#friends with my other someone implying she was some kind of bully just for telling another friend she was being ridiculous and that she
aroace-cat-lady · 1 month
So don't you worry your pretty, little mind people throw rocks at things that shine and life makes love look hard + all these ppl think love's for show but I would die for you in secret = me today
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rockrosethistle · 4 months
I actually fucking hate Mr. Jägerman here's why
Mr. Jägerman is a character in the Hatchetfield universe who is never onstage and only mentioned in 1 (one) line. This was enough to ignite my rage.
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It's because in this one line, so much is revealed about Max's character. So let's dissect that.
Max is mean. We know this. The very first thing established about him is how threatening he is. But I think his character often gets lost in the 'bully' identity, because just like every other Hatchetfield character, he is layered and complex.
We also find out two other things about him pretty much immediately: He has a crush on Grace (we'll come back to that) and he needs to feel in control.
There's a lot of evidence to support this. He repeatedly refers to himself as the 'god' of Hatchetfield High. He creates arbitrary rules around who his friends can date. He creates arbitrary rules around where the nerds are 'allowed' to go. And the moment someone implies he is not as powerful as he thinks he is, he retaliates violently.
This isn't just Max being a jerk. These are all signs of someone who is almost certainly deprived of control in their home life, which forces them to find it elsewhere. Max likely has little to no say in what happens to him at home. He's clinging to a sense of control wherever he can find it. And that line basically confirms that his home isn't a safe place for him.
Back to the crush on Grace, when you look objectively at the actions Max takes in the show, you'll find that he's not really a bad person, he's a mean person. He's a little shit that processes his need for control in the entirely wrong way, but people are shaped by their surroundings. The actions that come from him are different.
His crush on Grace only supports this. Every other bully in every piece of media sees the girl they like and whistle and say "yo lemme hit that." And if the girl rejects them, they resort to "tease bitch." Not Max. The first thing he does is start a conversation with her, laughs at (what he thinks is) a joke, then offers to carry her books. Like, I wish my highschool bullies were that nice to their own girlfriends.
When she rejects him, it's true that he continues to pursue her and calls her "dirty girl," but that once again comes back to his need to feel in control. But he doesn't get aggressive, he doesn't do anything that screams 'bully.'
We don't get a lot of scenes with pre-ghost Max. But when we do, they're interesting to analyze. Like, have you ever noticed that when he finds Steph in the Waylon Place, his very first instinct is to tell her, "Get behind me, I'll protect you" from, as far as he knows, actual ghosts? He feels like his life is in danger, but he's still putting Steph's safety first, despite having no interest in her romantically. That's huge.
There's even some evidence to support that Max terrorizing the nerds is, from his perspective, not so one-sided. When he finds out they were the ones who pulled the pranks, he says "I thought you guys hated me."
And he's open to change. He's not stubborn, he's not brutal. He doesn't continue hating the nerds just because it is what it is. Moments before his death, he is showing signs of opening up to them, and actually seems like he's coming around.
And none of this is meant as trying to defend Max's actions. I know he's the antagonist. I know he treats people unfairly. But all of this has to come from somewhere. I'm trying to say that there was clearly a foundation of a good person underneath all that cruelty. So what toughened his shell?
Mr. Jägerman. Max reveals in that one line that if he were to go back home from the 'party', his dad would call him a 'little cuck.' "can't even fight off one lousy skele'uhn." In this, he reveals his dad is demeaning to him. He's the kind of man who would hear that his son was in a life-or-death situation, and instead of comforting him, he would have made fun of him.
What must that do to a person? As someone who grew up in a home where Dad wasn't always a safe person to be around, I know that when I was younger, a lot of my bad bad behaviours were something I learned from him.
The prank meant to scare Max was the nicest thing anyone's ever done for him.
I think a lot of what happens in NPMD is indirectly Mr. Jägerman's fault. "Knowledge is knowing Frankenstein is the doctor, wisdom is knowing Frankenstein is the monster" type of shit. It is directly because of his actions and the way he treated his own child that any of this happened.
or maybe I'm reading too much into this. But I fucking hate Max's dad so much.
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parrythisucasual · 7 months
What About Me? Ch. 2
Pairing: Jax x Reader (Romantic)
Sub-pairing: Gangle x Reader (Platonic) / Ragatha x Reader (Platonic)
TW: Bullying / Implied depression
Content: You get settled into your room and make a new friend.
Your bedroom was rather plain. A desk, a bed with white sheets, and a tacky poster of a kitten hanging from a tree. “Is this… supposed to mock me?” you ask with a raised brow. “Erm… not sure, exactly? Everyone’s room starts like this. You could always ask Caine to personalize it, or get the paint and do it yourself. Gangle is wonderful at drawing- she could make a poster or two if you asked,” Ragatha explained. 
You step into your room, running your fingers over the smooth wood of the desk, thinking, “I have a few ideas… for one, the blankets should be (F/C), not this boring white. I’ll need some desk ornaments, and a few posters too.” You envisioned the perfect room as you listed it. Ragatha smiled, “Well, I can run and tell Caine, if you’d like, you just get settled in,” she waved as she headed back up the hall, “if you need me, holler!”
You turn, settling onto the bed and taking a deep breath. This was crazy, impossible, even, but you were going to get through it. You could take it. You’ve been through worse. At least it’s better than a trip to the emergency room for a broken bone, right? No pain. And it isn’t as if your life before was something spectacular, in fact, it was the opposite. Weren't you now living about a million people’s dream right now? A new, fantastical place with new, interesting people?
“How’s it feelin’, whiney?” your head shot up. Jax was leaning against the doorway, his already typical smug grin plastered across his face. You roll your eyes, “Pretty good, actually, this is gonna be better than my life back home.” Your statement seemed to surprise him, his smile faltering a moment, before he retook the jerk persona, “Oh, yeah? If you’re sooo sure about that,” he shrugged and invited himself into your room, glazing around with disinterest, “I’m betting you won’t last a month. The tough ones crack first.”
Your lips twitch as you resist snapping at him, “Mm, well if you say so,” and lay back against your bed. You were determined to ignore his rather desperate cries for attention. You ran your fingers over the soft white quilt and sighed, relaxing yourself. 
Jax, on the other hand, was staring at you, eyebrow raised and a rather irked expression painted on his face. He narrowed his eyes, huffed, and left the room. This made you snort, he was acting like a toddler who was told “no.” Once he was out of earshot, you began to giggle out loud. His reaction was priceless. You were definitely going to ignore him like that permanently.
“Um… Ragatha told me you wanted a few p-posters?” a shy voice peeped. You glanced up, surprised that someone else appeared so quickly. You glanced up, seeing the ribbon-and-mask girl, then smiled a bit, “Oh, yeah. Gangle, right?” She nods and steps closer hesitantly, sniffing. Her ribbons were wrapped around a small stack of papers and ink liners.
“Oh, do you draw manga?” you ask without thinking. The ink liners were the kind you saw anime artists using all over the internet. Gangle nods, setting the stack of papers on your desk, “I don’t anymore, not really… Jax just makes fun of me for it. You frown, that familiar annoyance tingling in your gut, “Hey, just ignore him okay? He’s just a @#$%*,” your rather unpleasant name being censored by a cartoony boink. 
She nodded a bit, then lifted a sketching pencil, “Um… what did you want me to draw?” You think a moment, then smile, feeling a twinge of sibling-like love for the sorrowful girl, “How about you just draw? I’d like your art on my walls either way.” Gangle perked up a bit, “Anything?” “Anything.” She nodded and shyly began to sketch. You watched her doodle for a moment, then realized something.
“Weren’t you a comedy mask when I got here?” you inquire, wondering if it changed depending on her mood. “Oh… yeah, I was but… Jax took in in the hall…” she blinked and her tears fell, but new ones immediately formed, “I don’t know where he went with it…” So her mood depended on her mask, not the other way around.
You made a small growl, “I’ll go get it back,” you gently pat where her shoulder would have been, “just stay here, enjoy yourself, okay? Don’t worry.” She nods, and you walk out the door, “And Gangle?” you add on your way out, “if he tries to mess with you, just tell him you don’t care, okay? He wants a rise out of you.” And off you went, in search of the annoying purple rabbit. Oh boy, was he about to get an earful.
TAGGING TIME: @lostsoullover (my bestieeee) @dai-tsukki-desu
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As said yes when i asked my new moot @tubvoids,here is why Percy is autistic and in fact,objectively the most autistic-coded character in the entire franchise!
'Troubled kid' literally just means 'autistic kid who faces peer abuse and even adult abuse for it'.It's Percy's entire character and lingers into his adulthood
Was a bully beater and stayed that way no matter how many times he got expelled
Ass at school but really smart in every other area
Has his intellegence insulted nonstop his whole life and just takes it despite what a strong backbone he has because he thinks he deserves it
Anger issues and general emotional regulation issues
Mama's boy who's mom dosen't quite always understand how he works or why he is the way he is but loves and is good to him anyway and considers his differences from normal people a gift instead of a flaw or something that needs to be 'cured'
Canon safe food(blue food)and Resting Bitch Face(the 'scary default expression' he inhereted from Poseidon)
Dosen't even try to understand social norms because he thinks they're stupid as fuck
Super kind and earnest in a way that gets on normies' nerves both in-universe and irl because they think he's 'corny' and 'unrealistic'
Has a beyond weird as all fuck sense of humor that's just natural instead of actively trying to be funny and always lands
Wears layers/heavy clothes all the time
Complex feelings on morality leaning towards chaotic good but he's done some fucked up shit that was technically justified in the contexts but beats himself up over anyone even though the others deserved it
Dated Rachel because she made him feel normal for once and he specified what made him love her was her brutal honesty and enthutiasm that gave way for healthy communication on both ends
Hates traditional masculinity and wants to be free of it and acts a lot like a trans femme egg,including finding hypermasculinity on men gross and unappealing and often wonders what makes people attracted to boys(Gender fuckery and also even just binary transfeminity are common combos with autism)
Very goofy,silly,chaotic and unrestrained with kiddy interests and a digust towards 'true maturity' but also loves punk shit
Can never tell when someone is attracted to him but when he loves them back he's Rizz City
Anarchist who hates the rich,privilege and power and does activism and direct action both in the mythos world and the mortal world(the former onscreen/the aformentioned bully beating and implied to participate with Rachel in her protests and charity events)
Gets along so well with younger people he basically adopts them as younger siblings and pseudo-kids(P*rcico shippers please stop being jesters,Nico and Percy are peak transmasc 4 transfem and autistic 4 autistic found family realness,they're the BLUEPRINT for it and y'all wildin' for thinking Hazel's not autistic too like hellooooooo she's literally a creepy cute middle school weirdgirl who was outcasted from other kids,even the fellow black ones?Ofc she's autistic)
Dare i say.The fandom's denial of his blatant autism is in of itself proof he HAS autism and is audhd.They're always calling him stupid and insisting it's meant affectionaly when he's stated a millions of times he does NOT like it,they turn his special interests that's so important to him for coping growing up and now too into him being a childish ass mf with no culture(that is also racist with how popular afrolatino Percy but they don't care just like they don't care about making him actually look black lmao),defang his anger issues and meaness and brutality and anti-authority mentality to turn him into nothing but an idiot and give all the credit to Annabeth(and that's misogynistic cause it makes her boring)and finally infantalizing him as if HE'S not fatherly one in the mcs.I don't even mean making him younger,i mean making him act like a little kid and his friends literally parenting him.It's all textbook rethoric and bullying tactics to irl autistic people and they only say he's allistic so they don't gotta feel bad instead of growing tf up and being nice to mentally disabled folks they can't relate to perfectly and to develop senses of humor outside of John Mulaney bits
Is literally the protagonist of a book series that's ultimate purpose is representation for neurodivergent kids as their role model that grows up with them and showed us we can live good lives like he is now????????The idea of allistic Percy is genuinely incomprehensible ong
'Good Kid' from the musical?Yeah,it's literally a song about an autistic kid who can't mask and gets abused by everybody for it no matter how hard they try to be good
I'm exactly like Percy Jackson and always have been and i'm autistic.So,autistic Percy Jackson is canon.End👏🏼Of👏🏼Discussion!!!!👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
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Hey hey! I loved your Prom one, and now I'm hungry for more! (Sorry not sorry =P). An idea that's been knocking around in my head is, its implied Tam-Tam gets bullied in the later Steps. SO, I would like to see MC getting into a fight after someone makes Tamarack cry, and the Qiu joins in to help because, love rival or no love rival, they ain't lettin' that shit slide.
School Fight
Tamarack x Male Reader (FTM Safe!) Author's note: I’m starting to think you really like the "jealous Qiu, and in love with Tamarack" dynamic… just a feeling. 🎀 CW: A physical fight and mentions of bullying. - I will also warn you that I may have not re-edited this. 1972 words
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Ever since MC had met Tamarack, he’s doted on her. If she was a princess, he was her knight, through and through. He was at Tamarack’s defense when Oma and her argued, he was at her side when she felt isolated, he was always paying attention to her face to see if she approved or disapproved certain plans. She is his everything, and even in high school it hasn’t changed much. It certainly isn’t as obvious anymore, nor is he following her around like a lost puppy as much either. With getting older and no longer feeling out-of-place after being the new neighbor, he’s become more independent. Confident, some might say. 
MC began to climb the high school popularity ranks the older he got, along with Qiu (but Qiu wasn’t all that excited about being popular at this point). Though that never let MC feel bigger than Tamarack. Instead he always made sure to make it obvious that they were friends, that he’ll make time for her any day, that she’s just as important as any one of his friends. In a room full of people, he’ll always choose her. 
So when MC decided that he wanted to walk with Tamarack after her after school orchestra practice for the first time, he had a gut-squeezing feeling when he saw her with a small frown and tiny tears at the edges of her eyes. He quickly rushed up to her, but she squeezed her eyes when she noticed MC and smiled, the tears becoming much less notable now.
“Are you okay?” He asked, studying her face worriedly, holding himself from running his hands over the tear trails on her face. She nodded persistently, “Yeah, Orchestra was just stressful today. Rehearsal stuff, it happens.” She waved her hand dismissively. 
MC sighed understandingly, “Well if it’d help, we can go to the Diner and get milkshakes?” Tamarack perked up at the offer, and while her sadness didn’t seem to fully pass, it still made her smile.
As the week continues, MC notices that Tamarack’s been more stressed at the mention of orchestra. She’s anxious in the hallways, as if looking for someone, or trying to be aware of what people are talking about. Of course Tamarack was a little more anxious and awkward, they’re in highschool! It’s kind of a package deal. But it was way out of character for her, this was fear, and that little voice in MC’s head knew that something was wrong. All he needed to know was what the cause was. 
MC walked into the auditorium, sitting in the front row as he kept his eyes on Tamarack the whole time as she settled into her seat and pulled out her instrument. Though, nobody really seemed to notice him with the bright lights on them, and if they did, he wasn’t their main focus. They were working on playing music for one of the school musicals, but not even halfway into practice, MC already noticed plenty of red flags.
Two freshmen who sat behind Tammy were being dickheads. Notably one was blonde and the other was brunette. It started out small, but even then it took everything in MC to not get up and tell them to cut it out. Maybe accidentally spill some water on them. Who knows. The two boys went back and forth throughout their instrumental pauses or 10 minute breaks, throwing side-eyes at Tammy while whispering some surely cruel comments about her considering that in response to every whisper, Tamarack seemed to curl more and more into herself. 
MC had kept his eye on them, wishing that Tamarack could notice him and give him a signal on what to do. Scenarios and plans ran through his head, many of them revolving around the idea of revenge. On the other hand, he can hear his ma’s and Tamarack’s voice to calm down, to not get in trouble. The rest of the half hour passes and Tamarack makes her way over to MC, inhaling deeply before crashing her body onto him, pressing her weight against him so that he could hold her closely. 
“Is there a reason you haven’t told me about those two dickheads?” MC crossed his arms. Of course he wasn’t angry at her, but the fact that those two had the nerve to be mean to the nicest and adorable girl in the whole world. The audacity. 
Tamarack huffs no longer leaning on him, “No! They’re just dumb, and it’s…” she falters, rolling her eyes and no longer making eye contact with MC, “It’s nothing to worry about.” MC glances around and finds the two boys headed out, but not leaving without throwing a judgemental look towards Tamarack. It only made MC’s stomach turn and twist. 
Just say the word, Tam. Put me in the ring, coach.
“If they keep this up, I swear I’ll start a fight”
“Please don’t” Tamarack laughs softly, but they both knew that MC wasn’t strictly joking. MC only makes a small unsatisfied sound, his eyes stuck and glaring at the two boys until they were out of sight. “Earth to MC?” Tamarack waves her hand in front of his face, “Are we still gonna walk to my place?”
MC sighs before taking Tamarack’s cello case, puffing his chest for a quick second before the weight shifted comfortably in his arms,
“MC, you know you don’t have to carry it for me every time-”
“You’ll have to pry this from my cold dead hands if you expect me to let you carry this yourself”
“My hero” Tamarack sighs with a smug look, readjusting MC’s hair so that his hair is back to normal before their walk. 
“My princess” MC grins back.
The week had felt long, as if the school building itself was actively stopping the clock and hoping no one would question it. MC and Tamarack were walking down the halls in their transition period, arm in arm. Chatting away about their next class and hooked together to not lose each other to the crowd was always their excuse.
“Imagine if the crowds sucked her away and I’d never find her again!” MC huffed to Qiu long ago. 
So MC made it clear that he would never let that happen. Nor was he going to let the world see the dust of blush on his cheeks wherever they did cross arms.  
Unfortunately, the two boys from the orchestra had caught onto Tamarack’s presence on their walk down the halls. MC could see the cogs turning in their heads, which was surprising considering that MC thought there was nothing in there anyways. Defeating all logic regardless, there was a non-verbal plan being set in their minds, which made MC tense. 
He felt worse when he stole a quick look over at Tamarack, seeing her understandably more anxious than him, tears welling up in her eyes once more. This time she finally let them fall. 
The two boys pointed and whispered, judging something– and when MC looked at what they were pointing at, it was a part of a bit of high school embarrassment. Tamarack’s backpack was almost wide-open, not enough for everything to fall out. Of course, they were close enough so that you could hear the glimpses of terrible things they decided to say about her. About her intelligence and comments about her appearance. People are starting to look. 
“Guys, can you both just fucking rela-” MC was interrupted by the brunette who passed him, shoulder hitting shoulder, which caught MC off guard. 
Tamarack was quiet now, and a panicked and helpless look was all she could give as the brunette had gone up to her, let her walk away just a bit so that he could reach into her bag, pulling out whatever he could grab. It was her lunch bag. In a quick attempt of playing monkey in the middle, the brunette with the lunch bag tosses it over to the blonde boy, who’s conveniently closer to MC.
As the two boys laugh, the blonde holding the lunch bag makes eye contact with MC, almost as if expecting him to laugh too at this obnoxious act. 
There’s a moment where MC just nods, the situation finally clicking and snapping in his head. 
Almost as if it’s instinct, MC forces his body to slam the kid against the locker which takes everyone off guard. Those who knew MC from elementary especially. He wasn’t lost or trying to fit in anymore like he did back then. He wasn’t hiding behind Tamarack and hoping that everyone stays friends. It almost made MC seem bigger now. 
The blonde was almost too shocked by the reaction, but he recovered and decided that he’d fight back. They both shoved each other around, throwing a punch in there occasionally, the growing crowd of kids gave a lot of space. Phones were out, and people were cheering and commenting. In one moment MC was pinned and being pushed around by his clothes, in another moment MC had the blonde onto the floor, shoving him harshly back down on the ground.
Veronica had pulled Tamarack away while Qiu and Ren struggled against the mob of children to see what was happening. All they had heard was that MC was in a fight. All Qiu fully registered was a blonde boy on the ground, MC trying to pin the boy’s hands away, and a brunette boy about to enter to help his friend, most likely to make the situation worse or make this a 2v1 situation. Qiu quickly ran up to the brunette and redirected him, only shoving him back warningly. 
That’s all Qiu needed to see, and they knew that it probably had something to do with Tamarack. Who else would MC fight like this for?
“Are you gonna keep going?!” MC shouts at the boy, trying to be heard over the multiple kids shouting. The blonde boy kept up with the struggle before finally giving in and knowing that MC wasn’t going to let go of his wrists until they both stopped hurting one another. 
The blonde boy nods persistently, allowing MC to finally get off of him (not without "accidentally nudging this guy on the side a bit" with his foot) and take a couple steps back in case the boy was planning on starting another fight.
Not that there was time for it considering teachers finally reached the situation. The crowd quickly dispersed, leaving only Tamarack, Qiu, MC, and the two boys in that hall with the teachers.. 
Fortunately, Tamarack and Qiu didn’t get in much trouble besides whatever their parents and grandparents found to be appropriate. MC on the other hand had a 4 day suspension, and the other two boys had gotten slightly longer and worse punishments than them. MC’s mom wasn’t the happiest at the whole situation, but she also figured deep down something like this would’ve happened. Tamarack’s Opa found the whole thing a lot more amusing than Omi, of course, but they were still somewhat glad the bullying issue was done with too. 
And it wasn’t like Tamarack and MC were banned from seeing each other ever again. Tamarack and Qiu would visit MC after school to bring him homework, and study together. 
At the end of the day, no one bothered to bully or make comments about Tamarack anymore, lest they deal with MC when he comes back. At least MC promised he’d never do it again. Probably.
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tfyoulookingatgiuxs · 7 months
Class Fight
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Steve Harrington x Soft!Reader
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: You are a normal student at Hawkins High, but unlike others you were reserved and quiet. But lately you've been watching Steve Harrington, the most popular boy in school. You were ready to declare your love but someone had been blocking you for quite some time, and now you had enough...
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: Angst, blurb, fighting, bad language, violence, blood, bullying, bad ending, fem!reader, use of Y/N, your surname is Williams, confession rejected, crying.
𝐀/𝐍: And here is the first one-shot about Steve. Unlike Billy, I prefer Steve, so if you want more things about him, let me know! Sorry for my english, this is not my native language. Please support and reblog! hope you enjoy! (DIVIDER NOT MINE)
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It was a simple day in Hawkins. Especially at Hawkins High, the school you attended. You felt happy today, in fact, very happy. Today you had a plan in mind, something you thought you would never do, confess your love!
You had fallen in love with him over a year ago. Steve Harrington. The most handsome and popular boy in school, he is implied to be a womanizer, he has had superficial relationships in the past with many girls and after his last girlfriend dumped him, Steve is now always in the company of his friends. He is very rich and you recently discovered that he does not have a good relationship with his father. He doesn't put much effort into school, he just prefers to have fun and enjoy his adolescence. You had spoken to Steve several times, he seemed to be fascinated by your way of dressing and your sweet personality. He also praised you for your intelligence. You were studious and responsible and he seemed intrigued by this detail, an example being his last girlfriend, Nancy Wheeler.
But not today. You wanted to tell him everything you felt. You were tired of this friendship of yours and wanted your relationship to turn into something more.
You opened your locker to get your literature book and admired the photos of you and Steve hanging on the small steel door. And then you saw the letter you had written to him. You smiled. I have to do it at all costs. This is my big day.
You said to yourself and then heard the bell ring.
You got the supplies and also the letter for Steve. You arrived and sat in your usual seat. Your classmate Mandy was absent so you had a large amount of space to put your stuff down, and then you saw it. Steve had come in and as soon as he saw you he smiled at you and you smiled back, blushing slightly. He sat down in front of you and you couldn't help but admire him.
"Hi Steve" whispered a girl with curly blonde hair in a bob, a pink long-sleeved blouse and a light blue skirt that reached her knees, finally white ballet flats that softened her figure.
Kelly White.
A girl the same age as Steve. Graceful, intelligent, kind and ambitious. She seems to have no flaws, but in reality she was a simple bully who made fun of others and was above all a spoiled little girl. She has had many lovers in the past and short-lasting relationships, this is due to her person. As is well understood, no one would ever want to be with a spoiled bitch, where the world revolves around her. She was Steve's friend, even though they don't spend most of their time together. But Kelly was hitting on him, getting too close, batting her long eyelashes to make people think she was a fucking saint. You knew full well that Steve would never fall in love with her. Kelly was popular, but everyone knew her wickedness, but lately Steve seemed far too pleased with her feminine and very attractive figure.
As soon as Kelly caught your eye she smirked but you ignored her. You don't know if she knew about your crush on Steve, but even if she did, you didn't care. You didn't want to fall into her trap.
In the middle of the class while the teacher wasn't looking, Steve turned to ask you for a pencil and you gave it to him "Thanks Williams" He winked at you and you turned red. The sound of something falling though caught your attention "Oops" came from Kelly's lips and she stood up to pick up the dropped pencil. You got furious when the bitch showed her ass in full view to Steve and he smiled.
The teacher's hand slammed on the desk and ordered the student to sit down. While happy that Kelly had been scolded, you were still enraged by the disgusting act she had made in front of your lover.
She wanted to keep Harrington around her finger tight. But it wouldn't be like that.
Class was finally over and Kelly slipped out of class quickly. Steve on the other hand did the same, no longer wanting to be in Mrs. Daphne's class.
"Williams" The teacher called you. “Can you kindly give these to Kelly?” You nodded taking the papers. You went looking for the high-heeled bitch and when you found her you felt extremely hot with jealousy. She had given a kiss on Steve's tender cheek and so before doing anything else you threw her papers in the bin, so that next time she would get her first bad grade of her fucking perfect life.
You went to take refuge in the schoolyard. You wanted to cry but you couldn't, you didn't even understand the reason for this sadness. You needed some advice, but your friends were absent today, so you had no one to vent to. After a long walk you came across the phone that was outside the school, and you took a chance, dialing the home number.
You had good parents. Seriously, they always cared about you, and maybe too much. To the questions "Mom, why do I feel sad? Should I give him away or do I feel so bad?" She replied "No, no, no. Don't choke darling" her sweet tone suggested you not to get caught up in insecurities and negative thoughts. You heard mumbling and your heart filled with joy, your father intervened "Take her by the throat" the phrase at that moment began to echo in your head. The two argued for a bit and you ended the call thinking about your father's words.
You would have waited for recess to make her pay...
That's how it went.
You would have done as your father told you. You would get revenge for what she put you through. She had chosen the wrong person to ruin the day of and your eyes darkened when in the courtyard she stole the letter that was for Steve, tearing it into pieces. You lost your temper.
Her face was messed up and your hands were bloody. Her entire perfect appearance had become hideous, full of bruises, blood and mud. The people around you continued to cheer you on, no one did anything to stop the fight, they were spectators after all...no one cares who gets hurt, as long as there is entertainment everyone is good at watching and enjoying the scene.
Your hands were around her neck, your knees pressed into her arms so as not to make her move. You heard someone yell, and you looked up to see Steve's figure approaching the crowd and an adult behind them.
The teacher broke you up after you broke her. And you saw Steve, your one true love call you a monster...
You didn't have time to react, you were both sent to the principal. Kelly was very injured while you, besides your messy hair, only had a few scratches and a bloody lip.
You were both expelled, but that didn't matter to you now, your parents wouldn't have minded. You should have gone to Steve.
After you were treated in the infirmary you thanked the woman and ran to find Harrington. You found him in front of his locker with Carol and Tommy.
"Steve!" You ran to him, not caring about the looks of the two lovers behind you. He made a face that wasn't what you expected, he looked bored. Surely the earlier fight must have upset him.
"Look, I'm sorry about what happened today. But I just wanted to talk to you" He shook his head "Okay" Tommy and Carol exchanged a sly look as they did so.
"I...I don't want to be friends with you anymore" you started and Steve almost looked at you speechless "I would like to be something more than just a friend. I've always liked you and I would like to stay by your side for the rest of my days" two friends behind you remained speechless, from your corny declaration to say the least "I love you Steve" your eyes shone with hope while from Tommy and Carol's mouths came an "Ohhhhh" accompanied by a giggle.
Steve fixed his quiff but his look was always bored or unconvinced "Wow...a beautiful love declaration Williams, but I'm sorry" the light of hope went out in your eyes looking at the lines of his face "Aww, Stevie don't do that, the princess might feel bad about it" said Carol "I didn't know that princesses got blood on their hands" He looked at you making you feel guilty. You hated Kelly, and half the school enjoyed seeing her face smashed into the ground, so why should he be the only one who worried about her? “Come on man, Kelly is a real bitch,” Tommy said.
"Exactly, in short, the princess did well in my opinion" Carol smiled.
"It's true" he stated looking at the two, and then looked at your stony face "But if you think that now you are better than her you are very wrong Williams" he said and then left while Tommy and Carol continued to laugh.
"We're sorry princess!" Carol shouted while her boyfriend laughed "Ohh Steve Harrington scolded a poor little girl, what a cruel man" Steve rolled his eyes as his voice became more and more distant "Come on man stop it! I'm not intrigued by hypocritical girls" Your heart broke in two.
Tears fell from your face as the laughter even though far away made you feel sick.
You came home crying with a hurt heart. Not only were you rejected, you were also made fun of.
This was the worst day of your life.
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spikeinthepunch · 11 months
the other thing i really wanted to mention about CotC in more detail, esp after watching new episodes, was the times the series tackles abusive family in a way thats heavily implied or straight up shown.
most obvious example of this was the episode "Scoutguest", where Craig allows Jason to come home after he says he lost his keys. What is actually most interesting about this episode is it focuses on how Craig is completely oblivious, and how Jason's home life shows his submissiveness in home environments. The first example was Craig and Bernard fighting about chores, and Jason just goes and does the chores for him, stating he wanted to save them the argument. I'm sure many who can immediately find this familiar- the act of doing something good in order to stop your parents from yelling at you or others in the house. You just want it to stop. But Craig not knowing any better, uses this behavior to his benefit. going through the episode, Craig's mom eventually calls the number shes given (which, we dont actually know was Jason's mom, and i think it probably wasnt- probably another source that knows jason's situation) and learns/understands whats up, and is kind to him as a guest. She doesnt tell Craig anything- he's a child, itd be hard to explain, and it may be invasive to Jason to explain it to Craig. regardless, she encourages Craig to be kind and when Craig hears Jason say somethings on his own he comes to realizing how different things are- and pieces together things. There is a lesson in realizing you should watch how you treat others, not presume about other's lives, and that some times someone seeking help may be doing so in a very discreet/not obvious way.
but (spoilers for newest episodes) i actually found this topic interesting to look at with Xavier. Xavier is a bully, hes mean. We learned that Xavier never had friends because he realized they just liked how he has cool stuff, and because of that, he just bullied people back, and felt that being King got him attention enough to feel good. hes a child, and Craig intervening right now is what he needs- Xavier can change. So onto my thought- The episode where Xavier explaining his story made me uncomfortable. We havent seen much of his family life. Things we do know: his oldest brother Kennith is at college, his oldest sister Cheyenne is in highschool, an unnamed/presumed mother. Unclear about another parent.
I shouldn't assume what i don't know about Xavier (his parent situation, mainly) but its interesting that we see so little of his family outside of his siblings, because the show has been very good at showing us entire family dynamics (we saw parents for characters that hardly show up!). His family is rich, his brother is distant as he is in college, and so Xavier is basically around his sister all the time. Previously I think I just took as her as the moody highschooler who thinks her little bro is annoying. But, in episode 2 of season 5, we get his story (which again, notably, does not show anything of his parents) where he eventually shows how he wanted to get stronger to i guess, beat up Craig. This is where i got uncomfy with the implications- his sister. Cheyenne works out, and the little we saw of her as the former queen did show she was also likely a bully, and i think it may be safe to say she is toxic and abusive towards Xavier as well tbh. Like, the way she start getting physical with him in that episode... getting angry, belittling him, hitting him. It made me anxious to see, feeling what is implied about her character. she does seem 'proud' of him improving but, i think its a situation of control (as she encourages in him too) and passed off like "tough love" when its actually really bad.
Xavier is 12 years old, we cannot and should not hate him like he is unredeemable. He turned into what he is for reasons a child likely would- be it the lack of people wanting to be his friend, or the implication that his older sibling pushed him around and bullied him herself. i did not really expect to see that in these new episodes honestly- it would have been easy to just say its how Xavier didnt make friends, but i think looking harder, you can again see how abuse affects kids, in ways that are very different but both bad.
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garfield420 · 2 months
Lost Time (Part One)
Midoriya Izuku x Reader
AN: wanted to make a small fic inspired by a dream i had a some time ago that i can't get off my mind
It had been three years since Midoriya Izuku passed, and since then you had never dared step foot inside that house. Things would change however when you receive a certain request from the boys mother asking you to house-sit while she was in the hospital. You couldn't refuse her.
warnings: angst, noquirkau, ghosts, slight yandere in a later part, implied suicide, bullying mention, definitely ooc but idc, also not proof read but idc
You got out of your car, taking in the fresh air and the view of cloudy Fall. The orange and brown colors ordain the yard of the house you're staring at as you feel an emotional sensation twirl in your stomach. It's been some time since you've been here, given the last time you were inside that home your childhood friend was still alive. He was more than a friend to you, but you always found it easier to describe him as a your friend as opposed to a 'highschool sweetheart' given the short time you two held with each other.
You continuously stare at the house, knowing full well you'll have to go in soon. You came back to the area recently to help Inko, Izuku's mom, with housesitting while she was away sick, she was recently hospitalized and so she needed someone to housesit in the meantime. You two bonded well after his death, finding solace in being with someone who also carried that unforgettable burden on the heart.
You sighed before going to the back of your car to open the trunk revealing a black luggage case that had all your clothes and belongings in it. You were supposedly staying for a few days until Inko recovered enough to be released so you packed enough clothes to last you for about 3 days. You grabbed your luggage out the trunk and closed the trunk before bringing it to the front of the door.
According to Inko she mentioned that she would be leaving a key behind one of the potted plants, which enough quick searching you find it soon enough. Taking the key you unlock the door and open it. As you step inside you take in the familiar but now distant view of the house, you can't tell if it's the grief or the nostalgia that's making the house look less vibrant and joyful it used to be. The pang you feel in your gut as you stand at the doorway is one you were half-heartedly expecting, but were hoping to avoid. You look at the walls and notice the lack of pictures there used to be when you were younger as you recall a conversation she had with you where she mentioned her therapist recommended she make photo albums instead to help handle the grief better.
You close the door and stand there for a moment, you recall bittersweet memories of Izuku and you when you were kids.
Izuku and you sat in front of the TV playing games, a bit too close for Inko's taste but she let you both just enjoy the day. Your mom dropped you off since she had other things to tend to that day, and found it better to let you play with your friend than to hand you off to some random babysitter.
You were playing some kind of racer game, the name that's been lost to you, and you two were taking turns to play it together since Izuku only had one controller. You both were aiming to get first place since the spot had eluded the both of you so far, yet the closest you both seemed to get to was second place.
Izuku sputtered out some noises, once again landing in second place, "The game has to be cheating! This isn't fair...!" he said with a flair of frustration. You reached over to grab the controller, and he reluctantly handed it to you with a pout, as he wanted to go again. You noticed this and a grand idea had popped into your mind.
"Why don't we share? I take this side of the controller and you take the other." You proposed the idea, figuring that maybe if you two put your best skills together in the game that you both can get first. Izuku face changed as he began to think about the offer, before turning to a smile.
"Okay, I'll take the left side of the controller and you get the right, does that sound good?" He offered, as you nodded with a smile. You moved in close to sit right next to Izuku, you both flush next to each other. He froze for a moment, surprised by the contact, but regained himself and you both split the controller. It was awkward handling the controller but you both got used to it. Next thing you know...
"We did it!!!" You cheered, both your faces brimming with elation. Izuku hugged you in joy and you hugged him back. Your face felt warm and you were happy.
You were happy.
Tears welled at your eyes as you breathe in the painful nostalgia, you know you should be happy about the time you two got to spend together but another part laments what could have been. Where would you be now if two different strands of fate melded into each other? Would you be happier? Or would you still be as miserable as you feel now?
Your internal ruminations are halted by your stomach growling, realizing that you didn't eat when you left this morning for the four hour drive here. You recalled Inko told you she had some leftovers and other food in the fridge you could help yourself to. You wipe your eyes of the small beads that collected in the corners of your eyes. You recall where the kitchen was and leave your luggage by the front door since you want to eat before you unpack.
She offered to pay for your stay, but you declined since you figured it had been some time since you left this place for schooling. After Izuku's passing, you wrote this entire city off in act of resentment. The only good thing around here is your family and Inko, who you cherish like family. To you, she is the kindest woman you have ever known, and the least deserving of what had happened. She felt bad about you staying since she knew how you felt about everything surrounding his death. You two had met up occasionally for lunch in that time following, you even jokingly refer to her as your second mom since she practically co-raised you when you were young.
Entering the kitchen, you hit the lights in the kitchen, deciding the grey ambience from outside was too much for your worn heart to handle. Warm lights grace you and your mood immediately eases, funny how light can alter your mood so much. You beeline for the fridge, beginning to feel the crushing hunger on you. You grab the first thing of left overs that catches your eye and place it on the counter. Before you go to close the fridge door you feel a strong cold sensation in front of you that sends shivers down your back. You blink for a moment before writing the cold off as coming from the fridge.
You close the fridge and go to nuke the leftovers in the microwave, feeling the sudden exhaustion of the long drive. Realizing you hadn't even taken your coat off, you do so quickly and toss it on one of the vacant chairs in the kitchen. You rub your face and stretch to try and put a little bit more energy into yourself, finding no success in the matter. You yawn as you go back to stare at your food rotating in the microwave, feeling the slowness of time.
Suddenly the sounds of a soft guitar fill the room, as your phone begins ringing. You pull your phone out of your pocket and instantly recognize the caller ID, you waste no time picking up. Setting the phone to speaker phone and placing it on the counter, you answer.
"Hey, Mom Two!" you respond in a cheerful tone.
"Hello, (Y/N)." she responds in a happy but groggy fashion, reminding you again that she's in the hospital.
"How's everything going on with you at the hospital? Nothing too bad I hope."
"Oh I'll be fine I'm sure, the doctor's just want to run a few tests and make sure I'm well and rested up."
You smile as the microwave goes off, you ignore it in favor of the conversation.
"That's good at least, last thing we need you rushing out of the hospital and breaking a hip!" You joke as she laughs in return.
"Hey, I'm that old! You never know, once I'm all healed up I might be more spry than you!" She joked in return as you chuckled. "Did you make it to the house?" She asked, as you feel your smile begin to drop.
"Oh yeah, just got here in fact. I haven't unpacked yet though. How long do you think you'll be in the hospital anyways." You respond in a false cheery tone, hoping to change the conversation. This doesn't go completely unnoticed by Inko.
"Doctor's estimated in three days, hopefully I'll get discharged in two." There's a short silence before Inko follows up with a question. "How's the house? I know it's been a while since you've been inside so I want to make sure you're fine." She said with a slight concern for you in her voice. You wanted to run from the conversation, you weren't ready to talk about this yet.
"Oh it's fine. Actually Inko, I just heated some food up and I'm really tired and I also have to unpack, so how about I call you later tonight or tomorrow?" You quickly try to dodge the conversation, this also doesn't go unnoticed by Inko.
"Alright... but if you have any issues call me, okay? And if you need to leave I completely understand, just let me know okay?"
"Yes Inko, I'll call you later." You hang up the phone, and swallow your emotions. You'll have to apologize to her later, but talking about it will just bring out a lot that you're not ready for.
You grab your leftovers and take them with you to the couch. You're sure you'd be scolded for this but you need to sit down and relax, in front of you sits the living room TV and a coffee table littered with miscellaneous trinkets. You reach for the remote to turn the TV on to fill the silence in the room with something other than your thoughts.
You flip over to some random trashy reality TV, you didn't care what it was, as long as it drowned your thoughts in a lake of silence. You shove a mouthful of food into you as you barely focus on the uninspired drivel displayed in front of you. You take delight in the food, you'll definitely have to send your regards to Inko when she comes back. She was always a good cook, although you'd never say it, you sometimes felt she was an even better cook then your mother.
"Ms. Midoriya, what foods does Izuku like?" You asked, looking up at Inko.
"Why do you ask?" Inko asked, a glimmer of curiosity shining in her eyes. You shuffle awkwardly, thinking of a way to explain away your intentions. You and Izuku had just started middle school, and you don't want to lie to her about your intentions, but you're not sure if it's your place you talk about it.
"Just curious is all." You lied, feeling light guilt burden itself on your shoulders. You wanted her to know, but you didn't know if it was appropriate to tell her. You merely swallow your feelings on the matter.
Inko looks at you for a moment, taking notice of your awkward demeanor and the way you're having difficulty looking at her.
"Izuku really likes Katsudon." She responded with a comforting smile, you felt relieved she wasn't going to grill you for more details. You didn't know if it was okay to tell her kids at school were bullying Izuku and destroying his lunches. You felt bad for him, and you wanted to help him by making him lunches, that way he could still eat. He'd never ask for help, he was always worried about burdening others with his problems.
"How do you make katsudon? Can you teach me?" Determined to help Izuku any way you could, you decided this could be the best method without making him feel like he's a burden on you. Inko nodded. and that day you learn how to cook Izuku's favorite food.
You quickly scarf the food down as your stomach reminds you why you're eating in the first place, and once you finish you lazily place the leftovers on the coffee table before you. You try to focus your attention to the TV, trying to ignore the fact of your situation and that you still need to unpack, but you fail miserably. All you could think about was when you two were younger and the innocent bliss that came with it.
Your eyes began to tear up.
You felt a strong pit in your throat, rife with emotion. You couldn't hold it in anymore. You choked out a small sob as you covered your face with your hands, breaking down from the grief. You felt the swirling emotions of anger, a sense of loss, loneliness, and most importantly; sadness.
It wasn't fair! Izuku was the kindest boy you ever knew, so why him? Why was he the punching bag for all the other kids? No reasonable conclusion could come to your mind other than all the other kids were awful, reminding you of the vitriol you felt when he died. You remember screaming in anger, threatening to beat up the other kids, you cursed them; hoping one day they'll be forced to feel the grief they made you endure. One thought popped out the most, the one that hurt and broke you the most;
Why weren't you enough to convince him to stay?
You let out a loud sob as you curl inwards to the couch, wishing you were being comforted. For the past three years you've been forced to face that gnawing emptiness as you try to deny it's existence in you, some days you find peace with it; and then there are days like today. You cried into the couch cushions for some time trying to find some comforting solution to your suffering; only leaving you with cuts on your fingers tugging at empty fishing lines from a lake of grief.
Soon enough you felt yourself grow tired from all the weeping, calming down as you lay on the couch. You felt another cold sensation hit you, and you cuddle further into a couch, too heartbroken to fetch a blanket. You close your eyes, and feel the overwhelming exhaustion hit you again. You can wait on unpacking your luggage, you wanted- no, needed rest. This can all wait for tonight, as you just want your brain to be silent for a moment.
Thus in that moment, you felt yourself drift off into a sleep, unaware of the other presence lurking in the house.
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mana-jjk · 2 months
tw: lisa frankenstein spoilers, jjk implied spoilers, violence, implied suicide, horror themes, im not kidding this is a hilariously violent movie, bullying, non-explicit loss of limbs, you know the works
i watched lisa frankenstein and immediately thought of inuokko because i am entirely not normal !! the greatest part is that this story would work both ways so just sprint with me right now
my preference for insane yuuta is entirely prevalent btw
option 1:
yuuta’s entire family moves after the sudden death of his childhood friend to give him a fresh start. he struggles to find a place to belong in school, and struggles even more in the bad relationship with his parents. his little sister is one of his last positive relationships and tries her best to keep him included. he spends most of his time in an abandoned ceremony, at a grave of a boy who died at his age, accused of witchcraft.
he has a parasocial relationship with him in that he’s absolutely obsessed with the concept of a loner, rejected by society, just like him. and spends hours just talking to him, taking care of his grave, and staring at his statue like a weirdo !
after a party gone wrong, where he drank spiked punch and after being pestered about a girlfriend, he goes back to the cemetery in time to see the beloved grave get struck by lightning. hence toge rising from the dead, confused but recognizing yuuta’s voice from being the only person to talk to him. his throat is damaged from being hanged, some of his skin has been damaged enough to see the bone, and he’s missing an arm.
yuuta hides him in his room, and toge hears everything. one night, after a particularly bad one-sided argument between yuuta and his father, toge thought he was going to hurt the only person to be kind to him. so for the first time since he died, he used his abilities and killed the man. immediately after he was remorseful and afraid yuuta would hate him, but he got the exact opposite reaction. yuuta was so touched that someone would go to such lengths for him, and strangely delighted by the gruesome scene. enough to where he wanted to recreate it.
so yuuta starts picking off the people who bullied him, harvesting what toge needs to be put together again. they diy a lab with lightning and every time toge looks more and more alive until you couldn’t tell him apart from any other person. he gets more confident in school too, becoming friends with maki and panda who see him as a little weirdo. in the process, yuuta falls in love with him beyond the parasocial relationship of before, especially when toge accepts his new murderous habits so easily.
eventually they’re found out after yuuta ends the second parental figure and his sister walks in on him. she’s devastated, traumatized, and runs out of the house covered in blood. he decides then to join toge and so they can start a new life together. a few months later, they’re not even a thought in anyone’s mind, except for his sister who keeps their existence a secret, living with their uncle gojo.
option 2:
toge has just moved in with a distant relative after the last of his immediate family was murdered. the trauma of witnessing their deaths led to his already selective mutism to complete silence. he is bullied at his new school, especially since he doesn’t defend himself. his classmates maki and panda take him under their wing, but he spends most of the time at the cemetery.
it’s quiet there, abandoned and full of greenery. there’s also a grave of a boy who died of a broken heart after a life of sadness. he spends a lot of time there, just sitting alone and keeping company to this lonely boy. he leaves behind a handmade charm, hoping to give him a little peace. it’s something he hopes someone might care enough to do for him someday. he’s already planning to request his very own burial at this peaceful place.
panda invites him to go to a party, but after being harassed about his voice and separated from his friends, he ends up stumbling home, half-drunk from an awful concoction. it’s there that he finds yuuta, fresh from the grave. he’s missing an eye, ear, leg, and covered in cuts that crisscross across his face and chest. in his hands, he holds the charm toge made for him. after a mini freak out, he cleans him up and hides him in his room. yuuta talks in slurring words but his eyes are full of wonder at the kindness he gives him. he follows him like a hobbling lost puppy, nearly getting him caught several times.
it’s when one of the biological, older, slightly bum kids who has been harassing toge since he came that he moves to protect him. he doesn’t even hesitate before he’s bursting out of the closet to strangle him. afterwards, they take his leg and toge sews it onto yuuta, who almost looks up at him like he’s waiting for approval. toge knows it was wrong, should tell him not to do it again, but part of him couldn’t help but feel protected for the first time in his life. and yuuta, who was so kind to him, was still suffering, wasn’t he? so maybe he couldn’t help but notice that one of his bullies has striking silver eyes.
it’s not hard to lure them, and yuuta takes care of the rest. diligently, toge replaces the lost parts until yuuta looks just as alive as he does. in return, yuuta encourages him to stop hiding his face, enough to where others begin to notice him. the moment yuuta is complete, he swings toge around until he laughs and then kisses him.
they aren’t actually caught before they leave, they both want to start over, and hearing that toge is a suspect is enough for them to book town. he decides to join yuuta, it works as now everyone thinks he’s dead. the only person with their suspicions is maki, who visits his grave with panda regularly, and sees the charm she knows toge made.
listen to me very carefully when i tell you we NEED more dark inuokko, and by that i do not mean sadness. i physically cannot read angst without a happy ending. i mean unhinged, crazy, mutually obsessed inuokko that don’t burn each other, they just burn the world around them. THANK YOU AND GOOD NIGHT !!
also please watch lisa frankenstein, scream about this with me in my asks, and share your dark inuokko fic ideas !!
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wandasacher · 2 years
On behalf of Samuel Seo and why he is not the piece of shit everyone think he is.
Samuel grew up in the slums of Seoul with a clearly depressed, unable to work, abusive mother who threaten him to kill him if he talked about his father. She was also belittling him, by saying he was worthless and didn’t care about him. As he was fatherless, the other kids bullied him.
His only coping mechanism was to find his father and thought he was Gapryong’s son. No one can blame him to believe it since his mother wouldn’t tell him anything.
So he worked his ass to be worth of Gapryong’s respect and started a gang only bc Gapryong was a gangster.
So why so violent ? Children who live in this kind of environment, also known as emotional neglected children, tend to have more aggressive behaviour, unstable emotion, low self-esteem and no intimacy with other people.
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(Such a great environment to grow up)
Meeting his father
During the speech of Gapryong Kim, Samuel heard him saying that he made him remember his son and the woman he left behind. So everything was made for him to believe that he could be, indeed, Gapryong’s son and for the first time, he was looking happy.
However, when he came back home. He met his real father who were just a piece of trash. His father left for another woman before Samuel’s birth, never really cared about them until the day his lover dumped him, and so he came back like a flower saying how much he missed Samuel when he never took any news of them, when, apparently knew where they lived. So no wonder why he snapped when he had an unavailable mother who never protected him and a legitimate father who never cared about them. (Don’t try to strangle your father, you don’t deserve prison for that kind of human trash).
But why wasn’t him mad at Gapryong? Because he thought he was a bastard child and adultery is still forbidden in Korea (from my source)
After that, he was probably homeless for a time, until he started to live with his possible GF (the girl in the bed in jake Kim arc -2).
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(parenting lvl 9999)
Did he killed his father?
While it is heavily implied, I personally don’t think so.
In a realistic point of view, you have to strangle someone during 3-6+ minutes to kill him definitely.
We saw Samuel attacking his father aiming directly to the neck, but his mother was very quick to intervene by smashing his head with the AC toolbox.
The day after, he was wandering around the streets, naked, holding the tool box with only his feet being dirty, probably from walking. I think the blood comes from him: it is dripping at the same spot his mother smashed him.
His father was working, so if he died, someone would have notice his disappearance, called the police and Samuel would probably have been arrested. I mean it he wasn’t very discrete after the supposed murder, holding a potential weapon of crime, naked in the street with witnesses.
As we can think he just took care of the body, he clearly wasn’t in a state of mind where he could think rationally and scrupulously able to erase all of the evidences.
As it wasn’t confirmed or refuted, it is the choice of the reader to believe it or not.
Big Deal pre Gun and Goo
When he joined Big deal, he was pretty harsh with everybody, but there is an interesting moment : when he met Johan. People will say he is an asshole to not let him join big deal. But in a pragmatic way, BD wouldn’t be able to have another member due to financial issues. HOWEVER he gave Johan some advices to survive:
- To not cry in front of people otherwise they could just take advantage of him. Looking weak when you are homeless can lead you to more abuses ( see like what and So funny in hostel arc).
- told him to snatch shoes and selling them, which Johan did, and thanks to this advice that Johan followed, Gun heard of him, leading him to be the crew head of God Dog.
He also considered Jake as his friend, so Samuel asked him to go to Gangnam with him because he wanted to leave Big Deal. (Very important) Unfortunately it is also at this moment he learns that Jake is Gapryong’s son, reminding him his family past trauma and his overwhelming jealousy.
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(Johan taking care of his mother like Samuel is doing and it is after him meeting his father)
Big Deal after Gun & Goo
He saved Big Deal. He literally saved Big Deal from being annihilated. He was the one who outsmarted Gun & Goo and earn the fee. And he was planning to leave Big Deal to go to Gangnam. In this situation, he was the one who were supposed to leave.
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(Samuel wanted to leave so much he took time to save Big Deal even if considered BDeal wasn’t good enough for him and his men)
But remember what Jake did? He left Big Deal, he just showed up wanting to fight Gun and Goo. But didn’t try to help more or to find a realistic solution after that. Even Jerry, Brad and Jason stayed to help the girls.
When Samuel became the head of Big Deal, he had to take the responsibility to earn the money for Gun and Goo: otherwise Big deal = annihilated. He was harsh, I can’t say the contrary. Ones would say he tried to hit a woman. No : he would hit everyone who mentions the name « Jake ». (Remember that poor man a chapter before?). He didn’t make the best decisions but at least he did what he could to earn the fees. I don’t condone wanting him to starve the girls.
Jake vs Samuel
When we know the real story about Samuel past. And remember that Sinu manipulated Jake to get rid of Samuel.
They would never understand each other, of course.
He is the contrary of Samuel, who had to work hard for everything to happen to him.
Jake grew up in a rich environment, had everything he needed except for a present father. He had friends, people he could count on and respected him, family, food, nice clothes. Everything that Samuel didn’t have. Ironically, Jake ran away from his house, leaving his mother in the same way his father did. Samuel? According to the girls, he was still taking care of his mother, even after what happened with his father.
Moreover, he is always compared to Jake, what makes him feel even worse about himself.
(Rejection 2)
Gangseo union & gun
We know that Samuel need to be acknowledged so he can feel worthy. (Refer to Childhood part). Gun gave him a second chance to prove himself. Samuel being a social idiot and a perfectionist, decided it was a good idea to beat up his own people. (Which is dumb). Leading Gun to tell him he don’t acknowledge him without telling him why, which leave him in confusion. JUST TALK TO HIM. (Btw Gun, you are a huge hypocrite since you did exactly the same when you killed Kenta’s family, who were one of your affiliate.)
So he ended up being abandoned for the 3rd time when gangseo left, and being more and more depressed and feeling like shit.
When we look at what happened to Eli - who grew up in a similar abusive family- he had the chance to meet the hostel who could understand his situation as a familyless, abandoned children and that his violent behaviour was logical due to his lack of education. Still, they taught him basic human relationships, how to read, to not commit crimes anymore and deeply care about him despite when everything went wrong. With Yenna, he had to become a better person so he could take of her properly and giving her the best he could. He has something to care for. Even Warren stays by his side when apparently the 5th affiliate is going to do something horrible and Eli was WAY MORE VIOLENT than Samuel. Eli is what happens when abused children find comfort with a benevolent surroundings, Samuel is what happen when someone is left with their trauma and don’t find anyone to rely on.
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(No one cares about Darius, but never mess with Eli at that time)
4th affiliate
Do you really think he is the one who came up with the idea of locking streamers? I don’t think so, he was very depressed and at his lowest after what happened with Gun and the Gangseo Union. He had absolutely no hope, didn’t talk, had nothing to live for at the point that he let Alexander BULLY HIM. ALEXANDER. Like Samuel isn’t able to kick his ass if he wants to.
(4th rejection, his only friend started to abuse him, and no, seeing Samuel getting more and more depressed and the shadows of himself is not an excuse, it is even worse ok. And so yeah, try to trust people after that, it is kind of hard).
Moreover, his plan was to take down the hideout of the 4th affiliate to begin with. When Lil Daniel asked for more informations in the contract, Samuel entered the secret room where he said loud enough to lil Daniel to heard that “he might have found our darkest secret” and then managed to go to the bathroom right after Daniel told him he was interested in it, and checking if Daniel is in the room when he came back. Someone who wants to protect a secret won’t leave. That’s why he asked Like What, So Funny, Lil Daniel if they wanted to have an appartement studio when he was already suspicious that lil Daniel when into his secret room.
He knew that lil Daniel was searching for the place where were hidden the streamers by ordering chicken. And, even with that, he let big Daniel go home after he hit him and told him he knew where the streamers were locked, when he could just have called the police and no more problems for the 4th affiliate. He purposely say to lil Daniel that Like what and so funny where going to be forced to do a showing stream, would make obviously lil Daniel angry and wanting him more to destroy One MCM (when the others streamers were forced to do mukbang or dance).
And when big Daniel appeared in the president room with the unfair contracts, Alexander clearly stated that he didn’t hide them in the secret room’s safe. That means that Samuel purposely hide them in the secret room that lil Daniel was curious about. Making it easier for Daniel to find them. And boy, Samuel looked way too satisfied when he found out that the 4th affiliate was dismissed. And didn’t even try to save it and fight back when Tom Lee appeared.
Alexander was the one who supervised the streamers and were checking on them disguised as Mister Gold. He is the one who send them back to their stream and punched lil Daniel so he won’t talk. Not Samuel. Alexander was the president, Samuel was just an executive.
Btw, it is clearly said that, thanks to Daniel, he could fast track his plan. Why do you think he thanked Daniel at the end? Because Daniel took down the 4th affiliate.
So basically : Samuel became president, get rid of Alexander and helped Daniel destroying the hideout.
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(Samuel looking soooooo sad /s)
3rd affiliate
Well, thanks to Samuel, Johan knows who sold the drugs to the pugsan cult. You know, the infos that Xiaolung was supposed to give him ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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(Oups now you know workers are shit 🤭)
And this move helped to save Jake and Samuel’s life from UI Daniel.
He was also called a traitor who betrayed his master, according to Xiaolung. As I didn’t think about it before, I realised he was talking about Alexander. Well, he did betrayed Alexander, but who wouldn’t leave after a so called friend starts to abuse you mentally, physically and emotionally? Leaving a toxic relationship doesn’t make you the bad guy.
With Sinu
But why didn’t he helped Sinu? Because he is smart and if Samuel helped him, it would have compromised his place in Workers, and being rejected for the 5th time. Eugene still don’t trust him even after 3 years working with him (to be fair, Eugene don’t trust anyone). But he was still kind of checking on him until Mitsuki took him for the 2nd affiliate.
And he gave some infos to Jake about Sinu. Not much but they made a deal. Remember that Sinu kicked Samuel out of Big Deal using Jake.
Summit meeting
Looks pretty satisfied to see Big Deal joining Workers, when he purposely know that Jake is looking for Sinu. And he asked Eli what Hostel wanted instead of threatening them like Eugene DID.
2nd affiliate
He looked pretty happy to see Big Deal reunited, remembering the old days and he knew it was what Jake wanted. He was still in contact with him when he left with Sinu and Daniel. He didn’t do much in this arc thought.
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(Samuel looking so saaaaad 2 /s)
1st gen king
Well, he beats the shit out of people equally. Can’t say much since it is the beginning.
Well, he came from someone violent and very unstable to someone more composed. The best exemple is how he slapped a big deal members for forgetting his coat to someone who just say that “as a member of Big Deal, your coat should just be nice and clean”. He didn’t use violence to gain respect (see with his encounter with Jing Jang vs when he met Old face for the 1st time). Well except against Asan public, but he had to fight them anyway and no one likes Channing.
TL;DR: Samuel > Jake. Grey character. Looking bad but not really.
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meili-sheep · 2 years
Another comedy of errors! Aka can you tell misunderstandings is one of my favorite Ao3 tags??
(This is just og trio of the bullies i couldnt figure out how to add in shenhe LOL)
Jean: you know what Lisa, Amber? Diluc’s been really happy recently and im just so happy for him! Hes on relatively good terms with Kaeya again, ive heard his recent foray into the rest of the alcohol market is going swimmingly though i still prefer his wines, and hes found a special someone of his own! Im just really happy that hes got a hold of his life now :))
Amber: yeah, yeah! A cold apple beer after a hot day is such a perfect way to cool down! I still remember being handed an ice cold bottle of beer by Master Diluc’s boyfriend after he cooled it down with his hydro vision. It was so cool, literally and figuratively!
Lisa: boyfriend? No, no that cant be right-- i saw him with a girl from Liyue. Its a bit of an insult to call her a girl actually just from the aura she exhumes! When i saw the two walking around Mond, i couldnt tell whether or not it was Master Diluc or that lady who was showing the other around!
Jean: yes, i... did see her with a Liyuean woman who was chatting him up at the bar. Usually he just politely ignores or tells them off but he was actually bantering with her! Even if some of her comments were a little more... suggestive
Amber: b-but then-- who's that Inazuman guy I saw him with?! I know that they're definitely not just friends or some business associates-- they were holding hands! With INTERTWINED FINGERS--
Jean: w-well, maybe Diluc isn't too well versed in more casual social etiquette? But... archons, i heard that lady say something about thread and webs and ropes and Diluc just turned as red as his hair--
Lisa: my, my... aren't these some... interesting developments. Hrm, i suppose i can keep an eye on that Inazuman man you just mentioned earlier Amber, I did see a new pretty face in the library recently. Pale blue hair, bright eyes, a beauty mark below their lip?
Amber: yeah, thats the guy! And i did see someone with some more Liyue styled clothes walking around the forests near Springvale, maybe that's Diluc’s... other... friend
Jean: i certainly dont want to pry into his love life like this but-- oh archons, these are concerning circumstances. I dont want to be a gossip either but...?
Lisa: we'll tell you everything dear, now what were you saying about Diluc turning his winery into more of a general brewery?
Rosaria: hey-- hey Kaeya, your face is so long you're gonna look like your own cavalry
Venti: oh no, don't mind him Miss Rose! Its just that Master Diluc over there finally has a love life!
Venti: oh come onnnnn Sir Kaeya! Not everyone wants Diluc for just his money and good looks!
Kaeya: not everyone implies that there are still a sELECT FEW PEOPLE WHO WANT MY BROTHER FOR HIS MONEY AND GOOD LOOKS--
Rosaria: oh get that stick out your ass Kaeya-- honestly im happy that Diluc’s finally getting a stick up his ass if you know what im saying. He looked like he needed it and from the looks of it... id say he really did need it. I don't think I've ever seen his lips quirked up like that for more than 5 minutes.
Kaeya: oh my god please don't talk about the romantic sex life Diluc shouldnt have
Venti: ooooo and here walks in the lucky guy!
Rosaria: (whistles) no wonder Master Diluc’s a little less of a grouch than he usually is-- this guy is packin in all the right places! You think theyre into threesomes?
Venti: oh, it looks like hes just here to pick up an order of... Inazuman dango milk? Now I understand why Master Diluc likes this guy. And off he goes, to not drink wine... oh, I don't think I'll ever understand the kind of people who don't appreciate the beauties of wine
Rosaria: i take everything back, this man is disgusting--
Kaeya: ...okay, maybe im a little more okay with Diluc dating him but i still dont want them together-- oh hey its Amber and some lady, yo Amber over here!
Amber: (chokes on her drink at Ayato about to leave and Yelan about to order) oh uh, e-excuse me Miss Yelan, I didn't realize my work colleagues were also here! Im just gonna go say hi ahahaaaaaa
Amber: oh my god oh my god oh my god-- you guys--
Kaeya: yes Diluc is dating i HATE IT I KNOW--
Amber: no, worse. I think... i think Diluc is cHEATING--
Kaeya: (spits out his drink) wait wHAT--
Venti: oh my god, i-- i-- hOW--
Kaeya: all this time i thought my brother would be taken advantage of... bUT HES THE ONE TAKING ADVANTAGE OF THEM-- I DONT KNOW WHETHER TO BE PROUD OR DISAPPOINTED--
Amber: oh my gosh let me tell you everything that me, jean, and lisa found out--
Rosaria: oh my god we thought he was dating that Ayato guy--
Amber: yeah right?! But apparently Jean and Lisa saw Miss Yelan and Master Diluc together multiple times (whispering) she was even making those jokes and DILUC DIDNT PUSH HER AWAY--
Kaeya: wh-what-- i-- i dont approve of him dating and i dont approve whatever tHIS IS-- we need to stage an intervention.
Venti: agreed. Though i may not agree with Mr Ayatos drink of choice, noone deserves this kind of treatment!
Amber: (sighing) and Miss Yelan is such a nice lady too, even if she is a little strange... i cant let Diluc hurt her feelings anymore...
Diluc: guys, everyone thinks that im dating both of you and that im also cheating on both of you... with both of you.
Yelan, choking a fatui: i know its fUCKING HILARIOUS AHAHAHA
Diluc, punching a fatui in the face: yeah but (sighs) theyre planning an "intervention" and i-- im gonna need you guy's help if were even gonna tRY to explain what the fuck our entire deal is
Ayato, chilling atop a pile of dead(?) Fatui bodies: (snaps fingers) i have an idea-- polycule.
Yelan, stabbing a man with an arrow: polycule?
Ayato, kicking one of the writhing bodies in the pile: polycule.
Yelan, tying up the most important officers: (shrugging) aight, polycule.
Diluc, setting the camp on fire: welp, polycule it is i guess. You guys want barbeque? They got Snezhnayan sausages and cheese
Ayato: i brought the bbq sticks and sauces!
Yelan: hELL YEAH-- you gotta give it to them, even if they want world domination, they make some really good food
Everyone, while the kidnapped fatui cry: agreed.
Kaeya, with everyone who "knows": Diluc, I love you, I love you so much but can you please explain to me why you are-- whaaaaaat are you doing.
Diluc in the bully cuddle pile: uhhhh, spending time with my fri-- partners? Is... is something wrong? Wait no-- why am i asking, all of the knights are here-- is stormterror acting up? Crap, let me get my claymore--
Jean, thinking that this is definitely not a cuddle pile: oh, no no Master Diluc-- we'll just leave you three to your uh-- business
Diluc, getting up from the cuddle pile: no, no it must be highly urgent if everyones here-- i can afford time away from my-- loves if it means Mondstat is safe
Jean: no no its no worry at all i just--
Ayato, absolutely reveling in this chaos: now why would our dearest Lucs ever do that? Whatever brought you all to this conclusion??
Yelan, fake betrayed: (gasp) Amber! Is that why you toured and followed me around Mondstat?! I was merely looking for some scenic views to show Ayato and Diluc later!
Ayato, internally cackling: then-- does that mean that you, Miss Lisa, only entertained my desires to learn about my loves homeland because you pitied the love that Lucs and I shared?! Miss Lisa how could you?!
Lisa: i sincerely apologize, we merely misunderstood at the time
Diluc, conflicted on whether or not hes amused or exasperated: i am extremely disappointed that you would all think that i am that kind of man. Rumors are just baseless things, why would you ever believe them-- i expected better from you all. Especially you Kaeya, youre my brother-- i would never do that kind of thing
Kaeya, guilt and shame incarnate: im so sorry Diluc, i just got worried and i couldnt think straight-- will you ever forgive us?
Diluc: of course, now if you'd excuse me i have a cuddle pile to get into
Venti: i only wish you happiness in the rest of your days, Miss Yelan, Sir Ayato. Love is a strange and wonderful thing and i hope you cherish it for years to come
Rosaria: tbh i was just here for drama, did not disappoint
Kaeya, under his breath: no kaeya, you cant commit a double murder right now-- theres too many witnesses and complications but aRCHONS diluc looks so happy with them but dAMMIT NO HE CANT DATE--
Diluc, when the three of them are finally alone: i hate that i decided to go with your plan. And that it worked.
Yelan: hey at least it gives us more excuses to cuddle pile
Diluc: true. And what do you have to say for yourself Ayato?
Ayato: i cant wait to fuck with everyones brains with our new relationship status!! :DD
Diluc: nO--
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Honestly, this works out so well. And not only do the knights learn to keep out of Diluc's business, but Diluc's marriage proposals have slowed way way down, and so despite Ayato's new hobby, it works out super duper well for him. And now he can get the affection for Yelan and Ayato and doesn't have to worry about it looking weird.
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deviltries · 1 year
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18+ only.    mutually exclusive.     softblock when breaking mutuals.
formatting doesn’t matter to me.     just cut your posts,   and do not use a picture/screenshot as your reply.     i’m selective with those who primarily use gifs as it screams being affiliated with a certain icky side of the rpc.
do not interact if you use idols for faceclaims ( exceptions are made for some );   are a multi and primarily use east asian fcs    ( especially if they are korean )    because that screams fetishization to me;    write historical or real muses;     use youtubers/influencers as fcs;     and/or soley focus on sexual nsfw.
i don’t use tw tagging format,   and i only tag overtly graphic and explicit content.
be aware that the glory is centered around abuse, trauma, bullying, torture, and suicide ideation. follow at your own risk.
this blog will have implied sexual nsfw content,   but very rarely,   as it’s not my thing.     smutting will likely not happen unless we’re close and it will never be on dash.     
this blog is multiship,   though yeonjin is a fairly difficult muse to ship with off the bat.     that being said,   romance is typically not top priority for me and i tend to prefer other forms of dynamics:     antagonistic,   platonic,   familial,   etc.
mains and exclusives happen if we vibe a lot or write a lot,   otherwise don’t ask <3
i’m macy,   23,   she/her.     this is not my main blog so activity will limited.     discord available upon request.
park yeonjin in present era works as a weatherwoman. well known, established, renowned. wealthy, classy, and elegant. has a young daughter whom she dotes on and a husband she couldn't be happier to have. her life is sparkling and clean and everything a person could want. but she hides an ugly past and wears a mask that has been super - glued on for the sake of blending into society. park yeonjin as a teenager was the devil incarnate, taking advantage of her mother's wealth, power, and influence to dish out violence to whomever she wanted to. yeonjin cared about nobody and dealt with her boredom in cruel, unorthodox manners. with a small group of friends who followed her every step, she terrorized her targets at school to do her bidding ( and to simply provide herself with entertainment ). if anyone knew, they wouldn't say it. if anyone dared to tell on her, they would regret it. park yeonjin always got her way.
although her cohorts had been with her for most activities, she hides the truth of one of their victims — she was the cause of yoon sohee's death, of which had been ruled a suicide.
as an adult, yeonjin had grown more skillful at hiding her true self and presents herself as the charming, kind wife and philanthropist. even with her position at the weather channel, she exploits younger assistants to write her scripts for her and uses fear to maintain control over younger, ambitious co - workers seeking to replace her.
her body count is one and a half, but that's only if we're counting literal deaths. she's snuffed out far more spirits than that.
your muse would never know that she was a bully in high school. your muse would never know that she killed someone in high school or that she nearly killed someone as an adult. yeonjin is an expert at acting and playing a role. she's charming, funny, gentle, down - to - earth. she would be a good friend at first. she's incredibly fake though so it would make sense for your muse to be put off by it or sense that something is off. she could've been an enemy during high school or college or even during her early career days but in a ' shielded ' manner so it's not so scandalous as being labelled a bully. yeonjin also has connections in high places, mostly due to her mom, so that's an option. anything could work tbh !
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threegamesaday · 8 months
computergirl888 - By saltrocksss
Computergirl888 is a visual novel about the experience of forming (or attempting to) bonds over the internet.
It tells the story of a computer program person, computergirl888, who contacts you in an attempt to try to make friends online. Computergirl is 13, and enters a website called MyRoomz to try to find friends (after connecting to the internet). There she finds three people: pixelskulls, XxBroken_VioletxX, and knightguy95. Each character has a different struggle to contend with: pixelskulls is bullied at school, XxBroken_VioletxX is depressed and struggling to see a way out of it, and knightguy95 is alone despite his attempts to approach women, who "just don't seem to give a chance to the nice guy". After offering them help, pixelskulls immediately asks computergirl888 where they've been, and after apologizing, they start talking about Super Space Tennis, their favorite game. pixelskulls jokingly tells computergirl888 to kill themself, which computergirl888 takes to mean that telling someone to kill themselves is just a funny joke. Then, trying to cheer up a distraught Violet, they tell her to kill herself as a joke, genuinely trying to make her feel better. However, this comes across as a cruel joke to violet. Then, knightguy95 hints at being interested in computergirl888 romantically, which goes over their head. Then they take a break to reflect on how they're the only person that can reside between 'online' and 'offline', a fact that reminds them of their inherent loneliness. After going back to MyRoomz, they're immediately met by pixelskulls who again insists that Computergirl888 doesn't really care about him. Computergirl888 tries to apologize, but in pixelskulls place they're met with Violet, who insists that she has no hope. Computergirl888 can only apologize. Then, knightguy95 approaches them, wanting to show computergirl888 something, heavily implied to be something of sexual nature, then asking them to engage in sexual acts. Not being able to understand what is going on, Computergirl888 overloads and crashes, as the game ends.
The game follows a structure where, after its introductory phase where we get to know the basic gist of what the game is about, you meet each of the three characters in the game other than computergirl888 themself, and get to choose to respond to each character's issues however you'd like. However, the game has only one ending, and the choices you pick ultimately do not matter: this is a feature of the game, because it is very much trying to make a point about how online communication can often been one-sided, and that it's difficult to parse what other people mean or want from you.
The game maintains a pretty consistent aesthetic all throughout its length, that intends to mimic mid to late 2000s era internet social culture: it replicates the default start menu of Windows XP, and the general feel of social websites of the time.
The music accompanying the game is excellent, and moments of silence used in it sell moments of uncertainty of shock pretty well. The final credit song is cute, although it states the themes of the game a bit too obviously and kind of leaves a bad taste in my mouth; it would've been better, in my opinion, if the game just ended on the note that computergirl888 crashes and we don't see them anymore.
This is a pretty fun game that only takes around 30 minutes to go through. It plays with some experiences I have also went through at a younger age, which is interesting, but sadly it expresses them in an unsubtle manner, and also a bit too schematically. It also kind of flattens narratives around grooming quite a bit, I feel, because it touches on those themes quite briefly, and ultimately, somewhat insufficiently.
Regardless, for what it is, it's a pretty good game.
Final Rating: 3.4/5
0 notes
dolugecat · 3 years
On some Japanese social issues I had learned about at uni and abroad):
(Rb ok!)
Legit had an epiphany about the true hidden meaning of the last arc of Mob Psycho 100. It’s hella projection but for real there is nothing neurotypical about Mob or Mob Psycho. I do not wish to enforce my interpretation on others (ironic bc I do that all the time but this is a serious social theory). There are some interesting and very sad social issues in Japan that the west really doesn’t understand but would I think help people understand a lot of context behind not only Mob Psycho, but also a lot of other anime. I learned this at my shitty university (prestigious but horrific) and while studying abroad in Japan and talking with Japanese peers. Get ready here we go (and tw for bullying and darker things):
Unfortunately in East Asian education systems, bullying can be extremely intense. Growing up I assumed it was over exaggerated extremely in anime for drama but it really can be so horrific. From what I’ve heard, there is often a single kid or so who is just shit on by everyone else, even the teacher. Mogami land *is* the reality of some Japanese kids. I’ve read that in Korea, this social punching bag sometimes is just the darkest skinned person (yayyy colorism /angry) and or someone who does not fit in. I mean, we have that in America too, but maybe not as common for the bullying to be as focused on one misfit rather than several. These kids just can’t escape the stigma too, kids from other schools find out they were a major victim at their old school and it starts anew. Thus there is so much stigma and incentive to join in on bullying so you aren’t the one. Sadly, this also ofc leads to higher suicide rates. That’s where the “shoe on building roof” anime trope comes in, bc somehow taking off shoes is relayed to death (I forgot why sorry)
There is a difference in how intense in general high school vs college is too. In the West, commonly college is the more intense curriculum and is harder than high school, but in Japan it’s usually the opposite. Grind suuuupppeeerrrr hard for entrance exams (huge standardized tests that determines what college you can qualify to) bc unlike the ACT or SAT here, that test is by far the most important factor for college admission. Then chill and relax a bit in college. Can’t relate. Name and prestige is very critical for job application, more important than here. That’s why planning out your future is sooo much more intense for Japanese high schoolers than in America, and why there is sooo much more pressure to excel in high school than here. Japanese school years and holidays are done different than ours, I’d suggest looking it up.
Social prestige of going to an American high school or college is nuts. Like whyyy do you value our shitty education, Japan’s is much higher quality (it’s bc we neo colonized them). Being able to speak English is very, very highly valued and any association with Americans make you cooler. From my experience, some Japanese students got very excited to practice speaking English with us, and their biggest issues with learning it is pronunciation, lmao. Wasai english is unique slang that is indeed English words but it’s kinda different and it’s kinda jarring to remember lol. So, Teru having parents that are working overseas isn’t too uncommon, idk about leaving him absolutely alone, but I did have a ex-friend who just came from Japan in middle school who’s situation probably wasn’t too far off from that. Empty wealth with no love, it’s no wonder those kind of people can end up being huge bullies (minori?)
I did a presentation on 引きこもり(hikikomori) for which means “shut in”, (like Serizawa) and it’s fucked up. It’s a social phenomena where according to some Japanese researchers a mix of undisciplined parenting, guilt/not living up to expectations, and hopelessness makes an alarming amount of youth/ young adults literally never go out side their house/room. Often a parent is “enabling” the behavior by supporting them, but idk the articles seemed a bit victim-blaming to me when I read it, but I don’t think I should make a judgement too hard, not my place. I will say I do suspect and believe I read something to support that ASD might play a role in hikikomoris (there is pitiful resources for autistic people in Asia, much much less support than even here, to the point I don’t think most know it exists). Like come on, with the other points I laid out my personal opinion as an Asian American with autism is that it really seems it’s unknowing ableism against autistic classmates, but I didn’t grow up in Asia so I don’t want to say.
Mental health in general is tragically quite abysmal in Japan, and with it being so hyper competitive and brutal work culture, it’s no surprise birth rate in Japan is so low; some Japanese young adults say it seems unethical to bring a life to such hostile world. Suicide rate is of the highest in the world. It’s fucked, I’ve interacted with some of the locals in Tokyo and they were so nice, but the business men just looked dead inside, it’s so sad.
Relationships between child and parent is also strained bc of this intense work and school culture. Quality time is too scarce when you gotta work so much. And the pressure from parents to do well in education or else you might end up socially stigmatized is rough. Bc your job is who you are, it’s hyper capitalism (thanks us for making them do this)
With autism being so unknown, support for parents in raising autistic kids is almost nonexistent. What happens if the “darker” side of ASD shows up in kids? I used to be a menace when I had meltdowns, I felt so bad but really just became so indiscriminately violent. See where this is going? Legit, I think ESP is a sort of metaphor for neurodivergance to ONE. There is so much stigma around it, and even less way for kids to understand why they are different than the others. My Korean family can’t admit we all got ASD, too much fear and internalized shame.
I got finally diagnosed with ASD as an adult and I’ll tell ya, I relate too much to Mob hurting Ritsu. I felt so bad, but also not in control, I knew what I was doing but not how to stop. Luckily, is was blessed in that my hyperfixations involved science and logic, so I did well at school. Sadly, our boy Mob just don’t got the passion or ability to do well at school. His kanji is very bad, even to point of not being confident he wrote a kanji (世) they learn when they are 9, in elementary school (thanks @katyatalks). Him being a bit berated by his parents for having bad grades and bending spoons seems harsh to Westerners I think, but IMO it’s pretty tame from what I’ve seen of some Asian parents (I get to say that lmao). Ofc, however the shaming is very real and Mob just agreeing with them about how weird and stupid he thinks he is so sad. There is even more pressure for the eldest to be better than here, I feel from some interactions. Nonetheless, it’s implied Mob is quite emotionally detached from his parents, even though he loves them, which also adds to his emotional complex. Combined with originally fragile self esteem and feelings of worthlessness, we got one emotionally stunted boy. However, contrary to common belief people with ASD are sometimes hyper empathic and experience emotions very intensely. We are prone to having “meltdowns” which if not assisted with can be quite violent if very intense. For me, my worse meltdowns as a kid came from when I didn’t understand why I wasn’t getting what I wanted, it seemed selfish and cruel of me but I couldn’t control it. I wanted to be a good kid, so why did hit my moms leg at target when she refused to buy me Pokémon toys? I couldn’t come up with a good reason for why my mind just commanded my body to do bad things, just a single thought was controlling me, I want I want I want I want I want ____. Which I argue could be what ???% represents… bc well…. Yeah….. hmm….. not in control of self (mob unconscious), selfish (not actually, I’ve forgave myself but my “normal” kid self was so ashamed), destructive, hurt family, wanting to stop but can’t, that’s kind of…. Too relatable.
But legit, since realizing my new HC, I’ve started to think of the last chapter of mp100 when I “explode” and it helps me feel better and I do gain “control” a bit easier. I don’t feel so bad anymore either, Mob!
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~Metal Family headcanons~
These are like my... general hcs)? which means I didn't include my main hc that Glam, Ches and Vicky are polyamorous, married and started dating after Glam met Vicky, and absolutely everything that implies for the kids and the relationships between each member of the fam. Maybe I'll make a separate post for that or maybe not! Who knows lkfwnlfqnf
Glam has constant nightmares and ocasional night terrors ever since he ran away home and is an active sleep walker. Ches helped him through the worse ones when they were younger, and learned how to deal with them, always preferring not to wake him up but being with him until the episode passed. Vicky has learned how to deal with them, though she normally asks Ches for advice with it cuz she comes out short sometimes.
He has PTSD. I bet it's diagnosed too, he takes medication and goes to therapy, it doesn't mean he still doesn't have his bad days anyway. He's trying to get better.
Glam has talked to Vicky about his past, his father and his family. This is a direct contradiction of Alina's confirmation that Glam doesn't talk about it with anyone but man FUCK THAT. We love good communication in this house, Vicky tries her best to help him, but there's only so much she can do to help.
Glam enjoys gardening, cooking and making models, he also likes doing his make up, painting his nails and dressing up in fancy, extravagant clothes even if he has nowhere important to go.
He likes taking care of everyone's hair, and constantly helps Vicky brush her hair cuz there's so much of it, Dee when he gets stressed over how tangled it can get, buys Ches hair products so he actually takes care of it, and chases Heavy so the kid actually washes, untangles and brushes his hair.
This one is kind of weird, but I refuse to think any adult in the family is unarmed at any time. Glam owns a taser and pepper spray. They're bright pink and sparkly.
This man cried his eyes out while watching Coco. He's hell to watch movies with cuz he talks and predicts what's gonna happen during the movie, judges them with scores at the end and all.
Also bisexual!
Vicky's the one who does everyone's laundry most of the time. She prefers it that way since she's the only one that knows how to wash their black clothes so the colors stay vibrant. (This is based on my gf shaming everyone but Vicky cuz their black clothes always look so muted and almost gray, but Vicky's whole outfit is always the same vibrant black colors, so we decided that neither Glam or the kids know how to wash dark clothes)
She has anger issues, if it isn't obvious. I think she also has PTSD, mainly survivor's guilt due to her surviving the accident her brother died in. She blames herself and cannot bear to talk about it, in some sort of deep denial. If she can't remember, it can't hurt as much, right?
She has scars on the right side of her back and her hip, from the road rash she got on her brother's accident, she never treated it due to grief and it scarred badly. Apart from that, the scar of the caesarean section from Heavy's birth. She doesn't really mind both of them, they happened, nothing to do about them.
She likes watching boxing competitions, brawling matches and motorcycle repairing on TV. Loves doing BBQ's and going to the pool. Also an enjoyer of teasing her kids, kissing and loving her husband at random times, spending time drinking and bonding with Ches and bragging about her family and punching anyone who thinks they're not that cool.
Not particularly a fan of make up, skirts and dresses or any traditionally femenine-perceived stuff. But has been making exceptions due to Glam and Ches being unashamed of being seen as femenine, and actually rocking the looks. The internalized misogyny is kind of slowly dissapearing.
Apart from the guns she carries in each arm (I mean her biceps, have you looked at the size of those?? She strong) she has brass knuckles on her at all times. Glam gifts her new ones sometimes, she loves having multiple choices to punch people teeth in.
Loves horror, thrillers and action movies. Falls asleep during rom-coms and dramas. Ironically, loves gossip and talking shit about people. Enjoys hearing Ches talks about the gossip going on in the nursery home even if she doesn't know who the hell he's talking about.
Rest of the family under the cut!
Heavy is a trans boy! He doesn't know his sexuality yet though, he's still figuring himself out. When he's older, i think he definitely dated some men but had better luck with girls.
Heavy has had innocent crushes on some girls on his class before, but they never turn into anything more cuz he's not the best at expressing himself. He follows the bother-the-girl-to-death-until-she-hates-you gimmick, and unsurprisingly, it doesn't work.
I'm sorry to break this to u but Heavy totally had an among us phase, and uses so much reddit and twitch slang... You know he does.
Likes bullying and teasing his brother to death. You know that when Dee had his first romance, Heavy was ALL up in his business being a tease and a bad attempt at a wingman. He means well tho.
He's not squeamish at all. Also has great pain resistance. This kid has picked cockroaches with his bare hands and loves cats, of course the cats have scratched him. He's tough!
Grows up to be the charming himbo he was always destined to be.
I hc him as demisexual. Kind of inherited his dad's tastes for the takes no crap, intimidating but pretty kind of people.
Can't cook. He tries but he can only do basics like rice, cereal, chicken nuggets or eggs. Complicated meals always burn or don't taste like anything at all. It drives him crazy.
Dee was a quiet and very well behaved toddler before Heavy was born. He never threw tantrums or got whims. After Heavy was born though, and despite the fact he understood his brother was small and needed special care, he started craving attention often and cried and got mad at little things. Typical jealousy of the oldest sibling.
The first time Dee fell in love with someone, he didn't recognize it was love at first. He just thought his interest on the person was born out of curiosity and aesthetic attraction, but as soon as he realized he seeked validation and companionship, that he liked seeing them smile, that he wanted to protect them, that he yearned for more time alone with them and that he wanted more than what just a simple friendship implied, it was an instant 'oh hell no'. He wanted those feelings to get the hell away, but unfortunately, they were there to stay.
Canonically likes MLP, psychological and horror anime like Death note and Hellsing, so I'm deciding he also watched Death Parade, had a FNAF phase, is very into The Walten Files. This guy enjoys any kind of specially dark ARG's and knows a ton of lore of real crime, unsolved cases, ghost appearances and other stuff. Doesn't believe in the supernatural, but sure is entertained by it.
He's a mess at romance. Flirting? His attempts at compliments are hardly flattering. Giving gifts? The best he can manage is jewelry and you can kind of tell he asked his dad for help. Dates? He's so nervous he's silent for most of it, but begins getting comfortable and having fun if his partner really knows how to get him down from his negativity cloud.
He's very good with kids. He has the patience of a saint and he's laid-back, chill and fun but still is an authority figure who knows how to put limits. Sure, he's gonna let the kids light up a house on fire BUT hey, now they know everything about fire precautions, burns and how to treat them AND how to get away with arson. What an educational evening, am I right?
Due to certain info from the "Goodbye" official comic, I headcanon Ches as depressed. I don't want to elaborate a lot 'cuz of spoilers, but... God, everything related to his mom fucking hurts, man. How did he deal with all that?
Ches has been Dee and Heavy's babysitter so many times he cannot count them with all his fingers. He learned how to put those kids to sleep almost immediately (Sing Bon Jovi's "This ain't a love song" and any cheesy love song in a slow lullaby style and they're out), which movie were their favorite as kids (Heavy loved 'Monsters Inc.' and Dee never looked away during 'Meet the Robinsons'), how to console them after nightmares (Heavy needed reassurance, sweet words, and to be with someone until he fell asleep again. Dee just had to be tucked in, get his nightlight turned on and kissed in the forehead). He practically raised those kids along with Vicky and Glam.
More than once, Dee and Heavy have slipped and called Ches "Dad". Ches immediately gets his shit eating grin on and answers "Yes, son?" and does a couple of dad jokes just to mess and embarrass them. He's actually very flattered and surprised at how proud of himself he is for being a father figure to both kids.
Has a scar on the left side of his forehead due to a bottle his mom threw at him when he was younger, around the time he met Glam. He hates the scar with passion, it's a permanent reminder of the fact she never cared, that's why he always keeps it covered with his headband. Gets sad about it sometimes.
Ches likes to spend his time with a group of grannies of the nearby nursing home. He genuinely considers them his friends and gossips and hangs out with all of them on weekends. Bingo, billiards, walks in the park, soap opera marathons, you name it. I even designed them, gave them names and backstories... God, i just love the concept too much. I'll make some art about Ches and his granny gang FOR SURE, you're NOT ready for them.
Carries a pocket knife on him at all times. This man grew up on a bad neighborhood and absolutely knows how to defend himself, he can be intimidating when he wants to be and will pose a threat if needed. He's fucking terrifying when genuinely mad. Just cause he looks harmless doesn't mean he is, darling.
That would be all!
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inkmemes · 3 years
young  royals  (  2021  )  sentence  starters ↪  taken  from  netflix’s  swedish  ya  drama.  non-contextual  spoilers.  trigger  warning  for  mentions  of  sexual  activity,  drugs,  alcohol,  death,  implied  internalised  homophobia,  bullying.  alter  as  you  see  fit  ♡
“at least you can stay for a cup of coffee?”
“hey, wait up. did you sleep together?” 
“he's probably making out with someone. forget it.”
“i can't take it anymore.”
“what are you doing?”
“and he had to finish your sentence. what's going on? you like him.”
“every time you see your dad, you get all depressed.”
“you're still here, so obviously you must want something.”
“are you high? what the hell are you on?”
“does this make you horny?” 
“i like [town name], but i don't want to live here forever.”
“you can leave now. go home. i'm staying here for the weekend.”
“do you want chocolate?”
“how do you feel?” 
“it's kind of hard to tell them apart, you know.” 
“you're a worthless drunk.”
“you … you need to figure out what you want. and you can take all the time you need. and i respect that. but you have to do it by yourself. i don't want to be anyone's secret.”
“you have to stop pretending that you're not afraid.”
“that's the thing, i just don't want that.”
“it's something new. something fresh.”
“can we talk privately for a minute?” 
“and if anyone gives you a hard time, you know, just let me know, and i'll take care of it.” 
“you do know you don't need to hide?” 
“are you gonna let us in?”
“promise to let me know if there's anything i can do.”
“hey, we won't go blind from your moonshine, right?”
“i'm just getting a good vibe. that's all.”
“you're so fucking pathetic.”
“you realize that this will have consequences?”
“he's such a fucking idiot.”
“i wanted us to have a few minutes alone.”
“when you're young, love feels like the most important thing in the world.” 
“i really like you.”
“felt like i had to rescue you from that situation.”
“it got so damn hot in there, i thought i'd get some fresh air.”
“you are allowed your own opinions. it's cool.”
“i've seen the way you look at each other.”
“here, this one is a little big for me, but i think it'll look great on you.”
“do you think royal dick is different than regular?”
“you're the only one here i feel i can actually talk to.” 
“i haven't heard anything yet, but i'll tell you as soon as i do.”
“you can't just lie here jerking off.”
“i don't want to go to some fucking boarding school!”
“i've missed this place so much.”
“are you going to horror movie night on friday?”
“but i like you. and that is not fake.”
“you don't need to share everything.”
“we should go to a concert again sometime.”
“you're fucking crazy!”
“where have you been? i've been trying to reach you.”
“just don't use the school's wi-fi for porn surfing. could be embarrassing.”
“but no matter what, they can't dictate what you say.”
“sorry about last night.”
“i don't want to talk to you!”
“i don't wanna sound like an idiot.”
“i was thinking, would you like to have a sleepover at my place? because that's something friends do. it's going to be really cozy.”
“i think maybe we should forget about that.”
“you can't really see that it is you.”
“i mean, it could be anyone. it's so fucking stupid.”
“i don't want to say anything.” 
“now you're doing it again. you're trying to take care of me.” 
“i can take it, it's okay.”
“that's not true. i haven't spoken to my parents.”
“we haven't done anything wrong.”
“you're beautiful! you're so beautiful.”
“i'm gay, [name].”
“seriously? what the fuck is your problem?”
“you keep letting people piss on you!”
“i just assumed you didn't want special treatment.”
“keep your friends close and your enemies closer.”
“so you thought you'd start spreading false rumours without having any proof?” 
“i just didn't want to lose you.”
“uh, there's pizza left if you want some.”
“everybody thinks you're perfect. you know that, right?”
“he's just been outed.”
“i'm going to fuck this up.”
“he bloody ruined my fucking life!”
“why are you sitting in your room sulking when you have a crush to hang out with?”
“hi. sorry, i was feeling a bit better. so i thought it was okay that i hung out with some friends.”
"everyone should be allowed to live as gay or straight or whatever they want.”
“i woke up in my own bed. that's always something.”
“could i just have one second? just one second alone, please?”
“i’m sorry. but it was, like, the only way.”
“i thought, everyone deserves a second chance.”
“i'm sorry about the mess. i wasn't expecting such distinguished company.”
“i just don't want you to be treated badly again.”
“oh, fuck.”
“you don't even… aren't you even gonna answer me?”
“i didn't know that one was supposed to sign up.”
“in real life, you don't pay to get ahead.”
“and what the fuck does your dad do?”
“let's try to have some table manners.”
“it's, like, really serious.”
“who the hell can live like this for three fucking years?”
“that's what happens when you buy the cheap ones.”
“i need your help with something. ”
“being a prince is not a punishment, but a privilege.”
“it's awesome to just chill out.”
“or maybe he lied about that too. what do i know?”
“you have to give people a chance.”
“you have to try to see it from my perspective.” 
“what the hell's this?”
“what happened to "we should forget about it"?”
“stop being so fucking stubborn and try to understand my situation.”
“sometimes it's better not to say everything.” 
“i was just bored.”
“have you ever had a boyfriend?”
“sometimes it's better to keep quiet.”
“can i get you some coffee?”
“nobody else cares about these things.”
“i lost track of time.”
“everybody does the same things and everybody knows everybody.”
“thanks for rescuing me yesterday.”
“remember when he came up to us the first week and was like, "what's up?"”
“i need you to delete all our texts.”
“i can't keep doing this anymore.”
“are you gonna let them go on with their bullshit?”
“i want to be with you.”
“here's a blanket, a pillow, and bed sheets. there you go.”
“okay, yeah. you don't seem to have grasped what i'm trying to say.”
“it's usually boring as hell.”
“he's been dealing to us for months.”
“i don't want to talk to him.”
“don't you wanna date [name] anymore?”
“i don't know why he's started texting me again. he knows i don't want anything to do with him.” 
“yeah, we had a shitload of drugs.”
“we could murder someone, and nobody would say a word.”
“she needs some fun.”
“he's just doing it to fuck with me.”
“it's such a weird question.”
“i just wanted to say hi. i don't believe we've met. ”
“but i still want us to be friends.”
“if i were to stay here… would you… like to keep me company? just you and me.”
“everything's, like, upside down now.”
“have you always lived here?”
“damn it. sorry. shit. i completely forgot.”
“i'm sure someone has a story to tell.”
“you've got to put yourself first. i mean, no matter what he thinks about it.”
“come on! you can't just sit there stuck in your room.”
“you can snuggle up in my safe arms if it gets scary.”
“i want to live a normal life.”
“let me have a look. you can hardly see it.”
“any other dick that's been sucked?”
“you just expect everything to be on your terms.”
“i want to know everything!”
“you don't have to go there. i'll take care of myself.”
“has anyone ever told you how pretty you are?” 
“i'll just stay in and go to bed early.”
“thanks for explaining the schedule.”
“i'd rather die.”
“i don't want you to be mad.”
“promise to tell me if something is wrong.”
“i can't be dressed like this if you're dressed like that.” 
“it's really complicated.”
“it feels like you don't care what people think about you, or if you have a lot of friends and stuff.” 
“nobody asked you to come. feel free to leave if you want.”
“well, nobody has ever, ever asked for this!” 
“there isn't so much to do around here.”
“you've become such a snob.”
“i know you're only trying to help me.” 
“do you like it here?”
“i don't wanna go in there. we're not even invited. fuck this.”
“don't you think it's weird [name] invited us to come?”
“if they hadn't been here, would you've, uh, made out with me?”
“so, you're an actual proper couple now?”
“you're thinking about someone else.”
“you're right. we're doing this together.”
“thanks… for nothing.”
“why are you even so obsessed with him?”
“i want you to hold me.”
“call me when you want to be picked up.”
“what the fuck do you care?” 
“i don't think we're a couple or anything. i don't know what it is.”
“you never asked me!”
“your focus should be on comforting me so that i can comfort him.” 
“it's not that hard. you have to be able to keep up appearances.”
“famous people make videos like that.”
“maybe somebody forgot to tell me, as usual.”
“just make a move on [name] and show him what you want.”
“you wanna stay a while and jam?”
“have you talked to your parents about it?”
“a diverse bunch of losers, who'll never amount to anything.”
“why can't i decide how the hell i want to live?”
“apparently, i'm the only one who doesn't know everybody.”
“i used to have straight a's on every test.”
“it will damage our reputation.”
“i'm fucking starving.”
“why is it called tax "evasion" but welfare "scam"? it's all right that rich people cheat, but when poor people do it, it's messed up. for rich people, it's not even called "welfare”, it's called "deduction."”
“what the fuck is rowing?”
“what the hell have you done, [name]?”
“good voice, man.”
“why can't i just have a relationship with him?”
“did you have fun last friday?”
“all the people are fake. they're made out of metal.”
what do you want me to say? i'm sorry!”
“is this some kind of prank?”
“i like you when you are yourself!”
“but you like him, don't you?”
“she shouldn't talk to you like that.”
“are you into him?”
“something's not right, i think we should head back to the road.”
“do you have trouble sleeping?”
“doesn't anyone care what i want?”
“just don't tell anyone that i've been here.”
“i was going to text you back, but…”
“your only mistake was that you hung out with the wrong kind of people.”
“i just wanted to help.”
“i know you'll use anything to get high or drunk.” 
“it's time to stop being so selfish.”
“i just want my fucking money.”
“you should've planned ahead. didn't you bring a sandwich?” 
“who the fuck wants to be normal anyway?”
“you fucking told me you were the one i could always come to!”
“i take it back.”
“i can see there's something going on.”
“i have to finish getting ready, so if you could please leave.”
“no one likes me when i'm myself.” 
“i hope you have a nice christmas.”
“i'm gonna do the wrong things, say the wrong things.”
“my mom is gonna kill me.”
“do you remember what you said to me last night?”
“i cannot be dragged into this.”
“i like you too.”
“you're no longer a part of my family.”
“it's well-suited for smaller people.”
“i assume that he thought that it would make him popular.”
“i didn't ask for this!”
“it's no problem. i like doing it.”
“it feels like i'm gonna throw up.”
“don't i get any breakfast?”
“whatever i do, i can't do anything right.”
“we haven't been to any party whatsoever.”
“did you get my texts?”
“i think it sounds romantic.”
“uh, wait, you have to come to the horror movie night on friday.”
“i liked what you said in there, [name].”
“okay, maybe he used to be a player, but love can actually change you.”
“it's nice to make an effort and dress up for dinner.” 
“i'm in a fucked-up situation and i'm trying to talk to you.” 
“you don't understand. i was gonna pay it.”
“you're not that kind of guy.”
“i was about to go outside and, um, do you wanna come with?”
“what about me?” 
“it was… okay, i guess.”
“can i sit with you?”
“you call this a scary movie?”
“i have a million things to take care of, i don't have time to talk to you.”
“have you lost it completely?”
“but i'm starving.”
“this past year has been difficult for me.”
“i don't get it. she's making it into such a big deal.”
“no, this won't work. just take it off, please.” 
“i'm not like that.”
“fuck you. it's not a crush.”
“then i know that i can't count on you.”
“can't you come see me in [town] sometime?”
“it's just that we can't be seen together.” 
“he was still sleeping when i walked in.”
“doesn't bother me at all. i've seen it. absolutely. 100%.”
“[name] is really getting on my nerves! seriously.”
“i want us to be friends again.”
“i thought you and [name] were friends.”
“make sure you check your dms. okay?”
“you think it's fun to fuck with people like me?”
“never spend money you don't have. okay?”
“you think i'm stupid?”
“this sucks.” 
“how nice to see some smiles.”
“this isn't just about me, but my entire family.”
“i'm going to marry her.”
“are you threatening me?”
“don't you realize the shit storm that follows if i come out?” 
“i don't want you to talking to her.”
“remember what we saw during movie night? when they sat next to each other?”
“i love you.”
“i just want to hang out with you.”
"there's no point in having a back-up if you never use it."
“pretend i'm saying something clever.”
“how's [name]? he must be totally devastated.”
“what do you think they think we're talking about?”
“everything is fake. everything in the world is fake.”
“[name] is dead.”
“it just wasn't what i thought it would be like.”
“since when did you start liking him for real?” 
“what a fucking douchebag. god!”
“what the hell are you saying? chill out!”
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