#hopefully i wont have to work ten hour shifts there
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discount-romantic · 2 years
Imagine Childe...
Coming home when you least expect it.
Warnings: vindictive reader pov, personal vent piece
"Welcome home." Childe's voice is less than cheery. The feux friendliness has given way to what almost sounds like...disappointment.
It's an hour before sunrise. The time you usually slip into bed after a night doing guild commissions rather than sleeping. You only lay down for a few hours, sleeping in fits and feeling restless.
"Childe!" You jump what feels like ten feet off the floor of your home's entryway. "I thought- hah...."
His visit home was supposed to take longer than this. At least, thats what he led you to believe. You feel guilty for wishing it had taken longer. That way he wouldn't have found out about your late night work this way. So far you'd evaded detection by the fatui agents he tasked with watching you, but that was mostly by using the translocation beacons and archon statues. Also by knowing when the watchers had a shift change, and sneaking back in when it happened.
Childe is still dressed in his travel attire, so maybe he hasn't waited long. Hopefully.
"I must have just missed you leaving earlier in the night, if you've been home at all today?" He takes a few steps closer in a way that would feel threatening if his mouth weren't stuck in a worried frown. "The agents tell me that nobody has come in or out since yesterday afternoon."
You hum, and stare. Two can dance to this tune. He wants to know what you'll tell him without poking and prodding.
The answer is nothing. Feeling like shit since he left for his homeland was almost a given; you'd become used to his presence at your side. Lying in bed, getting lunch, walking the market. Being alone suddenly was jarring in all the wrong ways. You hated it. Hated yourself for being so attached at the hip to Childe.
And fighting before he left hadn't helped anything, that's for sure. It was about what he does and doesn't tell you. What information he withholds and why. Even important, time sensitive things...like going away for an indefinite amount of time. He told you that in the morning, and left the same afternoon.
So you spent all that time burying yourself in work. Any work. Cleaning, commissions, even helping Zhongli with whatever odds and ends he needed dealt with. A routine was formed. Work, work harder, work more, and then collapse. Repeat steps. It kept your mind busy, and that was enough.
"Care to tell me what you've been up to while I was away?" Childe's arms cross loosely.
So he wants to know? After no contact, messages, or letters for three months he finally wants to know how you're doing? After being trailed by agents that wont or cant tell you his status?
He blinks, eyebrows furrowing. "Try again, my love."
Your head tilts to the side, "I said no."
"You're...more upset with me than I thought you'd be." You can see his grip tighten on his crossed arms. You know it's not anger, it's worry.
But a very awful part of you is present. Cruel and tired. Full of animosity and willing to lash out at anything or anyone. "Maybe."
"Cuddle time? Cuddles always make you feel better." Childe's tone has shifted to vague, but present, optimism. "Or since it's so early we could cook breakfast together."
Your chest feels like it's about to burst. You hate yourself. You hate this. You hate that your own desire to self destruct is going to hurt Childe. Because if you were feeling rational, feeling normal, you would be so happy that he's home.
Instead all you want is to go back to work and forget about the feeling in your gut that makes you want to rip yourself apart in the most literal way.
"I missed you," Childe's tone is tentative, "Teucer asked how you are."
It doesn't feel like you've blinked in a solid minute, "That's nice."
His face changes in a way you can't describe. "Stop. We both know what you're doing. You're trying to hurt me so I go away and leave you to hurt yourself. I'm not leaving."
"You should." That doesn't change anything. If you really, really wanted to go, you could. It would mean Childe finding out about your use of the translocation statues, but you could go. Maybe he'll just let you walk out. It's worth a try, so you spin on heel and head for the door.
He lunges forward more quickly than you can react in such an exhausted state, and heaves you over his shoulder. "We're going to talk this out."
Suuure you are. As though you didn't go limp the second he touched you. As though you plan to say anything at all. From the direction he turned, you can tell he's heading to the bedroom.
He drops you on your feet for only a moment before dragging your uncaring body into a different position. Sitting on the floor between his bent up knees, back pressed into his chest to feel his heart thrumming steadily in beautiful rhythm.
Childe's hands are already starting to wander. Running a thumb over your jawline, massaging circles into your aching temples. He gently ghosts delicate touches over bruises from the comission work, placing a chaste kiss against the back of your neck as if that would heal you.
That awful part of you wants to scream, struggle, fight. Show the pain you feel at being near abandoned for three months, not knowing when or even if your lover was coming back. After all...fatui business is dangerous. He said he would be back, but there was no true way to be sure.
But a fight would almost be more relieving to him than this silence, you're sure. Combat is what he excels in, and where Childe feels at home. At least if you tried to run away he would know what to do. This is better. Let him suffer.
So you lay against him like a ragdoll, letting his hands roam to try and comfort you. A futile endeavor.
"I...I'm sorry." He sounds more vulnerable than you've ever known him to be. "I'm sorry, please stay.
"Chiushka." The soft form of his name sighs its way out of your mouth, "I am upset, and I don't have the capacity to express how hurt I am, but I still love you."
Childe curls around your body, holding you tight and squeezing.
"You are my darling Chiushka, and I will always be waiting for you to come home." You set your hand on his, and worry your thumb over his rough knuckles. "I'm wounded, I'm upset, and I want to make you feel even a fraction of my agony...but I won't."
His forehead buries itself in the crook of your neck, "Forgive me?"
"I will. All things in time, my darling Chiushka."
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xxwritemeastoryxx · 3 years
Escape Plan
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Author: xxwritemeastoryxx
Pairings and other Characters: Enzo St. John x Reader, Damon Salvatore
Requested:  Can I pretty please have an angsty Enzo fighting to protect reader?Against literally anything I just need to read Enzo being protective over me. -@hellotvshowtrash
Word count: 5K
Warnings: Charcter death, canon typical violence/blood and gore with detailed torture.A bit of episode rewritee. TRIGGER WARNINGS: Mentions of Rape, mentions of suicidal thoughts, and dark thoughts of death.
Author’s note: I am nervous about this one guys. Just because of the details this one contains. If you thought Out of Time hurt, this one is worse. Please read this one at your own risk. Exit the fic if at any point in time something becomes too much for you. ONLY YOU CAN MANAGE YOUR TRIGGERS. PLEASE DO NOT COME AT ME LATER FOR ANYTHING AFTER READING THIS. YOU CHOSE TO READ IT, DESPITE THE WARNINGS AND THAT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. Know your limits and I wont hold it against you guys to skip this one. I’d say happy reading, but I’m not sure that will be the case with this one. 
Feedback gives me life and motivation for future fics!
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Enzo sat and watched as his captor brought in another vampire into the cell next to him. For as long as Enzo had been locked away by Dr. Whitmore, he had seen plenty come in, just as he was seeing now. Not many of them survived and seeing a new face that wasn’t his beloved or even his captor’s had been refreshing.
His hand ran over his face as he watched the new comer groan after being tossed into the cell. He stopped himself from speaking, only for a moment, unsure of how to start the conversation. They were trapped there, it wasn’t going to hurt to add an acquaintance to the mix.
“Welcome.” Enzo began. He watched as the man looked over in his direction. “Dr. Whitmore never gets tired of watching us vampires heal, but he gives us one glass of blood per day, just enough to keep us alive. Pick yourself up soldier.” There was something in Enzo’s words that the man got himself up off the floor. Both of them move towards the small opening between cells. Enzo stuck his hand through the bars, offering it to the man. “My name’s Enzo.”
“Damon.” Damon said as he gave a nod of his head before looking around. “How long have you been here?”
“Ten years.” Enzo stated as he kept his eyes on Damon.
“And you haven’t tried getting out of here?” Damon questioned. He was curious as to how anyone would allow themselves to be locked in here that long without trying to fight their way out.
Enzo chuckled. “Believe me, I’ve tried several times to get out of here. But they have their ways of getting me to stay put.” He looked through the bars to see down the hall.
He had been waiting for that door to open for hours now. Some of those that worked for Whitmore  walked in there time and time again, but he was waiting for one person to come out. Even when the doors had opened up with them dragging Damon out, Enzo had hoped it had been someone else they were dragging out.
“You know someone that is in there right now.” Damon observed and Enzo nodded.
“Her name is Y/N.” His eyes never left the door. “Before I met her, I would have easily fought my way out of here and left anyone behind to save my own skin.”
“The woman that was unconscious in there.” Damon remembered seeing a woman on another table in the same room as him. While he had been screaming from the pain, she had been out through it all. Damon huffed. “How long have you known her?”
Enzo sighed at Damon’s words. He knew when Dr. Whitmore took Y/N, it was for extended periods of time. Even he was never back there that long and he hated every moment she was gone. Their experiments weren’t even close in comparison. Even now, Enzo wondered what Whitmore had planned for Y/N.
“I’ve known her for a little over fifteen years now.” Enzo nodded his head as his eyes turned back towards Damon.
“How did you two end up here?” Damon wanted to know anything he could to hopefully find a way out of there. There was no way he was just going to be used as someone’s test subject for as long as they had been. Damon didn’t have anyone holding him back like Enzo did.
“Whitmore was working at a Battlefield hospital in Europe during WWII. Y/N had been a nurse there while I was a soldier out in the very battlefield she was helping.” Enzo began.
“Let me guess,” Damon interrupted. “That’s where you met Y/N.”
Enzo chuckled, but shook his head. “No, by then I had known her for a few years. Though I wonder how things would have been if I met her at that point instead of how I met her.”
“It must have not been that bad of a first meeting if you two had been friends before being sent here.” Damon shrugged.
Enzo’s eyes moved to the door down the hall and back. “When I met Y/N it wasn’t by what one would call normal circumstances.” Enzo could clearly remember the night that he had met Y/N.
Y/N had been walking home late one night after her shift. Parts of her uniform had been stained in blood from the patients she had been helping all day. Before she left her station, many had tried giving her a ride home and even offered to walk her home. But Y/N had believed it to be unnecessary. She had only lived down the street and she was sure she’d make it home safely.
She had never been more wrong in her life. Fear flooded her senses as she heard the footsteps behind her. The sound of the shoes hitting the pavement with each step had been extremely loud in her ears with each quick step she took. With the increase in her pace, the increase in the footsteps followed.
Enzo hadn’t been far when he heard a woman’s scream. With war raging around them, he hadn’t been sure of the cause of the scream. Part of him believed he shouldn’t even be bothered by the scream. That it was becoming routine to hear them as he traveled through this part of town.
At least that was until his ears picked up on her cry for help numerous times.The desperation in her voice had Enzo running towards the sound. When he found the source, a rage filled him in a way he was sure he had never felt before.
The woman had been trying as hard as she could to fight off her attacker. But it seemed useless. And in her current state, Enzo knew he couldn't just leave her.
"This is definitely not a way to treat a lady." Enzo said as he grabbed a hold of her attacker and tossed him against the nearest wall.
The sickening crack of bone hitting brick filled the air the moment his body made contact. While something was surely broken, it hadn't stopped the man from attempting to get up. But before he fully could, Enzo was on him instantly, sinking his fangs into the man, ripping his throat out. The screams that came from the man as he died were like music to his ears.
When he turned around, he found the woman curled up in the corner of the buildings that surrounded her. Her eyes were wide as they landed on Enzo. He quickly moved to clean the blood off of his face, not wanting it there as he tried to help her from there. Fear was evident in them as he took careful steps towards her. But the whimper that left her lips caused him to stop and place his hands up.
"I'm not gonna hurt you." He promised, not making any movement towards her. "I am here to help."
He watched as her lips trembled as her eyes went from him to the body that laid on the ground not too far from him. He could see the wheels turning in her head and he couldn't blame her. Not after what she had just experienced.
"I assure you, my intentions are only to get you somewhere safe." He watched as she nodded her head slowly before he even thought to take a step towards her. Before he did, he removed his jacket quickly, to use it to help cover her in some way. "My name is Enzo."
"Y/N." She whispered as he approached her and handed her his jacket. She took it quickly and covered herself.
"Alright, Y/N." He said giving her the smallest of smiles. "Why don't we get you somewhere you feel safe and I'll help you in any way I can."
Y/N only nodded her head in an answer before Enzo easily picked her up off the ground. And just as he promised, he had taken her to where she felt the safest.
"Her attacker had been a soldier. And while she knew that, it didn't change her mind about wanting to help the wounded. I turned her not long after that night." He said as he looked over at Damon. " I had been visiting her when Dr. Whitmore realized what we were. He drugged Y/N first, using her to lure me over. Any other time I would have walked away, but I couldn't leave her behind. I had fought to get her free but I ended up in a shipping box shortly after. Before we knew it we were here."
Before Damon could even voice anything about what he just learned, the door down at the end of the hall opened once more. This time, Dr. Whitmore came in dragging an unconcious Y/N with him. He quickly opened Enzo’s cell and tossed her in before closing it after and leaving completely.
Out of instinct and routine, Enzo was by her side in seconds. She looked bruised in places that her own blood hadn’t healed just yet. While she was still out, he carefully moved her over to the otherside of the cell.
“You really do care for her.” Damon observed out loud.
“She’s the only person that refused to abandon me.” Enzo said as he sat down beside Y/N, his fingers running along her cheek. “On one of our attempts to get out of here, she was almost free, but she risked it to come back for me and it failed. That was when Whitmore started using her for his more in depth experiments.”
“And how do you propose we attempt to get out this time?” Damon asked as he sat down by the bars of the cell.
"When the opportunity presents itself." Enzo said as he looked from Y/N to Damon and back to her. This time he'd do anything to make sure Y/N made it out.
4 years later.
"We've got a plan." Y/N said as she sat down next to the bars to see Damon.
Enzo had been taken by Whitmore for his daily dose of torment, leaving Y/N and Damon left to wallow in helplessness as they usually did. At least that was until an idea popped into her mind.
"What have you been cooking up in that head of yours?" Damon asked as he walked over to sit as close to her as possible with a thick wall between them.
Over the last few years, the three had become close. As close as anyone can be in this particular situation. Damon could see why Enzo loved her. He would move mountains if it meant she'd be safe.
She had grown on him and he soon began to care for her. In a way that one would care for a sibling. He befriended Enzo and Y/N through the darkness of their situation.
Damon had watched a few times where Enzo would attempt to fight Dr. Whitmore about taking Y/N. But it always ended the same way. Y/N would still be taken while Enzo got an injection full of vervain.
"The New Year's Eve party." Y/N said with a nod. "That's our best chance."
"How?" Damon asked with a raised brow. "We're usually drugged up for those things."
"Enzo and I talked about it while you were gone." She began. "We think you should start drinking our rations. Build up your strength. By the time the party comes around, you will be able to help get us out of here."
"Why me?" He asked curiously. "While I would appreciate the increased intake of blood, why couldn't one of you two do it?"
"Come on, Damon." She shook her head slightly. "You know us. If something happened to either one of us, the other might do something stupid." That had caused both of them to chuckle. "Plus, Whitmore drains me daily. Why waste perfectly good blood when I'll be drained of my own shortly after."
Over the years, they learned that Y/N was special to Whitmore. Whatever he was doing for experimental purposes, Y/N was his go to. It was why Enzo was having a harder time recently letting Y/N be taken away.
They argued about it when they were in the cell together for long periods of time. Y/N would tell Enzo that he needed to try and stop. She hated seeing him so weak because of her. The man that had looked devilish the first time she saw him, had been replaced over time by someone else’s doing.
“You’re right.” Damon sighed as he nodded. “Plus they don't have anything against me to keep me in my place.”
“That’s the spirit.” Y/N said with a smirk pulling at her lips. “So tonight when we get our rations, you’ll also get mine or Enzo’s. That way you can sneak under the radar at some point.”
“How exactly is that supposed to happen if I get sliced and diced every few days?” Damon asked.
“That’s the thing. In order for this to work, it’s gotta be me and Enzo getting ‘sliced and diced’ the most.” She noted.
“He’s not going to like that.” Damon said, giving her a knowing look.
“Actually, it was his idea.” She shrugged her shoulders slightly. “This will work Damon. And then when we are out of here, you’ll get to see your brother.”
A small smile pulled at Damon’s lips at that. “That is something to look forward to.”
Over the course of the year, Y/N and Enzo had been taken the most for Whitmore’s experiments. Each day that they got their rations, Y/N and Enzo would alternate giving Damon theirs. There were several times that Enzo had given up his multiple times in a row because he refused to let Y/N be any weaker than she had been.
And with each day that passed, Damon grew stronger. It had gone unnoticed by Whitmore with how much time he had been spending with Y/N recently. As the time dwindled down, it was Y/N that was gone for hours to days. That was when Enzo worried the most.
Enzo paced the cell the night before the New Year’s Eve party. Y/N had been gone for two whole days by that point. Even when the lights had gone out at night, or even when the rations came in for them to be fed, she was never brought back to the cells.
“She’s never been gone this long.” Enzo noted as he continued to pace.
“Easy, Enzo.” Damon said as he watched Enzo’s feet go back and forth between the bars of the cells. “She said Whitmore had plans for her for tomorrow night. This is probably just a part of it.”
As if on cue, both of them had been able to hear her screams echo in the distance. The way she screamed seemed louder this time in comparison to others. Just hearing it had made a feeling of guilt and anger fill Enzo’s chest.
Enzo couldn't place his finger on it, but there was something different in the sound of her screams. For as many times as he’s heard them, and had them embedded into his mind, the scream he just heard was different.
This wasn’t her ‘in pain’ scream. There was a brief silence in between whatever Whitmore was doing to her before her screams started again. And that was when he heard it. At the end of it, he had easily picked up on the sobbing that followed it.
Y/N never cried anymore. Not during the torment or even after. If Enzo had calculated correctly, he hadn’t seen her cry since the first night they had been there. It was why it had sounded odd to him now. If he hadn’t been worried before, he was now.
The pain was different to Y/N. Whatever it was that Whitmore had injected into her the night before had somehow increased her pain. Every part of her felt as if it had been on fire.
As the scalpel sliced into her skin, another piercing scream passed her lips. Her hands had been clenched to her sides, her nails digging into the palm of her hand. She was sure that her fingernails were scraping into bone with how hard she’d been clenching her fist.
It wasn’t supposed to hurt this badly. It wasn’t supposed to feel like this. Sure the pain was real, but she could usually block most of the pain out in order to not give her captor the satisfaction of hearing her scream. But this time, it felt like every cut had been magnified by a thousand. Even the slightest pressure of a finger felt worse than it was.
The scalpel had done its job. She’d been cut open just as Whitmore had wanted before he began peeling back her skin to take a look inside her abdomen. The touch of his hand against her skin had been like taking a branding iron and placing it against her skin. No matter how many times she tried to ignore it, it was impossible.
Once he started messing with her organs, she couldn’t handle it. It felt worse than him just cutting into her skin. The weight of his hands had only fueled the fire that her nerve endings seemed to be on. And with the sudden slicing of an organ, she broke. The scream that passed her lips could have easily woke the dead.
“Please!” She begged before a sob passed her lips. While she knew the man wasn’t going to listen, Y/N had to try. “Please just let me go back to my cell.” Tears were running down the sides of her face as she looked at the man above her. But no matter what she asked of him, he hadn’t listened.
Y/N’s pleas were enough to cause Enzo to hit fist against the wall in frustration. From the moment he saved her, Enzo hated seeing her hurt in the slightest. And now, there was nothing he could do to stop her from feeling pain.
Damon knew what Y/N’s screams were doing to Enzo. The last few years, he never once saw Enzo this worried for Y/N. The woman could handle herself on many occasions but tonight it seemed worse for her. Damon could only imagine what was going through Enzo’s mind. The woman he loved was being tormented and he couldn’t even help her.
“We’ll get out of here. Just hold on to that revenge tactic a little while longer.” Damon hoped that his words would calm Enzo down in some way.
Enzo ran his hands down his face before looking over at Damon. “I need you to make me a promise about tomorrow.”
“You name it.” Damon nodded.
“If by some horrible luck that tomorrow doesn’t go as planned, if you are only able to save one of us, let it be her.”
“It won’t come down to that.” Damon had every reason to believe that nothing would go wrong tomorrow. He knew there were risks, but for as many times as they went through the plan with each other, they knew they’d be able to go through with it.
“I hope it doesn’t, but if it does-”
“I’ll make sure she gets out.” Damon finished.  
Another hour passed before Y/N’s screams had stopped. Another hour before the silence became deafening to Enzo that he wished to hear some kind of sound from her. Even with Damon being stronger, he couldn’t pick up on her voice. There was just silence from the other side of the door.
It was another thirty minutes before they heard the familiar sounds of the door opening. Y/N was being dragged into the room and her whimpers could be heard from down the hall. Even as she was stopped in front of the cell, the pressure of the cell bars hitting her skin had caused a silent scream to pass her lips.
Once Y/N was tossed into the cell, Enzo moved to her side, just like he had always done once she was brought back. But the moment his hand gently pressed on her back, she screamed. It caused her to move away from him quickly, needing to be away from the pain that came with the touch.
Enzo quickly moved back, attempting to give her space as his eyes widened in confusion. He didn’t understand what it was that he had done to hurt her. By now she should have been healed in some way. But even as he looked into her eyes, he could see how much pain the simple touch had hurt her.  
“I’m sorry.” She said with trembling lips. “Whitmore did something that currently has my nerves on fire.” She shook her head. “The slightest touch hurts and I can’t-”
“Shh,” Enzo said as he moved closer to her, but being careful not to come into contact with her in any way. “There is nothing to be sorry about, love.”
She nodded her head before a sob passed her lips. “We’re going to get out of here, right? Because I can’t live like this. I can’t go through another day of being on that table, Enzo.”
Enzo’s heart broke at her words. Y/N was giving up. For as long as they had ben in there, Enzo had been able to keep Y/N from giving up. He had gave her every reason to believe that they would make it out of there alive. Yet here she was, giving up.
“I made you a promise that I would do anything to get you out of here.” He said as he kept his eyes locked on hers. “I don’t intend to go back on my word.”
A shaky breath passed Y/N’s lips as she looked over at Damon. He now had been laying on the ground with his face pressed against the bar. A look of worry on his face as he watched the two. He nodded his head the moment she looked over at him.
“We’ll get out of here tomorrow.” Damon promised.
The evening had gone just as expected. Whitmore and his fellow members of Augustine had gathered for one hell of a New Year’s Eve party. The vampires were on display for all of them to see. Y/N had been in her own cage while Enzo and Damon had been across the room in one together.
Throughout the night, Y/N had been used to show off Whitmore’s work. The humans are amused by the details that Whitmore had been able to do with Y/N’s nerves. With every poke and every slice into her skin, a broken sob passed her lips. The pain of it all too much.
Every second of it, Y/N wished she was dead. That death would be so much easier. How there would be no more torture, no more pain. And by the time midnight was a few short minutes away, she hadn’t cared if the plan worked or not.
She hardly cared about the press of the bars keeping her in had been laced in vervain on them or the fact as she leaned against them that they burned her back. She didn’t even care when Whitmore had said that it was time for their annual tradition of ringing in the  New Year with Vampire Blood. None of it mattered anymore.
It wasn’t until Damon appeared in front of her and called out to her several times did things finally snap back into perspective for her. She looked around her and found the place on fire. Bodies had been tossed about. No doubt been killed by Damon in the process. The blood on his face proof of it. She quickly got up from her spot and made her way across the room to Enzo, with Damon right behind her.
As Damon went to attempt to get the door open, Y/N moved over to the side of the cage to look at Enzo. As their eyes met, a smile pulled at Enzo’s lips. He hadn’t missed the vacant look on her face moments ago. And seeing her now there was a change in her.
“You had me worried there for a moment, gorgeous.” He said, giving her a smirk.
“I know.” She said with a nod, “But I’m right here.”
“Can you two maybe flirt later?” Damon asked as he went to grab the door. The moment his hands landed on it, he hissed from the vervain.
Both Y/N and Enzo looked his way. “You’ve got to get me out of here. This whole place is going up in flames.”
“Trying!” Damon said as he looked around for anything to use. But there was nothing.
Worry filled Y/N as she walked over to Damon’s side, practically pushing him out of the way to give it a go herself. Once her hands landed on the bars, a scream passed her lips, but she held on to it, not caring about the pain, and pulled at the door.
After a moment she let go and her eyes met Enzo’s. “I’m not leaving you.” She wanted it to be clear that she wasn’t going to go anywhere without him. Even if it meant she went down with the house.
“I know.” He said with a nod before looking over at Damon for a moment. He watched as Damon nodded his head before he turned his attention back to Y/N. “And you’d do anything to make sure I’d get out of here alive. But that means I wouldn’t keep my promise to you.”
She shook her head quickly, understanding coming quickly. “No, I’m not leaving.”
Enzo reached though the bars and placed his hand on her cheek. Even as Y/N winced at the pain, she refused to move. “I’ll get out somehow. But I need you to be safe. And if that means you leaving me here, I’ll be okay with that.”
The heat of the fire had drawn near and even Damon had been worried about how much time there was left. “I’ll come back for him.” Damon said taking a step closer to Y/N.
“No,” She said moving away from Enzo’s touch to look at Damon. “You go and I’ll find a way to get him out of here.”
“This place will be burnt down to the ground by the time you manage it. You are in pain, Y/N. Let me do this.” He said hoping that would somehow change her mind.
“No.” There was finality in her voice.
“Damon.” Enzo said, almost pleading.
“Sorry, Y/N, but I’m not taking no for an answer.” Without another word, Damon moved to grab Y/N.
A scream passed her lips as he picked her up and tossed her over his shoulder. “No!” She tried her hardest to fight against Damon’s hold but he had been stronger than her. Her head quickly shot up to Enzo. “Enzo!”
“It’s okay, love.” He said as he watched her. “I’ll get out of her. I’m keeping my promise.”
That was the last thing she heard him say before she was carried out of there. She could hear the room begin to collapse and it took everything in her to stop the scream that bubbled up in her throat, but nothing had been able to stop it once she reached outside.
Even as Damon put her down, the scream that left her lips had been mixed with a sob as she fell to her knees. The sound itself was the definition of broken. He looked between Y/N and the house for only a moment before he attempted to head back inside. But the flames had consumed so much of the house that it had been nearly impossible.
“No.” He said as he looked at the house. He ran to the back, looking for anything, but not even then. They had wasted too much time and the house had gone up. When he went back to the front, he could see Y/N begin to get up. He quickly moved to her side and was met with a hard slap to the face.
“You were supposed to help us!” She screamed at him. “You left him in there to die.”
Damon knew that there was that possibility that things would turn out this way. He tried to keep himself calm as looked back at her. “I made a promise to Enzo that I would get you out of there. You’re out now. But we both know that if I hadn’t made that promise I would have easily have walked out of there without either of you. If you want to run in there and die with him, be my guest. But I did what he asked and now I’m free to do as I please.”
Damon’s words had stunned her for a moment. Even as her body shook from the sobs that still came from her, she couldn’t believe what he said. “You’re free then. Go and do as you please. But if it hadn’t been for us starving ourselves to make this plan work, you’d still be in that cell. Remember that Salvatore. And even when you believe you have forgotten, I’ll send a messenger to remind you.”
She turned away from him then. Her mind unsure of where she’d go or what’d she do next. All she knew was the love of her life, the very person that saved her and made her life worth living, was currently being engulfed by flames that she believed to be unsurvivable. The pain that she felt from her nerve endings was nothing in comparison to the pain she currently felt in her chest.
Pain. Grief. Anger. A tornado of emotions that she didn’t know if she could control on her own. She knew she’d never recover emotionally and mentally from this. And there was only one other alternative that she could do.
So she flipped her switch and the tornado of emotions were gone.
Always and Forever Tags:
@taylordrunkonwhiskey @thewolf-and-thesheep @wayward-dan @neeadinghugs @fafulous @kenmen02 @elizamonet @dora-the-grownup @mschellehitt​ @xanderling @fandom-princess-forevermore​ @buckysarm4 @hi-my-name-is-riley @helenasingers @alka16555 @hellotvshowtrash​ @dpaccione @dumble-daddy @theactressstaringinyourbaddream
If you would like to be added to or taken off the taglist, you can do so here! If your tag is in bold, it means for one reason or another I could not tag you in this. Let me know what’s up and I’ll see if I can fix it!
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embersrpg · 3 years
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Since you woke up, the sounds of the train have kept a steady beat of your wary heart.
The chatter is light. No one is making small talk as they used to. Tributes are tense. Mentors are reeling. Even some of the escorts don’t have the gusto to rally their team. 
Breakfast was hard to get down. Even harder to get down when you kept being reminded of what this was. But you stayed to yourself and that’s that.
Right at lunch, you feel the train lurching to a stop. But why? The train had picked everyone up, what was the point of all this? You even came out to the rest of your team to ask. No one knew why. 
It was two hours with no answers, and you even began traveling to different cars where the other districts were staying. No one knew what was going on. And then... the intercom clicks on.
“Dear riders.” It was a covered voice. Protected under the veil of a voice altering device. It was untraceable. Unrecognizable. “This train has been seized by Panem rebels. We have taken this train, as well as it’s sister train, hostage until further notice. We demand the freeing of all tributes and mentors from this year’s Quarter Quell, which aims to use bodies as their tool to silence and control citizens of Panem. Your conductors have been silenced and if you want your precious Games to continue, you’re going to have to go through a great deal of trouble to get them back. You wont find us. And you wont figure out how to regain controls.”
Then, the intercom clicks off, and you’re met in silence. Nothing makes sense but what is for certain is, right now, you’re a hostage to the rebellion.
OOC -----
First off, everyone please give a huge thank you to Becky, who put ‘hijack a train’ in her response form. A brilliant idea that I couldn’t just pass up. 
Bear with me here. You might have a bunch of questions and hopefully I’ll answer them. Or the big ones at least. But you’ll also have to be a bit flexible on some details and suspend your disbelief for the sake of this cool drop.
Firstly, remember when I said I wanted everyone to be able to interact with each other again? That was kind of a lie. You’ll be able to interact with half of everyone again. Apart from that, there is zero contact between the two trains which are held hostage (unless you get creative, but please run that by me first). Below I’ll list which districts are on each train. I have tried to carefully pick so that some folks are outside of their typical circles, while keeping things even. As always, I’m up for feedback if you’re not comfortable with the list provided.
Second, this is the day after the reaping. The train has picked everyone up. Let’s just not think too hard about the process of picking up other tributes I spent my eight hour work shift trying to figure that one out and couldn’t so shhhh just go with it please I beg. Each district had their own train car but the train has a multitude of cars with a number of Districts. Just... don’t think too deep into this stuff.
Post opens, plot with folks, go off in all sorts of ways with what to do here. Obviously, everyone is still processing the reaping, but now the rebels are here? to release the tributes? What?
The rebels have made note that they’re not actually here, but pulling the strings from the outside. You can’t interact with them but if there’s something you think your character might want to do here, just come to me! We can probably figure something out. 
As stated before, please let me know if there are NPCs you want to write against. While I’m still deciding if I can even handle that, you are MORE THAN WELCOME to approach me to hc/rattle back and forth of your character interacting with an npc. Could be any npc you’d like. I’m trying to create backgrounds for the npcs and even give them some leel secrets. And who knows, some of them might want in on your cause and proven useful. But no matter what direction I go with writing them, you are always more than welcome to approach and come up with stuff behind the scenes to use.
This is going to be a longer event. The last one was super quick and so I want to give us some time with this one. I’m going to set an tentative three-and-a-half-week length for this task but I have no qualms with extending it if the end date approaches and we feel we could use more time here. I don’t want anyone to feel rushed or pressured so really ease into this one!
You know what to do with your Qs! I’m around pretty much all day.
District Two, District Four, District Six, District Eight, District Nine, District Twelve
District One, District Three, District Five, District Seven, District Ten, District Eleven.
Start date: Right now
End date: May 21st
Tag: Chapter Three
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illfoandillfie · 4 years
can we get A12 from prompt list 3 w/ himbo roger? pls its for my health - ☁️
Apologies that this is a bit late! I always find hypno stuff takes a bit longer, especially since I try and base it on files that already exist. Speaking of this was very much inspired by THIS hypno audio intended for a penis-having audience.
Anyway, did you know that erotic hypno is a whole ass subgenre of phone sex because that’s what I learned today! Also I felt like this scenario screamed hands free orgasm so oop that’s what ya getting
A12: Phone/video sex
After the first day of the conference where you were presenting about the steps your organisation was taking to reduce the rates of homelessness, all you wanted was to talk to Roger. He picked up quickly, sighed a tired hello into the phone, though his tone picked up when he realised it was you.
“I missed you,”
“Rog it’s been like 24 hours since I saw you,”
“Yeah I know. But today was…not great. Kinda just feel like being with you.”
“What happened?”
“Oh, nothing, not important. Tell me about your day, Ms Making-A-Difference,”
“Oh y’know, spent most of the day listening to various people speak. I got to meet some incredible people and learn about some really important work that they’re doing. But it’s honestly not the most thrilling thing in the world. The last session went on for like three hours. My presentation went well though, people seemed to respond favourably. Hopefully the panel tomorrow is just as good.”
“I am so proud of you,”
“Thanks. Now you go, what happened today that’s got you feeling down?” Roger sighed again, “Oh the usual band nonsense. Got into it with Bri about one of his contributions to the new album. It’s dumb and we’ll both be over it by tomorrow but right now I am sick of his shit.”
“Sorry I can’t be there to make you feel better,”
“It’s fine, hearing your voice is enough. Although, there might be something else you can do…Put me under?”
“Over the phone?”
“Why not?”
“I- Will that even work? Normally it’s face to face,”
“Yeah but it’s all about your voice and instructions. Distance shouldn’t matter,”
You considered what he said, ideas of what you could do already forming, “Okay.”
“Yes, let’s try. Just give me two minutes to lock the door so we aren’t interrupted,” you set the phone down and headed to the door, slipping your do not disturb hanger onto the outside handle, and then began stripping down to your underwear. Dropping your work clothes into a pile beside your suitcase, you knelt down and began digging through your neatly packed belongings until you located the small vibrator you’d begun travelling with.
 “Okay, back,” you said as you settled against the mattress, “are you comfy?”
“Very. Was already in bed when you called,”
“What are you wearing?”
“Bit cliché,” he laughed, “but um, my PJ pants,”
“Is that all?”
“Well I have undies on too,”
“You wanna change, remove some layers?”
“Slip into something more comfortable?”
“Exactly,” you chuckled, your excitement rising as you heard Roger stand up and remove his clothes.
“Alright, I’m starkers now,”
“Good boy. I was thinking we might play hands free,”
“And what does that mean?”
“Very simply, you’re going to drop for me, down down down, drop into that place you enjoy so much. Nothing to think about. No worries. No thoughts. Just the desire to please…” You’d hypnotised Roger enough times to know what worked for him and what didn’t, though it felt odd to be putting him under without any of the usual visual cues. But his breath was steady and deep and his voice was soft, almost far away, when he responded to your questions. You talked to him for a little longer than you normally would feel necessary, just to make sure everything stuck the way you wanted it to.
“That’s right, nice deep breaths. Now put your free hand over your head so it touches the headboard, okay? And stretch your legs out to the corners of the bed.” Roger hummed acknowledgement and you hoped that meant he’d followed the instruction.
“When I wake you, you wont be able to move your hands or feet. The hand over your head will be tied to the headboard, restrained, keeping you in place on the bed. Your feet will be tied down too, making it impossible to move. Your other hand will be glued to the phone so you can’t move it or touch yourself. You’ll be stuck in place, stuck listening to me, stuck, stuck, stuck. Okay, I’m going to count down from ten now. And when I reach one, you’ll be in such a deep, dumb state, that my words will become your complete and absolute reality. And you’ll feel so good just letting it happen, letting me take control. You’ll be so deep, so deep and dumb, and everything will feel so real. Connecting your mind and your body to my words, bringing you all those pleasurable sensations you are capable of feeling. Ten. Deeper and deeper, dumber and dumber. Nine. Just listening to me, to my voice and my words. Eight. Feeling everything so strongly, believing everything I say. Seven. Down, down, down, deeper and deeper. Six. Letting yourself relax. Five. And letting me take control. Four. Such a nice sensation. Three. Going deeper and deeper down. And the deeper you go, the dumber you are and the better you feel. And the better you feel the deeper you want to go. Two. Letting the cycle take you deeper and dumber and deeper. One.” You snapped your fingers into the receiver, “wake up,”
Roger hummed again.
“Hi baby,”
“Where are you? I can’t see you,”
“Of course not silly. I’m on the phone. I couldn’t be there with you but that doesn’t mean you can’t be my silly little plaything, does it? How do you feel?”
“Oh! Stuck!”
You heard a grunt as Roger tried to break free of his restraints, “Aww, poor boy, all tied up. But you’re turned on my it, aren’t you,”
“Yes,” his voice was soft as if he didn’t want to admit it.
“That’s so good! I want you to be turned on!”
“You do?”
“Such a Dummy. Of course I want you to be turned on. Because I’m going to do something special for you right now. It’s why you’re tied up. I’m going to make you cum and I don’t want you touching yourself and rushing it. You’re going to let me give you a blow job.”
“If you’re good and let me hear how much you like my blowjob, you’ll make me so wet. I love listening to you.”
“Good boy, I promise it’s going to be so much fun,”
“Now, close your eyes and think about me. Imagine me there with you. Naked. Kneeling between your spread legs. Feel the rope around your wrist and your ankles, really feel it. What’s it like?”
“Umm, tight. Rough. I can’t move. But it doesn’t hurt!”
“I hope not, I want you to feel good. Now, feel my fingers trace a line up your thigh,” Roger let out a small huff of air, “it tickles,”
“Yeah?” you smiled to yourself, happy it seemed to be working, “Feel now as I drag my finger higher up your thigh. Feel every sensation from my touch, slowly creeping up your leg. Feel your skin tingle where I touch you. Warm and wonderful. It’s like my fingers are activating your nerve endings wherever I touch you, making you feel nothing but pleasure. Let yourself feel it, that electrifying tingle running from where I touch you all the way up to your brain. Arousing you.” Roger’s breath came out shakier than before.
“And as my fingers drift up to your stomach, feel the warm trail follow. Across your stomach and then down to your cock. I bet that felt good. My hand, wrapping around your cock. You’re getting hard aren’t you?”
A small whimper, “Yes,”
“Good. I like how you feel, getting stiff in my hand. It turns me on. Makes my cunt wet and my mouth drool.” It wasn’t a total lie either. You weren’t drooling exactly but as you shifted your thighs together you could feel how wet you were. Roger groaned and you heard him shift.
“Uh uh uh, stay nice and still and let me pleasure you. I’m not going to release the ropes that bind you until you’re finished.”
He stilled again with another huff.
“Good boy. Just relax and feel my touch. Feel how hungry I am for your cock as I lower myself between your legs, stroking my hand over you. You look so big and hard in my hand. And that makes me want to taste you even more. Feel my hand move up and down your shaft as I lean in and press a kiss to the tip of your cock. You can feel my breath too, can’t you. My warm breath as I lick my lips, so ready to taste you. I can’t wait any more. I press my tongue to the base of your shaft and lick up to your tip.”
Another noise from Roger, too quiet.
“Let me here you Dummy. Let me hear how good I make you feel as I drag my tongue back down again.”
“Good Dummy. I lick back up to your lip again, flick my tongue along the underside of it. And you can feel that, can’t you? I say it so your brain feels it and your cock feels it too. My tongue flicking against you again. And again. Up and down. And again. It’s such a sensitive spot. It feels so good that your cock twitches.”
Roger’s breathing had lost all of the calm rhythm you’d put him under with. It was ragged and heavy as he waited for what you were going to do next, unable to move or speed you up.
“I think your balls need some attention now. My hand moves over your shaft again but you can feel my mouth against your balls. Feel as I kiss you there. A hot, wet kiss. Feel as I run my tongue over them. Enough to drive you crazy with lust. Especially when I suck one of your balls into my mouth. Let me hear you beg for me to suck your cock.”
“Please, please suck my cock. I’m so hard and I want you so bad.”
“You’re so good for me so I’m going to reward you. Feel my lips on your shaft again, leaving more wet kisses all around your cock. And up, up, up. Until I finally put my mouth around the tip of your cock,”
“Oh fuck, thank you,”
“So polite. You feel so much pleasure, just from this. Just my mouth around your tip. But you can feel more. And you do feel more as you watch me slide just that bit further down your cock. Feel how warm and wet my mouth is as I take more of you. Such intense pleasure. But you’re at my mercy now. Tied down for me to use, for me to control. You’re lucky I love sucking your cock. And I do love it. I’m so wet just from having you in my mouth. And you can feel how much I love it by how eagerly I take you. Feel that sucking motion now. Stretching my mouth to take even more of you, even further down your cock. And feel my hands on your hips, grabbing hold of you tight as I take you deeper. Adding to the pleasure.”
Roger’s moans were uninhibited and enthusiastic, and it was more than you could handle without some relief. As quickly as you could without disrupting what he was experiencing, you shuffled down the bed and peeled your knickers off one handed, tracing your fingers along your slit and around your clit.
“You can feel how deep I’m taking you now. Deep enough to choke on you, just a little. Gag around you. Feel my lips drag back up and then all the way back down again. Taking you as far as I can. One hand sliding down to cup your balls, massage them in my palm as I fill my throat with your cock. It feels so good. You’re so close. On the brink of cumming. And then it stops. I pull back off you, let go of you.”
Roger whined down the phone line.
“My mercy, remember. I am so fucking horny right now, so fucking wet. All from sucking you off. But you’re going to lie there, desperate, and listen to me get off before I’ll let you. Feel it as I wrap my lips around your tip again, sucking. And as I suck I get closer to orgasm.” You reached for the vibrator, pressing it to your clit, trying to keep your moan quiet so the next room wouldn’t hear you.
“You can fe-el it when I moan, feel it in your c-cock. Fuck. I sink lower. Suck harder. I’m so close baby,” you couldn’t get any more words out as the vibrator buzzed against you. But Roger was so lost in the sensation it didn’t matter. He believed everything, felt everything just as you described. Your orgasm hit and your hand tightened around the phone, Roger’s whines and harsh breaths audible as you rode it out. You turned the vibrator off and dropped it.
“Christ. You feel me moan again and rise up to your tip once more. Sucking so hard, begging you to fill my mouth with your cum. Cum for me baby.” You knew it had worked by the hitch in his breath and the stuttered moan that followed. “Good boy. Didn’t that feel so good? And now, you can feel yourself relaxing again as the ropes around your wrist and ankles loosen…”
 “Holy shit Y/N,” Roger said softly, half laughing, “You’re an evil genius.”
“Well I wouldn’t say genius. But I am pretty great.”
“I am covered in cum. I don’t think I’ve ever ejaculated quite so much.”
“I think you should document visual proof because I can think of at least two occasions that might have been more. Was it good enough to turn your day around though?”
“Absolutely. I can’t even remember why I felt so shitty.”
“I’m very glad to hear that,”
“Thank you. But it’s getting late, you should probably go to bed since you’ve got to speak again tomorrow.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right.”
“Plus, you’ll want to have some energy left when I call tomorrow night to return the favour.”
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bluebirdwrites · 4 years
falcon; dg
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> story of her i*
warnings; language? i think that’s it. fem!reader too, if that's a warning
authors note; had to rewrite this after tumblr glitched out lol, hopefully you enjoy (; btw, check my prompt lists, and maybe send some requests if you’d be so kind haha <3 — birdie
Life was a knife’s edge. A precarious tittering balancing act of ‘will we, wont we’ for the little people that could. Life was invigorating and maddening all in one. Your life was sprawling. Distant memories from a past life like a constant pull on your brain, whilst others consumed you wholly and solely until you knew of nothing else but flight.
Life and Flight were much the same in the sense of the feeling of exhilaration whilst there were no barriers, no social constructs. Nothing and everything all at once. It anchored you to consciousness and it anchored you to awareness. But flight was, after all, finite.
The incessance of nagging however, seemed to be beyond the comprehension of infinite, in your household anyway. With or without your agreement it only seemed to get worse with every new person, death, close call or injury. As the oldest it was your job to worry about everyone, sometimes it just didn't occur to you how much that they worried in return.
“Falcon, do you have eyes on the shipment?” She took a deep breath, sucking the air between clenched teeth.
“Affirmative Agent A,” she shifted from foot to foot, readying herself “Ill see you on the other side. Before you even say it, yes I know my chances. I know this is fuckin’ suicidal, but it needs to be done. Don’t tell anyone until I give the signal. Please. I’d like to keep the injuries to just me on this one. Falcon out.”
A reluctant confirmation was heard before the commlink was muted. 
She was a wild thing, she knew that. She was overprotective too, that she would also gladly admit. With reluctance, she would also admit that she was reckless at times. Stubborn and self-sacrificing. She was an angry creature too. It constantly licked at her conscience, it powered her wilful and it made her strong.
She shimmied through the hole that she’d created in the top of the shipping container, landing silently on the shoulders of a guard below. He struggled for a minute before he dropped to the ground, unconscious.
“Hell, maybe take me out for dinner first before putting your head between my thighs, it would have worked better,” she rolled her eyes, sucking in her cheeks. Now that one was knocked out she’d have to work quickly. She had her work cut out for her. 
She soon found herself surrounded by swarms of thugs with knives, fists, guns and tasers; anything that they could get their hands on really. She considered calling her family, she really did. But where was the fun in that.
She took them down in droves, but they kept on coming. For every one she knocked down, two more seemed to come in their place. By the time she called for backup, she had a gash down her side that was bleeding pretty heavy, and she had many more holes in her skin that weren’t supposed to be there.
“I wonder if he’ll try and ground me this time,” she kicked a thugs gun away and slammed him into a wall. “What the fuck possesses me to be such a basket case?” 
When her side decided that it would make her dizzy, she retreated to the high ground. Pulling out her comm and pressing the button three times, she wrapped her side and prepared to jump back into the fray.
After another ten minutes there were around five thugs left, they managed to finally incapacitate her. Two guys held her up whilst the other three questioned her. 
“You look pretty bloodied up there sweetheart. I hear you’re quite the looker, shame we had to mess up that pretty face of yours.” The thug stuck his finger into her wounded side.
“Wow, nice to know I have your approval,” she spat in the thugs face, smirking as blood and spit splattered on his cheeks and dripped down her chin. “Do your worst buddy, I’m a big girl I can take it.”
One minute, she was getting kicked on the ground, the next she was seeing flashes of bats, birds and gunslingers. The last guy to go down went down with a thud, hitting the ground probably harder than he should have. It hurt to breathe but she couldn't let them see how hurt she really was, although the gash in her side said otherwise.
Forcing herself upwards she looked toward the bat with a wince. She was in so much trouble.
“Good job guys,” She took a deep breath holding her side. “You really helped me out there. Now, if it’s no trouble, I’m just going to head back to my apartment. Okay? Okay.”
She was immediately stopped by a flash of green grabbing her arm as she attempted to stand. With a glare identical to his fathers, Damien tugged her arm over his shoulder immediately tugging her to stand.
“Grayson, I am aware that you have a death wish, but this is not the time. You are coming back to the cave, stop being idiotic.” He motioned to Jason and Dick to take his place whilst himself and Tim dealt with the clean-up job. Jason sauntered over, slinging her arm over his shoulder whilst Dick jerkily did the same on the other side.
They were both worried, how she hadn't bled out and died they were shocked. But neither questioned it as they hurried to get their sister safely back to the cave, alive preferably.
Now that she was back at the cave she let Alfred take care of her whilst Dick hovered. The gash in her side required many stitches, so did the two bullet holes. She was off duty for a few months, and everyone knew she would only keep going this way. 
“Don’t glare at me Richard. And before you start getting all mushy on me, go upstairs and distract Jason before he comes down here to frog march me,” she scowled meaningfully puffing our a breath of air. “I love you too and I’m just wound up, I’ll be up soon okay?”
He nodded and began walking upstairs, knowing he and their brothers would tag team her later. That- and Tim was waiting to speak to her, so he’d leave them alone sibling to sibling. And they’d have their own conversation when they’d both calmed later.
“You keep making us think that we’ll lose you. God, you’re reckless,” he tugged at the roots of his hair before marching towards her and squeezing her tight. “Please don’t be so reckless, we kind of need you. All of us.”
“Sure thing Timmy,” she pulled back from the hug when he was ready. “It’s weird seeing you all so worried about me. Go on upstairs, I’ll be up soon. Do me a favour and tell Dick not to worry so much either, I get the whole ‘you’re my only biological family left’ thing, but it gets smothering.” 
After a reluctant nod he too left to wait for her upstairs. She ran her hand through her hair before squinting in the darkness. She frowned, before letting out a low chuckle.
“Come out Bruce,” she licked her lips, cracked and itchy. “I know you, always hiding in the shadows. Pessimistic shit you are.”
He emerged from the darkness with a grimace, words burning on the tip of his tongue. He paused, staring at her for a moment. He looked older, seemingly having aged years in a few hours. He walked closer, sinking down close beside her, uncharacteristically open.
“You could have died,” he stared at her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder in a rare moment of fatherly affection. “Tell me one thing, why didn't you call for back-up?”
“Because,” she said leaning her head on his shoulder, and listening to Jason scream he was coming down to her. “I don't want he others to get hurt. God knows you’re worse than I am Dad. I do it because in my own way, I’m keeping you safe by putting myself through hell. If that's all you wanted to know, can you help me upstairs before Jason comes down to carry me up?”
They made their was upstairs, towards the rest of the family. She was the anchor, but like all anchors, she still needed a ship to guide her.
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anosrepasi · 4 years
hi 🥺🥺🥺 i don’t mean to make you feel rushed at all or anything, of course you deserve all the love in the world, but i was just wondering if you were going to update lingua franca in the near future?? again, take all the time you need, i’m just a curious fan of the work you’ve put in. i always make sure to check the status every day just so i don’t miss anything. i’ve been thinking about it almost constantly since your last update. thank u for everything!!
Hi anon! Lingua Franca will be updated on 9/28 :) So hopefully you wont have to keep checking everyday. As of tomorrow ill have worked 13 ten-hour shifts in 14 days so I'm a little stretched thin at the moment and want to make sure I don't just rush through the next chap to get it posted.
Thank you for checking in and i love the fact youre so excited for the next update, i hope ill have it for you soon!! <3
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legends-of-nisty · 5 years
Run From Home
Fandom: Fairytail
Ship Title: Gajevy/Gale
A.N.: Hello everyone. Apparently my last one wasn't as bad as I thought considering you all wanted a second chapter. Soooooo here it is. Hopefully chapter 3 won't be far behind. Enjoy :)
Disclaimer: I do not own Fariytail or it’s characters
Chapter 2
“Thank you for the coffee.” I say as he sets a mug in front of me. Gajeel had taken me to a local place that was popular after the baseball games but we were lucky enough to beat the rush as the game had gone into extra innings.
“Yer welcome…” He says gruffly as he sits down next to me. I hug my fingers around the warm ceramic letting the heat calm my nerves.
"Ya okay?" He asks taking his hat off and I can’t help but look at him. He’s ridiculously attractive but in an unorthodox way.
"Ya" I manage a smile.
"I'm okay, just a bit shook up I guess." I answer and he looks away, his cheeks turning a soft pink.
"Sorry again bout the kiss…" He mumbles.
"I shoulda stopped after I dumped my beer on em." He takes a drink from his coffee to cover his awkwardness and he must have burnt his tongue because mine is still piping hot.
"No, it's alright… I-it was actually very nice." I stammer and mumble into my own cup. I see him raise an eyebrow a bit surprised then grin.
"Gonna hafta get a neck brace or something if ya wanna make it a habit." He rubs at his neck dramatically but still grinning. "It's a long way down ta yer lips. Gihihi" He laughs and my cheeks flame. He wants to kiss me again?!
He laughs harder when he sees my blush and shakes his head.
"Relax shorty. I'm only kidding" he says and grins at me and my eyes get caught on his teeth which look surprisingly sharp. I almost miss his next words when he speaks but I catch them.
"We'll get ya a step stool." My blush goes crimson and I want to be mad at this stranger I only met an hour or so ago but I find myself giggling along with him. I can tell he's just trying to cheer me up and it's working. He takes a sip of his coffee and I mirror him.
"So Gajeel… what do you do for a living?" I ask shifting the topic wanting to know more about this man.
"Now?" He asks and I nod.
"Play baseball for the Fairies" He says after a moment and with a shrug like he just told me he worked at this coffee house. My eyes go wide and I lean forward in my seat.
"What?! How?! You were just watching a game less than an hour ago!" I say a bit more than a little disbelieving. I don't recognize him and I would even If he were the bat boy for the team. He's not a physique you miss and I've never seen him before today. He grins at my disbelief.
"Just got called up yesterday ta play for em from my farm team." He explains and I still don’t believe him.
"Then why weren't you on the field today?" I ask crossing my arms thinking that I'm calling his bluff. His smile fades a bit.
"My old man…" He starts off, sitting back in his chair.
"He took me ta a bunch of games when I was small then one day we were at a game and I was comin back from the men's room and he was just…" He makes a shrugging motion with his hand.
"Gone." My expression changes from disbelief to sympathy as he talks. He stares into his coffee for a moment before he speaks up again.
"Today was ten years since he disappeared. I go ta that game every year and sit in the same seats." He shifted in his seat not making eye contact with me.
"My agent worked it out so I could still watch this game. I start with the Fairies next one." He says and finally looks up at me. My heart swells in my chest but part of me, the meaner part of me, wants to call him a liar but he seems so sincere in his words.
I open my mouth to say something but before I was able to say anything, my phone buzzed in my pocket and I felt a knot form in my stomach. The dread must have shown on my face because Gajeel’s expression darkened.
“What?” He questioned as I pulled out my phone.
“That asshole messagin ya?” He said not concealing the fact that he was still angry. I unlocked my phone and tapped the new message which of course was from Todd.
‘U have some explaining 2 do! How could u kiss another guy!? Do u know how hurt I am???’
I read it twice in my head feeling guilt wash over me. I shouldn’t be here. I shouldn’t have kissed Gajeel. It was wrong of me to do that. I should have pushed him away. I should have-
“Oie. Shrimp.” Gajeel calls waving his hand in front of my face bringing me back but instinctively I flinch away from his hand before I realize it’s not Todd I’m with. Gajeel’s face grew increasingly angry.
“Does that fucker hit you?” He asks with a calm voice and a look that would scare a demon. He really isn’t one for beating around the bush. I shake my head after a minute but I’m a terrible liar so I look away hoping he wont see the truth.
“No, Todd just gets a bit… excited when he talks sometimes.” I mummble and hug my arms covering the bruise with my hand. He hadn’t technically hit me. It was the bannister that had left the bruise but it was his push that made me fall into it.
It was only once. It didn’t mean anything and he had apologized right after. He told me he loved me and that he would change. He had bought the tickets that night for the baseball game and gave them to me as a gift.
It was only once.
I repeat it to myself because maybe if I think it enough I’ll believe it was only once. I’d believe that his hand gripping my arm roughly wasn’t that bad or him forcing himself on me when I didn’t want to was just him persuading me to make love.
Because I do love him… I do… Don’t I?
Gajeel watchs my face as I’m thinking all of this and his expression does not lessen it’s rage. I pretend not to notice and blow on my coffee to fill the silence.
“You live with him?” He asks clarifying what I already told him, his voice unreadable in tone. I nod in answer this time and I see his jaw go tight.
I feel my phone buzz again in my pocket and I ignore it for now.
“It’s really not going to be a big deal.” I say, feeling my phone buzz again.
“We’ll talk when I get home and it will all be okay.” Another vibrate.
“It was all a misunderstanding.” Again it buzzes against my leg and I debate putting it on silent as I know Gajeel can hear it and, combined with my unlikely prediction for the evening, is making him look rather skeptical.
Another buzz and Gajeel raises an eyebrow. “You gonna answer that?” He asks, thinking it’s a phone call from the frequency of the vibrations and I blush.
“I think they’re just texts.” I say embarrassedly pulling out my phone. I open the messages one by one and feel my anxiety growing.
‘Where the hell r u?!?’
‘U better not b fucking that goth emo reject from the game.’
‘U slut.’
‘Ur going 2 b so srry when u get home.’
I read them and feel my face go pale.
“I need to go.” I say standing up and grabbing my purse. Gajeel looks up at me clearly knowing something is going on.
“What’d he say?” He asks looking at the phone still in my hand that I slip into my pocket self consciously.
“Nothing but I need to be getting home now.” I repeat trying to force a smile that doesn’t reach my eyes.
“It was really nice meeting you Gajeel, even under the circumstances.” I mean this and try to be genuine as I say it but my stomach is tight with anxiety. He looks at me not sure what to say then he pulls out his phone and taps a few buttons.
“What’s yer number?” He asks looking up and he mistakes my anxiety for nervousness at his request.
“Don’t worry shorty I’m not lookin for a date. But I owe ya a baseball game.” He says and I pause for a moment. I don’t want him to buy me a ticket to a game but then again, if he's telling the truth, he likely gets free tickets, if Todd allows me to go that is.
Then there is also the fact that I very much want to have his number. I haven’t had a friend in a long time and even if he's a liar at least he knows something about baseball so we can chat about it.
I end up telling him my number and he punches it in before standing up.
“I’ll get you a to go cup.” He says and walks over to the counter to retrieve the two cups for our drinks that we didn’t get the chance to finish.
“Do ya need a ride home? It’s late and the subway is gonna be filled with fuckers trying to rob, rape or kill ya.” He says and he smiles a bit and I think he’s attempting a joke. I smile more at the attempt then at the joke because he is trying and its cute but that was terrible.
“If you wouldn’t mind dropping me off I’d appreciate it.” I say transferring my drink as he does. He nods and we go out to the parking lot.
The ride is surprisingly comfortable despite the lack of conversation but the silence is filled but the radio as it plays smooth jazz music. Never would have thought him the type for it but I notice him getting into it every now and then, as he slightly bobs his head from side to side.
As we get closer to my place, my anxiety changes to fear and I lose focus of much else.
“Could you park around the block?” I ask, thinking ahead. If Todd sees me get dropped off by Gajeel, tonight could go much worse than it already will. I notice Gajeel give me a sidelong glance but he says nothing and does as I ask.
“Thank you for the ride, and the popcorn… and the coffee.” I say motioning with the cup as the car comes to a stop at the curb.
“And the kiss?” He asks looking at me and he’s smiling in a way that makes my stomach clench in a very different way then it was mere moments before. My cheeks burn from the blush that floods them and I don’t realize I’m nodding till he grins wider. My hand fumbles for the door handle as my guilt resurfaces.
“Maybe one day we’ll come back ta that.” He says shifting in his seat to focus back on the road as I open my door. I don’t answer him as I step out but manage another quick ‘thank you’ before closing the door.
I watch him drive away before I turn and start walking up the street. So many emotions swirl inside my head and my chest that I barely know what to feel when I arrive at our door. I go to put the key in the lock but hear it suddenly and quickly be unlocked from the other side.
Oh right, fear.
Fear is what I’m feeling.
A.N.: Thank you all for reading! Hope you enjoyed! Feedback is always welcome and appreciated. If you have any comment or questions about this fanfic, another one I wrote, or just me in general feel free to contact me :)
I know this one was kinda bad but maybe I’ll continue it but maybe I won’t, In either case I hope to see all of you in the next fanfic!
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whattimeisitintokyo · 5 years
Chapter 35: I Could Never Hate You (PART 1)
 Once again work has sapped me of all of my energy and creativity and has made me a literal zombie. Twelve hour shifts will do that to you. The good news is in a few weeks my work will go back to eight hours shifts so maybe I wont be so drained. It may not seem like a big difference but let me assure you: Those four extra hours a day make all the difference in the world! 
But until the new chapter is finished I figured I would post the first part of it. It’s not much, but it includes an old friend. Hopefully I’ll finish the chapter soon, but I can’t make any promises.
Chapter 35: I Could Never Hate You (PART 1)
                 “This now concludes your Limbo experience with your loved one in mortal peril. Welcome back to the Land of the Dead. Please remain seated until your assigned attendant can safely remove your Limbo Lenses and motion gloves.”
               With a flick of his wrist old man Chicharrón flung away the prepared pamphlet of sayings, that he really should have memorized by now after all these years but refused to do it purely out of spite, onto his desk and with a grunt hopped off his chair and out of the office. Grumbling quietly to himself he made his way over to the little girl sitting on the oversized lounge chair with that stupid contraption wrapped around her head and gloves covering her hands. ‘Very advanced technology’ some of the higher ups had told him when the Limbo Lenses were first produced. ‘We can now make the transition from life to death much faster for those stuck in Limbo. And make it peaceful too’
Advanced? Pah. Nothing advanced about ugly purple oven mitts with a thousand wires coming out the ends and what looked like lit up aviator goggles with five-foot-long antennae wobbling back and forth. It was ridiculous looking and very complicated to start up and shut down. After performing quite a few Limbo runs with other skeletons Chich should have now been able to do it in his sleep without having to consult the manual every time. But he refused to learn it. Again, out of spite.
With a few knob twists and buttons pushed steam was let out of the goggles, letting Chich safely remove them from his client. The little girl blinked rapidly, letting her eyes adjust to the natural light, while he also slipped the gloves off her hands. She clenched her phalanges thoughtfully as she stared at them, as if coming down back from reality. They were not soft light anymore, but healthy white bones. With a sigh she looked up at Chich, and flinched back at his glare.
“What were you told to do?” Chich asked with his arms crossed as he glared at her.
With a huff he turned to stomp back into his office, grab something and came back in, waving a piece of paper. “Leticia Rivera. When you signed out the forms letting you progress into Limbo, you specifically checked the LIFE box. That is to say you were going to coax your father back into the Land of the Living so he can live out his happy little life. And what were the specifications of going the life route?”
“Vagueness. You were told to be as vague as possible. No clues about who you are, what you want, not even if you were male or female. Just a non-threatening, anonymous entity to lead Héctor Rivera back to life. And exactly what did you say to him?”
Leti looked down at her hands sheepishly, picking at a ridge in her knuckle joint, and softly mumbled, “Feel better Papá?”
“Papá! Exactamente!” Chich paced in front of Leti and continued to grumble. “If you had checked the DEATH box, you could have called him Papá, Papi, Papita, I don’t care. But you checked LIFE. Unless he has more dead kids that I’m not aware of he would have known it was you, and would have been pulled into the Land of the Dead, which means I’d have to refile the paperwork and probably get a citation for poor Limbo management skills again. Then I’d have to go to that stupid retraining seminar and-”
“What does it matter?”
A small, teary voice interrupted Chich’s little tirade. He turned sharply towards the girl to chastise her, but his brows shot up in alarm. Leti’s mouth was in a thin trembling line and her eyes were glossy with unshed tears as she hugged herself. The angry words that had been flowing freely out of his mouth before were now stuck in his throat as he watched the little girl slightly curl forward with a sniffle.
“He won’t remember anything that happens, right? It doesn’t matter what I said. I just wanted to… somehow show him that he was safe, that he shouldn’t be afraid. That I lo… love him so much.” And much to the old skeleton’s horror, Leti covered her face with her hands and started to cry like a child.
Because that’s what she was. Not some absent-minded simpleton who barely skimmed through the instruction manual and promptly forgot the rules.
She was a child, separated from her father, who just wanted to speak to him one last time.
As Leti continued to gently weep, Chich made a quick dash to his office and pulled out his metal lunch kit. Flipping it open he tossed aside the sandwich and pulled out a bottle of his favorite apple soda and a freshly baked concha wrapped in a napkin. His non-existent gut clenched at the thought of losing his dessert, but desperate times called for desperate measures. Making his way back to Leta, he loudly clunked the bottle on the table next to her. Startled, the little skeleton looked up and saw the snacks sitting next to her, then looked at Chich with confusion.
“Uh… p-please remain seated for at least ten minutes after the removal of your Limbo Lenses and gloves.” Chich stammered as he tried to come up with what he hoped was legit sounding instructions off the top of his head. “Transferring from light-ball to bone can lead to some troubling side effects, including dizziness, nausea, vomiting-”
“But skeletons can’t vom-”
“Ah you’d think that, si?” Chich chuckled nervously as he scratched the back of his neck. “W-well… That’s true for normal skeletons! But when you turn into a ball of light it uh-… messes with all the bone molecules and particles and monocles… that can cause physical ailments that mimic real life illnesses. Very scientific stuff, you wouldn’t understand. But anyway, to combat this, the Department of Family Reunions offers you these complimentary snacks to aid you in your recovery.”
Leti looked at the soda and pan dulce morosely for a bit and sniffled. “I don’t feel sick. I don’t need it.”
“I am not legally allowed to let you leave without eating something. Stupid rules, I know, but trust me it will make you feel better. Here, I’ll even open the bottle for you.”
Taking the bottle from the table he jammed the mouth of it into his eye socket and squinted down hard. With a jerk he popped the cap of the bottle off, letting it fall and clatter into his skull. As he handed the bottle back to Leti he tilted his head back and spit the cap into the air, catching it neatly between two fingers.
“Woah!” Leti exclaimed as she took the soda. “I didn’t know we could do that!”
Chich chuckled as he tossed the cap into the trash bin. “When you’ve been dead as long as me you learn to get creative with your bones. Helps pass the time. Now eat up.”
They sat there quietly for a few minutes while Leti slowly ate the concha. Her amazement at Chich’s trick faded quickly and her sadness returned, making each bite look painful as she swallowed. Chich twiddled his thumbs as he watched her, his jaw clenched tightly as he tried to find something else to say to make her feel better. As he racked his brain trying to think of something, Leti again spoke up.
“I’m sorry.”
Chich blinked at her in confusion. “Que?”
Leti mumbled around the lip of the bottle. “I’m sorry I broke the rules. I didn’t mean to get you in trouble.”
“Aw.” Chich pulled the green visor from the top of his head and rubbed awkwardly on his bald skull. “You didn’t get me in trouble, and you didn’t break the rules. Look chica: the thing about viejos like me is… We feel that we’ve earned the right to be cantankerous and ornery with people. So, if any little thing bugs us, we feel that its within our rights to blow it way out of proportion. But I shouldn’t have lost my temper at a kid. And for that I’m sorry.”
Leti nodded slowly at the apology, but still looked to down-hearted for Chich’s liking. With a smile he leaned over to her. “For the record I think you did a good thing.”
Leti looked up at him. “I did?”
“Si.” Chich crossed his arms and leant back in his chair. “Most kids would want to have their parents join them in death as soon as possible. But not you. And not because you don’t love your parents, it’s because that you do. You love them enough to let them live out their natural lives. When you checked the LIFE box I was very surprised and impressed. Shows that you’re very mature.”
Leti smiled faintly at the praise. “My little brother needs his Papá.”
Chich nodded sagely, then chuckled a little to himself. “Though you did beat your Papá up, so you’re not that mature.”
Leti scoffed at him and pouted. “I didn’t beat him up! I simply… knocked some sense into him. You don’t know what he’s like. He’s pretty dense! Do you know what happened on Dia de Muertos three years ago?”
They chatted for a few more minutes, laughing at stories while Leti finished eating and Chich finished the paperwork. Once Leti signed the last form she drained the apple soda to the last drop and handed Chich the bottle.
“Gracias for the snack, Señor Chicharrón. It did help after all. All of my… monocles are in perfect working order.” She said with a smirk as she formed a circle with her fingers and held it up to her eye.
Ah, she figured it out.
“Hmmph,” Chich grunted and snatched the bottle to toss it in the bin. “You’re pretty smart for a kid.”
Leti puffed out her chest. “Well, technically I am twenty years old.”
Chich sneered. “Oh ho ho! Such a wealth of wisdom you must have then.” With a final signature he put the last paper in the outgoing folder and closed it up. “Okay chica, you’re all finished. Want me to call your abuelos to let them know you’re done?”
“Nah, they already know I’m going to Shantytown afterwards.”
Chich’s eyebrows shot up again at that. “Shantytown?”
“Si!” Leti nodded happily. “I’ve gotta go tell Nieve all about what I saw and what I did. I just know she’ll be dying to know! Or- well- you know what I mean. Adios!” A spring back in her step she made her way out the door and down the hallway. Before Chich could settle back down he heard the screech of shoes on the linoleum floor and Leti was back in the doorway. “Oh! And you’ll let me know when Tio Nesto is here?”
Chich waved her off. “Once he’s in the ground we’ll let you know, don’t worry. Go on now.”
“Great! Gracias Señor Chicharrón!” With one last smile Leti dashed out the door, leaving Chich in the peace and quiet of his office.
“Weird kid.” Chich said with a shake of his head as he pulled a newspaper out of his desk. “Who in their right mind would want to go to Shantytown?” As he settled down for his afternoon break with his paper and his lunch- now sans dessert- Chich couldn’t help but smile.
Weird kid indeed.
But very sweet too.
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Stay Here Tonight
So I wasn’t going to continue this but somebody commented asking for more. I feel like this is as far as it’s going to go now, but that doesn't mean that I don't have any more stories. it’s just difficult finding time to write when I work 50hrs a week. Thank you all for your notes and likes, it really has boosted my confidence. I know they're not perfect, but hopefully one day, I’ll be as good as everybody else writing in this fandom.  I’ve tried to link the previous parts. I'm still new to Tumblr so I'm not sure I've done it right but oh well. Tagging @kneekeyta @lily-pop-2 @eveerez @mmfdfanfic
Part One       Part Two
“Stay here tonight.”
It’s been nine days since the night that the horrible ordeal had taken place. He wishes he could forget but he can’t. It’s been eight nights that he’s woken during the night to either the bed shaking from her quiet sobs, or worse, her loud panicked screams. If he can’t get it off his mind, then he’s not sure how anyone expects Rae to. She’s the one who experienced it not him. He’s sat on the lounge absolutely shattered. Its 5pm and although he wanted to start the fixings for dinner off, you know give his dad a hand, he hasn’t got the energy. He thinks to himself, he’ll give it an extra ten minutes, and then he’ll start. He doesn’t know what he’d do without his dad. He’d been there at his beckon and call. Finn’s not really had to ask for much the last few days, his dad had always just been there, with whatever if was Finn needed. Rae shifts slightly and he looks down to track her movement. She’s got her head in his lap, she’s fast asleep, and when she looks this still and peaceful, like the other night hadn’t happened, it gives him hope that she’ll be able to get through it eventually. His eyes brim with tears, he thinks he’s done well to keep it together recently, in fact bar the night he went to collect her, he’s not really cried at all. He feels like crying all the time. The pain in her screams, her begging ‘please get off me’, in the early hours, almost brings him to tears, but if she was to come-to, to him crying, well that’s something he doesn’t want her to deal with. He wants her to know she can tell him anything, and her finding him crying isn’t going to do anything but stop her from telling him things.  
He softly strokes her hair, careful not to disturb her sleep. He hears a key turning in the front door as a few of his tears tail down his cheeks. He keeps his head down as his dad walks through to the lounge calling an “evening son”, while squeezing his shoulder in only a parental way. Finn doesn’t say anything, he can’t. He’s too overcome with emotions to vocalise any sort of reply, so he just stays softly stroking Rae’s hair. He hears something being placed on the table and looks up to see his dad placing a cup of tea on top. “Tea makes everything alright, ay son” just a few simple words from his dad and his front is broken. He carefully lifts Rae’s head off his lap and places it onto a cushion, before walking into the kitchen, his dad hot on his footsteps. Once in the kitchen with the door closed he lets it all out, his dad catching him in his arms. He’s not sure how long he’s spent in his dad’s arms, but he’s not ashamed. He’s been a daddy’s boy for as long as he can remember, even before his mum left. She never was much interested in him to be honest, always thought he was in the way. He remembers trying to be a brave big boy when he found out she left for good, didn’t bother his dad much, made out like he was fine with the new reduced living arrangements, but in the small of the night, he’d crawl into his dads bed and slot himself into his dads arms.
“You need some sleep son, everything is always a lot harder to deal with when you’re running off hardly any sleep”. Finn nods, he knows this, it’s just so hard to sleep when the girl you’re in love with is verging on a panic attack or a flashback. “I’m sorry dad, this mustn’t be easy on you. Rae’s not sleeping well, I try to calm her quickly; I try not to wake you. I don’t know though, it’s always worse when she’s been to see Kester.” Gary swallows, he’s got his own tears in his eyes “it’s alright, can’t be helped son, I just wished there was something I could do to help.”
Finn was shocked earlier this afternoon when he found Rae on his doorstep, she looked pale, and exhausted but the smile she’d gave him warmed him. He’d helped her up and led her into the lounge where they’d spent the majority of the remaining afternoon talking and cuddling. She’d explained how her therapy session with her mum and Kester had gone. As he had thought, her mum wasn’t one hundred per cent certain on what had actually happened, and in true Earl/Booshtat women fashion, they’d come to heads, which had resulted in Rae walking back to Finns. Rae had explained how her mum had called her foolish for not reporting this to the police, and Rae had told her mum that she obviously didn’t care much, if she had only just realised the extent of that night, over a week later. Finn had tried to explain to Rae that while Linda calling her foolish had been wrong, it was more likely a slip of the tongue, through worry for her daughter. After Rae had settled down, Finn had wrapped her in a blanket and they’d settled down to watch a few films, but Rae hadn’t made it ten minutes in before nodding off. He suspected Linda would be round tonight to collect her daughter, as there had been an on going argument the last three about Rae’s refusal to go home.
Finn finally lets his worries slip and confines in his dad, “Da, I’m worried what will happen when Rae goes home, I suspect Linda will be round for her tonight, and if I’m not there, and Rae needs me, what’s going to happen?”
“It’ll be alright, Rae can call at any hour, I can drive you round if need be, and anyway, Rae is always welcome here. Whenever, even if you’re not here.” Finn nods and before he can answer there’s a distant knocking on the door. He makes his way through the living room, Rae still sleeping on the couch, she must really need it, and if it were up to him, he’d leave her sleeping. Once he gets to his door he knows who it is by their silhouette. “Hi Linda”, he smiles as he opens the door, Linda smiles back and makes her way past Finn. She’d been round a lot over the last week, and so her making her own way through his house is nothing new. He closes the door softly behind her and follows her through to the living room hoping she hasn’t woken Rae yet. If anybody is going to wake her it should be him, providing she came here to see him, and he’s the only one she trusts enough to fall asleep in the company of. When he reaches the living room however, he’s shocked to find Linda with tears in her eyes, gazing down at her daughter, he notes that her breath is quite short, so he walks over to her and slowly puts an arm over her shoulder. He hopes he hasn’t freaked her out with his weird behaviour, but Linda must find it comforting as she tucks herself into his chest. She cries softly on his shoulder, and for a while there’s nothing but the silence and Rae’s occasional soft snore. “How did I miss it” he can hear her mutter to herself over and over along with the occasional outpour about her being the worst mum. Finn knows that no matter how much of a fight and protest Rae puts up tonight, Linda will not leave this house without her so he thinks its about time he lets Linda in on what she should expect.
“I know tonight is the night that you’ll be taking Rae home even if she does protest, but before you wake her I think you need to know that she’s been having these panic attacks, and these ermmm flashbacks. Sometimes maybe once a night, however, really its normally about three.” he breaths “She she screams out quite a lot, and if she doesn’t scream, then she sobs, like uncontrollably. Some nights its been really difficult to calm her, however although its not guaranteed, she settles if I pull her into my chest, or cradle her in my arms, sing to her, or put the radio on. Once she’s calmed enough, I usually get her a bru, or an orange juice, just something sweet to help with the shock and then when she’s ready, I stroke her hair while she falls back to sleep.” he’s exhausted thinking about it. He’s not sure how Linda is going to be able to manage when she’s almost eight months pregnant. She already looks almost as tired as he does, and he knows she’s had a lot more sleep than he has.
“I didn’t know she was having nightmares, I, err thanks Finn for all you’ve done, I do appreciate it, but Rae needs to come home now, get back to normal, it’s the only way she’s going to move on from this. And I don’t approve of you sharing a bed. Your dad might have not cottoned on yet, but I have.”
“Look, we’re not having sex if that’s what you’re thinking. I couldn’t not after something like this. It’s just, Rae wont settle if I’ve not been there. I’m sorry I went against your wishes but I just wanted to do right by Rae, make sure I could provide her with everything she needed. And if that means going against your wishes then I did it still. I just tried to do what I thought was best. For her.” he feels embarrassed that he’s just openly admitted to sleeping in the same bed as Rae, and even more mortified that he’s used the word sex in her mothers company. Something behind Linda’s eye shifts and her face is soft and compassionate.
“Finn, I wasn’t having a dig, I do appreciate everything you have done. And if she’s been having nightmares and she’s needed you then I too will turn a blind eye to the bed sharing. However, I do think it’s time she comes home, she’s got to start feeling comfortable in her own company again. Chloe’s been on the phone nonstop asking when she’ll be home too. I suspect she’s rang here too.”
Fucking Chloe he thinks, no of course Chloe hadn’t rang him. She wouldn’t dare, not when she’s the reason why Rae ended up in this mess. When Izzy called round the start of the week she had been absolutely furious. So furious in fact he’d had to call Chop and get him round. Chop had been taken a back by Rae’s appearance; he’d noted how pale and fragile she looked. Rae had done nothing but sob after they left that night, and even the following morning she’d been a little teary. That was until a parcel had arrived at Finns for her, consisting of a fresh dressing gown and some slippers with ‘The Daddy’ quoted on them. That night Finn had rang Chop and thanked him after he’d settled Rae. He contemplates telling Linda about Chloe but settles on not, if Rae wanted her to know it all she would have told her already.
 “How long has she been sleeping for? We really should be getting a move on.” Linda questions. Finn looks over to the clock; he knows if he says exactly how long, Linda will wake her. “Erm I’m not too sure, not too long, I know she came straight here after walking out of Kester’s…” Linda’s eyes drop guiltily, Finn notices. “She was a bit upset when she got here, so we talked a bit and then watched some TV, so maybe not that long after all. I think she really needs it to be honest, she’s not slept much the last two nights.”
 As if it had been rehearsed, his dad walks out of the kitchen asking Linda if she would like a bru and a chat. Linda takes one final look at Rae before agreeing with Gary. Finn smiles at his dad in thanks as they head back into the kitchen, where he knows his dad will try to keep Linda occupied for as long as he can, so he can prepare Rae. He perches on the coffee table in front of Rae, his elbows resting on his knees, hands around his mouth, just watching her. He notices her eyes are twitching quite a lot, and he wonders if she’s beginning to wake up. He ponders on what he’s going to tell her, how is he going to break it to her that even though she’s told him that she doesn’t feel safe without him, her mums here and she is going to have to go home tonight. His head hurts with him thinking about it.
 Rae stretches and yawns, her eyes are still closed but her right hand moves above her head as if she’s searching for something, when she reaches as far as she can and still she’s empty handed, she bolts upright, searching. Finn isn’t sure what she’s looking for but her bolting awake like that has him worrying for her “hey, it’s okay… you’re okay Rae, you’re safe.” he reassures her. Rae’s eyes lock on his and her worried expression changes to one of relief. She smiles as if she’s embarrassed to have been caught in such a panic. Finn returns the smile as he takes a seat next to her. He wraps his left arm around her shoulder and she settles into his chest. His leg shakes and he knows he’ll have to break it to her soon, but he doesn’t know how. “Just tell me.” she speaks softly. Finn wraps her in both his arms and drops a kiss onto her hair, “I’m sorry Rae, but your mums here. She won’t leave you another night.” He feels her nod and before long he feels a droplet of her tears land on his arm “I tried Rae, I tried to explain that you need comforting, and that you feel slightly calmer here, but she said you need to get used to being in your own company again. I do agree with her, but not this soon.”
 Rae continues to nod her head, she continues to cry too. Finn drops kiss after kiss onto her hair; he’s unashamed that he’s softly crying also. “I don’t want to go, I like being here with you. I feel safe with you. When I’m alone I panic and I think he’s going to find me, he’s going to come out of the shadows.” All Finn can reply is that he knows, and that she’ll be safe at home too. “I love having you here Rae, and if it were up to me, I’d let you stay, but it isn’t. You can call me whenever though, whatever you need okay, all you have to do is call me.” He kisses her hair again; over and over hoping to show her how much he loves her. He isn’t sure how long they’ve both been allowed to sit there peacefully in each other’s company, but he knows their time together is running thin. Just as he’s about to air his concern over this, the kitchen door opens, and out walks his dad, followed by Linda. He feels Rae tense, so he pulls her closer and whispers she’ll be okay. “Rae love, its about time we head home now, don’t you think?” she doesn’t reply, just pushes her head deeper into Finn’s chest. Linda continues once she notices her daughter isn’t going to reply, “Finn can visit, he can call…” still there isn’t a reply from Rae, “what do you say about coming round for tea Wednesday, you too Gary. I’ll even do hotpot Rae, I know it’s your favourite.” Linda looks over to Finn with pleading eyes; he can tell that this is taking much more work than she bargained for.  He’s not happy about being told he can call round for tea in two days, what about tomorrow for fucks sake, he’s cared for Rae hourly over the last week or so, and for Linda to turn around and tell him to call round for tea in two days is an insult. He knows he can’t show his anger, for one it might scare Rae, but it could also make it a lot harder for her to leave to, so he takes a deep breath before speaking so softly, “Yes, I’ll come for tea, but I’ll also call round tomorrow Rae, and you know, you just call me, I’ll be there.” Rae nods, and although Linda looks slightly miffed, Finn can tell that she’s also made up with Rae’s co-operation.
 Finn had forgot his dad was in the room by the time Gary speaks up “I’ll just go and get your bags Rae.” and off he pops up the stairs. Linda starts on straight away about how it’s the best thing that them being this close isn’t healthy, that Rae depending on Finn only is unfair on Finn. Rae takes a sharp intake of breath and Finn wants to scream, he can feel Rae lifting her head off his chest so he speaks his mind. “No Linda, No. I’m sorry but please don’t make out like Rae is a burden. Yes this last week might have been a difficult, stressful and very upsetting week, but I like being able to take care of Rae, I don’t mind supporting her. And, I definitely don’t mind being there to support her.” He breathes deeply before speaking, “Rae, whatever you need, I’ve got you. I love you. Okay?” Rae nods her head before smiling up at him; she squeezes his hand as well for good measure. She stands and holds her hand out for Finn.
 Not two minutes later she’s sat in the passenger’s side of her mum’s car, Finn is crouched down making sure her belt is secure. She strokes his face and whispers a “Thanks Finn.” her eyes are wet with tears and she’s happy her mum and Gary are still filling the boot with her stuff, “I love you” she whispers. Finn looks up at her and smiles before leaning in and giving her a quick kiss. “And I you, Mae” Finn thinks Linda has rudely burst their bubble the way she settles behind the steering wheel. She looks at them both as if to say ‘right come on get a move on’, Finn feels slightly guilty, he’d forgotten that she was so heavily pregnant until he saw how close her stomach was to the steering wheel. He smiles over at Linda as a goodbye and then stands; he kisses Rae on her forehead before speaking “sleep well girl” and softly shutting the door. His dad is waiting on the doorstep, so Finn joins him in waving them both off. Once Linda’s car is off the drive and out of sight he lets his tears flow. He follows his dad into the living room and takes a seat on the couch; it still feels warm from where Rae had spent the afternoon snoozing. His dad sits next to him and shoulders him softly, and Finn crumbles, he spends the remainder of the night in his dad’s arms softly crying.
 He wakes with a bolt. His soaking with sweat and his breath is short and fast. It takes him a few seconds to realise that Rae isn’t in bed with him, that she went back home earlier. He looks over to his bedside clock and sees that its 2:27am, he’s had a good solid five hours sleep and he’s sure he could do with another five. He lays back and tries to settle, but still 30 minutes later, his heart is still beating a little to fast, his breath isn’t as steady as it should be and he’s still pretty hot. He contemplates doing something he hasn’t done for years; well not if he’s been sober. He gives himself another 15 minutes but he can’t for the life of him calm. Quietly he tiptoes out of his room and down the hall. He stops outside his dads bedroom door and listens for any source of movement, after thirty seconds or so, he knocks his dads door open gently, he really doesn’t want to wake him but is need for comfort is too strong. He paces over to his dads bed and stands looking at him at the side, he’s not sure how to wake him, should he just slide in next to him or should he wake him? He settles on waking him, that way his dad isn’t going to freak out or anything. “Daa” he whispers, Gary doesn’t even move, Finn repeats himself a fraction louder while softly shaking the bed. He’s not sure if it’s the increase in his volume, or the bed shaking, but Gary sits up and looks at him. Without a word being said Gary knows what he’s after, he pulls back the duvet for Finn to slide in before laying back down. Finn feels the tension leaving his body almost instantly, he rolls onto his side to look at his dad “I’m sorry dad, I shouldn’t have come in here like that, I just can’t settle.” His dad looks at him with so much compassion, “Oh my boy, come here.” before pulling a sobbing Finn into his chest.
 There’s a persistent ringing in his ear, its pretty annoying, its disturbing him from his sleep he so desperately craves. He’s not sure how long he’s been asleep for this time, but its still dark out, and his eyes are heavy. He hears his dad grumble a “Lo… right yeah, he’s here, we’ll be right there.” and he sits up because he knows Rae needs him. He’s out of his dads bed before his dad has even put the phone back on the receiver, he’s out of his room in his boots before his dad has even got his jumper on, and he’s at the bottom of the stairs coat on ready to go before his dad has even made it too the top. He looks himself over in the mirror and thinks ‘plaid pyjama bottoms and military boots, god I’m such a catch’. But it’s Rae so he can’t bring himself to care. He’s thankful that at this time of the morning the trip to Rae’s is no longer than five minutes, He’s scared at what he’s going to find, what state she’ll be in. If Linda had listened to him, and didn’t separate them the way she did, there’s a chance that Rae wouldn’t be so bad tonight.  When his dad pulls up outside, they find Karim on the doorstep waiting for her. Finn has always appreciated Karim, even though he’s quiet, Finn knows he’s a kind quiet and special person. Karim greets Finn with an awkward hug, while speaking in his broken English, “Rae- upstairs. She sad. Cry and shout for Finn much.” Finn nods and understands that yes, Rae is upstairs in her bedroom and yes, she is having the same sort of night terrors, she’s had pretty much every night since. Finn makes his way up and finds Linda stood in the doorway of her bedroom. He thinks its weird that she’s stood there and not checking on Rae. He makes his way to Rae’s room before, he hears Rae calling for him and her mum telling her he’s on his way. Finn turns and walks towards her voice and what he sees breaks him over again, for Rae is scrunched up in her bed, shaking with sobs. He’s at her side as quick as his feet will allow him “it’s alright Girl, I’m here, you’re safe.” Rae is quick to wrap her arms around him and pull him down next to her. He sits up on the bed and pulls Rae into his arms, cradling her, with her head against his shoulder. While Rae is still crying and shaking through fear, Linda notices that she isn’t screaming out anymore, and her breathing is returning to normal. Finn holds her as tight to his chest as possible, and softly calms her. He kisses her head regularly. Once Rae is settled and her sobs aren’t as prominent, Finn asks Linda if there is any way she could switch the radio on. Linda gets to it, happy to be able to help, she goes into the wardrobe and pulls out a etherdown and wraps it around Rae and Finn, before pushing Finns fridge out of his eyes, in a way only a parent can manage, before asking if he would like a bru. Finn nods his head in thanks, and Linda makes her way out. She waddles and Finn worries that she’s going to go into early labour if she doesn’t rest. Once Rae is calm and back to her usual self, he sparks up conversation about how nice her new room is, she agrees and yawns. “Just try and stay awake for a bit girl, I’d want you to get some sugar in you before you drift off.” She nods her head and Finn kisses her head. Linda returns with a tray of tea and they all sit on Rae’s new bed drinking in silence. Rae hands Finn her cup to place on the bedside table and he happily notices that she’s drank over half. He stands up and pulls Rae up before pulling back her blankets; once she’s in he recovers her and sits on the edge, stroking her hair. Rae holds his hand tight while she drops off. Once he’s sure he sleeps, he tries to loosen his hand from Rae’s, he’s about to ask if it is okay for him to spend the night in the living room when Linda speaks up. “Stay here tonight, I’m sorry I didn’t listen. I didn’t realise they would be so bad.” she sobs. Finn nods and then decides it’s about time Linda gets some sleep too. “You look just as tired as me. You need your rest Linda; baby will be here before you know it. I’ve got Rae; it’s about time you look after yourself for now.” Linda Smiles and kisses his cheek. “You’re a good Lad Finn, I’m sorry I didn’t see it before. Try and get some sleep okay?” He nods in response. Once Linda has left the room, Finn toes off his boots and settles in behind Rae. In her sleep she turns to face him and he pulls her tightly into his chest. It doesn’t take long for him to nod off into a peaceful sleep, Rae back in his arms where she belongs.
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baronvontribble · 6 years
Original drabble, pt. 7
Navigation: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
Faking a cough and telling his boss that he needed a few days off was easy. Writing an email to the his contact down the pipeline and telling them that he'd need a few weeks was much, much harder. The wording had to be just right; they didn't really have specific codephrases or anything, but they never said anything outright either. He went through several drafts before finally settling on one that he was satisfied with.
gonna have 2 postpone that lunch date downtown this weekend. got a helluva leak & the landlord wont do shit so im gonna have to fix it myself. will hit u up when i have the time again
ps: ill pay for ur train tickets dont worry
He leaned back in his chair and stared at it, letting out a nervous breath. "That'll work, right?"
"It looks appropriately misleading to me," Adam said.
"Emily's a smart kid, I've worked with her before. She should be able to pick up on it." Ted folded his arms and continued to stare at the message. "And hopefully it'll just look like I'm postponing a date with an out-of-town girlfriend to anyone else."
"I noticed it's a different email than the one tied to your phone."
"Always has been. I've got what, five different emails now?" He shifted in his seat, joints creaking from spending too long in his computer chair. He hadn't really moved too much since that morning, and it was well past noon by then. He'd been making sure he could deliver on what he'd promised. "The phone's the weakest link. Thing is, the messenger's the only thing installed on it, and no one in the pipeline uses that particular app for messaging since it's dated as shit. Mom uses it, but that's about it, and I doubt she's gonna rat me out even if she finds out what I do."
"How can you be sure of that?"
Ted smirked. "She works at a hospital that's run almost entirely by robots. Divorced my dad over it being a good idea to do shit like that to begin with. I'm pretty sure I know what side of the fence she's on with the whole AI thing."
"I see." That was all he had to say on that, apparently. After that little freak-out earlier, Adam didn't seem to be in all that wordy of a mood. But then, he was busy trying to tag still images with what he saw in them in another tab, so Ted wasn't about to hold it against him.
Well, it wasn't like Ted lacked for conversation topics. "How's it going so far? The tagging, I mean."
"Badly." A few seconds later he broke his non-chatty streak to elaborate, "I'm going by colors for now. I opened up a second page that helps me match hexadecimal codes to both specific and generic color names, but that's usually as far as I get. It doesn't help that lighting seems to have an effect on what appearance a given base color might take."
And the dumbass was probably sampling those colors pixel by pixel, too. Using brute processing force was one way to master the process, Ted supposed.
"Don't feel bad if it takes a while. You'll get the hang of it."
"You sound way too amused by this."
"Who, me? Never. I'm the very essence of stoicism."
Adam had a smile in his voice when he spoke again. "Liar."
"Yeah, alright. You caught me." Ted stretched out in his chair and stifled a yawn, joints popping as they flexed beyond where they probably should. "I'm just happy you're figuring it out. I mean, even just realizing that you can cross-reference is a step in the right direction."
"It would be easier if I knew what I was looking at."
"Want me to help?" Partway through the process of typing his email, Ted had realized that the help he could offer might not be so well-received. He didn't want to make things harder than they already were; he had to be tactful, wait for permission. He couldn't just insert himself into proceedings like he so often did. This was a delicate situation. He knew that now.
Or he could be overthinking it. Adam couldn't quite sigh, but he could portray some semblance of relief in his voice. "I'd appreciate it," he said; a moment later, the laptop had been tabbed in to the correct window so Ted could participate. "Try to restrain yourself from giving bad answers to fuck with me. This data has to be accurate."
"I know, I know." Ted did know. Really. "But gimme a minute, okay? I'm gonna plug in my mouse so I can use it to point things out to you."
And so it began.
The images were little more than stock photos, and the 'game' was to tag as many details as possible. Matching up with what other people had tagged it with meant a better score. Ted was observant to a fault, so his results with such things in the past had been mixed at best as he sometimes noticed things that no one ever bothered to tag. This made it all the more viable as a learning tool, because not only was Adam learning what other people tagged the image with and why - seeing what an average person might be able to glean from it - but he was also having the tiny details pointed out to him by someone who was way too anxious to not notice basically everything.
Since the goal was not just to get Adam to be able to notice details, but to also have him act convincingly human while doing so, this gave him a reasonable benchmark for what he could mention he'd noticed to an average person without looking like he had a weirdly photographic memory with the perfect ability to recall anything and everything. To Ted, this was step one. The average person sees a duck in a pond - maybe even identifying the duck as a mallard - while the hyper-observant person sees that it's overcast and around midday from the sky's reflection in the pond's surface or that there's a gum wrapper and a bit of soggy bread clearly visible in the murky water near the detritus-littered shore.
It was the photos of people that were really a nightmare for Adam. For all his ability to pick up on all the tiny nonverbal cues present in an audio recording, he couldn't so much as even guess at gender presentation of random people in stock photos, let alone their expressions or body language. Ted had to walk him through every last detail, and these were the prettiest, most unambiguous sorts of human beings to boot. The photos were dominated by tall, broad men with either lantern jaws or facial hair, and soft, curvy women with round faces and perfect contouring; women had long hair, men had short hair, and children were dressed as either very male or very female to match the adults. Ted found them obnoxious.
And that wasn't even getting into indicators of disability or profession or anything. Just once, he'd like to see more average people pop up in these things. He was downright relieved to get back to pictures of sheep and grass and flowers and buildings and boats whenever he got done with tagging a person. Not-people didn't bother him nearly as much.
Either way, somewhere along the line he lost track of time completely.
"You should eat something," Adam said out of the blue at one point. Ted straightened up in his chair and shot a glance at the clock in the corner of the laptop's screen, only to frown at it like it'd betrayed him.
It was almost three in the afternoon already? Christ. "Probably," he admitted, stretching out with a slight wince. "Feel like you're making progress yet?“
"I don't know. How do you 'feel' progress? It seems like something that should have a clearer definition than to just feel it." 
"Hey man, don't knock feelings. They've got definitions, those definitions are just subjective as fuck." Ted was smiling as he said it, mirroring what he'd heard in Adam's own voice. Both of them were joking. Adam knew full well what Ted had meant, he was just taking a jab at the presentation. "Do you think you've made progress so far?"
"Yes." Adam sounded terribly smug, as if to say see? That was all you had to say. "It's slow, but once I know what I'm looking at, it makes things easier."
Ted shoved off from the desk and stood, taking another moment to stretch. "Cool. Then I'm gonna make some pizza rolls."
Off he went. "Those are bad for you," Adam said as he wandered off. "Humans need nutrients. Pizza rolls are not nutritious."
"Don't care," Ted replied. Along with the pizza rolls, he made sure to retrieve a soda out of the fridge as well just to be contrary. It was hard to care about minor health hazards when he so often had major ones to worry about, and people telling him that he probably should care only made him less likely to do so. "It's calories. It'll work as a stand-in for lunch until I get to dinner."
"I don't think that's how nutrition works." Several seconds passed as Ted wrestled with the packaging, got a plate, and put everything in the microwave.
"Ted. I looked it up. This isn't food, Ted. It has about the same value as eating cardboard."
"Ayep." Ted cracked open the soda and took a swig as he turned on the microwave and let it spin.
"Do you do this often?"
Ted snorted. "Uh, do you really want me to answer that question?"
"According to this site, when the potential long-term effects of such a poor diet are combined with your outward symptoms - such as being the wrong color for a human - it's a strong indicator that your kidneys are probably failing." Adam spoke as if he felt he was the absolute voice of authority on this, and Ted shook with silent laughter as he leaned against the counter. "I think you should get bloodwork done."
"Dude." Good God, what kind of website had Adam even managed to find? Ted felt like he was talking to his grandparents after they'd spent three hours on an online medical journal and decided he looked like he had some obscure genetic disorder that would give him pulmonary fibrosis (whch he didn't). "That 'being the wrong color' thing? It's genetic. I have practically no pigmentation. It's not gout or scurvy or whatever the hell you've found on the internet, just albinism and shitty lighting."
Silence reigned for at least ten full seconds. "I see."
"I take vitamins, alright? And I know my diet isn't all that great, but it's not like pizza rolls are all I eat." He was about to say something about how Adam had seen him eat other things, but then he remembered that Adam couldn't actually see all that well. "Besides, if there was something in my bloodwork, my doctor woulda told me last time I had a checkup. See, unlike some humans, I get those pretty regularly."
"Right." Then, "I'm sorry."
"What for, man? I'm not mad. Hell, at least you care." He'd take a little overworrying anyday if it meant someone was at least trying to understand his problems. It was kinda cute. Big tough super high-tech AI worrying about a squishy human. "And y'know, if you wanna know what's actually wrong with me, all you gotta do is ask."
The microwave beeped, and Adam considered. "You'd tell me that?"
"I tell people all the time."
"No, that's not-" He cut himself off mid-rendering, and Ted raised an eyebrow over in the direction of the living room while pulling the pizza rolls out of the microwave. "Isn't that like telling me how your code is written?"
Huh. Ted had never thought of it that way. "Not really. It's more like, uh... I guess I figure that telling you what versions of what software is running isn't exactly going to give you access to any of the passwords protecting my data, but it will tell you how to work with what I've got going on." Was that an accurate analogy? This barrier to understanding really did go both ways.
The fans weren't quite roaring, but they were definitely humming away audibly in the background; it was always so easy to tell when Adam was mulling something over. "Yes, I would like to know. If that's all right."
"Fine by me." With a plate in one hand and a drink in the other, Ted came back to the not-a-desk and plopped right back down in his chair. "For starters, look up Ehlers-Danlos syndrome."
A minute later Adam asked him how the hell he was alive, and he almost breathed a mouthful of pizza roll.
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arancurry-blog · 6 years
Your Day and Book Ends
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In this video, Aran discusses how you should start and end your day, and explains that all successful people have day and book ends to always ensure each day is productive and outstanding – which will really help you in your property journey.
Hi and welcome to this short video where I just want to talk about your day and your book ends. What do I mean by that? Well the book ends for me are the start and the end of your day. You see, we all have such pressures these days. We all have really busy days. We have family in there, we have our business interests, our properties, our employed jobs, we have all of this social media, we try and fit some friends and sport in. Things are really busy out! So, how do we make sure we get all the important stuff done, while still having this really busy life? So I want to share with you an idea, a concept. I study successful people because I look for mastery. I look for people who are outstanding and then I model their practice and model what they do. What's really, really interesting is you start to see the key distinctions, similar patterns showing up. So, I want to share a key distinction with you in this video. So, I bookend my days. It’s a distinction I learned elsewhere but I'm now teaching it off. What do I mean by bookend my days? Well, when I start my day I want the start of my day to be outstanding. When you were a teenager - my teenagers will roll out of bed and they'll lol around on a Saturday morning before you know is half 11, 12 o'clock and the day is going fast, and they’re not in productive mode, they're not all for it and then the whole day passes them by without them ever getting really, really productive.
For me by 8:00 a.m. when a lot of people are still getting out of bed, my main work of the day is done - it happens between 6:00am and 8:00am. So what am I doing in that time? The first thing that I'm doing is I'm looking after myself. So, I'm making sure I'm putting some great stuff in this body. This is my vehicle I'm driving around, it needs great fuel so I'm putting great stuff in there. I’m not filling myself up with stuff that bloats me – I’m juicing, I’m getting healthy stuff in there. I’m getting exercise, I'm looking after my mind, I'm doing my incantations or my ‘I am’s’. If you haven’t done those, go google them or watch one of my videos, but I do my incantations, my ‘I am’s’ and programming my RAZ so I know where I'm going.
I've spent 10 minutes looking forward, and I have a hundred year vision for all of my businesses and then in my personal life and businesses we have eight year goals, five year goals, 3 year goals, 1 year goals, 90-day goals, weekly goals, and today's goals. Now people go ‘Wow, that's a load of goals! That takes ages to get together!’  Yes, it does, but guess what? My brain, my body, my people around me, my team -  we know exactly which road we're going now in terms of purpose. We're category clear where we’re heading. When one of us gets a little bit off track, it's really easy to re-focus back into the plan because here's the 5 year goals, 3 year goals, 1 year goals, 90-day goals eight year plan, the five year plan. If we get one the one year plan the 90-day goals the weekly goals and the daily. They're all part of this laser focus. When someone comes to us with something new I can take it into account and say does that serve me in getting there? No -  leave it alone. Does that serve me and getting there? Yes -  great plug it in! Now how exactly does it serve me? Right, tweak it? Let's go!
I spend time in my morning ten minutes every day, every single day, reading those goals because what I'm doing is I'm getting my brain set so my brain knows ‘Cool, this is where we're headed.’ Let's be crystal clear because for the rest of the day the decision I make will feed into that. Then I work on my top three goals for that day. I’ve normally chosen them the night before, but I just review them out of reading the top goals again, am I still on the right path and my top three goals and by 8:00 a.m I'll take massive action on each of my top three goals. If that's reaching out to someone, I’ll have reached out to them already,  I will have left them a voicemail or sent them a text or sent them an email -  hopefully had a conversation with them because  people I  like doing business with or like working with are already up at that time doing the same kind of things.
I’ve taken massive action. There’s a great book by Brian Tracey called ‘Eat That Frog’. That frog makes it sound like it's an awful thing it's not that the frogs awful. Brian might like eating frogs but it's saying whatever’s a big thing that you need to get done, get it done early in your day. Get it done now because if by 8:00am you’ve done your top three goals and some of those are difficult, you've eaten that frog that was a  difficult thing, you've got them done.  The rest of my day can go to pot and be absolutely rubbish and I’ve still had an outstanding day and I still got some great progress in the areas that I want to progress in my life. The rest can go to a mess and it's still been great.
The other piece is if I come through big things by 8 a.m, the thing I have to do at 9:00 a.m. that’s medium sized, or 10 a.m. or 11 a.m. that's medium or small, is no longer difficult. It’s dead easy to do because I’ve done big stuff already so I’m in the flow and it's getting easy to do. Whereas if that's my first thing and it’s only a small thing, it might feel like a big thing because it’s a step up instead of a step down to the standard I set earlier on. So literally by 8:00am you want to have done those things. Do your body, then do mind with your ‘I am’s’ and your incantations, do some health stuff, maybe a bit of meditation, you’ve looked at your long-term goals in focus, you’ve picked out your top three and you’ve taken action on all of those top three. That's the beginning bookend. Does that require some regime? Yes! Success doesn't suddenly turn up overnight. You don't wish for success and it just arrives, you have to put in the hard work. If you want to get fit and have a fabulous body then you have to go to the gym, go to the gym, go to the gym, workout, workout, workout, and in 6 8 12 18 months the results show up. It’s the same with finance. You want to be financially fit, just do the work, do the work, do the work, but then suddenly the results turn up. Do the work first, you get paid later. It’s not easy. (6:24)
 I'm not telling you it’s easy, but I'm telling you it pays results. Successful people have a regime like this, they have book end days. There’s one book end, what happens at the end of the day? Well at the end of the day they do two magic things for me. I have two different journals. in the first journal called my gratitude journal, I'm writing in my gratitude journal all the things that I'm grateful for today, that I've been grateful for. That conversation I had, the argument I had that was so grateful because I learned something new from it and I was there to get a new distinction. Anything at all that I’m grateful for. The fact that I had some time to walk in the garden and smell the roses. It’s all in the journal. Now, if I'm doing that at the end of the day, what is it teaching my subconscious brain? It’s teaching my subconscious brain and my reticular activating system (RAS) to look out for, tomorrow, things that I can be grateful for, because I do it consistently every day, my brain will say look out for things you can be grateful for because I’ll have to write those down later. So it shifts my mentality. When I'm in an argument, I'm looking for how can I be grateful for this? what's good? what's the thing in here to be grateful for instead of how can I be more confrontational, how can I make sure I win. My brain is shifting.
The other thing that I'm journaling in my second book is everything I learned today. I learnt about this, I learned to be better the person at this, I learned how to change this, I learned how to buy a property in this way. I'm journaling all my learnings. Number one, by just writing it down it helps lock it in, I’ve got all sorts of stats on that that I’ve shared with you. Number two, tomorrow my brain starts to look for stuff that I can learn so I can journal it. If it gets to 8pm and I haven’t learned anything, I make sure I learn some stuff so I can journal it. It means I keep growing, I keep developing myself,  I keep stretching. So even if my day is really, really difficult, I'm still looking for things to be grateful for looking for, still looking for learnings. I still got something out of that difficult day. That takes 10 -15 minutes at the end of each day. So, if you book end your days in these two ways, by the way you have scepticism to something I’ve just discussed there, but try the jacket on for size. Just say for 30 days I’ll just have that routine. For 30 days.  If I have to get up an hour early, that will be a stretch, but I’ll make sure I eat the right things, do the right things, that will help me do it. I might be a bit tired, but I’ll do it. Even if I can’t do it for seven days a week, I’ll do it for five days a week, Monday to Friday. I’ll commit to doing that. Just five days a week, try it out for 30 days – a month. At the end of the month, you might take it all in and think it’s brilliant, this is going to be me. You might say, I like these three bits, but I don’t like the other five bits. Just keep two bits, or one bit. Wont that be amazing? That one bit for the rest of your life compounding up. They’ll be a shift.  So, as the exercise, what I’d like you to do from this video is play the video back. As you play it, makes notes, make an action plan. Which of these are you going to take in? Try them all. But if you don’t want to try them all, which ones are you definitely going to do? Commit to it – I’m going to do these ones. Work out your diary, look in your diary. What time am I going to have to get up to make these things happen so I have the time to make them happen.  What time are you going to have to go to bed, or when are you going to do it? How's that going to fit in with your spouse. How's that going to work? and get that in your diary. Decide how many days a week and get it in for the next 30 days and commit and resolve to it. Then in 30 days put a time on it to review. What worked? What didn’t work? Some of them you’ll drop, some of them you’ll say ‘I should have tried that harder, I’ll try harder for the next month’, some of them you’ll keep and they’ll be a new routine for you.  You must do something at least 28 times for it to become a routine, so you must try this for a month, again and again and again. So, get that done and then more forward. We're setting all these things in place, this is mindset stuff, this is human body stuff, so when it comes to investing it becomes easy, it becomes the easy step because you can articulately learn this stuff, but you have to take the action as well.
Invest with knowledge, Invest with confidence, Create financial freedom.
Thank you
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