#hoping for snow
lizmindpalace · 6 months
Hoping for snow
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This is inspired by Hoping for snow by The vamps.
Summary: Lucifer faces a lonely Christmas eve.
Word count: 2 K
Status: Complete.
Warnings: Angsty, but not too much.
Ice covered the glasses as snowflakes fell over the dark lands before his eyes. Coldness was creeping up on the night as it was slowly clasping his heart, leaving a bitter taste in his lips. 
He had longed a bit of privacy in his studio, but he did not expect his bedroom would become some kind of burial chamber due to the embracing silence overflowing it, drowning the distant echoes of the joyful expressions and catchy songs of the other inhabitants of the manor since snow had covered the lands and they had left in order to enjoy the view and the amusements that the white material brought with it; and because now that he had some time alone with himself; his dark thoughts slowly encroached his mind.  
A sigh escaped his withered lips; and as an attempt to increase his body's temperature he fired the chimney up, however, as he had noticed over the last days, no heat was able to bring warmth to his body or his heart and he was condemned to crawl throughout the nights with a dead weight in his chest. 
The view from outside promised to bring some kind of short redemption to his despondent persona, yet, despite his efforts to avoid it, he found himself staring at the main gate, as though the part missing from his heart would suddenly show up at the entrance, changing the loneliness overflowing him and turning it into the Christmas spirit he was missing; but it was not like that and so, depression grasped his soul and he found irritating and aggravating the joy the others were having.
A distant memory crossed his mind as he closed his eyelids, bringing the noise of the crowds and the aromas of baked food, and mistletoe. A slow waltz that belonged to the nutcracker was being played in the background. He had found a quieter spot behind a white wooden door, where a mid-size christmas tree was standing in a corner, and it'd be a room in complet darkness except for its dim lights and the crackling fireplace. The hubbub of the guests was diminished once the door was closed, although the musicians were still able to impregnate the environment with their skilled movements on the strings. 
"Remember, it's... one, two and three". 
The cheeks of the recipient of his instructions turned red, as their right hands were intertwined and his left hand rested on her waist, controlling the movements of both of them. She had refused to dance that night because she had said she was not skilled and probably would stain his reputation if they danced in the centre of the dancefloor; he had said it did not matter, yet she was not comfortable and the demon had to find a secret spot, so the two of them could enjoy the evening together.
They both swung and turned around throughout the room, and when the music met an end, their faces were so close, she could not help but feel her bloodstream rush and warm up her face, his playfully eyes sparkled and the grin on his face disappeared when his lips touched hers.
A speck of warmth was brought to his chest at the thought, since this year, a mere thought from afar was all they were, and whilst everyone wished for snow and the holidays to begin, he just wished she could come home. 
"What do you mean you won't spend Christmas here at the Devildom?" it came as a shock hearing those words leaving her mouth, in his mind he could not get a grasp of the idea going through her mind. Christmas was supposed to be a date to spend with those who were special... at home. 
"I have to go home". His face remained neutral, yet she noticed the change in the sparkle of his eyes, as though light was abandoning them, and he gave her a cold gaze. She thought of rephrasing, explaining that she missed her human family despite seeing the Devildom as home as well, but it was too late, and he was speaking again.
"None of the inhabitants of the Devildom aimed to retain you here, you may go home and do not be concerned, for we'll manage and carry out our normal activities even if a student and member of the student council is away".
His cold voice made her heart froze, no more words were needed to let her know she was not essential and not even required in their... his life. She looked away and nodded at the rough answer and headed for her room. The next day, she vanished into the snowstorm, and no one had known anything about her, and they knew she was home, she had to tell them just because Beel had been starving to death due to the research and the worry and she had to say something, although she asked them with a begging voice not to mention anything to Lucifer. 
Lucifer knew well though, she would receive calls and would also exchange messages with his brothers, the angels, even Diavolo and Barbatos, and he was aware Solomon would pay visits to her more often than he would have liked. 
He was not looking forward to celebrating Christmas this year, and he had made a business trip and tried to stay away long enough to skip the holiday, however, he had to return home sooner because Diavolo requested him to be present, and now he was drowning in the melancholy of his studio and in his dark thoughts.
"You should call her and apologise". A voice coming from his right shoulder whispered, he frowned and turned around.
"What are you talking about?"
"MC, of course. We all miss her, but I can perceive some kind of special discomfort in you, I'd even say... guilt". 
Simeon reflected holding a tray with gingerbread and Lucifer looked away. He sighed. 
"I don't need you to tell me what to do". The bitterness in his voice confirmed Simeon's suspicion who only shrugged. 
"It was only a piece of advice, but you're right, you don't need advice I can see you don't need it, you're fine". He left Lucifer alone, who once more felt a gulp of regret running down his throat.
He remained dead silent for some minutes; it was hard to believe that it had been months and he had not dared to take the first step on making things right. His gloved fingers tapped over the screen of the phone with a lack of confidence that he found ridiculous. The first attempt failed, as did the second, the third and the fourth. But now that he had made up his mind, he'd not quit his resolution.
"Is everything alright down there?"
"It is".
"Then why would you wake me up in the middle of the night?"She faked a sleepy tone of voice so she would not give away the fact she had been also up and thinking about him. 
"I wanted to talk to you". 
A sigh coming from the other side of the line hurt his pride, although it was in fact already hurt. He hesitated for a moment, knowing that he had to continue and to say something convincing enough if he wanted another chance.
"And it has to be now? I mean if you were willing to wait months for having this conversation, I don't think it'd hurt to wait a couple of hours". She tried, it was some kind of trial for him, in her mind if he accepted the deal, he would lose everything. 
"I was an idiot". 
"Are you calling me to state the obvious? I thought you had something more important to say, well then..."
"I'm sorry, MC".
"It's been months, Lucifer, do you think saying sorry will fix anything?"
He held his breath for some seconds, and she thought of hanging up.
"I let my pride get in the way, I acted as an absolute brainless individual, and I'm here begging for your forgiveness".
"You were an idiot, yes". She sighed, making his cheeks blush. "I don't know if the words said on the other side of the line are enough to forgive your stupidity, for the months you were silent as if I was the one blame; I accept I should have chosen other words, or broaden my explanation, but you refused to talk, you left me in darkness for months and now you want to fix this with a phone call". 
Her voice was broken; she had obviously suffered due to what had happened too. 
"The only reason I'm not kneeling on my knees right in front of you is because I thought you'd have problems with your family if I showed there..." 
She sighed once more. 
"MC, I was confused because I thought we were family now, after everything we've gone through, yet I have to accept I was an idiot and my words were cruel and did not make any sense, and my silence was a decision I highly regret, sentiment was overflowing my senses and I know it might not be enough reason to grant me your forgiveness... but I miss you... and I love you, endlessly, and nothing will ever change that, and I shall respect your decision of spending your time where you feel the best. And although it's hard, for me, if I must resign from my happiness for you to find yours, I'll gladly accept it".
His deep voice was stained with sorrow that struck her heart. 
"Lucifer... the problem is that you don't listen and jump over conclusions, and I wonder if you will ever change. You don't know me better than I do myself".
  The words were stolen from his mouth as he found himself speechless and silence turned into an uncomfortable vortex. 
"I appreciate your apology, though, good night". 
The sound of the broken line left his heart beating fast, and a bitter taste in his lips ran down his heart, he took a seat in front of the window, and sighed while a tear rolled down his cheek, his pride was hurt, but especially his heart. He had not even had the chance to say happy holidays.    He stared at the main entrance of the House of Lamentation, everyone had been waiting for the snow to fall, but he was waiting for her to come home, and his heart shattered at the realisation she would not be there.      
As though they were a waterfall, his eyes started leaking and suddenly the picture of the landscape became blurry, the characters became only moving stains in the iced glass, and just a minute later shadows took over them, for blackness was everything he could be aware of.
"Always overworking yourself to the point of exhaustion". 
He heard a whispering voice close to his ears, and his eyes opened wide just to realise no one was outside and the woman of his dreams was not walking towards the entrance. Although, he realised there was some kind of change in the environment since some kind of light came from his back, he turned around and found some Christmas decorations spreading light in the darkness.
"You came..." maybe it was the fact he was still asleep, or maybe he had really missed her, but the avatar of pride stood up, wobbled towards her and wrapped his arms around her. 
"I made it home... Merry Christmas, Lucifer". She whispered. 
And as only answer, he placed his lips into hers. There would be time to reach agreements and ask for forgiveness, for now, the only think that mattered was seeing each other's eyes glowing in the quietness of the night under the Christmas lights.
Merry Christmas!
Read also:
English love affair
Breath before the kiss
Beber de tu sangre
The party of death
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stil-lindigo · 11 months
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bite of winter.
a comic about a princess who died in the snow.
creative notes:
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all my other comics
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hedgehog-moss · 2 months
The great thing about having no internet for a couple of weeks is, you get so much stuff done. I've made great strides in my fight against invasive plants in the pasture!
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^ This large rock used to be lost in a sea of broom, you couldn't even see it.
It's a lot more fastidious now that I'm uprooting plants one by one with the root slayer instead of clearing the whole area with a brushcutter, but hopefully they'll no longer be able to sneakily bide their time underground and then grow back even stronger from their intact root system.
I took some in-progress pictures—don't these invasive plants look like a retreating army?
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We've had a tiny bit of April snow—I don't know if I can call it that, the air just felt icy and wet and tangible, if I opened my mouth I could feel snowflakes fly into it but nothing was actually falling on the ground. It felt like being repeatedly enveloped then dismissed by clouds that had made plans to drop their snowflakes elsewhere.
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But every time I saw Pandolf he looked like a starry night, so there really were snowflakes in the air!
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It felt very satisfying to come home with my face and hands all numb and warm up by stuffing entire wheelbarrows' worth of broom into the wood oven then throwing a match. Ever since I've learnt that this plant attracts ticks, burning it has felt like defeating two enemies at once. I listen to the lovely little crackling sounds of a broomfire and picture hundreds of ticks popping like popcorn.
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My animals didn't enjoy being stuck inside snow clouds all day—I saw the llamas use their shelter for once, and Pandolf politely asked to come in and sit by the fire instead of staying out to collect more snowflakes in his fur, so I think they were all already in spring mode in their minds.
Merricat also (less politely) asked for shelter, but Merricat treats every instance of wet weather like a national scandal that I personally failed to prevent.
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Even the hens wanted to come sit by the fire, and when I said no (you are hens), one of them ignored me and walked in, resolutely, clucking for the younger hen to follow her, like "let me teach you how it's done".
You know when you want to eat a crêpe in a crêpe restaurant in Paris and the waiter looks baffled that you envisage to buy food in his food establishment and he says no that won't possible, and you're like these people over there are having coffee they're almost done we'll just wait inside for their table!, and (with mounting horror) he says no no no if you really insist on giving us your money then you must wait in the street for the privilege, and watch the diners through the window like little orphans, and then your more assertive, confident friend militantly walks in anyway, encouraging you like, come on he's not gonna call the police, we're about to pay 12€ for 1 crêpe I think we can wait inside thank you very much—because a dismissive aristocratic aplomb is the only attitude that'll get you a table in a crêperie in Montparnasse sometimes? It was pretty much this dynamic. Between me and my hens.
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agir1ukn0w · 7 months
sorry but snow is such a well written iconic villain and donald sutherland performs him so fucking good it's almost hilarious how i start practically foaming at the mouth every time the man opens his mouth to say something deplorable in those movies, like he's so utterly and despicably wrong about almost every crucial thing from katniss and peeta's relationship to human nature as a whole and yet the second he starts talking about how hope is the only thing stronger than fear and how you have to allow a little hope but control it so its spark doesn't grow into revolution and how it's the things we love the most that destroy us you bet your ass i am on the floor screaming crying throwing up because that is my psychotic mustache-twirling villain RIGHT THERE
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midoristeashop · 2 months
Long car trips mean hunch over my ipad and film dumb stupid videos in restaurants at 11pm 😍 (future me screw u idk if it’s shaky also do not perceive me)
(That one vine)
Also have the things
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lucygraythemockingjay · 6 months
“Sejanus is like Katniss!” “he’s just like peeta!”
What if I said he was like Gale?
Their blind loyalty their districts. Their rash nature, fuelled by their anger at the injustice the people of their home face. Their strong sense of morality, their eagerness to save the people of their district. Their hatred for the games, and their trust in their friend counterparts.
I’ve seen posts comparing Katniss to Snow, and Peeta to Lucy. In this case, Gale representing Sejanus makes so much sense.
Gale is Katniss’ friend from home. Katniss partakes in the games, but Gale doesn’t get the chance to- like how Sejanus’ tribute Marcus died from default. Katniss feels as though she owes Gale her love, and the way Snow treated Sejanus was all from pity. Artificial love, although Snow and Katniss are set so far apart that Katniss still loved Gale, but as a brother.
Something sets all of the characters apart from their counter character. For Katniss, she was forced to become a hunter when Snow was one at heart. For Peeta, he was forced to put his true feelings forward to perform, when it was Lucy Gray’s passion.
For Gale and Sejanus, I think it’s their sense of morality. Gale is who Sejanus would’ve been if he had no room to act out, had no trust fund to protect his outbursts. Gale is Sejanus after years of oppression, the pride and protection for his home becoming almost toxic. Sejanus is Gale with a chance to change the things around him - a boy with hope, refusing to play by the Capitols games.
If Sejanus had lived, he could’ve become a version of Gale, who in war would risk the lives of hundreds of innocent people from the Capitol. Perhaps Sejanus is the version of Gale who would’ve run away with Katniss before her reaping. Hung and punished, before their urge to help people turned fatal for others. Still morally good.
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p4nishers · 7 months
the way can't catch me now could easily be about sejanus too is a stroke of genius on olivia's part. because, in a way, snow was haunted by sejanus. sejanus' death was his final pushing point into cruelty. sejanus was the only good left in him, the only thing holding him to goodness, but the moment coriolanus betrayed him, he was changed. he became snow. he is haunted by sejanus in the jabberjays, the mockingjays, he sees him in katniss, in her stubbornness, in her unwillingness to be easy for others to shallow, in her bravery, in her fierceness. everywhere he looked, he saw sejanus, in the whole rebellion, in the face of his parents who basically adopted snow, in katniss honoring rue's death by surrounding her with flowers the same way sejanus honored marcus' body by sprinkling bread on him to help his journey. he caged peeta, the same way he wanted to cage lucy gray, but he couldn't cage katniss. he couldn't cage sejanus. no matter how hard he tried, sejanus remained a good person, remained true to himself till his death. he killed sejanus but he couldn't kill what he stood for, he couldn't kill the inherent goodness in people. lucy haunted him till the ends of his days, but so did sejanus.
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#selfie bee#me telling a coworker who I have been working with for 4 months and whose name I do not know about my toenails#i'm sorry Tobias (?? Paul ??) it was the only topic I could come up with after I already told you about the big bird I saw in 8th grade#FRIENDS how are you!! :) how has the new year been so far!!#did you have a lot of snow on christmas!#we did and it was really fun! I had a very bad cold so I just watched the snow from inside but that was good too c:#do you have any plans for the new year?#i always have lot and most of the time I do not do any of them but planning is fun#this year I REALLY want to watch all of Star Trek ヽ(´∇`)ノ#I would also love to learn how to make a handstand#imagine if you could just make yourself upside down#but it is a far away dream because honestly I am not very good at being usual side up most of the time either#but I will try probably at least 2 times to learn it ( ᐛ )#maybe I'll finally finish that website!#new years are good and fun#it's wild to think about how much daily life has changed since last year but I feel just the same :)#who knows what this year will bring!#I hope I don't hit a pheasant with my car#I almost hit a pheasant with my car last year and the pheasant made direct eye contact#I wonder how he is doing today#since that moment I think about pheasants a lot#I knew they were real but I had never seen one#just to know they are out there is a mystical feeling#right know it is raining so all the pheasants might be wet#get dry soon pheasants!!#I don't think I've ever seen a wet bird either#I don't know what do do with all these birds thoughts#also thank you for the person who asked about my skirt!! ( ˊᵕˋ )♡.°⑅#I've finished it and its really really bad#but I love it
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jakeperalta · 5 months
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The Tributes maintaining their compassion and humanity (or, being more than just a piece in the Capitol's games)
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chubchow · 5 months
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peace of snow
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ibrithir-was-here · 9 months
How the heck is there not more talk about Tanith Lee??
Like my gosh, the woman wrote, according to her wiki, 90 books, over 300 short stories, two World Fantasy Awards, and was the first woman to win the British Fantasy Award/Augus Derleth Award and wrote for tv shows.
Like, it's not like she just wrote a heck ton but wasn't very good! She was clearly very good she won awards, and i've read a swath of her stuff across different genres and really enjoyed most of it. I mean that even if not each one has been my cup of tea I can at least appreciate the skill and quite a lot I have truly enjoyed. She's got great prose and style and imagination. Not everything obviously was a banger, but they've all been at least well written, which is harder to come by in writing than you might think.
But nobody ever seems to talk about her?? And I feel like the fantasy crowd on here would really enjoy her stuff. The woman has done stuff in pretty much every genre from what I can see, but I never see her listed on fantasy authors like Clive Barker or Diana Wynne Jones or Neil Gaiman or Terry Pratchett or Diane Duane even though she was writing at the same time and has a similar sort of '80s Doing Cool Stuff with Fantasy vibe' I feel like people who like those authors would enjoy though she's very much her own style of author.
Anyway this was really just me putting out a rant that such a prolific and talented author seems to have fallen by the wayside and I think it's really a shame
Heck she even did a witch-queen fighting againt vampire Snow White a whole decade before Neil Gaiman did his phenomenal Snow Glass Apples and it's also excellent, give a look here:
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lizmindpalace · 6 months
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elsaqueenofstress · 6 months
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“i’m your man,” mitski / the ballad of songbirds and snakes (2023) / suzanne collins
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veryluckyclovers · 2 years
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snow friends :*)
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rookesbane · 5 months
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Star-crossed lovers meeting their fate. A revenge story turned in on itself.
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niidsch · 6 months
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Blue Eye Samurai || Akemi
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