bro is twitter that dead
Twitter is much worse than merely dead.
I'm not sure you've ever been in this situation, but once someone who'd caused me a lot of trouble and pain and fear and torment died. And after they died, I thought, "Oh, thank goodness. Now I am free." But actually I was not free, because the trouble and pain and fear and torment were still present, even if the person was past. And then it was in some ways worse, because I realized that the trouble and pain and fear and torment were not contingent upon the life of this person; those feelings could survive even the person who caused them.
I know this is not entirely relevant to your question; it is only to say that twitter is not dead, and even when it is dead, it will still be capable of causing harm. Anyway, this is not the kind of stuff that I, as a coffee company who is not an individual, usually talk about. But it is late at night on a Thursday, so we're making exceptions.
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aspd-culture · 9 months
are there any specific terms to ASPD that are important to know? like narc crashes/high, bpd euphoria, depended person, favorite person, and so on?
The only one that I can think of at the moment in Exception. They are not unlike FPs in BPD necessarily, but they are kinda a similar concept with opposite presentation. Afaik, in BPD an FP is where you will see heightened/exacerbated symptoms. In ASPD, however, Exceptions are where, for the most part, we see the least symptoms on a typical day. We may have the desire to be around them, have some social instincts in reference to them, and even experience empathy and/or remorse when it comes to them. However, when we are in a flare, many times our Exceptions will be the main target of our stress/anxiety/fear of people and therefore may deal with the brunt of the flare. This can look like breakups, cheating, lying - sometimes just for the hell of it - picking or escalating fights, violence, etc. That’s because we are most vulnerable with our Exception/s (for those that have them), and we feel the risk of that when our symptoms are flaring. Further, our Exception/s will *notice* the flares more because whilst most people see us with fairly intense symptoms on average days, our Exception/s go from having a nearly typical relationship with us to seeing us as the rest of the world sees us and then some.
Aside from that, I can’t think of any terms specific to ASPD, but if there are more please leave them in replies/reblogs/tags/etc so I can see them too!
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pompadourpink · 2 years
Les adjectifs irréguliers
Amitié, f (friendship) - amical-e
Ancêtre - ancestral-e
Automne, m - automnal-e
Avarice, f (miserliness) - avare
Bête, f (beast) - bestial-e
Bravoure, f - brave
Comédie, f - comique
Contrefaçon, f (counterfeit) - faux/fausse
Corruption, f - corruptible
Côte, f (coast) - costal-e, littoral-e
Déité, f (deity) - divin-e
Doctorat, m (PhD) - doctoral-e
Doctrine, f - doctrinal-e
Espoir, m (hope) - espéré-e
Été, m (summer) - estival-e
Étudiant-e (student) - estudiantin-e
Faim, f (hunger) - affamé-e
Fleur, f (flower) - floral-e
Grèce, f (Greece) - Grec/Grecque
Homme, m (man) - masculin-e
Humour, f - humoristique
Jour, m (day) - diurne
Jumeau/melle (twin) - gémellaire
Hiver, m (winter) - hivernal-e, hiémal-e
Île, f (island) - insulaire
Lait, m (milk) - laitier/tière
Livre, m (book) - livresque
Lune, f (moon) - lunaire
Moyen-Âge, m (Middle Ages) - médiéval-e
Nuit, f (night) - nocturne
Or, m (gold) - doré-e
Palais, m (palate) - palatal-e
Paradis, m - paradisiaque
Pâques, f (Easter) - pascal-e
Printemps, m (spring) - printanier/nière
Roman, m (novel) - romanesque
Séduction, f - séduisant-e
Soif, f (thirst) - assoiffé-e
Surprise, f - surprenant-e
Turquie, f (Turkiye) - Turc/Turque
Vent, m (wind) - éolien-ne
Verdure, f (greenery) - verdoyant-e
Vierge, f (virgin) - virginal-e
Voisinage, m (neighbourhood) - vicinal-e
Voyelle, f (vowel) - vocalique
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pratchettquotes · 2 years
"'Tis not right, a woman going into such places by herself."
Granny nodded. She thoroughly approved of such sentiments so long as there was, of course, no suggestion that they applied to her.
Terry Pratchett, Wyrd Sisters
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fieriframes · 6 months
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[What are we gonna make? On exceptions and anomalies rather than on reality. Pine nuts and raisins in this? Yes.]
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eric-sadahire · 4 months
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I will never jog.
Unless I'm 5 minutes away from a liquor store that closes in 2 minutes.
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carnot-memes11 · 6 months
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gentlebyte · 1 year
Training is learning the rules, experience is learning the exceptions, wisdom is learning the reasons
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chronic-cryptid · 2 years
Abelism and Homelessness 
So, random thought of the day. 
So, my Dad tells me a story today about a time he and his wife were coming home on the bus from the hospital after her chemo. She has cancer. Obviously she doesn’t feel good. At the station they have benches with the arm in the middle to prevent homeless people from laying down. She lays in my dad’s lap while waiting for their bus. They are paying ticket holders. An employee comes over and tells her she can’t lay down. Dad explains she’s sick. She just came from chemo and there’s not a lot of people there. She’s not taking up anyone else’s space, like is it really hurting anything? They said she can either sit up or get the hell out. Like damn? No humanity. No empathy. No sympathy. Just that’s the rules. The end. Fuck you?
That’s when it dawned on me how many other people anti-homeless architecture probably affects in so many different ways besides homeless people as if that wasn’t cruel enough already. 
Just damn it people. 
Have a heart.
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gear-project · 2 years
If I'm correct that Happy Chaos mentioned about how Axl Low and I-No's time abilities are somehow linked to the Scales of Juno, more or less. Is it possible for Raven to somehow fall into that category of being connected to the Scales or are Axl and I-No just far too different in comparison?
Right now there's still no clear answer to that question.
The reason Raven is immortal is still unexplained, just like with Sharon's situation (Slayer's wife).
There was a point when GGXX Storylines connected Raven with Axl Low, but apparently Ishiwatari wasn't the author of that concept and it was considered an alternate ending.
Raven still vaguely refers to Axl as humanity's "hope" but there's no clear explanation of that either.
When Raven spoke with I-No he could still relate to her situation, but at the same time she couldn't connect with or sympathize with him on her own terms…. so there's something there that makes them significantly different.
Whether that's their respective pasts, or just something in their basic natures, isn't made known.
I think the strongest explanation comes from I-No's origin itself as being "cut off from the world's origin" (in other words, a chunk of the Backyard resides inside I-No… or at least it did before she was destroyed).
Either that has some connection with this world, like the Scales of Juno do… or we still don't have a clear picture of how the Backyard even exists and functions.
If, for example… we were to assume some Immortals like Sharon and Raven are actually "demihumans", then they don't exist inside the Backyard's system (i.e. they don't have an ID and are considered "exceptions").
However, the Backyard considers "exceptions" and "irregularities" to be separate categories… so it's a bit difficult to pin down what that ultimately means for beings like I-No or Axl Low.
We don't even know if I-No's "death" really affected the Backyard at all… much less what actually happened to the Scales of Juno and Flame of Corruption (Ishiwatari still hasn't revealed what happened to those seeds that Chaos created…).
It's frustrating, but we'll just have to hope those questions get answered later on.
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aspd-culture · 7 months
Is it possible to bond woth someone who isnt an exception? I recently lost respect for someone who i didnt think of as an EP and now theyre just so boring, just another person to mask around when they used to be the first id tell good news to
Idk i just want some nice company for once
Oh definitely. Exceptions are a very intense difference, but there's gray area there. I am tolerant of many people, and I genuinely enjoy the company of some non-Exceptions. I just don't have such a significant symptom relief around them.
And, to be honest, bonding with someone to replace a lost exception is very much in the "transactional" view of relationships, so don't invalidate yourself for being able to do that./pos
Plain text below the cut:
Oh definitely. Exceptions are a very intense difference, but there's gray area there. I am tolerant of many people, and I genuinely enjoy the company of some non-Exceptions. I just don't have such a significant symptom relief around them.
And, to be honest, bonding with someone to replace a lost exception is very much in the "transactional" view of relationships, so don't invalidate yourself for being able to do that./pos
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summocrap · 2 years
We all know Exceptions show up behind the ones who use their Sacred Artifacts when they are truly in sync. I find it hilarious that we see Yog Sothoth be in sync with Shiro when he got mad at when his D-Evils got insulted by Wen Kamui
You got that right.
Given that Rules & Roles are given out based on personality, it makes sense for the Summoners to match their Exception to an extent.
When I think of Exceptions and their hosts, I always think back to that moment in Chapter 11 when Kengo and Thor are talking, and he says to put the belt on his waist.
At least we can see the belt on his waist in his Valentine’s Alt, so we can tell that in whatever kinda sorta timeline the events take place in is after Chapter 11.
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pratchettquotes · 2 years
Genius is always allowed some leeway, once the hammer has been pried from its hands and the blood has been cleaned up.
Terry Pratchett, Thief of Time
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theblackestofsuns · 2 years
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Saga #59 (May 2022)
Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples
Image Comics
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eric-sadahire · 9 months
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Having someone kiss you while you sleep is the purest form of love
Unless you are home alone
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