saucylobster · 1 year
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The first of my regional forms to cross over to Bretlan from Auzz. Hecaterra was inspired by Fern Gully as a reverse Hexxus and reversing that reversal gives us this gooey lady. Wiccatot in Bretlan are as ornery as their Auzzie counterparts but are much more willing to come into conflict with humans, relishing in the by-products of their industrious nature. They live in a pile of sludge that they use to move around and will ignite its fumes once in a suitable spot, rendering them safe from interference as they soak up any available toxins. Brettish Hecaterra are incredibly dangerous and try to rule over anywhere with enough toxic waste, happily coming into conflict with humans and capable of detonating an entire industrial complex if it means it gets its way. How this species exists in the wild is uknown as they are rare enough as is but it’s hypothesised they may have evolved in direct response to mans industrialisation. Base Hecaterra — Ability Info — — Attack Info —  
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saucylobster · 1 year
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Shading messed this guy up a little bit. This guy also caused me to overwrite the sai file for the base Kirinar family which was a bummer. Anyway, went for a night sky theme for this one and it’s one of those special shinies where I add a bit of patterning to the base design. I imagine in canon the black horn of a Kirinar would be an even rarer treasure than the standard horn and its colour would denote a much stronger power over winter and night, at least according to legend. Regular Kirinar
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saucylobster · 1 year
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Originally an old evo for Castform, this idea was retooled for Bretlan into something that could stand on its own. The idea here is that the regular form has Forecast as a hidden ability, allowing it to change form. The other forms however no longer have Forecast as an ability and thus are unable to change back, locking themselves into their own weather-setting forms permenantly. Thermonitor are highly adaptable pokemon, changing to best suit the environment they live in. Typically seen at high altitudes in their base form; as they descend below the cloudline they become subject to weather and climate. These changes are instigated by the fluids that fill a Thermonitors body and by responding to temperature and humidity, affect the appearance of the water that lines their outer surface. Although they don’t learn many elemental moves naturally, they would have a broad range of TMs and tutor moves that would allow them to build for any weather. They even get a signature move “Shepherds Delight” which i’m pretty pleased with. — Ability Info —  — Attack Info —
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saucylobster · 1 year
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Ceenesscular is a pokemon that has reduced its body to the bare essentials; bundles of muscle with which to fight and a brain and a heart to ensure those muscles work. With no other organs to worry about, the delay between thinking and doing are lightning quick and a Ceenesscular has reflexes faster than near enough any other pokemon. Reducing its body even further, with only its gargantuan brain and even more bundles of muscle, a Ceenessensei can overwhelm opponents with rapid strikes and excellent prediction. Being little more than an exposed brain they are actually quite delicate, proving to be all the more reason to out-predict and overcome a foe as quickly as possible. I’m not going to update movepools with gen-9 stuff but I would have been tempted to give these guys fillet away. — Ability Info — — Attack Info —
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saucylobster · 1 year
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Another redraw i've been desperate to do. No real design changes just a fresh lick of paint. Margle tusks were commonly used by assassins as daggers because of the virulent bacteria that they harboured, ensuring a target would succumb to their wounds if the blow itself was not fatal. In life Margle are unweildly yet surprisingly powerful pokemon, their large size and ravenous appetite somewhat unusual for a young bug pokemon. Nuislurp are exceptionally nimble pokemon that are experts at dodging incoming attacks. Although physically weaker than their younger counterparts a Nuislurp wields potent acids that break down an opponents armour, opening them up to further attacks. The droning sound of their beating wings is often quoted as being one of the most irritating noises ever and in an unlucky few can trigger nausea and dizziness. Grimelord are slovenly and slothful pokemon that despite their immense girth have a keen sense of their surroundings that renders them difficult to catch unawares. Their bulging eyes and bat-like halteres render surprise attacks all but useless as they slosh their bellies, releasing debilitating acids and gasses as a means of retaliation. — Ability Info — — Attack Info —
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saucylobster · 1 year
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There’s a few Megas in need of some attention and Obsideous here wasn’t really one of them, not as in need at least. All the same it’s looking really rather handsome with only some very minor alterations. Obsideous is the most in tune with its Rocky typing out of all the Brettish starters and once it Mega evolves that affinity only heightens. Magma has begun to surface through the cracks in its rocky hide and the plates on its back have become powerful cannons, capable of launching lava over great distances. Once Mega Obsideous plants itself in front of an opponent nothing is going to shift it, as obstinate as ever and unmovable in its defence, firing at opponents before they can even try. — Ability Info — — Attack Info —
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saucylobster · 2 years
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Big update for Ermighty here. I figured ermine really conjures images of coats and cloaks so I emphasised that with the new design. Fighting/Dark conjures images of Bancho ala Pangoro and so the two fit together quite naturally. The winter coat thing is purely aesthetic, changing in winter or during hail as a reference to the white winter coats of real life stoats. Rowdy pokemon that leave their nest once play fighting turns into full on brawling. Highly capable hunters, Ermini specialise in taking down prey much larger than themsleves, using tricky movement to open up weak spots in their prey. During winter their coat adapts to better blend in with the fallen snow, its bluish tint becoming pure white in the right light. Ermighty can move incredibly quickly, with sinuous movements that allow them to run rings around their opponent. They delight in running prey ragged with tricky movements and bullying tactics until they are so exhausted there is barely any need to use their ample strength. They can have something of a Napoleon complex, being small in stature for such accomplished hunters. — Ability Info — — Attack Info —  
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saucylobster · 1 year
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Might as well go all in and finish the redraw of my other Ice type rabbit fakemon. I remember coming up with the idea for this guy at school whilst playing through Pokemon Crystal for the first time, been with me for a long time. Merriberri are able to catch the cold winter winds and keep themselves aloft as they float from place to place. Unlike many plant pokemon they are perfectly at home in the depths of winter although their small stature means they can get bogged down in deep snow, instead hitching a ride in a Merribunni's tail if strong enough winds are unavailable. Merribunni are beloved ushers of winter, appearing most commonly as the cold winds blow in. Although much less able to harness wind as a means of travel they are still capable of hopping up and gliding with a decently strong gale. Their leaves are razor sharp and a threatened Merribunni will rattle them together as a warning to any predators that attempt to attack. — Ability Info — — Attack Info —
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saucylobster · 2 years
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Dirigibask here was the first in a long line of non-Water shark pokemon and has been through a few iterations at this point. I always tried to keep the bulbous snoot of the basking shark intact but it meant I had to compromise on the blimp shape somewhat and ultimately I think I made the right choice by reversing that decision. Debated about Cloud Nine over Aerilate but a STAB Explosion boosted by it sounds like too much fun, despite its pitiful attack stat. Dirigibask are rarely viewed by people as they reside high up in the atmosphere, where they sift airborne particles from the densest cloudbanks. Their large size and schooling nature means they are rarely toubled by aerial predators but in other countries they are prime targets for Hybocane and similar stratospheric hunters. When they wander further inland at a low enough elevation they can be seen to inspect the highest buildings with a sense of curosity. — Ability Info — — Attack Info —
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saucylobster · 2 years
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After removing a pike fakemon from Bretlan (a little uninspired design-wise and no notable niche) I had room to add something new. Psychic and Dark were my least represented types and immediately conjured up nightmare as a concept. Picked some common spooky themes and mashed them all together to get this guy. The archetypal “bump in the night”, Phoboogie have been tormenting the young and the vulnerable of Bretlan since time immemorial. They feed on the fear they harvest from their distressed victims, channeling it psionically whilst infiltrating their sleeping minds. Rarely is a target ever in any physical danger, as the dead know no fear, but the mental anguish is no less traumatic. — Ability Info — — Attack Info —
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saucylobster · 1 year
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I've wanted to redo these guys for a while as they were a little too plain. That was part of their charm but I felt they needed something more... turns out it was bunny ears. Snowbab are popular pokemon as they enjoy frolicking in the snow with children during winter and in colder regions. They can be rather cautious though as it isn't uncommon for some children to demolish their snowmen and a Snowbab does not want to be a case of mistaken identity and unduly hurt. Snowbun are much more able to keep up with the rough and tumble of boisterous children although if mistreated they can become quite aggressive in their defence. Despite being more than capable of stopping a child there are rarely any serious casualties and at most incidents don't escalate beyond some squabbling and bruised pride. Snowbulk tend not to play with children anymore and are more likely seen in the competitive circuit as their fighting skills are superb. In the wild these pokemon have to defend from the occasional Extrembite or Smilar attack and their sturdy defence coupled with their expert grappling skills allow them to deal heavy handedly with these attackers.  Pure coincidence these are rabbits and that I did them on New Year's eve, I had no idea it was the year of the rabbit this year. — Ability Info — — Attack Info —
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saucylobster · 2 years
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A design I wanted to redo for a while since I was never satisfied with the lure. I had tried not to make it too sexy and employ some subtlety but I think I needed to ditch that line of thinking to get something that looked more complete. I then had the hilarious idea of a himbo alt whilst in bed last night and now... here we are. When in water the lower half of a Lurelei is completely invisible, leaving its advanced illicium and red upper body as a fairly effective facsimile of a mermaid. It uses this highly mobile appendage and its soft, soothing whistling and pleasing glow to draw in prey close to the water, before lunging forward and swallowing it whole. I feel it’s only right to mention that this is an idea that was 100% inspired by the beautifully sprited Castlevania enemy, Lorelai. --Ability Index-- --Attack Index--
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saucylobster · 2 years
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The resemblance to Mega Alakazam is 100% accidental and hopefully the colour scheme, mirror and gargoyle motif are enough to keep it original. I actually had to shrink it down once I was done since this guy has some height. Mega Arcanoyle remains perched atop its mirror, a gateway into the vast cosmos and a tether to the incredible power therein. Sagely and patient, an Arcanoyle in this form may find battle beneath it and will consider the direction of its trainer only if sufficiently bonded. Those that raise its ire will find themselves privvy to the endless depth of power that the vastenss of the universe dotes upon this pokemon. Those it considers friends may be granted a glimpse into the greater knowledge that lays beyond the stars, though whether they can comprehend it is another question. Base Arcanoyle
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saucylobster · 1 year
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Vouvrascal are haughty, self-absorbed pokemon that despite their lack of power look down on others. Residing out of sight in river banks or wells they emerge from their holes when people pass by so that they can pilfer their treasures which they selfishly hoard. Aside from the trove they build, the gem of a Vouvrascal is a worthy treasure itself, rumoured to increase the effects of water and flame. Rinrix are as crafty as any snake despite lacking venom or the strong coils of a python and instead rely on a variety of strategies to deal with stronger foes. The most well known of these defences is playing dead; an illusion reinforced by the terrible odour a distressed Rinrix releases. When on the offensive Rinrix can move surprisingly quickly and are excellent swimmers, just as competent battling in the water as they are on land. Vouvrascal didn’t have a blue tail originally but now that it does it’s looking quite similar to Milotic. Different enough that i’m not bothered but still, noticeable... It’s an early game pokemon that would be incredibly rare, more of a collectable than a battler. — Ability Info — — Attack Info —
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saucylobster · 2 years
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Mega evolution has souped up Rufarrow to the extreme, now easily the fastest thing in Bretlan. Its feathers have refined into a sleek, aerodynamic carapace with a hardness akin to steel. To be attacked by a Mega Rufarrow in flight is like being hit by a bullet; a big, angry bullet with sharp talons and a tearing beak. Besides raw power and speed, Mega Rufarrow continue to be incredibly nimble in the air and are excellently acrobatic. --Ability Index-- --Attack Index--  
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saucylobster · 2 years
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Inspired by the Flatwoods monster and the Pascagoula abduction respectively, these two would be similar to fossils in that you find a Misty Meteorite or a Magnetic Meteorite and revive it into an alien pokemon. Spastrix are superficially bird-like but seem wholly unrelated to any pokemon on Earth. Its wing-like projections allow it incredible maneuvreability through the air, when it isn’t floating ominously. Shy and retiring, they avoid contact with humans and dwell deep in misty woods where their activities are poorly recorded. Pascidol appear almost totally oblivious to their surroundings, generating a magnetic field around themselves which seems to create a bubble of total stasis. At the centre of this bubble wind and rain do not reach it, electronics malfunction before ultimately collapsing and people report an increasing gravity as they attempt to approach the pokemon. — Ability Info — — Attack Info —
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