#even if it was likely through time travel shenanigans and not him actually coming back to life
sonknuxadow · 4 months
wouldnt it be wild if mephiles showed up in sxs generations
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kokoa-la · 11 months
Prompt from @help-i-need-a-cool-username
Jason has once again snuck into Gotham University. Now, before any assumptions are made onto why the crime lord would break into a college, the reason is because he likes the library. That's it. The public library is trashed and small, barely taken care of, but Gotham U's? It's beautiful. Multiple floors, organized and in sections, taken care of, alphabetical order, it's magnificent. The chairs were a reason alone to sneak in, but the students here added an extra charm. 
He had gone to the very back of the library on the second floor. This area was  pretty well hidden and enclosed. He would come here to read without anyone questioning him, even hiding the books he wasn’t finished with yet to continue on later. Jason wasn’t expecting someone to be so close to his spot though. A few tables across stood a student, thin, tall, with pitch black hair, baggy cargo jeans, and a white t-shirt. The other hadn’t noticed him yet, so he remained quiet and just watched. He was in front of a large white board on wheels, seemingly taken from the rooms he saw down the hall. 
“That doesn’t work, goddammit.”
On the white board was lines upon lines of equations- at least he thought they were equations, with most of them being letters and symbols rather than numbers. It made the vigilante’s brain hurt. The student - assumed STEM major - just kept mumbling to himself.
“Stupid physics, won’t allow interdimensional travel”
What? Jason may have been out of school since 15, but he knew no courses were asking for the answer to traveling between dimensions. It seemed the student had a habit of talking to himself when worked up or focused, possibly why he isolated himself from the rest of the library. 
“If your parents could do it, why can’t you? Think Danny, think!”
That sentence wasn’t concerning at all, but at least Jason learned the boy’s name. Danny seemed to have a strange background, what did he mean by ‘if your parents could do it’? Had his parents managed to travel between dimensions? The other was chewing on the cap of the white board marker, his other hand resting on his hip as he swayed back and forth.
“Oh! Oh! Oh! That! The thing! That thingy!”
Jason could practically see the lightbulb go on above Danny’s head. Just then the other erased a solid portion of the whiteboard and dropped to his knees, ouch. He started frantically scribbling, fast and messy, barely cohesive. Though, Jason was sure that if it was Tim sitting where he was instead, the boy could probably understand everything on that board. He’d stick to English literature, thank you very much. 
“That’s it! Oh my ancients! I got it!”
Danny practically jumped in the air, punching the air in triumph. Jason almost felt proud of him, this complete stranger he’s been watching, wow he was being creepy, huh? Danny shot both of his arms straight up, the marker gripped tightly in his right hand fist. 
“I did it!”
He looked so happy, so excited. He began to buzz, even spinning, before stopping mid loop and turning around slowly. Shit, Jason had been caught. To be fair, Danny hadn’t exactly turned around the whole time, meaning Jason was just watching his back the whole time as he worked through his… problem? It’s such a shame, Jason was thoroughly entertained by this random kid. 
“Uhhh, hi? How long have you been there?”
Oh shit, Jason had to talk now, didn’t he?
“Not very long, but long enough to know you were trying to solve interdimensional travel before apparently succeeding.” 
The color drained from Danny’s face. Whoops?
“Uhm, no I didn’t.”
Now that he got a closer look, the student looked like someone Bruce would adopt. Black hair, clear blue eyes, tan skin, sharp features, the whole nine yards. He was actually fairly attractive, maybe even cute. 
“Really? I could have sworn that you said ‘stupid physics won’t allow interdimensional travel’”
“I have no clue what you’re talking about.”
“Yeah sure, and I’m a student here.”
“Wait, you’re not a student here?”
“That’d only be true if you were lying.”
“Well I’m not so-”
“Uh huh, sure you’re not.”
“Look dude-”
“Look Jason, there’s no way that I could solve interdimensional travel, the multiverse doesn’t exist.”
“Look Danny-”
“How do you know my name?”
“I won’t tell a single soul if you explain how you did it to me”
Curiosity won his gambit. Would he regret what he was about to say? Perhaps.
“Maybe over a coffee?”
He knew it was worth it when the marker hit the floor and Danny moved his hand to cover his red face. Well, it wasn’t the first time he’s done something he regrets, maybe this time it’d be a cute STEM major who knows the secrets to the multiverse. 
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one-idea · 5 months
I love a Roger/Rouge lives to raise Ace or a Shanks takes Luffy with him one-shot as much as anyone.
But the main problem I always have is that the ASL brothers would never meet in these circumstances. So my brain (being the mess that it is) has tired to find a solution.
What if Rodger never got sick or at least it was not as deadly as it was. Still chronic but not a death sentence. He lives and Rouge has Ace (she gets pregnant a little later then in cannon so that she doesn’t have the crazy long pregnancy but Ace is still the same age).
To keep his family safe they travel with him on the Oro Jackson. They stay to relatively calm waters that the marines can’t easily get to. Some of the crew also leave to make their own crews. This gives the marines something else to chase.
Shanks is one of the ones to set out on his own. He leaves when he’s around 17 right around the time Ace is born. It’s the push he needs to set out. He wants to distract the marines as much as possible from Roger’s family. (Buggy did the same thing. They decided to split up to cause more mayhem)
Ten years go by. Shanks visits Roger when he can but for the most part he’s making a name for himself. And he’s doing a good job at it. So good he has to lay low for a while. So he decides to go to the East Blue for a bit. Get away from the Grandline while also hiding somewhere different than Roger. (That way if the marines find him they won’t also find Roger)
It’s here that he meets a 7 year old Luffy. And it plays out much the same as cannon. He adores this little ball of sunshine. This is his boy. He doesn’t care who the boy’s blood father is this, is his boy. So he gives him his hat, has Luffy promise to return it when he’s a great pirate someday. But he leaves out the part about that being the next time they see each other because he wants to see his boy again.
When Shanks returns to the Grandline he seeks out Roger to tell him about their new family member. And Roger hears about this boy who is sunshine incarnate, who dreams to be the freest person alive, who wants to dethrone him as pirate king and goes, “I can’t not meet him.” And there’s no way he’s waiting till the kids on the sea. (Plus Ace needs some friends. Shanks and Buggy had each other, Ace has no one his own age and Rouge is starting to worry for their son.)
So they set out for the sleep island in the East Blue.
Meanwhile Grap has moved Luffy to Dadan’s care. While Luffy is out wondering around he bumps into a blond haired boy named Sabo. It takes a while but Sabo starts to warm up to the 7 year old that’s following him like a shadow.
Just in time for a new kid to wander his way into their jungle. Oro Jackson has Docked and Roger has been (discreetly) looking around for this Luffy while the crew restocks. Ace has already made his way into the jungle because even though he was raised by his parents, he’s still feral. (He was raised on a pirate ship go figure) the three boys bump into each other and through some shenanigans Ace and Sabo start to get along.
It doesn’t take long for Sabo and Luffy to figure out who Ace’s dad is. You know since they actually get to meet them.
The Bluejam pirates still happen.
Maybe Ace doesn’t like Luffy at first. He’s a little kid and is annoying in the way all older kids find younger kids that just want to follow them around annoying. But it’s more than that, because Shanks has claimed Luffy. Shanks, who Ace grew up around and looks up to, came back to the ship and didn’t want to talk about anything except for this ‘amazing’ kid. This kid who his uncle/older brother gave up his arm to save. This kid who is so ‘special’ his dad just had to come and meet him. This kid who has his dad wrapped around his finger in under a day. This kid, who is wearing his Dad’s old hat like a crown and talking about dethroning his dad like it’s his right. This little crybaby who’s not even that special. He can’t even swim!
Even Sabo has a soft spot for the kid, Sabo who is now Ace’s first friend, but he obviously likes Ace better because Luffy is such a crybaby.
But then the Bluejam pirates show up and they heard that the king of the pirates is here with his son. His son he would do anything for. Wouldn’t it be nice to get the bounty for the king of the pirates? If they have his son they can probably force the man into handing himself over. They wouldn’t even have to fight him!
They set out to capture Ace. They see him hanging around Sabo and Luffy. When they attack Ace and Sabo get away but Luffy gets caught. He gets tortured as they ask him to give up the location of the Roger Pirates so that they can capture Ace and by extension Roger. But Luffy won’t tell them anything.
Roger comes to save him. The whole crew comes along with Ace and Sabo. After this the three boys are inseparable. Ace steals some of the crew’s sake and the three swear to become brothers.
While the three boys are doing this. Roger sent some men to find the rest of the Bluejam’s crew and find out about their plan to burn Grey Terminal and how they were hired by Sabo’s father. And that settles it for him. If there was any doubt in Roger’s mind that he was taking Sabo with them when they left this island it was gone now. He thought the boy was oddly dressed for a homeless boy, finding out he was a noble explained a lot. He’s not leaving the boy in this situation. Mainly because Ace finally has a friend/brother. Finding out that adopting the boy would make a noble lose their mind was a bonus!
But what about Luffy? He knows Shanks thinks of the boy as a son. He’s know he is Ace and Sabo’s brother, and they haven’t left his side since the kidnapping. Rodger has no clue who the boy’s family is. At this point Luffy has only introduced himself as Luffy. He lives with the bandits but they are not his family. So it’s seems like he’s got no one truly taking care of him. Honestly Roger is shocked Shanks didn’t just take Luffy with him when he left.
So Roger leaves the island. Stealing one noble son. And taking what he believes to be one free child with him. (There are no parents around to claim him? It’s free real estate) they sail away right as a navy ship is approaching. And Roger would recognize that ship anywhere. It’s Garp! What is Garp doing here? Was Roger that careless with his location. The Oro Jackson hasn’t had a true Marine encounter in years (Rouge is just that good at navigating them under the radar)
Garp sees them, of course he does. Roger sees Garp grab a den den mushi, one that projects his voice across the open sea between them. Roger is expecting his regular speech about how Garp is going to catch them, about how they should surrender, really any of their normal banter.
What he is not expecting is the very loud, very panicked, very angry “give me back my grandson!”
Roger and the crew slowly turn to face the three boys. It’s not Ace. Roger would know if he or Rouge were related to Garp but he still checks Ace off the list.
It can’t be Sabo. Roger can’t imagine a reality where Garp lets his child marry a noble. Plus the kid looks nothing like him.
That leaves Luffy.
“Luffy, what was your name again?” Rouge asked ever patient
“Monkey D. Luffy!” The boy says with confidence. It’s the first time the crew has heard the surname. Well, at least that confirms somethings.
After confirming that yep this is Garp’s grandson. Who he is apparently trying to train to be a marine? Who he’s apparently hit with haki infused punches. (Roger’s been hit with those. They hurt.) Roger grabs their own den den mushi and just calls out “finder keepers.” And they sail away to cannon fire and cursing.
Anyhow the three brothers grow up together on the Grandline. Shanks visits when he can and calls once a week at least if not daily to check in on Luffy and the boys.
Whitebeard definitely crosses paths with Rogers at some point and tries to adopt the boys from him. Rogers would fight him if Rouge wasn’t already fighting Whitebeard over her babies. In the end he becomes the fun uncle. Ace adores him. This is Roger’s worst nightmare! (It’s not. There are way worse things that could happen than his son liking his rival. But Roger loves to be dramatic)
When it’s time to make their own crews Ace and Luffy both decide to start from the East Blue. Getting dropped off by the Roger pirates.
At some point Sabo found out about the revolutionary army and decided that he wanted to join rather than be a pirate. He has his family’s full support (as long as he calls once a week. If he doesn’t they will find him) When he meets his boss for the first time he almost loses his mind and immediately calls Roger’s with a “I think I just met Luffy’s dad!” To which he gets the hilariously confused response of, “You’ve known Shanks since you were ten. What do you mean you just met Luffy’s dad?”
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imagines--galore · 11 months
legolas + n.6 please🙇‍♀️🙏👀
Summary: Never in your wildest dreams did you think Legolas, Prince Legolas of the Greenwood, would confess to you half drunk on elvish wine. With a little help from a fully drunk Dwarf. Pairing: Legolas x Reader Rating || Genres || Warnings: T. Romance. Just some mention of drunken shenanigans. A/N: Alright so normally its always the reader who gets drunk and confesses, and I just wanted to flip it the other way around and see how it goes, so yeah. Here you go!
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You peaked out from behind the tapestry where you had taken refuge.
Finding the hallway empty, you heaved a sigh of relief, before slowly stepping out and dusting whatever minor dust had collected on your dress.
You were avoiding your friends who had decided it would be in your best interest attend yet another feast that was thrown in honor of the return of the Prince. And though you loved spending time with Legolas, being under the scrutiny of the entire kingdom during a public event was not one you looked forward to.
Especially when you were afraid that your true feelings for Legolas would be discovered at any moment.
You certainly hadn't been discrete about them.
Then again you did not blame yourself. You had been caught up in the moment. The realization that he was standing in front of you. That he had not perished in the Battle against Mordor. That he had returned and the first person he had gone to meet was you.
And while your lips ached to meet his, you had settled for an embrace that was so intimate and sincere that several onlookers had actually blushed at the sight. What made your heart soar was that he returned the embrace with just as feeling and passion as you gave it. Your eyes stung with tears and all those months of worrying, of wondering, of hoping.
They all just dissipated.
Like the morning mist when the first rays of sun peaked through the branches of a tree.
As you leaned against a nearby pillar, a dreamy smile played about your lips as you raised a hand to your cheek, where he had placed his hand once the both of you had pulled back from the embrace.
Looking into his eyes wiped away any lingering doubts that this was a dream. His blue gaze was so full of hope that you felt your very heart burst.
You remembered how he had spoken of doing good for Mirkwood. How he had vowed that they would once again be known as Greenwood again. And now he had helped make that a reality.
With his hand on your cheek, he had opened his mouth to speak, but the arrival of the King had both your priorities shifting and you had both stepped away.
Though with how fast gossip traveled you knew the King was aware of you now. The Elleth his son had gone to see upon his return home after months.
Not his father.
He had come back to you.
You chest raised in a silent sigh as you slowly began to move down the hallway. The feast was being held on the other side of the Kingdom, so you would not be running into anyone during your trek back to your rooms.
Oh, how wrong you were.
Loud boisterous laughter was what first alerted you to another presence. Before you could even think of hiding two figures had turned the corner and stood in your path.
One was short and obviously drunk as a lord given how he blearily peered up at you. This was the dwarf Gimli, who you knew to be Legolas's friend and someone who had fought in every battle against Mordor alongside him.
The other person, was none other then Legolas.
"Y/n." He exclaimed, blinking his eyes at you as if he had never seen you before. You gave a nervous little smile, raising a hand in greeting. "Ah! So this is the lass you spoke of." Gimli stated. His words were slurring but you could clearly make out what he was saying as he lumbered forward and gave you a quick bow.
"An honor to meet you My Lady." You couldn't help but smile at his attempt to be courteous despite his inebriated state. "I must say I feel as if I already know you given how much a certain Prince spoke of you during our travels together."
Never in your life had you seen Legolas be anything but calm and collected. He would laugh and make merry, sure. But nervous? Flustered. Those were not emotions you associated with him.
But in that moment, when Gimili said what he did, you watched in utter surprise as Legolas was rendered speechless and his cheeks grew pink. You couldn't help the giggle that fell from your lips as you watched him. Though you quickly looked away when he raised his gaze towards you.
Turning your attention back to the smiling dwarf you smiled kindly. "I hope they were all good things, Master Dwarf." Gimli was all too eager to comply to her silent question as he began to slur.
"Oh nothing but the best My Lady. Every spare moment we had to breath, this one here, would sing your praises. Of your beauty, good heart, lovely nature and how much you meant to him."
Now it was your turn to blush. A gentle smile pulled at your lips as you bit down on your lower lip, gazing at Legolas just from underneath your lashes. He was looking at you in the same manner once more.
Right before his father had called him away.
Gimli was still speaking, unaware of the looks being exchanged between the two elves. "He missed you lass, anyone could tell. And I said to him, you had best say your piece to the lass when you get back." He cleared his throat. "Of course at the time it was all about if we went back. But that is besides the point."
He turned his attention back to Legolas and slapped him on the back. Or as best as he could given his lack of height. He did managed to make Legolas stumble. "Now that you have a few drinks in you that do effect you lad, perhaps it has given you enough courage to confess." Legolas's eyes widened almost comically, prompting you to smother a smile behind your hand.
Chortling to himself, Gimli began to stride down the hallway. "I leave him in your capable hands, My Lady. I believe there is some elvish wine calling my name."
And with that he was gone.
Leaving you and Legolas alone.
"He is certainly an interesting dwarf." You said, feeling that perhaps it would be best if you broke the silence that was clearly making him uncomfortable. Elvish wine had the ability to loosen one's control over their emotions. Even the most stoic of elves. So it was no surprise that every emotion Legolas was feeling was evident that would've otherwise been concealed.
"That he is." He agreed, though the words were spoken in a strange tone, and suddenly you couldn't meet his eyes. What burned in them was too intense.
Brushing a loose piece of hair behind your ear you nodded. "I suppose you had best get some rest Legolas." You took a few steps to walk past him and let him continue on his way.
But just as you stepped next to him, his hand darted out, grasping your wrist and halting you in your steps.
Your breath hitched as you felt his strong grip against your skin. Your head turned, eyes dropping to where his hand was, before looking at him. He was still staring straight ahead.
Neither of you moved. And it would seem, neither of your breathed as you waited.
But for what?
"I have been holding something close to my heart for a long while and I can do so no longer for fear it shall consume me." He was speaking in elvish. He shook his head. "No. It has already consumed me."
Finally, he turned his head and a startled gasp fell from your lips as you caught sight of the near feverish look in his blue gaze. "You have consumed me."
Your lips parted, and it was your turn to stare at him. And that was all you could do.
All you could do was watch as he allowed his hand to gently grasp yours and bring it up to his lips. His breath was warm as he brushed his lips against the back of your hand. Never for a moment did his eyes leave yours.
And it was the sincerity and surety in those eyes that compelled you to finally find your voice. "Speak of what burdens your heart so, Legolas." You whispered, reaching up to affectionately rest a hand against the side of his face, just as he had done to you a few hours earlier.
He shook his head. "Not a burden. Never a burden." The wine seemed to be making it difficult for him to find the right words to say. "All I desire is for you to know of my feelings for you." His head slowly fell forward so that his forehead rested against yours. The closeness seemed to comfort him, since he closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, his entire body relaxing. "For you to know how you consumed my every thought during my travels. How your name was a prayer upon my lips every night. How with every foe I killed I knew I was making the world a safer place for you." He had opened his eyes now and could see the tears shining in your eyes, as well as the smile of adoration playing about your lips.
"Then you should know, that I prayed to the Valar for your safe return. That I kept you close in my mind and my heart. That I never once believed the rumors of your demise. That I knew in my soul that you would return to me. You have been my hope and my strength in these dark days Legolas." He reciprocated your smile as you spoke.
A beat of silence followed where both your hearts beat as one and as one, as if by the Valar, words rose to your lips, unbidden, yet with an ancient power behind them that no one could ever hope to comprehend.
"My prayer." His nose brushed against your own as you both spoke together.
"My light." You could feel his warm breath against your parted lips as you both whispered in tandem.
"My Fëa."
With nothing more left to say, his lips brushed against yours in the gentlest yet deepest of kisses.
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libraryofgage · 9 months
Spiderpool Steddie Part Two
Part One
This series is about to become secret identity shenanigans lmao
As always, if you see any typos no you didn't ^_^
Between Steve's glasses, the crowd surrounding him on the subway, and the rattling of the train against the tracks, a killer headache is starting to form, pressing relentlessly behind Steve's eyes and the bridge of his nose. He shuts his eyes, trying to take a deep breath to calm his senses, but he's just hit with the horrific and confusing smell of multiple bodies pressed together in a small space. Steve grimaces, opening his eyes once more. He considers removing his glasses, but he'd rather not risk losing them.
A garbled, muffled voice echoes through the train, the presence more than the words announcing the approach of the next stop. Steve sighs with relief, determined to get off the train ahead of time, and starts to awkwardly push his way toward the doors of the train. He's just two more muttered apologies away from them when he tenses, his nerves dancing with warning of an inconvenience about to come. Steve doesn't know what that inconvenience is, though, until someone else moves and their over-stuffed backpack smacks him in the chest.
Normally, it wouldn't actually have any effect on Steve. But now, between the headache and being mid-step and trying to breathe through his mouth so his nose isn't further assaulted, Steve loses his balance. He braces himself to fall on his ass (somehow, people on a crowded train in this city seem to have a sixth sense for getting out of the way of someone falling) but finds himself being caught around the waist, instead.
A strong arm holds him steady and the smells from the train are muted by the overwhelming scent of smoke and denim and something metallic. Steve blinks, tilting his head back to look at the person who's still holding him with no sign of letting go. He's met with a playful grin and amused eyes framed by untamed hair.
It's a question, but Steve knows it's him without a doubt, especially when Eddie raises an eyebrow and asks, "Have we met before, big boy? I think I'd remember if we had."
Steve tenses, pulling away as much as he can before turning around. They're still too close because of the crowd around them, but just a tiny bit of distance helps. "I, uh, I'm a fan. Of your band. Corroded Coffin," Steve explains, wincing at how stilted he sounds.
Eddie slowly looks Steve up and down, taking in the soft yellow sweater with a white collar peeking out from underneath, skinny jeans, worn-out messenger bag, and dirty high-tops. His gaze travels back up, lingering on Steve's glasses before saying, "No offense, but you don't look like you listen to my music."
"Well, I do," Steve replies. It's true enough. He did spend a whole day researching Corroded Coffin and listening to every song he could find. Some of them were way too loud for him, too much chaotic music clashing together into something his overly sensitive ears couldn't actually process. But he'd found the lyrics online with fan-made sheet music and, using the older-than-him keyboard in his older-than-his-father apartment, he'd recreated the melodies and found himself appreciating the music.
Eddie raises his hands in surrender, flashing a slightly apologetic, slightly playful smile. "I believe you," he says. "So, what's my number one fan's name?"
Steve tenses once more, reaching up to grip the strap of his messenger bag as his brain speed runs the risk of telling Eddie his name. They've met once while he was in his suit, but Eddie doesn't seem to recognize his voice or body or anything else. It probably wouldn't hurt to offer his name; Eddie will probably write this moment off as meeting a fan and never think about Steve again. In fact, Steve would wager that there's a 79% chance Eddie will never see Steve again.
He won't even bother wasting energy on trying to figure out the chances of Eddie seeing Spider-Man again. The likelihood is high, considering Steve likes relaxing on Sister Margaret's roof.
"Steve. Harrington. Steve Harrington."
Eddie's grin becomes a bit more genuine, his hands shoved into the pockets of his vest as he leans forward slightly. "Nice to meet you, Stevie," he says, his voice soft and just barely audible even to Steve's enhanced hearing.
Heat surges across Steve's cheeks, his heart picking up speed, and he silently curses how much of a sucker he is for pretty brown eyes. "Yeah, nice to meet you, too," he mumbles, glancing up when that garbled voice once announces the approaching stop. "That, um, that's my stop," he adds, a nervous laugh following the words as he keeps himself from meeting Eddie's eyes once more.
He sounds like a blushing virgin, and Steve wishes he could bash his head against the side of the train. He's far more confident when he's wearing the mask. If he were Spider-Man right now, they'd be bantering with playful tones and clever quips.
Well, if he were Spider-Man right now, he wouldn't be riding the subway in the first place.
"Oh," Eddie says, frowning slightly. He's silent for a few seconds before grinning once more. "You wanna get coffee sometime, sweetheart?"
The question is so sudden that Steve's brain grinds to a complete halt before rebooting itself. He should say no. Just meeting Eddie by chance has threatened his secret. So, Steve should absolutely say no.
But he likes Eddie. Steve thinks he's funny and pretty, and he knows they would have a good rapport if only Steve could get his head out of his ass and communicate like a normal person. And it's just one date. There's no guarantee it would even go anywhere or that Eddie would even show up. Besides, if he plays his cards right (bats his eyes just right, brushes his fingers along Eddie's arm, laughs at his jokes), coffee could become a free lunch, and Steve isn't going to say no to potential free food.
"Sure," he says, an eager smile that he can't help tugging at his lips.
Eddie lights up, holding his hand out to Steve as he says, "Lemme see your phone. I'll put my number in."
Steve nods, pulling his phone out of his pocket and opening it to create a new contact. Once he's typed Eddie's name into the proper field, he passes it over, watching as Eddie puts his number in, double-checks it, retypes something, and then passes it back.
A quick glance at the now-saved contact shows that Eddie has added a bat emoji to his contact name. Steve snorts and sends a text message to the number, glancing up as Eddie's phone pings at full volume. It's muffled and blends right in with the chaos of the train, but Steve still raises an eyebrow at him.
"Listen, I'm in loud places constantly," Eddie says, tugging his phone out with a grin. "How else am I gonna hear when cute boys text me?"
"There are other cute boys texting you?" Steve asks, feeling a little more at ease. What was he so worried about before? It's hard to remember when he's focused on Eddie.
"Well, no, actually, but a guy can hope, right?" Eddie asks, winking playfully. "Besides, now I've got a gorgeous boy texting me. It's even more important to hear when your messages come in."
Steve rolls his eyes at Eddie as the train comes to a stop at the station. "Yeah, sure, gorgeous," Steve says. He knows he looks good (a person can't spend so much time on their hair alone without knowing it, he thinks) but "gorgeous" is probably going a bit too far. "This is my stop. Text me."
Eddie nods. "Assume I'm dead if I don't text you within two hours," he says, utterly serious, and Steve laughs.
He shakes his head at Eddie, waves to him, and then starts pushing his way toward the slowly opening doors that will let him into the station. Steve sighs with relief once he's off the train, and the somewhat fresher air makes him realize what he's just agreed to.
He doesn't regret it, not at all, but he suddenly can't shake the feeling that his life is about to get...chaotic. Even more chaotic than being Spider-Man makes it.
Steve carefully sets the bag of tacos down on the roof before collapsing and leaning against the walled edge. He sighs, pushing his mask to the bridge of his nose, and lets the vibrations of the building soothe his adrenaline-spiked nerves.
The music plays uninterrupted for a few minutes before subsiding, the building going still despite Steve still being able to hear the crowd inside. A few more minutes pass before the music starts up again, but Steve can tell there's something different about it. Before he can figure out what it is, the door to the roof flies open.
Steve huffs out a quiet laugh, waving at Eddie as he walks over. "I got tacos," he says, gesturing to the bag.
He feels weird seeing Eddie as Spider-Man just hours after he'd been texting Eddie as Steve. Actually, the only reason they'd stopped texting was because Steve lied about going to sleep, wanting to ensure he wouldn't be distracted by his phone while patrolling.
Eddie grins and sits on the other side of the bag. This is only the second time they've hung out on the roof together, but Eddie snatches up the bag like he's done it a million times before. "Where from?" he asks, pulling out three tacos before placing the bag back down.
"Taco cart on 7th," Steve says, grabbing a taco for himself.
A comfortable quiet settles between them as Steve takes a bite of his taco. Eddie somehow inhales two of his three in less than a minute, making Steve wonder if he's even breathed or tasted the tacos. Before he can jokingly ask, though, Eddie suddenly says, "I've fallen in love."
Steve chokes on his carnitas, eyes watering as he coughs through the sudden, cilantro-scented ache in his throat. A steady hand pats his back, helping him through the coughing fit. Once he's finally able to breathe again, Steve looks at Eddie and asks, his voice rough, "You what?"
"Fell in love. Been hit by Cupid. Seen the fucking light, even."
Steve almost asks if their coffee date is canceled. It was supposed to be that weekend at a tiny hole-in-the-wall shop Steve had never heard of before. And then he remembers the mask he's wearing and the whole "secret identity" thing. He pushes down that question and asks a different one instead. "Oh, uh, congrats. What's their name?"
Eddie gets a dopey smile. "Steve. He looks like a stereotypical prep, but apparently, he's a fan of the band."
For a brief moment, Steve wonders about the ethics of discussing himself with Eddie. Then again, it would be more suspicious if he didn't, right? And he has to keep his secret identity intact. Steve clears his throat, wincing at the dull pain before asking, "Where'd you meet?"
"Subway. Some asshole hit Steve with their backpack and I caught him."
Steve can't help snorting when he hears it from Eddie. "How chivalrous of you. What, are you gonna say he literally fell for you next?" he asks.
Eddie's grin tells Steve that, yes, he was going to say that. Since Steve beat him to it, though, he just says, "He was so cute and flustered, Spidey. And sweet fuck, his hair? His hair is incredible. I wanna know how long he spends on it so I can really appreciate messing it up when we make out. He's got, like, moles and freckles, too, right? And they're so fucking cute. I wanna play connect the dots with them. We didn't get to talk much on the train, but I can tell he's sarcastic and funny. Plus, like, he gives off this really caring energy? Like, hand Steve a baby, and he'd be in his element."
Okay, hearing Eddie talk about him like this is weird. Steve's mouth feels dry and he shoves the last of his taco into his mouth before pulling his mask down. He's lucky Eddie is looking away, otherwise, he'd see the bright and obvious blush spreading across Steve's cheeks and down his neck.
"He sounds great," Steve manages, relieved his voice doesn't sound as strained as he feels. "Maybe he used to babysit?"
Steve did, in fact, used to babysit. He still babysits, actually. Granted, not as much as before, but there are a few single moms in his building that he helps out whenever they need.
Eddie nods in agreement, his smile becoming smaller and more genuine. "Yeah. I can't wait to get to know him," he says, his voice softer, and Steve thinks he might be jealous of himself if he wasn't so fascinated by seeing this side of Eddie.
"So, uh, when's the date?" he asks.
"Saturday. We're gonna get coffee, but if I play my cards right, I bet I can take him out for lunch, too."
A laugh manages to escape Steve as he wonders if Eddie read his mind on the subway. "If you do, there's a good Thai place by the park," he suggests. "It's called Thai Cottage, I think."
It's Steve's favorite place for Thai food, actually. But Eddie doesn't need to know that right now. He can just find out when Steve tells him on Saturday.
Steve once again finds himself wondering about the ethics of telling Eddie how to make the date go well when Eddie doesn't know Spider-Man and Steve are the same person.
Eddie grins brightly at him, and Steve finds he doesn't care about the ethics. "Thanks, man," he says, elbowing his arm gently as the watch on his wrist beeps twice. "Ah, fuck, break's over."
Eddie pushes himself up, stretching his arms above his head, and Steve hears several pops along his spine. "Time for the next set?" he asks.
"Yep. Still gonna be here when it's done?"
"Nah, I've got plans tomorrow, but I'll listen to the first song at least," Steve promises, hoping his smile is obvious enough despite the mask.
Eddie nods, looking like he doesn't mind at all. "No worries, man. I'll see ya next time, Spidey," he says, waving over his shoulder before heading to the stairwell again.
Steve watches him go, waiting until the door has shut before he sighs and slumps against the edge of the roof. He stares at the sky for a moment, briefly prays that he'll be able to juggle Eddie knowing Steve and Spider-Man, and tries to ignore the impending sense of chaos that has taken up residence in the back of his mind since he walked off the train.
Tag List (please let me know if you'd like to be tagged, too)
@soaringornithopter, @suikatto, @murdblurdock, @starman-jpg, @somegirlsomewhere, @heaven428
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linzerj · 4 months
Just getting this idea out there so that maybe I'll actually finish writing it one day, but -
I've been on a Legend of Zelda kick recently. Currently replaying BOTW. Never played AOC but I've watched gameplay and all the cutscenes so I know what happens. Planning to play that and TOTK again soon. But I've got this idea cooking in my head.
Theres a post that talks about "what if you could find the Divine Beasts in the Depths", and another funny post that was just "what if Teba was the sage of Wind and not Tulin?" And I remembered when BOTW had just come out, and then AOC after, and people were speculating about the characters, like Teba, being the New Champions and getting to bond to the Divine Beasts.
That didn't happen in canon, but. Hear me out. What if even just one of the Divine Beasts bonded with a New Champion... like say, the one who doesn't become a Sage?
Teba, Sidon, Riju, and Yunobo return from their adventure in the past/alternate timeline/whatever, having saved those Champions and that Hyrule from destruction. Their own timeline is still the same, but they continue on as they do in canon.
Except they all meet up shortly after returning home, and one of them (Sidon or Riju maybe) asks "hey did anyone else try going to the Divine Beasts only to get rejected" and while the rest are like "yup wonder what that's about, sad" Teba is like "no wtf are you all talking about I was settling back in with my wife and kid."
But something about it sticks with Teba. He goes home, looks up at Vah Medoh, and thinks, 'it probably won't work but I may as well try just to confirm.'
...Vah Medoh accepts him as its new pilot.
I'm unsure as to whether or not Revali's spirit will still be there for a quick hello - but if he is, he'd be like "whomst?!" And Teba would be like "if you were still alive I'd definitely adopt you because thanks to some time travel shenanigans i know that you desperately needed a parental figure in your life".
Mostly everything else proceeds as is canon up to the start of TOTK - except for the other Divine Beasts continuing to chill at their resting places, because upon hearing about Teba successfully bonding with Medoh, the others want to keep trying.
But, for whatever reason, Hylia decided that you cannot be both a Sage and a Divine Beast pilot, so the Beasts acknowledge them but never quite accept them as their pilots.
Then, TOTK. Then the chasms. Then, the other 3 Divine Beasts taking a plunge into the Depths.
Teba freaks out a little bit, but Medoh is circling Rito Village and is fine, except now there's these random floating islands but also a fuckass blizzard that's making it almost impossible to keep everyone fed, and Teba's just been saddled with Elder status so he's super in charge and Tulin is in a bit of a "I can do anything let me prove it let's go" phase and is trying to convince Teba to use Vah Medoh to fly up and stop the blizzard, but Teba is way too busy trying to keep the village from falling apart to go right now -
Then Link shows up, and Tulin runs off, and Link follows him, and the two go up and find the Stormwind Ark and fight Colgera and as the magical blizzard finally ends, Teba is just like "what the fuck".
Tulin tells him he's become a Sage, and isn't that cool dad?! And Teba is like "you're 12 and you're going to help fight a demon king?!?! Wtf?!"
But then at some point, Tulin (who knows the other Sages from that time he was in AOC, and meeting them a few times with his dad after) one day looks up from his breakfast and says "oh hey Sidon just became the Sage of Water! I saw it through my connection with Link!" And that's when it clicks into place for Teba why the Beasts never quite accepted the other "New Champions" - because they were destined for something else.
But Vah Medoh is still here. And it's pissed that it's fellow Beasts are gone and it also wants to blast Ganondorf in the face.
Unfortunately, Teba can't let it blast the castle when Link and co go to confront the Zelda illusion, because Tulin is there, Link is there, Sidon and Riju and Yunobo are there, and it's not the real demon king yet anyway.
Teba is grumpy about it, about letting Tulin go off and risk his life when he's a child and Teba is an adult, but then a huge dark dragon explodes out from the chasm below the castle and Vah Medoh is all too happy to fire upon it, knowing it's Ganondorf and wanting some sweet revenge of its own.
Teba's just surprised he can see the dark dragon, it's huge but he'd heard tales of only the young, or those chosen by thr goddesses, could see dragons. Maybe it's because of Vah Medoh that he can see this one, and the little light dragon that comes in and - hey is that Link?!
Maybe it ends with Teba going down to the Depths with Link to visit the other Divine Beasts, and suggesting that the locations stay known so that future generations may try to awaken them. They don't really need the Beasts anymore since both Calamity Ganon and Ganondorf have been defeated, but Medoh doesn't want to turn off and is happy just chilling at Rito Village with Teba. The end.
I have like 2.5k of this already written, I just wanted to use this post to write more of the ideas for the fic structure before I go to bed lol. And this idea probably doesn't make a hell of a lot of sense canon-wise, but it doesn't need to because the only reason this exists is because i love Teba and wish he'd gotten more screntime (or at least some spoken dialogue in the cutscenes!) in TOTK.
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shawnxstyles · 1 year
UR LATEST SMUT IS A *Chef kiss* 😛 hmmm how about a smut where Y/n is riding Tom during their love making and her phone rings and she answered it while she’s on top of Tom and that made him turned on more😎
warnings: smut; (f- receiving [fingering, some nipple play], unprotected sex [riding], exhibitionism, dirty talk), some fluff, and language
note: it’s literally midnight. and this is a short thing that’s barely edited.
when you woke up this morning, you weren’t surprised when you were attacked with kisses all over your naked body. you were sore all over from the previous night, but love has never hurt so good. you and tom didn’t have a quiet night, so the silence of the morning is deafening.
with much self-control, you push tom’s bulky body off of you and attempt to get up for work. tom doesn’t let you get too far though before pulling you right back into his chest.
“stay,” he whispers groggily. it was hard to have an ounce of self-control when he sounded like that in the morning. to make you even more of a puddle in his arms, he always has a small spray of minty freshness on his nightstand because he knows how much you hate morning breath. he sprays it in his mouth and when you go to argue, he sprays the substance in yours, surprising you.
“now you have no reason to get out of bed,” he kisses your bare shoulder lovingly, trailing down your arm. a familiar shiver mixed of desire and need runs up your spine. you sigh, giving into him.
you have to leave in probably like an hour. what’s the rush?
you rotate your body so you’re towards his sleepy face and connect your lips to his. thankfully, the kiss is tingly with a minty aftertaste as your lips move in sync. your legs shift to either side of him, so you’re now straddling his lap.
his mouth trails down your smooth skin, not neglecting a single inch. when his lips meet your perked nipple, he sucks on it delicately. you sigh again as you close your eyes, pushing your body towards his. his erection stands up hard in between you both, ready for more.
tom’s hand drifts from your plush hip down towards your center, which was pulsing with need by now. when his fingers gently skim over your clit, you gasp, still sensitive from last night’s shenanigans.
“so sensitive, baby,” he coos in your ear. his thumb circles around the nerves as his fingers glide through your soaked folds. “already so wet f’me. good girl.”
you mewl at his words as his middle finger easily slides inside of you. your cunt instantly clenched around his finger, pumping tantalizingly. while his fingers work you magically, your eyes peer down at his neglected length, pre-cum oozing from the rosy tip.
“tom,” you moan as your hand travels down his chiseled torso and to his cock. he hissed when your hand wrapped about his girth, stroking him as slowly as he was thrusting into you. if he teased you, you teased back.
“yes, darling?” he replied breathlessly before kissing your neck to occupy himself. with his morning wood and your ability to make any man fall to their knees, it was difficult for him to not come on the spot.
“i need you inside of me,” you whispered and he groaned against your neck.
you weren’t making it easy when you said things like that.
he pulls his fingers out of your soaking center and gets ready to flip you both over, too desperate to be in you, but you stop him. “actually, can i be on top?”
“fuck, y/n, are ya tryin’ to kill me? yes, of course you can,” tom lets his hands fall down to your hips and smooths them over your ass. tom watches your every move with heart eyes like a cartoon character.
you lift your body up over his erection and direct it to your hole, your arousal leaking onto him. without waiting any longer, you leisurely lower your hips until his full length is in you. you don’t have time to waste, even if you wanted to stay in bed all day, every day with tom. your eyes shut tightly, never fully adjusting to the feeling of his length stretching you out deliciously.
rolling your hips, you both collectively groan into the morning dew. his cock continues to surprise you every time, no matter how many times you two have been together. he knew your body better than anyone, even you sometimes.
once you get confident, you raise your body and drop it back onto his length immediately. tom moans sensually as you cry in pure bliss. his sounds alone could get you off, especially in the morning when his throat was extra scratchy and raspy. you continue at a brisk pace, shifting up and down until his cock twitches needily inside of you.
your walls clutch around him desperately as your thighs burn to keep up with your rapid movements. tom’s hands grope your breasts, tweaking your nipples until you squirm. your entire body is sore and sensitive, so you’re not shocked to be near your orgasm.
“i’m getting close, baby—”
tom is cut off by the alarming blare of your ringtone. your phone vibrates violently on the nightstand, waiting to be answered. your eyes remain shut and concentrated, too determined to reach your orgasm. tom, however, reaches over and snatches the phone and looks at the contact.
“y/n, it’s your boss. you have to answer,” tom informs before moaning as he watches your breasts bounce joyfully in front of him.
god, how did he get so lucky?
“fuck me,” you grumble and slow down your movements. your breathing races and legs burn as if you just ran a mile.
“you’re already doing that, love,” tom winks cheekily, making you roll your eyes. still sitting on his cock, you swipe the answer button. your hands trace the outline of each ridge on his chiseled chest as your boss greets you good morning.
while your boss buzzes about something else in your ear, tom leans down and sucks on your nipple. nails scraping his chest, you hold in a shocked gasp as his teeth graze it temptingly. you can feel his smirk against your skin, smug as always. when his calloused hand drifts down towards your throbbing clit, you knew exactly what kind of game he was playing.
he fiddles with your swollen bud, teasing it until you’re clutching desperately on his cock. he withholds a groan while you harshly bite your lip to remain quiet. as your boss continues to ramble about some stupid, very irrelevant assignment, you occasionally insert an “mhm” for confirmation and agreement.
“since i haven’t been in the office for a week, i wanted to know how the new intern was doing. so, how is he?” your boss asks in-depthly, which is more than a yes or no answer. before you respond, a groan slips past your lips and your eyes widen in fear. tom smirks, trying to contain his laughter bubbling inside of him. his torture on your clit doesn’t quit, even when you begin to talk again. “wow, is he that bad?”
“n-no, he’s great! he’s meeting all his…requirements and–fuck–exceeding some too,” you replied wheezing as tom thrusted his hips upwards into you. you embarrassingly cussed in the middle of your sentence because of him and you wanted nothing more than to throw your phone across the room. waves of heat travel over your skin, begging for the phone call to end already.
“oh…kay then. are you okay, y/n?” he asks, concern lacing his voice. as tom rutted brutally into you and you threatened to whine into your speaker, you agreed to whatever shit he was saying. the call was way too long for you at this point. your orgasm hung teasingly in your reach.
“yes, yes. i’m exercising. never been much of a runner. much more of a bike rider…” then, with the devil on your shoulder giving you the courage, you lift your body up and slam it onto tom’s cock. his head falls backwards, hitting the headboard in the process. just when he didn’t think you could get more attractive, you pull something like that. an intense burn coils in his stomach as you ride him almost unashamedly.
“oh! well, i apologize for interrupting. i’ll see you on monday when i return,” with that, you hear the beep indicating that he ended the phone call. you chuck your phone somewhere on the mattress before gripping tom’s tone shoulders.
without another second, you hop up and down on his length, consuming every inch greedily. both of your needy moans bounce around the room. tom’s hands hold your hips steady, guiding you as you rise and fall on his cock.
your hair was waving messily all over the place, but to tom, it looked like a movie-star in the wind. he was memorized by every movement you made and every feature of you. god, he was obsessed with you. also, with your cunt wrapped completely around him, he’s not sure how much more he can take.
you squeezed around him snuggly, eliciting a deep groan from the back of his throat. he fumbled with your nipples, twisting and pulling as your body perched into his chest. your thighs were on fire, burning like a hardcore workout. and of course, this was the best kind.
“i’m gonna come, tom, shit,” you were exasperated, but your voice was still as erotic as ever.
“let it all go. need your cum ‘round my cock, love,” as his breathless words stumbled from his soft lips, your face scrunched as your eyes rolled back, your orgasm flooding over you.
he always did have a way with words.
your nails indent into his thick skin, marking him from everyone else. your hips continue to rock over his cock, riding out your high as you try to get him to his. when his shaft jerks inside of you, it alerts you that he’s about to come.
“c’mon, baby. come for me.”
“yeah? need it inside of ya?” tom grunted, harshly gripping your body as he pumped into you.
“yes, please! come inside of me, please, tom,” you pleaded, and with a strangled moan, his orgasm explodes against your walls. the back of his head hits the board again with a thud as his seed shoots rapidly inside of you.
your head collapses on his shoulder, exhausted, but more than satisfied. being on top was a lot of work, so tom never asked you to do it, but when you offered, he never denied you. occasionally, you loved controlling the pace, but you knew you found the most pleasure in tom’s demands of dominance.
in panting breaths, you slowly remove tom’s length from inside of you. you both sigh at the lack of touch, the sudden chilliness biting at your still heated skin. you immediately attempt to fix your untamed hair as your face hits the pillow. you groan, really not wanting to get up for work after that.
“better keep all of me inside you. all day,” tom rasps over you before standing up and putting on some boxers.
“planning on it,” you mumble into the fluffy pillow.
“dirty girl,” he walks around to your side of the bed and smacks your bare bottom teasingly. “get up, baby. you’re going to hate me if ya don’t go to work.”
knowing he’s right, you dramatically roll out of bed and make your way to the bathroom. on the way, you feel his orgasm trickling out of you. a warm flush cascades over your skin at the idea of keeping him inside of you for the entire day.
tags: @lnmp89 @crybabyddl @pretty-npeach @marine-mayday @aerangi @justanotherpasserby-blog @tinafuentes @moniffazictress11 @eywaheardyou @alwaysclassyeagle @mrstealuregirl @bisexual-desi @sherlockstrangewolf @madsttx @graywrites20 @bradtomlovesya @princesspannnn @raajali3
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franklyimissparis · 4 months
hi there can i ask what are your favourite fics??
ahhhhhh this was so hard to narrow down since i think i have something like 300 beatles fics bookmarked on ao3 (plus a ton saved from livejournal but i’ve only included ao3 ones here). at first i was gonna pick a top 5 or top 10 but that was too hard so here are my top 24-ish i think? could have picked a lot more tbh. i only included fics that are completed, even though there are a lot i love that are either WIP or abandoned. also didn’t include any modern AUs though there’s a lot of those that i love as well! if anyone has any specific requests for other fic reqs i’m always happy to suggest more :)
on our way back home by kathleenishereagain
this fic has the most kudos in the fandom for a reason! old paul time travels back to the touring days and his relationship with john changes from there. love the way they integrated the magical realism into this and it’s just such a beautiful, touching story.
knowing that the sun is there by tarenas
john comes out after brian dies. lovely look at john’s individual relationships with all of the beatles and cynthia (but especially his relationship with paul of course)
cutting water with a knife by savageandwise
may’s perspective on john and paul. love love love. heartbreakingly realistic and so poignant. feels like it could have been a cut chapter out of loving john.
i’m so tired, my mind is set on you by dornfelder
god how i wish this is what would have happened in india. i’ve read this fic so many times, it just feels so real i keep coming back to it.
india, actually by inspiteallthedanger
jane notices that john’s india tapes are all of paul a la love actually. love jane in this and paul and john’s dynamic is great.
grow old with me by inherownwrite
john and paul in scotland in the 80s - paul breaks his arm and gives john a fright. such a tender picture of what could have been had things not ended how they did.
i was a younger man then (now) (post hoc) by fingersfallingupwards
using the time traveller’s wife premise in quite literally the best way i have ever read. the way it unfolds is…. stunning.
having coffee by dornfelder
old paul and john reflecting on life and being outed in the 80s through an interview. lovely.
to lead a better life by downtothelastdrop
1966 ringo mistakenly thinks john and paul are together, leading to a revelation of paul’s own.
going nowhere by inspiteallthedanger
fix-it where after surviving the shooting, john moves back to england.
if i could choose my own name, it’d be the one that falls best from your lips by kandakicksass
one of my favourite reincarnation fics ever. i really enjoyed how simple it was, how the pieces just slid into place so naturally.
the birthday party by merseydreams
everyone reunites for ringo’s 40th in july 1980. an excellent look at the dynamic between all the bugs and how things could have gone.
something old something new by inspiteallthedanger
john shows up to pattie and eric’s wedding causing a beatles reunion for the first time in years and some shenanigans and talks with paul. this fic is hilarious and THIS is my george, i love him so much
1967 by please_dont_wake_me
paul and john stay in paris after their 1961 trip. they return to liverpool in 1967 as a couple. this feels so real, the way every minor character is written… the dynamics between them all - every detail is excellent.
the beatles holiday au series by econhomework
an AU that follows john and paul (and george/ringo) being a committed couple in the 60s/70s and having their children via surrogacy. i’ve been subscribed to this series for years now and it’s a lot of fun getting an update that builds upon the last around every holiday, giving a little snippet into their lives as the kids grow up chronologically. (they also have other fics set in this AU in their beatles fic requests series)
the brother dearest series by javelinbk
jim and mimi get married, causing john and paul to become step-brothers (sort of). interesting premise and an even better execution of it. not to mention the idea of jim and mimi getting together will never fail to make me laugh (but also sort of makes a lot of sense???)
how much was mine to keep by mynamesbetty
paul is ‘unstuck in time’ and lives his life out of order a la slaughterhouse five (one of my favourite novels). done very well.
take a sad song and make it better by javelinbk
1980s paul moves his ex-boyfriend into his house because he’s an idiot but i love him. great fix-it.
christmas lights (keep shinin’ on) by distinguished_like
paul invites john to the mccartney family christmas party, leading to some discussions between the two. very cute early years fic.
here today by herspecialagent005
december 1980 except john and paul are hosting a dinner party for some friends in scotland, with magical realism elements. ugh loved this so much, especially linda and just all the little details of john and paul settling into a life together.
kissing the blarney by tikk
paul is the blarney - this turns into a superstitious ritual in the band which emotionally complicates things but ends very satisfyingly.
writing letters (on my wall) by 15clubsaday
70s paul writes to john under a pseudonym while they aren’t speaking. newly finished and wonderful!
the jumper by merseydreams
john sees denny laine wearing HIS jumper and flies back to england to retrieve it. this fic has everything: miscommunication, john being a dumb shite, jealousy, confused denny laine, paul in all his 70s glory, and lesbian linda. truly could not ask for more.
back to where you belong by sleeprettydarling
george on johnandpaul throughout the early years. i’m a big sucker for the george & johnandpaul dynamic and how complicated and devastating it can be so naturally i loved this.
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thewertsearch · 16 days
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And now we have to deal with this motherfucker.
It’s probable that Scratch knew things would play out like this, which means this message was always intended for Karkat.
...it's probable that that's the case, but there's always a slight possibility that we're in one of his dark pockets. If so, then Karkat wasn't supposed to see this message, and might be about to learn something Scratch doesn't want him to know.
Mr. Vantas.
Dang it.
I'm delivering this message through the console of one of my numerous unwitting proteges to give you a word of advice, and then you will not hear from me again.
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Characteristically unhelpful - and in fact, it might not refer to either of Eridan's victims. We still have Tavros's corpse to deal with, and I'm sure there'll be more bodies hitting the floor before the day is out.
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All of the bodies in the room remain as they were. There is clearly nothing to be concerned about whatsoever.
Feferi has an eldritch connection through the Horrorterrrors, and they could probably pull some dark magical shenanigans to get her body moving again. I think that's unlikely, though, since Feferi's ghost is active in the Dream Bubbles, and I don't think she'd actually want to be revived. After all, she's go a job to do.
I'm still convinced that Kanaya's coming back, but it's hardly going to happen while our back is turned. We're out of Kernelsprites, so she can't be prototyped - and we can't use her Dream Moon Slab, if it even exists, because Prospit's been destroyed by Jack.
Frankly, I can't think of a single realistic way to revive her short of time travel, and that's not a road we want to go down. I'm really trying not to think about what that might mean.
I guess that leaves Tavros.
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There's definitely something going on with him that we don't understand. He was about to smooch Vriska before she stopped him, and the Breath symbolism surrounding the act makes me think it was more than just a typical Dream Self revival kiss. He has a hidden power, and that power seems to kick in when someone's dying.
Could Tavros be a little less dead than we've been led to believe? It's possible - his arc doesn't scan as complete to me. He'd only obtained the merest shred of confidence before Vriska brought him fatally down to earth, and I think there are still many interesting places you could take his character.
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Gamzee’s rocking a new quirk. He’s still swapping cases, but they’re alternating every message rather than every character, as though his mind is less scrambled than it used to be.
Could this be how he talks when he's off the slime? He already seems more aware than before, and his grumpiness evokes a hangover - but he's honking more than he used to, which is the opposite of what I'd expect if he was sober.
CG: SERIOUSLY, GET BACK HERE NOW, AND HAVE A SLIME PIE TO RELAX OR SOMETHING. TC: SLIME? TC: there is no more slime, brother. TC: AND ANYWAY. TC: shit was motherfuckin poison, didn't you know?
Yup. It looks like Gamzee’s gone cold featherbeast.
It's not a great time for this to happen, but it's not like we can stop it now. I highly doubt Gamzee was forward-thinking enough to reproduce his pies through alchemy, and things are a little too tense right now to try getting clever with an Appearifier. For better or worse, his supply has dried up for the foreseeable future.
So now, for the first time, we're interacting with a Gamzee who isn't out of his mind on soporifics. His shift in personality is already pretty drastic, and I'm interested in seeing what the real Gamzee is like.
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More MTMTE Megatron x reader nonsense
In which Megatron is pining for the reader, and the reader is just glad that he isn’t sulking
This was the best day of your career.
You had joined the crew of the Lost Light with a brisk farewell to everything you’d ever known. You had stayed with them through the fighting, the deaths and the occasional visit to a planet. Or charisma parasites. Or the occasional series of time travel shenanigans. Anyways, none of those victories tasted as sweet on your tongue as this one. Nothing could beat the swell in your heart as you sighed in blissful relief.
Megatron wasn’t sulking.
He hadn’t hauled himself up in his habsuite, waiting for you to knock with a report and light conversation. He didn't pinch the bridge of his nose as Rodimus cartwheeled onto the bridge. He didn’t even make one sharp remark towards one of his fellow Autobots, if he could actually even be properly called one at this point. You were starting to truly believe that maybe one day, he could.
He was teaching. 
You didn’t even know that the Lost Light had a lecture hall, but to see it filled with Autobots as you sat on a table in the back of the room was something else. It plastered a smile onto your face as Riptide asked if he had passed. Megatron had said no, but that he would explain why…
This was great.
Between statements, Megatron would glance in your direction and at your gigantuine smile. His back would somehow get straighter, and occasionally, he would give you a small smile back. Something glittered behind his ruby optics. You assumed that it was joy. This was good.
This was progress.
The class had ended as soon as it had begun, or it at least felt like it. You pulled your sleeve back from over your watch. Three hours had passed. Looking at everyone leaving, you could tell. Skids was getting rather twitchy. In the scramble to get out the door, Megatron strode over into long, unsure steps towards you.
You hum in response, the grin still splitting your face. “That was a great lecture…You make a good teacher.”
You could have sworn that you heard his cooling fans on their lowest setting, but that had to be your imagination. He paused, as if he was searching for the right words to say. “...Yes. Thank you…I hope that you are not too worn out for a few poems?”
“I never could be.” Not after he finally started step two of an attempted redemption: Actually getting up and doing some good. You had waited far too long for this for you to shut him down now. You could hardly even believe he had started writing again. A few love poems nonetheless. You wondered who they could be for, but you never asked. With the progress he was making, he would come to you eventually.
Megatron smiled, only slightly, as his optics crinkled up at the corners as much as they could with his metal face. For an ex-warlord, he had a nice smile. The way that the light of his optics bled onto his cheeks almost made it look like they were flushed with energon. 
You had never looked at him like that before.
With eyes full of something that Megatron could only hope was adoration. Your smile shone brighter than the stars outside any window on the ship. He watched you from across the room, optics flicking between you and the group of autobots making their way through the door.
It was wonderful.
Just like that, he had another list of topics for his newer works of poetry. No wonder he wrote so much about you. Had showing them to you softened your heart to make you see him in a new light?
Then you mentioned his teaching.
Oh. Of course you were doing this. You had always watched any sort of kindness or intellectuality with the same kind of tender expression. Still, Megatron couldn’t help but relish in the unfiltered joy that flooded his spark when it was in his direction; made his spark flare and push against his spark chamber as if to reach out for you. 
He paused.
How could he ever have thought that he deserved this kind of happiness? Your smile was his light in an ocean of darkness. Hope in a sea of hopelessness. It’s a shame that he met you when he did. 
You would have loved him in his youth: A miner and a poet with a dream.
Megatron decided that he was more like that version of him now than the one he had left behind with his Decepticon badge. He snuffed out the voice in the back of his processor that said otherwise in hopes that it wouldn’t rear its ugly head ever again. If you would allow him to have you, he would. He just had to earn the right for the chance. 
And he had just gotten started.
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ryva · 8 months
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GN! Reader - No Pronouns Used
TW: cussing (obv), smooching, and generally just a bunch of stupid fluff with some bakusquad shenanigans!
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“COME ON YOU GUYS!!! I WANNA BEAT THIS MAZE FIRST!! WE’VE LOST SO MANY TIMES!!! THIS IS OUR FINAL CHANCE!!!!”  Denki whined, already at the entrance to the corn maze, while you, Bakugou, Mina, Sero and Kirishima were only just stepping foot out of the car. 
“YEAH, YEAH, DONT BE SO FUCKIN IMPATIENT, SPARKPLUG!!” Bakugou roared back, slamming his driver’s side door shut, and trotting in the back of the pack of friends, you next to him. 
“C’mon bakubro! Where’s that competitive spirit?” Kirishima said, “It’s the final opportunity for the UA bakusquad to win in this maze!!“, pumping his fist into the air. 
“Its fuckin’ cold out here, I don’t exactly want to be wandering out in a field in the middle of fuckin’ fall for no good reason.” Bakugou said, tucking his nose back into his scarf, shoving his hands in the pockets of his black coat a little harder in annoyance. 
Giggling at his childish pout, Mina Piped up, “Psh- whatever, we’re excited and gonna win!!” She shouted, hooking an arm and hanging around Sero’s neck who gave a firm nod. 
“Fuckin- whatever…” Bakugou grumped, scanning around the entrance to the maze. 
“well, I think we can do it,” you said, smiling “at least one of us can”
"That's the spirit!!" Mina encouraged, pumping the group up. 
You giggled as the group ran into the maze, barely making an effort to make any method or strategy in “figuring out” the maze. Leaving you and your boyfriend, Katsuki, to lazily travel behind them. You both make little effort to actually figure out the maze either, rather making it a nice fall walk. 
“I'm surprised you’re not more competitive about this, babe,” you said, nudging him playfully.
“Surprisingly I don’t wanna run around like some maniac in a buncha grass when its too fuckin’ cold for my quirk to work and, not to mention, I could easily just blast over this whole damn thing and see the way out,” he rants, “But racoon eyes says ‘that’s cheating.’” 
“Well it technically is cheating,” you retort, chuckling when he gives you a glare that could kill a small animal. 
Through your conversation of banter (and him not understanding why you love this dumb season), you hadn’t noticed you’d walked yourselves into quite an ending. Scanning around, the green and orange decaying leaves around you seemed to stretch down quite a while behind your path, with a wall of foliage right in front of you.
“Dead end,” you say to him, staring up at the top of the barrier, “I can’t even hear anybody…” 
“Can’t hear anybody eh?” Katsuki turns to you with a wolfish grin, leaning towards you with a blush, not just from the cold, hoping for some affection.
You kiss him on his upper cheek, ”you know they can probably see us right now, right?” 
“Nah, I haven’t seen any cameras, and sensei Aizawa knows this shit by now,” he smirks, capturing you by the lips, making you giggle. 
You hook your arms around his neck and deepen into the kiss, letting yourself melt into the warm comparison of his lips to the crisp air. One hand on your hip with other on your jaw, keeping you in place.
Katsuki gripped your hip tighter and went to rest his arm on the wall of leaves behind your head-
when his arm fell through
you both toppled over and faded through the faux bush, Katsuki twisting so you land on top of him, and landing on the cold, hard ground on the other side.
The both of you get your bearings only to see the out to the maze, the ending. the ending was a fucking false wall. you both get up, (katsuki picking you up and placing you back down) and get your bearings, seeing a banner between two wooden pillars with the word 'end' plastered on.
"are. you. fucking. kiddin'. me?" katsuki spat, "that's gotta be some sort of cheating?!"
You giggled "Hey, but we won, right?" nudging him in the side with your elbow
He grunted in annoyance but affirmative and sat on on of the hay bales next to the right pillar, you joining him.
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it was maybe an hour later when Kaminari fell through the wall, leading the rest of the group to figure it out, and for them to playfully berate you for not telling them sooner and splitting off from the group. you just laughed while Katsuki asked if they could go back to the dorms now.
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j-eryewrites · 7 months
Please Hold to My Hand
Part Four of A Sinner's Redemption
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Word Count: 11.4k
Warnings: Canon typical violence, gun violence, people, death, gore and injuries, lots of feelings, horrible jokes (that I even laughed at), language. (Let me know if I have missed anything)
Author's Note: Finally! It’s out. I’ve been writing this between classes and really haven’t had time to review the work. Piper is finally letting down some walls and so is Joel! Yay! We get some more flashbacks and, of course, Ellie and Piper's shenanigans. I hope you enjoy this chapter. If you liked it, I’d love to hear from you either with comments or reposts! Thanks!
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Dirty. Piper felt dirty as she stood in the moldy gas station bathroom. Moss grew from the cracks in the ceiling and she was sure the black substance behing the sinks was something otherworldly. Shivering, Piper squeezed her limbs as close as she could to her body making herself as narrow as possible. Behind one of the bathroom stalls was Ellie, taking a bathroom break. 
Piper couldn’t understand how her sister could relax herself enough to use the restroom in a place like this. With the creak and slam of the bathroom stall door, Ellie appeared with a care in the world. Again, Piper shivered and took a step away from her sister as Ellie stepped in front the the broken mirror. 
“Jesus Ellie let’s go,” Piper said before turning around to face her sister. “What are you–” Piper laughed and for a moment she forgot about the disease infested place she was in. 
“Pew, pew. Pew,” Ellie whispered. In her hand was the gun Piper had given from her. 
Piper shook her head at her sister’s antics. “No, no, no. Here’s how you do it.” Stepping forward, Piper reached out a hand to grab hold of the gun, but Ellie pulled away.  
“Hey, let me do my thing,” Ellie begged. 
Rolling her eyes, Piper crossed her arms and sighed. “Well you’ll shoots someone’s eye out. At least take out the bullets.” 
“Hmm,” Ellie hummed not realizing that was an options. She turned the gun around looking for a way to remove the tiny deathly objects in the gun. 
“Here,” Piper muttered as she showed Ellie how to remove them. The young girl watched and took note of everything that her sister did. The dull metallic bullets fell out the cartridge and into Piper’s hand. “See?”
“Hmm? Oh yeah,” Ellie said and she retrieved the gun from her sister’s hand. Once again Ellie raised the gun at the mirror and put on her best menacing face. It was practice for when she actually got to shoot the weapon. In her mind, Ellie wondered if she would be as good of a shot like Piper was. 
“Can we go now?” Piper asked. Her shivers got worse and Piper began to believe she could turn infected from just standing in the bathroom any longer. 
Cocking the gun back, then shoving it deep into her backpack, Ellie nodded and the two girls trudged through the mess and out the doors to the fresh dry air. 
Coming around the corner, they saw Joel just as they had left him; On the ground with one knee raised as support as he blew into a long straw like thing. 
“We have to do this every hour?” Ellie sighed. 
Piper could see Joel was just as annoyed as Ellie when it came to stopping every hour. “Gas breaks down over time. This stuff’s almost water. Back in the day, we’d drive 10, 12 hours on one tank. You could go anywhere,” Joel said. 
“So,” Piper asked, “where’d you go?”
Joel looked up at the two girls. His eyes squinted underneath the bright light of the summer sun. “Pretty much nowhere.” 
“Boring,” Piper muttered before finding a rock to kick around. 
Joel continued blowing into the big straw. 
“Nice!” Ellie leaned in close. “How does that work?”
“It’s a siphon. It’s when liquid…” Joel paused thinking about his words. “travels against gravity because pressure…”
Ellie smirked and chuckled. “You don’t know.”
“I know it works,” Joel quipped back making Ellie laugh even more. 
Once the laughter was over, the young girl soon sought other sources to still her boredom. Lifting her legs up comically into the air, Ellie began to peruse around the rusted cars that Joel was searching for gas from. 
As her eyes followed the rock on the ground as it rolled back and forth, Piper called out to Ellie. “No wandering”
With the biggest sigh she could conjure, Ellie replied. “Okay. This is your fault then.” She warned. Then dropping her backpack to the ground she pulled out a small book. Flipping it open she began to read. “It doesn’t matter how much you push the envelope, it’ll still be stationery.” Briefly, Ellie looked up to gage Joel’s and Piper’s reaction. Laughing, Ellie revealed the cover of the book. “No Pun Intended, Volume Too” by Will Livingston. “Volume Too.” Look. You get it? “Too”? Like, T-o-o.
“Jesus,” Joel grumbled. 
“What did the mermaid wear to her math class?” Ellie paused. “An algae bra. Like, algae bra. Okay, I stayed up all night…”
“No.” Joel tried to interrupt Ellie, stopping her from telling the next horrible joke. 
“wondering where the sun went…,” Ellie continued. “...and then it dawned on me.” 
This joke made Piper laugh. It wasn’t so much the joke, but how much Joel despised them. His face contort with each failed attempt at a joke and it made both of the young girls laugh. 
Joel sat up and glared at the two of them. “Feel free to wait in the truck.”
Piper’s eyes widened at the warning. “Going now,” She mumbled before leaving her rock on the ground for the safety of the boiling hot car. 
“Ugh, okay,” Ellie sighed. “but just know,” the young girl warned, “you can’t escape Will Livingston. He’ll be back. There’s nothing you can do to stop him.” 
As the girls hopped back into the car, Joel returned his mind back to retrieving gas. It was only a few more minutes for the dark liquid shot thorugh the hose into the gas canister and Joel was ever grateful for those few minutes of silence and solace from Will Livingston and his terrible jokes. 
Everything was the color of rust. Rust was the color of time and those forgotten and neglected, left to the mercy of nature. It was boiling and there was noting the air conditioning in the car could do. There wasn’t anything in sight except for dirt, sand, and crumbling cars. Even the normally blue sky was tinted a shade of brown. Piper felt like she was stuck in a valley of emptiness, not a living thing around. 
As the car drove further and further down the road, Piper moved her gaze away from the window and instead to the rear-view mirror. There in the mirror she saw something alive, something that kept her alive and going, Ellie. The younger girl sat lazily in the back of the truck using her bag as a head rest. Meanwhile, her hand gripped a pencil dragging it back and forth across a notebook. At least someone was entertained. 
Eventually, Piper brought her sight back onto the endless road in front of her. Cars were pilled high to the sides as if something huge parted the sea of metal carcasses. 
“Must’ve been some truck,” Piper mumbled. 
Joel glanced over the side at the girl. “Yeah, they used to stick big-ass plows on them, and clear the roads for their tanks and such.”
Piper nodded her head in response. It seemed like Ellie had tuned into the conversation, her sketch book forgotten beside her. “I wanna see a tank,” Ellie chirpped as she scanned the sea of vehicles.
“You will,” Joel assured Ellie. “Tanks, choppers, all that stuff. But they’ll fight the wrong enemy. Just scattered around now.”
Bitting the inside of her cheek Ellie pretended to listen beyond the words “You will” before changing the topic. 
“I got somethin’. Here,” Ellie passed up a small tape. Joel, curious, snatched it from her hands. “This make you all nostalgic?”
He had to pull the tape farther away from his face to read the fine print. His eyes pulled into a thin line finally making the words readable. Damn he was getting old. “This is actually before my time,” Joel corrected. 
Ellie’s smile faltered. “Great,” she mumbled. 
A strange tightening in his chest formed at the disappointment in Ellie’s voice and Joel couldn’t help but want to salvage the situation. “It’s a winner, though.” Ellie’s smile was back on her face. Upon seeing her smile, Joel placed the tape into the slot and hit play. 
♪ We met in the springtime when blossoms unfold ♪
Tapping her finger on Piper’s shoulder to the melody of the song, Ellie’s flashed with a wicked glint. Withdrawing her hand and shoving it into her bag she pulled out something new. “Oh, man. Got somethin’ else,” Ellie said. Joel and Piper mindless nodded at her words. “It’s, uh… light on the reading, but it has some interesting pictures.”
As Piper and Joel whipped around Ellie’s smirk grew. 
Gotcha! She thought.
“Oh. No, no, no. Put that back. That’s not for kids. Ellie!” Joel’s and Piper’s voices seemed to blend together as they tired to discourage Ellie from looking further. 
Playing align with the ruse, Ellie buried her face between the pages, getting a good look at the images upon them. “How would he even walk around with that thing?”
“Fuuuckkk,” Piper groaned as she placed her head between her knees.  
“Please get rid of it,” Joel begged. His hand reached back to take the magazine away from her. 
Ellie swatted his hand away. “Hold your horses. I wanna see what all the fuss is about.” She quickly perused the rest of the magazine, except for a few pages. “Why are all these pages stuck together?”
Piper gaged like she was about to throw up. 
“Uhh… the…” Joel was speechless. 
Then Ellie burst out laughing. Her head thrown back as the giggles overcame her small figure. “I’m just fuckin’ with ya.” A window rolled down. Dusty wind blew around the car. “Bye-bye, dude!” Ellie had thrown the magazine to the wind. 
♪ Alone and forsaken by fate and by man ♪ Oh Lord, if you hear me, please hold to my hand ♪ Oh, please understand ♪ Oh, where has she gone to ♪ Oh, where can she be ♪ She may have forsaken some other like me ♪ She promised to honor, to love, and obey ♪ Each vow was a plaything that she threw away ♪ The darkness is fallin’, the sky has turned gray ♪ A hound in the distance is starting to bay ♪ I wonder, I wonder what she’s thinkin’ of ♪ Forsaken, forgotten without any love ♪
The scene had changed now. It was green. There were trees and fields of grass. It was a welcomed changed to the drylands they had just drove through. The air was cooler now and the car wasn’t as hot. Piper could even imagine she was on a real roadtrip driving through the world before the outbreak. She felt normal. 
She pressed a button and the passenger window opened. A brisk air kissed Piper’s face blowing the freed stands of her hair behind her. Yet she wanted more, so she slowly pulled out the hairtie. Her scalp groaned as the pressure was released. Then came the bliss as the wind weaved between the strands of her hair massaging her scalp. Her eyes close shut opening her arms to the comfort the wind gave her. 
A shiver creeped up Joel’s shoulders and he turned his head to Piper. His mouth hung open with his forgotten wish to close the window. She seemed at peace as the music played and wind blew through her hair. She looked like what a kid like her should look like: Brow not filled with the worry of survival, hair not tied up and closed off to the world, happy, calm, and content. A thought of pity grew in Joel’s chest. This is how Piper should be living. Both her and Ellie. Afterall, they’re just kids. Kids with the future of the world on their shoulders. It was a weight they shouldn’t have, that no one should have. Joel knew that better than anyone. 
“All right,” Joel sighed. “That’s enough for today.” 
The wind release Piper’s hair from it’s hold as the window rolled back up. Rocking side to side, the truck turned away from the road into a grassy field. They were headed to the forest up ahead. A forest that would give them shelter for the long night. 
Together, they did their part to unpack and get food started for dinner. Sitting down on the ground, the three of them ate. Piper wasn’t quite sure what they were eating, but it was cold and good. The square like noodles just slide down her throat easing her stomach’s plea for food. It was delicious. 
A slurping noise came from beside her. “Jesus, Ellie. Slow down,” Piper said. 
Ellie was slouched over her bowl devouring the food. Red sauce encased the skin around her mouth. “This is slow,” She mumbled with her mouth full of food. “What am I even eating?” Ellie asked. 
Joel using his fork to point to the food inside his bowl answered. “That is 20-year-old Chef Boyardee ravioli.” His tone made the two girls think that this was the best food ever created on planet earth. 
Ellie shoved another fork full of food into her mouth. “That guy was good.”
“I actually agree,” Joel added. 
“Hmm…” Piper hummed. “How long we staying out here?”
Placing his bowl down into his lap, Joel replied. “I figure I sleep tonight… and drive tomorrow all day, all night, get us to Wyoming by next mornin’.”
Ellie sighed and rubbed her now fully belly. “So can we start a fire? I’m freezing.”
“No.” There was no hesitation in Piper’s answer. 
Ellie rolled her eyes. “Well, you’re not in charge, now are you Piper?”
“Hey, hey,” Joel interrupted and waited for the two girls attention to be on him. “Now, why am I gonna tell you no?”
Sinking into the ground with disappointment Ellie answered, her voice as monotonous as they come. “Because Infected will see the smoke.” 
Joel shook his head. “No. Fungus isn’t that smart. This is too remote for Infected, anyway.”
“People?” Ellie guessed. “So what are they gonna do? Rob us?” There was a hint of sarcasm in her voice as if being robbed was so horrible. 
It was Piper who spoke next. There was no emotion as she spoke. The peace Joel had seen her face earlier evaprotated and he could almost see the ghosts hiding behind Piper’s brown eyes. “They’ll have way more in mind than that.”
“Okay.” Joel softly said as he observed Piper. There it was again, that same tightness his chest, but he couldn’t bring himself to say anything to her. Instead he told the girls to hurry up and eat then get ready for bed. 
“Actually smells kinda good,” Ellie commented as she flung her sleeping bag out, laying it onto the ground. 
“Well, that would be Frank’s then,” Joel replied doing the same with his sleeping bag until a shuffling nearby caught his eye. “What are you doing?” Joel asked Piper. 
Her sleeping bag was still bound. Instead, she stood by the truck grabbing something from her bag. It was a gun. 
“Getting ready for watch,” Piper said. Her focus on checking her gun. 
Joel pushed himself off the ground and approached the girl. “No. We’re all sleeping.” 
Piper ignored Joel as she checked the bullets, counting them out. Joel did the only thing he thought would work. Placing his hand on the gun, her forced Piper to lower the weapon and look at him. 
“Trust me,” Joel said. “No one is gonna find us.” His voice was clear and full of comfort. It was the same voice he’d use whenever Sarah cried to him at night about the monsters in her closet. 
The teenager scoffed. “Bullshit…” Yet the longer she looked at Joel, the more she felt like letting go of that gun and letting the walls fall just this once. Her eyes fell to the ground. “jesus fuck…fine.”  
Removing his hand, Joel returned to his sleeping bag. He watched as Piper placed the gun next to her sleeping bag, which now laid out on the ground next to Ellie’s. Eventually the girl did lay down, pulling the covers over her shoulders. Satified Joel followed suit and the lamp light dimmed until it was dark. 
“Joel,” a small voice whispered. “Joel.”
Joel groaned. “What?”
“Can I ask you a serious question?” It was Ellie. 
“Ellie…” Piper warned with a tiredness in her voice. 
“I’m serious!” Ellie said. 
“Yeah,” Joel said giving her the go ahead. 
“Why did the scarecrow get an award?” 
Joel was silent for a moment before he answered. “Because he was outstanding in his field.”
A whispered wave of giggles escaped the two girls. Both of whom didn’t expect the answer. 
“You dick! Did you read this?” Ellie asked a bit louder. 
“No. Now go to sleep.” Joel commanded. 
“Hm,” Ellie mumbled before settling back down. “...Those people you said… there’s no way anyone knows we’re here, right? No one’s gonna find us.”
With those words, Joel was thrown back into his past and all he could hear was his daughter crying in the dark of her room. All sign of sleep and exhaustion evaded him now. “No one’s gonna find us.”
“Okay. Goodnight Pipes” Ellie whispered. 
“Night Els…,” Piper replied. “...night Joel.” 
There was no way Piper could ever sleep. Her sister’s words floated around her head and Piper had to be sure. Ellie had to be safe. It felt like eternity waiting to hear Joel’s breathing slow. Once the old man had fallen asleep, Piper peeled herself free from her sleeping bag. Each movement was carefully calculated to achieve the least amount of noise as possible. With her gun in hand and jacket zipped up to the top, Piper climbed on top of the truck, finding a seat on the roof of the car. 
She had to admit, the forest was beautiful at night. There was a low chirping noise rumbling throughout the trees. Crickets, Piper guessed and she prayed it wasn’t something more. After a moments, contemplation the teen concluded her original hypothesis was correct and she soon tunned her ear into the other sounds of the night. 
Piper was glad that they had the truck. It proved to be a useful vantage point. Even in the dark, Piper felt as if she could see more of the forest, than she would on the ground bringing the teen comfort. 
The girl and the woods fell into a rhythmic cycle as the minutes passed. There was the cricket’s song, the breeze tickling the trees, and her own breathing. Again, and again this cycle came. Crickets, breeze, breath. Crickets, breeze, breath Crickets, breeze, breath, shuffling. Piper froze. Her head whipped around, and her gun raised defensively. She was ready to shoot. 
“Kid?” A gruff voice spoke. It was Joel. Piper’s shoulders lowered at the sight of the man. “What are you doing?”
Piper didn’t answer for a moment. “On guard.” Not wanting any more conversation, she whirled back around, her sight on the forest once again. 
Joel stood up and his hands found their place on his hips. He looked at Piper as she sat defiantly on the truck. Her back turned to him. The sight almost made him chuckle as he saw himself reflected in her figure. Almost. Instead, a worry fell over him. She was a kid. A kid who deemed sleep just as pointless as him. Releasing his hands from his hips, Joel pinched the bridge of his nose. Piper needed to sleep, but she was stubborn. Just like him and if he guessed now, Piper wouldn’t go to sleep without a fight. 
He was too tired for this and too old to fight a headstrong teenage girl. Instead, Joel kept his mouth shut, picked up his rifle and turned his back to her, guarding the other half of the forest. 
The two held their ground in silence and the forest fell back into the rhythm again. As the pattern repeated, the more Piper felt unease. Sighing, she turned around to find Joel. 
“I’m sorry,” Piper said. She wasn’t even sure why she said it, but she knew she needed to. 
Joel turned his head around at her voice. He wasn’t sure why she apologized yet still he replied. “It’s fine.”
Silence fell over them again and Piper bit the inside of her cheek. It was awkward to say the least. She waited, but then realized Joel wasn’t going to say anymore, so she turned back around. 
“...the stars…are nice,” Joel noted.
Piper looked up for the first time that night. There they were. The stars were breathtaking. She hadn’t ever seen them that clear. “Yeah,” she agreed. Together, Joel and Piper withdrew their attention from the forest to the sky. “You know, Ellie is a fanatic for the stars, space, whatever else is up there.”
Joel glanced at Piper and there he saw it once more. The very expression in the car he saw on her face, now bloomed under the night sky. There was the kid she should be. 
“...that one, the one that looks like a demented spider. Apparently its called Hercules.” Piper pointed up into the sky.
“Huh,” Joel hummed. 
“Yeah, that’s about all I know. Ellie, I swear, knows them all.”
Joel tore his eyes away from the demented spider constellation. “Kid, you should get some sleep,” Joel suggested. 
“In your dreams, Joel.” 
It was official. Ellie hated sleeping outdoors. This was the second time she woke up with a knot in her back. Groaning she pushed herself off the cold ground of the forest. Looking around, she saw the rolled up sleeping bags nearby. 
“Look who’s finally awake,” Piper commented as she walked by Ellie carrying her supplies to the truck of the car. 
Ellie waved her middle finger in the air for Piper to see earning a laugh from her sister. Soon the young girl’s stomach began to rumble. Fueled by her hunger, Ellie crawled over to the pots and dishes piled together hoping to find something to munch on. 
Lifting a lid, she found a boiling liquid. Taking a brief sniff, she pulled back and slammed the lid back on. “Ugh! The fuck is that?”
“You don’t like coffee?” Joel asked.
Whipping her head around to face him, Ellie replied. “If it smells like that, no.” Piper walked up beside her sister and crouched down, lifting up the lid to the coffee pot. Ellie saw the darkened circles underneath her sister’s eyes. “How’d you sleep?” Ellie asked Piper. 
“Like shit,” Piper replied. She eyed the coffee. “Can I have some?” Joel nodded and Piper grabbed a cup and poured the black liquid into it. She raised the cup to her lips and drank. 
Ellie gagged. “You are no longer my sister.”
Piper chuckled. “You’ll get it one day.” Ruffling Ellie’s hair, Piper stood back up to help Joel finish packing the truck. 
“Is that seriously what those Starbucks in the QZ used to sell?” Ellie questioned. 
“Well, theirs was a lot fresher than what Bill saved up, but, yeah, this is what they sold,” Joel explained.
Ellie shook her head. “Smells like burnt shit.”
Piper laughed once more. “Alright, hurry up and eat. We’ve gotta leave soon.” Leaving Ellie, to scavenge once more for food amongst the pile of  dishes, Piper sipped her coffee. She hoped that maybe the caffeinated liquid would keep her sinking eyes awake and the exhaustion in her bones far away.  
“Eyes on the map,” Joel instructed. His voice clear and firm.  
Piper shot up in her seat. Her eyes wide open. She observed she was in the car. The vehicle hummed as it traveled along the road and Piper couldn’t recall how she even got into the car in the first place.
“Alright,” Joel said as the car pulled off to the side of the road, coming to a stop. When the shift stick was in park, Joel turned to the back seat. “Ellie, switch with Piper.”
Shaking her head, Piper replied. “No, I’m fine, just–”
“In the back,” Joel said and Piper knew she couldn’t fight him on this. 
Unbuckling her seat belt, Piper reluctantly opened the passenger side door and crawled into the back. On the other hand, Ellie was esctatic to sit up in the front next to Joel. Jumping in her seat and getting a feel for the cushioned leather, Ellie beamed. 
“Wow, it’s so much nicer up here. I’m never sitting in the back again!” 
Just as Ellie was about to fiddle with the stereo, Joel shoved the map into her hands. 
“Here.” Joel pointed to the map. “We’re here and need to go here. Remember.”
Ellie’s eyes narrowed, following Joel’s thick finger as it danced across the map. “76 west and then… 70 west for, like, ever.”
“Yep. Now eyes on the map.”
Rolling her eyes, Ellie glanced back down at the map. Her small fingers ran along the path that Joel had shown her moments before. Each time she got to the end, the image in her mind only grew more potent until Ellie was confident she could recite the map from memory. However, there was only so much of “eye on the map” she could take and soon Ellie diverged her attention elsewhere. 
First, she experimented with the rearview mirror. It wasn’t something Joel particularly needed, so Ellie had free rein, so long as she didn’t annoy the old man. The small rectangular mirror, let her see the dusty road behind her. She ogled as the cloud of dust rippled out behind the truck clouding the green scenery behind her. Soon Ellie discovered that the mirror could move, tilting up and down and side to side. She tilted the mirror to look at Joel for a brief moment before she caught his glare. Quickly, she turned the mirror to herself. She extended her legs, leaned in close, and chuckled. Her face looked more stretched out than it normally did, and her eyes looked funky. 
Ellie could have looked at herself for god knows how long if it weren’t for the pothole the truck conveniently rolled over. Thumping down in her seat with a huff, Ellie found a new target in the rearview mirror. Piper was fast asleep. Her body limp as her head rested on the stacked up sleeping bags in the back seat. Ellie thought Piper looked weird sleeping. It seemed against her older sister’s nature to relax and be at peace. Afterall, Piper was always on guard with a battle happening deep in the pit of her eyes. Yet, the sight of her sister asleep in the back seat created a warm feeling in Ellie’s chest. Even if the sight of Piper in a dormant state was bizarre, Ellie knew it’s what her sister need. It’s what Piper deserved. 
“Where in Wyoming did you say your brother was?” Ellie found herself asking now that the mirror was back in place after Joel corrected the tilt. 
“Last contact came through a radio tower close to Cody,” Joel replied. 
Nodding Ellie peered down at the map scanning the tiny words and roads for Cody. “Cody, Cody. Ah, man. That is deep up in there.” 
“Yeah,” Joel said. 
“...And if he’s not there?”
“Then odds are he’ll be near a settlement, probably close to another city out there. Ain’t too many of ’em in Wyoming,” Joel explained. 
Soon, Ellie found herself finding the other cities in Wyoming. “Chee-Yen,” she read aloud. 
“Cheyenne,” Joel corrected. 
Ellie’s eyes widened at Joel’s correction. It couldn’t be right. “Che… really?”  Joel nodded. Ellie continued to look for cities. “Cheyenne… Laramie… Casper? What’s his name?”
“Whose name?” Joel wondered. 
“Your brother,” Ellie clarified. 
Joel breathed in deeply before answering the curious girl. “Tommy.”
“Younger or older?” Ellie curiously asked. 
Peering back at Piper, Ellie asked yet another question. “Why isn’t he with you?” Afterall, her and her sister were always side by side. Never apart and always together. 
“A long story,’ Joel said hoping that it would satisfy Ellie. It did not. 
Ellie scanned the map once more. “Is it longer than 25 hours? ‘Cause I think that’s what we got.”  She peered up at Joel with the most convincing eyes she could conjure.
Joel could feel her expectant gaze on him. Biting his tongue, he continued to drive in silence until Ellie’s stare grew too much.  Finally, Joel “Tommy’s what we used to call a ‘joiner.’ Dreams of becomin’ a hero. So he enlisted in the Army right outta high school. A few months later, they ship him off to Desert Storm. It’s what they called that war. It doesn’t matter. Point is, bein’ in the Army didn’t make him feel much like a hero. Cut to 12 years later, outbreak happens. He convinces me to join a group makin’ their way up to Boston, which I did… mostly to keep an eye on him, keep him alive. It’s where we met Tess. And that whole crew, we, uh… Well, for what it was, it worked. And then Tommy meets Marlene. She talks him into joinin’ the Fireflies. Same mistake he made when he was 18. Wants to save the world. Pipe dream. Him, Fireflies, all of ’em… delusional. ‘Course, last I heard, he quit the Fireflies, too. So now he’s on his own out there, and… I gotta go get him.”
“If you don’t think there’s hope for the world, why bother going on?” Ellie asked. Joel glanced at her with his brows raised. “I mean, you gotta try, right?”
He shook his head. “You haven’t seen the world, so you don’t know. You keep goin’ for family. That’s about it.”
“I’m not family,” Ellie blurted.
“No…,” Joel paused to look at the young girl next to him. “You’re cargo. And I made a promise to Tess. And she was like family.” There was a flash of change in Ellie’s expression. “But you have Piper. Piper’s your family.”
“Yeah she is,” Ellie said with a dejected tone. “You know she reminds me of you.”
“How so?” Joel wondered as his eyes glanced into the mirror to catch sight of the sleeping teen. 
“You’re going for Tommy. Piper goes for me.” Ellie said. “What if you don’t find him?”
“I will.”
“How do you know?” There was a challenge in the young girls voice.
“I’m persistent,” Joel answered. 
Ellie smiled. “Yep, exactly like Piper.”
There was an uneasy feeling growing in the pit of Joel’s stomach at Ellie’s conclusion. It was to similar to the thought he buried deep in the back of his head. Piper was like Joel. It was something he didn’t want. Piper shouldn’t be like him. Joel was damaged, old, broken, and cruel with walls built as high as some of the skyscrapers that existed before the Outbreak. Piper was a teenage girl. She was still a kid. She shouldn’t be like him at all. 
“Ya got up pretty early,” Joel mentioned. “If you wanna grab more sleep like Piper…”
Ellie waved Joel off. “Pfft. I’m not even tired.”
“Sure,” Joel said trying to fight of a smirk. 
A quiet snore escaped the young girls mouth as she dozed off in the passenger seat. The smirk on Joel’s face finally won when Ellie had closed her heavy eyes. It was now peaceful in the car with the two girls sleeping. Their inhales and exhales were in tandem. Both of their faces were calm as the mid-day dreams over came them. 
Joel’s momentary peace and quiet was never meant to last. Soon, there was a stirring in the back seat and a head of dark brown hair sat up. Piper’s hair had frizzed up in her slumber and the young teen tried to soothe the mess with her hands before giving up. 
“How long I was out?” Piper asked as the sleep slowly left her voice. Her eyes scanned the scenes passing by the car windows. 
Turning his head back to face her, Joel replied, “A few hours.”
Piper nodded before carefully peering over the front seat to find her sister fast asleep. “How long has she been out?” 
“Not very long,” Joel said. 
“Hmm…,” Piper couldn’t help but softly smile at Ellie as she brushed some stray hairs from her sister’s face. “Where are we now?” Piper grabbed the map from Ellie’s hands. 
“Not far from Kanas City,” Joel explained. 
She scanned the map and her surroundings for any signs to signify where they were. It didn’t take long for the teen to estimate their spot along the highway. Joel was right. They weren’t far from Kanas City. “We should go around,” Piper whispered. 
Joel’s brows raised as his ears caught Piper’s words. “What do you mean?”
Piper solemnly glanced out the window. Her eyes darted back and forth as the sight flew by them. “Heard the QZ is horrible. Definitely not a place we want to be.” Once she had finished speaking, Piper had grown eerily quiet.  
Joel wanted to say something. To ask if she was okay, but his vocal chords refused to make a sound. Soon the shuffling of the girl in the passenger seat drew everyone’s attention.
Piper smiled. “Hey there sleepy head.”
Ellie’s eyes closed and opened as they adjust to the harsh light of the day. “Fuck you,” she groaned. Her response made Piper laugh, but her laugh was cut short by the slowing of the truck. 
The teen hadn’t been aware of how close they actually were to Kanas City. The road between all the cars and trucks was significantly more narrow than before. In front of them was an obvious barricade. They weren’t able to drive through this. Piper’s jaw clenched as she watched Joel unbuckle his seat. She wanted to tell him to drive back and go around the city. She was sure she saw a route they could take, but it was Joel’s voice that spoke instead. 
“Stay put,” Joel told the girls. 
Piper and Ellie watched the man look around the cars and underneath the larger trucks before he trekked back with a scowl on his face. 
Fuck, the girls thought. 
“Where are we?” Ellie asked as soon as Joel got back into the car. 
“Kansas City,” Joel grumbled. He motioned for the map and Piper placed it in his hands. 
“How far back do we have to go to get around this?” Ellie peered over Joel’s shoulder as worry spread across her face. 
Joel sighed looking at the map. They’d have to turn around and drive a few hours just to get around the barricade. To Joel, it wasn’t worth it. Tommy was waiting. Time was precious. “Screw it.” Without another word, Joel pulled away from the barricade and drove the car onto the exit ramp. The road led straight to Kanas City. 
Panic filled Piper’s being. “What are you doing?!” She yelled at Joel, “No, no, Joel. Away from the city. I’ve heard some things back in Boston QZ, we don’t–”
He knew the fear in Piper’s expression well, but a teenager’s fears weren’t going to add more time onto their trip than needed. “We can jog right around this tunnel… take the next ramp… and we’re back on the road. Minute tops,” he hurriedly explained to calm the girl. 
Piper glared at Joel as she bit her lip. Tears began to well up in her eyes from the pain. The disturbing turning in her gut only got worse as they drove deeper and deeper into the city and the only comfort she could find was gripping the handle of her gun. 
“Where the fuck is the highway?!” Joel fumed. His eye frantically over the map and then the road in front of him. 
Ellie did her best to help. “I can’t tell from this. I’m all turned around!” 
“Don’t look at the state map, Ellie. Look at the inset.” Piper was on the verge of snapping. “That there!”
The younger girl’s voice began to break. “Well, I don’t know where we are in that either! This is my second day in a fucking car. I mean, I think we’re heading north?”
“It’s gotta be the right,” Joel muttered, before swerving the car to the right. 
The car jolted everyone as Joel tried find a way out of the labyrinth like city. 
“Stop!” Ellie hollered. 
The car came to a halt. Tires screeched and Piper barely had time to brace herself on Ellie’s seat. “What the fuck?” She asked her sister. Ellie just stared at pointed out the window. 
“Is that the QZ?” Ellie asked. Everyone was now looking at the burned down gate. Smoke was still in the air. “Where the fuck is FEDRA?”
Piper wanted to spew. “Joel–” 
“Hey! Please help!” The voice came from outside the car. It was a man. His right leg hung limp behind him and his arms waved in the air. 
Her eyes widened and, using her free hand, she grabbed Joel’s shoulder with a painful grip. “Joel, we need to get the fuck out of here!”
Joel’s eyes darkened. “Put your seatbelt on,” he said with a low voice. 
Ellie searched his eyes. “Aren’t we gonna help him?”
“No,” Piper and Joel said simultaneously. 
There was a click. Then a stomp. Soon the car jumped forward as Joel pressed his foot down on the gas. The truck was headed straight for the man. 
“Joel! Reverse!” Piper screamed.
“Fuck!” the man yelled as he jumped out of the way. “Go, go, go!”
In an instance, there was a deafening thud. The car slid. Joel turned the wheel to a nearby building’s glass doors. Gun shots fired. Their heads ducked down as they braced for impact. With a crash, the car came to a halt. 
“Fuck,” Joel groaned. He turned to Ellie. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” Ellie wheezed. 
Quickly, he turned to Piper. “You’re not hurt? Nothin’?”
Piper shook her head. “I don’t think so.”
Their momentary relief was destroyed by bullets firing. They had hit the truck’s windows. 
“Belts off. Fast!” Joel shouted. 
The girls did not waste time unbuckling the seat belts and opening the doors of the truck. 
“Let’s see you, motherfucker! Give us your shit, you make it through this! I promise!” One of the raiders yelled. 
Once all of them had left the truck and found brief cover, Joel looked around the room. “Hey, you see that hole?” He pointed to a small hole in the drywall. “Can you two squeeze through?”
Ellie and Piper followed Joel’s hand. With one scan of the hole, they knew they could fit. 
“Last chance!” the raider snarled. 
“When I say go, you crawl to that wall, and you squeeze through, and you don’t come out until I say, okay?” Joel instructed the teens. 
Ellie nodded her head. The shock evident in her eyes. 
Piper shook hers. “No, let me help.” She raised her gun up for Joel to see. 
Joel growled and his jaw clenched. “This is not a negotiation. You’re going.”
A gun shot echoed around the room. They seemed to be getting louder and louder with each fire. Ellie felt her legs go limp and a cold sweat over come her body. 
“they’re not gonna hit you. Look at me!” Joel told Ellie, “They’re not gonna hit you.”
“You stay down, you stay low, you stay quiet,” Joel explained and Ellie absently nodded her head. 
“I’ve got you Els,” Piper whispered to her sister. 
“Mm-hmm,” Ellie hummed back with tears in her eyes. 
“Okay,” Piper said before turning to Joel and nodding. 
“Okay,” Joel commanded. “Go!”
Immediately, Piper shot off the ground and grabbed Ellie’s jacket collar dragging her along. They stayed low to the ground until they reached the hole. “Come on, go!” Piper yelled before shoving Ellie through the hole.
Piper cried out in pain as she examined her shoulder. She was shot. The bullet had grazed her arm. “Fuck!” She cried before crawling through the hole. 
Another shot was fired. 
“Fuck! You motherfucker!” One of the raiders screamed. 
There was another shot and Piper could hear the sounds of guns falter. Joel was doing it. He was taking them out one by one. 
Glass had been broken and there was heavy breathing. It was breathing that did not belong to the old man. A shadow covered the hole. Ellie’s eyes widened and Piper pulled her back against the wall. 
There was a grunt. “Now you’re gonna fuckin’ pay! What you fuckin’ did, you fuckin’ killed yourself, motherfucker!” A raider yelled. The girls could hear the voice so clearly. 
Something had run into the wall. Piper flinched and Ellie was no longer by her side. Turning her head, she saw her sister at the hole. Her gun in hand. 
“Ellie, no,” Piper pleaded as Joel struggle with the raider. 
Ignoring her sister, Ellie crawled through the wall. 
“Fuck,” Piper groaned before following her sister out the hole. 
The sight in front of her was pure chaos. Joel had his head tilted back with a long rifle underneath his chin. Behind him stood a raider. Piper didn’t care to note the specifics about him except for the fact he was choking Joel. It wouldn’t have been long before Joel would lay unconscious on the floor of the abandoned laundromat. 
A clear shot rang through the air. The raider fell to his knees. The rifle choking Joel was gone. Ellie had shot the man. Her shoulders were stiff and her eyes were cold. Her skin was paler than white as the gun followed the man as he dragged himself across the floor. 
The demeanor in the raider had flipped. Tears screamed down his eyes as the violence in his voice fled. It was replaced by terror as he pleaded with Ellie. 
“No, no, no, no, no! It’s okay. It’s okay. It’s over. We’re not fighting anymore. I’m gonna go home. I’ll tell everyone you’re good,” his voice broke as a cry escaped his lips. “I don’t know what to do. My legs don’t work. My mom isn’t far, if you could get me to her. We could trade with you guys. We could be friends. I didn’t know.” Ellie stood unwavering. “I’m Bryan. I’m Bryan. What’s your name?” Bryan whimpered. 
Joel stepped forward. “Wait, wait, wait!” Bryan pleaded, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a knife. “You can have it… It’s a good knife.” He tossed the knife to Ellie. It fell to the ground beside her feet. 
“Get back behind the wall,” Joel muttered to Ellie. He was still out of breath. His hand came to her shoulder, breaking her from her trance. Lowering the gun, Ellie turned her back to Bryan and crawled back through the wall. “Kid,” Joel said to Piper. 
“I’m not a kid,” Piper whispered. With Ellie’s gun was quickly replaced by Piper’s. Joel’s eyes widened. 
Bryan’s cried got louder. It annoyed Piper. Someone who moments before seemed to strong, now was at her feet begging for mercy. Something she didn’t have. Not anymore. “No, no, no, no! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Please, please. We could just talk. I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Please, please. No, no, no! Please! No, please! Please! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Please! You don’t have to! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Please! No, no, no! We can just talk! Mom! Mom! Mom!” 
Piper’s heart clenched at Bryan’s call for his mother. It was a brief moment, before her finger squeezed. A shot thundered around the room. Then there was silence and a small hole in the forehead of what used to be Bryan. Piper wanted to revel in it, but instead she felt sick. Swallowing down the rising bile, she lowered her gun. In the silence, adjusted the straps of her backpack and moved to the hole in the wall. 
“Let’s go,” she mumbled. 
“I can’t fit through,” Joel said. 
Piper sighed and grabbed her shoulder massaging the pain. “There’s a door to the next room just around the corner.”
Joel nodded as he shuffled around to the door before turning the knob. The door didn’t open. It wasn’t locked, but it just didn’t open. 
“There’s some stuff against the door,” Ellie voiced. 
“Well, can you move it?” Joel asked. 
It didn’t take long for Joel to hear scrapping and shuffling behind the door. Soon the blockage was free and the door swung open. Joel stepped inside and closed the door behind him and darkness flooded the room. 
“You okay?” Joel asked to either girl.
Piper didn’t answer. Ellie did. “I’m okay… I’m good. I, uh, got some food in here still, and I got your light still.” Ellie handed Joel the light. “What now?”
“We go up,” Joel answered. 
Ellie looked up at Joel. “To get a better look?”
Joel nodded. “Hopefully, we spot a clear route out.” Leaning back, Joel peered out the door, briefly shutting it. His eyes flitted between the girls. 
“Ready?” He asked. 
Ellie nodded. The two of them turned to Piper. The elder teen gripped her gun close and raised her head up an down. 
Light spilled into the room. The bright light momentarily blinded the three of them as they rushed outside. Their bodies crouched down low as they ran. One fact rang clear in their minds. They had to get far away from here. Some place safe, although it seemed as if they’d never be safe again.
“You fingers go here and then…Piper are you listening to me?” Levi asked with a knowing smile on his face. 
“Huh? Oh yeah. Totally,” Piper chirped back. 
“Right. How was I telling you to hold the gun?” Levi knew Piper’s reaction before the guilt on her face could manifest. 
“Like…this?” Piper fiddled with the gun in her hand and Levi shook his head. 
“No. Here,” Levi said as he reached over to fix Piper’s grip on the gun. Fingers go here and use both hands.”
“But that’s not how–,” Piper muttered. 
“I know that’s how you were taught by FEDRA. It’s wrong. Now listen to me sweetheart,” Levi continued on with his demonstration. “...Soon enough you’ll be able to shoot.” 
After some adjustments, Piper finally mastered her grip on the gun. Levi beamed. “See, now. I want you to try your hand at shooting. Don’t be afraid to miss.” 
Piper huffed and moved her feet to a better stance, the very one she saw Levi take when he used his gun. Her small eyes narrowed to the targets on the other end of the room. They were old beer bottles, but viable targets nonetheless. Taking a slow breath in, Piper pulled her finger back, trigger the gun to fire. She missed. 
“Fuck,” Piper hissed. 
Levi chuckled. “Hey, what did I say? You can miss. You’re safe here. You miss here so that when your shot counts, you don’t miss. Got it?”
The young girl nodded before turning to look back at the targets. Piper puffed her cheeks with disappointment. She wanted to hit the target. She wanted to never miss again. She wouldn’t make a shot that night. She wouldn’t make a shot until it counted. Yet, time and time again, she heard Levi’s voice saying, “Try again,” and she’d get back up to fire once more. 
Refuge was found in a broken down bar. The windows were sealed with old newspapers. To pass the time, Ellie tried to read the clippings. Some were stories about dead people. Boring. Then there were some stories about what the local school board was doing. Also boring. As she jumped from story to story, Ellie concluded that the news was boring. Instead she took to peeking out the window in the cracks where the news didn’t cover. 
“They’re not FEDRA, and they’re not Fireflies, so who are they?” Ellie asked. She peered up at Joel who was also looking out the window. 
“People,” Joel grumbled. 
Ellie nodded and drew her knees in close. Her tiny body crumpled together on the wooden floor. “Are we okay in here?” Ellie’s voice was small. 
Joel’s ear’s perked at the sound of uncertainty in Ellie’s voice. He withdrew from the window and sat down on an abandoned chair. “For a little bit, maybe. Looks like they’re checkin’ out apartment buildings first. But they’ll be coming through these places soon enough.”
There was a sigh from the corner of the room. Piper’s head fell back against the wall. “There’s a really tall building, like, four blocks away,” she noted. Her long dark hair fell to the side as her eyes cast down. She had lost her hair tie a while back during the chaos of running from building to building. 
"Yeah. Saw it,” Joel said. 
Ellie sat up and peeked out the window once more. Her brown eyes darted around until they landed on the building, she believed Joel and Piper were discussing. “So that’s the one?” She pointed to the building. 
“As soon as we don’t hear a truck, we move,” Joel instructed. “Fast as we can.” There was a loud hum as an armoured truck drove by and Ellie ducked down. The group froze as they listened. Their shoulders were tensed and backs stiff. 
The rumbling of the trucks dispersed and a laboured groan escaped Piper’s mouth. 
“Are you okay?” Joel asked. He was now standing up and moving towards the young teen. 
Piper made a noise that was a mix of a scoff and a snicker. “I’m not the one you should be asking.”
Joel groaned at Piper’s stubbornness. “You were shot, weren’t you?”
“No.” Piper shook her head. 
“I saw you got s–,” Joel rebutted. 
“The bullet grazed me!” Piper heaved. “It’s not the end of the fucking world. I’m fine.” She squeezed her arm in hopes to divert the pain. “Ellie, how are you doing?” Piper tensely asked. 
“I’m alright,” Ellie replied. “Joel?”
Roughly running his hands through his peppered hair, Joel answered Ellie. “Yeah.” Taking a few more steps closer to Piper, Joel crouched down. His body only a few feet away from the girl. “Thing is, is I didn’t hear that guy comin’, and… you shouldn’t have had to… both of you shouldn’t have had to…you know?”
“Well, you’re glad we did,” Piper concluded. 
Joel shook his head. He was glad to be alive, but not at the expense of child. “You’re just a kid,” Joel pinched his nose. “You shouldn’t know what it means to… But… shootin’ or… I know what it’s like… first time that you, uh, hurt… someone like that. If you, uh… w… uh…I’m not good at this,” Joel confessed. 
“Yeah, you really aren’t,” Ellie commented. 
“I mean, it was my fault,” Joel apologized. You shouldn’t have had to. And I’m sorry.”
Those two words echoed in Piper’s head. They were such simple and unthreatening words, yet their delivery broke down her walls. I’m sorry. Piper gulped and dug her nails into the palms of her hands. I’m sorry. A new ache formed in her body at the sound of the words and the pain from her shoulder only dulled in comparison to the pain of her heart. I’m sorry. Instantly, her vision grew blurry, and against her will, a few tears escaped and trailed down her dirtied cheeks. 
“It wasn’t my first time,” Piper sniffled . She looked up forcing the tears away. 
“Right. Show me your grip,” Joel looked at Piper and never for a moment did he dwell on her tears. Piper was grateful for that as she pulled out her gun and showed Joel her grip. He took a step closer to check. “Good.” Then Joel turned to Ellie asking her to do the same. “Finger off the trigger. Now, who taught you that?” Joel asked Ellie. 
“FEDRA school,” Ellie mumbled. 
“Figures. Your thumb…over your thumb. Left hand… squeezes down on the right. You got it?”  Ellie nodded. Suddenly, Joel’s hand reached out and tried to yank away Ellie’s gun. Her grip stayed unwavering. “There ya go. Look,” Joel noted. 
Piper smiled as Ellie’s grin grew from Joel’s praise. 
“How come you didn’t check Piper’s grip?” Ellie asked Joel. 
Piper chirped up before Joel could reply. “FEDRA didn’t teach me to shoot,” She said and all elements of a smile has vanished. 
Joel looked back at Piper before standing up. The joints in his knees and hips were displeased at this sudden movement. His movement created a wave of action from the other girls. Piper stood up and Ellie placed her gun in her hand. 
Tapping Ellie on the shoulder, Joel shook his head. “Uh-uh. You’ll shoot your damn ass off.”
Piper snickered. “Be fucking hilarious.” 
Ellie whipped her head around to face her sister. “You fucker.” 
“Hurry it up, girls,” Joel grumbled as he retrieved his things. The girls quit their bickering to do just as Joel had. 
Soon enough, the three of them were standing at the door. They shared a cautious breath as they awaited Joel’s cue. 
“We’ll get through this,” Joel found himself saying. His eyes flashed with worry as he glanced at the weary expressions on the girl’s faces. 
Ellie shrugged her backpack and looked up at Joel. “We know.” 
For a moment, they waited. All their ears tunned into the sounds of the world outside the degenerating bar. With bated breathes they stood. Ellie gripped the straps of her bag tightly finding comfort in the constriction. Piper stood low behind Joel. The pain in her arm was now blaring at her. She clenched her eyes shut, waiting for the pain to subside. All Piper had to do was wait it out. Soon they’d be safe. Soon they’d be out of this god forsaken city. 
“Go,” Joel commanded. The door shut behind them and a bar was left empty once more. 
Joel was old. It was a fact that he knew quite well. It seemed to be Joel’s downfall that he was old in a world that favored the young. Especially when it came to survival. Except now, Joel had youth on his side, except this youth seemed…well, partially incompetent. 
“You’re just gonna put your foot here,” Joel explained. “One, two…” With all his strength he raised Ellie into the air. The young girl’s arms flailed around trying to find stability. 
“Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit,” Ellie cursed. 
Piper couldn’t contained her laughter as she watched Joel and Ellie struggle. 
Joel huffed and rolled his eyes at Piper’s reaction. “You could always help.”
“Nah, you’ve got it,” Piper replied. 
Ellie cried out as Joel’s muscles struggled to keep her up. “Straighten up. I got you,” Joel said. 
It took a moment, but then Ellie followed Joel’s advice. Her hands reached the opening and her fingers scrounged around for a grip. It didn’t take long for the weight on Joel’s shoulders and arms to lessen. 
“Okay, I’m in.” Ellie’s voice echoed around the opening. 
“Take a look around first. Ellie.” Joel instructed. There was silence from the other side. “God damn it,” Joel muttered. 
“Hey, that's my sister,” Piper reprimanded the old man. 
As if on cue, a nearby steel door swung open and Ellie’s head appeared. “Where would you be without me, huh?” Ellie smiled. 
“By now, Wyoming,” Joel responded as he walked passed Ellie into the building. 
Ellie’s shoulder’s dropped. “Oh, yeah. Walked into that one.”
Once they were all in the stairwell, Joel at the two girls. “All right. We’ll make our way up, and come morning, I’ll take a look at the city, and find our way out.”
A large white sign flared in the dark of the stairwell, illuminated by the flashlights of the group. Ellie groaned upon reading the mixture of numbers and words on the metallic surface. “We’re goin’ up 42 flights?”
“Forty-five,” Joel corrected and then shook his head. “But no… not all the way.”
Piper slumped against the concrete wall with a bang. The contents of her backpack were squished between her and the unmoving force of the wall. “Jesus. How far?”
The man’s brow furrowed with thought as he calculated an answer for the girls. “As far as I can make it.” 
And so their ascent up the stairs began. Their footsteps clambered along the thick walls echoing to and fro. The stair case had a supreme level of acoustics. It was a fact acknowledged by all three of them, especially Ellie. By floor ten, the young girl’s thigh muscles contracted and with each step the burning sensation only grew stronger. In her mind she prayed Joel could only take so many more. Afterall, he was old. However, Ellie realized she had misjudged Joel’s determination and strength by floor seventeen. Her body was heating up and sweat oozed out of her skin. She was suffering, and it seemed like no one else was. Piper stood stoically as she climbed each step. The only hint of their physical stress was a slight shade of pink that tinted her cheeks. On the other hand, Joel’s brow shimmered under the light of his flashlight. He was sweating. He was feeling the effects of their activities. He was suffering, but not enough. 
“What did the policeman say to his belly button?” Ellie asked with a devious smile as she watched Joel’s shoulder’s slump with defeat. 
Piper snorted before rolling her eyes at Ellie. “I don’t know…um…hi?”
“Nope,” Ellie bit her lip trying to contain her laughter. “You’re under a vest!” 
“Jesus,” Joel mumbled and Piper wasn’t sure if it was a prayer or a curse. 
The stairs now echoed a new sound, Ellie’s giggles. “Okay, okay. Next one.” She cleared her throat. “What’s the difference between a well-dressed person on a unicycle and a poorly dressed person on a bike?” Dark brown eyes darted to Piper and Joel for any hint of an answer. “No one? Okay,” and throwing on her best posh accent, Ellie drove the punch line home. “Attire.”
Again, the young girl was thrown into a fit of giggles as Joel grumbled to himself occasionally sending her a warning glare when he broke free from his elderly annoyance of the youth present. 
With each joke Ellie delivered, the laboured and steadfast demeanor Piper held up slowly chipped away. She wasn’t sure if it was the fact her body no longer had the will to fight against the abominable two-liner jokes, or if it was the sight of Ellie at such ease and joy from tormenting her and Joel. Although, Piper had to admit seeing Joel at such loose level of discomfort was quite funny. It was moments like these she had to remember when Joel would eventually discard her and Ellie just like everyone else. 
“Ooo! This one. Okay,” Ellie cleared her throat. “What did the fisherman say to the magician?” She paused waiting for the internal drum roll to conclude. “Pick a cod, any cod.” 
Piper sinched her lips together to contain the outburst waiting to pop. She was so focused on not laughing that she almost ran into Joel. The man had stilled and with his hands on his hips he glowered down at the girls with an unknown look in his gaze. 
“No more jokes,” Joel said. 
“Okay, just trying to lighten the mood,” Ellie mumbled as she shoved her joke book into her back pocket. 
Upon seeing the book placed away, Joel collected his breath and the marched up the stairs continued. 
They had passed four more floors when Ellie spoke again. “Hey, you know that guy who said he was hurt?” She waited for Joel’s acknowledgement. “How did you know it was an ambush?”
Joel’s chest rose pushing his shoulder close to his ears. “I’ve been on both sides.” He glanced back at caught Piper’s knowing stare. “It was a long time ago. We did what we needed to survive.”
“You and Tess?” Ellie asked. It was strange to think of Joel and Tess like the man who attacked them. They were protectors and that’s all Ellie had known them to be. She didn’t think she could imagine Tess hurting anyone. Joel on the other hand, she could see it…sort of. 
“And the people we were with,” Joel explained. “My brother, too.”
Ellie took in a shaking breath, which she blamed on the physical exertion. “Did you kill innocent people?” Her voice faltered. 
Joel was silent. 
“Ellie,” Piper interjected. “Save your breath for the stairs.”
Joel’s jaw unclenched at Piper’s words. He was grateful for her interruption. He knew the answer and it was not an answer he wanted to tell Ellie. In a world full of death and decay around everyone corner, sometimes all you could do was kill. So, yes. Yes, Joel had killed innocents. Back then he wasn’t ashamed. He did it to survive. He had to. Now…now Joel just wanted to lie. 
The stairwell door slammed open and Ellie toppled inside. Her knees hit the carpeted floor as breath hit her lungs like a tidal wave. “Holy shit,” she tiredly said. 
Piper plopped down next to her throwing her head between her knees. “Yeah,” she agreed. 
“Thirty-three floors ,” Ellie barely voiced. “That’s good.”
“It’s gonna have to be,” Joel panted. He placed his coarse hand on the wall for stability. Everything burned: his lungs, his calves, his thighs, hell, even muscles he didn’t know existed burned in a frenzy. 
Pushing herself off the floor, Piper crawled to a standing position. “Come on,” she huffed. 
Ellie shuffled around before reaching her hand out to Piper. Together the two of them got Ellie to a stand. 
Joel looked at the two girls with a puzzled expression. The power of the recovery in the youth astounded him. “Gimme a minute,” Joel begged. 
Ellie chuckled. “Get up, you lazy ass.”
“Lazy ass,” Joel grunted as he stood up. “Fifty-six years old, you little shit.”
Piper and Ellie laughed at his response as they watched Joel waddle down the maze of hallways on the floor before entering a large office. The office was in a pristine condition considering the start of the apocalypse two decades prior. The carpet was free of dirt and Piper could still see the design within the fabric. Ellie was in awe at the fluffiness of the couch cushions in the seating area. They were a little stiff but practically new. She smiled to herself as she laid a few of the cushions out on the floor for the three of them. 
“Better than any bed I’ve ever slept–Joel?” Ellie turned her attention to Joel who had just shattered the glass door. “Joel.” He didn’t respond. Ellie looked at Piper with a worried shine in her eyes. “Joel!” Ellie yelled. 
The man in question turned around with a quizzical look. “What?”
“What are you doing?” She pointed to the glass now on the floor. Not the best sleeping conditions, if she was saying anything. 
Joel furrowed his brow as if his actions are obvious. Piper sighed and dropped her bag onto the floor before laying down next to Ellie. “He doesn’t want someone sneakin’ up on us while we’re sleeping.”
“Ohh, I get it. Crunch, crunch, crunch,” Ellie animately said. Her hands marched around in the air like feet ‘smashing’ the shattered glass. “Are you sure you’re gonna hear it?” The young girl asked Joel. 
“Of course, I’ll hear it,” Joel said. “That’s the damn point.” He glanced down at the ground. The glass was evenly spread out. It’d be difficult to not step on the makeshift alarm. Satisfied, he shuffled over to the girls and sat down on the open cushion next to Piper. 
“If he doesn’t,” Piper added, “I will.”
“Okay. Well, good night,” Ellie said. She snuggled into the couch cushions and drew her jacket tightly around her body. 
“Yeah, good night,” Joel whispered back as he laid down settling in for the night. 
“Night,” Piper mumbled. 
A darkened shade of blue encased the room. Everything was a different shade and Piper could make out each of the objects in the room. The desk was a darker blue than the chair behind it. The ceiling was a light blue, and the young girl was sure she could hear the buzzing of the fluorescent lights, even though they were turned off. Shifting around on the cushion, Piper let out a disappointed sigh. Sleep evaded her. 
“Hey,” Joel spoke. 
“Yeah?” Piper hesitantly responded. Behind her, a small snore escaped Ellie’s mouth. Piper could hear Joel let out a heavy breath. 
“When we were talkin’ about hurtin’ people…,” Joel paused. “What did you mean it wasn’t your first time?”
Piper rolled around onto her side. Her eyes glued to Joel’s back. “…I don’t wanna talk about it.”
“All right,” Joel quietly said.  “…You don’t have to. I’m just sayin’… it isn’t fair, your age… havin’ to deal with all of this…”
Piper’s nose scrunched up and a line between her brows formed. “There’s a lot I’ve had to deal with…” Tears built up in the corner of her eyes. Piper wasn’t going to cry. She didn’t want to cry, but why was it so easy to cry at night? “The first time I…I was twelve…does it gets easier when you get older?” Piper sniffled. 
“No, not really.” Joel rolled over and found lips pulling into a tight line. Piper was crying. The dark hid her tears well, but Joel was a father. He knew when a child was crying. “But still.”
Piper gulped and took in a shaky breath. She wasn’t crying. She refused to cry, but it was a lie. She knew and she knew Joel knew. Yet, there was an ease that filled her being as she cried on the floor of that office with Joel laying across from her. Even as war and torment surged outside, as people searched for them, Piper felt safe. She was safe under the shadow of Joel’s figure. Piper was safe, so she could cry. 
“The reason Ellie asked whether you’d hear the glass or not is ’cause both of us have noticed you don’t hear too well from your right side… Is it ’cause you were shot there?” Piper pondered once her tears had subsided. 
“Probably more from shootin’,” Joel honestly replied. “So if you wanna keep your hearin’, you stick to that knife.”
Piper chuckled and a small smile crept onto her face. “Too late.” Piper asked, “Joel?” 
“Hm?” Joel raised his brow. 
“Did you know diarrhea is hereditary?” Piper smirked. 
“What?” Joel’s head turned to look over his shoulder. Utter confusion was placed on his face at Piper’s words. 
“Yeah,” Piper whispered. “It runs in your jeans.” Then she laughed. It was a quiet laugh given the circumstances, but a laugh nonetheless. 
Joel rolled back over. “Jesus,” he said before laughing along. “That is so goddamn stupid.” He shook his head at himself for laughing at the joke, yet he couldn’t stop. He laughed and then Piper laughed. He feared it be an on going cycle that would awaken Ellie. 
“You laughed, motherfucker,” Piper noted. “Just wait till I tell Ellie.”
“I didn’t laugh,” Joel gruffly said. There was still a hint of laughter in his face. 
“Yes, you did,” Piper said. She wouldn’t let him deny it. 
“Jesus, I’m losin’ it,” Joel smiled. His face felt funny and alien as the smile stretched across his features. His cheeks hurt and his eyes crinkled in a way that they hadn’t in years. Piper had made Joel smile. 
“You’re losin’ it big time,” Piper giggled and Joel laughed once more. 
“Go to sleep,” Joel gently said. 
Piper fondly smiled. “You too, Joel. You too.” 
Sleep found Joel quickly that night. It must have been the thirty-three floors of stairs, the fight for his life, and driving consistently for days that finally brought him some rest. His mind was blank. He didn’t dream and didn’t think of Sarah, of Tess, or of Tommy. He felt at ease. Soon the pleasantry of slumber escaped him. The room was lighter and faded color crept into his view. 
“Joel?” A muffled voice was calling out to him. It sounded worried. It sounded scared. Joel’s eyes widened. “Joel!”
He grunted as he lifted his head. There was Ellie and Piper. Ellie was looking down at him. Her dark eyes reflected the fear and confusion in Joel’s. Piper sat with her jaw clenched. Her shoulder were held back and an inferno was a lit in her eyes. The thing that scared Joel the most was where Piper was looking. She wasn’t looking at him. No, Piper was glaring down the barrel of a gun. 
Something cold touched the back of Joel’s head. He whipped around. There in front of him was a child with paint around his eyes. In his hand was a gun. 
Well, fuck. 
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123 notes · View notes
Can you do a scenario with 2008 Bill Kaulitz dating a member of a popular pop girl group, maybe a one from the UK? (Making one up obvs) And they met during US promotions. Touching on language barriers (different accents lol), long distance, both having a big fanbase, how different their music is ect <33 your writing is fantastic btw
(Hello! Sure I can and I'm so glad you like my writing! Sorry this took so long but I hope you enjoy!)
Too Close To The Stars
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I think he was surprised at himself for dating someone almost exactly like him
I think he expected to date someone who wasn't famous to keep your relationship out of the media
But he's so glad that he ended up with you as a girlfriend
He loves you sm
Hell go to all your concerts, in the crowd or backstage to meet you the second you get off that stage
Before you guys started dating he liked your groups music a little bit
And he has heard of you guys on tabloids and also through interviews he watched in his hotel rooms that played on the TV
For some reason you just caught his eye
Be it style, how you carried yourself, how beautiful you were, your laugh or your smile he was just captivated by you
It was an interview that took place in the UK and then it became a place he wanted to play at
If it meant meeting you he wanted to do it
He liked seeing how close you were with your friends because it made him think you get it
Like being in a band with your friends like he was
He was so nervous when he first met you
Somehow both your managers decided the two up and coming bands should do a Collab sorta thing
It was also a promotions to get your groups more known across the US
You guys started off with interviews and even you and Bill got a solo shoot due to being both the main singers
To say he was ecstatic and nervous was an understatement
Your two bands got along perfectly and it was actually a pretty great time when you guys hung out
Every single hang out could be as chaotic as shit and have you all with major hangovers the next day
See Tour Shenanigans for more on your hangouts
You and Bill got along great though, mostly
You guys had some language barriers but you guys got around them
Bill and you would draw out what you were saying, try and use hand signals the best you could
Bill knew English but liked talking in German to fluster or confuse you
You learned German behind his back to spite him
But before you did he called you so many nicknames when you couldn't understand and the guys were just cheering Bill on
You didn't understand till you learned German
He loved your accent though
He just could listen to it for hours at any given time of any day
He was very sullen when you guys had to part ways when everything was over
Especially because of the distance between you both
You guys very much so liked each other at this point
He and the band saw you guys off and he gave you a kiss goodbye
He was so giggly after it when you gave one back
You guys decided to stay friends with crushes, not specifically dating yet, but only talking to one another
He called you everyday to keep up with your lives
He always saw you on TV and doing your interviews
He always loved seeing you in promotions or on magazine covers even when he didn't see you
He traveled to your concerts to surprise you after not seeing you for a while
He has fun with your fanbase
Like whenever someone asks about you he always talks about you proudly with a smile
When he sees your fans he is sorta smug on how they're you're fans but he's the one to kiss and hold you
He really does love your fans though as they're a big part of your career
He hates the disrespectful and snobby ones though
Or the ones who go after him and your relationship
He mostly ignores the toxic fans and focuses on you
He didn't expect to have that great love especially with someone so famous as you but he's glad he does
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ostensiblynone · 2 years
[deep breath] This is a show where a fuzzy little freak named The Professor teaches a guy named Ryan and a special guest about history.
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Each week, there's a different lesson, and The Professor rewards his guests with jelly beans. Aw, cute! He also poops jelly beans. He then awards a trophy called the 🏆Coveted Cup🏆 after consulting with what he claims to be a complex victory algorithm. Ryan has lost every episode, even though he's definitely gotten more jelly beans than the guest on countless occasions.
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Zach got no questions right, for instance. Sorry, Zach. Each episode also features a musical guest. They all seem a little unwell. In season three, a HORSE! died. 🙂 Check it out.
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Sometimes, The Professor offhandedly mentions a 🧞 genie. Sometimes it seems like he may have time-traveled. We know for sure that he eats spiders and has a perfect score on wikiFeet. Look, okay, so it turns out The Professor discovered a magic lamp long ago and wished for the ability to time travel, and the 🧞 genie was like, “Whatever.”
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But then everywhere The Professor 👓 went throughout time—his very presence being a blasphemous affront to the space-time continuum and all—would cause local inanimate objects to turn into the singing abominations featured at the end of each episode. This whole mess was more than the genie could deal with, so he chased The Professor through 🕰️time. But the little blue ballsack, as Ryan lovingly calls him, always managed to evade capture.
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So, last season, the genie covertly made a deal with the devil and the Demon Asmodeus. In exchange for a 🏆Coveted Cup🏆, Ryan would steal all of The Professor's precious jelly beans, making him vulnerable enough for the Demon 👿👿👿 Asmodeus to possess him, and then wish himself back to the 🦖Cretaceous. This happened, and Ryan was pretty psyched, but then he asked Satan😈 if The Professor would be all right, and Satan😈 was like, "I don't know, man." And Ryan was like, "Oh, boy, I don't know about this," which was merited, because as soon as The Professor landed in the 🦖Cretaceous, this happened.
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Yikes. Okay, so then last Christmas, there was a big memorial for The Professor held by all the singing puppets. But at the end of the service, they remembered that in cleaning up The Professor's time travel shenanigans, the genie had actually turned them all back into inanimate objects. So their kinda-souls are now trapped in purgatory, A.K.A. a beautiful state-of-the-art amphitheater called The Wondrium Arena. Their souls hang in the ether. It's grim. They hope that Ryan can find a way to save them, along with The Professor.
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Then there was a shot of the professor in a little egg sac. Ex-squeeze me? What's going on there? I don't know.
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Anyway, the pandemic was really weird, and this is basically what I've been up to the whole time. It's a lot of lore, but I mean, fuckin'... come on, man.
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Just sit back and enjoy the new season. You're gonna learn a lot, you'll have a good time, all right?
Enjoy season five.
How Hippo Meat Almost Saved America • Puppet History Season 5 Episode 1 Nov 11, 2022
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dontbesoweirdkira · 3 months
For a cunty request can I have a time traveler reader with any of mafia? Maybe Vico or Tommy?
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A/N: oh this is going to be hilarious! Thank you for requesting…stay cunty😘✨ (hopefully I did your idea some justice. I didn’t entirely know what scenario you wanted so just some general thoughts)
Warnings: ⚠️a little bit of Joe Barbaro ⚠️
Requests: open 24/7
I’ve chosen Vito because have you ever seen those memes where it’s like, “a victorian child would probably have an aneurysm over this”, yeah…that would be Tommy if you appeared in his timeline
Like that man is stressed the hell out enough! Don’t go ruining his life further with your shenanigans.
Besides Vito would definitely take this far better than anyone else with the exception of the characters from mafia iii. My brother has been to prison, shipped out to war, and now suddenly in the mob…he’s definitely seen some unspeakable shit..
Every soldier has at least one paranormal experience…for him it just happened to be your dumb ass.
He’s not amused by you in the slightest at first..what the fuck is an iPhone and why are you dressed like an idiot? Are you high on something or just unwell?????
“Look Lady, I really don’t have time for this shit and I have places to be. If you need something there’s a Salvation Army right down the block..”
Of course you keep persisting that you’re perfectly fine and that you’re actually from the future. I can just imagine Vito speed walking away with an exasperated expression plastered across his face; you're just continuing to spew nonsense as you follow him.
“I-I don’t want to hear you talk about your fucking bullshit future! Please just go away.”
This man’s blood pressure is through the roof at this point. He’s even trying to physically shoo you away, if it wasn’t for his background he would’ve taken you to the police department.
“Okay do you want a dollar? Huh, will that make you finally stop yapping?? Actually, here take 20 and go away.”
Eventually he just gives up. You’re the most hard headed individual he’s ever encountered and he let’s you follow him. You’re obviously not giving this up.
Partly thinks this is some kind of prank Joe set up to get back at him.
So naturally his first instinct is go go find Joe because if he has to hear the crazy shit you’re spewing, so does he.
Worst. Mistake. Ever.
At first Joe is also trying to get you to leave his buddy alone. Even offering you money just like Vito did earlier but then a light bulb goes off!
Joe’s main mission in life is to piss off Vito and for him…golden opportunity right here for free.
“Sooo…Y/N was it? Tell me, if you are from the future, will Vito always be this fugly?”
“Oh shut the hell up for once would ya? This is a serious situation we have on our hands and you think this is the time to be making jokes??”
“Maybe not fugly but he will end up being a grumpy old man with no wife or kids.”
Joe absolutely loves you and you’re now besties
“Oohhhh no. You two will not be in cahoots!! Joe stop fucking around.”
Don’t worry, Vito eventually comes around to you. He kind of has to now that Joe is riding this thing so hard.
Neither one of them truly believes you though. At least not at first. It’s kind of difficult to prove until the event you’re warning them about actually comes to pass.
You are able to tell them extremely detailed facts and information about themselves and the mafia. You warn them about Henry and give tips about different tasks.
This made them suspicious of you and blew you off as some kind of narc for knowing so damn much. It wasn’t until things started becoming true, they came running right back to you.
They’re both feeling a mixture of excitement, concern and confusion.
Joe doesn’t understand that you only know main historical events and wants you to give him the winning numbers to the lottery.
Vito on the other hand thinks you’re some sort of crazy psychic or maybe one of them aliens from the film he had just seen.
Either way you’re definitely not from here.
Ultimately Vito doesn’t entirely know how to handle all of this. I don’t think anyone would ever be able to fully process this happening. After all you’ve predicted and protected him from, he just accepts that you’re who you say you are.
You’re not a threat to him and Joe seems to really enjoy having you around so I guess he doesn’t really mind you either. He lets you stay at his place too. It’s the least he could do after all your help and the shit he gave.
At least you’re not as bad as that kid, Marty.
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saphira-approves · 3 months
Can I come and tell you my deepest pain?
We should have had Morzan alive. I mean yeah, it would fuck up the whole narrative but imagine Murtagh being afraid of his father. He hates the king but fears his father.
Imagine him and Thorn; Morzan sees them, and he has problems with booze in canon, just how drunk he'd have gotten after Thorn learned to talk? There he is with his nameless dragon, half of his heart and soul, that he had to watch descend into stupidity. (Does he have its name written up here and there, does he watch it every day just to think about how he could make it real again?) Would he dream of killing his son and taking his dragon to himself? Would he want that even though he despises that sick joke of a connection that is in between Galbatorix and Shruikan?
And then Galbatorix finally discovers the name of the names. How would he beg for the king to use it to heal his companion?
Also, it would be very funny to watch our main characters run for their lives with an angry dragon after them, but y'know.
Should I write a fic about this
Oh you absolutely should write a fic about this (and let me know when you do! I’d love to read it!), and I should go back through my WIPs to find my time travel AUs…
I usually write more about Selena than Morzan, but I do love the idea of getting to see grown-up Murtagh’s reaction to seeing his father, especially in a context where Murtagh has lived without him for a while—whether that’s because Brom didn’t kill Morzan and Selena got both her sons to Carvahall, or because resurrection or time travel shenanigans happened.
As for Morzan still being around when Murtagh gets captured… I think there’s a 50/50 chance he gets Real Weird about the torture, in a “I was pretty sure up to this point that I didn’t actually care about my son but now my best friend is torturing My Son and I don’t like it actually” way, and I think that would be really fun to explore; I think, also, that when Thorn hatches and Galbatorix prematurely increases his size, Morzan would again be Real Weird about it because, like, that’s a baby dragon the size of an adult. He hasn’t lost his name, he just hasn’t really developed one yet; he’s a weird, warped mirror of Morzan’s own dragon. And when Thorn does, eventually, with difficulty, start to ‘grow up’, Morzan’s probably going to get twitchy about it—it’s been at least a century, more than two thirds of his lifespan, since he’s even MET a somewhat psychologically stable dragon; how much has he forgotten of their true intelligence, their real personalities? And when Galbatorix does find The Word, if Morzan asks him to heal his own dragon… honestly I don’t know if Galbatorix would be able to. Having power and knowing how to use it are two different things, we saw Murtagh figure that out in his own book with The Word. Would the king even know where to start? Would he allow Morzan to try for himself? Morzan probably wouldn’t have a clue where to begin, all we ever hear about him from people who’d met him is that he’s a powerful spellcaster, but not a very clever one.
Honestly, the whole situation might drive Morzan to split from Galbatorix; and even if not, it would still probably drive Morzan to be extremely destructive, to himself and everyone around him.
Also he’d be so pissed to learn about Eragon’s true parentage. Not even in a “my wife cheated on me?!” way but in a “oh my god can Brom stop being SO OBSESSED with me for FIVE MINUTES” kind of way.
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