#emotional attatchment issues
drnightingale · 4 months
New fic out on A03:
Basically just how my thoughts came and went during a time span of 20 minutes the other night when I was upset.
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skyexrose · 2 months
I guess the reason I got so attached to you is because you were my first time in so many things. You were the reason I wished the days would go by faster to see you again. You were the first person I never wanted to stop talking to, and you were the first person I wanted romantically.
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0verstepping · 2 years
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themanlykittenkayden · 4 months
Tallulah’s abandonment and attachment issues manifesting as extreme jealousy whenever anyone but their immediate family receives her adopted father’s love -VS- q!Baghera’s abandonment and attatchment issues manifesting as clinging to her anchor and half-jokingly adopted father figure from Purgatory, the hell she just escaped from and has had zero chance to recover from
(vs q!Philza’s immortality (abandonment and attatchment issues?) making him a brick wall of neglecting his emotions and struggling to read others)
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goodwhump-temp · 2 months
Edward Elric Whump | Fullmetal Alchemist (2003)
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Ep.01 Trauma, crying, -1 leg, -1 arm, bloodcurdling scream, exhausted, dehydrated, held at gunpoint Ep.02 Knocked unconscious (08:15), imprisoned Ep.03 Daddy issues, crying, bleeding out, painful automail attatchment Ep.04 Back-ache x3, firework jumpscare, flattened x12, caught in trap, drugged, collapse unconscious, restrained Ep.05 Knocked off train roof Ep.06 Flattened, birfday Ep.07 Mom ptsd, passes out, heartbroken, painfully gutpunched, bleeding, crying Ep.08 Grieving, knocked unconscious, kidnapped/arm taken off, scared x10, stabbed, painful reattachment, sliced x3, crying, traumatized Ep.09 Depressed, knocked down Ep.10 Tummy ache/food poisoning, hospital, fREAKING OUT (needle), pinned, almost drowns Ep.11 Identity stolen, punched, face swollen/bruised, difficulty breathing, passes out (19:05) Ep.14 Scared, hunted Ep.15 Hunted, arm destroyed, surrenders, punched (friendly fire) Ep.16 Babysat, hit w/ wooden box, trips (limbless), emotional Ep.17 Hit w/ flying wrench, painful reattachment, pain, therapy ep. Ep.19 Depressed Ep.20 Arm busted, sliced, surprise jab!, bleeding out, gutpunched Ep.21 Attacked by dogs, scared Ep.22 Arm gives out, kicked x5, pinned, blackmailed, superexposed to raw redstone, carried unconscious Ep.23 Hospitalized, slapped, milk harrassment, bullied by Al, depressed, guilt, stupid ass confrontation by a stupid little boy named Al, betrayed, punched BY AL Ep.24 Heartbroken Ep.26 Hit by a wrench x2 Ep.27 Scared, abused (offscreen), restrained, knocked down, crazy training montage, trauma montage, punched x3, gutpunched, beaten Ep.28 (Flashbacks; bit by wild fox, bandaged, reoccuring pain, gutkicked, unconscious) Ep.29 Smacked, truth-well trauma, flashback; loses leg, sacrifices arm, bloodcurdling screams Ep.30 Gutkicked, thrown, face scratched Ep.32 Mech arm broken, face sliced, daddy issues, punched unconscious Ep.33 Weak, pain, ambushed, punched Ep.34 Restrained, arm broken, punched x4, shocked, crying Ep.38 Vehicle explosion, brother argument, [flashback; daddy issues, bruised (15:45)] Ep.41 Scared stiff Ep.43 Hunted Ep.44 Heartbroken (Hughes), digs up mothers grave Ep.46 Pinned Ep.47 Knocked down, thrown through window Ep.48 Punched, choked Ep.49 Transported to another world Ep.50 Headache, hit by crashing zeplin (13:15), trapped under rubble, forehead bleeding, kicked, freaked out, impaled, bleeds out Ep.51 Corpse, crying
(14:30) Held at gunpoint (31:30) Knocked unconscious (gas) (43:45) Face cut (46:30) Punched, (48:05) Brother jumpscare, smothered, squeezed (1:00:30) Knocked against the stairs (1:03:40) Manhandled (1:14:10) In shock, heartbroken, 'shot' (1:19:30) Plane crash, trips, foot busted (1:25:25) Shot out of the sky, rough landing (1:33:00) Sacrifice
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poppyandzena · 2 months
I've noticed you mentioning that many creators have covered the P&Z stuff, and that many have gotten the details wrong. What would *you* recommend creators focus on? Is there a specific order of events you'd recommend? For context, I'm a trans man in the creator space. Relatively small, but I also have BPD (and many other things) and am polyamorous and I hate how Poppy is playing into all the negative stereotypes. I want to help. Especially because one of Poppy's victims was a very close friend of mine. I'm currently working on a video essay script about the situation. If you, or anyone else wants to reach out, I'd greatly appreciate it, but I'm well aware that everyone's spoons are lacking right now so no pressure.
The main problem is a lack of organization. Many creators think they can gloss over an introduction and then dive into the docs, and most of the misinformation is in that expositional intro. But when you do that, you make yourself and the situation as a whole look less credible.
And, frankly, covering everything Poppy and Zena have done in a single stream will contribute to this unless you are especially dedicated. Luxander spent a LOT of time asking for clarification and organizing its points so that their arguments made sense.
Here's some facts I've noticed streamers get wrong, at least when they first cover it. I'll list them so creators have a cheat sheet:
Poppy is an AMAB transgender woman who has recently undergone bottom surgery. The bottom surgery is important to note as Poppy regards intercourse with Noeh as "her first time." This is her having vaginal intercourse for the first time, which is something she places value in regards to her trans experience. Poppy has used this as emotional leverage to paint Noehflake as a malicious person who took her virginity and left.
The entirety of the relationship with Noehflake lasted approximately four months and ended in late December 2023. Poppy wanted Noehflake to move in with her either at or a little under the two month mark. I find this extremely important as it highlights how quickly Poppy tries to enmesh herself into people's lives. I personally think its a combination of typical BPD attatchment issues and lovebombing to speed up the process and "skip steps," something Poppy ironically has called out in other people.
Poppy is NOT Spawn (her kid's) biological parent. Poppy was present since Spawn was in utero and took up the role of their father before she transitioned. Spawn's mother died in a horse riding accident at around age 3/4, during which Poppy became their sole caretaker.
PLEASE stop headlining your videos with "child abuse." It's inaccurate. As much as I do not like PZ, we have to be correct with how we criticize them. Spawn was not a minor during the time the abuse ocurred. Spawn has also stated PZ have NEVER sexually abused them and that their childhood was relatively fine before Zena arrived. Please stick to what was alleged. Call it "parental abuse" to be accurate, please. Child abuse brings to mind a minor being harmed which is not accurate to this situation.
Spawn was NOT coined by Poppy. That's the name Spawn gave themselves so their privacy would be respected, something Poppy purposefully violates online to endager them.
Spawn is a 24 year old they/them nonbinary person with POTS, which severely impacts their cardiovascular system and makes labor and even basic tasks difficult. Around 2022 when the brunt of the abuse ocurred, Spawn was around 5ft and 80lbs. They claim a doctor cleared them of health issues in relation to being 80lbs and that it wasn't a weight Poppy and Zena starved them to. I personally find issue with a 5ft person being 80lbs in general and believe it was a contributing factor to their chronic pain, but I do not believe they were at a higher weight and PZ starved them TO that point. I believe they were naturally lithe, but that PZ did absolutely nothing to help manage Spawn's weight as the crux of their abuse was food restriction. According to Spawn, their weight has steadily increased as they've gotten older which I can relate to. Being at that weight puts stress on your body, but to add POTS on top of it significantly disables you.
Spawn has autism and a dissociative disorder, the latter of which Poppy has gaslit Spawn into underplaying in spite of a mental health professional agreeing with Spawn. (This is in the Spawn doc) This disorder is OSDD-1B which Spawn met the criteria for (fact checked with Spawn), which is a disorder that is often obtained through significant, persistent, or otherwise intense trauma. This is ESPECIALLY concerning to me as someone who has researched DID and the sister disorders since I was 15. I have a space in my heart reserved for those people as DID is one of the most misunderstood and culturally manipulated disorders since it's "debut" with the book Sybil. I digress, but the fact that Poppy refuses to see eye to eye with Spawns dissociative disorder despite allegedly having one herself is concerning.
Poppy alleges she was diagnosed with OSDD, Otherwise Specified Dissociative Disorder. I myself have actually made the mistake of saying she has DID. The two are different, but under the same umbrella. OSDD is sort of the "misc." option when you don't meet the full critera of DID and you don't qualify for psychotic disorders. I actually believe OSDD is more prevalent than classic DID due to the fact that disorders are spectrum-based and can be highly specific to the person if they are traumagenic. People with OSDD tend to have alters like DID, but there is a distinct lack of amnesia between alters and a lack of amnesia blackouts. These people will still dissociate to a degree that counts as a disorder. I have known people with OSDD and it is very real and oftentimes painful, coming to terms with the fact that you've been so traumatized that it necessitates dissociating from reality. It is not fun at its core and I do not wish that on anyone, but it doesn't mean these people aren't valid if they embrace or highlight the positive aspects of their condition to cope.
What makes me sussy-wussy is Poppy's insistence as a "professional" to conflate OSDD/DID with Tulpamancy, the former being traumagenic and the latter being pseudo-spiritual. The topic of endogenic vs. traumagenic alters is one I do NOT want to debate here. I will say I dont appreciate when she combines medically recognized disorders with spirituality, as doing so can contribute to misinformation that we ALREADY have to deal with. If you believe in tulpamancy, I won't argue with you, but you have to be precise in the language you use as to not spread misinfo. Sometimes people have traumagenic disorders that they frame with a spiritual lense, which I can respect, but please be mindful when comparing your experience with others. That's all I ask.
Noehflake, Hayleigh, is a transgender woman who also has a dissociative disorder with at least one alter. In the docs, this alter is referred to as "Max." That is not their current name and I do not feel comfortable airing it out. Hayleigh is not a separate alter to "Noehflake." Hayleigh is simply Noehflake's name. Their experience is not fun and Max has to intervene in especially stressful situations. Hayleigh dissociates, and you can tell in her dedicated doc just how much Poppy and Zena disregard her pain and push her into dissociating more.
Also if I have to hear someone pronounce Noehflake as "Noh-ee-flake" I'm going to eat my fucking hands. It's nitpicky but it's aggravating to listen to over and over. It's pronounced "Noh-flake." Like snowflake. I've made the mistake of pronouncing it as "No-ah-flake." Just saying "Noh" is fine.
Zena is an AFAB transmasc person with agender qualities that goes by they/them, though I have heard they have given the "she/her pass" to close people. Stick with they/them, out of basic respect and to prevent confusion. Zena is significantly younger than Poppy, to the point where an anon pointed out they have less than a decade difference in age from Poppy's child. I can't believe I have to specify this, but Zena is NOT the biological father/mother of Poppy's child. I heard that in one of the worst videos covering this topic and I had to leave out of pure frustration.
Dormiyu is the asexual victim that Poppy and Zena brought to their house. Dormiyu uses it/its pronouns. Poppy wants you to think there was only one instance where Poppy walked out in her underwear to get clothes and Dormiyu freaked out. There were two instances. One was when she was in her set of underwear and Dormiyu looked away, to which Poppy chided it for its "asexual bullshit." The second incident involved Dormiyu being in her office. Poppy entered the office with her bare breasts out and sat in front of Dormiyu to get it to notice her. This, obviously, made Dormiyu very uncomfortable, to which Poppy argued that they "were just tits." I don't have to go into fine detail as to why showing your bare breasts to a guest in your home is inappropriate, especially when the guest does not have the transportation to leave your house. Poppy has since blackmailed Dormiyu into deleting everything as it is an immigrant and her delving into its personal life on stream would not only put Dormiyu at risk of doxxing, but at risk of deportation. You will find the archive of Dormiyu's testimony in my masterlist.
This is especially important to highlight. Poppy admitted in a video to "reproducing" CSA onto a family member. To others, this may seem like a smoking gun. Unfortunately, this is a case I cannot in good conscience speculate on. I can't. One, we ONLY have Poppy's vague testimony on camera. Any surrounding info is secondhand. Second, we do not know if this victim wants their story told by us. I'm not sure they even know who we are. I cannot perpetuate what is essentially a ghost of an accusation when I do not know if the victim is even comfortable having that public. All I can say is that I do not trust Poppy. We have so much more tangible evidence to prove Poppy is all-around abusive, and I will stick to what has been substantiated.
Thank you for listening to me. I know this is a lot and some of it seems pedantic, but I care a lot about how we cover this.
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larkspurglove · 2 months
Penacony/HSR 2.1 spoilers ahead
This is a slightly messy and long rant about my criticism of Firefly’s death from a meta perspective, feel free to skip.
Edit: this was written in early February and has been marinating in my drafts ever since. I thought I might as well post it now since there’s some new revelations about Firefly’s death.
Spoilers for mainly 2.0 but MASSIVE spoilers for 2.1.
I like Firefly, there’s nothing about her that makes me dislike her, but the way her death made me feel was proooooobably not the intended emotion the penacony writers wanted me to feel.
I felt shocked, and yes that is a pretty good reaction to seeing her get stabbed, but it wasn’t because I was sad she died or had any hugely significant attatchment to her.
I was shocked because I didn’t expect anyone to die.
I felt the same with Tingyun’s death. I didn’t hold any particular attachment to her but she was objectively likeable, and when she suddenly died and was revealed to be Phantiliya, I was shocked. Not betrayed, not sad, shocked.
(Edit: I feel this way about Sunday’s death too, but granted the story didn’t push the attachment/sympathy factor as much so I don’t think this is an unpopular opinion)
I think the main issue with why these two deaths felt shocking but not sad to me is because in trying to write a character that’s universally likeable for the player base, it deprives the character of any traits that could cause someone to get significantly attached to a character.
While I do think Hoyo did a significantly better job at making people attached to Firefly compared to Tingyun, it’s still not quite enough. In a way, it’s kind of giving Teppei or Ayaka’s story quest.
Also, the story kind of forces the ‘tee hee look at how close these two are!’ onto us. Like the jabs at her and the trailblazer being ‘really close’ are funny but also don’t make that much sense. We met her thirty real world minutes ago, and for the trailblazer, they’ve only known her for a few hours.
Not to mention her opening up about being a stowaway and her terminal illness doesn’t make sense even if she’s the easily attached type. While she does have an inherent admiration of the Nameless, she doesn’t know for sure what kind of person we are, or if the Nameless has drastically changed since their last visit to Penacony. For all she knew, the trailblazer could’ve turned her in the moment she admitted she was a stowaway.
Ultimately I prefer the way Robin’s death was revealed over Firefly’s. Yes, we barely see her and it’s entirely possible we’ve never spoken to her at all since we don’t know how long Sparkle has been posing as her, but her death gives the overall story more stakes.
I think we’ve all figured out by now that Firefly is unlikely to stay dead, (edit: who would’ve guessed she’s not dead) but with Robin we don’t have as much certainty. Her death getting out could potentially tarnish Penacony’s reputation to an irreparable state. It would likely cause significantly more damage than if Firefly’s death got out.
Anyway this was a bit of a disaster rant. Bye!
Edit: so Firefly being alive actually changes my opinion significantly.
Yes I still think the ‘look at this anime girl don’t you feel ATTACHED TO HER???’ aspect is still annoying but there’s a chance that the desperate need for the trailblazer to get attached to Firefly now has a plausible explanation from an in-universe perspective.
Firefly’s entire purpose to being on Penacony is likely to be to get the Trailblazer interested in finding/solving the Watchmaker’s Legacy. While they were passively interested in solving it before, it wasn’t the main priority. However, after getting the trailblazer attached to her and lamenting about how she’s here to find the Watchmaker’s Legacy, and then dying, it’s an additional motivator. ‘Do it for Firefly.’
The blind trust in the trailblazer makes more sense too. If they were going to abandon or betray her, the script would say so. She opens up to us so quickly out of necessity and because she knows the trailblazer won’t hurt her.
Her death still doesn’t make me feel sad, and I do end up preferring Robin or Sunday’s deaths a bit more, but now her death is a lot more interesting to examine from a theory perspective.
Current me has already derailed early February me’s post enough though, see ya.
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playing-soldier-4077 · 6 months
"Everyones on stage for the finale!"
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Meet the cast!
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"Somone will have to get me pregnant first." -Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce
Background: Surgeon from Crabapple Cove, Maine. Drafted into the Korean War, he hates the army. Currently the senior member of the 4077th MASH, having been stationed there the longest.
Rank: Captian, Cheif surgeon
Gender: Male, occasionally uses female titles
Sexuality: Bisexual with plausible deniability
Height: 6'2"
Age: 32
Relationship status: Single
Character warnings: Alcoholic, somwhat of a misogynist/womanizer (recovering), jokes about his truama (has a lot of truama). Bi-polar (Though at the time its referred to as manic depression. Also undiagnosed. Anyway the warning is he has manic episodes somtimes)
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"We'll be the ones with our hands on the bible." - Trapper John McIntyre
Background: Surgeon from Boston Massachusetts, he was drafted into the Korean War. Developed an extraordinarily close relationship with hawkeye, before getting his orders to go back stateside. With much regret the only message he leaves for hawkeye is a kiss through the company clerk. They never got to see eachother off.
Rank: Civilian (Former Captian)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: yes please
Height: 6'3"
Age: 30
Relationship status: married
Character warnings: fruiquent adulterer, womanizer, alcoholic.
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"I have this strange aversion to being away from my family!" -BJ Hunnicutt
Background: Fresh from residency, BJ finds he's been drafted as an army doctor. He has to leave behind his months old daughter and his wife to work meatball surgery at the 4077th MASH. He meets Hawkeye soon after landing, and they become quick friends. They're attatched at the waist, borderline codependent, and BJ doesnt know how he would've handled life in Korea if he hadn't met Hawkeye.
Rank: Captian
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Repressed
Height: 6'4"
Age: 29
Relationship status: Married
Character warnings: Anger issues, bottles emotions, alcoholic(functioning. mostly.) Does not know when the bit has gone too far; may subject you to pranks (psychological warfare.) Accepting to queer people despite the times, but has internalized homophobia. Has a lot of internalized everything. Very repressed individual.
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"Im afraid of Lobsters." -Sidney Freedman
Background: Sidney Freedman works as a psychiatrist, and volunteered to join the Army as one. Though he never signed his loyalty agreement, and values his paitents over the rules of the military, he is still veiwed as a valuable field therapist.
Rank: Major
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Height: 5' 9"
Age: 43
Relationship status: Married (Lavender)
Character warnings: Makes jokes about his line of work. Canon example: "I'm going to commit suicide." -got a bad poker hand.
Despite the occasional joke, he does take his job very seriously. If this type of joke is a trigger and you still want to interact with the character, just tell me and I'll be sure not to make any :]
Things to note!
These characters, while progressive, are from the 1950s. They may say or do insensitive things.
(If I take this too far, do tell me. I dont intend to play into this much if at all, I just wanted to put the warning up. Please tell me if I write somthing I shouldnt, I struggle with knowing when to stop occasionally. This probobly wont be an issue, but the possibility is worth warning for I think)
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autistic-robin · 2 years
dynamics i would sell my soul to see in s5:
1. platonic madwheeler.
aside from the fact that these two are literally two sides of the same coin, i think their onscreen chemistry is a delight. they have so much in common and i feel like their repression issues are so similar. if they had one single heart-to-heart about max’s feelings for lucas you can bet your ass she’d help mike realize he’s in love with will. also— max’s perceptiveness (being in tune with/intuitively understanding other people) would really help mike beat the oblivious brain-full-of-rocks allegations. also i need them together for comedic reasons.
2. robin and jonathan + steve and argyle (with nancy supervising)
robin and jonathan’s dynamic has yet to be explored but they’re so similar that i feel like they would either be best friends or literally a hair away from ripping each other’s throats out and i need to see this onscreen for my mental stability. they’ve both got that lone-wolf, nobody-understands-me vibe and they also share the same class struggles that nancy can’t relate to or understand— i feel like even if they were enemies at first (you can’t be the dark brooding mousy-haired town pariah, that’s MY ROLE) they would warm up to each other super quickly. they’re also both really On It in terms of understanding situations/investigating shit, so. platonic dream team.
steve and argyle are also characters who’ve never been introduced and i feel like they would immediately love each other lol. they’re both himbos, both have strange homoerotic undertones in their scenes with jonathan, and they both toss their personal lives aside to be there for their friends. they also end up helping in unexpected, often unintentional ways, which is sexy of them. i feel like they would annoy the shit out of jonathan and robin and i want to see that play out. preferably while nancy glares at all of them like an exasperated mom.
3. platonic henderhop.
no thoughts just vibes with these two. all their little moments (“she’s our friend and she’s crazy!”; “teeth” *touches dustin’s teeth*; the scene in s3 where they reunite in starcourt) are precious and i wish their dynamic was more heavily explored. since they both recently lost their best friends (eddie and max) & both have survivor’s guilt, i feel like they should get a scene together talking through that pain. maybe reassuring each other that they aren’t to blame for any of it. idk man they make me emotional.
4. unhealthily codependent qpr stobin.
we simply did not get enough of them in season 4. st*ncy revival took up a good chunk of screentime that could have been dedicated to focusing on steve and robin’s friendship and i am and always will be furious about that. i think to rectify this they should make steve and robin attatched at the hip in s5. fiercely protective of one another in the way they should have been in s4, fighting tooth and nail back-to-back, saving one another. i just feel like steve’s arc needs to be about the platonic love he’s found after leaving tommy and carol in s1, and giving these two the attention they deserve would be a great way to show that to the audience.
5. joyce-hopper-murray polycule.
need i say more.
6. stonathan.
give them closure god damn it. let them talk everything out. maybe even give them a few questionable scenes like the ronance ones in s4… just. heavy implication. it’s what they deserve.
7. will and max.
platonic will and max are to platonic mike and el, which is why i feel like this duo would be unstoppable together. soft gentle secret badass + hard-edged fiery secret softie? that’s a five-star dynamic right there. they would kick ass together, they would bully mike together, they would fight the patriarchy together and i really believe that. also the fact that they’ve both been face-to-face with vecna and really experienced the horrors of the upside down could give them a deep understanding of one another and i think that’s something that deserves to be explored— especially since they’re also both abuse victims.
8. platonic elmike.
i want them to break up amicably and gently and lovingly. i want el offering mike the non-judgemental acceptance he desperately needs. i want mike apologizing profusely to el, and finally being able to love her without the hero-worship once he realizes he only loves her platonically. i want their connection to only be elevated and deepened by this understanding and closure. also i want el to softlaunch byler. that is all.
9. lucas and steve.
their mom stances are the same. steve came to lucas’ basketball games. they are both himbos. please give them screentime and further establish lucas as an important part of steve’s found family PLEASE!!!
10. nancy and mike.
what happened to their i-hate-you-but-i-would-kill-for-you sibling bond in s1? what happened to “no more secrets”? all i want is for nancy and mike to have a meaningful, in-depth conversation about their home lives, and hiding things, and not being able to love people the way they want to. and being scared to death of losing the people they do love. i want mike reassuring nancy that barb didn’t die because of her, and i want nancy reassuring mike that he won’t lose will. i also want them to glare pointedly at their dad together.
12. steve and el.
this dynamic is really unexplored and i feel like these two are paralleled so often that it would be criminal not to see them interact. a possible scenario i’d love to see: el post-finale going to steve for romantic advice (because that’s what all the kids do throughout the show) and confessing that mike hasn’t been able to tell her he loves her. steve assuring her that it’s okay, but that she should focus on being independent. that sometimes friendship and family can matter even more than a romantic relationship. that sometimes, people we think we love romantically are actually just people we really care about. and that being their friend instead of their partner doesn’t weaken that bond at all. and then el looking pensive, thanking him, and then immediately asking how he got his hair to grow out so long.
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minijenn · 4 months
Jen Tortures Herself with Every Dreamworks Animated Movie Ever: Final Thoughts
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Alas, the Dreamworks watch is complete! What a fucking weird ass experience that was. From the heights of wonder and beauty and actual art and emotions and magic that I got to experience in films like Prince of Egypt, How to Train Your Dragon, and Kung Fu Panda, to some of the most bottom of the barrel shit I've ever had to experience like Shark Tale and Antz, I feel like I have experienced the full spectrum of human emotion over the past several weeks.
Dreamworks is such an odd fucking studio, one with such a diverse filmography that is kind of just... all over the place in terms of quality. But I'd be lying if I didn't say I've had a hell of a fun time with this little pet project. Getting to experience some of these movies again (and many for the first time) was an absolute treat, and I loved sharing my thoughts on them with ya'll.
But at the end of the day, what did I learn from all of this. Well... plenty of things. I learned that Dreamworks only knows how to make three kinds of plots (family reunion, daddy issues, and Because Woman). I learned that the Dreamworks' antagonists are usually either sassy assholes discontent with their lot in life or awkward outcasts who eventually come into their own through family or freidnship. I learned that Dreamworks 2D animation is sacred and special and that I want it back so fucking badly. I learned that ogres can love, pandas can fight, dragons can be trained, trolls can sing, and babies can be bosses. And I learned that sometimes, the Dreamworks Finale Dance Party is the most powerful magic of all.
So of course, you all are probably wondering what my definitive ranking for all 45 of these movies is, huh? Well, fortunately, I've been keeping a tier list throughout this marathon to rank them all, so here's that, with each tier also in order from best to worst:
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To break it down, my top three favorite Dreamworks movies are:
Prince of Egypt
How to Train Your Dragon 2
How to Train Your Dragon
And my top three least favorite or worst Dreamworks movies are:
Shark Tale
Spirit Untamed
Unsurprising, really, I think we all knew how this was gonna turn out, but where some of these movies landed on the list actually surprised me. Like... how could I have ever guessed that Croods 2 would be good enough to land an A rank? How could I have known that Spirit Untamed was a piece of shit fuck ass that is one of the worst things I've had to fucking watch for this? You'd also be surprised on how much I've toiled on S rank because... there were moments when HTTYD2 was this close to dethroning Prince of Egypt. So consider those two to be essentially on the same level of utter excellence in my mind.
So yeah, that brings us to the end of all of this, for now. I may come back and review the shorts and holiday specials eventually, and I may even return to this every year to review new Dreamworks movies that have come out (Kung Fu Panda 4, I have my sights set on you). I've grown pretty damn attatched to this silly studio, so I doubt I'm anywhere finished with them yet. As for my next watchthrough (not coming any time soon, but... eventually), well... get ready for...
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Jen Tortures Herself with Every Pixar Movie Ever Made!
Coming soon, to a shitty blog near you!
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Dagnabit now I wanna write magical Odd shenanigans. But. I have so much to write.
So a few things that would happen. Probably.
The reason Odd takes Kiwi with him to Kadic is because it hurts to be without him. Literally. Being too far away from your magical animal companion would hurt. Minor aches at first but with a slow escalation. (I. I just like angst sometimes. But Odd gets pretty far away from Kiwi at times. So... Connection with issues involving distance.)
Odd can only transform with Kiwi. Luckily Xana doesn't know shit about magic otherwise the zombie thing would have been. So much worse.
Jim's companion isn't dead. He never had one. He had a different kind of magic thing. He can't transform anymore because his prerequisite broke. This didn't hurt him. Odd is jealous. Jim refuses to talk about it because I refuse to clarify. I don't know and neither will anybody else. (Little does Odd know that Kiwi will live. So long. Kiwi will only die when Odd does because I don't like angst that much.)
The Lyoko gang finding out is like. Worst case scenario to Odd. It means things got bad enough that Xana finding out is a minor concern. Once Xana is gone Odd will tell them but until then better hope it never comes up.
Odd has no idea what he's supposed to use his powers for, or even what all they are. All he knows is that he sees the future sometimes. (It felt wrong in Lyoko. It wasn't set up right. It shouldn't freeze him in place. Jermie did him a favour getting rid of it in this verse.)
Jim figures out Odd has magic, because he literally feels like so much of the stuff (Odd can feel the remnants on him too but has no clue other. All Odd knows is that this is the adult he trusts most ever). He mentors Odd while explaning nothing. (He might remember the returns he might not. He refuses to talk about it. Because of course he does.) Odd questions why Jim is teaching him all these cool flips and balance tricks that can double as self defence. Odd gets no answers.
Odd does have a magic weapon. It is literally a gun attatched to his wrist. He is thrilled when he figures it out.
Odd's magic kind has a downside. If he doesn't transform often enough he gets stuck as a cat for a while. A stray cat is frequently seen roaming the school grounds. A friendly thing that Jim refuses to try to get rid of. He brings people he likes (and Kiwi) mice sometimes. Sissi got a live one once (it was cute and clean, and she got it a nice new home because mice are cute. This one was friendly).
(I'm gonna send another ask in soon, I just don't wanna lose this. Also hi I am both the original anon and the magical Jim one. I am just shy.)
Howdy anon, I'm sorry that it took a bit to get back to this. Life has been a rollercoaster of emotions and my computer is not very cooperative with its keyboard so it's been annoying trying to type on it when it likes to either double input or eat my keyboard inputs in general haha
I'm marking this with a 'read more' just to quote the second half of the asks so I don't do a back-to-back answer yeah
I am also hoping this works and it doesn't just eat an ask again (cause I'm pretty sure it did to another ask a while back lol)
Magical Odd from the shy Anon part 2: electric boogaloo.
I think, depending on how the Lyoko group finds out (and when in the timeline) things will go differently and reactions will range several different directions. I haven't decided how and when that will go down. But if they find out the hard way with a bunch of stress involved there will likely be hard feelings. All I know is if Xana finds out Xana will use the cat instincts against Odd. Xana refuses to fuck with actual magic that has a chance of breaking the computer.
Odd does not know if magic messes with machines, and so long as Aelita is tied to the computer he refuses to find out. No accidental fucking up Aelita for him. (He worries about this a lot less when they find out she is a girl that got trapped and not actually an AI.)
In this, Odd would probably be magic to fight something horrific. The sheer terror is how he finds out he can temporarily turn his friends into Lyoko form. He can only do it one at a time (some focus required, and more than one is super hard. Technically possible, but by golly does he hate it to the point of refusal) and it makes the Magic Lyoko form really frilly. Jermie refuses.
Odd's powers have no rhyme or reason. He doesn't know why. Jim has no clue either. (The reason is because I like the anime trope of pulling out new powers as required. Odd's unique magic power is literally adaptability. He can't repeat half the magic tricks he pulls off and it drives everyone nuts. Xana would extra avoid messing with this bullshit, specifically because of the uncontrolled adaptability.)
Odd's parents know. Odd's family sends Kiwi's food frequently. Jim turns a blind eye.
The reason one of Odd's unchanging powers is seeing the future is because if you predict an event you can adapt better.
Once Odd starts facing his threat the entire school politely pretends not to notice. The one power Odd did not get was the ability to be unrecognized. They all work together to gaslight gatekeep girlboss the world away from his identity. Eventually Jermie and Aelita hack magic just enough to get him a mask and everybody breathes a sigh of relief. (Magic allowed it because it really likes these two.)
Ironically. Jermie would be the easiest one to magical backup. Odd would easily be able to get another backup if he got Jermie first.
Maybe Xana and Franz's shenanigans messed up reality enough to let some demons into their world or something. All the supercomputer stuff Jermie and Aelita pulled (ironically) starts to repair the rift. Something like that. I haven't decided yet IDK.
Anyway. I bet Sissi is like. Odd's biggest fan but only in costume.
The Lyoko gang has no idea the entire school knows. Jermie has suspicions. Odd is thinking he has the perfect disguise. Odd's clothes don't even change besides to accommodate the tail and limb changes. (Cat legs cat legs cat legs. Idk why just. Cat legs seems like a fun concept to have baby Odd adapt too.)
I will immediately put out there that juggling stories is rough so I feel you anon. It's fun to try to tack on more concepts to the ideas that come into your brain but when it comes to trying to write them all out it gets messy haha
The Kiwi attachment is pretty neat, as well as the general cat transformation as a con for not using the powers. I do wonder if Odd can find ways to use his powers in secret without worrying about revealing himself on accident to people who don't know
The ambiguity of Jim in general is hilarious and it feels pretty in character. He's willing to help but only so much when it may reveal pieces of his past that he doesn't want to recall/explain.
Sissi getting a pet out of this mess is also cute ;-;
The magic being constant adaptability but not really helping Odd (beyond Future Flash) is so chaotic it's great. He gets to whip out the 'necessary power of the day' to defeat the monster of the week and it doesn't really register to him that 'oh my power isn't really hiding me is it'.
I like to think the gaslight-gatekeep-girlboss shenanigans happening post-reveal is just the Warriors taking it upon themselves not to really tell Odd that he's not being subtle anymore and it's getting out of hand. The rest of the school joining in to help piece by piece is also p funny (and sorta lines up with what I wanted to do in 'Trio are AI' so I'm always going to be down for the school to support one way or another) and Jeremie being the only sane one re: 'oh other people are realizing this too' -> convincing Aelita to help him figure out magic so they can help Odd is so good.
Thank you for the asks anon and I'm sorry it's been too long with replying n all
I'm slowly trying to get stuff figured out and in the meantime inspiration is always iffy given my hyperfixation is like, never consistent enough haha
Still down to take asks/answer some speculations behind my mentioned AUs (given I've seen people still liking the other ones in the meantime lmaoo)
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antbitez · 2 months
i hate berlermo.
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okay, HEAR ME OUT FIRST!! do i hate the ship? yes. absolutely. does that stop me thinking about them every second of the day? no. i am in so much pain help me.
want to start with talking about berlin. he is a straight man. martín was NOT his bisexual awakening or something. he. is. a. straight. man. they could not work and berlin made that very clear on multiple occassions. he is also an egomaniac. he has so many disorders, and while i dont want to portray him as some heartless monster (because he isn't!! he cares about himself but that doesn't mean he doesnt care about others too!), i find it hard to believe he didn't keep palermo around to mess with him.
the kiss scene between andrés and martín is the root of a large majority of martíns issues. we see throughout the series that palermo is withdraw from his emotions and love, he has attatchment issues, and he has not moved on from berlin even two years later. he hasnt let himself recover from his death, and his loss of a hopeless, unobtainable love. when berlin kissed him, they both knew that would be the last they saw of eachother. they both knew berlin was willing to let himself die (both because of his illness and his love for his brother) during the heist. it left palermo with false hope, that maybe something could have come from it. but there never could have! that is their last interaction, and that is the last thought he leaves with martín. i wholly believe berlin was fully aware what that would do to him, and left with that as a little "you won't be forgetting me :)" because everything with berlin is Him Him Him. without the kiss, martín would have been able to heal so much quicker and easier.
palermo doesn't start to heal until two years later, when he gets involved in the bank heist. up until that point he blames sergio for the "love of his life"s death, but slowly comes to realise that this group of people that berlin died for are the most caring people. he begins to understand it. they are hurt, they have losed loved ones too, they are risking everything for a loved one. they are so much like him. does he make mistakes? YES! so does everyone in the group, but it is in his nature to stir trouble when he doesn't get his way. did his actions have awful consequences because of that? unfortunately, yes! but he regrets them. he is forgiven, even by those he probably shouldn't be forgiven by!
by the end martín is so much more in touch with his emotions, he realises that he doesnt have to settle for unobtainable love, and he can be loved unconditionally. he went into the bank heist for berlin, but came out of it with so much more. palermo would not have been in the place he was in by the end of it if andrés was still around.
money heist was so refreshing to watch as a queer person. queer relationships were not perfect. i understand the appeal of berlermo, i really do, but they are so unhealthy. i understand the need to cling onto any sort of gay rep because its so scarse in mainstream media, but there is so many queer stories in this show, and none of them are appreciated as much as berlermo, which i find kinda weird!! why is a relationship with a gay man and a straight man more adored than helsinki and palermo? two gay men who helped eachother through SO MUCH! what about the beautiful platonic soulmate relationship between helsinki and nairobi? what about the amazing transwoman, who was such a genuine representation of some trans struggles? please stop prioritising the cishet in queer stories. berlin is so important to so many characters, especially martín, but him as a love interest to martín shouldn't be the main focus in his story, because his whole arc was getting over him and moving on. in reality, he made martín the most unhappiest he had ever been.
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Can I talk about how people talk about attachment styles? Because like, whether or not people should be using attachment theory, they are, and some of the stuff they’re saying is so shit.
Like my therapist from a few years ago went over attachment theory, and I would fall into the avoidant category. Which I know makes me a difficult person to date, and I’m very aware of my triggers (I have ptsd) and I make sure I communicate with my partners when I’m feeling disconnected and I try to handle that as best I can.
However, all I keep seeing when attatchment theory is brought up is people saying not to date an avoidant under any circumstances and that it’s “not worth it” and they’re awful people and their trauma isn’t an excuse to be “abusive.” And like, yeah, I totally understand why people would have those reactions (and I’m not condoning emotional manipulation or abuse) especially if they’ve been hurt before. I mean, I freely admit that I can be difficult to be in a relationship with, and if someone doesn’t want to be in a relationship with me because of it, I respect that too.
But saying that “avoidants” shouldn’t be allowed to date, or aren’t worth love is just so fucked up. I’m aware that I need to work on myself and my relationships harder than most people, and that ensuring I can be intimate comes from me first, but I’m still a person.
Idk, so many articles are about “how to cope when your partner is avoidant” and I understand why, and I’m sorry if you’ve been hurt by someone like me. But half the time I’m trying to find a resource that’ll help me stop beung avoidant and all I really find is people telling me I shouldn’t date until I’m “fixed.” Sentiments like these are not helpful by any means, and it really just reinforces the belief that I should be better off alone even though I crave closeness, which is kinda the whole deal with an avoidant attatchment style as it is.
It just feels like people are understanding about mental health issues until it becomes something they don’t understand. Or until it becomes something that’s socially unacceptable. People seem to understand the need to ask for reassurance, but the need to ask for space? Apparently that’s too far.
I’m not really sure what I’m trying to say here, but my main point is, when we’re looking at theories or therapy speak, I really think there needs to be more of an awareness that real people actually do struggle with these things. “X attatchment style” isn’t something we should be throwing around like an accusation and it shouldn’t be a death sentence for dating. I see this kind of thing a lot with personality disorders too and it fucking sucks, it really does.
Mental illness shouldn’t be supported only when it’s something “acceptable” though I hesitate to use that term because pretty much any symptom of any mental illness is treated in the same way. I’m just tired I guess, and I think we need to be more careful than we are when talking about these issues.
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ruewrites · 1 year
Hey! So recently found your AU “The next Gen” and I saw that you mention something about Magic babies if I’m not mistaken? Can you give us some input on what exactly they are, I’m imagining they’re well…babies made with magic, but are there any difference between them and well for a lack of a better word regular babies?
Anyways I really enjoy your Au’s have a good day/night!
(@leviathanswingman I am once again tagging in case I miss something or if you want to add in)
Hey Anon!
First off I'm super happy you're enjoying our AU enough to ask about it! It is something I think is fair to say we enjoy brainstorming for!
So, essentially magic babies are another way to conceive and have well... babies (we've decided that demons at the very least can do this). When we say magic babies, I suppose they can also go along the lines of emotion babies, so like similar to how Satan was born. So in short, even in the AU people don't know much about it (hence why Solomon and Asmo had no idea that Lilith was even a possibility). Out of all of the kids (so far) only Solomon and Asmo's kids are magic babies.
But what exactly does this mean?
The differences mainly stem from how they develop. A magic/emotion baby "pregnancy" isn't going to be like a normal one (you ain't gonna find these babies on an ultra sound). They are born from emotion and rely on magic as a huge part of their development from the parental unit they are using to form. During this period they can affect both parents, but especially the one they are using to develop.
Symptoms we have discussed thusfar can include the following:
Nausea stemming from magic use/outside magical influence
Enhancement of one's sin
Clinginess/Increased attatchement to other parent(s) of child
Seeking out additional comfort from partner and/or surroundings
Additional scents/magic traces that may attract other demons
Aches and Pains (varying in severity)
Occasionally cravings can also occur
Using Solomon and Asmo's relationship as an example, there have been a few times we've tried to hit on this. Asmo clings to Solomon (more than usual), he doesn't like it when Solomon leaves for long periods of time (which also plays into how magic babies are born) and experiences bouts of exhaustion. With Lilith the symtoms were more mild for a multitude of reasons. Asmo was not in a fantastic spot mentally when she was conceived and Solomon did have things to do (wizardy man that he is) and a multitude of other reasons led her to being a bit premature. Now with Ariel symptoms are a bit stronger. We get to see Asmo's lust amplified, in both his sexuality but also via blood lust. He has issues with another demon thinking he uses his charming abilities as well as family members commenting on his perfume, both of which are baby symptoms, not Asmo's doing himself. This also ties in to some of the danger in child rearing in that it is entirely possible that other demons may seek them out to eat them. Magic babies are rare, but they can give a power boost if consumed (especially one born from a demon lord and a powerful sorcerer) (it should be noted that non-magic born babies can also be targeted). With Ariel, Solomon's moods are also more affected. He has a harder time leaving Asmo alone, is (somehow) even more affectionate (somehow) towards his partner, and feeds into and off of whatever emotions Asmo may be emitting.
Once again, there is little known about these types of conceptions even in the Devildom to the point where people know certain conditions must be met, but the rest is a little murkey. Because of this these children are rarely planned and most of the time they are accidents. Even when planned, the best anyone can do is attempt to follow the conditions and hope something works.
In terms of being born... they're just kinda... uh... Athena'ed out? Kind of?
In short, the difference is you can just sex and
But you also can't just magic and
The process is complicated, condeluted, and uncertain and also comes with it's own set of symptoms.
Thank you again for asking! I love talking about Obey Me and the AUs I post about! I'm happy you enjoy the AUs :D
(Seriously, thank you for asking, it means a lot to know people enjoy it!)
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monstertsunami · 2 years
okay i cannot for the life of me remember the names of the pafl people (i am. bad at names. as evidenced by me not having one) so gimmie the pafl ship you've got Brainworms about right now. not in the sense of love or hate, but the one that just has a specific rant locked n loaded for and which leaves you awake at night.
temnova/olya would be way too obvious for this SO instead im gonna ramble abt sergei/olya my favorite ever (so-called) m/f ship<3<3
forgive me in advance for fumbling my analysis bc words do not come to me well n settling with the second-best word choice always ends up skewing the meaning.. i am also not good at organizing my thoughts at all lol :p
sergolya (made up the ship name myself bc idk if theres a widley used one oops) is a canon ship and thats why its GOOOD. bc pafl is like. REALISTIC and not in the annoying nihilistic grimdark way but just in the way that the characters feel so natural with how they interact with each other and the world and how they react to situations and how situations effect them... its just. real as fuck. absolutely insane skill on ferry's part. but this is REALLY GOOD for every pafl relationship, romantic or not, because they're complex.
sergei and olya have a flawed relationship! theres a lack of communication, sergei being sergei, olya being olya, etc. but its still so so obvious that they love each other DEEPLY! maybe olya's blinded by her insecurities and maybe sergei doesnt externalize it in an obvious way, but when you look even an inch deep into their motivations throughout the entire story, especially when they make poor decisions, its just intertwined with their love for each other.
now where sergolya REALLY gets developed is in The Mill, which specifically touches on olya's insecurities and sergei's overbearing-ness. yes this is why its my favorite pafl song :3
olya appears stoic and logical, she never looks affected by anything, she is taking a fucking prison sentence with stride. but shes still a very emotional person at heart, shown by her affection towards anya, some random kid that keeps following her home, and her getting so attatched to a mutant that she puts herself at risk to keep him safe. all very illogical, emotion driven actions that you wouldnt expect from her based on her external disposition. olya is not as untouchable as she lets off, and she is especially deeply affected by nikita's view of her. (even before kolya's death he was an asshole. fucking misogynist) she cant help but take nikita's harsh words to heart, and that effects her and sergei's relationship. she's terribly afraid of opening up to him in fear that he will leave her the same as nikita left nadya, and has trouble internalizing and accepting the love he expresses to her. she desperately wants to ask for some reassurance, some promise that he wouldnt one day just decide that shes too much of a burden, that shes not worth it anymore, and abandon her. she DESPERATELY wants him to love her, but she just cant accept that he already does love her for herself.
"ill draw a circle in the sand / drive myself around the bend / in a desperate attempt to hold onto your battered hand"
now this is where the dramatic irony comes in. because seeing his internal monologue in the mill, the same song where olya was lamenting about all that, it is very very obvious that he cares so deeply for olya. now sergei has his issue with being overbearing and overprotective when it comes to those he loves, sheltering sanya to the point where she acts out and befriends yura. its his primary flaw, but god if it isnt the most prominent indicator of sergei's attachment to a person. once you know that about him and how he expresses those types of emotions, he practically wears his heart on his sleeve. he wants what he thinks is best for her and sanya and he really DOES care so so much about them both but he doesnt stop to think and its so. oh my god i just love them both so much u dont understand.
"now my only hope is that one day youll understand / ill wrap the chain round my heart and her hammering neck / and save whats left / though i know that someday this weight will come to break my back"
just the way that sergei and olya have such similar problems that manifest in different ways to affect their relationship. olya masks her emotions bc of experiences with misogyny and shes trying to be a Strong Woman and.. sergei masks his bc the environment he grew up in (& his own experiences and traumas) fostering toxic masculinity(???) and poor coping mechanisms. and so its this ouroboros of poor comminication because sergei doesnt know how to show olya he loves her and he doesnt even know thst she needs that because she wont TELL him and then SHE goes on to think that sergeis percieved indifference is his lack of affection and CONTINUES not telling him out of fear of rejection. i. UGH. these two are destroying my mind
thanks for reading if u got this far. have my favorite official sergolya doodles
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(i could write an extra essay on my thoughts abt these doodles specifically as well but ill spare you<3)
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rosrets · 1 year
shadow was obviously cared a lot for maria but do you think his relationship with gerald was of any note? was there any fatherly attachment there. do you think it hurt shadow any when gerald's plans to destroy the earth were set into motion.
yes absolutely. i don't think he was as close as he was with maria but there was totally some kind of famial attatchment to him. i think it hurt him to see the guy driven into insanity, but he probably would have understood gerald to some extent considering his current state. i think he's also probably kinda bitter about his memories being tampered with the way they were. shadow probably got a new understanding of all of this once he was given context about the black arms, but i think he may have felt kinda betrayed upon learning that too only really being comforted as to why the eclipse cannon existed in the first place. he's got some emotional issues when it comes to gerald and probably wouldn't ever bring himself to trust him again
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