhaps the most shocking thing of all - but it's real sweet when he worries like that 
BD Zoro doesn't do any cooking, mostly cause it's bad, but will do all the hunting and gathering for his family, proudly at that 
BD Zoro wants to pass on his sword skills but is happy even if they just learn martial arts. Much to your dismay, makes them carry around tanto everywhere 
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mike-says-sike · 5 months
Blue Lock headcannons because hell yeah - part 1
—–—–—–—–—Egoist 4 edition—–—–—–—–—–
Since Kunigami has two sisters, he absolutely knows how to style hair in plenty of ways
Because of this, whenever Chigiri was "too tired" (or too petty) to style his hair back at the 1st-2nd selections, he got Kunigami to do it, and Kuni just couldn't say no (he lowkey enjoyed it)
Chigiri is an expert at either being a total sass or doing baby-doll eyes to get what he wants (it's how he convinces Kuni to do his hair / carry his leg-care kit for him)
It barely happens, but sometimes Bachira still oversleeps (at the Barcha stratum) and Otoya is in charge of waking him up
No one could wake Bachira once and it got so bad that Lavinho had to call Isagi in for him to deal with it
Isagi knows all the oddly specific details about his friends, like how Bachira's mom prepares him his pancakes, Chigiri's favorite skincare product and karinto manjuu flavor and Kunigami's favorite pre-workout brand
Because of this and his kind, responsable demeanor he was often viewed as the mom of the group, so Bachira and Chigiri once visited the BM stratum to play a joke on him about it
For a couple of days whenever he asked someone for a favor like cleaning up, their answer was something along the lines of "yeah I'll do it later mom" and it was driving him crazy because why? (even Kaiser got in with the joke a couple of times)
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moondaeznuts · 11 months
this one has more light spoilers might make another part for the heavier ones
I love him so much and I always talk about him on twt lmaooo so im kinda just compiling stuff from twt into a big posts(?)
some of these hcs are kinda built/expanded off of canon stuffs soooo yeah
some of this might be canon actually but it sometimes hard to tell because I read mtl :cry:
He's twitter moots (brief mentioned of seeing each other in their twitter timelines in part2) with the other fans we see in the series (Moondae's fansite master and the Kim Raebin fan! I cant remember their name spellings rn... will edit later)
HE'S THE RICH FAN... buys all merch he can get his hands on his bedroom is full of TeSTAR merch (it's always mentioned he has merch in his bedroom)
He helps pay(?)/sponsoring those fanmade advertisements like those type of fan ads you see on a member's birthday
If he can he goes to those birthday fan café events :) OROROR he helps pay rent for spaces so they can have birthday event!!!
(idk if this is an actual thing) those mass buy album events(?) the fans would do each comeback(?) he buys albums for other fans that couldn't afford the newest album at the moment... (Moondae will just give him a sign album anyways lol)
He buys any plush/cotton TeSTAR doll he can get his hands on (based on a tweet he saw in ch644 for a Chungwoo doll) he has some sort cute display for each of the members :D however he has some Moondae dolls everywhere in the house (Moondae is concern about this\ Keundal just misses him that's all...) lolol (Groom of May doll sitting on the couch is canon! so cute)
Ahyeon custom making/crocheting clothes for keundal's dolls whenever he comes by his house or as some sort of gift (help there was a cursed thought of ahyeon crocheting moondae's underwear for one of keundal's moondae doll :sob: <- reference to that one moondae doll account on twitter if ykyk)
He has his own custom made TeSTAR t-shirt designs... it may not be the best quality (as in looks more meme-y/shitposty instead of some serious design... "Graphic design is my passion meme" vibe) it so cute and funny (the shirts are in the depths of his closet)
this is getting long.. (its like 8 bullet points but still) I made a Part 2 here still with light spoilers
no heavy spoilers for now...
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Headcannon Voices
In my headcannon's I gave Sun and his brothers different voices. And the antagonists, and friends.
Sun-:Wind in the Willows- Blackmore's Night
Moon:Rises the Moon (Guess which)
Solar: The Lost Christmas Eve- Trans Siberian Orchestra
Ruin: Meie din liechter schin- folk song
Lunar and stars: Remember- Trans Siberian Orchestra
Monty: Christmas Nights in Blue- Trans Siberian Orchestra
BM: What is Christmas- Trans Siberian Orchestra
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justbrainrot · 1 year
Okay, my Legendborn Cycle deep nerds— I have an idea for writing the story of Faye & Natasia’s relationship rattling around in my brain and I need to chat some stuff out, you with me?
(This will clearly contain Legendborn & Bloodmarked spoilers— it’s also a long one, y’all)
Item the first:
How exactly are we explaining the difference between how Bree’s root affects Sel in BM ch40-41 vs BM ch58? Because getting mega drunk & literally losing one’s humanity are… really different outcomes lol.
I personally think that consent is the key here (big ol’ hat tip to @jenosavel for this reasoning, it has been exploding my brain for a few weeks haha) & that Bree actively pouring root into the shared casting they created (for completeness I’ll also point out that she believes the construct/bomb they created was entirely Sel’s work, but he says it’s both of them) created the drunk-but-better feeling Sel has afterwards— plus his eyes go back to gold! They aren’t bright bloodred anymore nor are they the burnt sienna that they were once his mesmer was removed by Valec at the bar. Contrasting this with the changes he experiences after consuming her root by force in the last bloodwalk— it’s night and day. His eyes are “molten red,” his fangs are black, he has claws ffs! The only difference I can see between these two situations is Bree’s consent regarding use of her root (well the bloodwalk does take place on its own plane & not on earth but everything that happens in all the bloodwalks holds true on earth as well so.)
Anyway I obviously think this is a super compelling theory BUT it also means that Natasia can’t help him. She is probably in her own descent, since at this point we are six months after Faye’s death, & if the thing that has been keeping her balanced since she broke out of the Shadowhold years ago has been shared castings with Faye, then she’s pretty screwed unless she has access to the kind of edible (drinkable?) aether Valec sells or is friends with another rootcrafter. I don’t see why or how she could do that though, since it’s not like she can hide being a Merlin to anyone in the know.
Definitely interested in hearing other theories about this!
Item the second:
When I first read LB I was convinced that the accepted fact that Merlins would descend into demonia without their Oaths had to be a straight lie & just another way that the Order manipulated Merlins into giving their lives over to the cause. Are we to believe that all unbalanced cambions on the planet are bound to the Order? Like every single one? Nahhhh. Valec doesn’t have any children (that we know of) but he’s also very unlikely to be the only cambion on earth who isn’t descended from Merlin, & who knows what kind of shenanigans the others get up to? Plus one of the fun things Ms. Deonn has peppered these books with is the arrogance of the Order thinking their way is The Only Way— both how wrong that is & how that hubris blinds them from seeing the magical world as it truly is. I was mega surprised by the fact that Sel’s descent was a major part of the plot of BM. So that’s my previous headcannon bias which likely affects the following, I guess.
I just can’t wrap my mind around how the descent even works in a way? Like maybe this is just the Sel heart eyes talking, but though I understand how he explains it to Bree, I also wonder how reliable a narrator of his own destruction he is, because our boy doesn’t have the best self esteem. Like yes he for sure tries to kill Bree, & that’s capital letters BAD, no arguments there, but he’s not operating with all the information at the time! And as soon as he has the relevant info he’s the first to kneel to her in the ogof y ddraig, even though he must be as confused as anyone as to why she pulled Excalibur from the stone.
Let’s just take a look at the text, shall we?
"Oaths are sealed through personal belief and intention. Belief is why Lord Davis could do all the evil he did and not be burned by his own Oaths; he believed what he did was right. I believed I was doing my job well when you first arrived on campus. That going after you was the right thing to do."
“I'm not excusing you," I say. "But back then, you were doing your duty. What you thought was right based on what you knew. I didn't know what I was either."
Okay— so theoretically no ill effects should have come out of him being wrong about Bree being a goruchel, because he believed she was a threat, just as Davis believed he was serving the greater good. Cool cool.
I frown. "When did you worry?"
He shifts on the log to face me, eyes darting across my face so quickly, I almost don't feel the sparks.
"When I saw your bravery. Your fury. Your heart. When I started to see…” He swallows, brows knitting together. "When I started to see what I believe Nicholas sees when he looks at you. Only a monster could look at you and want to destroy you, Bree."
The knot loosens in my chest a fraction. "But you were still serving your Oath to Nick, then. So even though you were worried, you couldn't have succumbed that night, not technically . . . right?"
"Perhaps. But my behavior then affected how I behaved later, after Nicholas was taken." He inhales. "By the time the Regents arrived, I had been feeling the effects of not fulfilling my Oath for several days."
So by his estimation he begins his descent the night of the second trial. Which (tragically!) is the same night he begins to fall for Bree. (<— this part is my opinion but anyway) it leads me to my other point: his demon side is drawn to all the negative human emotions, yeah? Fear, suffering, anger, pain, etc. How can he be in descent when he’s feeling the beginnings of what is arguably the most human emotion of all? One which continues to grow throughout the whole of BM, during the time he’s away from Nicholas, yes, but protecting Bree with all he has?
Plus I just have to say it’s bullshit that there’s no stopping the descent once it starts. Like obviously no (Natasia) but also come on. It has to be a foregone conclusion? There’s no other option? That just seems like an obvious lie to scare baby Merlins into acting right. (Again— this is where my previous headcannon bias rears its head, so I question myself on this one.)
I’m not even sure what I’m saying here anymore 🤪 these books have got me all kinds of fucked up. How is Sel in descent at all? Is he just confusing it with his actions serving the spirit of his Oaths but not the letter? Or does it not have to do with any of this stuff & is simply about being away from Nicholas? Sel says himself that the Kingsmage Oath runs deeper than either of them has ever acknowledged, likely because it’s been part of them since they were really young kids, & it’s one of the most powerful Oaths in the Order.
Anyhoodle this is what my brain is record scratching on these days. Plssssss gimme what you’ve got in the comments because what else are we gonna do while we wait for her to write book 3?? Also please let me know if you are at all interested in my Natasia/Faye fic idea. I think it’s pretty funny that I’m over here writing a story about characters that don’t even appear in the books so far except for short flashbacks. 😆 What if I were a normal person writing fluffy selbree smut? Lmao anyway that’s not me I guess. (Everyone else continue to write that though lol because I like reading it.)
Just tagging folks who I have been in the comments with a few times, no pressure y’all: @you-are-my-king-now-cariad @thoughtfulbearpanda @blackdragonflies88 @ofstarsandmoonlightt @ashaligtwood @poisonousflora
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multifairyus · 1 year
Brelwyn Story Playlists Volume II: After Dark
Hey! Haven’t heard the Brelwyn Story Playlists Volume I: Rise and Fall, Of Our Own Volition (O3V) and Demonia’s Descent (DD)? Interested in my explicit content disclaimer/behind the scenes for Volume II? Wanna read about my canon BM timeline divergence headcannons that inspired this fanwork?
You’re up to date with all that? You don’t care about any of that and came for the spice? You appreciate the dynamic between Briana and Selwyn and want to see it explored in musical medium? You’re grown and sexy? You like expanding your music taste? You’re a fan of my playlists (@ficnoire2 @poisonousflora @thoughtfulbearpanda @justbrainrot @sweetestblacktea 😘)?
Excellent, then you’re in the right place 💖
Start, Stop…
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Summary: In which a King and her Kingsmage fight and make up with each other.
Continuity: Directly follows the developments of O3V. Directly proceeds the developments of AEIB. Features a couple tracks from DD and familiar phrases and concepts from O3V.
Genre: Heavy R&B and neo soul, with a hint of pop for emphasis.
Duration: 2 hours, 40 minutes (I’m sorry)
Transition: Exclusively Joel Sunny violin covers. Denotes emotional shifts in relationship status.
Prologue: First five tracks.
Epilogue: Last two tracks.
AO3 Tags: #aged up characters #kiss and make up #but not before they roll in the hay a bit #mature content rating #dream sex if you squint #established couple #for realsies this time #Nickbree/OT3 shippers…are you lost or? #lol but fr no Nick disparaging but it is addressed and resolved sooo #avert your eyes sorry not sorry #if I had a nickel #for every time Beyoncé heralds a fundamental shift in Brelwyn’s relationship in these playlists #I’d have two nickels #which isn’t a lot #but it makes perfect sense that it happened twice #BeeHive 🤝🏾 BreeHive #I swear O3V wasn’t a fakeout #I just forgot I was dealing with two stubborn idiots oml #does their fight in this make sense? #do their canon fights make sense? #sort of and sometimes #but whatever the arguing is foreplay regardless #I do think she won lowkey #Rihanna is not the one or two to play with and neither is Bree #speaking of which #hello there demonia Sel #you’re sounding awfully angsty and sappy in this playlist #wanna play the long game #and let her do what she wants #until she begs you to come out and play? #excellent, good, good…
Apple Music
YouTube Playlist
…And Everything In Between
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Summary: A playlist in which a King and her Kingsmage fight are willing to take turns, as long as it’s with each other.
Continuity: Directly follows the developments of SS. Heavily features an artist from DD in particular.
Genre: Mix of R&B, electropop, and urban contemporary with a pinch of rock and pop for seasoning
Duration: 3 hours, 33 minutes (I am so sorry)
Transition: Power Haus violin song covers denote the start of a “turn” while Joel Sunny violin covers denote the end of a “turn”.
Prologue: First two tracks.
Epilogue: Last four tracks.
AO3 Tags: #aged up characters #explicit content warning #kink #BDSM #switch4switch #power dynamics #edging #erotic asphyxiation #bondage #just because I’d fold like fresh laundry for Sel doesn’t mean Bree would #Selwyn Kane is a slut first #part incubus second #and a dramatic Gemini classics major third #of course he’d sub for Briana #you can read (hear?) it as bratty bottom4service top too ig #Janet and Abel really deserve to be co-curators as much as they feature in this #this curator disavows any and all references to infidelity along with certain honorifics used within tracks #shhh just ignore those lines for immersion’s sake #they are in love, fucking, officially together and trauma bonded #this could have been even more intense believe it or not #even still #if I made the aftercare more than one song each #it would be over the 4 hour mark #the epilogue covers the tonal range in Brelwyn’s sexual dynamic in a nutshell #in case the whole “taking turns” thing flew over your head somehow
Apple Music
YouTube Playlist
~ Fairy 💖
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nicecream · 11 months
Do you have any headcannons about BM Nightscream?
do i ever… this is kind of just canon but he definitely likes classic rock. i would love nothing more than to stare at the ceiling and listen to pink floyd with him. i also think he’s kind of a pop culture and subculture nerd in general… like who just quotes planet of the apes as their first line in the show 🤨
i wish he and cheetor got more screen time together, it seems like they only ever talk strategy which idk maybe that really is the extent of their relationship but it could be anything. at the same time i really like that he seems to get along way better with rattrap and blackarachnia, it only makes sense since his personality is more like theirs than cheetor’s (within bm it’s easy to forget he’s actually pretty cheerful and i imagine him going right back to that once the apocalypse is dealt with)
between noble, rav (a toy-only sentient (?) drone) and all the maximals being older than him i think he’s the sort of person who can befriend any type of person
i don’t think he’d be obsessed with them or anything but i think he’d be absurdly, absurdly good at rhythm games. oh and since he can sing the frequency to sever peoples’ sparks from their body (so overpowered and also so interesting to think about irt to megatron whose whole thing is that he took everyone’s sparks out… really any comparison of him and megatron/noble is fascinating) he definitely has perfect pitch
i think being critical comes extremely naturally to him, he’s the sort of person where you can name anything and he can instantly think of 10 things he doesn’t like about it. he’s the roast-on-demand friend
i think he would go to any of the maximals for life advice but blackarachnia would usually be his first choice. it’s probably because i’ve watched terminator 2 and aliens too many times but their relationship is everything to me, and i believe the intent was to have him see her as a mother figure but i like that it turned out more ambiguous and could be aunt or sister-like or something with no human equivalent
i wish he and botanica EVER interacted. if he didn’t already have an interest in science i think being surrounded by only scientists for months would definitely give him one, she can teach him much in the ways of botany. i have also wondered whether his vampirism will be a problem post-canon, like does he need to feed on others’ energy to survive or is that just something he can do? i think probably the latter but in the case that he did, i can see botanica being the one to walk him through that existential crisis
i think his alt mode being a bat suits him perfectly and even though there was no action on his part in adopting it i love how it happened, but if he ever changed it… i think a dragon would be fitting, sort of like a bat but more powerful… a callback to noble…
there’s like never a point where he's actually in charge of something but i bet he’d be a great leader (he is based on john connor after all). i really wish transtech (the planned but cancelled beast machines sequel) happened because i really want to see what he would be like as a young adult, i would want him to take over cheetor’s role as second-in-command since cheetor would take optimus’ place as leader…
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pommigranite · 1 year
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hi so i feel like i'm never gonna draw her this well again so i decided to post this tonight lol
i dont have a name for her, so suggestions are welcome!
Basic Info:
Name: Amelie (thanks @nightingale-au-tmnt) I really like this name! It means: industrious, striving; work; laborious; eager, which I think is a great name for summing up some of her strengths!
Age: 19 (when she joins the fam)
Pronouns: she/her (was often referred to as "Pet" or "It" by Big Mama, Venus, etc for most of her life)
Height: 6ft 5in, when full grown she will be 7ft (so taller than Raph for now, but as soon as he hits his next growth spurt she'll be shorter than him lol)
design based off a Rio Grande Red-Eared Slider
Backstory/Lore under the cut (warning, it's very long lol)
Amelie's story is that she is supposedly the last turtle yokai, taken by Big Mama. At first, when she was very little, BIg Mama was very kind to her, but never bothered to name her, calling her Pet, or referring to her as "it", which just stuck. Big Mama's assistant, who I headcannon as Venus de Milo, while thinking of Pet as a sort of sister figure, felt inferior to her because Venus is a mutant, not a yokai, which Big Mama holds over Venus.
When Pet turns 11 years old, she fights for the first time in the Battle Nexus. Big Mama starts her off in basic bouts of skill, but by the age of 13 is already fighting in the major battles- the "to the death" battles. She quickly becomes the Champion, and Big Mama often shows her off to others in her social circle, and that's when she dresses up like she is in the picture. Pet becomes nonverbal during this time period, she chooses not to speak because she is afraid she'll say something wrong and be punished.
When she turns 18, however, she starts rebelling against Big Mama, and so BM locks her up like she did with Splinter. (Ergo how Leo was able to become Battle Nexus Champion).
A year later, when the turtles are looking for their lost siblings, the group who goes after Venus also find Pet, and take her in. She easily slips into the role of "older sister of now six turtle mutants and two humans". I think it should be fitting that Venus give Amelie her name, after they have a heart to heart convo.
She teaches her siblings to speak her particular dialect of turtle (the difference between hers and the sibs is kinda like the difference between American English and British English lol), and the boys teach her (and Venus) TSL.
It takes her a while to talk again, and when she gets her voice back its deeper and raspier than it would've been normally, but the sibs like it so she doesn't really mind. She learns Japanese, Spanish, and French very quickly. When she is overwhelmed, though, she quickly defers back to chirps and churs because it's easier for her (it does make it hard for her non turtle family to help her out though, especially when she says more complex things in her native dialiect)
Sometimes her scars bother her, she has many, but her sibs have their own scars and that helps make her feel less alone 💞
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milkybonya · 4 years
Could you do dating BM would include? I need some comfort because J.Seph enlisted 😭😭😭
i feel like i lost track and made this too long but i also feel like it isn’t long enough :”)
Dating BM...
Warnings: food mentions
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Before the dating even begins, bet he’s gonna confess to you with ‘a goofy song’ cause mans said in his own words that that is what he plans on doing for his s/o
where do i even begin
the most caring boyfriend on this entire planet
literally will meet you anytime anywhere for any reason
“Matthew, I ran out of snacks :(”
but also respects you whenever you want time to yourself
ain’t afraid of showing his love for you
in word form and physical form
but minimal pda okay pda is no no,, i feel like he’s shy about it :”)
but he enjoyed peppering your face with smol kisses
many smol kisses all at once!!!
dedicates songs and choreos and instagram posts and his meals and even the air he breathes to you
always checking up on you whenever you’re busy
“did you drink water today?”
whines for you to come to the gym with him
because he wants to show off his abs
but also cause he wants to hype you up
“aYY GET IT, [Y/N]!”
will hold your hand at all times
gives you a lot of back hugs :”)
will turn any morning into a lazy one whenever possible
“c’mon, [y/n], let’s sleep in for 5 more minutes”
expect a lot of cuddles
he’s a big spoon type of mans but curls around you so tightly
buries his head in your shoulder
expect a lot of him hyping you up
even when you’re just brushing your teeth or something
will not stand for anyone disrespecting you
ready to fight whoever hurts you at any time
he’s such a sof boi for you tho :”)
i feel like he may get a lil distant when he’s stressed and in the studio
so he’ll appreciate it a lot if you go to check up on him
and give him lots of hugs
okay but why can i imagine him wanting to coordinate outfits
will probably giggle a lot if you end up coordinating outfits tho
he won’t be able to contain his excitement
even if you’re just wearing matching bracelets
be ready for many random dances around the house after he starts blasting music
just a lot of vibing to music
whether in the car or at home
he’ll ask for your opinion on his own music, too
BM is just the kindest, most caring and positive person on this planet and he will treat you with an infinite amount of love and care
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mobang-ja · 2 years
who i write for [☯ RR]
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                     rules | req.list | masterlist
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LMK if you have someone in mind, i might of missed characters + its just best to ask lol!
✪ = im more inclined!
∞ = more experienced!
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  ✧ *。 ♡ ~ ♪ *ʀᴇǫᴜᴇsᴛs ᴀʀᴇ ᴏᴘᴇɴ!* ♪ ~ ♡ 。* ✧
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➤ Humans
➪ Adam
➪ Buddha
➪ Lu Bu
➪ Michel Nostradramos
➪ Raiden Tameemon
➪ Qin Shi Huang
➤ Gods
➪ Beelzebub
➪ Hades
➪ Hajun
➪ Heracles
➪ Loki ✪
➪ Poseidon ✪
➪ Shiva ✪
➪ Thor
➪ Zerofuku
➤ Valkyrie
➪ Brunhilde
➪ Hrist
➪ Thrud
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                            fandoms list
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sweetsweetkpop · 3 years
Give me that BM and Wonho for sex dynamics I BEG OF YOU
I knew it would spark and interest for something lol Also went a little crazy on this 😅
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First off, this is sex dynamic is just chef kiss. Matthew probably dreamed of the chance to do this. I can see them both switching often but Wonho bottoming a bit more than Matthew, but best believe it’s not an issue for the latter at all.
If Matthew is the top/dom this time, I gotta love fucking Hoho from he back cause that man has an ass on him and he do like a fat ass. The moment he saw his ass giggle with each thrust, he would always go back to that position. Now if Matthew is bottoming, he actually enjoys those positions where you lay down on your stomach and thrust from above. He’s trapped there and has no choice but to take whatever Wonho gives him and being underneath his body just adds to it.
When Wonho tops, he likes seeing Matthew’s face. He wants to know how good he is making him feel when he is thrusting into him. To see his expressions and touching him to get him to cum again is just the best for him. Now when Hoeseok bottoms, he’s a whore for those deep thrusts too, so all Matthew gotta do is put his legs on his shoulders or bring them close to his face and fuck him like that. He discovered how much he likes it when Matthew did the first time and he’s been hooked since.
Matthew likes some Nipple play because 1) it’s part of the tiddie and 2) he loves how sensitive Wonho’s are, so it’s a newly developed thing he found out he loves. He suck em, pinch them, nip them a bit too. He just loves it. He also a bit of an exhibitionist. He would fuck Wonho in places they could get caught cause the idea is really hot to him and hearing Wonho tryna be quiet makes it better. 10/10 could see him fucking by windows so people can glance at them too.
Wonho like sensory deprivation. Matthew can blindfold him and immediately his body will get extra sensitive to his touches. He can’t tell where he’s gonna get touched next and it excites him. He’s also a kinky boy that loves bondage. Tie him up along with the blindfold with either ropes or cloth and he will enjoy the fact that he can’t move. Matthew wanna try and learn shibari if he could and Wonho would fucking love it.
Hoseok’s hands were pressed against the window, trying to stand up on shaky legs as Matthew fucked into at a quick speed. He don’t know how many times he came already, but Matthew never finished and it was driving him insane. What if someone saw them? There was a building across the street and it wouldn’t be that hard for them to see what’s happening to him. But then Hoseok felt his cock twitched at the thought and he must of squeezed down on Matthew cause he let out a groan and leaned over his body. “You thought about someone seeing us again didn’t you?” Matthew teased as it made the younger whine, “ Well whoever’s watching, I hope they’ll enjoy watching you cum against this window too.”
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Okay so instead of me sending about fifty of these imma do one per character and their spots if thats okay??? Ohterwise i aint sleeping tonight n i got shit to do tmr TwT <3
Neck, ancles, shouders, back things- like the blades but idk what their called pffft-, underarms and knees mahaha
okay love ya
Thanks for these they are so friggin fun to write!
Despite my fics, I actually personally headcannon Nick as hardly ticklish at all. Nick just doesn’t seem Ike the type of guy to laugh at that stuff or enjoy it. If you tickle his neck he’ll probably just deadpan stare at you or make fun of your attempts to tickle him before tickling you. If you tickled his shoulder blades he’d probably just hum in relaxation. He also probably hates his ankles being touched because he’s easily annoyed. However, he’s pretty ticklish in his leg area, especially in his knees. While he’s not that ticklish anywhere else, knee squeezes drive him INSANE. He will pretend it’s because he finds it annoying but you’ll be able to hear that muffled laughter if you pay attention-
When Nick tickles necks he will do so lightly but doesn’t often tickle there because there isn’t a lot of surface area. He usually avoids the knees and thighs all together as no to give his lee any ideas… However, he tickles underarms brutally, not stopping until his victim is out of breath, laughing along all the while. Sometimes he will poke Andrew’s armpits just to tease him or make a point. When Andrew’s OCD gets bad, Nick will massage Andrew’s back to calm him down, *accidentally* tickling his shoulder blades, followed by a tickle attack.
Woo this was fun to write. Hope the results weren’t disappointing these are just my personal headcannons.
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rosewould · 4 years
defunct masterlist
💗 ~ 𝕤𝕞𝕦𝕥 / ☁️ ~ 𝕗𝕝𝕦𝕗𝕗 / ☂️ ~ 𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕤𝕥 / 🩹 ~ 𝕘𝕠𝕣𝕖  / 🌚 ~ 𝕙𝕦𝕞𝕠𝕣
How Vocal in Bed💗:
Into Messy Cum Play💗:
nct mark + 00 line
Threesome w/ Another Member💗:
nct 127
you try to flirt yourself out of a ticket (policemen!ateez) 🌚
finding out you’re in the sex industry💗
finding out you’re in the sex industry💗
for you
btsworld a/s au💗 
bloodshot 💗☂️🩹
finding out you’re in the sex industry💗
malice 💗☂️☁️
good for you💗
finding out you’re in the sex industry💗
on display💗
10 O’ Clock 💗
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imagineelrios · 7 years
SD×BM headcannons
Ravenis (obviously) on good terms with Ara.  He’s on slightly less cordialterms with Eun.  He actually delays asking Ara out just because Eunis there.
Arahas never really been in love with someone before, so she’s ratherslow to recognize the feeling.  When she does, she becomes a blushy,clumsy mess around Raven.
Eunfinally walks into one of Raven’s dreams and tells him in nouncertain terms that she’ll stay out of his way if he asks Ara out,and asks him to please hurry up because she’s getting sick oflistening to Ara’s whining.
Ravenasks Ara out.  Ara squeals.  Raven’s ears pop.
Ravenknows his way around romance.  Ara usually takes her cue from him,but she shows surprising initiative sometimes, such as when Ravencame back to his room after a long day to find Ara already cleaninghis blade for him.  It was a better gift than any flowers or lingeriecould ever be, and he promptly swept her up and kissed her.
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a-wolf-among-men · 7 years
Not so smol bm headcannon
tbh this has been something I’ve been dwelling on for a long ass time
tbh I didn’t think I’d write so much
So I’ve tried to draw this before (couldn’t ever get it to look right rip) and it’s basically the whole reason why he does have hooves hidden beneath his kimono. 
Hes basically a wolf’s in sheep’s clothing. He offers you whatever your heart desires for “free”, but he slowly kills you as he feeds off of your soul. Of course he’ll just take it all away if you even speak his name to anyone after before you know just killing you himself. 
People who speak his name afterwards will get an extremely pissed off demon who is not very happy you broke the contract, This form is basically what the curse he put upon himself has actually morphed him into. His teeth are pushed out to his cheeks overlapping much like a crocodiles. His eyes are completely black aside from glowing red pupils. He also has a long forked tongued used in the same way a snake would.
His skin is still extremely pale and his hair is still white like snow. His ears are a bit longer and bigger, he can actually move them. This is also where you can actually see all of the scars hes gathered over the centuries. His voice is a lot deeper and echoes and he can speak telepathically. 
Instead of being made of of ash the inside of his body combusts and glowing red embers float away from his body and he becomes impossible to touch without seriously burning yourself. In this state instead of falling apart into ash he’ll just turn into a streak of red flame to move from place to place quickly.
His legs have backwards facing knees and his hooves are quite a bit larger along with him going from 6′1 to 7′5 ft tall. He has the exact same markings on his legs on his arms ending just below the shoulder. His claws have gotten longer and sharper, gaining the ability to pass through someones physical form to their soul. 
The only reason why he can’t hide his hooves in his “normal form” is, because the corruption has gotten so strong that he is starting to have trouble hiding it. As years pass he’ll slowly not be able to walk as his knees shift their place and he’ll be in excruciating pain during this process as he so desperately tries to hide it. He’ll slowly turn into what he truly is behind all the magic he uses to keep himself looking young and beautiful to draw travelers in.
This of course means his whole operation hes completely build himself upon will completely fall apart and he’ll have to resort to taking what he wants to survive instead of slowly killing a person over a course of months. He’ll stop being the humble lord and start being more of an ever pressing threat to Ionia. This of course won’t happen any time soon. For now he’ll be waiting in his castle persuading people into accepting his offers so he can live.
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