#dont know how i forgot guess im really just that dumb
themanwhowouldbefruit · 2 months
my doctor was sooooo fucking worthless and unhelpful im going to masturbate and i hope it fucking kills me
#“no need for follow up”#“yeah you did have several cysts we scrapped off your remaining ovary but. dw about it. idk why they were there. dw about it. oh also your#ovary on that side was freakishly huge but. dw about it. it might go away. dw about it#*doctor shrug emoji* “#“go see a gyno next year maybe. but not me im too important for that. go find and onboard a gyno to your situation. next year maybe idk lol”#he barely even looked at my incision like#this fucking appointment could have been an email. or a phone call. or they just could have let me start driving again. also i forgot to ask#if i can stop drinking ensure now or after the 6 weeks? cause that shit cost $$$$. but he probably would have been super unhelpful if i had#fr fr this guy only wanted to give me the time of day when he thought i might have fun cancer inside and now he's like gtfo!!!! get your#fugly cancerless ass out of here!!!! recover from a major surgery on your own you swagless cancerless loser 🤣 we arent helping your#swagless ass!!!#anyway it seems weird and fucked up that im was never offered to see a physical therapist and i guess am going to have to blindly trust my#abs they sliced thru are healing or whatever and to rawdog my own physical recovery of my muscles? even just dumb shit like. my center of#gravity has drastically changed since the mass removal and my back hurts like shit all the time because all my posture muscles were built up#for when i had an extra 30 pounds of cyst hanging in the front and my posture and walking reflected that. and i lowkey don't know how#hard i am able to be with my healing incision because its really tight and makes me hunch forwards still. like i would really like to know#how much i can safely or maybe should be forcing my skin and incision to stretch. without damage? is that crazy#am i crazy???#this shit is why i didnt see a doctor for 2 years until my problems had snowballed into a 30 pounds ovarian cyst that was crushing my other#organs and had one of my kidneys all backed up with piss. and even getting emergency treatment for it everyone was like. how did you like it#get this bad?? how could you not know you needed to seek medical treatment???? like. bro. seeking medical treatment isnt even a guarantee to#get medical treatment.#anyway he said my “remaining ovary seemed low key polycystic but dw about it. don't quote me on that im not dealing with it.”#bro i dont want to doctor google it i wanted an actual doctor to deal with it. fuck you.#like. maybe even a doctor who knows my situation so i dont have to struggle with getting someone to believe me and take me seriously.#but whatever. back to trying to figure out the daily protein and extra calories my body needs for recovery via doctor google i guess.#its fine 🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬
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the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
Seeing Kinger stuff is so nice gosh! Would it be cool to get the rest of the fluff alphabet with him please? Or if that's too much the ones you'd like to write about most
Kinger fluff alphabet! the whole thing!
two things one is more so one of my personal woe things unrelated to you but i deleted my masterlist immediately after finishing it because i didnt like the layout of it; 3 hours down the drain SOBS other thing! imma go ahead and link the other fluff alphabet stuff so its a complete list! actually third surprise thing, WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME I ACCIDENTALLY FORGOT TO PUT P IN THE FLUFF ALPHABET/lh/nm i fixed it now but i cant believe i skipped a letter i feel so dumb
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ABSTRACT- if you were to ever abstract he would probably abstract himself. i mean if the things about queener/queenie are true and they were close, then that would mean this guy would lose a loved one TWICE. that would most definitely break someone, and kinger is already on the edge as it is. if he somehow doesnt abstract, he probably becomes even more paranoid; kind of shutting everyone out almost because he sure as hell knows he cant take a third heartbreak. rarely ever leaves his pillow fort, unless hes physically dragged out? sometimes he forgets you're gone, because he just refuses to believe the truth. sad stuff
BONDING- will rattle on and on about cool bug facts, if he has his own collection in his room he will show you it! maybe, if you want, he will let you hold some of the critters! tells a lot of stories, nicer ones from when things in the circus arent so... bad.. usually when hes in a good headspace! you get the feeling he embellishes his stories... not too different from a grandfather trying to make his experiences seem more glamorous and action packed than they really were
CUDDLING- he is very hard, due to him being a chess piece, but his clothes do a really good job at softening him! no arms :(... usually rests his hands on your back, or maybe has one on your shoulder and the other on your hip. switches between being big and little spoon, sometimes he wants to hold and sometimes he wants to be held
DATES- you can find them here!
EMOTION- kinger is... odd... im not sure where he lies, because i think sometimes he does have moments where he remembers thing and it overwhelms him, so that may be the main time hes the emotional one. however, i guess this entire time for emotional ive been focusing on more.. 'bad' emotions, but i think kinger would gush about how much he loves you, like WOAH! he is just overflowing with feelings right now
FAMILY- honestly he gives me dad vibes, if this dude doesnt already have kids in the real world (wow thats a sad thought... dude is like MIA probably and his kids are left to wonder where he went. double owie if queener/queenie was his real life wife before things happened) so if you guys make it back to the real world and unite, you're gonna be a step parent! would he like to have more kids with you? i think it depends, he would want it, though!
GIFT- you know how some people put bugs in like, cases to preserve them or something? i feel like he would give you those with some of his prettier bugs! loves anything you give him, he always keeps them stored safe in his room!
HARSH- you guys dont really get into arguments, i dont think! kinger doesnt like hiding things from you unless its something deeply personal, but otherwise hes an open book to you
JEALOUSY- its not so much as him being jealous as it is him being paranoid that something is going to happen to him or you, so! even if he wasnt worrying himself half to death he doesnt exactly seem like the jealous type to me, tbh
KISS- its time for my favorite thing for characters with no mouth!!! he boinks his face into yours, i actually wrote something for this! not gonna link it since its so short and i can easily relay the idea: but he would internally hype himself up (usually does this if this is the beginning of the relationship, he gets more confident as time goes on!), and just lightly 'pecks' your cheek before pulling away. loves kissing your cheeks as well as the back of your hands. loves being kisses where his mouth would be as well as his cheeks
LOVE LANGUAGE- quality time!! this man follows you around like a love sick puppy, because he loves you so much but also because again, he worries.. he also likes doing acts of service for you, makes him feel like hes capable of doing things on his own (which he is!). loves it when you return the favor via words of affirmation
MENDED- is he dreaming? is he imagining things again?
nope, its really you. somehow, you've recovered from abstracting, and you're now out of the cellar. he wants to hold you and never ever ever let you go, out of fear that hes going to come to his senses any second and youll be gone. wants to keep you in the pillow fort with him, or at least within his line of sight
NO- its less of an active dealbreaker and more of a "hey this is going to stress him out and probably hurt his mental health" but like, i dont think he would pair well with a really really intense person. like sure caien is pretty intense, but its not like caine is going to be spending a significant amount of time with him everyday, but like. you know? like i talk about some characters enjoying being on their toes and left guessing in regards to their partner, but kinger is NOT one of those people. he needs stability
PDA- less of a case where he actively and knowingly indulges in PDA and more so a case where he subconsciously holds onto your hand to keep you at arms length and to feel you. due to his lack of arms he has probably wandered off without you (and his hand) at least once. is not opposed to PDA, though, so long as its not like. insane
QUIET TIME- quiet time between the two of you is very rare. sure kinger can be very quiet when hes alone, but when hes alone with someone else, someone he cares so much about.. he cant help but fill the silence with words, to keep the ringing in his ears at bay .. so really quiet time is talking time
ROSES- ill mention it again in V (i wrote v before this section), he loves giving you roses especially on special occations! loves receiving flowers as well, he seems like a rose kind of guy as well
SHH- the one thing he doesnt like talking about is queener/queenie, well, more so the last few days leading up to her abstraction. it brings up. well, memories. on one hand he doesnt want to forget her, but on the other hand he doesnt want to bare the pain of those terrible memories
UPSET- im going back and forth with a lot of these as i fill in the list so! tying this in with E, i mention one of the only times he gets emotional is when he remembers some unfortunate events that took place in the circus. you're going to need to console him and bring him back to the present moment :(. when you're upset he tries to distract you, takes you to his fort, and tells you stories
VALENTINE- on the chance that he remembers what day it is, hes going to give you the most sterotypical date he can give to you. i think it might be because i can kind of see kinger as like, a classic/stereotypical romantic when it comes to you. flowers, he cant take you out to dinner so he takes you out to the digital lake to gaze at the clouds and watch the bugs pass
WANT- he wants a companion, he wants stability, and thats something he needs. he wants someone to be compassionate about him, his wellbeing, and his interests
XOXO- here! as well as Yearn!
ZZZ- if you guys go to sleep together its always in his room, where hes more comfortable. he also has a thing where he insists on being the one closer to the door; almost as if hes offering himself as protection to you should someone unwanted to come in. huh. always sleep holding onto you, snores like a dad
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noellefan101 · 2 months
Heyaaaa, I saw a yandere Genshin blog that writes for ladies and I know what I must do!
Could I see what Yandere Yoimiya's like? Perhaps general headcanons as to how she acts once she's in a relationship with her beloved?? TYSM, I'd love to see what you make of this!!
:3 no real intro cuz im really tired, sry
prob ooc yoimiya, but like extra ooc cuz im too tired to think straight
i wrote most of this at 1 am and the rest in math class
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i feel like she would be a very soft yandere, yk not hurting her darling or not even wanting to kidnap (but she would if she thought that you would be more safe like that, will hate so much herself if she ever hurt you)
ofc like any other yandere she would kill for you, but it wont be for dumb reasons like some dude looked at you for 0.1 second, no,
but it'll be more if you really hated your boss or someone dared actually hurt you or say something that really broke you
she is really gentle and sweet, plus she loves to make you new fireworks and just gifts you a lot of things in general, even if you're "just friends"
"[y/n]! there you are, i brought you some of my new fireworks!" she yelled as she ran up to you, her eyes glued to your figure ignoring anything else around her in the process.
"look, arent they going to be pretty!" she said as she showed you her concept drawing for the fireworks, and ided they were pretty, and going to be even prettier when in lit up in the sky
"im sure they are, yoimiya" your smile was so sweet and looked so lovely on you, you were the only thing going trough her mind as she got lost in your eyes.. "uhm yoimiya, you ok?
"h-huh?! o-oh yeah love, uh i mean [y-y/n] i-im fine, uhm, would you uuhh like to see the f-fireworks in action?" her face was so warm it felt like she was burning more then that guy would be right now, what stupid idea he had, he should've never even thought about touching you then she wouldnt be so late to seeing you today and- "yeah of course i want to see the fireworks you made!"her thoguh got cut off with your voice, that beautiful voice...
and also acts like you're the litteral reason she is alive (you are), so if she ever hurt you if even by a tiny scratch she would actually just die inside, and look like she died on the outside
she is really supportive of whatever you do, and if you have like a fashion brand or something it would be the only thing she is willing to wear, or if you work at restaurant she would eat there everytime you have a shift
she would definitely bring you flowers on random occasions and just say it wasnt because of anything special or anything, but it was just because she missed you and really needed to see you or she would've mentally destroyed herself not knowing if you were ok or not
"h-hi, i uhm brought you flowers! y-yeah, flowers i hope you like them i picked them myself" she said giving you a beautiful and big bouquet of your favorite flower, wait did you ever tell her what your favorite flower is?? you dont think so, but you guess it doesnt matter right now, maybe you just forgot you told her (you never told her your favorite flower, yet she knows the exact shade of that flower you like the most).
"awww thank you, yoimiya! i love them!!" you said as you held them close to youer chest, she really wishes she were those flowers right now, all close you. she looked up at your lips, getting cought in the thought of how soft they look and how she so wanted to kiss y-
"y-your w-welcome, i-i just thought t-that you were so pretty that you c-could use some flowers- what! n-no no i-i mean you i uhhh i-i have to go n-now yeah, i-i'll see you l-later" she panicked, what was she saying and in front of you too no no no, what if you thought she was weird now, or what if she went too fast and too far...
"o-oh ok, have a nice day yoimiya! thank you again for the flowers" you waved goodbye with one hand and had the flowers in the other, wondering why she seemed to be running out to the middle of nowhere. she talked so fast you didnt even hear what she said other than a few words which were "you were so pretty", and they left a blush behind that certainly would go away for a few hours or so.
if you lived far away, like not even in inazuma, she would send so many letters to you, even if you didnt know who she was as she just saw you while on the road once and fell so badly in love, its fine you're going to fall for her sooner or later
she would also visit you again and again but that costs a lot of money so she tries to convince you to move in with her, but if thta doesnt work she might actually get frustrated and just drug you and then take you home herself
with that idea still in mind, if she met you while in sumeru and you were a student she still doesnt want to interfere with the things you love (though save some of that love for her pls) so she wouldnt kidnap you but would wait patiently for as long as you need, or promise to take you out to study the things in inazuma instead (she would murder your professer if they said no and that you should stay in the akademiya, abselutely)
"how are you doing this week? i know i send you a lot of letters but i just had to when i found out where you lived so i didnt have to travel so much as it costs quite a bit. but its worth it if it means i can see you every so often, as you are slowly becoming the reason i exist, i would love to hear about everything you have done in your life, big or small. please think about visiting inazuma soon, i would love to show you around all the different regions, shops and more. i also learned what proper love is now because of you, and i think it indeed is you, as i cant find anything that i love and adore more than you.
i also picked some fireworks out for you, they are from my personal collection and are very pretty, just like you, i would love to get your feedback on them and would happily make you a thousand more if you want me to. i will also make different ones if you get bored of the ones youcurrently have
please keep yourself safe
Your Love-Yoimiya"
attached to the letter is a few too many fireworks, and some inazuman snacks and accessories too, she doesnt seem to be very wealthy yet has bought you what looks like a diamond necklace and a very pretty ring.
would absolutely cook you meals throughout the day, she'll cook you anything you want for breakfast, lunch, and dinner but she also makes sure you're healthy and checks in on you every few hours to make sure you drink enough too
if you're really depressed, she would make sure you had your meds for it and stuff, would also hand feed you everything. she calls it that because she hates using the word force but yes, she forces you to eat and will not take no for an answer
almost killed your doctor when the meds stop working, but then found out later that its completly normal and its not the doctor trying to kill you (you saved a life that day, multible even)
*knock knock* "oh, my love, i found you! here's your lunch for the day, i used some of the leftovers from yesterday, i really hope you like. oh i also got you your favorite snack right here, and then remember to drink your water too." she left with a kiss to your cheek and blew you an extra kiss before closing the door to your room again.
she wasnt lying when she said you would fall inlove with her at soem point, as you were certainly beginning to fall down deep in the hole that is Yoimiya.
she loves to hug you when around you in general, but loves to kiss you cheek when she feels like you've been away from her for too long. would never actually kiss your lips, altough she wants to, you have to give her permission first and then she might if she still has the confidence
she becomes a literal puddle when you just as much as touch her cheek, yes she has to touch you every second you are near her, but its different when its you doing anything!!!
she thinks you're a god, and in her eyes you are, doesnt matter how ugly you think you are or how weak you actually are. she will worship you so much you would think every 'imperfection' you have is prettier than ever.
she looked into your eyes as she lays in your lap, the sky is pretty, and that was what she thought she would be looking at the whole time, but it seems she made other plans. your eyes are just too captivating, too pretty, and too- her thoughts cut off as she felt your hand play with her loose hair, as she had put it down just as you started to ask her the question.
your hands were soft, and felt nice in her hair. she could lay here forever if it meant you were going to be here and stroke her hair like this, she's sure her pops wouldn't mind if she feel asleep for just a little longer, and she definitely could when she is laying on her darling.
"yoimiya? oh, you're awake, how as your na-" "you look divine" she cut you off as she just stared up at you like you were the god of beauty, like you were the god of her heart, and maybe you were, but to her it wasnt even a maybe. "y-you think so? dont i just look messy? or ugly? i dont think i even brushed my hair today" she looked up at you with a questioning look in her eyes
"no how dare you even think that, you look divine, beautiful, pretty, majestic, lovely, attractive, god-like, charming-" she stopped when you held a hand over her mouth, she wanted to kiss it so badly... "ok ok, i-i get it, i look pretty to you" your face was red, really red, and it looked cute she thinks, very cute indeed. she should make you blush more often so she can see more of your beauty that is only for her too see.
she had an even bigger smile on for the next week and no one knew why, but she normally smiles a lot so they didnt question her. though she would have happily answered with a long rant about you.
when you two actually started dating she would have a constant blush on her face for the next month or smt, she just cant believe you would actually date her, i mean you were just so perfect in every way, and then theres her what do you even see in her, do you even see anything in her?
but its fine if you dont, she wont let you leave anyway, she cant lose you not now, not ever. you are hers and hers alone, and you know she will make sure it stays that way, even if it costs her verything else. you will be hers, and she will be yours.
i uhh didnt just give you general headcanos heh, your welcome??? wtf is going on with me rn
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im so single that being kidnapped by a hot person doesnt sound bad at all, like take me PLEASE... *cough cough* thank u for reading pls kidnap me, luv ya-Masterlist
You are welcome to reblog and like any of my posts, but you CAN NOT translate, copy or hate on anybody for liking my posts
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monstrousgrowl · 2 months
6, 8, 12, 13 👀
I toooooottalllyyy forgot abt this whoops
6) Something you did in bed and would LOVE to do again?
Ngl its super simple and dumb probably to anyone else, but blindfolding and tying up a partner and just having my way. I tend to be bratty anyway and now that I have had a taste of doming i can see myself being a teaseing dom. I just gotta be less impatient whoopss
8) Something you never did in bed and would love to do?
I reaaally wanna try shibari, sadly I dont know ties well enough and I need some safety shears before I feel comfortable doing it. But hey anyone w experience feel free to come over~!
12) What’s the weirdest thing that turned you on? Did you masturbate to it? Would you do it again?
Not weird persay but just kinda silly but I am cursed with a fantastic imagination so something as simple as an interesting texture I can imagine in a sexual sense. As such Im easily turned on by like watching slime videos cause I just think abt how itd feel inside me or somethin gjhabghdhha its v stupid lol
13) What is your darkest kink?
Hmm darkest....idk Im pretty kink positive but probably something to do with being hunted and like tortured. Its a weird one thats v v situational but theres I guess a slight cnc/r*peplay aspect of it and the predator/prey aspect that is slightly thrilling. I dont really find it that super important of one tho so I dont really engage w it at all. And hey Im horny for Michael Myers sooo 🤷
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floralhuqzz · 6 months
𝐀 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 (fem! reader x Kai Anderson) part 3
Let me know if you guys want part 4!! English is not my first language, if theres any errors let me know! xxx
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Warnings: alcohol, stalking, obssesion, slapping, choking, swearing, slight sfw)?
"just a little drunk... Just enough to have some fun" he whispered the last sentence in my ear sending shivers down my spine.
I was nervous, how could you not be? he knew what he was doing to me. Its like he knew the right things to say, he talked to me like he knew me for years. He couldn't stop looking at me, not even for a second. We kept drinking wine while talking about our interest and hobbies and favourite music,, he seems like a good guy but i kept having this off feeling about him.. something was off. I finally put my glass of wine on the table as i softly spoke.
"wheres your bathroom?" I lightly smiled
"its up stairs, do you want me to go with you?" He also placed his glass on the table not breaking eye contact.
"i can piss by myself you know?" I giggled a bit as he did the same
"ok then, its the second door on the left" he smiled back
I got up the stairs looking around his house. I must say his house looked very clean and it smelled nice. I got inside the bathroom and did my business. I looked myself in the mirror,, i looked great, i wanted to retouch my makeup but i forgot i left my bag in the kitchen where Kai was. I got out of the bathroom when i noticed a opened door which i supposed was Kais bedroom. Curiosity took over me and i got close to the door thinking to myself if i should be really be looking through his room. I mean what if he had a girlfriend and he didn't tell me? What if theres some lingerie around the room or girls clothes. Its not like its my business but i really wanted to know if this guy was saying the truth.
I slightly opened the door trying not to make any noise,, i saw a very clean room, but it was pretty empty. I supposed that it was nothing out of the ordinary since he just moved here 1 month ago. I got inside and i noticed a camera on the table"he didn't tell me he took pictures"i thought to myself smiling a bit,, i started looking through the pictures when i saw something that made my heart drop... Different pictures of me ,, they were likely taken from a far distance. Theres pictures of the inside of my house, pictures of my bras, panties... What the fuck is going on?.. who truly is this guy?.. i knew i had to get out of here.
"didn't your mom teach you that its not nice going through someones stuff?" I heard the door close
I turn around slowly begin scared to look at him in the eyes
"look at me" he spoke, hearing his footsteps getting closer
I swear i could hear my heart beating.
" im giving you a last chance y/n.. look at me" he was standing inches from me.
I let out a shaky breath. But i felt a hand on my neck. I tried gasping for air.
"you bitch...you couldn't just not go in here huh?" He said gripping my neck even more
"p-please, l-let m-me go" i tried fighting back but it was useless, he was so much stronger than me.
"awww little y/n thinks she can over power me? You look ridiculous" he finally let me go
I fall onto the floor holding my neck gasping for air, tears running down my face.
"i wanted to make you mine in a more romantic way,, take you on a date.. i didnt want to use violence, but i guess i dont have another choice now that you know everything... I guess ill just have to force you to be mine. Even if you want it or not."
I finally looked up.
"why...why are you doing this?" I coughed still finding it difficult to breath.
"because i love you" he said softly while he sat in front of me whipping my tears
"you are sick-" not even a second after i finished that sentence he slapped me on the face
"SHUT THE FUCK UP" he screamed
he stood up and picked me up and threw me onto his bed
"you dont know for how long ive been stalking you.. i guess you are so dumb that you didn't noticed did you?" He started to climb on top of me "ive been studying you, analysing you,, i know everything about you...your friends, family, where they all live,, i know everything."
"why..why me?." I was weak,, my cheek was burning and my neck was hurting a lot
"why you?" he laughed while looking down at me
"because you are so...amazing... beautiful... You are everything that i can only dream about." He whispered in my ear while going down my neck leaving a trail of soft kisses
“You are a woman and I am a man and we belong in the dark together.”
IM FINALLY PUBLISHED SOMETHING AFTER MONTHS OMFG💀 sorry about that xxx if u guys want a part 4 let me know!!!
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blahhhhhhhohmigosh · 1 year
adding to the anon's puppy ask, Donnie could be repairing part of the automatic food dispensers and accidentally spills dogfood all over himself.
it wouldn't be the puppy's faults if they're hungry and Donnie now smells yummy
A Sweet situation
A/n: I wasnt sure if yall whanted D or Mik get tickled so i decided to do both+ some extra Fluff to this fic I hope thats okay. Hope you enjoy!
Lee Donnie, Mikey
Ler the Doggies , Mikey, Donnie
Love: Plantonic and friendly if you ship brothers or some other pro ship then get outta here.
Summary: Donnie and Mikey promised Todd to repair his food dispenser. But something Lickery happend that made Mikey do something... sweet.
It was around Lunch time and the Pb&J duo was driving too Todds place the turtle tank. He called them and said he needed help with the food dispenser. The turtles didnt whant to go there cuz of a mision but Todd was their friend so they decided to help him anyway.
🧡: Im tired...and ofc that dispenser had to get cowabummed or something...
💜:Angelo, I know were tired well mostly you, but we promised Todd the help we just go check and get back.
🧡:True...He did save us 3 times and gave us that dumb old van...that we overpaied with that puppyland.
💜:You mean 2 times? That one time with shreeder and that one time with the crazy dentists.
🧡:Nope. 3 times. Long short history he saved me from meatsweats. Uhm i explain later im too tired to do this.
Explained Mikey. Donnie looked at him with a " I whant to hear that story" face then looked back at the road.
When they came they got welcomed with some sunshine lemonade and some cookies that Todd baked. Whrn they were done Todd took them to the area of the dispenser.
🤎:I tried Everything to spill the food out but nothing works! It wont let out the food thats in the dispenser can you two please help??
💜:Well that why we are here right Angelo?
🧡:Yep! Dont worry Todd! We will fix it as fast as we came here!
🤎:... So an entire hour?
🧡:Ye- whait wut?! We were driving in the tank an hour ago-
💜: No Mikey forgot we were on a mission?
🧡:Ohhh right sorry bout that Todd we were kinda busy but now we can 100% help!
🤎:Okay! I go make some lemonade for you guys! I bet you guys were really tired after the mission!
🧡:Thanks Todd!
Said Mikey as Todd walked away for the lemonade. The duo walked over to the food dispenser that was souronded by the hungry puppies.
They let out sad hungry noises. Mikey picked one up and started petting it.
🧡:Hello little one!
💜:Mikey we are suposed to work remember? Not playing around with the puppies!
🧡:Right! I nearly forgot!
Said Mikey he took the puppie up, showed it to other puppies and made a speech.
🧡: Our puppy friends! We know that you guys had a problem with the food! So as one of the creator of this place i promise we will give you the food right away!
Said mikey with a dramatic speech. The puppies started jumping around as Donnie rolled his eyes. It was not because he didnt whant to be here... okay it was one of the reassons but the second resson is cuz he is tired of doing things for today he just whanted to lay down and go to sleep or watch his phone.
D kneeld down to the dispenser level meanwhile Mikey put the puppy down and sat next to Donnie. Donnie took som tools out of his battle shell.
🧡: Hmmm it looks fine too me!
💜: But you can not open it Angelo. It isnt always how it looks like.
🧡:But what if I did this...UH-
Mikey punched the dispenser. Yes. Punched. Guess who didnt have the brain shell today?(GET IT??? BRAIN SHELL CUZ THEY ARE TUR-meh nvm)
Mikeys idea did work tho but not as they planed. The food spilled everywhere especialy the 2 turtles. The puppys looked at them like they were a kind of a good treat. The puppies frozed meanwhile the turtles grouned.
💜:Mikey next time you punch a machine can you atleast tell me? Now were both dirty!
🧡: Opis sorry brother! I will ask you next-... why are the puppys staring at us?
💜:Mikey cuz were coverd in foo- ... we beter run before they-
Donnie tried to say but was cutoff by a army of puppys running their way. The puppies jumped on the 2 turtles and started licking the dog food of.
Mikey tried saying but he forgot dogs cant human languge in other words english unless someone thought them especialy puppys.
Donnie laughed out loud with his youngest brother, cackling, lauging and gigling. They defenetly didnt expect this after that mission- That continued around 4-5min until Todd came in with the boys on the floor, looking wet(I mean duh they were like to death), having tears in their eyes and still gigling from the left out gigles.
🤎:OH NO!! did something happend?
🧡:Yehehes ahaha puhuhuhpy athahahck
💜:Thohohod i thhihihnk ithths thime fhor hus tohoho gho hohome. Whe fixhed you're machinhe so I ththink were done here right?
🤎:Yes ofc! Have a nice rest BFF'S!
Said the capybara when the two gigling turtles walked to the turtle tank still gigling.
When they came back Mikey got an idea for boredom so he went too Donnies room. They were exhausted but also bored so it was the best idea for now to hear a bit more of Donnies laughter.
When Mikey went into Donnies room he sat on his chair watching his phone. He was too exhausted too work. When he saw Mikey sneak in he spoke.
💜:Angelo if ya think I'm blind u are wrong, Need anything brother?
🧡:Just checking on ya! I mean that was kinda exhausting ya know...when the sweet puppies ti-
Mikey got shushed by Donnies finger as Mikey stod next to the chair Donnie is sitting on.
Donnie said with a slight blush from embarrassment looked away with embarrassment in his eyes, he did have fun but it was kinda embarrassing some puppies got them, the TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES. He then turned his look to his phone agian.
🧡:But ya gotta admit! It was fun! Even if we got embarrassed at least we weren't bored right D?
Mikey said poking his side. As Mikey poked it Donnie jumped up as his eyes widened and almost dropped his phone, as he catches his phone in time with his hand the other hand was holding Mikeys hand.
💜:AnGELO- DONT. Don't. Even. Think. About. It.
Mikey didnt listen too his brother and poked him agian. He was mischievous, did he got it from Leo? Maybe but that wasn't the time too think about genes, it was time for war.
💜:*Sigh* I warned ya now ya will suffer the consequences mine dear brother!
Donnie said as he tackled the box turtle to the ground as he smirked. Mikey was nervous panicked but at the same time happy and exited finally they arent bored.
🧡:D-D we can talk thrOUG-
Donnie didn't let Mikey finish his sentence as he squeezed his sides with a smirk. Mikey started giggling and squeaking as he tried to kick Donnie of him or make him fall down.
💜:What's wrong Angelo? Not so confident now huh? Ya know if ya are gonna keep moving even more I will dig into you're sides even more, What about that hm? Ya like the deal?
Donnie said with a smirk, but he forgot Mikey was strong he trained really much and he could throw an entire ship away with his mystic weapon so why can't he throw Donnie off? Well he can. And he just did.
As Donnie talked Mikey pushed Donnie of him and tackled him too digging in into his armpits. Donnie tried too block them with his arms but it was hard, as he blocked Mikeys tickle atacks he tried not too laugh, he wasn't planning on giving him the satisfaction. He finally bursted out laughing as he kicked around and laughed, they were having a tickle fight for some more minutes but then they heard Leo's voice.
💙:I'm gonna act like nothing is happening rn anyways we're getting pizza ya guys are coming?
They both said as they pushed off each other and ruined through the exit with Leo and Raph to go get pizza.
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Apologies or something
Okay so like years passed at this point and i never apologized. Im N from earth, the flipper annoying forums kid.
I just wanted to say late sorries for everyone included. CS from arcane, R from ice, P from arcane, BB from lightning, much more people who needed to put up with my bullshit, people who read what ive put up on suggestions forums (lmfao)
First of all, the flipping stuff was ugly as hell. Im impatient by nature and didnt even think about dming CS about it so thought getting rid of the baby would be the best idea (shocking news it wasnt). Ive got angry DMs, then left the server ive met them in cause our conversation lead to nowhere. I felt bad, so i dmed the server owner and got shunned at for misgendering CS (I didnt realize they use he/him and assumed theyre a girl, due to long hair on character from their pfp (which tbh is also really dumb since i used to have long hair, and alot of people that i look up to also do). Then I shown my frustration in another server which got interpreted as bragging (could put it in better words so sorry about it too, moderators of the other server). If i bought back that veilspun from person that bought it i think maybe that wouldnt escalate so hard. Sorry CS for causing you distress and ruining days of people from discord. I wish i wasnt harrassed offsite cause of it.
Also sorry for the regulars of R of ice server and the person ive got banned for fun. I wish i wasnt a burden and just left you guys alone lmao
Next, my suggestion replies were absolute dogcrap. First months ive was thinking them throughough, but then ive got bored and unsupported alot of them for the fun of it. I was a bored kid. Those reasons were absolutely ridiculous too (no halo recolors cause NoT eVeRy ApPaReL hAs ReCoLoRs or no spoons cause dragons could kill eachother with them (while we already have cleavers, shadow apparel, those notn sprite things ive forgot name of). Sorry for people who had to read through the mess ive put up every single time, ive looked up to the other people there but never got a grasp how to be reasonable. Then ive got bored. 
The "suicide bait" was absolutely distasteful, though ive seriously shook while checking FR cause ive just got reminded of all the CS veilspun stuff. This game stressed me for no reason at all for months.
And.. i dont know what else. Ive started thinking about it again months  ago. I guess sorry for the entire site and this place too. I wish i was a more mature kid back then, now im bit older and i think maybe not deranged, bored kid on a site everyone visits to chill at.
TLDR: just an apology for stupid drama that happened 2 years ago. Cause ive got reminded of it.
Not trying to look like a victim or something, just sincere apologies to people reading shitshow a bored 13/14yo me put out.
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fictionfixations · 18 days
twst spoilers (im looking through this through the lens of twisted wonderland)
I have a bunch of movie DVDs so I’m watching them.
watched part of the little mermaid (i ended up stopping cause the rest of the audio after the deal was just gone and there were more and more frame freezes and cuts)
and then aladdin
Anyway since I’m on a twisted wonderland fixation I wanted to watch the movies I had. So I’m going through little mermaid. I don’t think I have the second
..there’s one at 80 mins. It says disc 1. The other is titled ‘Ariel’s beginning’ idk the difference??? apparently ariel's beginning is the third movie, and a prequel. i didnt get around to watching it cause at this point im tired)
Guppy is an insult (i swear ive heard floyd call someone a guppy but im not sure where)
THE TWEELS EYESSS (and the white glowed yellow???? Or is that an artistic choice??? i have no idea what they did because i couldnt hear them and i didnt figure out how to turn on subtitles or rewind )
I love the yellow fish so much (hes just explaining it while lacking so many details you cant really follow)
Triton a shit father???? No I hate the crab (hes. kind of a bad influence.)
Ariel can. Be out of water with her tail? And speak? And
breathe???????? huh!?
SHES ON SAND AND ISNT DRYING OUT??? (so her only problem with it is that shes not human. and thinks he'll only get with her if she's human. it feels kind of dumb but i guess it kind of isnt if they have this huge thing against merpeople but they dont even know they exist? although there could be negative consequences ofc if they did find out but i really dont think ariel's aware of that. or if she is, then whyd she go so close if she knows they could be a danger??? ???
..i mean. its better than signing away your best magic for TEST answers. and then working for the lounge for the rest of your years at school??? with probably no pay. like. seriously?? people just accept things?? i mean i know nrc wouldnt accept kindness. but. ..apparently accept azuls deals without reading...)
'Beautiful girl singing.' (or it was beautiful singing voice) (What if she was a siren???? like cmonn) I couldn’t hear what happened to Ursula that left her away from the others ngl
...Tritons really the kind of dad to destroy Ariel’s stuff when she reveals she’s in love with a human. Okay yeah I don’t take back my thought of him being a bad dad
Well it’s human stuff but srsly???
THE FAN TURNED ON (curse non-soundproof walls) DURING MEETING URSULA ('poor unfortunate soulsss') IM CRYING NOOOOO (i didnt know how to turn on subtitles. i only figured it partway around watching aladdin :( )
I can’t hear the deal :(
Weird that Ariel still got married (and had like the foundation thing that helps merpeople get used to land??? i forgot what it was but it was because a princess in like the sunshine lands blah blah blah) Meanwhile Ursula is just. Admired fo being so kind. Do they not know??? then again they do admire jafar while he also still lost. ..i mean the stories twisted ig so we cant really know what happened. if it followed the movie or if something else happened. In twst* Sound disappeared. I think it’s the movie dvd cause there are weird cuts
im. gonna end it there because otherwise im not gonna understand a thing
aladdin go brr
The frame froze on jafar closing the parrots mouth 😭
I FOUND WHERE THE SUBTITLES ARE oh my god were the crackers a reference (in the game kalim kept shoving crackers in grims mouth and i was just so confused???) I just wanna give the tiger a hug (i dont remember what gender but so so cute when turned into smol bby)
I can’t really blame animal sidekicks that cause an issue in stuff (and kind of annoying) since I got attached to grim and I hated him for the longest time lol (anyway abu ended up helping out by stealing the lamp anyway when before there liekly wouldnt have been a chance. so. good on him)
Jafar just keeps calling him Abooboo throughout the movie. …i cant take it seriously its the funniest thing ever
Why is jasmine surprised (or at least look surprised) she could’ve just assumed jafar was mistaken since Aladdin said he went in disguise and stuff to hide why he was there????
Who the hell would believe jafar’s word? The sultan. But jasmine hates jafar!
Jafar only wanted to be with jasmine to get power??? So why does he want her now? I refuse to believe he’s in love ew
EWWWW THEY KISSED (well she did it to distract him while aladdin was making his way on the plan to stop jafar. but EWW it didnt even work because he saw aladdin's reflection in the crown!)
So gross HOW OLD IS HE!?
So glad jamil wasn’t like that but also it’s not a romance game thank fuck
'Still just second best’ OUCH thats rough hearing that insult
and its deserved. but also knowing jamils backstory makes it ow, although jamil never really. went as far. ....like. nobody actually dies. theres no attempt at killing someone excluding overblot actions and actions pre-blot BECAUSE its on the way about to overblot that what you normally wouldn't do you kind of do, and i really doubt you can be blamed for that when it kind of just. removes your morals, sort of? lowers your inhibitions. but like. makes what caused it so much more intense so then you break and boom overblot
something like that.
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craw-dacious · 6 months
Review of made weak by time and fate, but strong in will by dialux
Summary: I really really enjoyed this fic, the characterizations made me actually like the characters like A LOT. Some characters were underdeveloped, but thats alright because it’s such a lily/James focused fic. Ending was good but a little unfulfilling. I do think some of the dramatics and action became more confusing than true plot devices, but it would have gotten very very long with full transitional throughout the book. Criticisms aside, incredibly well written, amazing prose, and truly beautiful symbolism. I read this in about 24 hours.
Chapter by chapter review, from someone brand spanking new to marauders fics (not harry potter)
Chapter one
Wait why is lily calling him Jimmy is that a thing
This chapter is long asf
I need to read up on how magic works, I know Lily is a super good witch but this seems unrealistic even for her
But also the hurt comfort is going to go crazy I already know
Just leaving your baby and almost dead husband alone in the woods is wild
I sincerely hope Snape still sucks complete ass, I hate him and his little monologue does nothing to help
Overall: I am currently crying. That poor girls mom is dead. Am I confused about pacing? Yes. Am I cringing at the little “I am Thanatos” line to end it? Yes. But, overall the vibes are fantastic and I’m loving it.
Chapter Two
OMG lightning scar!!1
Thor as a wizard is funny bc im imagining like the marvel actor with a big fat wand
Literally how did they forget about Sirius bruh
Calling him Jimmy is getting on my nervesss like I guess its cute but it just does not fit his vibe
Why am I crying again
“Courage dear heart” my mommy captioned an insta pic of me chopping my hair off with that when i was like 9
Recap: the lightning is throwing me big time, like im so confused by what it means. Seems very symbolic and shit but also cool as fuck for James
Im excited for Sirius to be involved
Chapter 3
Crying again bruh Sirius never found out abt regulus in canon so sad
Recap is just that the fic is fire, I like all the dynamics other than thinking remus is a little underdeveloped and I dont understand the earth magic stuff. Excited to see baby harry again
Chapter 4
Crying AGAIN this regulus bullshit is so sad
Wtf are remus and James up to bruh
Lily is so convincing like she’s a genius
I really want to understand lily more as a character. Had a dream we were friends during my sick nap today and she was just Gracie and I called her a mudblood :/
This ritual magic shit is cool as fuck, im sure its not as prevalent in other marauders fic but its slaying
Remus and Sirius being so gay but not enough brother
Huge plot shit,, how could this possibly get wackier sillier love it. (I know it’s like scary I just like the creativeness a lot) worried about Narcissa and craving some redemption/mention of Draco bc Im me. Need to see harry. Need to see harry baby harry
Chapter 5
Threatening to raise Malfoy as not racist and it working is insane
James is actually so dumb racism is always bruh
But Severus is stupider how does he think his poetic shit is going down in Lily’s head??
No baby harry is criminal. Like actually criminal. Im losing it.
I really really enjoyed this fic, the characterizations made me actually like the characters like A LOT. Still feel like Remus was underdeveloped, but thats alright because it’s such a lily/James focused fic. I do wish we’d had some sort of epilogue, I want baby Harry so badly. I do think some of the dramatics and action became more confusing than true plot devices, but it would have gotten very very long with full transitional throughout the book. Also Lily definitely told Petunia shed leave Harry for a couple days and then was gone for weeks. Like its insane.
Numerical: 8.2/10, lost one full point for "Jimmy"
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thegeminisage · 7 months
tng update time. last night we did "heart of glory" and "arsenal of freedom."
heart of glory verdict: REALLY GOOD. i knew going in this was a worf episode but i was NOT expecting the scene at the beginning with geordi! that could have easily been its own episode but it was SO COOL to see how he sees finally - i had been wondering about it.
after watching tholian web i decided it was silly for them to go to that other ship where life support was failing with NO SPACE SUITS. i guess it wouldn't have helped in the event the ship blew up but come on
klingon death ritual a little unsettling at first but actually later i decided it was metal as hell.
worf's dilemma was so good. like in the naked time when he went THAT WORLD IS ALIEN TO ME NOW you can see that he's at odds with both where he came from and where he is now and doesn't feel totally at home in either, which, frankly, is spockcore (honorific). he instantly shot up several spaces in my tng character ranking
and his solution was so good! like, these wackos dont represent what he really wants because they arent Real Klingons theyre extremists or whatever. ik it's a little bit of a copout in some ways but it was kind of nice for him to be able to form his own, third answer to "who's better, humans or klingons." like sometimes the answer is neither are really connecting with me rn im just gonna keep truckin
i will say that there were hints of people doubting worf's loyalties here and him straight up killing that other dude put it all to bed. dont EVER question him again. i'll kill you.
also lowkey racist when that klingon picked the little girl up and everybody went to pieces :/
him promising he was just being polite and didnt want to leave the enterprise lol. everybody stared until he promised TWICE. so true. possibly my fav tng episode so far
arsenal of freedom: NOT that great. not sure why we were watching that one except the lists said to.
i recognized the peddler from other shows, probably b*ffy in this instance. he just has one of those faces
the whole time dr crusher was in the hole i kept waiting for them to huddle for warmth and then they DIDNT. not that i even necessarily wanted to see her demeaned to this level like it would've made me mad but WHY ELSE would you mention she's cold. like i'm also mad that they didn't
also this could've been a tos episode. imagine if bones was in a little hole and spock and kirk had to set his broken arm and unbury him and keep him warm. i know that's just the empath. shut up
kind of dumb of her not to mention she had a leg wound when it was quite literally covered in dirt. girl come on
anyway i liked her acting in this scene. ultimately i've just decided i'm glad they didn't cuddle because this is one of the first times i've seen her as a person and not a Woman(tm). the other time was that other episode where she was nerd out about uh...oh man now i'm mad i can't remember. she was nerding out about some science thing or some famous science person in an episode we watched not too long ago and i liked that too. and then forgot to make a note of it. rip dr crusher :(
ALSO. sorry. if they were getting shot at it was dumb of them to send data alone down into the hole. everybody should have gone into the hole for safety. or data should have pulled picard up so they had an extra phaser. cmon
anyway i liked geordi's thing in this ep. that guy invalidating him was horrible and i'm glad he got to have the last word and also get his moment. GEORDI DESERVES A MOMENT. the ship splitting up is still fucking hilarious to me though. there's so many logical problems with this it makes your head spin
also, once again, there should NOT !!! be children on a starship. insane.
next i am doing "symbiosis" on my own and then tomorrow we're doing "skin of evil" together.
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ellellen · 11 months
‼️TW: bad english‼️Wait.. Wait, wait. Just before we start, yall need to get to know the charachters, and some past before all that chaos.. right? lets start. (there all r 15-16, execept ppl who have siblings) James, evryone think the apocalyptic started bc of him. hm, you will find out. or you wont? anyways he is in a group with 2 other ppl (basically an group of three) and he is an litlear jerk. He always bullies ppl and stuff. Anways next is Noah, He is in a group with James. He is rlly dumb. Not to be mean or smth but he cant even think staigh. He'll be walking norrmally looking staight and he will bump into smth. Anways he is too dumb to even bully, he ends up making fun of himself. And the last one in the group (main 3) Loga (short for logan) He is probably the most normal one. he dosent speak too much tho. He is just there to be there.. yk? anways they (main 3) used to bully allot of ppl (yall will meet them on the way) and they used to know alot of ppl. Ill just mention some. Ethan, he used to be rlly sweet and carring. Thats why he was made fun of in the first place. one day he just dissapired. Is he still the same? I guess well find out. Next is Mike. He is rlly mean and kinda of jerk. Anwyas he used to be made fun of too. But ppl kinda fogot aboth him. Him and Ethan used to hang out like alot. Anways lets meet some of the girls then get onto present. Luna, She is pretty smart and intelligent. She is pretty too. Alice, She can be smart if she wants too. She only cares ab her beauty tho. But i can say. She is stunning tho. Next is Scarlett, she is pretty smart, not only in school but when ot comes tho thinking. She is rlly strong too, and emo. Probably talest one. ???? ohh, well she is ?????? nothing much ab her. Anways "presents"
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Noah: Uhh guys? I think there's something like rlly weird outta here. Somone is green. he is falling apart. im so confused..
Noah: Um no..? Go look, he look goofy ngl.
James: Loga, go look.
Logan: bro why me.
James: bc. now go look.
Noah. Also, i think the school is burning. i saw fire.
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Noah: Guysss. I kinda forgot to tell yall but the teacher told us 3 hour's ago to get outta of school..
James: NOAH. how in the fuck could you forget that.
Noah: sorry, dont blame me that the tacher is lazy to tell yall.
Logan: Guys please. dont start fighting, we can all co- OH LORD YALL RUN.
James: stop being dramatic. We need to find other ppl..
Logan: yea. James is right, we would be stronger. but at the same time th-
James: og stfu. Lets just find other ppl
Logan: Okay.. whatever you say.
Noah: guys, maybe we shall order food?
James: Noah you fucking idiot, we cant order food, who do you expect to bring us food? A fucking fly?
Noah: damn chill out i was just asking..
Logan: I mean we can just go to store and get food, we just need to be fast.
Noah: Guys, what will happend to Allen?
James: Who in the- Ah who is Allen
Logan: Its his sister, how do you forget, god yall r stupid.
James: shut up, you are always here to say smth
Loagn: anywas we can just go get her
Noah: yall somone is behind yall
James: dude. RUN.
*after like 20 mins*
Noah: Guys im outta breath. Wait..
Noah: Wait i cant.
*while with girls*
Luna: Girls, we really need to find an place to stay at.
Scarlett: We can stay at my place.
Alice: Okay ig if we need to. i just dont want to get my new dress dirty. It costed like alot "sobs"
Luna: yea.. whatever you say.
*at Scarlett's house*
Alice: ig its fine as long as my stuff dosent get dirty.
Scarlett: Og gosh. Alice i swear to god stop complaning.
Alice: Shut up, you stink.
Scarlett: What did you just say to me.
Alice: that you stink.
Scarlett: you will stink once i throe you outta this window to the zombies.
Alice: id like to see you try.
Scarlett: Oh yeah? Well-
Luna: guys just stop it. We have bigger problems to deal with.
Alice: yeah. okay. anyways, where is Lisa?
Luna: damn. i forgot ab her. ill call her to see if she is okay. "Calling Lisa"
Lisa: Gu..s.. H...Wh..d-d..i ya..l call me?
Luna: Hi Lisa, can you come over? btw i cant hear you very well. the connection is rlly poor.
Lisa:.....Come..fiv..e.mi.. "hangs up the phone"
Luna: I think she will come.
Alice: okay great!
Scarlett: We can clearly see who you like and dislike..
Alice: Yea, im happy that you noticed!
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Luna: Huh. who could that be.
Scarlett: ill go get it
Alice: Ill come With
Luna: Same
Scarlett: Okay
????: Um. Hii, hope i can stay over for a while
all: oh. my. god.
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guideaus · 1 year
trigun stampede ep1 thoughts
cant say i like it opening right away w space, but that might be bc im biased from the anime. i liked the anime's approach a lot more than the manga's, honestly. especially not just space, but the whole seeds thing too shouldnt have been shown as the first thing
i am really not a fan of the designs of... most things in the ep lol. i've got a bone to pick w the designers for this series
the first scene was v out of context so i wont pick that apart
wish meryl didnt look 10 years old, but at least she doesnt sound 10. that was a criticism i had abt milly in the 90s anime
still upset abt the roberto guy, i guess they could change my mind but so far hes :/
i like the bits with the wildlife
im not bothered by meryl's occupation change (as a journlist only i mean), it doesnt really matter to me imo
not to have nostalgia glasses on, but i miss vash's old voice. i hear this one and im like oh this is sword art online boy/teru mp100 and i dont think i like that guy's voice anyway
again with a design thing, idk how i feel abt vash having "lost technology" so present. i made a post abt this way back, but maybe they change smth (but also they cant exactly justify the whole modern jp fashion thing in futuristic sci-fi space setting either so i wonder if theyll even attempt to explain this)
i like the bit abt vash interfering w plant stuff being added as a crime. i feel like in the original anime his bounty was iconic, but in that and the manga idk why it was even there, except to establish his contrasting pacifist nature against ppl that want the reward for his capture.
it also showing mps is a bit more interesting when the manga kinda felt like it pulled order/gov out of nowhere (before knives did his best to kill everyone, mostly getting rid of that)
i love vash's face at least. hes my little meow meow, wet pathetic kitten, etc.,
im surprised nightow's never attempted to show a map of the planet before. but idk shit abt maps so i cant make any statements abt this one
i love seeing a town defend vash immediately 🥺 technically i dont think its good for new audiences, (it shows hes not some monstrous villain, but not how he couldve gotten his rep, while before it was clearly the destruction caused from other ppl going after him, and him accepting the blame) but i'll pretend that what happened to him here happened at the end of the manga instead
i thought the ep was gonna imply meryl is like a spoiled rich kid from the city, but i guess not lol... (or kinda??)
the part where the plant is explicitly explained felt a little too hamfisted, or not subtle lol, like some video game, meant for the audience, not really any character. even if they used meryl's newly-out-of-school-sheltered-kid thing theyre doing
it seems weird the bar owner was in charge of the town?
also weird they just stopped talking abt vash's arm of "lost technology"
the villain for the ep being goofy was nice. v reminiscent of the original
no one can tell me a .22 bullet comes out of vash's gun... but also ig u could say smth abt that maybe
the music sounds nice :)
seems weird the corrupt cops just leave?? wouldve thought theyd get mobbed lol... and did the plant get fixed either too lol?
i think vash telling anyone abt his bro, esp the day he met said person, doesnt make sense
i dont think that flashback was necessary, either
and knives can go all out jamming, doing what ever he wants. its fine, he can be as weird as he likes
i dont really like the ending either. i dont know japanese music, but this also has to be modern jpop lol. where are the wurmple cries
also i forgot to say but theres nothing wrong w the cgi. anyone complaining abt that is automatically dumb lol
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vydri · 1 year
15 Questions For 15 Mutuals
@skinslip tagged me, thanks : ) ♡
Are you named after anyone?
pretty sure im not...
Do you have kids?
yes, just one ♡
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
a little, idk
When was the last time you cried?
i did cry a tad bit like an hour ago i think... idk it was dumb
What’s the first thing you notice about other people?
uuuhh idk their hair i guess
Eye color?
dark brown
What sports do you/have you played?
well as a little kid i played a tiny bit of soccer and basketball, nothing more than that though
Any special talent?
arts and crafts i guess? im one of those jack of all trades, master of none types...i know my way around tools and can build things... im pretty good at a lot of video games, and things like photoshop and illustrator and other computer programs and typing
Where were you born?
Scary movies or happy endings?
happy endings i suppose
Do you have any pets?
no, i dont, but my partner has a dog
How tall are you?
5'4" i think idk
What are your hobbies?
same things as my talents lol, plus collecting toys and oddities, watching cartoons, embroidery, making jewelry, drawing, i use to crochet but it hurts my hands a lot
Favorite subject in school?
my fav main subject was english, otherwise it was woodshop, i was actually really good in that class, i got lots of awards from it. we didnt have art class in my high school but I'll choose that from middle school lol
Dream job?
I dont even know anymore, i definitely always wanted to work with cartoons some how, or make toys idk
tagging: i dont have that many mutuals but I'll try lol
@ladygummybuns @sodapopsweetheart @jabronibaloney @mercy-misrule @heartlesspop88 @alittlebitodd @ashcray
i accidentally posted this before i could tag people but i tagged who i could think of.... im sorry if i forgot about anybody. i know most of the mutuals i use to have are no longer active
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bluebeetle · 1 year
Not surprised to see total drama Island and 6teen as getting the most votes but I was also religiously watching martin mystery as a child and if u hadnt put TDI I would have voted for it cause it is iconic to me ... also remember watching cybersix and stormhawks (had to activate some deep memory by watching the clip you provided for stormhawks cause holyshit) also atomic betty was apparently very popular with my age range in France cause nearly every girl IRL I know my age always mentions it to me but I'm always like ... ? Cause I dont remember seeing a single episode or even trailer
yeah ngl i really did consider NOT putting TDI on but i was scared of people being like WHERS TOTAL DRAMA ISLAND?!?!?!?! and just put it on out of fear. I did watch it a lot tho (i only put shows i watched and liked on there because im biased.) but its def the most popular show on that list I'd say. 6teen I didn't realise was as well liked but it makes sense, it was a good show. Same with Ruby Gloom? But I guess its very Aesthetic for the Tumblr Girlies.
YESSSSSS i loved martin mystery so much it was def my second or third pick, it was sooooo good. I still remember a few eps pretty well.
cybersix is what i voted for i love it a lot. they reran it for a number of years (ReBoot as well, and a lot of those shows--gotta get that canadian content quota!!!!)
ahaha YEAH i kind of forgot all about stormhawks until i was making that list and making sure what was Canadian and what was just French (like Code Lyoko) and was like fuck i remember watching that all the time with sean. it was so dumb but fun. still love the setting.
i think w/ atomic betty its because it was a french co-production? so it probably got aired there a lot, my best guess anyways. it wasn't huge here but teletoon played it pretty regularly in both languages if I remember correctly (I only watched in english). I have no idea how popular any of these were outside of canada minus TDI because. well. it's TDI lol.
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sydmarch · 2 years
some people are such absolute FREAKS I swear to god. there was this guy who last spring I went on 3 dates with over the course of several months before deciding I wasn't interested for a multitude of reasons & after that there were a few times he tried texting me, sometimes from different numbers than the one I had saved for him & every time I'd swerve him. so recently I get some outrageously horny text from a random number with the same area code hed always used & im like not this fucking dude again!! I'm annoyed so I text him back "kind of aggressive after like 6 months without talking lmao?" since the last time I shot him down was January & he responds like "months? it's been years" I'm like ok wtf who is this then I guess I assumed it was the wrong person? & he keeps being vague & refuses to tell me his name & is asking if I'll fuck his girlfriend and shit so now I'm thinking it's a wrong number because what on earth. but then he's like "do you still have a thing for fat guys" so I'm like omg this is someone who knows me who the fuck is it!!! eventually he tells me his name is David and I'm like I do NOT know a David... & he's implying that we had gotten to second base & I do NOT do casual sex I don't even go beyond kissing unless I've gotten to know someone at least somewhat well so it's not like there was some potential hookup I forgot about (like no shade if you DO have hookups you dont remember im just not that type of person so there was no explanation that made sense)... SO weird & then he's all do you wanna meet up this week I'm like who ARE YOU I don't know any David but then it occurs to me I changed my name during quarantine so the only guy I've ever been on a date with as syd besides my last ex was the fucking guy I originally thought it was so if this really was some guy from years ago trying to fuck with me he would only know my deadname. so I ask him who he thinks he's texting & he says syd so I'm like IT IS HIM is this fucking freak just dumb enough to have NO IDEA how time works? we only even MET one year ago!!! & what was the end goal on making up a fake name and pretending to be some other guy??? what did he expect to happen when we met up if for some reason I was like yeah sure let's meet??? freakish loser weirdo behavior. who acts like this. move on dude I already wasn't fucking interested but didnt really have any hard feelings towards you, now I actively hope you kill yourself for doing something this fucking deranged
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localvoidcat · 2 years
hey gamers it's walten files live-blogging time again. let's go
im just gonna react to the hour long one for now
local 57's a reference right
alright so we got Jenny and Sophie. we know Sophie died
girl's catchphrase is just "oh I see" huh
damn getting called away be back in two hours. let's see if I remember the plot when I get back
and im back bitches. and I remember im not that stupid
bunnyfarm bon got me acting kinda
"you guys brought fruits right" its pride month of course we did.
"Pete the Hippo 😩"
most accurate part is how much they say shit cause I do that too
"maybe he's okay!" bro he's dead as hell. you dont go to random forests and survive. unless he's fucking mothman
jenny I knew you were a little fruity from the start.
it is now morning so that means time to continue
damn bro this game glitchy
creepy clown guy gave you a present! you received: liquified dude
oh shit is she dead?
why did purple bunny let the pigs out
I THOUGHT BON SAID "you dumb bitch"
oh boy a dark room where nothing bad happens :)
finally a self-aware protagonist
shit who's Susan?
okay so Susan is the purple bunny
damn she got liquified too
alright so what im getting at is that the victims are still alive when they're in the suits, but they're horribly injured and eventually die of starvation or blood loss. maybe
oh the pills. girl if they're making you forget things you need to get off them....
oh shit that letter.
ohhhhhhhh no.
okay so Felix is dealing with that. that's not good
good on them for getting out of that
damn so Linda got out of the relationship and Felix feels bad about it. I mean good on her for leaving but also damn
I am so sorry *draws fursona*
not gonna lie to you guys when I started this series I thought mustache man was kinda
oh hey jack
Sophie watching gore of a guy appear on her screen: yeah this is. fine :)
bloody mustache guy pulled a memphis and went "lemme get a good smell of you little boy"huh
okay who put the other founder of bunny smiles in the ai generator
"I forgot about them" yeah that's. that's called repressed trauma, luv
burger sheep
there's graves with e and m on that, those are the initials of jack's kids' names right
there's definitely a link between actual animals and this place
"I know you" oh shit
forgot I was doing this. but im guessing Felix crashed the car and killed the kids on accident
what do you mean they found a way out. corpses dont do that
aight so both of their souls entered rocket
Sophie Im gonna be real honest. I forgot you existed
aaaaand that's that episode finished.
Felix looking at the dead kids while audio recording: bruh I think I fucked up my soup
the guilty video was really good but the comments are making YouTube apology video quotes and that is so funny to me
alright uh. ill make the final part of this in a bit
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