#get educated
ace-hell · 5 months
Something i love to see is palestinians and pro palestinians chanting "decolonization" with images of al aqsa and burned israeli flag
when in fact al aqsa was build in the beginning arab colonism all throughout levant by muslim settlements ON TOP of the jewish holiest temple like 50 years AFTER the prophet Muhammad died (died in 632 AD the mosque was built in 685-715 AD) when, apparently, al aqsa is supposedly an area near MECCA which is in saudi arabia.
And the fact that at the beginning muslims called for jews to COME BACK to judea after they were exiled by the romans and Christians. They tried to help the jews- the indigenous ppl- just to years later cast the dhimni laws and have horrible restrictions and at some point intifadas and even genocide against the jews.
And now they call jews colonizers and israel an occupied land like gurl
The disrespect and lack of history knowledge and self awareness 😭
P. S. Some of you don't understand or know what diaspora is and it's laughable and disappointing
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pratchettquotes · 4 months
Teppic hadn't been educated. Education had just settled on him, like dandruff.
Terry Pratchett, Pyramids
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joyishome · 3 months
Is this person okay in the head? You know what else hasn't been available forever? Cars, laptops, phones, does that mean we can suddenly survive without them? Fuck no. What even is this ideology????
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thefearnfaith · 5 months
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Let’s discover the truth together! 🍉
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y-vna · 4 months
Just so it's clear, one of my big dni crits is this:
TW: My rant includes HEAVY topics of ed (eating disorders) and intentionally starving yourself/unhealthy weight loss 🙁.
This post is also ULTRA long, will definitely contain grammar and spelling mistakes, and I'm not going to say 100% everything here is accurate information, as I'm a human and I make mistakes too.
Let me get this clear, I dont mean anyone harm with this post. My intention isn't to hate or attack/hurt anyone to make them feel upset. I know that having an ed is a serious matter. I have friends and family who actively have/had these kinds of eds, so im not uneducated on this subject and I do understand it to a very in-depth degree. This is not to say I know everything about this topic, however.
It is definitely not easy to recover from, and lots of people struggle from it every day. I am NOT saying people with this disorder are any less human than anyone else. I'm saying it's toxic for those who do have it since it actually harms your body a lot, and pushing it on others (not the fact you have it in the first place) is something I don't support.
So respectfully, if you do support/promote eds as a positive thing, or are/follow/interact with blogs who do, BLOCK ME AND DNI. thank you.
I love everyone for who they are inside, regardless of what their body looks like. And I'm telling you right now, as someone who tried so hard to have a perfect body and stop eating bc im super insecure, it's not worth it, and it makes you feel so shitty. I love you, whoever is reading this, no matter what. So please don't change who you are just to make others happy :( <3
So I was looking thru tumblr, and this one post kept getting shown to me where people were talking about basically the idea of: "its worth it to keep losing that undesired weight, you'll see results soon" as like a motivational thing. The tags (straight up tells you it's supposed to be inspo to becoming skinny and supports the idea having an ed is the only way to get a dream bod), and their whole blog had ed encouragement/motivation. To keep...starving, i guess.?? Despite their user being about being strong and healthy, nothing about this is healthy or keeps your body strong.
I didn't decide to write a whole rant about just that part of the post because I didn't start getting super concerned until i read the notes/comments (since i had seen a lot of these 'tw : ed' blogs before already). What I saw was that tons of users were promoting starving yourself as a goal and a good thing, and basically glorifying having an ed. And also using kpop idols with skinny and perfect figures like wonyoung to tell others that (almost a literal direct quote from this user-) 'us ed people don't want to be helped and we won't stop starving ourselves until we reach the weight we want.'
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"You see it as negativity cause you're not disordered." KEEP IN MIND THE PERSON THEY'RE TALKING TO USED TO ACTUALLY HAVE AN ED (the screenshot below is the person they were talking to). I understand you can't push people to get help if they don't want it, but you have to draw a line when you start saying that every person with ed doesn't want help, which just isnt true. I looked at their blog, and it was all just calculating how many calories they ate and burned every day. Most of the posts they basically only totaled 300 calories a day. THAT IS SUPER SICK ☹️. An average human needs like 2000+ calories a day. It actively influences people to copy them by posting and blogging this SUPER unhealthy weight loss. It IS NOT positive on any level. It does nothing good for you. You won't feel any happier when you look in the mirror if all you can feel is pure hunger because you won't give your body what it needs. This is so sad to me because all the comments had people trying to ask how to start starving themselves, and every blog I clicked on all had ed triggers on their posts and bios. Some of those blogs were saying NOT to become like them because they can't see themselves recovering now that they're in too deep.
As said by people online who actually had and got through having an ed, they have explained it is very unhealthy and they were glad to recover. So even though I do not have an ed, and you might think I shouldn't be "judging" people who have them, there are plenty of formerly ed diagnosed people who know the bad effect it has on others/had on them because they can accurately relate. You can still educate people on a subject even if you yourself do not have to suffer from it/have it, as long as you're doing it properly with proven facts (literally all credible research you do anywhere backed by science and experts will prove eds aren't healthy). People educate themselves to teach others about other illnesses, ongoing or past wars in history, etc, they don't have firsthand experience with/from. And they can still be just as valid sometimes.
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My whole point here is that on tumblr and so many other social media platforms, I keep seeing people (posts like this and whole blogs centered around this stuff,) encouraging (mainly young) girls to stop eating altogether to have a body that society and other people are more satisfied with. That's why, for a while, I also tried to do the same because of the people saying it was a positive thing to gain a bad relationship with food and start counting your calories to be perfect. I'm also someone who struggles with body image and being shamed for gaining weight. But at some point hou need to realize hurting your body and mental state is SO WRONG. NOBODY is perfect. So don't push you or anyone else to be. I learned this, and I get its super hard to ignore the judgment forced onto you by society and your surroundings, but there will be people who appreciate you just how you are now. Like me.
So with all that said, the moral here is:
Don't starve urself (on purpose. Bc some people genuinely have trouble eating and starve themselves non intentionally. I have friends who do this 😭)
You're perfect how u are now without being as slim as your idols (and even K-pop idols don't tell others usually to be like them because they know that their companies forcing them to strictly control their weight isn't something they want fans to look up to).
Don't force (potential) ed on others
Don't encourage unhealthy relationship with your body and food
I do support people with eds, as long as they aren't trying to make it something others should look up to, and aspire to have.
If you are someone who wants to normalize having an ed as healthy or positive, please do not interact with this blog and feel free to block me :(
Thank you for reading, have a good day and ily for whoever is reading this. 💗💖💓💕
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aci25 · 1 year
For the “geniuses” of biology. ☺️🏳️‍⚧️
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aquamonstra · 8 months
If I had my way Generations would have been a 20 minute movie.
No desire to install the emotion chip. It stays locked forever in the weird little shrine he made for it.
Data quickly disarms and apprehends Soran the MILISECOND Geordi's life is threatened.
Every subsequent crisis of the movie is averted. The Duras sisters are still out there but who gives a fuck bc they're all boobs no brains. Jim gets to live happily ever after in the wave.
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adhdgirl-d96 · 1 year
Having a neurotypical family is having people continously discrediting our neurodivergent's feelings, thoughs, issues, the things we find usually hard to do on a daily basis.
Usually they tend to tell us we need to stop thinking about issues and just get help to stop being or feeling some way. I can't just stop being neurodivergent...
Get educated and stop making your neurodivergent relative feel stupid, that they are making everything up or that they are being overly dramatic about what it is to be neurodivergent.
You don't get to tell us how to feel or how we should be.
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beardeddetectivepaper · 2 months
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xrosery · 5 months
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A book that peeked my mind.. but not in a good way.
Holodomor Photo Directory
here you will see various images of the sick events that took place, starvation in… women,men,children, animals. LIFE. Here are a few pictures from the website. Please if you don’t know click the links and educate yourself.
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ace-hell · 6 months
"zionism is the new n@zism"
Bc so many ppl are just so helpless and lazy and don't have the ability to search things up for themselves, i did it and looked it up for all you poor people
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Here are different sources of the definition that explains what the word means. As you can see no killing ideology. "zionism" comes from the word "zion" which is another name for Jerusalem, the ideology comes from the jewish ideology of "hashiva le'zion" aka "the return to Jerusalem" key word ✨return✨
N@zism on the other hand:
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Pretty racist and horrible and just about "cleaning the world feom anyoen who isn't pure aryan"
So naturally anti zionsim is the opposite of zionism. That's what we say that anti zionsim = antisemism bc that means they don't agree jews deserve a land and just should suffer where they are in the diaspora and shut up about it. After the movement started BECAUSE of antisemitism that was accepted worldwide.
Zionism was already an ideology in 1800's WAY before israel was declared a country.
The only people who opposed it were two groups: reform jews- who belived that they don't need israel anymore bc "berlin is my jerusalem" which totally contradict a HUGE part of judaism
And orthodox jews- who believe israel should be given to us by the messiah when the world will turn 6,000 year old (by the torah) and believe me that will be a real ethnic cleansingbc they believe god will kill all the goyim and leave only jews. They are extremist and not as nice as you think about it.
So here you go. Education👉🏻👉🏻
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"oh my goodness african countries are so corrupt i can't believe how it's even possible those africans are so backwards it's okay though that could NEVER be america" you sound so dumb. you sound so fucking dumb what the fuck. you are literally no better than them. you just dress up your corruption with fancy ribbons and call it democracy. you're just an ignorant little shit who has no idea what the world is actually like. you live in the america bubble. there literally was apartheid IN THE USA until the THE SIXTIES!!!! your politicians are crying crocodile tears and you're eating it up!!!! you are a hypocrite at best and a bigot at worst, stop hiding it from us and from yourself. you're not fooling anyone. you're not a good person just because you can't see that your precious joe biden isn't any better than robert mugabe or tedoro obiang (look them up if you don't know who they are). he's out here funding a fucking GENOCIDE he DOES NOT CARE ABOUT DEMOCRACY!!! wake the fuck up!!!
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eternalsailormom · 7 months
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Make sure the therapy is actually therapy and not ABA in disguise. You want your kid to get therapy, not training on how to mask
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0alanasworld0 · 1 year
this is what i keep referring too, i've never seen this feature on anyone and i quite like it
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little-lee-froggie · 11 months
Ok, so I’m tired of people calling people satanists when they have no clue what satanism is. So many people think it’s devil worship, and I’m here to tell you no, it’s not devil worship, it’s not even anti-christen. So listen up, I’m here to give a somewhat brief explanation of satanism.
So, the first question you might have if you know very little about satanism is “if it’s not devil worship, then why is it called satanism? Isn’t Satan the devil?”. Well, the word Satan is actually used in this case to mean the opposite of the way Christianity functions. Christianity functions under the idea that there is a higher being that we as humans should worship, however, Satanism functions under the idea that we as humans should worship and respect ourselves as gods. If you look at the satanic tenets, which I will talk about a bit later, are all about respecting yourself and others. The very first one is “One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason”. To all you people who believe Satanists eat babies, no, we don’t. Literally according to the satanic tenets, we are advised against it.
Now, speaking of the satanic tenets, you may be wondering what all of them are, so here is a list copied directly from the satanic temple’s website (I will provide a TLDR at the end of the list if you would rather read the tenets summarized) :
One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason.
The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions.
One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone.
The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own.
Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs.
People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused.
Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.
TLDR: the tenets are all about consent, compassion, being kind, having your own thoughts about things, listening to science, and no where does it say anything about the devil. They are specifically called the tenets instead of commandments because of the fact that people should have free will, and do not necessarily have to follow these as law, however they are at the heart of what satanism is about, and they’re similar to things you should probably strive to do instead of rules you need to follow.
So, now that you have a basic understanding of what satanism is actually about, I hope you understand that we are not devil worshipers, or people who commit terrible crimes, we simply believe in the idea that there isn’t 100% a god, and that we should treat ourselves well because we do 100% exist. Me, as a satanist can tell you right here that I do not believe that Christianity is bad at it’s core, I simply do not have the same idea of how the world works, and since I don’t believe in in the christen god, or any gods for that matter, I might as well treat myself with the respect of a god, because self-love is important. Thanks for reading this all if you did, I’m very glad that people are open-minded and would listen to me talk about something I care so much about. Even if you don’t agree with my personal opinions, I hope you at least understand why I think the way I do, and can respect it. If you’re religious, I’m glad you have something to believe in that makes you feel some kind of purpose, if you aren’t religious, I’m glad you’re able to live a life with purpose even if you don’t have a god or deity you believe in. I hope everyone has a day that is as good as they deserve, bye bye <3
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iamsoupohno · 3 months
I almost had to do a debate on who was more influential, Ruby Bridges (me) or Malala Yousafzai and I was DREADING it because they’re so similar and like I love them both so much. But I didn’t have to do it because the other girl didn’t show up.
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