#extremely massive infodump
ralofofriverwoods · 8 months
Once again I am having a dilemma about what info is important for an oc master post
Do I want to do general background and have it more lore based? Do I wanna list facts like what armor they prefer and what trinkets they have? Both? How in depth do I wanna talk about their relationships with each other? Do I even wanna mention what sub worlds they’re each a part of? So many questions, so few pages
That being said advice and input are appreciated
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coffeebeanwriting · 1 year
What Bores a Reader The Most?
I asked my followers to answer the question “what bores you the most when reading a book?” 
Please keep in mind that these are all opinions and you’ll find yourself agreeing and disagreeing with some. Personally, I think this is amazing insight into the minds of unique readers all around the globe! I decided to keep reoccurring answers instead of merging them, just so people could see the repeating themes.
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“Predictable conflicts or character actions. I want to be surprised.”
“When there’s no clear plot. When it looks like the book is leading nowhere.”
“Endless description. Nothing makes me more prone to skipping ahead.”
“When it feels like what you’re reading lacks purpose and there is no meaningful contribution to the plot.”
“Characters with less personality than a wet paper towel. Main characters with zero personality.”
“When I can’t picture anything in my head or what I understood changes randomly.”
“When a conversation is happening and I can’t follow which character is saying what.”
“Daily routines in a story. Like, I do not care.”
“When the world doesn’t move if the main character doesn’t interact with it. This applies to t.v shows, too.”
“Something that does not have a build up like a sudden relationship out of the blue.”
“When I’m so confused it doesn’t make sense anymore.”
“When there’s a 3 page description of some random object.”
“Wayyyy too much detail.”
“When the big plot twist is revealed and I guessed it ages ago.”
“Too slow or too long.”
“When the author unnecessarily drags the story and takes ages to advance to the climax.”
“Fan service that doesn’t contribute to the plot.”
“Useless descriptions and/or actions.”
“Over description of a landscape (cough old literature cough).”
“No action, no violence. I don’t like when characters talk for too long.”
“Long descriptions.”
“Too much descriptions when you are in a exciting moment. It breaks immersion.”
“Lack of imagery.”
“Constant usage of archaic vocabulary.”
“When the main character is extremely passive and doesn’t act or react.”
“Excessive description that doesn’t further the plot or meaningfully add to characterization.”
“Overly predictable plot, overly crude language for the sake of it, cringe/pompous scenes.”
“Long and boring exposition dumps.”
“Characters that never loose 😴.”
“When the world building starts out great and is really immersive until later on when things don’t add up.”
“When a character has too much internal dialogue.”
“Explaining “the science” behind magic systems in unnecessary detail.”
“Over description. I will skim and skip a lot of it.”
“Too much background info at the beginning.”
“When there’s small talk about a topic I don’t understand. It get’s sooo boring.”
“Too much inner monologue.”
“Slow plot.”
“When it’s just dragging on and on with the backstory.”
“Having to reread a sentence/paragraph a billion times because my brain got distracted.”
“When there’s no action, suspense or something similar for the whole chapter.”
“Things that aren’t relevant to the story.”
“Too much dialogue.”
“A lil too much fantasies.”
“Over drawn setting descriptions.”
“Overly long chapters, repetitive scenes, lots of complicated worldbuilding.”
“When it’s too simple or too detailed.”
“Long, long expositions.”
“Repeating phrases, plots ,etc.”
“Infodumps, especially in the beginning.”
“Too much history.”
“Overly descriptive settings.”
“Slow plot. I need drama!”
“Long chapters.”
“Slow pacing.”
“No major plot twist.”
“Miscommunication trope.”
“Massively long descriptive paragraphs.”
“Too much exposition in the beginning.”
“Long and confusing story building.”
“Repeating plot points. For example: the hero learning to trust his friends a million times without any real progression.”
“Training scenes that show nothing special. Especially sword fighting or head to hand combat.”
“Generic plot developments unless it’s written well.”
“Overuse of complicated words and sentences.”
“Long paragraphs.”
“I’m so over the bubble sunshine and extra grumpy trope.”
“When a character is overthinking.”
“Romanic subplots bore me. Having too many love interests.”
“When it switches between characters/subplots and one of them is awfully boring.”
“When too much information on a character is given one at a time.”
“When it takes a long time before the story gets interesting.”
“Long, long, long descriptions particularly of places that aren’t all that important.”
“Descriptions of unnecessary things.”
“Too much side character’s story. They’re a side for a reason.”
“I love beautiful writing so there must be some lovely descriptions... but don’t drone on.”
“Flat characters.”
“Scenes in which my favorite characters do not appear.”
“When the characters have no clear goal or the goal is too weak.”
“If most or all of the characters are unlikable. Then I don’t care what happens to them in the story. Being an evil/mean character is different from being unlikable.”
“When the plot does not move forward.”
“Writing unnecessary, irrelevant things that don’t have an effect on the story.”
“No real plot. The protagonist has no fire to them.”
“When the protagonist needs to figure out a love triangle and which person they like the most.”
“When the interesting parts happen right at the end.”
“When there’s too much info dumping with no easy transitions.”
“No progression after chapters and chapters. Characters not having development.”
“Too much description and a slow start to the story.”
“When characters are too oblivious to something.”
“Oblivious main characters, lazy plots, stereotypical encounters, main character is a god trope.”
“Unnecessarily long amounts of monologue or dialogue.”
“The second chance trope bores me.”
“Slow beginnings... like, get to the action in 3 chapters of less please.”
“Chapters being too long with small writing.”
“If the characters go through the same conflict over and over again.”
“Classic books... I don’t understand a thing, haha.”
“Being bombarded with unnecessary detail.”
“Bad boy meets good girl trope bores me.”
“Too much landscape descriptions like Tolkien or Stephen King.”
“Bad dialogue, too much excessive background details and too many character tags.”
“When the book moves too slowly.”
“Over described scenes or characters.”
“Descriptions without inputs of what a characters is thinking about. I need a lens of character POV to make descriptions interesting to read.”
“A badly written romance subplot where the characters involved don’t have any chemistry whatsoever.”
“I get a bit lost when there’s too much details about an environment.”
“When the story doesn’t go anywhere for a really long time.”
Instagram: coffeebeanwriting  
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spearxwind · 2 months
could we get an infodump abt the new broken horizon lore? how i found you was through extinction, so glad to see them back!!!
The world of Broken Horizon is a planet (that I've yet to name) which has two major sentient species on it: humans and dragons (or khevirs in their own language). Both species coexisted side by side in relative peace (as much peace as two equally matched apex predators would have).
At some point in their history, Cercerion, a dragon with enough power to become a God, goes haywire and starts creating and becoming storms that span almost the entirety of the planet. These storms are devastating electrical hurricane cells that are charged enough to create their own magnetic fields, the incessant lightning rain is enough to literally rip chunks of earth, even mountains, out of the ground and earth and keep them in the air because of these magnetic fields. This is obviously DEVASTATING to the planet.
Eventually, a joint mutual effort from both humans and dragons is able to take Cer down, striking him down hard enough to bury him deep in the earth to sleep for ages, but the impact is so sudden that he cannot dispel the storms he created and loses control of them, leaving them to eternally roam the planet sowing destruction in their paths. There are six in total. (They are much less dangerous than when he IS in control though and the lightning rain is reduced significantly. But they are still MASSIVE hurricanes)
After this event, humans freak the fuckkkk out and in true human fashion decide that dragons are dangerous and must be exterminated. A massive war breaks out between both species where they try to obliterate each other (this is known as the Great Dragonslaying Era). Both sides develop technology to stay on par with each other (humans develop insane machinery, and dragons develop energy manipulation).
The war rages on for years, but true to their nature they an never truly best each other, and the war ends MANY years later in a shaky stalemate from both sides. This would be the present day.
Since the war has only recently ended, there are very few laws that regulate dragons and their rights in human territories, and viceversa. Using dragons as fighting dogs in gladiator arenas and treating them as animals is 'illegal', but extremely common in human cities. That would be the situation where our Extinction crew find themselves in.
Despite all the animosity towards each other, there are a great many people who want to uphold the peace and want to peacefully coexist and even work together (this is the basis for dragon piloting); but there are also extremists on both sides who still believe the others should be exterminated: humans who consider dragons a threat and a pest and no more than animals, and dragons who are unhappy with being 'tamed' and who clamor for a return to being ruthless deadly beasts.
Honestly, the setting of Extinction itself isnt that much changed! It's mostly been tweaked to be a lot more cohesive with the worldbuilding and the world's history. I have added a bunch more in the aspect of dragonflight and races and planes because I think its cool as hell. The gladiator side of it is only one fraction of the world.
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aeriona · 1 year
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Nautilus! The silly goofy creature!
These guys are quite rare in most societies, with less than a million around the world. Almost their entire bodies are covered in a massive shell that they can retract into as a defence! They also sleep and sit down in there too, it’s very funny-looking.
I didn’t change much from the actual game because they are perfect Though I did make some alterations.
Natuli have a total of 11 limbs (much less than a real Nautilus, I know). They have four arms, four tentacles and three legs. The tentacles have a sheath that they retract into (the bit with the spots!) The third leg is actually what later evolved into a tail in Inklings and Octolings, but Nautili kept it as they still need extra support for their heavy shells. FYI They walk on two legs, but they stand on three.
Nautili are born with their shells, and cannot remove them or repair them if they are chipped or cracked. As a result, they take extremely good care of their shells, always polishing it and stuff.
Unlike Inkfish, these guys have no suckers, no ink sac and they only have a single heart. They have four kidneys though, so i guess that makes up for it. They also have no chromatophores, so they can’t change colour and are always a shade of whitish-pink and red.
Though since they are cephalopods, they’ve got blue blood and a beak. It isn’t nearly as strong as a inkfish though, but strong enough to easily bite off your fingers with a single chomp.
Being a rather rare species, Nautilus-specific services such as clothing and healthcare are unfortunately hard to come by if you don’t live in the city, so most Nautili live in urban areas.
Ok i’m done infodumping goodbye and enjoy the funky creature!
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Can you infodump? My brain gladly wants to explode of knowledge.
*smug smile*
Of course I can ~ Let's sort through a few topics I got up my sleeve... Ah, yes.
Did you know that black holes eat way faster than we thought they would?
Supermassive black holes are so massive that when they spin, they twist the very fabric of space & time along with them which is a phenomenon called "frame dragging" or the "Lense-Thirring effect."
Like this:
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3D simulations performed using the Summit supercomputer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory showed that this twisting of space rips up accretion disks & causes them to split into inner & outer "subdisks."
Supermassive black holes treat the inner disk as an appetizer, because they start their dinner by devouring gas & dust found there first. As this is happening, matter from the outer disk filters in, eventually filling in gaps left behind by the black hole devouring the inner disk. This filled-in disk then becomes the main course, allowing the process to start all over again.
A visual of the two disks:
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Image credit: A. Tchekhovskoy/Nick Kaaz/Northwestern University
The black hole's entire cosmic dining experience of eating, refilling, then eating again can proceed over a matter of mere months, which is radically more rapid than previously calculated timescales. This may ultimately explain why some quasars flash quickly & then disappear. Remember: quasars are black holes that are devouring material, causing them to emit light.
How do these two disks form?
The previous mentioned "Lense-Thirring effect" gets stronger as you move closer to the black hole, causing the accretion disk of material to wobble & the innermost region to spin faster.
This is comparable to a spinning top, which begins to wobble as it slows down, but the wobble of the inner accretion is more extreme than that of the outer disk.
This warps the entire disk system & causes the material from different regions to smash into each other, creating bright shocks & driving material ever closer to the supermassive black hole itself.
Eventually, the wobbling effect becomes so strong that the accretion disk splits into two parts!
The outcome: inner & outer disks evolve separately & develop different wobbles - so the entire accretion disk is more like the rings of a gyroscope rather than a spinning plate.
Because the disks are oriented at different angles, the outer disk pours matter onto the inner disk, which pushes the inner disk closer to the black hole, speeding up the rate at which it is swallowed by the black hole.
As this happens, the immense gravity of the black hole pulls in the outer disk, forcing it to take the place of the inner disk.
This explains the quick flashing quasars show.
They stop being bright due to have swallowed all the material of the inner disk. Then, it brightens again because it got another serving of material from the outer disk & the process repeats.
✨Dinner has been served.✨
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I do hope your brain does not explode, it would be a shame to lose one if my infodump-lovers. ✨💜
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koolaidoverliving · 9 days
so, because i have a bunch of characters it might be a good idea to explain their roles in the universe as well as their places in the whole slendy debacle. all the roles will be explained under the cut, but some additional info is up here! :)
The outskirts of Toronto are home to a small urban community, unexciting but charming in its appearance. There exists a forest surrounding this town. Rumours claim it's haunted, and it might just be true. Everyone who moves to this town bears the same fate: they can't escape. The inhabitants always find their way back to the town. Back to him.
Slenderman, a demonic entity—the personification of the forest itself, preys on troubled individuals. His presence alone infects them with a sickness that can only be subdued by pills.
The infected run into supernatural beings around the forest. Some of them befriend each other; others make enemies.
Inside the forest, there's a mansion harbouring Slenderman's proxies. It was no more than a run-down building before they renovated it for their stay. Proxies can be controlled by Slenderman. They exhibit more animalistic tendencies than the infected, although their consciousness fades when they enter their provoked states. Their primary goal is to safeguard the forest and ward off trespassers.
PROXIES: Toby, Kate, Sally, Ben, Jeff, Clockwork, Laughing Jack, Kagekao, Zero
Toby: This immature man was taken when he was a teenager. Slenderman is a sort of father figure to Toby—or, moreso his saviour. Slender uses Toby's grim past and his attachment to the mansion as a way to manipulate him. Toby consistently preaches about Slender. He's a reckless person, but his agility and lack of pain receptors come in handy.
Kate: Another young recruit. She's rarely in a conscious state, often behaving like a brainless creature roaming the woods. Despite her lanky appearance, she's as tough as any beast in the forest. Her senses are heightened, but she's weak to bright lights and loud noises. Kate normally returns to the mansion with fresh meat to cook.
Sally: A young ghost girl who was brought in by Slender at the age of 8. She takes a liking to the adults in the mansion and views them as her older-sibling figures. Like Toby, she views Slenderman as a father. She's one of many children who have died in the forest and can sense other ghosts lurking around.
Ben: Recruited at 13, Ben is useful because he provides the mansion with its technology. He's a troublemaker, but his powers are too good to give up.
Jeff: He and Toby were taken in around the same time. Jeff is hard to get along with—he's a narcissist and an asshole—but he's strong, stealthy and more experienced with killing than anyone else in the mansion.
Clockwork: She's an aggressive fighter who's quick to anger. Her endurance and courage is useful, but her rash decisions can lead to the proxies getting into some trouble. She also hates living in the mansion.
Laughing Jack: Found by Slenderman, his box is kept safe in the mansion's attic. LJ isn't allowed to leave his confinements unless he's needed. The proxies monitor him.
Kagekao: A shadow demon watched over by the proxies. He was held captive for trespassing until he agreed to work with them. His powers are the only reason he's kept in the mansion.
Zero: Despite being a powerful proxy, Zero has a knack for misbehaving. She's an intelligent demon with a strong hatred for humans, making it difficult for the other proxies to work with her.
Zalgoids are the most common of trespassers. These creatures have been modified by Lord Zalgo, another demonic entity. Some Zalgoids have been tamed and utilised by the proxies.
ZALGOIDS: Lazari, Lulu, Eyeless Jack, Nurse Ann, The Puppeteer
Lazari: Being the illegitimate child of Zalgo, she's extremely powerful. Slenderman brought her into the mansion when she was 8. She was taught how to read, write and behave politely. But as she grew older, she became more and more curious with her backstory and who Zalgo really is.
Lulu: Zalgo blessed her with new life and supernatural abilities in exchange for her eyes. Lulu has a constant hunger for more eyeballs. She lives in a cabin with Eyeless Jack, but frequently visits the mansion. She's basically Lazari's adopted mother.
Eyeless Jack: Similar to Lulu, Jack was brought back to life. But he wasn't human anymore, he was a demon. He craves organs, blood, any sort of meat. Jack tends to stay away from the mansion, however his medical expertise is useful.
Nurse Ann: The nurse roams around an abandoned clinic. She's violent and quick to attack. The only person she has a connection to is Jack. He provides her with body parts; she provides him with organs. It's said this zombie has been wandering the halls since the 1950s.
The Puppeteer: He was given a new life after his death, but at the expense of his memories. The Puppeteer is a vengeful ghost who seeks out negativity. When he gets glimpses of his past, he can't help but want to know more. That's why he's so connected to Helen and Dina.
The infected individuals live in town among other townspeople. They are tasked with safeguarding the forest alongside the proxies. Their sanity depletes more rapidly, and they have to take pills in order to keep away the Slendersickness.
INFECTED: Nina, Bloody Painter, Judge Angels, X-Virus, Nathan, Jason
Nina: She's a popular inhabitant in town, disliked by many for her devotion to Jeff. Nina hadn't even graduated high-school when she ran away to see him. If Nina had only known what the future had in store for her, she would've never taken the train to Toronto. Nina's main role is assisting Jeff with whatever he needs.
Bloody Painter: Helen moved to Canada with Dina as an escape from his old life in Florida. He wasn't infected with the sickness until he wounded up chasing a victim into the woods.
Judge Angels: The sickness spread to her from Helen. No amount of angelic healing could save her from Slenderman's grasps. The proxies keep in contact with Dina for her angelic powers, but she adamantly refuses to move into the mansion with them. Dina is also a protector of sorts for Lucy and Sadie.
X-Virus: As a brilliant chemist, Cody is the producer of the pills used to alleviate the Slendersickness. Cody is popular within the community, which sucks because he's an introvert. He's had the sickness for the longest time out of everyone in town. Toby consistently asks him to join the mansion, but Cody doesn't want to.
Jason: His hatred for London caused him to move to Toronto. He lived in the city till something drew him to the forest—an unspoken calling. Now he resides in the town, occasionally going out to make toy deliveries. Jason isn't fun to work with, but his craftsmanship is one of the best.
Nathan: He moved to Toronto alongside Jason and his wife, Ciara. They lived in the city until Jason "moved out". Nathan, concerned about Jason's disappearance, ventured out until he spotted a quaint town down-south. Nathan is the worst to work with because of how much he hates Slenderman. Meanwhile, Ciara lives in the city, unable to see Nathan because Nathan can't leave without endangering Ciara.
These people either don't live in the town or aren't affected by Slenderman.
OTHERS: Jane, Liu, Lucy, Suicide Sadie, Candy Pop
Jane: She lives in the city, working as an accountant. In her free-time, she does research on Jeff. Her goal is to kill him and she won't stop till she succeeds in it.
Liu: He alternates from motel to motel, apartment to apartment. Liu's been on the search for Jeff for the past 7 years, and he knows he's close to finding him now.
Lucy: A wandering ghost who entraps unsuspecting adults. She isn't one to mess with. The only people she'll be nice to are Sadie, Dina and Helen.
Suicide Sadie: Another wandering ghost. She's grown attached to Lucy and claims to be her protector. They're like sisters.
Candy Pop: He isn't infected by the Slendersickness, nor is he a proxy. He's actually just some weird jester that lives with Nathan and tries to keep him and Jason sane.
i provided incredibly brief summaries for their descriptions, but i have way more info on everyone from jobs to relationships to history, etc.
let me know if you have any questions about them or my universe :D
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xiyouyanyi · 21 days
@ryin-silverfish here, also known as "That person who talks a lot about FSYY and fox spirits".
This is my little LMK AU sideblog, which started off as a bunch of disjointed background notes for my fanfics, but developed into its own gigantic thing over time.
I've said elsewhere that, despite LMK (and many other JTTW adjacent works) lifting certain tidbits wholesale from FSYY——like Nezha's backstory or the Golden Dragon Shears, neither the show nor the fanworks really go into the implications of a FSYY/JTTW combined universe.
(For one, Zhao Gongming's three sisters, the Sanxiao, showing up to kick Jin and Yin's butts for stealing and breaking their treasure would be very satisfying, and also hella badass.)
Well, be the change you want, they said. 
So here it is: Journey of the Gods, aka "LMK, but FSYY is also canon and an extremely influential historical event".
Inspired by @digitaldoeslmk 's By the Book AU.
What even is FSYY?
"Ancient China's bloodiest bureaucracy recruitment program, kickstarted by a king who simped too hard for the creator goddess of humanity and the fox girl she sent to end his dynasty."
"I'll write my own God-Demon novel, with blackjacks and fox hookers and no Buddhist allegories!" ——Xu Zhonglin/Lu Xixing/Li Yunxiang
Okay, jokes aside: Investiture of the Gods(Fengshen Yanyi) is the other big "God-Demon Novel" of the Ming dynasty, written after JTTW. It's about the toppling of the Shang dynasty and its tyrannical King Zhou by King Wu of Zhou——but with more Daoism, immortals and demons helping out both sides, and ten billion magical formations and treasures. 
At the end of the story, almost everyone who died in battle were deified and became the 365 gods of the Celestial Bureaucracy, thus "Investiture of the Gods". 
Here is a link to the only full English translation of FSYY, by Gui Zhizhong.
Here is my overview of FSYY's grand overarching conflict, a.k.a. "Why are all the Daoist immortals fighting?" 
Compared to JTTW, it's a lot more formulaic and suffers from a massive character count inflation problem, but also extremely influential in Chinese folk religion, to the point of some modern temples, like Qingyang Palace, basically worshiping characters from the novel! Like, the western equivalent would be a church worshiping Dante and Beatrice from the Divine Comedy.
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(Similarly, it is to orthodox Daoism what the Divine Comedy is to medieval Christian theology, and should not be treated as actual religious scriptures.)
Okay, FSYY happened in the LMK universe. So What?
Well, first, it will really do wonders to fill up that eerily empty Celestial Realm we see in the Spider Queen special, and the Celestial Bureaucracy will no longer consist of a grand total of five people.
Secondly, it can solve some major show-not-tell problems and actually give legitimacy to the grievances of the LMK Brotherhood + Havoc in Heaven, as well as fleshing out the Celestial Realm.
Third, so many cool magical treasures.
Fourth, LBD gets an origin story, with a twist.
Fifth, I delight in quality angst and horror, and FSYY had some seriously messed-up stuff and implications.
Sixth, Celestial Bureaucracy office politics.
Seventh, Nezha kicking asses and winning fights like he should.
Eighth, crazy Xianxia shit, as you’d expect from the great-granddaddy of modern Xianxia genre.
Ninth, infodumps about Chinese mythos and history trivias.
Tenth, Underworld lore.
...As you can probably tell, this is mostly just me nerding out and writing walls of texts. I'm not a very good artist and can't do Lego style, but will probably doodle some symbol/character designs for funsies.
I also derive most of my enjoyment from writing fix-its and worldbuilding, not shipping characters. Like, I love exploring individual characters through relationships, but just ain't a fan of romance.
There will be a lot of OCs, but unless otherwise specified, all of them will be based on actual characters from FSYY and JTTW, with a few folk gods sprinkled in for funsies.
With that taken care of: good luck and happy reading!
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rainbow-neko-artblog · 6 months
Use this ask as an excuse to infodump about something you haven't been asked about yet :3
Awww Match my friend you spoil me.
Alright! Anyone who likes my work probably knows that ive been posting a lot about my newest oc, a fairy named Shane from the Hatchetfield universe by Team Starkid.
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Because hes an oc and i think Starkids fanbase is still pretty small obviously no one is ever gonna ask me about him. So ill just take this opportunity to talk about him and my headcanons for fairies and other creatures in hatchetfield!
Starting with the obvious. "What the fuck, theres no fairies in hatchetfield" cause yea, there isnt in canon. but I LIKE FAIRIES! So i decided to make it possible.
Basically- the lords in black are probably feeding off of humanity right? That being said i'm not sure why other realms aside from the black and white wouldn't form? we as humans believe in a lot of things! This belief allows for my personal headcanon of creatures in hatchetfield to form:
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This is only the most basic chart- In all actuality the real chart would have a lot more circles to represent other realms then the black and white and the wilds connecting with earth.
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Humans believe in eldritch creatures, low and behold- they exist. Humans believe in the fae, so they exist. These form other worlds all intrinsically connected to ours- from there the inhabitants can manipulate us into keeping them alive through worship, belief, ect. This is why humans tell folklore stories and make up things about eldritch deities. We made them- they're just keeping themselves alive.
Because of this- humans have also unfortunately split our world countless times into timelines as well- as that's a commonly talked about thing. From the outside this allows other worlds to pick and choose what timeline they enter or fuck with- and one of the many reasons why entering the feywilds is such a bad idea- because you can get spit out at the wrong time. This also might cause accidental duplication of self upon crossing back and forth between realms.
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The wilds is ruled by it's own Lord much like The Lords in Black, but the Fey Wilds only have one. He's a massive egotistical douche- as its usually described in most texts about Oberon. He's also the one who stripped Shane of his wings and banished him from the wilds as he was deemed much to deadly to remain.
(Shane's extremely paranoid about danger and getting hurt- he fears death more then most and turns to violence when frightened- causing him to kill several fairies, humans, and hurting even lords in his lowest moments.)
Quickly being thrown out into earth from another plane means Shane exists in some timelines but not all and not even really that many.
His lord abandoning him in such a manner is what forces him to seek help from The Lords in Black- and the way he goes about this varies between timelines of course. In some he accidently courts them- in some he's simply their friend- or on occasion he's a follower of one of them. Due to how he enters hatchetfield you will always find him in an abandoned cabin in the woods surrounding hatchetfield over anywhere else.
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Yu Iseol General Headcanons (SFW)
Yu Iseol my beloved! <3 Also thanks for sending requests for headcanons. They help me get back into my writing groove, and I needed that after the week I've had. Don't be afraid to ask for more! Any who, here's Yu Iseol's headcanons! She's getting easier to write for and idk why.
She's astronomically bad at social queues. (same)
I headcanon her as having a deeper monotone voice, and sometimes she struggles with expressing her emotions because of this. She’ll say something like “I’m so happy right now” but with 0 emotion in her voice and her face is like 😐. (also same)
I feel like if she lived in a modern au her favorite genre of anime would be shounen, purely because she wants to be jacked like the characters.
Like you know how people will make workouts inspired by characters like Zoro or Sukuna?? She probably makes routines like that. 
She also likes storylines that involve the main characters getting stronger and overcoming hardships. Despite watching similar stories over and over again, she still finds them inspiring.
One of those women who wear simple/basic clothing but somehow always makes it look like couture.
Someone will ask her “Omg what brand is your top??” and she'd be like “Idk my dad bought it for me five years ago. The material is comfy and it's well made so I keep wearing it.”
Doesn't care for women's clothes since the quality is almost always bad and it’s impractical. (Looking at you jeans without pockets)
Omg what if she wore her dad's hand-me-downs?? Dying that'd be so cute!!
Back to the original time period, she isn't a massive fan of alcohol but one time she tried it out and accidentally drank a little bit too much.
When she's drunk she'll do any dare with a straight face.
Like she’d jump off of a building, and then act like what she did wasn’t that extreme. Walks away with a straight face while everyone around her freaks out. Has to have a sober babysitter nearby when she’s drunk.
Accidentally injured herself the last time she drank, woke up hungover, and decided to never do it ever again.
She'd rather have deep philosophical conversations than small talk. Will make you question everything in life and change your opinions. She is really bad at arguing though, so please don’t argue with her.
If someone gets heated during a conversation with her she’ll still be emotionless, and then accidentally make them angrier with her lack of emotions. She’s angry, she’s just bad at showing it.
The best person to infodump on when it comes to your special interests. She will listen to you for hours and remember everything you told her.
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pink-onyx-au · 10 months
so I got inspired by the ask someone made about onyx and night fury’s and decided to find a httyd dragon that would fit onyx the best, and I believe I found one!
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These are Catastrophic Quakens, Boulder Class dragons! They can curl up into balls and race across the ground when threatened (sound familiar?), and if they happen to be flying, then once they crash to the ground the create a massive shockwave. They often eat boulders and rocks to fuel their lava breath and they may look intimidating but once you get to know them, they will do anything to protect the ones they care about
sorry for the really long ask and the infodump, but I hope onyx likes these guys!
Onyx loves the idea! I asked them myself~ I'll have to get a picture of these two together and share it with you! They sound extremely similar so I can already picture them play-wrestling and sharing snacks.
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aihoshiino · 4 days
Professor of Hoshino Aiology, I need thy wisdom since you understand Ai so well, what do you think Ai would act like if she were to be in a relationship? Her likes, dislikes, what she might like to do with her partner during free time, do you think she'd ever be jealous over something etc
every time you guys address me as professor of aiology i get the most vivid mental image of myself at a pepe silvia board. i need to get art of that.
BUT.... WELL GOSH ANON SINCE YOU'VE TWISTED MY ARM… [<- trying to act like they aren't basically wagging their tail at the prospect of rambling about this]
I've rambled a lot before about what I like in Ai ships in particular, but I think in any scenario, romance with Ai is necessarily founded on deep, bone-marrow-deep trust - she has so, so much to lose on just about every level that romance is a massive risk for her. So I think any romantic relationship is, by necessity, the result of friendship (or just extremely palpable mutual pining lol) and trust developing into deep, deep love. Because of this, I think she's not really the jealous type…? Not only because she has to be 100000% secure before being in a relationship to begin with, but because she's just so resigned to abandonment and being left behind by people who should love her.
Once she's actually IN a relationship tho, I think she really blossoms - just as she does with Saitou and Miyako, two people she clearly has a pretty secure relationship with. She looooves banter and teasing… she has a really cute and cheeky sense of humor and she likes to affectionately and playfully bully the people she likes, so someone being able to give as good as they get and banter with her is one of her favourite things… but she also enjoys when she can get under someone's skin and get a good reaction out of them. She's so annoying. <3
For other things she likes… I think she likes height/size differences, which is good because she's so tiny and petite they're built in whether she likes it or not LOL. She's also pretty aware of people's hands just because of all the handshake sessions she does - she's also suuuuper touchy and cuddly because she's so starved for like, genuine meaningful touch and intimacy. So things like someone gently setting a hand on her back or taking her hand make her go so so sooooo soft.
Her dislikes, she kind of talks about in 45510: she doesn't like people who nitpick or get hung up on or overreact to her mistakes. Ai herself isn't really the type who gets super hung up on small details, so someone who's really particular and high maintenance would be difficult for her to vibe with. People who don't emote super well (and are thus harder for her to read), too… I also think she really, really can't handle people who have a temper and get riled up easily just because of her own experiences growing up as an abuse victim. When people get mad at/around her, she tends to lock up and go really hard on People Pleasing Fawning Mode as a kneejerk survival reaction.
UM THAT GOT GLOOMY… so on a lighter note… couple activities…!!!!
I definitely think Ai is the type who values just being able to spend time with her SO chatting about everything and nothing… she's the kind of girlfriend who is legitimately on cloud nine just sitting with the person she loves and listening to them infodump about something LOL. I think she also really likes… hm, how to put this… typical 'couple'-y date activities? I guess? So much of her life is about being denied normalcy so I think there's something really special for her about getting to be a 'normal girl' enjoying normal, mundane happiness with a person she loves, even if it's just something simple and silly like going to a theme park together or checking out a restaurant they both think looks good.
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severevoiddragon · 18 days
Leaving this here as a reminder for me and for you to know that I'll come back here tommorow with more questions because I know who I want to ask about, I just don't know what yet-
Additionally, if you're willing to freely infodump about Kitty and Charles, I'd like that ✨️
Ok !! I was asleep when you sent it but I assume it's morning for you BC you're an hour ahead of me I think !
Im rlly interested to see who you wanna ask about-
Omg freely infodump !!!!
BC of. Georgian times. Charles is at school but kitty isnt BC she's a girl. She does get tutoring at home and she gets Charles to tell her what he did at school <3. He really hates school and wishes him n Kitty could swap places
Charles plays piano and Kitty plays violin !! Charles will often accompany Kitty when she's playing.
Kitty has a really short temper and often gets extremely close to punching Charles' bullies.
She has a few friends, including Marie Everly who she definitely does not have a massive crush on, because all girls love their best friends, and all girls definitely want to kiss them. However, she knows she must marry James Beaumont BC he is rich and she is a girl so won't inherit the house or the fortune. She is a little bit very annoyed about this.
It was a mOnth beTween cHarles disappEaRing and Kitty and her famILy dying. january 1st was when they died. after about 2 weeks, henry n esther (their parents) were Like "charlEs is probably Dead isn't he? :(" and kitty was absolutely distraughT. about a week later, H&e dEcided to create the cenotaph for charles. then cassia and bartholomew greene had to Make the graves for henry, esther and kitty.
Charles is on the autism spectrum so when hes like "kitty the lights are too bright and the birds are too loud" it is a sensory overload but nobody knows this so kitty is just like "??? No they're not???" And Charles is like "oh. Okay :("
Kitty wants to be a writer or a poet but she's also got such a good fashion sense so in a modern au I think she'd either be a fashion designer or a fashion journalist. Charles wants to be a scientist (then known as natural philosopher). Biology is definitely his speciality. In a modern au I think Charles would definitely specialise a lot, but back in the Georgian times, there werent as many specific scientist roles.
Kitty was only called Kitty by Charles. There are no written records of her being called Kitty.
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nyaagolor · 7 months
I think one of my favorite dynamics that I really need to write more about is Ema and Nahyuta. Nahyuta deeply respects Ema and her adherence to her principles (also they heard her infodump once and got a massive friend crush). However, their only reference for friendship is the palace and Dhurke/Datz, so in their mind friendship is either cold professionalism or really fucking gay
Naturally, when Nahyuta tries to be friendly it comes across as flirting, so Ema tries to make it known she is, in fact, a lesbian. Nahyuta mishears lesbian as Lebanese, which causes a whole Slew of miscommunication issues. At one point they mention wanting to share her culture with them so she takes them to a gay bar and they are extremely confused because they thought the two of them were going to get tabbouleh
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antrunner · 7 months
hey bestie can tell me about Kyle's origin story like how he vecame green lantern if possible can you explain how the others besides hal became green lantern
so, kyle's origin is the most interesting and compelling to me, but in order to fully understand his start, we need a bit of context.
Hal Jordan. ya know him ya love him or maybe you cant stand his ass. he'd been The Green Lantern for decades!! but suddenly its the 80s. and he's exhausted. he's worn down and tired. and the 80's are like a minefield for him as he tries to find what he wants to do with his life. feeling lost and beaten down (both metaphorically and literally). then theres a reign of the supermen crossover thing where Mongul destroys the entirety of Coast City
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7 million people dead in an instant, a lot of which were Hal's friends, family and neighbors. He grew up there and suddenly it's all gone and it's just a crater left. It breaks that final thread for him and he creates a massive construct of the city. The Guardians (the corps bosses) HATE this because rings aren't supposed to be used for personal reasons, so they revoke his ring.
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Hal gets pissed and runs back to Oa in an attempt to argue with them... and it turns deadly. VERY deadly. Out of the 3000-4000 lanterns, only a handful survive Hal's rampage. He kills every Guardian except one (Ganthet), and absorbs the power from the central battery.
Anyways, long story short, Kyle is literally at the club and walks outside to get some fresh air and Ganthet goes "you'll have to do i guess" and gives him it. LMAO yeah that's his origin story. 100% CHANCE AND LUCK. it's fucking awesome. because it's completely different from all the other lanterns, who are chosen specifically by the guardians and the rings. like John and Guy for example. Guy was the second choice for Hal, but happened to be further away when Abin Sur (Hal's predecessor) died. John was then Hal's replacement. (I haven't read a whole lot about them since i'm working my way through some other runs, but thats the gist of it!)
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Kyle, on the other hand, was completely alone, untrained, and also caught up in the middle of a cosmic massacre. It's really fun watching him figure things out and the ups and downs of his life. to me, being a 20-something year old art major too, his story resonates extremely deeply with me. Ron Marz has some AMAZING writing too. Highly recommend reading Green Lantern 1990 (kyle's run starts at around #50). It's super fun and engaging and we get to see Parallax (Hal) vs Kyle and how sometimes violence really genuinely isn't the answer, and sometimes people just need a friend to talk to. it's so freaking awesome
Lmk if you need more info I didn't wanna infodump too much today........ teehee
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shellxrls · 11 days
it was kind of unnerving at first icl 😭 I didn’t actually meet jb until like a week in. the girls r so nice though !! self care nights with them were so fun omg!
john b was lowkey kinda mean 😭 like he was just a bit detached, he kinda just fucked us and occasionally infodumped on us about gold. all of the affection would come from the girls to the girls, honestly didn’t hate it though cause they were the nicest!
also someone mentioned about the sex toys and yes they were right. there’s a whole chest of drawers DEDICATED to ridiculous sex toys and extremely uncomfortable lingerie
jb fucks good in this universe !! more often then not he’ll fuck to take out his frustration so he’s roughhhhh. think I threw up on his cock like three times at one point cause that man was not holding back.
I’m not sure what else to say in this lil summary but yall know me im an open book so 😚
also glad ur feeling better baby <3
- rafe shifter
( just found this in my drafts from like a month ago omg i’m so sorry but posting it now !! )
THATS WHAT I WOULD’VE THOUGHT TBH !! cuz in the end it is . a cult 😭😭 after all but at least it’s a sexy cult. i’m glad the girls were nice though, i lowkey love that aspect of the au sm cuz we’ve added them as additional people & so it makes it even more fun to fantasise & write ab !
i actually love pushing the mean!jb agenda tbh, everyone portrays him as caring and sweet (which he is) but i wanna see him as the nasty, mean, perverted man i know he’s hiding inside (think when he was fighting topper & didn’t hold back) !! esp cuz i’m sure all the searching for gold and failing and the loss of ppl close to him has def made him bitter after all those years.
also someone mentioned about the sex toys and yes they were right. that’s honestly so hot to me like 🙈🙈 you guys just get to live the pretty princess life of self care nights and fucking a guy w a massive dick huh 😞.
I THOUGHT SO ! i’m ngl i am curious where he got the experience from though..
glad u had fun btw <3 !! and thank u sweetie it means a lot <3.
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bleachbleachbleach · 1 year
We're informes that young Byakuya was an ambitious, confident and such an energetic boy. What do you think the turning point responsible for the extreme change of his personality? I mean he went through a lot like losing his parent, had to disobey the law of the clan by marrying Hisana, then in the end he had to lost her too. Also being a noble clan head was silently such a pain. But what do you think is the most prominent cause? Or is it simply 'climbing into adulthood'?
I feel like if you were to ask Byakuya, he’d give you some well-rehearsed line about comportment befitting the 28th Head of the Kuchiki Clan and Captain of the 6th Division.
If you were Rukia and he caught you whispering something with Ukitake about Hisana, he probably wouldn’t disabuse you of whatever notion you and your captain had concocted.
if you were Byakuya, you probably wouldn’t hesitate to name some specific, discrete reason or set of reasons you are the way that you are.
But I’d resist naming a specific, discrete turning point—primarily to resist Byakuya’s inclinations, because what has he done to deserve those, but also because if Byakuya genuinely had his way then refusing gray areas and being hardline about how your life is going to go and what you should do to atone for your more whimsical decisions and what rules you must promise to uphold—that all would have worked out for him, in ways that it clearly didn’t. Because that’s not how life works.
Which isn’t to say that flashpoint moments don’t exist, or that there aren’t life occurrences that can have massive, traceable effects on the person you are, or become. Of course they can. But I don’t think Byakuya is the way that he is because of X, specifically, or even Y.
No matter what he says, or even personally believes.
I do think part of it is simply being older than we saw him in TBTP; but I’d hesitate to draw a complete picture of what Byakuya was like as a teenager from the one instance that we saw. He was in the yard, in the middle of a training session, and he was being terrorized by Yoruichi. He’s hyped up on endorphins and acting like a brat because he’s being treated like a brat by another adult brat. At that age, Byakuya was probably still spending a bunch of time shadowing clan meetings and doing calligraphy and writing dense, pedantic poetry about raccoons or shikai or whatever. He was probably also doing a lot of "traditionally Byakuya, as we know him" things, in the same way that Byauya, as we know him, still takes time out of his day to do completely insane things (more on that later. a numbered list, in fact).
How much of this is publicly available (or isn’t) does probably have a lot to do with being Clan Head. And sure, Clan Head is a role that he performs, but I think he believes in this whole clan head thing with every fiber of his being; like, he’s method. He’s the gonzo journalist of being clan head. he *is* this thing. And if there are parts of that role that are not desirable to him (I’m sure that there are) I don’t think he thinks about them as being a pain. They simply are. They are, and they are his, and he has never imagined a reality where they are not. We talk about shinigami being defined by their job but the man is the clan head, irreducibly and inextricably. 
I think he’s discovered, between TBTP and now, that to be less knowable is to be powerful, in almost any situation he can imagine. Not that he doesn’t love a good opportunity to pontificate, but that’s like the reward at the end of a successful round of impassivity. Plus his pontifications are more allusive than genuinely educational, so it’s really just more of the same, in a different key. (When Urahara infodumps, he likes seeing the shape of your eyes change, and all the little microexpressions that are tied like puppet-strings to all the small epiphanies happening in your brain. When Hitsugaya infodumps, he wants you do have information and, ideally, have it correctly. But when Byakuya infodumps, he’s performing a philosophical treatise and it doesn’t really matter whether it’s parsable by you, the audience, or not.)
And of course I think he’s also been shaped by his time with Hisana and his time without her; with and without his father (and one assumes, his mother; with and without Rukia. But there’s no way to measure or organize these different influences and isolate the variables and during his designated moments allotted to introspection he’s probably not completely thrilled by that. So he suffers, as do we all. XD
I also think part of him is just naturally That Way; he’s a born, organic weirdo; a standoffish strangeman. That’s in addition to havng grown up and found out that it’s smarter, more strategic, and more effective in terms of getting what he wants to be a little more Enigma and a little less Boy Shouts at Cat. 
On the other hand, we’ve definitely seen him be about 10000000000000000x more bananas in the current canon timeline than he ever could have dreamed in that one TBTP flashback:
1) He tried to imprison his own VC for losing to Ichigo, a proposal so insane every single other person was like, "well, that’s fucking stupid, so we’ll be ignoring that" even though technically he probably does have that power, since Captains can run their division however they want.
2) He almost killed his own VC in the middle of an active invasion, for reasons that only vaguely had anything to do with actually responding to said invasion.
I’ll give him a pass on fighting Ichigo, because technically that was his job? maybe? and sure, he did it in an ineffective way but that tracks with the overall Gotei strategic plan, so.
4) Immediately leapt to slashing his own tendons, deep in enemy territory, his only fallback plan being Hanatarou’s ability to survive and do anything about those tendons afterward.
5) Fought Zaraki deep in the middle of enemy territory, with Yammy still in play, in the middle of a war that YOU KNOW WHAT, THEY PROBABLY COULD’VE BEEN BACK FOR (not that it would’ve mattered, but) if they weren’t fucking around in the desert together
And that all happened in the same like, four months!
One of the scenes that I absolutely love from the Beast Swords Arc is someone commenting on how surprisingly baffling Senbonzakura’s personality was, in contrast to Byakuya’s. And Kyouraku and Ukitake don’t belabor the point, but they’re kinda like "weeee~ll hahaha" and I think that’s an incredibly accurate non-assessment of who Byauya both was and is.
I don’t think he secretly wants to be a drunk buffoon and his being Clan Head is the only thing holding him back from living his frat boy truth. I think he’s already living his truth because, from his POV, what else would he be doing? He’s Kuchiki Byakuya. Whatever he’s doing is whatever he intends to be doing.
However, I also believe that many people around him don’t actually see (have been trained not to? don’t know him well enough to? are politely pretending not to have seen?) part of the truth he’s living—the part that is that bananas streak in him, very much alive and well.
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