#fuck radfems
I have a lot of mixed feelings about transandrophobia because yeah there’s definitely TERF/radfem stuff in there that concerns me, a lot. But like watching people call trans men “the weakest link” and also gleefully celebrate your oppression like this:
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You do realize we’re not the men in power right? we’re not your systemic oppressors. Like, this isn’t a queer men versus queer women thing where one of them has A Privilege, I’m not able to move myself into a privilege class the same way. Like I have a lot of the same fears as cis women do plus more, and I’m not gonna like. Pretend it’s not real because you don’t understand how intersectionality works
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nimona-antifa · 10 months
Hey tumblr uhhhh
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What the fuck. Why do ads like this get approved while queer accounts are being shut down or getting their posts struck down for posting nsfw, which is SUPPOSED to be okay again, but it's TOTALLY not queerphobia nope! These "Totally not anti-vaxxers" get to put this kind of shit up but queer artists don't get to post freely? TERFs can continue to make themselves and trans people miserable but trans people get the most innocuous posts flagged. Fuck the hell off.
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daydreamerwonderkid · 1 month
Gotta a sudden handful of radfem and terf centric followers so I'm gonna shout it out a bit louder for the people in the back:
Terfs will NEVER be welcome on this blog
It has ALWAYS been LGBT
You're not a feminist, you're a BIGOT
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that textpost by that radfem being all "ough sex isn't a spectrum, humans are either male or female no inbetween, just like humans have 2 kidneys and that is just biological reality" still makes me laugh
How's this for biological reality: humans actually develop 3 separate kidney systems as embryos, only one of which is usually retained post birth
kidneys are one of the most variable organs in the entire human body, you can have one or three, without ever knowing it
blood supply to the kidneys is so variable that most textbooks even show you different common types
your kidneys can be just below the bottom ribs, as most textbooks will show, or they can get stuck in the pelvis and just. stay there
all of these are not necessarily disordered, and pretty common
"humans have two kidneys" is a statistical average and gross oversimplification which ignores the biological reality of many millions of people
likewise, "humans are either male or female" is a statisticial average and gross oversimplification which ignores the biological reality of many millions of people
anyway, respect that intersex people exist and that biological sex is a spectrum, or catch my fucking hands. not even touching trans or nonbinary in this post
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thefirsthogokage · 9 months
Someone just tagged me and was like "what's the TIRF to TERF pipeline?! I want to avoid going down the transphobe path!" ... but then they apparently blocked me.
After all the work I put into that post, I couldn't save the post, because, like I said, they apparently blocked me. So, here's how they do it covertly, including how they start with convincing people that sex work is inherently bad, and not infact work...which is what this person said in another post. So, I guess they don't get to learn about that.
Anywho, it's all covert.
TERFs actually love going into places (without marking themselves as TERFs or even radfems/gender critical), then saying things that slowly edge people into hating trans individuals. Maybe it starts with purity culture and talking down sex work. Maybe it starts with being anti-kink amor anti-ship. Maybe it starts with being anti all men, (saying that only men uphold the patriarchy is definitely one of their big things).
Bottom line: they start getting you to hate people, particularly people who do things of their own consent, or get you to start not liking groups of marginalized people. They start saying "this is wrong," putting some sort of moral emphasis on something consensual being inherently wrong or bad. Or maybe they start complaining about a group of people. Whatever way the do it, it's not always obvious what their true beliefs are
They start chipping away at what groups they think should not have the right to do whatever they want, or present in whatever way they want, because it doesn't fit their view of what's right.
(let me be very clear here: I am in NO WAY talking about p*dos. Fuck them.)
They do this more and more and more, and eventually, down that line, they end up whittling who should have the power down to only cishet white Christians.
Yes, this is the pipeline. It's been proved. There are charts.
They get minority groups to turn on each other, and that let's those hard right Christian White guys to get what they want: no one but them, and white women they can force to have their children. This includes lesbians turning on the trans community. People turning on asexuals, telling them they aren't real. People being bi- and panphobic. Etc.
It's a pipeline. It's talked about. The research is out there, but I am unable to pull up anything at the moment.
Just wanted to get that out.
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karnival2 · 8 months
Trans women are gorgeous
Trans women are strong
Trans women are lovable
Trans women are real fucking women
Feminism isn’t feminism unless it includes the voices of and supports trans women
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there is nothing “radical” about being a sexist, transphobic, sex work hater.
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samijami · 7 days
Radfems are not feminists and never will be
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philsmeatylegss · 1 year
Daily reminder for my fellow cis lesbians that if you’re not actively denouncing transphobia and terfs, you are just as bad as them. Trans people, especially trans women, are our allies. We need to stick together. There is no LGB without the T.
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thatveganwhiterose · 4 months
Idgaf if you’re vegan. If you espouse transphobic rhetoric (this includes TERF and radfem shit), you are being blocked.
Also what the fuck, stop following me. I have a pinned post about this shit. Y’all are more clueless than a wet match in a dark cave and it shows.
Transphobic fucks are the scum of the earth and do nothing for human rights or leftism.
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leaf-muncher · 1 month
Something I really don't understand about radfems and terfs, is that the definition of women, 'adult human female', also applies to trans women? Post-op trans women and trans women on HRT are, by definition, female. They have a female hormone system- to the point where their bodies can stop making testosterone- and they have female genitalia. They do not have a female reproductive system, yeah, but what about the cis women that don't? There are cis women with different chromosome, and heck, rare as it is, there are cis women with p3n1ses.
So, please, enlighten me- how does adult human female exclude trans women?
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immabitqueer · 1 year
Hey, other queer people! Especially ones around my age/younger than me. If you are leftist then you can't bother policing other queer people's pronouns, labels, or bodies. It makes pointless infighting that leads to you focusing on the wrong fucking thing. This whole no fly list thing shows that! Idc about your feelings about she/it pronouns or bisexual lesbians. Fuck your insignificant opinions about another humans labels, the NO FLY LIST WAS LEAKED!
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runs-red · 30 days
I hate how radfems talk about trans suicide rates because they treat it like such a trivial thing. Like we just kill ourselves for the trend, because we just wanted to guilt trip people, or just because we didn't "get our way". It has the same energy as people who think it's "the easy way out" because it just completely ignores how serious ending your life is, how hard it is, how much of a dark place you have to be in, how real it is.
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gummy-axolotl · 8 months
I've seen some people talking about how horrible radfem are and I was like "well there's no way they can be that bad"
I'm an optimistic person, I believe humanity is inherently good and kind, I give people the benefit of the doubt.
So I went through the radfem tag and
What. The actual. Fuck. Is wrong with y'all.
It was so hateful and full of just... there was so much homophobia and transphobia... they claim to protect women but all I could see was this tangle of lies and hatred. It was so negative and cruel.
So I'm going to end this post with:
Trans women are women.
Trans men are men.
Gender is not binary.
Do not poison the world with your hate and bigotry.
Scrolling through that disgusting sludge was the worst thing I've ever done on this site.
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sirenium · 5 months
Reminder that TERFs don't deserve shit. Take back the labrys flag, remove the genderqueer flag from their grimy fingers. They think they can use the community's symbols for their bullshit and we can't just accept it. We can't just go 'oh, the labrys flag is a radfem symbol' cuz it ISN'T; it's been appropriated much like the swastika has been appropriated by nazis. Bigotry is uncreative, after all.
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ghostisventing · 5 months
Radfems who constantly bring up statistics about SA to say that SA by women isn’t “as bad” please shut the fuck up. You are not helping survivors. SA is one of the most underreported crimes and different countries have different laws. In some places women can’t legally be considered rapists. The next time you pull “99% of rapists are men” think about that.
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