#character study castiel
destiel-wings · 8 months
Dean Winchester & hug dynamic analysis
I was thinking about how whenever Dean hugs someone he's almost always the one hugging the other and how this links to his psychological trauma of always being the caretaker of people, making himself bigger to protect them.
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Because that's how Dean sees himself, as a shield for others, and then I thought about how Cas actually is the shield, and he's HIS SHIELD, specifically, the only one who's really there to protect HIM, which is why it hits so much when we see this:
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The way Cas wraps his arms around him, trying to protect him with his whole body--that he'd use as a shield and give up in a second if he could spare him from any pain and save him.
(for context: Dean was about to go use the soul bomb on Amara there, it was a suicide mission)
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Bobby is another one that hits, he hugs him as the big hugger because he's his father, he loves him and he's actually here to protect him (and Dean LETS him -barely, but he lets him *and Cas* - in a way that he doesn't let Sam)
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I watched a compilation of Sam & Dean hugs to check if i was right about it, but it's almost always Dean the big hugger with Sam, except when he's about to die or Sam sees him alive again after losing him.
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Even then, Dean mostly tries to hug Sam as the big hugger anyway, with at least one arm, like a way to comfort him, making him feel protected, like his body language is saying "I'm here, I'm okay, I'm still strong, i can still protect you" (because their real father failed and Dean thinks it's his job).
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He rarely lets himself be the little one hugged with Sam, unless he's barely conscious. Which is why it kills me so much more now that in this moment (s14, when Dean was going to lock himself in the Ma'lak box cause he was possessed by Michael) and Sam has a desperate breakdown and punches him (to stop him) he forcefully hugs him as the little hugger, the way Dean always kept him, like a way of saying "I still need you to protect me, please don't do this to yourself".
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In the scene below he gives Sam his blessing to do a dangerous (possibly suicidal) mission, and one of his arms is down, but the other one tries to stay up--he's forcing himself to do it and he struggles because he still wants to protect him, but (as the seasons progress) he slowly becomes more prone to let go.
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So in this view the hug dynamic becomes an indicator of how Dean sees Sam (and himself) and his protector role, how adult and self sufficient he considers Sam, and how much he lets people around him take care of him, lowering his walls and letting himself be hugged.
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This is also why i think hugs from characters like Garth or Charlie are so special, because they're just like us: they see Dean and they just know that he needs to be hugged a lot, and that he's not used to it, so they just go for it-- and it's so normal and kind and spontaneous that Dean's just not used to it-- he doesn't know how to respond (especially with Garth, at the beginning, but as the seasons progress, he learns to, and he even initiates the hug eventually).
I love the hugs where they're 50/50 (one arm up, one arm down both), feels like they're equals, both taking care of each other. I feel like with Sam and Dean, this indicates a healthier dynamic, because Dean lets go a little of the role that was imposed to him and manages to see Sam as the strong individual that he is. But the same applies to 50/50 hugs with other characters, like with Cas, where I feel like it testifies how equals they feel in terms of being fighters, there's a show of respect of each other's strength that transpires by the gesture (which is even more astounding considering that Cas is literally a powerful angel).
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And just to end on a destiel note, I'd like to note the possessiveness and protectiveness of Dean (rightfully so) whenever he finds Cas after he thought he had lost him, and how that translates into his body/hug language:
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t00muchheart · 2 months
Dean Winchester went to hell and spent thirty years on the rack before agreeing to torture other souls for his freedom. Dean Winchester spent ten years putting souls on the rack and torturing them, Alistair’s lessons supplementing the skills his father taught him, twisting the lessons that taught him to save people and hunt things. Dean Winchester liked it because, after thirty years, he wasn’t being tortured himself, and because he was good at it. Dean Winchester was raised from Hell and could accept what had been done to him but not what he had done, not able to accept that they were in some ways the same.
Dean Winchester was gripped tight and raised from perdition and of course he didn’t believe he deserved to be saved—how could he be, after all he’d done? And in the end, he was right, in part: heaven only wanted to use him as a weapon, a tool—just like hell had. Except that there was one angel who didn’t, one angel who saw his soul and had questions, had doubts. One angel who chose to fall and embrace humanity and free will, to learn to love. To prove to Dean Winchester that he was worthy of being saved, no matter how low he’d fallen.
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castielsprostate · 9 months
castiel is a bee!! castiel identified himself as a bee!! he seems himself as a bee!! it's why he loves bees so much because HE!!!! IS!!!! A!!!! BEE!!!!!!
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I’m making a Dean Winchester character analyst because I saw a tiktok comment talking about how Dean has been given the more “female” in media by being Sam’s parental figure and also how sexualized he is in both the series and also fandom so I’m wondering if anyone has heard of it because I would very much appreciate a link to it because it interest me and I wanna watch it.
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waywardfeathered · 6 months
repost and fill in the answers you most associate your character with to each question.
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COLOR: Pale blue
MONTH: September
SONG: Fallen Angel by Three Days Grace
PLANT: Hydrangea
SMELL: Night air when there's snow and it's way below freezing
STONE: Clear quartz
SEASON: Winter turning into spring
PLACE: A bunker
FOOD: CASSEROLE @lovepurposed thanks
DRINK: Black coffee
tagged by: @akuzeisms, thanks! tagging: @lovepurposed (francis), @solheimisms, @shadowcovcn (rowena), @naitfall, also steal it and tag me so i can see :)
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marcskywalker · 1 year
so close to writing an academic style essay on how dean loved cas so deeply despite being not allowed to love him. Gonna title it "Destiel: the unacknowledged romance of the century"
someone better stop me or I'm gonna be insufferable about this
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farieshades · 2 years
Fuck John Winchester.
Think that clues you into the fandom this question belongs to.
(By this point I was staring into space wondering whether I should ask all my supernatural questions in this ask or just do individual asks. But I forgot most of my questions so you get the original question)
What do you think about Dean's charactersion?
Dean’s got a lot of things going for him. He’s got older-sibling syndrome and is feeling it in his bones at this point. I mean, what, he was 5 when he started learning to hunt? Learning that his brother needed to stay safe and that he was in charge? I mean, his childhood wasn’t easy, his first solo hunt was at 17 years old, a gift from his old man.
Great way to go, John, wooo we love that for you, perfect gift 👌
Really, he drew the short end of the stick. The brother he loves more than anything (and is literally willing to die multiple times for) is seemingly destined for a path of darkness, his ‘uncle’ Bobby becomes a target for those after him and Sam, his friends die in horrific ways, one dying to save Sam who didn’t even like him. I’d call it a hero-complex, but its really just the older-sibling syndrome that makes him feel responsible for practically all the ‘kids’ he adopts into the family (Charlie, Jo, Claire). 
He sums up his childhood well with Mary I do believe, saying he had never been a child, was never given the chance for it. Like I mentioned, he’s been trained to fight since a very young age, and he’s a fighter of the two brothers. Not that Sam doesn’t fight, and not that Dean doesn’t do the research portion, but the two are seemingly set in the role of Fighter(Campbell/Hunter)Dean, Researcher(Winchester/Man of Letters)Sam for a lot of the, er, background shenanigans that fill episodes (My mind goes to the wonderful, near catch-phrase “So get this” we hear innumerable times from Sam). 
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But let's look at his behaviour rather than his existence. Dean can be highly judgmental and bigoted, especially when on a hunt to a point of being hypocritical (Benny). For much of his arc he has a hard time getting behind the fact that there are monsters who don’t really go out of their way to hurt humans, some that even actively try not to, but they’re all just monsters to him. I think this could be best seen with Season 4 and the, errrr, Demon-blood arc Sam goes through (in fairness, Sam is quite consistently high on demon-blood through the season so a bit of leeway I suppose). 
Dean also is highly manipulative, something he learnt from his father in my mind. Like, there are two deans, one where you can see the Caretaker role that was pushed upon him by John, and then the Fighter that John made him to be. This manipulation, however, is seen more and more as seasons progress, through outright lies to flipping truths and just not giving necessary information at times. 
Dean has repeatedly made it clear and obvious that Sam is and always will be the priority, no matter what, especially in later seasons. In earlier seasons Dean would do everything he could to protect Sam, but not to the extent of putting others in danger (Nancy in "Jus In Bello"). But over the years his mindset has been shifted from "Nobody's expendable except me" to "Everyone's expendable except Sam", which is oddly poetic with the finale I suppose. 
Dean’s character is also full of self-loathing and insecurity. Which, unfortunatley considering the nature of his job, seems almost common. Dean is, or showing many signs of, being depressed, being fed up with his lot in life, and he's not really optimistic about the future. And how could he be? How many apocalypses do you need to stop before you can have a goddamned vacation? Time after time the world is set to basically implode and the only thing stopping it is these two brothers (and their gathered band of friends who usually die on them), and like all those deaths, Dean knows he is going to one day die doing this job.
The weight of the world is (literally in some cases) on Dean's shoulders. It can be seen through many episodes and through many actions, like with Dean's confession when Sam dies first where he says that his job is only to keep Sam safe so he goes to trade his life for Sam by making a deal and when Bobby confronts him about said deal and asks him if he's that screwed in the head and Dean said he did it so his life could mean something. Possibly more damning is Castiel, when they first meet, who says he doesn't think Dean deserves to be saved. This is why season 15's last two (proper) episodes showed so much character growth from this, Dean stand up to God/Chuck, he gets to be important and knows this now (from Cas in 15x18) and even in the final episode, where he dies as he always believed he would, he does in in such a way that is honourable. He stops Sam from calling for help, accepting this 'defeat', and finally after a fucking long time, takes a rest. 
Dean also has an interesting characteristic of adopting blame, especially those who he thinks of as family. Which, is another thing I’m probably attributing to John cause fuck him as your ask said. Now, externally and unlike Sam, Dean didn’t resent John for raising his sons like warriors. But, through the actions in the show, this definitely feels very much not the case. He tries running away at one point, well, not really running away, arrested and sent to a Home for Boys. But in the flashbacks we see of this time, John believed this to be a punishment for Dean's careless behaviour with Sam. Meanwhile, Dean is actually doing well, being normal, he's making friends, doing great in school, and while he is  taking mystical precautions from demons and he's being a kid.
This is also the episode where Dean Admits to not wanting to join the family business, or that he doesn't enjoy it. And just as life is going good, John shows up. Not only that, John shows up with Sam in his car and tearfully Dean knows he needs to go, to protect Sam as he's been raised to from all the horror's in the world including their father. I don’t think these thoughts actually changed. I don’t think he ever wanted to keep hunting, but Dean’s character is chalk full of familial loyalty, and when John goes missing on a hunt, he can’t just leave. He goes to find Sam, starting what we know as Season 1. 
The last point to touch on should be Season 12, we’re a long time gone with John and here we go getting Mommy issues, which the show didn’t need to introduce but I suppose now we have Mommy and Daddy issues to factor in. Annnnyway, there’s a lot of betrayal happening in this season (from Mary doing sus bullshit to Castiel and Crowleys unlikely partnership), and Dean is affected by all of it personally. Which is very fair, humans are allowed to feel emotions when things happen, this is good. 
Emotions are good. 
We like emotions.
Anyway, a lot of shit hits the fan very quickly, because Dean is trying to reconnect memories from when he was four years old to, roughly, 37 years old and there's a lot of struggling going around. A lot more cynicism is shown through his character after this season, a lot more, er, despair. There’s also a lot of, what I’d deem to call, religious resentment, more in the fact that Dean actually can put a face to God and yell at him about the world rather than a deity in the sky, but in later seasons and earlier seasons there is a distinct lack of faith that Dean holds towards Chuck, whereas Sam seemed to be the opposite in the earlier seasons.
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zoannearts · 1 year
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Been watching a lot of supernatural recently so i wanted to do some studies of Misha collins/ Castiel and Jensen Ackles / Dean their likeness’ were really hard to capture I definitely need to practice more
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crackdkettle · 2 years
What I still don’t understand — what I will never understand — is why create the character of Castiel at all? If Anna is supposed to be the Angelic Love Interest, what is Castiel doing there to begin with?
I get Anna as the Angelic Love Interest. I totally get the thinking there. You’ve got Demon Blood Boy in a twisted romance with a demon; of course you’d parallel that with The Righteous Man getting together with an angel. Is the demon-dating brother lifting the demon up or is the demon pulling him down? Is the angel lifting up the angel-dating brother or is the brother dragging her down? It works! The parallels write themselves!
Why wouldn’t you have the character destined to be the Angelic Love Interest resurrect Dean though? Why on earth would you invent some random male-presenting angel to resurrect him instead??
The very first indication we get of Castiel’s existence is the freaking brand he put on Dean’s shoulder! Why wouldn’t you have the Angelic Love Interest brand him?? Further, Dean and Cas start bonding as early as 4x03, which is way too early in the season for them to have realized that Misha Collins = Good Ratings. That ep would have been written, filmed, and in the can before the season even started airing. Why put that in if the plan was to kill him a few episodes later? Why wouldn’t you have this bonding be with the Angelic Love Interest???
At the very least, why wouldn’t you make this angel a woman? Have your Macho Ladies’ Man Hero torn between the very female-presenting Warrior of Heaven who literally pulled him out of Hell and is now having doubts, and the already-fallen angel who already understands him?
“If Cas was a woman, they would have been married by the middle of season five!” Sure, of course, but why wasn’t Cas a woman?? Why wasn’t that character written as a woman?
Do I think if Cas had been a woman (or even just played by anyone other than Misha Collins) the show would have run for fifteen seasons? Do I think Destiel’s relationship would have evolved and progressed the way it did?
Doubt it. But no one could have known that. No one could have guessed that making that character a man would give the show an extra decade of life. That cannot be the reason they did it.
But since it wasn’t, what was?
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t00muchheart · 4 months
Something about the fact that both Dean and Cas think they’ve fucked up too many times to be redeemed, that they aren’t worth saving, and yet they forgive each other.
Something about the fact that both of them, faced with an outside force compelling them to kill the other, pushed past that to save each other’s lives.
Something about Cas dying to save Dean time after time because he can’t stand the thought of seeing Dean dead, not knowing what it does to Dean to see Cas dead, and to feel like the blood is on his hands; about Cas trying to restructure the universe for Dean and Dean just wanting him to stay.
Something about Dean teaching Cas to be more human and then, when he is human, failing to help him and having to live with the regret of that.
Just…something about Cas and Dean and the way that they’re simultaneously doomed and inevitable, always circling around something but never able to land
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vigil4nted · 2 years
i may be cringe. but i will be free.
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So this is what I have so far on the Dean Winchester character analysis it's a bit all over because I wrote it while on the bud home but I'm writing it in a notebook of mine in a more clear and organized way then gonna re type it once I get it done
Also if you guys don't mind pls add your own character analysis of your own or just things you've noticed during the series because I really don't wanna mischaracterize him and accidentally make him into a complete different person especially since Dean's whole character is literally so important to me
Also I don't want anyone to think I'm gonna excuse the bad things Dean has done to Sam, Cas, and also Jack. I wanna include the fact that he isn't that great of a person and i still wanna hold him accountable for all the bad things he has done throughout the series
How Dean Winchester is. Given the parental role and also the more “women” or ‘feminin’ role in the series and also by the fandom.
Firstly we will talk about the fact that from a very young age (four years old) when his mother died in the fire he was the one to grab Sam from his crib and ran out of the house while his father stayed back. We see this in the very first episode and was also mentioned in one of the later seasons, growing up he was given the parental role because John (the father) was to busy with ‘grieving” his dead wife to the point that he threw himself and his family into the hunter life leave Dean and Sam to grow up on the road with no real home, they stayed in dirty old motels and barely had money to live off of, you can see this by the fact that they never had Christmas and I know that’s not a very ‘big deal’ BUT the fact that Dean had to sneak off and steal from a random home to give Sam some type of Christmas and also the fact that Dean was arrested for stealing some peanut butter bread and then was sent to Sunny’s home or wayward boys. There was also hints that Dean barley ever got to eat and often have his food to Sam so he wouldn’t go hungry at night, I don’t know if it was ever actually mentioned but it was hinted in episodes where Dean would have flashbacks or it was hinted, you can also notice this with how Dean eats his food, it’s more animalistic and rushed while Sam eats more calmer and also less, that is because Sam never had to really worry because Dean always fed him but Dean never knew when his next meal was so I believe it is a trauma response. Another trauma response is also is his savior complex, in the show we often see Dean more concern for Sam then himself and and could also be a readily for his own self destructive tendencies but we’ll talk about that later- since Dean has taken care of Sam his whole life Dean took on the parental role naturally and also started to relaty on Sam to be there constantly because Sam is his only constant figure in his life much how Dean is Sam’s only constant figure as well. Why is Sam and Dean each others only constant figure even tho they both have John tho? Well that is because John wasn’t the parental figure they needed. They only could rely on each other and no one else, sure they had Bobby but they don’t show him much in their flashback so I don’t know how much of a role he had in their childhood because he only really shows up more in their adult life, I do belive Bobby was there in their childhood because we see Bobby and Dean playing catch in season 7 when Bobby dies but that’s pretty much the only scene we get with Bobby and younger Dean every other scene is when Dean is a adult, so that makes me belive even more that Sam was deans only constant and the same with Dean for Sam. Now, about the savior complex, there are multiple examples of Dean wanting to risk his life for same and wanting to ‘save’ Sam for example
•Dean welling his soul in season 1 to same Sam
• Dean wanting to save Sam from ruby and his demon blood addiction
•Dean wanting to say yes to Michel
•Dean trying to get rid of the mark of Cain
•Giving himself up to Amra
•Even giving his own childhood up for Sam
Etc (look up more of deans self scarification)
We also see Deans self destructive tendencies by the fact he pushes people away, him being a alcoholic, him hiding his own traumas and emotions resulting him to have break downs or out bursts of rage because that was what he grew up on. He never learned how to let his anger out in normal healthy ways I believe that was because of John and how he was raised because we constantly see John being abusive and taking his anger out of Dean.
Again this is super all over the place but that’s because it’s still the rough draft I’m planing on rewriting all of this to make more sense and also I still wanna add more things to this as will because There’s so much more I wanna talk about but just can’t put it in words exactly
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mimiwinchester · 8 months
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selena gomez as elena labonair “ the selfless sister ”
Elena is the twin sister of Emily and a recurring character in the book. Upon learning that her sister left to uncover clues towards their parents’ deaths, she, along with Bobby Singer, had been trying to find her but stopped their search once they realized that Emily didn’t want to be found. Elena had been struggling to live a normal life ever since her parents, Marian and Jackson Labonair, died in a hellhound attack when she and Emily were young. Her life also changed when she and her sister were adopted by Bobby and adapted into the hunting life that surrounds her to face powerful supernatural enemies. Elena was described as a compassionate, empathetic, caring and selfless person, who at times can be very vulnerable, naive and a damsel in distress. Her actions and beliefs throughout the book have been most influenced by her sister’s relationship with the Winchester brothers, as well as by her antagonistic relationship with the demon Crowley. When Elena was placed under a sleeping spell, she would have remained that way until Emily died, however, her sister found a way to break the spell and wake her, reuniting her with their friends. After Dean’s death, Elena achieved her lifelong dream of having a normal life before she died of old age and found peace with her parents and Bobby.
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waywardfeathered · 1 year
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ruined by loneliness. you are so lonely. you are miserable in your solitude. you hate that you cannot bring yourself to reach out, to ask for help. you will be forgotten by all who never knew you. your biggest fear is that you will die alone, and you know this fear will be seen to fruition. you refuse to extend yourself beyond the box that others put you in. and it is a box that no one dare come near. you are lonely because you are afraid of yourself.
tagged by: @taiinted, thanks! tagging: @lovepurposed (marin), @solheimisms, @collidingxworlds (dean), @snowinabottle & steal it from me!
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farieshades · 2 years
What do you think about Jack Kline?
I’ll be honest, I haven’t put much thought into most of the characters in SPN outside of the main brothers, Castiel, and I suppose, Lucifer. So, I’m probably not the best for this but let’s go ahead anyway. 
Season Appearances
When he was still unborn, there was many beliefs before Season 13 hit that Jack would become the next BBEG and an embodiment of pure evil due to his blood father (... Do Angels have blood and DNA? Theoretically the Vessels do but they transfer a bit of grace to the Nephilim… Was Jesus a Nephilim and if so would this then be assumed Gabriel was his father? My head is going off topic hold up, rewind), I think in this way, there was a commentary of nature vs nurture of the character or a belief of ability vs actuality (so like Dumbledore thinking this 11 year old is evil cause of one ability… which isn’t a good example considering said 11 year old ended up evil anyway). Jack Kline, while still unborn, showed an intrinsic goodness, or what Kelly believed as such. As Castiel points out, this could have been done to prolong his life not really caring about his bearer, but Kelly nevertheless believes her son is not evil. In this scene area, Jack also chooses Castiel as his protector/father of choice, feeling potentially as his mother did, safe with Cas.
In Season 13 we as the audience get to see more of these gifts Jack has, specifically from the get-go in which he aged himself into a young man rather than a baby due to his mothers words that life is dangerous for a baby. We also see a pivitol moment in which Jack asks about his father and says Lucifer wasn't him but Castiel was since his mother told him that's who will protect him. This season also has him growing into his power and meeting Apocalypse-World Lucifer who steals Jack's grace. 
This loss becomes prevalent in Season 14, but also acts as a parallel to Castiel and the other angels becoming human with the collapse of heaven (which isn't a collapse collapse. I just can't remember what it was, just, you know, every angel was on earth and there was a lot of death). Anyway, Jack grows into his humanity in a way, he learns hand-to-hand combat from AW Bobby, he saves people, acts as a sacrifice (through forms of guilt mostly), and eventually, dies from an illness and ascends to Heaven and while there escapes his ‘personal heaven’, gets chased down by ooze, and finds his mom. Sometime later, we recieve the conflicts end of AW Michael as Jack exorcises Rowena, killing Michael by incinerating him and absorbing his grace. Jack reveals Michael is dead to the brothers and tells them his powers have returned and proves it by showing his Nephilim wings. 
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If there is one thing the last 3 seasons showed was that Jack Kline was selfless to an extreme degre. He never showed a need to be important or a need to be seen as the New God, that just… kinda happened to him. This selflessness had been there from his very beginning, even in the womb, when he empowers Castiel giving him the ability to kill Dagon. Although, this selflessnes, isn’t always the most useful, he is trusting and in that he almost got himself killed trying to end God and The Darkness trying to do something intrinsically good for the world and the Winchesters, while not displaying fear or hesitancy in his actions. He also tried to avoid conflict and solve conflicts. 
Jack’s character is also wrapped with a bit of guilt, especially when he learns he is the son of Lucifer and supposedly an abomination. He feels like everything is his fault, he takes cruel words at face value convincing himself that every problem he (and the brothers) come across is his fault. Jack didn’t really understand that it wasn’t his job to solve every problem there was, but he was a people-pleaser, a fatal flaw in some ways as this would lead to himself to blame himself when things didn’t go the way he expected them to; Season 15 takes that to an extreme extent in the whol “Kill God as a bomb” idea that Jack seemed to believe would, while sacrificing himself, please the Winchester Brothers because he was making amends… As if the brothers ever really did something to that extreme when accidentally killing someone the other liked. I mean really… What's the creepy barney song,,, “we’re a dysfunctional family” really suits them here.
Annnyway, death and non-death Season 15 occurs, and Jack is shown to be quite forgiving in nature, never bringing up really past things that occurred between him and Dean in particular. He is also shown to be considering forgiving Lucifer in the hope that the master manipulator of the entire biblical universe has changed his ways. And likewise, after regaining his soul (because of course we need every main character to be soulless at some point I guess), he forgives/overlooks the Ma’lak box from the season previous [From the Biblical/Ancient Hebrew mal’akh (מַלְאָךְ‎), the standard word for "messenger" in which Angels were the 'messengers of g*d', likewise in modern Hebrew, mal’akh is the general word for "angel"; it is also related to the words for "angel" in Arabic (malak ملاك), Aramaic and Ethiopic. - Very similar in idea to the Dybbuk box, or Dibbuk box (קופסת דיבוק, from dybbuk (/ˈdɪbək/; Yiddish: דיבוק, from the Hebrew verb דָּבַק‎)), which a cabinet that is haunted by/holding a malicious possessing spirit, possibly the soul of a deceased person - though I’m unsure if this is a common thing or it’s just something that Zak Bagan’s has in his museum at this point.] Anyway I had a point,,, Jack doesn’t hold what happened to him when he was soulless against those who he considers family. 
See, Jack saw the Winchesters and Castiel as his fathers/family and vice versa. Despite rocky beginnings, Dean and Jack became quite close, with Dean teaching Jack to drive the Impala, going fishing because Jack knew Dean liked to do so, and even later, when Jack dies, God considered Dean killing Jack to be a father killing his son, showing the depth of the relationship Jack and Dean had developed.
On a different note, Jack also had the ability, or the tendency, to bring out the best in those around him, possibly with a mixture of his optimism and childlike/adorable nature that he held (which, to be fair, he’s what, two years old really? Despite his impressive ability to understand the world around him, one can’t absorb everything in just a few short years no matter how much they are able to retain knowledge that they learn). Anyway, it this caring nature, this optimism shows in those who he cared about. Castiel became more selfless, and Sam grew as a parent, as does Dean, but more so, when Jack changes Heaven into a paradise that it [theoretically] should be, Dean (and to a lesser extent, Sam) has hope to finding his family in the afterlife. One of the things that I think made accepting death in the finale more easy for him surely. 
But moreso, Jack remained an approachable person who didn’t think ill of anyone as he tried to fit into the chaotic world he was trying to understand. Sure there is a learning process that he had to adapt to to acting, ‘normal’ (something we see most angels struggling with in some way), but his friendly nature remained. 
New God
So, Jack, with the Winchester Brothers, Michael, and a resurrected Lucifer defeat Chuck and Jack absorbs the power, becoming New God, in which Jack resurrects those that Chuck had wiped from existence, but leaves the world for Heaven. But something important happens before he does, when questioned if he is “God” now, he simply states that “I’m me.” 
Jack, no matter the power level, retains his normal personality that he has shown, but with the extreme power change, he has a policy of being hands-off on Earth, which probably makes a lot of sense when you also have absolutely no idea what your new powers can even do considering how much divine energy/grace he had just theoretically absorbed. 
Anyway, Jack reshapes Heaven for the better with Castiel’s help and we can theoretically believe that a form of peace has arisen with this. Not a complete one, monsters and demons are still plenty I’d imagine, but, with Jack, rather than Mr. Ego-who-left-heaven, Heaven is probably in safe hands.
"I'm around. I'll be in every drop of falling rain, every speck of dust that the wind blows, and in the sand, in the rocks, and the sea. (...) And those answers will be in each of them. Maybe not today but... someday. People don't need to pray to me or to sacrifice to me. They just need to know that I'm already a part of them and to trust in that. I won't be hands on. Chuck put himself in the story. That was his mistake. But I learned from you and my mother and Castiel that... when people have to be their best... they can be. And that's what to believe in. Well... I'm really as close as this. Goodbye." - Inherit the Earth
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sylvanfreckles · 1 year
If freedom is a length of rope, then trust is a knife to the throat.
Introspection/character study for Castiel set during late season 9. Lord knows he's probably got imposter syndrome rattling around with everything else up there.
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