#codes rpg
elementary-graph · 1 year
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Je vous propose ici un premier code pour signature en libre service. La signature doit être installée en iframe (les explications sont dans le lien du code) et les couleurs et les icons sont facilement modifiables. Vous pouvez voir un aperçu du code en direct juste ici. Le code et les explications se trouvent ici.  --> Pensez à liker, rebloguer et me suivre pour soutenir mon travail. --> N’enlevez pas les crédits. 
Propongo aquí un primer código para firmas en foros de rol. La firma debe estar instalada en iframe (las explicaciones están en el enlace del código) y los colores y íconos son fácilmente modificables. Pueden ver una vista previa del código en vivo aquí. El código y las explicaciones se pueden encontrar aquí. --> Recuerdan dar me gusta, rebloguear y seguirme para apoyar mi trabajo. --> No quitar los créditos.
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iceaxdfire · 2 years
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Je vous viens avec un code de liste des sujets en libre-service qui va avec la PA, les catégories, le QEEL et les formulaires déjà postés. Voici quelques informations et conditions à respecter:
● surtout n'oubliez pas de créditer. Si je vois que le crédit n’y est pas, je vais reporter le forum. ● La liste est codée en flex, et se redimensionne (normalement) à la largeur de votre forum. ● Vous avez besoin d’un accès à la feuille de css et les templates de votre forum. ● Si vous décidez d'utiliser le code, ça serait cool de liker ou rebloguer ce sujet.
Toute autre information importante ainsi que le tutoriel d'installation vous pouvez retrouver dans le lien explications. Si vous avez des questions n'hésitez pas à passer par le sujet de questions et si vous avez des suggestions vous pouvez passer par-ci.
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ink-ghoul · 7 days
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✨ *Turns your indie rpg protagonist into a cubito*
Download >> [Skin] [Custom Hat]
[ Rotating model under cut ]
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prokopetz · 4 months
Code Green
A game for 3–7 players, about being where you're not supposed to be.
Last night, you were suspended in a tube of brightly coloured goo in an underground research facility, operated by an organisation whose three-letter initialism's meaning is strictly need-to-know. This morning, someone noticed your tube was empty. Nobody has determined how that happened yet, and you're not inclined to stick around until they figure it out!
Or, in other words, it's been nearly a whole week since I got that massive revision to Space Gerbils out the door, and apparently my brain has decided that's enough of a break. This thing was written start to finish in under 12 hours, so let the circumstances of its authorship guide your expectations. Special thanks go once again to Caro Asercion, whose micro-RPG Dwindle introduced me to the design space I'm fucking around with here. Go buy their stuff.
What You'll Need
Code Green is a tabletop RPG for one game moderator (GM) and up to six players. Each player will need a copy of the Profile Grid, below, as well as three tokens of some sort: dice, coins, beads, etc. You'll also need at least five six-sided dice (for the whole group, not per player, though it's fine if each player has their own set). If you're using dice for tokens, it's recommended that the dice you plan to roll be visually distinguishable in case they land on someone's Profile Grid.
Rolling Dice
There are two ways you'll be asked to roll dice in this game: rolling d66, and rolling a dice pool.
To roll d66, roll a six-side die twice, reading the first roll as the "tens" place and the second roll as the "ones" place, yielding a number in the range from 11 to 66. For example, if you rolled a 3 and then a 5, your result is 35. You may also be asked to flip a d66 roll; to do this, take your result and swap the digits without re-rolling. In the preceding example, if you flipped your roll of 35, your new result would be 53.
To roll a dice pool, pick up the indicated number of six-side dice, roll them, and take the highest individual result. Duplicates have no special significance. For example, if you rolled a pool of three dice and got a 2, a 4, and a 4, your result would be 4. If you would ever roll a pool of zero or fewer dice, roll two dice and take the lowest instead.
Character Creation
Each player should create their own character. There are three things about your character which are always true:
You are newly born into the world. You may know things about the world (e.g., from your programming, having read them on a computer terminal, etc.), but you haven't experienced them.
You are implausibly good at remaining inconspicuous; unless you're deliberately drawing attention or doing something which requires a dice roll, humans will almost always fail to spot you.
You are not human. You can decide what that means.
To find out what else is true about your character, roll or choose three times from the Form table, and three times from the Function table, placing your results into the correspondingly labelled slots on the Profile Grid, below, in any order you please. Your three results from each table should be different; if you elected to roll and get the same entry multiple times, flip your result, and re-roll if it's still a duplicate.
Think about what your three Form traits and three Function traits imply about your character's physical makeup, but don't set anything in stone just yet – you'll see why not in a moment.
Finally, roll a six-sided die five times, and record the results in the order in which they're received. The resulting five-digit number is the only name your character has when play begins.
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Table 1: Form (d66)
11–12. Blood 13–14. Bones 15–16. Brain 21–22. Claws 23–24. Ears 25–26. Eyes 31–32. Guts 33–34. Hands 35–36. Heart 41–42. Hair 43–44. Legs 45–46. Lungs 51–52. Nose 53–54. Skin 55–56. Tail 61–62. Teeth 63–64. Tongue 65–66. Wings
Table 2: Function (d66)
11–12. Accelerated 13–14. Autonomous 15–16. Auxiliary 21–22. Cryogenic 23–24. Cryptic 25–26. Elastic 31–32. Electric 33–34. Entropic 35–36. Invasive 41–42. Invulnerable 43–44. Kinetic 45–46. Magnetic 51–52. Phasing 53–54. Polymorphic 55–56. Projectile 61–62. Pyrogenic 63–64. Telescopic 65–66. Toxic
Playing the Game
Play proceeds in a series of scenes. In each scene, the GM will set the stage: a challenge to overcome, a peril to escape, a mystery to investigate, etc. Given the nature of your characters, most things will be mysteries to you!
Initial Token Placement
Once the stage has been set, place each of your three tokens on a different square on your Profile Grid. If you have no preference, you can roll d66 for each token and place it in the square whose marked numeric range contains the number you rolled, flipping or re-rolling your result if you get a square which already contains a token. The placement of these tokens represents your initial state when the scene opens. Depending on the nature of your character, this may be reflected by a shifting of internal focus, or by a physical transformation.
To participate in the scene, simply tell the GM what your character does; the GM will describe how the world responds, and ask what you do next. Whenever you wish – or are forced – to do something more than lurk and observe, you are obliged to make a test.
Making Tests
To make a test, first choose a pair of traits – one Form trait, and one Function trait – with which to face the challenge. For example, if your Form traits are Legs, Tail and Teeth, and your Function traits are Cryptic, Invulnerable and Phasing, you might test your Invulnerable Legs against the trouble at hand.
Next, count the number of tokens present in the rows extending from each of the chosen traits. The illustration below shows which squares would be consulted in the preceding example:
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Next, roll a dice pool containing a number of dice equal to the number of tokens present on squares extending from the chosen traits. Do not count a token twice if it's on the square where the two traits intersect (e.g., the green square in the illustration above). In the event that no tokens fall on squares extending from appropriate traits, remember that you are allowed to roll a pool of zero dice by rolling two dice and taking the lowest rather than the highest.
Finally, compare your result to the following table:
1–3. Less than human. Whatever you'd intended to try still happens, but it cannot overcome human opposition (or adversity which would challenge a typical human), and any lasting effects are transitory and easily explained away. 4–5. Mostly human. Your effort can contend with human opposition (or circumstances which would challenge a competent human), and its lasting effects make it obvious that someone (or something) has been interfering with matters. 6. More than human. Your effort easily brushes aside any human opposition, and its lasting effects are impossible to rationalise as anything other than the intervention of inhuman forces.
Without Applicable Traits
In the event that you're forced to make a test and no possible pairing of your traits is applicable, you don't get to roll anything, not even with a pool of zero dice; simply resolve the outcome as though you'd rolled a result of 1–3. Other characters may attempt to preserve you from this fate by assisting you, in which case you roll one die per assisting friend; see below for more details.
If you wish to assist another character in making a test, consult your own Profile Grid, considering only those squares which contain tokens. Only the specific pairs of traits represented by the squares on which your tokens fall are eligible for assistance; for example, if one of your tokens falls on the intersection of Cryptic and Teeth, you may assist with Cryptic Teeth, but not any other pair of traits involving Cryptic or Teeth unless those squares also have tokens on them.
If you're able to identify an eligible pair of traits that seems applicable to the test at hand, explain how you're using it to help, and hand the player making the test one extra die. Any number of characters may assist on a given test.
Providing assistance neither requires nor permits your character to adapt (see below) – it needs to be your own test for that!
After resolving a test, your character adapts, shifting focus or form to reflect what they've learned. Take one token of your choice from your character sheet, and move it to a different square which doesn't already contain one. You can move any token you wish, but it must end up on a different square than the one it started on unless no valid destinations are available. Adapting is not optional, and must be carried out after every test.
Suffering Strain
If whatever you're making a test against is particularly strenuous or dangerous, you might suffer strain as a consequence. Strain will often be incurred on a result of 1–3, and rarely on a result of 4–5; only the most foolhardy efforts will incur strain even on a result of 6!
To incur strain, roll d66, and place a small X on the square on your Profile Grid whose indicated numeric range contains the number you rolled. If there's a token on that square, immediately move it to an empty square of your choice, unless fewer than three unmarked squares now remain; in that case, simply remove the token entirely.
For the remainder of the scene, tokens may not be moved to any marked square. In addition, if you suffer further strain, and the square indicated by your d66 roll is already marked, your character is incapacitated, and may not participate in tests at all until they recover.
All strain is cleared – and any discarded tokens restored – at the end of each scene. Incapacitated characters also recover at this time.
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makenna-made-this · 8 months
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8Bit leghorn coming for your toes now with 100% more head flopper action
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icecore17 · 5 months
Pov: ur bestie is performing a ritual on ya.
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maywemeetotherrph · 14 days
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Code 01. TTPD Post de rol
Bueno, pues inauguro esto con un código para post de rol, y cómo no, inspirado en mi nueva obsesión que se ha convertido este álbum.
Tanto el color de fondo, como la letra principal del post se adaptan al color y tipo predefinido por el foro (ya que estas no están definidas por el propio código).
El color de acento se puede cambiar en la variable --ttpdaccent.
La imagen es de 100x100px.
No quitar los créditos.
Prohibido copiar/redistribuir o reclamar como propio. Se puede usar como guía o base para otro código, siempre y cuando se respeten los créditos.
Like/reblog si vas a utilizarlo.
Espero que os guste 💕
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awonaa · 9 months
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SIGNATURE N°7 (code)
crédit : awona
Tout est adaptable et modifiable à votre guise, have fun. ♡ ​Veillez à me créditer, ainsi que lae createurice des images utilisées. Si vous avez une question ou rencontrez un problème, vous pouvez me contacter par mp ou par ask !​​
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elirosecodes · 3 months
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Comenzó siendo solo un experimento sin nada concreto en mente, y me terminó gustando mucho al final.
Favor no quitar los créditos ni usar la tablilla como base.
Iconos por Capuccicons
Aquí solo se modifican dos imagenes en style.
Se modifican dos tonos principales en style.
Feliz San Valentín a todos. Corazoncito coreano y corazoncito occidental ♥
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anim-ttrpgs · 20 days
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Promotional art by team artist @chaospyromancy
Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy is a neo-noir investigation-focused RPG with (as you can probably guess from the title) a supernatural twist. Eureka fills several voids we have noticed in the TTRPG space. Eureka supports investigation to a degree we haven’t seen before, ensuring that searching for clues is a granular and player-driven process, but also ensuring that the whole story doesn’t grind to a halt after one single failed investigation check.
Though most PCs will be mundane humans—or perhaps because most PCs will be mundane humans—Eureka also supports playing monstrous PCs, such as a vampire, in a way we have never seen before. This isn’t just a watered-down stat bonus, it’s like playing an almost entirely different game, with all the monster’s strengths and weaknesses to account for while solving the mystery, plus the added incentive to keep it a secret from the other PCs as well as their players.
If you like or are interested in Call of Cthulhu, Monster of the Week, Dresden Files, X-Files, Kolchak: The Night Stalker, Apocalypse Keys, or Gumshoe, you’ll probably find something in Eureka to really enjoy.
Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy is kickstarting from right now until May 10th! Back it while you still can!
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If you want to try before you buy, you can download a free demo of the prerelease version from our website or our itch.io page!
If you’re interested in a more updated and improved version of Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy than the free demo you got from our website, subscribe to our Patreon where we frequently roll our new updates for the prerelease version!
You can also support us on Ko-fi, or by checking out our merchandise!
Join our TTRPG Book Club At the time of writng this, Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy is the current game being played in the book club, and anyone who wants to participate in discussion, but can’t afford to make a contribution, will be given the most updated prerelease version for free! Plus it’s just a great place to discuss and play new TTRPGs you might not be able to otherwise!
We hope to see you there, and that you will help our dreams come true and launch our careers as indie TTRPG developers with a bang by getting us to our base goal and blowing those stretch goals out of the water, and fight back against WotC's monopoly on the entire hobby. Wish us luck.
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vintagerpg · 6 months
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The Forgotten Realms is full of powerful NPCs. This is sort of a function of history: lots of characters from Greenwood’s homebrew campaign have been immortalized in the setting. Others come from the bazillion novels. But when it comes down to it, it makes sense that a world so full of nations and organizations would need important people with hands the various tillers to steer.
The Code of the Harpers (1993) is Ed Greenwood’s rundown of one such organization, the semi-secret Harpers, who generally uplift the downtrodden and foil the schemes of villains and monsters when they encounter them. As rich and varied as the Realms are, it sometimes seems like everyone in it is either a Harper, a member of the Zhentarim network (essentially the evil opposite of the Harpers) or a drow. This book is a pretty exhaustive detailing of important Harpers (and because they are everywhere, it also doubles as a general lorebook and gazetteer). There’s like millions of them, and they can all kick you PC’s butts.
I love the idea of a good secret society — its almost always the villains plotting in the shadows — but the Harpers seem a little too omnipresent. They also…aren’t very cool. I think Greenwood is going for something like Strider — a guy people are careful around, who might be a bad guy, but it really a good guy. In practice, though, the Harpers…are good guys. They smile a lot. They seem pretty confident. There doesn’t seem to be much of a cost for their goodliness. The fact that nearly everyone in the book seems to be having such a good time is enough for me to root for the baddies, honestly.
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jcqlnsart · 6 months
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Finished my first playthrough of Baldur's Gate 3! Romanced Gale so I had to draw him + my Tav (named Plum).
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bonus sketch:
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iceaxdfire · 2 years
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Je vous viens avec un code de formulaires en libre-service qui va avec la PA ainsi que les catégories et le QEEL déjà postées. Voici quelques informations et conditions à respecter:
● surtout n'oubliez pas de créditer. Si je vois que le crédit n’y est plus, je vais reporter le forum. ● Les formulaires sont codés en flex, et se redimensionnent (normalement) à la largeur de votre forum.  ● Vous avez besoin d’un accès à la feuille de css. ● Si vous décidez d'utiliser le code, ça serait cool de liker ou rebloguer ce sujet.
Toute autre information importante ainsi que le tutoriel d'installation vous pouvez retrouver dans le lien explications. Si vous avez des questions n'hésitez pas à passer par le sujet de questions et si vous avez des suggestions vous pouvez passer par-ci.
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bear-boi-5 · 5 months
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Just some silly art I drew of Mallow and Geno
Tbh, I don't know a whole lot about Geno since I only just started the game, I've just picked up things here and there from the Smash Bros community and comic dubs from Gabaleth. So, take this Geno as my interpretation of him. An AU if you will.
Geno is a 1000 year old wish guardian who doesn't know much about the current day because he's always up in the stars. He's like a 40 year old dad who doesn't know what a meme is but listens anyways and makes terrible jokes. He's quite tired but pushes it aside when he's around Mallow. They have a Father-son dynamic since his adopted Grandfather is a crazy old frog and his real dad wasn't in his life for 90% of it, neither of his parents were.
Mallow is an emotionally distraught teen (don't really know his age soooo) who tries his best to make others happy, to really no eval. He often tries to cover this up leading to him bottling emotions and making him rather sensitive in tough situations. Since he can, yk, control the weather through his emotions, he tries to stay positive so he doesn't accidentally cause a major flood.
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magebane · 1 year
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made a clickable directory of spell trees from darpg becos all i could find were images with no descriptions. idk if anyone might need these other than me but here they are (unfortunately only available in pdf (plaintext) and html (clunky interactive) formats because the site i made these with doesnt allow never-expiring links)
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sysig · 13 days
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Time Loops are they/them culture (Patreon)
Bonus of my little guy in ISaT style:
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#Doodles#Pixel art#ISaT#Siffrin#Loop#And then I still don't have even a code name for smol and my time loop concept lol#I'm sure you can imagine my excitement upon seeing a time loop RPG <3#Not to be silly but the thought of either of us picking up the wavelength and running with it is fun to me haha ♪#I...may or may not have developed brainworms about it it's fine lol#Good characters! Good story! I'm always a sucker for a tragedy with bright spots <3 It's hard to even call the ending bittersweet tho hehe#It's very sweet! Like sugar :) Hehe#Shock of shocks I - person who has done this how many times now - liked the dynamic between Sif and Loop best haha#Is it spoilers if it requires past knowledge of my faves hmmm inconclusive lol#These were just introduction doodles - not even Getting Used To doodles yet a step before that!#Fun designs :D I like Sif's hair a lot <3 The way it's two-tone because he likes black! Adorable! And cowlicks hehehe#And eyepatch hehehe Sif's design is so fun ♪#What no my time loop shop keep lad having a hat like that has no bearing! I'm completely unbiased! Lol#For the pixel art I did directly just use Siffrin's hat in shape haha I just added the belt and buckle ouò#Man it's been too long since I've played with pixel art it's still so fun <3#Someday I'll get Aseprite. Someday#In the meanwhile it was fun to make their colour palette :D#I love that ISaT is in black and white canonically as well I think it's really cool ♪#Me when monochrome red 💕💖😭🤌💗#It is simply The Best colour palette out there I'm sorry others need not apply#Again my pencils and blood pen surely give away none of my biases because I don't have any lol#Hrmng I want SASASAP too pixel art cool - the glow up in ISaT is only strengthened by looking at the original closely!#Ah well I'll just admire at a distance until then <3
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