#bullet journal in german
example-sell · 2 days
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snowyjinsoul · 2 years
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Wednesday, May 11th
My current bullet journal spreads for the month of May and last week!
5 years back, when I just started journaling my bujo was a mess of stickers and washi tapes and all that stuff. (not saying that’s bad, it just doesn’t work for me personally <3) Now it’s much more practical with a few decorations on the side. And I keep it in a mix of German and English, feels much more natural than deciding on either language!
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buniipo · 1 year
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The hard part about journaling: forgetting to do it 😓 I decided I wanted to practice my german this evening, so i opened my drawer of resources and started looking through. Decided to take a look at my journal and see what was in there, turned to the bookmarked page to see I completely forgot about the “Ein Satz pro Tag” challenge i made for myself. I’ve missed most of March! Haven’t even made the header or numbers in pen! Funny thing is, the last time I wrote in it was March 8th and the sentence is “Heute schreibe ich “Ein Satz pro Tag” von 18.02 bis 08.03” because i forgot about it in February too!
Truth is journaling is still new to me and not a habit I have. it’s hard to keep up with. I do have a log I keep for every day, marking how I’ve interacted with German (studying, listening, reading, etc).
I made this challenge to get comfortable using more complex language, and to talk about my day. I am okay with not writing in it every day, but i Do want a sentence for each day. Whether I write that sentence the day of or a week later doesn’t matter to me. The “rules” I set for myself are simple:
One sentence for each day of the year
Sentences are entirely from my own head (no outside help)
No corrections the same day as writing. I’ll go through when I’ve learned more and correct them
No repeat sentences
Anyways, i’ll get the hang of this sometime. For now though, I have 2 weeks of sentences to think up 👍 (and if anyone has any tips for a forgetful neurodivergent brain…)
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rosareversa · 1 year
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Lancelot, if thou love me get thee hence... Lancelot, wilt thou hold me so?
Featured product: Anselm Feuerbach Art & Literature Inspired Notebook 📖 ✍️
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primarykousu · 1 year
100 days of productivity accountability:
- a coding seminar
- 30 min Duolingo French
- 1 chapter Le petit prince vocabulary
- German uni homework assignment
- 30 minutes writing my thesis - its Biochemistry based! 
I set up my bullet journal! Very simple, since I wasn’t really that great at it like ever. My resolution is to try to write everyday, even a few sentences - how I feel, what made me smile or what made me sad that day. I think it will be great to look at after the whole year?
I also created my study plan for my two main exams this exam seasons - which are Animal Husbandry and Biochemistry - pretty big ones! So I better start revising all of those Krebs cycle notes ;)))
Day 1 - check!
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ichlerneimmer · 2 years
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for some reason German = green in my mind
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