#high strength workout
swoleisthegoal · 11 months
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suzieb-fit · 5 months
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I've been a bit "meh" these past few days, but I am saying meh to being meh 😋.
Carrying on regardless is my ethos!
So I posted this morning about my 15hr fast time. That's right for me.
I broke that after my first workout of three.
I'm doing really well with my macros. Sticking to two out of three of the "ketobiotic" principles from the first Mindy Pelz book I read. 50g max NET carbs and 60% min healthy fats. I'm not concerned about the protein amount she recommends. 50 to 75g. That's just too low for me personally.
Especially now I'm back into real weight training!
Day one of my new programme.
Ooh it felt good. Well, those inverted rows didn't.....😂.
Literally years since I did any of them!
The programme had band assisted pull ups, but I can't do them. No equipment. This was the next best thing.
I've also put a fitness plan together for the week. That is always going to have to be open to having to modify or switch days. I can't predict a whole week 100% exactly. Probably will go like that, but have to be prepared to change things slightly. So "Pffft" mood or not, I'm happy with my day 😌
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elizabro · 8 days
I need to change some aspects of my appearance or be meaner or SOMETHING. men keep manic pixie dream girlifying me to an almost unbelievable degree. gotta shave my head or somethin.
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reitziluz · 11 months
i've been stuck with my sunhat project for a little while now.
the transition from the sides to the brim was nerve-wracking. the raffia got ripped up a bunch and i couldn't even get the hook through until i redid it way looser. now i'm worried it won't be able to handle the weight of the brim... but maybe i can reinforce it? i have some ideas for sort of sowing the angle more closed, or maybe just glue some ribbon there. i'll just have to be careful to not make it too tight.
turns out i've emptied all of the convenient shops of the black raffia i've been using, and i will need like. triple of what i thought i'd need to get a wide enough brim. but! since it's a silly lumpy summer hat anyway, i've decided to just do rings of saturn kind of stripes. made myself buy a bit more yarn than i need so that i won't get stuck in the future and can just. get on with it. if there's extra, i'll make some cute lil baskets!
i also figured out that i have more than enough fabric for my summer wizard robe. found instructions for how to make a patternless cardigan, too. i'll just have to figure out the measurements for the squares and which type of sleeves i want to make, and then i should be able to use my friend's serger to make it super easy for me!
though i might actually first focus on my gym bag project. currently procrastinating going to the gym. i hate the tote i currently use to transport my shit. i hate that it's time for the high volume workout this time, but i love that it's the last one before i can start raising the weights! still going to go ridiculously slow with them (because i need to regain my mobility and the strength of the small supporting muscles first dgdfgsdg) but always feels good when STR Number Go Up!
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spirity0 · 7 months
Train Insane or remain the same short
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It suggests that by putting in extra effort and determination, one can achieve greater results and improve their physical and mental abilities.
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How Long Does It Take to Lose Weight?
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Losing weight can be a challenging and time-consuming process, and one of the most common questions people have when starting a weight loss journey is "How long will it take?" The answer to this question is not straightforward, as there are many factors that can influence how long it takes to lose weight, including a person's age, gender, starting weight, diet, and level of physical activity. In this article, we will explore some of the key factors that can impact weight loss and provide some guidelines on how long it might take to see results.
One of the main factors that determines how long it takes to lose weight is the rate at which a person loses weight. On average, most people can expect to lose about 1-2 pounds per week, although this can vary depending on factors such as a person's starting weight and level of physical activity. For example, someone who is very overweight may be able to lose weight faster than someone who is only slightly overweight.
Another important factor is a person's diet. To lose weight, a person must create a calorie deficit, which means that they must burn more calories than they consume. This can be achieved through a combination of diet and exercise. A healthy, balanced diet that is low in calories and high in nutrients can help a person lose weight more effectively than a diet that is high in unhealthy, processed foods.
Physical activity is also a key factor in weight loss. Exercise can help a person burn calories, build muscle, and improve their overall health. It is generally recommended that adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise per week. However, the specific amount and intensity of exercise needed will depend on a person's goals and fitness level.
½ Teaspoon Of This Berry Mix Burns Fat 320% Faster!
here are some additional tips for losing weight:
Keep track of your progress: It can be helpful to track your weight loss progress by keeping a food and exercise diary or using a fitness app. This can help you stay motivated and make any necessary adjustments to your diet and exercise routine.
Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water can help you feel full and satisfied, which can make it easier to stick to your diet. Aim for at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day.
Don't skip meals: Skipping meals can cause your body to slow down its metabolism, which can make it harder to lose weight. Instead, try to eat regular, well-balanced meals throughout the day.
Get enough sleep: Lack of sleep can cause an increase in appetite and cravings for unhealthy foods. Aim for at least 7-9 hours of sleep per night to help support weight loss.
Find a support system: Losing weight can be challenging, and it can be helpful to have the support of friends and family. Consider joining a weight loss support group or enlisting the help of a dietitian or personal trainer to help you stay on track.
Be consistent: Weight loss takes time and consistency. Don't get discouraged if you don't see results right away – keep making healthy lifestyle choices and the weight will eventually come off.
In conclusion, the amount of time it takes to lose weight can vary significantly from person to person. It is important to set realistic weight loss goals and to make healthy lifestyle changes, such as eating a balanced diet and getting regular exercise, to achieve them. It is also important to be patient, as losing weight takes time and consistent effort. With dedication and persistence, it is possible for anyone to reach their weight loss goals.
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valdahebner1973blog · 17 days
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mental-space-x · 27 days
Love hate relationship with my treadmill!
Man, I don’t know what is going on with my treadmill but it’s really irritating me. When I’m running it feels like the belt is hesitating and it’s really putting me off. I’ve obviously done a lot of googling on it and the consensus of opinion seems to be that the belt is too lose. Well I had loosened the belt quite a bit some months ago because it was running off to one side – I’ve managed to…
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techdriveplay · 2 months
Mindful Mastery: How meditation has become more manly
By Luke McLeod, author of Everyday Enlightenment and founder of Soul Alive In a world that often associates meditation with the serene and the delicate, the notion of mindfulness is undergoing a radical transformation. Meditation has now carved out a resolute space within the realm of masculinity. This shift represents a departure from the stereotypical ‘woo woo’ mantras and incense, as men…
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kiserspeaks · 3 months
Building the Foundation: Strength Development for Young Gymnasts
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Gymnastics is a sport that demands strength, agility, and flexibility, making it essential for young athletes to develop a solid foundation of physical prowess from an early age. For children between the ages of 6 to 12 who show promise as high-performing gymnasts, strength development is key to unlocking their full potential and laying the groundwork for success in the sport. In this blog post, we explore the importance of strength training for young gymnasts and offer guidance on how to safely and effectively build strength in male and female athletes within this age range.
Understanding the Importance of Strength Training
Strength is the backbone of gymnastics, providing the power and stability needed to execute complex skills and maneuvers with precision and grace. For young gymnasts, developing strength is not only essential for mastering basic skills but also for preventing injuries and supporting long-term athletic development. By incorporating age-appropriate strength training into their training regimen, coaches can help young athletes build a strong foundation that will serve them well throughout their gymnastics careers.
Tailoring Strength Training for Young Athletes
When it comes to strength training for young gymnasts, it's crucial to prioritize safety and age-appropriateness. Children between the ages of 6 to 12 are still growing and developing, so their bodies require specialized training techniques that take into account their unique physiological needs. Coaches should focus on bodyweight exercises, resistance bands, and light weights to build strength gradually and safely, avoiding heavy lifting or high-intensity workouts that could cause injury or hinder growth.
Key Areas of Focus for Strength Development
For young gymnasts, strength development should target specific muscle groups and movement patterns that are essential for success in the sport. Some key areas of focus include:
Core Strength: A strong core is essential for maintaining stability and control during gymnastics routines. Exercises such as planks, leg raises, and Russian twists can help strengthen the abdominal muscles and improve overall core stability.
Upper Body Strength: Upper body strength is crucial for performing skills such as handstands, cartwheels, and bar routines. Pull-ups, push-ups, and tricep dips are effective exercises for building strength in the arms, shoulders, and chest.
Lower Body Strength: Strong legs are essential for generating power and explosiveness in gymnastics. Squats, lunges, and calf raises can help strengthen the quadriceps, hamstrings, and calf muscles, improving stability and balance during routines.
Flexibility: While not technically strength training, flexibility is a critical component of gymnastics performance. Stretching exercises should be incorporated into every training session to improve range of motion, prevent injuries, and enhance overall performance.
Conclusion: Building Strong Foundations for Future Success
For young gymnasts with aspirations of becoming high-performing athletes, strength development is a vital component of their training regimen. By focusing on age-appropriate exercises and emphasizing proper technique and safety, coaches can help young athletes build the strength and stability they need to excel in the sport. With dedication, hard work, and expert guidance, these budding gymnasts can lay the groundwork for future success and achieve their full potential on the mats and bars.
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mind-and-body · 6 months
Unlocking the Benefits of Regular Exercise: A Comprehensive Guide
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In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can be challenging. Exercise, however, is a pillar of health that offers countless benefits. This comprehensive guide delves into the in-depth knowledge and practical insights about integrating regular physical activity into your life. Discover actionable advice to help you reap the rewards of exercise, with a focus on creating a balanced and sustainable routine.
The Importance of Regular Exercise
Physical Health Benefits Regular physical activity can lead to numerous health improvements, including cardiovascular resilience, strengthened muscles, enhanced endurance, and decreased risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and obesity. Regular exercise also promotes bone health, which is crucial for individuals at risk of osteoporosis. Mental Health Advantages The psychological benefits of exercise are equally impressive. Engaging in regular activity can boost mood, reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, and mitigate stress. The endorphins released during exercise serve as natural painkillers and mood elevators, fostering a sense of well-being. Enhanced Cognitive Function There’s growing evidence that suggests regular physical activity benefits the brain by improving memory, cognitive speed, and overall brain function. This can translate to better performance in the workplace and in daily tasks, making exercise a critical component of mental health maintenance.
Creating a Sustainable Exercise Routine
Identifying the Right Activity Choosing an exercise that aligns with your interests, abilities, and goals is essential for long-term adherence. Whether it’s running, swimming, yoga, or strength training, the key is to select activities that you enjoy, so the exercise feels less like a chore and more like a rewarding part of your day. Setting Realistic Goals Goal setting is a powerful motivator. It is important to establish achievable targets that can be progressively adjusted as you improve. Structured objectives provide direction and a sense of purpose, making the journey more focused and fulfilling. Building a Schedule Consistency is the backbone of a successful exercise regime. Drafting a weekly schedule that allocates specific times for working out can help embed physical activity into your routine. Consider your daily responsibilities and how to integrate exercise effectively without disrupting your existing commitments.
Overcoming Common Exercise Barriers
Time Constraints For many, finding time to exercise is a significant barrier. The solution lies in time management and recognizing that shorter, more intense workouts can be as effective as longer sessions. Incorporating high-intensity interval training (HIIT) or even brisk walking during lunch breaks can have profound impacts. Lack of Motivation To combat waning motivation, consider enlisting a workout partner, joining a class, or hiring a personal trainer. Social support and accountability are potent tools that can drive you forward when self-motivation wanes. Financial Concerns The misconception that exercise is expensive due to gym memberships or equipment can deter some individuals. However, many exercises require minimal or no equipment and can be done at home or in public spaces, such as parks. Jump rope, bodyweight exercises, and jogging are cost-effective ways to stay active.
Making the Most of Your Workout: Practical Tips
Warm-Up and Cool-Down Never underestimate the importance of a proper warm-up and cool-down. These practices enhance performance and reduce injury risk by preparing your muscles and cardiovascular system for exercise, and gradually bringing them back to a resting state post-workout. Stay Hydrated Hydration is essential to optimize your exercise performance and recover properly. Drink water before, during, and after your workout to maintain necessary fluid balance. Listen to Your Body While pushing yourself can lead to gains, it's crucial to listen to your body's signals. Rest when needed to prevent overtraining and injury.
Regular exercise is a cornerstone of a vibrant and healthy life. With the right approach, it can become an enjoyable and integral part of your daily routine, offering a plethora of benefits that go well beyond the physical. Start implementing the insights and advice shared in this guide to enhance your overall well-being. Remember that every bit of movement counts towards leading a healthier, happier life. Call to Action Are you ready to take the first step towards a fitter, healthier you? Share in the comments below what activities you plan to incorporate into your routine, or ask any questions you have about getting started. Let's build a supportive community where we can share our workout experiences and motivate each other! Read the full article
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happywhispersdream · 6 months
How to Start and Stick to an Exercise Routine: The Complete Beginner’s Guide
Tips for Starting and Stick to an Exercise Routine including choosing activities you enjoy, setting goals, scheduling workouts, overcoming barriers like lack of motivation, and maintaining fitness habits long-term. Read More
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suzieb-fit · 4 months
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Happy Xmas Eve eve! Lol. Friends reference for those that know it.
Blood sugars still high. Rough night, although I do think the black cohosh might be helping somewhat.
Up a bit earlier than usual and in for my weight training.
Chest and back focused.
I need to calm the weight down. So lighter load, more reps.
Work more for muscle strength and endurance rather than bulk.
Then one of my favourite times of the day. Maybe THE favourite altogether.
Strong frothy coffee and peanuts in the morning light.
No discernable sunrise as such, but still a wonderful boost to my morning.
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viralfitness · 9 months
Losing Weight with Ease: The Top 8 Exercises for a Slimmer You
Ready to unlock a world of fitness magic? Our guide to the "Top 8 Exercises for Weight Loss" is your golden ticket to a body you'll be proud to flaunt. Leave behind the mundane and step into a realm of heart-pounding workouts designed to skyrocket your metabolism and obliterate those unwanted pounds. Feel the rush of accomplishment with every rep, every step, and every drop of sweat. Your dream physique is just a click away at viralfitness.net – where transformation awaits.
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health78694 · 10 months
How can I Stay Motivated to Exercise Regularly?
Remaining roused to work out routinely can be testing, yet there are procedures you can utilize to keep up with your inspiration. Here are a few hints to assist you with remaining persuaded on your wellness process:
Put forth clear and reachable objectives:
Lay out unambiguous, quantifiable, and practical objectives that you can pursue. Having an unmistakable vision of what you need to accomplish will provide you course and motivation.
Find exercises you appreciate: 
Participate in exercises that you truly appreciate. Whether it's moving, cycling, swimming, or playing a game, picking exercises you find fun and drawing in will make it more straightforward to remain spurred.
Make a daily practice: 
Lay out a reliable workout everyday practice by planning exercises at explicit times and regarding them as non-debatable meetings with yourself. Consistency breeds propensity, making it simpler to adhere to your activity routine.
Stir up your exercises: 
Keep away from dreariness by integrating various activities and exercises into your daily practice. Attempting new exercises, investigating different wellness classes, or participating in outside exercises can keep things new and energizing.
Track down an activity pal or join a local area: 
Practicing with a companion or joining a wellness local area can give responsibility, backing, and inspiration. Figuring out together or sharing your headway and difficulties can make the excursion more agreeable and assist you with remaining focused.
Keep tabs on your development: 
Track your exercises, estimations, or wellness accomplishments. Seeing substantial improvement and upgrades can be unimaginably propelling and give a feeling of achievement.
Reward yourself: 
Praise your achievements and accomplishments en route. Indulge yourself with little rewards that are not counterproductive to your wellness objectives, for example, a loosening up rub, another exercise outfit, or a sound and tasty dinner.
Center around the advantages: 
Help yourself to remember the various advantages of normal activity, like expanded energy, further developed mind-set, better rest, and generally speaking wellbeing. Imagine what practice decidedly means for your life and remember those advantages when inspiration fades.
Stir up your current circumstance: 
If conceivable, change your activity climate. Investigate different open air areas, attempt new wellness studios, or even adjust your home exercise space. A difference in landscape can assist with keeping things fascinating and forestall fatigue.
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hooperfiko · 1 year
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