#dad miss you quotes
shayarisove · 2 years
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padawansuggest · 1 year
Qui-Gon: *can feel someone staring at him, slowly turns over to look at the doorway*
Obi-Wan: *standing in the doorway covered in rain and looking like a sad cat* I missed the school bus.
Qui-Gon: …*tries to hand him the keys from his bedside table* Here.
Obi-Wan: I’m thirteen.
Qui-Gon: *knows damn well his kid can drive* There’s a booster seat in the back.
Obi-Wan: *deep sigh* Can I just stay home today? It seems sorta like a cursed day.
Qui-Gon: Sure. Go change out of those wet clothes and go back to bed.
Obi-Wan: You’re awesome, love you.
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murdermitties · 10 months
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Mindfang: What did the Sufferer even s8y that m8de every8ody so upset?
Darkleer: D+> “Be kind to each other”
Mindfang: Yeah, that’ll do it.
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incorrectplanet · 1 year
gunwook: i’m so tough. i don’t cry about anything.
hwanhee: just the other day you were crying about snakes.
gunwook: they don’t have any arms!!
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egyszertalan · 2 months
Annyiszor mondjuk ki életünk során, hogy “soha”. De valójában az nem igazi. Rengetegszer mondjuk olyan dolgokra, amiket aztán újra megteszünk, vagy újra megtörténnek.
De az igazi “soha”, az megtör minket. Egy részünk vele hal. Többé már nem leszünk ugyanazok, akik előtte voltunk.
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poetryslit · 1 year
Just once, I want to be held. I want to be in someone’s arms, I want them to tell me what I am worth and what I am not. I want them to tell me I am worth the day and the night, I am worth the sun and the moon, I am worth the future. And I want them to tell me I am not worth this. I am not worth what happened. The misfortunes are not my fault. And I'll skip back to my classes because being held and being cared for has made me feel worth the good things. Or maybe I won’t - I have felt all the bad and all the good and I still want to be unhappy. Maybe I want to be held, and be unhappy. Maybe I can be held forever if I am bad. If I am not weak, will I stop being held? If I am not hopeless, will I stop being cared for?
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callmency · 1 year
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I‘m sad
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microwave-core · 8 months
Your sada x reader is making my brain do summersaults im so glad it exists *turns to dust
I'm glad I can spread my Sada brain worms to others <3
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I guess not? I'm a little unclear about what you're asking here, but if it's just asking if you could use some of my headcanons/ideas in your own works I don't really mind.
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7000f1 · 11 months
I believe I've been caught twice with my tags and the other one was me quoting Revali but like "Impwessive I know. Vewy few can achieve a mastewy of the sky" and I don't know what that says about me other than I'm a simp
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I used to think I lost you forever but then I realized, there never was a time and there never will be one in which you are not mine and I yours.
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saturniade · 2 years
your recent is. such a weird post to make. 99% of the time anime will rely on displays of characters’ cultures like their names, where they live, and the activities they partake in to show that theyre japanese rather than character designs. all of these characters are clearly meant to be japanese and its whitewashing to say otherwise just because they dont look japanese to you. plenty of asians get told they dont look asian because their features dont match up with what others perceive as “asian features” and this is super reminiscent of that. i dont see what about the names “reigen arataka” and “shou suzuki” scream white to you
i absolutely see your point! however. i think its interesting to imagine a non-japanese person (specifically a second-generation white/white&japanese immigrant) in a dominantly japanese environment + it puts an interesting spin on reigen's character with how it at the same time would alienate him in society while helping him create the image of this Incredible Psychic [more thoughts under the cut]
reigen very obviously lived his whole life in japan and recalls it sometimes (his school memories come to mind); he is familiar with the traditional clothing, food and activities, folklore, geography and such. so i do believe he has lived his whole life in japan! however, seeing how we haven't got to meet or even see or learn the name of his parents, i truly think he could be a white-with-an-asterisk dude who was born in japan. so culturally he is as japanese as it gets, but that doesnt mean he couldnt have white* parents/roots!
as for his name. 霊験灼か (reigen arataka) is actually not a traditional name, but a pun on the japanese phrase    that sounds the same. so his name doesn't 'scream white to me' necessarily, but it isn't very strictly japanese either if that makes sense. even disregarding that and focusing on the possible-immigrant aspect:
first name arataka is self-explanatory, japanese (-sounding) name given to a kid who would need to integrate into the society (i am not actually sure that this name exists as neither the romanization nor the kaiju search return results besides reigen's name). and his last name reigen is not necessarily an originally-japanese surname -- it could be a katakana-zation of an english last name like Ragan or Ragen!
i also think that it would make sense to him to become a (charlatan) psychic because being white is seen as Other/Alien in the japanese society and it would add something of a mysterious prestige to his persona which would lead to more interest in his business etc. the other psychics who do psychic business in mp1OO present themselves in a pretty exotic manner (im talking hairstyle, clothes, tattoos) while reigen is just wearing a simple fucking suit and tie! and i think it would be really interesting if he had chosen to use his appearance/race to create this image of a 'professional foreigner who is very serious, competent and familiar with japanese culture/ghosts'.
i could write even more speculations re: his parents and races and heritages and just make up a whole shaky tower of headcanons but i dont really feel like researching it too long. what i will say from what i learned before falling too deep into this rabbithole: wiki lists reigen's birth year as a year of a rat. i think it's 1984 (would make him almost-thirty around when mp1OO was being published). before 1985, japan's jus sanguinis only automatically granted japanese citizenship to those who were born to a japanese father. so i think it would make sense for his father to be japanese/mixed and for his mother to be white*.
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crescentmp3 · 1 year
longing for the moon .....
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diarythingsnohe · 1 year
A papá que vive en el cielo.
¿Qué tal te va allá arriba? ya son más de 20 años que no te veo y se siente como si fuese ayer que vi a mamá llorar sobre tu ataúd... yo era muy pequeña para entender lo que pasaba, cuando crecí empezaste a doler cada vez más. ¿Porqué no te quedaste a cuidarme como todos los papás cuidan a sus pequeñas? Me fallaste, no me cuídaste, no jugaste conmigo a 'ataque de cosquillas', no me llevaste a mi primer día de escuela, no me felicitaste por seguir con vida, no me regañaste cuando saque malas notas, no estabas aquí para darme abrazos, no estabas aquí cuando era el día del padre...
Sabes, mamá sigue sin darme abrazos, Mamá no me felicita por mis logros, Mamá pasa mucho tiempo con sus amigos, Mamá nunca me regaño por sacar mala nota en la escuela, Mamá nunca me regaño por tener novio, Mamá nunca estuvo, parece como si yo no existiera para ella. Mamá sigue queriendo mucho a mis dos hermanos pero no a mi. Mamá no es Mamá. Mamá no está, ni estuvo.
Si tan solo estuvieras, seguro todo fuera diferente.
Te extraño mucho, a veces tu niña no puede con la vida y no lo dice, tu niña se quiere rendir, tu niña a veces quiere tirar la toalla. Tu niña tiene prometido, papá. Tu niña no se ha rendido porque tiene una abuela y un novio y una mejor amiga, tu niña lucha por esas tres personas.
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chexie · 2 years
hey kings
it’s y’girl!
...Please accept a sub 3000 chapter as my formal apology for deleting myself for almost a year
#darkside detective#The Darkside Detective#Okay kings we're gonna try to keep this a light and funny ha-ha tag ramble#Because things got kinda heavy last time I got asked about the fic so! We're having fun!#...Okay I know I said we weren't gonna be that heavy but 👏#It's trivia time champs#So uh. Among other things... McQueen's dad was not planned to be dead from the start?#...oh spoilers also read the chapter first#But I think because I've experienced three things dying this year (including like. a human man) that's basically all Ive been getting lately#Along with this we have another case of 'I rewrote the first half of the chapter again'#This time we missed an instance of Dad McQueen uh. Existing#And like McQueen's first 'case' in the heaviest air quotes I can manage#It's something he brings up in his 'eulogy' so you can get. A vague idea#Also if you pay close attention#You can see exactly where I started writing today#And while I feel like being self-deprecating here and already have#I don't really want to be#Because I realized one of the things holding me back was that at some point this fic made me develop like. Imposter Syndrome?#Probably not exactly. But. It just started being a thing of 'well it's been so long and I don't like what I've written'#'But I don't wanna disappoint anyone because people like. Actually wait for this and actually like it'#And that is. Bonkers. It's strange to me but it's so. so. fulfilling as a creator#So I know that this chapter probably isn't like totally amazing water my crops sorta stuff#but thank you for tuning in and I'll talk to you again. Ideally within the month#Thanks for listening 💖
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ariadnamar · 2 years
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