#disliked the lack of plot tho
mushroomates · 3 months
gimli headcanons:
likes doing laundry. finds it soothing
history nerd!! loves reading old tombs/biographies of his ancestors
is incredibly intelligent. beats frodo in chess. would beat gandalf but gandalf cheats. has been in a stalemate with aragorn for two and a half years.
well mannered but chooses to forgo his politeness to make a point. especially around elves.
does NOT like horses. not just riding them, which is canon, but actually dislikes the animal itself. the reasons why include (but are not limited to) :
he does not like being not on ground. he does not have a fear of heights so much as a fear of… feet not on ground. as evidenced by refusal to jump, treehouses, and well, horses
he does not like their faces. they are long and have eyes on the side like prey. gimli thinks this is deceiving as horses are very large and can kick in someone’s skull. not his skull.
gimli believes that in a one on one match with a horse, he could easily win. he has thought of several, very specific, scenarios of this and has a detailed plan of attack should this situation occur.
they so easily turned against their home for an evil overlord (read: sauron stole all the black horses from rohan) and therefore cannot be trusted. as a rule, anything that willing you let you ride it cannot be trusted. they can’t be satisfied with this life. they are plotting something.
believes he would be great at drums. it’s just hitting things hard and he’s pretty strong.
ok, another thing about horses: they are fragile to a ridiculous extent. you breath wrong and it breaks. they have bad bones and bad blood flow in their legs, and their legs are all that they’re used for. he doesn’t understand why humans invested so much time into horses when they’re genetically bad at what they are meant to do. he’d feel bad for the horses if they weren’t so awful.
drinks coffee, not tea
takes great with the up keeping of his gear. he sharpens his axes, polishes his boots, shines his armor and waxes his mustache. that’s not gear, but he takes great pride in looking groomed and caring for his belongings.
has an axe for every occasion. battle axe? do you want throwing or slashing. a day on the town? have you seen this intricately carved masterpiece that also is a weapon? doffing a hole? PICKAXE. cutting a cake? how about an axe???
hates the rain because it ruins his hair and beard. also loves the rain because it ruins legolas’s hair and clothes.
will eat anything. has a great tolerance for spice. contrary to popular belief, dwarves are not shy of seasoning but are very cautious around other races in fear of poisoning their friends
will also eat some rocks. salty is his favorite (halite, hanksite, glauberite) but also likes to add chunks of chalcanthite to his food for a slightly sweet yet metalic flavor. this is also slightly (SLIGHTLY) poisonous as evidenced by sharing his trail mix with boromir
also calls dirt the “local seasoning”
will taste dirt to try and get a feeling for the land. this tells him the acidity, weather, possible wildlife, and also pisses off legolas
actaully genuinely likes the taste of dirt. (note: if you desire to eat clay/dirt that is a symptom of iron deficiency. for gimli, he eats spoonfuls of the stuff like their supplements because as a kid it was fed to him like multivitamins)
OK SO HEAR ME OUT: lack of sunlight can cause really low hemoglobin and ferritin (a blood protein that contains iron) sooo being constantly in dark caves can cause some forms of iron deficiency. because dwarves are conscious of their young, dwarf children often grow up not often being in direct sunlight.
the solution? dirt. dirt contains iron and other tasty minerals that are good for the body. charcoal has natural antioxidants. so does clay. am i saying that momma gimli (unnamed) fed her son ash and clumps of dirt? yes. also bits of broken pottery. it’s also good of the immune system.
fr tho clay/dirt/charcoal are the dwarven multivitamins. you have a tummy-ache? here, have a rock. i truly believe this was scientifically proven by dwarves and only FOR dwarves (plz do not eat dirt)
fuckin loves mushrooms. has a mushroom log at home. whenever dwarves find some fungai in a cave they go feral
likes dogs. thinks it’s great that they dig holes. thinks it’s fantastic that the bury things in holes. absolutes loves when they get muddy, and then shake off all water and dirt all over you.
when he came back home with the name lockbearer, a lot of the dwarves thought it was really cool and he has some sort of elven puzzle that requires a code to unlock something. imagine their surprise when he rocks up and is like: no, even better. HAIRS. three of them.
enjoys making mudpies- made them as a kid with his cousins, (mostly with rock slurry) and continues to, even even as an adult.
made them on the fellowship with the hobbits. taught them all about the best types of dirt and the water-to-soil- ratio needed.
while cutting up slices of his pie, he offered one to boromir, who in good nature, took it, clearly thinking it was just part of the bit.
poor boromir was locked in a stalemate after gimli cut his own slice, and began eating it.
to his credit, boromir did brave a few bites, but had to stop once he nearly had a mouthful of maggots
gimli is like crazy good at hair. can braid quickly and efficiently in elaborate styles
picked up eleven hair style techniques in lorien (quicker than legolas) and was forced to relay them to the elf through twine as there is no way he’s letting grubby elf fingers to touch his glorious mane that’s been decades in the making
would ask for a drink “on the rocks” and get slightly upset if it did not come back with actual rocks
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is it just me or has aeon and ada become even more popular because of the remakes (despite what haters say)
i think that a lot of people who were ada antis that switched were typically (not always tho) hating on her because they were jealous or they misunderstood her character. i think that a lot of the new fans are strictly leon stans and lack the critical thinking to go beyond their simping
it takes a certain amount of time and effort to look into a character that you vehemently dislike because you've already mentally written her off, or she's "in the way." and i don't necessarily blame them but i do think it's kinda stupid to hate on characters without knowing much about them (at least the people who hate on characters and make that their personality. I hate tons of characters- i just don't talk about it much cause i care about my time lol)
i think that SW was always made in a way to make the audience sympathize with ada. she's always been this morally grey character that (with most people who lack critical thinking skills) has always been painted as a villain- when arguably every single re character has does something morally wrong or has just straight up worked under actual villains in the stories
there's no morally good re character imo.
if we were to take this into account, it would be hypocritical to call all the other re characters morally just while condemning ada for her actions in the same breath.
i've already mentioned that i think the way they wrote luis's "redemption" arc was made in such a way that it was written to necesitate the story and was made into just a plot device. and i do think that if luis was written to be a woman, he would not have been given just a pass in what he had done.
ada's point of contention was always that she did what she needed to survive, and on the basis of what she deemed morally correct. people who paid attention to her story always knew she would kill if she needed to, BUT she would also do what she was think was the better option. she weighs two evils and chooses the lesser one.
i hear a lot of complaints from antis that her "saving" leon doesn't erase what she's done. and no one is saying that it does. but we have to remember that she doesn't owe leon ANYTHING. she could easily have left him to die. from the very start, if we were to assume the role as ada as our own pov, LEON is the one that wouldn't leave her alone.
i think that it's difficult to read characters that have their own sense of morality. when people do bad, you assume they're bad. but people aren't like that as a whole. when main characters like leon or chris do morally reprehensible things, it's because of the narrative, it's written as such so that the ending is still good.
the changes within SW was definitely to make the audience sympathize with ada. with her infection, with how the other characters treat her, with the way she carries herself. she knows what's she's done, she's "made peace with it," it's literally in her opening monologue.
tl;dr yes
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rknchan · 1 year
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i just finished hcpc and i really enjoyed it !!!!!! its not going to be some kind of deep analysis i just gonna be silly about things i like in hcpc
THE CHARACTERS i adore each and every one of them (except for namakeruda i wanna punch him with lovely punching punch)
MEGUMI CHAAAN shes so precious to me !!!! so pure so truly lovely her desire to make everyone happy is so heartwarming megumichan always puts a smile on my face whenever shes on screen ^^
i saw people thinking shes mary sue but i cannot agree :c for me marysue is a character so perfect that theyre unbelievable (!)
and megumi IS believable to me . people like megumi do exist,,,,, and she has more serious flaws than being clumsy and bad at studying;
shes all about helping others but cares about herself little, when shes suffering her pain is hidden behind a smile to the point she can't resist her pain anymore, she worries about being weak and her help is not needed - altruistic people like megumi often experience this feelings too
also she reminds me of my fav person </3 and she motivates me to become a better person myself and believe in love and happiness,,, sorry it sounded cheesy but its true.. thank you megumi ^^
HIME HIME HIME my blorbo !!!!! at the beginning her anxiety and arkwardness, feeling of being not worthy enough to be a precure, escaping from problems felt so relatable :c and it felt so good to see her grow. the moment when she saved iona was so powerful. i wish we saw more of her family when she returned to blue sky
btw i love meguhime as friends and as a pairing theyre so pure so cute they care for each other so much awwww,w,w,,w,w,w, *holds them gently*
YUKOO precious rice bean and the most canonical lesbian of hcpc
i love her rice song its cute and catchy i often chant it ahhahaha
also i like how she always wants to keep peace, to befriend villains and give them love they lacked !!! "why keep fighting if we can eat delicious rice together" SAY THIS LOUDER QUEEN HONEY shes so based for this
i can't say much about iona maybe ??? shes a deep and realistic character and her story with cure tender makes me cry but tbh she put me off in the beginning as it was uncomfortable to watch her being harsh on hime (tho its justified)... but she grew a lot too ,,,,
i expected to dislike seiji but actually he was such a nice character and a loyal friend who actually has chemistry with megumi and role in the plot
QUEEN MIRAGE is my fav villain ever and tbh i can even relate to her
deranged traumatised emowoman ily
the story of her relationship with blue breaks my heart ... the moments when she still wants to be loved by blue but cant resist her anxious thoughts and red's manipulation... HER PURIFICATION SCENE WHEN ALL THE CURES COMFORTED MIRAGE;;;;; HER REUNION WITH BLUE;;;;;;;; sobs
the generals are so fun to watch :) dorks with goofy hats
hosshiwa remains my crush forever..... and oresky and namakeruda are just fuking silly smashing them smashing them
tho their final battle with the cures and their purification was such a deep and impressing scene
i love how brutal and creative was this season with its attacks. lovely punching punch <333 lovely beam <33 princess bullet machine gun <333 let cute girls do some violence
and their innocent form attacks are just beautiful
hcpc is often criticized for its repetitive designs and i sorta agree... but at least they were creative with international cures designs (aloha and bomber girls are my favourite, also im glad to see a cure from my country !!!! cure katyusha <3) and form changes AND FOREVER LOVELY DESIGN JUST SLAYS. SHE LOOKS LIKE A LITERAL ANGEL
also maybe theres a meaning behind the similar designs??? like, all the cures all over the world have similar costumes and it can symbolize they have a lot in common, theyre unite, they are a million-cure team .. while the phantom generals are all different, there's nothing uniting them, there's no team spirit or friendship between them
also the soundtrack is so good and catchy !!!!! i adore the opening and the rice song (and especially honey and hosshiwa's song battle) and the innocent song !!!!
i love the message of hcpc that everyone is worthy to be happy and loved, even if youre in deep despair, disappointed in life, thinking you'll never be loved and thus love is worth nothing - someone is always going to be here for you
but at the same time it points out that love can be a destructive force (red, mirage, dark seiji), that its impossible to be happy all the time, that feeling pain and hate is valid
sorry it turned out so long i hope i could share my love for happiness charge with you ,,,,,
i love you megumi i love you hime i love you yuko i love you iona i love you blue i love you red i love you mirage i love you seiji i love you masukomio i love you phantomu i love you hosshiwa i hate you namakeruda i love you oresky I LOVE YOU HAPPINESS CHARGE
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marley-manson · 9 months
Thoughts (not glowing, not disappointed) while halfway through Good Omens (spoilers for the whole thing tho)
lol I've never seen something that felt more like filmed fanfic in my life
And that includes my favourite actual filmed fanfic like Hannibal and Velvet Goldmine
It just has that fanfic vibe? The plot is remarkably half-assed and meandering and revolves around fan favourite side characters and is very clearly just a vehicle to give Aziraphale and Crowley something to do between scenes about their relationship that are clearly the main focus, and there's a side f/f ship that exists to parallel their relationship and commentate on it, and it's like... fine but honestly the writing and production lacks a certain sense of professional polish imo lol (but tbf I thought that about s1 too)
And moreover it's fanfic I would click out of if it wasn't written by Neil Gaiman and performed by the cast because I dislike the 'met as angels' fanon and I'm not into Gabriel and especially Gabriel/Beelzebub and clearly Gaiman's top/bottom headcanons don't match my own and there's nary a hint of book characterization which is something I always look for in gomens fanfic.
And one unrelated complaint: why is David Tennant's acting Like That, he's fucking killing me here with this constant grr angry growling, he sounds like Nolan Batman half the time what is up with this I hate it. It never ends! Chill the fuck out omg! I swear it was nowhere near this painful last season, he had like a few angry moments but it wasn't his whole personality what is UP this sucks. Even when he's supposed to be in a good mood like in the Scotland flashback he delivers every line like he's inwardly seething with rage. Or has laryngitis.
All that said I stayed up late to finish the 3rd ep last night and I'm gonna watch the other 3 tonight so something about it still works for me even if I'm rolling my eyes during a third of the show and cringing during another third (while grinning during the last third lol). I may think it largely sucks, but I'm enjoying the viewing experience a lot more than I expected.
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cozy-coffee-reads · 6 months
 Twilight review time!!
• twilight
i’m not gonna lie I started out reading it as a joke, but then I really got into it. It starts out very slow, and continues very slow (unless your into fluffy nonsense romance. which i totally am). The only actual plot was crammed into the last 100 or so pages which made things feel rushed and takes away from the impact of the events. Bella is a spineless mary sue and Edward is a creep. 5/10
• New moon
As someone who struggles with codependency I really related to bella in this book. Being completely shattered when your partner leaves you is so so accurate to my experience . That being said I really dislike the way the codependency between bella and Edward is portrayed as romantic. The actual writing is on par with the last book, and unfortunately, the pattern of cramming plot into the very end is consistent until breaking dawn. Bella probably has BPD and Jacob is a pick me bitch. 6/10
• Eclipse
In my opinion, this is the most forgettable book in the entire saga. The pages blended together, the lack of plot turned my brain into mush, no joke I literally had to Google what happened so i could write this review. The actual experience of reading it wasn’t a bad one however. Just like with all the other books, it’s a quick easy read with enough drama to keep me going till the end. Twilight is the epitome of junk food escapism. Jacob is still a pick me bitch, Bella is still a spineless mary sue, and Edward is still a creep. 4/10
• breaking dawn
Ok I actually kinda liked this one? I think my enjoyment came from Bella actually having some agency once she got married and turned. She went from being this helpless victim to a girl who is actually capable of taking care of herself. Its a bad message to stay to the young girls reading this “your a stupid little girl who needs a prince to rescue her, but dont worry! Once you get married, you’ll actually be respected!”. Anyways as far as plot goes  this one was actually spread out over the entire course of the book!! The writing still wasn’t great tho. Also the whole Jacob imprinting nessie.. y i k e s. Jacob is a pdeo, bella actually has some agency, Edward is a little better in this one. 7/10
P.s if you liked twilight go watch the vampire diaries. It’s all the drama and all the love triangles. Just much,much better 
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jadefromsnowstorm · 9 months
The Dragon Prince Season 5: The Missed Potential of Scumport
Aight so I recently watched the 5th season of TDP and while I enjoyed it a great deal more than Season 4 I still have a few issues with it
The biggest one being that some of the things in the plot just..... don't seem to matter that much? Like they'd setup for something and then completely ignore/forget about it in the show?
Finnigrin was the best part of this season no doubt there, but I felt the Scumport plot lacking somewhat
Like why even make Ezran go to Finnigrin for the ship if they planned for Villads to help the gang?
Just so Ezran can steal those three baby glow toads(that's still pretty stupid to steal from the shady guy running a brutal, lawless place) and get Finnigrin to follow them?
Why tell us that he wanted to kill Domina Profundis when she's such a nothing character this season and no confrontation even happens? Like Finn gets killed before the finale and Domina doesn't matter enough for the audience to care or be interested in that aspect of the plot
Like there were better ways of getting Finnigrin to chase them, I thought that they were initially setting up for Ezran & Zym to steal Finn's fastest or second fastest ship & use Villads to steer it
Could you imagine what it would have been like if they stole his main ship and then Finnigrin chased after in his second fastest one and when he had them in view he just whistled and the "ship" suddenly turned and stood showing the audience it was a crab all along (I still liked the reveal in the show tho)
There's also the whole deal with dark magic this season, we saw more elves willing to use/associate with dark magic or adjacent practices to achieve their goals, Karim, Finnigrin, Kim'Dael
(Terry maybe in the future seasons?)
Here's my ideas for the Scumport thing
Finnigrin is the first elf we've seen in the show that deliberately wants to use dark magic(well maybe except the Bloodmoon huntress but it's not exactly clear if the "blood magic" is supposed to be "dark magic")
It would've made much much more sense for Scumport to be a DARK MAGIC HUB where you could purchase and trade in goods used for dark magic
This would also increase the sense of danger in the place if most of the people there were dark magic users, Raya's whole comment about keeping a low profile & the other comment about everyone paying their dues to Finnigrin, there's no need for tension or to be scared for our heros in Scumport if it's just filled with snake oil salesmen
It would also make sense for why Finn wants Bait, maybe adult glow toads are excellent for some dark magic rituals & the little ones don't have much value or take too long to grow
Ezran's decision to save them would much more sense if they were going to be used in dark magic or the leviathans that they'd catch would be used in that way
Also make the gang actually steal one of Finn's ships, or if you really wanna include Ruthless, have Villads be indebted to Finn so he's actually trapped there and Finn has the control of his ship and then they can steal it from him
Make Domina Profundis more relevant this season, it's named Water so the Archdragon of the Ocean should play a bigger role, have Zubeia get injured early on and Domina can serve as our mentor for this season, set up her dislike for dark magic and conflict with Finnigrin/other dark magic users/Scumport and have a failed attempt for assassination by Finn in the finale
The Scumport subplot was the more interesting of part of this season so make it matter more dammit
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raiquen · 3 months
Book Review: Neverwhere, by Neil Gaiman
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My Review in a Tweet:
It feels like cheating when you point out the similarities between two works then the author himself mentions a character by name, but this book truly feels like a Lewis Carroll or even James M. Barrie story. Lots of suspension of disbelief tho.
My Full Review:
I truly dislike saying this about a book, but I have finally finished reading "Neverwhere". There are a couple of reasons why it took me so long, but the main one is the constant and intentional nonsense you are forced to deal with.
The biggest responsible for that is the worldbuilding (or the lack of it): Gaiman cheats when he describes the "Londres de Abajo" (I'm guessing he named it the "Under London" in English or something like that?) as this mirror reality under London (not very subtle) that just happens to have anything the plot needs and works with simple and straightforward rules, the most important one being the owing of favors. The randomness of the characters and locations they visit constantly throws you off.
In favor of the novel, I did like the "clasic fairy tale" feeling of it, where our protagonists meet some perilous tests, fierce foes and unexpected allies. All of these also had a certain "greek myth" or "folk tale" nature to them, like the Beast of the Labyrinth or the Huntress and the Warrior.
The characters are very likeable, but they fall a little short in being fully developed or having truly great moments for themselves. "This thing happens, then this other thing happens and we are done", the characters don't seem to notice any of it or truly react to the events around them, they just stroll through the plot. Only in the ending I felt like they were experiencing real consequences of the events in the story.
It was a nice enough reading, but I don't know if I would recommend it, except maybe for teenagers. I remain curious for the rest of Gaiman's works, specially "American Gods", "Good Omens", and finishing "Sandman" (of which I read the first two volumes).
My Other 2024 Readings.
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“Oh don’t pick apart the rwrb movie and critique the fuck out of it gay people also deserve cringy movies, why can only straight people have cringy cheesy bad movies?”
The thing is than they don’t
I also criticize those movies regardless of if they’re straight or not. If it’s bad it’s bad regardless the genders involved in the romance.
I will pick apart the rwrb movie, because it’s BAD, it’s a shit movie, and you can’t change my mind about it. Not only is a horrible book adaptation, it’s also just a bad movie in itself, several plot inconsistencies than if I never read the movie I just wouldn’t get? Why does Alex make his speech before even consulting Henry and then the king tries to make Henry deny it and hide it, even tho Alex already confirmed it? Half the e-mails didn’t appear or became lines the character just say instead of write (like history huh), so what exactly is leaked? Why are there so many emails leaked when they don’t even show half of them in the whole movie? Why is the media calling them “the Waterloo letters”? Where does Waterloo come from? The complete erasure of queerness? I have a whole post about it but I really really don’t get it. Why is Alex such a shallow character in the movie??
He hates Henry for no reason other than a bad first impression, which wasn’t even that bad, he said than he needed to get out of there, while in the book he’s telling Shaan to get rid of Alex, and even then, that’s not the only reason Alex dislikes him in the book. Alex has apparently no real personality, and neither does Nora or Pez or Bea etc Henry is fine, they didn’t completely butchered him like they did with Alex but even then, well I’ll blame this one for the lack of time.
If I criticize any piece of media at all, it’s because it’s bad. I’m not a hater, I try to see things they way they are, for example there were scenes I enjoyed, like what they did with the phone calls and messages between Alex and Henry (as if they were in the same place), and the delivery of “my life is the crown and yours is politics and I will not trade one prison for another” is immaculate.
No movie is free of mistakes and bad stuff, I also critique my favorite movies, like for example dead poets society is one of my favorite movies yet it still had questionable stuff, like the whole thing with Knox and Chris and Charlie’s racism.
I feel like real reviews should have both the good and the bad, since there’s always something good, I always try to find something good to say, regardless than if I completely hated it, there must be something I enjoyed.
It just really annoys me when people act like you can’t hate on the movie because it’s queer, or the other way, when people hate on the movie because it’s queer. This also happens with the book. People love it for the wrong reasons and they hate it for the wrong reasons too.
This is no shade to the actors, I think they did an amazing job (when they casted Nicholas as Henry humanity peaked on perfect casting)
And this is criticism while having in mind the time they had to show such a character-driven story, but I think than making it a movie was the first bad choice they made, I feel like it would have worked so much better as a mini series, like Daisy jones & the six
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powertaco · 11 days
I do have to agree with your confession about Volume 9 being the weakest.
It tries to hard at being "Symbolic", but the fact that even the confession between Yang and Blake had to be forced with death made it painfully obvious they were taking short cuts in writing. Couldn't have it be a simple talk under the stars? Had to do that? Are words so hard to say?
Every scene was kind of awkward. While the beginning was comedic and brought charm, the volume got more and more scene's that made people question some decisions.
I mean, we all know the one where Weiss and Yang were literal inches from Ruby, but they left her face down in the dirt. We all know what part of the fan base that awkward moment was directed at, and that's just mean, taking from the volume.
They see she's not fine, but efforts to do anything to help her were minimal. The scene from the Caterpillar smoke suggests everyone's now confident and strong, but the writers didn't allow them to let Ruby lean on them. When Yang was asking Ruby "Are you fine?", you could feel that Yang was restrained, wishing to do more, for the sake of the tea drinking scene.
That may be a characteristic thing for Ruby to not lean on people, but Weiss, Yang, and Blake know sadness and know it's not good to deal with it alone. Weiss had Klein, Blake had Sun, Yang had Tai. If the plot didn't need it, Ruby wouldn't have drunk the tea if her team was allowed to talk and comfort her. But ya know, writing decision of "none of them thought Ruby needed them."
Yang didn't confront her and stop her spiraling, which as Yang herself spiraled into depression after the fall of Beacon, you'd think she'd have experience with it.
Then characters felt absent from scenes even though they were right there in multiple instances, and all you have is 6-7 to work with, are you serious?
My worst gripe is Jaune tho. You're gonna blow up at Ruby, blaming her for everything, even though you know she's breaking right now. You're a grown ass man, and you're blaming a child for a village you've been trying to protect from itself, great to know you'll never mature.
And once again, the other 3 felt absent from this tantrum, who didn't interrupt it and let him continue yelling at the top of his lungs at Ruby. Forget what Neo did, in my opinion, she drank the tea because of Jaune.
And I wouldn't hate Jaune this much this volume of they simply acknowledge it. But no. Jaune gets the hugs, the reassurance, even after Ruby's "death". Come on Miles, you know better than to show favoritism for the character you voice.
This volume made it felt there was a lack of time to script, to focus group, to reconsider choices, to see if "that's what the character would do."
I know they wanted it to be special, and meaningful, and while I don't really care much about them the fact that they basically HAD to confess to solve the issue is that they didn't get to do it on their own. I know they wanted to end the series by having Bees be canon, but there were other ways to do imo, and like I said it just made me dislike canon bees because it showed that they focused essentially on only each other until Ruby drank the tea.
A very too little too late thing, and they don't seem to acknowledge that they got too caught up in each other or anything, and much like Ruby's mental issues are just kinda brushed aside.
We lose great storyboards of other partners who aren't bees interacting.
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You really don't even have to ship WR to see that they're supposed to be canon best friends, and a single scene like this is not too much to ask.
We got an entire episode basically devoted to the bees, and loooots of jaune time, but we can't get a single scene elsewhere in the series for something like this to give the girl partners a chance to, you know, interact, or be meaningful.
I know there were problems but they knew going into it that this was likely it, and had years to work on it. This volume is exceptionally rushed.
One of the biggest problems I have with the show is that it's named RWBY, and there's so much character bloat, and even among the named cast the team barely interacts outside of their partners.
Ruby, and Blake interact more in her imagination in the Emerald Forest and the first episode of IQD than they do in most of canon.
Weiss and Blake trade a few catty remarks for fun in atlas,and despite supposing to be deuteragonists JNPR is largely just Jaune.
We don't get scenes of Ruby, Jaune, Nora, and some of the others playing games. Ruby, and Ren baking as Nora awaits her feast. Blake having a book club with Ruby, Weiss, Pyrrha, and Ren, or even working out with Yang, Nora, and Pyrrha.
It makes the relationships feel kind of hollow, and now that WR apparently forgot they're partners for most of the last 3 volumes I mean it's just the bees show really, and as I said V9 showed me their worst side. If you wanted to convert me you failed miserably.
I realize that's unpopular because as long as team bees win it's perfect, but I don't care if people don't like my opinion.
The bees deserved better than a forced confession, like rwby deserved a proper non rushed ending. (also side note wasn't jax lobotomized in the novel? So why break him out?)
To bring back your point yes it is annoying they leave Ruby in the dirt. People were saying they left Ruby in the recovery position which you know great, but that's doing the writers job for them. It wouldn't have taken much for Weiss to fret, and put Ruby in the position, or Yang while they talk to the others. It's like a first draft that needed another run over.
I know in the white void Ruby's first instinct is to call for Weiss, and Yang, and yet again for the sake of making her speedrun a breakdown everything conveniently works against her.
There's a game called Evil Within. Sequel is fun, but the 1st game has a goal of getting to the lighthouse. The issue is that you're inside the mind of another person so one moment you can go from a forest with the lighthouse in the distance to a closed house, then a medieval battlefield, and so on.
Essentially there's no sense of progression, or rules you can really enforce because of the setting.
Ever After bothers me for that reason. I understand it's fantastical, but without some rules there's no sense of urgency, or weight, or stakes to whatever actions can happen.
Could they open a random door, and Salem be there sipping coffee? It's EA so why not?
Ruby's mental breakdown and suicide don't matter because it's EA.
Side note Weiss you have glyphs put one over the teacup so she can't drink it. Of course your sister could have also used one to catch you too as you fell so maybe forgetting you can do that is a family thing. Hmmm, thoughts for later.
Jaune isn't in a great headspace. I don't like that he yelled at Ruby, but I do understand him snapping after decades alone, and venting his frustration. I mean I get pissed if my cat knocks out the ethernet cable. I don't scream at it, but it didn't cost me 20 years worth of effort either.
My point being that I agree that one of Ruby's teammates, especially her partner should have stepped in at that point, and many others to protect Ruby, or each other, and they don't.
They're not a cohesive team anymore. They're Bees who care about each other, and if they can bother to remember the others then the others.
Weiss is adrift with no arc AT ALL, , and reduced to comedy. I hate it. We have seen time, and time again that Weiss will have hard talks and yet now of all times she just can't? Must be those darn ever after rules making her suddenly not talk at all.
Jaune's...idk him returning to normal is boring because the idea of him needing to meet and interact with new peers and his friends despite being older is interesting, and hey older jaune meeting older jess in the JL P2 would have been pretty neat to see.
If we ever get a V10 you can bet he'll go right back to being the same old Jaune except he might sometime say something wise and nora might mock his gray hair. Yay what a waste.
I still would have prefered Nora falling so she can learn who she is away from Ren and he from her then when she was reunited in V10 they could be ready for a relationship.
Plus Nora would be well used to wearing a happy + mask so she'd actually talk to ruby or get mad weiss or none of the others were.
I will also accept maria jumping down after Neo screaming round two bitch, and somehow getting the dagger, and turning young. This would also be acceptable and make just as much sense as anything else in Ever After. You know I have to work it in there. Bonus, she wouldn't accept Ruby acting like that, and would confront her on it.
If Maria can handle Neo then she can handle a moody Ruby.
At any rate I'm rambling but yes Ruby got a team hug, and came back basically the same as ever (for real give her a semblance upgrade or power up she's fighting what's close to a god) except she's more confident.
I know there's no victory in strength, but there's only defeat in weakness too so I meeeeean.
Idk just me though. Prob why Vol 8 time travel or fix it fics are so common. Just an easy pathway into them.
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buraksfm · 1 month
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✦ ―――― ( enes koçak, cisman, he / him ) BURAK ALKAN the TWENTY - EIGHT year old is known as THE DIRECTOR within the group. they are known to be CREATIVE and ARROGANT which makes sense when you think about how hollywood is blackballing him because chris nolan is scared of his directional debut but i guess we’ll find out for ourselves.
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birth name: burak alkan. nicknames: none, just burak. age: 28. date of birth: december 13th. sign: sagittarius. gender: cis man. pronouns: he/him. orientation: bisexual.
hair: brown, curly, always on the edge of needing it cut. eyes: brown. height: 6'2". tattoos: vines around his left wrist and forearm, five little kodamas spread across his right leg and thigh, director chair on his right calf. piercings: only one now ; left lobe. has a closed up eyebrow and lip piercings from his teen years.
positive: charming, creative, steady, caring. negative: arrogant, distracted, nosy, overbearing. likes: birds and dogs, boxing, watching movies in 70mm film, swimming, blueberry muffins. dislikes: smelly cinemas, tomatoes, waking up early, bikes in the middle of the road, sugary coffee. temperament: choleric. alignment: chaotic neutral. element: fire.
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loving father and unfortunately barren mother, burak wasn't born into the family, but raised as the son they always wanted regardless.
spent countless hours growing up watching not only animated movies that most parents would find only suitable for children, but a variety of movies from old westerns to more avant - garde pieces, nurturing his future passion for film.
having the means to meet an end, its easy to start playing around with disposable cameras before turning to more sophisticated ones, self teaching techniques because no one else has his vision, he thinks.
school comes easy when it touches any of the creative fields, excelling in those but lacking severely in others. it's not his wits that makes him pass, but his creativity to find some loopholes to get enough points.
people come even easier, despite his earned ego over the years. his friends are his inspirations, their stories he gets to experience first hand make for the greatest plots. not only that, but he has a knack to create situations for all to enjoy. sure, he can be annoyingly bossy, but when all goes according to his plan and vision, everyone always has a fucking blast.
stayed in michigan after seeing most of his friends come and go, actually enjoying the vibes of it all and found it beneficial for his ever blooming ideas.
did not attend any college to pursue film education. in fact, the only thing that he'll ever come close to owning to a higher education diploma is the certificate he did at the motion picture institute. not really because he thought he needed it, but because he wanted to see what his competition in the industry would look like. needless to say he thinks himself better than any of his class.
his phone is always charged up for any occasion, and will go into a frenzy to find the nearest charger when it goes down to 20. sometimes even two powerbanks aren't enough. his phone is more often in front of his eyes, trying to capture the funniest or most epic moment at any given time.
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tl;dr — filmbro that would've made for the worst hollywood nepobaby so thank god the closest he'll be to the professional industry is film festivals with his indie projects. he's nosy as hell but does unfortunately take the best pictures and clips of everyone because of his artistic eye tho, so he ate that one thing.
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nikethestatue · 2 months
It does feel like shippers are the only ones left in the fandom who are actually looking forward to what SJM does next. The rest of the fandom behaves as if they are hate reading this series and at this point I think they very much are. The negativity isn't just around Elain, people seem to hate Feyre with a passion too now, which was genuinely shocking to me. I thought she was a fairly loved character so was Feysand as a ship but the loudest voices in the fandom seem to be of people that don't like them? Everyone is a hater of everyone now. I don't get it. I guess it's because the fandom discourse centered around nesta for so long and her fandom seems to be very hateful towards anyone who isn't her. Most of the elain hate I see comes from the pro-nesta side. She gets called a bitch, selfish, manipulative and an "ungrateful" sister by her stans which is crazyyy to me I'd thought feyre stans would hate her because of the time in cabin but... WHAT DID SHE DO TO NESTA???? WHAT? And where are the og feysand stans? I think they liked Elain or Elriel or at least weren't as hateful towards her. They seem to have dipped after acowar dropped which is valid lol they got everything why stay now? It is sad tho that SJM's og fans just left and now all she has is a fickle and unpredictable TikTok crowd and people who are just hate reading her books.
Yah...every character is hated now.
Back when I joined, no one would be hating on Cassian and Azriel, they were pretty much safe bets. Same with Feyre. Rhys was always too contentious to be loved by everyone, but now, every single person is hated. Poor Elain's been hated since the very beginning.
I think certain segments and certain ships take all this WAY too seriously. Like way way too seriously, taking it to places where these books aren't supposed to go. Stupid stuff like 'Rhys runs an apartheid state' using fancy words like 'intersectionality' and creating more drama between Rhys and Nesta than SJM ever did. Just because Nesta does not like Rhys, doesn't mean he is the devil, and vice versa, because he doesn't like her, doesn't mean she is plotting to murder him and take over.
I have issues with SJM's writing and her lack of consistency and plot holes, but I still love 99% of the characters. Even when they behave badly. It's okay, we should be able to handle imperfect characters who do imperfect things.
I've disliked the same 2 characters since the very beginning. Nothing's changed. And no one's been really added to the list, because i personally like the clashes, the personalities, the dramatics. That's why I read. Everyone acting properly and with dignified resolve is really not what I am super interested in.
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dullahandyke · 3 months
and now part 3 of the case 4 liveblog! during this one mam audibly commented on how much i was writing in my note book lols
ok yiss we're back boyssss it's been like a week? wowza
ah. i had forgotten i was still dealing with the garridebs when we left off. :grimace:
yeah i don't like dealing w them can we leave pls
sholmes music is banging tho
oh no susato do Not look to these fucks as an example of a romantic couple
hi shamspeare i like your vibe
god the costume jewelry is a sight to see in the 1900s tho. boy who gave you a sceptre
hiiiii natsume it's been too long... i also like your vibes
sholmes eavesdropping... girl weren't they speaking japanese????
love love love when susato turns to look at me. are you seeing this shit naruhodo-san
can't get over natsume's sopping wet pleading face
'natsume's room s cursed' are we sure that's not just a gas leak
i like sholmes's thing about belief it's v sweet
ASOUGI FLASHBACK!!!! hi asougi :)
sholmes's trout dinner.... pov dinner date w herlock sholmes he leaves you for a doohickey
love susato's fist pump sprite.... patron saint of 'we are so fucking back'
20th feb.... huh that's tomorrow. contemporaneous playthru stays winning
'do all literary people take things so literally' first off youre one to talk ryuu second off autism on autism violence????
christ bvz's cracking out the wine early
bvz you're not doing yourself any favours by toasting to the victim's death
also i love susato's description in the profiles.... a huge help to ryuu always <3
also nice to have a non0murder case for a change. usually have to go to the audio cds for that
christ they really did give us precious little evidence from that investigation huh
boooo bvz don't waste good wine like that
ok predictions: blunt knife tip + lack of actual death = green is in on a plot to frame natsume
literally where would we be without susato. god bless
also ryuu appreciation he's so cute. little shaking sprites... his kind cow-like eyes have bewitched me
bvz's blue eyes unnerve me... get him some brown contacts. or at least dark grey
ryuu going back to nervous sprites... dw my boy it will be ok
also donut lips juror 5... :frowning2:
love ryuu's little wall slam. him klav + mvk are a holy twinity
fairplay leading the jury is also for sure some 'get natsume found guilty + we'll find you innocent' deal
yes ryuu know your rights do the examination <3
gregson in the background of the courtroom during the summation examination... lol
banging music continues to be banging
juror 2's freakishly tiny mouth irks me... girl how do u eat
ryuu should have called juror 2 a racist idiot to her face
ryuu why did you think asking garrideb abt natsume's character would workout
u can tell i don't play new games by how impressed i am by the animation of ryuu pacing as the camera follows him. real movie magic right here
surely juror 5 would've seen natsume if he jumped the trench tho... bvz what's the plan
booooooo once again bvz is way less cool without the cloak
points. the lovecore fucks have been spotted
also according to jules, your man was originally irish so in my mind he continues to be such
points at roly. autistic as fuck to be chewing his chin strap
'patrolling the beat is the most demanding work in the world' clearly someone's never been in the tumblr trenches
if i knew the beates irl i'd literally die from romance repulsion but patricia gets a pass for being cute. she needs to divorce that cop and get herself a real man (me)
society if this game treated fat women with even an ounce of respect
disliking the persistant domestic abuse jokes(?) this case... so uncomfy
the beats theme does not... feel fitting. for either courtroom or investigative scene
love ryuu's confident smirk... he's so >:)
bvz you need to get susato tossed so damn badly
'one of britain's guiding principles is tolerance' lol. lmao even
bvz's scowl sprite looks like 'eat yo sandwich bitch! the fuck you looking crazy for
i can so vividly envision juror 2's instgram it's awful
my god a third abusive wife... i have a feeling it's abusive wives instead of husbands bcos abusive husbands are more likely to be taken seriously/not treated as a bit joke and i dont like it
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Awakening is actually very very divisive among the Fire Emblem fandom, even in Japan.
Those whom like it, like it for; its ease of play, ability to ship characters, accessibility, lack of difficulty, the Avatar's role in the story and like its plot.
Those whom dislike it, dislike it for; ignoring/retconning the lore of past Fire Emblem games (besides the First Exalt thing, they also completely changed the function of the Fire Emblem, imagine a Zelda game that changed the function of the TriForce so it was an evil artifact), unbalanced gameplay, black and white plot/flat villains, power fantasy style of the player's Avatar, increased sexy fanservice targeted towards heterosexual men, and problematic elements (mostly hidden in the localization).
hm. inch resting.
Yeah no tho that 'changes their lore's Triforce to an evil artifact' is wild tho like.
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brsb4hls · 4 months
I'm not an active Peggy hater, nor am I deep in that side of the MCU, but I've seen a lot of posts, so I'm going to summarize what I've seen about her (pls take with a grain of salt since I'm going off of what I remember).
I've seen descriptive posts that detail why they think/why they know Peggy (and Howard) was involved with/knew about/allowed nazi activity that happened within S.H.I.E.L.D. and talk about how she worked with Nazis and allowed expierimentation canonically, and they dislike her for that. I've also seen people say that they don't like how actively Marvel was trying to push Captain Carter rather than Sam Wilson Captain America and that, sometimes combined with the first thing, makes a lot of people upset and generally the use of a white woman over the black man they've presented as the new Captain America in the mcu movies. There was apparently some controversy about just how much they were constantly promoting her over Sam and other characters on twitter, but I wasn't part of that, so I've only heard about it.
Then there's the Bucky aspect and people feeling that ever since Marvel realized Stucky was a ship, they've been trying to smother it. I've seen posts that say that the Captain Carter What if reuses a lot of the Winter Solider plot devices, but now under a romantic light because it's Peggy and Steve and not Steve with a man, so that rubs people the wrong way. And I've seen some people say that since she had a high position at S.H.I.E.L.D., combined with the other nazi stuff, she probably knew about Bucky and other Hydra things that she never tried to stop.
There's things I've seen lesser of like Peggy shooting at Steve in the first movie or her general characterization or oversaturation, and I'm sure those things also influence how they see Captain Carter because if they don't like one version of Peggy, I think it's reasonable to assume they don't like any version of her, no mater what the multiverse is.
That's all I can think of! Maybe someone else who actually knows more will do a better job than me. I would say you could go through the anti peggy tag, but I don't think you'd very easily find actual criticism posts, mostly just complaining since that's what anti tags are for lol
Ah ok, thank you. I do not feel the same about most of your points, but I do get them.
Personally I'd criticize the creators for pushing one character and ignoring another, that alone does not make me hate the character, but the narrative and the creative decisions.
With Sam Wilson it would be more a case of 'both', they could both play a role in what if, and the blame for Wilson not being included def falls on Feige, whatever reasons he might have.
(I absolutely do get being frustrated about a general lack of decent representation on all fronts, but well, Disney, so personally I nitpick what little we get).
The nazi stuff could be an actual turn off for me, but I know to little about that. The Cap movies aren't my personal faves so I might have missed stuff and I did not watch the solo show.
I should look into it tho, sounds like an interesting discussion.
Still makes me wonder on another level, since even Red Skull has a lot of fans (but then again, actual Nazis still exist, so there's that).
I appreciate you making the effort of gathering those points, anon, it's hard to get an actual answer on here, no matter the subject.
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tamelee · 2 years
Out of curiosity, because I truly think that SasuNaru makes the most sense, but like I don't usually think about ships too much (UNLESS ITS HASHIMADA THAT IS MY OTP)... But NGL, With the moon movie, I thought it was kind of cute. Was it reaching tho try and make the ending of them two together to make sense? Yeah, but I still think it's cute.
So what I was going to ask was, how you feel about poly relationship of Sasu-Naru-Hina? I mean Sasuke is gone most of the time anyways and Naruto and Hinata have cute moments once in a while in Boruto. Of course they still also write Naruto and Sasuke having intimate moments too. Idk I think Naruto deserves the extra love (not saying you don't).
This is just a pure curious question, you have every right to ship what you want to ship but I just wondered if this is an angle you've ever thought about?
Hi @supervaca !! 💕💕
HashiMada I can get behind :3♡
Ooohh Sasu-Naru-Hina? 
You catch me off-guard with that one, in a good way!
No, never considered it and I would’ve never done that myself, because.. well.. Hinata, but if I would put aside my dislike for her (I’m trying) and truly, honestly give it some thought.. let me see. 
‘The Last’ is genuinely a big mess jammed with excuses to make Naruto seem like less of a character than he has become for the sole purpose of making him look like a giant idiot that didn’t understand his entire development. His own development. 
Only so that the characters around him, including Hinata can say “you don’t understand, Naruto, you big dumb idiot, but now we have to tell you verbally or through a plot-hole Genjutsu- so what are you gonna do about it? Hurt sweet little Hinata’s feelings? You would never, right?”
Only for him, a character that was always emotionally driven, look miserable as hell and give in. To tell Hinata he loves her in the most emotion-less way I’ve ever seen in media. 
To be more happy about having a bowl of noodles or Sasuke in front of him than supposedly the girl people tell him he loves after an entire story.
I… don’t think any of it is ‘cute’ tbh. 
Yesterday I rewatched his fight with Gaara.. I mean just look at little Naruto expressing how he feels and analyzing Gaara on an emotional level just by observing him!!
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"Naruto didn't know/realize-" is just a poor excuse.
Most of what we see in ‘Boruto’ is filler. Trying to compensate for the lack of true character development, or worse, the character destruction that occurred previously I can’t find cute either. I can’t look past it. For me, it’s already ruined. 
Sakura loves the idea of Sasuke, but she can’t force the true Sasuke to love her back.
Hinata loves a version of Naruto seen from a distance, but she can’t force the true Naruto, the Naruto she didn’t only believe in for his surface-level goals, to love her back.
They don’t even really know the man they supposedly love so much. They never truly emotionally bonded before they all of a sudden were in a rel- oh oop- and there are babies. 
Compared to Naruto and Sasuke.. that love is just not the same. 
I don’t think it has much to do with Naruto "deserving" love. They all do, but when Sasuke acknowledged Naruto he made it known to Naruto. It had an impact on Naruto’s life. Sasuke and Hinata both knew Naruto’s pain of living in solitude. Naruto ignored Hinata’s heartfelt words, but was willing to die together with Sasuke knowing his heart. Aware that Sasuke knew his. Sasuke made Naruto feel happy, it drove him forward.. seeing Sasuke bear his burdens, seeing the person that truly accepted him as “Naruto”- made him feel ‘pain’ too.
Who the hell is Hinata?
‘The Last’ is a joke. 
And now Naruto avoids her, but would take any chance he can get to meet up with Sasuke?
Hinata seems like a woman who has everything handled at home which fits the ‘waifu’-image she has.. that’s about it. 
Sasuke absolutely wants nothing to do with her on even a friendly basis. It's a hello-I'm-being-polite-to-you-basis.
Sasuke and Naruto don’t even talk about their families on their restaurant dates. Naruto didn’t know Sarada hadn’t seen her father once and Sasuke met Boruto for the first time before the Chunin Exam and asked for his name.. 
Sasuke and Hinata is a big no. I’m even surprised he knows her name.
Naruto and Hinata is very one-sided. 
I don’t like Hinata at all and that is me expressing that very lightly, but doesn’t she “deserve” love too? 
Does Naruto even know Hinata as a person truly? That’s another question to me. We never get answers for that either. 
Does her brain only consist of “Naruto-kun”? Is that what Naruto “deserves”? Such shallow “love”?
If Hinata pushes Naruto away (which would never happen), Naruto wouldn’t even notice, but when Sasuke did, Naruto only fought his hardest, against all odds/law/world to get closer to his heart. 
That’s not for me 😅, but! I like thinking about new things, this is a first O.o! Do you ever think about Sasu-Naru-Saku as well? Not that I do..
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ka1t0-s · 1 year
I've been loving nightbringer so much so far-- I think it's the first time in obey me history I've caught up to the last lesson that's out (which will probably change w due time, I'm terrible at keeping my cards lvled up) and the story has been fun for me so far. I havent played obey me since like early 2022-- so this is quite nostalgic yet fresh for me.
but anyways, the music battles r fine, controls weirded me out at first but I can manage. it was more jarring how the songs used were remixed and nightcored ver. of obey me songs. rlly putting the night in nightbringer I see.
however, speaking on the plot, I find that it had some missed potential? like no one else would care tbh and I can understand why but. THE DOMESTICALITY?? THE BROTHERS SETTLING INTO HOL??? missed opportunity may I say I'd EAT THAT UP!! 
like screw (affectionately, I dont hate this game) the "oh we had it modified to suit our tastes" and now everyone's room looks exactly like how they do in present time. I do understand why they do, and this isnt a case of me being like "grrr they are using the same assets!! they're so lazy boo blah blah blah" as for how rarely weve seen their room in the main story it doesnt matter. its just been a few messily scenes.
but NO. show me asmo fretting over how his room isnt pretty enough. how he needs flowers decorating his room, or vines, or gahh-- anything with some life and freshness and beauty in here because his pink bedsheets are NOT enough.
give lucifer considering his room fine and then instantly stumbling across a cursed item shop, buying some if not most of the stock and then spending a solid hour or two muttering to himself about how this should go here, or how disappointing it is that an item's too big for the spot he pictured it.
let me watch as satan buys up half the bookstore and instead of placing them on his half full shelves, start to slowly pile em up on his floor. LET ME SEE SATAN SLOWLY START THE BOOK PILE PROIR TO HIS ROOM BEING COVERED END TO END IN BOOKS!!!
or mammon. like cmon this man did NOT always have a pooltable or car in his room. show me how he gets a car, or more importantly how it ends up in his room. I'd always assumed his room was connected to a garage of sorts, but seeing as his is on the second floor I doubt that to be the case anymore. fr tho how did he get it in there? magic or smth? have barb teleport it in??
the twins... well I think they have the most believable room of the boys. they're twins, they want to share a room, they have it modified to look both red and purple, compared to whatever colors it was before. overall, they dont do much in that room, beel works out and sleeps there(obv) and bel also just sleeps and naps in there. they dont have it cluttered or stuff. however, I've always wondered what the area above the beds is. a way to the balcony? a balcony in general? or just a small lounge area? I like to imagine it's a small lounge area w a window for bel to look out of, but hey. their room is fine otherwise, unless i missed something.
and leviathan... ah... levi... first of all. NO WAY HE HAD THAT MANY FIGURES. even if he bought them in the castle he did NOT have that many. the collection in present time is after YEARS UPON YEARS of collecting. I feel like they missed Levi's mark the biggest out of the game. I'm rusty, so bear with me, but I'm positive that celestial realm isnt big on technology, hence simeons utter lack of any. Luke's easy to teach as hes young and it sticks, but not simeon. that and, lucifer is the reason he got into it(according to barbatos on the homescreen in OG!bey me!). plus in the angel event or whatever, they went vagely back to how they were as Angel's, or at the very least how they should of been like as Angel's, that parts in the air as I disliked the event and it was how long ago? so all signs point to him not being a shut in until post fall. but otherwise, I firmly belive that levi woudlnt of found anime until they were in devildom, of which lucifer is tired of seeing him mope about and introduces him to something light hearted and childish (only for him to later slightly regret that decision). I wouldve adored that sweet moment between the two, but alas I'll settle for what I got.
however, I'd live for the game to show me HOW and WHY he sleeps in the tub, ik its cause hes comfy but until I find out why he doesnt have a bed I'm going to firmly belive that HoL only had 5 bedrooms plus the guest one downstairs, and that levi was content taking over the "smaller" of the two washrooms, because he didnt want to be close to the kitchen or downstairs, plus fishtank. like that washroom in that romeo and juliet movie. fishtank washroom. if you know what I mean.
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