#feliz dia de las madres
tokachithewarrior2 · 1 year
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Féliz día de las madres para estas dos mamis!
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k-lua · 11 months
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Happy Tejano Friday!!!!
Ok so this week I'm doing two songs, I forgot mother's day in Mexico was on the 10th😬 and then of course mothers day in the US is this Sunday. So first off is Las Mananitas, a traditional song that is played on mothers day.
Also I'm gonna attempt to sing this one for my mom this weekend so wish me luck.
Second song is from Siggno, it's called Mama. The singer Jesse Turner wrote this song for his mother and honestly it never fails to make me cry. It's such a good song and if you are curious about the lyrics I recommend looking them up
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bowserlink2010 · 1 year
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#leafeon #buneary #PokemonGO #PokemonEscarlataPurpura #FelizDiaMama #felizdiadelamadre
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julietas-basil · 2 years
Hi! I’m kinda new in Julieta fandom here in Tumblr. I do rad fics in Ao3 though. I don’t have specific idea in mind, but would you do an Alma-Julieta fic? Maybe a Mother’s Day Special? 😅 Thank you so much 😘
I thank you dear friend for requesting this!
Since our bud Jared Bush confirmed Julieta was a caretaker from her earlier years of life I'd like to take on that !
Happy Mother's Day to all the mommies,aunts,grandmother's and our favorite friends or other women who contribute to the world's well being ♡☺
notes; there will be a small angst for the start I hope you'll enjoy it overall!💖
It has been a long time since Pedro's murder. The scene,every single detail;the surroundings,the gallops of the horses nearing closer to people,whose feet digged into the muddy ground-as a way to escape from the hostile intruders-the villagers screams of fear and agony,filling her ears every night. Then the tranquility in Pedro's face,easing her sleep,until his features form into pure sorrow.
She remembers frankly the moment she dreaded even before they fled their sweet home; There was a not in her throat,a burning in her chest,tears that threatened to spill down her warm cheeks,when she saw Pedro-her lovely Pedro- giving a peck to their newly-born triplets (wrapped up in the warmest of blankets). The last kiss was a confirmation to her living nightmares. He whispered 'I love you' a short meaningful sentence that could forever be etched on her mind. That was it he left,stepping onto the cold water,in defense of his people in the expense of his life. She kneeled when the one of the military man pressed the sword in his body. She knelt,her babies on her chest,ugly tears and an unfaidable memory crossed on her brain. In the end there was pure Light...
-"¡Mamá,por favor! Are okay?"
A little Julieta was standing next to Alma's sleeping form on the bed. One hand on her mother's hair stroking lightly and her other small hand gently shaking her shoulder,enough pressure to wake her up. Alma's body tensed up,the reality of nightmare had undeniably kicked in;she was sweating and traces of tears had soaked on her cheeks. She massaged her forehead a bit,her eyes wandering to find Julieta's big,sparkly eyes looking worriedly over her mother's upset ones...
-"¡Ay,mi Amor Lo siento! I didn't want to scare you mija...come to mamá"
Alma motioned for her daughter to join her in a hug.Julieta flashed a genuine smile,a gentle frown on her face. The little girl fell into her mother's arms right away,appreciating the affection.
-"Mamà...I brought you breakfast!"
Little Julieta exclaimed happily,a giggle giving away her excitement. The eldest of triplets had finally managed to learn a new recipe (Alma had thankfully a lot of patience thank God for that!). She brought the plate to her Mamà;Two small buñuelos,mixed eggs with vegetables and potatoes and chopped avocado
-"I made you some orange juice too! Vitamin C is very essential in the morning!"
6 year old Julieta lifted a finger to define her expertise. Alma laughed admiring her little doctor and how much seriously she takes the responsibility of her gift. Then the older woman watched her daughter in adoration prepare the disk and place it qith slight difficulty over Alma's knees
-"¡Cuidado Mija!"
-"it's okay Mamà I got it !"
Despite,Alma's fear of Julieta dropping everything upside down,she trusted her daughter and the way she was becoming a young responsible,not to mention independent woman, it was one of the cutest sights she had ever seen!
-"¡Feliz Día De Las Madres,Mamá!"
Her older mija pulled out a small bucket of flowers she picked from their garden; acolombian rose,a "flor de mayo",a couple of chamomiles and lavender -all wrapped up in a yellow silk ribbon- the beautiful scent of flowers filling the mother nostrils
Alma grinned enthusiastically at her daughter and two rays of teardrops made their way down her apples. She wrapped her pequeña niña up in a tight hug kissing her curly locks
"¡Gracias,mi Linda ! Ay Dios mio,te adoro desde el fondo de mi corazón..."
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alwaysamaritimer · 1 year
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multifancore · 2 years
Quero desejar um Feliz Dia das Mães pra todas as mães: as que são de sangue, a que são de coração, as que estão na eternidade, as mães solos e tantas outras! Valorizem elas pq são nosso porto seguro, nos ajudam nos momentos mais difíceis e sempre estaram ao nosso lado. E por mais que ontem não se comemora na Coréia, desejo tudo de bom pra todas as mamães dos idols ;) <3~ ❤❤️❤🌷🌷🌷🥰🥰🥰😘😘🎊🎉❣️❣️❣️
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lunathecrackhead · 2 years
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Made this for mah mom, anyone is free to use it for they’re mom that speaks Spanish! 💖
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thenumberonejewel · 2 years
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Aca la foto de una taza que le hice a mi gfa (mal echa pero es lo que hay) :3
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Para los que no alcanzen a ver lo que dice aqui se los pongo:
"𝘚𝘦 𝘈𝘤𝘢𝘣𝘢𝘳𝘢 𝘌𝘭 𝘊𝘢𝘧𝘦.𝘗𝘦𝘳𝘰 𝘕𝘜𝘕𝘊𝘈 𝘔𝘪 𝘈𝘮𝘰𝘳 𝘗𝘰𝘳 𝘛𝘪" nwn
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nfvfhf945 · 4 months
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callmeanxietygirl · 1 year
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La vida se mide en etapas de amor y odio hacia tu madre hasta que empiezas a decir "como vaya yo y lo encuentre". ¡Feliz día de la madre! 💜
#DiadelaMadre #GirlIsTheNewBrave #BeBloomers
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boricuaxplay · 2 years
Feliz dia de las madres! A todas esas mamas gamers y a las que no tambien. Siempre habrá alguien que te piensa y pide lo mejor para ti todas las noches y esas es tu madre.
Menos a la mama de Marc/Steven/Jake no hay amor para ella. Vean Moon Knight!!!
Happy Mothers Day! To all those gaming moms and those who dont play too. There is someone always thinking about you and hoping for the best every night for you thats your mom.
Except Marc/Steven/Jake's mom there is no love for her. Watch Moon Knight.
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leregirenga · 1 year
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EL AMOR NO SE HACE PEQUEÑO... Desde hace tiempo busco una palabra que defina lo que eres y lo que fuiste para mí, lo que representas, lo que siento o lo que eres, la palabra más cercana que he encontrado es "amor", pero no un amor cualquiera, es un amor multiplicado al infinito. Un amor que no se hace pequeño aunque cometa errores; a veces no logro entender cómo fuiste capaz de estar siempre ahí para mí, sin importar nada, en tus brazos siempre me sentí seguro. Cuando me ganaba el llanto, cuando todo se volvía gris, cuando todo parecía no terminar, siempre estabas ahí para sacarme de mis problemas, para apoyarme, alentarme a seguir adelante. Creíste en mí y en mis sueños, me enseñaste a ir con calma pero sin detenerme, aprendí la importancia de caminar antes de correr y que si estabas conmigo nada podía detenerme. Incluso las veces que te fallé me abrazaste, me perdonaste y en tus ojos no cabía la decepción, sin importar mis defectos me mirabas con orgullo. Eras valiente e incansable, siempre tenías tiempo para mí, para preparar mi comida favorita, y no importaba que tan grande estuviera, siempre quería correr a tu lado cuando todo se ponía mal. Te escribo hoy por que se festeja tu día, aunque ya no estés conmigo; aún así sabes que esto lo siento todos los días de mi vida desde que tengo uso de razón y sé que desde antes de tenerla. Porque te festejo y te amo a cada segundo, porque fuiste para mí todo lo maravilloso del mundo, porque muy orgulloso podía decir, «Tuve a la mejor mamá del mundo»." MUCHAS FELICIDADES DONDE QUIERA QUE TE ENCUENTRES MAMITA EL YISUS
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escritosporunpoeta · 1 year
A ti, sublime ser que encarna el amor materno,
En este día consagrado a celebrar tu nobleza y entrega, quiero dedicarte unas palabras impregnadas de admiración y gratitud. Eres un ejemplo indiscutible de madre y de persona extraordinaria. Tu dedicación inquebrantable a tu familia es digna de encomio.
Has entregado todo de ti hasta este preciso instante, demostrando que el amor de una madre no conoce límites ni condiciones. En el Día de la Madre, quisiera recordarte que mereces lo mejor, no solo en esta jornada, sino en cada amanecer que ilumina tu camino. Tu esencia radiante y tu esfuerzo incansable son un regalo invaluable para aquellos que te rodean.
A pesar de las adversidades que puedan presentarse en tu camino, siempre has irradiado fortaleza y has brindado lo mejor de ti. Permíteme recordarte que ninguna circunstancia podrá arrebatar la luminosidad de tu sonrisa, porque tú eres un ser único y excepcional en tu esencia.
En este día, deseamos que la felicidad te colme y que encuentres dicha en cada latido de tu corazón. Tu amor incondicional y tu sabiduría nos inspiran a ser mejores cada día. Hoy y siempre, debes recordar que tu influencia perdura en nuestras vidas, guiándonos en el sendero de la grandeza.
Feliz Día de la Madre, ser maravilloso y eterno. Tu existencia ilumina nuestro mundo y nos recuerda el poder transformador del amor maternal.
Con gratitud y admiración infinitas.
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A todas esas hermosas mujeres sabias, inteligentes, luchadoras, emprendedoras y guerreras, les deseo un bendecido día de las madres.
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