#gotta build a saddle
auteurdelabre · 15 days
SO MUCH TO LOSE - CHAPTER 9 - dark!Joel x f!Reader
Rating: 18+
Words: 7.4k
Chapter Tags:  sexual tension, mentions of suggested abuse, girl-bonding, Joel being Joel, reader being oblivious.
A/N: Y’ALL really came through with the comments! It made me stay up far too late typin’ away. But I’m glad to deliver this to my sweet audience and I hope you continue to bless me with your thoughts, reblogs and funny tags. Also lemme know if you have money and wanna give me some because your girl is BROKE y'all. BROKE.
Wednesday - my bb, my light, my sweet please never stop commenting on A03 because I read those like others read stories. I laugh, I cry, I emote. Never stop.
Also, two people should NEVER ride a horse when one’s in a saddle. It’s horrible for the horse! But this is fiction so y’all gotta forgive me for it, all right?
Lastly - Chapter 10 is.... gonna be memorable. That's all I'm sayin'.
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You toss in bed a short while later, your mind going a mile a minute. You can't get the memory of Joel's furious face out of your mind. You can’t get Ellie’s sad eyes and her tensed shoulders to leave you. You can’t stop imagining what happened the second you left their home.
Part of you wanted to run right back to that house on Rancher Street and to beg Joel’s forgiveness for intruding. It was never your information to gather, not your place to pry. It was information never given willingly and for that you understand his fury. You understand it better than most.
But the other part of you, perhaps the part that had brought you to tears as you left had been the sight of Ellie's horror at your question. Of would Joel hurt her? Because in Ellie’s eyes you saw her own lingering question reflected. 
Who hurt you? 
It's too complicated to get into, too personal and that's why you think you feel this overwhelming sense of guilt. Because if you'd come home to the space you shared with someone else and heard them divulging your biggest secrets, your deepest wounds, you can't say you would have acted any different.
In fact, you might have been worse.
You turn your head, noting that it's only now starting to grow dark. You hadn't even bothered with dinner. Just pulled on your sleeping clothes and robe and thrown yourself into bed. You wanted to forget the hours before, wanted sleep to claim you and help you erase the day.
But you can’t. You just lay there twisted in your sheets, feeling like a stranger in your own body. You consider trying a warm shower when you hear a sudden thudding on your front door. This isn't Ellie or Jennifer. This is someone else and you have a pretty good idea who. 
You think that you should just stay in bed, try to ignore the insistent pounding. But you need to pay for your mistake. This is your penance. You move down the stairs and to the front door opening it slowly. 
Joel is standing on your porch, his broad frame looming over your door. His hands are on either side of the frame, braced as if he has to physically hold himself back.
When you pull the door open he juts his chin forward aggressively. He hasn't even bothered putting a jacket on, despite the weather. He's wearing just his green flannel and a scowl that makes you take a physical step back. 
"You think I'd hurt Ellie?" Joel says, teeth clenched. "Hurt my own fuckin' kid?"
You glance quickly over his shoulder noting that the street is deserted. Your street is one of the newer ones, less populated. It makes you nervous to see him looking so furious with no witnesses. But you answer him anyway.   
"I don't know you at all," you tell him with a wince. "For all I knew you could have and I felt responsible."
His jaw is clenched tightly, ticking as he glares at you. You can see the fury building there in his frame and it makes you tremble. But you swallow, raising your spine and fixing him with what you hope is confidence.
"You yanked me around on patrols before," you remind him, swallowing your fear the best you can. "You're known for being ruthless with raiders. Most everyone is terrified of you. Is it really that much of a stretch?"
For the first time this evening you think that what you're saying registers with Joel because he blinks and some of that inky black in his gaze grows a soft brown.
"I've never hit you. Never come close." His voice is soft, almost admonished. 
"No," you concede, "but you haven't exactly been gentle either." 
Joel takes in the way you're cowering, the way you flinch when he shifts. He sobers, lowering his hands from your doorframe, pushing himself back from you. 
"I'd never hurt a kid," he murmurs. “I’d never hurt anyone who didn’t deserve it.”
He takes a moment to look at you, really look at you. You wonder if he sees the blotchy pink of your tear-stained face or the dark circles under your eyes from barely sleeping this week.  
Joel's eyes narrow and without stepping closer to you it feels like he gets nearer when he speaks low and even. 
"Your dad hurt you or somethin'?"
You're momentarily thrown by this question from Joel. He's never really asked you anything this personal before. You toy with the idea of closing the door on his face because he doesn’t deserve to know you this way. But you think of how vulnerable he must feel with you having all this information about his past, about his Sarah, and you answer.
"No," you tell him honestly. “My dad was amazing.”
"Your mom then?"
You cross your arms over your chest, indicating that the conversation is now at an end. You've shared as much as you are willing to at this point in time. 
Joel looks equally stoic despite the nature of his questioning. His eyes drift over your body for the first time since he arrived at your doorstep, fixing on your sleep clothes and open robe before shooting back to your gaze. You pull your robe around your body, shivering at the cold draft coming in from the outside. Joel clears his throat. 
"Ellie never should have told you all that about me," he says. "Wasn't her information to share." 
"It was my fault. I never should have pressed her for details," you admit, talking to his shoulder. "It wasn't my place." 
Joel exhales through his nose by way of reply. The two of you stand in quiet thought before you feel compelled to ask.
"Did Ellie get in a lot of trouble?"
When he doesn't answer you finally move your eyes from his shoulder to his face, surprised to see he's staring at you. He's not going to answer you, you realize. You barely know him and it's between him and his daughter. 
You worry that you've messed everything up with Ellie. You feel like it's your fault that the fight happened at all. You think of how pleasant the afternoon had been with flower making and hair brushing. You hate to think of that going away. You swallow, gathering your nerves.  
"Am I still allowed to teach her to bake?"
After a moment Joel sucks his teeth and nods shallowly.
You shift where you stand, one hand still on the doorknob. It's warm under your palm. If Joel was anyone else you'd invite him in for a hot drink given the weather. But as it's him you simply stand awkwardly across from him. 
Joel peers into your face, gaze darting from each of your eyes to the next and back again. There's something about his stare that feels warm and heavy, something endless. 
"Get some sleep."
He says it softly, a husky command with none of its usual bite. Then he's gone, giving you one last look before he's taking off down the stairs of your porch. You watch his tall frame head down your street, scissoring through the night air until he's nothing but mist. 
And strangely the second you close the door you feel your feet taking you to your bed. You hear his voice quietly rumbling in your mind as you crawl under the covers.
Get some sleep. 
Permission. A command. A hushed order that gives you the freedom to just sink into the warmth of your bed, to close your eyes and feel your breath even out. 
And in seconds you're fast asleep. 
Jennifer greets you when you open your door to leave for patrols the next day, crowding your doorframe.
"I thought we could walk to patrols together."
"Okay." You pull your jacket around you, bracing yourself. 
You've known popular girls like Jennifer. The kind that roll their eyes and call you sensitive if you don't like how they treat you. You assume that this is what awaits you now.
"I'm so sorry for how I acted at the Bison."
You can’t say you were expecting that.
"I was trying to impress Joel," she continues. “Make it seem like we were all in on the joke together.”
When you see her standing there with her gloved hands clasped, looking apologetic you feel your animosity dropping from you like an unnecessary jacket.
"And I just... I never should have put you on the spot,” she continues. “I was just trying to go along with things, but that's not how friends act. My mama raised me better than that."
You know that what she's saying is important, but all you can focus on is that she just confirmed you two are friends.  You have a real friend.
"S'okay," you offer quietly. 
"Did you get my cookies?"
"Yep, they were good."
You don't make it a habit to lie to friends but she looks so proud of herself that you can't help it. She beams, clearly proud of herself. She doesn’t need to know that they’re at the bottom of your waste bin. 
"I'm so glad you liked them."
You want to say something kind to Jennifer, something that lets her know that you’ve forgiven her. Maybe its guilt from the fact that the cookies were barely touched. Whatever it is you scan her body, landing on her beautifully tailored jacket.
“I like your jacket,” you tell her, observing the dark green and black of the pattern and hood. “It’s really pretty.”
“Thanks, I made it myself,” she tells you proudly.  “Barely any time at all.”
“Tell me you didn’t just make it just for this patrol,” you say fixing her with a look. Jennifer goes pink and starts giggling. “Jennifer!”
"Oh hush,” she says elbowing your side gently.
You can’t help but laugh at your friend as the two of you head off to patrols, chatting pleasantly as you make your way down the path to town. Jennifer is animated as always, her voice lilting and cheerful.
“Luke was really disappointed when you took off," she mentions with a sly smile and side eye. "I just know he's excited about today."
You flush, eyes on the ground, not saying anything. The truth is you're very excited to see Luke today. You want to learn more about him, see his likes and dislikes. 
"Joel left soon after you did," Jennifer tells you with a frown after a few moments. "But I mean he came and had a drink with us so that has to count for something."
You've reached the fence and see three of the horses lined up, tied and waiting. Luke is patting Glimmer but he waves to you both as you approach. Your stomach flips pleasantly at the sight of his light hair falling into his eyes.
Chestnut whinnies gently as you approach, his long neck arching towards you. You smile as he ambles over to greet you the best he can.
"Hi boy," you whisper, gently patting down his long muzzle. "You having a good day? Huh?"
"Hiya Glimmer," Jennifer coos. You think that this must be her usual ride on her patrols. 
"Morning Luke," you offer, trying to appear nonchalant. 
"Mornin'."  Luke’s smile is shy but earnest. "We missed ya this week."
He nods and you feel your face grow hot because you are sure Jennifer is staring at you both with a smirk. "Yeah, missed shootin’ with ya."
You busy yourself with running your hand over chestnuts flank, all the while trying not to read into things. Maybe Luke just likes having a fellow peer there?  
Or maybe he likes me.
You have to admit to yourself that you have a crush even if crushes feel so adolescent in your mind after everything that happened to the world. But there’s something that makes you want to laugh at the way some things never change. Humans will continue to lust, even after the earth is swallowed by disease.
"Looks like a simple enough job," Jennifer observes looking at the few pieces of lumber strapped to the horses. Enough that it's good for building but not too heavy for them to carry. You go to reply when you hear a booming voice sounding out behind you. 
"S'a fucking joke. Gettin' them all the way over here just to be one short."
Joel is arguing with Hank, one of the crew. Hank is an older with an under bite and bushy eyebrows. He fixes Joel with a formidable stare. He’s one of the few in Jackson City not intimidated by the elder Miller.  
"I don't know what to tell ya Joel," Hank shrugs. "It's all we got."
"What's going on?" Jennifer asks, swanning over to the men. She stands close to Joel, her shoulder brushing against his. You notice as his dark eyes sweep over her face as he notices her.
"Only three horses available today," Hank explains to her. "Others were taken out."
"Heard about an intercepted shipment of medicine nearby. Sent a bunch of folks after it. Anyway, one of you'll have to double up."
Joel makes a huffing noise before shouldering past Hank and hauling himself up onto Midnight. He's made it very clear he won't be riding with anyone. That leaves you, Jennifer and Luke. In habit you go to grab Chestnut’s bridle. Jennifer is determined not to go down without a fight. 
"I'm small," Jennifer says in a breathy voice you don't really recognize as hers. "I'll double."
She looks directly at Joel who is going to great lengths to look anywhere else. If it weren’t so awkward you might have laughed, but instead you try to hide your smile behind your glove.
Oblivious to the dynamic, Luke pats the side of his horse. 
"You can ride on the back of mine if you want Jenny," Luke offers with a friendly tip of his head.
Your smile immediately dies. Why didn’t you volunteer? Jennifer pauses, waiting for Joel to inject.
Get the fucking hint, Joel. 
He doesn’t.  He just shifts the two guns he’s carrying on his back, clearing his throat.
You see how crestfallen Jennifer looks, but it’s for only a moment before she shines a bright smile Luke's way as she hauls herself up behind him, lacing her hands around his middle.
"Thanks, Luke." 
With that settled you yourself mount Chestnut, stroking his mane gently. Hank comes over to hand you a backpack. It’s heavy and you make a soft huffing noise when you hoist it onto your shoulders.
“Nails and hammers,” Hank explains. “You got it?”
“Yep,” you nod, trying to look in command of yourself with Luke’s eyes on you. “No problem.”
You feel the coarse hair of Chestnut under your gloved fingertips and squeeze your thighs to prompt him forward.  You follow after Joel in habit with Glimmer carrying Luke and Jennifer close behind. The ride to Teton is quiet, but not in a tense way, more distracted.
The backpack as it stands is a problem though because you’re wincing with every jostling step Chestnut takes. The bag is impossibly heavy and it digs into your shoulders like a too-tight bra.
You hear Luke and Jennifer quietly talking with one another on Glimmer. There are quiet giggles and you hear Luke chuckle softly. You feel irritated at Joel not taking Jennifer on his horse with him. Of course he wouldn't - Joel gets his way every time. So you've lost your chance to bond with Luke. 
You could be on the back of Glimmer with him. Your arms could be around Luke's waist right now, your thighs bracketing his. You could be feeling the warmth of his body seeping into your front. 
But you're not. 
You're stuck in the middle listening to Luke's gentle chuckle behind you and watching Joel's broad frame in front of you. As you stare at Joel with the guns on his back your mind drifts to last night. 
Have you and Joel moved past your mutual disdain for one another? You’re not quite sure.  Right now you’re irritated with him, but there’s less bite to it today. You think maybe you’re both at a polite acceptance of one another. Joel looks back every now and again, his eyes sailing to you and the group behind you. You roll your shoulders, gritting your teeth when the bag digs into the flesh there.
“’Bout halfway there,” he tells the group even though you’re well aware.
Joel is a natural leader checking in on his troops. You wouldn’t be surprised if he was in the forces before all of this. You know that he worked in construction and that he must have been around horses considering he’s such a capable rider. But that’s it.
Perhaps he and Sarah rode horses together. This thought comes to you despite knowing nothing about the girl. Nevertheless you wonder what she looked like. Was she dour and broad like Joel? You imagine her as bubbly and quick with his dark hair.
You watch as Joel slows Midnight and Chestnut quickly overtakes him, their hooves trotting along the earth until the two of you ride side by side. You’re confused and you feel Joel’s eyes on your profile and after a moment you turn to see him staring at the bag and then back to your face.
“Gimme the bag,” he orders gently.
“I’m fine,” you lie. You wonder if he can see the strain in your neck as you say this. He rolls his eyes, huffing out his nostrils.
“You need to be carrying a weapon,” Joel informs you. “Won’t do much damage to a Raider with a heavy backpack.”
He’s right. He’s not doing it to be nice; he’s doing it to be efficient. How Joel of him.
You want to fight him on it but the thought of having the heavy thing off your shoulders is too appealing. You relent as the horses come to stop beside one another. You tug off your bag, handing it to Joel who straps one of the guns to the side of it and slings it over his muscled shoulders. The bag doesn’t even look oversized on him and he carries it with no strain whatsoever.
He hands you off the large shotgun and you throw it over your shoulder, thankful for the padding in the leather sling. Without another word Joel makes a clicking noise with his tongue against his teeth and he and Midnight quickly head up the group once more. 
When you get to Teton Village and the four of you do the usual perimeter check you’re feeling bolder and a little bit restless. You feel like you want to impress Luke but can’t think of any meaningful way to do so. He’ll be upstairs hammering and nailing while you stand watch at the window like a senior citizen waiting for the postman. It’s almost embarrassing that you were brought along at all.
When you approach the outpost though you have an idea on how to appear more capable. You urge Chestnut on ahead of Joel and tie the sweet creature quickly to the tree before jogging up the large old library steps.
“I’ve got the lock,” you call over your shoulder casually. Joel is already off his horse and striding towards you with several pieces of lumber slung over his shoulder; Luke is helping Jennifer off of Glimmer. You turn back, fiddling with the code confidently.
It doesn’t work.
You try it again, the same one you were taught and then you tug. It’s still not working.
“C’mon,” you whisper angrily to yourself, “c’mon you piece of shit.”
Again the silver tabs are moved to the correct code and again you jerk it only to find it sticking fast. Is it the encroaching cool weather? Your confidence is hanging by a thread when a large ungloved hand comes out of nowhere, coming to gently bat your fingers away.
“Code changed last week,” Joel says lowly behind you.
You feel the warmth of his taller body behind you, his words stirring the hair at the back of your head. You say nothing as you watch his fingers fiddle with the new numbers, sliding them into place. You want to memorize them for next time. His arm rests beside your shoulder as he works his thick thumbs slide the silver tabs. Finally it unlocks and Joel removes the lock, placing it in his pocket.
“Sorry you couldn’t impress your little boyfriend.”
You feel your cheeks burn with humiliation despite the fact that only he and you could hear the murmured remark. He moves past you, Luke and Jennifer carry the remaining lumber. The four of you make your way into the house and wordlessly Joel heads upstairs to begin.
“That was so sweet of Joel to take the bag,” Jennifer whispers to you with hearts in her eyes. “Chivalrous.”
You don’t reply. Why shatter her illusion of who she thinks Joel is? Maybe with her affection and softness he could become that. Maybe with the right woman Joel Miller is chivalrous and romantic.
Maybe it’s just with you that he’s an antagonistic asshole.
The three of them pad up the stairs with the supplies as you stand by the door. You know you're not much use upstairs so you busy yourself writing in the log notes about the repairs. You hear the banging and the conversations upstairs as you move from the small room towards the window of the fireplace room; your eyes surveying the grey of old snow.
You yawn after a short while, bored. There’s nothing out there. There never is in town. That’s why you like Teton village so much. It’s quiet and sleepy and there’s no real danger. Perhaps it’s the large buildings or the lack of footprints. Whatever it is, you find yourself relaxing.
Joel and Jennifer jog down the stairs with Joel not passing you a glance. Jennifer gives you a thumbs up and mouths “getting more wood”. You hear the sound of Luke hammering upstairs and take a moment to consider your next moves.
This may be your only chance.
You scurry up the steps towards the far room, following the sound of Luke’s hammering. You stop when you see him, mid hammer. His back muscles ripple under his t-shirt, a line of sweat down the middle. It’s warm in this room, and judging by the repairs done they have been working quickly and efficiently.
“Hey,” you offer as you approach him, heartened when he turns and flashes you a friendly smile, wiping the sweat from his brow with the bottom of his t-shirt. You turn away at the sliver of taut abdomen that shows itself when he does. Your whole body is going tingly.
“Hey, you come to help us?”
“Oh I would just slow you down,” you say with a shy laugh, your eyes landing anywhere but his handsome face. “Every time I try to hammer the nail goes crooked.”
“You just haven’t been taught correctly then,” Luke ventures, “come here and I’ll give you a lesson.”
You try to keep yourself from jogging over, attempting to appear casual. He holds his hammer out to you as you approach.
You take it from him, facing the sill of the window that he’s been working on. You nearly jolt when you feel his hands land on your shoulders. He notices your flinch, his hands flying off of you at the first contact.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, sorry just distracted,” you insist, feeling your cheeks heat. “Keep going. I’m fine.”
Luke’s hands go to your wrists now, placing the nail in your left fingers and positioning it on the sill.
“You just need to start with it straight. Lotta people angle it without thinking and…”
You know that Luke’s talking more but you’re having trouble focusing because you feel him pressing up behind you, his hand sliding over yours and helping you to hold the nail in place.
“A lot of people make the mistake of hitting the nail shallowly a bunch of times instead of once or twice with harsh blows,” he explains. You feel a warmth go through your body as Luke's curls over yours. He’s so tall, so gentle, so earnest.  You feel his voice rumbling through his chest into your back.
He places the hammer in your right hand before he covers your hand with his effectively holding each of your hands like you're a puppet. He positions the nail in the wood once more, bringing your hand and the hammer back. You’re completely boneless, letting yourself melt into his arms.
"So if you hold it-"
Whatever thought Luke had dies at the sound of Joel's rasping voice behind you. 
"What're you doin'?"
You and Luke glance over your shoulders to see Joel scowling. He's got a stack of the remaining lumber over his shoulder. Jennifer is beside him, looking between Luke and Joel in confusion, a box of nails in her grip. 
Luke still has his arms around yours, guiding you. Both sets of arms are raised midway. It looks like you’re in some strange dance routine involving hammers and nails. Joel drops the lumber to the floor with a thud, his gaze icily on Luke.
"I was just teaching her how to put up the frame," Luke explains with a soft tone. You recognize that he's a gentle man, not one for confrontation. Joel intimidates him; he likely has since he met him. For whatever reason Joel is especially cold to Luke.
"This ain't a teachin' moment," Joel all but growls, his larger frame barreling towards the two of you. "We're here to do a job and get it done fast so we don’t draw attention."
You feel Luke shrinking back, arms lowering, but his frame still rests behind you as if he's worried about leaving you entirely. 
"I wanted to learn how to do the repairs," you explain trying to be diplomatic. 
"S'not why you were brought," Joel bites back.
He shocks you when he reaches out to take your wrist, tugging you away from Luke. You stagger towards Joel, eyes wide almost barreling into his chest. He holds you tightly, looking down into your face.
"You're here to keep watch while we do this. That’s your job."
His voice is harsh but his eyes are gentle. It's a confusing dichotomy that has you careening from one emotion to the next. You settle on anger when you feel Jennifer and Luke watching you. Your cheeks burn with humiliation at being talked to like this in front of them and you shoot a glare at Joel before you wrench your wrist his grip.
“Let’s break for lunch,” Jennifer suggests, noting the tension.
“Good idea,” Luke says with a smile.
Everyone waits for Joel’s eventual nod before the four of you head downstairs to the log room.
There are thankfully enough chairs because you can’t imagine the awkwardness of standing around eating after everything that happened. Right now you want to sink into your chair and disappear for a few hours.
What the fuck is Joel’s problem?
Jennifer thankfully starts chatting to fill the silence and pulls out the meals from her bag. Two sandwiches each, a thermos of coffee and what appears to be fresh brownies along with the usual water and apples.
Joel goes off for a moment, muttering about feeding the horses. The three of you take a seat around the table, focused on the sweet-smelling brownies.
“Those look so good,” Luke says when Jennifer pulls them out. “I love baked goods.”
“You should try her stuff,” Jennifer says motioning to you with a wink. “Everyone in town says how good her baking is.”
You could kiss Jennifer for the way she’s trying to make you look good in front of Luke. You make a mental note to do the same for her and Joel. Jennifer has many good redeeming qualities and Joel just simply doesn’t see them.
“S’not that good,” you say with a shy little giggle as you bite into your sandwich.
“It is so!” Jennifer insists, unwrapping her own.  
“Guess I’ll have to see for myself,” Luke says grinning and taking a sip of his coffee. You don’t say anything but you shift slightly when Joel comes to take the empty seat next to you. He reaches across you to grab one of the sandwiches, peeling back the waxy cloth that holds it.
The room goes quiet again, a side effect of Joel-Miller-iti; because whenever he enters a room it goes deadly quiet. You wonder if he was like this before – was he always so gruff? So grumpy? How could Tommy be so opposite to him?
You wish it was Tommy with the rest of you today. Tommy with his easy laugh and warm countenance. You expect the rest of lunch to go in silence when all of a sudden it’s Joel who breaks it.
"You're good at window repair, Jenny. You must’ve done a lot.”
Jennifer flushes prettily and thanks him in a voice that feels a lot more breathy than necessary.
For some reason this innocuous comment from Joel has your fingers curling into the wood table. Your leg starts to twitch as you rock your leg up and down restlessly on the ball of your foot.
You spent weeks trying to earn Joel’s praise as a patrol partner. You were dutiful and listened and tried your best and he gave you nothing back unless his cock was in your mouth. Jennifer has been working for thirty minutes and he gives her his praise so freely?
If he wasn't sitting beside you, you would be fixing him with your most glowering stare. You wish you weren’t so shy, so quiet. You’d give him a piece of your mind next week on patrols if you had the guts.
“I grew up doing repairs on our house with my brothers,” Jennifer answers and you know she’s beside herself with all this attention from Joel. He’s got his eyes fixed on her and his normally scowling face is brighter, his mouth in a polite smile.
“You had good teachers.”
“I taught them, actually,” she smiles brightly.
You continue to bop your leg, the feeling distracting you from your frustration. You hasten a glance at Luke who hasn’t so much as glanced up from his lunch since the meal started. He’s shy like you, quiet and introspective especially when Joel is around. You think that’s why you enjoy his company so much. You feel like you want him to feel included.
“You did construction too, right Luke?”
“Yep,” he nods, swallowing before taking one of the brownies and breaking it apart in his hands. “Cabinetry especially.
“Cool,” you offer awkwardly. You wish you knew more about the topic but your interest and acumen in that field is limited. Your knee continues to bop anxiously as you try to think of ways to get the conversation to continue.
“I was just learning flooring and trim carpentry when the outbreak started,” he continues as you nod along as if it’s the most fascinating thing in the world.
“Oh, wow.”
Jennifer keeps sneaking looks across the table at Joel and if your hunch is correct he’s probably doing the same to her. Despite your previous annoyance with him the thought warms you, that perhaps there is a mutual attraction for your friend and Joel. You wonder if you should warn her about Joel’s temper but decide that Joel may not show that side of himself to her if he can help it.
After what you’ve learned about Joel and Sarah, there is a softness inside you that maybe thinks Jennifer could be good for Joel. You resolve to do whatever you can to make it work for them. Joel isn’t your friend, but Jennifer is. And if she wants Joel you’ll do all you can to make it happen.
You almost yelp when Joel's hand grips your knee, holding your restless leg in place. He leans towards you, voice dropping a register and sliding into a soft rasp. 
"Stop shakin' your damn leg. You’re knockin’ over the coffees."
You’re doing no such thing, but part of you thinks he misses ordering you around. He must like the sense of control it gives him. He misses being a big shot and you’re the closest thing he has to a professional underling. All your kind sentiments about him go flying out the window. You were naïve to think there could be a possible friendship there. Hell, not even a friendship – just a respectful mutual tolerance.
You feel an embarrassed flush cross your features, pulling back from Joel’s touch. His fingers slowly unlatch from your knee and his palm lingers a moment before being removed entirely. 
“You do a lot of repairs before all this?” Jennifer asks Joel. You surprise yourself by listening, intrigued for more information on pre-outbreak Joel.
He takes a long swig of his coffee before wiping at his mouth and speaking before Jennifer has the chance to ask more follow up personal questions.
“Alright, let’s finish it up. I’ll see you two up there.”
He doesn’t spare anyone a glance before he’s on his feet, heading up the stairs. Luke joins him moments later, leaving you and Jennifer sitting across from one another.
When she’s certain the men are upstairs she looks beside herself with delight and leans forward conspiratorially.
“Do you think Joel was flirting?” she whispers, her light eyes dancing. “I mean, Luke is way better at repairs but he didn’t say anything nice to him.”
“Definitely,” you reason, looking thoughtful. “He doesn’t really talk much normally, so I think that’s a good sign.”
“I’m gonna ride back with him,” Jennifer says hiding a giggle behind her hand.
“Go for it,” you say, unable to stop from smiling. You can’t help but enjoy her excitement.
“I wonder what he kisses like,” she muses, her eyes dreamy. You shrug your shoulders and she fixes you with that same sisterly look. “When’s the last time you had a really good make out?”
“Uh…” you trail off, your cheeks heating. “We can talk about it later. He’ll be pissed off if you don’t get up there soon. Don’t wanna blow your chances now.”
Jennifer gives you a grateful squeeze on the shoulder as she passes, calling up to Joel and Luke that she’s just grabbing some extra nails. You don’t hear their reply because you’ve dragged yourself to the window, your eyes scanning.
You hear them nailing upstairs, the muffled sound of their talking. As always you're on the edge, forever on the outside. You chew at the inside of your cheek in irritation, your eyes scanning the outside.
It's not long after that the three come back downstairs dressed for travel. Jennifer is pulling on her gloves and chatting with Luke about the rumors of heavy snow and Joel is carrying his bag with the tools over one shoulder. He fixes you with an expectant stare, brows raised.
"See anythin’?"
"Nope. Would've said something if I did." 
Joel stares at you, unblinking and you're confused when you see a small curl of his lip in amusement. 
The four of you trudge towards the waiting horses. Chestnut looks excited to see you and you grin as you approach. You press your forehead to his cheek, stroking down his flank as the rest of the group begins to pick a horse.
"I can ride with someone again," Jennifer offers and you watch with a touch of amusement as she subtly steps towards Joel who has just climbed atop Midnight. 
"Nah, let's switch it up," Joel says gruffly. "That way s’fair for everyone."
Luke looks your way and you hold in a nervous grin. He’s going to make the same offer to you that he did to Jennifer because he’s a gentleman that way.
The thought has your stomach fluttering excitedly. You think of how your arms will wrap around his middle, how you’ll find an excuse to press your cheek to his shoulder blade. How your thighs will-
"Get on."
Your brows knit together in confusion as you gaze up to your right to see Joel on his horse, holding out a gloved hand in front of your face. His curls fall into his forehead as he tilts towards you, mouth in a firm line.
What the fuck is he doing? Why is he trying to fuck this up for you?
“S’go,” Joel tells you, shaking an impatient outstretched hand from atop of his horse. He looks like he’s irritated out of his mind as you make your decision.
"Oh, uh," you glance at the disappointment in Luke's face before turning back to Joel, trying to hide your irritation. 
It makes sense after all; Luke already had to ride with Jennifer. But a part of you had been hoping to spend a bit of time with him on the horse. It's been a long while since a man intrigued you like Luke.
"We don't have all day," Joel snipes at your hesitation. "Let's go."
Jennifer strides forward, taking Chestnut’s bridle from you. You hand it over before looking back up at Joel who waits with one hand on his saddle horn, the other still at your eye level.
You clench your jaw and take his hand, hooking your foot into the footing of Midnight’s saddle and feeling the muscle of Joel’s arm as you grip his bicep and he pulls you astride the horses back behind him. 
He shifts, giving you room to slide behind the saddle. You do so, holding in  a sigh as you position yourself atop the strong animal. You feel Midnight's ribs under your legs, wider than Chestnut's. He's a pitch black mare with a coat that currently glistens. He's always been a rather imposing horse, hesitant around new people.  Riding him is like being in a room alone with Joel – intimidating.
"Hold on," Joel instructs before clicking his tongue, encouraging Midnight to start walking. The horse jerks to a start, causing you to dig your legs into Midnight’s side. You’re lucky the horse doesn’t kick you off for it.
You look over your shoulder to see Jennifer on Chestnut a few paces back. You give her a look that shows how displeased you are to be with Joel, replete with an eye roll. She returns it with a weak smile before her focus is back on the trail. Luke is looking off into the surrounding area, his eyes scanning for threats as he sits straight-backed on Glimmer.
You turn back to face ahead of you, displeased.
At first you barely touch Joel, hands resting on your thighs as the four of you bob along the trail. No one is talking now. The air is filled with an unexpected tension that you can’t for the life of you understand.
Your front is pressed against Joel's back, squeezing gently to make sure you don't slide off.  Midnight makes a jostling step off the path before righting himself. It sends you slipping back, your thighs digging into the horse’s side and your hands going to grab Joel lightly by his jacket.
"Unless you wanna fall off I suggest you hold tighter n'that." Joel bites off. 
You know he’s correct. Sitting this awkwardly is only a burden on Midnight. Your arms snake around Joel’s waist and hold there below his sternum. His chest is broad, his arms muscled, his thighs strong. Everything about him is masculine and tough. All but the soft look of his dark brown curls threaded with grey which curl under his ears just slightly.
Despite everything you've experienced with Joel, actually physically touching him is surreal. You know the feel of his cock in your palm and on your tongue, the taste of his come. But now you can explore the rest of his body first with your eyes and then your hands. 
Up this close to Joel you see the freckles on his golden skin and the way he holds himself stiffly straight in front of you. He’s so broad, his entire disposition that of protector. You can understand why Ellie feels safe with him.  
You marvel at the smooth sensation of his jacket under your fingertips, the warmth of his body. This close to Joel you inhale the scent of leather and homemade lavender soap from Hannah's. You could almost laugh that you both use the same scent mostly because Joel Miller smelling like flowers is an amusing thought.
You pass through a different path on your way back as you always do and are irritated with the sight of the overturned trees. The roots are ugly, twisted things that poke out from the light dusting of snow.
“Shit,” Joel mutters to himself.
Midnight rears back sharply and in a panic your arms wrap more tightly around Joel’s waist, suddenly anxious. You're surprised when Joel's left hand goes to cover your grip knotted against his middle, holding you in place.
Joel grunts out a grumbled whoa boy before tugging Midnight’s reigns with his right hand to get him to obey. His hand is big, warming you despite the gloves you both wear.
"Careful," Joel calls over his shoulder to Jennifer and Luke. "Some big roots here." 
The two of them call out that they've heard him. You twist to look over your shoulder and watch them navigate Chestnut and Glimmer over the uprooted tree. Luckily it doesn’t take long before the four of you are back on the path heading home with no more obstacles in the foreseeable future.
You glance behind you to see Jennifer looking miserable on Glimmer. She looks so disappointed and you want to slap Joel upside the head for missing how obviously into him she is. You think of earlier, when Joel observed her skills and an idea comes to you.
“Hey Jennifer?”
“I really like your jacket,” you fumble for a way to make this sound natural.
Jennifer shoots you a confused look, curious as to where you’re going with this. “Uh, thanks.”
“Did you get it from town?”
“I made it,” she tells you, the silent you already know that, reflected in her gaze.
“Wow, you’re so gifted. You made those amazing curtains in your place too, right?”
“I did.”
“You’re so good at making stuff,” you gush. “Especially clothes. You make men's clothes too, right Jennifer? Like jackets?"
"Uh yeah," she says slowly before her confusion fades, realizing what you're getting at. She smiles cheekily at you. "Yeah, I can make jackets, jeans, t-shirts, all that stuff." 
“You’re so talented at it,” you gush. Luke is looking over your way and you feel the need to really drive it home. “I mean, with the holidays coming up I might just want to get a dress from you.”
You have never worn a dress in your life. Not unless your mother forced you into them as a child. But you need to sell this idea that Jennifer is a domestic goddess. You’ll leave out the part about her baking.
“I could make us matching ones,” she says with a wink. You hold in a giggle at the thought.
“I’d like to see that,” Luke offers shyly from behind Jennifer who shoots a delighted look in your direction complete with dramatically mouthed ‘he likes you!’. You flush at the attention, your lips pursing into a pleased grin.
You feel Joel's trunk stiffen in your arms and his hand drops from over yours. He replaces it on the reigns. 
"Keep it down," Joel hisses over his shoulder at you and the others. "Unless you were hopin’ to guide  Raiders our way?"
The two of them go quiet and you cringe internally. You don't know why but you suppose it's because Joel is your patrol partner. A reflection on you in some ways and he's coming off like a major asshole right now. Your arms loosen around his middle finding that the horse is now on smoother terrain.
You glance over at Jennifer about to give her a sympathetic look but she shoots you an exaggerated eyebrow waggle and mouths the words "still sexy" with a head tilt at Joel. You barely suppress a surprised giggle, irritating Joel further. 
"What's so fuckin’ funny?"
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rebelliousstories · 19 hours
Not Like The Movies
Relationship: Cooper “The Ghoul” Howard x Reader
Fandom: Fallout
Request: Yes by Anon
Warnings: Fluff, Angst, Violence
Word Count: 1,688
Main Masterlist: Here
Fallout Masterlist: Here
Summary: How Cooper got landed with someone of her sunny disposition, he will never now. And it does not help that she knows his films.
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“Good morning, you cutie. Oh who’s the best little girl ever?” A feminine voice brought Cooper out of his deep slumber. His eyes had to adjust to the bright light outside that flooded the building they had stayed the night in. He looked around for the source of the noise and was relieved to see it was just his partner playing with DogMeat. The man sat up from the bed that was miraculously in the building that probably used to be someone’s house and began to roll the sleep from his muscles and bones.
“Well, good morning to you, cowpoke.” She greeted, allowing the dog to roam around wherever she pleased.
“Mornin’ sweetheart. Whatcha doin’ up this early?” He asked, swinging his legs over the side of the bed. His boots hit the floor right next to where his partner was, as she sat up on her knees to pull him in close. Physical affection was something Cooper was still not used to after all this time, but he was slowly coming around to it. All of the affection happened behind closed doors, or in this case, a closed house. He still had an image to maintain after all.
“Couldn’t sleep, so I spent some time with Bella.” She said cheerfully into his chest. Cooper just sighed and rubbed his eyes.
“Don’t go naming the thing. Then you’ll get too attached and then you’ll be depressed when it dies.” He groaned out, shifting their bodies so their eyes met.
“But she can’t be named ‘DogMeat’. That’s not a proper name,” came her cry. She laid on the puppy eyes really thick.
“DogMeat is a proper name because that’s what it is.” He argued back, tilting her head up by her chin.
“Fine,” she relented, and smushed her face back into his chest. “What’s on the agenda for today?”
“Well, gotta head into town now. Stock up on some supplies, gather a new bounty hopefully.” Cooper pressed a kiss to her hair, and shuffled so that he could pull both of them up to stand.
“You gonna behave when we get into town?” He drawled, voice leaning into dangerous territory. His partner giggled and nodded her head.
“Of course, Coop. When am I not?” She inquired, biting her lower lip. That woman knew the easiest way to get Cooper riled up was to do just that motion right there. Because, in an instant, his eyes were locked on to her lips.
“What about back in Filly where you kept smilin’ at folks, leaving me to save you from someone’s fist in your face? Huh?” Howard recalled, watching her shift in his arms as she, too, recounted their last adventure into town.
“How was I supposed to know?” Her whimper made Cooper weak, but he had a job to do today.
“Just tone down the sun a little bit, alright? Maybe a nice cloudy day instead of bright ass sunshine.” He offered, bringing her face back up to his. She nodded and stood on her toes to reach his face. Cooperate, ever the gentleman, met her halfway and locked their lips together. They moved as one, letting their lips slide across the other’s. Hands roamed freely, and it was starting to look like they were not going to be making it to town soon. That is, of course, until DogMeat came back in the room with a dead iguana in her mouth. She dropped it on the floor, and pawed at the man and woman who were locked in their embrace. The Ghoul groaned as his partner detached them in favor of tending to the dog he claimed he did not want.
“Good girl. Such a good hunter.” The baby voice was back. Seeing that the dog was getting the attention now, Cooper moved to grab all of his effects from where they were strewn about the room. His duster sat upon his shoulders, while his hat found its spot on his scarred head.
“Come on. Let’s get goin’.” He stated definitely. His saddle bag was slung across his shoulder, and his hand helped navigate his partner through the abandoned house.
They began their trek into town, which thankfully was not too long of a walk. DogMeat followed on the other side of Cooper, hot on his heels. He kept his eyes peeled as they drew further and further into the town. There was a pharmacy, a trader’s hut, several food stalls, and even a mechanics repair shop. Plenty for the two of them. Turning to his partner, he passed her some caps and pointed towards a couple stalls.
“Go get you some dried meat, and get a box of ammunition. Don’t smile so much, alright?” Cooper stressed. She nodded in return and patted his arm as she left with DogMeat.
The Ghoul made his way into the trader’s hut first to find a new bounty that was around. Thankfully, the woman behind the counter had one, and it was simple enough. Someone had not paid her what she was owed, and now she had a hat out on the man. He accepted half of the caps upfront, before moving on to the pharmacy next door. Cooper’s eyes caught his partner and DogMeat traversing the stalls, already having several pouches of meat in her bag.
Which is why he was not afraid to leave her alone while he took his time getting his chems from the pharmacy. Being a ghoul certainly had its drawbacks; the stares, reputation, and fear. But it also held some positives; the stares, reputation, and fear. It certainly helped when acquiring what he needed for a reasonable price. A commotion caught his ears from outside, but he was not afraid that it was his partner.
Until he stepped outside. Cooper saw his partner being crowded against a pile of sheet metal while DogMeat kept barking up a fuss. The dog ran over immediately to the man and began to drag him by his duster over to the woman.
“Come on, sweetheart. Don’t play hard to get.” Some man crept into her space, making her cower down even further. Based on what he could see, and the description the trader gave, this must have been the bounty. She did mention that he tended to go where he pleased like he owned it all.
“Please. Let me go.” She whimpered. Her voice was full of fear and worry, and Cooper was not about to let that stand.
“Everyone’s got a price. I can pay whatever your price is.” He continued, placing his hand on the woman’s waist.
“I do believe the lady asked you to let her go.” Cooper finally made his way over. The man turned around, and smiled with blackened teeth.
“Don’t worry, Ghoul. Once I’m done with her, I’m sure you can have a turn. Certainly don’t wanna do it the other way around.” He laughed, as if what he said was the funniest thing in the world. Cooper began to chuckle lowly as he peeked his eyes out from the lip of his hat. Catching his partner’s eyes, she felt relief as she saw her savior in western gear.
“See, she might be bein’ nice and askin’ you to let her go. But I ain’t that nice. So now I’m tellin’ you to let her go. Now.” Cooper growled, feeling his patience wear thin.
“Or what, Ghoul?” The man never got to hear another response. In a flash, Howard had aimed his gun and fired on his legs. Blowing both of them off, the not-so-tough man now crumbled to the ground, screaming and crying, pleading for the ghoul to have mercy on him.
“Well, ain’t that some shit.” The Ghoul growled, tying a rope around the torso of the man, and began to drag him to the trader’s hut. He focused on the task at hand, knowing that DogMeat would take care of anyone else that had dared get close to her owner.
Walking out of the trader’s hut, Cooper’s eyes scanned the town as he tried to find her partner. He found her, hugging her lugs, stuck in the same place that she was being held. DogMeat was chowing down on the legs that were left. His pocket felt heavy with the weight of the caps, but all that mattered now was taking care of her.
“You alright there, sweetheart?” Howard held a hand out for her to grab onto, and she did. Eagerly shoving her face into his chest and letting out a shaky breath as she processed the events that had just unfolded.
“I’m good. Can we go please?” Her words were muffled in his shirt, but he understood them plenty. Calling for DogMeat, Cooper led the three of them out of the town and into somewhere more secluded. Once they were there, tears fell from her eyes as the weight of what happened fully caught up to her. He set her down on something resembling a chair, and squatted down in front to check her over.
“You saved me.” She whispered, letting her partner do what he needed to do.
“Course I did. What’d you expect? Me to leave you with that man?” He countered with a ridiculous tone.
“It’s like one of your old sheriff films.” Her giggles matched his groan as he dropped his head.
“This ain’t the movies, darlin’.” Cooper looked up at her.
“It’s kinda like the movies.” She replied, wrapping her arms around his shoulders to bring him in close.
“I can always take you back to that town and leave you there.” He stated in her shoulder. She giggled again.
“That’s not very sheriff-y of you.” Every time he thought he had won, she proved him wrong.
“Alright,” he stood up and took her with him, “let’s get moving. Maybe if we’re lucky we can find another house to sleep in.”
“Ooo, do you think we could find one with a television and a few films?” She teased, already walking off away from town. Cooper groaned, but caught up to her and kept her underneath his arm as they walked away from that town.
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danikamariewrites · 10 months
No One Left Behind
Xaden Riorson x f!Reader
A/n: I know the book has only been out for a few months but I was hoping there would be more FW fics. Xaden is my new favorite book bf so there might be more of these fics coming in the future. My requests are open so feel free to request any SJM or Fourth Wing character
Warnings: a few swear words lol
As the squad landed back in the flight field Xaden searched for your dragon, Cadmus, who was seemingly missing from the group. His brow furrows and heart rate starts to pick up. You just had to be a little behind, right? No that wasn’t like you, your speed was building and you were a faster flier than most in the squad.
Lately, Xaden had been taking the time to fly with each individual squad in Fourth Wing to make sure everyone was prepared for War Games. He didn’t want to leave anything to chance.
He dismounts Sgaeyl as Liam dismounts Deigh. Xaden shoots Liam a confused, angry look as to say ‘where is she?’ Liam shrugs looking around as if he could see you when Xaden couldn’t. His attention is ripped from his search for you when he hears laughter from the back of the group. Amon. And his stupid lackeys.
As soon as Xaden heard that little shits laugh he knew Amon had something to do with you not making it back to the flight field with the rest of the squad. Fury took over his entire body as he started stalking over to the boys. It took all of his restraint to keep his shadows reined in, so they wouldn’t strangle Amon. One of them had the sense to look uneasy about the whole situation as Xaden got closer.
Once Amon was within arms reach Xaden grabbed the fucker by the front of his flight jacket. Fuming, Xaden growled out, “You have one chance, just the one, to tell me where she is.” “I’m not sure-“ He raised his voice so the squad could hear, “As wingleader I’m giving you one shot! Cadet!” He spits out the last part emphasizing how below him Amon is.
“Y/n isn’t very good at evasive maneuvers,” the little shit had the audacity to smirk, “so I thought I’d help her practice. Gotta work on those rolls.” Xaden was fuming as he pushed Amon backwards into the two boys behind him. He pivoted on his heel, walking quickly back to Sgaeyl so he could fly back out to find you.
As he mounted Sgaeyl his mind was racing with all the horrible what ifs. What if you had fallen off Cadmus? What if Cadmus lost control and crashed, killing you both? No, he couldn’t think like that. It helps nothing if he thinks of the negative.
Flying fast and low over the vast mountains and forest of Basgiath, both Xaden and Sgaeyl were on the hunt for you.
After 20 minutes Xaden spotted Cadmus running through a break in a canopy of trees. “Down there!” He shouted to Sgaeyl. She swooped down into a clearing as Cadmus turned around. Xaden noticed you weren’t in the saddle. But, it seemed as though Cadmus was smiling and wagging his tail back and forth like a dog. It was then that Xaden saw the medium sized tree branch between his jaws.
“He says she’s a few feet behind us sitting under a tree. She is unharmed. Stupid dog.” Sgaeyl says only for Xaden to hear. He jumped from her scaly blue back clumsily, like he was dismounting for the first time.
“Y/N!” He yelled, voice echoing across the forest. He broke into a jog, finally seeing you exactly where Sgaeyl said you were. You were about to rise up from your shady spot when you saw Xaden come into view. He tilts his head back and lets out an exasperated sigh, with his hands on his hips.
He strides over to you. You look up at him, feigning innocence as he looks down at you. Annoyance contorting his perfect face, making the scar that cuts through his eyebrow crinkle in that cute way when he’s mad. “Are you serious? You had me scared shitless! I thought Amon killed you for gods sake!”
Guilt immediately rushed over your body. You didn’t mean to scare him like that. You just wanted to teach Amon a lesson to not fuck with you. “I didn’t mean to stay here this long, I’m sorry.” You stand taking his large hands off his hips and holding them in your tiny ones. “I was going to come back just a few minutes after the squad landed. Hopefully to you, Liam, Rhi, and Garrick scaring the shit out of him.”
Xaden leaned his forehead down to meet yours. “As funny as that would’ve been sweetheart, I’m going to ask you to never ever do something like this again.” You giggle, “I promise, baby. I’ll just have to think of something else.”
“You are going to be the death of me sweetheart.” He cups your face in both hands and leans in to kiss you. It was soft and sweet. You deepen the kiss and wrap your arms around his broad shoulders. Before the kiss, and Xaden’s wandering hands, could go any farther you hear Cadmus huff and drop his tree branch.
Breaking apart Xaden shoots the red Daggertail, a look that would scare anyone. Lucky for you both Cadmus was unusually friendly for a dragon. He turns back to you, “So what’s the deal with him and the stick.” You purse your lips and look down sheepishly. “Fetch is his favorite game! Don’t judge.” You push his chest lightly. He grabs your wrist pulling you in for one more kiss before picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder.
“HEY!” You jokingly struggle against him. “Alright sweetheart, back on your dragon. We’ve been gone long enough and if Liam got to kill Amon before I could I’m gonna be pissed.” He puts you down next to Cadmus’ forelegs ruffling your hair.
You turn to give Cadmus an accusing look. “You were supposed to ask Deigh when they were almost back. What happened?” Cadmus huffs, “I forgot. In my defense, you were making fetch very fun this round.” He says in your head. You roll your eyes, “Yeah, yeah. Let’s get going, you overgrown dog.”
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hier--soir · 10 months
okay hear me out…
joel and reader find their way back to Joel’s old house in Texas somehow. the angst. the drama. the COMFORT FROM READER TO JOEL MY HEART.
you’re breaking my heart here, kelp. this one hurt. i’m sorry it took me nothing short of a century to write, but i hope you enjoy this in some kind of way.
warnings/tags: set after tlou pt one timeline, established relationship, angst, grief, mentions of the death of a child, panic attack, hurt/comfort, the real birthday card sarah wrote joel from tlou game brb bawling. wc: 2.6k
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Joel’s home in Texas sat at the end of a cul-de-sac.
The houses on the street were run down after decades of rain and sun making the wood deteriorate. The bodies of the buildings sagged as if they’d exhaled a breath one day, and never inhaled another. Your eyes wandered over them as you rode past, trying to imagine what the street had looked like all those years ago when Joel had lived there. Did your best to picture him cruising down the road in his truck, young and carefree, listening to the radio as he drove home from work. The idea made a small smile drift across your face, but it faded as you glanced back to him. He rode a few paces ahead of you, and his broad shoulders were tense, hinting that he was gripping the reins of his horse for dear life.
The pair of you had been travelling for something like a month, all the way from Wyoming, to reach this point. And for most of the trip, he’d remained the Joel you knew and loved. Quiet, and funny, with the warmest smile. But as you’d neared Texas state lines, he’d withdrawn. Started to shut you out; talking less and seldom laughing at your jokes. You knew it was hard for him, to return after so much time, and so you didn’t push him. But that didn’t mean your heart didn’t pang nervously as he pulled his horse to a halt outside of a house.
Closure, Tommy had called it.
“You gotta go back, Joel,” he’d said one night at the dining hall in Jackson. “Even if it’s just once. You owe it to yourself.”
It had taken months to convince his older brother. After three years living in Jackson, Joel had become so comfortable in his new life. He had come so far from being the man you’d heard stories about when he and Ellie first arrived in the settlement.
He’s dangerous, people would whisper. He’s killed people.
And at first, you’d feared him alongside the rest of your community. Until he wormed his way into your heart, and shared himself with you. Yes, he was dangerous, and yes, he had killed, that much you were aware of. But in time, he confided in you. Things about his past that he’d never been able to verbalise to anyone, whispered in your ear while hidden under the sheets of his bed. He trusted you, and you trusted him. And so when Tommy finally wore him down enough that he agreed to go back to Texas, he said he’d only go if you went with him.
“Just to see it,” Joel had said adamantly on the day you left Jackson, as the pair of you saddled your horses. “It’ll be nice just to see it.”
“Long way to go just to see it,” you’d said quietly, stomach twisting with an unfamiliar feeling. You knew what lay within his house in Texas. Knew what memories resided there, festering inside the walls. The ghosts of who he once was, of the life he was supposed to live. The memory of… her. The daughter he’d lost.
He talked about her more and more, the longer you knew him. Shared stories, confessed to you when things reminded him of her, and the way it made him feel. He dreamt about her often. A few mornings out of every month he would wake with a thin sheen of sweat on his face, muscles tense as he cried out for her, begged her to stay. And you would soothe him, brush the hair off his forehead and hold him, lulling him back to sleep with soft words in his ear and gentle kisses against his hairline.
Standing outside of the house, the thought flitted through your mind once more. Your eyes darted warily between the old property and him. Staring at the profile of his face, you tried to discern an emotion; tried to gage any hint of feeling there. But Joel’s face was blank, forehead smooth, mouth a thin line, as he tied the horses up.
Without a word, he was walking up the driveway toward the front door. Pulse quickening, you trailed behind on numb legs, hand gripping the gun holstered on your hip. If you hoped for anything, it was that infected weren’t holed up inside the house you’d travelled so far to see.
The front door gave way easily under his weight, and a cloud of dust exploded around the pair of you as you stepped past the threshold. And it was… a house. No, a home. No sounds came from within, no rustling or footsteps or clicking. It seemed uninhabited. Safe. You stood behind Joel, waiting for his signal.
Joel cleared his throat, peering around with a tense jaw. “Look around. See if we can find anything useful to take back with us.” You noticed he didn’t refer to Jackson as home.
He wandered slowly through the lower level of the house, not touching anything at first, as if he were hesitant to lay his hands over the things that had once been his possessions. You watched him silently, carefully, allowing him to take the lead. And when he ducked through a set of double doors into a different room, you couldn’t help but analyse the space, how things had been left, all those years ago.
The place was clearly well-lived in. A few plates and bowls rested in the sink, a mug on the counter. A DVD rested on a coffee table by the couch, some 80s action flick with two guys on the cover. Curtis and Viper 2, it read in bold red lettering, This time it’s a family affair. You smiled curiously but didn’t pick it up to read the back.
Rustling came from the doors Joel was behind, and you figured you should start looking around as well. You padded heavily up the stairs, dush and grime loosing into the air as your boots worked against the old carpet. The landing was large, and you could see a few doorways from where you stood. Peeking through the first one, you saw a large bed, a TV mounted on the wall, and a treadmill. You huffed quietly, trying to picture a world in which Joel would run on a machine while watching television. The image was difficult to conjure.
“Y’find anything?” Joel’s gruff voice carried up the stairs.
“Not yet,” you hollered.
“Check the bathroom,” he called. “Might be some painkillers in there. Old antibiotics maybe.”
“On it.”
You moved further down the hall, nudging your boot against a closed door before peering in.
Posters covered the walls, dusty and faded from years of sunlight shining in the window. A double bed with blueish green covers, two sets of drawers. And pictures… so many pictures, tacked against the pink walls, depicting smiling, happy faces. Some that you’d come to know well, and one that you’d never seen before.
Stepping further into the room, you stared at the photograph stuck above her bedhead. It was of Tommy and Joel, with a small girl tucked underneath his arm, her arms wrapped around his middle as she beamed at the camera. Sarah. You swallowed down the ball of emotion that had settled in your throat.
“Found some scissors and tape,” Joel hollered, and you gave a half-hearted shout of acknowledgement in return.
Your lungs tightened, and suddenly your breathing was shorter, the knowledge that you were standing in his daughter’s room almost suffocating you. You turned quickly, with every intention of leaving the room, until something on the dresser opposite her bed caught your eye.
A small, faded card. White paper that had yellowed and faded over the years, that had a cartoon drawing of a dinosaur wearing a party hat across the front. The word ‘CONGRATULATIONS!’ was scrawled in red print below it.
Your fingers ghosted across the paper, feeling the thinness of it; the delicate fragility of something that hadn’t been touched by another human being in over twenty years. Careful not to cause any damage, you opened it. Your eyes turned blurry as they trailed over the words scribbled on the card.
Dear Dad, Let’s see… you’re never around, you hate the music I’m into, you practically despise the movies I like, and yet somehow you still manage to be the best dad every year. How do you do that? Happy Birthday, Pops! Sarah.
A tear rolled off your chin and landed on your shirt, leaving a dark stain. You sniffled sharply, wiping the wet sensation from your face. The flimsy paper shook in your grip, and you found yourself anxious that it would disintegrate at any moment.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?”
Joel’s voice was steely, low. You flinched, the card tumbling out of your hand and back onto the chest. Your partner loomed tall in the doorway, staring you down. His face was thunderous, expression a mask of fury that you’d never expected to have directed at you, in this lifetime or the next. Dark eyes glared at you, as his mouth twisted into a snarl, lip curled up to reveal gritted teeth.
“Joel,” you breathed, wiping furiously at your cheeks again to remove any sign that you’d been crying. “I’m sorry, I was jus-“
“Why are you touching her things?”
You noticed his eyes never moved off you. He didn’t dare look around the room, her room. “I’m sorry,” you repeated feebly. “I didn’t- I shouldn’t have… I’m sorry.”
He diverted his gaze, staring down at what you had dropped.
“What is that?” he asked. His voice was quieter, softer. It was like every one of his features pinched together in the middle of his face, and he took a slow step into the room.
“It’s a card,” you told him, slowly reaching out to rest a hand on his shoulder. He met your gaze, silently asking you to tell him more without him having to ask. “The birthday card she wrote for you. I’m sorry, I know it’s personal and I shouldn’t ha—”
“She never gave me a birthday card that year.”
“No card. Just the watch.”
Your eyesight blurred as you stared at him. He moved slowly, as if he had to beg his limbs to work and even then, they dragged along the ground. When he picked it up, the card looked so small in his large hands. Long, dirt-stained fingers gripped the withered paper, splaying it open so he could read it.
And for a moment, everything was still. No movement, no sound, nothing could interrupt the way his eyes danced along the messy handwriting, devouring every letter. A few minutes passed, and you realised he was reading it over and over again. His chest began to rise and fall faster, as short sharps breaths rattled in and out of his lungs.
“Joel,” you whispered, voice hoarse with emotion.
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled, and you shook your head and took a hesitant step towards him, but you were too slow.
His knees buckled, and he dropped onto the carpet with a heavy thud. You cursed, crouching beside him to get a better look at his face. Silent tears streamed from his eyes, rolling down the hills of his cheekbones before disappearing into his beard. His chapped lips quivered as he silently mouthed the words written on the card, not meeting your eye. You placed a hand on his back and stifled the sound of despair that worked its way up your throat.
“My baby girl,” he choked out, finally looking at you.
“I know,” you hushed desperately, rubbing soft circles on his back. “I know.”
“N-never saw this,” Joel grunted. It seemed painful for him to speak, and his left hand reached up to press against his chest. Fear spiked inside you, and your hand tightened on his back. “She never—” he paused, upper body swaying.
His mouth was downturned, low breathy sobs escaping his lips as he tried to regain control of his body. But it was out of his control, and you could see the fear crawling under his skin as memories of Sarah wormed through his brain, and twisted his insides.
“I know,” you repeated gently. “I need you to breathe, Joel. Can you hear me?” he nodded faintly, fingertips crinkling the corner of the card where he held it. “Need you to breathe with me now. Slowly, in and out, like this. Don’t go passing out on me.”
He shook his head quickly, but copied the sound of your exaggerated breaths, sucking in air before expelling it heavily. “My girl,” he muttered, and you nodded, kissing his shoulder quickly. “I failed her, I—"
“No,” you said sharply, and finally he looked at you. Bloodshot, grief-stricken eyes stared at you as you shook your head. “You did everything you could. She said it herself, you’re the best dad. She loves you so much, Joel, I can feel it.” His chest shook, and he was silent, breathing heavily as he absorbed your words. You rested your hand atop the one on his chest, slotting your fingers in-between his. His heartbeat thudded aggressively against his sternum, vibrating against your hands.
He squeezed your fingers painfully tight, closing his eyes. “I wish I could just—” he gasped quietly, voice rattling. “Wish I could see her, need to see her.”
You dropped to your knees, pressing your back against his shoulder and cradling him in your arms as he shook. You pressed your hand firmer against his.
“Right here,” you whispered. “This is where it is – her love for you. She’s here, every single day, every second, you just have to let yourself feel it.”
“I don’t know how,” he said desperately. You soothed him quietly, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead as he leant heavier against you. “I don’t think I can.”
“You can,” you murmured against his hair, feeling the way his shoulders sagged with exhaustion. “I’m here, let me help you.”
For a while, the pair of you stayed like that. Resting on the carpet in his daughter’s bedroom, leaning against each other’s as a thick silence blanketed you.
You didn’t move a muscle until he said he wanted to leave, and watched him pack the things he’d found into a bag, keenly aware of the way he slid the card between the pages of a thick book and tucked it into the bag as well, careful not to crease it.
Joel was quiet as you left the house, quiet as you untied the horses. Quiet as he rode down the street, with you a few paces behind, heading away from the cul-de-sac, the broken-down houses, Curtis and Viper 2, and the pictures on Sarah’s bedroom wall. For a few days, he didn’t say much at all, and most nights on the trip back to Jackson, as the pair of you settled in your sleeping bags to rest, he would look. He would wait until he thought you were asleep, and then you’d hear him take the book out of his bag, flipping through the pages until he found the birthday card, so he could read her words once more.
And you weren’t naïve. You knew that a part of him would forever be broken, after Sarah’s death. A hole in his heart that nothing and no one could mend – not a second daughter, nor a relationship. But so long as you lived, you knew you would be there, right behind him. To hold him and remind him to feel that love; to breathe it in, to savour Sarah’s love and kindness in his heart, in the hopes that remembering the light would help shut out a little of the darkness.
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ghouljams · 10 months
Immediately thought of the cowboy!au. Honestly giving Soap vibes with this (almost) air of bravado and cockiness. Like this is a "look at me" moment, the male bird dancing for the female bird's approval.
Your fae and cowboy au live in my head and charge me rent.
This is what I was referencing in my Goose post!!! Literally this exact video had me thinking. Yes! Her and Soap break horses the same way. She taught him and he's never had a reason to do it any different, they're frequently called to other ranches to break problem horses.
Here's Soap doing cowboy shit. Ghost is a little jealous...
"You're gonna get yourself killed Johnny," Ghost tells him, hardly putting up a fight when Soap plucks the cig from his mouth to climb on the yet to be broken stallion. "I'm serious," Ghost pulls another stick free of the pack and lights it, "wait for Goose to get back."
"Dinnae need Goose, don't get your knickers twisted." He wraps the reigns around his hand just as the horse bucks. Ghost takes a long drag of his cigarette watching his ass leave the saddle.
Soap pulls the reigns tighter, gripping the back of the saddle with his free hand as soon as he's sitting safely. Ghost leans against the fence, watching the horse rear back and buck putting all its power into trying to shake Soap off its back. He's gotta admit, it's impressive the way Soap sticks to the saddle through pure strength. It's almost exactly like watching Goose.
He forgets sometimes how similar those two are. It's like working with the fucking wonder twins. Except instead of super powers it's the same jokes passed back and forth all day.
Soap's hips jolt forward as the horse gives a half hearted hop, trying to build power again. The horse backs up, hops, backs up, and bucks. Soap's arms tighten, musculature on full display in the Texas sun. He smiles around the cigarette, hardly bothered by the aggressive attempts on his life from the animal under him. Ghost taps some of his ash off the end of his cigarette and pulls his phone free of his pocket in case they need emergency services.
Eh, he'll take a video for Goose while he's got it. She'll wanna see Soap fall on his ass.
The horse takes the opportunity to race around the paddock. Ghost leans away from the fence, not eager to get Soap scraped off onto him. The horse has to be fumin' by now, and it shows, stomping its hooves and shaking its head when it stops.
"Got no one to impress here Johnny," Ghost calls out as the horse walks by him.
"Got you don't I?" He yells back, words mumbled around the cigarette in his mouth. The horse takes the opportunity of distraction to start bucking again. Giving its last wild and low attempts at dislodging its rider.
It's head shakes, its short hops stomp it's hooves against the dirt. It gallop-bucks, hopping and doing its best to be a bumpy ride. Soap sticks to it like glue. Barely moving save for the way his hips follow the motion of the saddle. It's the last burst of energy before the horse decides to mosey its way around, following the line of the fence.
Ghost sends the video Goose's way, gives Soap a second to ash his cigarette and take a decent drag. The horse huffs at both of them but keeps its composure well enough. It's past the bucking for the moment at least.
"Attaboy," Soap coos at the horse, it shakes its head, taking a few tentative steps back.
"Got another buck in you?" Ghost asks the horse, it seems to think about it before shaking its head again. Soap nudges the horse with his heels and takes it for a little trot around the circle, letting the horse lead where it wants.
"Naw he's brand new, got all his steamin' out." Soap trots around the circle, the horse getting used to his weight and the tap of his heels. "Who needs Goose?" He grins at Ghost, who shakes his head.
"She puts on a prettier show," Ghost snuffs his cigarette on the metal fence, careful not to flick the butt where a critter might eat it.
"I don't put on a good show?"
"Don't need me to tell you you're pretty Johnny," Ghost settles in flicking his cigarette at Soap, watching him tug the reigns to keep the horse out if the way. Soap rolls his eyes.
"Anno, plenty of bunnies to do it for you."
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gxdsfavgal · 2 years
Cowboy Take Me Away
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Pairing: Cowboy!Bob Floyd x Cowgirl!fem!reader
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, smut, thumb sucking, oral (male receiving), face fucking, slight overstimulation, it’s dirty... but its also short, not edited
A/N: cowboy!bob... orgasm! anyways, this is inspired by Cowboy Take Me Away by The Chicks
Bobby just got back from deployment earlier this week and with the problems all around the property, I haven’t been able to welcome him back.
His family and mine have been neighbors since before we both were born.
“Hey hun, it’s our turn to feed the horses. I gotta get to town, can you do it?” my dad asked as he was looking around the house for his truck keys.
“Umm sure I guess.” I shrugged my shoulders as I slipped on my boots and putting on my trucker hat.
“Thanks! And maybe go say hi to Robert, i’m sure he’d like to see you.” he pushed the bill of my hat and left the door with a chuckle.
I quickly headed to the garage starting up the quad, my dog Boomer running in circles ready for the ride.
I hopped on and drifted out of the drive way and onto the acres of grass, Boomer running behind me as his ears flopped repeatedly.
Five minutes later, I parked in front of the wooden and brick stable. The doors already fully opened, I walked in making sure to check all of my sides.
Boomer running ahead of me, taking a sharp turn and barking. There was the mystery man, getting ready to wheel out the food for the stallions but petting Boomer with one hand.
“Bobby?” I called out to the man in a tight shirt, Wrangler jeans, and a cowboy hat.
He turned around, squinting to see who it was. As I walked closer, I can tell by his facial expressions that he realized it was me.
“Y/n!” he dropped the barrel of alfalfa and took long strides at me with a big smile on both of our faces.
I welcomed him with open arms, his arms hugging tight and his body warm against me.
He steps away and places his hands on his hips. “Booms almost had me in the bone orchard.” he bent down, scratching behind my furry companions ear.
“What are you doing here? I was gon come by and visit you.” I playfully scolded him as he began wheeling the food out to the aisle.
“I was gon take Pilot on a ride but saw that they’ve done ate all their food.” he was talking more like he was from California, his drawl barely there.
“Mind if I join?” I asked, hoping he gave the okay.
“Of course you can.” he smiled, opening up the gate of stall and scooping the pellets.
I helped him feed all eight horses in the herd stables that’s shared amongst our two families and the two across from us.
We both grabbed our separate horses and readied them up, putting on their head piece and saddles.
We pulled them out of the stables and mounted.
“Where to Bobby?” we slowly galloped as we decided on where to ride to.
My eyes lit up and my cheeks hurt from smiling when I heard of our childhood treehouse our fathers partnered up on building for us.
We signaled our rides to trot and head towards the playhouse.
Once we arrived, we tied up our horses to the base of the tree then we climbed on up. The wood was rickety, yet steady and sturdy still after all these years.
We walked around the small house, looking at all our old toys and carving, opening up the windows to see the view of our neighboring lands.
“I haven’t been up here in like 8 years” I whispered, swiping my finger along the dusty plastic table.
“I forgot this even existed until I saw you.” he chuckled. I can feel heat creep up onto my the apples of my cheeks.
I saw down onto the old plastic table that my dad added when we were younger, Bob leaned against the railing of the window with his back towards the view.
“How's umm uh.. Jeremy? That's his name right?” he squinted his eyes are the possible mistake of the name.
“Oh I broke up with him.” I went straight to the point of my past relationship.
“Really?” he asked, his eyes wider than before.
“Yep, I finally realized that he was just using me” his eyebrows furrowed from heading what that son of a bitch did. “Didn’t like him that much anyways.”
I shrugged my shoulders and Bob chuckled quietly.
“How about you? Any lucky Navy lady?” I asked, kicked my feet up onto the table and holding them to my chest.
“Nope.” he popped the ending of the word.
“What?” I yelled out in surprised. “You? Robby? Robert Floyd doesn't have a Navy Lady?” 
I was in literal shock, my mouth open and jaw on the floor. 
“Robby, please don't tell me you didn't fuck someone at least once while you were deployed.” I looked at him with wide eyes, waiting for his answer.
This was a typical conversation between us, it’s been like this since he told me about his first time jerking off in middle school.
“I just used my hand and pillow.” his hands rubbed across his face, normal signs showing that he was embarrassed.
“You're joking with me!” I had my hand covering my mouth, my feet now dangling off the little kiddie table.
“I’m not.” now rubbing at the nape of his neck. 
“How about I help you and you help me?” I outed, keeping my eyes on him to see his reaction.
“What’d you say?” he crossed his arms.
“I haven't gotten off since I broke up with Jeremy a month ago, and well you were deployed for like 8 weeks without a proper orgasm.” I told him our struggles.
I can tell by the look on his face that he thought I was absolutely going mad. His face also looked like he wasn't opposed to the idea.
“I- I don't know about this.” he stuttered out, his eyes flickered all around the room.
“Bobby, we’ve been best friends since we popped out of the womb. You’ve seen my naked a handful of times.” I looked at him with darkened eyes.
His demeanor changed, his back straightened up and lips curled into a smirk. He was deep in his thoughts, thinking about everything we can do, every position, and everywhere we could do it.
I knew that Bob had a crush on me when we were in high school when we both started to mature and get horny. We never had sex, but those many parties that I forced him to come with me to turned into something. Little make out sessions in the corner of the parties to dry humping on the nasty couch until one of us came. He always made sure I didn't drink much because he didn't want to haul my ass back into the truck.
I would be lying if I said that I was never attracted to Bob and that I never fantasized about him. Bob has it all, the brains, the look, the charm, and he’s my best friend.
“Look, I don't want to fuck if you're just using me to get over Jeremy.” he was stern, his arms crossed and legs spread apart. I couldn't tell if I was drooling or not.
I was taken back by his words. “Robert, you know I would never use you. I would never treat you the way that son-of-a-bitch Jeremy treated me.” I jumped off the kiddie table and made slow steps towards his figure.
His chin was down but his eyes were watching every step I took. 
“Im gonna be honest here Bobby.” I stopped with a foot between us. “I was happy to hear that you didn't touch another gal. Happy that no other girl has made you cum.”
The way he leaned against the window, his jeans tight against his spread out legs, his shirt tight in all the right places. He looked like a God.
“You got a dirty mouth.” he mumbled out.
My head tilted to the side with dumb little smirk. “Im sorry what’d you say?”
His hand came up to my face, his warm thumb against my bottom lip. “I said that you got a dirty mouth.”
His eyes were eyeing my lips, watching his thumb rub against my lips as my eyes watched him. 
“You gonna shut me up? Huh Robby?” I whispered out before he put his thumb between my lips, dragging on the edge of my teeth.
“Oh I’m gonna shut you up hun.” He grumbled out. My lips wrapped around his thumb, sucking on it and tongue moving around.
His tongue rolled against the inner part of his cheek, chuckling at my action.
He removed his thumb from my mouth, rubbing my saliva on my lips and cheek as he used his other hand to lower me down to my knees. I looked up at him with big eyes, my bottom lip caught in my teeth, and my hand palming him through his jeans.
His groans were heaven. The way he reacted even though there’s two layers between my hand and his cock.
His hips bucked into my hand, telling me to get a move one. Both of my hands fumbled with his belt, the big buckle making it harder so he had to take over as my hands sat on the back of his knees.
Once his jeans hit the floor, my hands immediately reached up to the elastic waistband of his boxers that showed his prominent bulge. I brought my lips down to his adonis belt, leaving a wet peck as I pulled down the cloth. His cock grazed my cheek as it slapped against his stomach.
I whimpered at the sight of his dick. Red pulsing tip with the pearls of pre-cum on the tip. The thick vein on the bottom and just the right amount of little hairs.
I was hungry for his cock. I wanted to taste him. I was eager.
My hand wrapped around the base and the tip passed my lips. My tongue getting a taste of him which made me hum, sending vibrations up his body.
“Lookin so pretty, doll.” he said with a little fight to his voice, trying not to be so loud.
I took him further into my mouth, my tongue trailing the thick vein as his tip hit the back of my throat. I gagged around him which made his moan out.
The noises he made were fuel.
“F-fuck! Doing s-so good for me!” he praised as my hand and mouth worked together to have him reach the edge.
His hands were holding my hair, trying his best to not push my head down. I didn't want that.
I brought my hand to his on the back of my head, showing him that he can take control. He understood and immediately started pushing my face into his pelvis as his hips thrusted to my lips.
I was a gagging mess with tears staining my cheeks and my saliva running down my chin and neck.
I can tell he was close by his contorting face and the stutter of his lips.
I hallowed my cheeks and sucked on him, my hand cupping his balls. Giving a little pressure as he thrusted into my throat.
“Im gonna cum! Fuck!” he held my face against him, his cock fully down my throat as I was gagging and breathing through my nose.
He shot his cum down my throat, rubbing my scalp with his fingers.
He pulled out of my mouth, my lips sucking his harder and following him trying to get more from him. Trying to milk him but he kept hissing from how sensitive he was.
His cock was soft in front of my face. He looked down at me with his hair sticking to his forehead as his chest fell and rose. His smirk still plastered on his face.
I opened my mouth to show him that I swallowed all of his cum. He threw his head back with a groan, his cock getting hard again from my action.
He looked back down at me, his hands cradled my jaw as he pulled me up onto my feet. His lips attacked mine, tasting himself on my lips and tongue. 
My hand reached his dick again, stroking him and paying attention to the tip. He was moaning into the kiss.
“Fuck baby!” he pulled my hand away from him. “Im too sensitive right now.” 
We both chuckled as we kissed again, tucking him back into his boxers.
“Next time I got you.” he mumbled into my lips.
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photo1030 · 4 months
Desperate Times / Desperate Measures please 🥹 I'm curious to know what it's about.
Thank you for asking, @cassietrn
Ah, yes, this will be a good one! This will kind of coincide with a "light ask" that I received, too.
In this chapter, reader goes out on a job with the gang and gets separated from the rest, only to be left with Micah as her only ally.
Below is a snippet / outline of the premise:
You are hiding in the alley, with law on either side closing in quickly. Surprisingly, Micah pushes you behind him, holding his arm over you protectively. Micah pulls his gun, ready to get in a shoot out. 
You are instantly alarmed, knowing where this is going to end up. “Wait! There’s got to be another way out of this. We’ll get gunned down for sure!” 
“No time, I gotta get you out of here, Princess.” His sudden concern for your safety confuses you. “Unless you know how to hide in plain sight?” 
And with that, you grab Micah by the face and kiss him, pulling him towards the building behind you and overtop of yourself. He’s taken off guard at first but quickly reciprocates. 
Thinking quickly as you hear the commotion of approaching lawmen, you pull Micah’s jacket and hat off of him, thinking he’d be recognized for sure if the law sees it. The law runs past, not recognizing you as your faces are hidden, thinking that the two of you are just another drunken lot behind the bar who are too impatient to get a room.
As soon as you are in the clear, you immediately try to push him off of you. 
“Stop. Stop it. Ok that’s enough!” You shove him away from you.
Micah is so smug right now. 
“You’re a bit of a psychopath you know that?" you spit at him, wiping his saliva from your lips.
"I prefer the term 'eccentric'", he gloats. 
"Ugh, what the hell is wrong with you?" 
"So many things, Sweetheart….so many things."
You carefully make your way out of the city when you are spotted. Micah grabs your hand, pulling you to the horses. He pushes you in front of him towards the saddle, shielding you from the law, and he gets hit on the shoulder with a bullet. He climbs up behind you into the saddle and the two of you take off, heading for the obscurity of the woods. 
When you get back to camp, Micah can’t wait to rub this in Arthur’s face. 
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selineram3421 · 11 months
Song Rec: Memory of Piano by 加藤達也
Part 8: A Familiar Symphony
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Part 7
Vash(Tristamp) X Reader
Warning! ⚠
⚠ cussing, explosives, mention of suicide, weapons and guns(pew pew), dismemberment, murder, blood and gore(kinda descriptive), mentions of death ⚠
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You ran to get Kevin out of the stable.
"Fucking Hell!", you said, almost tripping over your feet. "Get Kevin out, get Kevin out!"
While unhooking the latch on the stable doors, you heard another bomb go off in the distance.
All the bombs are out now. You think, pulling the reigns to usher the large bird out. "Come on Kevin, its ok."
You quickly put the saddle on and make sure every buckle is on. Hopping onto the bird, you ride it over towards the entrance of the town.
As you come up towards entrance the, you stop Kevin just before they could notice the two of you and see some of the spider like bombs latched onto them.
"Come on, we gotta go put you on the side.", you say and pull on the reigns to make Kevin turn towards an opening between two buildings on the side.
After getting off of the bird, you check for mines by tossing rocks out onto the sand, letting out a relieved sigh when nothing explodes.
"Ok Kevin.", you push the bird out of town. "Run away when everything falls. I'll meet up with you later."
In the background you can hear Vash and EG Bomber going up to the plant.
Turning back towards the entrance, there's a sudden tingling sensation at the back of your head. Before you could take another step, the feeling in your legs give out.
You fall hard to the ground.
"What the-?", you say confused and try to move, but instead the feeling of your body shutting down takes over instead. Why is this happening!? I'm wearing my coat! I'm not overheating!
A piano note plays as your eyes start to close, darkness creeping in.
There's a yank on the back of your coat, and you feel something dragging you away.
There's nothing you can do.
Rem's voice is the last thing you hear.
Vash had the bomber in a chokehold.
"Tell us!", he said, tightening every so often with a scowl on his face. "Out with it!"
"A red button on my back!", EG Mine chokes out. "Hurry up! Push it already!"
The blonde wastes no time, letting the two reporters restrain the bomber and removing the cover from the bottom part man's spinal brace. A second after pushing the button, the bombs go back to their previous blue color and fall off of everyone.
There's sighs or relief throughout the town's people.
Roberto ties the bombers hands behind his back when Nebraska points a rocket launcher at the bandaged-face man.
"You killed my beloved boy.", the old man says angrily.
Vash steps in front of the bomber with his left arm stretched out, blocking him. "Please, don't Nebraska."
"Get out of my way! You would dare to protect this maniac!?", Nebraska responds.
As the blonde tries to reason with the man, a piano note plays, gaining everyone's attention. Looking around to pin point where music is coming from, Vash freezes at when recognizing the familiar symphony.
His brother had arrived.
"He's here.."
Snapping out of it, he starts shouting at the people to start running, following EG Mine as they escape. When he gets to the place where the piano was playing, there's blood all over the ground and arms hanging off of the saloon doors.
Once inside he points his gun at his identical twin.
"Have you ever wondered..what its like to speak with a God?", Knives asks, sitting on the chair in front of the piano.
The body of serial bomber lies on the floor, blood still coming out from where their arms would be.
The hooded figure puts down the cover for the piano keys and turns to look at him.
"Vash. Its been so long.", the pale blue eyed man stands up. "I see you're still lugging around that gun."
"Why are you here?", Vash asks, earning a chuckle in return. "For the Plant.."
"I'm taking it back. It belongs to me..or rather, it belongs to us.", Knives says calmly.
"I won't let you! That would be a death sentence for the entire town!", he shouts.
His twin laughs. "Won't let me?", he says, turning his body to face the humanoid typhoon. "Who's side are you on?"
Knives speaks up again before Vash could answer.
"It must feel nice, stunning the masses with your tricks. Collecting their cries of adoration.", then the pale blue eyed blonde walks toward him, stepping into the puddle of blood. "Does their praise cure it? The loneliness."
"Listen to yourself! All these years and you're exactly the same!", Vash yells out, still keeping his gun pointed at his brother.
"How amusing.", Knives says, lifting his hand to touch the gun. "I was thinking the same of you." The tips of his fingers make contact with the weapon and a blue cloud appears around them, and what looks like white cracks forms on the gun as he pushes it down.
Vash's conscience is then plunged into a blue space as his younger self, looking around confused.
"You can't even control your gate yet?"
You woke up taking a deep breath in and Kevin nudging you. Blinking rapidly as you sat up, you take in the scene before you.
Jeneora Rock was completely destroyed.
What..? You stared at what was left of the town in shock. Why did you stop me Rem? You wonder, growing angry with the woman.
Then you heard crying, the sound snapping you out of your thoughts.
I'll deal with her later. You thought and stood up, getting your medic bag off of the saddle. I've got a job to do.
Walking over to the survivors, you drop your bag and cup your hands around your mouth. "Bring all the wounded to me! NOW!", you shout, getting everyone's attention. "I need those well enough to go looking through the rubble for any more survivors!"
They all stare at you for a moment.
"Come on people, listen to the medic! LET'S MOVE!", you demand.
The town's folk scramble and do as told, bringing the wounded and a few going towards what was left of the destroyed town. The first one you take care of is the little boy Tonis, frowning when seeing all of his wounds and missing arm.
As you work, you can feel someone's eyes burning into the back of your skull.
Cleaning off blood, having to cut off dead skin or unsalvageable body parts, and stitching people back up is what you do for a good hour or two. Keeping a calm face as you do so.
Their were times where you had to break some bad news, your patient having been dead when or before they got to you.
You cleaned up as best you could, your coat having more blood stains than earlier. Then you remembered the graze that you got on your arm.
"Hey Star boy.", you spoke up, looking behind yourself to find Vash standing there. "Mind helping the medic?"
"Yeah, of course.", he says, going over and kneeling down next to you. "What do you need?"
"Some help with my wound.", you say and shrug off your coat. "Got this earlier today and haven't had the chance to take care of it.", you say and turn to face him after getting the necessary items.
He works quickly to clean the blood off, and you hiss when your wound burns. Then he applies the ointment, making sure to spread it out evenly before taking the gauze from your hands and wrapping it around your upper arm.
"Thank you.", you mumble to the blonde.
His head snaps up to look at you and stares for a moment before looking back at your arm, tying a knot to keep the gauze in place.
"No problem.", he responds.
Then Vash gets up from his kneeling position, giving you what was left of the gauze and making his way towards Rosa. All you do is sigh, feeling sad about what will happen next.
He doesn't deserve that. You think picking up your bag, getting up and also taking your coat.
You hear Meryl wake up coughing as you tie your bag onto the saddle, looking back when Rosa starts to blame the poor blonde for something he didn't do.
Putting on your coat, you grab the reigns and pull Kevin to follow behind as you walk past what's left of the town's people. You stop just in front of one and the pregnant woman holding her son looks up at you.
"Are you satisfied? Putting the blame on someone who tried to save you?"
You leave before she could say anything, feeling too angry and not wanting to do something you might regret or worse.
Doing something that would hurt Vash.
"Hey Star boy!", you call out to him, running to catch up and passing by Meryl, smiling when he stops and turns to face you. "Need a travel companion?"
A smile appears on his face too, not entirely happy but not entirely sad either. You'll take what you can get.
"I'd like that.", he says.
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~Seline, the person.
Next: Part 9
@summerdazed @lunar-archangel @+?
ML Vash | ChL Isekai'd
94 notes · View notes
afreakingdork · 5 months
Weak Spot - Chapter 45
RotTMNT Donatello x Reader
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Let's all float away with this week's chapter art by @garbagemilkshake
Warnings: Aged-up Turtles, Romance, Meet Cute, Villain Donatello, Cussing, Crushes, Xenophobia, Fear, Intimidation, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Hurt/Comfort, Love, AFAB Reader, Vaginal Sex, Sex Rough, Sex, Penis In Vagina Sex, Creampie, Teasing, Scent Kink, Sexual Tension, Breeding Kink, Multiple Orgasms, Cunnilingus, Fellatio, Marathon Sex, Somnophilia, Bondage, Feral Behavior, Feral Donatello, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Public Sex, Dom Donnie, Human/Turtle Relationships, Turtle Noises
Synopsis:  A love story of villainous proportions! Though it hadn’t come easily, as these things rarely do, you found yourself in a whirlwind romance with a handsome and mysterious mutant. His idiosyncrasies had been easy to ignore as attraction grew into something more. However, will love endure when the unknowns about him end up being far darker than you ever considered?
It was many moons ago, but I gotta give it up to @amutantturtleenthusiast for helping me iron out that special extra place in the building!
Fem!Reader References/Warnings Below Cut
Also available on Ao3
First 💜 Previous
Last warning for the 🍋 under the cut. Minors DNI!
Fem!Reader References/Warnings: for what we've done so far this chapter has the lengthiest bra mention and light boob stuff
You were having major déjà vu. Looking up the imposing structure of a skyscraper, you turned to not find yourself alone as you had, but towards your boyfriend. His open presence took all the time you had spent together and materialized it into his current form.  
 “Ready?” He looked up to you where his fingers were still ghosting over your chest.
He’d just clipped your ID badge on.
“You seem distracted.” He stepped closer and his hand drifted towards your neck.
“Just reminiscing.” You leaned up to him and he lowered enough so you could peck his cheek. “So should I call you hubby or…?”
His spine snapped to attention and a dusting of pink caught his face. “Not at all. “
“It was your idea to fake our marriage.” You continued to stare up at him cutely.
“You know the difficulty I’ve gone through!” He puffed up and then went through an exercise of smoothing out his scales. “They would not allow you entry with anything less.”
You chewed on a giggle.
His gaze narrowed and one of his hands found your back where he pushed you straight towards the building.
“Wait, wait!” You laughed, not moving your feet and feeling them skid against the sidewalk. “I didn’t answer!”
“You’re ready enough to tease me.” He hummed in your ear.
You let yourself lean further into his hold to look back up at him. “I know this is a big moment and I want to recognize that; it’s your lab!”
He stopped and gave a little exhale before pecking your forehead. “Appreciated.”
“Good.” You righted yourself and moved toward the door of your own volition. “The whole being married thing makes sense, but I don’t think I asked why that was a stipulation?”
“Proprietary infringement.”
“Uh…” You stopped just shy of the door.
He caught the handle and opened the first set for you. “While I own the rights to my technology, it is created using a government facility and funds. They opt first rights to purchase or a portion of the proceeds.”
This was the part of his job you hadn’t asked much about. Both because it always seemed exceedingly heady and because he was consistent in how it was above board. Preparing yourself for what was to come, you scurried forward to get the second door. “Couldn’t I just steal your ideas as your spouse?”
“We have a prenup.” He explained, passing with a smile.
“Ironclad.” You spoke appreciatively. “I assume I get nothing?”
“You get cared for for the rest of your life.” He stopped short and, as part of the performance, you moved to saddle up to his side.
He offered his arm and you took it. “Well, look at you.”
He gave you a glance before assuming dominating purpose as he walked you into the nicest building lobby you had ever seen. 
“Can I keep asking questions or will I need to be silent for this part?” You whispered to him and tried to hide your mouth against his coat.
“You’re free to say anything you like. Imagine this…” With his free hand he pointed around to your badge. “…as your diplomatic immunity.”
“Not as flashy as a glowstone.”
“True.” The slightest smile appeared between his stoic lips.
“Couldn’t I just sign some non-disclosure agreement if we were dating?”
The receptionist stood as you passed.
“They would want to interview you, procure it themselves, along with a background check and other invasive research.”
“But married, I get to skip that?”
“Me? Marry?” He gave you the faintest wry look. “They do business with me. They know the lengths I go before allowing written transactions..”
“Meaning you already did it when we were dating didn’t you?” You shot him an annoyed look as soon as you reached the elevators.
“Obviously.” He stepped away enough to scan his card which highlighted the panel purple before summoning a ride. “But before: After our first meeting, before my promise.”
“I love that you still abide by it.” You bumped him as he returned to you.
“I swore.”
You snuggled into him.
Trapped by some type of unsaid agreement, he responded with his aura instead of physically.
“Are we being recorded?”
“But you’re not worried?”
“That I’ll say the wrong thing?”
He gave a sigh as if it couldn’t be helped before turning and crouching in one swift move to get to your eye level. “They use my technology in the systems.”
You blinked with recognition.
“You are free to do whatever you like, there are no real records.” He caught you in a kiss so fast that you couldn’t respond before he returned to his original position at your side just as the elevator arrived.
You followed him in with heated cheeks and waited until the doors closed until you spoke again. “If the words don’t matter, why are we acting then?”
“Image. Your comparison to Big Mama’s gala was not inaccurate.”
“They’ll jump on weakness here?”
“Not dissimilar.”
He squeezed your arm and finally pressed the button.
He hummed an amused response.
“We were just sitting here!”
“A moment of peace before the lion’s den.”
“That bad?” You studied his profile.
“Hardly. You’ll find it boring, I imagine.”
“It’s yours, I doubt that.”
He looked away and your smile simmered. “Hey, Don?”
“Yes?” Only mild resistance kept his gaze.
“Want to talk about marriage?”
You felt him similarly stiffen as he had outside.
“We said we’d discuss it. Why not now?”
“I’m going to marry you.” He spoke firmly and straight ahead.
You nodded a little too enthusiastically and your heart leapt to match.
“What kind of proposal would you prefer?” The floor dinged and opened up to a gorgeously sleek lobby.
Two receptionists at a desk stood and bowed their heads.
“Donatello, sir.” 
“Welcome back.”
You tucked in, feeling shy.
He strode past them without a response.
Passing through another key access, you then stepped into a darkened room lined with white neon.
“You’ll be scanned.” Donnie explained.
You nodded and he stepped away from you to take a neutral position.
Watching him, you did the same and waited for some kind of laser to dart out.
None came and instead the room beeped before light lined the next door’s silhouette against what had looked like a flat wall.
Donnie offered his arm again and you took it.
He led you straight through with a push to the rectangular cutout.
It opened up to a bustling lab where your eye was tugged a million directions. Cleanly and stark, the room opened up to what felt like hundreds of stations. Some hermetically sealed in glass and other’s open air, you saw firsthand what Donnie had meant by an army of grad students. Dozens of variously suited scientists were working in tandem amongst all sorts of projects.
Then, very much like a movie you’d once seen, one of them caught sight of Donnie.
Stopping dead in their tracks, the clipboard in their hand went slack as they openly stared.
Beside you, you felt Donnie brace himself.
Like a tidal wave, awareness washed over the entire lab. Every single person who could feasibly stop, came to a halt and stared in your direction. Knowing the eyes were actually up and to your right didn’t help how eerie it was to watch everything come to a standstill at his very existence. Machines continued to whirl and other little things made sound, but the lack of speech made the space feel barren.
A clacking shattered the mystique and you found a man with features as sharp as his shined shoes clicking towards you at an alarming rate.   
You could feel mild irritation waft off Donnie so you prepared yourself for the man’s arrival.
With his gaze ahead and a leather bound planner in hand, as he passed, it was as if he were dismissing the scientists. Each station he cleared allowed them to resume their duties though it was clear they were still on edge.
When he was only a few feet out, Donnie hailed him. “Spencer.”
“Mr. Donatello!” The man opened his arms up from the pressed and cuffed pinstripe shirt he was wearing. It was carefully tucked into his pants where their pleats were so crisp you thought they might crunch when he sat. A touch of color popped socks between the bottom of his slacks and those shiny shoes of his that you found to be his trademark.
“Y/N. Spencer.” Donnie introduced without taking his eye off the man.
“Nice to meet you.” You responded dutifully. 
“You as well!” Spencer turned and gave you a form of a bow. “I had no idea Mr. Donatello wed.”
“Not pertinent.” Donnie dismissed.
“Y-Yes, well!” Spencer, half turned out and gestured to the lab. “Welcome, Y/N to Genius Built, the pioneer of tomorrow's breakthroughs! At the forefront of innovation, we deal only in technological marvels that stand as a beacon of hope and advancement for humanity. We are not merely a company; we are the architects of the future-”
“This is a tour, not a pitch.” Donnie cut the man off.
You could almost see a vein bulge in the man’s forehead. “Not that you aren’t thorough sir, but you often don’t articulate how incredible your company is…”
He did not. 
You debated ratting Donnie out.
You hadn’t even known the terrible name he’d chosen for his brand.
While his unreadable aura said little to others, you knew the micro reactions all too well. 
He had read your mind and felt your supposed threat. 
“I can handle the tour. You have a press junket later that I imagine you need to prepare for.” Donnie readied himself to depart.
“Oh, no. My schedule was actually cleared just for this occasion. You had been trying to get this particular guest in for months now so we pulled out all the stops!”
Donnie’s face betrayed nothing and this man had no regard for his own safety.
“You know how it is with a new ball and chain!” You spoke up and your voice caused surprise to break over Spencer’s features. “I’ve been nagging to me see where he works!”
As if put onto some secret information, Spencer leaned into you. “I see, I see! Newlyweds are like that. I remember when my wife and I first married, she wanted me to take her everywhere! Thank goodness that’s over, but just like you back in the day, I had to put my foot down! I told her, ‘honey you know I’m not allowed’, but when you’re the boss like Mr. Donatello here, I suppose he met his match!”
You had far too much experience in dealing with men like him and gleamed the fakest smile you could.. “It’s about respect.”
Spencer took it wholeheartedly. “I suppose I can hang back, but you need to message me the moment you need a thing! Water. Boop! There I am with sparkling, mineral, alkaline, spring, you name it! Lunch? Already got 10 order options, zip! Ready to go!” He feigned pulling far too many guns out of an unreasonable amount of holsters before laughing at his own miming.
You did the same.
Donnie felt just shy of ripping the man to shreds.
“Best of luck to you then.” Spencer sent the most half-assed salute to Donnie. “You know where to find me, sir!” He then waved multiple times as he started to click back to wherever he had come.
Donnie might have doubled over if he were anywhere else.
“You okay?” You turned into him to hide your worry.
“What was that?” He scanned your face with inherent malice. 
“Corporate bullshit.” You gave a tired smile. “Feed their inbred misogyny and they’ll eat it up and leave.”
“Seems unlike you.”
“Easier that way. PLus, he left, right?”
“This is what you deal with at work.”
“This is what most people deal with at work. Not even white collar, there’s assholes like that in charge of most businesses bigger than 15 people.”
“He’s a glorified floor manager.”
“What’s his title?”
Donnie’s snout wrinkled. “Something like Senior Demonstrations Supervisor.”
“Corporate bullshit.” You shook your head. “I don’t and would never feel that way about being married to you.”
Donnie’s gaze softened, clearly you smoothed the thing that had most bothered him.
“Sorry for springing that.”
“He was sprung on me. I should have known they’d have sent monitors.”
“Hall monitors.”
Donnie chuckled.
“We’ve got passes though.” You reached out and tapped his badge.
“This is why I drop in unannounced.” He covered your hand with his and brought it up to his lips for a chaste kiss.
“Mr. Donatello,” you gasped, pretending to be swooned.
“Indulge me as I show you the steps in which we arrived at our soil solution?”
“I thought you’d never ask!” You stepped back to his side in an exaggerated way and he led you through the lab while explaining the different stations. From the few things Spencer had said, you found the man’s explanation to be oddly accurate even though it seemed as generic as any other. Genius Built dealt in nearly every kind of technology you could think of. From a room that was manipulating bacteria to harmlessly eat up microplastics to a mask that captured CO₂ in strips that could be later planted into soils. “These are all your ideas?”
“Not all.” He turned with pride from where he’d been evaluating some new type of trash bag. “There are pitch days throughout the year. I advise and refine projects. If adequate, I’ll then fund them.”
Genius Built was a conglomerate in its own right.
“They retain rights. The benefits of scientists working under a fellow.”
“You know what it’s like.” You rounded the other side of the table where a masked worker smiled at you with her eyes as she monitored a centrifuge.
Donnie only nodded, his eyes still caught on the station’s work.
“Nothing big.” You edged toward the end of the table where there was a wall of data. “I’m not interested in you taking over all the Times Square billboards to pop the question.”
There wasn’t a sound, but you heard a researcher ask if Donnie was alright.
You heard a flap of his coat that said he waved it off as he marched straight over to you.
“Think I forgot?” You gave him a half turn of your head.
“I’m torn.”
“You sort of want me to cause of the majesty of this place?”
“Exactly.” He came in close and pointed to some numbers on a page. He then projected his voice in a way you knew wasn’t meant for you. “These are wrong, it might be why you’re not getting the right emissions capture.”
“A-ah!” The whole team scurried over to the wall. “S-So sorry Mr. Donatello. We’ll c-correct that right away. Thank you!”
“Who reviews your work?” He turned to look at the closest person with a little too much of his height.
The woman with the clipboard flipped a page. “Team… A-23.”
Donnie turned with a motion for you and you gave the group a sheepish look as you followed after. Presumably heading to said section, you were surprised when he tossed something over his shoulder at you. “Something small?”
“Something meaningful.” You lobbed right back and you watched him try to hide his smile.
“After you can properly say you love me.”
Donnie stopped dead and you almost ran into him.
Wary of those watching, you moved to touch the back of his arm. “That doesn’t mean you have to rush it.”
He didn’t respond.
“Hey.” You circled to his front and found his face similarly frozen. “I can hear you. Your gears are turning because you think you’re the one holding us back.”
He gave a single nod.
“You aren’t.” You touched his arm again, this time with more force. “Us not being married is nothing less than us being.”
You watched his lips part for a disagreement.
You got hold of his appendage and slid right down until you caught his wrist. You then pulled the limp thing over to your mating mark, concealed by your clothes. “Marriage is nothing but a piece of paper and tax breaks.”
“It’s a pledge of commitment.”
You stepped closer to capture his lowered eye. “I’m not saying we don’t. I’m saying we don’t have to rush. Aren’t we committed already?”
“I want them all.” His pupil darted to you. “Every way to say you’re mine and I’m yours.”
It was too much. You buried yourself directly into his plastron and his coat swept around you as he held you there.
“What if I’m never able to say it?” Nothing was blocking his lips, but the question sounded muffled.
“Then-” You spoke into him before thinking better. You lifted your head, keeping your chin rooted to him and stared right into his eyes. “-you don’t and we’re not less and we become common law married whenever that kicks in.”
He gave a warped smile. “No exception?”
He dipped down and you thought he might kiss you but he instead pressed his snout to your hairline. “Good, don’t change.”
You buried into him for one last squeeze before pulling away. “Time to berate Team A?”
“That’s a strong word.” He mused, following after even though you didn’t know where to go.
Instead of correcting you, he just swerved toward the right direction and you had to switch footing to follow. “How long were you thinking until you asked?”
“I’ve no plan in place other than intention.”
“That’s surprising.” He changed course again so you gave up and returned to his side.
“We said we’d discuss.”
 “Sweet thing.” You caught his arm and pressed into him.
“Prenup, what kind of wedding?”
“Nothing crazy, it’d be nice to do the whole walk with family and friends followed by a party. The food is never as good as you’d hope though. You?”
“No preference other than legality.”
“You just want proof.”
He gave you a rueful look before he slowed.
“You sound like you’ll frame it.” 
His expression intensified with an arched brow. 
Feeling more eyes than his own, you looked out to find what you presumed to be Team A-23 staring back owlishly.
In an easy step, he moved away to evaluate each of them openly. “Who proofread Team E-64’s calculations?” 
One researcher ousted the other before they could and it became a whole display. Not checking out exactly, you instead mused on what kind of boss Donnie was. You imagined most people would call him 'hard, but fair and that the general consensus was that he was terrifying. You doubted there was some kind of soft side lobby and instead if he was kind to one of them, he did it casually which would leave said party blinking over what had just happened. You imagined those who experienced it wouldn’t share as it seemed too outlandish to be believable. His kindness was a water cooler ghost story that had probably been hotly debated before being lost to the annals of work lore.
Returning found one of the researchers off to the side talking to Donnie. You couldn’t remember if it was the tattle tale or the guilty party, but one of the other scientists caught your eye. They waved you over and you approached cautiously.
“Wanna see something cool?”
That was a sentence typically for school kids between classes and not highly funded researchers. “Sure.”
“We just had a breakthrough with our adaptive technology.” She gestured to the table and you found a petri dish with what looked like goo in it. Already suited up, she reached out a thick glove and just as her finger hovered over head, the glob tried to reach for her.
“Is it alive?” It reminded you of a viscous version of Donnie’s battle shell.
“Nope, it’s transformative nanotech.”
You felt it must be a lesser version based on the reaction, but that didn’t make sense. It made you wonder if Donnie kept certain inventions to himself. That made a sort of sense, but, knowing him, releasing something subpar went against his character. “Huh.”
Even through her suit you watched the woman’s face drop. She then turned to her coworker and shared the misery before both of them started whispering.
“You okay…?” You felt like maybe you had said something wrong.
“We… we…” She glanced over and you followed her eye to find she was checking that Donnie was still preoccupied. “We have a bet going to see who will impress you the most.”
“Me?” You pointed at yourself. “You mean him, right?” In a flick, you turned the hand into a thrown thumb toward your partner.  
“No, you.” She gave her own gesture to send the point home.
“Crystal!” The other woman scolded.
“We’re out! Who cares!” She snipped back, approaching you. “Impress the boss’ spouse?”
You nodded with understanding.
“There’s facial recognition software that tracks customer satisfaction going live later this month. The teams came together to do the final testing with this.”
“The cameras are tracking my reactions…” You mumbled and wondered how that worked with Donnie manipulating the records.
“Yup!” She then seemed to think better. “Huh… it sounds sort of invasive now that I say it outloud…”
“It’s been invasive!” The other woman elbowed Crystal in the side. “Why do you think it took so long to get through legal!?”
“Legal?” Donnie’s voice asked above you.
You glanced to find the man Donnie had been talking to now absent.
“S-Sir!” Crystal took a wary step back. “W-we had a breakthrough with the nanotech!”
Donnie glanced over you and then the Petri dish. “Demonstrate.”
She did, but Donnie’s lips began to move before she even got the substance to reach for her.
“This is a basal reaction at best.”  
“Well the substance you brought-”
You watched as the rest of the team's eyes shot toward Crystal, but her head was down and buried in wording her response.  
“-hasn’t been reacting as projections indicated.”
“As indicated.” He took a step forward and she shrank further down. “From my data.”
“We believe it’s the lab setting!” The woman who’d scolded Crystal gave a shaky step forward.
His head cracked to her in an unsettling way. “Inferring  I neglected such variables.”
“I-I wouldn’t say that.”
You chewed the inside of your lip.
“I’m pulling the lot of you.”
The team had complaints on their lips, but not one slipped.
“Report to Spencer. Send me your data and my own. Consider your project audited.”
In a defeated filing, they left everything as it was and trudged toward where Spencer had gone.
Donnie looked over their space before stepping into it. You watched as he washed up in a sink before putting on part of a suit. Two fingers loose, he reached for the glob the same way Crystal had which yielded the same result. He sneered at the object before trashing his protection. He then stepped forward and stared at their data with only the slightest movements before you dared to approach. “It’s been taken into account.”
You searched his profile.
“Their contest. I not only knew, but orchestrated it in a way.”
“They’re always looking for something.” He reached up with a marker he procured from somewhere and started marking up a page. “A leg up on one another. That’s not why they work in shared space.”
“No?” You resisted the urge to look over your shoulder.
“No.” He frowned and tore another page down. “The reason why I have them proof across their fields is to inspire one another.”
“Does it work?”
“Not when finance and marketing step in.” Creasing another page with a back and forth flap, Donnie ripped a section off and made some notes on it.
“Competition is good for money.”
“It’s like they forget the product is what actually makes it.” He sighed and held out a wad for you.
You took it only to watch his eyes glance sideways. Following it found a waste bin and you threw a shot which landed.
He gave you an approving nod before continuing on with notes.
“You got off track.”
He paused mid zero and thought for a moment. “Yes, the contest.”
“You’re going to mess up their test run.”
“It didn’t make it past legal.” He crossed something out.
“That’s not…”
“I know.” He turned toward you and you realized that was the point.
Someone in the company was forcing it through.
He returned to the board. “I will not have my brand tarnished for the sake of dividends.”
“So…” You lowered your head to think. “If you knew, why not just tell someone? You have final say, don’t you?”
“This isn’t my technology.”
“Oh, it’s from one of the pitches?”
“Why not tell them?”
“They know.”
Your gaze shot back to him.
“It was already on my radar as said creator had been forthcoming about setbacks throughout the process.” He gave a sigh and stepped back to view all the work as a whole. “That’s why this team is a lost cause and will be split up. They bring out the worst in one another.” He gestured his pen to a page with many angry red marks. “In just the last few minutes I’ve caught 12 errors all stemming from a choice here.” He tapped a large circle. “Where there was a change to my composition formula, presumably because it took time to synthesize. It’s sloppy. It’s pathetic. It’s telling.”
“If they had been upfront…?”
“Their jobs wouldn’t now be on the line.”    
You gave a faint nod before your brow furrowed. “So this-” You gestured to this station. “-wasn’t planned, but controlling the contest to sabotage the scanning software was?”
“Correct.” He capped his pen and set it on the desk.
“You always made it seem like you’re pretty off hands with this place…”
He inched towards you. “In a way I am.”
“Sounds like you micromanage and monitor.”
“I do.”
You looked at him with a questioning brow.
A light bulb seemed to go off. “I see.” 
He crept up to you and covertly slipped a hand around your waist. “I have a plant.”
“You’re acting suave, but again, this is your company!” You playfully slapped his plastron.
He came down with a sort of timbre. ��I could tap the tapes, write an algorithm to scan for me, and have S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. monitor, but I find that beneath our caliber.”
You hummed and waited for wherever he was leading.
“An interesting case. A brilliant mind, albeit less than my own, with whom I tangled with once before we saw to it to collaborate as long as our interests aligned.”
“Another villain?”
“His juvenile records were sealed, he became better at not announcing his presence as he got older.”  
You tilted your head, genuinely curious.
“Graduated MIT at 15. He’s renowned in the robotics world.”
“He’s human…”
He nodded.
You blinked, there were more evil humans than mutants or yokai in the world, but you’d never heard Donnie mention one.
“He’s not physically here of course, but on paper he runs the security company contracted with us.”
You were pulled flush to your boyfriend.
“Baxter Stockman formerly Stockboy. In this position he believes he is skimming trade secrets from me, but it’s a case of making use of enemies’ proximity.”
“Keep your enemies closer, you mean?”
He grinned.
“You’re talking like I should reward you.”
His lips faltered.
“Maybe if I knew who that was or had some kind of reference…” You brushed his cheek.
Falling further by the second, he almost skipped an outright frown to pout. “The description was clever.”
“Very.” You added your other hand to cup his face and coax him down.
His head lowered as he sank to sulk.
You kissed his forehead. “Very cute too.”
He lounged in your attention for a moment longer until he seemed to remember your location. He then lifted his arm and checked his tech gauntlet. “There’s still time. Let’s continue.” 
Back to examining the stations, word must have spread because there were no further demonstrations. Instead, you observed nervous teams and saw others rapidly checking their work when they thought Donnie’s back was turned. For those with some level of confidence, none was  enough to completely return to what you assumed was a normal day here. They only tried to do their best to continue their work under a scrutinizing eye. The quiet was filled as Donnie added notes about what were his ideas and you could tell he was itching for some praise. Holding off, you were soon ushered into Spencer’s supposedly lavish office for lunch. A glorified empty room with a desk, the only thing that set it apart was a floor to ceiling art piece behind his chair. You stared at it more than him as he yammered on, trying to sell you the company as if he’d forgotten you weren’t an investor.
Getting through a tasty morsel in spite of the company, Donnie eventually swept the conversation into a dustpan and essentially abandoned the man mid sentence as you left. With parting politeness that barely shaded bitter undertones, you then toured the more secure labs on the next floor up. It was glimpses through windows and almost exclusively Donatello branded chemical work. Reminded again of the early months with your partner, you imagined all these different facets were why he’d been so easily able to lie about what his job was.
Hitting the end of the room, you turned to Donnie for whatever was next when you found a shift in his demeanor. “Hey, you okay?”
“Yes.” He felt distant.
Leaning into him, you caught his eye.
He held it with a veneer.
“What’s up?”
“What do you think?”
“Of your lab? It’s amazing!”
He continued to stare as if you should say more.
“Um…” You cursed the sound. “Should I pick a favorite… or?”
He made a noise of understanding and his gaze plummeted.
“Thank you for sharing this with me. Working so hard to show me. Tech is part of you, like you said. This really is incredible, Don.” You pressed the plastron over his heart to accentuate your feelings.
“It’s not…” He got hung up on verbiage and closed his eyes.
You leaned against him to wait.
When he came to it was with a slow exhale. “It seems anticlimactic.”
“You think?”
“I’m not sure what I expected.”
“Not this?”
He shook his head.
“I’m sorry. I feel like it’s my fault. This is all really cool, but it’s not really my field. Plus, when you meet S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N., it’s kind of hard to be excited about engineered bacteria.”
Donnie bobbed with a single puff of amusement.
“I will always be thankful you let me in.”
He kissed the side of your head before taking your hand. You thread your fingers through his and he leads you back to the elevator. Scanning in, you got into position only to watch him push and hold the buttons for both the floors you had already been to. Studying the maneuver, several seconds ticked by before they lit up purple. The elevator’s screen then read ‘BIO’ instead of a floor number and the elevator lurched in an upward climb.
“A secret floor…”
He only offered a side-glance as he waited.   
Stuck doing the same, you tried to measure how far up you were going. It seemed to be the top, but there was a top floor button he could have pushed instead. Pondering it over and gleaning little, the elevator dinged its destination.
You prepared for whatever it would open to when Donnie reached out and held the closed door button with a single digit. “Do you remember when I told you I had somewhere better to show you?”
You glanced at the shut doors. “Um…?”
“Lake day.”
The day ran by on a warm tinted mini reel until you caught the mysterious moment. “Yes…?”
He tilted his head, obviously unsure of how to proceed if you weren’t as well.
You shook the confusion off. “No, I do, I just thought it was like… another lake, ya know?”
He only smiled and released the button.
Reminding yourself you were in an office building, you crept forward when he didn’t. With a slow lurch, the doors seemed to push against one another before opening up. What hit you first was a burst of humidity. Then came the earthy scents carried along by the heavy air. Flora and fauna, you heard birds chirping as you stared out into what appeared to be a dense forest. One of a tropical variety, skinny trunk trees thickened out with various widths of bush-like foliage. Stepping forward onto a wood plank path, luscious grass sprouted between each board where they led a curving hook to disappear into the brush. “How…?”
Donnie wasn’t immediately behind you and trailed near the elevator. “I, myself, am a scientific curiosity.”
You wanted to keep your attention there, but the sights and smells that starkly contrasted the height of autumn outside refused to let you go.
“The government wasn’t going to let that be no matter how incredible my achievements were.”
Head tipping back, you followed the canopy to a glass dome above where a lattice of white metal held it up.
“This simulates my species’ southern habitat.”
There was a snippet of a skyscraper peeking out of a corner of glass that you assumed was the actual top floor of the building. The clear roof had been constructed in a way that it probably wasn’t visible from the street. Working out the architectural mechanics for this, his leading statement finally hit you. “Did they try to keep you here?”
There was an odd weight to the faint smile on Donnie’s lips. “Surprisingly enough, no.” He finally  reached the first plank and firmly planted both of his boots on it. “This biodome was created after lengthy negotiations. I imagine there were some that wanted it to be my next cage.”
You watched as the next plank was his exact step length away and he took to it.
“Their real purpose should be an obvious one: reverse engineer the mutative substance from my DNA and use it for the small-minded goal to make super soldiers.”
You imagined Donnie had already cracked the code on that, but a concurrent thought said that if he did he would have cured himself.
Stopping at the thought and just shy of the next plank, a new branching path formed..
If he could cure himself or anyone else, he would have done so to the other turtles.
It would be an automatic neutralization.
Squinting at the blades under shoe, you vaguely remembered when he’d talked about the source substance. 
It was an ingredient used by that Draxum guy. 
It was something older.
Something he hypothesized about.
Realizing you’d been lost to your thoughts for too long, you shot your gaze up to find Donnie studying you. You returned it only for a moment before deciding to voice your thoughts. “Which never happened. For you or anyone else.” 
“Correct.” He took another step. “When the EPF fell, they attempted to reorganize, study the yokai and mutants they had detained. Something towards a roundabout and rudimentary understanding. If they could discern how many animalistic traits were present from the spliced DNA then maybe they could make a rough estimate, create their own.”
It was a stretch for your legs to make the next board. You’d have to make more of a hop to keep going.
“Pitiful understanding, but one with some semblance of sense for a party with none.” He strode past you until he neared the bend. “This was to be my break room and, when in here, data would be sent back.”
 “And there were others?”
“Not here. Each held separately in similarly engineered spaces.” He edged the curve and glanced back at you.
“How long ago?” 
“About six years.” 
“Why is it still here?” You jumped a few planks to catch up.
“I fund it now. It’s mine. No more data. They lost interest quickly when they found they could do nothing with the information.” He disappeared out of your view. “Some scientists with actual passion did take to the data when it was released into the community. It greatly helped with species understanding and I believe staved two off from extinction.”
“That’s good…” You wandered around a bend that felt oddly like an terrarium.
“One must nurture true scientific passion.”
His voice sounded like a ghost, you chased after it through a winding green corridor before it opened up. The centerpiece of the structure stood an enormous pond dotted with lily pads of some kind. Greenery leached into its surface to get a taste and a mirror of the room reflected in its still surface. “This is…”
“My oasis.”
“I thought you’d never had a vacation.” Even with wide eyes you felt like you weren’t taking enough of the space in.
He chuffed and you could feel his smile. “I’m never here for more than a day. Too much to do. Never earned. More often I came here to reset or heal.”
You tried not to imagine a broken and bloody Donnie taking solace in this place.
“When it becomes too much. A minor sanctuary.”
Slicing straight through your imagination was an image of Leo losing himself to weights.
You wafted him away before approaching Donnie.
“Do you need keycard access to get up here?”
He turned to you and you felt relaxation waft off of him. “It has to be me. My existence opens this place. Not even the Darling Protocol works here.”
The rounding curiosity on your lips caused them to just barely part.
He had never said the name out loud to you.
“Is there any tech?” Your lids lowered.
He took the downturn in your demeanor by stepping close. “Only to maintain the habitat. Temperature mostly. Otherwise, it’s a self-sustaining ecosystem. What’s wrong?”
You shook your head. “This is incredible, Donnie.”
His furrowed brow said he didn’t take your diversion.
You could do little for it and instead walked up to the edge of the water. Kneeling down, you felt the soft soil underneath and skimmed a finger over the water’s surface. It felt sun kissed.
“It’s silly and has nothing to do with this place.”
You heard him step up behind you to wait.
Looking across the room, you felt an odd expression on your face as you whispered. “I don’t know how I feel about pet names…”
“Darling.” He breathed right in your ear and goose bumps ripped across your flesh.
He hummed with interest and skimmed where the hairs raised on your neck.
“Seems I can’t overdo it.”
You turned and caught his lips with a near tackle.
It knocked you both over into the grass where you kissed him further down into it.
You had to gasp when you finally were forced apart for air.
“Moderation.” He decided and craned an arm to shield his face.
“You’d tell me, right? If it was hard like a proclamation? You aren’t just doing it to make me happy?”
He shook his head, but kept his arm in place so it looked like he scrubbed his snout across it. “I called you it and others in my mind, but thought it too old fashioned.”   
“What would you know about that?” You dipped down to kiss him senseless again.
This time he caught you and rolled over to dominate.
You pressed up from beneath and he allowed it with a little rumble of satisfaction. Giving up his lost ground, he switched to quick little puckers that caused you to laugh. He rose up onto extended arms planted on either side of your head and painted a gooey smile. You were surely returning it with a sugared topping and for a moment you were caught like that. Then he lowered down to nudge your cheek with his snout.
“Shall we?”
“Shall we what?” You adjusted his coat between you so it was dangling down your sides.
“You felt the water, is the temperature adequate?”
“Donnie, what? I was ready to go to a lab, not swim!”
He sent you a heated look before lifting off. You propped yourself up and watched as he took a few steps to the side before shrugging his coat off his shoulders.
“Don, it’s October!”
“Climate change.” He tossed easily as he half-folded his outwear on the ground.
“Which one of your stations is actively combating!”
“Until then.” He caught the scruff of his shirt and pulled it off in one yank.
“All the cameras are gone…?” You ogled him openly.
He rolled his muscles for you to watch before catching his wraps to unravel them. “As if we were in nature proper.”
“It’s hard to shake the feeling…” You looked toward the water’s clear surface. “We walked into a skyscraper. We’ve been watched the whole time.”
Donnie hummed and you heard him undo his belt. Not able to match him, you offered a partial commitment by taking off your shoes and socks. Checking for fuzzes between your toes, you then tested the water. It had a cool reach that might send a chill at first, but then you imagined you’d adjust quickly.
There was a thin splash and, by the time you looked up, Donnie was gone.
Wondering how deep this body of water was, you stepped forward until you were submerged to your ankles. Looking out with renewed déjà vu, you studied the surface for signs of him. Unlike the lake, there were no other disturbances so you found tracks around the middle of the water. Slipping your coat off, you left it behind as you bunched your pants up. It raised your hem so you could take a few steps forward. Finding the drop off relatively steep, you only made it a few feet from the shore before you couldn’t go further.
Donnie appeared with only his eyes above the water.
He darted left and right, staring you down.
“How is it?”
He didn’t respond and ducked under.
Smiling, you looked down to find little fish around your feet. “Ecosystem,” you mumbled to yourself as you squatted down to see if there were more.
Donnie couldn’t get too close, but you saw him swim up.
You tapped the water’s surface to get his attention.
He surfaced with a raised brow ridge.
“What if I’m not up to it?”
“Could I swim a bit?”
“Of course.”
He nodded his thanks and disappeared back under.
Readjusting the hold on your pants, you walked the perimeter. A birdsong cheered your move and there was a faint rustle among the trees. The space breathed life and you felt warm to your core. It was somewhere around the other side of the pond that you decided to shed your layers. Stepping out to strip, you stubbornly kept your underwear on before wading in, nice and slow. The water clung to you with cohesion and felt like a caress as your hips entered. Within a slip against the muddy bottom, you then submerged and threw your arms out to float. Losing the bottom quickly, you tipped backward until you were floating on your back and stared up at the lattice of glass.
There was the sound of only a droplet and you knew Donnie was beside you with an offering. “You didn’t have to.”
“I know.”
“Comfortable?” A trickle said he drifted to one side.
“You can sleep, I’ll keep an eye on you.”
“I’m not tired. I’m not sure.”
The water silenced as he thought before a tiny splash said he dove.
You were calm.
You knew why he’d said this place was a sanctuary.
Something about it wasn’t quite ethereal, but felt removed from the world. Even though a very short walk would return you to a world of mechanics, here you felt at one with the space. Closing your eyes and with your ears submerged, the sound of the water filled your mind. It was a steadfast current without true touch even while thousands of molecular hands held you up. Crowds surfacing amongst them, you saw a small bird fly overhead from one tree to another. The lazy smile on your face as a greeting, you imagined the fish darting around and eating algae or whatever they munched on. Beyond that there must be some kind of insects to help the plants thrive and the cycle of life occurred, from the sun above to leaf litter below.
Instead of righting yourself, you let yourself sink below the surface. It took maneuvering with your legs and a drop in your core, but you forced your eyes open as soon as you did. Silt was disrupted towards the other side of the pond, but you could otherwise see Donnie, settled at the bottom and looking the most like a turtle you’d ever seen him. His eyes weren’t closed, but you could only see the whites of them stand out against the brown bottom.
Summoning the last of your oxygen, you shouted out which created mostly muffled bubbles.
Rising among them, you were soon joined by your partner who looked as he usually did. “Are you alright?”
“What was that?” You pointed at your own eyes and heard the effervescent sound of your voice.
“Nictitating membrane.” He swam a little closer, but gave you space.
“What’s that?”
“Third eyelid.” He blinked and, in demonstration, you watched it descend and create those whites.
“Woah…” With a few flaps of your arms, you came right up to him. “So that’s what that was.”
“When?” He nosed closer in the water and blinked back his usual gaze.
“When you were sick. I thought your pupils were gone.”
“When I was sick…?” You could tell the question was less about the time and more that he hadn’t known that was a symptom.
“Yeah, Leo did it too when he got upset.”
“It is a form of protection.” Donnie shrugged, the guard of this place a shield forbid usual  irritation.
“Kinda cool and scary.” With a rocking created by your proximity, you bobbed close enough to peck him.
“You’ve nothing to fear.” Testing fingers brushed your waist to alert you of him and you sent him an agreeable look. He then pulled you close until everything stilled once more.
The trickle of water slipping into the backdrop of the space, you traced his skin. With the water, it was slick and near frictionless so you easily glided a digit up to his shoulder. There you slowed toward the edge of his shell and he watched on patiently as confirmation. Throwing your arms around his neck, you let them dip down to where his carapace was exposed.
He caught your lips in a gentle kiss.
Pulling him closer, water shot out where it wasn’t welcome and the two of you pressed together. Comfortable and gentle, your lips massaged and you felt that warmth in your center multiply. Encroached in zen, the tone didn’t pick up, but you felt yourself moving. Using his legs along, you coasted through the water for a sensation that felt like pure magic. It enhanced the make-out and when you broke apart you had to nuzzle into him to chase the intimacy.
“I want to make love to you.”
You reluctantly pulled back, to check you’d heard him correctly.
“Here, now.” He kissed your cheek in question. “If that’s agreeable?”
You felt he was being silly and nodded. Reigning an arm in, you brushed your hand along his jaw to coax him to you.
He allowed only a few more kisses before he needed to swim with purpose. Holding onto him, you watched as he swam you over to what seemed like a carefully chosen bank. With little mud, spindly grasses dipped straight into the water. He swept an arm down thin blades until they formed what almost looked like a woven mat. They felt cushioned like a marshy throne as he laid you out on them. With your lower back against the bank, your hips and below still sat submerged as he poured over you.  
Lips locked, each rolled a message of devotion. He grew reluctant, pulling fully away with each press, but returning for another until he gave the slightest shake to get himself in line. Your fingers skirted his slippery skin in a pet that ticked in time with your heart. The pitter patter of it sounded louder than usual as he lined kisses down the column of your throat. Reverent, the tracks lead down your sternum where a cupping roll of your waterlogged bra pressed up around his face as he squeezed from both sides.
Biting your lip to keep from laughing at the near juvenile groping, he flicked a heated gaze up where his snout was buried into your skin. It erased all comedy from the moment and changed your gnaw into something else entirely. Slipping fingers beneath the fabric, he forewent the clip and instead pushed the elastic up to free your chest. It marred your view and you squirmed your displeasure. Catching a nipple in his mouth, he got it between his teeth with a gentle bite that sent your attention upward. Head lolled at the move and adding a swipe of a scorching tongue for good measure, he sucked and, within the distraction, undid the clasp.
Lifting both arms, one at a time, the thing was removed and you were rewarded with attention to your other breast. Arching off the bank, his hand found purchase on your back to keep you raised for him. Swiping strokes of his digits kneaded your spine as he strayed from your chest with a few lasting nips before continuing his trek downward. Across the plains of your stomach, he licked a fat stripe over your belly button and you cried out at the heat differential.
He kissed you down from the high in time with laying you back down. With a wiggle you tried to get up out of the water to make it easier, but he carefully slid you back down the smooth weeds you were perched on. “In the water?” You gave a breathy question.
He only nodded as his mouth had found your skin again and he continued to taste. Caught between relaxing into the sensation and desperately wanting to watch him, you felt your elbows dig out earth until you could feel the damp soil turned. It was around then he reached the end of what wasn’t submerged and you watched on with surprise as he dipped below the surface to continue on as if there were no barrier. Kisses mixed with the water, you shifted at the totally different feel of them.
Like a smithy cooling down heated metal, his lips no longer scorched. Instead you felt the weight of them, different with each press. It seemed to have meaning and you could think only of Morse code from the way he kissed and nosed you. Surpassing your sex, he tortured you down into the depths as he mouthed along your legs until he left you completely.
Sitting up and digging further into the mud to do so, you found him doing a circling spin before he returned to you. It almost seemed like one of S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N.’s moves where excitement overwhelmed him and he had to do something aerobic to burn off the excess energy. He then breached the water as if it didn’t want to let him go. A being of the lake, he shot straight for your lips and within the lock he spread you for him.
Settling between your legs, you were pulled further into the water until your mons met flush with his plastron. He ground there, finding a good pressure and friction smoothed by the pond. Groaning into his lips, you had to break the lock and press your forehead into his. He agreed to the butting and stared a blurry visage into your eyes as he continued to rock against you.
Knowing there was no way scents were traveling from the water, he must have found timing from your expression alone as he let up right until it was becoming too much. He stopped there and you whined at the loss. Not ignoring you, but on some sort of track, he only adjusted the angle of your hips before his glans pressed to your entrance. “Inside…” A mumble came off your lips involuntarily. “Need you inside.”
He complied with his actions, but gave you only a short few agonizing inches.  
“Donnie!” You protested, coming down from your eyes rolling back to find him drinking you in. “Y-you’re doing that on purpose. Please. Inside.” You wanted to kick him, but the angle was wrong so you dug your heel into his calf. “All the way.” 
He gave an apologetic chirp into your throat which caused your toes to curl. “Want to take my time. Savor you.” 
Continuing with bare thrusts, he dug his fingers into the bank around your hips to watch how each movement affected you. Giving him an unbarred show of your reactions, you heard little stunted peeps out of him. He soon found a suitable rhythm for his tormenting quarter strokes until you couldn’t take it any longer. Rolling an arch so your shoulders hit the bank, it brought your hips up enough so your legs could encircle him. You locked them there, but instead of forcing him in, you tightened nice and slow like a belt. He squeaked at the sensation and bottomed out just in time to press his lips to yours.
The kiss didn’t feed your hunger as much as your hands did. Suddenly starved, you both groped one another around your connection. Trying to get enough, you felt his nails scratch your sides so you did something similar along the top of his carapace. It caused him to violently buck into you with enough force that you gave a pained cry. A warning from your hip bone about to pop, he quickly caught the stem and adjusted it to ease the pressure.
You both apologized in time and made out for it.
It was against your lips, he finally explained. “Didn’t hurt, surprised. I’ve never felt that.”
“A good kind of scratch?” You mumbled in return.
He nodded in a way that shook your head along with his.
“I’m gonna do it again.” You told him and he readied himself by burying his cock deep inside you.
Having to melt under the pleasure for a moment, you adjusted and ran along the edge of his shell before moving onto the plain of it. There you tested the angles of your digits before dragging your nails upward toward his head. He exhaled long and sultry in a flexible bend to chase your fingers. Renewing for multiple swipes, you felt him nearly shake at the sensation until he had to cry out at the overwhelming sensation of it all.
Shooting upright, his eyes held molten cores as he hoisted your legs up. Breaking your straddle, he dug into the thick of your thigh and bent them back against where your hip had already put out its alert. Sending a fearful gaze as the tinge was still there, he sent that boiling look that somehow had enough room to ask for your trust. He had it, but you felt the need to remind him, “Careful…”
“Want to see you quiver-” His hips dropped easily in the water so his cock moved in you at an upward angle. “-shake-” With a few brushing strokes, he found a way to stroke your clit instead of plowing it. “-and tremble for me.”
You shuddered, head tossed back in an attempt to stay together.  
“Now, dearest...” He scolded and pulled out as far as his spread would allow to wait.
You felt tears in your eyes as it took you a long moment to force your chin down to look at him.
“Who’s giving you pleasure?”
You tried to form his name, but he sank in the barest amount.
“That’s right.” Pulling your legs apart he snapped forward to bury himself and you cried out in ecstasy. “Not the dome. You watch me.”
Needing to hold as a means to center your focus. Quaking digits dug into his shoulders where you felt an unevenness to the skin on his right one. Dizzy as he continued to set a pace, you thumbed the texture in a way that you sensed was important, but you couldn’t place why. Within a few more thrusts, Donnie finally caught onto your distraction and slowed for what you imagined was a complaint. One didn’t come, but cohesion did and with it you refocused your vision to see what you had found.
Those many bite marks you had made left an obvious scar.
Forgetting all about the sex, you shot upright which tugged him along. With a stuttered croak, he sank down to accommodate as you furiously swiped over the three messy crescents. Openly rubbing the bubbled green skin as if they might come off, you were overwhelmed with joyous tears. “It…worked?”
Since you wouldn’t part your attention, he pressed his snout against your cheek so you could feel him nod.
“We haven’t done it somewhere bright enough since, I hadn’t…” You choked up and sent the overwhelming emotion to him. “I hadn’t realized that I finally-!” 
He returned your gaze with lowered lids of adoration and you had to jump him.
It put you on top and you sank down his length in time as your bodies dropped into the water. Nerves rose as the level hit your breasts and you broke from the kiss to translate that. Instead of quelling the concerns, you felt him plant his feet and throw one paddling arm back to maintain his backwards lean. With him keeping you afloat, you used him as a ballast to ride him. Swallowing up little stunted noises and moans, you found a flow that barely agitated the water.
Suctioned together, you felt the methodical cranking of your orgasms. Building a brick at a time, you moved together until you were back on the bank. Hips not stopping once, you both felt each stretch and flex to accommodate one another as the coupling drew out. Not carnal pleasure, but a near spiritual one, the water caused a strange illusion where the barrier between your bodies became especially murky. Attentive in missionary, the only parts of you separated came from above so you could watch each other achieve that high.
Breathing the same air, you felt your orgasm so close it was burning up your lungs. Gasping for it, you caught him for a quick transference that left him the breathless one. Lower halves melting together to where you imagined it would be impossible to pick him from you, your matching mating marks lined up.
That thought being your last coherent one, you couldn’t hold his gaze any longer as he drew his strokes out. In a needless attempt to get even that much closer, Donnie folded over you the moment you came.
Whatever wasn’t already him, coiled around him in need.
A burst of white took your vision until a similar one went off in your belly. Filled by your mate, he pumped it good and deep while rutting you down into the bank. Long rubbed loose by your ministrations, you felt the soil give beneath you for a sinking squelch that you thought might swallow your conjoined bodies up. Having cried or screamed sort of psychobabble only obvious by how raw your throat was, Donnie grunted. He continued to drive his spent into some unreachable depths and didn't slow until he completely collapsed.
Panting against one another in an exact tempo, you felt little twitches rock you like an earthquake. Fumbling lips found each other and uneven presses garnered your strength. From there the dance became a coordinated one until you were able to twirl apart with enough grace to view your partner clearly. Caked with sweat, mud, and pond water, you stared up affections that were sent back down.
When he lowered, it was no longer to catch your lips but scrub against your skin. You returned it, rooting against his cheek and chin until his knees shoved off the bank. Feeling the too cooled water kiss your baked spine, you shivered closer to Donnie and he wrapped you up while scrubbing you clean.
“Have we tainted the ecosystem?” You murmured, splashing up some water to clear a smear of dirt from his shell.
“Didn’t peg you for a worship type.” You shot him a smarmy look. You were given one back before he covered your lips with a tight seal and dragged you under the depths as your oxygen.
Seriously it is such a busy time of year for @tmntxthings and @thepinkpanther83 I'm just so amazed they still make time to beta my work 😭💞
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blackmissfrizzle · 1 year
Golden God: Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Series Masterlist
Characters: Cowboy!Angel x black!reader
Summary: Angel find reader’s work husband to become more of a nuisance than he would like.
Warnings: Smut of course! Car crash, minor injuries, and some good ole jealously. Oh and the W/C is about  6k+, sorry about that 😬
A/N: Remember I’m not doing anymore taglists so just be on the lookout for fics. And if you want more of my works go check out my masterlist!
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😬Gif credit: @pedropcl​
From the texts you were getting from Angel, you could see that he was not having the best day at work. His answers were short, they lacked emojis, and scariest of all he wasn’t flirting with you. Good thing, you had planned to bring him lunch today.
Grabbing lunch and a dessert for his assistant (who truly deserves it because she deals with grumpy Angel all the time), you headed out of your office. “Alex, you’re in control. Do not burn down the office.”
“You sure you don’t want me in control?” Zane, your assistant playfully sneered.
“Zane, you’re just as likely to burn this place down too. Remember whose idea it was to have a nerf gun battle in the office?” You arched an eyebrow at him while you had a crooked smile.
Zane held his hands up in surrender. “In my defense, I was still hungover from the night before and Miss. Ma’am, don’t act like you didn’t join the fun.”
“Yeah,” Alex saddled up next to you and wrapped his arm around your shoulder. “I think you were madder that we started the game without you than us actually playing.”
Using your hand, you covered your face because that was absolutely true. By the time you got back to the office half of everyone was already out, so you could only take out a few people because there was a meeting right after. You’ve never felt so betrayed in your life before. That’s why you got them with a water balloon fight in the park and was the champion of that.
“Whatever.” You mushed Alex’s face. “I’m going to drop off lunch to Angel. I’ll be back in no time.”
“Damn, I didn’t think Reyes was a minute man.” Alex couldn’t stand the attention Angel was getting from you. Yes, the two of you were a couple, but Angel was greatly undeserving of you.
Zane was picking up what Alex was putting down and he didn’t like it one bit. If Alex wasn’t so self-absorbed, he would be able to see like everyone else that Angel made you happy, like extremely happy. One mention of the man and you’re beaming like the sun. “Nah, don’t do Angel like that. You know she’s gonna come back in all wobbly legged and shit. Probably won’t even remember she has a meeting right after.”
“Oh shit, I do have that. Zane, please-,”
“Text you 20 minutes before it starts. I got you, boss lady. Enjoy lunch with your man.” He pushed you into the elevator.
Once the elevator doors closed, Zane gave Alex the ugliest of looks. “Why you gotta be like that?”
“Like what?” Alex shrugged and walked back to his desk.
“Ugly. Always talking down on the one man that has YN’s heart.” Zane followed Alex into his office.
Alex buried his face in paperwork. “It’s a phase, just like Paul was.”
“It’s not. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you can move on.” Zane left with that wise word before Alex could say anything else.
Thankfully, Angel’s office was just a five minute walk from yours. You were smart to choose this building because you and Angel were constantly going back and forth to each other’s offices.
In the elevator, you were in there with a girl who was visibly upset about something. “Are you going to see that Reyes asshole?” She fixed herself up.
You bit back a laugh. This was why Angel was upset. Another woman was throwing herself at him during work. That was Angel’s pet peeve. He always comes home complaining about how unprofessional these women are that flirt with him with no shame.
By the looks of it, this was the worst kind of flirt. Subtlety wasn’t in her vocabulary. Her buttons were undone to the point that all you saw was cleavage and her skirt was more appropriate for the club than the office. You took into account that she had a curvier body, but the way she was dressed you could tell business was the last thing on her mind.
“Um, actually I am. Should I be worried?” You played along. This was your chance to finally interact with one of these women. Usually, Haley, Angel’s assistant got rid of them before you could have a chance to ruin them.
“You’re pretty, so maybe you’ll fare better than me. But the guy denied all of this.” The woman basically did the Vanna White motion on her own body and pouted. “Like he should be lucky that I offered myself to him. Not everyone is lucky to get a taste of this. I bet his girlfriend isn’t even all that.”
That was doubtful, you thought to yourself. “You’re a total catch! The man has to be blind.”
“I know!” She stomped her foot. “And that assistant of his is a terror. I should file a lawsuit!”
Haley really deserves a raise. You’ll talk to Angel about it.
“Where’s my manners? I’m Kylie and you are?” she held her hand to shake yours and for you to introduce yourself.
“YN,” she shook the woman’s hand. “Angel Reyes’ girlfriend.”
All the color drained out of her face. Lucky for her the elevator brought you to the floor you needed to be on. “Have a nice day.” You blew her a kiss at her shocked face and laughed at the immense embarrassment she was no doubt experiencing right now.
When you stepped onto the floor, you saw Haley laughing with some coworkers. She was undoubtedly laughing at the bimbo she just kicked out.
Running up behind your favorite woman, you hugged her and dangled the chocolate croissant in front of her face. “Marry me?”
Haley snatched the croissant, turned around and hugged you back. “I think your boyfriend would have a problem with that.”
“Girl, fuck him. You got these bitches scared unlike him.”
Haley threw her head back and filled the whole office with her laugh. “You met Kylie?” She shook her boobs and did her best valley girl imitation.
“Man, you’re a godsend, because a minute in the elevator with her and I was ready to deck her ass.”
“Anything for you,” she blew you a kiss. “I’m sure if Angel could, he would’ve.” Haley looked into your bag because she could smell your delicious cooking. “Thank God you’re here and with food! He’s been unbearable this whole morning before the bimbo came in.”
“Let go put you out of your misery and feed the monster.” You unbuttoned your shirt and winked at Haley. “Wish me luck.”
“You don’t need it hot stuff.” Haley laughed.
Angel was buried in paperwork’s, thankful for Haley’s presence. He heard the door open. “Haley that better be you.” Angel grumbled.
“Sorry to disappoint you Mr. Reyes.” You gave him your best breathy, femme fatale voice, leaning against the doorway to show off your shapely silhouette.
Angel looked up and a smile immediately appeared on his face. “Mi flor, thank God. Have you come to save me from bimbos?” He stood up and made his way over to you, giving you a kiss. Looking down at your breast, he bit his bottom lip and locked the door behind you. “What a pleasant surprise.”
“No,” you pushed him away. “You need to eat Golden God. You’re driving Haley crazy. You need to give her a raise.”
“I’m already on it. Now let me eat my pussy.” He kissed you.
“Real food,” you turned your face and that’s when Angel smelled it. You smelled like a man, and it wasn’t him.
He took another sniff. “You get a new perfume?”
“No. Why?” You sniffed yourself and you didn’t smell strange.
“Why do you smell like a guy?” Angel’s brows furrowed. He led you to the table he has in his office, taking the food you had brought.
“Oh, must be my work husband. I wore his jacket today.” Sniffing yourself again, you picked up Alex’s scent. “Yeah, definitely my work husband. I wore his jacket today.”
“Excuse me. Work husband?” Angel’s eyes bugged out, making sure he heard you right.
“Work husband. You know how Haley is your work wife.” You set up lunch on the table.
“Who is it?” Please be Zane, please be Zane, please be Zane, Angel pleaded in his head.
You looked up at Angel incredulously since he wasn’t sitting down to eat. “Alex duh. Who else? Come eat.”
Angel shook his head. “I’m good, I’m not hungry. Eat though.” Angel despised Alex. The fact he was your work husband irritated him. Haley? Purely platonic. Alex? Platonic on your end, more romantic on his end.
Maybe you should’ve put on perfume before you left. You weren’t thinking about that when you left. All you wanted to do was see your man. “Babe you’ve been grumpy all day. Eat please.”
“I haven’t, Haley is overreacting. I’m not hungry.” Angel sat down and buried himself with his work again.
“Daddy,” you crawled on the floor and onto his lap. “Eat for me please.” You scooped up some food and held it to his mouth. Angel sighed. He opened his mouth and you put the spoon in. “Alright there, I ate.” He squeezed your hips.
“More,” you kissed along his neck as you held the spoon. Angel complied to your request. He finished his meal, and he fed you some as well so you two could eat. “I don’t like that you smell like him, you don’t have a jacket?”
Finally, you were appeased, and you calmed the beast down some. “I forgot it in my car. I didn’t think it would be a big deal.” You massaged his shoulders.
“You smell like another man baby. You shouldn’t smell like anyone but me.” Angel was going to leave one of his jackets, no, two of his jackets at your job. He never wants to smell Alex on you again.
“Okay daddy.” You rolled your hips against his and began making out until Angel’s hands were getting a little wild. “I gotta go,” you pulled away when you felt your phone buzz. Checking it, you saw that it was Zane.
He pulled you back down. “Naw, you can’t start something and not finish it mi flor.”
“You should’ve eaten when I said so.” You got up despite Angel’s attempts. “I have a meeting.” You showed him the text from Zane.
“Time to close your legs boss lady.”
Angel threw his head back with tears in his eyes. “I like him. He should be your work husband.” Angel trusted Zane and also, he was gay, so no competition there.
Before leaving you stopped at the door. “You know you look really good in a suit. Well fuck you look good in anything.”
“You look good anything too mi flor, I prefer you in your birthday suit though.” He smirked.
You threw an empty water bottle at Angel. “Disgusting! Anyway, can I come over tonight?”
“You don’t have to ask you know.” Angel smirked. “I’ll see you later mi reina.”
A couple of days later and it was Angel’s turn to visit you at work. He brought lunch but when he saw you, he almost dropped it at the sight. You were perched on Alex’s desk while he fed you some food and held his other hand under your chin.
“What the fuck is this?” Angel questioned. His eyes were locked on Alex’s hand as it wiped some of the juices off your face.
“Hey babe!” Jumping off Alex’s desk, you met Angel halfway. “Calm down,” you whispered in his ear.
“Calm down? Are you fucking serious? He has his fingers near your mouth and feeding you? If you saw that you’d throw a fit.” Angel hissed.
You were not about to have a fight in front of your employees. You took his hand and led Angel to your office.
Alex leaned back and watched with a smirk. “Hey Angel.” He waved at Angel as he walked by.
Angel was about to take the bait, but you pulled him away. The nerve of this man. Angel was beyond fucking annoyed. Work husbands didn’t do that. That was too fucking comfortable. Angel walked in your office as you closed the door. He turned to face you and tried his best to keep his voice even. “He’s too fucking comfortable.”
“He’s just teasing you, but I’ll talk to him.” You wrapped your arms around his middle and kissed his chest. “How’s work?”
“It’s fine. I brought you food, but I guess you don’t need it.” He placed the bag on your desk.
“Don’t start that shit, Angel.” He loved to be passive aggressive, and you couldn’t stand it.
Angel shook his head and scoffed. “I’m starting shit? This motherfucker obviously thinks it’s okay to act the way he does around you. Again, if I did the same shit with Haley, you would be throwing fucking hands. But I’m crazy to think he wants more.”
A part of you understood what Angel meant. At times, you and Alex would get confused as a couple, so you knew you couldn’t do the same things as before. But they were always platonic. “I like Hayley you don’t like Alex so everything he does is gonna irritate you. I love you babe there’s no one who’s gonna replace you.”
Angel wished you would open your eyes, but how could he fight years of a relationship. There was things Alex knew about you that Angel didn’t. How could he compete with that? But then he remembered he was the one you came home to. “I love you too, but you need to talk to him for real. He can’t think shit like that is cool.”
Wrapping your arms around his neck, you stood on your tippy toes and kissed him. “I will.” You turned away and went to your desk. “What did you bring me Daddy?”
“Your favorite dish from that Italian restaurant down the street.” He kissed you. “Go eat, I’m gonna head back so I can finish early.”
“No,” you pulled his hand. “Eat with me. Or at least stay like five more minutes.”
“Alright.” He followed after you. As soon as Angel sat down, you were in his lap, rolling your hips. You reached down and pulled his cock out and moved your panties to the side. “I’ll make it quick for you daddy,” you gasped as you sunk down on his cock. Angel threw his head back and lifted your skirt to see you sink down on his cock. “Such a beautiful sight, mi flor.” He licked his thumb and brushed against your clit. “You wanted daddy’s dick?”
Cupping his beautifully crafted face, you nibbled on Angel’s lips. “I always want daddy’s dick.” Angel stilled your hips and thrusted up into you. He intended for Alex to hear exactly who you belong to.
“Yeah baby? Who does this pussy belong to?” He held your arms against your back with one of his arms as he thrust up into you relentlessly, making you feel helpless as you took the assault.
“Angel!” You screamed at the top of your lungs but that earned you a smack on the ass. “Daddy, I’m so sorry. Fuck,” resting your forehead on Angel’s shoulder, you thought how you got yourself in this situation. This was supposed to be you pleasing your man but now you’re just a blubbering mess. Your employees will definitely know Angel’s up in here doing some reconstruction. “This your pussy, daddy.”
“What was that?” He pretended to not hear you. Pulling your hair so your head was tilted, he marked up your neck as he continued to thrust up into you. Angel needed to let out some stress especially with the way Alex was being.
“Damn it, you heard me, daddy! Stop playing.” You swiveled your hips some. Angel slapped your face, not harshly, but fuck did it turn you on. “You talking back to me? Is my little slut talking back to daddy?”
“I’m sorry, daddy,” you whimpered.
Angel smiled and then spat in your mouth. “Better be sorry. Now make daddy cum.” Angel stood the both of you up and sat you down on top of your desk and powered drive into you. Words were not a thing for you. All there was were mangled screams.
“You got nothing to say, princesa?” He wrapped his hand around your throat. “Look at you, taking daddy in like the good little girl I know you can be. You gonna make daddy cum?”
“Yes daddy. Can you cum in my mouth? I want it for dessert.” Licking your lips, you gave Angel the hungry eyes.
“Nah, I’m cumming in my pussy.” Angel’s eyes closed at the sensation. He rubbed your clit, quickening his pace. You came with a scream, and he followed right after, filling you up. “Look at my good girl,” he slipped out of you and watch as his cum seeped out. He pushed it back in, moving your underwear back in place and kissing your clothed core.
“Fucking demon,” you chuckled as you pushed him away.
You walked into your bathroom to fix yourself up. Angel followed you into the restroom and kissed on your neck leaving a mark. “I gotta go, mi flor.”
You didn’t want him to leave but you walked him to your door. “See you later?”
“Yeah.” Then he grabbed both sides of your neck to tilt your head back and kiss you right in front of everyone, but the show was for Alex. “Love you.”
“See you later, dawg.” Angel tapped Alex’s desk as he walked by with a smirk.
Alex rolled his eyes. “See ya later man.” He couldn’t stand Angel. This life he had you living wasn’t you. Yeah, sure you’re a southern girl but you to be the girlfriend of a cowboy and move to some small ass town was so out of character for you.
When Angel finally disappeared behind the elevators you snapped back to reality. “Oh, Alex can I see you in my office?”
Alex pushed off his desk and strolled towards you. He made sure to subtly flex his muscles. He knew of your love for arms. “What’s up?” He closed your door but made no effort to move. He didn’t know where you and Angel fucked.
“The chair is fine,” you chuckled. “We didn’t mess around there.”
Alex let out a sigh of relief and sat down. ‘So, what’s up? Angel ain’t hitting it right?” Alex tilted his head and licked his lips, giving you a perfect view of his beautiful teeth.
“See that,” you leaned back on your desk, crossing your ankles and pointed at him. “You can’t keep doing that.”
“Doing what?” Alex furrowed his brows and leaned on his knees.
Sighing, you rubbed your forehead. This was a conversation that you really didn’t want to have but you promised Angel you would and besides you knew you needed to. Even you noticed Alex was getting too comfortable. “The bad talking Angel. He’s my boyfriend and hopefully one day my husband.”
“Your husband? Come one YNN, this ain’t you. I get it you’re in love, but this life. Santo Padre? This dead fucking town? It’s not you. What sacrifices did he make for this relationship? I know you miss your family. What about those monthly brunches?”
You did miss all of that, but you also loved the family you made here. “Yeah, I do, but I have a family here as well. I’m happy. Also,” you scratched the back of your neck. The next part you really didn’t want to get into it. “Um, Angel seems to think that you, uh, that you want us to be more than friends. I mean I know we used to mess around, but that was practical, nothing because of feelings, right?”
Yes, it was because of feelings, Alex wanted to say. When you proposed to him that the two of you sleep together when you were both single, he thought he finally hit the jackpot. He was a sex god, so he thought it would be easy for you to see him as relationship material. Unfortunately, you only had sex with him until you met the next guy. After Paul, Alex thought he had a real chance. You were with him all the time, opening up to him more, and then bam you were gone and the next time he saw you, you were in love with some cowboy. “Naw,” he shook his head. “That has nothing to do with it. Remember that was just convenience. I just don’t want you to regret this later. You’re giving up a lot and he’s not.”
Reaching out, you held Alex’s hand. “I love you, Alex. You’re my best friend and you have a special place in my heart. Thank you for looking out for me but trust me these are worthy sacrifices. Angel is my future, so with that being said we got to cool it. It’s not respectful to Angel nor our relationship.”
“Someone sounds insecure.” Alex sang.
Taking your blazer, you whipped it at Alex’s sore thighs. “Stop that!”
“Ouch!” He almost jumped out his seat. “Low blow! And that was just a joke. I got you. Is it okay if I hug you?”
You rolled your eyes and opened your arms. “Of course, it is, nothing can stop our hugs.”
“Hey,” Alex stopped by the door. “Angel really doesn’t know that we used to fool around?”
“No, I probably should tell him.” That was another conversation you did not want to have. Angel already disliked Alex, but if you told him that then he would hate him and probably wouldn’t want you around him anymore.
This was the perfect opportunity. Alex knew you valued his opinion on men. He was going to use this as a way to cause a rift between you and Angel. Then you would come running towards him, the only man that was made for you. “Nah, keep it to yourself. You know how he overreacts.”
“You sure?” Your gut was telling you to say something, but Alex was the guy and he understood men way better than you did.
“I’m absolutely sure. He doesn’t need that in his head.”
Nodding to yourself, you sat down. “You’re right. I’ll keep it a secret. Thanks, Alex. You’re the best.”
“No problem, babe. No problem at all.” Alex left your office with the biggest smirk.
To keep everything cool, you cut down your quality time with Alex. You needed to assure Angel that he was the number one man in your life. But tonight, Alex asked you out for drinks and you went.
“Oh shit.” You stumbled a bit as you started walking towards the car.
“Nope.” Alex steadied you and took your keys. “You’re riding with me.” It took everything in Alex to stay a gentleman. You had a maxi skirt on with a high slit exposing your thigh, almost exposing your core.
You didn’t fight Alex on it. Those drinks got to you more than you thought it would.
Alex led you inside his car and buckled you in. “Dude, why are you still single?” You poked his cheek when he leaned across to buckle you in.
Heat bloomed at the spot you poked. That’s how it was whenever you touched him. “Waiting for the right girl.” Alex playfully bit the finger you poked him with.
“Nah, if you weren’t such a fuckboy you would have found a girl. Look here in Santo Padre.” You waved your hands around, gesturing towards the town. There were so many great women here he could be with.
I already found her. I just wished she would notice me. Only if Alex could form those words, but he couldn’t. For some reason, you were still stuck on Angel Reyes. He had his hooks in you and it seemed he wouldn’t be letting up anytime soon.
“I’m gonna set you up. I would say the ranch hand, but EZ is in love with her so, I gotta find someone else.” You started going through your mental rolodex to see what girl would be a good fit for Alex.
Alex side-eyed you as he peeled out the lot. “No thank you. I can find my own. I don’t need your help.”
“Obviously you do, or you wouldn’t be single.” You sung as you looked out the window. Everything was passing by in a blur. “Maybe you should slow down.”
Now you were the traffic police? Did Reyes make you a lame too? Before this you would be telling him to go faster, not to slow down. “My speed was never a problem before.”
“I know, but I got a bad feeling and Angel never drives this fast with me. Well at least with me in the car.”
“Huh? What was that?” Alex sped up revving up his engine to drown out your voice.
It was a horrible decision to do so though. His anger and need to ignore you, made him miss the warning about the other car that ran the red light.
Suddenly, your world was flipped upside down. Blood trickled down your face like a running stream, your body ached like you went through twelve rounds with Mike Tyson.
Even though Alex was ejected out of the car, he had few scrapes. He was sorer than anything else. His concern wasn’t even on himself. It was on you. The car was starting to catch fire. “YN!” He ran towards you, ignoring his aching bones.
Alex caught you in time. Just as he got a few feet away the car exploded. “YN! Stay with me!” He held you until the paramedics had to pry you from him.
When EZ called Angel, his heart dropped. You ending up in the hospital was his worst nightmare. Flashbacks of the aftermath of Potter’s attack flooded him. But then EZ had to tell him what happen and some of his worry turned into anger.
EZ was driving back home when he saw the whole thing. Yeah, it was the other driver’s fault for running a red light, but if Alex wasn’t driving as fast then the accident wouldn’t have been as bad. He debated on telling Angel the truth, but he knew Angel would learn about it eventually.
As soon as Angel got to the hospital, he was set on knocking Alex’s bitch ass out. He should’ve been more careful with you in the car.
“Can I see her?” Angel was frantic as he saw his little brother in the waiting room.
“Nah, the doctors are still with her. From the way they spoke to me, it sounded like it’s not that serious. There’s no need for you to worry.”
That calmed some of Angel’s nerves, but he needed to see with his own eyes that you were okay. “Then where’s that little bitch at?” By the time he would be through with Alex, the doctors should be done with you, and he’ll be able to see you.
EZ caught the look in Angel’s eyes. This hospital would be a bloodbath if he didn’t stop him. “Hey, just stay here in the waiting room with me.”
EZ may have been the baseball star, but Angel was the football star, and he had more experience juking people. “Fuck that! I’m getting Alex’s bitch ass and that drunk ass driver.” Angel spun around EZ and stormed down the hallway.
Thankfully, EZ had called for backup. He knew his brother’s reaction would be a violent one.
Coco and Gilly along with Franky were unwillingly protecting the assholes. EZ made them think of protecting Angel from attempted murder charges to get them to do it.
“Yo, get the fuck out of my way.” They were mostly in front of Alex’s room since he wasn’t hurt like the other guy.
“I can’t let you do that Angel.” Franky stood with had his hands on his belt, feet spread apart, and shoulders wide, trying his best to radiate power and authority.
Alex stood a couple of feet from the doorway. He was genuinely sorry, but he made no effort to stand closer to Angel. The state that Angel was in, and his own injuries left him in a disadvantage, which would lead to Angel beating his ass. “Look man, I’m sorry, but it’s not all on me.”
“Why the fuck were you driving so fast with her in the car?!” Angel didn’t give a fuck about the blame game. He wanted to know why Alex would put you in such dangerous situation.
“It’s never been a problem before. It was something we used to do all the time.” Even when he was in the wrong, Alex had to let it be known that he knew you longer than Angel did.
There was a shift in energy. From this exact moment, Angel knew he would never like Alex. Nothing could change that. You were here in the hospital hurt and he had to throw in who knew you longer card.
“Man, I don’t give a fuck about what y’all used to do!” Angel knocked over one of the carts in frustration. “That shit is over and done with!”
The finality of Angel’s words made Alex snap. Who the fuck did he think he was? “Man, trust you won’t be here long. At the end of the day, I’ve been there for her from the beginning. And if I’m remembering correctly, if you weren’t such an insecure little boy then that asshole wouldn’t have gotten to her, and your baby would still be alive.”
Time froze once those words came out of Alex’s mouth. At least they were already in the hospital and the police were there because a heinous murder was about to happen if EZ couldn’t get his brother under control.
“What the fuck you just say to me?” Angel stepped a little closer even with EZ in the middle.
“Please take the chance. Please take the chance. Please take the chance.” EZ whispered to himself. He knew Angel heard Alex correctly. Angel was just giving Alex an opportunity to change his statement before he went on the attack.
At this point Alex didn’t care. He was tired of Angel acting all high and mighty like he didn’t put your life in danger. “Nah, you heard me. If you were secure in yourself then your baby would be alive.”
All bets were off. He could take the assault charge and it wasn’t like he wouldn’t be able to make bail.
It took Coco, Franky, and EZ to hold back Angel while Gilly held back Alex. A bunch of fuck you’s and just wait til I see you in the streets were exchanged between the two men.
You were in your room, hearing the whole thing go down. These two were stressing you the fuck out. “Hey doc, can you bring Angel in here? I know you’re not done with your exam, but if he’s not in here, he’ll tear down your hospital.”
“I’ll send the nurse.” Dr. Wilson agreed. The last time you were here Angel almost tore it down and there was no one there antagonizing him this time. “Nurse Phillips, can you get Mr. Reyes. And take security with you just in case.”
Anxiously you sat there waiting, while Dr. Wilson did her examination. Just as she finished Angel walked in, complete ignoring the doctor and laser focused on you. “Baby, are you okay?” He cupped your face, his eyes roaming the cuts on them.
“I’m good. I’m just a little banged up.” Kissing the palm of his hand, you hoped to calm him down some.
That was your answer to everything, so he asked the doctor about your injuries. She informed him that you had a concussion, bruised ribs, and minor cuts and scrapes. “A month to a month and a half and she’ll be good. Just no strenuous activity til then.” She smirked at both of you before walking out. “And oh, Angel, thank you for not damaging my hospital.”
“Nic, I kinda kicked over a cart.”
“That’s fine I’ll take it.” Things could’ve turned out a whole lot bloodier, so she can take a knocked over cart any day when it’s concerning a pissed off Angel.
To fuss at him or to not? He had a good reason to be pissed, but that didn’t mean he had to cause a scene with your best friend in the hospital. But also, no doubt, Alex said some slick ass shit to Angel. His mouth always got him in trouble.
“You know I could hear you all the way in here. What happened?”
Angel could hear the disappointment in your voice, but this wasn’t the time nor the place to address the issue. “I really don’t feel like talking about it.” He pinched the bridge of his nose.
Reaching out to him, you grabbed his hand and kissed it. “I’m not gonna argue. Actually, I get how you feel.”
“What?!” That took Angel by surprise. He thought you would try to make up some excuse for Alex. Maybe you were finally seeing Alex for the snake he is.
“Yeah, I’m in the hospital again because of something that could’ve been life-threatening. And I know Alex. He probably said some slick shit and he’s incapable of taking responsibility. That’s why he’s the king of toxic.” Alex was your best friend and you usually defended him, but you weren’t completely oblivious to his flaws.
Angel contemplated on telling you what Alex said about that baby, but he couldn’t hurt your feelings like that. At the end of the day, Alex was your best friend, no matter how much he hated him. “Yeah, he couldn’t own up to it. That’s what pissed me off the most even if it really was the other guy’s fault, Alex should’ve never been driving that fast with you in the car.”
“Usually, I don’t mind, but tonight I had a bad feeling, but he blew me off.”
Alex was done for. Angel was going to rearrange his face.
“Angel no!” For someone with such a heavenly name he does some hellish things. “I will talk to him. Alone!”
Angel smacked his teeth but agreed. Plus, too many people saw him attempt to attack Alex. He would be suspect number one. “Fine. I’ll take you to his room.” He was able to get a wheelchair for you despite the fact you wanted to walk.
All Alex saw at first was Angel coming into his room, so he was gearing up for a fight but then he saw you. “YN!” He crumbled to his knees and rested his head in your lap.
There was a low animalistic growl emanating from Angel, so you lightly pushed him out. It was only Alex’s head in your lap. It wasn’t like he was laying on top of you. “GO!” You mouthed to Angel.
“Tell him to get up.” He mouthed back to you as he left the room by walking backwards. He wanted his eyes on Alex.
Lifting Alex’s head, you got it out of your lap, and you were able to look at him in his eyes. Your heart broke a bit at the tears in his eyes. “Hey, I’m okay King Toxic.”
“But you could’ve been worst. That dumbass should’ve watched what he was doing.”
And there it was. He didn’t believe he played a part in this. “Yeah, he should’ve but maybe you should’ve driven a bit slower. Even if you were over 10 of the speed limit, you would’ve been able to avoid it.”
What the hell was this? Usually, you would agree with him, not point the finger at him. “Yeah, but I wasn’t the one who blew the red light.” He backed away and got defensive.
“I know that Alex, but it still doesn’t dismiss you for driving so fast. I even told you to slow down.”
“Really?! That fucker got to you huh? What happened to my old YN?” This felt worse than any breakup he went through. He was really losing his best friend to some lowlife cowboy.
Angel was about to come in there and put Alex in his place, because he must have forgotten where he was with the way he was talking to you. Yeah, he insulted him, but the way Alex was talking to you was really bothering Angel. Then he heard your tone get firm. It was the tone you used when someone tried to cross you.
You got up from the wheelchair because you needed Alex to see how serious you were. “His name is Angel not fucker. I already had this conversation with you, but I guess I have to be harsher. Either you learn how to respect him, or you get lost. Despite what feelings he has about you, Angel has always shown respect to you. You need to do the same to him. And old YN has grown up. It’s time for you to do so as well. When you do, give me a call.” You didn’t give him a chance to give a rebuttal. With Angel’s help, you walked out the room not sparing Alex a glance.
Petty Angel couldn’t help himself and he looked back at Alex and winked at him. Finally, he was put in his place and Angel didn’t have to lift a finger. That’s karma, bitch.
Even with you telling him off, Alex couldn’t accept Angel as the one for you. He wasn’t deserving of you, and he was going to prove that to you. What would happen if Angel so happened to learn the true nature of you and Alex’s relationship? Would he be as understanding and great of a man as you made him to be? Alex doubt that. Angel was an insecure, hothead who can’t handle anyone having interest in you. It was time for the cowboy to go.
Chapter 29
216 notes · View notes
stonedporcupine · 6 days
Past Due
Warnings: violence; more action
Ch 1 Ch 2 - p.1 Ch2 - p.2 Chapter 2 - Part 3 Ch 2 - p. 4
Y/N´s PoV
Korra´s polar bear dog runs towards her, speeding past me as I catch up to them. “Korra! Oh spirits, look what you´ve done! The street is a mess!” I say to her as I breath loudly, my hands on my head as I look around the street. “Well…technically it was the Triple Threat Triads guys fault…” I look at her rising my eyebrow. Fuck, I have to leave what am I doing here?! I have class! And if the Chief finds out I was involved in this then I´ll be officially fucked!! But before I can react or say anything at all, the loud police sirens coming from above us and the howling of Korra´s polar bear dog, freeze me in my place. Oh spirits…Oh great Raava come rescue me, I beg of you. “Police, freeze where you are!” Three officers come down from the police airship as they metalbend cables, sticking them to the walls of the buildings as they fall softly to the ground. “Cool, metalbenders.” I hear Korra as she smiles. No Korra, not cool. Very bad, actually. Just as I am about to explain to her how screwed we are about to be she interrupts me. “We caught the bad guys for you ,officers!” NO. Korra not WE especially and most definitely not ME involved in any of THIS. I see Officer Song coming from behind the three standing officers. Yes, Song! Oh shit ,Song. Where did he come from? “Arrest them.” I hear Song´s demanding voice as he points to the knocked out Triple Threat Triad thugs inside the broken-up shop. Where was this strong, demanding Officer near Beifong? Song looks at me surprised. “Y/n? What are you-  oh spirits… I´m sorry but you´re under arrest too.” I hear him say with a guilty look on his face. “I- it´s not what it seems! But I-“ before I can continue Korra interrupts me. As she takes a step back, offended. “What do you mean I´m under arrest?! Those are the bad guys over there!” she continues as she points at them. “They were smashing up a shop!” Korra is quickly silenced as Song says with a strong demeanour “From the looks of it, you smashed up a lot more than that.” He quickly metalbends a cable towards her, sensing she won´t come willingly. She dodges to the right angrily as she says “Wait. You can´t arrest me, let me explain!” she grabs the cable, and my eyes widen. I try to speak “Korra, wait you have to list-“ but I´m interrupted by a struggling Officer Song, “You can explain yourself all you like down at headquarters.” He pulls the cables back from her, pushing me aside as he strikes his cable at her. She rolls down and backwards, getting up with ease as the metal cable smashes the ground, rocks flying to the side. Spirits Song! Are you trying to kill her?! I try to intervene their fighting, as I put myself in front of Song but I quickly gasp as Korra´s polar bear dog comes up from behind Song and knocks him and me to the ground as we grunt in union. The other officers notice the scene as Korra saddles up on her polar bear dog. Fuck she´s running away. Raava give me strength! They run off and make a sharp turn, as Korra kicks an officer in the face, making him fall to the floor. “Song are you okay?” I help him up “Yes but- what are you doing? You should be- Spirits the Chief is going to kill you!” I look at him confidently. “Not if I catch her!” I run towards the fleeing polar bear dog, using my fire propulsion as I jump, gaining speed. I see another officer in the roofs metalbending his cables trying to apprehend her. As she takes another sharp turn to another small street. People gasping around me as I continue jumping and running to catch up to them. As we reach a bridge the officer jumps and is able to bend his cables around Korra´s ponytail. Fuck that´s gotta hurt! I hear her yell as she raises an icy wall from the river below the bridge, knocking the officer against it. Deserved it, can´t lie.
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oneatlatime · 10 months
The Fortuneteller
(A title which I am itching to divide into three words instead of two because boy does 'Fortuneteller' look stupid - seriously, stare at it for a bit and see how fast it starts looking like Fortun Eteller)
The last couple of episodes have had a contemplative character, so I'm rooting for this one to be a silly one. Also more Sokka please. Poor guy gets demoted to one liners in the B-plot whenever Aang is the main focus.
Episode Time!
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We start this episode off with a potential love interest for Sokka.
I had completely forgotten that Katara used to have a necklace. I'd also completely forgotten that she'd lost it. When did she lose it?
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Aang-o-vision has a pretty heavy rose-tinted filter - literally.
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Told you it was a love interest.
The NOISE Sokka makes when the fish slaps him! I love it. Hang on I'm going to rewind and listen to it again.
Yep. Still as good the second time.
Oh wow! Aang just got Momo-zoned. Gotta say I'm not a fan of a romantic relationship between Aang and Katara at this point, so I'm all for some Momo-zonage.
Platypus bear! Finally some hybrid animals. I was beginning to wonder if that would ever come back.
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Is this guy a martial arts master or an idiot?
I'm leaning towards idiot.
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Friendly reminder of Appa's size. That's a lot of molars. No canines or incisors? Guess he's an obligate herbivore.
Is sniffing eggs something that people do? I get sniffing melons or other produce, but eggs?
Yep. Floppy hat guy is an idiot.
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Aang buddy you might want to get that checked out.
And with a mighty squelch, the egg fulfills this episode's Beat Up Sokka quota.
Appa shakes!
Those are weird ducks.
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I don't know a thing about anime, but that's the most anime-looking guy I've seen in this show. Is this show an anime?
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Meng-o-vision is red-tinted. Probably doesn't bode well.
Also, Meng could give Zuko some lessons on how to style Pipi longstocking hair. Someone with more photoshop skills than me needs to make a Zuko with Meng hair.
"Don't be modest, they're huge!" Presented without comment. I'm not going to say a thing. But we all thought it.
Katara is totally the kind of girl who would fall for fortune telling. We've seen (multiple times) that she is gullible. Actually, now that I think about it, we've had multiple episodes where Katara gets swept up in something a healthy dose of skepticism would have guarded her from - Jet and The Great Divide come to mind. The writers are really hammering the 'Katara is susceptible to romantic nonsense and Sokka is a science-minded skeptic' message home. Is this going to play some bigger part in the show going forward? Why else would we be on version number (arguably) 3 of this same plot?
Aang and Sokka took off their shoes, but Katara didn't. Huh.
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Pinky out. Classy.
I am not digging the Aang x Katara stuff in this episode. I'm with Sokka on this one - let's pretend it was a stellar bathroom break.
Aunt Wu is being unnecessarily antagonistic to Sokka. First he gets an egg on his head, then Momo steals his bean puffs, now Aunt Wu tells him his life's going to suck. I should have been more specific when I hoped for a Sokka episode. I didn't mean a beat up Sokka episode.
Aang. Priorities honey. Honestly, Aang casually dismissing his destiny after all that build up did get a laugh out of me.
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A god-like figure coming to have his fortune read and only wanting to know about his love life would give me a headache too.
Add malicious signage to the Beating Up Sokka list.
"The fluffy bunny cloud forecasts doom and destruction." I bet that's the first time that sentence has appeared in the English language.
These people are stupid. Blazing Saddles style 'common clay of the New West' stupid. It would take, what, a day? to run a visual check on the volcano. But nope. Too much work. Listen to me I'm morphing into Sokka.
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Katara giving off some serious fangirl vibes.
Katara is officially addicted to fortune telling.
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Live footage of me watching these village idiots.
Add duck to the list of Things Which Assault Sokka. Gotta love those duck noises though.
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Sokka is getting dangerously close to advising negging here. Also Meng deserves better. Her poor pigtails droop in disappointment. Girl has sentient hair - she deserves better.
Papaya? When you don't like papaya? Just because some old lady said so? Too far. That's not even teenage nonsense; that's tweenage nonsense. I kind of feel like sending Katara to her room. Actually it's just like that one line Log Man said in the Jet episode. Something like 'He tells us what to do and how to think and things all turn out right.' Outsourcing your decision-making. Which, by the way, is both nonsense and cult-like. Then again, the lost boys freedom fighters pretty much worshipped Jet the way this village worships Aunt Wu, so... parallels?
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So if this guy got the panda lily himself, doesn't that mean that he recently went up the mountain? Couldn't he have had a peak inside while he was up there? Would have taken an extra 20 seconds.
"Flowers are fine once you're married" Somebody get this boy to Victorian times. If he ever sees an ankle he'll self-combust.
You have a flying bison. Why don't you fly up instead of climb?
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This is totally live action fire copy-pasted in to the animation. There has got to be a more technical term for that than copy-pasted.
Raise your hand if you saw the twist with the volcano coming. (I did I swear. Blue spirit was an outlier).
Forget Appa, why didn't Aang just fly up?
"They just won't listen to reason." "But they will listen to Aunt Wu." So the mountain comes to Mohammed. I guess talking to people in a way they understand / will listen to is a good lesson for an avatar to learn. I thought he'd learned that one in The Great Divide though. Either way this episode is getting increasingly frustrating.
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Can Meng get a hug? She seems astonishingly self-aware and emotionally mature for a kid. Also way too smart for this podunk town. I may rescind the hug in light of the stalking.
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Well, it's not exactly subtle, but at least volcanic doom isn't a fluffy bunny.
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Look at those yummy purples. Finally an episode where it's light enough to have a beautiful sky. My collection of wallpapers was suffering.
Digging a lava trench might work, if the volcano is going to put out a gallon or two of lava. This must be a baby volcano.
The ashes effect feels oddly 3-D.
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I guess to an avatar this kind of challenge is small potatoes.
Totally ignoring the Aang x Katara stuff for a minute, I'm with Sokka on this one too, because I also had forgotten that Aang is a superbender. He didn't even need to go glowy.
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If I lived in this village that redesign would absolutely give me nightmares. Are those mega claws of doom structurally sound?
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I am going to punch this man.
Aunt Wu's final speech to Aang makes me think that at least she's not indulging in her own product as it were. I suppose a con artist (whose services are free, so, just jerking around a village for shits and giggles?) is better than an actual believer?
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Final Thoughts
This episode has me thinking about stories. Part of the reason Katara wants to believe in nonsense like fortune telling is because she is someone inclined to listen to / believe in stories. I think the opening monologue of the first episode mentioned something about her grandmother's stories. Katara was raised on stories and very much took them to heart as more than just entertainment. And you can't blame her for believing the conceits of stories could be possible in their world, not after the events of episode one dumped the star of those stories in her lap. Just so long as she doesn't confuse a belief in stories with a belief in happy endings. There is a war going on in their world, and judging by the stuff that the show did not shy away from discussing or implying in episodes like The Southern Air Temple and The Storm, I am willing to bet good money that there will be a couple of unhappy endings ahead. Not permanently unhappy; this is a kids' cartoon. But there will probably be setbacks and disappointments.
Would Katara have astrology nonsense in her dating profile?
"The fluffy bunny cloud forecasts doom and destruction" is going to be incorporated into my daily vocabulary.
Platypus + bear are interesting choices for a hybrid animal, since a platypus is about 15 normal animals smashed together anyway. A platypus bear is the swiss army knife of animals. Or the Mr. Potato Head.
At first I thought that Aunt Wu was a benevolent meddler (see putting together the couple with the panda lily), but she also advised that one guy to never bathe, which doesn't benefit anyone in any way that I can see. So I've concluded that she's a Bumi level ("it's pretty fun messing with people") shit-stirrer instead. Her services may be free, but she manages to pay for a very big house, an assistant in Meng, and anime guy the bodyguard(?) so I guess grateful villagers give her donations? However she's doing it, she's got it made.
There was some sort of running theme with those large blue-billed ducks that lived in the village. If that was meant to have more meaning than just a running visual gag, I didn't pick up on it.
Meng had a surprising amount of depth and insight for what (I assume) is a one-episode character. Stalking aside, I liked her.
This episode's humourous look at the stupidity of the village (in fact the science denial of the village) is not as funny as it would have been in a pre-covid denial, pre-antivax, pre-"global warming is a hoax" world. A shallow viewing of this episode is still funny because the villagers are just SO dumb (except Meng), but the more you think about the villagers' actions and the conclusions they reach at the end of the episode (to not change AT ALL - at least the tribes made up in The Great Divide, a similarly idiot-filled episode), the more you morph into Sokka. These people have denied reality so hard that it's frustrating rather than funny to watch. Their head in the sand approach is not cute anymore.
I really wanted to like this episode. Like I said before, I wanted a goofy fun episode after the one-two punch of the last two episodes, but this one rapidly went from goofy to frustrating. I can't tell if it's because I'm not the target audience (i.e. too adult) or if it's because much of the world is currently drowning in various forms of misinformation and science denial. I know this episode isn't supposed to be deep - it's supposed to be setup for Aang & Katara as a (hopefully very distant) couple. That's all. And the message at the end about shaping your own destiny (i.e. taking an active part in your life) is a good message, and thematically relevant to the avatar, who presumably is at least somewhat responsible for shaping the whole world's destiny. But damn if this episode doesn't make my teeth itch.
Pros: Sokka had some great lines. Appa got to shake. There were pretty backgrounds. The noise Sokka made when he got slapped by the fish was a thing of beauty.
Cons: Aang and Katara are not allowed to date until they're 35. I will smack each villager individually upside the head with a science textbook. Meng deserved better.
Maybe I'm just not in the mood for this episode. I'll stick it on the rewatch list just for the Sokka fish noise.
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karimwillia · 1 year
👀 is it safe? I am clearing out the vault with a one shot enjoy all. It’s AU with some Black Panther references.
Warnings: General Fluff
“Ri why can’t I stay?” “Hey what did I tell you?” “It’s Demetria, I'm sorry.” “Thanks. You can’t stay tonight because I got things I have to do. Call me tomorrow.” “Ok bye. I won’t keep you.” Riri walks her 3rd random girl this month out of her dorm. Demetria Riri Williams the smartest and most “popular girl” on campus. She has been at this stuffy boarding school for a year now and she’s already technically a senior but she is going to stay the extra year for the fun of it. “Are you finally done making out with these randos?” Natalie says plainly. Nat is Riri’s roommate and she is always a good sport staying in the suite sitting room when Ri has company. Despite what people think Riri never has actual sex with these females she just makes out and they tend to get attached. An attached rich white girl is the best because they are generous.
“I’m done for a while, actually I don’t need anything else.” Laughing Nat hands Riri the bowl of popcorn as she sits on the couch to watch the forever reruns of Living Single.
“You are something else Riri Williams oops I mean Demetria. Lol. They can’t even call you by your nickname, you are something else.” “Woah woah don’t be that way Nat I am a nice person, I’m just a playa.” “Ooooh ok playa, have a question: do you ever feel bad? I mean you kinda hurt their feelings some of them at least.” “No no no I don’t feel bad because I am always clear with them that I don’t want a relationship also none of them are gay. At least that’s what they tell me. I am just for fun. Let them tell it.”
“Damn Ri that’s gotta suck No? I mean you are a dope chick none of them want to get to know you?” “I mean I’m ok with it for now it is what it is. It’s the reason why I don’t move past making out. I’m protecting me.” “I feel that friend and maybe you’re right. Just have fun relationships can wait.” Nat’s voice has an air of irony in it.
BuzzBuzz “Oh snap thats my school phone maybe one of my lab timers.” Riri is a brilliant inventor who has been inventing so much, Tony Stark himself took interest in her. She was sent to Forest Hill’s Academy boarding school to be a part of their top notch science education and to have open study time for her building. The school is kinda famous for it students have on and off days to do free study/independent work.
“Incorrect it’s the school email.” Nat keys in the school pass code to the phone. “You are being assigned an exchange student to host as an ambassador.” “What in the world!!! Nooo. I’m not even one of them.” “It says here you are being hand chosen to host this guest. Plus you never know it could be someone cool.” Riri takes the phone to read the details of the person who is coming to shadow her. “Nat get real it says she's from Wakanda you know that small farming country. Her name is Shuri Udaku. That does not sound like someone interesting at all!” Nat chuckles a bit and continues to watch the show. Once they had their fill of episodes the roommates turn in for the night.
Ri hops in the shower and heads to the dining hall for breakfast early the next morning. “Nat, do you think you can pose as me and get me out of this thing? I have an open lab today. I don't have time to be saddled with a village kid from some nation that didn’t exist 10 years ago.” “No Ri you are stuck they have your photo up as a part of the email.” “Damn! If it’s not one thing. I wonder what this is???” Nat and Riri come up on some long line in the caf that is not normal for this time of day. “I don’t know but something is not right.” Coming up on a table to the left of the line they see what the hold up is. A tall slender girl who has shaved sides and some nicely done braids doing something with a small machine has drawn a crowd. “What kind of phone is that?” Riri even gets pulled in by the wild design. It seems to be a phone with a full hologram projection that is not diminished by light with a no touch interface.
Nat shakes her head as they maneuver past them. Riri is not easily impressed but it is amusing to see Riri geek out. “Who is that and I just know she invented that tech.!?” Secondary to the phone Riri takes a good look at the girl and she be damned if the girl was not drop dead gorgeous to her. Flawless deep brown skin, a sculpted jaw, teeth perfectly white with a hint of gold. As she was staring the girl looked up and gave her a wink then looked back down shyly.
“Shuri this is amazing!” Nat hears one of the Hannah’s say walking past. “Bitch! That’s your exchange student.” The pair get out of ear shot unsure if Shuri heard or not. Just as Nat exclaims. “No fucking way you sure?” “Yep you just eye fucked your exchange student one of the Hannah’s said her name. Oooooh playa you are in trouble now.” “Shhhhh I did not eye fuck her…ok a little bit but look at her Nat and her tech is wild she had to have invented it she’s smart as hell.” Nat just laughs as they go get food and sit in the farthest corner of the caf they can.
At the table Nat is intently reading her ipad. “Did you read this profile like read it, read it?” “Naw why?” “Well you should have it says here that Shuri is the youngest heir to the Wakandan throne. This makes her the Princess of Wakanda. Ooooh snap and did know Wakanda is not what we think it is. According to this article ‘For years the world has known Wakanda to be a small farming African Nation. But in recent months it has been discovered that is not the case. In fact Wakanda is a very technologically advanced nation. The head of the research and development has been their super genius Princess Shuri Udaku. Shuri is now embarking on an educational tour to research and work with some of the most promising scientists around the world as a part of an outreach program being launched via the nation. First stop is Forest Hill’s Academy to work with Tony Stark mentee and child prodigy inventor Riri Williams.’ She came here for you!” Nat gave Ri a wink kind of squealing. “Shit. There is no way.” Riri take the table and gasps looking over the words Nat just read aloud.
“Mhm playa I think you have found your match.” “Hold up I mean just because she is utterly gorgeous and a super genius does not mean I’m not ME you know.” The confidence is a little weak at the moment but it’s true. She would have been at MIT almost done had she not wanted to have somewhat of a childhood. “That is correct. I mean you even made a prototype proton blaster at the age of 7 that was what prompted the Tony Stark to take interest in you.” A warm deeply accented voice with a small amount of base in it startled Riri during her rant.
When she looked up there she was Shuri standing inches away from her. “I’m glad I found you this is a huge cafeteria. I’m…” “Shuri, yes nice to meet you I’m Demetria which you already knew. I see you have done a little reading up on little ole me?” Something about Shuri was just so intriguing to Riri. Ri reaches to shake Shuri’s hand. But before she knew anything, Shuri take’s her hand first and kissed the back of it gently. “Yes I have actually but the articles didn’t say how beautiful you were.” Riri pauses hold up now did this Princess just make a pass at her?
“I can see you are doing the same research on me also so we are even.” Riri gains her composure fast. The charming Princess cannot have the upper hand “It's only fair to see who I am dealing with but I can agree the internet is not the most reliable for certain information.” Riri looks Shuri up and down with her best look.
Soon the feeling of eyes started to make Riri upset just a bit. Nat helped to ease a bit of the tension by offering Shuri a seat. “Shuri, come join us.” With a bright smile Shuri accepts with her eyes affixed on Riri. “Don’t mind if I do. It’s not everyday you meet such a brilliant mind at only 16.” Shuri’s voice floats in the air so smoothly. Ri tries to hold back blush as Shuri sits facing her and her roommate. “Shuri, this is Natalie Pride, my roommate here at FHA.” “Great to meet you Natalie.” From there Shuri only focuses on Riri.
A short while passes of a bit more pleasantries and some question answering. Poor Nat was the 3 and 4 wheel. “So since you know why I’m here, when are you going to show me to your work space? A work space tells the true you.” Clearing her throat Riri feels somewhat overwhelmed by the admiration and interest in her work by this world class scientist. Shuri explained a lot about Wakanda’s technology and how she has contributed to a lot of what is staple tech being used in the world. Riri cannot fathom this girl wanting to pick her brain.
“I will be happy to show you all of me but first let’s get you to your room. You’ll be my roommate.” Riri wanted for that to come out as suggestive as possible. The two girls have not only exchanged facts, figures and work but they have been FLIRTING. “Are you in Langer 1220?” “No the suite across the hall 1222. How is it that our exchange program places everyone in the room with their host?” “Now that’s a disappointment. It must be because my guards requested a single for me.” “Guards?” Riri scrunches her face up. “You see the very out of place bald women watching in the wings. I must have them with me at all times.” Riri nods, finally paying attention to the remainder of the room. Riri cannot believe that the last time she was focused on anything other than Shuri was being annoyed by the eyes. What is happening to her?
The crew gets up and walk the short distance to Langer and they separate from there. “See you in about 45 mins. “Count on it.” *winks* Once in the suite Nat gives Riri a face. “Girl what in the world was that!?!? She had you blushing.” “Ugh I know what in the world.” “I’ll give you a few points for the flirting but goodness y’all didn’t even care I was there. Not a fan.” “It’s her energy, it's almost like a pull, Nat. I got hyper focused. Sorry girl.” “Whatever, no you are not. You get like that when something has your true interest.” “You're right but she is just so different then anything or anyone I have been interested in.” Riri proceeds to get changed. She has to keep it spicy.
“How do I look??” Shuri asks Aneka about her outfit after changing for the 3rd time. “Yeka ukuxhalaba Shuri you look fine. I know you want the young girl's attention but I think you have it.” Tisssssssk Shuri kisses her teeth. “I am aware I may have had it talking about my work but honestly Aneka did you see her? She’s gorgeous that I didn’t bargain for.” “Well just make sure you hit your first goal of being here Princess. She is a great talent.” “Yes she is but something else about her is making me want more…you’ve got to hear her speak.” You know what come on before you drive me mad.” Aneka pushes Shuri out of the room.
Meeting up in the hallway just as Shuri is thrust out of the doorway. “Um wow you look very nice your highness.” Riri comments on the carefully chosen outfit. Shuri smirks in Aneka’s direction after the comment. They walk at a comfortable pace over to the student lab spaces. Riri reviews some campus landmarks on the way as Shuri will be at FHA for sometime.
“So tell me about yourself Demetria what made you so interested in science?” “Well my Pops was a mechanic in Chicago and he basically showed me everything about building from the age of 3 that’s when I built my first machine. It was a nite light that was solar powered. After he got killed I just kept on in his memory.” Riri never talks about her Dad but something about this girl just helps her open up. “What about you Ms. Supergenuisinventor” It was extra but it lightened the mood. “My brother T'Challa has always been my voice, when Baba didn’t want to let me continue my studies he stood up for me. I advanced past everything they threw at me so T’Challa would challenge me. He’s taught me everything I know. I’ll never admit it to him though.” “That’s sweet, must be nice to have him.”
Shuri and Riri talk for a while longer, comparing knowledge and just getting to know facts about each. Haha “So you mean tell me you have never done any of the normal dances and things in school?” “No Princess it’s not my thing I would rather build.” “That sounds like me but I never went to formal school so that makes sense for me not you. I know you have had people tearing down your door to court you.” “Naw here at this school is the most ‘popular’ I have been and even then I am the gay experiment for these white kids.“ “Gay experiment?” Shuri really didn’t understand the saying frowning up her face. She hears a bit of pain in Riri’s voice. “I am not sure how you all feel about same sex couples but here most people think being gay is wrong so they treat liking people as a game or phase.” “Wakanda is not like that. You can date whoever you choose. Then I take it you are not accepted by your family?” “My Mommy and my Sister love me regardless. I just never met a person who really wanted to get to know me. They all just wanted to know what it’s like to kiss a girl if you understand that.”
Ahh Shuri places a hand under Riri’s chin tipping her face up from looking down. “I’d like to get to know you more than just a kiss if that is ok?”
Was this actually happening to her? Demetria Riri Williams. Her mind was not used to this; she was a facts and figures girl, even with the experiments it was logic. Something was so real about Shuri’s words. This is just the first day, what could come of this? She was feeling this girl. Feeling her feeling her. Taking a deep breath Riri gets a boost of confidence. “Then how about a date? You and me, no one else.” “Only if you allow me to pay the way for us.”
Shuri’s month on campus felt like a week the two laughed, cried, shared ideas and knowledge. This bonding made their relationship so strong. It also made each girl a new person. Riri got softer and more open to people in some ways. Shuri became more serious; she learned so much about what was happening outside of Wakanda from Riri. The day she left Riri cried. She didn’t know why at the time but something inside Riri changed and made her not want to play anymore if the connection was not genuine she didn’t want it.
Skip 4 years
*knock* Ri honey you have to get up it’s graduation day!!!!! “Mmmm Hi Mommy. Thank you. I’m up now.” 20 year old Riri is graduating from MIT with highest honors and was on cloud 9 today. You would be too if you had an Executive Director of Robotics position at Stark Industries right out of college. Plus her family was by her side for this special day. The day was perfect on the outside but for some odd reason Riri felt like something was missing. “Sissy your MUA is here and your hair stylist.” Sharon Riri’s big sister came through the joined hotel room door to announce. “Yay thanks Sha let them in.” Sharon twists her face looking at her sister. “Ok but Ri you are to calm what is up?” “I’m fine I just am not fully awake is all.” Riri’s mood was mellow because something was off. She had not felt like this in a while. Something was missing from this day. Slowly she came to recognize what it was but how could she want this after all these years. “You are missing her today huh?” Sharon snapped Riri out of her thoughts. Sharon could read her sister's mind like a book when it came to certain things and she was right.
Why today of all days did she miss Shuri Udaku. After the month in high school Wakanda was still pretty closed off in those first few years so they lost touch. Riri kept tabs on Shuri best she could and she felt like the worst friend/person on Earth. Shuri had gone through it over the years. The Black Panther her Brother passed of an unknown illness that potentially could have been cured by Shuri. This came right after Wakanda was destabilized by a hostile takeover. That made her next in line after her Mother which has to be a lot of pressure. Riri wanted to be there for her so badly. Wakanda has now been combatting attacks on their outreach program outposts for their rare metal vibranium. Adding a strain to the countries alliances.
Riri has been glued to every CNN news clip or New York Times post about Wakanda since the day Shuri left. It made her feel closer to Shuri in a way. Knowing that Shuri had to take on these responsibilities without her Brother’s support caused Riri to be sick to her stomach most days.
“Sissy I don’t know ok I miss her everyday but something about today is so off it’s like my body needs her.” Sharon has heard this before right after Riri got home from school for break that year and she is the first one to break it to Ri that’s she is in Love with this girl. But she is super concerned because she has not seen her sister like this in a while. “Girl what can I tell Tony to get you in touch with her.” “Ok and say what yea Shuri this is Demetria from 4 years ago you know the fling you had and oh yea I’m in love with you I have an extra ticket to my graduation you wanna come?” “When you put it like that yea it sounds silly but Ri come on you said yourself Shuri never even kissed you because she wanted you to know how important you are to her. How can you say that was just a fling?” “We were 16 socially awkward teens I mean yea I was being a player back then but I’m sure in 4 years she does not even remember me.” “I think you are buggin baby sister you have no clue what she remembers.”Riri’s glam team arrives and she gets ready for her day as she continues to talk to her sister.
“Shuri, what brings you state side??” Shuri is standing at the window of the Stark center in Cambridge when Tony walks behind her. “Tony don’t play dumb you know why I’m here.” “Oooooh you are finally done with the cloak and daggers huh? Are you going to actually see her this time?” “Yes Stark I am actually going to see her. You know it’s been a difficult road to this and I thank you for making sure I knew where she was all these years.” “Kid I hear the way to talk about her to me you are in love how could I not help you? But I do want to know what made you stay away this long? You have been torturing yourself.” Shuri winces at the comment. Tony was right this past 4 years has been literal torture. After going home to Wakanda, Shuri wanted to stay in touch with Riri. She actually planned a second visit to the states, specifically Chicago during the holidays to surprise her. But Wakanda made precautions that even with the outreach programs they wanted to stay relatively closed off from the world and it was with good reason. So that caused the first rift. Then once T’Challa passed and so much chaos happened it took focus for Shuri but she always kept Riri on her radar of priority. With a look Shuri stated.
“Tony, she always told me how important school was to her and I didn’t want to interfere plus we were kids then we needed time to grow. Did you send the thing for me?” Shuri was masking well. She was nervous and excited for today. “500 red roses signed Umntwana. Yes and the diamond and vibranium pendant of her suits heart. Nice touch.” Tony remarks of the gifts Shuri wanted specially sent. Sighs “Thanks Stark I have loved her since 17 years old she deserves me to beg at this point.” “Shhhh Shuri she will be upset but just ease into it Umntwana Wam.” “Listen to your Mother.” Tony jokes, patting Shuri in the shoulder. While Queen Mother enters the room. “Goodbye Stark.” Shuri turns her attention to her Mother who is beaming at her from across the room. It was time.
*knocks* As Riri and her family gather the rest of their things to leave, a knock and voice comes booming into the room. “Delivery for one Demetria Roniece Williams.” Sharon leaves Riri to open the door. Ri was now dressed in her form fit white dress which hugged her curves in all the right places. This knock came as a surprise because who is sending her something? “I wonder what’s up. I have my gifts from Stark unless he is sending more.” Opening the door a slim man walks up and asks “Is this the suite of Miss Demetria Williams.” Sharon nods “Yes, come in.” Nodding his head the man moves to the side and one by one several delivery men bring roses by the dozen into Riri’s hotel room. Luckily she has in a presidential suite compliments of Tony or so she thought “Who are these from?” The number continues to grow to close to 500 before the man answers her. “It is Signed from Umntwana. Confused at first, a light went off in Riri’s head it could not be. Then the man claps and a young woman in a black dress brings a huge necklace box and unveils a gorgeous tennis chain with her IronHeart smybol on it clad in the clearest of diamonds. This is only one person’s doing and how did she find her? “Who in the world is Umntwana?!?” Sharon and Riri are now joined by her Mother in her suite while the chain is opened.
“That would be me.” And like a fever dream there she was, Shuri Udaku Princess of Wakanda at her door and the young lady hands her the necklace. “I hope I am not too late for your ceremony. I know I’m late for a lot of other things so I hope 500 flowers is enough to say sorry with.” Riri flew across the room tossing her arms around Shuri not even knowing if she was real. Shuri caught her with no hesitation and with ease she held her up in a tight embrace that felt like home. Ri and Shuri both could not speak, they had so much to say with no time to say it. “Shuri isimilo.” Shuri laughs as her Mother arrives with Okoye Aneka and Ayo her Dora Milaje for the day.
“Yes so so so sorry I am Shuri Daughter of Queen Ramonda Princess of Wakanda. The girls are now holding hands, fingers laced as if they needed to be attached, keeping the other from disappearing. “This is my Ahma Queen Mother Romanda Sovereign Ruler of Wakanda. Ahma, this is Demetria “Riri” Williams, the one I have not stopped speaking about in ages.” “She is a vision Shuri.” Riri feels her face being lifted to meet the gaze of Shuri’s Mother it was warm and loving as if she knew Riri already. Ri cleared her throat and smiled “Thank you so much, this is my family. Mother Ronnie and Sister Sharon Williams. You all this is Shuri. And her Mother.” Ronnie crosses the room to hug Shuri “Ooooooooh my god Baby she is beautiful. You know how to pick ‘em I see.”
“Oh my god what are you doing here???” Ri exclaims. “If I recall I made you a promise that I would be at your graduation and I could not let you down.” Riri beamed happily looking at Shuri as if she was not real. That was a promise made one night during that month as they were star gazing. “I am aware but a heads up would have been nice. I could have worn something cuter.” Riri pokes some fun as Shuri smiles. “You look plenty fine to me, your dress is amazing. But we cannot be late . I have made some time for us to talk more later, I assure you.” With a smile and wink Shuri ushers them out of the room to the front lobby. The girls hold hands the entire way.
They all file outside to make it on time to the ceremony and Riri finally felt what she was missing. Shuri already planned for a two car transport so there are extra Dora in front to greet them. Shuri and Riri both were admiring the other's features. They appreciated how the years have aged them. There is a silence that befalls the car which is tense but is broken up by tender and almost shy looks. “Will you allow me to take you to dinner tonight? I don’t know what you had planned for us to talk.” Riri asked while in Shuri embrace. Shuri smirks at how Riri has become more confident in social settings. “A dinner is better than my plan so yes as long as you allow me to pay.”
Shuri was so proud watching as Riri crossed the stage. The American Graduation custom was a beautiful one to her. Being called by your name being recognized for your mind's accomplishments felt so validating. “Demetria Roniece Williams highest honors” There it was her person’s name called and she clapped and cheered as loud as she could. Everyday for 4 years Shuri has missed everything about Riri from her smile to the way she wrinkles her nose to concentrate just everything about her. During that month the two fell for each other without the other's knowledge. Shuri may not have always been positive that Riri felt the same for her but she at least knew they were friends. It sickened her how life got in the way of them and became determined to reconnect. She also held me heavily influenced by her Mother to seek out what would make her happy.
Queen Romanda was tired of watching her child pine. She could tell this was something that weighed on Shuri. She would always mention this American Scientist named Riri. And she would hear so many stories of her daughter’s visit to this specific school where she learned so much from that same young scientist. The stories were the only thing that made her child smile after T’Challa passed. So it was no question Queen Romanda was adamant about Shuri reconnecting with this scientist of hers.
“Baby I am so so proud of you!!!” Riri’s Mother and the rest of the group that now included the Queen and Princess of Wakanda found Riri in the crowd and embraced her. Finally Riri felt complete and she was so so excited. Shuri was the missing piece but this dinner is long overdue to get the rest of their relationship ironed out.
After saying goodbye, Shuri takes Riri’s hand lacing their fingers walking to the car “My Mother was right Baby you are a vision. Like even more beautiful than I remember.” The term of endearment was like music to Ri’s ears. “Thank you so much Baby. Can I be honest with you?” “I would not want you to be anything but honest with me.” “I was physically in need of you today, it was so out of place. Then here you are. That sounds wild I know but it’s the best way I can describe it.” Now in the car Riri turns to face Shuri while she is being held by the royal. Shuri smiles small hearing the confession. She can read an unasked question in Riri’s eyes and something is telling her she will have to answer every questioning look. Holding Riri closer drawing small circles on her back the car rolls to its destination. “Well you felt that I have been planning this moment for months. Like a spider sense.” Shuri chuckled but it was true. Clenching her jaw, Riri wants to just flood Shuri with all the questions on her mind but she decides to play it cool. Everything will come out in due time. “Months huh? Maybe I did sense you then. How did you know where I was?” “Your Mentor is a good friend.”
“So Tony told you where I was?” “Yes I had him fill me in on you yearly for three years now. After we lost touch I missed you like crazy even in the middle of the chaos around me. Tony was my last real resort other than sending spies to find you. I would have done it even with all the changes we have made to our laws about international relations in Wakanda. The council would have had my head had I done that though. You know I am still seen as a child to them.” Laughing, Riri dropped her gaze making Shuri’s lips her main focus. Things are falling into place. “What is funny?” “ I am just laughing that I never asked Tony for the same. I just glued myself to the news for any and all updates on Wakanda.” Pulling up to the restaurant the two get out and Shuri takes the lead entering Nobu where the pair was sat in a private booth in the back.
“So you kept your tabs on me too? Huh?” “Yes but not as effectively I suppose. I just missed you also like A LOT. And after seeing all that has gone on with your family and your country I just have been worried about you. Which by the way, how are you? And don’t be tough.” The playful banter gave way to a serious tone straight away. “Most days I am sad and angry but I have some things that motivate me to keep going. Number one I was able to successfully synthesize more heart shaped herb so the mantle of Panther is restored. Number two Prince T'Challa, my nephew is 3 and thriving. Number 3 You seeing how much you have accomplished and the thought of seeing you again even if you hated me.” Shuri kisses Riri’s hand and looks at her as she scrunches her face. “Shuri Baby I could never hate you. I understand that circumstances kept us apart. I cried for a week when you left. I just always wanted you also.” “So you never got mad at me or questioned anything?” “Maybe for a short time to keep myself from hurting so bad. But I mostly just wanted to do the corny teenagers in love stuff. I would dream of it and other things.” Shuri lets out a low and seductive laugh. “Don’t laugh and especially like that please.” Riri's eyes are lower now “I’m sorry I am just amused at how in tune we still are. I dreamed a lot also.” The chatter goes on and on past dinner and back to Shuri’s hotel room. Riri’s was connected to her Mother’s. The way she is feeling tonight it would not be appropriate to go to her room.
“So what happened to you and Nat?” “We are still cool but she is in LA so I don’t see her much.” Riri is staring at Shuri tracing every feature of her face with her eyes. The two women have been almost in each other's skin all night. Something about Shuri’s body was different Riri was running a finger on her chest and just blurted.“You are the new Black Panther aren’t you!” Shuri’s eyes got big. “Yes how did you figure that out.” “The hug you caught me as if I was nothing in weight and held me with no strain then just your body is different it’s muscular in the best way.” Shuri smirks. “So I must be the Panther because I’m muscular, maybe I just work out?” “No you are still a nerd, nerds are not strong like that. And they don’t work out.” Smiling Shuri gets closer to Riri. “Your observation skills are impeccable, IronHeart. But please keep it to yourself.” It was Riri’s turn to be surprised. “What did you call me?” “IronHeart I like the name. I’m glad you took my advice on the symbol.” Sighs “you that? I had to carry you with me somehow.”
The pair fall silent for a moment. “After I left, have you dated anyone?” “No…my standards became a little too high one day. Shuri why is it that you have not kissed me yet you keep looking at my lips.” “I have always just respected what you first said to me.” “What are you talking about?” Cupping her face, Shuri runs her thumb on Ri’s cheek. “You are more than just an experiment to me. So I always controlled myself and waited on you.” As the last word came out Riri attached her lips to Shuri’s.
The kiss starts slow and sweet, testing the limits of what is welcomed. But it was passionate. Shuri pulls Riri to straddle her on the couch as she runs her hands up Ri’s spine. Pulling her hair, Ri's head falls back exposing her neck for bites that Shuri gladly places along her pulse. Ri cannot control her moans while her body heats up. Feeling the most submissive she has ever felt, Riri didn’t expect this from Shuri to some degree. She’s not sure what she thought but the 17 year old Shuri she met was not this dominant.
Pushing back to look in each other's eyes lust and passion are reflected in each other. Shuri is in full control as she rips at Ri’s dress so she can lick her exposed breasts, sucking the right nipple into her mouth. Growling low Riri runs her fingers into Shuri’s hair which is curly on top now. Hissing Ri grinds her hips down into Shuri’s below her. Kissing back up her neck, Shuri gruffly speaks into Riri’s ear. “Tell me what you want.” “You inside please.” Swiftly Shuri moves them to bed and drops Ri down with some force. She moves to pull off her shirt but she guides Riri’s hands to help. She was going to please her tonight for all the lost time. Shuri leans in and kisses Riri with one hand around her neck with just a loose firm grip and she runs her free hand between them over her clit over her underwear. “You’re not quite ready.” “Yes I am please.” Shuri starts to leave marks on Ri’s skin with small bites and her hands move Riri to lay back. Once she is laid in the right position Shuri rips off Ri’s underwear, circles her clit as she kisses her deeply and slides two fingers into her at a steady pace. Ri breaks the kiss “ahh fuck” Shuri loves the look on her face so she focuses on Riri’s face picking up the pace. “You were ready.” Kissing along her jaw “Yes just for you.” “Just for me?” “Yes!” Shuri’s fingers are moving faster now and they reach Riri’s spot on one of the strokes that makes her moan louder. “Ahhh! Shuri!”
Hearing her name drove her crazy. “You gone cum for me? I need you to cum for me.” Riri’s voice gets caught and all that comes out is moans and a scream as she is pushed over the edge. “Shuri!” she makes out as the Princess continues to please her down from her climax. Catching her breath “Baby what did I do to deserve this?” “It’s your day and it’s more when you can take it.” Shuri kisses Ri’s temple and then pulls her fingers to suck them clean before kissing Ri again, slipping her tongue along the inside of the smaller woman's cheeks. After a few more rounds the women laid together falling into a peaceful slumber.
“Princess your Dora are at the door.” Griot Shuri’s AI chimed from her Kimoyo Beads on the bedside table. “Tell them to wait Griot.” “At once Princess. “Mmmm Good Morning Baby Girl” Shuri says in Riri’s ear rubbing small circles on her back. “Mmmm Morning Baby.” Riri keeps her eyes closed lying on Shuri’s chest not wanting to move. “Baby why are your Dora at the door?” “They have to check on me for the morning.” “Then you probably need to go see them then huh?” Rolling to her side relieves Shuri of her body weight which is instantly missed. Making her way to the front room Shuri closes the doors to the bedroom to give her girlfriend privacy. Are they girlfriends now? That will have to be talked about.
Tisssk “Ahh so the scientist is here.” Aneka Ayo and Okoye laugh to themselves. “Just know she can only have a title once married.” The Dora poke fun at the princess just a little while more before doing their status report. “The Queen Mother is to return home today we just need to know of your intent Princess.” “I am to stay sometime longer.” “Then you will have Aneka and one other Dora with you moving forward.” “Thank you General.” Tapping her spear, the Dora exit the suite. Alone in thought the Princess orders room service she orders pancakes, fresh fruit, coffee, juice and a few more random food items for a breakfast in bed. Things with this reunion has been going so well next step see if they are actually girlfriends this time. Something about a label makes the Princess feel secure. Opening the doors Riri emerges from the bedroom having showered. She wraps her arms around Shuri from behind “So how long is sometime?” “Forever if I could. Just to be with you.” Riri decides to look at Shuri’s face. “Do you promise?” Shuri holds her gaze and knows exactly what she is asking. But Riri still beats her to it. “Promise to be with me forever?” “Yes why?” “Because I’m done being this play girl who never dates. Baby I just want you.” The women laugh at the joke and enjoy their breakfast.
Two years later Shuri steps into being Queen full time once her Mother relinquishes the throne to her. She also serves as Black Panther protecting and serving on an international stage. Riri moved to Wakanda full time 6 months ago working remote for Stark Enterprises fulfilling the Co-CEO role. As IronHeart she has stopped a few crime syndicates and her help has aided a great deal in several major cities in the US. The pair have celebrated Shuri’s coronation, gone to international gala’s to honor both of them, holidays, birthdays and two anniversaries. But today felt so odd to Riri she knows what Shuri said today was but has never heard of this tradition ever. “Baby please explain to me what today is again?” “A Umdaniso wothando, it’s like a social gathering. Normally it’s formal and is done whenever someone sees fit to throw one.” “Mmmhm and you just saw fit to throw one huh?” “Well it has been a while since we had time together with all of our family and friends so yes.”
Little did Riri actually know this would be her proposal. Shuri knows her girlfriend and she likes to love OUTLOUD. Any accolade, acceptance speech or public speaking event Riri never fails to mention Shuri and the relationship they share. So Shuri made something up to throw this party tonight to ask Riri to be her wife. Shuri has taken care of everything, from flying Riri’s family and friends out to Wakanda, having her a dress designed and tailored, Shuri even has a matching outfit that Riri has consulted on. They will have a grand photo shoot with just them, a dinner and dance.
They are separated now as Riri is being glammed up by a full hair makeup and nail team who will get her dressed. “Baby, when are you getting here to get ready?” “I’ll be there soon my Love. I have to pick out some items at the shops for Prince T’Challa.” Just then Griot announces visitors right on schedule. “Griot identify.” “Your Mother and Sister have arrived. They are here to join you for the evening.” Riri can’t believe her ears. “Baby what did you do! Let them in Griot.” Riri’s sister Sharon rushes in to hug her. “Surprise my Love you were missing them so I ensured they came for the evening.” Riri starts to tear up. It has been close to a year since she’s seen her Mom in person. “Baby thank you hurry home please. I miss you too.” “I will make it there soon.”
“This is going to be one special evening Shuri.” Nakia’s voice chimes in as they drive the royal ground transport to the jeweler. “I want it to be Nakia. The time is just right. We are both thriving and she is at home here in Wakanda. There will be no more waiting.” “Time does not wait for anyone so I agree do everything your heart desires when the time feels right.” “Incoming call from Queen Mother.” “Griot answer. Mother!” “Shuri let me see the ring?” “We took a small detour for Prince T’Challa, I will be at the jeweler soon. This is a glorious day my child I am proud of the work you have put in.” “Mother thank you I was just telling Nakia I cannot have another moment in life without her.” “Well today’s display will convey that very thing. I have seen you find love next more grandchildren.” The Queen smiles to herself poking some fun at her daughter. “We plan on a beautiful little girl Mother. We would name her Romani.” Shaking her head, the Queen Mother never expected Shuri’s answer. “Now that is a first I have even heard you speak of such things. Riri is good for you.” “The best Mother. I will speak with you once I return to the palace.”
Shuri and Nakia returned to the palace with the Riri’s heart shaped platinum and vibranium set 20k diamond engagement ring. Everything was now in order. Shuri rushed to be by her soon to be finance’s side. “There you are Baby. Riri leans to kiss Shuri just before the last touches of her makeup is done. “I knew you wanted to see me, my Love so I came here as soon as I was back. Hi Mom! Sha!” Shuri greets Ronnie and Sharon who are looking at the pair with huge smiles. “Hey sister you know she was whining huh?” Laughing “She just missed me. I was away for a week before this so I understand. I missed her too. But yes I knew she was whining.” “So you are going to talk about me like I am not here?” “Basically.” “Shuri Baby this is going to be so fun tonight I have never had to be this glammed up for a party before.” Ronnie chimes in to try and keep Riri off the tail of the true intent of the party.
Shuri looks over at Ronnie and with a wink. “Mom, enjoy it, please all the fun is on me tonight.” The women all chatter as Shuri gets her nails and make up done and her hair freshly cut. “Shuri honey you are so beautiful.” “Thank you Mom.” Ronnie and Shuri exchange a moment as Riri looks on while her dress is being put on her. “Ri I know I ask all the time but do they have her in male?” Sharon is talking to her sister now “Mommy never liked any of my boyfriends.” “Sha you are a trip, and there is one like her but he is married with a kid. Sorry to burst ya bubble.” “Oh that is rude.”
Once everyone was fully dressed Shuri and Riri were left alone for some time. “Baby will you accompany me somewhere?” Shuri’s voice was calm and sultry. “Of course I will go wherever you lead.” As the pair descend the stairs Shuri Riri’s leads to the courtyard doors. The hallway is decorated with thousands of deep red roses leading outside. Silently Riri follows as her her heart is racing, realizing her suspicions of today may be correct. Something more than a party is happening today she always has a sense for these things. The doors to the courtyard open and their families are gathered at the end of the walk way. Riri’s favorite love song is being played by string quartet. The couple walk to the end of the walk way and Shuri faces Riri holding both hands in hers. “Amazwi am othando awakwazi ukuchaza indlela endiziva ngayo.”
Shuri starts her speech in her native tongue because of nerves. “But I will try. You have been the light of my life since I was 17 years old. Your talent and intelligence inspire me. Your drive and passion motivate me. Your empathy and care nurture me. Your Love is what sustains me.” Riri gets overwhelmed by the words coming from her girlfriend's mouth and she begins to cry. “Shuri.” “Shh, let me finish please. I promise to love you with all of me to be your protector, your partner, your kindred spirit and please you for the remainder of my days. You are my air.” “Will you be my wife?” Shuri had to breathe after the last utterance because she couldn't hold her tears.
For a moment Riri was in shock but she soon just screamed. “YES Shuri, I will marry you 1000 times over.” Shuri takes the ring from its box that she is holding while on one knee and slides it on her beautiful fiancé’s left ring finger. All of their loved ones let out cries and screams of congratulations.
Riri smiles as she grabs Shuri’s face in both hands to kiss her sweetly she could not believe it the love of her life is going to be her wife. They get married the next year having the traditional wedding week in Wakanda and a modern American ceremony in Chicago. With Wakandan technology Riri is able to get pregnant just 10 months after tying the knot. They let science do its thing for some of it and it so happened to be a baby girl! She is a mix of both their DNA.
Princess Romani Daughter of Queen Shuri was born in the prong of Shuri’s 6th year as ruler. Her birth brought so much joy to the nation. Shuri insisted that Riri take a noble title. So she is Queen Demetria, Mother of Princess Romani of Wakanda. It drives Riri crazy being addressed as Queen. She was more than content with being a wife and Mother but otherwise life was perfect in every way.
@mal-urameshi @somethingcleaverandwhitty @pantherheart @shuriris-stuff @neptoons1998
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pryce0 · 1 year
Heyo, I'm the anon of complicated, I loved it sm!! John's grumpiness and the build up between them, the "we'll talk at camp"!! *chefs kiss
Plss write part 2, I need it!!!!
Complicated (John Marston x GN!Reader) - Part 2
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gif by: deactivated :(
word count; 1,086
Part 1: here
masterlist: here
The anxiety on the way back was overwhelming. John isn’t the chattiest person, but he doesn’t ever really shut up too much. But the entire walk back? Silence. I didn’t say anything myself neither, his silence was honestly scary. How badly did I mess up, I wonder? He just seems so grumpy. I hope I didn’t get on his bad side.
By the time we return to camp, the sun is setting and the wind is blowing ever so slightly. It picks up leaves and has them settle a few feet away from their original positions. I glance around the camp as I use my horse brush to brush through the horses’ manes, their soft neighs and their huffs are comforting. I find myself searching for John who hasn’t reappeared after we returned. My gut twists as I turn to the horse I’m currently attending to. It’s Arthur’s horse who huffs louder than usual, knowing I usually have a treat for her. I laugh gently at her sass, rubbing my brush through her mane. “You want a sugar cube, don’t you?” I coo quietly. I rustle around in my pocket and pull out the cube and offer it to the horse which settles her down, her hooves pressing against the grass. My eyes trail the saddle and the bags on her, absentmindedly wondering how much the saddle cost. “Hey.” John’s low raspy voice fills my ears. I quickly turn my head to see the man who has an unreadable expression, but his body suggests that he’s anxious. I offer him a sweet smile. “Hey.” I say in return, putting the horse brush away in my own satchel. He sighs and rubs the back of his neck. “Mind if we, uh.. Take a walk?” He suggests, and this man stuttered. John fucking Marston stuttered. My smile widens and I tilt my head, my heart fluttering a bit. “Sure thing, Marston.”
He takes me down the trail a bit away from camp and I can’t stop glancing at him. Is it really that important to him that we had to be alone? God, every time I look at him I can feel my face and neck heat up. He’s so.. pretty. Is that weird to say about a man? I love the way his hair falls, the way he smiles, the way he grimaces.. The newly obtained scars look good, too. Of course, I wish he never had gotten hurt in the first place, but we can’t change the past. I notice the way his eyebrows are twitching, the way his fingers are fidgeting. “Y.. you brought up how it must be hard for me to care for new folks.” John started, hesitancy in his raspy voice. I glance around us before looking back at him “I mean.. yeah. I don’t expect it to be easy for you to care about people y’don’t know like that.” I reply, my voice holding no anger. I understand. This lifestyle is a harsh one and you want to protect yourself as much as possible. “You have a family, a wife and all.”
John sighs and stops in his tracks. I don’t notice until a few seconds later, I look over my shoulder and see this poor man nearly melting into the ground. I smile to ease the tension and fully face him. “What is it, John? Are you alright?” I ask. John sighs again which racks up my damn nerves! “Look, I’m not good at this whole thing and I gotta say it now before I don’t say nothin’ at all.” He grumbles, crossing his arms and looking at me. “Abigail and I aren’t together anymore, we haven’t been for a good few months.”
Oh. Oh. “..Oh, John, I didn’t know. I, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to bring anythin’ ba-“
“Goddammit [Name], let me finish, will you??” He snaps gently, which makes me shut up. I can’t help the heat that rises to my cheeks. Typical Marston charm, huh?
John rubs his face before continuing, glancing at me and the ground interchangeably like he’s a little boy getting in trouble for stealing a candy bar. “We haven’t been together for a long while. We worked it out, we.. co-parent, or whatever she said. We still fuckin’ bicker over everything, but we’re good. I’m trying to be a dad.” His voice gets so soft as he finishes his sentence. John looks at me so expectantly as the crickets of the evening fill my hearing. My heart skips a beat as I walk towards him. Is this a good time to confess? God, what if he isn’t ready for another relationship?
I need to say something. I crave him, I want to be by his side so badly, I want to laugh with him during celebrations without feeling deep guilt, I want to hold his hand when we are alone, I want to cuddle up next to him at night.. I want him. I want all of him. All of his troubles, his worries, his good moments, his fears. Everything. I want him.
Instead of words, I step even closer and cup his cheek, pressing my lips to his. Oh my fucking god, I’m kissing JOHN MARSTON, AM I OUT OF MY MIND??
Apparently, I am. His lips are so soft, but I can feel the divet from his scar. A soft noise leaves him and he at first doesn’t reciprocate, which makes me panic and I nearly pull away before one of his hands rest on the back of my neck and the other on my lower back and his lips move against mine, hungry and searching like. I smile in the kiss and I wrap an arm around his neck as I give him my silent confession, giving him all of myself which John seems to graciously accept.
There’s nowhere I’d rather be right now, and I’ll never forget this night. I won’t forget the way his lips feel against my own, the way he smells of cigarettes and shaving cream from that morning, he also smells of dirt, but who doesn’t? My heart skips a beat as he pulls away, but not too far from me. Our noses barely graze against each other as I smile like an idiot, making eye contact.
“…Okay?” I whisper, terrified of ruining the moment. John’s hand moves into my hair and gently grips it, possibly to ground himself. “Okay.” He murmurs back, glancing at my lips before pressing another kiss against my lips.
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alittlebirb · 2 years
Some good quotes/moments from the MCC 21 Lime Llamas!
"Here's a hamburger for your efforts to fix yourself." -Scar
"I hope you have a saddle Pete, because we're all going to be riding your llama train." -Scar
"Oh, I'm such a sausage!" -Timmy
"I KEEP NEO-ING BECAUSE I CAN'T PROCESS FAST ENOUGH" -Pete, dealing with his problems through game breaking parkour
"That's going on the vod review, see how Grian does this great jump?" -Grian
"I'm going back to barn for this one guys!" -Scar
"I hope you guys did your homework! (Grian)
Yeah! What was the homework again? (Jimmy)
Yeah, what was the homework again? (Scar)"
"You know what, I want you to be my manager." -Scar to Grian
"Just so you know, we're not friends in the mart, we're friends outside the mart."
Buildmart Grian is not your friend. Buildmart Grian is here to win." -Grian
"I can be the guy!" -TJ
"I'm the kid who's always looking over the shoulder checking the answers." -Tim
"The dogs never stay in the same place, they're always moving homes." -Jimjam
"Channel your inner Tom Cruise!" -Scar
"You're having a great time, Tim." -Grian (threateningly)
-Scar repeatedly asking if the others have seen top gun and getting disappointed by their answers
"I'll just be in the barn over here!"
"Scar, you gotta know man, you're old." -Grian
"Antfrost tried to murder me! I always enjoyed the kitty skin!" -Scar
"I don't even have my aviators on. I mean, you guys wouldn't know since you don't watch good movies." -Scar
"Let's go Pete, be a dolphin!" -Grian
"I love that map! I'm going to sleep happy tonight!" -Pete
"Can i just go on a small Disney rant? If you will indulge" *proceeds to go on a Tokyo Disney rant* -Scar
"I mean I do have a chair with wheels, I can carry all of you on it." -Scar
"You're our little champion llama!" -Scar
"We gotta move with a bit more gumption." -Grian
-Grian goes on a build mart rant
"Please stop calling it a dong." -Grian
-Scar refusing to participate in the sand daddy tradition, then getting roasted for an accidental sand daddy
"I just got Indiana Jones'd." -Scar
"That's a you problem, Tim." -Grian after Jimmy says he's in 40th
"I got to piss off the other contestants, and I didn't even get screamed at for it.  Big W." -Pete
"We should stage a protest. Go on strike, a parkour tag strike." -Grian
"Tim, after every game we played, you said 'this just isn't my game'." -Grian
"If it doesn't last 10 minutes, what's the point of dodgebolt? If you haven't had several panic attacks, and sweated out a liter of water, then what's the point?" -Grian
"Zeuz deserves it." -Grian :)
-Grian talking about how Jimmy put him down on the mcc sign ups, and him putting down 'Not Tim'
"I was building a massive tree that consumed my life."
Why would I have defiled my tree with that Grian? You know it's my least favorite block in the game." -Scar
"I need a book on how to keep small talk going." -Grian
"I also appreciate the grain train, like I looked in the chart and saw just an immense amount of bread, which you know I appreciate." -Wheat
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jnixz · 2 years
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Thank the pn2 vol.3 album art for reigniting my mood to finish this piece, drawn In the early days I saw that early pn2 concept poster art.
Man just gotta wonder what the plot was like with the old designs they had....
Old overworld hub designs -- specifically old motherlobe and quarry map design, the ones we see in DF youtube as pn2 was being made
also that vehicle thing, wonder if that’s like the canoe or if it can dive into a deeper part of the lake
Sasha and Milla off on a mission on a cold location, with what looks like a spear/harpoon/maybe detector thing? Looks like they’ve been there for a while
Morry with a spooky well, which honestly gave me that necromancy plot when I first saw the poster after the trailer is nudging about that topic
Ford (notably w/o psitanium on his back) riding off without a saddle on a horse with an explosion going off behind him (at least the album version has reigns now, the concept art one didn’t have it. Anyway back then I squinted so much at the image to figure out what outfit he was wearing only to find the clearer image of this didn’t really have any detail at all so like ‘what is going ooonnnn with this part’)
Lili behind Raz who doesn’t have a cool jacket but with a blue swirl(most likely hinting at hydrokinesis part of the ~ mystery~ )
and then the Spooky buildings with brain on it so is that a psychonauts owned location?
 and what looks like *squints* a spaceship? blasting at the entrance?(Could be real, could be owned by opposing organizations, could be a mindscape thing... possibilities possibilities) OR WAIT is that a sled thing blasting out from the entrance?
also that constellation lookin swirls on the spooky clouds, i see you *looks at aquato fancier clothing*
One wonders if this had more overworld exploration/settings to travel to in the jet like Lady Lucktopus mission, or if its just other characters off doing things. I can see the question of “but why would Raz accompany them” or “how would Raz witness these events happening to other characters as our player POV” or even the simple question of how long these events happen from each other because boi Sasha got a stubble
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