yolebrat · 2 years
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Commission for lovely @in-arlathan
I strongly encourage you to read her fic - "The Rebel's Ascension". It is absolutely amazing! ;)
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in-arlathan · 1 year
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“Once, I was Fel’anas’hani,” the smith said. “‘The Blow that Always Finds Its Mark’. That was the name my master June bestowed upon me when I came into this world. But most people just called me Felani. And I still remember the days before Fen’Harel had created the Veil. I remember the city of Arlathan in all its glory and splendor. I remember the struggles of the oppressed. And I remember those who aided the Dread Wolf in his fight against the Evanuris. I remember them all.”
Just sharing the full cover art for my new Dragon Age fanfic project, "The Rebel's Ruin".
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ramensmoothie · 1 year
What I'm gonna work on
So next for my game I think I'll work on the camera system. What I have in mind is a little complex so it might take a while. Stay tuned for progress on that!
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newsindonesiacoid · 3 months
CEO Bawang Mas Center Serahkan Hadiah JJS
PAMEKASAN, (News Indonesia) – CEO PT Bawang Mas Center menyerahkan 81 hadiah untuk para nelayan pesisir desa Branta berupa sepeda listrik, lemari es, mesin cuci, dan hadiah menarik lainnya. Hadiah tersebut diberikan oleh PT. Bawang Mas Center atas partisipasinya mengikuti Jalan Jalan Sehat (JJS) yang diselenggarakan pada hari Jum’at (09 Februari 2024) lalu. CEO PT Bawang Mas H. Herman Felani saat…
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mooseonahunt · 1 year
Coming up with names for the two cats I hc Gavin having, and a moot said he would name his cats after crimes, so now he has a cat named Felanie (Felony but spelt like Melanie)
Also his childhood cat was named Tax Evasion and he had another pet named Misty, short for Misdemeanour 🙏🏼
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hayleyolivia · 2 years
Two more characters to add to the collection! We’ll call them
the mercenary and the missionary
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Felani (pronounced feh-LAH-nee) is a mercenary / bodyguard / definitely in it for the money. She was hired by a rich family in Azurfell to follow and protect their daughter who has taken on a dangerous quest. The daughter was not informed.
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Cassius is a high elf, from a rich family in Azurfell, but spent most of her youth in the fantasy equivalent of a catholic boarding school run by priests of Tier. She has become convinced that she herself is a god worth worshipping. She’s been so successful in this convincing that she has become a paladin to —you guessed it — herself. She’s in the process of writing her holy texts and convincing people to worship her.
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mothermara · 1 year
I think when Sintaba goes to save the kidnapped Azra's Crossing villagers from the bandit cave, she finds keldar, rolgir and felani just kinda fucking around. she's like "can you guys take this seriously? we are in immediate danger" and they're like "watch this. felani can reanimate this bandit's corpse lol"
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tallysdhericky · 1 year
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Sinopse: "Em Barcelona, dois homens e seu grupo de amigos enfrentam medos, inseguranças e oportunidades perdidas em busca do tão sonhado amor verdadeiro." Escrito por Guillem Clua Dirigido por Marta Pahissa, David Martin Porras Produtor(es) executivo (s): Guillem Clua, Francesc Tabelião, David Felani Cinematografia: Hermes Franco, Pol Orpinell Editor(es): Frank Gutierrez, Luis Calvo, Luis Rico Estrelando: Carlos Cuevas Miki Esparbé Eduardo Lloveras Giannina Fruttero Pepón Nieto Ruth Llopis Ramón Pujol Meritxell Calvo Gêneros: LGBTQ / Comédia / Drama Baseado em Smiley de Guillem Clua País de origem: Espanha Idiomas originais: Espanhol / catalão Companhia de produção: Minoria Absoluta Distribuidor: Netflix Nº de temporadas: 1 Nº de episódios: 8 🎞 Tempo de duração: 36 minutos ~ 45 minutos 📅 Lançamento original: 7 de dezembro de 2022 ~ Presente ⚠️ Classificação Indicativa: 🚫 16 Anos 🚫 🟡IMDb: 8,1 / 10 🧑🏻‍💻Eu: ⭐️⭐️ 🍅Rotten Tomatoes: 100% de Aprovação 🍅 1ª TEMPORADA: 100% de Aprovação 🍅 Consenso dos Críticos: "Com um divertido elenco de personagens coadjuvantes, Smiley realiza exatamente o que seu título prediz: coloca um sorriso em seu rosto." #smiley #smileyseries #netflixoriginal #netflixoriginalseries #anetflixoriginalseries #espanhol #Espanha #smileydeguillemclua #guillemclua #carloscuevas #mikiesparbe #martapahissa #polorpinell #lgbt #lgbtq #gay #Comédia #drama #comediaromantica #recomendaciones #recomendado (em Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmYzLTKO5yZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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I never said I’m crew and I’m not a woman. I was hit with a warning that if I said anything else I would get sued so for now I’m laying low
Which one are you? The one who said an allegedly gf showed up to meet him in the tour bus, or the one that claims Noah isn't a nice guy?
Either way, you didn't really say anything, why would you get sued? And finally, being jealous about someone and talk ill about the person, isn't a felany, so What are you talking about?
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in-arlathan · 1 year
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Concept for Felani in a Post-Inquisition/Pre-DA4 timeline that I haven’t used yet. Not sure about the headpiece. I love those pose though. Maybe I’ll finish this some day.
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ramensmoothie · 1 year
"Pretty Cool, Right?!"
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Here's a little drawing of Felanie I did on a piece of concept art. Had too much fun with this to leave it in the concept art folder. So here she is.
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turisiancom · 1 year
TURISIAN.com - Sebanyak 2.000 pelari akan mengikuti event Run Against Cancer (RAC) 2023 yang akan berlangsung pada, Minggu 5 Febaruari 2023 mendatang. Untuk menyambut even tersebut, sedikitnya 100 pelari dari berbagai komunitas di Kota Semarang berlari bersama, Sabtu 7 Januari 2023. Dalam acara puncak RAC 2023 nanti,  2.000 orang pelari akan berpartisipasi, menempuh jarak 5 kilometer dan 10 kilometer. Garis start dan finish bertempat di Sam Poo Kong, dengan rute lari melewati tempat-tempat ikonik di Kota Semarang. BACA JUGA:Devi Chan, Sang Juara Event Lari CTC Yogyakarta, Begini Ceritanya Sehari sebelumnya, 200 orang pelari akan berlari sejauh 25 kilometer, 50 kilometer dan 100 kilometer. Dengan start dari Kebun Raya Gunung Tidar Kota Magelang dan akan finish juga di Sam Poo Kong. Ketua Panitia Run Against Cancer (RAC) 2023, Budi Setiawan, mengatakan bahwa event RAC ini diselenggarakan untuk keempat kalinya. Atas Dasar Rasa Kepedulian Latar belakang, atas dasar rasa kepedulian kepada para pejuang kanker agar mendapatkan kemudahan perawatan dan pengobatan penyakit kanker. Seluruh peserta akan menggalang donasi untuk disumbangkan pada Rumah Singgah. Yaitu rumah sementara untuk para pejuang kanker dari luar kota Semarang. BACA JUGA: Sukses Event Dieng Trail Run, Lomba Lari Bakal Ramai Tahun Depan Khususnya, selama mereka melakukan perawatan dan pengobatan di rumah sakit di Semarang. "Rumah singgah ini memberikan fasilitas kamar, akomodasi dan antar jemput gratis. Berlaku, selama menjalani perawatan yang panjang seperti kemoterapi dan radioterapi," katanya, kemarin. Carla Felany dan Bruce Soekarno, pelari influencer untuk RAC 2023 mengatakan bahwa untuk berlari jarak jauh dengan tujuan charity tidaklah cukup hanya dengan persiapan fisik dan latihan. Tetapi komitmen untuk melakukannya dengan tujuan untuk membantu sesama adalah hal yang mutlak. Ini agar tujuan dari berlari tersebut dapat tercapai dengan baik. BACA JUGA: Event Lari CTC Berdampak Besar Terhadap Pariwisata Yogyakarta, Ini Kata PHRI "Yakinlah bahwa banyak sekali orang-orang di sekitar kita yang sangat peduli dengan sesama.Di sinilah diperlukan kita para pelari untuk menjadi fund-raiser. Agar donasi dapat dikumpulkan dan didonasikan tepat ditujukan kepada yang membutuhkan," tuturnya. Sementara itu, Perwakilan Yayasan Kanker Indonesia Semarang Dian menyampaikan ucapan terima kasih atas kepedulian para peserta dari seluruh Indonesia yang tidak hanya akan berlari tetapi juga melakukan penggalangan amal untuk rumah singgah. *** Sumber: Bisnis.com
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444names · 1 year
breton names from tes + telerin dictionary
Abaury Acornic Adielmo Adin Adine Adiney Admaxie Adrick Adund Agon Agorie Agra Agrennan Agric Alhart Alin Allaudre Alley Aloges Ambeloz Amusand Anis Antleric Appe Arale Arin Arna Assa Astais Aste Auby Audette Audivet Augue Aulaugne Aure Avinë Baberne Baergerd Baloquin Banadyr Banna Barchric Barciane Barcil Barcynna Barie Baris Bark Baux Bavic Beanis Beare Beatte Bedgeret Bela Beld Belda Beley Bellayne Benda Bene Bent Berick Berl Bert Bitte Bordy Brenelya Brien Brubisa Bryctin Buck Buckcrol Buke Cand Cane Caran Carce Cardwyr Carmynne Caroft Carvick Castal Cause Celna Chadile Chane Chart Chen Cherine Chien Chiliel Chinel Chognar Cholart Chric Cild Clabard Clan Clente Cloger Colben Coldard Coli Cone Coneramb Coppe Coppenon Cortien Cothea Curgerac Cynd Daistert Dencoppe Densia Deptark Dere Dette Diell Distrant Donine Dorsa Dort Doue Doumord Dousse Douta Dren Drierien Dund Dunde Dundyn Dunre Dusa Edwan Eles Eleynal Ellemau Ellen Ellet Ellivic Elonde Elvenet Emick Emir Enna Erce Ertaira Esix Esmin Ette Euffour Eughampë Everic Evesly Evonte Evrinis Faine Fala Farau Fauding Faur Felanier Fellye Fenan Fien Flararon Flayn Frena Frunt Fuilin Gaboord Gabren Gabyth Gaerick Gagena Gare Garie Gauck Gawkfou Gerne Gibell Giont Giussey Glar Gluck Goly Gran Granne Grenj Gria Grien Grygery Grywysse Guarë Gude Guell Guevë Gusercin Gwine Hamil Hamuriel Hard Hardenn Harin Harron Heberrya Hectya Hedal Heleen Heline Henc Heriene Heries Heros Heroze Herrylve Hervald Hervel Hevental Houtic Imberya Iribac Jances Jane Jeaudel Jehana Jert Jonette Julia Kamunynd Karis Kina Kince Kine Labysa Laellis Laime Laine Land Laraurst Lard Laristen Lart Laus Laviroft Lert Lesel Lield Liennius Lier Linew Ling Lise Litric Loing Loumart Luck Lumoroft Luthen Lysans Mabencie Machria Macolant Maigh Maimrely Maing Malien Maly Mancyr Mandane Mane Manne Mara Mararcel Marberna Marcy Mard Mare Marmard Marna Marwile Math Matrigne Maur Mazavra Mectot Meencal Merou Micam Mile Miquen Mitte Monane Mondin Mondy Mone Monna Monol Mont Moorique Mordt Mores Morhan Mort Mostie Mund Mylin Nanne Nare Narya Noblys Noly Nund Nurel Nídele Ofenick Orde Orevafre Oriel Otte Pancayne Pard Pared Pasht Pavoint Pavom Pedywyr Pelimel Pell Pend Penrice Perre Perwywyn Pettend Phamel Phanins Phapéthe Pheald Phene Phild Pielfle Pien Pierrya Piraus Pirense Pucavin Puchryr Racmon Raell Rand Randa Ranque Rarcelle Remien Renna Ressa Reth Rette Ringio Riolle Roft Rolau Ronaux Rosane Roslywyn Roun Rouri Serne Setivene Slert Soldart Sondis Sorier Stone Stor Styr Suffens Sulthe Suren Syne Syra Syvelle Taine Tair Talhiane Tersel Therian Tice Tielie Tien Tine Tinien Tiount Tonsien Topper Tras Trise Uper Uthian Utia Utreene Valandic Vald Valle Vand Vanna Vans Vansi Varya Vausque Vedwalth Velen Velexan Venerick Vient Vierey Ville Vinet Ving Vint Vivigue Vyrre Wald Waynne Welderte Weveyna Whille Wildord Wina Wineld Woodys Woorsa Wouckine Wyne Yanne Yenne Ylic Ysabane Yson Ysoreena Zave Zoue
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kokokeren · 2 years
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WA : 0821-4317-2227 Baju Koko Pria di Ponorogo ,  Baju Koko Putih di Ponorogo, Baju Koko Pria Terbaru 2022 di Ponorogo, Baju koko  Lengan Panjang di Ponorogo, Baju Koko Putih Lengan Panjang di Ponorogo, Baju Koko Pria Modern di Ponorogo, Baju Koko Lengan Pendek di Ponorogo,  Baju Koko  Dewasa di Ponorogo, Baju Koko Dannis di Ponorogo, Baju Koko Dewasa Lengan Panjang di Ponorogo, Baju Koko Dalwa di Ponorogo, Baju Koko Dewasa Modern di Ponorogo, Baju Koko Dewasa Terbaru di Ponorogo, Baju Koko Dewasa Lengan Pendek di Ponorogo, Baju Koko Dari Mana di Ponorogo,  Baju Koko D'ihsan di Ponorogo, Baju Koko D'britano di Ponorogo, Baju Koko El Rumi di Ponorogo, Baju Koko Eiger di Ponorogo, Baju Koko Elegan di Ponorogo, Baju Koko Emba di Ponorogo, Baju Koko Ethica Terbaru di Ponorogo, Baju Koko Exclusive di Ponorogo, Baju Koko Elzatta di Ponorogo, Baju Koko Eksklusif di Ponorogo, Baju Koko  fadkhera di Ponorogo t, Baju Koko Formal di Ponorogo, Baju Koko Felany di Ponorogo, Baju Koko Fattaya di Ponorogo, Baju Koko Fayruuz di Ponorogo , Baju Koko
Fatih di Ponorogo, Baju Koko Felani di ponorogo , Baju Koko Full Bordir di Ponorogo
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karawek · 4 years
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its the 20th here already!! HBD felix!! on his bday i say netteflix rights 
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philtstone · 3 years
perhaps i am avoiding my wips to finish this months old sw fic i started after finishing clone wars s7 just to feel a bit of creative closure
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