#dad ian malcolm
Father Malcolm
Summary: The OC, Jane, is Ian Malcolm's adopted daughter, like Kelly, and is being bullied. Her dad's angry and kind of (clearly) flips out a little.
Third Person POV
Ian Malcolm used to only have one kid: a cute little Black girl named Kelly. Now, he had two: Kelly and Jane, a small Irish girl maybe a year or two older than Kelly, who was now 16. The reason Ian adopted her was because he used to know her great-grandfather, John Hammond, and hated to see that when he'd died, she'd go into the system. He adopted her right away, knowing John wouldn't want his great-granddaughter at risk in the system. Ian loved her, very much, and he wanted nothing more than to wrap her in Bubble Wrap and keep her from the world forever, just like Kelly.
The day his daughter told him a boy hit her, he flipped. Bad. I mean, Ian was all about protecting kids, the innocents who needed it, if he could help. But a boy? Putting hands on his daughter? The kid was as good as dead. Jane was severely upset, and she told him, "I didn't even do anything, he just doesn't like me!" "Ignore that, for now," Ian said, feeling the rage building in his blood like a pot on boil. he desperately wanted to find this kid and beat him, but he couldn't, because...well, because he as a minor, for one, and two, he didn't think going to jail would be very helpful right now. "Come here." He led her to the garage, where her old drum set was. "I've heard you practicing, can you play me something?" He asked, and jane nodded, smiling shyly. She took a seat and picked up the sticks. "Any requests?" She asked in her soft voice. "Something badass," Ian smirked.
She smiled, turning to a small digital laptop and pulling up a music loader, selecting a song. The tones of "Iron Man" by Black Sabbath began to play, and she started to go to town. She did amazing, Ian was proud of her. "good choice," He grinned when she was done. "Listen to me, Jane." He said when they got back inside. His daughter turned her bright green eyes on him. "Don't you ever let a boy hit you, okay? If he hits you again, you have my permission to kick his ass." She giggled, and he continued, "I want you to tell me something. Did he say anything to you?" "That you and Uncle Alan and Aunt Ellie didn't love me anymore, that's why I don't have a real family." I'm gonna fucking kill this little shit, Ian swore in his mind. Gritting his teeth, he said sharply, "Well, we do. And that is never going to change, got that?" She smiled, looking a little sleepy. "Yes, dad. I do." "Good." He kissed her forehead. "Go take a nap or something, you look tired." She mock-saluted him. "You're the doctor." Then she smirked slyly. "I mean, you're the chaotician." "Go!" He playfully shouted, and she laughed, running to her room and shutting the door. I'm going to protect her, I swear to God. I will give my life for you, Jane Malcolm, He told himself. And he would.
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mariocki · 1 month
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Pathfinders to Mars (ABC, 1960 - 1961)
"You know, Henderson, the progress of true science depends not only on the cold, calculating types, but also on the adventurers and dreamers. There's a place for all of us under the sun."
"Yes... as long as we don't get too close to it."
#pathfinders to mars#abc#children's television#classic tv#1960#guy verney#malcolm hulke#eric paice#gerald flood#pamela barney#george coulouris#stewart guidotti#hester cameron#hugh evans#astor sklair#peter williams#bernard horsfall#maurice durant#lisa peake#ian sadler#the pathfinders serials seem to have been in production nearly back to back‚ with very little gap between transmission#but that didn't mean there weren't further shakeups between Space and Mars; the two younger children were written out (the hamster remains#don't worry)‚ replaced by the niece of Flood's character tagging along; Peter Williams patronly father figure also disappears after a brief#appearance in the first ep‚ leaving Flood's genial sciencey everyman to take the lead focus. the most notable introduction is surely#the legendary George Coulouris (a former member of Welles' Mercury Theatre) as a slightly loony alien life truther who bluffs his way onto#the voyage; bf was present for me watching this with my dad and he DETESTED this new character‚ a perpetually suspicious and treacherous#hindrance to every one else whose stupid schemes and mischief routinely put eveyone in mortal danger. i get it... but then he's kind of fun#too‚ for all his ridiculousness... ymmv of course. the Coulouris character is perhaps the closest parallel we can see with Doctor Who‚#bearing more than a little similarity to the original Hartnell characterisation (by which i mean the very very original‚ in the first few#serials; purposefully mysterious‚ even antagonistic‚ often at odds with his fellow travellers but with a bond with a young girl among them)
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Dan and Phil: they raised me
Ian Malcolm: You don’t actually see him w his kids onscreen but he mentions them and clearly loves them—his first concern is for the kids when the park breaks down and he gives Allan the nudge to start looking after them (and going on his own dad journey)
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theknightofivanhoe · 2 years
Alan Grant: Right, guys, we’re in a pretty tight spot, but it shouldn’t be too long til Claire and Ellie realise we’re missing and come to our rescue. So in the meantime I think we should keep our spirits up with a little song. Now what shall we sing?
Owen: I can give you one, Dr Grant; *It was Christmas day at the workhouse, and all the candles were lit, and - 
Grant: No, no, no, I want something we can do actions to.
Owen: You can do actions to that!
Grant: No, not *those* sort!
Maisie: Dr Grant, we could always do one of those songs we sing around the campfire when toasting marshmallows.
Grant: Yes, that’s a very good idea, Maisie. I know, why don’t we use something by The Dubliners and sing, ‘Molly Malone?’ Ian Malcolm will do the cheerful actions and then we’ll follow.
Kayla: If Ian Malcolm’s going to be doing cheerful actions, I just assume we’re miserable.
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denaliwrites · 6 months
The Future Ex Mrs. Malcolm
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Ian Malcolm x Fem!Reader
Catch and Release Prompt: "Service"
Summary: (18+) You weren't quite sure how the chaotician became famous, but you were starting to see how he got his reputation.
Requests: Open!
Warnings: Excessive use of filler words. Oral (f receiving). Age gap (only mentioned).
You were pretty sure, from the moment you first saw him, that Ian Malcolm was famous. Did you know who he was or why he was famous? Of course not. He just had an air of superiority about him that only came from spending an extended period of time in the spotlight.
Well, a spotlight, at least.
You later found out that his claim to fame had something to do with math and chaos -- he'd been all too eager to explain it to you, but to be honest, anything to do with numbers slid right off your brain, and his pretty smile didn't really do your retention capabilities any favors.
You first met him when he brought his perfectly ordinary, if a bit "Hot Rod"-esque, car into your dad's shop to be serviced. While he waited for your dad to finish fixing up the car, the two of you talked.
Well, more accurately, you flirted shamelessly with no parent hovering menacingly over your shoulders.
You rather enjoyed the flirtatious attention of the older man, and you suspected he probably liked the equally flirtatious attention of a younger woman.
The next time you saw him, he had a different car. It was new, but only in the sense of whose hand it'd most recently fallen into. It was certainly older in every other way, maybe as old as Ian himself, though none of the previous owners had taken good care of it. The shell was rusted, parts were damaged or missing, and the seats almost certainly had blood in them.
Fixing it was going to be a multi-visit affair.
And that was how you found yourself being serviced by Ian behind your dad's car service shop.
It'd started like any of his other visits. This was his sixth, overall, and the two of you were emboldened by the idea that your father hadn't caught on yet --
Well, you were emboldened. You were pretty sure Ian didn't need a reason to be, he was just like that naturally.
He'd come to your counter, as he always did, to buy a Surge he never actually drank. He'd flirted, as he always did, and you flirted right back, as you always did.
You mentioned taking a break, and he mentioned needing some air.
His Surge was left forgotten on the counter as he made his way out the back door. You followed behind five minutes later and found him waiting for you in a shaded corner where no one would see the two of you.
His eyes feasted eagerly over your legs, bare but for your upper thighs, though they were shielded only by the loose skirt of your sundress.
"Those, uh, go on for days, don't they?" he asked as he stepped nearer. Before you could respond, he swept you into his arms, and you couldn't help but notice that you seemed to naturally fit together, like puzzle pieces.
"I, uh, always wondered... what your, uh. Legs. Looked like," he continued as you were pressed to the wall and his mouth landed hot and heavy on your bare shoulder. "Could never really, you know, see them. While you were, uh, behind the counter."
You whimpered as his lips trailed down your arm a few inches, his heated breath leaving goosebumps as it dissipated over your skin and left only a cool reminder that he'd been there. "I-Ian," you gasped, a hand reaching up to weave into his curls. You tugged down, and he easily let you pull him away from you.
The smirk he shot you had you all but melting, and the growl that accompanied it had you all but quaking.
"Hey, uh, you're the one in control here," he said, though the smirk he wore made you think maybe he was the one that was really in control, he just happened to not mind much what he ended up doing with you, so he could afford to let you have the illusion of control.
Not that you minded, much. Either way, you were getting yours.
"Do whatever you want," you told him.
His smirk grew just a touch wicked at that. "That's a, uh, dangerous invitation," he said carefully, though you could hear the arousal choking his voice even so, "be careful you don't let any, um... vampires... in."
"Are you a vampire?" you asked.
"Maybe," he answered simply, before his lips were back on you, trailing ever downward until he was on his knees before you. "Oh, this is much better."
His breath teased your inner thigh, eliciting another whimper from you. Hearing the effect he had on you only made him do it more, and soon all you could do was whine desperately.
"Pretty, uh, sensitive?" he asked. All you could do was nod in response and gasp as you felt, more than heard, the dark chuckle that emanated from his throat.
He moved on, his hands splaying over your thighs and fingers digging in as his mouth moved over the tender flesh, all but worshipping you as he delicately lifted your left leg up and over his shoulder to lay gracefully across his back.
He had nearly perfect access to you, now, though your panties obscured his view. He didn't seem bothered, though, as his face disappeared under your skirt.
A moment later, you felt a finger gently brushing the cloth aside. You whined as it inevitably made contact with your slit, hips rolling eagerly for more.
"Ah, ah," he tutted, breath dancing over your slit drawing forth a moan. His growling chuckle only made you moan again. "Good girl," he said in amusement, his hands returning to your thighs to rub them comfortingly.
He gave the thick meat of your thighs a squeeze, and then you felt his hot mouth on you -- you choked back a yelp as his tongue teased at your clit, circling it a few times and flicking against it once.
To keep yourself quiet, you bit down on a curled finger, and to keep yourself grounded, you buried your other hand in Ian's curls.
This only seemed to egg him on. His tongue swiped swiftly down your slit and plunged into your cunt. Your teeth sank into your finger and the squeal that would've otherwise sounded instead died in your throat.
A breezy chuckle rolled over your clit as Ian drew back to lave attention on it. Your hips rolled in response, which only made him chuckle more.
You could feel your insides starting to coil, could feel the desperation building. Ian seemed to sense it too, as his ministrations became quicker and more precise. Every breath, every flick of his tongue and touch of his lips, had shifted from teasing to drawing out your orgasm.
You wanted to scream as one last lap of his tongue from hole to clit finally brought you over the edge, but you bit it down, even as his tongue continued to circle your little nub to ease you through the high.
To compensate for your inability to scream your pleasure, you tightened your leg draped over Ian's back, drawing him in deeper to your core. He didn't seem to mind, even as he found his mouth fuller than he anticipated, if the grin you could feel was anything to go by.
Gradually, and with Ian's expert guidance,, you came down. You panted and sagged against the wall once the post-orgasm fog drifted in, and Ian carefully eased your leg down so that he could stand and offer you support.
You could see your slick shimmering on his lips and mindlessly pulled him into a kiss. He eagerly returned it, hands holding you tightly to keep you close.
"Would you, uh... marry me?" Ian asked in a low whisper, his eyes meeting yours.
"Bit quick, isn't it?" you replied, though you were grinning.
He returned the gesture. "I, uh. Never was one for... moderation."
You were about to answer, but then you heard your father calling for you. You shot Ian an amused glance. "Guess you'll have to come back to get my answer."
"I. I, uh. Look forward to it?"
"Maybe you should come back with a ring. Just in case."
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theaawalker · 6 months
Fandoms I'll Write For
Marvel (not Iron Man, Starlord, Loki, Thor, Doctor Strange, or Hawkeye, Drax, Victor Creed, Antman, Adam Warlocke, AG's Spiderman, or Cyclops)
DCEU (not Peacemaker, Killer Croc, JL's Joker, RP's Batman, or anyone from Gotham except Jerome/Jeremiah Valeska)
Scream Queens (not Chad Radwell or Pete Martinez)
American Horror Story (only Murder House, 1984, Freakshow, and Cult)
Hunger Games (not Gale, Maymitch, President Snow, or Cato)
The Maze Runner (not Ava Paige, Jorge, or Janson)
My Little Pony
Once Upon A Time (not Hook, David, Rumple, Neal, Peter Pan, or Zelena)
Pacific Rim (not the sequel)
Twilight (not Seth, Edward, Carlyle, or Jasper)
Stranger Things (not Will Byers, Billy Hargrove, or Jim Hopper)
IT (2017, 2019, and tv series) (not Henry Bowers or Pennywise)
Jurassic Park/World (not Owen Grady or Ian Malcolm)
Jumanji (1997 & 2017)
Zathura (not the dad or robot)
Stand By Me (not Ace Merrill)
Girl, Interrupted (not Jared Leto's character)
The Black Phone (not the Grabber or Mr. Blake)
Teen Wolf (the film & series)
Equestria Girls
Teen Wolf (not Peter, Jackson, Theo, or Derek)
The Office (not Jim, Ryan, or Dwight)
Now You See Me (not Dylan Rhodes or Merritt McKinney)
Descendants (not Chad, Harry, Ben, Jay, or Carlos)
Sky High (not Zach or Speed)
Percy Jackson films (not Luke Castellan)
The Umbrella Academy (not Five)
TMNT (live action ver. only)
Dance Moms (not the final season)
Ender's Game
Wednesday (not Xavier, Tyler, or the Dean)
Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse (not Mentor Peter Parker)
Unbreakable (not Hedwig or Dennis)
Big Hero 6
The Black Mirror
Dynasty (not Culhane, Adam, or Blake)
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Spy Kids
Sharkboy & Lavagirl
Clue, Knives Out, & Glass Onion
Back to the Future (not Biff), Breakfast Club (not Bender), Sandlot, Stand By Me (not Ace Merrill), Mighty Ducks, The Outsiders (not Dally, Two-Bit, Randy, Bob, Steve, or Darry)
I’m willing to write imagines for underage characters so long as there's no romance (examples: hang out with the Losers Club at the barrens; go shopping with Eleven and Max; play baseball with Finney and Bruce). I’m allowed to deny any request and the longest I should take ever to write one is about 2 weeks. I’ll write smut, fluff, angst, poly relationships, LGBTQ+, etc. Generally most of my x readers are female unless stated otherwise.
What I won’t write-
I won’t write anything to do with rape, bestiality, necrophilia, incest, romance with anyone younger than 18, gun play, anything about poo(sexually), anything about urine(squirting is fine considering it’s not technically urine), age gaps. See guidelines for more details.
Thanks for reading❤️
A.A. Walker
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sleepiest-otter · 1 year
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Dandelionclan’s warriors, at least those who started as warriors or joined as warriors. Here we have: Spiderswipe (a fawn ticked tabby tom with heather blue eyes and medium fur) is vengeful and a good teacher. He remembers every cat that wronged their group as they headed for their new territory, but most of the time he’s just a dad joke making dude. When his apprentice was poisoned by death berries, he felt completely at fault. Palebreeze (a shorthair fawn lynx point tom with pale green eyes) is bloodthirsty and an excellent speaker. The only warrior to join during Year 1, he was once a kittypet. All that good food helped him to be much larger than anyone in the clan (aside from Heavyfire.) Whitebird (a white and fawn marbled tabby tom with medium fur and sunlit ice eyes) is wise and a fantastic teacher. I actually picture him kind of like Ian Malcolm from Jurassic Park; he’s always talking, most of the time too fast for other cats to understand, and he’s typically right by why does he have to be like that? He was very uncertain of Palebreeze at first but now they’re bffs.
Crestdapple (a longhair ‘cream’ rosetted tabby molly with gold eyes) is sneaky and has a strong connection to Starclan. (I put cream is quotes because she has a color shader that makes her look more golden brown, but the allegiances list her as cream.) She’s quiet and prefers the shadows, where she sometimes sees cats others can’t. The only notable thing about her is that she came back to camp wearing a collar, but I figured it’s probably one of those safety ones that will break off with enough force to prevent choking. After a few moons, she probably got it off. Next are the (former) apprentices and then I can move on to Year 2 thank fuck
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pocket-lad · 24 days
Hear me out, in the tent scene what if Nick Van Owen found Adelaide in the Trex scene / waterfall scene (Sarah comforts Kelly). And he’s suddenly just over protective of her, holding her against his chest whispering “it’s ok, it’s ok”
Your wish is my command.
Nick’s muddy, gross hands opened up, but the air was still just as damp outside of his grasp as it had been on the inside. Specks of water from the roaring waterfall in front of them flicked at Adelaide.
She trembled as she took it all in. They were lost, cold, and scared. A man just walked into the jaws of a T-Rex and died. Ian was out there. And she didn’t know if he was coming back.
Nick looked down at his hands. He couldn’t believe he was holding a whole living person in them. In all his years of, well, life, he’d never seen anything like her. As far as he could tell, she was just like any other person, only infinitely smaller. And now she was his responsibility, he guessed. At least until Malcolm came back. If he came back.
“Where is he?” Adelaide whispered, her voice barely audible over the rushing water.
She was shaking like a leaf, but Nick didn’t know what to do. Should he…comfort her? She wasn’t a child. But also, she was scared. But also, they were all scared.
After a painfully awkward pause, Nick finally rested one of his thumbs on her shoulder, hoping it offered something in the general vicinity of comfort.
Adelaide’s shoulder buckled slightly under the pressure and she flinched away from the sudden contact. Nick was strong. She followed through with the motion and ducked away in shock.
He pulled his thumb away. She stared at it, looming above her head.
Oh. He was trying to comfort her.
“It’s okay,” he said placatingly. “It’s okay.”
“I know,” Adelaide snapped, then returned her attention to the waterfall. Watching. Waiting.
Nick sighed. The borrower was starting to turn blue from the cold, and she was shivering more than ever. She’d make herself sick if she worried any harder. So, he brought his hand to his chest and cupped the other one around her, holding her close.
Adelaide instantly wiggled around, trying to find a way out. She needed to be able to see out, she needed to see if Ian was coming, she needed to be able to defend herself. She banged on his chest, yelling at him to let her out, but he held fast.
As the seconds dragged on, her hope started to dwindle. Her best friend was gone. They never should have come to this crazy island and she never should have left his side. And now she was stuck in the hands of Nick Van Owen, maybe forever. Adelaide started to cry.
She felt Nick’s voice more than she heard it. It rumbled in his chest and into her own body as he repeated his words from earlier. “It’s okay, it’s okay,”
All the tension slowly drained out of Adelaide’s body and she let herself sink into the little divot between his palm and his chest. The heat that radiated off him was pleasant, maybe even a little calming. The repetitive phrase wormed its way into her head. It’s okay…
Adelaide could almost say she was asleep when Nick suddenly yelled, “It’s coming back!” She just about jumped out of her skin as the voice enveloped her, but with the way he reflexively held her even closer in his panic, she couldn’t budge. Not that she wanted to move, especially if the T-Rex was coming back. Adelaide was frozen.
But then nothing happened. And then Kelly shouted, “Dad!”
Adelaide resumed her struggles against Nick’s massive hand, pushing and scolding. “Hey!...Hey!!!” she called, and the hand finally pulled away.
A little dazed but overall fine, Adelaide turned to see Ian standing there. Wet, out of breath, and probably hurt, but definitely alive.
She nearly leapt out of Nick’s hand, but Ian’s was there first. He gathered her up and gave her a once over, and Adelaide absently registered Nick talking in the background. “Hey, I said it would be okay, didn’t I?” he said in that stupid, smug voice of his. She ignored him.
But he was right. Ian was here. They were all here. It was going to be okay.
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calvincell · 3 months
Rewatched Jurassic Park 1 & 2 for the first time in maybe 5-7 years and still impressed by how well both hold up. I despise the fact that JP2 got a bad rap for so long when I feel that it was an excellent follow up. Honestly it feels like the only thing that people ever clowned on & disparaged JP2 for was Kelly’s Gymnastics Attack and not much else, which though cheesy was cheesy in a very endearing way IMO similar to Lex being a hacker prodigy in the original and most certainly not fall on the floor, give this movie a Razzie Award level moment.
Speaking of Kelly Malcolm though, I remember being in some way spiritually fulfilled as a kid not only seeing Ian Malcolm in loving disaster dad mode but being a dad to a spunky black girl who was a major part of the cast. Interracial/biracial parentage at least to me felt extremely underrepresented in media of the time & Ian & Kelly had a great & believable relationship in the film. Watching both the OG Jurassic Park films wasn’t only a treat but reignited my disdain for the Jurassic World Trilogy which I felt was absolutely bereft of characters even half-way endearing as the cast in the first. A feeling I felt was validated by Jurassic Park Dominion pitifully dragging Ian, Grant & Sattler back into the mix.
Still pissed that the originals didn’t keep Grant & Sattler together nor capitalize on the obvious throuple potential of the 3 Docs in JP1 either 😂
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greekbros · 1 year
"greek-Bros": Spared no Expense
*Ares has invited Apollo, Artemis and Dionysus to Themiscyra*
Ares: Well I hope you guys like it, dad's been complaining about me not being "productive" enough for a god so I've decided to show you what I have been working on for a few weeks now. Spared no Expense.
Apollo: Well that is fine and all but I must ask why us?
Ares: Well why ask Athena to do the work of three already competent and much more trustworthy gods am I right?
Artemis: This place is huge seriously what have you been doing this whole time? Also the fuck do you mean "spared no expense" we're gods, money is completely beneath us.
Dionysus: Duuuuuude hope you set up some farms around here this place has got some nice greens.
Apollo: Um Dionysus, I'm wondering mostly because that outfit of yours suits you but why are you wearing a black button up? And where did you get those sunglasses?
Dionysus: *dressed up like Ian Malcolm* No reason why?
Ares: *literally dressed up like John Hammond* Yeah Apollo seriously I thought you were about that whole "clothes can mean whatever you want them to mean" stuff.
Apollo: *a little huffed at that remark* well then.
Ares: Ah we're here. *Stops his chariot*
Apollo: *turns and looks in awe at the distance with the over dramatic yet relatable disbelief of someone who has seen a fucking dinosaur*
Artemis: *had picked up a huge pinecone earlier* Ares, this species of pinecone shouldn't be here, this hasn't been around since th-*Apollo gently turns her head and is in equal disbelief*
*literally sees an entire civilization of purely just women*
Apollo: ....that's....that's all women ....this is literally more women I could have ever imagined seeing in one place
Artemis: Holy shit this looks actually cool
Dionysus: *who's been in on this fucking project the whole* He did it, that crazy son of a bitch did it. *Thunder rolling in the distance because he accidentally called Hera a bitch*...oh boi.
Ares: hehehe, welcome to Themiscyra.
*Jurassic Park theme*
Apollo:..Ares how did you even achieve this also why are there no men around?
Artemis: and why is that something you want to know?
Apollo: because to sustain such a population even you had officially kidnapped thousands of women or that has to be some sort of source of procreation.
Ares: Heheh, I did it all by myself, I told I spared no expense.
Apollo: oh my chaos you asexually reproduced these women?
Ares: What the fuck NO you glittery nerd. Remember I had that falling out with Aph a few months back?
Apollo: yes.
Ares: Well, I sat on the beach, trying to make myself feel better and after I was done I was really chafed so I took a nap. After like 2 weeks I woke up and I saw a bunch a little mounds all over the beach and I heard a baby crying, I dug were the sound was coming from and someone had buried alive infant on the beach. However I put two and two together and well....I'm dad of like roughly 39768 Amazonians. *Gives that smile one would give when they don't know they have done something impossible*
Apollo:...you...masterbated on the beach....than....this?
Ares:...yeah kind of. Oh by the way be careful with some of them because I haven't taught every single one of them to be social enough to not immediate kill anyone who isn't me in this place so stick with me ok?
Artemis: well sounds like my kind of people.
Apollo:.....you.... ejaculated....all over a beach...and..
Ares: Look I spared no expense that's all I can tell you. The advanced and "organized society" thing they did that all by themselves and I'm very proud.
Apollo:...for gods sake man
Dionysus: fuck yeeeaaaah bruh. *Hi fives Ares*.
Apollo: well....at least things can't get any worse*
*everything went worse after the Amazonians saw Apollo and Dionysus and everything went to slightly shit*
Bouns Scene:
Dionysus: *after some how breaking his leg, he lays down with his bare chest out seductively* We need to call for dad maybe he can help.
Ares: No I can't let him know about this he's gonna lose his shit.
Apollo: OH YOU THINK?!?
Ares: Look NO ONE told your sociopathic twin to hostility takeover after the girls accepted her into the city as a leader. I am going to give a serious talking to.
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 month
"stop voting for gabriel gabriel is Not cool he’s a dork" tbf, my definition of "cool" has never seemed to align with what others consider "cool". my definition of "cool" usually requires some level of autism around dinosaurs and/or animals in general (GODS I love weird animal trivia and Jurassic Park did something to my brain chemistry my dad taking small child me to see it in theaters was a Mistake) which none of the archangels seem to display much of. the closest is Gabe with the little dog in his first ep.
(Jurassic Park example, actually. Alan Grant is the coolest mf in that movie and I'm p sure it's supposed to be Malcolm.) "look at how that dude dresses! how he acts! so cool!" "fascinating, but what is his favorite Star Trek series." I'm too autistic to understand whatever constitutes "cool" conventionally I guess. Hannibal is fine I like him but Will, with his dog obsession and deep desire to be Left The Fuck Alone, and then becoming unhinged over the series? very cool of him.
"this angel is a tyrant in favor of the apocalypse" deeply uncool. "this angel is a hedonistic coward that likes to victimize abusers" well, the bar is pretty low… (which isn't to say I think that deeply uncool (imo) character trait makes them a bad character in general, I just can't associate them with "cool-ness".)
oh but also? "any excuse to think about lucifer being a slut #literally let me run a train on him until he’s mindbroken. that would fix him." ur right ur so right and it's very sexy of u to say.
(godfather voice) You come into my house, on the day my daughter's to be married, and you ask me to accept not only raphael slander, but ian malcolm slander??? HANNIBAL SLANDER??????????
no, no, it's fine. i see all these guys as pretty equally weird and autistic. i mean, ian malcolm is described as a rockstar of a mathematician for a reason, this is his Thing, you know? he thinks flirting via explaining his mathematical theory is hot. i'm really not sure you could claim he's not fascinated by the dinosaurs, given that they're his vehicle to prove his theory correct, that he's the one in the book who takes note of their population growth and figures out that the park is going to get out of human control very quickly. (as far as I remember, it's been a few years since i revisited it.) sorry wait this isn't ian malcolm defense squad time. and we don't have time to get into hannibal lmao.
BUT. i will not be accepting raphael slander ever forever. incorrect. they lay out their reasoning for the apocalypse very clearly in 5x03, how they have watched every monstrous thing that has occurred in human history and only been able to come to the conclusion that god has to be dead, because otherwise he couldn't have allowed it to happen. the apocalypse is a promised escape from pain. and then, of course, castiel's resurrection in the s5 finale alongside the apocalypse being cancelled tells them only one thing: that god is alive and he just. let all that shit happen. let it happen to the world, let it happen to raphael. now, gabriel is dead, michael and lucifer are in the cage, god is still mia, and castiel. it doesn't actually matter what castiel believes because he's become the face of all of that. it's an impossible position to be in, and archangels are, as a rule, not very good at changing course. raphael is alone, and raphael has decided to self-destruct. i just wish the writers actually gave a shit about them so they could have leaned into what is one of the coolest arcs of disillusionment with god and grasping at any measure of control when the one stable thing you've based your whole life on has been yanked out from under you.
and gabriel is deeply uncool. that's the point! he's not a hero of the people, taking out evildoers in funny ways. he's a deeply petty, incredibly self-serving asshole who still carries the belief that, as an archangel, he gets to decide what's right and wrong, who lives and who dies, and how much pain he gets to cause them before they do. he's all for the apocalypse until it starts messing with his things. his eventual stand against lucifer isn't righteous, it's a dozen insults lashing out as his older brother, trying to hurt him as much as he possibly can because lucifer hurt gabriel first. and he dies because he is still too much like lucifer. he's still playing the same tricks lucifer taught him to. cause what's the apocalypse but a much larger version of gabriel's game, right? one angel who decided humanity as a whole was rotten and needed to be wiped out against another angel who has spent the past few centuries taking out his issues on whatever jerk crosses his path. like, really, the difference is that lucifer is out to get Results. gabriel likes fucking with people, but he doesn't want the status quo to change because that would mean no more people to fuck with.
first and foremost, gabriel is a dickhead whose shots sometimes hit their mark. i love him so much, he's so awful.
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naughtygirl286 · 5 months
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So yes we went to see the new Horror movie Night Swim and its our first movie of 2024!
Now I thought it was pretty good its pretty much a classic Haunted House movie but the house isn't actually Haunted but its the in ground pool that is haunted and of course there is a reason for that which is explained in the movie.
Your basic story is the family is moving to a new town were the mom (played by Kerry Condon) will be closer to work and she is going to school to become a teacher and the Dad (played by Wyatt Russell) was a professional Baseball player but had to quit because he is developing MS. So they are looking for a new place and none of them seem right until they find this place which has an amazing in ground pool. The Doctor has told Wyatt Russell's character that swimming is good for MS and that is one of the reasons they buy the house. So they move in and get the pool ready and everything and they are living a happy life and then things start to slowly begin to happen the kids and the wife are seeing and being bothered/attacked by some type of creature? I believe this to be the physical manifestation of the Evil that lurks in the water. but the pool is having a different effect on the Dad as it is healing his MS and when that happens as he get more and more healthy the evil in the pool begins to possess him and that is when things really start to go crazy. It hits all horror bench marks for a usual Haunted House or real Haunted anything movie being you have Stage 1 where it is the build up to stuff happening usually Stage 2 is stuff actually happening Stage 3 is Discovery this is where they find out the history/backstory/lore about the Haunted whatever Stage 4 Showdown how to stop it I feel Horror movies like these can be summed up in the quote from Jeff Goldblum's Dr. Ian Malcolm: Oooh, ahhh, that's how it always starts. Then later there's running and screaming. but seriously though I thought it was pretty good being that the pool was the thing that was haunted it felt interesting and different some of the filming that was done in the pool and under water was really well done and the visuals for things like I don't know what to call it "the deep?" where the evil lived with in the pool it was almost like a alternate universe with all the people it had collected was cool and reminded me of something else but I can't think of it at this moment.
Now I didn't find the movie really scary but it did have like the right amount of creepiness and should make you wonder about pools from now on lol but yeah I if you want to give it a watch I would say go for it.
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Catch Up Galladrabbles
Missed the last few @galladrabbles because my brain wouldn't inspire. A trip to the ER for my husband though gave me this idea. Husband is home and recuperating now.
So this is a mashup of the last drabbles I missed Sunshine, Gray Hair, Tipsy, and Terror.
might not be only 100 words, but technically since it's 4 prompts I should get 400. BUT It's only one something.
"This is a shit show." Mickey muttered running his hands down his face.
Lip grunted in affirmation next to him.
"I swear your brother is gonna start giving me gray hair soon, telling me there was an accident."
Lip grinned, "If the kids don't do it first, Freddie's already given me some streaks."
Mickey looked over to his brother in law squinting, "Nah man don't see it."
Lip chuckled, "The sunlight really brings it out."
Mickey smirked, then glanced around remembering where they were and why.
"They hadn't even drank enough to be tipsy, maybe a sip or two, but that's it. Surprised they didn't get shitfaced at the prom." He sighed the worry seeping into his voice.
"Mickey, it wasn't anyone's fault. Not Freddie, not Janni not Sylvie, and not Stevie. It's part of the terrors of parenthood. Fuck I thought the young years were bad learning to walk to talk, their first steps, but these teen years, learning to drive, their first jobs, dates, it's enough to almost make me drink again..."
Mickey snorted, his unspoken words an agreement. He glanced up catching Ian's bright hair in the light, the newest generation of Gallaghers and Milkoviches in tow, well Gallaghers and Gallagher-Milkoviches, the four kids all in their prom getups, they all thought it was sweet that the cousins wanted to go together as a group, they were all best friends anyway, meeting the rest of their friends at prom. He and Ian had gotten Sylvie and Stevie almost a year after Fred was born and before Janni was born. The teachers at Malcolm X High nearly shit bricks when two Gallaghers and two Gallagher-Milkoviches came in the same year...
"Thankfully this terror has a happy ending." Mickey sighed, rising in unison with Lip from the shitty plastic chairs in the waiting room.
"Wasn't so happy for that squirrel they ended up hitting." Lip could barely contain his chuckle as Freddie and Janni came to each side hugging him.
"Dad!" Sylvie and Stevie cried in unison coming to give Mickey a hug, Ian right in step with them, his long arms enveloping the four of them together.
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theaawalker · 2 months
Quick query do you have a list of who and what you write for?
Fandoms I'll Write For
Marvel (not Iron Man, Starlord, Loki, Thor, Doctor Strange, or Hawkeye, Drax, Victor Creed, Antman, Adam Warlocke, AG's Spiderman, or Cyclops)
DCEU (not Peacemaker, Killer Croc, JL's Joker, RP's Batman, or anyone from Gotham except Jerome/Jeremiah Valeska)
Scream Queens (not Chad Radwell or Pete Martinez)
American Horror Story (only Murder House, 1984, Freakshow, and Cult)
Hunger Games (not Gale, Maymitch, President Snow, or Cato)
The Maze Runner (not Ava Paige, Jorge, or Janson)
My Little Pony
Once Upon A Time (not Hook, David, Rumple, Neal, Peter Pan, or Zelena)
Pacific Rim (not the sequel)
Twilight (not Seth, Edward, Carlyle, or Jasper)
Stranger Things (not Will Byers, Billy Hargrove, or Jim Hopper)
IT (2017, 2019, and tv series) (not Henry Bowers or Pennywise)
Jurassic Park/World (not Owen Grady or Ian Malcolm)
Jumanji (1997 & 2017)
Zathura (not the dad or robot)
Stand By Me (not Ace Merrill)
Girl, Interrupted (not Jared Leto's character)
The Black Phone (not the Grabber or Mr. Blake)
Teen Wolf (the film & series)
Equestria Girls
Teen Wolf (not Peter, Jackson, Theo, or Derek)
The Office (not Jim, Ryan, or Dwight)
Now You See Me (not Dylan Rhodes or Merritt McKinney)
Descendants (not Chad, Harry, Ben, Jay, or Carlos)
Sky High (not Zach or Speed)
Percy Jackson films (not Luke Castellan)
The Umbrella Academy (not Five)
TMNT (live action ver. only)
Dance Moms (not the final season)
Ender's Game
Wednesday (not Xavier, Tyler, or the Dean)
Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse (not Mentor Peter Parker)
Unbreakable (not Hedwig or Dennis)
Big Hero 6
The Black Mirror
Dynasty (not Culhane, Adam, or Blake)
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Spy Kids
Sharkboy & Lavagirl
Clue, Knives Out, & Glass Onion
Back to the Future (not Biff), Breakfast Club (not Bender), Sandlot, Stand By Me (not Ace Merrill), Mighty Ducks, The Outsiders (not Dally, Two-Bit, Randy, Bob, Steve, or Darry)
I’m willing to write imagines for underage characters so long as there's no romance (examples: hang out with the Losers Club at the barrens; go shopping with Eleven and Max; play baseball with Finney and Bruce). I’m allowed to deny any request and the longest I should take ever to write one is about 2 weeks. I’ll write smut, fluff, angst, poly relationships, LGBTQ+, etc. Generally most of my x readers are female unless stated otherwise.
What I won’t write-
I won’t write anything to do with rape, bestiality, necrophilia, incest, romance with anyone younger than 18, gun play, anything about poo(sexually), anything about urine(squirting is fine considering it’s not technically urine), age gaps. See guidelines for more details.
Thanks for reading❤️
-A.A. Walker
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     “I’m not saying that I respect Ian Malcolm in any sense of the word.”
“However, I do think my dad MIGHT have a crush on the man.” 
           “That, or he’s just thankful someone else has to deal with the whole dinosaur-ate-my-face issue.” 
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pr1ncemax · 2 years
i realized i never posted Bo’s timeline here and like ,,,, all my jwcc moots are on here so idk why i never did that but 
here it is in all its glory: 
Bo’s Official Timeline
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Warning, MAJOR Spoilers Ahead for the entire Jurassic Park/World Series ( All 6 movies + 5 seasons of the TV show + minor mentions of other canon material )
Below is Bo’s canon timeline (JP/W incidents included) 
1971: Bo’s father is born
1989: Bo’s father begins work at InGen
1993: The Jurassic Park incident 
1995: Ian Malcolm goes public
1997: San Diego Incident
1998: Bo’s Mother is transferred from Masrani technology to InGen’s department
1999: Bo is born
2001: Eric Kirby Rescue
2003: Bo’s parents get married
2005: Bo starts elementary school.
2008:  Bo confides in his father about his feelings towards his gender. He decides not to tell his mother yet, but has begun to socially transition anyway.
2010: Bo starts middle school. 
2011: Bo comes out as trans to his mother.
2012: The I.B.R.I.S. project begins. Bo’s parents begin to argue almost daily. 
2013: Bo starts Highschool
2014: Bo’s legal name is changed, despite his mother’s protest.
January 2015: Bo goes through top surgery, and enters recovery. 
April 2015: Bo’s father officially files for divorce, but it is a contested by Bo’s mom
October 2015: Bo’s Mother is offered a full time position on Isla Nublar, and she leaves their home in California
November 2015: Bo’s father quiets his job with InGen, and makes Bo download a bunch of apps. Bo thinks his dad is being paranoid, and throws them into a folder on his phone that he never opens
Dec 13, 2017: Bo’s father informs him they’re going to be joining his mother for a vacation over winter break. Bo’s father also gifts Bo a few items, including a solar powered charger. He tells Bo that they’ll be leaving Jurassic World as soon as they can, and if it was up to him they wouldn’t be going at all. (Bo believes this is due to His mom being transphobic, and mildly racist, but really it’s due to his father’s knowledge due to his job at InGen )
Dec 15, 2015: Bo and his dad join his mother on Isla Nublar for a family vacation
Dec 22, 2015: Bo gets into a fight with his mother, and by extension his father. He steals his mother’s access card, and goes into the Restricted Area of the island. The 2015 Incident occurs. Bo gets… into a lot of trouble basically lol and ends up passing out in a ditch.
Dec 23, 2015: Bo wakes up, being attacked by a compy. He kicks it, before stomping on its leg. He proceeds to do his best to take care of his injury, before his guilt causes him to take care of the compy as well.
Dec 24-31, 2015: Bo spends the time cleaning his wound, going between sleeping and healthcare of him and the compy.
Jan-March 2015: Bo is surviving with the compys. Manages to escape E750 Multiple times, barely. Also has a few encounters with Blue, the raptor, although they have more amicable encounters. Also during this time, Bo encounters many dead bodies, as well as finding a wrecked campsite. Here he discovers a rotting dinosaur head, realizing that if he does find people, they’re likely to be poachers before there are rescue teams.
Jan-March 2015: Bo’s mother moves to New York, and his father moves back to Arizona to be closer to his family.
June 2016: Bo tries to approach the unmarked helicopters for help, but instead has guns pointed at him. He runs away after this, solidifying what he already believed: No one good comes to Isla Nublar.
July-December 2016: Bo has a few almost run-ins. He sees helicopters, and hears people a few times. Each time, he scopes it out before approaching. He sees what appears to be people experimenting on dinosaurs, and quickly realizes that they will not be of help to him. It’s more likely that they’d kill him first.
With this, Bo resigns himself to live on the island with the dinosaurs, and also begins to formulate better ways of communication with Arrow. He also begins to fill his time with study of the other species, and attempts to befriend them the way he did the compys. The easier to befriend are species that are similar; such as the Gallimimus. To a lesser extent, even the other Theropods can be communicated with, and reasoned with through Arrow, as Bo found out by dealing with Rexy, Blue, the Dilophosaurus, the Baryonyx, and to some extent, even the Allosaurus and Ceratosaurus
Bo actually creates enough of a relationship with these creatures that he can easily pass through their territory, simply by tossing them a snack or two on his way through. He also begins to record and use the vocalizations of Arrow to communicate with the other dinosaur species.
February 2017: Mount Sibo is classified as Active. Meaning: earthquakes are happening often. Bo is aware of the sudden change of the island, and does his best to keep himself and his pack safe. Although, he ran into many issues, and typically they ended up living in the ruins of Main Street, coexisting with Rexy.
March 2017: Claire forms the Dinosaur protection group. Bo’s father gets in contact with Darius Bowman, as well as Benjamin Pincus. 
June 2017: a group of researchers are deployed to the island, to observe from a distance and see how the active volcano is effecting life of the dinosaurs. It is during this that they film what appears to be a human running alongside a pack of Gallimimus, this video is posted online and goes viral, Brooklyn is one of the people who help it to go viral. This leads to further investigation, and causes public outrage. Specifically outrage at InGen, Masrani Corp, and BioSyn. BioSyn specifically gets a large chunk of the public outcry due to them having sent teams to the island for “research purposes”
July 2017: A specific BioSyn rescue team is dispatched, along with rescue teams from the American Military and Bo is finally saved from the island. Although, there is a major complication in that he refuses to leave behind his compy. Refusing to get onto any recuse helicopter without her. When he arrives in Costa Rica, the government refuses to let him take the dinosaur, and the American Government also refuse to accept it, causing a massive standstill in what was quickly becoming International news. Ian Malcolm ends up being called due to the situation, and he tries to convince Bo to leave the dinosaur behind. Bo, instead, manages to convince Ian Malcolm to be on his side in this argument, stating that, he knows he can not control Arrow, and that he did not want to anyhow. He wanted to give her a life, where she was allowed to exist. It was not her fault she was created, anymore than it was Ian’s fault that Jurassic Park failed. Ian ends up advocating for Bo, and taking him under his wing to a certain extent.
August 2017: Bo is reunited with his father, his mother not showing up, claiming that “my daughter is dead, and she should have stayed dead”
September 2017: Mount Sibo is classified as a active threat
June 2018: Bo is being rehabilitated, going through school, and travels giving basically TED-Talks on dinosaur behavior. He is in touch with the Nublar Six, and considers them friends. He also has weekly communication with Ian Malcolm and Ellie Sattler, both who help him with his trauma from Nublar along with his therapist
June 2018, The Outbreak in California happens.
After June 2018-2022: Bo is very desensitized to dinosaurs over all, and is known for his communication projects. Although, he doesn’t have any real standings in the scientific community since he barely graduated high school, however, a select group of minds often check in with him: Ian Malcolm, Mae Turner, Ellie Sattler, and others who work closely with them. This also spikes interest in BioSyn and other biological companies, however. Basically, Bo is working on furthering his study of and communication with Arrow, and other dinosaurs. He is in touch with Ben Pincus, as well as Doctor Mae Turner, who he often exchanges notes with. 
2021: Sometime early in the year, Bo is approached by Lewis Dodgson to work with BioSyn in an attempt to recapture Rexy, and makes a poor attempt to placate with Bo’s activism. Bo actively lashes out at both of these, and actually almost gets arrested from punching Dodgson, and giving him a black eye. Dodgson decides not to press charges after this incident leads to him being in direct contact with Ian Malcolm. But this does get Bo banned from BioSyn facilities for life. (He doesn’t mind.)
Post 2022: Bo’s biggest project after the events of movie three, (and the downfall of yet another company, as well as the almost famine), is speaking alongside Darius Bowman. While Darius speaks about living with dinosaurs now that they’ve been forced into our world, Bo talks about how companies like InGen, Mantah Corp, and BioSyn not only caused the dinosaur issue, but actively displaced native populations, and destroyed ecosystems and that yes, by creating dinosaurs, we’ve played god, but humans were playing God long before that and that we as a species need to learn how to coexist. Not just with dinosaurs, but with each other too. (Bo also continues working and exchanging notes with Ben Pincus and Mae Turner, although he less vocal about his work on communicating with dinosaurs)
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