#but i was excessively thirsty today
castrovulcant · 4 months
overhydrating today
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[Image description: a screenshot of a water tracker showing 3150 ml, about 13 glasses consumed. /end image description]
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tkbrokkoli · 4 months
just realized that instead of taking an exhausting walk or bike trip i can just use the bus . vroom vroom motherfuckers 🚍
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whxre-bxby · 1 year
“Cursed By Blue”
Recom Y/N x Recom Lyle x Recom Quaritch x Recom Mansk
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Summary: The recom team is out on another mission, exploring the woods in search of Sully. However, the ladies become inconvenienced by a certain seasonal feeling they didn’t expect. It hits Y/n the hardest and it’s not long before the others understand what’s happening. While everyone fights their instincts, the only option Y/N sees available is to run. 
WARNING: SMUT, non-con, forced smut (to a certain extent), predator/prey, heat fucking, heat cycles, penetration, unprotected sex, breeding kink, quickie, hurt/comfort
Word Count: 4139
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We were nearing the weekend. Not that that affected us. Lyle told me it was Friday today and I was surprised because I had completely lost track of time. But it didn’t really matter what day it was because we didn’t get time off anyway. Finding Jake was our number one priority and no breaks other than sleep were allowed. 
So here we were again, walking deeper into the forest of Pandora. It had just passed lunch time and we were here since early morning. 
No one was tired though, not yet. We weren’t allowed to be either. 
Today also happened to be warmer than usual so I wasn't wearing my usual long-sleeved attire and pants. I dressed like Walker usually did, in a sports bra and shorts. She and Z-Dog decided to wear tank tops like most of the others. 
The forest grew quieter the more we distanced ourselves from the RDA base and the city. Soon, we could only hear the wind blowing between the leaves and the distant calls of animals. That and our heavy footsteps. 
The Colonel and Lyle started the day off by leading us into the woods. As the hours passed by, the line mixed since everyone had a different walking pace and now it was Z-Dog and me leading at the front. Walker was close behind. 
I had been excessively drinking for the last 30-45 minutes and I wasn’t sure why. Z-Dog glanced over at me when she saw me reach for another water bottle. 
“That’s your third one already. Are you okay”? She asks, watching me gulp it down. I swallow most of the water and inhale sharply, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. 
“I don’t know.” I say, gasping for air. “Maybe I’m dehydrated?” 
“Don’t think so, we always drink the same amount and I’m fine.” Z-Dog says. We continue walking for a while longer in silence, thinking. Then Z reaches for her water and starts drinking it like she’s been running. 
I laugh a little but seeing her drink made me feel thirsty again. 
I reach for my water only to notice I have a few drops left. I down the remaining liquid and hold the bottle to my head. It seemed to be getting really warm. 
Turning around, I open my mouth and want to say something to Walker only to see her finishing her own bottle of water. I look behind me fully and no one else is drinking. 
“What. The. Fuck.” I say, feeling genuinely confused. Walker looks up at me with water drizzling down her chin and Z turns around. 
I wheeze and Z laughs and we wait for Walker to catch up so we can walk together. 
“Do you have any water left?” I ask her, knowing we at the front drank ours. 
“No, that was my last bottle.” she says and I notice how heavy my breathing is becoming. 
“Wait, you ran out too?” she asks and Z-Dog scoffs. 
“Yeah, been drinkin’ like we ran a marathon.” she says and I nod.
“I’ll ask the others.” I say before turning around and seeing Mansk behind me.
“Can I have some of your water?” I ask, wiping a bead of sweat from my forehead. Compared to us, Mansk is not sweating at all. He’s wearing his usual long-sleeved jacket over his tank top. 
The man glances up at me and his eyebrows furrow for a split second before he nods and hands one of his bottles over. 
“You ran out already?” he asks while I open it and drink about half. 
I wipe my mouth again, closing my eyes for a second and nodding. “Yeah.” I breathe out. “Thanks.” I say, handing it back to him. 
“Y’ alright?” he asks again taking the bottle back and I nod, not thinking much of it. Mansk doesn’t seem convinced. 
Ja overheard our conversation and sped up his walk to catch up to us. When Mansk noticed his presence he seemed a little relieved. 
“Is she okay?” he asks his colleague. Ja was the medic of the group so he would know. He took a glance at me and also thought of what I suggested. 
“Did you drink enough?” he asks me and I nod. 
“Yeah, I drank all my water and some of Mansk’s.” I scoff, wiping sweat from my forehead again. 
Ja presses the back of his hand against my cheek and then my forehead. 
“Shit, you’re burning up.” he said, scanning over me. 
I was feeling extremely warm. My skin felt like it was burning and my clothes suddenly felt tight and restrictive.
In front of us, Z-Dog and Walker are discussing something. 
Ja felt up my arm and checked my pulse while we were walking and Mansk stayed on my other side in case I was in fact not okay.
“Yeah, somethin’s definitely not right.” Ja announces to us, not quite sure how to help me. Mansk has his eyebrows furrowed, examining my behaviour. 
“They have it too.” I say, pointing at Z-Dog and Walker who now turn around. Walker is grimacing a little and Z looks worried. 
Mansk’s and Ja’s heads look up at them and they notice that they are breathing heavily and sweating just like me. Ja also takes note of the empty bottles in their hands. 
“Everthin’ okay up there?” the Colonel calls. It seems as though the others have noticed the small commotion and the medical check-up. 
Ja turns around, rubbing the back of his head. 
“Uh- no sir not really.” he calls back, stopping in his tracks to wait for Quaritch so that he can explain. Mansk and I keep walking and he watches me intently as I break out into a type of pant. My ears are pinned back and my tail is wildly flicking around behind me. My eyelids also happen to suddenly grow heavy and I keep them half-lidded. 
What snaps me out of my haze is Z calling my name. 
“Hey, Y/N come over here for a sec.” she says, turning around. Walker is running her hand down her face in what looks like frustration. 
I nod, jogging over and leaving Mansk behind. He’s still watching me, trying to make sense of what’s happening.
Neither Z nor Walker looks like they feel like joking around anymore. 
“Have you read the manual?” she asks and it takes me a few seconds to realise she means the Na’vi Body data. 
“Yeah, of course, we had to.” I say, trying to play it cool. She raises an eyebrow and I sigh. 
“I stopped once I reached the shit about plants. It got boring.” I say and she nods, knowing damn well she didn’t read further than that either. 
“Walker read it, and it said somethin’ ‘bout a heat cycle.” Z says and I glance at Walker. 
“Yeah… we’re not dehydrated. I remember the symptoms. It’s happening right now.” Walker says, scanning my reddened face. 
“Does it burn?” Z asks and my ears perk forward for once, being relieved from the tense strain I kept them in the past half hour. 
“Everything burns.” I say. 
“You know what I mean.” she adds and I groan in frustration too. 
“Yeah.” I mumble. I can’t deny the heat that’s been forming between my legs. I tried ignoring it but it grew worse. 
“Do you feel, like-” Z says, gasping for air herself. “...uncontrollably horny?” she asks with a light laugh and Walker smirks. 
I have no shame admitting anything in front of them so I chuckle and answer. “More like painfully horny.” 
They laugh a little, struggling to even out their breathing. 
“We need to distance ourselves from them.��� Walker says, glancing over her shoulder. “Especially you Y/N you seem to have it bad.” she chuckles, motioning to my panting self. “Otherwise we’re done for and this squad will no longer be as professional.” 
My eyes widen. “Wait- you’re joking right? It’ll go away like tomorrow. How would they know about this if we don’t tell them?” I ask and Walker opens her mouth to answer but before she can, my answer is handed to me differently. 
“You smell that?” someone says behind us. My heart stops pounding for a second. Right our new senses have us picking up more. 
“These cursed blue bitches.” I swear and Z breathily laughs, seeming to know how screwed we are. She’s passed the stage of denial and is now accepting our fate. 
We turn around and notice that Lyle was talking to Prager. Prager nodded and they stopped walking. Mansk had also stopped in his tracks, turning to them. Behind them, Ja, Quaritch, Brown, Lopez and the remaining team catch up and everyone comes to a halt. 
Quaritch walks between them and deeply inhales. He looks around, noticing how his soldiers are smelling what he is too. 
I feel my heart slowly drop and I hold on to Z-Dog for some comfort. All three of us are watching them, dreading their reaction. 
“What is it?” Lopez asks. 
“No idea, but it’s fuckin’ great.” Lyle chuckles and my breath catches in my throat. It seems to affect them too. As Lyle inhales, his own tail is swishing around behind him and his muscles flex. He’s growing restless and the recom’s are looking at their Colonel for an answer or instructions. 
Quaritch’s tail does the same, his own ears pinning back and then his gaze meets mine. He intensely stares me down and I feel like my entire body stops functioning for a second. 
“Oh fuck.” I whisper while barely moving my lips. I feel a little hazy again and start leaning against Z-Dog. She sighs looking more pissed than worried and catches me, trying to keep me upright. 
The soldiers follow the Colonel’s eyes and notice us standing a bit further away. 
“It ain’t dehydration, I can tell ya that.” Quaritch says, referring to Ja’s hypothesis of what might be happening. Seems like he read the manual too. 
The stupid excitement in my stomach has grown so big it’s making me feel sick. And all their eyes on us have me more nervous. 
“Can we leave?” I whisper and she nods, staring down the others as if they would move when she looks away. 
“Yeah, come on.” she says, guiding me forwards. I take a wobbly step, almost stumbling. 
Walking won’t do it. I have so much adrenaline coursing through my veins I want to run away. 
I glance back, noticing everyone’s tense poses. Their eyes follow our every move, making them seem almost predatory. My only instinct now is to run. 
Z gives me a push and my legs take off. I start running and hear Walker and Z-Dog do the same behind me. There’s a commotion happening behind them and the next time I glance behind me, everyone is chasing after us. 
It was a miserable escape attempt, to be honest. We were already so out of breath compared to them, we really didn’t make it far. 
Z caught up to me because she was not affected by the heat as much as me. 
Within the next few seconds, I was tackled to the ground, luckily hitting the soft grass. I fall with a shriek and when I look up I see Z-Dog made it a little further but she’s down now too. 
I felt bodyweight on my back and a hand wrapped around the back of my neck. I couldn’t move. Z-Dog could and the man that pushed her was getting a beating right now. 
I cry out, feeling uncomfortable in this position. My chest was pressed into the ground and I was struggling to breathe. 
“Don’t fight it, Buttercup.” the voice above me grumbled and I instantly knew it was Lyle who had his knee pressing down into my back. 
The feeling and the effects of the scent the recom’s picked up had everyone acting on their primal instincts. Most common sense was gone as their new bodies seemed to be overpowered by the will of nature. 
The scent had the soldiers feel just as worked up as the heat cycle did. Instinctively, they ran after the ‘potential mate’ they felt most attracted to because that was Eywa’s will. 
I couldn’t say anything, I felt completely overwhelmed and somehow, submitting to him felt like the right thing to do. My right mind would never let this happen but I couldn’t think of anything else but finding some relief in this agonising feeling. My body longed for this. 
I notice from the corner of my eye that Lyle is quite literally throwing his equipment to the side, ridding himself of any unnecessary accessories. 
Suddenly, boots appear in front of my face but I don’t have the strength to look up. 
“Hurry it up Corporal or else I’ll do it myself.” the voice growls and my eyes widen when I notice it’s Quaritch. 
With swift movements, my bag is removed from my body and my belt is ripped off. I gasp and suddenly, Lyle pushes my shorts down, hastily pulling them down my legs and chucking them to the side. 
His own skin feels like it’s burning so he starts to remove his shirt. However, the Colonel is impatient so he pushes Lyle out of the way and takes matters into his own hands. 
Lyle huffs in annoyance, wanting to rid himself of his own feeling of being painfully hard. 
“Let me help you out, sweetheart.” Quaritch growls, tearing my panties off. They just need access to my hole, there’s no time to take my bra off. 
I whine out when he scratches my skin while tearing the fabric off but it goes unheard. It doesn’t matter. Now Quaritch can see how needy I’m feeling and there is no questioning anything anymore. 
“Fuckin’ hell, you could’ve just told me, princess.” he teased, quickly undoing his belt. I push myself off the ground, getting on all fours but my chest is almost immediately pushed back down against the forest floor so that my back is arching and my ass and pussy are on full display to the Colonel. 
“Please-” I whimper, needing to feel some type of relief. Quaritch’s ears perk forward and an evil grin spreads across his face before he pushes his pants down to his mid-thigh. 
His throbbing cock springs out and he presses the tip against my heat. I can feel his pulse through it and he can feel mine. Before I can comprehend anything else, he harshly thrusts his hips forward, filling me up all the way.
I cry out, stretching my arms out in front of me and gripping a strand of grass.
Miles hisses, pinning his ears back before setting a rough pace. I push myself further against him so that he fully bottoms me out with every thrust, his abdomen hitting my ass. He curses under his breath. 
“Fuck, just like that, baby.” he snarled, holding my hips in place. One of his hands roughly groped my ass, delivering a spank to it which made me jolt forward. 
It’s a lot to take. Even though we’re both Na’vi, he seems to still be hitting my cervix with his tip whenever he thrusts in. 
I spread my legs a little further to give him better access and he speeds up his pace a little. He grips my tail, tugging me back to meet his thrusts and I’m clawing at the ground to try and contain myself. 
“Miles-” I moan and it makes him growl. 
“Just a little- more.” he grunts, feeling his high approach. 
This wasn’t about lovemaking or pleasuring the other person. We were so needy we just needed to fuck the feeling away and that’s exactly what Quaritch was doing. Relentlessly pounding into me from behind to finally relieve and save himself from the lust spell your sweet scent cast upon him.
He was so close, Miles leaned over and pulled my upper body up so he could press his chest against my back. He snaked an arm around my waist and continued to fuck himself into my pussy like a hound. 
I was so close. My mouth was hanging open and my eyes were slowly rolling to the back of my head. 
Miles groaned into my ear and his hips stuttered before I felt his hot cum shoot inside me. He continued to thrust into me, riding out his orgasm in a desperate attempt to keep this feeling around for as long as possible. 
Feeling him fill me up with his cum had my walls clenching around him and I came moaning his name. He held me in place to make sure I got all of it inside me before letting go of me and just regaining his breath. 
I was panting even harder now, struggling to keep myself upright. 
Quaritch pats my back, gliding his hand down my waist and hips,  steadying himself for a few more seconds before slowly pulling out. His cum was dripping out of my pulsing cunt and he sighed. 
“Well, ain’t that a beautiful sight.” he sighed, fingering some of it back inside me before getting up and redressing his pants. 
I wasn’t on the ground alone for long. In fact, only a few seconds before another pair of hands were on me. I saw Lyle take Quaritch’s spot with his pants already gone. He held my hips up and I loosely draped my tail over his shoulder. 
“God damn, you look so hot.” Lyle groaned, tracing my hips and ass with his hand. I heard a small chuckle and suddenly someone kneeled in front of me. 
It was Mansk and he was undoing his fly. His pants were strained and I watched with wide eyes. 
“Can you do it?” he asked before going any further. I nod, feeling how my mouth is salivating in anticipation. He smirks before pulling his pants down his thighs too. 
“Don’t worry, baby. I’ll go slow.” Mansk says, rubbing his thumb over my flushed cheek 
Behind me, Lyle is grinding himself into me, making me press up against him. As I do, his tip enters me and we both moan in unison. 
Mansk grins before entangling his hand in my hair. 
I hear distant moans and grunts but I can’t focus on anything else but then two men around me. 
Lyle pulls back, breaking the contact our warm skin had before he thrusts himself forward and fully pushes into me. My mouth drops open and I whimper, feeling a little sore from Quaritch. 
Mansk uses this opportunity and places the tip of his length on my bottom lip. I comply, sticking my saliva-covered tongue out and licking it. 
He shakily exhales, tightly pressing both his lips together as he watches me get to work.
I move forward and lick a long stripe from the base of his dick to the tip and it sends a shiver through him. 
Lyle starts to slowly thrust in and out of me. His eyes are closed as he focuses on how I feel around him. He’s trying his hardest not to cum straight away but knowing it’s you he’s fucking is making that very difficult for him. 
I wrap my lips around the tip of Mansk’s cock and suck on it. He shudders, letting his lips part and mouth fall open a little. 
“Shit…” he curses, pinning his ears all the way back. His entire body is being restrained because he’s fighting the need to just thrust forward into your mouth. 
He doesn’t however. Mansk lets you go at your own speed without pushing you further down, he just tightens his grip on your hair, balling his hand into a fist. 
I move my head off of him before repeating my previous action and taking more of him into my mouth. 
Lyle starts to leave his gentle pace behind and speeds up his hips movements. His hands are groping the flesh of my ass before harshly gripping my hips and rocking me back and forth. 
I relax my throat and open my mouth wider, taking more of Mansk. He’s watching me with blown pupils which I can’t see because he kept his shades on. 
He gulps, completely hypnotised by how you’re almost worshipping his shaft. 
Mansk hits the back of my throat and I change the angle a little so that I can fit more inside. I know I won’t be able to take all of him in but I want to please him with more than just half his dick. 
It seems like my gag reflex disappeared and Mansk hissed when he felt how I deepthroated him. 
“Fuck, that’s good.” he groans, throwing his head back. 
Lyle moans behind me and then his fingers find my clit, rubbing it. My eyes shoot open and I just arch myself further into him. 
A moan is drawn from my lips, sending vibrations to Mansk’s dick. He curses as I pull back and start bobbing my head up and down his length. 
“Come on, Buttercup. Cum f’ere me.” Lyle says in a husky deep voice. My ears twitch and my tail curls up into a C. 
He wanted me to release before him and I felt it approaching quickly because his fingers were working wonders while he continued to plunge himself deep into me. My walls started to tighten around him and he applied more pressure on my clit. 
I was cumming again and this time my legs were shaking. I was moaning but it was all muffled because of Mansk’s fat cock stuffing my mouth. 
Lyle was desperately humping me, his thrusts becoming more sloppy as he chased after his own high. 
I focused on Mansk while letting Lyle use me. My eyes were glossy and I swirled my tongue around him making him groan. 
With each bob of my head, I would now hollow my cheeks around him to create more suction. 
Mansk inhaled sharply because it felt like I was already trying to milk him of his cum and the way I refused to let his dick leave my mouth had him fall into euphoria. 
His hips desperately jolted forwards a few times as he came, throwing his head back while thick ropes of cum were shot down my throat. 
Coincidentally, Lyle was cumming at the same time and he pushed his hips as deep into me as possible. 
I swallowed everything Mansk gave me, licking his dick clean and he held my cheek in appreciation, breathlessly trying to gather himself. 
“God damn, Y/N. Never needed anythin’ as much as that.”  Lyle chuckled through heavy breaths. 
I opened my mouth and pulled back from Mansk a little while he leaned back on his knees and tried to regain control over his heaving chest. 
“I don’t think I can walk.” I say, coughing a little. 
Lyle lets go of my hips and I fall to the side, laying on the ground and covering my eyes with my hands. The reality was coming back and it only hit me now that I hooked up with my colleagues. 
The Colonel was still there, standing close to us. He reached for my shorts, taking my ripped underwear and stuffing it in his pocket. 
He crouched down to me, getting on one knee. I open my eyes and sit up by leaning on my elbows. My ears are drooped to the sides and my tail is motionlessly laying next to me. 
“You alright?” Quaritch asks, seeming a little worried. 
“Better now.” I grin and he chuckles, helping me put my shorts on. Lyle and Mansk dress themselves before Quaritch heaves me to my feet. 
He wraps an arm around me to keep me stable and on my feet, while we walk. 
The others had gotten up now too and everyone was dressed. I didn’t have the strength to observe anymore than that. 
Z-Dog grabbed a bottle from the ground and then spotted me. A grin spread on her face while I shot her a glare. 
“Damn, you can’t walk?” she joked, snorting. 
“Shut up, I can see you limping.” I say and she raises her hands in the air. Quaritch chuckles before turning to Mansk and Lyle. 
“Watch your surroundings and pay closer attention.” he orders, knowing not everyone is capable of defending themselves right now. They nod. 
After a few minutes, we reach a grass plain and Quaritch lets us all take a break because there’s no point in walking any further today. 
I sit down, leaning against Z-Dog who is teasing Walker about something. The others stand around, keeping watch for danger until the helicopter returns to pick us up. 
This is definitely not how I expected any mission to turn out. Who knew these blue bodies were so intense?
Tag List: @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @number1gal @ikranwings
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ascendanttarot · 10 months
PAC: Reassuring Messages From The Universe
Hi everyone! I have a feeling some people may need a pick-me-up at the moment hence why I made this reading. I think this may be my longest reading so far! There will be signs listed before to ensure the message is for you. If you resonate with one or more signs, that is meant to be your reading. At the end, each pile will also have a quote and channelled song to listen to that resonates with your reading. The specific lyrics that I heard are listed below the title. :)
Please remember your fate is not set in stone so your answers may change depending on the actions you take and will take if you please. Tarot is not a substitute for professional advice. The images I’ve used are not mine.
From left to right, Pile 1, 2 & 3.
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Pile 1
You may be a Lana Del Rey fan, or at least have one of her songs be your one of your favourite songs
You may be really creative. Specifically, I see most of you here are artists because I just saw an image of someone’s hand covered in paint like a make-shift palette to find the right colour, or someone wiping away excess paint on their skin
You may be left-handed. To be honest, this kind of relates back to the art thing because I just heard someone swearing because their pencil sketches were smudged by their hand again lol
You are a ride-or-die friend. I’m not picking up any signs that the people who picked this pile could be ‘low maintenance friends’ because all I could feel was a loyal and passionate heart, particularly towards their friends
Okay this is an odd message but some of you here are DEHYDRATED, like you’re not even thirsty anymore this is beyond that. Please drink some water if you haven’t at all today
Back to music here, but do some of you spend hours making playlists? I just saw someone using a lot of their free time to curate playlists. I even saw some of you here like making playlists for specific people
Another weird message here but I just smelled crayons, so I’m interpreting this in a few different ways: you may be connected to your inner child, or you may work with children/have plans to work with children, or you would like to be a parent/are a parent
Your Cards: The Emperor, Knight of Cups rx, Page of Wands rx, Justice rx, The Star, 10 of Pentacles
Your Reading:
Okay, the first thing I heard while looking at these cards were the words, “Lost time” and I think that sums up half of your reading quite well.
The cards show that at the beginning of this particular situation, you felt like you were fully in your power. A very Mars-dominant energy to be in, or an Aries energy to be in wherein you felt like you could take on anything. It’s like this was a time when your confidence was at an all-time high about yourself, but also about something. For most of you, this ‘something’ was a project. For some of you, this could be a relationship. The point is, this was something in your life you felt was given to you like you’ve waited for this and finally you’ve got it, but that hope didn’t last.
As we moved on, I felt heavy feelings of frustration. Like you were ready to spring into action but something or someone else was telling you to wait, like they were stringing you along. At the back of your mind, you knew you were being taken advantage of, but you decided to stick with it anyway. I just heard, “It’s worth it.” So maybe this was something you wanted for so long that you felt like you had to stick to it because you couldn’t see how another opportunity could be better than this. I’m really sensing this was a career move for some of you here. Maybe some of you were promised a promotion but you didn’t get it. Maybe some of you were given false hope by a higher-up that this project idea of yours would be taken seriously, but you just had to wait for the right time.
And these people kept giving you excuses. If this were a relationship, I could sense that maybe this was someone who you thought would be ready to fully commit to a relationship, but they never ended up being mature enough to make that decision. It could even be a platonic relationship, and this person wanted you and them to be more casual friends, but you were ready to be a ride-or-die as I’ve stated in the signs above. The overwhelming feeling here is that you got the shorter end of the stick.
But, of course, this doesn’t last. The universe is trying to tell you that if you were broken down before and were able to build yourself back up again, then you can do that now. For most of you, I feel you’ve already left this situation and are worried that this was a mistake, and that you shouldn’t have left in the first place, but the cards are saying otherwise.
Your hope was burned out because of what you’ve gone through. You’ve sacrificed your hope and your sense of self, but the next chapter of your life won’t ask you to do that anymore. If anything, this new chapter will nurture all of those traits you have always felt were intrinsically part of who you are.
If this were a relationship, you’d probably take a break from dating for a while, but your friendships will be a cornucopia of love and support, with new and old friends alike. If this was a job or project, a new opportunity will not only cause success, but stable success. The universe is giving you the new direction you need. “One door closes so the other one opens.”
Thank you for letting me be your reader, Pile 1!
Your Channelled Song: Let The Light In by Lana Del Rey and Father John Misty
“Put the Beatles on, light the candles, go back to bed”
“Put the TV on and the flowers in a vase, lie your head”
“Ooh, let the light in
At your back door yelling 'cause I wanna come in
Ooh, turn your light on
Look at us, you and me back at it again”
Pile 2
You may be a blunt and direct person, and you may have even gotten in trouble for this in the past. Really, I could sense you’re just a BS detector. I also saw someone rolling their eyes and saying “C’mon, talk to me straight I’ve got things to do!” haha!
I just heard ‘homebody’, so I feel like plenty of introverts have picked this pile!
You may be the sarcastic, unintentionally funny friend. If you know you know. But to specify I saw someone in a group setting saying something like “I hate half of the people in this room/I didn’t want to go��I got dragged here by my friends, please don’t talk to me” and someone laughing because they didn’t think you were serious (You were)
You’ve got a dry/witty sense of humour when you do try to make a joke intentionally, but either no one gets it, or it may be a touch too dark for their taste (Nothing problematic though!)
I got tempted to swear so many times writing out these signs so you may swear a lot. Like sometimes, if you’re in a professional environment you may find it difficult to filter out your words because of how automatic it is for you
I also feel like you’re really articulate. The first word I actually thought to describe your humour was ‘sardonic’ and I wasn’t even sure what that word meant so I can guarantee you that did not come from my mind (Yes, I had to Google the meaning)
For astrological signs, you may have Scorpio and/or Virgo in your chart. Possibly a stellium. With how active your mind is coming through in this reading and how much communication is highlighted in this section, I would not be surprised if your dominant planet is Mercury, or if you have many aspects involving that planet in your chart
Your Cards: The Hermit rx, 2 of Cups, 5 of Swords, 2 of Swords rx, King of Wands
Your Reading: Pile 2, please don’t get mad, but when I opened up to your energy, I was expecting a different message than what I delivered right now. I was ready to get serious, to go into deep waters and dive face first. But when I saw the cards… I may or may not have audibly giggled.
Not in a bad way! Hear me out before you scroll, I promise I’m saying this with the same fondness as a best friend, but pile 2, I know you’ve been in hermit mode for a while and are very comfortable staying there, but the universe isn’t really going to let that slide. For most of you, I could see you not wanting to go out but being pushed to do so by a friend. For some of you, you’ve even been convinced by some of your close friends to go on blind dates or new places to meet people in general, and you go but you really don’t want to.
The message here is clear: You’re going to meet someone new. For most of you, this will be a romantic partnership. For my aromantic folks or my readers who are simply not at all interested in romance, this will be a platonic relationship. Whatever this is, I could specifically see one person here coming out of nowhere and earnestly offering you love or friendship with respectful persistence, you wouldn’t even know what to do with them at first. I think a lot of you here have closed yourself off, not to your pre-existing close relationships, but to new people. This person is going to test that wall you’ve built around yourself and despite how much you try to intimidate them, they are not going away. Think of someone with ‘golden retriever’ vibes, which is funny because as I was tapping into your energy I got ‘black cat’ vibes from you. (I just heard, “The Arthur to my Merlin” and “The Gwen to my Morgana” whether platonically or romantically doesn’t matter, but wow, do I have some Merlin fans/old Merlin viewers in this pile)
In all seriousness though, I don’t think you have this boundary up for no reason. I’m seeing a very specific message of someone in the past that you used to trust no longer being in your life because they’ve done you wrong. This could possibly even be a betrayal of trust? Like you told them a secret, but they shared it with one person, and it quickly spread through word-of-mouth. The severing of that relationship was as fast as the betrayal done by the other person.
This made you more guarded towards newer people in your life. But also, I could see this even had a domino effect making you wary of new experiences and environments too because you’re scared you’ll meet a new person that way.  The universe is saying this past relationship has clouded your judgment and will cloud your judgment when you meet this new person. What you don’t realise is that this person could actually be good for you if you take a chance. Some of you may be worried about co-dependency. The universe is actually saying that a relationship like this will actually make you more independent, and this is because this person is emotionally mature enough to actually commit. They’ll give, you’ll take. You’ll give, they’ll take. It feels like two people who genuinely see each other as equals, and therefore respect each other as such. Their commitment and genuine belief in you will make you a more confident person in the future, but more importantly, you’ll be bolder in your choices in life. You’ll grow to have a brave heart that other people will appreciate in you, and that you’ll appreciate in yourself. “Fortune favours the bold.”
Thank you for letting me be your reader, Pile 2!
Your Channelled Song: King and Lionheart by Of Monsters and Men
“We won’t run, and we won’t run, and we won’t run”
“I’ll be here to hold your hand”
“'Cause you're my king and I'm your lionheart”
Pile 3
Your sun sign may be an earth sign or an air sign. I also feel like some people who picked this pile may be a Leo rising or have a Leo Midheaven, but more on the Leo rising actually
I feel like some of you here may have curly hair
You may be a part of the LGBTQIA+ community
You prefer winter palettes over lighter and pastel colours for your clothes. I’m not getting a specific style but the colours here are striking. Either an all-black outfit but with the same shade of black making you appear more put together, or someone wearing jewel-toned colours like emerald green or a very striking purple
You may like wearing statement pieces. I saw this image of you in someone else’s point of view, admiring a watch you always wear or commenting on how they know you’ve just been in the room because they smelled your perfume. Picture this, someone walks into an office and just says, “Was pile 3 here—actually, you don’t need to answer that I know they were here.” And the other person who doesn’t know you getting really confused so they clarify by saying, “Oh, I know they were here because they’re the only one in this building that wears (insert fragrance here)”
Some of you here may have a ritual of listening to music in the morning while you’re getting ready to hype yourself up. All genres are coming up right now, (No, seriously. It went from Gangsta’s Paradise to successful by Ariana Grande songs to It's a Long Way to the Top (If You Wanna Rock 'N' Roll)) but what unifies these songs together is that it’s there to put you in a good mood in the morning
You may be interested in working for yourself by either starting a new business or working your way to the top. Highly ambitious energy coming from this pile, but in all the best ways possible; it makes your energy infectious. Yes. That word specifically. Just a really great energy to be around
Your Cards: 5 of Wands, 3 of Pentacles, 8 of Swords, High Priestess, The Star (clarified by 3 of Cups)
Your Reading:
Okay, I want to preface this reading by saying that this pile feels similar to pile 1. You may not have had the same circumstances, but the arc is similar, so if you are attracted to pile 1, feel free to read it as a supplementary reading after this.
There’s a very clear energy here that you may have had a falling out with people in your life. This could be a group of co-workers, friends, or even family members. There was chaos surrounding your previous situation and you felt like people were constantly at each other’s throats. If it was not as aggressive as this, it is possible that at the very least you were in an environment you did not feel safe. I think these people showed their true colours, so to speak, and it made you realise how you shouldn’t have trusted certain individuals involved. The thing is though, I can feel you being an outsider in this situation. Like from the start of all of this, you made it clear to everyone you did not want to get involved. I literally just heard, “Get over yourself.” from this pile, so maybe some of you here may even feel that people were blowing up a whole pile of nothing, and/or that they all needed to act more maturely about the situation. I also feel like one person may have taken something personally when they shouldn’t and that could’ve made you particularly frustrated because you felt this person missed the point completely.
I could see that you tried providing counsel to try to smooth things out, but no one listened. This was your last straw. You left or will leave this situation and the universe applauds you for doing so. I think a lot of people in this situation had a victim complex. This is not a judgment on them, it’s simply a message that they have a lot of unhealed wounds they need to work on. You didn’t stand by this though, and this led to you making your boundaries clear and cutting yourself off completely. For some of you, this may be a temporary situation (I heard, “Fix this or don’t bother coming back.”) but for most of you, this may be a temporary step away from these people.
The universe saw that you trusted your gut and left and are rewarding you as such. I think you have a logical mind and are not used to making decisions intuitively, but this all happened because you did what felt right, and this show of trust is going to lead to positive effects.
For the people who picked this pile, I’m getting a strong message that your intuition is a muscle, and that’s true for most people but it’s especially true for yourself. I think you’ll be asked to make more quick decisions in the next phase of your life, Some decisions have larger consequences than others, but most will be small and trivial decisions such as, “Which café should I visit today?”. Before you might’ve picked the familiar or logical option, but now you’re allowing more spontaneity in your life, and this may even surprise you a little bit. I just heard one of your friends saying, “But you always go there!” and seeing you shrug before saying, “Well, I’m in the mood to try something new.”
This will reward you with a new sense of self. The 3 of cups traditionally has a more social meaning, like friends who see each other as equals coming together to celebrate, but for you, I could see this as different sides of yourself finally living in harmony with one another. With all of that stress gone, you’ll finally have the chance to recognise how deeply complex and interesting you are, and you’ll do so with an acceptance you may have not known you needed. “To know myself is to love myself.”
Thank you for letting me be your reader, Pile 3!
Your Channelled Song: “New Person, Same Old Mistakes” by Tame Impala
“I can just hear them now
"How could you let us down?"”
“Two sides of me can't agree”
“Feel like a brand new person… I don’t care I’m in love”
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awestruck-atrophy · 11 months
time for a poll!
which gothic lit character are you today?
Dorian Gray - excessive indulgence, laying dramatically on furniture, mild alcohol consumption
Dr. Henry Jekyll - mad science, hiding everything about yourself from your loved ones, boring dinner party
Edward Hyde - mad science (but feral), six shots of absinthe, jumping into the ocean fully clothed
Victor Frankenstein - everything has gone horribly wrong, who could have foreseen this, your family is dead and it’s all your fault
Adam Frankenstein/The Creature - dad doesn’t love me so I’ll just go commit homicide, eloquently spoken, lonely as hell but hates people
Arséne Lupin - art obsession, felt cute might rob a museum later <3, “because i wanted to that’s why”
Dracula - feeling like death warmed over, would like a nap in a coffin please, thirsty for things you can’t have
James Moriarty - if one more thing happens I’m gonna overthrow the government, fuck gender, impeccable style
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jewwyfeesh · 9 months
Tea Garden
Writer: 日日日 (Akira)
Character(s): Tenshouin Eichi, Sakuma Ritsu, Shino Hajime
Translated by: jewwyfeesh
Disclaimer: I translated this story from the CN version of the game, which means that it has been double translated (JP > CN > EN).
Ritsu: Ah~… Don’t just stand here yapping away, hurry up and go~ Your monologues always drag on for waaaay too long.
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Season: Summer Location: Yumenosaki Academy Garden Terrace
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Hajime: Hey everyone~ ♪
Sorry for being late, I got held up due to my part-time job on campus…
Though, thanks to Transfer Student-senpai’s assistance, we were able to wrap it up quickly ♪
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Ritsu: Hello~… Uuuu… The weather’s really toooo good, I’m getting such a wonderful headache from how good it is…
Hajime: Ah, there should be some umbrellas over there. I’ll go grab one ♪
I’ll brew some tea on the way, too~ Ritsu-senpai, is there anything in particular you’d like to have?
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Ritsu: Ah~ …Since Anzu’s here, I’ll pass on the drinks. Whenever I get thirsty, I’ll just have a sip of her blood.
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Hajime: Eh, you can’t drink blood.
It’s not hygenic~ How about having some black tea instead ♪
Ritsu: Mmmh~ I’d feel like going to the toilet if I drink tea. But I’m trying not to move around too much…
Ahh~ I’m too lazy to move today. It’s sunny every day.
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Hajime: Ehehe. Is this not a ‘good thing’? If it’s sunny, our laundry will dry faster, so I think it’s pretty nice ♪ 
Eichi: Hajime-kun, Anzu-chan, how about the both of you take a seat first? I’ll prepare the tea and snacks.
Hajime: Ah, there’s no need! I can’t let the Student Council President do such odd jobs!
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Eichi: Kindly refrain from addressing me with an excessively formal [1] title like ‘Student Council President’.
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Please do away with the formalities; let me steep the tea. After all, is this not part of Tea Club’s activities ♪
Ritsu: Ecchan, the snacks I’ve made are in the kitchen fridge. If everyone’s okay with it, we can have them with tea~?
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Eichi: Hehe, even though calling me ‘Student Council President’ is too ceremonial and could even be considerred flattery, calling me ‘Ecchan’ is also a little too… familiar[2].
Then again, Ritsu-kun had to repeat a year. He was meant to be in the same year as I, so I suppose it doesn’t really matter.
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Though… trying to find the perfect balance between ‘authority’ and ‘approachability’ is extremely difficult. Anzu-chan, you agree, don’t you?
I’ll head over to the kitchen now. I’ll be back promptly, so please feel free to take a break.
Aha, ‘serving’ others is actually rather fun… ♪
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I can drop the heavy title of the student council president and just be myself… times like these are really hard to come by. Tea Club’s activities are a great way for me to relax ♪
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Ritsu: Ah~… Don’t just stand here yapping away, hurry up and go~ Your monologues always drag on for waaaay too long.
Eichi: Hehe, my sincere apologies. Without further ado, I shall now take my leave. Farewell ♪
Ritsu: Byebye~ …Ha~kun, Anzu, there are chairs over there that you can use~ It’s kinda stressful to see you standing around you know?
Hajime: Achoo, please excuse me. Ahh, finally… the feeling of being alive. Inhale… exhale… I feel really relaxed~ ♪
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Ritsu: Ha~kun, you’re not allowed to take out that fragrant thing when you’re next to me~ The second I smell it, I immediately feel like falling asleep…?
Hajime: Ahaha. Lavender does have a sleep-inducing effect~ My bad ♪
Though… Ritsu-senpai, you’re always sleeping… I heard that if you sleep too much, your braincells will die~
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Ritsu: Ahhh, no wonder I’ve been so forgetful lately. So this was the reason… Eh, it doesn’t matter, sleeping is pretty comfy. If I sleep during the day, I’ll be awake at night, and vice versa.
Hajime: Is that so~ You’re such a night owl.
Flipping your sleep schedule is really unhealthy… I think it’s still best if you don’t consume so much coffee…
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Eichi: If I may interrupt — upon evaluation of your lifestyle and habits, Ritsu-kun, I’ve prepared some kudzu root soup[3] for you, as it seems to me that your body isn’t in the best of conditions these days.
Ritsu: But I’ve always been like this though.. Ahhh… this flavour is… really… too special, I don’t like it~
Fizzy fruit juice would’ve been fine.
I’m gonna eat some of the snacks I made to clease my palate. Om nom nom ♪ 
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Eichi: The designs of Ritsu-kun’s desserts are rather avant-garde…
To be honest, one would find that they are actually really delicious after eating them, but I would have to muster a lot of courage to even take the first bite. I don’t think this is particularly cordial?
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For Hajime-kun, I’ve brewed some vanilla tea – that’s alright with you, yes? Anzu-chan and I will be having Oriental Beauty Tea, I hope it’s to your tastes… ♪
Hajime: Ahh… it’s some high-end tea leaves again… One cup like this is practically equivalent to my entire income from working part-time in school~
Eichi: Fufu. Only food of the highest quality should be consumed.
The food of today maketh the body of tomorrow. This is but an investment for the future.
I have to pay extra attention to my diet due to my sickly body… so I am rather envious of people like you who can eat just about anything you fancy.
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Ritsu: Ah~ …If you wanna live forever, I can turn you into a vampire~?
Eichi: Even though I am interested in the vampiric lifestyle, I still wish to continue being an idol. Come on, everyone, please make yourself at home and have a drink.
Today, there are more people than usual – the atmosphere is a lot livelier and fun, so I’m really happy.
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You too, Anzu-chan. You’re welcome to join us Tea Club anytime ♪
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Ritsu: Yeppu, I agree with Ecchan on this. Even though I tend to hate noisy environments, but when tea is drunk with everyone around, one would feel even happier.
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Let’s host a Mad Tea Party in your dreams too… ♪
Translator's notes: [1] The original CN term used is "见外", which means to "treat someone as an outsider", or "to treat someone with formal courtesy as accorded to a host or guest".
[2] The original CN term used is "熟络", which means "familiar / close". Generally speaking Asian countries places a lot of importance on treating your seniors with respect, and using an informal nickname to your superior isn't the most respectful thing LOL; however, you can call people of the same age as you or younger than you by informal means. Ritsu is in year 2 and Eichi in year 3, which means that on paper Eichi is his senior and should be addressed as such (ie. -senpai). So that's why Ecchan made that remark -- which implies something like "don't address me like that, we're not that close / we're not in the same year". But afterwards he lets it pass because Ritsu did get held back LMFAO so in theory Ritsu would've also been in year 3. Read Black Tea - A Spoonful of Sweet Poison 5 to find out more about the origin's of "Ecchan"~
[3] Kudzu root soup... Kudzu "is an herb used in Chinese medicine to treat alcoholism, heart disease, menopausal symptoms, diabetes, fever, the common cold, and neck or eye pain. It is sometimes used in combination with other herbs, [and suggested to have] anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties." (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre - Information about Kudzu).
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lenreli · 1 year
Day 7 - Gloves
Hob is ― there is always a level of what Matthew calls ‘thirst’ for Hob when he teaches, but the amount today seems a bit excessive as he materialises in the room, near the doors, and watching as Hob, with his normal neutral outfit, simple green jacket and jeans, blue shirt and― 
Gloves, black and leather, a stark difference as Hob gestures, and the tone of Hob’s lecture washes over him as he watches the gloved hands. “Now, since you’ve been good,” Dream swallows, twitching at the words and yes, being good for Hob would be―“don’t tell the board about this,” Hob says, taking something off his desk, unsheathing a rapier from a black scabbard and Dream is stuck to the spot, holding his non-existent breath as Hob puts the scabbard down and twirling the sword. 
Whatever else Hob says is lost as Hob does some tricks, switching hands and doing simple swings with a flourish, an extension of himself and Dream can vaguely hear Hob talking about the history of swordsmanship, or the sword itself. Burning up inside, he suddenly gets why thirsty is what is used today.
“I do have a second one here, to show you some techniques that I think my lovely friend would perhaps help me with?” These words get the haze in his brain, and a part of him walks down to the front, more of his focus redirecting to keeping his eyes human-like, to not show the naked want on his face, and the walk down makes him aware of how much he’s leaking in pants, and so he hides that too. “My friend, how nice to see you!” Hob says with a grin, picking up the second sword from its sheath and throwing it to him.
His mind works independent of his body, making sure he’s human-like and not showing anything as he follows Hob’s lead, attacking and defending while his mind only focuses on Hob’s hands, the way he uses extra flourishes that Dream thinks Hob wouldn’t of used at the time, the bright grin on his face as he answers student’s questions. 
“Thank you, my friend,” Hob grins, and Dream bites his tongue enough to draw coppery blood, swallowing a moan as Hob takes his sword, leather glove briefly touching his hand. The gloves are ― his, from 1889, he felt in the touch, the way the dreamstuff had moulded itself to Hob’s hands, happy to and Dream yearns, forcing himself to blink as Hob twirls both swords in the air and crosses them before putting them back into their scabbards. 
Dream is frozen as the students get up, coming up to Hob to chat briefly before leaving.
“Dream?” Hob asks, all packed up and ready to go. “Is everything okay? Sorry for calling on you like that, but I wouldn’t trust any of my students with,” Hob stops, stepping closer, and the heat from Hob, the thin layer of sweat he can smell pulls him back to his body, blinking at Hob.
“I am fine,” he rasps, words gravel and magma. Hob frowns and holds his hand ― a casual touch he’s used to from his friend, but the leather pulls a sound out of him, mind buzzing as he lists forward to kiss Hob, holding onto his jacket lapels. There’s a confused noise from Hob, and then a hand is on his jaw and he shivers, Hob deepening the kiss. “Hob,” he whines, only one of the few words, crying out as Hob’s other hand goes under his shirt, trailing up his skin until it touches a nipple and he gasps.
“Fuck,” Hob growls, bringing him in for a filthy, biting kiss, “my flat―can you,” Hob asks, and within the next second they’re in Hob’s flat, all of him eager to follow the other’s lead. Hob swears some more, throwing off his school things as they make their way to the bedroom, still connected and Dream shivers as a hand tugs his hair, moan slipping out as Hob takes off his coat. “Dream, fuck,” Hob moans.
Somehow, Dream finds himself on top of Hob, sitting on his warm lap on the bed, biting at Hob’s throat as he manages to take off Hob’s clothes, sans gloves, “Hob,” he groans, chants, the other man shivering as gloved hands go up and down his body, the clothes vanishing under his touch.
“Dream,” Hob gasps, and there’s a feeling of concern, with him so naked like this, and a black sheet shimmers into existence on top of him, “what do you, fuck, please,” Hob’s hands go to his hips, and he whines at the feeling of cold leather around his cock, a supernova behind his eyes at the touch.
“Inside,” he says ― or forces into Hob’s brain, and Hob whines, one hand going to his throat, trailing up over his chin and going into his mouth, which he sucks greedily. “Now,” he says―not-says and Hob swears, watching him with dark eyes and wonder. 
“I―shit, yes,” Hob babbles, sweetheart and my Dream which he hoards, keening as Hob’s dick breaches inside, pleasure flaring as Hob forces him down, but it’s only when a gloved finger is put in aside Hob’s cock that he comes.
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teabutmakeitazure · 1 year
The Past and The Future
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>Scaramouche x Fem! Reader
>Word count: 2.6k
Who knew that those eyes and that sweet voice could be found again?
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Warmth should not be this intoxicating. It is a mere by-product of the blood that flows through a living being’s body - a human’s body - yet the mere presence of such a seemingly trivial trait is utterly spellbinding to the kabukimono. It relaxes his body and lulls him into a sense of safety and security, a feeling that he doesn’t quite feel familiar with but does not refuse.
As the young eccentric lays on warm grass with his head in the lap of a woman, he is unable to repudiate the urge to simply melt into her. His entire body remains lax, warm sunlight falling onto his delicate features. The hair that falls onto his closed eyes is brushed aside by her warm hand which then slips to affectionately cup his cheek.
The action causes him to stir, one eye opening to see a youthful face smiling down at him. “Please, have some rest,” she requests. “You are welcome to sleep like this. You must be tired. This is the least I can do for a young boy far from home.”
Ah, home. The kabukimono wishes that he could make this comfortable warmth his home. Such an inviting nature and soothing voice. When the woman puts her hand over his eyes, the kabukimono yields to the gentleness of her touch and rests for the entire afternoon.
Her hand on top of his head. That is a new kind of touch that the kabukimono seeks. He had been fortunate to receive it the other day when he helped the woman with carrying a bucket of water to her home and has made it his new mission to experience it again.
Today, he brings a basket full of fruits that he had picked on his way back from a walk with his fellow blacksmiths. The fruits are ripe and taste tested, so all the young man has to do now is deliver them to her and patiently wait for her to place her hand on top of his head.
Once at her residence, the kabukimono presents her the basket and carefully watches how her curious expression turns into a surprised one. His eyes widen from awe as he sees how she places the basket beside her feet and reaches to grab his face. Two warm hands lovingly cradle his face in their palms, thumbs rubbing the skin under his eyes.
He is absolutely enchanted by how praises fall from her lips, compliments filling the sentences. When her hand moves to the top of his head, he finds his cheeks to be overwhelmingly cold. His previous agenda is now unimportant despite having been fulfilled, for he leans into the touch of her other hand that still affectionately holds his face.
Warm. The woman is so very warm.
It’s become a well-known joke among the residents that the kabukimono chases after the woman’s praise. Any sort of compliment or applause is lapped up like a thirsty man in a desert, but all that the kabukimono seeks is her warmth. Warmth that may be physical, verbal or emotional, he does not care.
When his newest creation is unveiled, a decorative dagger, the kabukimono rushes to give it to the woman. Admiration and appreciation spill from her lips, causing a soft blush on the eccentric’s cheeks. He is later sent home with a kiss on the forehead and his hair ruffled into the appearance of a birdnest.
Oddly enough, he does not mind when weeks later he hears of the woman’s engagement. The kabukimono is certain that she will never abandon him and that her affection and warmth flows in excess for him. The sort of fondness he harbours for the woman is almost tangible, just a few inches away from his fingertips that itch to graze it.
So when her wedding bells chime, all he does is admire the sight of her in traditional wedding attire. During the hours that her husband was away for fishing, he would frequently seek out her company, bringing fruits and trinkets, anything he could get his hands on.
For each and every time he shows up at her doorstep, he is rewarded with a pat on the head and sometimes a flick to the forehead if he comes bearing gifts. The woman invites the kabukimono for tea, and shoos him off when it starts to get dark but always with a home-cooked meal of course.
The neighbours chatter away about his persistent appearances, calling it a sort of motherly love for the young eccentric. Perhaps it is motherly love, a feeling so domestic that the kabukimono keeps returning without fail.
Eyes widened in awe, his hand rests on the woman’s swollen stomach. Her husband standing next to her flashes the kabukimono a soft smile, and he finds himself returning the expression. Her stomach has finally started to show, the heart beating inside evident in how the eccentric starts thinking of her as two people instead of one.
Will it be a boy? A girl? Will the byproduct of her and this man’s love result in a healthy birth? He sure does hope so. Maybe the child will have her beautiful, loving eyes. The child might inherit her soft voice, the overwhelming warmth in her tone signifying the fact that the two are mother and child.
The woman gives another pat to the kabukimono’s head, and he starts silently hoping to be able to see her happy with her child.
Niwa has fled and the kabukimono has failed in getting the Shogun’s aid for the predicament that Tatarasuna is in. As the kabukimono passes by her domestic household, he briefly stops for a visit before he confronts the Fontaine engineer Escher. Eyes softening at the sight of the little human bundled in the woman’s arms, he reaches and caresses the young one’s cheek.
“I haven’t decided on a name yet,” she admits. “Do you have any ideas?”
All that swirls inside the wandering eccentric’s mind is his dear friend Niwa’s betrayal and the inevitability of what he must do. All he does is shake his head.
“If I do happen to think of one, I’ll tell you.”
She smiles at his words, sending him off with a gentle kiss to his forehead.
After all that he had witnessed, Tatarasuna is long behind him now. The wandering eccentric watches with a soft smile how the young boy dances around in the field of flowers. When he skips up to him, he asks the eccentric if he likes the flower he picked.
Mirroring the actions of a woman he wishes to see again, he pats the young boy’s hair while he compliments the flower he put in his hair.
That’s all that’s around him at this very moment.
Another betrayal lays in front of him, a doll in his lifeless hand, but the eccentric’s eyes remain planted on the lavender melons being engulfed by the flames before him. Laying his eyes on him is too painful, so he remains with the company of his tears and smoke and waits. Waits.
How long will it take for the fire to engulf him? How long till the smell of burning flesh accompanies the smell of heavy smoke?
An image of a fond memory flashes in front of his eyes, and the eccentric’s eyes widen as more tears spill out. The woman and her daughter are already dead as well, aren’t they? How many more humans will betray him if he keeps going on?
Just how many more?
He wishes he had never been born. Maybe if he had never existed to begin with, he would not have to go through this.
Before the fires feast on the entire house, the eccentric walks out, unscathed. He pulls his hat closer to his head and looks at the path ahead with disdain and challenge, determined to cleanse any remaining human emotion from his being.
From today onwards, the wandering eccentric will be known as Kunikuzushi.
Being immortal is sometimes a cruel joke. Inazuman soils have not changed for centuries. The air feels the same as well as the general serene atmosphere.
The Balladeer sighs. The stench of the delusion factory ingrained into his mind as he wanders through the Inazuman countryside. His mind races and thoughts come flooding back of how that damned fox had the gall to approach him like that.
At least he got the Gnosis. That is all that matters.
Scaramouche’s eyes rake over the grass swaying in the wind. His ears pick up the sound of children laughing, and that is when he realises that a village is up ahead.
Well, his feet brought him here so he might as well pass through before he leaves Inazuma as a whole.
He advances. The breeze blows against him, hand reaching up to steady his hat. Among the gentle song of the wind is the sound of something approaching rapidly, and Scaramouche pauses. Who in the world has the audacity to attack him in broad daylight?
The flying object buzzes by and he moves his head backwards an inch just in time to dodge. His eyes follow the object’s trajectory, hair gently swaying with the wind as his hand remains planted on the edge of his hat.
A ball.
Those damn brats!
Four children, all out of breath, slowly approach the harbinger, but his eyes are trained on the one nearest to him. She has a guarded look on her face, presumably the eldest, and if these kids weren’t so damn young, he would’ve actually taught them a lesson.
“Um sorry mister. I swear we didn’t do it on purpose!”
Scaramouche raises a brow. That’s the go-to excuse for kicking a ball at someone’s face.
“May we please have it back?”
He sighs, already feeling his patience thin away. Gesturing the ball that lies on the ground on his other side, he frowns. “I ain’t stopping ya. Go ahead.”
Before either of them could take a step forward, a loud voice cuts through the air. Its scolding tone makes the Balladeer hiss, the sound of someone running towards them at full speed pausing everyone in their tracks.
“You kids!” The voice shouts, “I told you not to play so far from the village!”
His eyes snap to one of the children as tears start welling up in his eyes. Before a cringing expression could even appear on his face, the source of the screaming had arrived, panting and desperately catching breath before she starts again.
“You absolute buffoons!”
Who calls children buffoons?
“I told you four to not go too far! If this kind man happened to be a bad guy, what would’ve you four done? Huh?!”
The child who was previously tearing up is now sobbing while the one other clearly looks like she’s ready to cry as well. Damnit. This was supposed to be a peaceful walk.
He watches her comfort the crying child, back turned to him as she hoists the boy up into her arms. The girl who had asked for their ball goes to embrace the other girl who’s tearing up, and Scaramouche can’t wait to be able to be back on his merry way.
“All of you,” the girl with the boy in her arms says, “I hope you know what to say.”
In tandem, the four children apologise and in all honesty, Scaramouche had inwardly cringed so hard he got shivers.
“Yeah yeah. Just be careful whose face you’re kicking a ball at,” he says.
Once again, he is barred from advancing when the girl turns to face him. The adult girl looks at him with beautiful, loving eyes. When she speaks again, the overwhelming warmth in her soft voice render’s his muscles unable to move for a few moments.
“I’m incredibly sorry sir,” she says, voice gentle. “Thank you for understanding. I’ll make sure to keep a close eye on these kids now.”
The question on the tip of Scaramouche’s tongue leaves his mouth before he could stop himself. “Are you from Tatarasuna?”
A curious expression overtakes the apologetic one, and she puts the boy down, patting each of them on the back before sending them off without their ball. When the children have ran outside earshot, she turns to the harbinger.
“Sorry. I don’t like to talk about places like Tatarasuna in front of them. Their questions are persistent and-”
“Are you from Tatarasuna?”
His interruption makes her freeze. A glare from the Balladeer and she clears her throat, voicing her reply. “I’m not sure but my grandmother says that my lineage comes from there. Why do you ask, sir?”
Sir… ah. All that she called him was kabukimono. Sir feels more enticing… more appetising.
“Nothing,” he murmurs. “I simply thought I recognised someone.”
“Um wasn’t Tatarasuna habitable long, long ago?” An amused smile curls on her lips and the high and mighty harbinger considers that he should perhaps cup her cheek, feel how soft her lips are under his thumb and make her call him kabukimono again in that warm, melodic voice.
“I never said it wasn’t.”
“Oh… well…”
Ah. Such an innocent expression. How misleading.
“I’ll be on my way now,” he announces. “Be sure to take the ball with you. Oh, and be careful. There’s lots of Fatui activity nearby. Keep the kids safe.”
He shouldn’t.
He really shouldn’t walk away.
But when his feet start carrying him back to where he came from, he pushes down the regret growing with each step and doesn’t even look back to her perplexed expression. All he knows is that immortality has shown him just how persistent, adamant and stubborn the loathsome existence of human emotion is.
The Wanderer is back in Inazuma. He is unable to fathom why his idiotic brain had decided to come back to this place full of regrets right after he regained memories of his ‘other’ self. But he’s here. And he can hear children laughing.
As he steps on familiar soil, advancing towards the settlement in his sights, he focuses his ears on the laughing children. The carefree giggles are accompanied by the dull thud of a ball being kicked around, and the wanderer almost sighs at the familiarity of the situation.
However, this time there’s no ball being thrown at his face.
It’s her voice.
Like a serene melody, her laughter echoes in his mind. It’s when he closes his eyes that he realises that he’s stopped walking, standing alone on the path as the grass gently wafts in tandem with the wind’s song.
A few moments pass and the ring of laughter comes closer. Closer and closer, a buzzing, a disturbance, travels through the air and just like before, the ball whizzes past his face, hardly an inch away from the tip of his nose.
The giggles comically come to a halt and he almost chuckles at that.
Opening his eyes, he’s met with four familiar youngsters, the youngest boy tearing up at the wanderer’s drained demeanour.
A familiar pair of beautiful, loving eyes meets his own. The overwhelming warmth in her soft voice catches him off guard when she speaks.
“I’m so very sorry, sir. Please forgive us.” She bows, hair spilling down her shoulders. “It won’t happen again-”
“What’s your name?”
She raises her head, all four of the children watching the exchange while the youngest remains in the embrace of the eldest.
“My name?” The girl straightens up, clearing her throat. “Well…”
“Relax,” he waves a hand. “I’m just a wanderer. If you’re really sorry then you can make it up to me by telling me your name and treating me to some tea.”
The children blink up at him in confusion, but the girl has a familiar gentle smile on her face.
“It’s [Name]. Oh! And you’ll have to come to the village if you want to have tea.”
“Lead the way, [Name].”
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ronearoundblindly · 2 years
Hi could i ask this
Vampire reader x steve
Them making out suddenly reader gets thirsty and nips at steves neck . He thought it would be painful but all he felt was pleasure from her
I'm not gonna lie: I'm jaded enough to read this and think "what's not-safe-for-work about this?" Guess I'll just leave an open-ended warning that there's kissing, one f-bomb, and a bit of blood, but...isn't that what we're all here for? yes, I'm laughing out loud right now. what about it
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"Steve," you gasp against his lips, "I'm serious."
He presses at your hip to keep you in his lap. "One more minute."
He's been on mission so long. You can't say no now that his deep timbre is back beside you where it belongs, close and vibrating in your ear, rattling down to your spine to...
Your stomach rumbles louder than Steve's voice.
"I need to feed."
The whine is pathetic, but it's true. You spent the whole day worrying about why Steve's return was delayed, his quinjet arriving home thirteen hours later than Natasha and Clint's. No communication, no explanation other than an electrical storm. You're so hungry, but you were more distracted by Steve's absence.
"But I'm here," Steve mutters, sucking in your bottom lip before claiming the breadth and depth of your mouth all at once.
His tongue slicks across your teeth, snagging on a fang, and the coppery spice of it sends a familiar pulse of need, creating a ripple in the pond of hunger lingering beneath your skin.
Steve has never played this dangerous game before. He doesn't realize that taste trumps all else when you're desperate. The feel of him squirming between your legs won't stop it. The whispers of dirty little praises can't deter it. The smell that comes off him while he moans and grinds in a plea for friction makes it worse.
He grabs at your ass just as he breaks for air, tossing his head back to move the hair clingy over his sweaty forehead, and there it is.
You only realize you've latched onto his neck when you hear Steve cry out. The single, fortifying gulp of his blood that you manage to down is just a tease.
"Oh god, Stevie, I'm sorry." Your hand flies up to press at his throat. "Please, baby, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to."
But it's torture. Forcing yourself to stop drinking is like voluntarily stopping sex at the moment of climax. You've never been able to explain the feel of your hunger to Steve, and truth be told, you never really wanted him to know.
Vampires enjoy feeding like humans enjoy sex. It's a carnal pleasure that lives deep within and cannot be tamed.
Steve can't know that.
You have to force yourself not to lick at the slow trickle of excess escaping from between your fingers.
Low and rolling like a peal of distant thunder, Steve only manages one word.
His grip tightens, wrenching your body close, almost painfully marked by the intense press of his palms. His head slowly tilts forward.
Steve's eyes are completely black, pupils so wide you'd never know the blue hidden away somewhere.
"Do it again," he demands, and even though you're the one technically feasting on him, Steve is fully in control.
He loosens a hand to pry yours away from the rapidly healing wound on his neck and preens, stretching that thick column of muscle to pulse tantalizingly inches from your salivating mouth.
Not fair. It's not fair at all...but you're just soooo hungry. Now you're ruined. Now you know. Steve Rogers is delicious in every sense. He enjoys feeding your every sense, too. He lives for it.
That night, you created a monster in the most unexpected way.
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This concludes the Fantasy Friday asks for this week, but I will still respond to the remainder as best I can and queue them up for next time! Thank you for reading, gang, and I hope you enjoyed the fun romps today.
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perditious · 2 months
so as we know i do not think in like--words, so trying to write my mental image of someone down always takes a second at least of stalled out processing time. half-breath of recalibration, pulling the whole picture-impression to mind as best i can for rotating, as the kids say.
which is easy enough. but then the teasing out of bits and odds to serve as some sort of piecemeal summary--then the hard part. it's always going to be more implication and association than anything, you know? the better i know someone the worse (the better; the more delicious) it is. the more stuff makes them up in my head the less able i am to set it all down and baby, you're a multimedia collage.
my brain doesn't work in sound much but so much of our friendship has revolved around voice chat that i guess it isn't surprising that that's the easiest thread to tease out and follow. so, so mellow-sweet when Leia was worried about getting in trouble for throwing up. so high and delighted, arching up and filling out into bombast when something is exasperating you so much that you're opting for amused critique because the other option is screaming about the sheer stupidity.
the two different flavors of affection when you're calling dylan and emma honey. clear inoffensive chiding amusement when a dog is benignly misbehaving. and yeah i know some of it's regional but i visited you in that region and no one else had your. i don't know the right terms. tonal musicality and quickness with phrases. not the ability to articulate a thought completely but the ability to do it in a way that makes listening to you feel--i don't know. conversation with you is rewarding, and it's half because you're smarter than i am in many areas but also it's a little like reading poetry i can understand the bones of even if i don't get the meaning yet. i know there's rightness there even if it isn't mine and i know you'll let me worry at it until i understand the shape of it.
i know a lot of sensitive people and i know a lot of artistic people and i know a lot of science-minded people. i don't know a lot of people who can marry those things together and maypole-weave them around a core of moral intensity and fierce stubbornness the way you do. i know a lot of people who let themselves be hamstrung by one or the other in excess--but you are so measured, so careful and thoughtful. someone called something that i thought was just listening to my instincts proof of my objectivity today. you feel like that to me. you ensure your humors are balanced, if you will. the thinking and feeling of life all bullied into line by your refusal to let either have undue sway over the other.
you're just the most delicious listening-hearted analytically-minded clever-tongued filthy-mouthed flavor of person and if we were on a road trip with no radio i could listen to you talk about things i understand and things i don't as the fancy took you for hours without drifting or being bored. i'm very grateful that we met over the best mmorpg ever. you're a glass of shockingly cold water when i didn't realize i was thirsty. you're a delight. you improve me by permitting this proximity, baby.
i legit started this to bat my eyelashes about your collarbones and soft skin and be ridiculous and flirty and stuff but hey, here we are. love you, sweetspark!
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joylinda-hawks · 22 days
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Since today is Thirsty Tuesday, I thought of choosing a very thirsty photo of ZZH. Harper's Bazaar 2020 The most beautiful photo session of ZZH and GJ and the best issue of Harper's Bazaar magazine. Both men appeared in several styles during this photo session. Of course, this photo session had a strong reference to the WOH series, it perfectly fit the atmosphere of this series. This session was dominated by subdued colors in shades of brown, beige, black, gray and dark green. Looking at some of the photos from the side, they seem dirty, but that's just an impression. Perhaps this is a deliberate attempt by the photographer and stylist to create such a dark, mysterious atmosphere. As if both men were hiding some secret. Or maybe it's my imagination. For a change, today I chose a photo in which ZZH is sitting on the edge of the table and on the other side GJ in a similar pose. They both hold a fan in their hands - a prop that reminds us of WKX. I believe they are both still wearing their Adidas sweatshirts, but for a change, the sweatshirts come with shorter pants, revealing both men's legs. However, I will focus here on the left side of the photo and the person ZZH. Under a black sweatshirt with unbuttoned sleeves, ZZH wears a second sweatshirt in an intensely dark green color. We rarely see ZZH wearing this color clothes, but this color of green suits ZZH's beauty well. This set of clothes and the way ZZH sits shows off his legs, especially since the shorter pants do not cover his shapely legs. No matter how you look at it, ZZH has a well-proportioned body structure, his legs are not too skinny, he has strong thighs and nicely shaped calves. This is the result of basketball exercises and training. When you look at his legs, you see clearly defined muscles. But enough about the legs, let's focus on ZZH's face, which shines brightly in this photo; minimalist make-up, slightly drawn lips with lipstick and long hair falling in strands on his face add to his incredible charm. Although his face is turned towards the photographer, ZZH's gaze is towards where GJ is sitting. It seems that ZZH has no intention of taking his eyes off his colleague. He does it in a very subtle way. The big advantage of these photos is that no excessive filter was used and they are kept in warm tones, which nicely shows the golden color of ZZH's skin. The whole thing looks intriguing, and these legs and the fan, which is supposed to be a barrier against other people, give an amazing effect. This photo (with GJ, of course) is also one of my favorites.
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whxre-bxby · 10 months
mommy i really need your writes, I'm so impatient, I worship your talent, I need them so much, your stories really turn me on, I become such a stupid whore 😭😭
Oh my god, PLZ- ig I'm feeding this addiction I LOVE YOU
Recom Lopez x Recom Y/N x Recom Brown
"Cursed By Blue" 3.0
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Cursed By Blue 1 Cursed By Blue 2
Summary: The recom team is out on another mission, exploring the woods in search of Sully. However, the ladies become inconvenienced by a certain seasonal feeling they didn’t expect. It hits Y/N the hardest and it’s not long before the others understand what’s happening. While everyone fights their instincts, the only option Y/N sees available is to run. 
Warnings: SMUT, heat fucking, heat cycles, penetration, unprotected sex, breeding kink, anal sex, double penetration, cursing
Word Count: 7461
A/N: Sorry, I gave up on the first-person view in the end.
We were nearing the weekend. Not that that affected us. Lyle told me it was Friday today and I was surprised because I had completely lost track of time. But it didn’t really matter what day it was because we didn’t get time off anyway. Finding Jake was our number one priority and no breaks other than sleep were allowed. 
So here we were again, walking deeper into the forest of Pandora. It had just passed lunch time and we were here since early morning. 
No one was tired though, not yet. We weren’t allowed to be either. 
Today also happened to be warmer than usual so I wasn't wearing my usual long-sleeved attire and pants. I dressed like Walker usually did, in a sports bra and shorts. She and Z-Dog decided to wear tank tops like most of the others. 
The forest grew quieter the more we distanced ourselves from the RDA base and the city. Soon, we could only hear the wind blowing between the leaves and the distant calls of animals. That and our heavy footsteps. 
The Colonel and Lyle started the day off by leading us into the woods. As the hours passed by, the line mixed since everyone had a different walking pace and now it was Z-Dog and me leading at the front. Walker was close behind. 
I had been excessively drinking for the last 30-45 minutes and I wasn’t sure why. Z-Dog glanced over at me when she saw me reach for another water bottle. 
“That’s your third one already. Are you okay”? She asks, watching me gulp it down. I swallow most of the water and inhale sharply, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. 
“I don’t know.” I say, gasping for air. “Maybe I’m dehydrated?” 
“Don’t think so, we always drink the same amount and I’m fine.” Z-Dog says. We continue walking for a while longer in silence, thinking. Then Z reaches for her water and starts drinking it like she’s been running. 
I laugh a little but seeing her drink made me feel thirsty again. 
I reach for my water only to notice I have a few drops left. I down the remaining liquid and hold the bottle to my head. It seemed to be getting really warm. 
Turning around, I open my mouth and want to say something to Walker only to see her finishing her own bottle of water. I look behind me fully and no one else is drinking. 
“What. The. Fuck.” I say, feeling genuinely confused. Walker looks up at me with water drizzling down her chin and Z turns around. 
I wheeze and Z laughs and we wait for Walker to catch up so we can walk together. 
“Do you have any water left?” I ask her, knowing we at the front drank ours. 
“No, that was my last bottle.” she says and I notice how heavy my breathing is becoming. 
“Wait, you ran out too?” she asks and Z-Dog scoffs. 
“Yeah, been drinkin’ like we ran a marathon.” she says and I nod.
“I’ll ask the others.” I say before turning around and seeing Lopez behind me.
“Can I have some of your water?” I ask, wiping a bead of sweat from my forehead. Compared to us, Lopez is not sweating at all. He’s wearing his usual attire, as is Brown behind him. But their breathing is normal and not a bead of sweat is to be seen on them. 
Lopez glances up at me and his eyebrows furrow for a split second before he nods and hands one of his bottles over. 
“You ran out already?” he asks while I open it and drink about half. 
Brown and Lopez both watch me, studying my movements. 
I wipe my mouth again, closing my eyes for a second and nodding. “Yeah.” I breathe out. “Thanks.” I say, handing it back to him. 
“Y’ alright?” he asks again taking the bottle back and I nod, not thinking much of it. Lopez doesn’t seem convinced. 
Ja overheard our conversation and sped up his walk to catch up to us. When Lopez noticed his presence he seemed a little relieved. 
“Is she okay?” he asks his colleague. Ja was the medic of the group so he would know. He took a glance at me and also thought of what I suggested. 
“Did you drink enough?” he asks me and I nod. 
“Yeah, I drank all my water and some of his.” I scoff, pointing to Lopez and wiping sweat from my forehead again. 
Ja presses the back of his hand against my cheek and then my forehead. 
“Shit, you’re burning up.” he said, scanning over me. 
I was feeling extremely warm. My skin felt like it was burning and my clothes suddenly felt tight and restrictive.
In front of us, Z-Dog and Walker are discussing something. 
Ja felt up my arm and checked my pulse while we were walking and Lopez stayed on my other side in case I was in fact not okay.
“Yeah, somethin’s definitely not right.” Ja announces to us, not quite sure how to help me. Mansk has his eyebrows furrowed, examining my behaviour. Brown is walking behind us and his ears are perked as he listens to the conversation. It seems to interest and worry him. 
“They have it too.” I say, pointing at Z-Dog and Walker who now turn around. Walker is grimacing a little and Z looks worried. 
Lopez’s and Ja’s heads look up at them and they notice that they are breathing heavily and sweating just like me. Ja also takes note of the empty bottles in their hands. 
“Everthin’ okay up there?” the Colonel calls. It seems as though the others have noticed the small commotion and the medical check-up. 
Ja turns around, rubbing the back of his head. 
“Uh- no sir not really.” he calls back, stopping in his tracks to wait for Quaritch so that he can explain. Lopez and I keep walking and he watches me intently as I break out into a type of pant. My ears are pinned back and my tail is wildly flicking around behind me. My eyelids also happen to suddenly grow heavy and I keep them half-lidded. Brown has caught up and is now walking on my other side, watching me before exchanging looks with his friend next to me. 
What snaps me out of my haze is Z calling my name. 
“Hey, Y/N come over here for a sec.” she says, turning around. Walker is running her hand down her face in what looks like frustration. 
I nod, jogging over and leaving both men behind. They’re still watching me, trying to make sense of what’s happening.
Neither Z nor Walker looks like they feel like joking around anymore.
“Have you read the manual?” she asks and it takes me a few seconds to realise she means the Na’vi body data. 
“Yeah, of course, we had to.” I say, trying to play it cool. She raises an eyebrow and I sigh. 
“I stopped once I reached the shit about plants. It got boring.” I say and she nods, knowing damn well she didn’t read further than that either. 
“Walker read it, and it said somethin’ ‘bout a heat cycle.” Z says and I glance at Walker. 
“Yeah… we’re not dehydrated. I remember the symptoms. It’s happening right now.” Walker says, scanning my reddened face. 
“Does it burn?” Z asks and my ears perk forward for once, being relieved from the tense strain I kept them in the past half hour. 
“Everything burns.” I say. 
“You know what I mean.” she adds and I groan in frustration too. 
“Yeah.” I mumble. I can’t deny the heat that’s been forming between my legs. I tried ignoring it but it grew worse. 
“Do you feel, like-” Z says, gasping for air herself. “...uncontrollably horny?” she asks with a light laugh and Walker smirks. 
I have no shame admitting anything in front of them so I chuckle and answer. “More like painfully horny.” 
They laugh a little, struggling to even out their breathing. 
“We need to distance ourselves from them.” Walker says, glancing over her shoulder. “Especially you Y/N you seem to have it bad.” she chuckles, motioning to my panting self. “Otherwise we’re done for and this squad will no longer be as professional.” 
“Seems like they have it bad for her too.” Zdinarsk jokes, hinting at the way Brown and Lopez stuck to my side just moments before. 
My eyes widen. “Wait- you’re joking right? It’ll go away like tomorrow. How would they know about this if we don’t tell them?” I ask and Walker opens her mouth to answer but before she can, my answer is handed to me differently. 
“You smell that?” someone says behind us. My heart stops pounding for a second. Right our new senses have us picking up more. 
“These cursed blue bitches.” I swear and Z breathily laughs, seeming to know how screwed we are. She’s passed the stage of denial and is now accepting our fate. 
We turn around and notice that Lyle was talking to Prager. Prager nodded and they stopped walking. Lopez and Brown have also stopped in their tracks, turning to them. Behind them, Ja, Quaritch, Mansk and the remaining team catch up and everyone comes to a halt. 
Quaritch walks between them and deeply inhales. He looks around, noticing how his soldiers are smelling what he is too. 
I feel my heart slowly drop and I hold on to Z-Dog for some comfort. All three of us are watching them, dreading their reaction. 
“What is it?” Lopez asks. 
“No idea, but it’s fuckin’ great.” Lyle chuckles and my breath catches in my throat.
 It seems to affect them too. As Lyle inhales, his own tail is swishing around behind him and his muscles flex. He’s growing restless and the recoms are looking at their Colonel for an answer or instructions. 
My heart seems to stop beating when I see Lopez turn to me. Brown’s gaze meets mine as well and it’s so intimidating. They’re watching my every movement and I take a step back, my grip on Z’s arm tightening.
“Oh fuck.” I whisper while barely moving my lips. I feel a little hazy again and start leaning against Z-Dog. She sighs looking more pissed than worried and catches me, trying to keep me upright. 
The soldiers follow their and the Colonel’s eyes, noticing us standing a bit further away. 
“It ain’t dehydration, I can tell ya that.” Quaritch says, referring to Ja’s hypothesis of what might be happening. Seems like he read the manual too. 
The stupid excitement in my stomach has grown so big it’s making me feel sick. And all their eyes on us have me more nervous. 
"Do we kill them or ourselves?" Walker asks, not liking any of this.
“Can we leave?” I whisper to Z and she nods, staring down the others as if they would move when she looks away. 
“Yeah, come on.” she says, guiding me forwards. I take a wobbly step, almost stumbling. 
Walking won’t do it. I have so much adrenaline coursing through my veins I want to run away. 
I glance back, noticing everyone’s tense poses. Their eyes follow our every move, making them seem almost predatory. My only instinct now is to run. 
Z gives me a push and my legs take off. I start running and hear Walker and Z-Dog do the same behind me. There’s a commotion happening behind them and the next time I glance behind me, everyone is chasing after us. 
It was a miserable escape attempt, to be honest. We were already so out of breath compared to them, we really didn’t make it far. 
I can hear my heartbeat thumping inside my chest as I run. Apparently, I’m fast because the chaos behind me is growing quieter. I can hear Zdinarsk and Walker shouting and when I look over my shoulder they’re firing their guns near the other recoms feet. But at the same time, I’m able to see two other figures sprinting after me. I don’t have time to look again to see who they are. They’re catching up too quickly for me to think. 
The wind whizzes past me, flowing through my hair and over my ears. I’m leaving countless trees behind as I run through the forest, jumping over roots and branches. But running straight ahead isn’t looking good for me. The two soldiers are faster so I stop abruptly, testing the strength of my ankles as I take a sharp left turn behind one of the trees.
I can hear the thumping of footsteps behind me but there is nothing I can do but keep running. 
Within seconds, a hand grabs my tail making me gasp. That slows me down and suddenly, an arm is slung around my waist, pulling me back and lifting my feet off the ground. Someone pulls me against their chest, coming to a sliding stop before pushing me down onto my knees. The arms stay around me, holding me in place while my heart seems to beat out of my chest. 
The feeling and the effects of the scent the recoms picked up had everyone acting on their primal instincts. Most common sense was gone as their new bodies seemed to be overpowered by the will of nature. The scent had the soldiers feel just as worked up as the heat cycle did. Instinctively, they ran after the ‘potential mate’ they felt most attracted to because that was Eywa’s will. 
“Shh. Stop moving.” A voice growls right next to my ear. The recom’s hot breath hits the skin of my neck. The way the words are spoken makes my stomach clench in excitement and I instinctively submit to the soldier, listening by stilling my movements. 
“Good girl.” the voice purrs. A hand comes up and grips my jaw, moving it to the side and making me crane my neck against my left shoulder. I catch a glimpse of the hand, noticing the identifying tattoos on the knuckles. 
Lopez is the one holding me against him.
My eyes widen but suddenly, I feel my body relaxing against him. 
I had always found Lopez very attractive. He and Brown spent their time teasing and joking around with me. 
The fact that it’s him with me, holding me so close to his own body makes me calm down and get even more excited all at once.
Lopez seems to notice my reaction and I can hear his smirk when he shortly exhales through his nostrils. He lowers his head, still standing behind me while keeping me on my knees and presses his lips against my neck. 
I shiver in anticipation and a gasp leaves my lips. That was very unexpected. We’ve never done anything more than briefly hug. 
“Lopez…” I mutter under my breath, thriving in the feeling. 
Suddenly, my attention is ripped from our moment as I hear heavy footsteps behind us. My ears tilt backwards to listen to them as they slow from a run to a walk. Lopez’s breath stops for a moment before he removes his lips from my skin and turns around. 
I hear the other soldier scoff. 
“What? Thought I was gonna let you have ‘er all to yourself?” he chuckles almost evilly. 
My body stiffens and I try to move my head to the side. Brown?
Lopez snarls at him and his arms around me tighten. Brown continues circling us until soon enough, he’s basically in front of me. He’s peering down at me, taking note of the way my reddened knees were shuffling against the forest floor and the flush clouding my cheeks. 
“Wait your turn.”  Lopez hisses, leaning his head down again but having to abruptly straighten his posture again once Brown starts getting closer. 
“No. You know damn well I’ve been wantin’ this longer than you.” Brown snarls back at him, staring him dead in the eye. 
Lopez is standing tall, trying to protect his territory. His hand tightened around my queue, keeping me in place against him while the other held my left wrist up. 
He scoffs in disbelief before spitting his words at Brown. “You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to have her like this.” 
Brown walks all up on Lopez now and they glare each other down while I’m on my knees, stuck in between them. My body still feels too warm for my liking and I’m starting to feel touch starved. Their presence thrills my body and their scents fuel my desire for them. I’m no longer myself. 
“Look at her.” Brown coos, breaking eye contact with Lopez to stare down at you. He feels so drawn to you. The way you smell and the way you look so deliciously submissive cuts his patience with Lopez very short. Your big watery eyes staring into his own remind him of how much he longs for you.
“She needs me.” he adds, smiling down at your restless self. 
“Don’t think so.” Lopez replies, gently placing his hand against your cheek and pushing your head to the side. You were forced to look away from Brown which annoyed him.
Both soldiers were slowly going feral, wanting to fend off the other to finally claim you for themselves. Since you were all even humans, they were around you. Now they have a chance to do what they have been dreaming of but the competition doesn’t make it easy. 
“Y/N? Baby. You want me?” Brown leans down and asks me softly but the words still sound teasing. I glance at him from the corner of my eye, making him grin. 
“Want me to help you feel good?”
That offer sounds so good to my lust-filled mind, all I can do is nod my head even though Lopez tries to keep it still. Both of them watch me struggle against Lopez’s grip but a faint nod is still recognised. 
Brown’s smirk is more visible than ever when he looks back at his teammate. “Seems like she does.” 
Lopez strains his ears back in irritation as he continues to glare daggers at his friend. 
“Doesn’t count. She can’t think straight.” he argues. His hand leaves my jaw and he rests it on my head, almost petting me for a split second like I’m some kind of pet. 
“Which is why you shouldn’t be near ‘er.” Brown hisses, snatching my left hand from Lopez’s. 
“Back off right now. I’m not joking.” Lopez snarls, no longer wanting to deal with Brown. 
“Stop touchin’ her like she’s yours.” Brown fires back, clearly not liking the way Lopez is being possessive. 
“I got to her first. And I can make her feel better than you ever will.” 
“Yeah right. She was practically begging me to touch-” 
“She was saying my name before you got here and ruined it.” 
My head is spinning at this point and I feel drunk. But there is no alcohol in my system. It’s just pure lust which is becoming overwhelming. Their arguing is now making me lose my patience. The burning between my legs is becoming unbearable because not even I can touch myself. And to keep me from drifting into mindless desperation, I need some type of relief. 
Both men are still fighting, paying each other more attention than you. They would much rather be focused on you but they are standing in each other’s way. You start feeling extremely desperate and all you can do is let out a whine, in hopes of having them finally help you. But they are shouting over each other so talking is useless. In conclusion, you must take matters into your own hands. 
Lopez and Brown are in the middle of their heated argument when both men feel you shuffle on the ground. Lopez gives you a short glance and see’s you rearrange your seating on the ground but he’s pulled back into the fight by the taunting insult Brown throws his way. 
Minutes later, both men feel you start to move again. It’s ignored at first but it doesn’t stop. Lopez is holding your head and queue while Brown is still gripping your wrist. Out of the corner of their eye, they see you slowly rocking back and forth. There’s a second of silence and Brown is about to insult Lopez again when their ears perk up and they hear you moan. 
Instantly, their full attention is directed at you and the sight beneath them finally shuts them up. In fact, both marines are speechless. Their eyes are wide and lips parted in surprise and desire. 
You’re slowly rocking back and forth on the ground, softly rolling your hips down against your heel which you placed beneath you. Erotic mewls and whimpers fall from your lips when you manage to grind your clit against your heel. Finally feeling some type of satisfaction has you not care about your behaviour anymore. This is beyond unprofessional but quite frankly, so was their yammering. Jolts of pleasure shoot through your body when you nudge your clit against your foot and your head lolls back while your eyes flutter closed. 
Lopez groans in arousal, not believing what he is watching while Brown just stares with lust-blown eyes. This is the most beautiful sight they have ever seen and you looked even more beautiful than you did before. And that already seemed impossible to them. To them, this feels like something straight from a dream. They have dreamed of you in many ways before. But seeing you so shamelessly pleasure yourself in front of both of them had them rock hard now. Their erection had been stiffening since the chase because your scent was so deliciously intoxicating but now, their tips were leaking with pre-cum. 
Brown had to adjust his pants because his dick was now painfully hard and everything was becoming too much to bare for all three of you. 
“Fuck, baby.” Lopez growled, letting go of your queue and kneeling down next to you. He couldn’t wait any longer.
Seeing you so desperate made him feel bad for neglecting you for so long. He muffled your moan by pressing his lips against yours, firmly holding your head in place so that he wouldn’t have to worry about the kiss ending quicker than required. 
Brown is still speechless and he’s watching Lopez devour your lips. Suddenly, his friend doesn’t seem like such a threat anymore. Perhaps this can work. 
Lopez has become so aroused by your scent, he is unable to hold back anymore. His hands grip your hips and he helps you guide your movements, grinding you down harder than before. 
The pleasure is clouding your mind and fogging up your common sense. Within seconds of his help, you’re slowly turning into a ragdoll, unable to sit upright anymore. 
You close your eyes for a second to enjoy the feeling even more and when you open them, Brown is on his knees in front of you. With his ears pinned back, tail wildly swinging, veins popping, and muscles flexing, he looks feral as he tears your tank top open through the middle. The fabric gives in easily and is carelessly discarded somewhere behind him. 
Behind you, Lopez is licking and biting your shoulder and nibbling on the back of your neck while Brown leans forward and sucks a dark hickey into your sweet spot.
Your back arches and your right-hand grabs Brown’s left shoulder while your other one reaches behind you to cradle the back of Lopez’s head. Their attention on you makes you feel slightly more overwhelmed than before but you wouldn’t want either one of them leaving. 
“Can’t wait any- …longer.” Brown groans, grabbing your face and pulling your lips to his. The sudden action makes you lose balance and you land pressed up right against his chest. He’s holding your lips against his while leaning back until he’s laying on the ground. 
You’re hovering over him, unsure about your hand placement and position. But those worries are shot away when Lopez presses his clothed hard-on right against your ass, the tip nudging your cheek.
You want nothing more than to be as close as possible to both of them. You want to feel them inside you and at this point, you would even cry and beg. Luckily, neither of them are cruel enough to make you do that. 
The kiss is broken so that Brown can strip you both of your preventing clothes. He’s lost his patience and has to take matters into his own hands because Lopez is losing himself by grinding and dry-humping you from behind. 
“Fuck, mami. Need you so bad-” Lopez growls under his breath, clenching his jaw. Your heat has soaked through the pathetically thin fabric of your panties and a small spot was visible to Lopez on your pants. The said pants which have been stained by your slick are being tugged down your legs by the soldier under you. The one behind you marked the cloth of his pants with his pre-cum already. Seeing you like this had them both whipped for you. 
All your clothes except for your drenched panties have been either torn or pulled off your body, letting the two marines finally free themselves. Lopez is unbuckling his belt while Brown is already pulling his cammies down his thighs. However, your curiosity is still present. You three had been friends for a while and you can’t deny their attractiveness. So you wanted to see as much of them as they saw of you. Brown pulled you closer again, lifting his right hand to cup and massage your breast. 
“God, you look so fuckin’ amazing.” he breathes out. His pupils are blown wide with lust as he mutters the words. “Better than anythin’ I’ve imagined.” 
Your heartbeat starts racing at his words. He’s imagined you in this way before. Being so intimate with him. 
Your curious hands wander up his torso, softly tugging at the hem of this tank top before slowly pushing it up and over his chest muscles. Brown seems a little stunned by your action. Perhaps he is surprised that you care enough about him to want to see him. Maybe there is more to this than just heat-fucking. 
Meanwhile, Lopez has already pulled your panties to the side, revealing everything to him. Even though he hated admitting it, he was jealous that you were just interacting with Brown. He knew a great way to win your attention back. That’s what he told himself at least. The second he set eyes on your beautiful dripping pussy, he wanted nothing more but to have a mouthful of it. He enjoyed using his tongue, especially because he knew it worked well. 
The body warmth of Lopez’s hips disappears from your rear end. Brown is staring up at you in something close to adoration, letting you explore his body. You’re focused on his torso, outlining his toned muscles with your warm lips when suddenly you feel a hot breath fan against your pussy. Instantly, your body tenses up and your movements halt. Brown tilts his head to the side, looking behind you to see what Lopez is doing. His ears perk up when he sees and you want to turn too but before you can move another muscle, you feel Lopez swiftly swipe his tongue up and between your dripping folds. 
The erotic move makes you gasp before you almost instantly give in and melt against his movements. Your upper body rests on top of Brown’s bare chest while you push your hips back against Lopez’s face. He has one hand wrapped around the base of your curled tail, holding it up so that it stays out of the way while he starts to eat you out. His tongue is licking the moist skin, gathering the dripping wetness before it reaches your thighs. A small moan is released by Lopez against your pulsating pussy, making you whimper and whine in pleasure. 
Brown is grinning from ear to ear as he watches you slowly fall apart in front of them. 
“We’ve been tryin’ to get your attention for a while now.” he says. His deep voice rumbles through his chest. 
You’re too caught up in what Lopez is doing, there is no chance of your responding and Brown knows that. 
“Been waitin’ for you to give yourself te’ us.” he growls, nibbling at the shell of your ear. “To spread ‘em pretty legs and let us take care ‘f you.” 
I gasp, staring at him with wide eyes. His grin reappears. 
“You’ve been wantin’ this too?” he asks, ears perked forwards again. 
I gulp nervously, having to take deep breaths to respond because Lopez has already almost had me cum. 
“Yes…” you whisper, gasping again when Lopez presses his tongue against your entrance, applying pressure and threatening to penetrate it. 
“Shit-” Brown chuckles, getting extremely restless after hearing your confirmation. 
“Lopez, cut it short. Can’t wait any longer.” He almost barks, pressing his fingertips into the flesh of your hip. 
Lopez pulls away, straightening his posture on his knees once again and licking his lips with a devilish grin.
“You taste amazing, baby.” he growls. His lips are glossed and coated with your slick and it’s drizzling down his chin in the corner of his mouth. “Not done with you yet, I need that pussy again.” 
“Like I’m going to let that happen.” Brown chuckles. “You just had her. It’s my turn.” 
Their ears are pinned back and Lopez looks pissed off but he doesn’t argue.
Brown grabs your hips and instantly starts pulling them down against him. You steady yourself on the ground while he presses the side of his aching hard dick against your partly cleaned-up pussy. At this point, your body is in need of it. 
“What do you want, mami? Huh?” Lopez teases which makes Brown growl. He’s had enough of his antics and just needs to feel your warm walls around him. 
You whine, closing your eyes in frustration. “Please- both of you. I need-”
Lopez is grinning again. He loves hearing your desperate voice. 
“I need you inside me.” You almost cry out. Brown would be lying if he said he didn’t love the way you said those words. The neediness really did things for them. 
“Want us to breed you?” Lopez asks, now pressing his bare abdomen against your ass, once again slowly grinding his hips against you. “Want to be full of our cum?”
You frantically nod your head, wanting nothing more in the world but to be filled and thoroughly fucked by them. 
Brown was just angry at Lopez for once again slowing things down but now, he is glad he didn’t shut him up. Watching you admit and beg for such a dirty proposal had him almost cumming all over his stomach. 
“Don’t worry baby, we won’t stop until you’re bred properly.” Brown growls. He never thought he would be saying that. Neither of us wanted or want kids but god, these Avatars make it really difficult to fend off their natural needs. 
With that said Brown refuses to wait any longer. He lines his dick up with your needy core, wanting to finally relieve you from clenching around nothing. His tip presses against your entrance and suddenly, he starts pulling you down on his lap and slowly pushing all of him into you. 
The feeling is intense but nothing hurts. It feels so amazingly good. Finally, you're being filled up with his big cock and it's helping reduce the burning ache of heat between your legs. 
Brown hisses, furrowing his eyebrows together in concentration and pleasure. His head lifts off the ground, straining his neck muscles just so he can watch himself disappear inside you. Your slick immediately coats his shaft and he's only realising now just how badly he needs this himself. 
His head falls back and he parts his lips in a silent moan, covering up the stuttering breath with a curse.
Behind you, Lopez sighs. 
"Well shit…" he curses in a soft laugh, watching Brown's expression and your reaction. "That good?"
"Fuckin' heaven." Brown replies. His words sound strangled. 
His eyes open and he looks up at you. 
"God- you really are an angel." he sighs. 
You're too overwhelmed with how deliciously he's filling you that the complement flies by you.
"You feel so good." You whimper, letting your head hang loosely while you calm your breathing. 
"Think you can handle more?" Lopez asks behind you. His hands are gently massaging your hips and waist as he awaits an answer.
You love them both so much, the offer sounds more than good. 
"Yesss." You hiss, pushing back against his touch. "More." 
Lopez chuckles. "Never thought you wanted us too."
"Shut up and fuck me." You snap, needing to be relieved already. It's been too long and your sudden heat is cruel to make you feel so worked up. 
Lopez didn't take that personally. He loved hearing you curse. It was his and Brown's dirty secret and turn-on. You were always well-behaved. Hearing you cuss and especially dirty talk was so hot to them.
"Shit-" he grins, peering down at you in amused disbelief. 
"Please-" you whine, not being able to bare the wait anymore. 
"Don't you dare make her beg. Hurry the fuck up." Brown snarls, wanting to pleasure himself and you already. He has been waiting for this moment for way too long.
Lopez's evil grin stretches further as he nods. 
"Ready?" He asks, massaging the right cheek of your ass. You're not sure what you're meant to be ready for, Brown has already filled your pussy. What is Lopez thinking? Yet, despite your mild confusion, you don't question it. Anything to have and please them both. 
"Yes…" you breathe out in desperation while Brown fights himself to stay still beneath you.
Lopez nods. His heart is racing at the fact that he's about to finally get to feel you. Both men are still in disbelief that you want them because they think so highly of you. But luckily, they won't keep you waiting. 
Lopez's hand wraps around his shaft, lining it up with your ass. The only other hole free which wasn't your mouth. This happened to be another of his kinks. He loves your ass and finally gets to properly see it, touch it, and feel it. It's his now and there is nothing you can do about it. He'll claim it in the best way he knows how. He just hopes that you'll be able to cope with him inside you there.
His tip presses against your puckered hole, making your tail freeze its swaying movements. Lopez is gripping your right cheek harshly as if he were trying to control himself from just roughly fucking you from behind. You were all hazed but they still care about you enough to ensure your comfort. 
One would think he would want to watch himself sink into your tight hole but no, Lopez cares too much for you. His gaze is fixed on the side of your flushed face, watching your reactions to make sure you're alright as he slowly starts pushing his hips forward. His dickhead is covered in precum, lubricating the rest of him to ease the penetration.
Your breath gets caught in your throat when you feel the unfamiliar stretch. It makes you clench your eyes closed and ball your hands into fists. 
Lopez and Brown both notice this and Lopez pauses his movements.
"You're doing so well, mami. Take it easy." He coos, rubbing your back while fighting off the urge to groan and thrust forwards. 
"You're gonna be ours, sweetie." Brown whispers, cupping your cheek to distract you from the feeling. 
Your eyes meet his and he takes hold of your hips again, gently rolling yours against his and Lopez's to have you remember the pleasure you felt before.
Your head drops in bliss, resting forehead against forehead with Brown's.
Lopez hisses at the sudden unexpected movement and his hips instinctively stutter forwards. 
"You good?" Brown asks, moving your hair out of your face and gently pulling it to one side on your neck. 
"Yeah…" you reply breathily. "It doesn't hurt."
Lopez nods again behind you, steadying himself on his knees and placing both his hands against the crevice of your thighs and hips before pushing all the way in. 
You inhale sharply, but at the same time, Brown moves and with the next thrust the time it, so that they move in sync. Both men gently pull back, before thrusting back into you slightly faster than before. 
This time, it feels a lot better than at first. They continue to ease you into their rhythm, wanting this to be as pleasurable for you as it is for them. Because god they are losing themselves in you right now.
All three of you feel the urge to want to be as close to each other as possible. They have felt that way about you before but they feared it would have been inappropriate to act on it then. Now, you don't have to hold back.
Their hands are all over you, caressing and holding you close to them. Brown has the side of his face pressed against yours, rubbing your cheeks against each other in a nuzzling manner. It feels primal but you love it. Lopez is hugging your waist, squeezing your thighs and tracing your spine. Your body is new to them and they wish they could take their time exploring you. 
They start moving, thrusting into you just mere moments after the other in a new rhythm. Brown pulls your hips down against his whereas Lopez tugs you back up and against him.
There is no shame with you three. You've known each other long enough to be more than comfortable in each other's presence. Which is why Lopez and Brown don't bother to suppress their moans. We're far away from the rest of the team, why worry about the noise level?
The sound of skin slapping and heavy breathing is polluting the surrounding quiet forest. Occasional growls and hisses are elicited which earn mewls and whines from you. Precious noises which drive the two marines wild. 
"Fuck, you feel amazing, baby." Lopez groans. His chest is pressed against your back, his hips are ramming forwards against yours and his mouth is hanging open. 
Brown has sunk his teeth into his bottom lip, occasionally throwing his head back in pleasure before cursing your name. 
"Ours." He growls into your ear, nipping at your lobe with his fangs.
You've become a ragdoll in their arms. Your body is being pushed and pulled back and forth while your slick drips down your inner thighs. Lopez feels it against his thighs and catches some on his fingers before smearing it around your hole and on his shaft. Now, squelches erupt each time either of them buries their throbbing cocks inside both your holes. 
Their rhythm starts to falter and you feel your orgasm slowly build up. Thanks to Lopez's skilled tongue before, you feel stimulated enough by their thrusts to cum yourself. 
"Fuck- m' close." You hiss, panting for air while being pounded and filled in two holes at once. The pleasure exceeds much faster than expected. This heat cycle has all of your body feeling overly sensitive. 
"Dirty girl." Brown chuckles, pressing his hot lips against the pulse point on your neck and sucking. 
"Love you so much."
The words come as a sudden surprise, but to be honest, the feelings have been there for a long time from both sides.
"So fucking tight-" Lopez breathes out. Their pace is becoming uneven and you're being mindlessly fucked. Your eyes are rolling to the back of your head in bliss and you begin to tense up in preparation for your orgasm.
"Cum baby. Let go and we'll reward you." Lopez adds in a hushed whisper. His accent makes his voice more attractive.
Before you can nod or respond in any way shape or form, your orgasm hits you out of nowhere. 
Brown shoved himself inside you with such force, it hit a particular sweet spot inside you which was hit by Lopez from the other side at the same time. 
It makes your toes curl and your body shake as you finally come undone. You arch your back against both men, opening your legs more to offer yourself to them. 
Your walls clench around their shafts and the suction makes it difficult for them to pull out. It feels like you're trying to milk them for their cum and that's exactly what they want from you. In the next second, both marines plunge into you as deep as possible, and one after the other they empty their balls and shoot their load deep inside you. Your insides are painted white and filled with their hot and sticky cum which seems to keep spurting out of them while grunts and growls leave their lips.
You moan, relishing in the feeling of being so perfectly stuffed by two fat cocks. All of you start to calm down from your mindblowing highs but they refuse to pull out of your. They stay still, remaining buried inside of you for a few extra minutes to keep you pumped full with their cum. So full that it's slowly oozing out of the sides while they are comfortably resting hilt-deep in your pussy and ass. 
"You belong to us now." Lopez whispers, wrapping an arm around your waist to hold you in place. 
"No one else gets to ever have you like this."
"Understand, baby?" Brown asks, running a thumb over your flushed cheeks. 
"Yes." You breathe out. "Yours."
They grin at each other, holding you for another minute until all of you can think straight again. 
There’s a distant shout which sounds like the Colonel calling for us. We freeze and our ears perk up, analysing the noise. 
“We should head back.” Brown says to you and Lopez, gently tapping your thigh. 
Lopez slowly draws his hips back, watching his cum ooze out of your used hole. He almost missed what Brown had said. You flinch and your body tenses again when Brown carefully lifts your hips and helps you climb off of him. 
Both men straighten up again and stand up while you stay kneeling on the ground. Their hands reach for you and they help you to your feet, steadying you before letting go. 
“I can’t go back like this, I look like a mess.” You say, palming your forehead and staring down at the cum dripping down your legs. Neither of the men seem to think that it’s a bad thing though. The sight is mesmerising to them. 
“Our mess.” Lopez growls, pressing himself against you once more and planting a kiss on your jaw. Brown picks up your clothes or what is remaining of them at least. To your luck, you still had your vest which covered the main areas of your chest. You all got dressed and once you were done you exchanged eye contact with them before breaking into grins and chuckles. Neither of you could properly believe what just happened but not a soul has any regrets.
You start walking back and your steps are slower and more careful because you start to feel sore now. Brown stops in front of you and turns around facing Lopez and you. Then he looks at Lopez only. 
“What if they try to get a go with ‘er?” he asks. His ears tip back and he looks like he hates the thought in his head. 
Lopez scoffs, suddenly snaking an arm around your waist and pulling you right against his side. “Yeah, like I’m gonna let ‘em.” he chuckles darkly, starting to walk again and pulling you with him. 
Brown nods, taking the spot on your free side. It seems like you’re walking two guard dogs now. 
When you reach the others, neither of them moves. They don’t let anyone near you either. It seems to have become clear to the others what happened but you’re not standing around long enough to get reactions. The Colonel seems fed up and is already leading the way back. You follow and right after you, Brown and Lopez do too. It seems as though their fight has been peacefully solved. 
The rest of the day you spent replaying everything that happened in your head. You can’t wait to see how this situation will bloom and escalate with both marines.
Tag List: @numarusworld @number1gal @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @ken-dala @ikranwings @jatwow
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classicschronicles · 1 year
Hi lovelies,
Okay so my first A-level is on Tuesday and it is the World of the Hero paper, basically the Iliad and the Aeneid. I was getting on with my Aeneid revision when I realised that, other than the fact that I am in love with him, I actually don’t know that much about Turnus. So today I’m going to try and write about Turnus in the hopes that it forces me to go and read up on him. (Also I need to revise my Homeric allusion and the comparisons between the Greek and Roman hero so imma throw that in too).
Okay so to start off with some basic info, Turnus is the Prince of the Rutilian Tribe and the leader of the antagonistic forces against the Trojans. Like all main heroes, he is a great warrior and superior to everyone else in combat. Now despite all of this, it is important to note that Turnus doesn’t actually want to fight. Let me explain.
Turnus is engaged to Lavinia, the princess of Latium, a neighbouring Italian tribe. Aeneas arrives and to cut a long story short her dad changes his mind and says “nah you’re gonna marry Aeneas instead”. Also random but Turnus is also meant to be the best looking of all the Italians, so smash ig. But anyways, when Aeneas steals his fiancé, Turnus doesn’t really care, he lets him have her and makes his peace with it because he knows there is nothing he can do against fate. However, surprise surprise, enter Juno. She’s all like “nawh come on I need someone to fight the Trojans bc I hate peace”, so she sends the Fury Alecto to infect Turnus with a lust for war. So anyways, he wakes up the next day and he’s like “hey that’s my fiancé” and proceeds to start the second Trojan war to win her back. If this sounds oddly familiar, it should.
The purpose of Turnus’ character in the second half of the Aeneid is very similar to Dido’s character in the first half. Like Dido, is an individual who has been corrupted by the gods- more specially Juno- and lacks any autonomy. Therefore, he follows what he thinks is his will to the point of excess. Much like Dido’s furor for lust, Turnus’ furor is militant. It is Turnus who then goes on to raise the flag of war and instigate chaos. When Alecto burns him with a desire for war he begins to exhibit multiple character flaws, such as disorder. His individualism is diametrically opposed to Aeneas who is dutiful and embodies pietas, supposedly.
Book 9 is truly the point where we get a sense of just how deep Alecto’s influence on Turnus is, as he becomes depraved and thirsty for blood. Any sense of the moral compass he demonstrated in book 7 is gone as he flaunts the death of his Trojan enemies by raising their heads on spears for all the Trojans to see. Aeneas, by the way, is missing for all of book 9 so Turnus has no equal and therefore becomes the most deadly man in the war. As soon as Turnus learns of Aeneas’ absence he leads his army towards the Trojan camp and when he can’t find a way in, he sets fire to their ships (the ships are immortal or some shit tho so they’re fine). Night then descends, and the Latins attack the Trojan fortresses. Turnus then sees a high tower standing just outside the main gate which he sets on fire and then they get in and kill a bunch of Trojans. The Trojans then chase the Latins away but when they seal the gates they accidentally lock Turnus inside with them. A Trojan is then like “you can’t win in the camp of your enemies”. To which Turnus then says this really arrogantly hot thing, ssshhhh I know he’s red flag but it’s like one of my favourite colours. Virgil writes, “Turnus replied, smiling calmly: ‘If there is any courage in you, then come and fight. You will soon be able to tell Priam that here too you found an Achilles!’”. Eventually he does realise that he is outnumbered and he escaped.
In book 10, Turnus carries on with his slaughter spree. Turnus spots Aeneas’ returning ships and leads his troops towards the beach so that he can confront them, battle commences. Pallas fights a little too well and attracts the attention of Turnus. Turnus challenges Pallas to a duel and Pallas, desperate to prove himself, agrees. There’s this really funny bit where he’s fighting Turnus but stops to ogle him (“Pallas marvelled at these proud commands and stood amazed at the sight of Turnus, running his eyes all over that mighty body,”- me too bro). There is then this great Homeric smilie about Turnus as a lion and Pallas a bull. Turnus kills Pallas and steals his sword belt, which is actually Aenas, as a prize. The stealing of the sword belt is the action that later seals his death. Again, if this is sounding a little familiar, it should. Aeneas hears about what Turnus has done and goes berserk, but Juno asks that Jupiter spare Turnus (he can’t do this but he does agree to prolong his life a little). Anyways, Juno created a phantom Aeneas and so Turnus goes chasing after it and follows it onto some ships which then set sail and send him away from Aeneas. This is that classic argument of are the gods self seeking? In this instance yes, Juno humiliates Turnus by making his follow a phantom Aeneas so that when he escapes he looks like a coward. She protects his physically, yes, but his honour is shot to pieces. Also she doesn’t actually care for Turnus, she just cares that he can keep fighting the Trojans.
So then book 11 rolls around. Messengers arrive from the Latin camp and ask for a 12 says truce so that both sides and can bury their dead. The Latins all think that Turnus should fight for Lavinia in single combat against Aeneas rather than risk any more deaths. A man called Drances blames the whole war on Turnus arrogance, at which point I wanna point out that Turnus is a baby girl and that non of this is his fault, but actually Juno and Alecto’s. Turnus, however, says that if the Latins want single combat then he will fight Aenas without fear. The way he says this, though, is very sarcastic and arrogant and exemplified how reckless he can be. But at this point, Trojans start marching towards the city so the Latins have to fight again.
Now the dreaded book 12. Turnus decides that he has to fight Aeneas in single combat, and when urged to surrender by Lavinia’s father he declines (again sound familiar?). Juno worries about Turnus because she thinks Aeneas might outmatch him and so she calls Juturna (Turnus’ divine sister) to watch out for her brothers safety. Juturna, however, doesn’t want her brother to fight in the duel and so she disguises herself as a Latin officer in order to break the truce and start all out war. Some stuff happens, Aeneas gets shot in the leg and has to leave and it gives Turnus some renewed hope. Aeneas returns to battle and both he and Turnus kill a lot of men. Turnus then hears cries of suffering from his fellow Italians and calls for the Trojan siege of Latium to end, and for the duel to commence. Okay so quick play by play, Aeneas and Turnus toss sears, Turnus sword breaks at the hilt, Turnus runs from Aeneas, Juturna gives him a real sword. Aeneas then casts a spear which hits Turnus in the leg and Turnus tumbles to the ground. He begs Aeneas for mercy in the name of his father. Aeneas is prepared to show mercy, but remember that sword belt I mentioned earlier. Well Aeneas sees the sword belt and then goes batshit insane and kills Turnus on his knees whilst he begs for mercy.
Okay so now some quick analysis, because apparently I have to be able to do that. The characterisation of Turnus is interesting in that is mirrors Dido. We as readers admire both leaders in the few pages that we see them before they are plagued by the gods. The branding of Turnus with lust for war strips his of any autonomy and from that point in book 7 onwards he looses any semblance of his own characteristics. He goes from being clement and diplomatic to being bloodthirsty and arrogant. And yet, the reader is never truly able to hate him. Much like Dido, we may tire of him sometimes but we always keep a trace of admiration and at times, awe or pity. For example, whilst me may not agree with his actions in the Trojan camp, one cannot deny that they were impressive. But the relief one usually feels when reading about the death of Turnus was not present in Turnus’ death. At that moment in time we feel sorrow for him and admiration that, despite knowing he would not win, he still fought Aeneas. There is one suggestion that Turnus is the anti-hero. The villain we cannot hate, and often find ourselves liking more than the actual hero. That is certainly true for Turnus as there are times that the reader cannot stand Aeneas, for example his human sacrifice and murder of Mezentius in book 10.
The other thing that is really interesting about Turnus is trying to decipher the Homeric allusions that Virgil was trying to demonstrate. Every time I say ‘sounds familiar’ it’s because it is Virgil’s way of making throwbacks to the Iliad. So for example, Turnus (Hector) taking Pallas (Patroclus) sword belt/ armour that belonged to Aeneas (Achilles). But the thing that I find really interesting is the way that Virgil does it. When we read the Iliad, sure there are times when he winds us up, but we don’t hate Achilles at any point. We understand his rampage against the Trojans, we understand (although we might not agree with it) why he did what he did to Hector. But when it comes to Aeneas, do we really even find him that likeable? To be honest, I don’t think so, although your opinion might be different. But a lot of the reason I think for my point of view is because of the characterisation of both Pallas and Turnus as parallels of Patroclus and Hector respectively. What I mean by that is when we read about the death of Pallas it is not nearly as emotional as the death of Patroclus. We see the relationship between Achilles and Patroclus, even in death, we spend 16 books of the epic getting to know Patroclus. Whereas, when it comes to Pallas, we know him for about 2 books before he is killed. His character is not developed in the same way. And that’s not to say that Virgil isn’t capable of creating the same level of sorrow, I mean think of the deaths of Nisus and Euryalus who were mentioned all of twice. In all honesty, I think Virgil did this deliberately.
Then there is the question of Turnus and Hector. We feel an immense amount of sympathy for both, but even still we understand Achilles actions far more than Aeneas. Hector stripped Patroclus of his armour, tried to keep the body for the Trojans, flaunts the armour of Achilles, and he does this all of his won accord, not because he is being used by the gods. Turnus, on the other hand, whilst he does take a prize, he doesn’t strip Pallas bare, he simply takes a sword belt. Turnus returns the body to Pallas’ father, he allows 12 days for burial, and on top of that, non of this was of his own will.
I think ultimately, a lot of it comes down to the characterisation of Greek and Roman heroes. Where a Greek hero fights for personal fame and glory and honour, the Roman hero is not as equally motivated by the spoils of war, but rather pietas (duty to the gods, family, and country). And therefore, when Turnus fights we see him as fighting for his people and giving life for his people (roman word- devotio).
Basically, Turnus big slay I love him and icl it is too late for me to say anything more intelligent than that. If you’re still here I hope you learned something new or at least enjoyed my ramblings. Hope you all have a lovely rest of your weekend <3
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happyzyx · 8 months
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231004 yixing weibo update: 🙏🙏🙏
[eng trans] thank you everyone for your enthusiastic support. (i saw a lot of beiker who arrived at the venue really early ㅠㅠ)
here to remind everyone
the temperature in foshen is relatively high during the festival.
the temperature in foshen will hit 35 degrees today.
take care of yourself. paid attention to avoid heatstroke and to cool down.
obey the security guards commands.
tips to prevent heatstroke:
1. rehydrate in a timely manner but avoid excessive consumption of beverages. drink plain water or lightly salted (sugary) water. avoid gulping down excessive amounts of water when thirsty.
2. wear a UV-blocking outfit, sun hat, sun umbrella, etc when outdoors. avoid direct sun exposure.
3. please prepare some heatstroke prevention medication. huaoxiang zhengqi shui is a type of tradicional chinese medicine, for example.
4. if you experience drowsiness, nausea, dry mouth, dizziness, chest tightness and shortness of breath, it could be early signs of heatstroke. immediately take a break, and drink some cooling water to lower down your body temperature.
5. if you suffer from heatstroke, immediately move to a shaded area to rest. rehydrate at the same time, drink slowly to avoid increased heartbeat. loosen your collar, tie, belt and other accessories. ensure good ventilation in your surroundings, take topical or oral heat relief medication, seek help or medical assistance from surrounding people or staff.
6. if anyone surrounding you is showing signs of heatstroke, immediately shift the person to a shaded area and ensure good ventilation, loosen up the clothes, use various methods to cool down, take medicine, press acupuncture points such as the ‘renzhong’ and ‘hukou’ to help the person regain consciousness, seek help from staff for medical assistance.
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~Fic Introduction Post~ #6
time to talk ZoSan? let’s talk ZoSan. three fics to discuss today, all three of them rated Explicit, so this is firmly a no-minors-allowed fic introduction post
fic 1: don't ask me who's driving.
in my notes on the original draft I believe I referred to this as a ‘contextless limo blowjob’. I was very much grabbed by a very specific mental image so I wrote it down. wasn’t the first time, won’t be the last, it makes for excellent fanfics.
the super fun spicy part of this fic is that Sanji is the dominant one for once! because while I adore submissive Sanji (so so so much), I think it’s very important to the ZoSan dynamic that Zolo also gets a chance to be subby sometimes. even if it is with the approximate attitude of a whole adult tiger daring you to try and scold it. which it is.
I’m proud of this fic from top to bottom. I wouldn’t necessarily rank it in my top five, but it’s solidly good quality from start to finish, and there are some excellent lines in there too.
it’s short (1.4k) and sweet, so if you love a good throatfuck & gratuitously thirsty descriptions of Sanji, give it a read!
fic 2: Two Masochists Attempt Wound Aftercare.
I watched one of the super early OP movies (I think it’s literally the second one?) purely to watch that one Sanji fight with the unnecessarily good animation. came out of it thinking, wow, that was really just 50 minutes of Sanji foot whump, huh. couple days later I stepped on a nail and wrote this fic.
do I have a ~Thing™~ about feet? no. do I have a ~Thing™~ about Sanji’s feet? ...maybe.
(I definitely have a thing about ZoSan foot worship. but that’s not a foot thing, that’s a weapons thing. anyway.)
this fic is 2.7k of foot care, wound-bandaging, and discussions of masochism. heavy on the banter and ZS friendship, with a generous dash of comedy. if you hate it when Zolo and Sanji get along with each other, then I’m afraid this fic isn’t for you, but if you like it when they’re friends, good news! so do I ^_^
fic 3: Just This Once.
this is just under 1k words of excessively horny smut! feat. Sanji Whore Behaviour™, consensually cuckolded Zolo, casual exhibitionism, and more, plus dirty talk x1000 bonus. let’s fuckin’ go.
(basically, if you’re an AllSan shipper like me & think it’d be hot as hell if Sanji hooked up with a hot stranger and immediately went home to pester Zolo for round two... you’ll want to read this fic. trust me.)
in summary:
I love ZoSan. I also write ZoSan! do you love ZoSan? you should read mine. I think it’s pretty fun. also I have like 100 unfinished ZoSan fics lying around and the more attention I get for my existing ZoSan, the more motivated I am to write more of it. just saying.
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dfroza · 11 days
Today’s reading from the ancient books of Proverbs and Psalms
for may 25 of 2024 with Proverbs 25 and Psalm 25, accompanied by Psalm 68 for the 68th day of Astronomical Spring, and Psalm 146 for day 146 of the year (with the consummate book of 150 Psalms in its 1st revolution this year)
[Proverbs 25]
These words, too, are proverbs of King Solomon, words which Hezekiah, king of Judah, later told his scribes to record for posterity:
God’s glory is shown when He conceals things;
a king’s glory is shown in his ability to explore the facts of the matter.
As the heights of heaven and the depths of earth are beyond comprehension,
so are the hearts of kings.
Take away the impurities from the silver,
and a good smith can create something of value;
Take away the wicked from among the king’s advisors,
and his reign will be established with integrity.
Do not claim to be important in the presence of the king
or vie for a position within the company of great men.
Truly, it is far sweeter to have someone of influence say to you, “Come up here and join us,”
than to be ordered to some lower rank in front of a noble.
Just because you think you have seen something
doesn’t mean you should be quick to go to court,
For what will you do
when your neighbor disproves the charge and embarrasses you?
Instead, discuss the matter directly with your neighbor,
but in doing so, remember never to reveal another person’s secrets;
For if you do, someone who hears you could disgrace you,
and a bad reputation will cling to you ever afterward.
A well-spoken word at just the right moment
is like golden apples in settings of silver.
To an attentive ear, constructive criticism from a truly wise person
is like an earring or jewelry made of fine gold.
Like a cooling snow that breaks the heat of a harvest day,
so is the messenger who is faithful to those who sent him,
for he refreshes the soul of his masters.
Like clouds and wind that bring no rain,
so is one who boasts of gifts promised but never delivered.
Patience can soften up a leader,
and a tender tongue can break even bone.
When you find honey, remember to eat only what you need,
because if you eat in excess, you may be sick and lose all of it.
Don’t visit your neighbor too often,
or he will become tired of you and grow to hate you.
Like a maul and a sword and a sharp arrow all in one,
so is anyone who bears false witness against a neighbor.
Like a tooth that is rotten or a foot that is unsteady,
so is relying on a person who can’t be trusted in times of trouble.
Like a man who undresses in winter
or a woman who pours vinegar on a wound,
So is anyone who tries to sing happy songs
to a sorrowful heart.
If your enemy is hungry, give him something to eat;
if he is thirsty, give him something to drink,
For your kind treatment will be like heaping hot coals on his head,
it may cause a change in heart,
and the Eternal will repay you.
As surely as a north wind drives the rain before it,
a backbiting tongue brings angry looks.
It is better to dwell outside on the corner of your roof
than to live inside your house with a badgering wife.
Like cool water to a weary soul,
so is good news from a distant country.
Like a muddy spring or a polluted fountain,
so is a righteous person who gives in to the wicked.
Eating too much honey is not good for you,
nor is it good to seek one honor after another.
Like a conquered city with no walls,
so is a man who has no self-control.
The Book of Proverbs, Chapter 25 (The Voice)
A note from The Voice translation:
Acts of kindness, especially when we know they are undeserved, awaken a slumbering conscience, stimulate sorrow, and perhaps even effect a change. They are the best ways to turn an enemy into a friend.
[Psalm 25]
A song of David.
ALWAYS I will lift up my soul to You, Eternal One,
BECAUSE You are my God and I put my trust in You.
Do not let me be humiliated.
Do not let my enemies celebrate at my expense.
CERTAINLY none of the people who rely on You will be shamed,
but those who are unfaithful, who intentionally deceive,
they are the ones who will be disgraced.
DEMONSTRATE Your ways, O Eternal One.
Teach me to understand so I can follow.
EASE me down the path of Your truth.
FEED me Your word
because You are the True God who has saved me.
I wait all day long, hoping, trusting in You.
GRACIOUS Eternal One, remember Your compassion; rekindle Your concern and love,
which have always been part of Your actions toward those who are Yours.
Do not HOLD against me the sins I committed when I was young;
instead, deal with me according to Your mercy and love.
Then Your goodness may be demonstrated in all the world, Eternal One.
IMMENSELY good and honorable is the Eternal;
that’s why He teaches sinners the way.
With JUSTICE, He directs the humble in all that is right,
and He shows them His way.
KIND and true are all the ways of the Eternal
to the people who keep His covenant and His words.
O LORD, the Eternal, bring glory to Your name,
and forgive my sins because they are beyond number.
MAY anyone who fears the Eternal
be shown the path he should choose.
His soul will NOT only live in goodness,
but his children will inherit the land.
ONLY those who stand in awe of the Eternal will have intimacy with Him,
and He will reveal His covenant to them.
PERPETUALLY my focus takes me to the Eternal
because He will set me free from the traps laid for me.
QUIETLY turn Your eyes to me and be compassionate toward me
because I am lonely and persecuted.
RAPIDLY my heart beats as troubles build on the horizon.
Come relieve me from these threats.
SEE my troubles and my misery,
and forgive all my sins.
TAKE notice of my enemies.
See how there are so many of them
who hate me and would seek my violent destruction.
Watch over my soul,
and let me face shame and defeat
UNASHAMED because You are my refuge.
May honor and strong character keep me safe.
VIGILANTLY I wait for You, hoping, trusting.
Save Israel from all its troubles,
O True God.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 25 (The Voice)
[Psalm 68]
For the worship leader. A song of David.
May the True God rise up and show Himself;
may those who are united against Him be dispersed,
while the people who hate Him run away at the sight of Him.
As smoke disappears when it is blown by the wind,
may You blow away Your enemies forever.
As wax melts in the presence of fire,
may the wicked heart melt away in God’s presence.
But may those who are righteous rejoice
in the presence of the True God—so may they be glad and rejoice.
Yes, let them celebrate with joy!
Sing songs of praise to the name that belongs to the True God!
Let your voices ring out in songs of praise to Him, the One who rides through the deserted places.
His name is the Eternal;
celebrate in His glorious presence.
The True God who inhabits sacred space
is a father to the fatherless, a defender of widows.
He makes a home for those who are alone.
He frees the prisoners and leads them to prosper.
Yet those who rebel against Him live in the barren land without His blessings and prosperity.
O True God, when You led Your enslaved people from Egypt,
when You journeyed with us through the wilderness,
The whole world trembled! The sky poured down rain
at the power of Your presence; even Mount Sinai trembled in Your presence,
the presence of the True God, the God of Israel.
You sent a heavy downpour to soak the ground, O True God.
You refreshed the land—the land Your people would inherit—when it was parched and dry.
Your covenant people made their homes in the land,
and because You are so good, You provided for those crushed by poverty, O True God.
The Lord gives the word;
there are very many women ready to tell the good news:
“Kings who lead the armies are on the run!
They are on the run!
And the woman who stays at home is ready, too,
ready to enjoy the treasures that they’ve left behind!”
When they lay down among the campfires and open the saddlebags, imagine what they’ll find—
a beautiful dove, its wings covered with silver,
its feathers a shimmering gold.
When the Almighty scattered the kings from that place,
it was snowing in Zalmon.
O Mount Bashan, you mighty mountain of the True God;
mountain of many peaks, O Mount Bashan.
Why are you so jealous, O mountain of many peaks,
when you look at the mountain the True God has chosen as His dwelling place?
The Eternal will surely abide on Mount Zion forever.
The chariots of God are innumerable;
there are thousands upon thousands of them.
The Lord is in their midst, just as He was at Mount Sinai.
He has come into the holy place.
When You ascended the sacred mountain,
with Your prisoners in tow, Your captives in chains,
You sat in triumph receiving gifts from men,
Even from those who rebel against You, so that You, the Eternal God, might take up residence there.
Blessed be the Lord
who carries our heavy loads every day,
the True God who is our salvation.
We know our God is the God who delivers us,
and the Eternal, the Lord, is the One who saves us from the grip of death.
The True God will certainly shatter the skulls of those who oppose Him;
He’ll smash the hairy head of the man who continues on his sinful ways.
The Lord said,
“I will bring the enemy back from Bashan.
I will bring them back from the deepest parts of the sea,
So that you may plant your feet in their blood
and your dogs may lick up their portion of the foe.”
The solemn march in Your honor, O True God, has come into view;
the march that celebrates my God, my King, has come into the sanctuary.
The singers went first, and the musicians came last
between rows of girls who played tambourines.
Come, let us gather to bless the True God
and to praise the Eternal, He who is the fountain of Israel, the source of our life!
Look! There are the rulers of Benjamin, the youngest in the lead.
A great crowd follows
The princes of Judah,
the princes of Zebulun, the princes of Naphtali.
[Your God is the One who has given you strength];
show Your power, O True God, as You have done for us.
Because of Your magnificent temple in Jerusalem,
many kings will line up to bring You gifts.
Reprimand the beasts in the tall grass,
the herds of bulls that are with the people’s calves,
Trampling over the pieces of silver.
He has driven out the people who love to be at war.
Ambassadors will come from Egypt;
the people of Ethiopia will reach out their hands to the one True God.
Let all the kingdoms of the earth sing to the True God.
Sing songs of praise to the Lord.
To Him who rides high up beyond the heavens, which have been since ancient times,
watch and listen. His voice speaks, and it is powerful and strong.
Attribute power to the one True God;
His royal splendor is evident over Israel,
and His power courses through the clouds.
O True God, You are awesome from the holy place where You dwell.
The True God of Israel Himself
grants strength and power to His people.
Blessed be our God!
The Book of Psalms, Poem 68 (The Voice)
A note from The Voice translation:
Psalm 68 is a hymn describing God as a Divine Warrior, marching from Sinai through the wilderness to make His home in Jerusalem.
[Psalm 146]
Praise the Eternal!
Praise the Eternal, O my soul;
I will praise the Eternal for as long as I live.
I will sing praises to my God as long as breath fills my lungs and blood flows through my veins.
Do not put your trust in the rulers of this world—kings and princes.
Do not expect any rescue from mortal men.
As soon as their breath leaves them, they return to the earth;
on that day, all of them perish—their dreams, their plans, and their memories.
Blessed are those whose help comes from the God of Jacob,
whose hope is centered in the Eternal their God—
Who created the heavens, the earth,
the seas, and all that lives within them;
Who stays true and remains faithful forever;
Who works justice for those who are pressed down by the world,
providing food for those who are hungry.
The Eternal frees those who are imprisoned;
He makes the blind see.
He lifts up those whose backs are bent in labor;
He cherishes those who do what is right.
The Eternal looks after those who journey in a land not their own;
He takes care of the orphan and the widow,
but He frustrates the wicked along their way.
The Eternal will reign today, tomorrow, and forever.
People of Zion, your God will rule forever over all generations.
Praise the Eternal!
The Book of Psalms, Poem 146 (The Voice)
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