#but theyre not used to it after being a terrorist
good-beansdraws · 11 months
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I'm obsessed with stoic characters who remain just as emotionally detached even after some traumatic loss. Ft. the thought that any types of powers can be healing powers if you're desperate enough 👍
And a lil drabble under the cut!
Denials poured from Minegishi’s lips. They pressed their hands over one of Shimazaki’s wounds. Blood leaked between their fingers. It was coming out too quickly. There was too much of it.
The man lay sprawled on the concrete, his signature smile a bit more wobbly than usual. “Minegishi…”
“No,” was all they could say. “I’m not… No.”
Shimazaki wheezed in a breath. “I know neither of us have ever liked goodbyes.”
“Stop. You’re not going anywhere.”
Minegishi shook their head frantically. They weren’t the crying type, but their expression had certainly gone a bit crazed. Their mind whirled. This wasn’t supposed to happen. Every member knew a life in Claw was risky, but it was never supposed to end this way. Shimazaki was invincible. Nothing could ever touch him. He was perfect. Minegishi had always known he was perfect. He was everything to them. It wasn’t supposed to end this way.
Minegishi quickly found it impossible to hold pressure against all the injuries simultaneously. They needed something to stop the bleeding. 
“Listen to me...”
“I can do something. If we just –”
Shimazaki coughed, blood trickling from the corner of his mouth. Still, he smiled. “Hey, we had fun, didn’t we?”
“I can fix this, Ryou. I can.” With a desperate sound, clusters of flowers sprouted under Minesgishi’s palms. They were worn out from the fight, but they managed to dig somewhere deep inside for a fresh wave of energy. Shimazaki’s gashes filled with petals. Soft pink clashed against vibrant red. 
Minegishi wasn’t looking at the actual flowers. If they had, they’d have realized it was moss phlox – a plant which had been growing in abundance the first time they’d gone out together, just the two of them.
“That’s all I wanted, to have fun. Thank you, for that. That’s all I could have asked for.” His voice grew weaker. “You’re all I could have asked for.”
The flowers had stopped the bleeding, but the damage had been done. It didn’t take long to realize it was too late.
Shimazaki lay still, the smile having slipped from his lips. 
Minegishi stared down at him, their eyes empty. It was as if they had expelled all their emotions with the outpouring of psychic energy. There was nothing left inside. Well, almost nothing.
From behind, they heard the voice of the enemy esper. He slung taunts and insults as he made his approach, but Minegishi didn’t hear a word of it. 
They stood. 
They turned around just as the foe wound up for an attack. 
Minegishi didn’t care. 
They lifted a hand toward the man who had just taken everything from them. Red stained petals shook from their trembling arms. 
The shaking wasn’t due to grief, or exertion, or fear. No, only one emotion remained within them.
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spectra-bear · 7 months
To all the fma fans here who have been following me for a while now, I'd like to bring a few chapters to light in consideration to the recent tragic palestinian apartheid
FMA has made sure to speak out about these reoccuring events, and whoever hasn't noticed from reading yet needs a critical thinking class.
Let's start with chapter 90:
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Chapter 90 of the series, although censored heavily in the anime (but we'll get to that later), played a HUGE role in establishing what kind of message arakawa was building up to deliver to her audience as a plot B (ishvalan genocide) sided with plot A (the search of the philosopher stones, eventually turned plot A (overthrowing the military), a message meant to awaken her readers to the truth, and one that serves as a warning
Does this not all ring familiarity?
One of the reasons arakawa wrote this story was to bring this side of history into light,
the oppression, the abuse of military power, the imbalanace in arms between two parties at "war", the perfect guise of "protecting the people from radicalized terrorists", and using it to justify the murder of countless lives, committing war crime after war crime, massacring the land and lathering it with the spilled blood of countless innocents and people fighting back for their freedom, for their home. Those that die have their lives tragically cut short, too soon.
A total extermination
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And to those that remain alive,
Forcefully immigrated from their own homeland
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Or exploited for their bodies, harvested for their organs, abused, tortured and humiliated
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Not only that, but the emphasis on making the reason behind starting the war in the first place, being the first bullet shot at a young child by a soldier, and intentionally making it seem "trivial" for the ishvalans to retaliate because of that, and painting them as animalistic
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Writing off roy mustang and maes hughes as heroes for doing whats best for their country, glorifying their relationship as war buddies, and believing theyre in the right for putting down the people of the holy land, when they couldve backed down from contributing to this one-sided war,
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and when they do step back from the field, theyre labelled as cowards. When they inevitably realize the abnormality and inhumanity of their actions, that theyve been solely used as tools and weapons of destruction, that impact is softened with rewards, of medals and cheers of accomplishment from the population-wide brainwashed by lies spread by the people in power, and if theyre lucky, accomodations for the negative mental effects of being part of a war
(arakawa interview source)
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What do I conclude from this?
That the author of your favorite manga does not support genocide and in fact, condemns those who partake in it
If it isnt obvious, She included these stories because they have happened before
She is telling these stories, while not 100% protrayed correctly, to fill the empty gaps in the western perspective that have been contaminated with propaganda and demonization of these indigenous people
The designs of ishvalans and cultural clothing are intentionally influenced by japanese ethnic groups, middle eastern and south asian cultures, and the military intentionally european/western looking as an example for their expansion and dominance in mind
And now we are watching all this happen in reality, again, witnessed live, in much worse conditions, throughout history
Where the heroes arent kids who can sway elements at their command with the flick of a hand, but the people who stand against it in mass, marching in the streets to break the suffocating silence, and spread the voices of those seeking help and demanding their freedom back
Does everyone realize how fucked up that is? That the lines drawn between fantasy and reality blur so much that they become indistinguishable from each other? That is true horror, when the monsters and tyrants in your stories no longer stay on ink and paper, but are on your screens broadcasting their crimes, beyond humanity
You must understand that if these stories are included for you, the reader, they are not written just for the plot, but to bring awareness to you, and avoid history from repeating itself, and work against committing the same irredeemable mistakes as before
(thanks to @borkthemork for the help in outlining this and proofreading)
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hoshigaki · 4 months
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headcannons for itakisa 😌 continued from here
kisame and itachi are so. like itachi is a weirdo with no friends and kisame is a lonely dude who doesnt believe in friendship and yet they dont talk to each other as coworkers like they do with other akatsuki members, theyre so normal?? with each other i think they see each other as equals in the way only they could
so what happens when you put two bootlicking rule following brainwashed top of the class super soldiers who recently had a nervous breakdown about their role in society together on a team for terrorists? the most tender hand holding of all time. the most tragic vulnerability. the most timid notion of love while they know the other will die before they ever can enjoy it.
and maybe sexual intimacy as a form of self harm because one of them is used to using his strength as a punishing tool and one of them thinks he deserve to be punished while he waits until he dies.
i think at 17 after Itachi learns what romance and sex is he starts analyzing his physical and emotional reaction towards other people. after the confrontation in konoha in the failed kidnap mission kisame wouldve made some joke about running into itachis exes and then itachi says super deadpanned "i used to have a crush on kakashi" and kisame goes well that makes sense youre the two prettiest people in the village and then itachi like every teenage girl thinks too hard about that compliment and devises a strategic plan of action to receive more compliments for no particular reason.
kisame and itachi are truly quality time and acts of service lovers, and their affection for each other grows from them naturally doing things. moments of silence arent weird, itachi will always look out to whatever kisame has pointed out in the horizon, kisame will eat anything itachi cooks even if its burnt since the taste doesnt matter the act does, they both get annoyed at the same things and find the same people stupid which amplifies their "youre the only person i want to be around" feelings
because itachi is a sickly waif hes always cold and kisame doesn't generate as much heat as one would think which means they both like being in warm places and they will spend more time than necessary in hot springs or in the valley during summertime so they can bask in the sun
kisame doesn't like soft things like i said in my other post, but he does like silk and itachi's hair is perfectly silky to run fingers through
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faeriescorpio · 3 months
Mission Impossible Dashboard Simulator
🎮 letmewearamask Follow
Why is it called the Impossible Mission Force if we've succeeded at almost every mission we've done? Impossible mission? More like possible mission
🪈 ihatemi6 Follow
she mission on my impossible til i task force
🎮 letmewearamask Follow
this was an unnecessary addition to my post. i have your IP address.
#im going to tell Bravo Echo 11 what you wrote
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📺 failed_da_field_exam Follow
I can't believe that they decided to tell the public that it was a gas leak. how many gas leaks per month will the public accept??? theyre so gullible smh
⚙️ tiredofthisshit Follow
dude... don't know how to tell you this. it was really a gas leak this time.
📺 failed_da_field_exam Follow
oh my god?! you're joking. well i guess one of them had to be real
⚙️ tiredofthisshit Follow
ha! got you. you're just as gulible as the general public it seems.
📺 failed_da_field_exam Follow
📺 failed_da_field_exam Follow
guys can we not reblog this. can we stop reblogging please
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🎯 mycircus-mymonkeys
i hate it here. let me resign.
#officelife #imissbeingafieldagent #workingforkittragefuckingsucks
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📼 BE11-deactivated10112023
Hey guys. I'm new to tumblr. My partner told me to make an account. He also said to tell you guys some stuff about me but that seems like a breach of information.
🎮 letmewearamask Follow
Dude. I promise no one's going to know it's you. You can share something, like, what's a hobby of yours?
📼 BE11-deactivated10112023
i climb things.
🎮 letmewearamask Follow
...no. That's what you do for work.
🎮 letmewearamask Follow
hello? did you just delete your account???
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🔪 i-fucking-lovefieldwork01 Follow
guys talking to some of my peers and im encountering some strange opinions. just want to clear things up.
🔪 i-fucking-lovefieldwork01 Follow
🔪 i-fucking-lovefieldwork01 Follow
jeez. reading the tags and some of you need a raise in morale. sure this was the only option that left you alive or free but after a certain amount of years most of you should be allowed to retire to a civilian life. couldn't be me though. i fucking love shooting people.
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🎯 mycircus-mymonkeys
sometimes a workplace rivalry is just as good as a workplace romance
🎞️ should_you_choose_to_accept Follow
guys OP let his team leader give real nuclear launch codes to a terrorist. dont follow him
🎯 mycircus-mymonkeys
I can neither confirm nor deny details of any operation without the Secretary's approval.
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💻 hackerrrman Follow
you guys will not believe how insane my team is guys. the mask machine broke again and my team leader decided we would just go without masks. does anyone else have this problem?
📡 tango-foxtrot32
omg yes!! we always keep TWO mask machines on hand for all of OUR missions because one of them is always breaking! ive complained to the tech team so much but apparently its 'our fault' and we need to 'be more gentle' with the machines
💻 hackerrrman Follow
what do they mean, "be more gentle"?? i mean my team once had a guy slam the mask machine against our targets face and it broke. but i cant imagine other teams doing that
📡 tango-foxtrot32
yeah no that's.... why did you use the mask machine as a weapon? i... our problem is that we've been 'making too many masks at once' according to the tech. what.... how have your other mask machines broken....
💻 hackerrrman Follow
well now i don't want to say.
📡 tango-foxtrot32
#goodlord #imscared
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🚐 vanguy Follow
so was anyone going to tell me that the prisoner ive been transporting to america was actually the most wanted terrorist of our times. or was i supposed to find out when i dropped him off and the CIA congratulated me for keeping him contained.
🎯 mycircus-mymonkeys
It wasn't your buisiness to know. especially if you're going to be talking about it on social media.
🚐 vanguy Follow
im so sorry please dont fire me
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⌛️ fuckthecia Follow
day 78 of saying FUCK THE CIA
🪈 ihatemi6 Follow
⌛️ fuckthecia Follow
HELL YEAH! day 1 of saying FUCK THE MI6
🪈 ihatemi6 Follow
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🎙️ good_evening
good evening everyone. you probably could figure out already by my manner of typing, but I am in fact the person who voices all your mission dossiers. I just want to say that I'm also responsible for gathering and summarizing all the information you need. and let me just say. you all have some serious shit going on. jesus christ.
🔪 i-fucking-lovefieldwork01 Follow
🎙️ good_evening
and what? I'm glad I'm not a field agent. LOL
#my average day is me reading papers out loud #your average day is 'if your team is caught or killed you will be disavowed' LOL
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♟️ its_treason_then Follow
guys why is Lane kinda.... 😳
🚐 vanguy Follow
??! no he's fucking not
♟️ its_treason_then Follow
politely i disagree with you.
🚐 vanguy Follow
YOU'RE looking at dossier photographs. *I* saw him IRL
♟️ its_treason_then Follow
omg you met him?! can you get his autograph for me please
🚐 vanguy Follow
what is wrong with you?!
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🪣 hr-sux Follow
do you guys ever just sit in a local coffee shop and try to profile random strangers for fun
🗝️ washington_locale Follow
no? wtf
🪣 hr-sux Follow
what? theyre civilians. its fun
🗑️ techboy33 Follow
girl.... in D.C.? ain't no one a civilian
📁 imf-heritage-post
Official IMF Heritage Post
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🗂️ days-without-disasters Follow
0 days without a disaster
📡 tango-foxtrot32
🎮 letmewearamask Follow
dude... you don't even want to know....
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thats all for now ^w^ i have more ideas
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cursedorca · 8 months
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Fan Kaiju for @tyrantisterror's ATOM setting; Scribble!
Info under the cut!
so i dont have all the EXACTS worked out, so i just have their Origin, Behavior/Personality and Powers
Origin: Supposedly Created by an Art-Terrorist who built their base atop a yamaneon deposit and apparently were experimenting with genetic manipulation. Supposedly because the entire group was wiped out by their creation upon Atomic Fossilization. Initially thought to be literally a piece of paper brought to life, it was only after examination of cell samples after their initial battle with Tyrantis was it determined the creature is actually composed of flesh and has Chromosome markers from Flatworms, Cephalopods and, surprisingly, Trichoplax. Biology: Scribble is a massive, flat organism covered in highly developed chromatophores and possessing of a highly malleable form, allowing it to stretch and contract its surface into any rough shape it pleases to accompany whatever image it wishes to display. Scribble is even capable of flight, utilizing its lightweight form (in addition to the gravity altering properties of yamaneon) to hover in the air. Scribble's edges are covered in microaetae that gives it extreme 'sharpness' allowing it to literally slice up opponents with what amounts to the world's deadliest papercuts. And where its sharp edges dont cut it, Scribble is capable of exuding a multi-colored (but usually jet black) Ink-like Mucus, either to distract or blind foes, or it can flood it with powerful digestive enzymes and acids, forcing its body over and enveloping opponents to break them down like an acidic, smothering blanket.
while strange and seemingly powerful, Scribble is very lightwight and fragile, having very very little defense against most kaiju's attacks, though their regeneration is extreme even by kaiju standards.
Scribble feeds very rarely due to its very low actual body mass and is mostly omnivorous, but favors detritus that wont fight back.
Personality and Behavior:
Scribble can best be described as 'Childish' or 'Infantile'. Theyre not a Malicious Kaiju by any means, But theyre too emotionally immature to handle most situations and will lash out in a childish temper tantrum like a toddler if annoyed enough. Mostly, and above all, while it COULD use its chromatophores to become invisible, Scribble simply wants attention and attempts to garner attention through any means possible.
Though its known that scribble is covered in light sensitive and chemosensitive cells to detect its surroundings, it is somehow capable of sensing when it is being observed by intelligent beings. there does not seem to be a limit to the range of this sense and no vector for it has currently been found, but kaiju researchers theorize that the ability is psychic in nature like some other telepathic kaiju. Scribble is content to sit in place, flattened against the ground or other tall object or surface so long as it is observed at least once every few hours by an intelligent being, seemingly preferring human children or juvenile kaiju, and is attracted to high population centers for this reason. Scribble will often cover a favored spot in its own crude scribbles made from its own multicolored ink. If Scribble feels that people or Kaiju are purposefully ignoring it it will throw a temper tantrum.
Scribble has displayed a capability for memory and learning on par with children and has displayed some childlike curiosity, at one point attempting to fold itself into the shape of a paper fortune teller after observing a group of children making some out of sheets of paper. though sloppy and incomplete it held this form for several weeks before unfolding itself and returning to normal.
While Most of the time, Pieces of Scribble that are cut off or blasted away in the midst of battle will attempt to rejoin the largest piece they can find, any piece of Scribble that is disconnected from the whole long enough will grow into a new scribble like a flatworm. However when two Scribble instances meet they will engage in a Vicious battle, Scribble cannot seem to be able to stand their own personality or kind and will attempt to break down and consume any extra instances they encounter. whether this is due to its own infantile personality or programming from its original creators intended to keep it from growing out of control is, as of yet, unknown. Scribble's Most common and seemingly 'default' form and image are that of an extremely simplistic humanoid type figure, but also favors a seemingly mocking image of tyrantis after their first encounter.
Power set: standard-
Super strength
Hyper enhanced healing factor
Immunity to radiation Unique-
Flat physiology
voluntary flight
Shape-Changing Image Changing
image creation
Acid ink
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pumpkinsy0 · 7 months
"IM not speaking up about what's happening in Palestine rn bc minot very sure what's happening" well then sit down n buckle up cause ill tell u in the most summarized way possible
israel has been attacking and killing Palestinians for about 75 years. After world war 2, the US and the UK thought that jewish people should basically have their own place, and are using Palestine to achieve this. Since 1948, israel has been killing off Palestinians for land, and through this, basically an open aired concentration camp called Gaza was formed. If you look up the land Palestine has lost all throughout this genocide, you'd notice that there's israel in-between Gaza and the West Bank, and israel's defense forces called IDF has taken to, cutting off water, food, and electricity, even internet, from the Gaza strip, essentially making an open aired concentration camp. Because of this conflict, a resistance movement from Palestine, called Hamas was formed. The IDF has bombed, hospitals, homes, fucking bakeries, in Gaza pretty much everyday. The IDF is not attacking Hamas, theyre actively attacking innocent civilians, dehumanizing them, calling them things like "terrorist" and "human animals", using the Hamas attack on october 7th to justify literal war crimes. The IDF is backed up by the US military (which let me remind you is one of if not the most powerful military force out there). Over 8,306 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza, and a good chunk of the population in Gaza are CHILDREN. As far as I know, 45 families have been ABSOLUTELY WIPED. Their bloodline is gone, theyre never ever coming back. The media has been pushing support for israel and many israel acts are posting fake images and straight up lying for more support.
If you wanna support but dont know how, you can start by boycotting McDonalds, Disney, and Starbucks. They support the IDF in one way or another. The boycott has been pretty successful and if you wanna look for yourself, their market has been dropping significantly and they been trying to get ppl back with deals but it hasn't been working.
What's going on in Palestine its an active genocide being done by an apartheid state.
Also this isn't your question to be antisemitic, not every jewish person supports whats going on, its zionist
PS there's a website called the canary mission literally doxxes ppl for speaking up for Palestine, so dont be quiet, but be careful
free Palestine, fuck israel
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frostyreturns · 7 months
Finding out Isreal fanboys still believe the official 9/11 story makes all the dumb shit they believe without question make a lot more sense.
Like the claim that Israels high civilian casualty rate is because Hamas uses human shields. Which makes sense...for a small period of time. Until it is proven ineffective. Yeah sure Isreal consistently ignores human shields and will bomb literally anything including churches, hospitals, refugee centers and civilians homes...thoroughly demonstrating its futility for literal decades and yet they continue to hide all their terrorists behind innocent civilians on their side of the conflict? That doesn't make any sense. To some though that makes more sense than that a government who wants an ethnostate might be willing to wipe out its enemies and doesn't care if theyre combatants or not. How many times do we have to watch a government sanction the indiscriminate slaughter of its own people before we figure out that maybe they're okay just killing anyone.
And no I'm not defending Hamas fuck them too. It's a fight between two states that both have nothing to do with me, that both hate you and me. Fuck them both. Unlike news watching conservatives I hate all governments on principle and don't make exceptions and excuses for 1 because newspigs and false prophets tell me they're the good guys. You're a retard to go to bat for any government nevermind a foreign government...and all because of a loose association with a religion you probably also are not a part of. The only victims here are the innocent people of all faiths and nationalities caught in the middle of two evils who's only goal is conquest, oppression and genocide. And beating the war drum and calling for the region to be glassed helps those innocents in exactly zero ways. I'm sure the folks at Raytheon love it though, it is their turn for a big taxpayer funded payday after all.
At least the retards who bought into Ukraine actually bought plane tickets themselves and went to join up to become canon fodder themselves. Conservatives just want to send other peoples 18 year olds to die for Isreal. I don't want to hear shit from anybody not signing up to go fight. Oh and don't forget this time the draft will likely include your daughters too because the governments you guys are supporting have stood firmly on the feminsit ideals of equality. Isreal already sends its women to die in war so you'll fit right in. So ladies that usually froth for war knowing it's only going to be men being sent might want to rethink that stance.
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researchgate · 7 months
the “jews should go back where they came from” rhetoric from the left over the past month omg.. it makes me sick just thinking about it. how tf do these people think they're on the right side of history? go back where? to the countries that violently tried again and again to wipe out all jewish population? The left has also made it crystal clear that they don't believe antisemitism is a legitimate form of oppression or something. Theres holocaust survivors still alive and somehow the world is already downplaying the genocide of 6 million jews, they're calling jewish israelis nazis and bringing up ashkenazi “whiteness” as a counterargument that cancels out Jew hatred. Pity Hitler didn't share their views on that “whiteness” ig.
and of course they're taking zero responsibility over their antisemitic views. Instead they're trying to pin the recent wave of antisemitism on the far right that “infiltrated” the free Palestine movement. it's like these people think there's one hero and one villain in this as if we're in a movie or something? they think antisemitism only ever comes in the form of the west's far right as if jewish people don't face hatred from all sides! meanwhile the call is coming from inside the house cause when you cozy up to the middle eastern equivalent of the far right and praise an islamist terrorist group that wants the extermination of jewish people you should at least own up to being a fucking antisemite
the whole Ashkenazi "whiteness" argument is incredibly stupid as it takes US American racial relations and sticks them where they don't belong. According to their view, then, Ashkenazim and mizrahim in Israel weren't racist against Jewish immigrants from the former USSR because theyre white, and whites (Ashkenazim) can't be racist against whites, and mizrahim, by product of being non-white can't ve racist against whites (Jewish USSR immigrants, which aren't even all white). It also means that white-passing Levantines oppress their fellow country people by merely being white. This is just not how the Middle East, or anywhere else for that matter, works.
their downplaying of antisemitism and the holocaust has been unsurprising given how easy for them it was to take the term genocide and apply it to less than 50 dead trans people in a year, but not say the same about women's deaths which are massive in numbers. They completely ignored and still do ignore the genocide convention of the UN, which clearly states there must be intent for something to qualify as genocide. It's very frustrating still, because you'd thingk that people who "hate Nazis" would realize why Nazis were bad people, and not copy them or have a similar line of thinking as them. But Jews are proven wrong again and again when they trust any gentile when push comes to shove. And still there are Jews who pander, who do their best to appear like the Good Jews, so that they won't be attacked or hated, not realizing they're already hated for being Jewish. They prefer to take a kapo role (so to speak) even though they'll be murdered all the same. They think being token Jews will protect them. (with them of course there are the fanatics whose only reason for being tokens is actually their messianic delusion of a third temple, and these of course Neturei Qarta, but I digress).
Thing is, Jews were never safe anywhere on the political map. They were never safe wherever they went. They finally could have their own state and be safe in it, and would accept almost anything, even very little, for that safety, but around them, people had other plans. There were no open arms, but rather armed opposition to their mere existence, a continuation of the Farhoud and the ethnic cleansings of Jews from Arab and Muslim countries. The fact that even after October 7th, Jews in the diaspora are still showing intent to leave to Israel is enough a proof that the Jews in Israel have nowhere to come back to, unless they want to be killed yet again.
It's disheartening to see how easily people on the left, to which Jewish people have contributed greatly, still hate Jews more than they care about peace.
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cutekittenlady · 4 months
Tumblr Plays Pokemon White 2 - Part 5
I just need one.
Just to steady my nerves.
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Ohhhh thats the good stuff.
Okay Polly. You can do this. Just walk out on that soundstage. And, i dunno, act?
Dear lord this is like third grade talen show all over again. Only this time I don't have Hugh to dig the hole.
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The filming... actually turned out okay? It was pretty standard fare hero schlock but ah well.
And hey, i actually have a fan!
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Hmmm this is going straight into my veins.
Dont tell my mom.
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Your lucky I've had my lemonade hit today old man.
Welp. Guess I'm a move star now.
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Oh shoot it's dark. Uhhh is Pop Roxie still running his boat? I did say I was gonna do all the gym matches so I kinda gotta go to Castelia right? Hnngh maybe I'll come back to do more films later?
At least after getting a set of wings or something to get here and back again in a jiffy.
I wind up running to the pier in the rain.
Okay Hugh I'm here, sorry I took so long. See there was this bald guy with a really unfotunate name and-
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Whaaaats going on here?
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What like.... like the terrorist group? I mean lets not jump the gun here Roxie. I mean just cause theyre dressed kinda funny doesn't mean we can just jump to conclusion. Besides even if they WERE Team Plasma they wouldn't just admit to it. Nobodys that-
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... Wow okay so... you guys are like... actually that dumb then?
Look I- No I get you wanna make some big dramatic speech but I- Stop cutting me off you RUDE LITTLE-
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Hugh, baby, do NOT cut the Polly off when shes speaking! You know what happened in third grade.
Anyway Hugh goes off on this whole hate filled speech about how much these guys suck. And I expected some kinda edgy response but instead.
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Home slice. You were chased... by Lillipup? Dude I hit a Lillipup with a bike when I was, like, five and it was flattened like a pancake. Sure, I got banned from riding for, like, ten years but my point is that anyone who runs from a Lillipup, a Lillipup right?, has no right joining a terrorist organization.
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God its the third grade all over again.
Hope you have a shovel Hugh.
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Oh sweetie.
We're gonna bury you.
Plasma Grunt sent out a Patrat against Bentley and you can just tell that Bentley has a chip on his shoulder over the Gym battle because hes raring to go. Patrat starts with bide after Bentley wraps him up, after that I had Bentley use growth while Patrat stored energy. Next round Patrat releases the energy and Bentley hit him with vine whip. That combined with wrap gets the little rat int he red. Patrat manages to forestall hi defeat with detect but one return later and its over.
After defeating the Patrat Bentley learns Leaf Tornado.
The Plasma grunt and his buddies have enough sense to run off before we can really get going and run for their lives.
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Its okay Hugh you didn't have a shovel anyway.
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Uh... Pretty sure thats a YOU job? Your the gym leader here.
However Roxie gives me the HM for Cut before running off.
Well Hugh guess we have a free HM now soooooo
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Deep inhale through nose
Yeah okay.
Your lucky were friends Hugh.
The things I do for friendship.
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Thats what I DOING! GAWD
Look its not like we're even going to find them! If they're really in a terrorist cell theres no way they're just going to be standing out in the open like a jackass saying "Come and get me Polly"
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.... Bentley.
Go loose buddy.
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Hey look its a purrloin.
And now its dead.
Just like old times. Old times being, like, the day before yesterday. Or whatever.
Aaaand the Plasma grunt runs away.
Hugh get her!
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I... you... She ran RIGHT PAST YOU!
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oh please do tell
Okay she said they have a boat. Castelia City has a port. Hmm Okay.
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I... we were JUST there Hugh! We'd have been better off just waiting in Virbank for them to come back and then jumping out at them from behind a trash can! Or dragging them into an alley to get info or something!
Arceus Dammit Hugh! This is YOUR revenge quest! I'm just tagging along cause Prof. Juniper asked me to complete... the... pokedex....
You know what Hugh, you uh, you go on ahead. I have some stuff I gotta... take... care of....
Shit shit shit how many pokemon do I have to catch?!
Ran into a shaking bush and caught an audino on the way to the pokemon center. Shove THAT into the PC for now, what else....
Route 19... Route 19 gotta start with route 19. Habitat mode dont fail me now!
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decolonize-the-left · 2 years
So something I've observed about civil rights or really any progressive movement in general is that- well for one there are different groups of people within that movement.
For example, there are the passive supporters: people who will act when convenient- signing a petition, attending a nearby rally, voting, in more recent times also sharing posts & memes, etc. They may be part of a wider community of people who share oppression, but don't really care for or prioritize the most marginalized voices in their community. In my observations, these are the people who have the least to gain from progress, people who are uncomfortable but not so much their lives are at risk on a daily basis without progress. They are motivated but not desperate.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, there are the active supporters. People who act regardless of its convenience, even willing to put themselves directly in front of a gun if it means more rights and protections. In my observations, these are the people who have the most to gain from progress, people who's lives are at risk without progress. Theyre also typically the ignored voices of their community, as their needs are not easy to address and as such make Passive members of the community uncomfortable. Every single time a movement of progress has been initiated- it's started with this group of people and often as an act of desperation after using other methods and still being ignored.
And of course there is a spectrum of people between these two groups.
Now my original point:
What I've noticed is that after Active supporters initiate a movement, after they spark the conversation (through some act of violence or public resistance to the state) and gain media attention for the fact.... They're shoved aside by the same Passives who ignored them previously.
Passive supporters co-opt the movement they previously did not care very much for. They call the active supporters extremists and terrorists in an attempt to win the favor & support of their oppressors... to get their own needs met. Usually this is because they see their own needs as needs of everyone, if life for them improves then so do the lives of Actives. The reverse is not true, providing Actives with their needs won't have a huge impact on Passives as they are already fairly comfortable (in comparison) since they do not face the same level of oppression for whatever reason.
So Passives prioritize themselves.
They shame the active supporters, praise peaceful protesting, and often they go so far as telling Actives to stop asking for their more immediate needs to be met so they can focus on the needs of Passives instead. The words "unrealistic" and "extreme" get thrown around a lot when Passives do this to Actives.
And that's fucked
And that's why when I'm looking at ANY political, humanitarian, or other movement I ALWAYS look at the most marginalized members and stand with them. Half the time I don't even bother listening to anyone else. If it matters, the most oppressed are gonna talk about it.
The ones who's intersections of identity have given them the experience and knowledge to not only to understand their oppression, but have given insight to the ideologies responsible for their oppression and can recognize that ideology systematically AND when the same ideology is being used to harm and target others. The ones who don't want to simply put a band aid or numbing spray on their oppression, but to rip it out of everyone's lives from the very roots, because they KNOW how much it hurts
The folks who intimately understand oppression are the ONLY ones who could could intimately understand eliminating it.
And I think ANYONE who doesn't do the same thing after becoming aware of this pattern... Is a piece of shit. It's why I can't stand liberals or those "I'd support them if they were peaceful" or the "well what did they expect from (victimless act of violence)" people or "well they did x" people who try to get Actives cancelled & silenced for not being perfect after doing NOTHING to help but liking and following them anyway.
They're not helping us. They're helping themselves. They're literally standing in the way of progress that could save MILLIONS of lives. And for what, so their lives can be marginally easier? So they can get a treat after begging for scraps from their oppressors??? I don't get it.
All this to say:
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junkartie · 1 year
I'm hearing 2 opinions on Erdogan and idk I wanted to ask you bcs I got both of them from non-natives. So the first says that he IS a good president, there is just too many outside factors trying to bring him down. And the second told me that he WAS a good a help for the country until he decided to care about some other things (colonisation ?) which eventually led to the current downfall. Maybe both are right or both are wrong, what do you think?
(can you tell I love political discussions because I don't I'm just really invested cause you're one of my fav blogs hehe)
Non natives love to defend Erdo which is why us Turks have a whole term for them. Most of it however DOES stem from the second option being true.
Erdogan was in fact a very good leader in his first few years of power, now my family personally never liked him, he technically was in power on the sidelines for 10 years until he became president 10 yrs go. He did many things like make hospitals and healthcare way more accessible, fixed a lot of roads and built bridges etc. Now you may go “jay, isnt that what a normal president is supposed to do ?” Well, yes. But the guy before him didnt do a whole lot, so him doing his literal job was enough to convince people he was good enough to keep around.
As time went on he started to take a way harsher approach. Slowly but surely the price and tax on everything went up. Religion started to be the hottest topic in turkey despite us being a secular country on paper.Slowly festivals became too loud, protests were bothersome, pride parades were sinful, gays werent considered people, music after 12 wasnt allowed, Eurovision was something too embarrassing for our country to take place in, alcohol was a luxury that only the desperate & sinful tried to buy, women were not obedient enough, the legal age to get married was too high, sex before marriage became a big topic, rapists and murderers would walk freely, femicide got to a brand new high and a whole lot more.
This all happened slowly and gradually. By the time we thought to speak up on any of this the i-don’t-even know, 60% yearly inflation rate had worn us down. A dollar was no longer 2.5 TL, it was close to 25. Nothing could be bought with minimum wage. Whatever you bought, you bought a second one for the govt in tax (a phone here costs twice the price of one in america). People who vote for him mostly do so because all media outlets are heavily censored and totally in his favor. He has control of literally everything. Literally!! He hosted a referendum where he legally was given so much power that he can change whatever he wants on a whim. He will confidently lie out of his teeth and tell his supporters that the reason everything is so expensive is because of his opposition (who have virtually no power) + its fine because even if we’re poor we’re closer to god and his supporters eat it up because they have some fucked up parasocial relationship with him.
Right now we’re screwed beyond belief. The election was rigged in his favor but despite everything he either wasnt able to end it on the first round or intentionally didnt so he could win by a higher margin on the next round. The house is fucked, the opposition lost a ton of seats to highly religious islamic fanatics who straight up advocate for sharia law. That and the president literally had an alliance with a terrorist organization who want 15 year olds to get married, theyre also in the house. Its great.
Now we wait for the 28th, but its going to take a miracle for Erdogan to lose. I have virtually 0 hope at this point. One thing is foreigners defending him, but any turk who does so deserve everything they get. I truly hope anyone who voted for him suffer a fate worse than death (at this rate, they will). It may sound harsh, but ive seen no one in power except for this absolute sorry of an excuse, cunt of a man. My teens and childhood was wasted away with terrorist attacks and a staged coup, along with a power hungry man who made every walking day of my life worse than what it could have been.
Basically, wish us the best of luck i guess lol.
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tremorsmackenzie · 1 year
the inhuman debate in season 3 really brought up a lot of interesting questions for me, about how something like this should be handled in the world of the mcu. first its relatively clear cut:
rosalinds pov: these people are a danger to themselves and others, better convince them to go into stasis until we can find a cure. people should have a choice whether they want to have powers or not and not just be forced to accept them (not that we accept yes for an answer actually and killing them is also fine).
daisys pov: these people can learn to control their powers and have a normal life and get past this, and thats the only real option. the initial damage from their powers doesnt justify the way theyre being treated by the atcu because of this. the atcu is putting them on ice, and they say theyre looking for a cure, but i dont really believe them. theyre simply putting us away because theyre afraid of us. but i can admit after some thought that theyre not wrong about how people might also just want an out (also as far as she knows the transformation is irreversible anyway, though i dont know how much of a factor this actually is, the last time she says it is before they start collaborating with the atcu and she never brings it up in the actual arguments).
but then later a cure actually seems possible, and at that point you have to think about a whole different set of problems, because now it is potentially a choice (this is a long list of questions, buckle up).
would a cure even be voluntary, and should it be?
can you justify taking these peoples powers away because of what they could potentially do with them?
powers cant only be used as weapons, should that potential risk justify taking them away?
is the security of the public worth the invasion of these citizens bodily autonomy?
can you justify putting all inhumans under general suspicion because of a few bad apples like lash?
is it right to treat these people as potential terrorists without there actually being a history of terrorism associated with them?
can you even use the potential weaponized usage of powers as an argument in a country that has this little limitation on gun ownership?
are taking their powers away or letting the inhumans roam free really the only options here?
isnt there a compromise to be reached, like what was attempted with the sokovia accords?
wouldnt it be better to try and find a productive approach for people with powers, like for example employing them in a dedicated government agency or a nonporfit organization somehow and maybe keeping an eye on them without constant suspicion, like what shield does?
is it even possible to take away the inhumans powers without major injury to them, and if it isnt, is the risk to the rest of humanity great enough to justify doing it anyway?
arent their rights protected by the constitution just like anyone elses, or can they be ignored in this case like the rights to privacy are ignored when global or national security is at risk?
is it morally correct do do this, regardless of threat potential and government assessments?
isnt a psychological background check enough?
dont these people have a legal right to keep their powers, since they are inherent and biological and the genes have been present since birth?
can powers even really be defined as separate in this case, since this is a product of their biology, and not an external weapon like tony starks suit for example, which already defied definition because he argued it was a prosthetic?
how can you generally legally justify taking these peoples powers away, while people like the avengers roam free without prosecution?
can the potential threat to the public even be used as an argument, since there are plenty of other powered people running around without inhumans being in play at all?
does the number of inhumans even justify this kind of response?
shield has succesfully handled powered citizens in a non-invasive way theat respected their autonomy for decades through the index, wouldnt it be wiser to continue this policy?
wouldnt the index technically just be profiling and problematic entirely on its own?
isnt the security of the inhumans also important, especially when it comes to who has access to documents like the index?
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gentaroukisaragi · 2 months
okay i thought of this like weeks ago, made it last week, but havent brought myself to post it til now
Also let's keep in mind that i've only seen like 6 sentai...and only finished 2 of them..So i might not have any clue what I'm talking about when I show you the below picture, because I'm working primarily off of Wikipedia summaries.
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For slightly further explanation:
The sentai is the job = having superpowers and getting paid for them. most are about getting hired to be a warrior, especially early on, but I've also included ones where you basically make your own money through the powers (Gokaiger, Kyuranger, Lupinranger.)
The sentai is a 2nd job = primarily adults who would be focusing on their main work if they weren't also called to defend the world against evil or whatever. Usually unpaid, but I only learned last week that the inspiration for this tierlist (Boonboomger) literally has Mira say that being a Boonboomger(/working for the delivery service) is her second job, so I put them here even though they originally were in the first tier. This category is primarily about the drudgery and annoyance of having to work a second job, even if it's something as noble as guarding the Earth (or Japan or your town or whatever) from fuckheads
What's a job? = originally for teams comprised of people who aren't (and shouldn't) be in the job market, whether due to their age or due to their upbringing/place of birth, it's also a bit of a catchall category for teams mostly comprised of jobless/unpaid members.
ALSO I'm only working off initial team formations, aka whoever was in the first ep. If it's a three person team that eventually becomes five, i'm going off of the circumstances of the first three members, and only for how they were during the events of the show (so all the 10 years after, 20 years after, etc don't count in the eyes of this tierlist)
If you have further insight as to which category any of these teams SHOULD be in, please feel free to let me know! There's literally over 48 years of television shoved into a single image, I'm definitely not gonna know the ins and outs of various characters' circumstances. I would not be against redoing this.
Specific reasons why (i think) each team is in each category below the cut.
Gorenger - Originally hired by The Earth Guard League, these members survive a terrorist attack that kills every other member, before they are recruited to become the Gorengers. Verdict: The sentai is the job
JAKQ - Hired to become cyborgs, the JAKQ team fights against Crime's dastardly deeds and villains. Verdict: The sentai is the job
Battle Fever - Recruited to fight Egos. Verdict: The sentai is the job
Denjimen - Wikipedia says these five may or may not be related to the Denji people (aka the people who all died in the prologue to this series) so essentially they're randos, who all have other jobs according to the wiki, who have been called to defend earth. By a robot dog? Verdict: The Sentai is a 2nd job
Sun Vulcan - wait a sec this is a direct sequel to Denjimen? huh?! anyways these guys are already elite crime fighter-types who are recruited to become even more elite crime fighter-types. Against solar crime! anyways. Verdict: The sentai is the job
Goggle V - Theyre just randos who are also called to save the world by Dr. Hongo. I don't always take '[character x] used to be [occupation y]' as direct confirmation of the second category (especially as all of the previous ones have that) but since these guys clearly weren't doing a lateral job move/promotion, I think it's safe to say Verdict: The sentai is a 2nd job
Dynaman - Literally the plot summary is that they're all inventors, working on other stuff, but they've been forced to work together ot stop the Jashinka empire. Verdict: The sentai is a 2nd job
Bioman - What is with aliens leaving shit for future earth generations to clean up? Naw im kidding, every human in history does that. anywho looks like all of them have other jobs that they could be doing if they didn't have to drop things at the last minute to go be biomen. Verdict: The sentai is a 2nd job
Changemen - Military people become super sentai members. A tale as old as the incarnation of sentai. Verdict: The sentai is the job
Flashman - The unfortunate thing is these five young people were kidnapped as infants to space and though they survived, they ultimately must continue to fight against the threat that initially hurt them, even as they search for their biological parents. the good thing is that these guys probably don't know jack shit about the horrors of capitalism. Congrats to my very first team of Verdict: What's a job?
Maskman - These guys do not seem to be getting paid for all the training effort they have to do to fight off Tube. They had to spend a year getting ready to fight them and it does not seem like Sugata paid them (except for Takeru and Kenta and that was for their racing related abilities, not the martial arts.) While training for a martial art can be a lifelong task…yeah i'm just putting them in Verdict: The sentai is a 2nd job
Liveman - We finally come to the first sentai i've personally watched! (have yet to finish but i am really fond of this series!) That being said, everyone seems way too young and unemployed to care about having a job. (How do they pay for stuff? I dunno man but I think theyre just squatting on academia island.) Verdict: What's a job?
Turboranger - Wikipedia is telling me they are children, and i believe children should not be forced into labour. (also is this the first sentai with all child members? i know some of the other teams have had young members before, but this is the first one that says that they're all minors) Verdict: What's a job?
Fiveman - They are all siblings and they are all teachers! That's kinda fun. It's too bad teachers are unappreciated (hopefully they're not as underpaid in japan?) Verdict: The sentai is a 2nd job
Jetman - Ryu was hired to be a jetman, Kaori is an heiress (not a real job), Ako is in high school and Gai seemingly has no job other than to be gay as fuck. Raita is the only one with anything close to a dayjob. Not enough sway for either of the first two categories. Verdict: What's a job?
Zyuranger - Ancient civilization guys who wake up after suspended animation? They surely do not have jobs. Verdict: What's a job?
Dairanger - This is tough because on the one hand they seem very young. But some of them appear to have jobs. But also I wish they didn't have a job. Verdict: The sentai is a 2nd job
Kakuranger - I mentioned earlier that training for a martial art can be a lifelong task without clarifying whether or not that counts as a job. Primarily this silly little tierlist is about work as paid labour, and whether or not the sentai counts as that or if its members are willing to engage with that aspect of capital. it might just be me overhyping/fantasizing about this, but to me continuing a martial arts style is like preserving a language; it's noble and important and should be done, but capital doesn't always see it as something with monetary value. It's just something that someone feels must be done or something one is forced into. (Just like being part of a sentai team.) Anyways that's a longwinded way of saying Verdict: What's a job?
ohranger - More military guys become super sentai members. Verdict: The sentai is the job
Carranger - What if you went to work and there was an alien who wanted to give you and your coworkers another job? Verdict: The sentai is a 2nd job
Megaranger - More children! Verdict: What's a job?
Gingaman - Members of a tribe willingly hidden from the modern world. (or at least that's what I'm getting from the wiki.) I think they should be allowed to not work. as a treat. Verdict: What's a job?
GoGoFive - Genuinely wonder what emergency services personnel outside of this family think of them. Literally all five siblings working to save lives? Wonder what kinda drama that leads to. Verdict: The sentai is a 2nd job
Timeranger - Man I feel bad for this Tatsuya guy! What are you supposed to say when future cops force you to help them out with current future crimes? Verdict: The sentai is the job
Gaoranger - Literally the wiki page just says "Kai Samezu was UNEMPLOYED before he was chosen to become Gao Shark" which I think is kinda fucked up. But anyways, since everyone else also had to abandon their lives (and their jobs) to be Gaorangers; Verdict: The sentai is a 2nd job
Hurricangers - These guys are ninjas who don't want to be ninjas, but are forced to be ninjas anyways. Based solely on the main series (and also just the ninjas.) Verdict: What's a job?
Abaranger - The wikipedia page says: Yukito Sanjyo (三条 幸人, Sanjō Yukito): A 21-year-old chiropractor from Sapporo who initially became Abare Blue (アバレブルー, Abare Burū) for the money there is no other mention of payment, getting paid or having a job that I can see (other than Abarekiller formerly being a doctor) Verdict: The sentai is the job (?)
Dekaranger - Dekaranger is another entry in the modern iteration of military guys become sentai members, which is cops/emergency personnel become sentai members. There could be something interesting about ideas of justice and who is capable/allowed to mete out justice in a more serious analysis of this that i don't currently have the ability to do myself. but maybe one day. (Also even this light hearted analysis is primarily focused on paid and unpaid labour so. another tangent for a different day) Verdict: The sentai is the job
Magiranger - Wikipedia says nothing about their jobs, only noting that the red leader is the youngest sibling in high school. My guess is that they're too busy being magicians to have jobs. so by default Verdict: What's a job?
Boukenger - A private company has their own special team to deal with some bad guys who want to capture powerful items called Previous. Verdict: The sentai is the job
Gekiranger - What if you went to your work and there was a weird cat who wanted you to give you and your coworker and some guy who was raised by tigers a second job? (2/3 wins) Verdict: The sentai is a 2nd job
Go-onger - Everyone had to leave their old jobs to become Gon-ongers, so to me that means Verdict: The sentai is a 2nd job
Shinkenger - Vassals get paid, right? Right?! Verdict: The sentai is the job
Goseiger - They're literal angels and they shouldn't have to work. Verdict: What's a job?
Gokaiger - They're pirates first and foremost. Stealing shit and fighting people is part of the job. Verdict: The sentai is the job
Go-Busters - The sentai is the job. They've been training like 13 years for this. They do not get to have regular lives and regular jobs after having their lives changed like this. Verdict: The sentai is the job
Kyoryuger - Daigo, Souji and Amy don't work, so just barely with 3/5, Verdict: What's a job?
Tokkyuger - If you know, you know. Verdict: What's a job?
Ninninger - team of mostly students/ninjas. Verdict: What's a job?
Zyohger - Team of mostly literal animals. Verdict: What's a job?
Kyuranger - Rebels against empire. Verdict: The sentai is the job
Lupinranger vs Patranger - Cops as sentai is old hat. Thieves as sentai? They should do it again. for me. Also cafe work is just a cover anyways. Verdict: The sentai is the job
Ryusoulger - Just like the Gingaman, if you don't have to interact with capitalism, you shouldn't. Verdict: What's a job?
Kirameiger - Allegedly CARAT was made to fight Yodonheim so. Verdict: The sentai is the job
Zenkaiger - The zenkaigers have human forms? Fucked up. Anyways, apparently some of them work at Colorful, and Vroom did have a job before he defected but he had to defect so he's not going back there. Anyways these guys don't have jobs are you kidding me. Verdict: What's a job?
Donbrothers - It's a second job, but just barely. Momoi's a deliveryman, Kijino's a consultant? and Tsubasa would be an actor. 3/5's enough for me. Verdict: The sentai is a 2nd job
Kingohger - When you become a king for real, they just give you a sword and a cool giant bug. Verdict: The sentai is the job
Boonboomger - As Mira said, it's a second job. She and definitely Jou have other
In conclusion, thanks for reading all of this fucking text oh my god, and remember: stealing and rebelling against empire are real jobs, being an heiress is not
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unsleepingtales · 3 months
Happy holidays from all of us here on fantasy high tumblr.
Coming back to the top having just finished the ep. I feel insane. ANYWAY.
Our name is ally brennan beardsley mulligan!!
Ok glad we’re talking about spies tongue curse. Bc what was that
Oh my god this episode is three hours long
Sklonda what’s your goal here bestie
I’m really distracted rn so not many notes are being taken I’m definitely gonna have to rewatch this episode over the weekend
But god all the soil stuff is weird
Something in his office??? Something like maybe the mirror where baron first appeared??
Yeah just throwing energy into external things to avoid feeling your own feelings. Is a thing that happens.
THANK YOU RIZ please please talk about the students freaking out
Oh godddddd the soil it all comes back to minerals and soil somehow ok
Diamondized blood 😭
I love tired Adaine she’s trying her bestttt
Goddd the bad girls are everything to me. They are every triad ever.
You’re giving the identity spell a stroke guys
Holy SHIT Beardsley
Saint Kristen Applebees motherfuckers
Okay that’s horrifying!
Ok so that was fun
Zac is SO smart
‘Gorgug….. so good’
Godly whale fall……… Zac Oyama your mind
It’s like burning man 😭
Burning Man as Whale Fall. Maybe I’ll write the paper.
Planeshift is a spell guysssss you have used it before
The way he talks to her makes her mad!!!!!
Gorgug <3
Your enemy the beekeeper!
Yeah Fabian probably does not want to go to Aelwyn’s house
Riding a scooter. Classic Adaine.
Yeah the last friends Aelwyn had we’re not good!
🚨🚨 ZAYN MENTION 🚨🚨 Zayn my best friend Zayn Darkshadow 🖤🖤🖤
Brennan’s physicality as Aelwyn is so funny
Aelwyn and Fabian leave it alone!!! Don’t!!
What? No! No! What? What? What? No!
One thing about Ally Beardsley is they’re gonna talk about Joe Biden.
They’re good crimes? You’re having fun with the crimes? Come do crimes with us!
Aelwyn librarian era??
Holy shit Emily
What the fuckkkkkk
Absolute dream terrorist Figueroth Faeth
Gertie my beloved!
Dark red honey oooh
Kristen x Gertie let’s goooooo
Also that makes Gertie campaigning for Kipperlilly 100x funnier
I need fic. STAT.
Yayyyy a bit of financial breathing room for Riz
My mind’s still back in the cafeteria I can’t wait to see fantasy high tumblr’s response to Kristen and Gertie
Do NOT get tracker. NO.
Oooh so we finally have info on the bylaws
Where did you get wanda childa’s resume???????
He’s really committed to the neck tattoo thing huh.
They’re all so good. They’re just good.
We’ve been sooooooo intense about it I wasn’t even sure if they had realized lol
Ok! Nephew. Interesting.
Henry helped build Grix. Ok.
God we can’t trust any of the teachers really. That’s so depressing.
God if only you could actually just go let’s end the meeting right there every time you were uncomfortable
The ENTIRE family is going yeah
I’m so glad they’re bringing Zayn my best friend in the world Zayn Darkshadow
His art makes me so fucking happy.
Ooh good thinking Siobhan
Telemaine oh boy
Oh god
Gilear time!!!!
(haunted and suspicious)
Awww she called him dad
Sometimes Brennan just says shit
He really had to get rid of the puppy fast
She killed my god- NO- fine. She helped my god die.
That actually makes so much sense. Once things are good after they’ve been bad for ages you don’t know who you are without the bad things
It’s me fig! From the phone!
(all talking at once about Kristen’s kisses)
Babe how could we not clown
We could have been calling you rizbert this entire time
Telemaine leave Riz alone
RUVINA?????? Winter in fallinel for the first time in eons????? Ruvina maybe??
Oh yeah the name of the religion is literally wolfSONG
Fantasy Hamilton
It’s so funny that they’re calling her bee girl bc there’s an npc named bee boy in my current campaign that we all love SO much
Aelwyn. Babe.
Gorgug white knuckling the railing to avoid Telemaine
There is NOT an option for under 18s on any kink dating app
Sandra Lynnnnnnnn I would be so good to you you don’t even know
Okay but wasn’t Gilear cursed way before he put the armor on???? This is what keeps tripping me up. Gilear’s life was like this before.
My only daughter in the world 😭😭😭
Fig. Fig honey. That’s not. That’s.
Fig and Sandra Lynn. They fuck me up so bad.
Sandra Lynn Faeth the woman that you are………….
Zayn is coming to the church! Zayn Darkshadow my best friend in the world!!!
Ohhhhhhhh okay
I love that it’s canon that Aelwyn and Zayn are wizard buddies who worked for Kalina together
Using devil’s nectar too much causes you to to believe your own lies. Fabulous.
Divinity is so weird
Name heist?
Winter Break! I believe in you!!
Kristen. Kristennnnnn
Narnia Burning Man 😭
Oh god
Oh god!
She will be risen!
It is SO cold
Guys what the hell is going on
Yeah of COURSE she’s deeply bothered. Kristen is doing the same thing to her that she did earlier. They bother each other. They need each other to understand.
This kills me. This kills me so deeply.
Ohhh thank you for thinking about Ruvina
They’re rolling initiative to decide who goes first in secret sylvan. I’m gonna fucking cry.
Fabian. Fabian this is actually so nice. Please think about this. It will make them not attack you. Adaine wanted to help you with your fear.
Fabian we know you can give good gifts
Murph is running a tight ship on secret sylvan
(attempted tearing noises)
That’s actually really nice
They’re tactical!!!!!!
I love this so much
That’s so nice oh my god Kristen you know Riz so well
They love each other so much
GORGUG HAD FIG IN SECRET SYLVAN. Be still my figgorgug heart.
Brennan stopppppppppp
The intense zoom on Ally doing this.
Is she like me.
Sorry I’m incredibly not normal about Zayn Darkshadow I’m sure you couldn’t tell from how I react when he has .5 seconds of screen time
God they’re good
Riz Gukgak!!
Dig bitch!
Oooooooooooh baby
Adaine I love you
Oh fuck oh god oh fuck
Zayn nooooooooo
Oh god why
The idea of watching the moon get fuller is really cool
Oh god
Somehow I completely forgot baron was in this episode. I was so distracted I forgot what was coming.
Awww Cassandra is protecting her paladin
Oh my god this is insane
Oh no oh no oh no
Don’t break a mirror don’t do that not right now not here
Oh my god?????
They’re married <3
Is Zayn okay :(
You can’t ALL go in the briefcase can you???
WARDING BOND 😭😭😭😭 oh my god I can’t handle that
Death bond <3
What the fuckkkkkkkkk
Where the fuck are they.
Ooooh fig’s bedroom art!
How did this happen.
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dicapiito · 3 months
Kinda surprised there’s still Black leftists in 2024. The north always remembers what they did during the BLM Protests in 2020 and how they had the audacity to speak over Black People. I have been tired of it but yesterday was just…wow…
Fast forward to 2024 and the same shit has happened with the Palestinian movement. Leftists are speaking over actual Palestinians who have repeatedly said that Trump and the GOP second choice would be a nightmare but leftists don’t give a fuck about that. They just want to be antiblack and act like Black People ‘ don’t do enough’ for a cause they themselves only learned about on October 7th.
Being critical of the Democratic Party is one thing but buying into the leftist Russian propaganda and the hijacking of another movement yet again really should’ve made people realize that Leftist socialism really is just another word for a Libertarians and they only want s few tokens so they won’t appear racist. Nonblack leftists are also using the movement to be able to harass Black People and claim its in the name of Palestine when it’s clearly not.
The goal of leftists is the same as it’s always been. Fuck over the Democrats and fuck over Black and brown people and help out their actual party, which is the GOP. There’s no “ lesser evil”. There is a Democratic Party and an Evangelical white supremacist party. It’s unfortunate there are shitty motherfuckers who are claiming to be Democrats ( Rashida Tlaib, Cori Bush, Omar, Ro Kanna, Katie Porter, AOC, Barbara Lee, Summer Lee and Dean Phillips), but the Republicans are a cult and there’s NO good Republicans.
Leftists don’t care that there will be mass deportation for Project 2025. They don’t care that there will be a national abortion ban. They’re in safe Deep Blue States so they’re comfortable enough to keep spreading misinformation. They love being disruptive especially in areas where they know that there’s many Black People around. Examples:
The same church where a white terrorist took the lives on nine Black People. Ever hear of them doing this shit to any white churches? Or how about these:
And notice what they all have in common. Using a movement to target Black People and it’s not just the yts who are doing this shit.
As well as look at how they use antiblack racist images while playing in our faces about how it’s not offensive to Black People:
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And our phrases
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And if that’s not enough. They need to call Biden ‘ Old’ because they can’t admit that they don’t want MVP Harris as President. A Black Woman as President ? They are saying it with their chest but want to act like theyre not.
And last but not least. Examples of the chaos agents in our community playing in our faces because they got money and white acceptance. They know they’re full of shit but they’re paid enough to sell out Black People and they’re also why yt and nonblack leftists are comfortable being antiblack:
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The entire Breakfast Club, Killer Mike ad Joy Reid. Notice what they all have in common. You can research further to realize that they got theirs so fuck the rest.
I really hope that Black People who call themselves leftists wake up because our lives are always on the line and voting is a way for us to fight back against the yts who want their white evangelical world and the nonblacks who only care about us when we are ‘ useful’ to them. I hope this post helps because there’s way too much misinformation happening and way too much antiblackness happening in the ‘ name of Palestine’.
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bouncing up and down
a lot of spoilers . maybe if you wanna figure stuff out by urself dont read the whole thing !!!! i um. couldnt help myself not many people actually care about my rambling
ok so cucumber quest is this little silly webcomic about bunnypeople . instead of humans its like silly little bunny guys its cute
and this kid cucumber ( theyre all named after a theme for their like kingdom . the donut kingdom is food,, ripple kingdom is like.. oceany???,, etc ) is basically peer pressured by his entire family into um . giving up his scholarship for his dream school and going on some silly adventure to murder these immortal terrorist guys called the disaster masters
my brain only actually fixated on um. one of them. one of thsoe disaster master fuckers. noisemaster!!!!! wooooo ( the guy in my pfp hes cool )
theres 7 of them and 7 kingdoms, and each disaster master is assigned a kingdom
except theres no disaster master in the donut kingdom because thats where their creator ( dad??? ) kinda. lives. and 2 in the melody kingdom because there used to be 2 seperate kings ruling over that one kingdom, king bass and king treble
main spoilers past here :- )
silly little fact um. noise and mutemaster r the disaster masters for the melody kingdom . aaannd in the physical book since theyre a webcomic and a normal book,, theres little facts at the end?? rhythm ridge ( where noise and mutemaster live now ) used to be bassville,, which is where king bass lived . noisemaster canonically kicked a king out of his own castle ( presumably just because he wanted to ) and forced him to relocate to a new town, organetto, where he was then overthrown AGAIN by some other guy,, count legato
ok sorry this is just me rambling about noisemaster at this point ill get back on topic
basically their job and only purpose in life is to destroy their assigned kingdom
and they fucking suck at their job ( kind of )
the nightmare knight ( nk ) ( also their dad / creator ) has basically been sabotaging all their efforts because after the first or second cycle ( theyve been trying for around 500,000yrs, 100 times,, 5000 years inbetween each cycle ) nk basically realized. he wanted to be apart of that world
he didnt like actually want to destroy it anymore!! hes mentioned to have " watched friends and family with longing " ( page 694 ) and whenever that cycles hero actually came to defeat him . he offered the guy peace and he refused
ever since hes basically been stuck in a loop because if he stopped being evil and like. making people fear him. he would lose the power he needs to sustain the disaster masters,, basically murdering them
and he cant really tell them anymore because its been so long and it would mean all those years just went to waste!!! he actually. does try to tell one of them. quakemaster ( disaster master of the crystal kingdom ). he doesnt react well and nk ends up having to murder him
THANKFULLY theyre immortal they cant die theyre ok . they just revert into these cute little marble things until all 8 of them ( nk has one too ) are like put on some table and theyre alive again
noisemaster,,,, shouldve won . despite being the second weakest . hes like really cool
nk doesnt actually care how they try to destroy their kingdom as long as they try, and noisemasters approach is
to build a giant fucking gun, kidnap the princess of that kingdom, and, since shes known for being insanely loud, power the giant gun with her voice
this is the gun btw its shaped like a microphone hes insanely extra he does this a lot
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long story short,, everything goes according to his plan . kind of . he gets electrocuted and mutemaster gets knocked out but other then that everything works out . he gets the princess ( piano ) to scream one more time, since by the time cucumber n the others ( theres 3 more of those fuckers ) actually get to rhythm ridge, the gun was already at 99%,, and it fires
HE SHOULDVE WON it pisses me off so bad . last minute, nk basically creates a barrier around trebleopolis ( the main city in the melody kingdom, and the one the gun was pointed at )
and. its so obvious it was made by him. its so obvious noisemaster knows.
yk if you combine this with information from the later chapters its actually somehow worse!!!
nk threatens quakemaster later with being cursed like mistmaster ( disaster master of the sky kingdom ) since mistmaster " surrendered to the heroes " ( he didnt,, mist actually just found out that nk was sabotaging them ) which. maybe implies all the others are threatened with this too .
they all have the worst daddy issues known to man imagine finding out your dad has been sabotaging exactly what hes threatening you to do ☠️☠️☠️
its also um. implied noisemaster actually enjoyed his job. which means that next cycle is gonna fucking suck for him.
he khs after failing btw . kind of . its not that bad actually he just reverts back into his little marble but thats like his version of that since he cant actually die
sorry this actually just ended up as me rambling about noisemaster!!! hes the only part of the comic im actually fixated on . he shows up in a single chapter and then dies . it sucks im starving ive been fixated on him for a year straight
on a slightly nicer note hes aromantic . js like me fr !!!!!! he means a lot to me i love him
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i love ur excitement for this silly lil guy so much and dw i understand being fixated on one guy ive been fixated on eddie munson from stranger things since season 4 came out and if u watch stranger things u know how thats workin our for me :) I DONT EVEN LIKE SEASON 4 I HAVE SO MANY COMPLAINTS BUT I LOVE HIM SO MUCH I STARTED WRITING AGAIN BECAUSE OF HIM IM MENTALLY ILL ABOUT THIS DUMBASS ive never been fixated on anything for this long??? help.
so yeah i think i get how u feel kinda. thank u for sharing ur love w me that was fun to read
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