#dog allergy
like-this-post-if-you · 2 months
Like this post if you are allergic to anything
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charm-03 · 1 year
“Bless you.”
“Bless you.”
“BLESS you!
“Thank you. Excuse me.”
“Are you feeling okay?”
“Yeah just…Oh’ETSCHEE! Just allergic.”
“Bless you again. Do you need a tissue?”
“Sure. Thank you.”
“Of course. What are you allergic to? Bless you. Bless you.”
“Thank you. Oh, cats, dogs, rabbits, horses, feathers, pollen..”ETSCHEWETSCHESW! Excuse me. Uh, dust, perfume, incense, paint, patchouli, smoke…Christmas trees.”
“Oh wow. That’s quite the list. Bless you. You must have a really hard go at this time of year.”
“HAH’ETSCHEW! Excuse me. Yeah I hardly ever leave the house.”
“Except for the day of the month with the highest…bless…bless…bless…oh honey…bless you! Here’s the whole pack of tissues. Bless you!”
“Ugh…thanks…this is so embarrassing…”
“Your sneezes are so cute though! Don’t be embarrassed.”
“Oh! Um, nobody has ever said that before, TSCHEWTSCHEW! Excuse me. Thank you…”
“You’re welcome. Bless you! I’m Becky, by the way. Bless you! Do you live on campus? Do you want me to walk you to your dorm?”
“Eh’ETCHIEW! No, my roommate has a cat so they’re trying toOHH’ATSCHEW! Trying to relocate me…I feel like such a bother.”
“Oh darling don’t. Bless you! It’s for your health. You can’t make that adorable nose any angrier.”
“Uh…thank you?”
“Sorry. That was probably pretty weird. Bless you! The second room in my dorm is vacant. Bless you. Bless you! I could put your name out for it!”
“Oh, I couldn’t. You’d wake up to this every morning. UH’ETSCHEWWETSCHEWWET-SCHEWWSCHEWW!”
“God BLESS you! Oh sweetie…”
“Excuse me. Thanks. You’re super sweet, but I’m sure this would get really annoying.”
“I actually wouldn’t mind this waking me up everyday…Bless you…”
“I knew I shouldn’t say that…”
“No, it’s okay. Nobody has ever…TSCHEW! TSCHEX! Excuse me. Nobody has ever said that to my face before…”
“Oh, I’m sorry…I’ve never said it to anyone before either. You’re just so cute…”
“Et’SCHEWW! Maybe we should go for that walk. And maybe you should offer my name for that room…TSCHEW! TSCHEWX! It would be nice to have a roommate who doesn’t mind thiihh’TSCHEWW! Excuse me. Who doesn’t mind this…”
“Oh I more than don’t mind it…bless you.”
“Thank you. I’m cahAH’ETCHEWW Carlie by the way. TSCHEWW!”
“Bless you Carlie. Let’s take a walk.”
❤️thanks for reading lovelies❤️
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puppyexpressions · 1 month
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For some people, seasonal allergies are a real pain. Whether you’re bothered by a runny nose, itchy eyes, or endless sneezing, it can be a tough time of year to endure.
Just like their human parents, some dogs suffer from the aggravating effects of seasonal allergies as well. Besides chemicals such as those found in household cleaning products, cigarette smoke and certain perfumes, dogs can also be allergic to natural, seasonal substances. This can include plant and tree pollens, mold spores, dust, feathers and fleas.
A dog’s allergy symptoms are generally similar to those experienced by humans: the immune system overreacts to one or more offending substances, leading to itchiness and irritation. Your dog may lick or scratch themselves, develop irritated eyes, or sneeze repeatedly. Some dogs experience itchy, swollen skin, while others suffer from diarrhea and vomiting. In certain cases, a secondary infection may develop.
Here are a few things you should do to help control any discomfort your dog may be dealing with due to seasonal allergies and reduce the risk of more serious problems.
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If possible, avoid walking your dog in the early morning or late afternoon, when pollen levels are typically highest. Steer clear of fields and parks where offending plants are common.
When you return home, wipe your dog’s body and paws with a moist cloth or a hypoallergenic, fragrance-free grooming wipe from your local pet store. This will remove excess pollen and other allergens from your dog’s fur and skin without the hassle of a full bath. Pay special attention to the paws, as the sensitive skin here is often affected by allergens.
Some pet parents soak their dog’s paws in apple cider vinegar to remove pollen and other substances. If using this method, mix 2 parts water with 1 part apple cider vinegar.  Another solution is to put boots on your dog’s paws to prevent them from stepping in irritants and then tracking them into your house.
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Inside your home, regularly change air filters to cut down on airborne allergens that enter through open doors and windows. Running an air conditioner or a dehumidifier will help remove moisture from interior air, making it harder for mold to grow in your home. Minimize the amount of time your dog spends in damp environments, such as basements, bathrooms, or laundry rooms, as these places are more susceptible to mold growth. Vacuum at least once a week, and remember to clean curtains and rugs that may have picked up dust and pollen.
Protect your dog from backyard dangers. Many popular veggies like onions, garlic, tomatoes, and chives are poisonous to dogs and should be fenced off to prevent your furry friend from getting into them.
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It's important to keep the surfaces your dog sleeps on clean, as they can quickly become covered in allergens. To achieve this, wash them in hot water every week. To make the task easier, consider putting towels or blankets on top of beds and chairs, and make sure to keep any offending substances away from the surface underneath. Also, don't forget to wash any soft toys your dog plays with regularly.
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To prevent dry and itchy skin in dogs, it is recommended to bathe them more often with the advice of a veterinarian. While washing their fur, use a gentle, hypoallergenic anti-itch shampoo that contains a soothing ingredient like oatmeal, aloe, or evening primrose oil. Some dog owners prefer to give their pets a 10-minute soak in a bath mixed with a gentle moisturizing oil.
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Consider giving your furry friend a natural dietary supplement like fish oil or a fatty acid such as omega-3 or omega-6 oil to alleviate itchiness and promote healthy skin. Coconut oil has also been shown to be effective in suppressing allergic reactions and improving skin health. To ensure your dog's overall well-being, it is essential to keep their drinking water and bowl clean and free of any contaminants.
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If your dog is constantly licking, scratching, or chewing, and has red, irritated skin or hair loss, it's best to schedule an appointment with your veterinarian. Depending on the severity of the problem, a professional can provide more aggressive treatments such as antihistamines, steroids, or allergy shots, which are also known as immunotherapy.
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misfitmeraki · 2 years
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Puppy Playtime <33
He’s finally able to evade his allergy and play with the puppies like he deserves :))
I’ve sat on this one for awhile but I finally got around to finishing it when hearing DD bring up dogs again in a recent-ish stream. Tweaked it quite a bit because I accidentally over rendered it and it lost its initial charm- I hope it came out alright :))
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pinkpotemkin · 2 years
Me, oblivious to all things: it’s weird that every time I come into contact with_____, there’s mosquitos nearby. For example: “bananas are good and all but they’re so sour they burn the back of my tongue and the roof of my mouth, and could someone see if there’s a window open because there’s something biting me on my face really close to my mouth.”
Anyways. I had an allergy panel done and y’all are not gonna believe this…
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onlytiktoks · 2 months
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wigglesdtuff · 12 days
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Use code SPRING24 to get free shipping on any order from my shop until 4/25! Sharing helps out a ton! I've had some expenses come up recently (vet+urgent care) so it seriously means the world!
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one-time-i-dreamt · 11 months
I sneezed, told the person next to me that I'm allergic to them, and they just looked at me like I was a weirdo... Hilariously enough, I say this every time I sneeze around my cat or dog (I'm not allergic to animals).
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charm-03 · 1 year
Mabel & Henry: Chapter 21 - This Time Around
"Ehh’mmCHUU! EpiTSCHUU! SHMX!" Henry tried to muffle his sneezes in his handkerchief, but it didn’t quite work. I watched over his shoulder as people crossed the hall or sped up as they passed behind him.
"Bless you," I said as I glared at the people with sour looks on their faces.
"D-don’t worry about th-them," Henry said with a wavery smile as he rubbed at his nose with his thumb. His eyes were rimmed red, and his nostrils were in an almost constant flare. He turned to stifle five sneezes into his shoulder.
We were on the university campus having lunch before my interview with the theatre program. I wanted to get my bachelor’s degree, because who with a BFA in theatre ever had a hard time finding work? (Answer: many people).
‘What do you even do with a degree?’ Henry had asked me when I told him my plan.
‘It really just gives me more letters after my name,’ I shrugged. ‘But then maybe I’ll get my masters…bless you…and then I…bless…you…can teach!’
So there we were, sitting in a partially open cafe on the campus where I had gotten my diploma, and where I had met Professor Hynan.
"Uhh’NGT! SCHUU! SHMX! Oh spring how I loathe thee," Henry giggled.
"Bless you! We should go inside…bless you…you don’t look so good.
"MMPHX! Thanks," Henry said sarcastically. "Uhh’NGT!"
We went into the main building of the university, and headed to the wing my interview was in. In the waiting room we sat on a free couch. There was nobody else there, which for some reason made me more nervous than if had been a packed room. I shifted in my seat, and felt Henry’s hand over mine.
"Calm down. You’re going to be great," he said evenly. I looked at him, seeing a smile on his lips.
"Thanks Henny…bless you."
"Ugh…thank you. I thought I wouldn’t be as itchy inside, but I was w-wr-wrong…Uhh’NGT!" Henry rubbed his nose, which was very red, and sore looking.
I quickly reached into my purse and pulled out a bottle of unscented aloe vera lotion. I pressed it into his hand.
"Thank you," he said gratefully.
"Mabel Trews?" came from my right.
I turned to see a younger well dressed man with a welcoming smile on his face.
"That’s me," I answered as I stood from my chair, and followed him into the room.
"I’m Ryan," he told me as we both sat.
I won’t put you to sleep with the details of the interview. It was as boring and basic as you would think it might be. As I stood to leave the room I glanced at my phone.
Henry had texted me three times.
‘Things just got super bad.’
‘Dead. Can’t stop sneezing…’
‘He’s clearly still in training…’
A close up picture of a golden retriever with its paws on Henry’s lap accompanied the last message.
"I’ll go get you an application from, and then I think we’ll be headed in the right direction," Ryan told me.
"Oh sure!" I replied, seeing Henry bobbing forward through the window in the door. My heart sank.
"Uhh’NGT! Epi’TSCHUU! SCHUUSCHUU!" greeted us as we exited the office. Ryan went towards the office, while I headed right to Henry.
"Bless you! Oh honey why didn’t you go to the car? Bless you…Bless you…BLESS you!" I cried at the volume of the last one. Henry sniffled miserably. "Oh Henny…" Why is he so dang cute?!
"Mabel?" Ryan asked from behind me. I turned and stood quickly as Henry stifled six tired sounding sneezes. I accepted the papers from Ryan. "Just drop those off when you’re done," he told me as Henry began stifling another group of sneezes. Ryan pulled a handkerchief from his breast pocket and held it out to him. "Bless you man. I know what it’s like. Allergies suck." Oh fuck me. No May. Not again.
"Th-thanks," Henry said bashfully. He held the handkerchief to his face.
"Thank you," I told Ryan, offering my hand to shake it. But he ducked to the side.
"Ah-ETCHOO! Ah-ETCHX! Oh god, excuse me," he looked so embarrassed.
"D-dog?" Henry asked with a chuckle as he stood beside me.
"You know it. Oh, sorry to run, but I’d better take something before the next interviewww…ETCHX! Nice to meet you both," Ryan said as he turned and rushed to his pills.
Meanwhile the gigantic golden retriever was approaching us at a steady pace.
“Cmon,” I said to Henry as I grabbed my purse. I took his hand and we left the university at the fastest rate possible as Henry continued to sneeze his head off.
❤️ thanks for reading lovelies! ❤️
Only one more!
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t4t-dazai · 8 months
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светлую весть разнесите пошире / с вырванным сердцем, холодный, как лёд / в золоте по обречённому миру / русский христос идёт! русский христос идёт!
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foldingfittedsheets · 2 months
Well. Fuck. It’s been a wrenching day of back and forth on Wyvern but my betrothed has moved into a full throat swelling and their health is at risk if we keep the pup. Called the shelter and left a message, but keeping him is now actively dangerous. We’ll surrender him tomorrow as planned.
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todaysbird · 7 months
my parents have been getting hill's science diet for years, what is bad about it? /gen
there’s not anything inherently wrong with feeding hill’s science diet particularly if it is a specialized formula that helps your pet with an issue they have. however a lot of animal nutritionists recommend against it because it is pretty high in carbohydrates and can make the average pet gain weight even if they have a healthy lifestyle. it’s also hella expensive compared to a lot of foods of comparable/better quality. basically afaik it’s not going to like kill your pet a la Hartz products but there’s better options
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mizgnomer · 2 years
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David talking about Myrtle, the Tennant family's dog, during his panel at Dragon Con (2019)
Source: [ X ]
Bonus Myrtle:
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sneezysubbyboi · 8 months
Imagining a snzario where partner A comes over to partner B's house for the first time to have some fun and indulge B's kink which they just recently admitted.. A's not particularly sneezy, so B shyly suggests the good ol fashioned rolled-up tissue to hopefully get things rolling. It's a rocky start — B nervously guides A's hand and only manages to make them cough and teary-eyed. But A is in good spirits and teases B, who is visibly quivering in anticipation. Eventually, a sneeze ruptures through, and both share a laugh at how long it took. A keeps inducing, trying to reach that spot without B's help — and soon coaxes out a quick double. B is ecstatic, never seeing them sneeze more than once up until now. A smiles as they induce a bit deeper, and notes how B would be lucky if they manage a triple, which usually never happens unless — *hetNGxt! - ET- kSHH! .. HIH!- HEH-ISHHH!* Both parties are shocked by the coincidence and violence of the fit, but A's sneeziness is a welcome surprise. Things continue to go as planned, if not a bit more — doubles and triples continue to flow, and things even begin to get messy. B is having the time of their life, though A, while happy, has a hint of worry at something that feels.. familiar about their sneezes. Soon the session is over, but A ... never seems to truly recover from it — sneezing suspiciously easily in messy fits without inducing. They’re becoming more harsh as well. B while turned on, concerningly wonders if they've gone too far. A seems to be more sure, saying once again they never usually sneeze in triples unless ..
..and speaking of the devil, B's fluffy friend — who A never knew about — trots into the room. A scoffs and smiles, "thought so, i'm also allergic to ca.." their voice trails off as they rear back for another fit.
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foxy-pugg · 6 months
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Quick Rochu sketch for practice!
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doomspaniels · 26 days
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Sneezy sniffley watery-eyed baby gives me a perplexed half-squint and head tilt. I think she's got... allergies? Like, actual allergies? The kind you just take benadryl for?
I have never had a dog who had the whole allergy meds commercial jingle, only the skin issues and so on.
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