#characters become us when we see them because we see ourselves in our favourite characters
blakbonnet · 2 months
my queers in christ we must fight homogeneity in fandom; it's evil and the death of creativity and a brain killer, we do not want to be smooth uniform identical shiny rocks, reading the same characterisations over and over again, we do not want to reiterate the same takes or the same fics, we want the creepiest weirdos coming up with shit so fantastical that it becomes fantastic, that is the point of it all
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feathernotes · 9 months
Hello! My name is Krispy, and I’m the co-creator of the webcomic Ghost Junk Sickness (along with @spacerocketbunny​) It's story time!
GJS is a webcomic published by Hiveworks and features two bounty hunters with an unstable dynamic who are pushed to pursue the deadly bounty dubbed the Ghost The current iteration of GJS is about 9 years old (and wrapping up next year!) It’s been an incredible journey full of ups and downs. We’ve learned SO MUCH creating this comic, and I wanted to share some of it’s origins with you all in hopes of inspiring more folks to take chances, make mistakes, and get messy- and make that comic!
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The origin of Ghost Junk Sickness came from our love for Magic Knight Rayearth and Final Fantasy 7. Vahn, the protagonist of GJS, was basically a mash up of Hikaru and Cloud from those two series. The very first version of this story has unfortunately been destroyed, and this map is the only piece I have left of that world. Character art still exists though, and it was pretty funny to see how obvious we were with our inspirations at the time.
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The original attempt at the story was called Crew, and my sister Space and I worked on it in 2002-2004. We sort of got lost in our own ideas after that, and weren’t as focus on making the comic (now lost). A few years later, I decided to try my hand at it and it looked like this:
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This was all done on low quality paper, whichever I could find at the time and some pencil crayons. This attempt was over 600 pages long and had a pretty random story plot, much like the first version. I could not tell you what it was about haha 😅
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My second attempt (then called Divine Ace) I wanted to look more 'traditional manga' and kept with just inks and tried my darndest to tone on the computer (it never worked out). This one lasted over 400 pages, and was more allinged with my liking to edgy action anime and games at the time. It was also Trigger's first appearance!
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After experimenting and eventually wanting to change- I started to work with Space again, and we collaborated in full on our first fancomic for TF2 called "Be Efficient, Be Polite." It was a good lesson on how we could coordinate our shared skill sets and plan out who did what as far as the whole process of comics go.
All of these comics (save for the very first lost version) were hosted on DA the day we got our hands on a scanner. It was our first taste on being 'webcomic creators' back in the day, and it was very fun! We didn't much care for readers, only the process of completion at the time, so a page done was always a victory worthy to be celebrated (and back then, we had more time to make pages!)
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And so, as the years went by and we decided to move on from our fandom roots, Space and I went back to the Crew/Divine Ace project and redesigned and overhauled the entirety of it. (You can see the full evolution here) We wanted to re-asses what the story, comic, and characters meant to us, and how we could convey some pretty important ideas and concepts to our potential readers. From that, Ghost Junk Sickness was born, and began pre-production in 2013.
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Years after, we find ourselves reflecting on how much we've learned from the process of going ahead and diving in head first. There were certainly many iterations and years it took to get where we are today, but realising that it all began that day Space and I decided to scribble some pretty mediocire comics in our homework books and papers. Because that is the beauty of comics- The many skill sets, the hats, and challenges that come along with creating them. And how much we've become better at so many things along the way. So if you read this and feel nervous about diving head first into your first comic, I'm here to re-assure you that things will feel tough, but exciting. Things will feel really hard but amazing when you're getting your story out in front of you with such an incredible medium. Webcomics will always be my favourite because of how accessible it is to any skill set. And know in your heart of hearts that there ARE people out that that LOVE to see growth, they love to see the progression of your journey. So get out there and start creating that comic that's occupied your brain for so long, and start breathing that life into your OCs and your world. The only way is up with webcomics, and the only way to start is just by creating now.
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melodiesofmidnight · 4 months
I want to talk about violence in Phantom of the Paradise for a moment.
Paul Williams once said in an interview that:
"You go back to, in our society, we were, as Americans, sitting and watching the footage from Vietnam. There were cameras following the fighting. We're sitting there with our TV dinners watching the war in Vietnam. And, at some point, it felt like something really evolved at this point.
But the news was becoming entertainment. And the line between the two, between the news and entertainment, our reality began to blur. And so when that amazing moment in the movie, when Beef was killed on stage and the kids think it's part of the show, I think that's a really pivotal moment [...] and it just feels like that was basically the heart of the picture."
It seems to me that this truth, which, at the time, may have seemed to be an overly-thoughtful consideration of the film's intended meaning, has now been augmented into something of so formidable a magnitude as to seem so obvious that it hardly warrants mentioning: and that is intentional.
*Further commentary under the Read More.*
In an ideal society, of course, this aspect of the film would be lost to us, a symptom of a bygone and barbaric society whose methods of entertainment would find themselves comfortably classified as having evolved from those of the Romans.
The "heart of the picture," as Paul put it, however, has only become more familiar to us as Time has steadily marched onward, and may now be so ubiquitous a phenomenon that we suffer the same blindness as those inhabiting said ideal society: we simply do not really analyze the violence. It is hardly mentioned in pertinence to this film in the realm of critical analysis, as that is just standard film fare: we hardly pause to consider its position within the film, or what the depiction of this violence may be trying to say: it is simply not particularly remarkable to us.
And why should it be?
Since the advent of the Internet, real violence has become so easily accessible to us that even a quick Google search can bring you within a finger's breadth of witnessing atrocities mankind was never meant to see.
Many of us grew up in the nascent, more unregulated days of the Internet, where kids passed shock sites between them like naughty magazines, and when places like LiveLeak consolidated into one convenient location the truly horrific realities of the world: beheadings, murders, war crimes, car crashes, cartel torturings...if it featured real, unadulturated human suffering, it had an ever-growing audience. People In the Know referenced these videos to one another, winking at the in-jokes made at the expense of real humans whose horrific deaths they had themselves witnessed.
Even in the current age, these things blur the lines between fantasy and reality for modern youths the way war footage may have for the youths of the Vietnam era: death is a spectacle, be it real or simulated.
We tell ourselves vehemently that we can distinguish between the two - between real and simulated violence - and, while this may be true in parsing the difference between fantasy and reality, can we parse the difference between its effect on us personally? Is every instance of real violence we witness truly as raw to us as it was the first time we saw it?
Ostracized teenage boys gather together to idolize school shooters the way horror fans may gather together to admire their favourite fictional slasher. People respond to a low death toll in mass shootings the way they may react to saving nearly all the characters in their favourite horror game: "Oh, just two got killed? That's not so bad."
Sure, it seems silly to us while watching the film that the audience doesn't recognize that Beef was truly killed whilst onstage, because of course they should have -- we would have. However, would we have cared? There have even recently been instances of people continuing to party on while their friends lie dying of alcohol poisoning on the couch, or of people livestreaming the murder of their partner while their viewers cheer them on, or even people who have displayed the body of a celebrity at a nightclub event.
People trample each other over 5% off sales on televisions and shoot each other's children over a perceived slight on the roadway. People commit random acts of violence against each other every single day, and, of late, have been livestreaming it: recording it for people all over the world to watch -- and they do. They gather en masse to watch, and, when a half-hearted attempt is made to remove the video from being accessible, people scour the Internet to find it: to be part of the group In the Know--to have something to talk about. An assassination live on television, coast to coast? Now that's entertainment!
I think the violence aspect of Phantom of the Paradise is terribly overlooked, and such really only speaks to the relevance of that particular criticism against our society, which still rings so true as to be invisible to us. Haha, the person in the movie killed another person with a bird hat, isn't that silly? Haha, the singer onstage got electrocuted to death, that's so absurd. Haha, that girl put on Winslow's mask after he died without even checking on him. Haha, everyone's partying even though four people just died. Isn't that silly?
And why shouldn't we find it silly, rather than horrifying? After all, we saw worse than that when we were six.
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billfarrah · 2 years
Now that I’ve had time to fully digest the drop and all the opinions I’ve read today, I want to try to put some things into perspective.
Not everyone is going to love season 2. It’s inevitable. We’ve all been here for a year, some of us since the very beginning, talking about the show every day, talking about our favourite scenes as nauseum, some of us reading and writing fan fictions and speculating over what’s to come, and all that is great and a lot of fun, but I think like most things, it can be too much of a good thing. We become too invested to the point where we all have our own wants and desires of how we want the story to go and most of the time, that’s not going to align with what the writers have planned, because this isn’t our story. It’s there’s.
I totally get it it some people aren’t in love with the footage we got or where the story is going. That’s totally valid. Like I said, we’ve all been so invested and have our own thoughts on where we’d like the story to go. I have my own trepidations, and I’ll even share them: I worry that the show might end up spending too much time with the revenge plot and not on the other aspects of the show that made us fall in love with it in the first place (the themes of love and friendship above all odds in the face of adversity). I worry it might become a little melodramatic and perhaps too ambitious for its own good - it’s only 6 episodes and there are so many threads left from s1 that need to be expanded on, on top of a new character and new storylines. I worry they might have gone too far.
Having these worries is normal and I don’t think the alternative is any more helpful - the alternative being blind faith in the writers and assuming they will make all the right decisions (ie. “Lisa would never do that”, “trust Lisa she knows what she’s doing). However, I do think there is a line between blind trust and faith and having no trust and leaning into negativity.
The fact of the matter is, we probably won’t love every element of season 2. It’s not going to be everything all the fans want it to be, nor should it be. If the show was exactly like all of our favourite fanfics or theories, it wouldn’t be the vision of the writers anymore; it would belong purely to the fans, and that’s not how filmmaking works. Think about all the movies and shows that get blasted for indulging too much in fan service.
The stakes are so much higher now that we’ve been invested for so long. The best thing we can do is give deference to the writers and give them the opportunity to tell the story they want to tell, and when we’ve finally seen it in it’s entirety, then we can decide whether we liked it or not, and everyone is entitled to have their own opinions, praises and criticisms.
At this point, we have a mere 4 minutes of footage and essentially a skeleton of the plot with very, very little actual details. Let’s not ruin it for ourselves before we even see it. I have my concerns but ultimately I just wanna be excited to see what these creative people have come up with.
Will I love it? I don’t know, but I don’t want to go into it assuming either way.
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winterlovesong1 · 8 months
Buffy Summers for the character ask. 😊
Send in a character and I'll answer the below questions
do I like them: Having recently watched the show, becoming a fan in the year 2023, I’m going to say, yes – but as with any character, there are moments where you roll your eyes or arch an eyebrow at the behavior exhibited – even by a favorite. But what I will say definitively is, I knew Buffy as an icon before I watched the show, and now, I know that the title was not given out lightly, but with the absolute of pure intentions.
5 good qualities:
In her friendships (for the most part/in general), she’s not afraid to be confrontational, have hard conversations.
I didn’t really know where to place this (good or bad), but I ended up placing it in the good pile…the space for judgment. I think that can be both good and bad…and with Buffy she tended to really see things as this or that in the beginning…and by season seven she’s in a much different place when it comes to this quality, in how it influences her decision making and how she interacts with certain characters…
Tied to the above is also the space for growth – both within herself and in her opinions of others – and I think that’s such an admirable quality to have –to open the space to accept change within ourselves and in others…or just about the world…about our lives.
As much strength as Buffy possessed, I like that she also had this incredibly goofy side – that not all her movements were graceful and that she was allowed the space on the show to be silly.
The girl had style – what can I say I love a 90’s look.
3 bad qualities:
I understand it comes with the job description, but Buffy doesn’t really understand the meaning of self-care…
This is one of those that isn’t necessarily bad because sometimes it was deserved, but Buffy did contain the capacity to really put characters down when she felt she was wronged by or she was frustrated by or whatever malice she had believed was their intention toward her – she wasn’t afraid to utilize her words for cruelty.  Again, sometimes it was deserved, but sometimes, I had to cringe.
Going back to the perils of the job (but let’s be honest it’s not the entirety to blame) is noticing her friend’s problems or emotional state…which I guess means she’s not very observant if the stakes *sorry for the word use* are high – but to me, your friends are a part of your life, maybe have a bit more emotional compassion/observance? (I also think her friends didn’t do a stellar job of this either at times so maybe it was a shared fault all around)
favourite episode/etc: There’s so many outstanding performances, but I’m going to be a bit nontraditional for this specific ask game…
1x01 – it’s not be the best, it’s not even my favorite - at all - but I always argue, if you don’t find something intriguing, one scene, one moment, with the main character within that first episode, you aren’t returning – so within that, with that idea in mind, I think it has to be listed as a favorite for Buffy’s character because otherwise, if there’s nothing intriguing within the framework of the show at the beginning, the story falls apart…and the viewer leaves.
Yes, there are iconic episodes through the series… all deserving of awards and recognition…but for the purposes of this ask…I’m going with that answer.
(also that exempts me from choosing a more iconic episode as a favorite because it’s impossible)
otp: Spuffy (Spike/Buffy)
I need an entire ask to explain why and this has already gotten lengthy, so I’ll leave it simply with the answer.
brotp: Her friendship with Willow…Buffy’s dynamic with Tara (I wish we had more of this on the show)…
And this isn’t really traditionally listed here, but it is a friendship-ish in a sense, and that’s Buffy and her mom…and while we are on the subject of parental figures…Buffy and Giles…even though sometimes it wasn’t seen in the best light at times during the show, for the most part, it was a caring loving supportive dynamic.
ot3: Especially in season seven, I think there was more to explore in the Faith/Spike/Buffy dynamic – I think if there had been another season or more episodes or opportunities in the television format to explore that, it would have been really interesting.
I do also really enjoy the scenes with Buffy/Spike/Dawn in the late season five era of the show…that shift post 5x18 is so special to me as a viewer and I really enjoy seeing the softness in those scenes.
notp: Riley/Buffy. I’m going to say this with the biggest caveat in that on the spectrum of quote safe or normal, he was the closest relationship that could have given her the stability she needed – but – that’s also not what Buffy wanted…and there’s a difference between maybe what’s good for us by definition and what we need, what actually compliments us as a human beyond the ideals or societal standards of good. *heavy sigh*
best quote: “…the hardest thing in this world... is to live in it. Be brave. Live….”
head canon:
Ok this is spuffy related (I can’t help it)
Buffy finds a tarnished silver ring in a thrift store amongst her travels post finale. She buys it and wears it on her right hand, every day, leaving it unpolished, leaving it on through every sunset, sunrise, midnight, and daydream until…
Until he returns to her with a diamond, and she wears it on the left.
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kakairu-rocks · 1 year
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We are excited to introduce our next shining star for the Creator Spotlight... My_Private_Tsukuyomi!
This is an activity where we reach out to one of the talented people in our community each month to find out all about them and their kakairu creations, and then show them off to the world!
We hope you enjoy learning about My_Private_Tsukuyomi & her creations as much as we did. Please give her some love ❤️  
Pronouns: She/Her
Type of Creator: Writer
Where to find her:
Discord: My Private Tsukuyomi
Read the exciting interview below the cut, or on the forum!
If you would like a chance to be in the spotlight too, the only thing you have to do is be a member of the kakairu rocks forum or follow us, and be a kakairu creator; and we will contact you, ourselves!
1. How long have you been creating KakaIru fanworks?
Since January 2023
2. What are you working on right now?
I’m working on a Modern Day AU KakaIru Sugar daddy/baby fic with a twist. Iruka is the high-powered CEO type with a huge philanthropic streak but is trying to battle a hostile takeover that includes a marriage/business merger. Kakashi is a disgraced, down on his luck veteran. Kakashi needs a job and Iruka needs someone on his arm in public to stave off the marriage pressure but also someone capable of protecting him at events. But what neither expected is that the lines between the job and real feelings would get blurred so quickly!
3. What is your favourite trope to create for?
Angst with a happy ending seems to be my specialty. Kakashi and Iruka suffer a little, but that just makes the final resolution all that much sweeter.
4. Which of your creations is your favourite, and why?
Right now I’d have to say one of my latest creations, The Road of Life. It uses scrapbooking as an opportunity for Iruka to travel down memory lane to look at a life well-lived and well-loved with Kakashi. I tagged it MCD but it isn’t permanent - I could never permanently separate these two!
5. Do you have any WIPs you’re excited about?
Surprisingly enough I’ve only got the one WIP right now, which I described above. I have some half-formed ideas, but I haven’t started anything else yet. I think I’m waiting to see what the next theme will be on the kakairu discord server. I love meeting those monthly challenges!
6. Do you have any original characters? If so, tell us about them!
My first fic featured an OC female ANBU badass named Minako. I created her before I turned to writing KakaIru, realizing how perfect Kakashi and Iruka are together - they are canon, just mostly off screen. But yet they connect enough on screen to convince me that they are meant to be.
7. What was your hardest piece to create, and why?
I think I’m having the most trouble with my WIP because it’s completely different from anything else I’ve written. Plus I want it to be a bigger, multi-chapter thing with real world-building. That’s always a challenge.
8. Do you have any favorite scenes from something you’ve created?
I do! One of my favorite scenes is from my first KakaIru fic Of Romance and Holidays. Kakashi takes a candy conversation heart that says ‘be mine’ and carves a little question mark and the letter K into it before leaving it for Iruka to find.
My other favorite scene is from The Road of Life, when Iruka and Kakashi meet for the first time after the Pain attack. Iruka tries to tell Kakashi he wasn’t worth Kakashi’s sacrifice, that he’s nothing. Kakashi interrupts and tells Iruka that he is, in fact, everything.
9. Where does your inspiration come from?
My inspiration comes from many places. I often dream in KakaIru, so sometimes those dreams become fics. I also draw inspiration from songs. Three of my fics are based on song lyrics. Finally, I draw inspiration from the wonderful folks on the KakaIru discord server Forbidden Scrolls of KakaIru. The prompts and challenges posted there are phenomenal.
10. Which of your creations is the most meaningful to you, and why?
I don’t think I could choose just one. All of my creations are a piece of me. It’s both delightful and terrifying to share that piece in my fics, and it is humbling that people actually read and enjoy them. Thank you to all of my readers. You, like Iruka to Kakashi, are everything.
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wetcatspellcaster · 3 months
I deeply apologize for the amount of spam I've just given you. While I'm here I have thoughts:
1. One of my literal writing inspirations doesn't think they're good at writing??????? What type of dark twist of faith is this????????? I literally think about your writing all the time it's so good. I reread it religiously and gain new knowledge. I recent reread the latest chapter of an honest lie and had my eyes opened further to the greatness that was that chapter. I am OFFENDED on your behalf.
Literally you're writing reminded me of my favorite book series of all time, the folk of air, and I was so delighted when I found out you've read it too. (Cardan and pieces!Astarion would think they are the same and shake hands, and then Cardan would be like "anyway so that's why I became a better person" and Astarion would start hissing. Also Jude would break Astarion in half. I'm sorry ik he's like Ascended or whatever but Jude would destroy his ass.)
I say it reminded me of it because you too have such a great upstanding of character, dialogue, and misdirection. Which doesn't mean you lie to the reader, but more that characters make assumptions with the facts given to them, and we as readers have to sort of take ourselves out of their head and view the facts objectively. If you listen blindly to Rose, you will be more blindsided and confused than of you think critically. Like, the idea that beta Astarion actually likes her is Very obvious even from the first chapter but it takes her a good while to really click that in her head because well from her pov it makes more sense that he hates her. GAHH ITS JUST???? UGH. UGH!!!!! ITS SO GOOD
2. I totally plan on book binding Pieces when it's finished. Probably party favors too. Like all of your writing is so good but pieces is so ambitious and it is so rewarding. Stories like this often struggle to reinvent themselves after revelations and the climax (or toward the end of the rising action), but Pieces has managed to keep its identity and change at the same time. While the story is not the same as it was when it started, I'm reading it for the same reasons. And this is doubly hard with dark romance. Dark romance is hard to write because a dynamic like that HAS to have a resolution, whether it be one party giving in or one party acting out. And often dark romances struggle to reach this esolution gracefully, but the direction pieces is going is so good. It's so intentional. I'm insane. YOURE INSANE.
3. I am LIVING for the ACU (astartion cinematic universe) like each story on it's own? Amazing. Lovely. The stories together??? Wretched. Painful. Delicious.
4. I'm happy things went well with your surgery!! Wishing you a speedy recovery.
5. Obligatory take your time with updates, there's no rush. The strong among us shall survive the winter and flourish in the springtime.
Oh God, this got long. Oops! Have a nice day!
hello lovely! thank you for the message, and the extensive tumblr blog peer review 😌😌😌😌 no one is ever going to complain about activity on their blog, we live under the Sway of Statistics :')
unfortunately, either I'm a cesspit of self esteem, or (equally likely) if you were to do a survey of all your favourite fic authors, around 8 out of 10 would express concerns/dissatisfaction with certain parts of their writing. we spend the longest time with our work so that even the things we're proud of become a little taken for gratned, we see all the things we executed different than we planned, and even if we're happy with the final draft the first draft Haunts Our Dreams. I am very happy with a lot of my fic and at this point in this unexpected "oh shit, people like me now" boom I can't exactly pretend it's not successful, but I can and will always see my areas for improvement! I always really love the moment after a project is done where I can go back to the fic and read it again with fresh eyes, and actually appreciate it for what it is! right now, I'm in the trenches lmao.
Though I think the final book fumbled it's execution (I was happy with the 'make each other worse' energy of books 1 and 2, trying to pretend Cardan wasn't a bully wasn't it for me, especially because by that time Jude was on his level), The Cruel Prince is one of my favourite series, so thank you for the comparison!
Book binding is and will always be fine with me, I am very jealous of those with The Skill and still reeling over the idea that anyone wants to do that work with my writing :)
Thank you for the compliment about the development of Pieces and the pacing! I don't read much Dark Romance, but I have noticed some issues in the manga/webtoons I read that seems similar to what you're describing. For me, I'm a big fan of the kind of heroine/villain pairing where everyone's thirsty but no one's moral compasses are budging even an inch, so the people involved have to just glare at each other with lust and hatred, and then go to the privacy of their own home for a morally correct, guilt-free wank lmao. That's the kind of dynamic the story has been serving the whole time, and what it means is that if you ever want them to finally get together, something seismic has to shift - hence the end of Act 2. Luckily for me, I feel like there's room for the kind of interpretation in the Ascendency ending that can give me the artistic license to make that change! It's my genuine hope that people feel sympathy for both Astarion's soul AND the Vampire Ascendent by the end... we'll see soon whether I hit those beats or not lmao.
Idk if I'll do the plot behind Pieces justice yet (I say, hyperventilating in my gdocs) but what I have is an outline I've kept since the beginning, and occasionally elaborated on (I realised a new plot point last night, very exciting times for me) but otherwise stuck to religiously. Some commenters and some wider canon revelations (e.g. the epilogue being released) have not changed it, I've deliberated over doing that in the past but ultimately decided I'd rather have an ending I've planned for from the beginning than swerve and change course halfway through and undermine the delivery! I am hoping, like you say, this will make the conclusion rewarding, because it's foreshadowed from about Chapter 2? It might not be the most perfect or even most original story as a result, but I'm hoping it feels like the groundwork has been laid, and that there's an equal mix of surprises and things people can see coming from the very beginning. It is, indeed, intentional, so that's a nice word to use to describe it, thank you! :)
The curse of concurrent WIPs is a joke I've played on myself. The fact that I had to write a Pieces scene that foreshadows but doesn't ruin the Act 3 conflicts of my canon-playthrough fic is so stupid, I have clowned myself specifically :'))))))
Thank you for the well wishes! Recovery is going well. Idk when updates will happen or with what speed I'll finish the fic, but the good news for readers is I'm autistic, hyperfixated, and an introvert 😌😌 as such, I tend to update things pretty regularly lmao
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madeofcc · 1 year
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Hello everyone and happy new year to all of you ♥
As a new year is starting I wanted to let you know a bit more about all the things I’ve planned for this year and also how my life could affect those plans. Feel free to read or skip this. But remember ...
Thanks a lot for being here and take very good care of you ♥
Blog update : As a new year is coming, I might change my theme but this is not my priority. You can see it above, those 3 stories are my main goal for this year ! As Another Side started last year, I really want to give you the entire story. The end of 2022 was quiet hard and I couldn’t work on it as much as I wanted to and you’re still here waiting for the next parts so I also feel like I have to end this story properly. This should take the first months (I think at least until february/march for sure) as the first part of the story is still not done and I’ve planned 4 parts for this ghost story. Are you enjoying it so far ? What do you think might happen ? Do you already have any favourites ? Don’t hesitate to tell me everything through asks and comments :)
After Another Side, we will finally get back to Destiny Harbour with the part I wrote the entire story around. Like, this 3rd act is the first one I wanted to developp but decided to include more background story first with DH1 and 2. So here comes the Britechester arc, which also is the end of teenagehood for our characters. This arc will be cut in two parts : a special musical episode called Melodia (I’ll tell you more about it on the next post) following by DH3 that will takes place 6 months after Melodia. This arc will be as light as very dark and will explore a lot of young adult theme such as : harassment, male toxicity, civil rights and the discovery of ourselves. All the characters will face some of the darkest issues of their lives and you will also know more about most of them (even the main ones like Leïla or Destiny). DH3 will also be a tribute to Wes Craven’s Nightmare on Elm Street and Scream, so if you’re a horror fan, this part should really be for you ♥
As Melodia and especially DH3 are pretty long (DH3 is the longest season so far with 12 episodes) it should take the entire year so are you ready ? If everything goes as planned, I can already tell you that 2024 will be focused on a new Another Side story, a DH LGBTQIA+ spinoff (that will take place several months after DH3) will start as well as DH4 if my life doesn’t get pretty impacted.
I guess that’s all for the blog update. I guess that now I have to be more intimate with you all and tell you more about the shitshow going on behing the making of sims stories ! Feel free to skip this part if personnal stuff isn’t your thing.
Personal update : So as most of you know, I lost my job in September and I’ve been struggling to find a new one since. What most of you don’t know though, is that I live with my ex for a bit more than a year know (after 6 years of relationship) and that has been affected both our lives. It’s not a nightmare, we’re both adults who also do our best to have a peacefull life, but it could be better (how many years would you live with your ex even though you’re friends? think about it) so we’re both kind of focused on moving on this situation.
As you can imagine, this has become a priority for me, especially since I got fired (it’s waaaaay harder to find a place when you don’t have a regular income - no I won’t do any patreon shit and will rather be homeless again than taking advantage of kind and poor people who want to help because they understand how it is while rich ones don’t give a single fuck anyway). So, between all these, life drama and death also came around lately so more stuff to deal with and guess what ... I’m still using a broke laptop on Windows 8 (which is kind of dying this year) so I’m facing some kind of issues with more and more software I used previously (no more Topaz Clean T_T / Good bye Gshade ...thank god Reshade still works) and I’m a bit scared it’s some kind of planned obsolescence that will ruin my computer and all my writting plans (it’s litterally one of my biggest fear. It’s the only computer I have and I won’t be able to buy a next one if it breaks for good U_U).
Thankfully, you’ve been around ♥ Seriously, I know I always thank everyone a lot and always say that you’re a strenght but you really are. 2022 has also been awesome because of you all and I will never thank you enough for all the support you’re giving by simply enjoying my content. I mainly post here to escape and also to practice my writting skills so it’s been a real joy and it always cheers me up a lot to see I actually have some readers who are interested about my stories or characters’ fate. You are also a true daily inspiration when I’m discovering my dash everyday like a kid in front of a new episode of their fav anime ! So, thank you for being awesome and being that creative my friend ♥
I wish you all the best for this new year. Let’s make 2023 an epic year of content ! It has already started on my dash ♥
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cactusplant2003 · 1 year
Body Positivity Representation
We can all agree our mind is a very powerful tool. Things we think of ourselves is sometimes out of our own control, we let ourselves be compared to others and such we often may look for validation from things that really don’t matter.
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What I find frustrating is how even in art body and beauty is criticised and when it’s considered “unrealistic” or “destructive” or “oversensual” or girls “internalise” a beauty standard I get fed up. Art never had to be realistic, we came so far from the whims of what art was for in history that Art isn’t about being realistic it’s about giving life, message and character to something you give value to.
We take that away from an artist artwork when we mix our own insecurities about ourselves that we often don’t realise that the very thing we strive for is way out of reach because we don’t see the damage in our own cause we strive for, in other words we are sometimes so restrictive to our own perspective we don’t see the other.
Some people who claim the beauty standard to be the issue are also the same people that tear naturally beautiful women to think less of their body as if it’s not any less destructive than the beauty standards they preach about.
Fixing one’s body to be more plus sized or realistic doesn’t count as body positivity and never was body positivity when you change the original body to fit your narrative of what you find to be realistic or “representative”.
Therefore the keyword “Intention” really helps to clear out the difference between people who really devote themselves to the message and people who only use it as a shield for their own personal gain.
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It’s funny to me aswell when people say a character with a big bust and an over exaggerated figure are somewhat contributing to beauty standards or the oversensuality of women in media when it actually isn’t and it’s actually offending in a way that to desexual a woman these days in media is to make their bust less prominent or even their hips and that is actually inverting a message of how girls with these types of features aren’t sensual (I’ve seen the Lola Bunny Fiasco unfold regarding this).
When I was a kid I loved miss Bellum, she was my absolute favourite, but never once have I thought to myself I wish I had her body or that I liked her just because of her body, in fact I admired her because she was brave, kind, independent and wise because most kids during this age don’t think about their body unless it’s brought up to them and kids often follow what their parents thought them and because I admired this character I was inspired to be like her not BE her but be a person like her.
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A grown woman simply being open with her sensuality like Rouge or Miss Bellum doesn’t mean that a character like that focuses purely on being sensual because oh she looks great but actually teaches girls to embrace their own sensuality and I don’t think a girl shouldn’t feel gorgeous or fabulous because someone tells her shes not, besides the issue here you addressing isn’t people wearing revealing clothes it’s the act of being suggestive that becomes a problem than the body.
Suggestive is the action not the outfit or body most of the times.
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In fact if we had more characters with different body sets who acted confident about their own body like these ladies here (for example Red Shoes) than I’d say more and more woman would be inspired and motivated than you feeling the need to change a body figure to a pretablished character to feel represented.
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aquafolie · 9 months
The thing is, sometimes it makes me kinda sad that the AI subject has become so tense that any mention of its use is met with negativity and cringe. To me, AI should be exciting as hell, it’s fascinating, it offers so many possibility when it’s used for personal entertainment !
I work in an animation studio and one group was organizing a DnD campaign. All but two people knew how to draw and talking about making art of their character while working on their character sheets. One of the two who doesn’t draw was saying sadly that they had to just find whatever art online that works best and go with that….then they joked about using mid journey and everyone piled on them about it! And while I understand the reaction of professional artists in the current situation….it makes me sad for that person. Like they were clearly so bummed being the only one not having an image for their character. I feel like that’s what AI should be about, entertain yourself, create things you wouldn’t otherwise be capable of for your own entertainment ! I draw but I can’t write for shit, chatGot can help me writes the dialogues I have in my head but struggle to write in the way I like. I used it to send a funny « Jane Austen Victorian style » hand written letter to my friend after they offered me a wax seal for my birthday, because I’m not a native speaker and I wanted some help. I’m thinking it could help me out writing big speeches of impressive character when I DM for my friends. I could use AI to generate inspiration when I draw, help me out with my backgrounds cause I suck at them. I love those little AI generated interior design that are super whimsical with like wall high bookshelves and round windows and i love seeing people online get excited about these concepts and sharing them between themselves. I love seeing my friend have fun with deepfake videos and putting themselves into scenes of their favourite film or tv show. Or those really funny prompt that one of my friend likes to put into mid journey to create absurd images that turn into memes in our group chats. I feel like that’s what it should be fun, entertaining, a little game we play with each other and for ourselves, like making a picdrew profile pic or playing on a character generator. I truly thinks AI can be a great tool for individual creativity.
Instead of that, greed driven companies have turned it into destroying jobs, stealing art, collecting face recognition data that raise concerns about security, etc. The mere idea of using these tools, even for non commercial purely personal reasons is met with disgust.
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disdaidal · 2 years
Grounded they say? Ok, here's a personal favourite of mine: Jason Dixon from Three Billboards outside Ebbing, Missouri.
From his Wiki:
"Dixon is incredibly inept, lazy, and incompetent. Despite wanting everyone around him to respect his authority, he has no qualms with abusing his position of power to do what he wants. He is also openly racist, yet expresses great disdain when people call him out on it.
By the end of the film, he has a change of heart after receiving a letter from his former police chief reinforcing his desire to become a detective, going as far to instigate a fight and get mercilessly beaten in order to obtain a DNA sample of someone suspected of murdering the daughter of a woman he despises."
I love this character, because he is engaging and incredibly well acted. The audience, however, is largely composed by adults, that understand complex morality issues and don't see or divide the world in black or white. Discussing this character is pleasant among fans. Not to mention depicting these characters is very important to fight racism in the first place. I can't stress this enough.
I hope antis will understand this while growing up. It's harmful dividing the world in good and bad people only.
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That's interesting. o.O This is literally my first time even hearing about this character/movie, but you've piqued my interest. Thank you for bringing this up, I'm going to add this movie to my watchlist!
"The audience, however, is largely composed by adults, that understand complex morality issues and don't see or divide the world in black or white" & "Not to mention depicting these characters is very important to fight racism in the first place"
Totally, absolutely agree. The world isn't black and white, people aren't black and white, the decisions we make aren't always black and white. We are far more complex than that as human beings and living creatures on this planet. We shouldn't be reduced to just 'good' and 'bad'. It's impossible for one thing because our brains don't actually work like that in real life - we make decisions based on what's best for us and for the people around us, and not all those decisions are good unfortunately. And it's just really redundant, condescending to even assume that we can be sorted into good and bad, just like the students are sorted into different houses in the Harry Potter series. We're all grey characters in our lives, more or less. We make mistakes, bad decisions, hurt people around us, sometimes even ourselves. All we can do is try to learn from them and do better next time. But learning and improving isn't easy or even possible, if we're not even given the chance to learn and improve ourselves in the first place.
Which is why representation is so important. We can't deal with difficult things or even begin to understand them if they're always hidden in plain sight. It's like telling someone 'this is bad' and when you're being questioned about it, you start calling them stupid and accuse them of bad things. It doesn't work that way. The only way people can truly start processing things, understand them and maybe even learn something from them, is when they actually have to face them.
It's not gonna be pretty, it's not gonna be sugarcoated for you and it may not even have a happy ending. But that's reality. You can't just go around asking for representation and then start screaming and kicking around when it's not the kind of representation that you asked for. Racism imo is one of these things. It's a difficult, touchy subject in our current society. But if we don't actually talk about it, like proper grownups, instead of like bickering children, or keep skipping around the subject, completely avoiding it. Then guess what? Things won't change, ever. Nothing's gonna change. Because we aren't actually dealing with it, not in a healthy kind of way at least. Fighting doesn't solve it, avoiding doesn't solve it either. We need to find a common ground and actually talk about it. Like grownups. Try to understand each other, where it's coming from and can we do anything to change it or at least improve it. It's wishful thinking maybe, too idealistic perhaps. But I truly believe in facing the difficult things instead of just denying or avoiding them.
But. From what I've seen so far, it's largely the younger Stranger Things fanbase that participates and actively encourages this kind of cancel culture thing. I haven't met a whole lot of older fans who actually care about fictional characters enough to debate over them, let alone get themselves into fights over them. Most people at 25+ have way bigger issues in their lives; it only makes sense.
In my 30+ years of life, I have never ever needed to defend myself this hard for liking any fictional character - not until I got into the Stranger Things/Billy Hargrove fandom almost two years ago. I didn't even have to block anyone before (besides bots), even though I've stanned literal mass murderers (fictional) and other very problematic characters (again fictional). I didn't have to go to the fandom/shipping tags ready to block new people every time, when I went looking for something entirely different (and much more pleasant) things there. Never, not even once, had I people coming at me and accusing me of racism, pedophilia etc. etc., like actual serious crimes, because I liked the wrong fictional characters/ships.
And now? It's almost my daily life on Tumblr. It's pointless and so ridiculous. :D Because we're not even talking about real people here anymore; we're talking fictional characters. It feels absurd, surreal even.
I don't understand how and why we've come to this, but it's gotten completely out of hand. I'm sure we all have bigger things in our lives to worry about, than some problematic fictional rat boys with a mullet and wearing dangle earrings. <3
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chartical · 1 year
Legally Blonde and How Fighting Amongst Women Never Goes Away
I recently watched Legally Blonde after seeing someone on Twitter praise Elle Woods for being an absolute icon, as well as showing how supportive her sorority sisters were by helping her study to get into Harvard Law. Legally Blonde was truly ahead of its time, subverting the blonde bimbo girl trope, and allowing women to be academically successful while still embracing their feminine side. For those who have never seen Legally Blonde, the protagonist, Elle Woods, studies hard to get into Harvard Law after her boyfriend, Warner, breaks up with her, because she believes that a graduate of Harvard Law is the type of girl Warner wants to be with. During her time in school, she takes on a case and has to prove the innocence of one of her sorority sisters, who has been accused of murder.
Legally Blonde is empowering: it subverts the idea that pretty girls are stupid and are unable to do anything aside from being someone’s trophy wife. In fact, it was Elle’s knowledge of beauty products and how perms work that allowed her to win the case at the very end of the film. Elle saying, “Any cosmo girl would know this.” only serves to empower women who like reading beauty tips and engaging in girlier or more feminine activities.
However, as much as I’d love to praise Legally Blonde and talk about my favourite moments in the film, it has also shed light on a concern I have.
See, much like every other movie, there’s a character who serves as a character foil to Elle, and in this case, it would be Vivian Kensington. Vivian is preppy, intelligent, and is not as girly or feminine as Elle. When compared to Elle, Vivian is not as (conventionally) pretty as Elle, and yet she was able to become Warner’s fiancée simply based on her smartness alone. Throughout the film, we see Elle get underestimated and shot down by everyone around her, with people telling her that she is already pretty, she does not have to work hard and can cruise by on her looks alone. The idea of someone being both pretty and smart was almost too much to comprehend, in most people’s minds. However, if Elle is the definition of pretty and smart, what does that do to the self-esteem of less conventionally attractive people like Vivian?
We’ve all heard the phrase, “I’m not like other girls”, and we have definitely seen that trope repeated time and time again, where less conventionally attractive girls are able to become successful in other areas, a common area would be in terms of intelligence. I’m no stranger to this concept– heck, I worshipped it when I was 13, thinking, “It’s okay, those girls are pretty for now, but I’ll be smart forever.” Then I proceeded to be severely devastated when those girls who I envied so much were also smart, because if I can’t win on the attractiveness scale, and those girls have proved that you can be both smart and pretty, then aren’t I losing in every aspect?
When thinking about this from a dating perspective, most girls tend to feel insecure if they are unable to secure a boyfriend, especially during their youth, because youth is sold to us as a time filled with whirlwind romances, and if we don’t experience that, then are we really living our best life? So, in a desperate attempt to snag a boyfriend for ourselves, we look at what we could possibly work on. If I’m someone who is not conventionally attractive, I have to work on my knowledge and humour, and use those aspects of myself to paint me as a desirable girlfriend. This leads to the stereotypical female characters we see in Netflix teen romance films– they are not popular, or conventionally pretty, but hey, they’re really witty and the guys are super intrigued by their lack of enthusiasm towards girly things!
By having representation of these witty girls on screen does motivate girls to study harder and work on their personality, and it validates them, telling them that it’s okay to not be conventionally pretty. However, it comes at the expense of making the pretty, popular girl seem like a rude bitch who only cares about her looks and is bad at studying. This leads to movies like Legally Blonde, where the protagonist is conventionally pretty and is also smart, but it also comes at the expense of the witty girls, who are now losing in every single aspect.
This isn’t to say that Legally Blonde is a bad film, or that it tears other women down just to boost some women. However, it is worth noting that Vivian is not exactly painted in the best light either. She comes off as snooty, scoffing at Elle, and constantly thinking that she is better than Elle because Elle is a pretty girl who is not exactly the brightest bulb. Of course, Vivian is characterised that way because it is part of Elle’s character development to subvert all those expectations, but Vivian also thinks it is Elle’s fault when their professor tries to make a move on Elle. This scene comes after Elle and Vivian bond over everyday sexism in the office, and it makes no sense that Vivian would pin the blame on Elle, especially after a conversation like that.
It is interesting to me that we can never have a good representation of different kinds of women in one space. One side must always be torn down in order to boost the other, and for what? For the average straight man to revel in the idea of women fighting over him? It is worth noting that Warner bought his way into Harvard Law, whilst Elle worked hard and got in through her grades alone. Both Elle and Vivian are way smarter than Warner, and yet the first half of the movie features the two women attempting to tear each other down. Vivian is arrogant, and Elle recalls the four hours her and Warner spent in a hot tub… What’s the point? Ultimately, none of them marries Warner, and the two girls become close friends, but the bitter taste that came with both women fighting and competing against each other just to be someone’s wife continues to linger.
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Day 5 May 7, 2022
Hello everyone! Hope you're keeping well and taking good care of yourselves.
Today I'm going to share my views on how art brings out our innermost emotions- how art brings out life in us.
Whenever we read a book that reflects our own unfulfilled/unexpressed desires (or even desires that have been repressed into the unconscious) or watch a movie where we relate to the main character or listen to a song where we find the lyrics relatable, we feel so wholesome; it's a surreal feeling, isn't it? Ever wondered why?
We human beings are born with a lot of talent, a lot of potential & aspirations inside of us. I firmly believe we're all born with the need to self-actualize, to become the best possible version of ourselves- where our real self and our ideal self converge; where we're exactly the way we wish to be. But we aren't always able to achieve the goals we set for ourselves and we aren't always given a positive feedback about the desires we carry inside ourselves. As a result, we tend to dismiss those aspects of our personality because being aware of them makes us feel at conflict with ourselves since it reminds us of what we could've done but didn't/couldn't. Or it might happen that we don't get the creative outlet to channel those emotions, and it might even happen that we aren't even aware of them; they lie in the unconscious.
For instance- a lot of people who aren't heterosexual, and identify themselves with a different sexual orientation sometimes try to dismiss the reality in spite of being aware of it because they aren't provided the safe space to let out what they feel, which is so sad. And so when they see a TV series/watch a movie/read a book where the main character is portrayed as identifying with a different sexual orientation, they feel safe. Rather, they feel heard. It's like, they literally picture themselves in the character's place.
Basically, we constantly strive to get approval for what we feel, and for what we carry inside our heart. Now when we see our own innermost desires or emotions being manifested in a piece of art or in any aspect of our surroundings, we feel like we're being understood. Because someone else feels the same way we do, and they're expressing it, they're putting it out which is something we couldn't do. As a result, when we come across such works of art, or such creations, some inner chord of our personality gets struck; it's like the reunion of 2 long-lost souls, who're so into each other that they're oblivious to whatever's going on in the world. In a lot of cases, these artforms are therapeutic even. I myself believe a lot of in art therapy and music therapy, and researches have established how they help in providing comfort, and improve our mental well-being. The respite I get while stroking those paintbrushes dripping with paint on the paper, while vibing to the beats of my favourite music, while grooving & dancing to my favourite song, it's magical, really. And for that matter, even while journalling and putting out my thoughts and emotions. (Yes, exactly what I'm doing right now xD )
Now just imagine if a piece of art can make us feel this way, how its creator will. Or in general, imagine when two people meet who share the same taste in poetry, music, films, and feel like they're being understood; 2 human beings looking at something from a similar perspective because of what they feel. In my opinion, it's simply beautiful.
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And that's why I adore artistes. Of all kinds. I love singers & all sorts of instrumentalists and musicians; I love dancers, no matter the dance form they practice; I love artists and painters; I love comedians and actors and people who're in theatre. I love filmmakers. I love photographers. Because they are experiencing emotions at a level much deeper than many of us do, they feel things just like us, but they choose to channelise it creatively to express it in the form of art and thus end up winning the audience's hearts. I respect them because a lot of times, it might happen that they don't feel the creative energy to necessarily be able to channel their creativity in an integrated manner, but they still do it. Artistes stir up emotions inside us which I find myself incapable of expressing in words. And in a way, both- the artiste and the audience complete each other; the artiste feels a sense of accomplishment at receiving praise and acclaim for their creation and the audience feels heard and understood. It's a dreamlike connection.
I'll end with a quote,
"The world is a complicated place, and there's a lot of division between people. The performing arts tend to unify people in a way nothing else does."
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That's it for today- thank you, and see you soon :)
With love,
a patron of the performing arts
(here are some songs really really close to my heart. They are just some of the many that make me feel a lot of emotions.. I have huge respect and admiration for these songs and the artistes. I can never thank these singers enough for giving me comfort and making me feel like I'm heard. 🤍)
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kamorth · 1 year
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I posted 7,191 times in 2022
60 posts created (1%)
7,131 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 564 of my posts in 2022
#@markaleb - 14 posts
#i mean - 4 posts
#as in - 3 posts
#yep - 3 posts
#also also - 3 posts
#also - 3 posts
#it always means something different - 2 posts
#so just the fact that you are aware that you chose this person - 2 posts
#because i kept embarrassing the boys in woodworking and metalworking - 2 posts
#i love how you can see how hard he's jazz-handing even though it's a still image - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#i think the rise of this kind of thinking is in part a combination of tl;dr internet culture and the rapidly increasing numbers of people
My Top Posts in 2022:
Okay to be clear I am getting nothing out of this, the seller doesn't know I'm making this post, this is purely me gushing about awesome customer service for an awesome product.
So when the fire happened (almost 2 years ago it does NOT feel that long) one of the things I lost was my collection of playing cards. I cried over these ones specifically. I backed the Kickstarter (technically my FiL bought them as a gift for me but it was all on my accounts) waaaaaaaaaaay back in the before times in the far distant good old days of 2014 and got two packs. I kept one sealed (for collector points or maybe in case the others got damaged lol) and opened the other and instantly fell in love with them. They are GORGEOUS and they feel AMAZING and they were hands down my favourite cards ever. I had them sitting on my desk next to my computer and I would sometimes shuffle them while waiting for things to load just because they felt that nice. I still reach for them sometimes.
About a year ago I set up an ebay search alert for them. I wanted them back and my only chance (I thought) was to grab them quickly if a fellow collector put them up for sale. No hits. Not even one. Fast forward to a few weeks ago and I thought fuck it, let's try a hail mary, can't be any worse than a "sorry they're gone", right? So I go and message the seller on the original KS campaign. They haven't had any campaigns recently so chances are it's a dead account, so okay maybe the best I can hope for is silence but I have to try.
15 minutes later I get a reply. "Sorry you went through that, I still have a few unsold packs though. Let me go put them up on Etsy". Half an hour after that I get another response which includes the above link along with "I'm just looking to have shipping costs covered, you don't have to pay for the cards".
Two packs just arrived in the mail and I'm crying. I thought they were gone. I feel like a complete idiot, crying over playing cards, but they represent something that feels like getting my life back finally.
If you like playing cards, nice art, or just generally gothy things, do everyone involved a favour and grab yourself a pack. They are SO worth it.
8 notes - Posted January 5, 2022
Getting more than a little bit sick of people not understanding even the slightest nuance.
Queer/Dyke/Fag/Homo have historically been and are still sometimes, often even, used as derogatory slurs. So have all the other words we use for ourselves.
Learn to read fucking context clues and STOP ATTACKING PEOPLE WHO ARE USING THOSE WORDS AS DESCRIPTORS FOR THE RELEVANT EXPERIENCES. All you do when you ONLY police people who are using those words as something other than a personal attack is HELPING THE BIGOTS WIN. You are doing the work of the enemy! BIGOTS ARE OUR ENEMIES, NOT PEOPLE WHO JUST WANT TO TALK ABOUT QUEER EXPERIENCES AS BEING QUEER.
I am SO over this bullshit.
Is the person you're having a go at using our words as a personal attack? Let's look at some examples:
"I'm taking Queer History this semester" - if you think there is a slur in this sentence you need a much stronger reading comprehension lesson than I'm about to give you.
"I hope someone fag-drags you you gross fucking dyke" - This statement in itself being said to an individual is legally a hate crime in many countries
"You're just a fucking queer fag go suck a cock" - I need more context because there is FUCKING NUANCE HERE AND INTENT MATTERS. I've said this to a grumpy gay friend who just needed to go get laid before and in that context it was loving advice (and his mood improved SO MUCH because I was right, as I often am), but I can see how it could be used in a derogatory way.
13 notes - Posted July 30, 2022
This reminds me of something
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Can't QUITE put my finger on what it is though
15 notes - Posted June 11, 2022
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101 notes - Posted February 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
My kid works at the lotto booth in a supermarket that happens to be a favourite of boomers and upper-middle class white people - the kind of people we've been seeing at anti-listening-to-doctors protests around here. He gets at least 3-4 people per shift going off at him for wearing a mask and I've been trying to convince him to quit for a while now. Last week some dude spat at him.
It's probably unrelated but we've both tested positive for covid in the last 72 hours. We're triple vaxxed. He seems to be getting off lucky, nothing more than a stuffy nose which is good. I, however, would like to die now please. I have a fever and have been shivering so hard I think I've pulled a muscle in my chest. I'm really hoping it doesn't get worse. Like I don't need a hospital but I'm really hoping it stays that way.
Also, someone in the house has a surgery booked on Friday and they've already taken 6 weeks off work for recovering. Fingers crossed for that person not testing positive.
If you're an antivaxxer, fuck you. This is absolutely your fault.
2,428 notes - Posted May 17, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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wolint · 28 days
Galatians 3:28-29
Racism is the opinion or judgment formed without rationale by a person or group, an unreasonable objection against anyone or anything, without just grounds, or before sufficient knowledge. With tech advancement in all walks of life, one would expect that the issue of racism would become a thing of the past, but sadly, this is not so, if all the recent and ongoing issues surrounding race are anything to go by. More than 100,000 racist hate crimes were recorded in England and Wales alone for the first time last year. Racism is a scourge to society and should never be tolerated because in God’s eyes, there is no worth associated with the colour of skin. We all live, breathe, exist, and are worth the blood of Jesus. Everybody across the globe is individually, lovingly created by God and all believers are also one body in Christ.
If God had made everyone and everything the same, life and the world would have been boring; that would be like a warehouse of robots made according to a specific prototype but expected to perform according to man’s expectations and standards.
Let’s not think that racism is a new disease in our generation or particular to a certain culture. Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against a person or people based on their racial or ethnic group, and skin colour, typically one that is a minority or marginalized, is as old as time. It is a deep-seated evil ravaging lives and society, everyone feels the effect of it, religious group, race, everyone is prone to the issues and effect of racism.
Most people will ask, “Is racism a sin?” Yes, it’s a sin. Genesis 1:27 teaches us that God created man in His image. All humans! Racism is a direct attack on God by failing to acknowledge the image of God in the person of another colour.
Scripture teaches us that hatred towards another is equivalent to murder. Hatred can be shown passively or actively. To have a lifestyle of habitual hatred towards others reveals that someone is not a new creation in Christ, see John 3:15-16. That does not mean that a Christian can’t struggle with racism in their heart. The seed of racism lies in the heart of all races. We must continually repent of those racist thoughts and tendencies and continually pray against a judgmental spirit, instead pray for a greater love for others.
John 4:4-9 records a real issue of racism. The Samaritans were seen as half-breeds and hated by the Jews in Jesus’s days but instead of feeding this woman’s issues of racism, Jesus had a life-changing conversation that changed the Samaritan woman’s mentality and life.
Racism is an attack on the inclusiveness of the gospel. Throughout Scripture, we see God’s heart on inclusion. God offers salvation to all. The gospel undoubtedly opposes all forms of racism and ethnic hatred, and favouritism is a sin because it’s contrary to God’s character. God wants us to spread the gospel to all nations. Let’s not overlook Revelation 7:9, that God’s plan for unity is vibrant and exciting: With the “fourfold formula of tribe, language, people, and nation, stressing the ethnic diversity of the people of God who will worship around the throne.” “All the nations you have made will come and worship before you, Lord” as declared in Psalm 86:9, reminding us that God saves people from every nation, tribe, and tongue. All people are incredibly precious to the Lord.
Let’s pray for the humility to consider others as more important than ourselves. When we esteem others better than ourselves something beautiful occurs. Christians will increase in love and unity with others regardless of race or ethnicity.
Regardless of background, gender or race, the presence of Christ in the lives of believers makes all one in him according to Galatians 3:26-29.
Racism, unfortunately, is a language so many understand and exhibit more than love, only it talks more about them than those they racially attack. Remember, God loves everyone, and we all belong to Him.
PRAYER: Lord, help me to celebrate the diversity of your creation and be united with all people without prejudice in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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kakairu-rocks · 1 year
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We are excited to introduce our next shining star for the Creator Spotlight... @ninja-arties​!
This is an activity where we reach out to one of the talented people in our community each month to find out all about them and their kakairu creations, and then show them off to the world!
We hope you enjoy learning about Nina & her creations as much as we did. Please give her some love ❤️  
Pronouns: She/Her
Type of Creator: Writer & Artist
Where to find her:
Read the exciting interview below the cut, or on the forum!
If you would like a chance to be in the spotlight too, the only thing you have to do is be a member of the kakairu rocks forum or follow us, and be a kakairu creator; and we will contact you, ourselves!
1. How long have you been creating KakaIru fanworks?
The first fic I ever posted was my fic ‘No More’ in July 2019. Back then I planned for it to be my first and last fic. I had been reading KakaIru fics for a while and felt really inspired. I wanted to write a fic for the sake of trying, and leave it with that. But then, what was 1 chapter originally, turned into 2, and then there was suddenly a sequel of 30k words + and more and more fics was created. (KakaIru just has that impact and was the pairing that got me into fanfiction in the first place.)
2. What are you working on right now?
Unfortunately there isn’t any KakaIru content I am actively working on at this present moment, but I do have a few ideas and WIP’s that I hope to finish one day. I would really like to finish my fic ‘Worth’, which unfortunately has been on hiatus for the longest time. It is about Iruka training to become Jonin to be able to take on the headmaster position due to requirements set by the council. Kakashi is hokage, but decides to train Iruka himself. But, it’s not easy as they have history and a lot of hurt feelings, and Iruka specifically has a hard time learning to trust Kakashi again.
3. What is your favourite trope to create for?
Ohh! I really love and adore the enemies to lovers trope. There is just something about stories with relationships built on misunderstandings or conflicts; which later develops into something more. I think I enjoy stories that emotionally invest the reader, because I feel like it has a stronger impact on the eventual happy ending! It is a love story where the character gets to see more sides to their love interest. It gets at least me very invested because I want to see how and why they eventually fall in love when circumstances for it weren’t really laid out for it in the first place!
4. Which of your creations is your favourite, and why?
Hmm… I think the one that I treasure the most must be ‘Broken Promise’, which is the sequel to my very first fic. It is the longest fic I’ve written and the one that made me continue to create KakaIru content. It is a fic built on lots of hurt feelings and misunderstandings. It is quite an emotional rollercoaster!
But if I have to say favorite fic, it must be the fic ‘The more you know’. It is KakaIru from Genma’s perspective, well… Before he figures it out at least :p
5. Do you have any WIPs you’re excited about?
There is one that I started working on a while ago, which is about KakaIru friends with benefits from Kakashi’s perspective. It is built on the trope of Misunderstandings with a happy ending, of course. They make a list of rules they have to follow in which one of them mentioned no feelings and emotional attachment allowed. It works for a while, until Kakashi starts to develop feelings and notices that Iruka is distancing himself. To save himself from further heartbreak, he wants to stop their arrangement, only it is easier said than done.
6. Do you have any original characters? If so, tell us about them!
I always wanted to build an original character for the Naruto universe, and I do have one that I planned for a fic that unfortunately got scrapped. But the character is an ANBU Captain, of what one will consider to be an ordinary ANBU team. But he is a descendant of two different clans. He didn’t inherit a Kekkei Genkai from either of the clans, but instead he has a Kekkei Genkai that is completely unique. However it is one that affects anyone he touches and could be fatal.
7. What was your hardest piece to create, and why?
I would say the hardest one to create was ‘Broken Promise’. It plays so much on emotions and it is the longest fic I have written to date, it was also my second ever fic to write, so I didn’t have a lot of writing experience. It has some moments that tears at your heart.
8. Do you have any favorite scenes from something you’ve created?
I think one of my favorite scenes is from the fic ‘This beating heart won’t rest’. The scene is Kakashi and Iruka meeting in the Hokage’s office to talk about the academy and the progress of the students. However, Kakashi is so busy daydreaming about Iruka he hardly pays attention, and Iruka notices. Kakashi ends up making a fool of himself, of course! :’ )
9. Where does your inspiration come from?
Well, firstly I found KakaIru fanfiction from just googling Naruto, and happened to see some art of Kakashi and Iruka. That brought me into the world of fanfiction and I never left! Some inspiration comes from reading other fics, be it KakaIru or other pairings, some comes from art (gosh! There is so much beautiful KakaIru art out there!), but mostly, these days from Naruto themed discord servers! There is so much fun in discussing pairings and ideas with fellow content creators!
10. Which of your creations is the most meaningful to you, and why?
The most meaningful… It’s hard to pinpoint, because my first fic is where it all started, but I think maybe the first KakaIru art piece I made brings me the most joy. It is simply Kakashi and Iruka standing next to each other, holding an arm around the other. They both look incredibly happy and content, and that is how I wish every ending to be for the both of them! Full of happiness and love!
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