#him: yeah but if i saw that u were gonna lose id step in to help so 😇
latinokaeya-moving ¡ 1 year
my uncle was sort of the “troublemaker” as a kid/teen and would start arguments all the time except he is, once again as i said, Thee Devil Incarnate, so he would go out of his way to rile up these other guys his age and then would send my mum after them to the fights He Started so she could handle them. HE WOULDNT EVEN FIGHT HIS OWN FIGHTS 😭😭😭
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palbabor-writes ¡ 4 years
OK so please consider typical Shig/reader where theres unspoken mutual attraction and they're not quite together but it's Post-kamino Shig, like IMMEDIATE post-kamino where he's still processing and incredibly vulnerable from just losing his sensei. I've had this in my head for a while but IDK how it would go and I think you'd do it justice (just ignore this if u don't wanna i just needed to put it out there 😌)
ugh, i loved this idea. where do you find them lydia? they just live in your mind rent free and i want to go to there. gosh, thank you for the ask.
Pairing: Shigaraki Tomura x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Adult language, SMUT, NSFW/18+ only, mild angst, pivotal life moments, TW: drinking/drug use, masturbation, blow jobs, face fucking, spanking/mild pain play, vaginal fingering, cunniliginus, overstimulation, switching, dirty talk, loss of virginity (if you squint), dominance, vaginal sex     
Word Count: 11,800
Notes: oh man. so, if the word count didn’t give it away, this is plot, with a hefty dose of porn. in my mind, this is all part of the grieving process for shigaraki and he’s having a rough time coming to terms with what he’s needing to do. yeah, AFO supported him and enabled him to build a following, but he also hid all of the major pieces from him (i.e. the doctor & gigantomachia) so i can see him mourning for AFO as a teacher & as a psudo loved one, after all, at the end of that chapter he’s clutching those hands to him like he’ll fall apart without them. 
Edited by the lovely Lydia: @kugutsuu. she is the best and if you’re not reading her works, all I have to say is: YOU SHOULD BE. 
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Mise en Place
/mē-ˌzäⁿ-ˈpläs/ noun or verb  a French culinary phrase which means "putting in place" or "everything in its place.”
This has got to be the strangest, hole in the wall, bar you’ve ever worked at. 
The patrons are touchy and most seem downright dangerous. The whole lot of them are more like mid level criminals than the usual haggard, overworked, regular, citizens you find in local watering holes.  Meanwhile, the gentleman who runs the day to day operations shares more similarities with a will o’ the wisp than a man, and the bar itself is smack dab in one of the seediest parts of town. 
The liquor selection, however, is top of the line. Some of the labels you haven’t seen outside of posh hotels or high class country clubs, and many of the older bottles are rarities. Honestly, there are so many of the high brow bottles that you’re not sure who to ask about the rail selection. There’s no real order to the place and it’s the most free reign you’ve ever been given with your mixology experiments. There’s not even a listing of drinks to go off of. But, if the disgruntled evening crowd is happy, then so is the upper management. All they ask is that you lock up before you leave.
No, nothing about this place makes sense. But, it does pay well and, right now, that’s the only thing you need to worry about.
There’s one other barkeep, a stogy man named Akio. He usually works the day shift, but late yesterday afternoon, he’d given you a call and asked if the two of you could swap for the duration of next week. At first, you’d balked, worried you’d need to schmooze with an unfamiliar bunch of regulars, who’d then decline to tip simply because you were new. But, Akio had sweetened the pot with the promise of $20,000 yen, so, you’d agreed. 
“It’s fairly quiet in the afternoon,” Akio reassured you. “It’s really just putting away shipment and serving the odd customer who happens to pass by. The only thing...well, I’m sure you’ve met him. You’ve been working there for over a month, no way you could miss him.” 
“Who?” you ask, twirling your spoon in your mid-morning coffee, curious, but not wanting to seem overly eager in your questioning. You like your night shift and you’re not wanting this to become a regular swap. You detest having to lug heavy boxes to and fro, pulling liquor and checking lot numbers, ick. Plus, if it really is that slow in the afternoons, it would only be a matter of time before Kurogiri would come after you with a duster and ask you to clean the upper shelves. Yeah, no, thanks. This would be a one week deal, ONLY.
“His name is Shigaraki. He’s, er, different. I suppose you’ll meet him soon, if you haven’t already.”
“Shigaraki? No, that name doesn’t ring a bell. Is he--”
“I have to go, my son is here. Thanks again for the swap and talk soon, (Y/N).”
The line clicks and you let your phone fall from your ear, clattering the metal and plastic along your kitchen table. Shigaraki, you think, taking a scalding sip of your coffee, no, that’s not a name you’ve heard before. Wonder what it is about him that has Akio so on edge. It’s not like him to give you, er, whatever that strange heads-up had been. Either way, it would take more than a vague descriptor like different, to spook you off. 
Akio was right, on all counts, about the haze of monotony that permeated the afternoon shift at the bar. 
Well, right on everything except a sighting of that elusive Shigaraki guy. No, the whole afternoon it’s just been you, Kurogiri, and one, rather sloshed old man, who you’ve long since cut off, and propped at the far end of the bartop. It’s been a dull, slow, day. Thank God you’d taken that extra cash from Akio, or this might not even turn out to be worth your while. 
You’re slipping another bottle of whiskey on the lower shelf when you hear a barstool scrape back. You turn at the sound, your head already lifted and a small, friendly, smile lingering on your lips. There’s a lanky guy, dressed all in black with a mop of wavy white hair, working himself onto the small seat. His head is lowered and he hasn’t bothered to look up at you, not yet, anyway. He looks, not really young, but you can’t tell and you’re not about to let some underaged kid worm his way in here. You’ve had enough of those punks sneaking in in the evening, thank you. 
“Gimme a shot of scotch,” the man says, his voice low, with a quiet rasp racing along the tone. It’s a strange timbre and it makes you pause, your eyes scanning those pearlescent strands of hair that are hiding his face from view.
“Hmph,” you snort, arching a brow at his attempts at concealment. He must be underage, who comes up to a barkeep with a ducked head and demands a scotch? 
“Let me give you a piece of advice, don’t come into a bar and immediately refuse to make eye contact with the bartender. We’re like animals at the zoo, we startle easily and don’t like surprises. And, with your face tucked like that, I can’t gauge your age. So, before I get you that unnamed and unbranded scotch, I’m gonna to need to see some ID.”
The man lifts his head at your preamble and you feel your breath catch at the raw annoyance that’s etched across his scarred and cracked face. His eyes are a rich red, closer to ruby and they latch onto yours, insistent and sharp. It’s a deeply intense stare and you can’t seem to pull yourself away, your brow furrowing at his sudden shift in demeanor. 
“I don’t have an ID,” he snaps, his lips lifting into a snarl, showing you the vivid whiteness of his teeth. 
You lick your lips and his gaze follows the motion, eyes lowering, freeing you from that uneasy imprisonment he’d abruptly ensnared you in.
Your heart is beating rapidly against your throat and you shake your head, refocusing your bewildering reaction to this guy's presence. “I-I haven’t heard that one before,” you say, taking a few steadying breaths and tossing a dirty glass in the dishwasher, looking for any task that will let you step away from this strange interaction. 
“You must be new,” he says, leaning back and hunching those dark shoulders. You watch him out of the corner of your eye and shut the dishwasher door, hitting the button to run a cycle. 
“Nope,” you correct him, pulling out two fresh glasses and lining them up on the bartop, reaching for the rail scotch. “I’ve worked here for over a month.”
“Never seen you before.”
“That makes two of us,” you reply, flipping the bottle up and filling both glasses with four counts of the dark liquor. You press one to him and lift the other for yourself. The man narrows his eyes at you and looks pointedly at the glass in your hands. 
“You supposed to drink on the clock?”
You laugh and he shifts back at the sound, his head bowing forward, another scowl lifting his lips. Realizing you must have made him uncomfortable, you step toward him and clumsily clink your glass against his, tilting your head at the surrealness of this whole conversation. “They don’t really care what I do. Come on, stranger who has no ID, bottoms up.”
He looks from you to the shot a few times before finally relenting and taking the vessel in a strange four fingered grip, his middle finger arched carefully away. Once you’re sure he’s actually going to toast with you, you sling your shot back, enjoying the sharp burn of the rich liquor. 
You’re about to ask your new drinking companion another question when you hear his chair scrape back. By the time you’re stepping toward him, he’s already pacing down a back hallway, blending into the darkness and disappearing from your sight.
“Um! You can’t...I don’t think you can go back there. And you gotta pay, dude! Hey--”
“He doesn’t need to pay.” 
You always hear Kurogiri before you see him and today is no exception. He’s standing at the entrance to the back of the bartop and he’s watching the path the strange young man took, his shifting face turned from you. You cock your head at his assertion and swiftly place your empty glass into the soapy water of the filled sink. He likely saw you take the shot, but you’re not about to leave evidence behind. 
“What do you mean?” You ask, watching as the wisp like man turns and steps toward you, his amber slits watchful. It’s like he’s sizing you up and you shift on your feet, uncomfortable at the frank, open, assessment.  
“He’s Tomura Shigaraki, and he owns this bar.”
You’re off for the next two days and the wait, the silence, is abjectly harrowing. You can’t sit down, can’t relax, can’t focus. The one time you decide to get overly familiar, of fucking course, it would be with the owner. But no one has called, and no one has sent you any messages. The empty static of your job's reticence doesn’t alleviate your nerves. 
Who knows, they might want to act out the sick power play of having you show up for your shift, only be fired as soon as you darken the doorway.
The next afternoon, you take a familiar route to the bar, your feet tapping hollowly along the steps and alleyways that wind to the rusty entrance. You come in the front, blinking against the darkness, and lock the door behind you. Everything is quiet. But, in forty minutes, the open sign will switch on and you need to get your bar set up, plus slap on a little bit of makeup. You’re so lost in thought that you’re almost to the long bartop when you spot him.
It’s Tomura Shigaraki. He’s sitting at the same bar stool and his head turns as you approach, those unearthly red eyes lingering over you. It’s a different look, very, very removed from that harsh glare he’d given you the other day. He looks less hostile and more, well, curious. 
You give him a cursory nod and pad behind the high counter, taking the final glasses out of the dishwasher and removing the stoppers from all the open liquor bottles. He’s still watching you and you can feel his gaze as it bores into your back, your side, your front. You attempt to ignore him, but the constant threat of those insistent red eyes is beginning to frustrate you. Finally, once you’ve replaced the cash drawer, you lift your gaze to his. 
“What is it?” Your voice sounds waspish, but you don’t care.
“Nothing,” he replies, leaning forward and propping his chin on his palm, not breaking that unsettling leer. 
“So stop staring at me,” you bristle, unsure why your heart is starting to beat a rapid tattoo against your ribs. You don’t know this guy. Sure, he’s mysterious and almost handsome, in a dark horse kinda way, but there’s no reason for him to give you this odd staredown. You’ve done absolutely nothing to warrant this attention, well, besides drinking on the job, but he could just fire you for that, if it was so troublesome. Either way, he should either speak up, or knock it off. 
He smirks at your impudence and murmurs a raspy, “No,” back, his head tilting, waiting for your next move. 
“You’re a real charmer, you know that?” You scoff, crossing your arms and jutting your chin defiantly. 
“Whatever you say,” he breathes, that smile of his deepening, making his vermillion eyes shine. And, just like that, the two of you wander into a stilted game of give and take. 
For the first few days, he makes sure he’s there before you arrive for the last of your afternoon shifts, his dark back already perched over the bartop as you shut the door behind you. Then, when you transition back to the evening shifts, he’s there too, sitting at that familiar perch, his eyes always, always watching, observing. You continue to ignore him and he seems to relish your agitated silence, flashing you dark smirks and quiet laughs.
Finally, two weeks into this stagnated stalemate, you make a point to strike up a real conversation with him. He’s obviously taken aback by your first few questions, his eyes wide and jaw tense, but he plays along. 
Over time, the two of you carefully erect a haphazard friendship. And that chair of his? That center barstool? He used to not mind if another person was sitting in it when he arrived late, but recently that’s all changed. Now he guards it ferociously. Snapping and glaring at anyone who is stupid enough to drift into it. 
Along with the lingering looks and burgeoning, almost flirty, dialogue you’ve pushed him into, he’s also gotten very demanding of your attention. If you spend too much time talking with another customer, or with Kurogiri, he pouts and darkens until you return, his tense form losing that sharpness.  It's almost like he’s got a crush on you, but he’s not sure what to do with the newfound sensation, lost and confounded by your teases and grins. 
Most people, you notice, give him a wide berth, but not you. No, you like his keen wit and heated musings. He’s fascinating and you want to see more. And in his flustered confusion, he lets you lean in, blinking and wide eyed at your open, flagrant interest in him.
As the weeks drift into summer, things start to change at the bar. 
There’s some atypical deposit of power that’s been bestowed upon the place. People you’ve never seen before, begin to frequent the premises, sharing videos and whispered conversations about that man, Chizome Akaguro, better known to the general public as the Hero Killer. 
Tomura flits between several, dark moods, clutching his newly injured shoulder and murmuring complaints about hero society, All Might and the Hero Killer. Apparently, there had been an altercation between the two of them and Tomura didn’t hide his ire, his agitation from you. No, he would vent to you, his voice gravel and ash as he snarled his rage.  
Then, as if things couldn’t get any stranger, one evening a young girl begins to hang around, pestering you for a soda and prattling on and on about blood. Another new guy slips in a few hours later, his skin marred by thick, ragged burns and staples. He’s quiet, rudely demanding a shot and nursing it in a corner, his bright blue eyes flashing as he stares vacantly out at the crowd by the well. 
A quiet man, called Spinner, asks you for a water, and you acquiesce, watching as his green hands wrap around the glass, downing the liquid in a quick gulp. Later, there’s a robust, loud, clearly confused guy, wearing a skin tight black bodysuit loitering by your bartop. He keeps entreating you for a drink, then tells you to buzz off seconds later. Exasperated, you plunk a whole bottle down beside his glass and continue on with your work, ignoring his chatter. 
Finally, a man in a white mask and a top hat rounds out the strange posse and the group gathers together, hovering around Tomura, asking questions and listening to his rasping answers. 
Thankfully, the rag-tag group leaves soon after closing, all of them shouldering their way back out into the night. You shake your head as the door closes behind them, gathering the collection of dirty glasses they left in their wake. Only Tomura remains, sipping meditatively on his drink, his red eyes foggy and unfocused. You know from experience that it’s not a good time to ask him questions, so you continue with your closing duties, keeping your eyes down.
Something is going on, that much is clear. But, unless you could worm the information out of Tomura, you’d likely never fully know all of the details. Part of you warns that it’s likely dangerous. Many of the people who haunt the bar are low level villains or brokers, not a winning combination if you’re wanting to stay out of the fray, and on the right side of the law. 
You finish wiping everything down and return to Tomura, asking him softly if you can wash his empty glass. His eyes lift to yours and the expression that greets you almost makes you want to reach out and cup his cheek. He looks tired, worn thin and so, so needy. You’ve never seen him like this. It almost feels like he’s showing you something he’s never revealed to anyone else, a vulnerability that only you can see. He’s giving you access to a quiet secret that can hang between the two of you, safe in the knowledge that he can trust you with it. That urge to stroke a finger down his roughed brow rises again, but you shove the impulse away, rattled by your sudden, visceral, reaction to him. 
To distract yourself, you snatch up his glass, and turn from the intensity of his stare, a slow prickle of gooseflesh trembling along your skin. As you run hot water and soap over the vessel, you feel your heart begin to pound and you chance another peek at Tomura’s quiet form. As usual, he’s watching you, but he looks unfocused again, that broken vulnerability tucked away. You want to ask him if he’s ok, but before you can croak the words out, he pushes his stool back and paces down the dark hallway, leaving you alone and bewildered. 
A few days later, you ask Kurogiri if you can sneak away for a minute, you need a break. The bar has been packed since nine and you could use a quick breather. It’s the first night Tomura hasn’t stopped by and his absence has bothered you. You missed his grumpy quips and his persistent glances. All this time, you’d thought it was just him that was catching any kind of feelings, but it looks like he’s somehow managed to nag his way into your psyche, too. 
You take the back stairs quietly and let yourself out onto the alleyway balcony, climbing the rickety fire escape to the rooftop. You’d found the access to the roof your second week and it’s still your favorite place in the whole bar. On a clear night, you can see all the way to downtown Tokyo. It’s always quiet this high up, tranquil and serene. You brace yourself against the concrete wall and watch the lights of the city glimmer, like distant jewels, in the darkness.
You pull a small joint from your pant pocket and flick your lighter on, setting the edge of the rolling paper alight and taking a slow drag. The inhale fills your lungs with a light pressure and you savor the feeling before blowing a thin line of smoke into the night. You get a few more hits in before you hear the fire escape stairs rattle, signaling that someone is coming your way. You debate dampening your roach, but you don’t want to waste it, so you tuck the smoldering paper in your other hand, maneuvering it out of sight. 
The white shine of his hair always gives him away. 
Tomura hops over the ledge and his eyes are already lifting, searching for yours as he stands. You arch an eyebrow at his tense stance and you can’t help your giddy smile. “Everything ok?” 
“Kurogiri said you were taking a break,” he replies, dipping his long fingers into his pockets and sauntering over to the patch of concrete you’re braced against. 
“Yeah,” you confirm, waiting until he’s closer to lift the joint back to your lips, taking a steadying pull and scooting over, so he can fit beside you on the wall. “It’s busy, and I’ve been slinging drinks all night. Just wanted to decompress for a bit.”
Tomura doesn’t reply, but he does slot himself close, the warmth of his broad shoulder radiating against yours. The two of you drift into a companionable silence, and the only sounds that greet you is the quiet hush of traffic below and your inhales and exhales of smoke. 
“You got another meeting?” you ask, crossing your arms and pressing minutely closer, enjoying the distant shiver Tomura gifts you. 
“No,” he murmurs, his voice low. You think that might be the end of the conversation but he continues a few seconds later, his head tilting toward yours, those red eyes scanning your upturned face. “They’re on a mission. I’m not able to participate. It will need to be like a SIM game. They are the pieces that I’ll move over the board, they’ll act to my battle plan.”
You turn to him, your eyes wide. “So, they’re just...pawns? Little NPC’s that don’t matter?”
Tomura laughs and his teeth gleam in the moonlight and distant shine of the neon lights. “Of course not. Do I look that heartless? No, they’re valuable players and if this goes right, we’ll be able to take on the next level with a decided edge.” 
You let that last comment hover, pausing to take another huff, your eyes lowered, brooding over his words. “So, you’re their vanguard leader?”
“Sure,” Tomura nods, “We can’t keep grinding each mission, hoping to pick up any XP these heroes happen to drop. We need to make waves of our own.”
“Oh? Like the Hero Killer?”
“No,” Tomura snarls, his arm tensing beside yours, a hand rising to scritch at his scarred neck agitatedly. “Nothing like him. We’re looking past him. He was too short sighted, so busy following his own code of justice that he didn’t notice he was breeding more heroes, not putting them down.”
“Hmm,” you sigh, thumping your head lightly against the concrete behind you. “That is true. But, you can’t deny he’s brought up some serious divisions. It’s funny, really. It makes me think of this little hero toy I had when I was younger. 
It was of an older hero, he prolly died long ago, but I loved that toy when I was a kid. Then, as I got older, it stopped mattering and one day, without me even realizing it, it lost its importance entirely. I wonder if hero society will ever shift to that. With the fractures that have been seen at UA and all over Japan, it could be a matter of time before real change starts to happen. Anyway, I wasn’t meaning to grill you on your, uh, projects. I was--”
“What toy?” 
His question nonpluses you and you cock your head, blinking up at his peripheral stare. “Um, I think it was of that fast hero, O’clock. It was my older brothers originally, but he passed it down to me. No idea where it is now. It likely got lost in a move or accidentally left behind.”
Tomura lifts his eyes from yours, his jaw clenching and a slow gulp echoing down his lean throat. You watch the bob of his Adam’s apple, fascinated by the movement. That urge to touch him is back and you have to clench your fingers into your palms to quiet it. 
You’re so distracted by your primal reaction to him, that you miss his question and he has to repeat it, his eyes slipping back to yours, the red dark. 
“What?” you ask, blinking against the acuteness of his gaze. 
“Can I take a hit of that?”
“Of what...oh.” You lift the half smoked joint and chuckle at yourself, pressing the smoldering paper toward him. “Sure. You had one before?”
“Does it matter?” He scoffs, carefully taking the white roach from you and raising it to his chapped lips.
“Go slow,” you warn as he begins to inhale, his eyes drifting to a half mast, concentrating.
“Don’t tell me what to do,” he grumbles, pulling a tentative, but heavy, drag into his lungs.
“Fine,” you scoff playfully, “do what you want. But don’t blame me when you’re coughing up a lung.”
He rolls his eyes, but doesn’t heed your advice and, seconds later, he’s clutching at his throat, dropping the joint onto the broken gravel and concrete as he heaves. Instinctively, you thump him on his back and run your palm soothingly over his lean shoulder blades, surprised by the corded muscle that greets you. For a relatively thin guy, he’s certainly packing some strength under that unassuming form of his. 
Tomura startles at your touch and he yanks himself away from you, his head ducked, eyes fastening onto yours, the irises accusatory and bright, burning with some underlying emotion that you’re too nervous to name right now. 
“Uh,” you begin, aghast that you’ve upset him, “m-my bad…”
But, he’s already leaving, his head firmly turned from you, clambering over the edge and back onto the fire escape, leaving you alone in the darkness. 
After that night, you can’t slip him out of your mind. Even when you sleep, you can see those red eyes of his, gleaming and hungry. One evening, you’d even woken with your fingers firmly pressed to your throbbing clit, stumbling and gasping, shaking free of a dream of him. He’d felt so real, so in focus and you can’t catch your breath, fingers still rubbing a tight circle over your quivering bundle of nerves. You pant as you break yourself, sukling in the whites and reds that haze over your vision. Yeah, that crush of his definitely isn’t a one sided thing.
The next shift you work, he’s waiting for you, perched in his familiar seat, his shoulders curved and tight. You give him a glance, but he doesn’t meet your eyes. His hands are lowered, fiddling with something under the bartop. You begin to open your bar, trying to quiet your wandering thoughts, not wanting to perturb him again. You’re uncorking a red wine when he presses something across the mahogany wood of the bar, toward you.
It’s small, with dark colors and a tiny, familiar, upper half mask. You let the bottle of wine thud against the counter, abandoning the half opened bottle to move closer. It’s...it’s your-- No. It can’t be yours, but it is the same toy, the one you’d mentioned on the roof the other night. How did he?
You gulp and look up at him, your heart pulsing wildly against your ribs. For the first time, he looks away from you first, his white hair pillowing across his brow. His lips start to rise in an all too habitual scowl and his raspy voice lifts to your ears. “If you don’t want it,” he grouses, one hand pulling away from the offered toy, clearly flustered by your wondering gaze. Without thinking, you slip your fingertips over the top of his hand, prolonging the touch, sulking in the warmth of him. 
His fingers curl, some unconscious tremor racing along his digits. He almost yanks himself away, but then he stops, sighing as his eyes lift to yours. For a long moment, the two of you watch the other. You can hear his breathing speed up and you can almost smell the shift in the air. All it would take is one, tiny push to break that delicious tension. 
Tomura’s nostrils flare as you start to lean closer, your body curving toward his, fingers still pressing into his skin. Your tongue dips out, wetting your lower lip and pulling it into your mouth, sucking on the plush flesh. His eyelids have lowered and he’s mirroring your motions, his elbows assisting his lift, his face upturning, seeking, reaching.
With a bang, the front door is flung open and it breaks the spell that’s fallen over the two of you. Tomura leans away first, his eyes narrowed in agitation, sliding from your open face to the darkness of the entryway. You exhale a shaking breath and follow Tomura’s gaze. It’s that masked man, the one with the top hat and he’s already striding confidently forward, peppering Tomura with a series of questions. 
Snagging up his gift to you, you walk back to your bottle of wine. 
You don’t have a chance to see Tomura again until he tells you, one evening, that the bar is going to be closed for the next few days. Then, over his shoulder, you spot the blonde boy, strapped and bound into a stiff chair and you blanch, stunned, too overwrought to give him more than a one word acknowledgement before stumbling back outside. In all of your talks, he’d never mentioned anything like this. That boy looked like a kid, barely past middle school, his eyes wild and defiant, but also so, so frightened. 
No, you think, pacing your apartment, it’s impossible to come to terms with this. You can’t stay there, can’t work there. It’s too dangerous, too close to a real criminal den for comfort. You have to look out for yourself, no matter your feelings for the man who’s wandering down some long, lost pathway, toward a future you can’t even comprehend, let alone see.
So, you hand in your written resignation. 
Kurogiri is behind the bar when you bring it in, and you’re hoping that the early morning conversation will spare you from having to see him. The wispy, purple hand of Kurogiri is just about to take your letter when Tomura barges down the hallway. His eyes immediately land on you and he steps forward, a dark look passing over his palled features. 
“Why?” he growls, fingers snatching the paper from Kurogiri and crumbling the parchment to bits, his quirk rendering your typed words to nothingness. 
“I don’t want to be a part of any kidnapping. It…” you pause, looking toward Kurogiri and, to your surprise, he nods to Tomura and moves away, leaving the two of you alone in the vacant bar. Tomura is still glaring at you, but he’s waiting for you to finish your thought, his jaw grinding quietly. 
“This doesn’t feel like you.”
“What the fuck does that mean?” Tomura scoffs, his chin jutting at the assertion. 
“This doesn’t change society. This is just some petty attempt to get back at the UA staff. It’s like...It’s like you’re asking for trouble to seek you out. You’re smarter than this. Besides, what are you going to do with him?” you smart, crossing your arms and balling your fingers into your fists. 
“What do you know about anything? That kid’s been oppressed by hero society, literally muzzled and bound--”
“As if you’re doing any better! He’s still muzzled and bound, Tomura! He’s just in a different location. This is insanity. Who put you up to doing--”
“That doesn’t matter. This conversation has nothing to do with that. You can’t leave,” Tomura snaps, his head lowering, soft white hair falling over his face. “Give it a few more days.”
“What? I can’t stay if the bar is raided and it’s prolly gonna be if you keep that kid. Besides, that’s not--”
“Just...just give me a few more days. I don’t want to beg you, I shouldn’t fucking need to beg you. It’s not an impossible request (Y/N). Just--”
“Fine,” you sigh, uncrossing your arms and watching him. He looks on edge, haggard and angry. Those emotions aren’t projected at you, you know that. Nevertheless, it doesn’t lessen the danger he’s asking you to stand with him in. But, you can give him a few days and you tell him so, trying to ignore the pattering of your heart when he looks at you and smiles.
Then, Kamino happens. 
You weren’t there, thank God. But he was, and now, no matter what he’d asked of you, no matter what he’d hoped for, everything shifts apart. Days linger into weeks and you’re trying your best to reason that he’d made it out in one piece. Surely, you would have heard something. The capture of the leader of the League of Villains would have been a morsel that the media would have wanted to crow about, especially after the loss of All Might. 
Late one evening, your phone rings. 
It’s an unknown, blacked out number, but something tells you to answer, so you pick it up. You almost gasp when you hear that familiar rasp and you listen to what he tells you. You can’t get over how brittle and cracked his voice sounds but you write down the address he gives you. He cloaks his true motivations with a lie. Apparently, he has your last paycheck. Like that even matters to you. Honestly, you’re just glad he’s safe and whole. But, he’s gone to all this effort to build a bridge back to him, so of course you’re going to go.
You check and double check the directions, carefully maneuvering and weaving through bus stops and back streets. Somehow, you make it and find yourself pressing open a dilapidated door and stepping into a small room. Only darkness greets you, even though the bright midday sun is shining outside. The place he’s brought you to is on a dock, on the outskirts of town, close to the salty edge of a bay. You can hear the mournful cries of a seagull as you close the door behind you, sealing yourself inside and blinking into the gloom.
It takes you a minute to catch sight of him.
He’s lingering along the edges but you can make out the glow of his eyes, red and fierce. He looks different. It’s only been a few weeks, but it looks like the weight of years has crushed him under its unfeeling grind in that short amount of time. No, Kamino has changed him, rendering him unhinged and dangerous, drifting along the peripheral of your vision. Still, you haven’t come here to witness him falling to bits at your feet. No, you’d come here with another, darker motive. 
Now, to work.
“What happened?” you ask, keeping your back firmly against the door. Watching him move closer, those red shoes of his glinting over the dark wooden floors.
“Sensei is...gone,” he replies, his voice hollow and faint. He’s mentioned his Sensei before and you’d heard the man’s strange voice echoing from that back television, like some distant, terrifying specter. But, you knew he was important to Tomura, more like a father than a teacher. However, you’d seen the news. You knew he was beaten to a pulp and captured, locked away and out of Tomura’s reach. Now, he can’t ask his Sensei for advice or support, not anymore. Even knowing what little you’ve gleaned about the strange man, Tomura must be devastated by his loss.
“I’m sorry,” you tell him, genuine in your sympathy.
Tomura nods and fishes for something in the pocket of his trench coat, lifting a thin slip of paper out and showing it to you. “Here,” he sighs, still not meeting your eyes directly. 
“Oh,” you say, moving away from the door and taking a few steps toward him. “You really did ask me here for the check, huh?”
“What else did you want?” he grumbles, his voice regaining a small slice of that familiar rasping. The question lingers and you feel your pulse speed up, your palms itching at your sides. “Or, did you want to scold me again?” Tomura continues disgruntled, and you can see a grimace pass over his face.
“You deserved it,” you confirm, taking another step, only wavering when you’re a few feet from him. “You wouldn’t be in this mess if you hadn't kidnapped that UA student. Now, the kid, and your Sensei are gone and you’re stuck here. Wherever here is”
“Look at you, quite the oracle aren’t you? So, you did come here to berate me.” Tomura snaps, dropping your pay stub to the dusty floor. 
“No,” you shake your head, not wanting this to spiral out of your control, not wanting him to simply shut you out, alone on that pier, left with all of your what ifs. “No, I didn’t come here to do that. I-I...it’s just that...well...that wasn’t you. That whole plan...it still doesn’t make sense”
“How the fuck would you know what is, or isn’t, me? You said that that morning, too. I didn’t like it then and I don’t like it now,” Tomura bristles, closing the distance and bowing up to you. You can feel the sheer heat of him radiating against your shirt and you shiver at the sensation. If you lift your hand you could touch him, you think distantly. He’s so close...He’s so... 
You gulp, trying to quell your rising emotions. “I guess, I don’t know then.”
“No, you don’t.”
“Fine,” you say, biting your lip.
“Fine,” he repeats, no doubt thinking that will be the end of it, but you’re not finished.
“You’re better than this you know,” you tell him, eyes searching for his, not relenting your glare until he finally meets you halfway, his red eyes flashing.
“Better than what? Better than you? A half baked woman, slumming her way from mid range bar, to mid range bar. Hoping you’ll catch the eye of the right person, someone who can pluck you from all the muck and grime that you lift that pretty little nose of yours at.”
“What?” you breathe, a snarl of your own etching across your face.
“Don’t act like you didn’t know what you were doing. Fucking leading me on like that--”
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
“You thought I’d be your ticket out, or you could wager me later for a better piece, something stronger, someone that could do something for you.” Tomura is seething, his chest bumping against yours, the red of his eyes burning as he glowers at you. 
“Tomura- I don’t know what you’re talk--”
“Stop saying that. You stupid, or something? And stop saying my name like that. Like it fucking matters. You could have had anything, you know? But...but you took it all for granted. You had the world...and then it...it’s...it’s just gone.”
He’s not talking about you anymore. Even though he’s growling and spitting rage at you, he’s not talking about you. “Shigaraki,” you begin, trying to see some way to reason with him. To bring him back to you. 
“Don’t call me that,” he groans, his head dipping, almost resting against your shoulder. “I haven’t earned...that’s not me.” 
“Alright. What am I supposed to call you?” you whisper, overwhelmed and trying to resist that urge to pull him into your arms. You’ve never seen him like this, and you don’t know, you don’t…
“There you go again, acting like you care.” Tomura scoffs, rolling his eyes. 
“I do care, you ass,” you bite, turning your head toward him and letting your voice fall beside his ear. He snarls at the assertion and presses impossibly closer, trying his best to put on a show of wavering strength, knowing you might still be bullied into backing down, into denying him. But it’s not working, no you’ve come this far and you don’t want to leave him, not like this. 
“I care,” you repeat, still murmuring next to his cheek, so near you can hear, and feel, his ragged breaths, hot against your skin.
“About what?” he grunts, moving his head from you, determined to not let you win.
“About, well, you.”
“Liar,” he spits, but his voice wavers, showing you a tiny, tiny sliver of hope.
“Am not,” you counter and watch as he leans back, those vermillion eyes searching for yours. One of his hands lifts and he ghosts the digits over the top of your shoulder, watching as you shift toward the distant touch, pulled to him, like a magnet.
“Such a liar,” he posits, fingers hovering beside your neck, twitching with want. 
“No, I’m not,” you gasp, your voice so faint, you’re worried he might not hear it. But he does and he dips his head toward you, inches from your face, lips already parted and waiting. 
“Prove it,” he challenges, his voice deepening, losing that sharpened edge at long last.
So, you shove him. 
You’re not sure why that’s your first, instinctive reaction, but it’s too late to question your motives and it sparks a crazed response from the man in front of you, snapping him out of his head and refocusing him. 
He fumbles backwards, caught off guard, his red shoes catching as he lumbers, trying to not fall. His eyes flash at you and he instantly rights himself, moving back to you. Through it all, you can hear yourself saying something. It sounds like it might have been another taunt, but you can’t focus, not when he’s pressing himself against you, his fingers finally, finally touching you. 
Tomura can’t seem to settle now that he’s gotten ahold of you, his fingers tracing over your neck, your shoulders, your face, your sides. He’s panting and gasping, his fevered exhales fanning over your prickling skin.
“Get off me,” you moan, batting at his wandering hands.
“No,” he sighs, cupping your jaw and dragging you to his shaking lips. His kiss is clumsy, almost childlike. He lifts and leans, pressing halting smacks against you, grunting when you twist from him, fighting his hold.
“You don’t deserve it,” you tell him, wanting to lance that boil that’s festering in his mind, knowing he needs the pain before he can handle the sweetness of the pleasure. The last thing he needs is love. No, not right now. Hopefully, there will be time for that later. But for now, he needs something raw and shattered, something that will let him see that it’s not impossible to pick up the pieces, that he can be whole again, he just needs to try.
He drags his rough lips over yours and you lower your fingers into his snowy hair, pulling him closer, demanding that he give you more. He gasps at the sudden shift and you slip your tongue into his mouth, tangling it with his and yanking stammering moans from him. Your lips are slick now and you use the extra lubrication to slip down his neck, leaving him trembling above you. 
You dip into each and every scar, laving over all those old hurts until he’s snarling. You leave a bruising bite against his pulse and he snatches your face between his palms, dragging you back to his lips. 
“Stop squirming,” he complains, his forehead bumping against yours, trying to keep up with your rapid fire laps and sucks. 
“No,” you laugh, fingers lacing into the lapels of his trench coat and using the leverage to drag your breasts over his hardened pectorals. He grunts at the sensation, one arm wrapping around your lower back, pinning you to him. When he finally manages to work his way free of your frantic presses, he lowers his lips to your neck, mimicking the same path you’d taken with him, his teeth nipping and pulling until your humming, giving him a thin cry of encouragement that spurs him on. 
Tomura drags a canine over your pulse and you shiver, folding into his crumpled embrace. He’s almost having to hold you upright and he growls when you slip from his arms, annoyed you’re making this so fucking difficult. 
“I said, keep still,” he reminds you, heaving you back up, lean forearms bracing you to him. You smile and lace your arms around his neck, wanting his lips again. He allows the pull, loving the contrast of your plush skin against his. He’s a fast learner and this time, it’s his tongue taps and maneuvers for entrance, swallowing down your needy pants. His nose presses into your cheek and you cup at his jaw, stroking the warm skin until he slows his frantic pace, meeting you halfway, and lingering in your wet softness.
Then, just as he’s getting comfortable, you dig your teeth into his lower lip, pulling until you bleed out a little taste of copper. He snarls and shoves you away, lifting the side of his hand to his injured mouth. 
“What was that for?” He snaps, tapping his fingers against the wound, watching as they come back red. “The fuck is wrong with…” His ire stutters to a halt when he catches sight of you. 
You’ve already slipped your shirt over your head and now your fingers are twisting until you unclasp your bra, sliding the lace down your arms. The cool air makes your nipples tighten but you don’t attempt to cover yourself from him. Instead, you arch an eyebrow at his abashed expression and begin to unbutton your pants, your fingers teasingly lingering over the button and zipper, before lowering the denim down the curve of your hips. 
You don’t even hear him approach. No, you’re too distracted by your little show to notice him until you feel those warm fingers tracing over the newly bared swells of your skin. You lift your head and your eyes catch his, smiling at the hazy hunger that’s blazing out at you. His touch is tentative and you roll your eyes openly at him, lifting your own hands over his, pressing him until he’s digging those four digits into your sumptuous flesh. 
His thumb rubs over your pebbled nipple and you reward him with a low moan, your eyes slipping behind your heavy eyelids. He cups at your other breast and lifts the weight of you into his palm, openly marveling at the feel of you. Still, it’s not enough and if you’re going to get your point across, you need him to give you more than these lazy strokes. 
“Take off your jacket,” you tell him, stepping away from him, quaking minutely in the loss of his warmth. 
“What?” he asks, clearly too overwrought to hear you. So, you help him along. Your fingers snatch the shoulders of his trench and you yank it off him, tossing the fabric down to the gritty floors. Then, you shove at him again. He isn’t as taken aback this time and he rallies immediately, snatching at you and dragging you against him, making you gasp at the harsh sensation of his dark clothes against your bare front. 
“What do you want?” you ask him, licking your tongue along the underside of his jaw, listening to his shuddering breaths. “What do you want to do to me, Tomura? Come on, I know you’ve got some idea. Fucking show me. Don’t let me boss you around, unless that’s what you’re wanting today to be about. I can take those reigns from you. I’m better at this after all. Less...flustered,” you pause, sucking and nipping at his neck, enjoying the indecisive flex of his fingers on your upper arms.
He allows you one more bite and then he’s tossing you down, not caring where you land. Thankfully, you sprawl over his discarded jacket, the fabric sparing you from the neglected wooden floor. You’re trying to regain your bearings when you hear his belt clatter to the floor. You look up at him, watching as he flings that dark shirt away, showing you the lean muscles that you’ve wondered about for so long. God, for someone so lanky, he looks fucking good. 
Tomura smirks at your expression and swiftly yanks his pants and boxers away too, revealing something even more mouthwatering. Fuck, fuck, you think, an involuntary gasp leaving your lips. His cock is thick, pulsing and absolutely dripping with his precum. The tip is a lovely pink, curving toward that chiseled stomach of his and damn, you want to suck on it until he’s putty in your hands. 
As if he can read your mind, Tomura steps closer, giving himself a few tugs as he peers down on you, imperious and almost perfectly in control. “You want it?” He asks, trying to hide that sudden shift in his voice, wanting to show you that he understands what you’re expecting from him. You nod and bite your lip, looking up at him from feathery eyelashes. 
“Come here,” he requests, slowing those pulls and letting his precum slip from his fist to the floor, tempting you with those tiny droplets of arousal. Obediently, you rise to your knees, fingers tracing up his thighs, smiling at the light buckling he gives you, his calves twitching and shaking. 
You tease your way to the apex of his hips and pause, lingering along that dip of his stomach. “Can I taste you?” you question coquettishly and you adore the moan that falls from his lips. 
Taking that as a yes, you slowly lower your mouth to him, ghosting the tip of him over you. Rubbing him back and forth, painting that thick precum over your lips until they’re glistening. Tiring of this little game, his fingers dip into your hair and he grips you, hard. With one pull, he’s burying that velvet heat of his length past the ring of your lips and into the sweet cavern of your mouth. His cock swells and throbs as you lap ravenous at the hefty weight of him.
He’s salty and earthy and you let your tongue swirl over his slit, lapping into that leaking gap until he’s murmuring nonsense over you. He’s almost too big for you to take, so one of your hands lifts and wraps around his base, easing your sucks and ensuring that none of him is left out of this gift of mind numbing ecstasy you’re bestowing upon him. 
There are several veins, racing along the side of his cock and you tickle along each of them, pressing until you can feel the beat of his heart, frantic and fluttering. Soon, he begins to silently ask you for more, rutting his hips against your face, scraping himself along the back of your throat. When you heave around him he lets out a loud, elongated moan and digs in again, lingering until you’re nearly choking. 
You chance a peek up at him and are surprised to see him gazing right back, those red eyes of his clouded and muddled. His hand keeps an insistent pressure against the back of your head, demanding that you keep going. So, you pick up the pace, lapping and sucking, hollowing your cheeks until a thin line of your drool begins to trickle along your chin, dripping onto your knees.
“Can...can I…” he begins, fingers starting to tremble, his knees buckling. No, that’s not what you want from him. You shake free of his hand, letting him slip from your mouth, and he stammers and sputters at the loss, his eyes narrowed and dark, glaring at you with a raw frustration. 
“No,” you tell him, keeping one hand on him, stroking him, maintaining that steady pressure until he’s grunting, his hips instinctively canting into the tantalizing motion. “No, you don’t ask me for anything. Yeah, I can finish you off, if you need me to take control, but it’s not going to be on your terms. If you’re wanting something Tomura, you better fucking take it. Stop asking me for permission. I’m not-- mmph--”
He rips your hand off of his dick and his fingers curl beside your ears, forcing your mouth back, and impaling you on his length, immediately gagging you on his heady thrusts. You inhale sharply, your breath catching, failing as he keeps railing into you. More saliva slides out of your lips and you falter, a weak whimper echoing around him. 
“Mmm,” he growls, holding your face as he presses against the back of your throat loving the clenching and mewls you give him. “That feels fucking good, (Y/N). Taking all of my cock, ah- fucking choking on it. You’re so fucking greedy. Don’t worry, I’ll give you more. Let’s see, what would make this even better, oh, I know. Saw it in a porn once. Put your hands behind your back and don’t move them unless I tell you to.”
Immediately, you clasp your fingers together, letting them rest against your lower back. The suspension knocks you off kilter, but Tomura braces your head with his other hand, pinning you between his palms. His dick is still lancing in and out of your mouth, scraping against your tonsils, making you swallow and open, trying to push yourself past that oppressive gagging sensation.
“Ahhh, such a good girl, now spread your legs and lift up, just a little bit, yes- right there. Better keep those hands still,” he taunts, pulling his cock out until it hangs against your lower lip, glimmering with the sheen of your ministrations. Then, he dives back in, thrusting and grinding until his balls are papping against your soaking chin. Your legs tremble as you hold yourself up and you can feel your own arousal, slipping down your inner thighs, splattering onto that dark trench coat of his. 
You’re heaving under him, grunting and slobbering trying to not fucking choke on the girth that’s being pistoned into you. He’s gasping praise at you, his white head thrown back, and his lower abdomen is rippling, letting you know he’s so, so close to spilling down your abused throat. He bows over you as he cums, spewing thick ropes of his release into you. You gulp at him, determined to let every last drop slither down your waiting throat, longing to savor everything that he’s giving you. 
True to your promise, you keep your hands clasped and you nearly topple over when he tugs free of your lips. Tomura takes pity on your wilted form and lowers himself to his knees, wrapping one hand around you and tapping twice on your shaking digits, letting you know you can relax your grip. You fall forward, and he waits above you, watching you with a mounting fascination. Once you catch your breath, you look up at him, not caring that you’re still covered in a mix of tears, spit and his cum. He smirks at your dishevelment, pleased by your open display of your wanton lust for him. 
“See? It’s not hard to take what you want, to do what you want,” you pant, still trying to gulp down a few more rough intakes of air.
Tomura sucks his teeth at your bravado, but you notice he’s having a little bit of trouble steading his own breathing and his hands are twitching as they reach for you. You hum when he cups at your dips and curves, lingering over spots that make you moan for him. As he plucks at one of your puckered nipples his eyes lift to yours and he leans close, pressing a wet line of kisses against your collarbone.
“Lay back,” he rumbles, still sucking at the hollow of your throat. You do as he says, propping yourself on your elbows, curious and waiting. He’s slowed down now that he’s slaked that first brush of pent up aggression, but he’s still got a little more to burn. You can see it, lingering behind his vermillion eyes, gleaming under the carnal intrigue. 
His fingers, so dangerous and deadly, race down your sides, falling to the juncture of your legs and dipping into the slick that he finds. He parts your folds, bracing himself over you, his lips sucking bruises into your skin. The gossamer threads of your leaking cunt run down his fingers and onto his open palm and he groans into your neck, nuzzling his nose to your skin and inhaling, deeply. 
“Does that feel good?” He asks, his voice scraping, like sandpaper, hoarse and undone along your heated cheek. Ok, you think, arching as he dips one digit into you, you can let him have that one question, especially when your mind is fogging over like this, unable to think of anything but that ache that’s pounding through your core. You roll your hips again, urging that finger to slip further and he hisses as you pull him in, your walls trembling at the intrusion. 
“Fuck,” he grunts, lifting himself to look down at you, his eyes wide with an awed marvel. “You’re so…”
“Mmm, so what?” you ask, wanting him to keep talking to you, loving rasp of his tone as it tells you such sinful things.
“So soft and warm and...God...so wet,” he replies, adding another finger, watching as you whine for him, your lower lips parting and welcoming him. He pumps the digits, in and out, at a steady rate, waiting for each quiver and ripple, trying to feel his way along, wanting to please you. 
“Can--” he stops himself, flushing as your eyes open and snap to his, a rough displeasure written over your face. He tears his gaze from yours and scowls, letting his fingers press a rougher rhythm into you, sucking his teeth at his unspoken inexperience. 
“This feels good,” you reassure him, not wanting to completely leave him adrift, knowing that he does need a little piece of guidance, for this part, at least. “Why don’t you get a closer look?” 
Tomura looks back to you and nods before sliding down your body, lowering himself until he’s face to face with his prize. His mouth drops and he licks at his chapped lips, painting a few, warm, exhales against your sensitive folds. You squirm at the sensation and he grins, leaning closer, his free hand spreading you for his inspection. 
“Is this…” his voice trails off and you can feel him wandering his way to just the right spot. When he lifts the fleshy hood of your clit and thumbs the distended pearl you gasp and shiver, your head falling back against his jacket, thumping against the floor. 
He laughs and you can feel him getting ready to swipe at you again, his thumb already slippery and near, the heat of it radiating against that sensitive bundle. “You like that,” he crows, repeating the motion until you’re writhing. “But—” he ponders, moving so his lips are pressed against you, resting on those sopping folds, waiting for you to look up at him. Once your head lifts and your eyes meet his, he lowers his mouth, sliding his tongue over you. 
“Oh,” you whisper, your hands automatically lifting and curling into his hair, threading the white tendrils along your palms. His tongue is rough and bumpy as it glides along, pausing to lap at some of your arousal. He smacks his lips at the taste, savoring the flavor before voraciously pressing back into you for more. When he pauses his explorations to give your clit a soft suck, you can’t help but flail, your back bowing and thighs tightening around his head. 
Tomura grunts at the rough treatment, prying your legs apart but not letting up on that suction, pleased he’s found something that makes you tremble to pieces in his hands. He’s always liked working you up, so it makes sense that, in this instance, he’s no different. 
His long digits are scraping into you, dragging along your quivering walls and spreading your cunt apart, leaking your arousal all over his jacket and onto his chin. He’s not satisfied yet, you’re not satisfied yet, so he keeps going, listening and watching, catching on to what makes you cry out his name, learning and adapting at an alarming speed. 
“T-Tomura,” you keen, your hips lifting, grinding yourself against his face, begging him to not stop. You feel a smirk lift his lips and his tongue begins to circle and lick over your clit, maintaining a steady pressure. Meanwhile, his fingers have latched onto something delicate and spongy within your pussy, repeating an arched gesture, curling and uncurling as they stroke your budding flames higher. 
“So good…” you murmur, hardly able to form the words as you feel that all encompassing tingle race along your bloodstream. “You’re doing so f-fucking good.” 
In response, he begins to suckle on your clit, lightly tracing a canine over the pulsing bundle and that’s all that it takes. Your head dips back, pressing into the floor so hard that your neck arches with your back and your legs wrap around him, holding him to you as you quiver and shake under him. You can feel your heartbeat as you return to yourself, thumping a rapid beat over your breastbone and radiating out to your fingers and toes. 
Tomura, for his part, hadn’t stopped lapping at you, his tongue replacing his fingers as he pushes the wet appendage into you, soaking up each wave of your release. Even when you’d dropped your death grip, your legs and arms flopping away from him, boneless and shaking, he’d kept on. After a few minutes of this, his lips suddenly feel a little too ragged, the chapped skin scratching against your sensitive, overstimulated, flushed lower lips. You do your best to wriggle away, but he stills your movements, not quite finished. 
“Ah- that...it’s starting to hurt,” you grouse, pushing a hand against his bowed head. That declaration seems to get through and, finally placated, he gives you one last lick and lifts his head, his eyes glinting down on you, dark and mischievous. 
“I want to fuck you,” he tells you, wiping a hand across his mouth, dragging the last of your essence away. You tilt your head and grin up at him. “So fuck me,” you reply, spreading your legs again, making room for his trim hips.
“Not like this,” he qualifies, his eyes hooded as he runs a hand along your leg, enjoying your skin, warm and pliant under his palm.
“Then how?” you ask, a little bewildered by this shift in attitude. Tomura leans up, resting on his haunches, leering at your nakedness, another smirk lifting his lips, arching that scar.
“Stand up,” he instructs. 
You pull your legs away and slowly rise to your feet, waiting for him to do the same. Once the two of you are eye level again, he tugs you to him, his lips pulling and nipping at yours. You can’t help but melt into his persistent touch and when he feels you slacken against him, he starts to push you backwards. He walks you slowly, carefully, but once your back touches the cold wall, his caresses become rougher, more insistent. 
He’s lifting your chin and his teeth are doing more biting than nipping, pulling at your lips until you’re gasping and swollen. He begins to lift away and you protest the movement, but his hand presses into your chest, shoving you back to the wall. You freeze at the forceful treatment, your eyes opening and fastening onto his. Waiting for his next move.
Tomura’s regained that wild look, his eyes hardening, sharpening like ruby slips of flint as they linger over you. “Turn around and brace your hands against the wall,” he commands and, for an instant, you debate pushing back, challenging his order, but that’s not what you’re here for. No, you’d come here with one thought in mind. 
To see if you could show him what choices, what strong inner drive, wholly independent of his Sensei, he did have. 
You’d watched that kidnapping debacle and all you could think about was how much better, how much stronger he’d be if he could just get out from under the thumb of that man, that voice on the tv. Even with this informal exercise of your own, Tomura had taken to your carnal lessons like a fish to water. He had always been a natural born leader, someone who cultivated and demanded change, he just needs a chance to try. A chance to prove that he didn’t need to ask permission, to ask questions. No, he only needed to act and he could make his aspirations a reality. 
So, you turn, splaying your fingers against the wall and waiting for his next move, tilting your head, wanting to see him. He runs a calloused hand over the plush swell of your ass, kneading the skin and stepping closer. Once his hips are flush with your posterior, he ruts his newly re-hardened cock against you, his ever copious precum aiding his motion, letting him glide between your cheeks, easing into that cleft. You groan and press back, wordlessly asking for him to keep going. 
Suddenly, his palm smacks against your ass, stinging the flesh and sending a sharp crack around the barren room. “I said, push out more. How am I supposed to fuck you when you’re plastered to the wall like that?” Tomura questions, his voice deep and guttural. You brace your hands against the peeling wallpaper and jut your ass out, presenting yourself to him, quietly hoping he’ll reward you with another spank. Pleased, Tomura does just that, his other hand lifting and smarting against your other, neglected cheek, imprinting his mark on you, even if it’s only for a brief moment, and his fingers linger on the warmth he’s raised from your skin. 
“Good girl,” he groans, taking his cock in his hand and searching for that weeping entrance to your waiting pussy. You aid him as best as you can, arching your hips until he finally, finally slips into you. Tomura lets out a deep sigh as your cunt devours his cock, slicking him into the heat of your rippling channel. “Oh, fuck,” he moans, pressing until his hips are flush with your ass, grinding his bony hipbone into your supple softness.
He gives you a brief second to adjust before he bows his head over your shoulder, panting and grunting. “Hold on,” he gasps, slowly pulling his hips back and then ramming his straining cock back into you. You mewl at the sudden ferocity of his thrusts, your head dipping against the steady weight of the wall. 
He offers you no reprieve as he pounds into you, his teeth latching onto your skin, sucking and drooling, losing himself in you. His balls tap against your swelled ass and you moan when he traces one hand around you, his fingers seeking your clit and pinching at the nub. 
Your teeth begin to chatter, but he doesn’t let up, maintaining that mind numbing pace, pressing and grinding until you can’t fucking think straight. He’s completely untethered and he slakes out all of those pent up questions, feelings, hurts and wants against you. After a time, he begins to murmur things to you, finally sucking up his loose tongue and resting his chin on the mess he’s left on your skin.
He’s worried he can’t do it. 
He’s never been alone, not like this. 
Sure, he has the others, he has Kurogiri, but it’s not the fucking same. 
He needs to see this through. 
He wants to, he has to.
Where do you go, when there’s no one else to turn to?
It’s like a confessional, this rutting he’s doing and it’s bleeding all of those thoughts away, letting them pool against the front of his mind and then, pop, they shift away. 
Oh this helps, he thinks, loving how you’re fucking taking him, how much you fucking need him. He can’t let you go. He can’t, he won’t. You’re all he has left. After all this, he can’t lose anything else. No, you were right, he’s gotta start taking things, snatching up pieces until he becomes this unstoppable force, greater than his Sensei, greater than All Might, greater than all of them. Yes, yes, yes, when he has you like this, everything else feels so fucking simple. 
He’s slowing, his hips beginning to stutter and press erratically against you. There’s no need to worry about you cumming for him, not when you’ve already broken around him so many times in the last few minutes. No, the second he started panting all of those thoughts against you, you were lost, your cunt gripping him so tightly you were worried it might never let go. 
Finally, with one last thrust, Tomura grinds his hips against you, his cock swelling and pulsing as he spills himself into you. The sensation of his cum splashing against your walls hurtles you over that edge one last time and you almost collapse, your legs shaking so badly you can't support your own weight. The only thing that prevents you from falling is Tomura. His arms snake around your waist and he holds you to him, his forehead resting heavily against your shoulder, sticking to your skin. 
After a long beat, Tomura pulls himself out of you, grunting at the loss of your warmth and sinks to the floor, dragging you with him. Naked and gasping, the two of you cling to the other, waiting for the world to stop spinning as you come back to yourselves. Tomura recovers first, tugging you to his chest and wrapping himself around you, his chin perched on the familiar slope of your shoulder.
“You didn’t...you didn’t need to do this, but...” Tomura halts, his voice soft as his lips press rough kisses to your skin, silently saying what he really means, what you mean to him.
“That’s not true,” you counter, turning your head toward him. “You deserve to make a choice for yourself. You’re your own boss now. Now all you have to do is act like it. Don’t make those mistakes again. You call the shots, not your Sensei, not anyone else in the League, just you. You’ll have other choices soon, so don’t doubt yourself, it’s not like you.”
He huffs out a laugh and buries his nose in your neck, inhaling your scent as he licks at a rising bruise. “I don’t think you’ll like my next choice,” he rumbles, one hand drifting over your side and cupping the soft mound of your breast.
“That depends on what it is,” you smile, your eyes closing at the tempting touch.
“Mmm, do me a favor,” he begins, nipping at your earlobe. “Get on your knees and open your mouth. You looked so fucking pretty when you were sucking on my cock, I wanna see it, one more time.”
“What?” you question, absolutely incredulous, “again?”
“Do as I say (Y/N),” he replies, rubbing his rising length along your ass.
“God,” you gasp, bucking at the sensation, “what have I done? At this rate, I won’t be able to walk for a week.”
“You’ll like it,” Tomura promises, his voice dark, “I’ll make sure that you do.”
Notes: never have i ever liked that kidnapping bullshit. i guess it lets AFO face off with All Might, but for Tomura’s development? it makes no sense and he’s never done anything like that again, in canon. so, uh, yeah. booo kidnapping scheme. 
Tags: @spicy-skull, @xwildskullx, @yixxes, @ghstmthr, @rekoii, @diaouranask, @bat-eclecticwolfbouquet-love
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ofmerrit ¡ 3 years
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*  ◜  kristine froseth  ,  cis  woman  &  she/her  ◞  *  according  to  school  records  ,  that’s  merrit  antonietta  unn  hornsby  walking  on  campus  grounds  with  their  usual  iced-americano  from  the ancient  grounds  cafe  .  they’re  known  for  their  long  ,  dark  blonde  locks  outshining  their  surprisingly  tall  figure   and  are  often  spotted  at   the  versailles  garden  reading  wild  geese  by  mary  oliver  .  almost  everyone  knows  their  family  is  worth  like  1.2  billion  dollars  ,  so  we  suspect  they’re  a  member  of   olympus   ,  you  know  ,  the  one  for  old   money  .  do  you  know  where  they  were  the  night  that  the  scholarship  student  died  ?  they  claim  they  were  touring  around  the  campus  for  inspiration  ,  must  be  an  architecture major  thing  ,  right  .  and  hey  ,  don’t  you  agree  that  the  sophomore  reminds  you  of  muffled  screams  into  silk  pillows  ,  the  bellyache  you  get  after  doing  something  wrong  &  vacant smiles ?  you  better  watch  out  h e s t i a  before  something  dangerous  happens  to  you  and  life  ends  at  twenty-two  .  *  ◜  barb  ,  twenty-two  ,  gmt +3  &  she / her  ◞  *
alright alright . it’s me , wrinkle free brain bar from gmt +3 !! so pumped to be here w you sexies mwah <3 here’s merrit’s pinterest board if you’re interested ( pls im a virgo n pinterest addict .. lemme make boards for our muses .. id d*e ! ) imma . bore u to de*th w this intro pls .. forgive me .. i only hav 2 brain cells , this is all over the place HDFJK rip </3 tw: kidnapping, death.
starting w the boring statistics :     full name: merrit antonietta ‘antonia’ unn hornsby     nicknames: mer, antonia, ant, tbc.     code name: hestia ; the goddess of hearth , the family , the state & the domesticity.      star sign: libra sun , virgo moon , scorpio rising.     sexuality: bisexual.     favourite literature piece: wild geese by mary oliver ,  an anthology .                                              “meanwhile the wild geese, high in the clean blue air,                                              are heading home again.                                              whoever you are, no matter how lonely,                                              the world offers itself to your imagination,                                              calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting                                              over and over announcing your place                                              in the family of things.”
merrit is the only child of the young hornsby couple. she doesn’t remember much of her childhood, according to her grandma, she was the happiest kid. had everything she could ever ask for and more. 
the reason why merrit can’t remember any of this is the beginning of a tragedy — a stormy december night, she and her parents went missing. grandma says they were gone for over five months. a kidnapping case gone cold, they thought. right when the old couple was giving up on them, an angel from above delivered antonia to their door step. malnourished, void of any memory but alive.
life after losing her parents was easier than expected, grandma hornsby ( nee du pont ) made sure merrit would recover from this without any trauma & in a way, she did.
doesn’t have the best relationship with her grandpa, he’s harsh and cranky and too smart for his own good, merrit is lowkey afraid of him lmfao 
she’s currently studying architecture — her dream major was interior design but grandpa encouraged her to pursue architecture to follow her father’s footsteps.  kinda made sense because she’s fascinated by houses .. in reality the insides, the families living there are the real source of interest for her but she’s happy to settle for outside for now gshdjkf
personality stuff !!!
uMM.... i’d say she’s lowkey a people pleaser sdhjkf like ?? making her grandparents proud is . literally the only thing she’s ever wanted in this world n now she feels the same responsibility for every single soul in her life . a torturous existence if you ask me 
can’t say no <3  if she thinks its gonna make u feel a tiny bit better . boom . she’s in .
the friend you’d call to bury a body . no questions asked . she’s pickin up the shovel as you speak asdghfjk unless it’s between her grandparents n you, then *michael scott vc* how the turntables.... sdhjfk shes rattin u out instantly rip
LOVES to talk n listen . fills her heart with joy . a blabbermouth . 
an overachiever . doesn’t sleep much, rocks the dark circles 7/24 lmfao works bc doesn’t like the idea of .. wasting life if that makes sense ??
loyal 2 a fault. mostly to olympus. wld do anything to stay in the secret society / establish her place .
extremely gentle n caring . sometimes ?? its just . too much sdjkf like. tone it down <3
likes poetry ,, especially mary oliver n louise glĂźck ! her fav poem is the orange by wendy cope.
i imagine her wearing flowy, tulle dresses with floral embroidery or vintage pieces idk 
has shit ton of plants but struggles to keep them alive rip
!!! im . terrible at explaining her fr i hate it here ok i hav a vision but ??? i cant explain it
safe 2 say shes having difficulty deciding who she’s supposed to be . a part of her wants to be the golden child for her grandparents n the other side .. jst wants to live her life y’know ??? 
UPDATE ! i’ve realised that by hiding her secret, i also unintentionally hid a big portion of her personality and she comes across as the typical, soft & gentle soul. don’t get me wrong, she is indeed gentle and soft but she’s also volatile and deceitful !
connection ideas !!!
childhood friends - except she doesn’t remember any of it. maybe your muse thinks she’s changed. maybe they don’t care. maybe they are no longer friends . idk 
penpals - seriously ???  i imagine her as someone who writes letters jst bc they’re nostalgic n cute ??? cld be fun.
a home - i kno home’s not a person but a feeling but tell that to merrit lmao. this person’s probably the only one in the whole damn world she’d choose over her grandparents. platonic or romantic, doesn’t matter.
betrothed - super old school yikes. nt exactly betrothed either .. maybe her grandma thot it’d be better if these two were in a relationship . maybe they remained as friends . maybe they hated each other . maybe they kept the publicity stunt ( cue 2 merrit begging to keep faking the rel so her grandpa wld be happy )
exes - a classic. ts this is me trying vibes . on good or bad terms . lingering feelings ? yes please .
bad + good influence - again, classic sdhjfk
saw u at the garden but cldn’t say hi bc i’m a dumb binch - basically someone she has a minor, unrequited crush on. probably knows this person through her other friends but she’s too damn timid to take the first step
a friend from labyrinth . ok hear me out . this is a big deal for her bc she’s all in for her society n v opposed to the idea of a second one even existing . wouldn’t say shes openly mean or .. rude to labyrinth members but ?? jst . wants to protect her own , so this would be a v secret friendship .
a project - could say she has some sort of a savior complex . wants to ‘fix’ people up .. toxic much, mer? <3 anyway ashdjk maybe she thinks .. she can change your muse ? i truly dont know. 
ok final one . its juicy . someone who’s suspicious of her . she has a secret n for the obv reason i didn’t talk abt it, your muse’s suspicious n it’s just . hashtag awkward
these r the only connection ideas i have rn my brain said get tht fire exit door im off im so sorry forgive moi bUT im a sucker for angst : ) so theres that 
something inspired by my queen n savior phoebe bridgers or . folklore ?? yeah.
give me noora / william vibes . the ex friends . the dan / blair dynamic . i live for them ok sgdhfjkl
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leolamin97 ¡ 4 years
Invader Pink- The Pink Nightmare (Finale)
THE NEXT DAY Beach city Middle school was like any other school you’d see. Kids were making their way out of their parent’s cars and into the school building, pretty normal stuff. Or somewhat normal until a brightly colored Van with MR. UNIVERSE on the side. All the kid’s eyes were immediately on the van and the boy who just exited it.
“Have a good first day of school Stu-ball.” A slightly balding long-haired man said poking his head out of the car
“I’ll try dad.” Steven says with a small amount of enthusiasm
“Hey Steven, your gonna do great. I know it.” Steven’s dad says
“Thanks, I’ll do my best.” Steven says getting a smile from his father as he drove away
Steven then turned and faced the school, plus all the kids who were currently staring at him. He gave a small smile and wave letting out a “Hello” in hopes of making a good first impression. All the kids immediately turned away from him and started whispering amongst themselves. Steven let out a nervous laugh as he slowly made his way to the school steps. He was halfway when another van pulled up, this one more normal. And he turned to see who it was.
“Connie do you have everything for school?” a woman says
“Yes Ma’am.” Connie says exiting the car
“Books, pencils, notebooks, phone, ID?” The woman asks
“Yes Ma’am.” Connie says taking her backpack
“You Remember your class schedule?”
“Yes Ma’am.” Connie says checking its contents
“Okay I’m gonna be late at the hospital tonight, so you will have to walk home. You remember the way right, I set a route on your phone just in case.” The woman yes slightly worried
“Yes Ma’am.” Connie says as she begins to walk away
“OH CONNIE! Your book!” the woman says holding out a book, Connie immediately turned around to go and get it, and as soon as she did the woman gave her a kiss on the forehead
“I love you Connie. Your gonna do wonderfully.” The woman says smiling
“Thanks mom.” Connie says with a blush and smile
Steven watched as the car drove away and the girl Connie opened her book. She became totally engrossed in it walking and reading seamlessly making her way up the stairs with no trouble.
“H-Hi I’m Steven nice to-.” Steven said fumbling with his words as the girl passed him without paying him any mind
“O-okay then.” Steven said with a sigh as he made his way inside
Steven made his way to his class U-213, he took a deep breath and pushed the door open. He was greeted by a rather chaotic scene or kids sitting on their desks, talking, using their phones, and throwing paper. Steven closed his door behind as he entered watching everybody go. He stood in the front silent nervously as everybody did their thing no paying attention to him
“I-um-excuse me-I wanted to ask-.” Steven said quietly not getting anyone’s attention
Everyone turned as the door slammed open. In walked a woman in her late 20’s she had brown wavy hair with a blue Highlight in it. She was wearing short sleeve light blue button up shirt and jeans with sneakers. Her eyes were heavy and bored as she walked to the desk in front of the class everyone looking at her. Steven watched as she sat down with her cup of coffee, Steven focusing on the mug which said ‘LIFE’S A BEACH AND THEN YOU DROWN’.
“Um-Hello I’m-.” Steven said trying to introduce himself only for the woman to raise a finger to stop him.
She took a large swig from her mug before looking over the class. She then raised her head taking in a deep breath, and then letting out a long groan as she lowered her head onto the desk. There was a full minute of silence with everyone looking at her as she just rested her head on the desk.
“And I’m ready. Hello class I’m Ms. Lazuli, I’ll be your teacher for this year. You work with me, I’ll work with you, and this will be less painful for all of us.” Ms. Lazuli says looking over the class with her bored expression
“I know every single one of you here so let’s not waste any time on that. However, we have some new students. You with the Star, introduce yourself.” Lazuli says
“O-Oh right, hello everyone my name is Steven Quartz Universe. It’s nice to meet you all.” Steven says enthusiastically some of the kids snickering at his name
“Quite the colorful name, your parents were really into peace and love when they had you huh?” Lazuli says
“I am pretty sure they like Peace and Love, I do a lot. Do you to?” Steven asks with a smile getting a look from Lazuli
“Take your seat, it’ll be the one your butt gets used to all year.” Lazuli says pointing to the desks
There were only 3 desks left near the center. And Steven took the one dead center locking eyes with Ms. Lazuli. She couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow at the boy who seemed to be exuding optimism. Then the door opened again.
“I am really sorry I’m late Miss.” Connie says entering the room
“Trust me kid it doesn’t matter…... nothing really does.” Lazuli groans
“I promise it won’t happen again, I just needed to talk with the main office about-.” Connie says in a rushed toned
“Kid, Kid, stop before you bite your tongue. New kid, introduce yourself, take a seat.” Lazuli says pointing to the desk
“Hello my name is Connie Maheswaran, it’s a pleasure to meet you all.” She says like it was rehearsed bowing her head to the class. She then took the seat to the left of Steven as he looked at her nervously
“Okay then, all that’s out of the way we can get started. Please pay attention, I won’t repeat myself and take note so-.” Lazuli says getting up and picking up some chalk only for a knock at the door to get her attention another adult standing outside
“Uuuuugh, what now? I’ll be back don’t cause a ruckus,” Lazuli says going to the door and walked out
As soon as she did the room went into chaos again Steven and Connie the only ones remaining in their seats. Connie however took out her book and started reading again, while Steven drummed his fingers on the desk. His mind raced as he tried to think of something to say to her, she was a new kid like him this was his best chance at making a friend. But he didn’t know what to say, plus she didn’t seem interested in talking at the moment. His eyes then went to the book she was reading.
“Oh, you’re into aliens?” Steven asks
“I know what you’re about to say, so please spare me the jokes and taunts I’ve heard them all.” Connie says almost annoyed not looking away from the book
“Wha?” Steven asks
“I’m used to it; everyone thinks I’m weird. Calling me the crazy girl for believing in aliens, so if your gonna start just save it and keep to yourself.” Connie says gripping the book tightly
“Wait, Wait I’m not gonna make fun of you. I believe in Aliens to.” Steven says making Connie immediately put the book down and lock eyes with him
“What game are you playing? This is supposed to be the long con or something?” Connie asks
“Why would I, I’m new here to?” Steven asks as Connie looks at him curiously
“So, you don’t think that aliens are just for conspiracy nuts and were alone in the universe?” Connie asks him quizzically
“Well if the universe is a big as people say, it wouldn’t really make sense if were the only functioning species. There’s gotta be something else out there.” Steven reasons
“FINALLY, SOMEONE ELSE GET’S IT!!” Connie yells surprising Steven
“So, you…… wanna meet an alien?” Steven asks smiling
“Meet no, I’m preparing.” Connie says
“For what?” Steven asks
“For the Invasion of course.” Connie says
“Invasion.” Steven says
“Yeah, of course someday an extraterrestrial threat will descend upon us and try to take over our world. And we must be ready to fight them off and defend humanity.” Connie says
“What if their friendly?” Steven asks
“If they come in peace, we’ll extend a hand of friendship, but we still must be ready. Who knows what terrifying powers they have or advanced technology thousands of years ahead of our own or their incredible intellects?” Connie says
“What if they aren’t super terrifying or really that…... intelligent.” Steven says thinking back to last night
“They would’ve perfected space travel of course they’re smart.” Connie says
“Well not everyone can be a rocket scientist, I mean we aren’t right. Maybe it’s the same for them.” Steven says surprising Connie
“Heh, I guess you’re right.” Connie said smiling making Steven smile
“So, are aliens your thing or?” Steven asks
“Not just aliens, I’m completely into the Paranormal as well. I’m gonna be an investigator of all the unexplained mysteries of the world and beyond…... or I could be as long as it doesn’t affect my grades or my extracurricular activities.” Connie says
“Oh, cool you believe in Ghosts and Monsters to. I swear once when I woke up I night I saw eyes looking at me in my closet and when I woke up the next morning my socks were gone.” Steven says
“I’ve heard about similar cases before, it’s most likely a small level 1 roaming specter. They can only manifest small parts of themselves in dark areas and usually make mischief than be actual threats. The worst case I heard is about a guy losing all his teeth.” Connie says
“OH WOW! How did you know that?” Steven asks amazed
“Just some friends I have online, we keep each other up to date on all the cool stuff. Like last night one of my cohorts found some strange disturbances from satellites over the U.S between 8 and 9 pm.” Connie says
“Heh, ain’t that something.” Steven says nervously
“Anyway, what’s your interest in aliens. Have you had a close encounter?” Connie asks with a smirk
“O-O-Oh well ya see.” Steven says nervously until the door opened again
“Alright class due to a technical mix up our supposedly EXPERIENCED COMPUTER EXPERTS BOTCHED! We have been given another new student instead of the one who was supposed to be, and is late either way.” Lazuli says
“What happens to them?” Steven asks
“I don’t know they wander I guess or something. Anyway kid, come in and introduce yourself so I can finally get this class started.” Lazuli says walking to her desk leaving the door open.
Steven smiled excited that another new kid was in this class, he managed to start a conversation with Connie and seemed to be going well. Maybe he could do it again he could make friends on his first day. But that smile soon fell as a weight filled his heart as he saw the silhouette behind the door. Then a Pink ballet shoe with a white poof at the end stepped out from behind it. Steven felt his eyes widen and his heart stop for a moment as he looked at what was before him. Pink now being Steven’s size still with her hair that was twice the size of head, her pink skin, and Diamond Irises. She wore a Dark Pink shirt with the words ‘I Love Earth’ on it and a light pink skirt with a white trim that went to her knees. She smiled as she holds up a white and dark pink backpack with little nubs on the bottom.
“Hello friends, my name is Pinkamena Diamandis. But everyone calls me Pink Diamond or just Pink for short.” The chibi Pink says with a smile as everyone looked at her like weirdo she was.
Steven almost broke out in a sweat when he saw Pink, everyone was looking at her. But Steven saw Connie was looking at her the most intently her finger raised and shaking, single eye twitching and mouth slightly open.
“As you can all clearly see I am a completely normal human worm baby, who has lived on this wonderful planet for……… 12 years.” Pink said taking a moment to think of the last part
“There is nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing you should find suspicious about me and there is no reason to look into my background or history. And if you do think there’s suspicious about me YOUR WRONG AND YOU’RE A FILTHLY LIAR!!!” Pink screams the last part pointing at everyone before her like a crazed maniac
This of course got a whole lot of looks at her, at which Pink realized being her hands back to her chest.
“Anyway, I’m normal, so just ignore me and we’ll be fine. I hope we can all be friends.” Pink says with a large toothy smile
“I just got all the characters here huh? Take the last seat next to star kid there.” Lazuli says pointing to the desk right of Steven
Pink with her large smile takes her seat next the sweating Steven and the glaring Connie oblivious to both. Steven was trying not to lose his cool as he looked at Pink and felt Connie’s eyes going past him and to Pink.
“Okay now that we’ve wasted enough time, we can finally get things started. Our first subject is…… yes Pink?” Lazuli starts but stops with a groan seeing Pink raise her hand
“Yes, education giver, I have a question. Let’s hypothetically say this planet was to be suddenly attacked by an alien armada, how prepared would humanity be……... TELL ME NOW!” Pink says growling the last part
“………………. Right.” Lazuli says annoyed ignoring the question making Pink frown
“So, who has pencils?” Lazuli asks as Steven and Connie are the only ones to raise their hands
“Do you have enough to share with everyone?” Lazuli asks as the two shake their heads no
Lapis slams her palm on the desk taking a deep breath before walking out of the room to retrieve pencils for her class. The room was left in silence with Steven nervously sitting between Pink and Connie.
“…… okay I’m not the only one seeing this right.” Connie says
“Hello their fellow child-human, my name is….” Pink starts turning to Connie
“Yeah, no stop that. You’re an alien.” Connie says blatantly almost making Steven gag on his own spit
“What are you talking about?” a random boy asks
“ARE YOU SERIOUS LOOK AT HER!!” Connie yells pointing at Pink
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, I am a normal 11 cycle old human.” Pink says defensively
“You said 12 before.” A girl says
“That’s what I said 12. I am normal so why don’t you be a pal and SHUT UP!” Pink yells the last part
“I will not shut up and you are not normal! Look at her freakish Pink skin and eyes, her irises are Diamond shaped nobody has that!” Connie says
“MY SKIN IS PERFECT YOU INSOLENT LITTLE…… I have a skin and eye condition which I am very sensitive about. And my eyes are a Proud part of my organic heritage you DISGUSTING DIRT MUNCHER!!” Pink says seething on her desk
“Oh, for the love of just give it up! That is the worst disguise I’ve ever seen, and I cosplayed at Familiar-Con last year! You just asked if the planet would be prepared for an invasion! Everyone heard her right, she’s not normal!” Connie says pointing at Pink
“Yeah she isn’t and neither are you!” a boy says making the other kids laugh which made Connie blush in embarrassment
“Connie maybe you should calm down for a bit.” Steven says trying to stop her before she does something drastic
“Why don’t you listen to the adorable Human-boy, who I never met before. You should sit down and shut that mouth of yours.” Pink says sinisterly
“I WILL NOT! Steven you see it right! She’s not human!” Connie says looking to Steven
“Oh w-w-well I think….” Steven stammered fiddling his thumbs as he looked between the two who were glaring at each other
Steven’s eyes then wandered under Pink’s desk and saw she had a watch like device on her wrist. Steven watched as she dragged her finger across it in a circle making it glow. His eyes then went to the window and the tree outside the building. He saw the leaves rustle and then 5 small red figures start to emerge. He almost let out a gasp as he saw the rubies in the tree looking like they were ready to jump into the class and attack. He was in full panic mode as he sat in the middle of this dangerous situation.
“Okay here we go, they aren’t sharpened so deal with it.” Lazuli says entering the class with a box
Connie immediately sat down politely once again hands on her desk, and Pink brought her finger in the opposite direction of her watch turning it off. Steven saw the rubies hide in the tree once more making him sigh in relief.
“Okay so English was supposed to be our first class, but since we’ve wasted so much time today, we’ll just go to math. Pay attention.” Lazuli says going to the chalkboard
“Um, Ms. Lazuli! I can’t see past Pink’s massive hair!” The boy sitting behind Pink says
“Tough luck kid I ain’t a barber…… well not anymore. Pay attention now.” Lazuli says as she starts
Steven tried to focus but was mentally gone as he sat between the two girls who were glaring at each other. He slightly sunk in his seat as his first day got a little more chaotic.
“Enjoy our school’s delicious food.” Lazuli says sarcastically as the bell rings and the kids leave the classroom
Pink made sure she was the last the leave making her way out of the classroom with a peaceful smile on face. She made her way halfway down the hall coming to a door. And as she did a hand shot out and grabbed her by the arm. She let out a yelp as she pulled into an empty classroom.
“PINK WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” Steven yells in a panic
“Oh hello, fellow human. How are you? I was just going to…… um.” Pink says trying to remember what it was
“Lunch.” Steven says
“Lunch. That’s it, just needed to remember, we said it at the same time so I knew it.” Pink says
“Pink what-?” Steven tries asking
“Oh, by the way what is your name? Since we’ve never met before.” Pink says
“Pink, we’ve met last night you know my name is Steven.” He says
“Hello Steven nice to meet you.” Pink says making Steven grunt in annoyance pinching the bridge of his nose
“Although perhaps I may seem familiar to you.” Pink says smirk
“Pink it’s you.” Steven says
“As if we have met before one cold Earth night.” Pink says
“Pink I know it’s you.” Steven says deadpanned
“Something so strange you could’ve sworn it was only a dream.” Pink says trying to keep up the mystery
“It wasn’t, it was last night. You landed on my front lawn.” Steven says
“Behold! Your eyes do not deceive you it tis I! THE RADIANT PINK DIAMOND!!” Pink says as with a flash of Pink she shapeshifts to her normal form towering over Steven
“Oh-wow-what a surprise.” Steven says feigning amazement
“Yes, yes your tiny human mind is reeling. But make it quick I have to-.” Pink says as she turns only to hit her head on a light
“Because I’ve never met a human who’s a big as you. I mean my mom might have to duck to enter this room, but still.” Steven says as he takes Pink’s hand pulling her down into a kneeling position
“Ah, whatever, this whole place is dumb anyway.” Pink grumbles sitting on the floor before Steven
“Okay two things 1. You can shapeshift? And 2. What are you doing here?” Steven asks
“Yes, one of the amazing skills my race possesses. We can bend our light construct bodies into any shape and size of our choosing. Allowing us to be masters of disguise and infiltration.” Pink says as with another flash she transforms into her ‘Human’ form
“As for why I am here this is just phase 1 of my world conquests plans. I first must gather all the information I can on your world so I can begin forming my plans for takeover and how to properly cull the masses of this world to my reign.” Pink says
“You want…… to take over the world by going to middle school?” Steven says
“You said it was a place human go to learn about the world. Plus, my gems are doing their own research as well.” Pink says
“Yeah I did say that. Though it may take a while for you to learn everything you want.” Steven says scratching his head.
“Oh, I can wait as long as I need to.” Pink says
“Hope so, also how did you end up in my class specifically?” Steven says
“Oh, we found your name in the registry saying you would be in that room. So, I moved the other guy and put myself there.” Pink says
“Why?” Steven asks curiously
“Well…… um…... well because…… I-wanted-to see you…… again.” Pink says embarrassed blushing
“Awwwww~” Steven says blushing as well with a smile
“Y-y-yeah I mean you are my minion! You can help me better acquaint myself with this Middle School.” Pink says
“Yeah, I’ll help you, don’t want you getting hurt or hurting somebody else. And on that point, why are those short angry people in the trees?” Steven asked pointing out the window
“The rubies are here for my protection. And to silence any humans who get in my way, like that annoying visor girl.” Pink growls
“Yeah. You gotta tell them to leave.” Steven says
“WHAT WHY?” Pink asks
“Pink you can’t have a hit squad on call outside our class in a tree. What if somebody sees them?” Steven asks
“Oh, please they’re highly trained soldiers, with centuries of experience. They aren’t gonna get caught.” Pink says with a laugh
Outside a school maintenance worker carried a ladder to a tree while whistling a tune. He sets up the Ladder on the tree and takes out some trimming tools. He continued to whistle as he scaled up the ladder with the leave trimmers. He then reaches the top and takes the trimmers getting ready to do his job. He then parted the leaves only to be greeted by a scowling Ruby. In a moment of pure surprise, he dropped his trimmers wide-eyed and silent. The Ruby then punched him in the face knocking him out and making him fall off the ladder onto the grass. The Ruby then retreated back into the tree pulling the ladder up as well.
“Yeah. You also can’t go around attacking people!” Steven says
“Steven, I’m not gonna attack everyone. Just People who cross me, Like Dirt Muncher.” Pink says simply
“Connie.” Steven corrects
“I know what I said.” Pink says seriously
“Okay, you two got off on the wrong foot. But I’m sure if you just sit and talk you two can become friends.” Steven says optimistically
“No. Never. To the day my light leaves me gem. To the day the last star dies. And Beyond that. No.” Pink says simply with narrowed eyes
“Okay then think about this pragmatically. Connie has a family, people who care about her, people who would worry if she suddenly vanished. So, worried they will call the police to try and find her.” Steven reasons
“Po-leze?” Pink asks with a raised eyebrow
“They are humans who enforce the law. And a big law on Earth is that you don’t hurt people. And if you break the law they’ll come after you.” Steven says in a warning like tone
“Pfffft, what do I a Diamond have to fear from some scrawny humans?” Pink says with a laugh
“Numbers.” Steven says with a smirk
“What?” Pink asks with an annoyed look
“You have 5 of those little red guys, while the police have dozens and dozens of officers.” Steven says as Pink looked slightly worried
“And you don’t have to just worry about the police. There’s also the FBI!” Steven says
“Wh-what’s the FBI?” Pink asks worried
“The super police and they have even more guys than the regular police. And they always catch people who break the law!” Steven says pointing at Pink’s nose
“What am I, supposed to do? I can’t get caught!” Pink asks
“First don’t hurt Connie…... don’t hurt anyone. Tell your guys to get out of the tree, and back to wherever they came from. And if you are doing this infiltration thing, try to just fit in. Be nice and get close to some people, and try to be low key about it.” Steven asks
“Okay then, any suggestions.” Pink asks
“Okay then first the Shirt…... what is that?” Steven asks looking at Pink’s ‘I LOVE EARTH’ Shirt
“What about it?” Pink asks
“I-It’s just too much, it’s to on the nose,” Steven says making Pink examine herself
“……. Ugh, you know what you’re right. I asked Pearl to be honest with me, she said it looks great. Of course, she did.” Pink says with a sigh as her upper body flashes pink and the shirt is changed, it now having a light pink upside-down diamond.
“Okay that’s good. I’ll walk you through the rest of it as we go on, but we gotta get some lunch.” Steven says as he starts to leave
“ALRIGHT!..... What’s Lunch?” Pink asks
The school’s lunchroom was about what Steven expected loud, kinda cramped, and smelled funny. Still Steven walked into the main hall with a smile as he held his tray filled with what he guessed they called food here, again another thing he was expecting. He made his way down the aisle looking for a spot to sit amongst the tables. He could make out that certain cliques sticking together nerds, jocks, music, the usual. Steven found an open spot and rushed towards it, only to have another person take it immediately
“Um, hey could you scoot over a bit? I-.” Steven said before everyone at the table glared at him making him back up
“Okay, Okay. New kid, means I don’t have a table.” Steven says as he walks away, until he notices an empty table
“Alright!” Steven says going to the table, many of the kids watching and whispering as he did
Steven made his way to the empty table and sat, the lunch room getting noticeably quieter as he did. Steven even swore he heard a gasp, but didn’t pay it any mind as he sat down. He put his tray before him and took a spoonful of what he guessed was beans and prepared to eat.
“Yo.” A voice said from behind stopping Steven in his tracks
Steven turned around to see a girl his height with wild purple hair which has a baseball cap over it. She had dark skin and black eyes, she wore tattered jeans and a loose T-shirt that said RUNT on it.
“Oh Hello, there.” Steven says turning around
“I’m Amethyst.” Amethyst says not breaking eye contact with Steven
“Oh well I’m Steven, nice to meet you.” Steven says extending his hand to be shaken as everyone in the lunchroom was looking at them
“You’re in my spot.” Amethyst says
“Oh sorry.” Steven says as he scoots to the side
“This whole table is my spot.” Amethyst says seriously
“You…... have a whole table?” Steven asked curiously
“Yep, everyone knows this table belongs to me.” Amethyst says sitting beside Steven with a malicious grin
“O-Oh well I am new here.” Steven says nervously
“Yeah…. You smell new. You wanna know what happened to the last guy who tried taking my spot.” Amethyst says with a sly and evil grin
“A-um…” Steven stammered nervously
“I broke his nose. Blood splattered everywhere, I got suspended, guy didn’t come to school anymore.” Amethyst says simply playing with a plastic fork
“Oh…... well…… I guess I don’t have to worry about you doing that to me.” Steven says with a nervous smile
“And what’s stopping me from clocking you right now?” Amethyst asked leaning in
“You…. Would…. Get blood all over your nice table.” Steven says with a sheepish leaning back
There was a heavy silence that filled the lunch room as Amethyst stared down Steven. A sweat drop rolled down his forehead as he locked eyes with her.
“HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You’re alright Steve-O, call me Amy dude.” Amethyst laughs patting him on the back
“Heh, alright. That was a nice joke you pulled, that was-that was really…... terrifying.” Steven says honestly
“Heh heh, yeah, that wasn’t a joke. Ya see all those whispering faces looking at ya right now.” Amethyst says pointing out to the cafeteria and all the people who were looking at Steven and whispering
“I got a bit of a reputation and school, and the fact your sitting next to me and I didn’t sock you means ya got a reputation to.” Amethyst says smiling
“Is that a good reputation?” Steven asks
“Your gonna have to find out by yourself bro.” Amethyst says with a laugh before eating her lunch
Steven gave a confused grunt as he looked at his new ‘friend’ eat the school lunch. He looked out to the lunchroom and saw that most had returned to their own activities with only a few looking back at him. Steven shrugs and get comfortable ready to eat his lunch
“STEVEN!!” Connie yells slamming her food in front of him
“CONNIE!!” Steven says happily
“Amethyst!” Amethyst says raising her spoon for a second but going back to eating
“So, who’s your new friend?” Connie asks
“Oh, this is Amethyst…... Oh right! Amethyst you’re not gonna punch Connie, right?” Steven asks
“Don’t care, eating.” Amethyst says between chews
“Wait was he gonna punch me?” Connie asks
“Well she said she isn’t.” Steven says
Connie was confused but sat across from Steven, trusting the boy. He had a genuineness to him that Connie found friendly and comforting. He meant what he said and what he said was nice.
“Steven there’s something I wanna talk about.” Connie says
“Oh, I do to.” Steven says smiling
“Oh, you do? Then please go first.” Connie says politely
“Well where are you from?” Steven asks
“Wh-what?” Connie asked surprised
“Where are you from? Now is a good time to get to know each other, I wanna know more about you.” Steven asks with a smile
Connie stares at Steven once again surprised by the genuine niceness coming from him. She takes a moment to compose herself and then answers.
“Well I am new to town, my family had to move here cause my dad’s a private security guard and my Mom’s a Medical scientist.” Connie says
“Cool I’m new in town to and my mom is also a scientist.” Steven says enthusiastically
“Well ain’t that convenient?” Amethyst says between chews
“What about you Amethyst you new too?” Steven asks
“Nope lived here all my life. As much as I would like to be a part of this exchange, I am super hungry.” Amethyst says still chewing
Steven shrugs and continues
“Did you have friends in your old town?” Steven asks
“N-no, we move around a lot. I don’t really…. Get the chance to.” Connie says sheepishly
“Oh, will you be moving again soon?” Steven asks a little disappointed
“I don’t think so, the place my mom is working really wanted her so she says this could be permanent residence.” Connie says
“THAT’S GREAT!!” Steven says happily nearly coming out of his seat
Connie yelped at his enthusiasm but smiled still happy that he was happy.
“What do you like to do, aside from reading Alien book?” Steven asks eagerly
“Oh well I also like reading Unfamiliar Familiar, I play tennis, I like watching Under the Knife.” Connie listed
“OUT OF HIS BRAIN YEAH!!” Connie replied happily and the two started to laugh
Amethyst continued to eat but smirked at the two
“Aren’t you two a cute couple.” Amethyst says smirking
“AH-WHA-?! A co-couple, w-w-we just met we can’t…...” Steven stammered as Connie blushed
“……. Oh, Steven that reminds me, I wanted to talk to you about-.” Connie says wanting to change the subject
“Oh my god! Check out the freakshow.” Amethyst says laughing looking away from the table
Steven didn’t need to look up to know what Amethyst was talking about, but did anyway just to be sure. And as he predicted at the end of the aisle stood Pink holding a tray of food looking at it confused. None the less she took a deep breath and made her way down the aisle head held high trying to give off an air of superiority. Most of the students either gave her a passing glance or ignored her. Pink then made her way to the end of a table to a girl eating her meal, until she noticed Pink.
“I eat food! Just like you!” Pink says smiling holding out her tray
The girl gave her a look before scooting away from Pink. Pink gave a small frown, but continued on her way. She then stopped at a boy who was eating.
“I HAVE A STOMACH!!!” Pink yells in a shrill voice with wide eyes and a manic grin. The boy gagging on his food from the surprise
Pink clicked her tongue before locking eyes with Steven a smile growing on her face. She quickly made her way to Steven’s table sitting across from him, shoving Connie a bit with no regard getting an annoyed grunt.
“Hello Steven.” Pink says happily
“Hi Pink.” Steven says equally happy
“Hello Squealing Flesh bag.” Pink says with a sly grin and condescension in her voice, making Connie growl
“Hello Space-Girl.” Connie says back making Pink’s eye twitch
“And Hello…… you.” Pink says confused looking at the eating Amethyst
“Yeah, good old…... you……. Yoooooou~” Pink says as if she was buying time to think of something
“She wasn’t in our class; you haven’t met her. This is Amethyst.” Steven says
“Oh, thank the stars!” Pink says relieved
“Sup, your hair looks funny.” Amethyst says
“S-so does yours…... also, you look kinda familiar.” Pink says looking at Amethyst with narrow eyes
“What she looks like your BFF, back on your home planet?” Connie says with a smirk
Pink grinds her teeth a bit with a strained laugh
“Well, despite your RUDENESS! I am so happy to join my fellow humans to be in this smelly hall to enjoy…… this?” Pink says looking at her tray of food the smell making her nose twinge
“Those are beans, this is lunch time where humans eat food…... which I think this is.” Connie says unsure looking it
“I KNOW WHAT FOOD IS MAYWEATHER!!” Pink yells annoyed
“Maheswaran.” Connie says
“Whatever. I know that organics, WHICH I AM! Need a constant intake of substances in order to keep functioning, WHICH I ALSO DO! And I have partaken in many delicacies.” Pink says proudly
“Nobody talks like that.” Connie says
“Oh, you’ve eaten stuff before.” Steven asks smiling
“Totally and this just happens to be my favorite flavor, FREE!” Pink says taking the spoon and digging in to the food with a joyous expression
Pink took a spoonful of the beans and shoved it into her mouth without care. She chewed on them letting out a simple grunt as she did.
“Hm, not to bad…... Little rough…… and there’s a bit of a funny afterta-AAAAAAGRRH!!!” Pink starts calmly but then lets a pained scream her eyes nearly bulging out of her skull.
Connie and Steven looked on surprised leaning back bit as Pink slammed her head onto the table and fell backwards under it. The two humans looked at each other concerned as Pink pulled herself panting some of the beans still on her mouth.
“Wha-H-How can you put that in your bodies?!” Pink yells horrified
“Eh you get used to it.” Amethyst says taking another spoonful as she chewed her body jerked a bit for a second as if she was just poisoned before going back to Normal and taking another spoonful.
Steven and Connie looked at Amethyst concerned and then to their trays. Both kids share a look before pushing their trays away.
“You know she’s an alien, right?” Connie asks Amethyst leaning over
“So am I, my family from Chihuahua.” Amethyst says simply
“DON’T LISTEN TO HER! I am a completely Normal human being like you with your flesh, various bodily juices and odors, and…… other stuff.” Pink says trying to be convincing
“You talk funny.” Amethyst says
“You know, you’re actually making consider that while there is life out there it’s not intelligent.” Connie says bored looking at Pink
“You know, I’m actually impressed you can keep your head up with that Massive Visor you have. Seriously it takes up ¾ of your face.” Pink says with narrowed eyes
“These are prescription and to help me see.” Connie says offended
“You need help to see? What are you defective?” Pink asks confused
“WHAT?!” Connie yells angered by what Pink said
“PINK?!” Steven says equally shocked
“WHAT?!” Pink says not understanding why she was being yelled at
The groups attention was brought to Amethyst who reached into her pocket and pulled out a phone. I was old and pretty beaten up looking, the screen cracked, wires sticking out, and there even being tape on it.
“Ah this stupid thing.” Amethyst says shaking the phone
“Someone calling you?” Steven asks as Pink and Connie continue to stare each other down
“Probably not, this thing has been busted for months. I’d cover your ears if I were you, this things speaker is busted and it does this really annoying-.” Amethyst starts but stop once it lets out a horrible high-pitched sound
Steven and Connie immediately covered their ears with a hiss as Amethyst shook her broken phone and slammed it on the table to stop.
“Wow, that is annoying! You ever hear anything like that before-?” Steven went to ask Pink but stopped as he looked at her
“Ah, AH, AAAAAAAHHHHHHGRRRHHHAAGRH!!” Pink yells as she holds her eyes her eyes going wide and apart
Steven, Connie, and Amethyst watched as Pink screamed holding her head and flailing in the seat kicking her legs. Steven got up from his seat worried for his friend as she fell back once again. Suddenly there was a massive pink flash followed by the sound of a CRACK. Worried Steven peered over the table slowly, followed by Connie and Amethyst. The all looked on shocked as Pink laid on the ground spread eagle breathing heavily. Though what drew their eyes was the massive what they can only describe as a crack going across her face pink light glowing from it. He chest rose and fell quickly as her left eye was milky white, looking like she was in a lot of pain.
“Dude, gnarly.” Amethyst says surprised
“OH MY GOSH, PINK!!” Steven yells terrified
“OH MY GOSH EVERYONE LOOK!!” Connie yells joyously
This got everyone’s attention as they looked to the table the three were at. Steven looked on in a panic knowing how bad this situation, Pink was going to get outed and who knows what would happen to her.
“I told you she wasn’t human! Just look at this, that is not Normal!” Connie says pointing over the table as everyone approached
Steven’s breath quickened as the people got closer and his mind raced a mile and second. He couldn’t think of a way out.
“PINK, YO-!” Steven said looking over the table back at Pink only to find nothing, he looked up just in time to see the doors swing open after Pink ran through them. Everyone came just in time to see the same nothing Steven saw not noticing the doors
“You’re Crazy.” A student says as Connie gave an annoyed look
A few minutes later Steven left the lunchroom with an excuse to use the bathroom, though he was now scouring the halls for his new friend.
“Oh, I hope Pink is okay, she looked really hurt.” Steven says
As he walked down the hall, he passed the janitors closet and a Pink hand shot out and grabbed him pulling him in with a yelp.
“Pink can you not yank so hard, it feels like your gonna pull my arm out of it’s so-OH MY GOODNESS YOUR FACE!!” Steven yelled terrified looking at Pink’s face
The Diamond’s face looked like a rock that was splitting open, she was sweating intensely looking like she was dying. Her left eye looking like a TV screen on the fritz as her pupil shook and crackled.
“St-Steeeven.” Pink groaned like an undead
“PINK WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU?! ARE YOU DYING?!” Steven yelled in panic looking at his friend
“S-sound from th-the purple girl’s device. It’s dis-dis-disrupted my f-f-form.” Pink says holding her head as the crack got bigger
“N-No! C-c-can’t be exposed. N-n-n-need you to h-h-help Spinel!” Pink stammers
“Spinel?” Steven asks
“HELLO!!” Spinel yells happily her head popping up behind Pink
As expected, Steven jumped back and screamed his back hitting the door. As he did Pink’s backpack unfurled revealing Spinel in full as she vaulted over Pink and landed before Steven as Joyous as ever.
“Your backpack can talk!?” Steven yelps
“I’m Spinel. Pink’s Bestest Best Friend, EVER!!” Spinel says with a happy pose
“Um, I’m Steven. Human and Pink’s…... friend.” Steven says
“Pink told me about you, it’ll be so cool to have two friends now! The others don’t like the games I do and I when I asked Sapphire to play hide and seek, she froze my feet to the ground. A cunning strategy.” Spinel says
“So, you were disguised as Pink’s backpack?” Steven asks
“Yep it was Pink’s idea. She saw that all you little humans had those back thingies so she figured it would be a good idea to have one of her own. And Pearl thought it would be a good idea to have me around.” Spinel says
“You were really quiet.” Steven says surprised
“Oh, it’s Pink’s favorite game ‘The Quiet Game’. I don’t make a sound until she says I can and then I win! And I always win.” Spinel says
“The-Quiet Game.” Steven says surprised
“Yeah, it was something the other Diamonds played with her a lot and now we play it together.” Spinel says
“Uhuh.” Steven says with narrowed eyes
“H-head hurting, help me.” Pink slurs trying to get their attention
The two turned to face Pink who was leaning against the wall. Steven looked on worried as Spinel happily jumped over to Pink.
“S-spinel, my head it’s, it’s-.” Pink says gesturing her head
“It’s Grotesque.” Spinel says
“Yes, help me put myself back together.” Pink asks
“Okie Dokie!” Spinel says with a salute
As soon as she did Spinel stretched out her arm wrapping it around Pink’s forehead 4 times. Spinel then reached out for Steven who looked on surprised.
“Shake my hand, new best friend!” Spinel says wiggling her fingers
Steven hesitates but grabs onto Spinel’s hands giving it a decent squeeze. Her hand felt like squeezing taffy squishy with some firmness.
“Now Pull.” Spinel says as she pulls on her arm with Steven doing the same
The two pulled putting Pink’s head in a vice, the monarch helping by using her hands to push the crack close. With enough effort the crack was closed, Pink then began to grunt and strain as the scar began to vanish is a Pink flash. Pink let out a gasp as it was finally sealed, Pink giving her head a few whacks so her eye became normal.
“Ah, well done the both of you.” Pink says relieved touching her complete face
“That’s what friends are for.” Spinel says giving the thumbs up
“I’m just glad you’re okay.” Steven says
“Indeed, I’m gonna have to dispose of that weapon the purple girl has.” Pink says
“Her name is Amethyst and it’s not a weapon, it’s a phone.” Steven says
“Yeah whatever, Spinel let’s go.” Pink says pointing to her back
“Pink I’m glad you’re okay, but we need to talk about Connie.” Steven says
“What? Is she annoying you? You reconsidering my idea?” Pink asks
“No, about what you said to her earlier. That was very mean and you clearly offended her.” Steven says
“What about being defective? If she needs those things to see, she clearly is. I mean you don’t need help seeing and I haven’t seen any other human needing help.” Pink says
“There are plenty of people who wear glasses, they can’t help it sometimes they were just born like that. You need to apologize to Connie.” Steven says
“WHAT?! I am not apologizing to that mouthy little clod! Why should I care if I hurt her feelings?” Pink says defiant
“Pink, what you did affected her even if you didn’t mean it. An apology is the least you can do, I mean how would you feel if someone called you defective?” Steven asks as Pink visibly flinches her eyes widening Spinel looking worried
“Don’t you think it’s wrong for someone to be made fun of just because they’re different?” Steven asks as Pink’s fists clenched and she bit her lower lip
“Pink. Buddy. I think you should say sorry.” Spinel says taking her hand with a smile
Pink looks at Spinel and then to Steven. She lets out a sigh as she unclenches her fist and slouches a bit.
“Fine I’ll…... I’ll say sorry to her.” Pink says defeated
“Thank you Pink.” Steven says happily
“YAY!! Can she be our new friend?” Spinel asks
“No! Now let’s get out of here this place smells.” Pink says as she opens the door
Later that Day
“Okay everyone remember your homework and have a-.” Lapis says as all the kids ran out of the classroom not paying her any mind
“Eh day.” Lazuli says bored slumping in her chair
Lapis groans reaching in her desk and pulling out her phone and headphones. She scrolls through her phone and starts to put on her earbuds. Reaching into her pocket and pulling out a small container filled with gum
“Um, Ms. Lazuli.” Steven says standing in front of the desk surprising the Teacher
“Oh…… your still here?” Lazuli says very surprised
“I, um have some questions about the math we did today.” Steven says nervously
“Can’t you just look up videos online?” Lapis asks with a raised eyebrow
“I-I-I could, but I-um-I have-w-well-.” Steven says nervously as he plays with his fingers not looking at Lapis
Lapis’s face soften as she saw that Steven looked visibly nervous and upset biting his lower lip. Lapis let out a sigh as she sat up on her chair.
“Okay, Okay kid. What are you having trouble with?” Lapis asks
“Whoa there! You’re not stupid.” Lapis says trying to calm him down
“W-why is math so hard! I always have trouble with it! It’s the first day and I’m already flunking.” Steven says upset looking down at the ground
“Listen…... Steven, I’m gonna let you in on a secret. Math SUCKS! It’s needlessly complicated beyond the basics and most of this stuff has no function in the outside world. The only thing it’s good for is confusing and upsetting kids like you.” Lapis says leaning forward making Steven look up
“Trust me, you probably aren’t the only one feeling like this right now, I bet you at least ¾ of the class are as just as confused as you are. But the difference between them is that you had the courage to come to me and ask for help.” Lapis tries to reassure him
“Really?” Steven says with some hope in his eyes
“Yeah really! Now tell me exactly where I lost ya before I’ll talk slower this time. Do you have anywhere to be? Are your parents coming to pick you up?” Lapis asks
“No, I’m walking home. And my dad won’t be back till 4.” Steven says sitting beside her and putting the paper on the desk
“Well that’s more than enough time. Trust me, this is a lot easier than it looks.” Lapis says
“Thank you so much for taking the time to help me.” Steven says
“Hey I’m a teacher it’s……. heh-what I’m here for.” Lapis says with a small laugh realizing what she just said
As children flooded out of the school in a happy rush, Connie slowly plodded her way down the stairs grumbling to herself. She was conflicted, on one hand she befriended Steven and was happy to do so, the boy was very friendly and his optimism was infectious she couldn’t help but smile when around him. On the other hand, she just met an alien and yet nobody could see that or believed her, not only that the alien was rude calling her names defective being something that hurt her to her core. She’s been made fun of her glasses before on multiple occasions but defective was a new and very hurtful one for her. She fumed and growled thinking about it until a voice from behind got her attention.
“Hey.” Pink says from behind
Connie kept walking
“Hey!” Pink says again
Connie walked faster
“HEY!” Pink yells
Connie walked faster
“HEY!!” Pink yells louder
Connie was almost on her way to a full sprint
“HEY MALIWAN!!!” Pink says
“It’s Maheswaran, you hibiscus looking jerk!” Connie yells turning around angrily
“Whatever. I have something to say to you.” Pink says waving her off
“Well ‘Whatever’ it is I don’t want to hear it. So why don’t you jump in your space ship and…...” Connie yells turning around
“I’m sorry.” Pink says gently
“…… What?” Connie says turning back around
“What I said was during Lee-unch inconsiderate and ignorant and I am sorry.” Pink says getting Connie’s full attention
“I am a totally normal flesh human and I should know that…... I should know that you shouldn’t make fun of people just cause they’re different. It hurts, it hurts bad, feeling like you don’t belong. Nobody deserves to feel like that……. S-So I swear on my Human life that I will never again intentionally or unintentionally take your physical differences and make them the object of ridicule. So…...there.” Pink says standing up straight Connie looking at her surprised
“……D-do people make fun of you?” Connie asks curiously
“Right…… well thank you I accept your apology.” Connie says
“Good, now get out of my way.” Pink says as she tries rushing past Connie down the street
Connie raised an eyebrow at Pink, there was something up with her. Connie knew she was alien, but her apology seemed genuine. And her reaction clearly showed that she was hiding some issues. Perhaps she was a refugee escaping an oppressive world, Connie needed to know more.
“Hey Pink wait up!” Connie yells running behind Pink
“I said sorry, what else do you want?” Pink grumbles annoyed
“Well as a normal human-.” Connie says deciding to play along
“Finally, you get it!” Pink yells exhausted
“Mhm, so you live in town?” Connie asks
“Yes.” Pink says as she keeps moving
“Where?” Connie asks
“None of your business.” Pink replies
“Got any friends?” Connie asks
“Steven…... and many others you don’t know about.” Pink replies
“Got a family?” Connie asks
“Nnnnnnn-yyyyyyessss?” Pink says unsure
“Mother, Father, grandparents, siblings?” Connie asks
“Yeah, yeah sure got all that stuff.” Pink says
“Are your parents employed?” Connie asks
“Yeah totally.” Pink says
“What do they do?” Connie asks
“You ask a lot of questions; you think your entitled to answers.” Pink says annoyed
“Hey, I’m just curious. I mean my mom’s a medical scientist and my dad is a cop.” Connie says
“A…... cop…... police?” Pink says stopping in her track’s eyes widening
“Well he’s not actually a cop, I just kinda say that. He’s more like a private security guard.” Connie says not paying attention to Pink’s reaction
“As in the police with dozens and dozens of soldiers who look into strange happenings?! And if they are really bad call the FBI who have even greater numbers and always capture the things they’re looking for!?” Pink says in a small panic
“Well I think this town has like maybe a dozen or so police tops and they can only call the FBI if-HEY!” Connie starts but stops upon noticing Pink in full sprint down the street running from her
Connie immediately takes off after Pink, but just as she left Steven exited the school with Ms. Lazuli by his side.
“Wow it really was that easy.” Steven says amazed
“Yeah books make it look a lot harder than it actually is. But you gotta keep practicing with it that’s the trick.” Ms. Lazuli says
“Will do Ms. Lazuli.” Steven says happily
“Hey Steven, outside of class you can call me Lapis.” Lapis says with a calm smile
“Oh-okay, Ms. Lapis, See ya tomorrow.” Steven says smiling as he leaves the school
“Yeah and you have a…...Nice day. Heh, Nice day.” Lapis says with a laugh surprised by her own words as she re-enters the school
Pink breathed wildly as she ran down the sidewalk going past other students and their parents. A quick glance behind and she saw that Connie was chasing her, Pink let out a terrified yelp as she pushed passed a girl and ran to the crosswalk. Pink ended up stopping in the middle of the street looking for an escape route as a car screeched to a stop before her.
“HEY GET OUT OF THE ROAD!! I COULD’VE HURT YA!” The man driving the car yelled
Pink looked at the car and then ran towards it. The driver yelped as Pink jumped onto the hood of the car and onto the roof. The driver watched as Pink scanned the area seeing Connie come at her. Pink then jumped off of the roof of the car onto the hood of the car behind it. Pink then leapt from that back onto the sidewalk and continued to run.
“WHY ARE YOU RUNNING!!” Connie yelled as she chased after
Acting on instinct Pink grabbed onto the trash can and lifted it up, unaware that it was bolted to the ground. She easily pulled it out of the concrete taking some of the sidewalk with it and then threw it at Connie. Connie screams in terror as she sees the metal can flying at her, though she luckily ducks at the right time letting it fly overhead and crash into the side of a parked car. Connie looked in shock at the car before looking at Pink who ran again, taking a moment to gather herself Connie continued the chase.
Pink panted as she weaved through the people trying to get away. Connie was behind but saw that Pink was incredibly fast and didn’t seem to be slowing down. She knew she couldn’t keep up with her for long. Just then a jingle filled the air and Connie turned her head to see an Ice Cream Truck. Pink continued to run a smile coming across her face as she felt that she was getting away. Then she heard the jingle and turned her head to see the Ice Cream truck and Connie riding on the back of it.
“AYAGAH!!” Pink yells as she flails and turns a random direction down a street
But she unknowingly turned down a dead end, before her was a bar fence blocking her path. Connie had just jumped off the truck and continued to chase Pink, thinking she had Pink cornered. But Pink did not slow down as she ran full speed to the fence.
“Try catching me now idiot!” Pink yells as she jumps towards the fence
Connie watched as Pink’s body glowed lightly and started to slim. Her body was now thin enough for her body to slip through the bars. And she did…. Halfway till her gem got stuck between bars. Pink yelped as her upper half was on one side of the fence with her lower half on the other side.
“St-stupid thin bars!!” Pink yells as kicks her legs
“Wha-how did you do that? Is that a Diamond?” Connie says astonished as she looks at the trapped Pink reaching for the gemstone
“…….. Did you say conqueror?” Connie asked
“……… You didn’t hear that.” Pink says realizing what just came out of her mouth
“It’s an Invasion. You’re an Invader! I knew it! You just said your here to take over the Earth! And you said it in front of every-!” Connie says ecstatic as she turns around only to see no one was there
“Oh there’s no one here.” Connie says disappointed
Just then Pink kicked Connie in the face sending the girl to the ground. Just as Connie picked herself up Pink reached for the bars and then pried them open allowing her gem to get through. Connie followed the hole being big enough for her to get through. Pink continued to run down the alley with Connie hot on her trail.
“Gotcha buddy!” Spinel says as her arms unravel around Pink
Spinel wiggled her fingers a bit before her arms stretched out and reach to grab onto the roof of a building. Connie was surprised once again as she saw Pink’s backpack come to life, but then watched as like a slingshot Pink was shot screaming into the air. Pink soared high into the sky and flailed as bit as she started to slow down. Pink then reached into her hair and pulled out her disk once again and formed a bubble in the center. Pink grabbed onto the bubble as she rocketed towards the ground. She landed on a house yard creating a small crater before being launched into the air again with a SPROING. Pink screamed as she held onto her bouncer and spun in the air as she came back down to the earth again.
In an alley a teen with orange hair and a purple donut shirt just threw trash into a dumpster. He was about to walk away until he heard screaming. He turned around just in time to see a Pink blur crash into the dumpster with a large BOOM. The teen fell onto his rear as the wheels on the dumpster flew off and it crashed into the ground. The teen picked himself up just as a Pink fist crashed through the side of the dumpster. Another Pink hand came out and pried open a hole letting trash spill out along with a small Pink child. Pink panted and breathed hard as she stumbled out of the dumpster and leaned against the wall trying to gather her senses.
“Y-huff-You saw nothing!” Pink panted as she ran past the shocked teen
Pink ran breathlessly upon the Beach before she finally came up to the three houses collapsing on the sand.
“I-huff-I did it! I made it! AHA! Take that Con-e! Thinking you could capture a diamond!” Pink yells happily as she kneeled in the sand
“So that was a Diamond?” Connie says
“AAAAAH! How’d you get here so fast?” Pink yells scrambling to her back
“I took a shortcut. Now your gonna tell me what your plan is before I-!” Connie says threateningly pointing as Pink until Pink grabs a handful of sand and throws it at Connie’s face
As Connie yelped wiping the sand from her glasses Pink got up and ran towards the house on the right of Steven’s. She ran up the stairs and opened the front door. Pink ran inside as Connie followed and locked the door behind her.
“YOU OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW!!” Connie yells slamming on the screen door
“I don’t have to do anything you say! Get lost, I win! VICTORY FOR PINK!!” Pink yells through a window as she sticks her tongue out at Connie
“WOW! That was fun!” Spinel says appearing behind Pink
“Spinel not in front of the flesh bag.” Pink says pushing Spinel back down
“You think you’ve won? That this is over? It’s far from over. I don’t know what you’re planning, but I’m not gonna let a jerk like you take over the world! I’ll stop whatever you have planned and then I’ll expose you to the world! AND THEN-!” Connie yells
“Hey Connie, Hey Pink!” Steven says as he makes his way up the stairs of his house
“Steven?” Connie and Pink says confused
“What are you doing here?” Steven asks looking at the two
“I-well-I…... wait a minute…. I live here.” Connie says taking a moment to look at where she was
“WHAT?!” Pink yells
“Oh really?” Steven says amazed
“Yeah I live right there.” Connie says pointing to the house on the left from Steven’s
“Wow looks like were neighbors, Hey Pink are you living in that house? When did you move in?” Steven asks
“Um-last night.” Pink says
“I moved in last night.” Connie says shocked
“Ain’t that a coincidence, me to. Must’ve been asleep when you both came in. Wow all of us living so close together. It’s almost like, Fate or something, though my mom doesn’t believe in fate.” Steven says as the two girls were in shock of their current situation
“Well I’d love to chat, but I got some math exercises to do. We all should totally hang out together, see you guys later.” Steven says smiling as he walks inside his home
“I-we’re-same class-how……. I’m going to lay down.” Connie says defeated as she walks down the stairs of Pink’s home onto the Beach and to her own
“Y-yeah you better run! That’s right retreat for you are no match against my might!” Pink yells pushing her face against the glass as Connie walked
“Shut up.” Connie says exhausted
“YOU SHUT UP!!” Pink yells back angrily
“Hey Mom, it’s me Steven. I know your busy, so I’m sending this to let you know how I’m doing. My first day was…… interesting. I made three whole friends today, on the first day. They are a little weird, but I can tell they’re good at heart. There’s this girl named Amethyst who is super tough, but is kinda chill about…. Everything. And there’s Connie’s she’s really smart and is into Aliens and ghosts and stuff, I think you’d like her if you meet her. And finally, Pink, probably the weirdest and also my first new friend. She…... thinks highly of herself and has really, really…… really big dreams. I think she might be a little insecure and is trying to overcompensate, but I didn’t ask and even if I did, I don’t think she would answer. She tries to act mean, but is kinda goofy and she’s like if I was trying to act like an adult. Also, I don’t know why but…... she kinda reminds me of you, it’s just a weird feeling ya know. But she is like Super new to everything, so I’m gonna try to do my best to show her around. She and Connie got odd on the wrong foot, but I think if they sit down and talk, they could be friends. Anyway, you probably got super cool science stuff to do, I hope we can see each other again soon. I love you mom.” Steven says into a phone before hanging up and petting his cat
“Connie’s Log #1, I have started to record these logs because I am on a mission. I have discovered and alien is living in my town and plans to try to take over the world. I will keep notes on everything I learn about this creature and my attempts to stop its conquest. It calls itself Pink and has the ability to shapeshift taking on a human…...esque appearance and can alter its body in many ways. She is incredibly strong and fast, seemingly having limitless stamina, she is my physical superior in every way. However, her intelligence seems to be somewhat lacking, that will be my way to victory. I will continue to update the more I learn……. also, as a reminder ask Mom if it would be possible to explore more of the town on the weekend, it could be a chance to hang out with Steven a little more. Okay end of log.” Connie speaks into a tape recorder before shutting it off and focusing on her work.
“Earth Conquest log Day 1, my infiltration of Earth went of perfectly as expected. No one suspects my true origins…... except for Connie, but she’s dumb…… And Steven, but he’s a minion. Oh yeah, I also successfully coaxed a human onto my side, first try and success. He will be instrumental in my understanding of human society in order to better disguise myself, plus he’s like Super nice. Anyway, once I am fully integrated into human society, I will begin my conquest of the miserable dirtball!” Pink say into a small device as she sits on a throne
“Wow, how are we gonna do that?” Spinel says peaking from behind the Pink throne
“Oh-well-I d-don’t know. But I’ll think of something, one step at a time!” Pink says
“My Diamond, if you want, I have some suggestions.” Peridot says standing beneath her
“Peridot if I want your suggestions I’ll ask. Just focus on getting us this Wi-Fi and Cable, humans can’t seem to live without it and we must know what secrets it has. None of these flesh bags will know what hit them, soon all will bow before PINK DIAMOND AND HER COURT! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” Pink started to laugh maniacally
“My Diamond we have returned and we have brought you an Earth Device.” The commander Ruby said as she held up a ladder
“Watch your step.” Sapphire says walking past
Before Ruby could question why she said that Ruby foot got caught in a wire and she fell forward extending the ladder. As Pink leaned over her throne to see what was going on the top of the ladder hit her head and she fell off the throne onto the ground. The rubies came in and started to check on Pink as Pearl walked by into a dark section of the room. She pulled out the glowing device once she was sure she was hidden and activated.
“I require an update Pearl, how is Pink doing?” Yellow says appearing on the screen
“Pink is in good spirits; recent developments have really livened her mood.” Pearl says
“What developments?” Yellow asks with a raised eyebrow
“Well Pink found a planet and…...” Pearl started but stopped when she heard Pink
“Of course, I’m fine, don’t worry your little red head. Just today I crashed into a weird smelling receptacle after being chased by a human. Not only that they had some strange noise weapon that nearly exposed me, but I was able to get away.” Pink says
“You’ve must’ve been terrified my diamond.” The leg ruby says
“TERRIFIED, HA!! That was the most excitement I’ve had in the last 57 cycles, today was awesome. I can’t wait for tomorrow!” Pink says happily a huge smile on her face which Pearl saw and felt her eyes sparkling for a moment
“PEARL!! What developments, you said something about a planet?” Yellow asks annoyed
“Oh well the planet…… we full of the air spouts that launched Pink into the air she had fun jumping in them. She wasn’t hurt.” Pearl says screaming internally as she realized she was lying to a Diamond
“And is the planet suitable for colonization?” Yellow asks
“No, my Diamond.” Pearl lies again internally banging her head against the wall
“Well as long as Pink isn’t bored, good job Pearl keep her happy and keep us updated.” Yellow says as the device shut off
Pearl leaned against the wall and slid down with a groan hiding the device as her mind ran with what she had just done. It was in the spur of the moment. She didn’t know why she did it.\
“Keep her happy.” Pearl groans curling up
“Pearl what are you doing down there.” Pink says finding Pearl
“Oh-I was-um-.” Pearl stammers
“Whatever come on I got a story to tell about this Earth School.” Pink says as she gently picks up the surprised Pearl and carries her to the others
“Now check this out, these humans have to learn how to do math not only that it’s like level 1. It’s freaking hilarious!” Pink says as she sits Pearl next to Spinel and sits on the ground
“Um, my Diamond. Don’t you want to be up there?” Pearl says pointing to her throne
“Wha, nah! It’s cool here, besides I wanna see you guys reactions to what I got. And it’s just us here, no need to be formal.” Pink says
“B-but you’re a Diamond and were your court and-.” Pearl says panicked
“Pearl my court is like 9 gems, not a thousand. It’s not like Yellow and Blue are gonna shatter you for not bowing they’re not here. It’s just gonna be us for a while and we might as well get comfy as we take over this world.” Pink says relaxed as Pearl looked at her wide eyed
“But I am still your Diamond, so not to relaxed okay.” Pink says sitting up with a rather goofy grin
“Yes, My Diamond.” Pearl says with a calm smile giggling a little
“Heh, you have a cute giggle.” Pink says
“And you have a radiant smile my Diamond. I think you’re going to be a great ruler someday.” Pearl says smiling
“O-oh wow…... thank you Pearl.” Pink says genuinely happy
“Hey I wanna ask what’re we supposed to do with this?” Sapphire asks pointing to the ladder
“Study it of course, based on earlier it’s obviously some kind of weapon.” Pink says as Pearl’s mind wanders off
“Keep her happy, I’ll keep her happy.” Pearl thinks happily as Pink goes off on the ladder
(Invader Pink Opening-Invader Zim theme song)
A massive group of gems stands before a stage and the flag of the Diamond authority before saluting.
Pink jumps onto the stage presenting herself with a huge smile before the gems, just as three massive shadows loom over her.
Pink looks up at the shadows of Yellow, Blue, and White who looks at her curiously as Pink gives them a smile Spinel popping up behind and waving
Yellow and Blue look at each other worried as White smiles reaching down and picking up Pink dropping her onto her leg ship.
Pink falls into the ship and it takes off sprinting before leaping into the air and vanishing with a twinkle, the ship then quickly appears over Earth.
From the ship a pink object is shot out towards the planet, the object crashes on a beach and from the Crater Pink shadow emerges with an evil grin with other shadows backing her as crystals and wires emerge from the ground
Connie is shown in front of a computer screen her glasses illuminated in the dark as she types away numbers, codes, and images flashing on the screen.
A red fist comes crashing through the screen as Ruby pries it open and runs out with a battle cry the other ruby following
Amethyst is shown playing a video game with a headset as the screen splits and show Sapphire also playing the game. Scowls at the screen before touching it and incasing it in ice
Spinel is then shown frantically running towards the screen with a smile on her face before smashing into it causing it to shatter.
Finally, Steven is shown on a table kicking his legs casually as Pearl scans him with a device and Peridot looks at screens showing his body and vitals.
A ruined Beach City is shown with fire spreading and crystals coming out of the ground as thousands of people start to kneel and bow their heads. They are shown to be bowing to Pink’s Leg ship which stands proudly on the Beach, panning up to show Pink on top laughing manically over her Colony with Steven by her side.
Pan out to show that this was all in Pink’s head as she is standing in the playground in her human disguise. Steven is shaking Pink’s shoulder trying to get her out of her fantasy, but finally jumps out of the way as a dodge-ball comes flying. It hits Pink square in face making her flip and land on her face with an annoyed groan
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prorevenge ¡ 5 years
Dropping a bullies self worth to 0 in secondary school
Sorry this is a long one.
So some back-story,
I've always been good at dealing with bullies, and just not letting them bother me, I found it really easy to disassociate from the usual playground bullying. I'd make a joke and move on. When I was about 9 years old I had to move house and schools due to my father losing his job. And in my new school I made a couple of friends but this focuses on 1 in particular, my future bully. We got on really well, he helped me get through junior school. As we moved into secondary school now at age 11, a new kid joined and remembering what my friend (bully) had done for me, I wanted to return the favour and showed the new kid around helped him, and became good friends, he got me into Army Cadets in i different town which is where I met my (now ex) girlfriend (this story basically hinges on her). This is where my story starts.
Me and my GF were together a year and a half (roughly) through that time we'd gone back and forth visiting each other meeting each others friends usual BF GF stuff. Well my friend (bully) took a particular shine to my GF made all sorts of disgusting comments about her. "look at her tits, she'd produce more milk than a cow" "how have you not shagged her yet?" At 11 this was kind of shocking for me to hear.
I'd asked him to stop numerous times. It made me uncomfortable. She never heard some of things he'd said. Didn't want her to. Whenever the 3 of us were together he started pressuring us into "going further" as apparently everyone had lost their virginity at age 12 we weren't having any of it. Said we'd do stuff like that in our own time. he kept this up for the last 3 months of our relationship, due to that and a few other stresses at the time. we mutually decided to end it. (we are still best friends and I'm happy with that). this is where the bullying really started.
This was a bit after i'd turned 13 and he started making comments along the lines of: "You'll never get someone like her again" "Shame you never 'hit' that" "You're always gonna be a virgin now"
"You're going to die alone" etc. etc.
He did this every couple of weeks for 3 YEARS (As I said I can take a LOT of flak) he could always do this as we walked to school together, he'd helped settle into this new town. part of me always saw him as friend right up until the end. We also usually walked as a group as we'd both continued to make more friends and all lived close by.
To begin with I just said, "yeah yeah whatever, we ended it on our terms, were still friends. we just couldn't deal with all this pressure we have at the moment and want to focus on exams" or words to that effect, or just ignored him. after a few months I realised he wasn't gonna stop so I stopped asking him to stop, and started telling him. "you need to stop this. otherwise I will go to the teachers and say something" he didn't stop at this point I just keep silent. Maybe 8/9 months after us breaking up i go to the teachers say blah de blah is bullying me, saying about how I'm gonna die alone. they asked where it was happening I said on the way to school.
"i'm afraid we cant do anything about it then"
So on our walks to school now I just keep silent. Put music on, low enough to still hear the conversation. But loud enough I could selectively drown him out. after a couple weeks of this, he starts tapping me on the shoulder to get me to remove my headphones thinking Id missed a bit of the conversation. and he uses that opportunity to say the same shit again. at this point I stop taking the headphones out and just keep walking. only takes a week for him to catch on. and he starts pulling my headphones out. so I start walking on my own. away from my friends, this makes me a bit of a recluse at school. To this day I still only have 1 friend from that school (His ex who realised he was a waste of space).
For a month everything was fine. I was happy. Then he changed the time that his group of friends of walked to catch up with me. At this point I started getting physical i'd been doing army (cadet) training. But he was faster and stronger than me. so I stopped that real quick. as it just ended with me on the floor his friends laughing at me stepping over or sometimes on me. I just put up with it.
By the time I was 15 I knew something had to be done, his words had sunken in, they started rattling around my head at night.
The teachers won't / can't help, nothing I said had helped, nothing I could do would help. I got on with my work. and kept my head down. a couple people had started talking to me, one in particular (his ex) and we were chatting on MSN one night. she'd had a couple drinks with her folks in her home. we got onto the subject of my bully
His ex: "He thinks hes gods gift to women, well news flash, he's not, he's wayyyyyy too pushy, just wants his way no matter what, got cold hands, no idea what to do with his tounge, and a dick like a maggot, its tiny and he never washes it, it's disgusting"
And several other slants against his sexual prowess (something he is very proud of) well during this time we had an internal school e-mailing system, and you could send emails to EVERYONE in school, including teachers. A couple people had used this system to message the usual chain mail (like what you get on Facebook now "like this puppy in 5 seconds or your heart will explode, PLEASE COMMENT AND SHARE"). Now i was pretty computer savvy, and had used that to help people with IT work from time to time, even using their login to see what they'd done.
See where i'm going
One of these people i'd helped was my bully. (back before the bullying started) I'd just hoped he hadn't changed his password. Id taken a screen shot of the conversation with his ex, blanked out our names on Windows Paint. Logged into his account from a computer in an unused IT room and sent an email to everyone in school, saying: my name is Blah de blah, i have sent you an attachment about how truly disgusting a human being I am. I have been bullying people for years and I am finally getting my comeuppance.
It took 2 months for them to find out it was me.
They only found out, because I went up to my bully and told him. I wanted him to know it was me.
The punishment I got: a chat with the school police officer about what slander is and that i could go to jail for it. along with 3 dinner time detentions about 150 minutes of break time (i'd never set a foot wrong through school and had A*- B grades so my punishment was reduced a lot) I still got my dinner, I just had to sit outside the heads office during break and catch up on homework. I then had to have a meeting with my bully to try and "sort it out"
As i went in he was crying. All i said was "thats what you fucking get, for driving me and ex GF apart, for rubbing it in my face FOR 3 YEARS, I hope, no I PRAY that every woman in this school has read this and will stay away from you. I'm going to quote YOU here: 'You will die alone' " and I left.
They didn't punish me for swearing, didn't punish me for shouting. I think they were so shocked by the change in me, I am usually a very quiet timid guy. but that day I dropped my voice about 3 octaves and drove all my hate for him into what I said.
To this day (about 7 years after) he still hasn't had another girlfriend (i like to keep tabs on him through facebook) He hasn't spoken to me since. I haven't been bullied since. I've also had several relationships since. And each one has helped me realise his words were vacuous crap, born from jealousy as she stopped talking to him altogether after we broke up.
(source) story by (/u/kurekren)
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skiller0dani ¡ 5 years
S O U R | Chapter 2
Street Racer!Luke AU. ENJOY. Masterlist
Secret adjective | english /information one person withholds from another person(s)/
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HAZEL DIDN’T KNOW what to say, “you’re a what?” She gasped at last, feeling her throat close. She felt her palms shake, imagining Luke out in the streets late at night going over 100 mph- jerking his car around those dangerous corners...“Haze it’s not as bad as it sounds.” Luke sighs, noticing her fallen expression. But she didn’t want to hear any of it, this was not only very dangerous- but extremely illegal. “Luke you could be arrested for this, do you not get that?” Hazel said, her voice strained. He ran a hand through his hair, something he does when he’s nervous or stressed. “Did you get in an accident?” Hazel asked, her eyes gliding over his bruises and cuts again. He shook his head, wincing as he stands from the toilet. Luke brushes past her and to the living room- his arm still wrapped around his abdomen. “Not exactly,” Luke says dismissively, avoiding eye contact with Hazel. She follows him, her arms firmly crossed over her chest. “Then where the fuck did all that come from?” She snapped, waving her hand to gesture to his bruised and bloodied body. Luke hissed as he gently lowered himself to the couch, “sore losers.” He grumbled, wanting nothing more than for this conversation to be over. Hazel rubbed a hand over her face, feeling both worried and frustrated. 
When the sun came up the next morning, Hazel was pleasantly surprised to see Luke awake already at 8 in the morning. How much about him has changed since she’s seen him last? In high school Luke was late nearly every single day because he always slept in, and now here he is at 8 in the morning- showered and ready for the day. “Since when did you start getting up early?” Hazel grumbled as she pulled her hair back into a messy bun. Luke cracked a small smile as he sipped at his coffee, sliding a cup over to Hazel. “Since I needed to start getting up for work.” He answered, absentmindedly playing with his lip ring. Dark bruises were still littered across his cheeks and Hazel can see them peeking out from under the collar of his t-shirt. He wouldn’t tell her exactly what happened and it worried her to no end. “Work today?” Luke asks, scrolling through his phone and Hazel shakes her head. “Ashton said to go in on Monday.” She said and Luke nodded- checking the time before standing from the table. He headed towards the front door, reaching to grab the keys from the counter before pressing a quick kiss to her head. “Be back later, love you!” He called as the door shut. That’s something he’s been doing since they were children- giving her kisses on the top of her head. A thought donned on her as soon as Luke left the apartment, if he wasn’t a mechanic then what was his job? 
“Hemmings, the fuck happened to your face?” Alex asked, a shit eating grin on his face. Luke scowled, “fuck off Alex.” He snapped, moving over to the clipboard on the desk. He read over the list of cars that they need and grimaced at one of them, “the hell do we need with a Volkswagen?”  He asked incrediously, raising a brow. Alex rolled his eyes before popping a chip into his mouth, “gonna make it a sleeper.” He explained with an easy smile on his face. Luke groaned before reaching to grab his keys, it’s not going to be a hard car to get but all the work they have to do after they get it is gonna be the annoying part. “Luke seriously, I didn’t know those guys would fuck you up so bad-” Alex started and for a moment Luke could have sworn he saw guilt flash through his eyes. Luke waved him off, “it’s whatever.” He says dismissively, still feeling the ache all over his body. Luke slid easily into his car- his street legal car, before looking back at his phone for the location of the car. The most illegal part of what Luke does is the car jacking. They need more cars for the races and meets, so Luke goes out to steal them. Simple. If Hazel ever knew the extent of what Luke does to race then he knows she’d never forgive him. He got into this a few years ago, when he was low on rent and drinking himself blind in the back corner of some sleazy pub. Alex had seen Luke’s racing car outside and decided to bring him in, and Luke had always loved cars and racing but this brought his addition for adrenaline rushes to an all time high. 
Luke cruises for a bit before he sees the Volkswagen sitting in the pick up location. Technically Luke doesn’t steal the car, he picks up the car that someone else stole- and Luke doubts the police will notice the difference if he’s pulled over in a stolen car. He parks his car a few lots away before his phone starts ringing, “hey Cal I’m going to get it now- you got me covered?” Luke asks as he begins to make his way towards the Volkswagen with his bag. “Yeah I got you, also disabled the alarm.” Calum explains on the other end and Luke doesn't bother to answer as he hangs up and pulls out a long silver tool from his bag. Approaching the car, Luke glances over his shoulders and when he’s determined that he’s alone- he presses the silver tool against the window and slides it down into the door. There’s a hook on the other end of the silver tool, so that when Luke feels the locking mechanism on the inside of the door, he can yank it open with the hook. Normally Luke would then have to pop the hood and cut the wires to shut off the alarm but Calum already did that part for him. Feeling around Luke feels the hook finally catch, “bout time.” He grumbles to himself as he unlocks the door and slides into the car- happy the loud and annoying alarm didn’t go off. Sitting in the driver side Luke pulls out a screwdriver and pries open the dash- revealing the ignition wiring. Cutting the wires and causing a spark- Luke starts the engine and smiles triumphantly to himself. 
On my way. Luke hits send, making sure Calum reads the text before he takes off towards the Warehouse. Glancing over his shoulder he sees Calum climb into Luke’s car before following him to the Warehouse at a safe distance. His phone starts ringing and when Luke looks at the caller ID, his heart begins to race. “Hey Haze what’s up?” Luke says casually, trying not to sound nervous. He hears shifting around on the other end, “hey sorry I’m...just-” Hazel grunts, and Luke hears more rustling. “Sorry. Just wondering when you’d be home...figured we could go have dinner somewhere tonight.” Hazel asks, sounding nervous but she hopes Luke doesn’t notice. The corners of Luke’s mouth twitch upwards at the anxiousness in her voice, “Hazel if you wanted to ask me on a date-” He starts when Hazel interrupts him, “it’s not like that!” She squeaks, grateful Luke can’t see her burning cheeks. He laughs, silently wishing it was a date, “I’ll be home in a few hours. Don’t miss me too much cause you’ll see me soon baby.” He teases, loving the surprised gasp that falls past her lips. Hazel’s heart pounds rapidly in her chest, baby. “O-Okay!” She stammers, wanting to punch herself in the face for not thinking of anything better to say. Luke hangs up, annoyed that he can’t wipe the shit eating grin off his face. 
Hazel lays back on her bed, feeling both giddy and extremely nervous at the same time. A smile stretches onto her face, he said yes! She can’t fight the urge to celebrate until reality comes crashing down on her again- they’re best friends. Best friends go out to dinner all the time, it probably means nothing to him. The urge to tell Luke how she feels becomes stronger and stronger every single second he’s not with her, but would that really be a good idea? What if he doesn’t feel the same way? That could totally ruin their entire friendship and no matter how badly she wants Luke, she can’t risk losing him all together. Hazel groans, feeling a dampness building between her legs every time she thinks about him. Biting her lip Hazel remembers how Luke didn’t shave this morning- the stubble lining his jaw makes her thighs ache for the burn of him between them. Reaching into her nightstand she feels around until she grabs what she was searching for- her ribbed vibrator. Carefully sliding her shorts down her legs she remembers when Luke took his short off, his muscular chest on full display. Hazel imagines what it would be like if Luke was here, hovering above her- pressing hard kisses to her neck and shoulders. She imagines his hands slowly and teasingly sliding up her shirt- a mischievous glint in his eyes as he lifts the fabric over her head. Hazel whines as she presses the buzzing vibrator to her closed core, imagining Luke pressing teasing kisses to the insides of her thighs. “Oh Luke,” She moans softly as she slides her underwear to the side, pressing the vibrator to her clit. 
Hazel throws her head back when she slides the vibrator through her wet folds, imagining Luke easing himself into her, stretching her open. She can practically feel the burning sensation spread through her entire body as she lets out a strangled whine as she presses the vibrator inside her. Hazel’s free hand grips at her sheets as she pictures herself clawing at Luke’s back as he pounds into her, “fuck Luke.” She moans louder- her body writhing against the sheets. She’s so lost in her own pleasure that she doesn’t notice the door open. Luke creeps into the apartment, shutting the door quietly when he hears Hazel’s soft whines. Luke feels his jeans getting tighter as he takes slow and careful steps towards her closed bedroom door. He hears her muttering to herself and he leans in to listen and what he hears makes him stumble against the door- causing it to creak open. Luke can’t get it out of his head, he can’t stop hearing her moan his name. Hazel’s eyes pop open and she’s frantically yanking the vibrator out of her wet core and throwing the blanket over her body. Luke stands frozen in her doorway, his eyes wide open and his chest heaving. Hazel feels her cheeks turn to blood red as tears of embarrassment build in her eyes. She doesn’t miss the tent in Luke’s pants as he gapes at her in disbelief. 
Blinking as Luke comes out of some kind of trance he closes the door and Hazel can hear his footsteps as he heads to his bedroom and shuts his own door. She feels tears sliding down her cheeks as she thinks what did I just do? Luke just caught her masturbating while thinking of him. There is no way they can come back from this, Hazel just ruined their entire friendship. Standing on shaky feet, she quickly pulls her shorts back on before reaching for the door handle. She hesitates as her hand trembles, feeling absolute panic at the thought of having to face Luke right now, how will she look at him the same? How will he look at her after this? What if he completely hates her? He’s probably so disgusted, he thinks of her as his sister- there’s no way he doesn’t. Hazel digs her fingers into her hair, her heart beginning to race out of control. She almost pinches herself, just to make sure this is real and not some sort of twisted nightmare. Luke leans against his bedroom door, trying to will his heartbeat to slow down. Did that really just happen? Was she, fucking herself with a vibrator, thinking about him? Luke can’t stop the sly smile as it crosses onto his face, there’s no way she sees him as only a best friend. Not after that. If anything now he knows that she’s sexually attracted to him- and Luke also knows for certain that she’s a virgin. How does he approach her now? What is he even supposed to say? Luke thinks for a moment before an idea pops in his mind, and he smiles before turning out of his bedroom. 
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daturanerium ¡ 4 years
finished season two of the magnus archives! here is my s2 livetweet thread and here are my reflections/predictions from season one. 
you are so fucking stupid. so incomprehensibly dumb. it is absolutely incredible how you lack any brain cells at all.
if jon was a dnd character he’d have a plus three to intelligence and a negative two to wisdom. i’m right.
[jon voice] people care about me? Must Be A Manipulation Tactic!
[jon voice, continued] literally everyone except for me is a) a murderer, b) using me, or c) hiding something. i, however, am totally fine and also sane and if you imply otherwise you are definitely Hiding Something and i need to stalk you.
seriously it’s a goddamn miracle he wasn’t fired or didn’t just like....explode on the spot
that awkward moment when you befriend a cop and get tapes that may lead to your successor’s cold murder case being solved but in the process you learn that you and your place of employment are actually owned by The Great, All-Powerful [REDACTED] 
it’s so interesting listening to a man’s mental health and sanity decline in real time!
martin: do u want some tea? jon: you’re going to kill me huh?
[jon voice] it is a good idea for me to enter these dangerous tunnels alone on multiple occasions. i am fine. 
his fatal flaw is still pursuit of knowledge. love that for him. 
baby please you work for an entity that probably literally thrives off knowledge.......please grow some brain cells in season three before you literally die doing something stupid
i literally can’t say anything more about s2 jon that isn’t me just repeating “stupid dumb paranoid baby” over and over again
martin [shaking hands emoji] me playing the mediator as our family loses their minds around us
martin blackwell recieves everything he has ever wanted and needed challenge!!!
baby i love you
martin’s job this season is literally the concerned husband but we’re not ready to talk about that yet
my dude really stepped up at the end! he was gonna fight michael in hand to hand combat for jon and sasha and i’m so proud of him!
martin went from baby to hold my flower
martin saw some shit in season one and now he’s a badass
his poetry.....i cried i literally love him so much
when he was talking to tim in the tunnels and he just breaks. and yells. and says he wants to get out of here and save jon and help sasha and be happy and you know what if everything DID turn out in the end that would be kind of nice actually!!!!
we didn’t see much of him this season but from what we did, especially at the end......the character development.......he’s so much braver now, so much more ready to confront the horrors of the world around him. martin is one of those special people that runs on love and uses love as a driving force to fight for the things he needs. 
i hope someday martin gets to sit down in a nice little cottage in the middle of nowhere with someone who loves him and just. relax. it’s what he deserves.
you are the only bitch in this house i ever respected
literally just trying his best
so incredibly valid
as someone who is the least confrontational person on the planet i really respect and admire tim calling jon out on his bullshit
that scene was so cathartic.....god.....
tim at the beginning of s2: hey jon you okay? you’re acting weird and it’s kind of freaking us out tim at the end of s2: fuck archivist lives and jon in particular,
and you know what? he’s right
i hope tim gets to go home. it won’t happen but i can dream.
are we just gonna brush over that part in the finale where michael just???? bamfed them to another dimension or something????? because neither tim nor martin seemed the least bit phased
honestly tim/jon has rights. i enjoy it.
he’s just so angry and hurt and done. he’s reached his limit. goodbye
get tim out of the archives s3!!! do it!!!
wow i love you
every time i hear gertrude’s voice i just go [one thousand teary-eyes emojis]
there’s a lot we don’t know and there’s a lot that she knows. i wish we could like. raise her from the dead or something. altho honestly with a horror podcast who the hell knows
jon listening to/hyperfixating on gertrude is just a fancy way of him claiming her as his new mother figure
basira and daisy
the only cops with rights
that part where tim thought basira was jon’s girlfriend and they both dissolved into gay panic.....priceless
daisy step on me challenge. i’ve met her twice and i love her.
honestly basira is such a badass. stealing from the cops while being a cop? that takes guts and i really respect her lack of respect toward cops while being one
not to mention that entire business with that sentient cult darkness shit. she killed it in there (no pun intended). give her like a purple heart or something idk how cops work
daisy.....please tell me your secrets. what have you seen. what do you know.
please work for the archives i am BEGGING you
my ghost hunter girlfriend
i love her and jon’s relationship. just pure loathing. tension between the hunter and the archivist. i live for that shit.
but under that it’s like Oh Shit I Actually Care A Lot???? like their loathing comes from their businesses being judgemental enemies, but personally they actually have a lot in common and care for each others’ wellbeing.
i really hope melanie sticks around so we can learn more about her and see her friendship with jon grow into....an actual friendship
shes also a total badass and both her research and deducing skills are so good. she’s just a great archive candidate overall.
what the fuck are you
what the fuck do you want
why do i like you so much.
okay there’s a lot more going on here but i’m putting my predictions under the cut!
okay lets check out my predictions from last time.
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okay this one was partially right! “entities” rule the world apparently, and the archive is run by one of them. sort of got that!
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.....yeah that didn’t happen.
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hell yeah! i’m proud of myself for this one, even though the time loop part wasn’t true. i thought “time loop” because her voice started echoing when she hit the table, but turns out that was just her crazy long copy taking over. oh well!
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nope. gertrude was killed by elias, apparently. fucker.
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okay. this one is complicated because i was sort of correct but there’s still a lot of information i don’t know. gonna give myself half credit for this one i think.
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okay, season three predictions. let's go.
(disclaimer: while i haven’t been actively looking up spoilers or engaging in the tma tag, i also haven’t muted the tag or anything associated with it. i have ideas of what’s to come but they’re vague and mostly come from fanart on my dash/timeline).
jon just gives up. he’s having to much of a crisis to do anything other than his job.
jonmartin endgame still
michael becomes a sort of??? constant presence??? at the archive. everyone just kind of accepts it.
the books and the entities make a lot more things make sense. that’s really vague i know but like. 
predictions for the entities:
knowledge (jon stans rise up)
empty/alone (these stories always get to me the most. the ones where you’re endlessly falling or trapped in a cave or can’t sleep or stuck in space. shit scares me more than anything else)
chaos (i think michael is with this one. the doors also fit into this category, and maybe that shipping company)
death/id (brings out the bareness of human instinct. the meat, the bloodlust, and the death. maybe even the bugs go here, but they’re confusing. i don’t know where they fit.)
each entity represents a deep-set human fear. they were created to either teach us lessons or keep us in line.
sometimes they have devoted followers. sometimes they have disciples or avatars. you can lose yourself to them if you aren’t careful. jane was probably an avatar, that girl with the heat powers on hilltop road was an avatar, that guy with the lightning powers was an avatar, etc.
the books can teach you how to connect with the entities, but you have to be actually insane to try it. (if you aren’t already, you certainly will by the time you finish the reading/ritual. if you even survive)
anyway back to actual plot.
jon learns more from gertrude’s tapes about elias and the archives. maybe even the entities. he doesn’t want to know, but as we’ve learned, he Just Can’t Not Know. 
jon finally grows a brain cell and lets people (martin) take care of him. a little.
tim is just there. he hates it but he can’t leave. (someone please get him out this is so sad)
melanie and basira join up with the archive, but for different reasons. melanie because jon asks her to, basira because despite her best interest she couldn’t stay away.
at the end of the season we’ll either meet a powerful avatar person of one of the entities themselves. that will be.....interesting. 
elias gets hit by a bus. won’t happen but i can dream.
what ever happened to that one man from season one who had the dreams about death? i loved his statement. is there anyone out there like him? will jon receive a message like gertrude did?
WHAT IS THE LIGHTER FOR. i completely forgot about it until i looked at my last predictions and saw it mentioned.
martin is more active in tapes (again unlikely but i can dream. i love him)
that’s about all i got! i’m going to post this and immediately start season three. wish me luck :)
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ptony2009-blog ¡ 4 years
H2holbro22's Xanga Blog 1.1 7431748 H2holbro22's Xanga Site h2holbro22 [email protected] H2holbro22 H2holbro22 [email protected] H2holbro22 Thu, 29 Sep 2005 23:06:56 -04:00 Hey everyone! How is it goin? My day started off really bad because my favorite necklace fell off this morning and I didn't realize it... until I got on the bus of course. Luckily, I stepped on it when I got off the bus and now I'm wearing it lol. I can't just get another necklace like that becuz I got it as a gift from my friend when he went to another country. Today in ecology, we went outside and collected grasshoppers for a lab and we found 2 grasshoppers on top of each other lmao. Anyways, I'm just throwing my hackysack up in the air cuz I'm bored as hell and it's a school night. Btw, I think I'm getting some kind of "signs" becuz everytime i look at the clock, it's either 3:33, 5:55, or 12:34. It's really freaking me out. But regardless, at 12:00 tonight, it will be Monday, September 13th, 2005 and the new Trapt cd will come out!!! Yeah I'm definitly gonna get that tomorrow. I'm also gonna go over to Sarah's house and get sick with her lol! She's feeling sick so chances are, I will get sick too, but I don't care. I actually like being sick in a way... you get more attention, you get lots of soup, you can stay home from school, parents do whatever you say! Ugh but then there is that damn cough syrup Robitussin stuff that tastes like kerosene mixed with antifreeze . Oh yeah, I saw the worst thing when I was driving with my dad a few days ago. A squirrel got ran over by a car, but it was squirming around before it died and blood was going everywhere. It was pretty sad. So does anyone have the newest Good Charlotte cd? I've been listening to that lately and it's pretty good. I like a bunch of the songs and I even put "Predictable" in my stereo thing. Yeah enough of the randomness....
     So on Friday, Sarah came over to my house and we went out to eat at O'Charley's and then we went to Pet Supplies Plus. The parrot was saying "hello" to us... at one point, I tried to make the parrot say "bitch" but it didnt work lol. After that, we hung out at my house and kinda watched Freddy Got Fingered.. wow thats a hilarious movie. Then on Saturday, I went to see The Exorcism of Emily Rose with Sarah and a few of the parts made me jump lol. Even though I knew something was gonna jump out. It wasn't that bad of a movie.. it was based on a true story too! After that, I went to visit my uncle in the hospital... he got ran over by a truck and now he is in a coma...  I couldn't even look at him, it was pretty bad... but eventually we left the hospital and got home. Then I went over to Sarah's and we watched the OSU vs. Texas game. On Sunday, me and Joe played hackysack and Kart for a while. After that, me and Sarah saw The Cave and it wasn't really that great, so I wouldn't recommend seein it. It was boring at a lot of parts... it reminded me of one of the many repeated movies that they show on the Sci-Fi channel. But it was still fun because I got to be with Sarah! I can always have fun around Sarah, even if were just sitting on a concrete sidewalk doing nothing.
    This part right here is for you Sarah, since it might seem like I never really take the time to say stuff... but even though I don't usually express my feelings through Xanga, yeah lol. SARAH YOU'RE AN AMAZING GIRLFRIEND AND I LOVE YOU!!! I don't know why it feels like I've known you for years, but I think its cuz I can talk to you about anything and everything... so you've become really close to me in such a short period of time.. 1 month and 8 days to be exact. You mean soo much to me, and I don't wanna lose you. I know I won't though because I totally trust you. You always know how to cheer me up, whether its in person, on the phone, through a text, or whatever else. Don't ever worry about losing me because the only way that would happen is if I died, or if you were to cheat on me or something like that (which you wouldn't lol). So I'm more likely to die than anything. But above anything, I love you soo much baby and don't EVER forget that!!!
Now for some pictures... I got a picture of my AWESOME drawings of a shoe and sunglasses and a picture of me attempting to BLIND my cat lol. Enjoy
  Cya later everyone and please leave me some comments!
 ]]> 2005-09-12 22:17:49 2005-09-13 02:17:49 open Publish post 346791751 1 2005-09-12 22:22:00 2005-09-13 02:22:00 Anonymous [email protected] 0 -1 0 681123026 kinda  watched the movie lol. ok well im going to get in the bed now. i love u so much baby! im gonna call u. XOXOXOXOXOXOOXOXOOXOXOXOOXOXOOXOXOXOXO]]> 1 2005-09-12 22:24:00 2005-09-13 02:24:00 sarahdollie15 [email protected] http://sarahdollie15.xanga.com/ 0 18600396 0 681128468 yay for shoes and crosseyed cats. i told you it would go crosseyed and it did. muahah. lol.
nice sandals today : )
]]> 1 2005-09-12 22:26:00 2005-09-13 02:26:00 mylastgaspingbreath [email protected] http://mylastgaspingbreath.xanga.com/ 0 6269671 0 681136291 chris!!! I never comment you anymore.. whats up with tha? lol. ill see ya around. lylab
muahz <3
]]> 1 2005-09-15 20:56:00 2005-09-16 00:56:00 m2mizzle182 [email protected] http://m2mizzle182.xanga.com/ 0 6903196 0 686096226 ur drawings are sweet, wheres the shaver?]]> 1 2005-09-23 17:03:00 2005-09-23 21:03:00 Anonymous [email protected] 0 -1 0 699587982 1 2005-09-28 21:21:00 2005-09-29 01:21:00 lil_HunnyBunny [email protected] http://lil-hunnybunny.xanga.com/ 0 19957830 0 709456753 hey this hope. you dont know me but im heather's bestest best friend. i just wanted to say that you draw so fricken awsome!!!!!comment me back. cya
]]> 1 2005-10-21 20:37:00 2005-10-22 00:37:00 lil_HunnyBunny [email protected] http://lil-hunnybunny.xanga.com/ 0 19957830 0 751231697 Hey wats up random props
Peace <33Ashley
]]> 1 2006-07-30 21:46:00 2006-07-31 01:46:00 Anonymous [email protected] 0 -1 0 1154666342 Peace <33Ashley]]> 1 2006-08-10 12:42:00 2006-08-10 16:42:00 Anonymous [email protected] 0 -1 0 1165135698 H2holbro22 Thu, 08 Sep 2005 22:33:57 -04:00  Picture break!! Basically, Monica straightened my hair because we wanted to see what it would look like and it turned out looking pretty awesome. So heres just a few pics.. oh yea and my cat lol...
             Not half bad. Yea leave some comments!
]]> 2005-09-08 22:33:57 2005-09-09 02:33:57 open Publish post 344126208 1 2005-09-09 15:13:00 2005-09-09 19:13:00 Anonymous [email protected] 0 -1 0 674699405 1 2005-09-09 20:36:00 2005-09-10 00:36:00 n1ckd33s [email protected] http://n1ckd33s.xanga.com/ 0 11164525 0 675254761 ok, enough of my "gay hairstylist specialist" attitudeIt rocks though, wear it like that more often, 'chicks 'ill dig it']]> 1 2005-09-09 23:08:00 2005-09-10 03:08:00 Anonymous [email protected] 0 -1 0 675505483 1 2005-09-10 10:02:00 2005-09-10 14:02:00 Junsei_tsuraien [email protected] http://junsei-tsuraien.xanga.com/ 0 19118483 0 675994007 hey! thanks for the comment. actually i dont go to central anymore. im at north for career center for the semester. its kinda good though, i get to get away from everyone. but yeah, ill be back at central next semester which is pretty good <3 im so fucking happy we won last night! omg, it was just AWESOME you missed out on a PERFECT game, i dont know. we deserved to win so im happy about that, but illl talk to you later babe! IM me sometime -RUK ME HARDx3-]]> 1 2005-09-10 13:32:00 2005-09-10 17:32:00 Anonymous [email protected] 0 -1 0 676344488 1 2005-09-10 16:56:00 2005-09-10 20:56:00 sarahdollie15 [email protected] http://sarahdollie15.xanga.com/ 0 18600396 0 676696691 I see you like Soccer and Chipotle me to..]]> 1 2005-10-25 22:37:00 2005-10-26 02:37:00 PyRoKiTtY14 [email protected] http://pyrokitty14.xanga.com/ 0 3592951 0 759118122 H2holbro22 Wed, 07 Sep 2005 23:35:28 -04:00 Hey peeps! Here i decided to fill out a survey that i got from my my baby, so just check it out. There are a few interesting answers here lol:
  ( ) Smoked a joint.( ) Crashed a car.( ) Stolen a car.(x) Been in love.( ) Had a threesome.(x) Been dumped.( ) Shoplifted.( ) Been fired.(x) Been in a fist fight.(x) Snuck out of the house.(x) Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back.( ) Been arrested.( ) Made out with a stranger.(x) Gone on a blind date.(x) Lied to a friend.( ) Had a crush on a teacher.( ) Been to Europe.(x) Skipped school.( ) Seen someone die.( ) Been to Canada.( ) Been to Mexico.(x) Been on a plane.( ) Seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show.( ) Thrown up in a bar.( ) Purposely set a part of yourself on fire.(x) Eaten Sushi.(X) Been snowboarding(x) Met someone from the internet in person( ) Been moshing at a concert.( ) Been in an abusive relationship.(x) Taken painkillers.(x) Love someone or miss someone right now.(x) Laid and watched cloud shapes go by.(x) Made a snow angel.( ) Had a tea party.(x) Flown a kite.(x) Built a sand castle.(x) Gone puddle jumping.(x) Played dress up.(x) Jumped into a pile of leaves.(x) Gone sledding.(x) Cheated while playing a game.(x) Been lonely.(x) Fallen asleep at work/school( ) Used a fake ID.(x) Watched the sun set.( ) Felt an earthquake.(x) Touched a snake.( ) Slept beneath the stars.(x) Been tickled.( ) Been robbed.(x) Been misunderstood.(x) Pet a reindeer/goat.(x) Won a contest.( ) Run a red light.( ) Been suspended from school.(x) Been in a car accident.(x) Had braces.(x) Felt like an outcast.( ) Eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night.(x) Had deja vu.( ) Danced in the moonlight.( ) Hated the way you look.(x) Witnessed a crime.( ) Pole danced.( ) Been obsessed with post-it notes.(x) Walked barefoot through the mud.(x) Been lost.( ) Been to the opposite side of the world.( ) Swam in the ocean.( ) Felt like dying.( )Cried yourself to sleep
(x) Played cops and robbers.(x)Recently colored with crayons/colored pencils/markers.(x)Sung karaoke(x) Paid for a meal with only coins.(x) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't.(x) Made prank phone calls.(x) Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose.(x) Caught a snowflake on your tongue.( ) Danced in the rain.(x) Written a letter to Santa Claus.(x) Been kissed under the mistletoe.( ) Watched the sun rise with someone you care about.(x) Blown bubbles.( ) Had a bonfire on the beach.( ) Crashed a party.(x) Gone rollerskating.(x) Had a wish come true.(x) Worn pearls.( ) Jumped off a bridge.( ) Screamed the word penis in public.( ) Ate dog/cat food.( ) Told a complete stranger you loved them.( ) Kissed a mirror.(x) Sang in the shower.( ) Owned a little black dress.(x) Had a dream that you married someone.(x) Glued your hand to something.( ) Got your tongue stuck to a flag pole.( ) Kissed a fish.(x) Worn the opposite sex's clothes.( ) Been a cheerleader.(x) Sat on a roof top.(x) Screamed at the top of your lungs.( ) Done a one-handed cartwheel.(x) Talked on the phone for more than 6 hours.(x) Stayed up all night.(x) Didn't take a shower for a week( ) Picked and ate an apple right off the tree.(x) Climbed a tree.(x) Had a tree house.( ) Are scared to watch scary movies.( ) Believe in ghost.( ) Have more than 30 pairs of shoes.( ) Worn a really ugly outfit to school just to see what others say.( ) Gone streaking.(x) Played ding-dong-ditch.(x) Played chicken.(x) Been pushed into a pool/lake with all your clothes on.(x) Been told you're hot by a complete stranger.( ) Broken a bone.(x) Been easily amused.(x) Caught a fish then ate it.(x) Caught a butterfly.(x) Laughed so hard you cried.( ) Cried so hard you laughed.(x) Mooned/flashed someone.(x) Had someone moon/flash you.(x) Cheated on a test(x) Forgotten someone's name.(x) Slept naked.( ) French braided someone's hair.( ) Grown a beard.( ) Belong to the KKK.( ) In love with an older person(x) Tired of this survey
Well leave some comments, cuz I know there are kool people that always do . Cya later guys!
]]> 2005-09-07 23:35:28 2005-09-08 03:35:28 open Publish post 343536649 hey honey.....when did u wittness a crime??
]]> 1 2005-09-08 16:56:00 2005-09-08 20:56:00 sarahdollie15 [email protected] http://sarahdollie15.xanga.com/ 0 18600396 0 673159705 H2holbro22 Tue, 06 Sep 2005 20:02:59 -04:00      Hi. How's it going? I'm gonna write in this while I'm waiting for dinner lol... I had to survive the day by eating a banana, a granola bar, and a Twix. So when i got home, i ate like everything (an entire bag of goldfish crackers, a sandwich, and a hot pocket). I just didnt feel too great today so i hardly ate. I'm getting really sick of hearing Yellowcard lol... that damn violin is getting annoying.
    Alright well me and Sarah's 1 month was 2 days ago, how kool is that? We went to Mi Mexico II and hung out. Then yesterday we saw the Dukes of Hazzard and then went back to my house and watched Blue Streak (i love that movie) and then we walked over to Joe's house lol. After me and Sarah hung out, i went to Mejiers with Joe to buy his bro a b-day present. We chose a card out that said "a happy birthday to my favorite granddaughter" or sumthin lol.  And we got him Reese Sticks cuz he used to be obsessed with those lol. Btw i got a dvd called Freddy Got Fingered lol. That movie is hilarious cuz Tom Green is in it haha.
Well its time for me to eat dinner! Damn I'm freakin hungry. I have a few more things to say before i go...
I get my drivers license in 4 days!!
Watch out for camels when you're driving around in the dark!
Leave me a lot of comments, thx guys! Cya later!!
]]> 2005-09-06 20:05:19 2005-09-07 00:05:19 open Publish post 342704024 1 2005-09-06 20:09:00 2005-09-07 00:09:00 Junsei_tsuraien [email protected] http://junsei-tsuraien.xanga.com/ 0 19118483 0 670027136 1 2005-09-06 20:36:00 2005-09-07 00:36:00 Junsei_tsuraien [email protected] http://junsei-tsuraien.xanga.com/ 0 19118483 0 670105393 <3
random comment
hows school?
]]> 1 2005-09-06 21:03:00 2005-09-07 01:03:00 Anonymous [email protected] 0 -1 0 670184335 you know when you get your liscense you're so driving me home sometimes. mhmm. because you love me that much. yes, admit that you do! haha. mmk. that's all i got. <3]]> 1 2005-09-06 21:45:00 2005-09-07 01:45:00 Anonymous [email protected] 0 -1 0 670318186 umm....HELL NO HE AINT DRIVIN U HOME!!!! My fucking boyfriend thank u very much!!! He will be driving ME home.....
im sorry to break it to u baby, but that movie SUX BALLZ!!
but i still fucking love you so much more than u will ever know!!!
tell humphry i said wuts up!! lol
]]> 1 2005-09-07 20:20:00 2005-09-08 00:20:00 sarahdollie15 [email protected] http://sarahdollie15.xanga.com/ 0 18600396 0 671902716 H2holbro22 Wed, 31 Aug 2005 22:25:14 -04:00    Hey everyone! First of all, I'm trying to figure out why i have all of these options at the top of this page... i can like change the colors and highlight my writing and stuff lol. Anyways, school has finally started and it's actually going pretty good. Most of my classes are pretty great. The only class that I don't like is algebra 2. It's pretty boring and were doing a lot of graphing calculator stuff. And my spanish name is based off of a very tasty food... NACHO! Yeah lol, lets see here.. I have a government project due on Friday too, and it's gay foreign policies. I dont really know what that is either. Wow this is gonna be a long year lol. Especially with my drawing class... I'm either gonna slack off the whole semester and complain about how my drawings are worse than everyone else's OR ill start to be really good at drawing and impress people with my pictures. It should all be fun tho!
Ok enough school lol! I've been listening to The Used a little and I also got the new Fall Out Boy cd a few days ago. I listen to the old Fall Out Boy cd as much as the new one... in fact, I think the old one is better than the new one! Cuz it has Grand Theft Autumn and Dead On Arrival and a whole bunch of other kickass songs. You should get the cd if you don't already have it.
I had my last in-car today and the damn instructor was 30 minutes late! She picked me up from school and she blamed me for being on the student pick-up side of the school. What a fuckin retard... she wanted to pick me up on the bus side of the school. Oh well, I'm tired so I'll stop here. Leave me some comments, cya!
 ]]> 2005-08-31 22:25:14 2005-09-01 02:25:14 open Publish post 338808565 i talked to you today while you were waiting for your in-car. but yeah, it was cool finally getting to talk to you for once since i only see you a couple times during the day. mhmm. i liked your shirt. just thought i would let you know. haha. i'm really random. it's like 12:30am. i should be sleeping, but i can't because i fell asleep when i came home from school. plus, i've still got some spanish homework to finish up.
haha your spanish name is nacho?! some kid in our class chose that & our teacher was like, if he picks that name, you have to promise not to laugh every time i say it. lol. it's dumb but yeah. my spanish name is catalina. how, hot? lol. but yeah.
i love you cristoffer! yes, that's how i want to spell your name so DEAL!
mmk. byee! <3
]]> 1 2005-09-01 00:33:00 2005-09-01 04:33:00 Anonymous [email protected] 0 -1 0 659836765 1 2005-09-01 14:46:00 2005-09-01 18:46:00 Anonymous [email protected] 0 -1 0 660412506 ]]> 1 2005-09-03 13:06:00 2005-09-03 17:06:00 Anonymous [email protected] 0 -1 0 663746757 1 2005-09-04 17:18:00 2005-09-04 21:18:00 Anonymous [email protected] 0 -1 0 665878093 I know I few people at Central. Who do you know at North?]]> 1 2005-09-05 11:23:00 2005-09-05 15:23:00 Anonymous [email protected] 0 -1 0 667148961 I know all of them... except the Amanda girl. From central I know Sara Frye, Jenny Yan, I knew Luke, and some others that went to my Middle School and stuff.]]> 1 2005-09-05 12:10:00 2005-09-05 16:10:00 Anonymous [email protected] 0 -1 0 667241044 1 2005-09-05 12:42:00 2005-09-05 16:42:00 m2mizzle182 [email protected] http://m2mizzle182.xanga.com/ 0 6903196 0 667306392 1 2005-09-05 17:47:00 2005-09-05 21:47:00 Junsei_tsuraien [email protected] http://junsei-tsuraien.xanga.com/ 0 19118483 0 667892819 uhh.. lauren stopped taking spanish. heh.
Donde esta mi pantalones?
Dos gatos in sus zapatos.
]]> 1 2005-09-06 19:18:00 2005-09-06 23:18:00 mylastgaspingbreath [email protected] http://mylastgaspingbreath.xanga.com/ 0 6269671 0 669885645 H2holbro22 Tue, 23 Aug 2005 23:11:33 -04:00 Hey everyone. Here's just a quick update to tell all of you my schedule becuz I'm getting tired of typing it out to everyone lol. So check it out and comment me if you have a class with me or something. Alright!SEMESTER 1
1- Spanish 3
2-US Government 2
3- Contemporary Lit.
4- Lunch
5-Algebra 2
6- Drawing 1
7- Ecology
8- Study Hall
1- Spanish 3
2- Contemporary Lit.
3-Contemporary Lit. (again?)
4- Lunch
5- Algebra 2
6- Health
7- Ecology
8- US Government 1
Yeah my schedule is pretty screwed up. But anyways, comment me if you have a class with me... or better yet, lunch! Becuz most of my friends are in a different lunch period than me and it SUCKS! Cya later!
]]> 2005-08-23 22:39:06 2005-08-24 02:39:06 open Publish post 333393266 1 2005-08-23 23:05:00 2005-08-24 03:05:00 CrazzyRaz2007 [email protected] http://crazzyraz2007.xanga.com/ 0 18657764 0 644916663 nope.. lauren has 5th period lunch..
and easy classes.
]]> 1 2005-08-23 23:15:00 2005-08-24 03:15:00 mylastgaspingbreath [email protected] http://mylastgaspingbreath.xanga.com/ 0 6269671 0 644940129 ah! ill be at north for the first semester. and the second semester we have ONE thing together -FIRST PERIOD!-
and the class we do got together, we cant speak ENGLISH!! lmao.
]]> 1 2005-08-24 02:06:00 2005-08-24 06:06:00 Anonymous [email protected] 0 -1 0 645171399 Hey... random props, random comment. I was going thru the central blogring and came across your page. ((I'll be a freshman next year)).
Ha, love your taste in music, btw.
<333 Sydney
]]> 1 2005-08-24 13:19:00 2005-08-24 17:19:00 Anonymous [email protected] 0 -1 0 645614832 Even though things have been said and done w/e.Here for anyone out there who thinks I like chris just so you all know I dont.I DID think of him as my best friend and that was all.you can have feelings and love someone as nothing but a 100% awesome friend without it meaning anything but that...a friendship.Now that its no longer there those of you that wanted it like that can be happy.As for you chris thanks for standing by me in the times when you did.You were a great friend!]]> 1 2005-08-29 13:34:00 2005-08-29 17:34:00 Simplyclueless08 [email protected] http://simplyclueless08.xanga.com/ 0 12554444 0 654705009 1 2005-08-29 16:42:00 2005-08-29 20:42:00 Junsei_tsuraien [email protected] http://junsei-tsuraien.xanga.com/ 0 19118483 0 654964300 H2holbro22 Tue, 16 Aug 2005 00:36:41 -04:00     Hola everyone. It's update time! Well I'll give a summary of my past few days. Sarah came back from New York on Sunday so we went to the fair for a while. It felt so good to see her again! We didn't go on any rides becuz they were kinda lame lol, but we walked around inside this building that had like everything in it. It was pretty neat becuz they had lots of random "products" on display. This one lady even offered to make rub Sarah's feet lol . And I got myself a pimped out plastic sheriff badge! Oh yeah!! Yeah the fair was fun tho. Then today was pretty boring during the day, but later on during the night, I went to Sarah's house for like 2 hours then we went to BW3's for a while. There were like 10 people there that I didn't know, but I still had fun. One kid even ate 12 hot wings in less than 5 minutes and he won a T-shirt lol. I ordered 8 boneless wings and I ate 1 really hot wing.. my lips still burn after 2 hours lol. And best of all, NBC 4 was there and supposedly were gonna be on TV later. I think they were there becuz of the smoking bans in restaurants. I was only TV one time before that lol... I did a commercial for the Bowling Palace when I was in 3rd grade and they gave me a damn mini chocolate bowling pin for all of that! I hope their business goes into bankruptcy! After BW3's we went to Kroger so all of the Kroger people could check their schedules and mess around in the finger condom/KY jelly/laxitive isle lol. Yeahh..
Anyways, I guess school is right around the corner and I gotta get school supplies! I even convinced my mom that I'm gonna need an iPod b4 school starts lol, so I might get one tomorrow with this $160 voucher I have. I will have to find a way to cram all of my songs onto that thing lol. Ok well I'm to sleep or something right now cuz I'm really bored. Leave some comments! Cya later!
]]> 2005-08-16 00:36:41 2005-08-16 04:36:41 open Publish post 327918781 oh wow its chris!
golly gee its getting late...
wow im so bored.. umm. hi!
]]> 1 2005-08-16 04:04:00 2005-08-16 08:04:00 mylastgaspingbreath [email protected] http://mylastgaspingbreath.xanga.com/ 0 6269671 0 629800976 1 2005-08-16 16:22:00 2005-08-16 20:22:00 n1ckd33s [email protected] http://n1ckd33s.xanga.com/ 0 11164525 0 630590370 1 2005-08-17 15:46:00 2005-08-17 19:46:00 sarahdollie15 [email protected] http://sarahdollie15.xanga.com/ 0 18600396 0 632558383 1 2005-08-18 17:43:00 2005-08-18 21:43:00 TraiIsMyName [email protected] http://traiismyname.xanga.com/ 0 15300814 0 634768991 1 2005-08-19 22:35:00 2005-08-20 02:35:00 Anonymous [email protected] 0 -1 0 637191636 1 2005-08-23 02:53:00 2005-08-23 06:53:00 Anonymous [email protected] 0 -1 0 643253581 H2holbro22 Thu, 11 Aug 2005 15:52:31 -04:00  Hey everyone! So it's been about 6 days since I last updated.. i think. Right now I'm just eating bagel bites, listening to music, and writing in this lol. This week is going so damn slow. Sarah has been in New York for a week already... and she gets back on Sunday. It sucks to wait for so long...I CANT WAIT ANY LONGER! I wanna see her so badly... but were gonna go to the fair on Sunday, which is the last day. It will be awesome, but I  hope it doesn't rain or something. I could've swore the fair was open until around the 20th.
Alright so basically I gotta get my temps renewed and then I can get my driver's license next month! After I take my tests of course. And I'm filling out an application for Pet Supplies Plus, yeahhh! I think it would be fun to work there.. i don't know why, but I really need a job. In fact, I went bowling yesterday and I didn't have enough cash so I had to count out a bunch of quarters to pay lol. It was pretty funny. Oh yeah, and I'm back in my workout routine so I'm not as bored anymore!
Ok.. STORY TIME!! Once upon a time, there were 3 kids... their names were Chris, Joe, and David. They got bored one day and decided to ride their bikes to Academy Park. They rode around on the dirt ramps for a while and then David had to go becuz he had work. Chris and Joe found a path shortly after that and followed it. While they were on the path, they spotted some hillybilly people swimming in the river . Their dog was with them and once the dog saw Chris and Joe, it got out of the water and jumped all over Chris with its muddy paws. Luckily, Chris and Joe escaped and continued on the path. Eventually, they ended up in a neighborhood and kept on going farther and farther until they reached Stygler Rd. They kept going until they saw a building that said "Huntington Banks". Then they realized that they were at the Huntington building in Easton! It took 2 hours for them to get that far so they decided to ride back home in amazement. On their ride home, they saw a girl who looked like Chubakah, so they really hurried home. They reached their own neighborhood in about 2 hours, but they were exhausted as hell so they went home. THE END!!
Ok well I made my xanga look a little kooler and I added about 5 songs to the stereo thing so CHECK THEM OUT!!! And I gotta go now so be sure to leave me some comments lol! Thx guys, cya later!
]]> 2005-08-11 15:52:31 2005-08-11 19:52:31 open Publish post 324806342 1 2005-08-12 11:56:00 2005-08-12 15:56:00 sarahdollie15 [email protected] http://sarahdollie15.xanga.com/ 0 18600396 0 622476004 1 2005-08-12 11:58:00 2005-08-12 15:58:00 sarahdollie15 [email protected] http://sarahdollie15.xanga.com/ 0 18600396 0 622479418 1 2005-08-13 19:31:00 2005-08-13 23:31:00 sarahdollie15 [email protected] http://sarahdollie15.xanga.com/ 0 18600396 0 625068237 1 2005-08-13 21:06:00 2005-08-14 01:06:00 Anonymous [email protected] 0 -1 0 625210246 wow bout 3 of those entrys r from ur gf.. nice..lol hey man.. that story was off da chain lol well man im out.. call sumtime so we can fuckin hang out.. wanna play sum halo? yeah lets play sum halo.. WELL CMON .. OMG GGGGRRRR ARRGGG..lol my phone.. that was hillarious.. JASON HURRY THE FUCK UP WIT THAT SHIT..lmao good times bro.. aight after makin a huge fool of my self.. im gonna go.. later bro
]]> 1 2005-08-14 01:32:00 2005-08-14 05:32:00 WNHSgangsta22 [email protected] http://wnhsgangsta22.xanga.com/ 0 8985485 0 625709980 1 2005-08-15 03:08:00 2005-08-15 07:08:00 mylastgaspingbreath [email protected] http://mylastgaspingbreath.xanga.com/ 0 6269671 0 627652557 H2holbro22 Sat, 13 Aug 2005 15:14:47 -04:00 Hey guys! I'm updating this again, wow go me! Alright so basically the past two days have been pretty great. It all started yesterday night when I went to BW3's with David, Christina, and her friend Sarah. We just chilled there and had food... obviously lol. Then we rented Freddy Got Fingered and The Exorcist and went to Christina's house. Well, I liked Sarah ever since I first saw her and everything...she is really nice too! So then we all watched the movie lol. Freddy Got Fingered is one of the funniest movies ever omg, you guys gotta see it! Well we got half way thru the movie before we had to leave  So then we all gave our goodbyes, then David drove me back to my house. After that, we all joined a chat room cuz Sarah was sleeping over at Christina's house and we all wanted to talk. At 3:00, David snuck out and we were planning on riding my sister's electric scooter around the block just for fun lol. But it wouldnt start so we went pegging around the block a few times.
Ok well anyways, we planned to go to the pool around noon the next day, so I had to wake up at 10:00... I don't know how I pulled it off lol. Well since I havent been swimming in forever, I forgot about how small my swimming trunks would be... wow, they went up about half a foot above my kneecap lol. So I gotta buy new swimming trunks lmao... and we didnt go to the pool so we all went over to Christina's house again, ordered pizza and I got to see Sarah! And this time, I knew Sarah liked me back so I felt so much more comfortable around her. Ok we watched the rest of Freddy Got Fingered, then some of The Exorcist (omg that movie sucked), we watched like 1/10 of The Notebook, then some of Mean Girls. Stupid chick flicks lol! But it wasnt that bad at all. After Christina's house, I went to Hometown Buffet with David's family and ate lots of food. Then me, David, Sarah, Christina, Brice, Hilary, and Kris went to BW3's after that. I couldn't eat anything there tho lol cuz i was already full. Here I'll just list the random events that happened here becuz it would take me forever to explain all of them lol.... Brice stuck celery up his nose, sneezed it out, and ate it! We were bothered by a drunk nurse in the parking lot! We drove around the plaza while Kris hung on the back of the van while riding on a skateboard! Those are the main weird things that happened lol. Then after that, David dropped Hilary off and then he was gonna drop me off after that. By that time, I liked Sarah so much that I asked her out before I went inside. And now we are going out... and I'm really really happy!   She is going on a trip to New York 2morrow at 4:00 so were trying to go see a movie before she leaves... wow a whole week without seeing her will be hard to deal with lol. Ok well I'm gonna go cuz I wanna be able to wake up early 2morrow. Ill cya around ppl and please leave some comments guys!
]]> 2005-08-05 03:10:27 2005-08-05 07:10:27 open Publish post 320217501 im happy for you.
]]> 1 2005-08-05 09:12:00 2005-08-05 13:12:00 mylastgaspingbreath [email protected] http://mylastgaspingbreath.xanga.com/ 0 6269671 0 608008544 <3]]> 1 2005-08-05 09:15:00 2005-08-05 13:15:00 Anonymous [email protected] 0 -1 0 608011249 1 2005-08-05 21:52:00 2005-08-06 01:52:00 Anonymous [email protected] 0 -1 0 609300599 1 2005-08-06 03:13:00 2005-08-06 07:13:00 m2mizzle182 [email protected] http://m2mizzle182.xanga.com/ 0 6903196 0 609835131 well ttyl,~Trai "The MasterPiece" Brown~]]> 1 2005-08-06 03:51:00 2005-08-06 07:51:00 TraiIsMyName [email protected] http://traiismyname.xanga.com/ 0 15300814 0 609858648 1 2005-08-07 22:54:00 2005-08-08 02:54:00 Simplyclueless08 [email protected] http://simplyclueless08.xanga.com/ 0 12554444 0 612900203 1 2005-08-12 12:01:00 2005-08-12 16:01:00 sarahdollie15 [email protected] http://sarahdollie15.xanga.com/ 0 18600396 0 622484831 H2holbro22 Mon, 01 Aug 2005 01:23:25 -04:00  Hey guys! I know it takes me forever to update this thing, but you gotta understand that sometimes its boring to update lol. Well not much has changed here... yesterday was fun as hell tho. First of all, David's family was out of town so me and Joe stayed overnight there. Without parents... you can do ANYTHING! So thats what we did. We got some TP and tried to get one of our friends, but are plans got spoiled thanks to the fuckin dogs lol. Ok but David was driving us down Sunbury Rd and he is barely going over the speed limit when he passes a cop car lol... then we look in the rearview mirror and we see the cops lights start flashing! Luckily the left and right lanes were separated by concrete things. So we turned into a street and parked and then everything was fine. Basically we just messed around outside all night. In the morning around 10, we went to Krogers and got some waffles and whipped cream... has anyone had blueberry waffles w/ whipped cream? It's pretty good.
Friday sucked ass lol cuz my dad was moving and I had to help him move everything into a U-Haul truck and then take it to the new apartment. It wasn't hard at all, but I did it from 10:00 to 3:00 without eating anything. AND it was so damn boring. It was kinda funny though cuz my dad told me to watch my step while I was putting the coach in the truck and he hit his head on the top of the truck like 5 seconds later lol. And today, I fell asleep during the day!! And right when I fell asleep... my dad came over and woke me up and said "I need you to help me move some more things" blahh blah blah.. thats the worst way to wake up lol.
Yeah I made another mix cd with lots of kool songs including this techno remix to Yeah which is SO AWESOME!!! It has so much bass that you gotta hold on to the handles on the car just to sit still. If I ever find out how to upload music, then I'll put it on my xanga but I dont know how. PLEASE tell me if you know how. Speaking of music, I've been listening to the old Fall Out Boy cd and it's really awesome so everyone should listen to it! I'm gonna get the new one soon.. yeah. Ok that should be enough for now! LeAvE sOmE cOmMeNtS plzzzz!!
]]> 2005-08-01 01:23:25 2005-08-01 05:23:25 open Publish post 317185331 You didn't do it you dork!! I'm sad now! oh well ill be over it in like a sec....well im getting ready to go to practice so ill have to talk to you later
rachael mae
]]> 1 2005-08-01 09:24:00 2005-08-01 13:24:00 bananas_r_yummy [email protected] http://bananas-r-yummy.xanga.com/ 0 14989642 0 599453618 1 2005-08-02 03:03:00 2005-08-02 07:03:00 Simplyclueless08 [email protected] http://simplyclueless08.xanga.com/ 0 12554444 0 601413433 HEY CHRiS! i HAVEN'T TALKED TO YOU iN FOREVER!!!!! WE NEED TO HANG OUT AGAiN! WELL COMMENT BACK iF YOU WANT!!!
<33 KATiE
]]> 1 2005-08-02 20:57:00 2005-08-03 00:57:00 kAtE0143 [email protected] http://kate0143.xanga.com/ 0 6045670 0 602853986 1 2005-08-04 21:33:00 2005-08-05 01:33:00 BestSisters22 [email protected] http://bestsisters22.xanga.com/ 0 15489530 0 607218648 1 2005-08-06 23:26:00 2005-08-07 03:26:00 Anonymous [email protected] 0 -1 0 611171248 H2holbro22 Fri, 22 Jul 2005 04:09:43 -04:00 YEAHHHH!! I fixed the damn comment thing so you can all send me comments again. I found out that the poll thing was causing the problem... I'll get it back eventually but not right now. Wow me and David just snuck out of the house and right when I walked out the door, we saw and heard the sirens of a cop car from behind 2 houses! It's bad enough that wre not allowed outside, but the cop car was speeding thru our neighborhood for some reason lol. Let's see... I'll talk a little about how things are goin now... well I started driving school 2 weeks ago and it's really boring. I have to go 2 days per week, 4 hours each day. Next week is my last week! Driver's ed isnt really that bad cuz I met some new peeps that I can talk to whenever. I went to Cedar Point again for 1 day too, this time it was for my dad's company picnic. Remember how Cedar Point was awesome for me last time? This time it was living hell lol. Hold on, lemme get my list of all the bad things... ok     
1) I had 2 hours of sleep... thats my own fault i guess lol.        
2) I had a headache that lasted from the night before thru the whole day.              
3) It decided to rain nonstop the WHOLE time we were there.           
4) The lines were packed to the edges so we didnt get to go on any rides at all.
5) The free food was disgusting.
6) We spent more time driving there and back than we spent in the park itself, so its basically a waste of time.
Lol thats mainly all. Wow I'm really lazy lol. That's why I wanna drive SOOO bad. And to kill some time and earn some money, I'm actually trying to get a job at Pet Supplies Plus!!!!!! Yes now doesnt that sound like a great place to work?? You get to move dog food and other things all day and its the only place hiring that is half decent lol. Well it's definitly 4 in the morning right now so I'm gonna get to bed. Me and Josh stayed up last night chilling so I'm really tired. Btw before I go, I have something for everyone who likes Trapt... theyre coming out with a new cd in September and they released 1 main song... its awesome and its called Stand Up. I tryed to find it EVERYWHERE, but the only place I can find it is http://www.trapt.com/ . You can listen to the song over and over if you stay on there. Yeah well with that, I'm out! I'm gonna take a new pic once I get my dad's camera too so that will be kool. Cya later everyone!!!
]]> 2005-07-22 04:09:43 2005-07-22 08:09:43 open Publish post 310298168 1 2005-07-23 20:25:00 2005-07-24 00:25:00 m2mizzle182 [email protected] http://m2mizzle182.xanga.com/ 0 6903196 0 583261575 1 2005-07-24 00:13:00 2005-07-24 04:13:00 Simplyclueless08 [email protected] http://simplyclueless08.xanga.com/ 0 12554444 0 583635164  haha. ill c ya around. bye chris i heart u like a brother!!!!]]> 1 2005-07-24 00:45:00 2005-07-24 04:45:00 m2mizzle182 [email protected] http://m2mizzle182.xanga.com/ 0 6903196 0 583692433 hi chris.
sounds like a drag.
]]> 1 2005-07-25 10:18:00 2005-07-25 14:18:00 mylastgaspingbreath [email protected] http://mylastgaspingbreath.xanga.com/ 0 6269671 0 585795457 dude if you want a new awesome song check out WALKING DEAD by DJ Z TRIP and CHESTER BENNINGTON
Its my favorite song right now
and yeah my internet did fuck up for awhile, that sucked a ton of balls
]]> 1 2005-07-26 14:56:00 2005-07-26 18:56:00 Anonymous [email protected] 0 -1 0 588376996 1 2005-07-28 19:05:00 2005-07-28 23:05:00 Simplyclueless08 [email protected] http://simplyclueless08.xanga.com/ 0 12554444 0 593053176 hey chirs whats up nuttin here well just thought id leave you one ttyl
love you like friend
rachael mae
]]> 1 2005-08-01 00:49:00 2005-08-01 04:49:00 bananas_r_yummy [email protected] http://bananas-r-yummy.xanga.com/ 0 14989642 0 599124121 H2holbro22 Tue, 19 Jul 2005 14:52:50 -04:00 2005-07-19 14:52:50 2005-07-19 18:52:50 open Publish post 308366547 hey man heres a comment]]> 1 2005-07-22 03:23:00 2005-07-22 07:23:00 WNHSgangsta22 [email protected] http://wnhsgangsta22.xanga.com/ 0 8985485 0 580548276 H2holbro22 Mon, 11 Jul 2005 15:10:06 -04:00 Hey people! It's 2:22 right now and just woke up lol. Yeah I have a reason for going to bed so late last night. Ok listen up... I have a story to tell everyone lol. But remember... all of this is not to be told to anyone cuz it might cycle back to the victim. Ok well last night I'm just sitting on the computer listening to music and talking on AIM. Then David IMs me and tells me to meet him outside because Brian just got TPed. So I set everything up in the house to look like I'm asleep, grab the Cheezits, and then I sneak out. I walked down to Brian's house to see Brian and Joe in Joe's car. They told us that they found out who TPed him because they saw them drive away and yell something that obviously gave themselves away. Even though you need to be 18 to drive outside at 2:00, we got in Joe's car and decided to help Brian get revenge. We drove towards Kroger (I can't forget to mention the Rumpke truck that almost backed up into us. So we drove by him... Joe waved to him while I flicked him off lol). Once we were at Kroger, David and Brian ran inside and bought 48 rolls of TP. Ha you dont wanna know the excuse we had for buying all of that TP. Anyways, Joe drove to one of the kids houses (a kid that helped TP Brian) and we started throwing TP all over the trees and bushes. Me and David TPed the backyard while Joe and Brian TPed the front yard. Eventually, they came into the backyard and Brian was like, "Dude this isn't the right house... there isn't a basketball hoop in the front!" So were like damn...so we grabbed as much TP as possible from house and moved to the RIGHT house. That's where we seriously trashed the house up lol. We had a lot of spare TP so I even put some in their weeds. When we were done, it was like 3:15 and we weren't satisfied... so we got back in the car and drove to Meijer, and bought 48 more rolls of TP! By the way, the same kid who we TPed, called Brian's cell and asked him who the hell TPed his house. The kid got home right after we TPed him luckily lol... but Brian denied it anyways. Then we went to another kid's house and got ready to TP him. But thats when we noticed that the gas tank was empty...so we drove away and barely made it to a gas station. Since no1 else was on the road at that time, Joe turns the wrong way and starts driving on the complete wrong side of the road... it was hilarious. But then we go back to the kids house with a 1/4 tank of gas. This kid's house had so many trees so it was perfect to TP. So we TPed his house pretty bad and left. It was about 4 by this time so we decided to go back home before it got any later. Joe dropped everyone off at their houses, but I went to Joe's house for a sec so I could help him get out of trouble if his parent's were awake. Yeah and we also woke Ryan up so we could say Hi to him. After that, I left and ran home to my house and snuck back inside... my damn cat was meowing up a storm while I was opening the door tho. Basically, we got revenge x2 on them lol. But we also made some more targets that we are going after soon lol... so WATCH OUT!! nah j/k we usually only get people who go after us first. Well guys, I gotta go to an orthodontist appointment... I think I get to stop wearing my retainer! lol hopefully, but then after that I am starting my driving courses. So leave me some comments or something guys! Cya around!]]> 2005-07-11 15:10:06 2005-07-11 19:10:06 open Publish post 302630331 1 2005-07-11 20:09:00 2005-07-12 00:09:00 X_Her_LipXgloss_Poison_X [email protected] http://x-her-lipxgloss-poison-x.xanga.com/ 0 17113205 0 560685777 H2holbro22 Sun, 10 Jul 2005 00:19:53 -04:00  Hola! I know I never write in my xanga... sorry about that. And btw, there's no way in hell that I'm gonna write an entry as long as that last one ever again lol. Unless I go somewhere else and have a lot to say... but anyways, how is everyone doing? I haven't been doing much lately. I wish I could drive but I gotta wait until October to get my license. Fortunatly, I am starting my driving courses on Monday, so I can get that out of the way. I want to get a Tiburon too... its about $25k though so I may as well give it up lol. I also want to get a job and I cant get one because I can't drive there   Oh well I guess I have a few more months to be lazy and do whatever else I want lol. I might even get to go to Cedar Point again on Friday because of my dad's company picnic.Usually they go to Wyandot Lake or King's Island, but Cedar Point is much better.
I really don't feel like writing, but I'll end this off with a fact... if you think you aren't afraid of anything, then try driving in the car with Joe! He made some awesome illegal turns and used a turning lane to pass up a car! Me and Joe can both be wreckless once I get my driver's license lol... I seem to forget about the speed limit from time to time. It's funny tho. Ok well I'm gonna go drink some more limeade lol. That stuff is really good and its better than lemonade. Cya later guys and girls!
BTW... THE GUYS CANT BE THE BEST PART ABOUT SUMMER!!! I cant believe the poll is getting taken over like that. Oh well, keep on voting and we will see what happens...
]]> 2005-07-10 00:20:26 2005-07-10 04:20:26 open Publish post 301539685 1 2005-07-10 00:29:00 2005-07-10 04:29:00 X_Her_LipXgloss_Poison_X [email protected] http://x-her-lipxgloss-poison-x.xanga.com/ 0 17113205 0 557453187 1 2005-07-10 18:03:00 2005-07-10 22:03:00 X_Her_LipXgloss_Poison_X [email protected] http://x-her-lipxgloss-poison-x.xanga.com/ 0 17113205 0 558446010
1 note ¡ View note
savedbystyle ¡ 5 years
come home to me (s.r)
pairing: steve rogers x stark!reader // tony stark x daughter!reader
summary: the time heist takes place and you nat and clint go to vormir but one of you don’t come back
a/n: they do have a slight age gap of five years, but thats it. im writing this on my ipad because my tumblr web is broken:) tony is the readers dad, i dont specifiy if theyre adopted or not :)
warnings: angst // endgame spoilers
“Alright, we have a plan. Six stones, three teams, one shot.” 
You all walk to the machine, preparing to give it your all and get back what you lost.
“Five years ago we lost. We lost friends, we lost family, we lost a part of ourselves. Today we have a chance to take it all back. Know your teams, know your missions. Get the stones, get them back.” 
You all stand in a circle with your right hands in the middle, determined to get your other halves back. 
“We each have one round trip, no mistakes-no do overs. Most of us are going somewhere we know, that doesnt mean we should know what to expect. Careful, look out for each other. This us the fight of our lives, and were gonna win. Whatever it takes. Good luck.” 
Your dad (Tony Stark), Steve Rogers, and Scott Land were going to New York back in 2012 to get the mind and space stone. Thor and Rocket go to Asgard back in 2013 to get the reality stone. Bruce (hulk) was also going to New York in 2012 but he was going to the time sanctum to get the mind stone, and youre going with Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff, Rhodey, and Nebula to get the power and soul stone while the last two get the power stone on Morag while you three fly to Vormir for the soul stone. 
“Come back to me, ok y/n?” Steve said with a smile
“Of course Steve, forever and always.”
You turn to him and kiss him before you all have to go.
“Stay safe dad” 
“I always do sweetheart” Your dad returned with a smile. 
Bruce walked over and powered on the machine. “Alright, powering in five, four, three, two, and-it’s show time” 
You all go towards where you’re supposed to, and soon you’re on Morag, while you three are going to Vormir. 
“Take care mini-stark. You know me and your father AND Steve will never forgive our selves if anything happens to u”
“I know Uncle Rhodey, I promise I will be safe” You return with a smile
“See you soon Neb”
You’ve grown a liking to her after she came back with your dad.
“See you y/n. Please be safe”
You saw a hint of sadness in her eyes as she said bye to the three of you heading to Vormir, but brushed it off thinking that it was because her sister was gone and she was about to fight her father.
“Of course” You smiles at her before boarding the jet.
“You ready stark?” Cling asks with a mischievous glint in his eyes
“Always, Barton. You Nat?” You reply with a smirk
“I think we all know the answer to that question”
Clint starts the engine and soon you’re flying at incredible speeds. You all laugh on the way there, thinking about how a couple years ago you were fighting simple aliens on earth to having to gather stones.
“This is a long way from Budapest” Clint says to Nat
“You haven’t told me about Budapest, we got a couple to kill, might as well Romanoff” You reply with a smirk, awaiting the story which you’ve heard so much about from Nat and Clint
After a while and a whole story about Budapest, you were feeling more ready about this. You get off the ship and look around until you see a pathway. Once you climb to the top you see a figure, a red figure.
“Where’s the soul stone?” You mutter to Clint
“I don’t know but let’s keep going forward.”
A man came out from behind the shadows dressed in all redone had a skull for a face.
“Ahh, if it isn’t Natasha daughter of Ivan, Clint son of Edith, And Y/n daughter of Stark”
“How do you know who we are?” You ask the figure
“I know everyone who steps foot on Vormir, wanting to get the soul stone. Some go empty handed, but I can see today that will not be the problem.”
“So where’s the soul stone?” Nat asks the figure
“It’s right here. But there’s a trick to getting the stone.”
“And that is?”
“A soul for a soul. You must lose what you love the most. Whoever chooses to sacrifice themself with go ahread and jump. No tricks. Once you get the stone, you may leave”
You all look at the ground then at each other, each of you knowing what needs to be done. The figure goes away as you all sit on the rocks overlooking the cliff which one of you shall not return from, making the three now two.
“I think we know what needs to happen as much as we dread it.” Nat says with her hands on her mouth
You have made up your mind, knowing you weren’t going to let anyone else die on your watch.
“I think we all do, but i’m suspecting that we all have different ideas of who it should be” Clint says laughing
“Yeah, I do.” You say as a tear tracks down your cheek “I love you both. Clint, you have a family to go back to. They need you. Nat, take care of Steve for me won’t you?” You say while walking closer to the edge
“Y/n don’t do this” Clint says standing up when all of a sudden Nat starts running to the edge, but you trip her just in time having her on the edge and you hanging.
“Y/N NO” Nat and Clint yell at you as you look at them holding Nats hand, one hand away from the end.
“Tell my dad, Morgan, and Pepper that I love them. Tell Steve that he’s my world and that he should move on. Tell the rest of the team that it’s not their fault and that I’ll miss them all dearly.” Youre sobbing as you’re loosening your grip on Nats hand.
“I love you Y/n” Nat whispers as tears also stream down her face.
You smile up at Nat and Clint and whisper “It’s ok, you can let go of me”
Nat slowly lets go of your hand, and soon you’re falling and hit the ground and up above they’re crying staring at your lifeless body as crimson blood pools around you. They’re left staring at the young girl who sacrificed herself for the team to win, but left everything she loved behind during the process.
After they get the stone they return to the Avengers compound in 2023, tears still streaming down their face as they stare in shock.
“Got all the stones?”
Everyone nods when Tony breaks the excitement among the room
“Where’s y/n?” He whispers, denying the possibility that the same thing happened to his daughter as it happened to Thanos’s daughter. “Tell me it’s not true Nat,”
Nat and Clint look up at Tony with tear stains and new ones forming and nod.
“What do you mean, what happened to y/n? Someone tell me what’s going on!” Steve shouted
Everyone could tell from the look on Steve’s face that he couldn’t believe it. An hour ago he saw you, and you both were smiling promising each other that you’ll come home but now his worst fear is becoming a reality and that’s living without you.
“We went to Vormir, and we got the stone but to get the stone it was a soul for a soul.” Clint says, with his voice shaking.
Tony leaves tears streaming down his face as he heads outside. Everyone follows him, if not crying sorrowful.
“I- What did she say?” Steve asks voice cracking as he digests the fact that the love of his life is gone. His heart feels heavy and his mind is clouded and now he can’t see or breathe properly.
“She... She said that she loved you both very much and that she wanted us all to move on, especially you Steve. She wanted you to move on from her and find someone who makes you feel the same way as she did. Tony, she,” Nats words get caught in her throat as she holds back another sob
“She wanted you and Pepper to take care and give Morgan the love you gave her. She also told us that it’s not our fault and that we should all move on from this and win”
It was dead silent as everyone now had tears down their face mourning the loss of their very own. They lost an avenger, a daughter, a girlfriend, and they lost family, but they knew that now was not the time to mourn your loss, and they also knew that you wouldn’t want that.
“Then that’s what we’ll do,” Tony says turning around. “We’ll win this for y/n” They all head inside more determined than ever to beat Thanos.
“Whatever it takes.” Steve said, knowing that if they don’t bring them back that your death has no meaning.
Everyone went inside, besides Tony and Steve who sat outside and looked over the lake.
“I wish I got to say bye to my daughter one last time. I know that she died with a cause but god, id do anything to take her place. She deserves a life and a family and that’s all she wanted, she only wanted to be with you Steve.” Tony said trying not to breakdown knowing that in a matter of minutes they’ll bring back the taken.
“God, i’d redo everything and i’d do anything to trade with her and it hurts knowing that she’ll never come back to me. I’ll never see her laugh, i’ll never see the ways her eyes crinkle and her y/e/c eyes shine when she genuinely laughs at something. She promised she’d come back to me.”
Tony wiped away his tears and turned to Steve and told him
“Promises are meant to be broken Capsicle, you know that better than anyone. She was doing her job and as much as it hurts it’s part of the hero gig. Everything comes to an end and that includes us. So promise me that once we’re done you’ll help me plan her funeral, as a farewell to her and a thank you for sacrificing herself for us”
“Of course Tony. I love her and that will never change, dead or alive. But for now, let’s head inside and beat this son of a bitch”
Steve went inside feeling different, yet better. He went inside knowing that wherever you were, you were watching him and smiling down at them and he knew that deep inside, you did come back to him. And he smiled
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faunusrights ¡ 5 years
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oh goody!
well this is it. the Date Chapter. the chapter, in which, the Date happens. lowkey im so fucking hype for this stupid goddamn chapter AAAAAAAAAAAA this is when the sexy got kicked up about seven notches and i know its gonna be a fucking twenty from here on out so LETS GO LESBIANS LETS GO
“Is this your date, Ms. Fall?” he asked.
Cinder didn’t look away from Glynda. “Mhm.”
What the fuck.
already im fucking THRIVING im so glad this chapter’s mood got encapsulated within the first ten seconds and im definitely gonna have to re-read this chapter for the full unannotated experience OOOOOOOOOH MY GOD IM SO READY
Glynda’s thoughts ricocheted inside her head like coins left in a dryer. A part of her couldn’t understand what was happening and disengaged. The rest of her, grasping for purchase in all this, reasoned that going with Cinder was better than staying here confused, alone, and utterly displaced.
glynda ‘i aint ever had a gf before’ goodwitch at her PEAK right here. like GOD shes gone from ‘cinder’s trying to murder me’ to ‘cinder just plopped me right into a date’ like CINDER. CINDER YR CHANGING GEARS SO FAST. YOU DIDNT EVEN SEND FLOWERS OR ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
is it because shes a u-haul lesbian or
Higher, Glynda realized the dress itself was backless, revealing the black tattoo she’d seen so often before, perfectly centered between sharp shoulder blades.
this gay energy is BONKERS, quite frankly??????? where did cinder get her dress from? why does she have it? did she buy it just for this fuckery? or will she pull the ‘i just had a this lil number laying around’ line????????? does she wanna seduce glynda to death?????? was this PLANNED OR DID SHE JUST DECIDE SHE WANTED A DATE AND WTH LIFE REALLY IS SHORT ON REMNANT THESE DAYS?????????? cinder fall please explain your workings to the class
maybe Glynda wasn’t the only one who’d become adept at reading her opponent.
👏 when 👏 will 👏 they 👏 kiss 👏 already 👏👏👏👏
me: this is a slowburn also me: if u assholes dont give me this in the next ten seconds-
“Unarmed? As if you could be so helpless.”
cinder’s style of flirting is just. commentating on a person’s deadliness. that’s IT it’s the only TRICK SHE HAS and its working, is the thing,
im reading the description of the table and remembering the shitpost and oh my god i have to draw this???? hell IS real!!!!!! COULDNT YALL JUST TOSS EM IN A PLAIN BOX,
Cinder eyed her from her bastion of dark cushions,
cinder, ass-deep in cushions: this is peak cuddle territory come and join me
Cinder, for her part, seemed delighted Glynda had noticed. Touching the pendant more gently than Glynda might have ever thought her capable of, Cinder said,  “Yours? You didn’t seem to mind parting with it.”
im still deeply enjoying this powermove the novelty NEVER wears off (and at risk of light spoilers i do enjoy its place in this story 👀)
Cinder let the necklace drop, settling against the swell of her bust once more,
/lightly coughs 👀👀👀
im losing my MIND at how gay this bit is i physically cannot HANDLE IT and if they even describe the meal once im gonna pop off cause i am. SO HUNGRY RN. AAAAAAAAAAAA
Cinder indicated a dish of lamb and vegetables, served on a bed of rice and drizzled in some sort of sauce.
Glynda cleared her throat, working out: “The Grimm.”
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like. GOD WE KNOW GLYNDA IS JUST SO FUNCTIONALLY BAD AT CONVERSATION BUT OF ALL THE THINGS glynda please just. just. stop thinking abt her sexy tattoos for a fifth of a second,
“You can control them.” A sedate blink. For all the world, Glynda might have just commented on the weather.
which is a faux pas for a date!!!!!!!!!!! at least tell her the DRESS IS SEXY WE ALL KNO WHATS WHAT YR THINKIN ABT
Glancing down as though it were being pointed out to her for the first time, Cinder shrugged and adjusted the end of the glove a little higher on her bicep. “And?” 
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a quick aside im enjoying how like... visually expressive cinder is in this remaster! i can see her facial expressions and her motions really clearly in my mind’s eye which is a fun little boon if only because i have to redraw this nonsense hjsgdfjhfksgd but cinder’s got a Good Face this time around! A QUALITY FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You should know by now, there’s something about you that’s simply irresistible to Grimm.”
HERE COMES THE PLOT (and a single surviving line so far... this one sentence has survived all the world could throw at it... we stan)
Cinder straightened, and Glynda saw that this was what she’d been waiting for.
“It isn’t every day the great Glynda Goodwitch kneels before her adversary, is it?”
HELLO??????????????????????????? WHATS THIS WORDING????????? honestly tho for a second i thought she meant like. quite literally and i thought id missed some PROPER SHIT RIGHT THERE BUT YEAH WTH!!!!!!! C I N D E R
“You cheated. You can’t beat me on your own.”
yes glynda we gathered that yr a top
“Really, Glynda? Poison?” she sneered, something like offense simmering in her expression. “After all this?”
looks at the camera
god im literally losing grasp of words to say because theres such a charged mood in this scene............. theyre brushing fingers............ trading jabs.......... im slurpin it up babey!!!!!!!! this rly is the BEST remaster of this whole scene it DESERVES this wordcount!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“Beat you,” Cinder corrected. “And call it a point of pride.”
yes cinder we gathered yr a brat,
this dynamic is why this fic is so fuckign good when will winter have a swift return to add even more fuckery to this wild ride
Then, with a heavy-lidded look, Cinder found Glynda’s hand between them, the touch so sudden and daring that Glynda flinched. The fabric of those gloves was smooth against Glynda’s flesh, and for all that cruelty had marked every other instance of contact between them, Cinder was surprisingly gentle.
whomp there go my nuts
WHAT IS THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHO MADE THE EXECUTIVE CHOICE TO ADD THIS LINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELLO???????????? im losing my BRAINCELLS
What she wasn’t ready for was for Cinder to guide her hand to her own throat and hold it there.
Now… Now Cinder interested her.
tbh how can i liveblog this? what commentary can i POSSIBLY add that we arent already all THINKING. we just launched into a level of hell so deep that lucifers gonna have to pull some goddamn tricks to follow us down here!!!!!!!!!! WHAT IS THIS SCENE! THIS MOMENT! IM SCREAMING
Glynda mirrored the expression back at him, and finally, he coughed, not making strong eye contact with either of them. He set their plate before them and hurried out without so much as a check-in.
i just KNEW that was gonna happen JHGDSFGJHKSDF he was gonna walk in on SMTHNG but i didnt think itd be CINDER’S CHOKING KINK,
okay i took a break and ate my weight in roast chicken and we’re back babey
Almost nervously, her fingers carded through her own dark hair, and there, among the locks, Glynda spotted a glimpse of something white, structured and ridged.
It was easier to ignore the rest of it—whatever it was.
glynda you are a fool and a moron im withering into DUST
On no level had she expected those to be Glynda’s words.
then what... did she expect... well probably -- and rightly so -- ‘bitch WHAT ARE THOSE’ TBH
wait sorry i have to jump back because i forgot customary fingerguns on the most brazen bit of Shit yet:
Cinder was occupying herself with something else: the head of a dragon, perched over the door and staring down at the two of them with red, glossy eyes.
Fangs snapped together around the word.
aka back to me horni
/chanting TEETH! TEETH! TE
okay but the reason i doubled back to catch that fingergun is because we’re getting ass-deep into plot now!!!!!!!!!!! WITCHES AND DRAGONS BABEY......... HERE’S WHAT OFFAL HUNT IS ALL ABT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i cant rly drop more fingerguns than that because any astute reader will start realising the dots im shouting abt and honestly half the fun of this fic is the ride so >:3c
“Funny. I was sure he would have told you.”
that blow was so low i think cinder hit the concrete with that one
oh god theyre gonna get to the bit and i-
“Is that what all of this has been about? You called me here to remind me that I'm autistic?”
The words were delivered firmly, calmly, but Cinder’s response was the opposite, sudden upheaval seizing her. Her expression opened in something akin to panic. “Wh—no? What? No! That's not what I—”
offal hunt v1 cinder: im totally in control and im playing glynda every step of the way
Cinder seemed genuinely stressed now, speaking quicker as though trying to bury the last sixty seconds.
i knew this remaster would have sections that would blow me away but this bit really took the fcuking cake DGHSJFSJHFDG holy SHIT this is AMAZING
It was difficult to tell in the low light, but if Glynda wasn't mistaken, there was a bright flush of embarrassment coloring Cinder’s cheeks.
this is SUCH prime content hey remember in one of the early liveblogs that cinder would descend into full dork? WELL THE DESCENT CAME EARLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! /pops bottles
“Cinder.” There was a very real line of threat in Glynda’s tone. “Don’t.”
oh this whole scene just keeps getting better i am LOVING this dynamic now!!!!!!! before it was all pretty one-sided so having the conversation rock back and forth is 👌👌👌
That Witch soul of yours—it was designed to void out everything but the prey before you. To be numb to all human emotion. To focus on the hunt and nothing else.
finally the fruit of 50% of my fingerguns COMES TO LIGHT!!!!!!!!!!! PLOT PLOT PLOT
“This is bullshit.” Jabbing an accusing finger at Cinder, Glynda said, “You’re a liar. You’re a criminal!”
i LOVE glyndas pottymouth in this its such a good like... change from her being strict and formal and teachery and now shes full on gremlin huntress hell YES BABY!!!!!!!!!! GO OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“There’s all kinds of things I bet he never told you.” Cinder continued. “Did you know he was close to your predecessor? The Witch who came before you—they were inseparable.”
SRY IM LIKE STRUGGLIN TO COMMENTATE because so much of this like. speaking as an Old-Ass Reader this is like. a LOT! A LOT HAS CHANGED and yet,,,, stayed the same,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, yall kids WILL NEVER KNOW WHAT IT WAS LIKE TO HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL CHAPTER LIKE................ 15 FOR THIS SHIT (but like. chapter 15 was different because this chapter used to be like chapter 7? so now everythings moved along so chapter 15 doesnt sound that impressive but trust me it was a different fic back then)
When they fell away, burnt and ruined, she could see Cinder’s bare arms for the first time. The red lines drawn across her skin sloped down the entire length of her arms, circling her elbows, carved into her wrists. They ended right at her hands, ensuring any long-sleeved garment would hide them. Every covered inch of her was filled like a canvas, like abstract art.
lets pause the fight scene for glynda to be gay!!!!! god im. okay look i said this earlier but im so glad we have more cinder like this tbh. the first version was rly lacking w/ cinder content until late-game when the plot sorta. got itself going? but now we’re eye-deep in this content i LOVE cinder i love this WEIRDO who is a HUGE LOSER and IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM LOVE HER SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And Glynda could not dispel the fear that she had been telling the truth.
and after committing Some Amount In Damages, we’re at the end of the chapter!
okay so i really enjoyed this version SO MUCH MORE. everything abt it was polished and worked together so much better and it really needed the space to breathe in its own chapter. its been horny, gay, intense, hilarious, and way more in one chapter and its SO good this really is PEAK offal hunt!!!!!!!!!!!! good job diesel and kc but im still going to murder you both,
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alittleranting ¡ 6 years
Yoonseok (Sope) Fanfic
So yeah hey see who had this on her laptop for almost a month and forgot to post it... So here you go, boo. @mysticalkpopper
You hear the rain pouring outside. Great.. really great, it's raining... What am I gonna do now? You'd planned to meet with your best friend Namjoon to have a BBQ. His little brother Jungkook and his best friend Taehyung also wanted to join you. But the guys were whining about the rain and cancelled it. Now you're just sitting in your living room, starring out of the window and whining yourself.. You let out a deep sigh and fall onto your sofa. You closed your eyes and think about that party you read about on a flyer. Initially you didn't wanted to go but it's your best option at this point. At least something you could look forward to. You decided to call your sister, maybe she has some time to come over. You dial her number: "Dawon?"
"Hey Hoseok, what's up?" "The guys cancelled and now I'm bored... Wanna come over?" "Sorry, but no I have to work the late shift today.. " "How come? You never have the late shift, unless..." "Bingo. My coworker bailed out because he wanted to go to a stupid party." "I actually thought of going to on myself..." "Mh ok, have fun then. Listen I have to go back to work but tomorrow I'll come over ok?" "Sure, see ya." "Bye." Dawon ended the call and you put your phone back on the coffee table. Another deep sigh leaves your mouth. You get up and drag yourself into the bathroom. A hot shower is probably the right thing with that unpleasant weather. After you finished you waddle to your bedroom. Still naked you stay in front of your closet. The hell should I wear? I have just too many clothes.. Yikes. Ripped jeans, a green button shirt and your new Balenciaga shoes probably will do it. It was still pretty early so you just put on your clothes and sat back down on your sofa. You scrolled through social media when you get a text from Namjoon.
"Hey Hobi what are you doing?" "Nothing really. I dressed up and think of going to that big party later. U?" "I went to a friend because he wanted my advice on his clothes. Guess he wants to go to the same party. But his type of clothes really aren't my style so I cant really say anything...." "Haha need my help?" "Technically yes but I can't just take pictures of him and send them to you.." "I mean TECHNICALLY you could." "Hobi you know I don't do stuff like that!" "Yeah yeah I get it. Then have fun playing dress up." "Thanks...."
Pfft.. Joon can play dress up with someone but won't grill a fucking steak with me. Guess I have to life with a fake ass bitch as my best friend. AND then he doesn't even send me pictures of that boy. Like come on maybe he has a cute ass.. I WANNA SEE!!!! Damn lucky noone can read your mind.. Your dramatic ass would be so embarrassed.
You take a look on your watch. In a while you could start walking to the location. You would still be one of the first there but then you can get a seat at the bar. You went into the bathroom to put on light make up and check yourself out for the last time. Grabbing your wallet, phone and keys you leave your apartment. You let google maps guide you too your destination and to your suprise there already is a queue. Nontheless you didn't have to wait long. You show your ID to the bouncer and get to enter the club. The room is huge and just a few people stand there in groups and are talking. The music isn't really loud yet so the atmosphere is rather relaxed. Just as planned you got a seat at the bar. You settled in and ordered a beer. After your third beer the club was pretty full, all those people were enjoying themselfs but you sat there alone. You started regretting coming on your own but after today you didn't wanted to mope anymore. Hesitantly you scoot down from the bar stool and make your way to the dance floor. As you start moving with the rhythm you feel you're in your element and lose yourself in the music. You don't even know for how long you danced when your bladder practicly screams at you. You drank six beer by now and your tolernace isn't high at all so you're pretty dizzy and waver to the restroom. Once you're there you look in the mirror. "Wow I look tousled." "Nah, you look pretty cute." A guy you didn't know showed up behind you and playfully slapped your ass while winking at you. He scared the shit out of you and you almost wet yourself. At the pissoir you bump into the guy next to you and murmer a 'Sorry' to him while making eye contact but your eyes didn't stay up there. They wander down to his dick. Mh not bad. Maybe a little small but definitly average.. I could make that work! The dude next to you eyes you. He's clearly uncomfortable with you checking him out BUT you couldn't care less right now. Finally relieved you go and wash your hand. You leave the restroom but not without checking yourself out a last time and fixing your hair. You decide it's better to take it slow so you return to the bar, take a seat again and order a glass of water to clear your mind. Moments later the barkeeper gives you your water and presents you 2 shots along side. "I DIDN'T ORDER SHOTS!" The bartender points to the other side of the bar. You follow his direction and see a young woman. Your eyes meet and she smiles gently at you. Not knowing what you should do you nod to her in appreciation and take a sip of your water. You listen to the music for a while but nothing they're playing at the moment sounds familiar to you. Suddenly you feel a hand on your shoulder, as you turn around it's the pretty girl. "Don't you like liquor?" "WHAT?" "DON'T YOU LIKE LIQUOR?" She pointed to the shots that still set next to your glass. "I DO BUT I DON'T WANT TO GET SUPER DRUNK." "YOU DON'T SEEM REALLY SOBER TO ME." She laughed and took both shots in her hand, handing you one. She clinks the glasses and downs her shot. You follow her. "I'M HOSEOK." "NICE TO MEET YOU. I'M YEEUN." She held out her hand and you shook it. "THANKS FOR THE DRINK. Do you wANNA DANCE?" "DANCE?" "YEAH. YOU WANNA?" You got up and looked at her curious. She shrugged her shoulders and followed you into the dancing crowd. You two had some fun dancing together but at some point she started grinding against you. You try backing up a bit but get shoved into her by the jumping people around you. Yeeun gets really touchy and you feel uneasy. "LISTEN YOU'RE CUTE BUT YOU'RE NOT QUITE... MY TYPE." "I'M CUTE?" Her eyes shimmer and it seems like she wanted to kiss you but you step back and push her gently aside. You rush away from the crowd into the restroom and lock yourself into a cabine. Damn that was weid.I never really attract women so how the hell did that happen!? You take a deep breath and left the room just to see Yeeun waiting in the doorframe for you. "Why you ran away? Wanted to lure me into the restroom? Naughty." "Listen! I don't like girls ok?" "Wait what?" "I'm gay!" "Eum..." Her face turned really red and she left without saying anything else. Puh.. that was awkward... Am I always that weird with people? No, that's not possible, right? I can't recall ever having such a problem with a guy. As you were cought up in your thoughts something else came to your mind. Yeeun spreed the idea in you to also look for someone. You already saw some cute boys and if it wasn't for your bladder you could have been the pray of the guy in the restroom, maybe you can find him again. Walking through the mass you scan the people for someone who seems like a nice match for tonight. After a while you felt like sobering up so you thought getting back to the bar was the best shot for now. You felt like wasting your time, sure you had had some fun but suddenly lying in bed and watching an episode of Adventure Time sounds very temping. You emtied your forth glass and decide that it's time for you to go home. Once again you move through the people heading for the door but before you could reach it a guy walks in. He's wearing  tight leather pants and a cute crop top revealing a belly button piercing which matches his earings. He's really cute and the first thing that comes to your mind is: "DIBS!" The guy you were reffering to looks at you with a mixture of suprise and pride. Just then you realized that you didn't thought but spoke it out loud. Your cheeks got flashing red. You wanted to leave the scenery so badly but the guy you dibsed still stood there blockig your way. You ran as fast as possible into the crowed aiming for the restroom to lock you up. You were panicking and the first person you thought of was Namjoon, you needed his help. You figet with your phone needing quite some time to unlock it and finding Namjoons chat. Guess I wasn't sobering up, just thirsty for more liquor. I'm drunk as hell. "Namjoon!!!!!!!!" "I fked up!1!!!!" "Im rlly druk n I yelled dibs at that hot guy that entrt the club.........." "Help!!!!!!!!!!!!" Namjoon didn't take long to reply. After seeing a dozend of cry-laughing smileys he actually send a text message. "Calm down, everything's alright. Yoongi just texted me literally the same, bragging about the fact that his outfit was hot and that some random dude yelled dibs at him." "YOU KNOW HIM!?!????!" "Yes I know him. I told you I helped a friend with his outfit for a night out. That was him. Just talk to him. You can even say that you know me or do you want me to text him for you?" "NO!! Pls dont! Ill tak to him." "OK, have fun, Hobi. And just so you know it: He's gay and on the hunt. ;D" You put your phone away and lean against the closed door. You close your eyes and try to foces. What should I say? How can.. Your thoughts got disturbed by a knocking on the door. "You in there?" "Wh-who's there?" "The guy you just dibsed. Wanna collect your price?" Not thinking twice you rip open the door and just look at the guy who's named Yoongi. "What?" "I mean you called dibs, you look good, so here I am." You still don't move and just look at him with wide eyes. Yoongi sighs and grabs your hand, you don't resist and move along with him to the bar. You refuse to drink more liquor but Yoongi downs 3 shots. "By the way I'm Yoongi." "I know, Namjoon told me about you." "Huh? You know him?" "He's my best friend." "Ahhh you're Hoseok." "He told you about me?" "Of course.  Although I'm hurt he never introduced us." "Mh maybe he had his resons. Do you dance?" "No." "But-" "I said no." "Why so stern?" "I- I can't dance." "Have you seen all those people? You really call that dancing? That's just body wiggling." You show him your bright, heart shaped smile and laugh about your own words. Yoongi just smiles at you with gentle eyes. "You know, you seem like a fun guy. Maybe it would be ok to try dancing with you." This time you're the one grabing Yoongi's hand and nevigate him to the dance floor. You start moving your body once again to the rhythm not taking your eyes of Yoongi who just stands there awkwardly. You grab his hand and spin him around until he's laughing. He sounds cute. You put your hands on Yoongis waist because he was dizzy and stumbling all over the place. "ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" "YES. Yes." He seemed to relax beause he started dancing again on his own and you joined him. After a while you grew confident and searched for more body contact. You scoot closer to him and lay your arms around him grinding against his ass. Suddenly you stopped your movement having a deja vu. Just as you wanted to make some space between you two you realize that he leaned into your embrace and moves along side with you. Probably wondering why you stopped moving Yoongi turned around and looked at you with a puzzled expression. You scan his facial features, the soft lips that form a pout, his dark eyes that search for an answer regarding your behavior, the cute nose, his heavy but decent looking make up. You didn't know what came over you but you cupped his face and pressed your lips against his. Yoongi widened his eyes but he didn't pull away. He slung his arms around your neck and traces his tounge over your lips searching for access. You part your lips and let your tounge play with his, due to the alcohol he tastes sweet and bitter at the same time. Lost in each other you just stand there kissing each other. Your hands wander down and grab his ass which feels squishy although he's wearing those tight pants. Yoongi suddenly breaks the kiss. "LET'S GO." With that he starts walking towards the exit and you trail behind him. Once you two are outside Yoongi reconnect your lips. In a short break he whispers into your ear: "Your place or mine?" "Ehm..." Fuck... fuck fuck FUCK. Should I go home with him? Or take him with me? Should I even at all!? I know I wanted to 'hunt' but know that it's at that point I'm not sure. Should I? Your head was spinning. All those thoughts rush through your head and the fresh air just makes everything spin even more. "Hey, are you alright?" "No, I don't feel so good." "Damn should I call you a cab?" "No no it's fine, I'll walk home." "Are you sure?" "Ye-" You couldn't finish your sentence because you vomited. "Sorry.. I can't take alcohol well." "I see..." Yoongi moved away some steps and pulled out his phone. "Hey Joon it's me. You think you could pick up Hobi? He's pretty drunk and I don't want to put him into a cab. - Yes? - OK. - Alright, I'll wait. - Yes, see ya." "OK, Namjoonie is gonna pick you up." "As I heared... Thank you." "No problem." Yoongi trudges around in a circle, repeatedly blowing air in and out of his right cheek. After what felt like eternity Namjoon arrived and put you into the car. "Thanks for looking after him, Yoongs. Should I take you home?" "Nah, I'm fine. I guess I just go back into the club." "OK, see ya." "Bye."
You see Yoongi vanish into the building while you try to smile at Namjoon but it came of more as a sad grin. Namjoon took a deep breath and shook his head. "What were you thinking Hobi? You know you don't take alcohol well.." "I know..." "You're lucky Yoongi knows me, who knows what could have happend." "I know..." He sighs and manoveurs you onto the backseat. You plomp down and curl into a ball. Namjoon gets into the drivers seat and brings you home. Once at your doorstep he pulls your keys out of your backpocket and even brings you to your bedroom. "Can I leave you alone or should I stay with you?" "No it's fine. I'll just lay down and sleep." You let yourself fall face forward into the mattress. You feel how Namjoon takes off your shoes and throws a blanket over you. "I wait until you fall asleep." "Thanks Joonie." "Of course." The bed bunks down beside you and you feel his hand caressing your back and ruffling your hair. Immediately you drift into a deep slumber. When you wake up the next day you take a look at the clock. It's the middle of the day and you kind of want to turn around and sleep some more but you're grossed out by your own smell. Alcohol, sweat and smoke - the holy trinity of a clubs smell. You rise your heavy feeling body from the bed and undress, on your way to the bathroom you grab a fresh pair of boxers and a cozy sweater. Finally under the shower you start to relax. The warm water pouring over your body seems to wash away your sever headache. At least a little bit of it. Now that your head is somewhat clearer you start to think of the previous night. You face palm yourself and lean against the cool tiles behind you. Oh god what the fuck did I do last night... I have to ask Namjoon for Yoongis number so I can apologize or maybe I just should make sure to never see him again so I can't embarrass myself even more.. You finish your shower, quickly dress up and your first instict is to call your sister. "Dawon, where are you?" "I'm on my way to you. Why, do you need anything?" "No. I'm just... stressed." "Tell me, I can hear it in your voice. But I have to rumble some myself so prepare some tea, it's gonna be a long ted talk!" "Oh- ok." Before you knew it she already hung up. You made the tea and didn't have to wait any longer for her to knock. You ripped open the door and fall into her arms, hugging her tight. "Dawooooon... I messed up big times... It's so embarrassing." "Stop whining. When you're like this I almost forget I'm younger then you." "But -" "No but. Just sit on yours and drink your tea. I give you some time to calm down. In the meanwhile just listen to me because otherwise I'm going crazy because of my coworker! I mean yeah he's pretty funny when you know him and he sometimes is a real weirdo but boy.. oh boy you have no fucking clue how annoying he can be. If something happened to him he's going to talk about it FOREVER. If it was something bad he pouts all day and whines about it and if it was something positive he's going to brag about it. But the worst is if both happend. Like something good tuning bad. For example today he was just sitting in the corner not really working saying he was "too upset" because this really cute guy from yesterday messed up or some shit. I didn't even listen. If Yoongi continues like this I'm seriously going to kill him." "Yoongi!?" "Yeah Yoongi, my coworker. Do you know him?" "No. Nononono. NO! Just no." "Hobi what the hell is your problem?" "That's the guy from yesterday.." "What do you mean?" "I'm the one who messed up. I'm the dude he's talking about!" "Wait WHAT?" "I told you I wanted to go to that party and he -Damn it makes sense you even told me your coworker wanted to go to that party..." "Oh god what happened?" "I kinda made out with him, wanted to take him home and vomited in front of him..." "No you didn't." "Yes I did." "Oh my fucking god." "Yup.." "But look at the bright side. You at least made enough of an impression to him so he whines about it to me." "I really don't see anything positive about that." "Didn't you listen to me earlier? He called you cute and was sad that that happened because he really wanted to go home with you." "You think so?" "Yes. Because, like I said, he wouldn't shut up about it." "And now?" "What do you mean 'and now'? You'll fucking talk to him and grab that ass." "Dawon! What the fuck?" "What? I'm maybe younger then you but I'm not an innocent child. Shocking news: I already had sex." "Dawoooon... I know that but I honestly don't wanna think about it." "God, I'll give you his number and you text him." "I don't want to." "Why? You just wanna handle it as a failed flirt? You know the chances of meeting him again aren't that small." "OK... Give me his number. I'll think about it." "Good." Dawon gave you Yoongis number, you drank your now cold tea and talked a little more. The day went by fast and it was already evening again. You texted Namjoon also asking him for advice how to handle the situation but he also just suggested you to talk it out or actually ignore it and hope to never meet him again. You spend the night thinking a lot before you go to sleep.
Almost a whole week past since the night you were out and you still hadn't texted Yoongi. Dawon as well as everyone else around you who by now knew about it teased you. You were almost sure at this point even Yoongi had heared about your stupid behavior. You just came home from work and sat infront of your food. You took your phone out, opened the still empty chat with Yoongi and started typing. "Hi here is Hoseok, the guy from the party last week." You paused and read the sentence again and again, the deleted it. No that sounds stupid... You start typing again. "Hello, I don't know if you remember me but I'm the dude who wanted to fuck you and RUINED IT BECAUSE I FUCKING VOMITED!!!!!!!!!" Yeah really subtile.. definitly perfect.. Damn what should I say.. You deleted it again and took a deep breath. "Hi here is Hoseok. I got your number from my sister, Dawon. Seems like you guys are working together. I wanted to apologize for fucking up. I really can't handle alcohol well. Would be awsome if we could meet up again. Sober this time." You hit send so you wouldn't overthink everything again although you regreted it instantly. OK, now we have to wait and hope for the best. Almost immeditaly your phone was vibrating. "Took you long enough to text me. If you want we can meet up. Mh Dawon.. now that I think about t you two do look very similar. Where do you wanna meet?" OK his text was kinda rude and all over the place but sure... I don't know where.. how about the when? "Yeah I guess we do. I don't have a special place in mind but let's start with the fact when we could meet up." "How about right now?" "OK?" "Good. Meet me in 2 hours at the new mall in the city center." OK.. ok.. okokok don't panic you can do that! Yes you can. I just need to change my clothes. You ran into your bedroom, throughing your working clothes into a corner and standing there once again with a puzzled look, not knowing what to wear. You look for almost 30 minutes before you go with shorts and an oversized white shirt that you tuck in in the front. Before you rush out you put tennis socks, a cap and some random shoes on and grab your essentials. oyu arrive just in time and see Yoongi already standing there at the front door. He seems even smaller then the last time because he's wearing a wide hoodie and skinny, ripped jeans. If he wouldn't have looked into your direction you almost wouldn't have recognized him because the bucket hat he's wearing covers almost his entire face. You approach him with a big smile but he doesn't react. he just sips from the coffee he's holding. "Hi?" "Hey." "I just wanted to say sorry again. I was gross." "It's fine. Shit happens." Yoongi waves his hand, symbolizing you should follow him, what you do. You goes inside the huge building. "My coffee is almost empty. Do you mind if we go grab a new one?" "No sure." You weren't familiar with the building therefore you just trailed behind Yoongi. Both of you didn't say anything. You got nervouse because you asked for this meet up but now it's just kinda awkward. Lost in your thoughts you bump into Yoongi who came to an holt. "Watch your step." "Oh yeah sorry." You look into his face and you think you see him smile a little while he shakes his head in disbeliefe. He orders an Iced Americano while you just grab a bottle of Sprite from the little fridge. Yoongie pays for both your drinks and trails off again. You murmer a thank you and follow him silently. Yoongi walked to a little bench and set down. You two just set there sipping from your beverage. Almost 20 minutes pass when you finally say something. "Soo... Why did you want to meet here if we're just sitting around? Wouldn't a cafÊ been more effective?" "Mh. I like the coffee here. I don't visit places I'm not familiar with." "But at some point this place also was unknown to you, wasn't it?" "Mh yeah." "See so you do had to try it first. Wanna be crazy and actually go around the mall?" "You mean strolling around and buying useless stuff? No thanks." "Oh come on." You stood up and held your hand out. When Yoongi wouldn't take it you took his hand yourself and interwind your fingers. "Come on grandpa. Let's have some fun." Yoongi didn't answer but he didn't seem to complain either. When you looked at him to find out what his mood was you saw him starring at the floor. He was trying to shield his face with his hat to hide the fact he was smiling. You thought it was so adorable that he's that shy. After searching for a while you found a little store that had decor and accessoires. You dragged Yoongi inside and let go of his hand to rummage through the shelves. On a little stand in one corner there was a little pink plastice crown, you grabed it and got back to Yoongi. You snatched his hat away and replaced it with the crown. He glared at you and made his infamous pout that Dawon told you about. You couldn't help it but melt. You cup his face and coe at him. "Oh my life you're sooo cute." At a loss of words Yoongi got all shy and blushed like furious. Not thinking about it you kissed him straight away. He melted into your embrance and slung his arms around you. You two got down from cloud 9 when you heared someone behind you. "Ew damn faggots, kissing where everyone can see it. Disgusting." Yoongi looked shocked and didn't seem to dare saying something. You on the other side grew brave when you're angry. "Your face is also disgusting and nontheless do you walk around in public were everyone can see you. So as long as you don't walk around with a paperbag on your head, I'm gonna kiss whoever wherever I want." Grabing Yoongis hand again you turn around and stumb away. You aimed for the exit when Yoongi suddenly stopped you. As you turnt around you  saw him pointing to the top of his head. Just then you realized he was still wearing the crown and neither of you payed for it. Luckily there seemed no price tag to be on it or something that could have activated the alarm of the store. You just stood there not knowing what to do when Yoongi started laughing. You hadn't heared him laugh so far and it was contagious. "Damn ok, I give up. You're right I should try new stuff more often. That was fun. I mean did you see the face of that dude? He didn't expect that comeback tho. Damn Hoseok you're cool." Now you're the blushing one and you just smile at him. Yoongi stepped unexpectedly close to you and almsot whispered to you. "Say, do you want to continue were we left off?" "Are you seriously asking that? Of course!" "Then let me ask again: Your place or mine?" "I live almost an hour away from here so probably your place." "I actually also live quite far away.." "Mh.. up to some more new things?" "What do you mean?" You looked around for your destination and quickly found it. "Just follow me." You didn't expect it but Yoongi willingly took your hand in his and interwind your fingers again. He was blushing a little bit and you wanted to kiss him so badly that you hurry to get to the area where the toilets are. You go in the one for disabled people because it's a single stall and further away from the main area then the normal ones. Once both of you were inside and the door was lockes you pin Yoongi against the wall and kis him passionatly. His lips are increadible soft and his body pressed against yours feels just too good. You put one of your legs between his to fixate him in that position but Yoongi uses the opportunity to grind himself on your leg. While your lips were still connected soft moans slip past his mouth. As he was stimulating hisself you feel your own lenght hardening. Seeing Yoongi enjoying himself turns you on. You let one hand wander down to cup his ass while you slide the other on up his hoodie andplay with his nipples. It takes only a few flicks to make him fully moan. He then drops down on the floor pulling your pants down with one swift move, revealing your throbing cock.  He pumps his hand up and down and licks over the tip of your dick. Soon enough he replaces his hands with his mouth, sucking you off. "Oh fuck, You're really good." You press his head down and rock your hips forth and back. Yoongi seemed to be encouraged because he bobbs his head even faster on your dick. You were lost in the feeling of his warm and wet mouth around you when Yoongi pulled away. He slid his own pants down. "Please fuck me!" He doesn't have to ask you twice for that. You lift him up and place him on the sink. You shove two fingers in his mouth. "Lube them." While Yoongi sucks on your fingers and lets his tounge play around your fingertips you stroke his little cock.Once your fingers were wet enough you glide both of them into his ass. He grabs onto your arms and inhales deeply. You scissor his ass open, you wanted to be rough with him but not too harsh. Soon Yoongis insides were clenching around your fingers in the hope for more. That's when you replace your fingers with your cock. Yoongi moaned loud and arched his back when you entered him. You placed a hand on his mouth and hold his other hand while you push your whole lenght in. Once you were fully burried inside him you slowly start moving. Fully out and back in. You want him to feel every inch of you filling him up. After a few more thrusts Yoongi closed his legs behind you pushing you deeper. "God dammit, stop teasing and fuck me already!" "As you wish, your majesty." Yoongi was flustered but didn't take down his crown. You kissed him to keep him muffled while your hips thrust into him fast and deep. Yoongi pulls at your hair to keep you as close as possible, enjoying your embrance. The small room fills with hot air and both of you start sweating. Longing for better excess you decide to put Yoongi down and shove him face forward into the wall; fucking him from behind. You play with his niplles and watch his small penis twitch with every delecate touch of yours. You feel the tention building up inside you, so you place your arm around his waist  pulling him closer and holding him by his throat pushing his head onto your shoulder while you increase your pace. You can see Yoongis eyes roling back into his head and nothing more then a pleasured whimmer escapes his mouth. You grunt into his ear. "Do you like being fucked like that little prince?" Because Yoongi didn't answer you stopped your movement. He's being needy and trys to move on his own but you hold im thight in place. "Answer me." You place a sweet kiss on his forhead. "Yes. Yes, I love how you fuck me. Please don't stop!" Satisfied with his words you pick up your speed and thrust relentlessly into Yoongi until you come inside him. His warm walls milk your cok and he himself came almost untouched. Yoongi made a mess on the tiles infront of him. He turns around kisses you eagerly. "Wow, we definitly need to do that again in the future." "We can repeat that as often as you want. I would glady fuck your fine ass again." Feeling playful you wink at him and show him a bright smile. Yoongi hits you soft and laughs himself. "You're an idiot." "If you agree  on seeing me more often, I may be your idiot someday." "Mh.. you know, I actually kinda like the idea of that."
21 notes ¡ View notes
paradoxidolatry ¡ 6 years
Brotherly Love
@birdhole , @beatconductor a lil bit
TG: hey TG: sup
TT: Hey. TT: Not much.  Lunch break at work. TT: Sup?
TG: oh thats sweet TG: sucks theres no free pizza in it when you work as a cop huh TG: i guess its overall kind of a step up from the pizza gig tho
TT: Right? Free donuts though. TT: But nah, yeah, not so bad. TT: Didn't get a chance to tell you about it but I figure Dave or whoever's already spilled those beans. TT: Kinda weird, right?
TG: yeah dave told me TG: donuts just like a real cop huh TG: still cant quite wrap my head around this cop thing tbh TG: i can see you working as a LOT of things but a cop? thats wild
TT: Yeah. TT: I mean, I figured.  Got all that military experience, right? TT: But I didn't want to go back to the military. TT: Plus, working as a cop is an equal mix of 'keeps me active' and 'allows me to work around certain roadblocks in regards to the acquisitions business', so it was a good compromise. TT: Better than fast food and skin flicks again, at any rate.
TG: i mean i guess that makes logical sense n all TG: still fucking wild as shit to me TG: guess you can still wear a uniform even its obviously not as sweet as the fast food ones
TT: Yeah, I really miss that old greasy apron. TT: But what can you do?
TG: the grease just made your eyes pop in that special way ykno TG: chicks love it
TT: They fuckin do, don't they? TT: But somethin tells me you didn't message me to talk about the chicks missing my pizza funk.
TG: you sure about that? its a pretty great topic you could write a book on it become rich quick with your pick up tips
TT: Hey, I'm already on chapter 7: the Sausage Party. TT: But really though. TT: What's up, boss?
TG: nothing TG: i was just TG: thinking about you is all
> Heart, squeeze. TT: That right? TT: Cool, cool. TT: Was thinking about you earlier too, actually.
TG: oh? any reason or
[Dave txt @ bro] im watching u [Dave txt @ bro] > that chicken image
TT: Just, y'know. TT: Was outside on a smoke break and I saw a couple of pigeons hanging out, eating some sandwich or some shit on the sidewalk and like. TT: Got me thinking about you, and like. TT: I spent the past 13 years thing you're dead or some shit, and now you're alive and it's. TT: Just fuckin buck wild. TT: Pardon me for sound fucking sappy but it's kind of like a dream come true.
[TT > Dave: I'm behaving, dad.]
TG: ...am i a pigeon now? tho i do admit i would eat that floor sandwich(edited) TG: yeah its...its fucking wild huh? TG: kinda thought id never see you again even after TG:  i got away and shit TG: idk why not like you up and died but? after looking for you and you werent there i dunno i guess TG: i thought you just TG: werent going to come back TG: ...you didnt even see my wings yet you dont get to relate me to birds just yet dude
TT: I mean, I saw them in a picture. TT: One of you and Dave and a bunch of trolls and some old dude in front of a candy cane dildo? TT: But also you post about birds and shit all the time, so I figured that was sort of your Thing now. TT: And ... well.  I dunno. TT: Almost didn't. TT: I was just gonna stay on Earth, maybe pop in to visit every so often. TT: But then all that shit happened and Dave wasn't answering my messages, so I thought he was dead too, and...well. TT: I guess I'm, uh... grateful to the apocalypse for.  I guess bringing you back to me? TT: Well, no. TT: But like, at least letting me know you're alive.
TG: oh...yeah thats TG: thats my sisters actually and uh..shit what even is grig? grandpa i guess TG: already know mr d after all TG: i mean... im not sure how i feel yet TG: i guess im sorta glad because TG: i mean it has been my embarrassing dream to play family with you again for a while TG: i want to be a family again TG: a lot TG: its just TG: hard
TT: Sisters, huh?  Well damn, you got the whole family package with these folks, huh? TT: Nice.  How long you been with them? TT: Yeah, I figured. TT: I didn't, and don't, make it easy. I know. TT: A lot easier when you were a baby, even if our folks were shit, just cuz, y'know. TT: Everything hadn'tt happened yet. TT: Hadn't started to completely fuckin lose my mind and treat you like dogshit. TT: But I mean.  I dunno. TT: I'm not gonna force you or nothin. TT: But if you ever wanted to come backto the apartment and chill for a day, see how you feel about it? TT: That'd be uh. TT: That'd be really nice.
TG: 3 years TG: as long as ive been TG: away from scratch... TG: i..yeah i guess maybe TG: can you even handle seeing me get gay with dave tho
TT: God.  You were with Scratch that whole fuckin time? TT: Fuckin sonnuvabitch refused to tell me what he did with you. TT: Anyway. TT: Handling y'all and your homogay is a small price to pay at the end of the day. TT: Even if it's still. TT: Kinda really weird from my perspective. TT: But I respect y'all and he takes good care of you, so I can't complain too much, right?
TG: ...yeah like ten years TG: kinda fucked up huh TG: ill..ill think about it TG: okay so im gonna be real with you here for a sec okay TG: i TG: messaged you because i was talking to dave and i realized i missed you and TG: that i TG: kindawantahugiguess
TT: ...Yeah? TT: I can do a hug, yeah. TT: Where are you?  I can meet you, if you wanna.
TG: ...workin TG: at [coords] TG: dont arrest me mr officer these drugs are prescription
TT: I'll leave the cuffs in the car. TT: What happens off-duty stays off-duty, though, so. TT: See you in five.
TG: kay > Try not to freak out. Freak out anyways.
> Pull up by the curb a short walk away and park. > Look, you even pay for the parking meter and everything. > Step out of the car in your full uniform and approach Sock, one hand in  your pocket, the other raised in a wave hello.
> Oh god, he really fucking is a god damn cop. That's so damn weird. God. > Not as weird as randomly meeting up with him for a hug though. Damn it that was the dumbest idea. > You wave back, trying hard to look cool and not like you are dying on the inside and failing miserably.
> You stride up alongside him and... ...well, now what, actually. > Neither of you are very good at this kind of planning, are you. > Damnit, Striders. "Hey." > Now just to... > ... > Open your arms up? > Yeah.  That's how hugs happen.
> Oh god, he's going right for it.Oh god. Not even small talk or anything really bro? > Maybe that's better anyways because god know you don't know what to say. "Hey." > You take a deep breath and you...Go for the fucking hug. Squeeze that big bro tight.
> Aww shit here it comes and here he is.  All up and hugging you. > Actually, that's uh. > That's real nice. > You wrap your arms around him and pull him in for a good, tight hug. > It's probably not the most comfortable thing, what with your radio strapped onto your chest and name plates aand shit, but. > At least for you?  This is a fucking good hug. > (Don't you dare tear up in public.)
> You don't really care about the cofort level of this, it's something you've been craving for 13 years now, a little radio isn't going to stop you from enjoying it. > It's nice. It's familiar, like all the good parts of Bro you've been missing wrapped up for you in one big huggable form. Easy to forget all the shit for a moment. > But the moment does end and when you pull away you have to wipe at you eyes like an idiot. "Uh...Th-thanks."
> Aww, shit goddamn.  He's teaaring up too under those glasses. > You swipe one knuckle under your shades, and you take a steaadying breath. "Hey, yeah, no problem." > Breathe easy, Strider.  You glance up for a moment as you see a fatass snowflake come drifting down, then you look to Sock again. "Hey, you wanna maybe grab some lunch with me?  Haven't eaten yet and it's still my break, so."
> Well at least you are both sappy motherfuckers now. > Oh. You didn't expect that. You think about what Dave told you earlier "Stay in control" and promptly decide to fuck that advice because shit. You are already here. You already went for it like an idiot. "Yeah sure. Gonna have Donuts like a proper cop?" > You make such a face at the snow. Ugh, you didn't really prepare for that kinda weather, fuck.
> You snort a laugh and give your flat stomach a pat. "Gotta work on that signature cop gut, don't I? C'mon." > You gesture behind you with a jerk of your thumb. "Hop in up front.  You can pick the place."
"Hell yeah you do. You look like a fake ass striper cop dude." > You get into the car and immediately get the seatbelt. Doesn't feel safe otherwise. You don't really like cars still but you can't pin point why. It's just a weird personality quirk yeah? But you are used to being in one at this point of your life. > Just drive carefully. Please.
> You hop in and buckle up too, both pleased and a litttle saddened that you didn't even need to remind Sock to put on his seatbelt. > Poor kid. > Luckily, you are an impeccably safe driver, and the drive to Wherever is smooth and uneventful.
> Old habits die hard. > You feel kind of awkward in the car with him, it's too silent for our tastes. > You get out of the car at whatever this amazing food place he's taking you is. Fingers crossed for fast food- "Y'know kinda funny. Always figured my first frive in a cop car would be because I'm getting arrested."
> You snort a laugh.  It's Sock's old favorite pizza place. > God you hope he still likes this shit. > Also this wasn't a Pizza Pimp before, was it?  It was Gino's-- > Wait. > Ugh, well, maybe Dave's not at work. "If you're planning on getting arrested, you're doing this pushing thing wrong, kid."(edited)
> Oh the Pizza Pimp. Fucking score. Maybe Dave is there, that would be rad. "I didn't say I was, I said I didn't think I'd ride a cop car otherwise. Your hearing getting bad?" > You immediately freeze after saying that. Oh man, actually sassing Bro though? Please don't hit me.
> Dave is unfortunately not there, but he sure would love to.
> You catch that freeze, and you... > You snort a little, before pointing to your ears. "Too many concerts and phat-ass beats.  Knew I shouldn't have gotten all up and personal with those speakers.  Who knew the grown-ups were right about that?" > You smile, and it's a little awkward cuz you sure as hell have never been the smiling type, before you hold open the door for him. "C'mon, before we freeze our asses off."
> Oh. Okay. It's cool. It's chill. In a quite literal sense even so you get your silly ass inside. > A smile though? You haven't seen your brother smile in...far longer than you haven't seen him for sure. > That little scare knocked the speech right out of you though so you just awkwardly sit down at the next best table, suddenly really not sure how good of an idea this was.
> You take a seat opposite him, and when the server approaches, you order yourself a water instead of a soda. > Who are you, even. > You glance over the menu, humming softly.  Some of these item names... fitting for a place called Pizza Pimp. "You wanna split one, or do individuals, or?"
> Who is he indeed. You order a black coffee instead of apple juice though, so maybe the traditional Strider beverages are just staying outside today. "Uhhh..Not super hungry honestly I don't mind sharing one." > You haven't been able to eat a whole pizza at once in a while but you don't say that.
"Alright.  We'll split a medium and you can take the rest home if you want." > You let him pick the toppings too.  This really is a strange Strider day.
> The strangest. Do they have nuggets as topping because you want that.
> They might have like, baked chicken, which is kinda like nuggets and also? Is Carro-approved.
> Do you think the pizza pimp doesn't have a nugget topping what kinda fool do you take Dave for.
> A big one. >:3
> LISTEN Nuggets have been added like at least two months ago. Cock Special.
> Goddamnit, Dave.
> Sock loves Dave and the Cock Special Pizza. Prepare ya taste buds Bro.(edited)
"One Cock Special with extra cock please" > Yes, this is exactly how you order.
> Oh your face. > You're so fucking proud.  Dave sure is your little brother, and so too is Sock. > Bless these fucking kids.
"Hope you like it, it's my fav." > Both the pizza and you know.
> Yeah.  Yeah, you know. "Sure I will." > Snort a laugh. "This sure isn't Gino's anymore, huh.  You remember that place?"
"Oh yeah. Man..That's been a while. Clover gifted the place to Dave what? 2 years ago?" > Back when you were on a no homo basis. Memories.
> [Clover: nya face]
"Used to be your favorite, but maybe that's because it was free when I worked here. ...Clover?"
"I'm always a slut for free food but I still digged their shit later. Oh uh..Yeah. Little green guy? 4 of the Felt?" > Should..You now have mentioned that?
> [Dave] Oh no.
> There's this shift in your face.  It's not a frown, but a certain tightening of your lips as you're hit with the full brunt of what Sock just said. "...Dave's...doing business with the Felt?"
> WHOOPSIES >Oh. Oh, oh, oh shit. You fucked up. You didn't really think about that when you said it. At all. Shit. Fuck. Damn. "Hahaha whaaaat? Noooo. Of course not! He'd never uh...Clover is just y'know his uh... Sugar daddy yeah. Cash money man, can't say no to that even from a greenie right?" > Well it's not entirely a lie. You are sweating though.
> You paw at your face and you sit back in your seat, eyebrows knit together tightly. > Looks like you're going to have to have a little talk with Dave when you get home. "...No, guess not.  Desperate times and all that, right?"
"Yeah exactly! Haha..." > God this is uncomfortable. You are going to warn Dave but you already feel like shit. Fuck. "Don't...Don't hurt him okay?" > There's fear in your eyes now. Not for you but for your boyfriend, which is so much worse in your eyes.
> That snaps you Right out of your bad thought spiral and you quickly wave your hand. "Hey, no, no.  Not gonna hurt him.  It's chill." > There's that smile again, even if it's uneasy and a bit green around the gills.  Your brother and the Felt... "Really.  Just surprised he hadn't mentioned it before now."
> [Dave] GUESS WHY.
" 'kay..." > He probably hadn't mentioned it for a reason. You couldn't have known Dave wasn't supposed to do business with the Felt but you still feel like shit. It makes sense in hindsight and considering your history of course but...You just plain didn't know. > The Pizza arrives but you suddenly don't feel very hungry at all, sipping on you coffee awkwardly instead.
> You're, similarly, not hungry, but you've got to salvage this.  Not telling when or if Sock will agree to see you again after this. "Sorry, I just... Y'know, getting offered a gift by those guys.  If they had snatched Dave too..." > You shake your head, and sigh it off.  Out with the bad. "But they didn't, and that's that.  So." > You take up a slice of the pizza and you point is casually at Sock, an eyebrow quirked. "What're you out there peddling?"
> Oh. You'd really rather not follow that line of thought, yeah.  Smooth topic change. "Dude, don't think I should be discussing that with a cop in a pizzeria. Mr D would murder me man."
"Hey." > You make a show of taking off your badge and laying it upside down on the table. "Off-duty, not a cop.  So is it the good shit, or is it like, oregano in a dimebag being passed off as weed."
"We're still in public man." > And you don't want to piss off your Dad on top of the shit you just pulled.
"Yeah, yeah.  Weren't you in public anyway?" > You chuckle a little and you point toward the kitchen area. "Your big bro used to sell shitty dimebags out of there, way back.  Dealt to all the line cooks."
" Course you did." > You roll your eyes behind your shades. "What you want an inventory list? Okay I'll just tell you my favorite product aight? Kinder Überraschungseier......The surprise is Cocaine." > Huh, sure did slip into your mother tongue there. Welp..
> Okay.  You actually laugh then. "You're selling Kinder Überraschungseier full of Cocaine.  Shut the fuck up, seriously?" > You're nodding approvingly now. "That's a fucking great idea.  Where the fuck'd you get the chocolates, though? Make them yourself?"
> That makes you feel..really proud? Huh. You can't stop the big dorky grin from spreading on your face. "Best idea I ever had, honestly. I'm importing them from earth, duh. Along with a bunch of other banned sweets and shit. Who the fuck thought peeps are illegal anyways?"
> You balk at that and you laugh again. "Peeps are illegal here-- wait, shit, right." > Smack your forehead. "That's my job to know that now.  Wow, fuckin fire me now."
"Maybe I should show you my stock, just as a reminder. A fucking lot of dumb shit is. Fucking Lattes were banned man. Until the King unbanned them just for Jude which is honestly so fucking stupid. Way to play favorite, just like royalty should am I right? Not that I'm complaining, love me a big fat Latte." > Man it's...Nice to be able to make that kind of shit tier level german dick joke and to know you're gonna be understood just fine.
> You snort your water and you pull a face,but you're clearly goofing around a loving it. "Fucking nasty, dude.  I don't need to hear about your love of big hot fuckin Lattes."
"Aren't you glad the prospitian monarchy digs a steaming hot Latte too? What a life that would be otherwise." > You snort yourself.
"Jesus christ.  Fuckin whities, dude." > You stuff some pizza in your mouth and you talk withyour mouth full like the fat nasty trash you are. "Can you believe I have to work with them?  Like what the fuck."
"The Queen gives me the creeps with her I love everyone bull. And the King seems like a huge fucking idiot so...Congrats man. Jackpot."
"Not had the chance to meet either, but this is the closest I've gotten to infiltrating the corrupt government yet.  Maybe if I keep my shit up, I can finally overthrow them from the inside." > You are entirely dead seriouus.
"What's the masterplan? Shoot them in public?" > You aren't but you also don't mind the topic. Not a fan of these guys.
"Nah, nah, nothing like that.  Too messy.  Besides." > You gesture at the scar that runs oveer your eyes. "Never been a fan of guns."
"I know." > Hell maybe you should be grateful he ain't. Swords fucked you over bad enough. "Seems like a popular approach is all. Like historically or whatever. But I guess you gotta go for something less stale huh?"
"Of course.  Flashy's the only way to be when you're taking out a corrupt system of government."
"Looking forwards to the show Bro." > Except you hope he's fucking joking.
> You totally fucking aren't. > You toss him a wink, which of course he can't see all that well behind your shades. "Hope it's a good one.  You gonna eat any pizza, lil bro?"
"Oh, right." > You finally grab a piece too. "How's the Cock Special?"
> Stuff the rest of your piece into your mouth and brush the crumbs off of your fingers. "It's not big hot Latte, but it's nice and tasty all up in my mouth, so it'll do."
"I mean we can grab a Latte next time-" > Did you just say next time. Did you just imply you want to meet up like this again? Shit. > Stuff your mouth with Pizza real quick.
> Oh. > Oh... That makes yourr heart do the smiley emote. > You grin a liittle bit about that and you say, voice kinda soft, "Yeah... alright.  I'd like that."
"Me too...I think." > If you don't hurt my boyfriend tonight that is, is what you think.
> Don't you worry, Sock.  Not gonna hurt your boyfriend tonight. > You're not gonna be home, so Dave gets to go unhurt for another night.
> Or any other night Bro.(edited) > Or day, or ever:
> Well, at least you'll try to keep your cool when you talk to Dave about it later.
> That's a good start.
> Fuck yeah.  Before you all finish up here, you nod back to the streets now lightly coat with snow. "You going back to your corner, right?  You need a jacket?"
"I mean, I'll live..." > But it's pretty obvious that you don't have any especially warm clothes on you, you know like an idiot.
"Yeah, and you'll get sick, doofus." > You shrug off your jacket--it's a plain black windbreaker, while you wait for your city issue polcie jacket to come in--and you ball it up, handing it over to him. "Here."
> You open your mouth to respond but the Jacket is already in your hands. Oh. That's..Oh. > Is that what it's like to have a caring older brother? "Thanks..." > The Jacket is far too big for you and smells like Bro. It's a weird feeling to put it on. Like a hug you can wear. > Your heart is doing several emotions.
"Hey, no sweat. No good to go out there to work if you're just gonna freeze to death, yeah?" > You have the server bring you all a box for the leftovers, and you give those to him, too. > You stand from the stand and stretch. "Alright, my lunch is about over.  You ready to go?
"Uh, yeah." > You are still trying to sort your feelings over all of this. It's weird. It's nice. > It's what you wanted all along. > Except for the part where you are scared about Dave. > You get up too feeling like a huge fool.
> You, very very carefully, put your hand on his back and lead him out back into the cold. > Look to him, then to your car. "Back to tthe same corner? Or you got anywhere else you need to be?"
> You tense up just a little at the touch but let it happen anyways. "Y-yeah same place." > You just get into the car quickly to cut off the awkward moment. Not without putting on your seatbelt of course.
> Always seatbelt first, kid! > You buckle in and drive him back to the street corner you found him on, putting the car into park but not getting out. "Alright.  Don't get into any trouble, alright?  Oh, and patrol comes past here in about 30 minutes, so be cool when they pass, yeah?"
"Oh uh..Okay. See you, I guess." > You wave an awkward goodbye, overwhelmed by a lot of conflicting emotions.
> You're about to drive off, but then you open the door and, hanging halfway out, you call to him, "Hey! Love you, Sock."
> That just leaves you starring for a moment. Did he just-? Does he? What. Can not compute. "L-Love you too Bro..." > You are not sure if he heard that with the way you mumbled that. You are not sure if you want him to or not. > It's only getting weirder. > But it also warms your birdy little heart.
> You heard it--you've actually got pretty good hearing still, despite all tthatt music and shit. > You smile and wave again before ducking back into your car and driving off.
> The patrol driving by half an hour later doesn't find a drug dealer, just a crying kid in some back alley. > This absolutely kills the bird.
3 notes ¡ View notes
batsysims ¡ 7 years
I was tagged by @tickledsims ty ily!!
1. DO YOU SLEEP WITH YOUR CLOSET DOORS OPEN OR CLOSED? CLOSED when i was younger my little sister had a baby doll that would talk on its own at night and we called it the demon baby and hooooly shit
2. DO YOU TAKE THE SHAMPOOS AND CONDITIONER BOTTLES FROM HOTELS? i dont take those bc my hair cant take cheap hair products but i do take the soaps!!
3. DO YOU SLEEP WITH YOUR SHEETS TUCKED IN OR OUT? i put the mattress cover sheet thingy on my bed but i dont use an actual sheet :/
5. DO YOU LIKE TO USE POST-IT NOTES? YES i love using office supplies i could spend all day at staples omg
6. DO YOU CUT OUT COUPONS BUT THEN NEVER USE THEM? no lol but il save the lil receipt coupons and find them in my wallet months after they expire
8. DO YOU HAVE FRECKLES? yep!! i love them its why im scared to use foundation i dont wanna lose em
9. DO YOU ALWAYS SMILE FOR PICTURES? i either smile or if my moms takin the pic il make a stupid face 
10. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST PET PEEVE? i have terrible road rage...... um........... i also hate it when men interrupt me i just walk away at that point 
11. DO YOU EVER COUNT YOUR STEPS WHEN YOU WALK? yeah i pretty much count everything
12. HAVE YOU PEED IN THE WOODS? i dont think so??
14. DO YOU EVER DANCE EVEN IF THERES NO MUSIC PLAYING? i have an eating dance, a drinking dance, and a video game playing dance hahaa
15. DO YOU CHEW YOUR PENS AND PENCILS? yes ugh it annoys me but i cant stop
17. WHAT SIZE IS YOUR BED? i think its a single? a single or a twin either way im miserable send help
18. WHAT IS YOUR SONG OF THE WEEK? ummm probably You by Weird Milk?? its the most recent song i added on spotify so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
19. IS IT OK FOR GUYS TO WEAR PINK? yeah def unless its one of those “real men wear pink shirts” like just.... stop
20. DO YOU STILL WATCH CARTOONS? sometimes my sister makes me watch stevens universe?? il watch phineas and ferb too bc honestly who doesnt anime too but not always cartoon ones or w/e
21. WHAT IS YOUR LEAST FAVORITE MOVIE? 2001: A Space Odyssey and Daughters of the Dust come to mind
22. WHERE WOULD YOU BURY HIDDEN TREASURE IF YOU HAD SOME? u kno where ;) no how big is the treasure?? if its a lil bit id put it in that drawer under the oven bc my family never uses that but if its BIG TREASURE id hide it in the backyard of the last house i lived in bc a. nobody lives there now and 2. its totally overrun with green bc of like two floods
23. WHAT DO YOU DRINK WITH DINNER? water! only water ever
24. WHAT DO YOU DIP A CHICKEN NUGGET IN? honey if theyre mcnuggets but other than that i use honey mustard!
26. WHAT MOVIES COULD YOU WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN AND STILL LOVE? honestly Inception is my feel-good movie
28. WERE YOU EVER A BOY/GIRL SCOUT? i was in girl scouts much longer than i ever wanted to be lmao WISH i coulda done BOY SCOUTS
29. WOULD YOU EVER STRIP OR POSE NUDE IN A MAGAZINE? if cash is involved absolutely
31. CAN YOU CHANGE THE OIL ON A CAR? no but i can watch
32. EVER GOTTEN A SPEEDING TICKET? when i first got my license yea :( 15 yr olds are dum
33. EVER RAN OUT OF GAS? twice! very good memories
35. BEST THING TO EAT FOR BREAKFAST? the all star breakfast at waffle house yasssss
36. WHAT IS YOUR USUAL BEDTIME? honestly like 9 since i always have to wake up at 7 in the am but il stay up til 11 if i can
37. ARE YOU LAZY? absolutely when have ACTIVE ppl done ANYTHING
38. WHEN YOU WERE A KID, WHAT DID YOU DRESS UP AS FOR HALLOWEEN? i was usually a cat bc i never could find a costume i liked smh but when i was 2 i went as winnie the pooh lmao
40. HOW MANY LANGUAGES CAN YOU SPEAK? just english but im tryna learn spanish and japanese and im fluent in french if a two year olds speech patterns can be considered as such
42. WHICH ARE BETTER: LEGOS OR LINCOLN LOGS? LEGOS lincoln logs are big with nostalgia thoooo
43. ARE YOU STUBBORN? with dumb shit yeah but i usually just dont care enough abt stuff to deal
44. WHO IS BETTER: LENO OR LETTERMAN? theyre both old idc
46. ARE YOU AFRAID OF HEIGHTS? not really tbh i like the adrenaline
47. DO YOU SING IN THE CAR? if im alone!! nobody deserves to hear that
49. DO YOU DANCE IN THE CAR? when im in the drive thru haaaa
50. EVER USED A GUN? id like to go to a shooting range some time but ive never used one im also very anti gun so i probs would never buy one unless it was a cute lil glock i can handle well
51. LAST TIME YOU GOT A PORTRAIT TAKEN BY A PHOTOGRAPHER? st patricks day it wasnt technically for me tho
52. DO YOU THINK MUSICALS ARE CHEESY? not in general but when ppl start obsessing over a certain one for months on end abt a certain time period and certain performers and certain songs and certain people of history i start wanting ppl to die
54. EVER EAT A PIEROGI? my sisters obsessed with them so yea but never like. authentic polish potato pockets or anything just a frozen box of em
55. FAVORITE TYPE OF FRUIT PIE? apple?? im not rly into pie tbh
56. OCCUPATIONS YOU WANTED TO BE WHEN YOU WERE A KID? ive wanted to go into law enforcement/criminology my whole life!! for a sec i wanted to be a firefighter, a journalist/writer/poet, and some sort of artist but u know how kids are
57. DO YOU BELIEVE IN GHOSTS? i tried to find that clip from malcolm in the middle for like ten mins but i couldnt yea
58. EVER HAVE A DEJA-VU FEELING? doesnt everyone tho?
59. DO YOU TAKE A VITAMIN DAILY? no im a bad adult
61. DO YOU WEAR A BATH ROBE? im not rich!!
62. WHAT DO YOU WEAR TO BED? usually just my undies but when im living with other people il wear a soft shirt and my dc heroes pajama bottoms ayyy
63. WHAT WAS YOUR FIRST CONCERT? ive never been to one! i was gonna go see metallica in baltimore but i moved before i could smh
64. WALMART, TARGET, OR KMART? walmart sry targets cool but too much money!!! i go there for home things tho does kmart still exist
65. NIKE OR ADIDAS? ADIDAS ive been trying to get a full adidas tracksuit for YEARS
66. CHEETOS OR FRITOS? fritos! i like the super hot cheetos tho
68. EVER HEAR OF THE GROUP TRES BIEN? Nope but they must be good im keepin @tickledsims response bc it made me laugh
69. EVER TAKE DANCE LESSONS? when i was a lil babu i took ballet and gymnastics a lil later
70. IS THERE A PROFESSION YOU PICTURE YOUR FUTURE SPOUSE DOING? i hope to never have a spouse  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
72. EVER WON A SPELLING BEE? ive actually never even had a spelling bee im sure theyre a myth
75. OWN A RECORD PLAYER? nahhhhh
76. DO YOU REGULARLY BURN INCENSE? no but i had a roommate who did i fell in love
77. EVER BEEN IN LOVE? yeah ok lol so one time when i was a sophomore my french teacher had to use a substitute teacher and hes the reason i believe in love at first sight im STILL in love with him wtf ive also had a bf haha im hilarious
78. WHO WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE IN CONCERT? i dont really do concerts so i couldnt say but i think matd would be fun!!
80. HOT TEA OR COLD TEA? hot!!!!
81. TEA OR COFFEE? coffee!!!!!!
82. SUGAR COOKIES OR SNICKERDOODLES? i dont rly like either but i prefer snickerdoodles over sugar
83. CAN YOU SWIM WELL? i can only do that weird frog swim i forget what its called so no im shit at it
85. ARE YOU PATIENT? if im able to distract myself?? it also depends on the severity of what im waiting on i guess
86. DJ OR BAND AT A WEDDING? probs a band i guess i dont rly think abt that kinda stuff sry
87. EVER WON A CONTEST? when i was four i won a coloring contest at the ice cream store
90. CAN YOU KNIT OR CROCHET? i can knit but i cant crochet
91. BEST ROOM FOR A FIREPLACE? fckn bathroom
92. DO YOU WANT TO GET MARRIED? not rly unless its a partnership longlasting romance stresses me out especially with financial responsibility etc
94. WHO WAS YOUR HIGH SCHOOL CRUSH? my high school boyfriend hahaaa h,,,,
97. DO YOU WANT KIDS? nope! lmao i love her tho
98. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE COLOR? red but i also like many others??? idk
99. DO YOU MISS ANYONE RIGHT NOW? ummm not rly?? im not close enough to anyone to miss them and those i am close to im able to hang with
100. WHO ARE YOU GOING TO TAG TO DO THIS TAG NEXT? god uhhh if you havent done it already and want to, @dreambot @nebula-simms @ellowynsims and @pixelbloom
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shiny-craboo-blog ¡ 7 years
@rockformed​ replied to your post : i keep goin away for a long time but theres a good...
what asshole?? 👀👀👀👀👀
WHOOO lemme tell you this is a long one (sorry about any spelling errors i was tryna get this done quickly)
it was actually that guy that we played overwatch with together once.
ive known him since about december, but he was saying lots of homophobic and racist shit, so i was like eh might as well try to make him a better person, but to do that, you gotta get close, and i started liking him (literally @ past me why?????)
so i flirt a little here, giggle a little there, and he falls in love with me. i liked him too, but he liked me to a point where it was obsessive. he was telling me i saved his life and that out of everyone on earth im his favorite. i come out to him as trans one day, and after a lot of thinking, he was like “okay yeah im okay with this” and i was happy
however, like i said, he was really obsessive. he wouldnt let me play games with anyone else unless he was there, and when i tried to watch a show with one of our mutual friends, he gets all upset about it.
eventally, even though he liked me, he started being a real ass. i told him that i didnt really like him anymore and that i wanted to stay friends, and he turned it into this huge fight and ended it with “Forget it... Good night.” - and he used that phrase every (and “goodbye”) every time he wanted a conversation to sound final or like he was going to die if i didnt give him all my attention right then and there.
the fighting continued for a few months, during which he called me a sociopath, narcissistic, not worthy off being called a human being, and all that typa stuff. he started feeling suicidal - even though he felt that way before i met him, he started feeling it stronger because he didnt have me constantly fawning over him to ease it out - and he straight up told me that he blamed me for his feelings.
the fights got reaaalllll bad, and eventually he had a set day and time, and every time i said i was going to call his mom about it, he got really defensive and acted like i was attacking him, saying “dont test me” and shit
he became really emotionally manipulative and just flat out malicious tbh
the day came around and i blocked him because i didnt want to hear about it, and he started yet another fight. he didnt do anything though because half an hour later he came crawling back saying that he needed someone to talk to and that he had this whole change of heart and that he realized what his friends were worth and how he acted really shitty and that he was sorry
but he didnt change his behavior at all lmao
he kept arguing with me, so i started just. not joining as much and not talking to him as often and he got really pissy, asking me if i was talking to other people and accusing me of talking with this guy who he hates (the guy he hates left to make another server with all the people this guy was an asshole to so they could have a place where he wasnt there being a dick and the guy im telling you about acts like the victim whenever he talks about it like?? literally if u were a better friend they wouldnt have felt the need to?) (and i totally was talking to the guy bc the enemy of your enemy is your friend and all that) but he was a real ass about it. 
and saturday!! this saturday!!! he was an ass the moment i joined the call so i left and he got mad saying like “you know how i get upset when you leave the call” and i was like “i just??? dont wanna be there if ur gonna be mean to me the moment i join??” and he said
“its a guy thing to be mean to your friends. but i guess you wouldn’t know about that ;)”
so i blocked him. he texts me saying that hes been mean because his dads been on his back about college, and i said it wasnt an excuse. a few minutes later, someone from the server messages me sayin that nick said if i dont unblock him hes gonna ban me. so i unblocked him and asked for a reason why i should stay. this bitch. this ass. says “because i thought we were friends” LIKE BIIIIIIITCH PLEAAAAAAASE YOU KNOW DAMN WELL WE AINT
anyway we fought for 3 hours and rather than giving me any good reasons to stay he called me stupid and said i misinterpreted the message like?? how else am i supposed to interpret it????????
so im staying, making him fall in love with me again, then leaving.
bonus: i made a list of the highlights of some of the shit things hes said to me
"Forget it... good night." "i used to trust everyone then the thing happened with my cousin so i stopped sharing myself or exposing myself. then i did over the years with kii then she backstabbed me. then ness and it happened again. i didnt trust anyone and still wasnt ok with sharing myself. then u stepped in and made me feel happy and wanted and like i could trust people. then you said you loved me like you did. i opened up and pursued and got lead on for 15 hours a day for a month up until i got enough courage to try to stand and speak open heartedly and with courage and the next day you lose all interest." "you know what? you obviously dont like me anymore. im over it you win. im done chasing. the goalposts always change. its over." "i cant stop chasing you. you are literally my favorite person on earth." "im doing this once a day from now on. wanna go out" "1 reason i got on ow. *1 reason i got on ow off my psych. guess it doesnt matter to you." “For the record the reason im mad all the time is because im fucking pissed at you but cant take it out for some reason.” “reason im so shit ight now is caught i thought i was at rock bottom and you took me up the mountain just to fling me off. forget it. good night." "youre still online. just gonna pretend im not here?" "hope this doesnt wake you up but sorry for being a cunt." "i still want to die haha. life sucks" "im sorry." me: you purposely did something to make me mad and then get upset when i get mad "im hald zoned in rn im getting killed by bad vibes but im not gonna make you mad ever again." "why did you fool me. i fight with you a lot now and its because of what you did to me and how ive lost my sense of self and all emotions because of you. but then i remember this is just how i usually am and being happy is what people are supposed to be like and im not so this is normal and only my fault so. i forgot where i was going with this but take care friend." "if it was the concept thing then why do i still love you." "i get upset because i have to actively avoid falling for you." "im only angry and mean to you because i dont understand my emotions." "im gonna kill myself saturday at 7:32 pm" (<<<this was two weeks ago hes fine now) "im not gonna do it i just want attention" "to keep it 100 i just said that so you wouldnt call anyone." "dont test me" "eat shit" "if youre trying to make me unfriend you its working" "actual human beings dont pull that bullshit. they suck it up and stick to their word or break the news to the other and dont drag them along." me: every humans a human regardless of whether or not they feel "theyre a human. not an actual human. theyre a human but not worthy of being called one." "in 3 months you managed to fuck with my emotions and make me want to kill myself more than kii did in 3 years." "i think this is the last conversation were gonna have. if you got anything important to say speak now or forever hold your peace. alright youre in overwatch and missed your chance." "have fun with your game hope its worth losing me over."
me: im going to call your mom and tell her right now "and say what? 'im a bad friend and now nick wont talk to me?'"
me: no. 'nicks planning on killing himself.' "and ill just say its someone im amd at trying to get revenge on me" "im not convinced that its not a whole thing made specifically to drive me to suicide." "in queue rather than fixing problems. typical. goodbye, asshole." "what if by trying to stop the outcome u saw you just pushed me away from one of the only people i trusted and now im on a path that ends in my inevitable self destruction." "no thats the depression but i am saying u took away what made me happy." "forget it, ill catch you later. apparently no goodbyes either lol." "bye oats." "the only thing you will ever love besides yourself is overwatch. bye." "are you there i just got back and i really need someone." "beause youre the middle man i guess and it was a test of allegiance i think in my mind." "idk i just feel like not many people actually like me deep down and its a shit thing of me to put that on others." "hows ness doing" "because im done walking on eggshells for you, snowflake. "its a guy thing to be a dick to your friends. guess u wouldnt understand ;)" "sorry for being a jerk. dad has been riding me all week and im mad all the time." "maybe you would get it if your dad ever punched you or woke you up by throwing shit at you." (i know for a fact his dad doesnt do this. there was a whole week where we were in a call 24/7 to see how long we could get one to last and his dad brings him dinner and plays xbox in the same room sometimes. i get that from an outside perspective this may seem mean to overlook, but if you knew this guy, you wouldnt put it past him to lie about shit like this just for attention.) "youre being such a baby over this. its not a big deal, its an argument." "considering you didnt write it id consider it awful stupid of you to think you can interpret it better than the author." "you dont know me"
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therewas-a-girl ¡ 7 years
What do u like about Wildqueen?
Anon i love that u asked me this question (i cant sleep so this is great).
Rene is ex military; he was dishonorably discharged for doing sth morally questionable because of something he believed he had to get done. He regrets that deeply (though im not sure he regrets what he did as much as the results of it), as seen in the episode after he was tortured, and he is haunted by his failures , which he sees as a sort of chain that make up his life.
now, thea knows how that feels. She would be able to relate to the discipline, to the dedication that might be ingrained into someone from a military background. and also to bending of general morals to get shit done and/or compromising herself and her integrity for something. (Because she did go with Merlyn, compromising herself cause she wanted to be stronger) I don’t think she would hold what he did against him, or judge him; nor would he hold it against her that she did sth very daring to get control of her life again.
Both Rene and Thea tried doing good with what they were left with, after their failures/tragedies/disappointments. Here is where Rene and Thea might have interesting discussions though, because the WHY of this varies for them. Thea’s morality is much more fluid than Rene’s, I feel. Rene seems to have the whole ‘this is right and this is wrong’ thing going on, while Thea seems more of a ‘this is right for now cause it gets the job done or works for me’ kinda girl. (she has limits obviously) She is not really a joiner or a by-the-system kind, while Rene was military. [what could have possibly prompted a man with such contempt for anyone telling him what to do, to join the military? maybe he was running away from something  - his family situation  - and saw the military as his only escape?] I don’t think he really like being within a structure that tells u what to do, though he could have made friends and found a family of his own there. After his discharge and what prompted it, its also just as probably that he is very disappointed/disillusioned by it. (Personally i doubt that he likes being part of a hierarchy because he has serious authority issues which thea shares and in both cases it stems from parental abuse). Anyway i just know that when it comes to why they do the stuff they do, or why he does and she stopped, those two could have some interesting conversations.
Not to mention that they both would totally relate to each other when it comes to the fuckton of trauma they have been through. Just once i would like to see someone react humanly - as in, the way I do, not the way arrow characters react to fucked up shit that happens to that - to what Thea has been through. I mean, can u imagine? Rene would lose his shit if he knew that
‘yeah i was stabbed through the heart with a sword and almost died and then took a dip into a magic hottub and then got super bloodthirty and THEN ALMOST DIED AGAIN FROM THAT SAME WOUND". ‘u were stabbed.’'Yeah’'Through the chest’'Yup’'By an actual sword? ’*a beat* 'what kind of fucktard psycho uses a sword? ’'oh u would be so surprised. Actually thats bad. With the kind of record the team has, u need to learn to handle one.’'A sword? o_O R u shittting me??’'I shit u not’'Wait wait wait. You took a dip into this pit and now youre like… alive. ’'Yeah’'…dude… thats way weirder than im prepared to handle.’'I KNOW RIGHT!!! ’
(Idk what that up there is, ignore it. Itbsounds more like me talking to thea 😂)
Rene is instinctively protective of those that he percives as needing protection. He went against olivers orders to help a little girl who was in danger in the II ep; because he probably didnt even think about what the Green Arrow would say or do to him. But he also treated Evelyn as an equal and never babied her. (Cause arrow forgot she was a kid but anyway). Thea would most definitely apriciate that and also find it highly refreshing after olivers constant worrying about her and malcolm taking away her agency at every point.
Not to mention that Rene is exactly the kind of dude to find Thea’s ability to kick his ass with one hand behind her back incandescently hot. U gotta respect a guy who respects and is turned on by female power.
He fights hard for what he wants - he is determined and Thea would respect that cause so is she.
Also notice how he always kept his flirting very casual, never pushy never putting anything on her, mostly fun. Cause thats a good point in his favour and would be in Thea’s books too. And how she dismisses him but in a kinda half amused half annoyed way. Its rather hilarious. And i love that despite her shooting him down he never gets bitter about it. Those two times he just kept on smiling. I bet their flirting would be so agressively playful.
He is very observant (as far as I’ve noticed he is the only one that brings in the evidence for felicity) and im thinking he is very good at noticing when ppl change patterns of behavior. he didnt realize what the change meant in Evelyn, in terms of emotions, but he was able to pinpoint exactly /when/ it had happened: after they learned oliver was a the Hood. —> Thea is super smart emotionally and has this amazing radar about when ppl’s *feelings* shift. Oliver and moira never fooled her with their 'were gonna pretend for theas sake’ shtick. She didnt know why but she knew sth is up. That’s great material there. Id be willing to explore that. The good and the bad. The way they might pick up on each other’s moods, tendencies. Good and bad days. The different ways they would notice stuff about each other: Rene by noticing when she does things differently, when she deviates from her routine. Thea noticing when he is angry or happy or annoyed about something, learning how to associate his expressions with his feelings. The two of them baffling each other on how they notice these little things that the other wouldn’t think to notice about anyone, or that they didn’t think anyone noticed about them.
It’s fun to think about.
Rene is exeptionally straightforward and honest. Thea would love that about him. Both would speak their mind frankly to each other since neither is more sensitive than the other.
Rene seems to concentrate on things he does well - mostly physical stuff, stuff with his hands (i noticed this in the crosover. While the nerds were doing their own thing rene was calmly sitting down doing his own thing, handling his weapons i think). He’s probably a kinetic learner, like Oliver. And is very comfortable around ppl who do well with their own things, which Rene might have no idea how to do. I just mean that he is comfortable in his own skin and isnt threatened by other people's power or inteligence. (That moment when Felicity delegated to him and Rory to do that analysis thing, and Rene was totally chill admitting he had no idea what felicity had been talking about and that he Rory and Curtis were the smart ones). And this brings me back to Thea being absolutely charmed by this kind of quality because Rene can manage to be sure in himself without being arrogant.
Also circles back to him loving that he can actually learn stuff from her, fighting-wise. And that would really boost Thea’s selfconfidence because i can just see Rene being flirty about it at first and then surprising her by taking her very seriously and truly wanting to learn.  And in turn she would be a good teacher because though not always the most sensitive, Thea is patient. She would love it that he is sure in himself that he would think nothing of asking her to teach him. And that he respects her and her skill to want to learn from her. Something that nobody has asked her before. And in turn, she would notice that he is an amazing team player and that she can actually play off of him when it comes to having a laugh or teasing the other team members cause theyre both sich little shits. (im also thinking that Rene’s specialty in the field would be recon - because he is so good that noticing when the environment changes, and keep track of patters and routes and stuff like that)
Rene was physically abused by his father. Thea was psycologically abused by hers. They would be able to regognise each others hurts and false-steps naturally and it would add another layer of understanding to their relationship but also a kind of tenderness and protectiveness for each other. I feel like neither of them is much of a cudler in the traditional sense of the word but they would be able to understand each others need for affection and the occasional fear of it. I mean - their scars are symetrical in some way so they would understand each others impulses a lot better than most have before them.
Despite his history tho, rene loves kids and seems hopeful about having kids (abused children will tell u that growing up into that kind of person takes strength and most certaily, goodness), which tells me that there is a lot of hope inside that man. Thea seems to be struggling to grasp onto some kind of hope, for a normal life, a normal self, something to give her meaning. They could help each other find that hope within themselves. Rene could have a positive thing or two to share with thea even, since she is more of a stark realist while rene seems to be more positive.
He is so fucking upbeat about things he actually enjoys. Like the christmass sock that evelyn gave him. Remember that smile? How eager he was and how he tore into that gift - that was precious and so pure, in the real sense of the word, not the tumblr one. I think even after all hes seen rene - and i think this is his best character trait - still has that boyish wonder intact. What makes him an idealist no matter how hard he protects himself with that jaded attitude. Hes not jaded - hes pragmatic and has issues.
And thea, oh my god, she needs someone who can really just have fun with her again. Someone who would delight in having a good time, who would love to laugh with her. Who would teach her how to see the wonderous and the joyous in the world again because i think she is having such a hard time this year. (Im very suspitious of the extreme change she has made from last year to this year and how stubborly she clings to this new status quo. Not that she shouldnt want to get away from the violence - that is an a+ reasoning for her. But her stubborness to keep away feels like fear. And i want to know what she isafraid of and why. Why she doubts herself) Im not at all convinced she is doing as well as she fronts and even if she is, she seems so serious all the time. She used to love parties - not the drug and alcohol kind but the 'together with my family and friends’ kind and rene dies too. They would have the most outrageous christmass ever. Thea would totally spoil him with all these eccentric gifts that are rpobably super inner jokes between them and rene would have a blast decorating the tree with her.
The fights would probably be very explosive cause theyre both hotheaded ppl and where thea can admit she was wrong, rene would need a little more work but im willing to bet that it wouldnt be so hard in the face of someone he loves and considers equal to himself (it was harder for him to apologise to oliver cause its a power thing and a dick measuring thing and a pride thing - elements that would be a non issue cause there would be no such disparities with thea)
Theyre also both very physical ppl and very expressive ppl so im guessing sex would be such fun for them and theyd love to try new things and just go for whatever they want.
Look i could go on. But these are all the surface level stuff i could think of. Im sure there is more. For the most part, what got me into thinking i could rly like the idea of them is the fact that around her, rene is a total goofball (i just love how sincere he is in his admiration without once seeming creepy) - i like seeing him like that and i would love to see thea laugh more. I just think they could be good to each otherband that there is a story there.
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thebarbieblogzzz-blog ¡ 5 years
The Stepson, The 1st Economical Edit by Barbie H.
It was a cold day for a showdown. There are only two person climbing, Sarah Albertman, a highschool girl who people now just found out could climb rock very fast, and below her a 37- years old man , Michael Hancock-Pitt. Unlike Sarah, he’s been in the position of almost winning the huge jackpot of his life a few times. Even the crowds starting to lose faith in him, but looks like he is still in his best willing to finally get his #1 title. A series of body sweating and a tiger eye aiming for the prize is making as like the audience at home’s feeling the same tense as the real studio audience does . But The Television Broadcast seems to always highlight at the Duke of Kamperland whose sitting in the front row. It’s not everyday the royalty is dressed like a normal people.
They finally counting the 3,2,1... aaand .... the race is finished. The winner is immidiately announced, “And we got our winner... Contestant number 3001, Michael Hancock- Pitt!”. The crowd went wild and cheers. He gave them goosebumps by his last minute surprise. He held his trophy while being really red, it’s actually quite surprise him that this is it. Just when he’s getting used to be always an almost wining, he just won. “Finally after 4 times competing with us, Hancock- pitt wins the GOLDEN trophy , with such a fantastic ending!” He gave his best smile, while he finally understand that sweat does smells really good, like a cologne, but even better. Now he’s thinking to launch a perfume called a sweat of victory. After the screentime spotlight he get backstage to his team for another celebratory. They all been standing there with a smile. The coach gave a “I’m proud I’m your coach” smile, his sponsor, Mr. Benrie makes the “There goes the run for my money , I’m gonna get a huge profit” smiles, and his manager, where his smile is “All these times believing in you does paid off” smile. After that 3 seconds of smile, “The congratulations” “You were great” and “Tough game” were leaking off from their mouth like a river. Before he finally suffocate himself from all the sweet sayings, his manager told him to go ahead and makes himself fresh again , lead him to the vip room that is left neat for him, and enjoys his win more there. And on his way, he sees his competitor, Albertman, whose chocking herself a full bottle of water and wipe off her sweat. She finally notices him in the room but said nothing.
“Impressive game out there” the man speaks up.
“Yeah..” she replies then continues, “And congratulations for your winning, Mr. Pitt”.
“I just wanna say, you’re the best first- timer I’ve ever seen, keep it up, one day, you might win it- I believe this”
“Thank You”  she just smiles.
And then he just go out of scene and walk to his vip room, it is almost like his own dressing room at home, “Thats what you get for being a pro athlete” his manager ever said once.
 While Sarah, after had her shower in the common room, she rush herself to go see her Coach Ari, she knows she supposed to met her right after the game, but she is too worked up to hear her pushing words. She knows she did great, but her coach might not think so. She mets her in the big arena cafe. She just sits down while Coach Ari is having eat fast a giant sandwich. Sarah just squeeze herself in front of her.
“Oh, it’s you”
“I just go to locker room and take a shower”
“Of course, do you want a sandwich?”
“No thanks coach...I’m not hungry”
“Please have a sandwich, it was a tough game”  she already bought her a sandwich, and she knows it will create a scene if she will not simply take it.
“Thanks Coach”
“Yeah sure, why dont you eat it”
Sarah just eats the sandwich.
“Is it good ?”
“Yeah” Sarah just pretends she digs it.
“Great” The coach continues the sandwich like 3 bites down and the sandwich’s finished. She slurps her giant slurpee, and makes an “Ah “ sound. Then it was Sarah trying to finish the sandwich. She waits her to finish it. Without saying anything. Once she finished the sandwich, she knew the moment of calm will end.
“You know what is closer than you getting out that trophy?” the coach just speaks up. Sarah just shut up and wait what kind of news she will hear this time. “You being kick out and left on the street thats how closer it is”
“But I...” Sarah try to defend herself that she already did give her best but the coach shut her up.
“I! İn my own hands, like always, convince them to believe in you- that you had the potential and the one that  should be trusted- the one they should choose for the game- and an important mission like this. “ She continues, “The founder has been funding every penny for you to raise to be this big and all they wanted was that trophy”
“Well you know how close I am from winning- I believe I can get a chance of the win next year”
“Oh You know there won’t be no next year- “
“You mean becuz I lost this, you just kick me out?”
“Well, we’ll see... “
“Alright... “ Sarah just try to go. She knows she didnt be needed anymore.
“Hey, where you goin? Sit back down”
“Why ? The company dont need me anymore”
“I havent finished the conversation”
“Should i really listen to the end of this?”
“You  have given a second chance to redeem yourself”
“Redeem myself?”
“As you see, the company doesnt care much about the shining metal than the ton advantages you gonna get if you win- youre gonna be the kingdom’s pet athlete- do you realyze how much advantages you have when you win that metal? The metal itself doesnt mean shit compare to other benefits. When you win the trophy the kingdom will pay for your bills untill you old n wringkley”
“I understand...”
“But they dont actually care for the advantages itself rather than entering the rire gates. Since you can suck the peoples on the kingdom- what they want you to do now is to get in- theyll take care the rest”
“Get in the party you mean? But, i am not invited... 2nd place winner is not invited”
“then find a way to get in!” the coach is scream at her, but in an uncontrolable value so people wont hear them,
“Here’s an idea i got for you, the first winner, they can bring one partner as a guests, there goes your chance”
“Do you mean i should go with mr. Pitt? Why would he wanna take me? ”
“Well you can goes with the second idea too, Break and entering. But if you suppose to get caught, i give you the reality of this, The company wont risk their name.”
“Yeah i got it”
 She just lay down in her bed in the funded apartment. She just missed her 7 pm routine, going to the  Gym , she felt today she deserves a break. She just cant help to think how she will get the ticket to get in that ceremony, and how the hell could she sees mr. Hancock- Pitt again its impossible that he want to take his competitior to the Awards, well unless hes nut enough to do that. “How the hell did i get that invitation?” Sarah just mumble to herself. She knows, first thing first she got to find the way in how to meet Mr. H- Pitt firsts.  But she doesnt even know where he lives! Oh yeah, she can ask her friend, Myriad, she is one of the backstage planner for the competition.
“Do You know where he lives?”
“Of course not... even if i know i can gve that out its private information”
“Im really desperate to find his adress”
“Waht you gonna do? Kick his ass for beatingyou? Hes wayyy too strong for you to do that”
“Of course not- are you crazy”
“Then, why?”
“Well,  I just... oh, do you know if he might be attending an after party or something?”
“Sure- of course, there’s an afterparty just tonight, and im pretty sure youre invited, why you dont come?”
“Oh my godd!!! İm so stupid!!! How the hell did I didnt get the invitation?”
“Well, you shoulda now that it was common knowledge, and im pretty sure they announce that... “ “Okay, no time , i gotta rush!” Sarah just get to her closet.
“Oh m g! İ dont have any good dress... everything in my closet is all sporty clotches, how the hell can i go to a party?” and then she remember she have that one dress, that her mom give to her, it still fits, but its just so simple and a lil bit like old dated, but she doesnt have a choice. She had to get herself to the afterparty. The party is already starting like 2 hours ago... but thank god it still on... The guards were asking her ID
“Im sarah Albertman, im one of the contestant for RCC?”
“Oh.. sarah, sure, come in, youre late”
“I know...”  so sarah just gets in and people has been checking her Old dress and some of em is just laugh at  her, but she dont care. She needs to find the winner of the game of this year. Just before she think it will be tough to find him, She just saw him. And now she startruck how the hell was her plan, now after he find him? This is bullshit! Now she just hold back a little bit, she dont know what to do now. What will she do ? just ask him straight away? Of course it cant be that easy! . Just before she had to take the first step. Mr. Hancock pitt already notice her.
“Oh, Sarah!” she just shocked but she just smiles.
“Hello... i thought u never came” She still dont know what to say.
“Wow ! your dress is...” he still figure out the word to say something polite about her dress . She knew the dress was awful.
“Thank you” she just decided to help him out with that polite word- finding.  
“Congratuliaons, again, Mr. Pitt, on your winning- you were really great. İ cant say how delighted i was to be competing with a pro like you” she hoped for him doesnt smell her kissing ass-ness, but she actually part genuine about that.
“Thanks. Youre a fair player” he smiles.
“Would you like some toase?” he ask her.
“Well.. i dont drink”
“I get it“ But he just called the waiter to go on his way
“One martini, and one cranberry juice please”
“I’ll have a toase, for a tough teenager that almost beat my ass up and not getting the first place for the first time, for sarah!”  
Some crowd giggle with the speach and all the crowds goes, “for sarah!”
Sarah hides her nervousness with a smile and drinks her cranberry juice.
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