#critical thinking skills?
icallhimjoey · 2 months
I love how absolutely certain you are about what Joe’s up to. Whenever something’s going on, all I need to do is swing by your blog and it’s all there! To me, you’re such a trustworthy resource, I love it. Saves me a hell lot of time. 💋
????? babe im just guessing!!!
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dooldebob · 1 month
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some of your goofy asses for the past 20 years
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rusted-phone-calls · 1 year
of COURSE there are 2math lessons tmr
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redysetdare · 2 months
All this aroace character shipcourse has proven to me that a majority of people that interact in fandom cannot actually interact with characters and media outside of shipping and genuinely I believe you need to learn how to interact with media outside of shipping.
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Hot take: I actually think men and women are meant to work together and complement each other and not like,,, dislike each other and be divisive.
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maomango-doodle · 6 months
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"And I hope you die, I hope we both die."
(Lyrics : No children by The Mountain Goats)
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spitinsideme · 26 days
how to attract your serial killer lesboan crush (by ragatha, of course)
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(comedy horror au !!)
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There was never going to be any form of Jewish self defense that the world would deem acceptable, and there was never going to be any act of anti-Jewish terrorism that the world would deem unacceptable.
There is nothing Israel could ever do to defend itself that wouldn’t be accused of going too far, of being “way beyond self defense.” There is no method of Israeli self defense that wouldn’t be maligned as “genocide.”
Inversely, there is no atrocity that could ever be committed against Jews that wouldn’t be denied/excused/justified. There is no level of violence against Jews, however gruesome, however blatant in its goal of genocide and targeting innocents, however many children and babies are burned alive and kidnapped, that wouldn’t be justified as “resistance,” as something that the Jews must have provoked, as the very least that Jews deserve, as something that the terrorists were driven to and couldn’t possibly be expected not to do.
No act of violence against Jews was ever not going to be called “resistance,” and no response from Israel was ever not going to be called a “genocide.”
The only Jewish country in the world was never not going to be maligned as the worst country in the world.
For fuck’s sake, use some critical thinking skills.
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jasontoddsguns · 6 months
The Joker isn’t insane, he just really fucking sucks.
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the-catboy-minyan · 3 months
so many "pro palestine" ppl believe Israel should die and so many "zionist" ppl believe Palestine should live, stop pretending the world is black and white.
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miimeeks · 6 months
something i find worrying is that antis that are minors will call people pedos but will continue interacting and trying to harass them. like. kids if you genuinely think someone is a pedophile you should not be involving yourself with them. unless. maybe . you don't actually think that 🤔 and are just using whatever word makes someone a "bad" person
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starhoodies · 1 year
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kingdom shopping carts i dunno man
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Remember when Baby Boomers and Gen X sparked that whole violent video game debate and everyone sane collectively rejected it?
Like we all agreed that the cause of violent and criminal behavior is usually not one thing, but many different factors, and that enjoying video games that have violence in them doesn't inherently lead to violent behavior... Right?
You guys also realize this applies to more than just video games... Right?
Please tell me you do.
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jbmar · 22 days
twitter is crazy because somebody like sunday can say plain as day “i hate the idea of ‘survival of the fittest’ because i view myself as weak and understand how other fellow weak people feel, so i want to make a paradise where the weak and strong are equal and everybody can be protected under my watchful gaze” with very clear connotations towards catholicism/orthodoxy, the sacrifice of christ, and ‘the ones who walk away from omelas’ by ursula le guin (a story about a perfect utopian world that only remains such at the expense of a small child below the surface that is left alone to suffer) and be equated to that of a fascist ableist in support of real world eugenics that wants to kill minorities to create a perfect paradise.
tldr; learn to read before you make your ‘informative threads.’
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Also idk what parent needs to hear this but with the curriculum changing to reflect bigotry, you'll have to pickup the slack at home.
Not knowing your history and awful education leads to entire countries of people that dont know what communism actually is, never learned about organized workers movements (despite capitalism being the system), and can't recognize fascism when it's staring them in the face.
It's not a coincidence bigots are densely populated in areas with awful education systems. And it's not a coincidence they don't even see it as bigotry.
My kid is 9. She knows about police brutality, classism, and racism and why we fight it. She had to. She's brown kid, poor, and ADHD; naive by nature for the moment and I don't want her being taken advantage of or exploited. It's why she knows about boundaries, saying "no", and listening to herself.
This year during PRIDE she'll learn about stonewall and why we're still fighting for that too. She's old enough to tag along and participate with more understanding so she will. She's learned about bodily autonomy and women's rights as well. And she's learned about having a healthy relationship with nature; to respect the critters, plants, water, and climate.
Protest and fighting and standing up for yourself and your rights and being a good ally are all family values in my house. And if the school won't teach that to her then it's on me, just like it's on all of us.
And no, she doesn't know or understand enough to have a whole debate but she's 9. There's still so much time to teach her more. But she understands the basics and for kids, it really doesn't need to be more complicated than that because she's just interacting with other kids.
I taught her about police & homophobia in 2020 as soon as I got her back from her homophobic dad. She was 6.
It was as easy as "But I'm a gay people too & when you say theyre gross that hurts my feelings. Do you have to think what your dad thinks?"
Giving her the freedom to make that choice herself, to disagree, and grow out of it and end that association with "gross" was the best thing I could've done for her. Cuz guess who told me she might like boys and girls 3 years later?
Those many tiny talks over time could've saved her from decades of shame induced trauma.
Our kids deserve everything. And they deserve better. We must teach them that and we need to teach them to fight for it. Teach them what to fight against.
They aren't too young. Give them more credit. "Think of the children" by educating yours.
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