#deathstroke family
damian-navarro-art · 19 days
SLADE: A Deathstroke Fancomic #3
Part I
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Hey guys! Im sorry for not posting anything all these months, this is the first part of what it is the 3rd and last issue I did for my fancomic series SLADE that i made a year ago, the idea was to make an issue for each of Slade’s child but unfortunately i never got to make Rose’s 😣, but at least here is Joey’s, or as most of you know… Jericho, i really hope this could be a nice introduction for the character if this is the first time you are going to read about him, Joey is basically the kind and heroic son of Slade, younger brother of Grant but older than Rose, but who unfortunately pays the direct consequences of his dad’s job , changing his life forever.
I hope you like it and that you could feel something reading it!
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dogmeatthedead · 1 year
Wilson Family Flowers
I could have sworn that I posted this here before but I guess I haven’t so here it is. If I missed it, then here it is
Comics have a long history with naming patterns. Superman and the double L's being the most well known example. However lots of characters has similar naming patters, the one that I want to talk about today is Deathstroke. (go fig)
Slade Wilson and the flower connection
Over the past 11 years of being a Deathstroke fan I've noticed a connection between Slade Wilson and the characters around him being linked to plants or flowers. Almost all of the "main" cast of characters can be linked to flowers, and in many cases, their relationships can be represented by flowers. The only two which don't have a direct connection is Joseph and Grant, so for these two, I've chosen flowers that would represent their relationship to Slade.
All flowers are flowers that I know of. If I've missed one that would have worked better, then chances are good, I just didn't know it existed.
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I chose a Orange Rose to symbolize Rose Worth-Wilson. I know that red is the standard when thinking of roses, but I'm going based of off what flowers symbolize as well as what they are named and red roses are to closely tied to romance for my liking. White roses will be used later even though that would tie with Rose and Slade's hair, but I chose Orange because it symbolizes enthusiasm and new beginnings.
Rose was Slade's second chance, she was (run dependent) excited to become a hero, thus I think that a orange rose would best represent Rose.
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In the rotating cast of Wilson characters, Wintergreen is known second to only maybe the Wilson kids. William Wintergreen is the lifelong best friend of Slade Wilson, known by longtime fans as Slade's anchor from insanity, the wintergreen plant is known for its bright red berries and green leaves.
When Slade and Will met which you can read about here on my tumblr, Will was saving Slade. Their friendship went on to be strengthen over the years by them trading off saving each others lives.
Like wintergreen in the real world, Will provides Slade with health care, and is likely the only thing keeping Slade's mental health in the green.
Sweet Lilly
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Amazing Art is from  alegonbilldeathstroke  
Lily's are rich in symbolism and is probably my favorite to write about. Most of you most likely know that lily's are connected to purity which would seem ironic given that Lily was a single mom and ran a call girl company. However in some cultures lily's are connected to rebirth (Slade's second chance as a father) and motherhood.
I think that tiger lilies best represent Sweet Lilly though. They are connected to confidence, wealth and pride. Lilly was proud of everything that she had accomplished and was confident in both who she was and in her skill as a parent and her choice to keep Rose hidden from Slade.
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Anyone who's known me for a hot minute would know me as Poppy. It was one of many names I went by on here, named after the forgotten daughter of Deathstroke. Poppy first made her appearance in terror titans before being bought back in Deathstroke: faces of evil, and becoming a cast member in outsiders before disappearing forever. I'd written in the past about why I think that this was a huge mistake for the fates of both characters and the Wilson family as a whole. You can read about that here although be warned, its now 4 and a half years old (damn I'm getting old.)
In pop culture poppies are tied to the idea of death and sleep, however I'm opting for the lesser known classical interpretation. The poppy flower is known for its bright scarlet color which in olden times was tied to the idea of resurrection after death, and in more modern times, it is worn as a symbol of remembering tragedy.
Moving away from more traditional forms of interpretation, to some poppies may invoke a sense of childhood, or childhood fear. In the wizard of Oz, Dorthey and friends fall asleep in a field of poppies. The idea of poppies bring on sleep is tied to the drug Opium which is derived from poppies its undeniably a dark theme for a children's story, but I would argue that it represents a child companion of Deathstroke quite well.
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Geranium ‘Patricia are known for being incredibly hardy, however on a broader note, geraniums are known to symbolize both friendship and romance. I think that in terms of true fits, Pat Trayce's flower is the most representative of her character.  Geraniums also symbolize foolishness, cleverness, melancholy, expected and unexpected meetings and the dried leaves can be used to treat pain.
Pat and Slade love each other deeply, yet Slade accepts that they're relationship couldn't work out as Pat wants to replace Addie and Slade understands how unhealthy that is. Pat's desire for Slade is often shown to be foolish, and she swings between morning never having Slade undivided love, and accepting it. She was originally Slade's student but that mentor/ mentee relationship ends with Pat outsmarting Slade and when they next meet, they are on even footing.
Like Wintergreen, Pat heals Slade. She helps Slade move on from his relationship, and becomes the first long term relationship. Not counting Marly who is only mentioned, although she and Slade likely would have been engaged.
Adeline Rosemary Wilson
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This was the name that sealed the connection for me. In Rebirth, Adeline was given that middle name of Rosemary giving a concrete connection to plants. Representing love, lust, and loyalty. Mourning and remembrance. Happiness and tragedy. Rosemary is probably the most layered plant that I've named here.
Adeline loves Slade, even after everything that happened in their relationship Slade never got over Slade. And yet, she could never truly take him back since her heart would always remember the tragedy that he put her family though.
I've talked in the past about how much I dislike Adeline's character, however she truly is a tragic character, she never gets a happy ending in the same way that Slade does. And like the herb she is named for, Adeline became bitter after being though so much hell.
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I think that a white rose best represents Joseph William Wilson. Like his sister Rose's orange rose, I think that a white one has just as much symbolism. White roses represent many things: Youthfulness, hope, new beginnings, a connection between two people, humility and silence.
While some like silence appears to be self explanatory when discussing Joe, others like humility may not be. Slade learned to put down his pride after Joe was hurt, and both men would carry a visible scar which would always connect them in a shared tragedy. Joe's injury represents a new beginning for all members of the Wilson family, although it was a good beginning for precious few. Still Joe represented the hope of the Wilsons and at times his youthfully optimism still shown though.
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Perhaps an odd choice, but I chose orange and yellow zinnia's to represent Grant. Mixed colored zinnia's represent thinking of an absent friend, while the yellow ones specifically deal with daily remembrance of a dead loved one. Originally from Mexico, zinnia's were a dull color that was scorned by the ruler as being an eyesore. Over years of breeding, zinnias became the flower that we know today. Zinnias are known to grow quickly and heavily but, they only last for a year and once their time is up, they will wither and die, never to grow again on their own.
Morbid perhaps but of all the Wilsons, Grant always gets the shaft. He dies once and stays dead, he might come back once or twice, but he dies again quickly. Zinnias, like Grant is rather plain at first but both can be developed into something much better. Slade carried the memory of Grant everywhere with him and it really shaped the way that Slade would carry himself and his relationship with others.
Here is a commission I had of all the flowers together. <3
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incorrect-dc-comics · 2 years
Deathstroke: *points a sword at Batman while pulling Respawn behind him* Don't talk to me or my son ever again.
Joey: *hops into Respawn's body and makes him go to Rose's side*
Rose: *points her sword at Slade* Don't talk to us or our little brother ever again.
Respawn: ???!
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pinkiemachine · 1 month
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Bro, the only thing that would have made this more perfect would be if his name was Terry the Turkey…
Part 10 👇
Part 8 👇
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Deathstroke kept working at the lock on the upstairs window while talking to him, calling him "Nightwings secret son" in the creepiest voice Danny has ever heard as Danny watched him from the computer monitor. This guy had been trying to break in and kidnap Danny for days but the house keeps fighting him off and Danny was on his very first stay-cation away from ghosts. He wasn't going to deal with this wierdo if he could avoid it.
He had put a lot of work into setting this up. He and Jazz had convinced thier parents to go to a two week occult conference in Fawcett City and leave Danny home alone while Jazz was off taking collage classes in Central City in hopes that it will help her get into her dream collage when she turns 18. Danny even sent Vlad on a while goose chase that sent him into the path of that trench coat guy people kept warning him about before shutting down the portals.
Danny refuses to let all of his effort go to waste and the house is pretty well defended so he decided to just use this as entertainment as he munches on dry cereal.
They didn't have any popcorn in the house and he's not leaving with captain crazy still out there.
Eventually Danny gets bored and @s Nightwing on Chirper simply telling him that Deathstroke was trying to kidnap him and it has something to do with Nightwing. He sends him a fail compilation video of all the times Deathstroke failed to get into the house and getting progressively more angry. The last video showed Deathstroke absolutely enraged.
Danny thought that Nightwing probably had a similar situation with Deathstroke that Danny himself have with Vlad and that he'd laugh and show it to all his superhero friends and they'd mock him together.
He was not expecting half of the batclan in Amity Park 3 hours later. Nor was he expecting to get kidnapped by the bats the moment he was out of the house.
He was most upset by everyone calling him a dick though. Was what he did really that bad? Talking back to adults usually didn't get him anywhere so he just kept quiet and went with them, expecting to have to give testimony to the police or something.
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mottemort · 1 month
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A good boy, Jason and Slade
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mayamarvil · 8 months
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Batman is unimpressed by Robin’s taste in people
Batman: The Adventures Continue #2
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scarletlunarosa · 5 months
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Sladick in WFA
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disco-troy · 1 year
It drives me insane how Dick, Joey and Kory’s relationships with their fathers reflect each other. And they can identify the way that their friend’s father is abusive and horrifying, but are unable to admit it about their own fathers, and as a result none of them can admit to each other how similar their parental issues are, and none of them can convince each other to cut off their fathers. Like the way that their fathers will make them do things that will make them suffer, but present it as if its not the children that are suffering from it but the parents???
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Bruce: I know I’m hurting you. My family. I’m making that sacrifice because I don’t give up. I don’t give in.
Bruce, you are not making the sacrifice, you are making Dick make the sacrifice.
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Kory: He’s sacrificed the happiness of the royal family to save Tamaran from destruction. He’s never asked for anything for us, and he’s given everything he’s had
Kory, honey, when you got sold to slavery, you are the one who suffered, not him!
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Slade: Addie, it was a calculated risk. I didn’t think he’s be hurt. I just couldn’t compromise my professional standing. Adeline: No, you couldn’t, could you?
And when Joey gets hurt because Slade put himself over Joey, he will not even apologize for it. All three of them continue to make excuses for their parents, despite the fact that they recognize how much they hurt them. And while Dick will tell Kory her parents shouldn’t tell her to get married if she doesn’t want to, and Joey will tell Dick that Bruce hitting him is not okay, none of them can confront a truth that would mean giving up on their parents, no matter how much they hurt them
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autisticrosewilson · 4 days
Willis probably had INSANE dad lore. His mom runs a crime school. He worked for Two Face. He has a secret agent and LADY SHIVA in his phone book. He knew her first name. He was the subject of prison experimentation. I could literally make up anything at all about his life and there would be merit to it. Once you get past the classist writing and mischaracterization Willis is such a simultaneously funny and tragic character.
He's no one. He's got some of the most dangerous people in the world on speed dial. He probably tells dad jokes. He has very likely killed people. He has a bat tattoo to commemorate a fight with Batman. He loved his wife and kid so much he was willing to die for them. He had his death faked, escaped prison, and then took up an identity his son stole from someone else (HE WAS SMART ENOUGH TO FIGURE OUT JASON'S IDENTITY) and lured Jason back to Gotham. Jason still doesn't know Willis's identity. Willis is literally his bodyguard at the iceberg lounge.
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galaxysharks · 2 months
Jason: hey, can you stop flirting with my sister?
Rose: Can you stop flirting with my Father?
Jason: telling Slade to come stroke some death was the gold standard of comedy. I'm just saying Cass is a little old for you.
Rose: My Father, Jason. And she's two months older than you.
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damian-navarro-art · 3 months
THE WILSON and this Flashback Scene
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It’s been a while since i still haven’t keep posting the things i made for the SLADE fancomic short stories i did a year ago, but i just remembered this little portrait i made for the 3rd story(which i promise you, i will share it this month!) , but thought it would be nice to share this too here anyways, i loved this flashback sequence and found really fun to make a portrait from it from Priest’s Deathstroke run , the few most happiest moments of Slade with Joey and Grant
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oh-surprise-its-me · 9 months
Slade not liking to label what they are but always bringing something back for Dick when he’s been out of town. Whether that be jewelry, clothing or just a cute note pad.
Dick thinking it’s bribes for not running to Batman and telling secrets, but Dick is still falling in love with Slade anyways. (It’s actually just bc Slade is constantly thinking of Dick.)
It goes on for months until Dick has breakdown over a stuffed elephant Slade gets him from Romania and starts sobbing and begging Slade to stop fucking with him.
Slade who up until this point thought he was being fairly open with his emotions realizes he’s a fucking idiot and Jesus Christ, Dick is traumatized.
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rocker-socks · 10 months
On one hand the Slade design is REALLY funny because it’s such a total subversion of his intended design and is pissing off his diehard fans that thinks he’s the shit but on the other hand it completely fucks with the timeline and removes his absent father dilf swag that makes his character so interesting in the first place
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satoshy12 · 4 months
Respawn/ Steve Walker or better known as Captain America!!
Part of this. Well, the way Aunt Alicia raised the son/Clone of her Ex Slade It had been pretty good. He really turned out to be a hero. While Slade didn't show it, he was pretty proud and showed off that his spawn was a better and more famous hero than the other sidekicks. And not even a sidekick! So yes, he was kind of smug, THE Hero the government supports fully. + Danny is confused… Why again was he a villain or anti-hero seen by his family? Does he really fight that brutally? It's his enemies fault! They otherwise don't go down! + Respawn now known as Steve kind of liked it, and all the chaos is doing pretty well for him. And it's fun being a Hero. + Alicia is proud of how her child became a true hero; all the comics she read with her Dad and Maddie worked out.
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roipecheur · 5 months
The Batman vs. Deathstroke arc in Deathstroke 2016 could have been vastly improved if it was just Dickbats instead of Bruce. Damian, kinda fucked because Bruce is missing or out of commission or maybe presumed dead again, finding out about the made up paternity test showing that Slade's his daddy and running off after him. Dick trying to corral the fucking kid and getting way too into Slade's business as a result. Slade wanting none of this. Alfred and Wintergreen having their gay little old man hangouts in the background. Adding back some of the nemesis-ship between Dick and Slade that was lacking between the 2011 reboot and Dark Crisis. Damian stuck in the middle of this weird custody battle where Dick is battling for custody and Slade is battling against it and they are somehow still battling even though they want the same thing. It's perfect.
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