#i cannot comprehend it. if something that fucked up happens to me i'm not gonna be sunshine and rainbows about it
pigeonwit · 11 months
almost 5k into ianafe chapter 3 and these two idiots have STILL not interacted with each other
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aleksanderscult · 2 months
Analyzing Aleksander's reaction to Alina's loss of her power
(I'm so sick and tired of seeing people use his "You are nothing now" words as a way to justify how he didn't love her that I decided to create a whole ass post about it.)
First of all, let's see what the powers of a Grisha mean to a Grisha, shall we?
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For a Grisha her powers is the same thing as the oxygen is for all humans. The constant beat of a person's heart.
And in a way it's implied that a Grisha cannot live without it. Just like birds can naturally fly, just like a fish can naturally swim. It's part of their nature, part of their body and soul.
Now let's see Aleksander's reaction to Alina's loss of her power.
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The moment he saw Alina being unable to summon, he froze. At first he's in denial of what he sees.
How can a Grisha not being able to use her power? A power that is always there no matter what? A power that "feeds" them and keeps them healthy and alive.
We see Aleksander being in a state of shock as he tries to comprehend what is happening with her:
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He had never seen anything like that. A Grisha losing her powers is unheard of. Impossible.
He tries again and again to summon her light and bring it to the surface. The fact that he can't feel it causes him panic and pain. In a way, he can't find her soul.
And the very fact that she also lost her collar and feter is impossible too. When a Grisha claims an amplifier, a connection is made that can't be broken.
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Another fatal loss for Alina and a disastrous blow for Aleksander and his knowledge, since he knows more than anyone else how amplifiers work and how a Grisha's power work. All the hundreds of years he had spent watching and studying the ways of the Small Science and of power, have gone to waste right now as he tries to understand what is going on with the woman he loves.
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His near immortality and rare powers always made him seek someone else to connect with. Someone to understand him and be on the same level as him.
People say that he never actually wanted Alina to be his equal. Well, based on his words and reaction here, I would say he wanted to.
Right now there's no pretense, no tricks or a façade. We see him "naked" and exposed showing us his terror of Alina's loss and despair for his fate. Of being alone forever.
"You were meant to be like me."
Aleksander wanted her strong and confident. Unafraid to rise above the others and to stand right beside him.
"You're nothing now."
I know it sounds cruel but it is true.
If a bird lost its ability to fly or a fish its ability to swim, would you call that normal? If a person stopped breathing or her heart stopped beating, would you call her alive and whole?
Alina lost the very essence of her being, her soul and identity. What happened to her was something completely unnatural and just wrong. Aleksander has lived for centuries and knows more about the Grisha than anyone else (except of course his mother) so he knows that what happened to her, has crippled her. She's not the Alina she was. And she's never gonna be.
It's not a statement of disgust, apathy or scorn. They're words of pain and mourning. Shock and anger.
It's a complete ruin for Alina.
A devastation and tragedy for the unfortunate Grisha that experiences it for the first time in their history. And an equal devastation and sorrow for the Grisha that watched it happen to the person he cared most about.
And it's actually funny how Aleksander seems to be the only person that was devastated for what happened to her.
Everyone else was:
"Alina lost her powers"
"Okay cool".
In a way you can say that it was proof of how he was the one that truly cared about her fate while the rest of her friends didn't seem to give two flying fucks.
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The Darkling just gave up.
All he had fought for, all the patience he had mastered for years waiting for his equal to come, went to dust right in front of him.
In a way he committed suicide and just let Alina kill him.
Now if he didn't love her as some people say, why did he do these things after she lost her powers?:
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1) Called her to his side and searched for her hand to hold it.
2) Smiled at her and stroked her tears.
3) Entrusted her with his last wish because he'd seen her kindness and believed in it.
4) Asked her to say his name one more time so he could hear it from her one last time. A name that he had probably never said to anyone else for centuries.
5) Begged her to not leave him alone while he died because loneliness frightened him.
I'm sorry but if I was dying, I wouldn't want anyone at my side but the people that I loved the most. And Aleksander wanted the same too.
There's no way he felt disgust or anger towards Alina even after she stabbed him. Whatever she did, he forgave. And whatever happened to her in the end didn't stop him from loving her and wanting her presence at his side until his own end.
(didn't really love her, my ass)
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moonlit-positivity · 17 days
Some of my best moments of healing came when I started to understand some of these snippets of wisdom from others:
People can only perceive what they know.
Comprehension is also a part of communication. If they can't comprehend what you're saying then there is no point in wearing yourself out.
There is a big difference in "listening to respond" vs "listening to be right" and most people do not understand this.
Most people on social media aren't looking to have healthy communication. They're looking to argue. Find other places for conversation outside of the comments section.
People cannot tell you how you're feeling. That is information only you have access to. They are projecting themselves onto you.
People often hide behind projection when theyre hurt. Don't take things personally.
Emotionally immature people cannot understand the difference between communicating vs reacting.
What's the difference?
Communicating = listening with intent to understand
Reacting = allowing the perceived threat to dominate the mood
Triggers can also show us parts of ourselves that are unhealed and in need of attention. Though it is never okay to force yourself to "work through them" if you do not relate.
"There is always more work to do" = this is a lifelong process. Don't try to rush it so hard.
Breaks are allowed and actually necessary in order to catch up.
"Trust in yourself & trust in the process" = you know what's best for you. Nobody else should be telling you how to live your life.
"Do something else" = your sanity is in danger if you don't learn how to step away from the stress. Don't ignore your mind & body asking for a break.
"Life is not a game" = take yourself and your health seriously.
It's normal to seek chaos while recovering. Sometimes we are hard wired for chaos due to the nature of our traumas. Healing can leave you feeling "boring" and that's normal.
Recovery can also be reflected in our outward appearances. "As I grew inward, my outward appearance changed too." The changes we make inside can have a very deep impact on the way we take care of ourselves and the way we project that outwardly through our appearance. Sometimes negatively, sometimes positively. It can fluctuate and change just like we do.
You're not alone. I guarantee you, whatever it is you're going through- there's a community out there for it.
Sometimes you will never know how to move forward. These are the moments that require the most kindness and compassion you can find.
There is such a huge awkward transitionary phase between "I'm stuck repeating old habits" vs "oh okay, I've learned enough to move on now, but I don't want to give up my old identity and now I'm even more panicked than I've ever been in my entire life what the fuck is happening please help me" and this is so fucking normal.
When that happens, just be as kind and patient as you can be. The old parts are in need of patience. They are clinging for a reason. Maybe the closure long forgotten? Maybe the underlying issues finally able to be spoken out loud and addressed? Give them the safety of knowing they are safe, well loved, and that you're still gonna be you in all that you are when they're ready to put those burdens down.
Change doesn't look good at first. At first it feels like ripping your skin off. There's a subtle power in allowing it to feel uncomfortable and doing it anyway. You can tap that power just by waking up and staying committed.
"You're stronger than you think, give yourself some kudos, you're worth the effort to heal." These are all words that others have said to me. Take the positive words that ppl give you and use them to your advantage. They're actually not bullshitting you. They actually really do want you to succeed. Draw on them to get you there.
In the same vein, ask trusted ppl what they think your strong points are. I've had ppl tell me "you're resourceful. You're strong in how you advocate for yourself." It can help to hear these types of things. It's okay to ask!
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xplrvibes · 2 months
how long do you think it’s gonna take sam to delete the “meet my girlfriend” video😭 i’m sorry i know i’m digging up the grave rn but i am seriously still in shock about kat and sam. i never felt they would actually get married but their breakup was so abrupt and final. sort makes me wonder how long sam was thinking about doing it because i think it was entirely sams idea and i don’t think you make a life altering decision like that in just a few days
it just does my head in a little because i cannot comprehend dating someone for 7 years of my life just for my partner to just one day decide he doesn’t want the life we’ve been envisioning for yearsss. i pray this never happens to me. i would go balls to the wall insane.
I don't think Sam will delete any of those old videos, tbh. I doubt that's even a thought in his mind, at this point.
This is going to be very controversial and liable to get me into trouble, so behind a cut I go lol.
I think I mentioned this once, a long time ago - but I saw this breakup coming a mile away, and am surprised how nobody else did.
Sam never made it a secret that he saw marriage of a deathknell of sorts; an end to his youth, to his fun, to Sam as he knows it. He always said he didn't want to get married until he was well into his 30s, and there was no part of him that was honestly acting like someone that was changing their minds on that.
If anything, he seems to be age regressing, but I digress lol.
My best assumption as to what happened is that Kat and Sam had been talking about marriage for some time, but in very broad terms ie: "when we get married someday, we'll do this." Sam was fine with that, because someday is a vague as fuck target that he could move the goalposts on any time he felt like.
But I think sometime in 2022, Kat starting wanting more. She wanted to finally be treated like a priority, and not just the girl he was casually dating. They both alluded to arguments they had about how Sam always worked and couldn't spend enough time together, which I'm sure was grating on her after 7 years of it.
So, Sam starts trying to spend more 1:1 time with her. Date nights, domestic dinners with just the two of them, mini-vacations, hiring editors for himself so he had more time throughout his days...the whole run. And this worked, for a while.
But the thing with this, is that both of them saw this move differently.
Kat saw Sam prioritizing her and their relationship as a step in the right direction, towards marriage. Sam saw it as a plateau move in their relationship; a way to continue to stave off the inevitable creeping hands of old age and death for as long as possible.
So, Kat starts bringing up their marriage plans again and at first, Sam is down for it because he's still looking at it as a vague, far off and almost hypothetical goalpost that he can move whenever HE wants, so he's all "yea sure, we'll do that," and he's into it and everything is hunky dory.
And then one day he realizes something: Kat isn't speaking in hypotheticals anymore. She's starting to move the goalpost, instead of letting him be in control of it.
And we all know Sam loves being in control of everything, at all times.
Now, he's starting to lose control on the marriage situation. He's starting to feel pressure to live by someone's else plans and timetables, instead of his own.
And then Colby gets cancer, and boom - another situation he has absolutely zero control over.
And I think one day he just flipped. Who knows what actually sparked him making the decision to break up with her; maybe it was a massive case of flight or fight and he (weirdly) chose flight. Maybe he just felt like he needed to remove one stressful out of control situation from his life, and he certainly wasn't going to cut Colby out in the middle of all that, so Kat lost.
Who knows, maybe he was still freaked out about Colby and Kat made the mistake of pressuring him to prioritize wedding planning in the midst of all that.
Or maybe, just maybe, all of the pressure and the loss of control and the fear of being forced into this "deathknell" situation of marriage tailspun him into a massive midlife crisis.
Who knows what triggered it, honestly. But I'm not surprised it happened, not at all.
I feel really bad for Kat, because I think the situation is so out of left field and painful - and then to top it off, she had to slap on a smile and hide it for months while fans continuously spammed her with things like "oh Sam, you need to wife her up" and stuff like that. And then they film that video and he's there - the man who literally switched up out of the blue - sobbing and saying how great their relationship was and framing himself as the hero of their story and of course she had no reaction, she was angry and hurt! But now he's getting all the sympathy and she's getting all the hate for a breakup she clearly did not ask for, want, or see coming.
It's truly awful, and I feel for her.
But honestly, it's for the best. They can both move on, find themselves, find who they are as people outside of being "Satrina" and grow.
Anyway, did that even answer your question? I have no clue lol.
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versegm · 9 months
Yo for your fanfic director's cut, tell me about your fave MashMorgan you have written. (If you don't have a fave, then uhh the Hanahaki one where Mash eats the flowers)
I DO HAVE A FAVORITE ACTUALLY i think Catalyst is the best mashmorgan fic I wrote tbh, which was kickstarted by this long-ass comment I got on Cleaning Bones
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Okay so I told you before that in fate lore, a catalyst is something related to a specific hero, which you use to ensure you'll summon them specifically (for exemple, Astolfo's catalyst in Fate/Apocrypha is the bottle of their lost wit.) The basic idea of this fic is: if you carried off your ex's bones in a fit of grief and it called them to Chaldea. Would it be fucking awkward or what.
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Morgan canonically manages to highjack the Chaldea summoning system to get a beach vacation in one event. Btw.
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I'm just... really proud of this specific bit. Of course Mash is lying by arguing that Morgan might be here out of the goodness of her heart. But at the same time, she DOES genuinely believe Morgan to be a good person, because that's the person she's come to know back then. Meanwhile, Morgan 1) believes herself evil and 2) cannot comprehend the idea of anyone seeing her as anything but evil. So originally Morgan interprets it as a joke, and then, when faced with the possibility that maybe she might be good, she just goes "Hm. I don't like that. Anyways."
Also notice how Mash refers to her as the "Winter Queen" here instead of "Morgan." It's a purposeful jab here, kinda like "well ok if you're gonna call me out on my shit I'm not gonna keep referring to you on a friendly first name basis."
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Love my bitch Morgan who reacts to any vaguely inconvenient emotion by just not processing them. Oh you kept pieces of my corpses? Well that is horrifying. I'm going to pretend that didn't happen now bye.
God. Like. Okay. Morgan's entire thought process (and it's upped up as a Berserker) is that she has very strict rules regarding how she interacts with the world. It literally does not matter if she hates you or if you're an enemy. If you didn't breach her rules, she won't hurt you. So here, carrying her bones is definitly a weird flex, but Morgan rationalizes it as "well, fair enough ig" which is why she refuses to engage with it from an emotional point of view. You earned that right. Enjoy it it well.
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Morgan is constantly associated with water/rain/lakes/winter/ice so anytime I write her I gotta go ham on my metaphors :)
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Notice that she's back to referring to that girl as "Mash" rather than "Sir Kyrielight."
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Sir Galahad, in Arthuriana & Fate lore, is often considered to be the "purest" of the round table, as the only bitch who actually managed to grab the grail. That's why Morgan calls specifically upon Galahad here; she's contrasting the one who was sinless vs the truly unhinged move that is keeping pieces of someone's dead body.
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Morgan does not believe there is anything good or virtuous about her. She is constantly trying to convince herself that her every actions are for selfish purposes. So it's fucking wild to her. To think that once upon a time, she had been loved. Once upon a time, she could have loved back strongly enough to nerf herself about it.
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cursmudgeon · 4 months
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This is so crazy to me because that is like the one place where you just objectively can't put ai. It wouldn't work. There's no way to make it work. Like fuck them for trying to put it anywhere in the pipeline at all but storyboards are the last place you would ever want it. I'm a firm believer that no matter where you put AI tech in art it's at best going to give you something mediocre and difficult to work with. It's just too much of a black box with too few direct controls. But there are some applications where I can at least see the argument. Background painting for animation is an amazing and complex art form but I can understand how you could use AI to get something mediocre but serviceable by generating a full render based on a sketch. Inbetweening is tedious and while I'm sure AI wouldn't hold a candle to a human for subtle acting I can see where someday you might be able to create a better version of auto-tweening that could handle more complex timing. Hell, clean up and coloring are both slow fiddly tedious processes that would make sense to cut corners on. Again I think cutting any of those jobs is a lazy and poorly thought out idea that you'd only pull if you're creatively bankrupt and only in it for the money but I can see how it would actually save money while still actually making something that resembles a show you could watch. But storyboarding is the one thing that this kind of statistical model will never be able to do. Statistical learning models cannot comprehend things, they don't know what a story is. They can't even tell a knock knock joke let alone a compelling story because they have no way of remembering the events that have happened in the story already or understanding that the pixels and words that they are assembling even relate to the concept of an event. They mash phrases and colors into something that vaguely resembles other stuff that they've been told contains keywords. That's it.
But you expect me to believe you're going to get one to understand enough film language to tell a compelling story over a thousand separate images while consistently keeping the characters believably in the same space and recognizable? And it's gonna do that faster than a person doing thirty second sketches? Nah. I don't buy it.
The amount of bullshit you have to do to convince the black box to put the correct character on the left side of the screen facing the right direction in one image would already be more work than doing rough thumbnails of the whole scene. There is so much specific problem solving that has to go into making a storyboard. We have a hundred years of highly specific cultural baggage that defines how we interpret films. No generative statistical training model will ever be able to do that because they are just not remotely capable of understanding what they're making. They aren't and can't be conscious entities with the ability to interpret meaning, no matter how many objects they can recognize or words they can predict would be likely to follow other words. At best you'll wind up with a jumble of blobs that vaguely resemble the compositions of other films thrown together in an order that makes no sense and some poor worker who you've demoted to a revisionist position will have to sort through them and try to turn them into something that makes any sense and it's going to be slower and worse than if you'd just paid someone to do it right the first time.
If this is true and there are executives who think this is going to happen, they're gonna have a bad wakeup call when they realize their expensive machines aren't capable of more than the visual equivalent of word salad.
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Esmerelda Poofenplotz x Alice Luoja (@cantdanceflynn) vs Res x Leo (@adanaac)
who makes up your ship?:
Esmeralda Poofenplotz(Canon Phineas and Ferb character(although I draw her differently from canon)) and Alice Luoja(Background character turned Phineas and Ferb oc)
why does your ship deserve to be considered the most toxic?:
ship tags/playlists/pinterest boards?:
Esmeralice, https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnP0Xop8gS5VdFNCP4Uetvq2pM5A9NZTe <- BAD PLAYLIST BY MY STANDARDS OF USUALLY A HUNDRED SONGS AT LEAST BUT ITLL DO FOR NOW
who makes up your ship?:
Res and Leo
why does your ship deserve to be considered the most toxic?:
Leo can’t remember anything that has happened to him before the age of twelve. All anyone knows is that he was in an accident that should have killed him, then he returned with an indestructible body and a void where his personality should be. He cannot comprehend good or evil, does not understand the concept known as ‘choice’, and cannot envision an existence where Res isn’t his Master. He imprinted onto Res the moment he met the other man and pushed himself into Res’ life without considering whether or not Res might want it. His first Master did not pass, he simply changed how he looked, and what he looks like now is Res. Period. He has nothing to offer, nothing to say, no emotions and no heart to give. All he knows are the facts, and the facts tell him that there is no Leo without Res. So he’ll make sure that there’s no Res without Leo. Res has always been very into science, but he isn’t too fond of how there are a bit too many restrictions on the experiments he can perform, and he’s even less fond of how they die whenever he tries some of his more ‘exciting’ stuff. Thankfully he has Leo, his little obedient puppy who will obey his every word and donate his body for research. Of course, he’s never asked him whether he was okay with that, but signing a consent form is so old school. He believes that we should be doers, not dreamers, and he’s always wanted to see what the insides of Leo’s body looked like. And all the resistance it’s putting up just makes it all the more exciting. Leo spells unending excitement, and that’s all the reason Res needs to make sure no one else has him. Res is life, but he is not Leo’s purpose for living, because Leo has not questioned whether or not life has a purpose. He doesn’t need to. Res is Leo’s Master, and Leo’s Master is the very concept of life itself. Without his Master, the earth does not spin, and the sun does not shine. Why would it be anything else? Leo is not a person, he is Res’ dream. The dream of a creature that would do nothing but obey his every word, and the dream of an anomaly that he could endlessly explore without an expiration date. A thing that Res will never get bored of. To Res, Leo is just an adorable lab rat who happens to be the only one in the world who can fulfill his dreams. He does not care for Leo, the person, because Leo is not a person, but he does care about Leo, the humanoid playground that belongs to Res, and Res alone. This is love, because love is when someone makes your heart race, and love is when someone makes you feel like you’re free-falling into obsession. Res loves him, loves him, loves him loves him loves himloveshim. Just as we don’t get emotionally attached to the oxygen that keeps our heart beating, Leo does not get emotionally attached to Res, and he doesn’t need to. This isn’t love, it’s something more than that. Love can change, fade and evolve- it’s fickle, fleeting and easily manipulated. What Leo and Res have is a constant. Res belongs with Leo, and Leo belongs with Res. Don’t argue with the facts. Because you’re wrong, and Leo will make sure you know you’re wrong, no matter who you are. It’s a good thing they’re with each other, and no one else. (Leo is Uno's oc, Res is Canada's oc. Above description written by Uno. Canada's description below) They're basically like those AITA stories where both are the asshole and its a good thing they're together and making each other worse. btw Res is the short pink one and Leo is the tall one.
ship tags/playlists/pinterest boards?:
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ineffablydelighted · 7 months
[Re-Angelized Crowley ruling Heaven alongside Supreme Archangel Aziraphale #3.2]
Hi again 👋
If you are in the need to catch up, previous parts are right here, my dear: Part 1 & 2, Part 3.1
That time Archangel Crowley started to notice a change in Supreme Archangel Aziraphale's face... also the day some Angels - including a Cherub, not a Cherubim - came to report on how Attempt #12 mysteriously failed, but nobody cares 'bout that.
Aziraphale: *with kind seriousness* Yes... I think I unders-
Crowley: *has left his chair and seized the Supreme Archangel's face in both his hands out of nowhere* Angel. WOT. IS THA-T?
Aziraphale's sofa chair: *holds to the floor with only one leg now, crushed by their weight* *wood meets velvet screeching noises*
The other Angels: *look away as if they just saw a sudden Neon light spelling INAPPROPRIATE TOUCHING right in front of their eyes*
One of them: *hide the Cherub's eyes with their hand*
Aziraphale: *heart racing* *tries to give the other angels a look* Hum... I'm sure you... huh... *To Crowley* *high-pitched voice* Wh-what are you doing?!
Crowley: *tightens the grip* *scrutinizes Aziraphale's face further more like some maniac* You tell me, what the Hell is THAT?
Aziraphale: THAT WHAT, CROWLEY?!
Crowley: You've got a WEIRD white spot in your right eye, Angel! *One of his hands goes down to the Supreme Archangel's chin* Are you alright? *gasps in utter panic* OH MY GOD! IT'S GROWING, ANGEL! ANGEL? *touches Aziraphale's face in multiple places* *also climbs on him**gasps again* ANGEL, ARE YOU OKAY?!
The other Angels:*discovers the concept of blushing*
The cherub: *cannot see a thing since the beginning but wants to laugh hearing it all without context*
Aziraphale: *cannot deal* Crow- I'm FINE! I sw-
Crowley: *puts one of his hands IN his mouth by accident* You're NOT. FINE. You have a sort of blueish-white spot growAHHHH! IT APPEARED ON THE LEFT ONE AS WELL, AZIRAPHALE!
Aziraphale: *panicking* *do not remember how to exhale* *realizes it might be because he has a hand in his mouth* *removes it* Someone gets me a mirror! Quickly! C-Crowley, I...
Aziraphale's sofa chair: *cannot even comprehend how it held that long* *stumbles* *falls miserably*
Aziraphale: *almost crushes the back of his head to the floor*
Crowley: *proceeds to put the back of one of his hands behind the Supreme Archangel's head to prevent the crushing* *also is all on top of him now but has been for the last five minutes*
Aziraphale: *blinks an exaggerated number of times* *looks at Crowley* *realizes HE has his hands on the Archangel's hips* *blushes* *looks at the other Angels blushing* *blushes even more*
Crowley: *still looks at Aziraphale in horror* *gently removes his hand behind his Angel's face* Angel...
Aziraphale: I-I'm fine, I swear!
Muriel: *runs as if her life depends on it* *hand in the air holding a mirror* I'VE GOT IT! I'VE GOT IT! *gives it to... Crowley? Aziraphale? cannot really see who is where*
Aziraphale: *succeeds to take the mirror from Muriel's hand* *looks at himself* *widens his strange eyes* *super high-pitched voice* WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!
Crowley: *same tone* I TOLD YOU!
Aziraphale: WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME?! AM I DYING?! *catches Crowley's hand in the firmest grip* I DON'T WANT TO DIE, CROWLEY!
Crowley: *almost about to cry* *puts his free hand on Aziraphale's cheek* You're gonna be fine, Angel, I swear... *yells in sudden wrath to the other angels* WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR, YOU IDIOTS?! THE SUPREME ARCHANGEL IS DYING! CALL EMER-... 9.1.... CALL WHOEVER CAN DO SOMETHING! NOW!
The other angels: *runs everywhere without destination* *broken angels*
The cherub: *discreet laugh* *does not move an inch*
Muriel: *approaches further* *tries her best not to be disturbed by the pair's position* *gives a worried look to Aziraphale* *softens instantly* Oh, that? *little laugh* That is nothing.
Crowley & Aziraphale: *turns to her, shocked*
Muriel: *shrugs her shoulders* That's just his eyes changing, it's no biggie. *reassuring smile*
Crowley: *annoyed in my-husband-is-dying-and-you-just-don't-care* Yes, we saw his eyes were changing, and that is NOT normal! Hold on, Aziraphale, I'm here!
Aziraphale: *sees his life unfold in front of his weird eyes* *only sees Crowley in different outfits and shades of emotions*
Muriel: No, no, you don't get it, there's no need to panic...
Aziraphale: *mumbles in agony* I will die disfigured! *tightens the grip of his hand in Crowley's until it almost bleeds - but caresses the gap between his thumb and his index unconsciously at the same time*
Crowley: *ready to cry* *lays on the Supreme Archangel's chest* Oh, Angel, I... I... I lo-
Muriel: That's his Supreme Archangel's mark growing, that's all!
Aziraphale & Crowley: *look at each other, tears still in both their eyes* *feel utterly stupid*
Aziraphale: *clears his throat* *rubs his eyes* Oh. Hum... Of... Of course, it is! *shy laugh*
Crowley: *realizes how their position could be... huh... misinterpreted* *looks at Aziraphale's blueish-white spots growing* *not 100% relaxed about it* *head leaning to the left* It... It... It looks... kind of... huh... pretty.
Aziraphale: *blushes in super duper flattered Supreme Archangel* You... You really think so? 🥰
Crowley: I... think? It's... glowing. Glowing is... nice?
Muriel: Should we leave you the room, or...
Aziraphale & Crowley: What? Why for?!
Muriel: Oh, hum... You know more about human love things than we do, I don't know-know, but...
Aziraphale & Crowley: *blush* *look at each other* *proceed to separate and get back on their feet in less than five seconds*
Aziraphale: *rearranges his clothes because he is profesh'*
Crowley: *rearranges his clothes because Style is important* *keeps giving looks to Aziraphale to verify if the spots keep progressing*
Both: *clears their throats in teenagers caught in the act*
Aziraphale: *To the other Angels who have seen way too much* Thanks for taking the time to give me this news. It's okay. I am sure you will do better next time.
The other angels: *couldn't wait to be authorized to leave*
The cherub from afar: *cute child walk* *laughs* The boss and his pet are so weird!
Another angel: SHHH!
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peruvian-flute-band · 1 month
trigger warnings (a rant)
i'm probably gonna sound like I'm a monster who can't respect personal decisions, but this is really bothering me.
I have seen many trigger warnings
some are very reasonable, like injuries, blood/gore, weird fetishes, transphobia/homophobia, drugs/alcohol, proshippers, etc.
I'm totally fine with that.
but there are some that I cannot understand
I get that people have trauma and that they don't want to remember or live through it again
but I have been asked in the past to censor specific stuff like deltarune/undertale, certain animals (alive, not dead), certain shows and movies (like american dad, for example), talk about the positive aspects of religion and similar topics, and very detailed stuff knowing damn well the chances of said things being said/done is extremely low.
the explanations? usually nothing.
I am having such a hard time recently comprehending how this even goes into play, how I and many others are supposed to remember, and why there are so many things that a user like that does because someone mentions something like that once.
I always thought "oh, they aren't comfortable talking about this, and I should respect that because I don't know what has happened for it to be a trigger"
but now I have been bitched at, banned off servers, aggressively warned, and kicked off entire Internet platforms because I have accidentally failed to remember one person's triggers and said/did something that one person didn't like
I still want to respect these, I really do, but now one part of me is thinking "why can't they just knock this shit off and get over one fucking mistake"
I'm getting tired of being demanded to oblige by someone's trauma even though we are Internet strangers and in the grand scheme of things, we mean nothing to each other.
there is currently one single discord server I'm in that has a channel for this, and every time someone types in a different random thing that only happened once to them, I am getting closer to absolutely losing it.
in conclusion, if you have a very specific trigger, and someone says something accidental that reminds you of your trauma online, then don't ruin stuff by going "can you shut the fuck up about it??" unless they are purposely trying to mess with you, there is no reason why you shouldn't take a moment to calm yourself down and say something like "hey, I'm not a big fan of that topic, can we talk about something else?" I assure you, the chances that the user will understand and stop will be increased the nicer you are about it. please don't freak the fuck out and get someone banned/yelled at for it, they have lives too, and most of the time they're just Internet strangers, and they don't know about your life until you say something.
thank you.
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Okay so I am lost about something. Erwin belittles Claude as a poor ruler for his stunt with the Great Bridge regarding Ferdinand's forces. And Claude - and others - will berate the decision to continue onto Imperial territory to push back against the Empire, because of Almyra attacking while they were doing so not being accounted for.
But. Like. If Claude hadn't done those two things, then the Empire... would have attacked them while they were fighting back against Almyra. At least, that's implied going by what Erwin says: "I imagine [the Empire has] reconsidered their plans following the last battle. It was foolish of them to start a war on two fronts in the first place, it would be even greater folly yet to continue after witnessing the might of the Alliance." With Judith responding: "Hold on. Are you saying the reason you volunteered to defend the Great Bridge is because you figured it wouldn't be attacked?"
But the Empire never would have known about the Alliance's might if Claude had just fortified the Bridge and gone on the defensive like Erwin and others wanted him to. And without the fight against Bergliez - where the Alliance had given him both moral and pragmatic reasons not to follow them into the Alliance - he would have likely just... invaded the Alliance? Since there'd be literally nothing stopping him now?
And that battle with Bergliez: damn near flawless, even with Jeralt and Byleth muckin' things up a bit. The plan with the Bridge: exactly as planned. Capturing Ferdinand: not a complete success, but the Empire's still without an important commander nonetheless and lost a sizable amount of troops. The invasion with Shahid: unexpected at the moment, but Claude always had Nader in his corner and expected Shahid to attack at some point, and that battle also went down without much issue (uhh I mean besides the whole forced fratricide and the emotional turmoil that is that lmao but you get what I mean).
But Claude's still doubtful, nobody really trusts Claude still, people are wondering why the Empire didn't attack them while they were retreating (maybe it's because y'all beat their asses?? Or that y'all ran through their breadbasket and so made fighting impossible without ensuring further starvation in Adrestia??) and it's like holy fuckin' shit somebody needs to grow some goddamn confidence already. Seeing all of this success the Alliance is getting - even when unexpected shit flies their way, they adapt just fine around it - being contrasted with pretty much everyone still twiddlin' their thumbs and being so unsure of themselves is just... weird?
Like, cockiness will get them killed sure, but they're acting like nothing ever goes their way when just about everything goes about as well as they can go given the circumstances. It makes the idea that Claude siding with the Empire on GW was a decision ~made in distress and desperation~ that I've seen some try to explain his decisions as seem... completely unwarranted, because he was doing about as well as he could've done fighting them. Am I just missing something? Would love to know lmao cuz the dots just aren't connecting for me 😂
I'm gonna let you in on a secret: I've stopped trying to connect the dots. This game doesn't know what it's doing with itself. The Alliance was doing . . . pretty good for a country who's kinda known for their crap military. It's like. The plots that make sense for him to concoct? The ones you mentioned (Gloucester and Myrddin, Bergliez, Nader)? People were upset that they weren't in the know, but . . . they went off without a hitch. It's literally when Claude does an about-face and allies with the Empire out of fucking nowhere that his plans get more messy for his character, then outright messy in-fucking-general. It's like . . . you're right! Things were going well for them! Like, if I'm not mistaken, exactly what was happening in the background of Azure Gleam. But then they change it for no reason. Which I cannot comprehend. Because. Because things were going pretty well
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aggirrrl · 1 year
I know nobody is going to see this, let alone bother to actually read it but i'm gonna say it anyway. Why? I don't know, but i feel like if i don't all those bottled up emotion or whatever the fuck it is will kill ke one way or another.
I don't know how to put it nicely or even say it in a way that wouldn't be a random string of already bearlt coherent thoughts so i'm gonna do the only thing i know how to do, make myself look like an idiot, here it goes.
I hate my stupid life, like actually. And i don't mean that i'm in a bad pleace rn or that i messed up something recently, i mean i hate every last little detail about my pathetic existance. Everything i have done since i remember has resulted in an annoying inconvinience at best and a possibly traumatic experience at worst and i hate it. But my influence on other people isn't the only thing to hate about me, far from it. I cannot even comprehend how someone can be such a dumb fucking fool to spend their entire life doing, trying to enjoy, talking about and acting like things they fucking hate. Maybe i got into a really good university and shit like that but honestly this means nothing to me, i am terrible at everything i am supposed to at least understand. I feel like it would be better if i never got there and people i met seem to agree.
I think that the worst thing about it isn't the fact that it's happening but the fact that it is all my fault. Everything there is to hate about me is a direct consequence of my own actions, the things i do, the way i talk to other people and treat them in general, the things i say and think, all the pain i am bringing to other people. The only thing i am not 100% responsible for is my appearance but i don't think good genetics would help me.
I know i shouldn't but sometimes i wish that there would come a day where i wouldn't be a burden and that people would my presence, or even enjoy it. I know i'm just setting my expectations way too high and making the fall even worse but mental and physical sh is the only thing i have left.
I know i'm an attention whore but that's just another reason to hate me
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imaginesbymonika · 1 year
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I posted 347 times in 2022
That's 79 more posts than 2021!
161 posts created (46%)
186 posts reblogged (54%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 137 of my posts in 2022
#imagine - 76 posts
#jackass - 68 posts
#x reader - 66 posts
#angst - 62 posts
#spotify - 58 posts
#johnny knoxville - 47 posts
#jackass forever - 43 posts
#fluff - 40 posts
#chris pontius - 40 posts
#steve o - 37 posts
Longest Tag: 73 characters
#i am a period haver so i can survive getting shot at with a paintball gun
My Top Posts in 2022:
It all tastes like poison.
Part 2.
Pairing: Homelander x fem!reader / Solider Boy x fem!reader
Plot: based on this request: “can you please write an imagine about someone who use to be with soldier boy before he "died» which left her broken, but she still worked with vought for years because she ages slower than normal and she meets homelander who she kinda falls for, but when ben comes back she gets mixed emotions till he tries to kill homelander and then she'll have to work with everyone else to get him back into the box, which she doesn't want to do. LIKE ANGST?”
warning: f-bombs, angst, mentions of character death, death, violence (man turned into slime)
Previous chapter
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The love you carried for Soldier Boy and somehow never lost was a one-of-a-kind kind of love. The way he held you at night was enough to bring tears to your eyes whenever your mind went back to it. Of course, you knew that he wasn't a good person- fuck, not one Supe could consider themselves a ‘good person’ if they were being honest.
"When they created her something just went wrong.", Ben explains and Hughie peeks over at Billy. "What do you mean 'something just went wrong’ ?"
"I don't know... I think they messed the dosage of V up. They accidentally gave her too much of it. Well, I'm gonna be honest with you boys, Y/N is the one yall should be worried about. I am not joking... if she would have known that I was in the USSR- good lord. You probably wouldn't find Russia on the map today."
Billy takes a deep breath.
You turn around and stare at the ceiling. Soldier Boy is out there. Your Soldier Boy is out there- alive. And you're stuck with his cheap knockoff. It made you sick to just think about it for longer than five minutes.
Black Noir, who is walking down the hallway turns around and when he makes eye contact with you he tenses up. You quickly make your way towards him, and you catch him looking up at the clock. "I know it's late, it's just I cannot sleep knowing that Ben is out there."
When you receive no response you sigh:" Don't you want to find him?" A stillness falls upon the two of you and you stare at your long-time best friend for a few moments until he shakes his head. "What do you mean 'no'? It's Ben- Soldier Boy, we are talking about! He essentially came back from the death- you're telling me that you don't you want to know what happened to him?"
At the genuine sincerity in your voice he takes a small step back and it doesn't take you more than a second to comprehend what that means. You stare at his legs for a moment before your eyes move back up. "Wait, what-?", an uneasy chuckle escapes your lips, followed by a shaky breath:" I- I don't understand. Do you k-know something that I don't know?"
Black Noir doesn't answer. Of course, he doesn't. But whenever his mouth fails, his body language takes over. And after a couple of decades of working together, he doesn't need to move much for you to know what's going on in his head.
You swallow thickly as hot tears emerge in your eyes: "Did you have something to do with his 'death'?" He stares at you. "Don't you fuck with me! Did you or did you not know what happened to him?!" Your view of the world turns blurry, but you can see the way he slowly nods his head.
A second later he drops to the floor. Dead. Turned into a puddle of slime. Without wasting another second you step over his remains and walk towards the exit.
"I'm giving her 24 hours."
Billy turns his head to look at Ben:"What did you say?"
"You heard me."
404 notes - Posted July 18, 2022
Viral Video
Pairing: Matthew Gray Gubler x Reader
Warnings: fluff, and comedy
Plot: Matty has a crush crush and the universe listened <3
Song to listen to while reading:
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It was nothing new… celebrities having crushes on each other. Ellen, for example, made a whole game out of that on her show titled ‘Who’d you rather’ and even fans were so-called ‘shipping’ cast members with each other on the internet.
So when Matthew Gray Gubler began to talk about his ‘tiny’ crush on the actress Y/N whenever interviewers asked him with whom he’d like to work with in the future, you could nearly hear the keyboards of fanfiction-writers in the distance.
Matthew had a crush on her since - well, forever, and her name (strangely enough) also happened to come up more and more afterward.
It came up so often that fans not only cached upon it rather fast but also made compilation videos titled “MGG mentioning Y/N Y/L/N during interviews like it’s a sport” or “ Y/N being mentioned by Matthew like she’s his long lost lover from before war” - never having to use the same clips twice.
She smiles, as she looks into the camera. Her arms lean on the board. “Hi, my name is Y/N Y/L/N-“, the young woman says and smiles:” And this is my autocomplete- what’s it called again?” She asks looking at the people behind the camera, acting confused, and when a voice adds:” Autocomplete interview.” She chuckles before winking at the camera:” I was joking, I wanted you to complete my sentence.”
For a while, the interview went by smoothly. After all, it was the typical kinds of questions. “How old is Y/N Y/L/N?” and “What’s Y/N Y/L/N height.”
But then the actress pulls the tape off a question that made her giggle. She licks her lips and swallows thickly. “Y/N Y/L/N Matthew Gray Gubler fan video question mark?”, Y/N reads out loud and runs a hand through her hair:” Is that even a question? Well-.”, she clears her throat:” If you are speaking about the fan videos where he mentions me, I’m fully aware of them.” She laughs:” Yes. I have seen them and yes, I would love to work with him in the future. I have been a huge fan of criminal minds, I think he’s a remarkable actor. Very, very talented.“
“Well that’s it.”, Matthew mumbles as he stares at the phone screen of his friend, he takes a deep breath and stands up. Only to let himself plunge dramatically on the couch in his trailer:” My life is over.”
Shemar Moore rolls his eyes and puts his phone away:” But maybe you’re right.”
Matthew wrinkles his forehead as he looks up at him:” I was hoping for something more supportive and enthusiastic.”
“I wanted it to be a surprise but-.”
Before he can finalize his sentence the door to the trailer opens up and Andrea enters, a shit-eating grin covers her lips:” I thought you two might wanna join me, our guest star just arrived.”
It doesn’t take long for Matthew to understand what’s going on. “No.”, he whispers, his eyes big:” No, no, no.”
“Well, yeah.”
“So she’s essentially going to end up being Spencer’s girlfriend.”, the director explains to the cast, Y/N stands next to him with a soft but nervous look on her face. “We don’t know how often she’s going to reappear- but after our social media team liked a couple of Y/N-related tweets, so far the fans have been going crazy.”
“Well, you’ve spoken about her often enough.”, Paget whispers and gently nudges Matthew, who simply rolls his eyes. “I’ve often enough talked about wanting more money or something like that. You’re going to tell me, that this is the moment the universe listens and responds?”
The second he meets Y/N’s eyes a blush appears on his cheeks.
Matthew who sits in his trailer nervously plays with the zipper of his hoodie. This was beyond embarrassing. It wasn’t like he talked about her very subtle….
“Is there any celebrity you would like to work with in the future?”, a voice inquires and Kirsten Vangsness chuckles. “Like on criminal minds or just in general?”, she looks past the camera towards the interviewer. “First person who comes to mind.”.
“Y/N Y/L/N.”, Matthew lets out and his eyes widen:” Was that too fast?” His friend smiles. “Oh really?”, Kirsten turns her body towards him:” I’ve never seen her in like a police-type of the show- except Brooklyn 99. But that’s not really -.”
“Not really what our show aims for.”, Matthew completes her sentence and laughs:” Well, I think she’s a great actress.”
”Like when she played alongside Ben Affleck in Gone Girl, what was her character's name again?”.
“Amy Dunne.”, Matthew says and bites his lip:” That was way too fast again. I think she’s a great actress. A lot of my friends have worked with her before and they all say she’s the nicest and sweetest person.”
“And she’s so pretty.”, Kirsten interrupts her friend:” Last year's met gala?! Hello?! That dress? Insanity.“.
See the full post
580 notes - Posted January 31, 2022
It all tastes like poison.
Part 1.
Pairing: Homelander x fem!reader / Solider Boy x fem!reader
Plot: based on this request: “can you please write an imagine about someone who use to be with soldier boy before he "died» which left her broken, but she still worked with vought for years because she ages slower than normal and she meets homelander who she kinda falls for, but when ben comes back she gets mixed emotions till he tries to kill homelander and then she'll have to work with everyone else to get him back into the box, which she doesn't want to do. LIKE ANGST?”
warning: f-bombs, angst
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You look over at Black Noir and slightly shake your head in defeat. You couldn't believe that you were actually here right now. After all, it was your free day.
"Stop.", Homelanders says, right after the explosion makes the screen go white, but rather of doing what he's told Deep accidentally closes the video. " Deep", the blonde man sighs:" Is there anyone else who can operate this thing? Seriously?"
You watch how the Deep's body tenses up:" Ashley thought we should get rid of most of them." The red-haired woman next to you opens her mouth to say something in return, but before she can you take a step forwards and hit the back of Deep's head. He flinches at the unexpected pain:" Ouch, what was that for?!"
"You fired them! Ashley had nothing to do with that!", you say angrily but the brown-haired man's attention is already back on the screen. "Nevermind found it!" You scoff.
Homelander puts his hand on Deep's shoulder: "Okay- stop!"
The video freezes and reveals a man. Everyone moves closer and when you observe his face your ears start ringing. Out of the corner of your eye, you notice that Homelander takes a small step back. "Zoom in." You swallow thickly.
"Soldier Boy.", Homelander whispers, and your jaw drops. You stare at the screen for a brief moment before you turn around to throw up into the nearest trashcan. "That's impossible, he died like 40 years ago."
“Someone's cosplaying?"
The ringing in your eyes becomes louder with each second that's passing. "Look at his face.", the blonde guy next to you whimpers and you don't have to look at him to know he's frightened. It is radiating off of him.
"Maybe it's CGI?", the Deep asks and you crave to rip his head off.
"It isn't fucking CGI!", you hiss.
"How would you know, I- oh." His eyes widen while yours glow green for a moment. He swallows thickly.
"You won't leave me, r-right?"
You turn around and when you make eye contact with Homelander your gaze softens. You sigh while you walk back to him. "Just because Soldier Boy's back you won't leave me, right?"
You stare at him and a delicate smile arises on your lips. Homelander was a broken man, beyond capable of repairment- and perhaps that's what you liked so much about him. "I won't.", you declare and stroke his cheek:" You're the only one for me." But deep down you knew that was a lie and by the look on Homelander's face, you understand that he could probably smell that.
"Wait, what?", Hughie asks and wrinkles his eyebrows: "You're telling me you dated Miss Americana?" Soldier Boy, who is sitting across from him nods before he bites into his burger, a worried expression on his features.
"I thought you dated Countess." Soldier Boy takes a deep breath and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand:" Well, we dated for the people. Behind closed doors, it was only Y/N and I." Billy who leans back in his chair shakes his head: "Do you think that she lied?"
"Who?" "Countess. About Y/N being the only one who didn't know."
Soldier Boy chuckles at that. "What's so funny?"
"Well, let's just say that if she knew that I was imprisoned in Russia- that place wouldn't fucking exist anymore."
724 notes - Posted July 17, 2022
The golden rule
Joseph Quinn x Reader
Plot: She always disappears in the morning and Joe has no idea what to do about it.
Warnings: angsty in the beginning but then soft !!!
Song to listen to while reading:
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She had one rule and it was more than straightforward. Y/N grew up surrounded by actors and actresses, people who have dominated Hollywood for decades.
"What's the golden rule, sweetheart?"
"Don't fall in love with your co-stars."', Y/N replied, and her mother smiled at her, "Exactly, it will never end well.”
And for the last ten years, she didn't break it. Not once.
But right now, with Joe’s lips directly on her neck- she couldn't think straight, let alone follow any rules. Her back was pushed against the cold door while his hand searched for the zipper of her beautiful white satin dress. They both know that she will be gone before he wakes up in the morning and he won't discuss it with her on set. He will maintain his distance- until the following episode wrap-up party takes place.
"'Are you busy right now?", a shy voice asks, and Millie, who is laying on the couch in her trailer perks up from behind the book that she’s holding in her hands. She tilts her head as she looks at him.
"What's wrong?" ,The brunette girl licks her lips and Joe begins to anxiously scratch the back of his neck: "Am I really that obvious?"
"Well, you do have those great emotional eyes.", Millie answers and Joseph chuckles softly before he walks up to his friend. For a moment they both stay silent. Millie can see how her friend is desperately searching for the right wording.
"You told me that you know- Y/N, for quite some time now, right?", he begins and swallows thickly. Millie nods:" It’s been five years, yeah. Why do you ask?"
Joe doesn't respond. Instead he runs a hand through his hair and leans back.
Her skin smelled like peaches and her hair did too. He shut his eyes as he kissed her skin dark blue.
"You two hooked up!?", Millie’s eyes widen in shock:" Are you serious? Wait what?! Was that like a one-time thing?" But he shakes his head:" How many episodes of this season did we film yet?"
"Seven." "Well, there you go."
Joe, who is walking in loops sighs and shakes his head:" I really don't get it. Why? Why is she always leaving before I get the chance to talk to her about us."
Millie looks at the ground for a few minutes, before she begins to rub the bridge of her nose:" Oh no."
“What is it?"
"It’s ‘The golden rule’ .", she says quietly and Joe crosses his arms in front of his chest as his eyebrows furrow.
"Excuse me it’s what?"
"Her mother always warned her "no matter what you do, don't ever fall in love with your co-stars.", Millie mimics her voice and Joe swallows thickly. "She probably keeps her distance to you, because she doesn't want to fall in love with you. If she hasn't already, of course."
Y/N who is walking towards her car yawns, this is the third time in a row that she had filmed way past midnight. She stops walking to dig through her bag for her keys.
"Don't fall in love with your co-stars, huh.", a voice unexpectedly asks and when Y/N quickly turns around she spots Joseph. The actor slowly walks towards her, frustration is flashing up in his eyes.
"Joe. You really scared me, I-. Did you say "golden rule' ? How do you-"
The young woman nods in realisation:" Of course. Millie. Listen, can we discuss this maybe-?
See the full post
1,507 notes - Posted June 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
The look.
Pairing: Soldier Boy x Reader
Plot: Billy see it again. Under odd circumstances.
Warnings: a few f bombs, mentions of murder, reader being an orphan, but no big spoilers
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You had no idea how you became a part of Butcher's inner circle- his little suicidal friends group. To be completely honest, you didn't have a clue how you slipped into this kind of life in the first place.
All you knew was that Butcher could smell when someone was fueled by revenge and hatred towards a Supe. He was like a shark and you just happened to be a drop of blood in the ocean.
So once Homelander murdered your parents, it was sealed fate that your paths would eventually cross. Billy just didn't know why he felt this distinctive way about you- it wasn't comparable to the way he felt about Hughie or Frenchie. When he looked at you it felt like he looked at his daughter. Which was something he tried to suppress for months- even years. He loathed the idea of being that close to someone.
He didn't even care about himself, so why the fuck would he care about another human that wasn't Becca.
Becca. His sweet Becca. He can still remember the way he used to look at her- with so much devotion that it nearly suffocated him. Maybe that's why losing her hurt that much- he wasn't used to breathing any more.
But it was something Billy could recognize everywhere- that look. It was in the way he used to stare at Becca when they first met and now he could see it in the way Soldier Boy looked at you. It made him sick to his stomach.
"Whats your deal with that homelander guy?"
You looked up from your spot on the couch: "What?" He chuckled and you couldn't help but mimic him, even if it sounded a bit awkward. "That Homelander guy, tell me. Why do you want him dead?"
For a moment you stare at him before you put your book down. "Well.", you begin and clear your throat: "Long story short he killed my parents." The bearded man in front of you slowly nods his head: "I see. And the long version?"
"After my parents got sliced in half because Homelander 'missed' his actual target, I got put into a home. From that moment on it was one family after another.", you take a deep breath: "No one wanted to put up with a traumatized child, I guess." A silence falls upon the room.
Soldier Boy slowly nods. "Whenever I stayed with a family for more than a month I thought "maybe this is it, maybe I finally found a family"- but I just got abandoned again eventually. Sorry, this sounds super depressing."
The man in front of you chuckles again: "Don't worry, I know a thing or two about what its like to be left behind. Sucks." He leans back on the bed. "Yeah, it does.", you answer and take a deep breath.
At the sound of the keys, your heads turn. "Everything all right in here?", Billy inquires and even if that question is said to the both of you, you know he means only you- and when you nod in his direction you see how his shoulders drop. Even if it's only a bit.
His eyes roam the room and when he glances over at Ben, he can see it. That look. "Yeah.", Ben lets out and licks his lips: "We are just getting to know each other better."
1,664 notes - Posted July 11, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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troglobite · 4 months
okay separately i watched season 3 of hilda and was a sobbing mess for the last 35 minutes of the final episode.
also i would bet money that netflix shortchanged them and said "FINE you get ONE more season. but it's only EIGHT episodes, because fuck you."
because season 3 could easily have been 2 more seasons on its own. like come the fuck on.
they introduced AND resolved their ENTIRE FAMILY LORE in fucking EIGHT EPISODES. that's shitfucking absurd.
but also i cannot begin to comprehend how AMAZINGLY they executed that to make me a sobbing, blubbering mess at the end. absolutely fucking destroyed me.
something about hilda just. really. fucking hits me. which is wild because i don't identify with her at all. i find her mildly annoying because, like my mom, when children recklessly endanger themselves by ignoring their friends and parents in media, it drives me UP THE FUCKING WALL.
i got immune to it as i watched, and the world of the show also goes out of its way to demonstrate that realistically, in this world, nothing's gonna happen to hilda. the consequences are always otherworldly or strange or narrative, and she can tumble down as many cliffsides as she wants and be fine. and so can everyone else! absurdity. but it means that when she doesn't listen, it's like, well yeah i guess to you your mom WOULD be overprotective, because you've scaled sheer cliff faces and tumbled to what, in the REAL world, would be sure death, and come out almost entirely unscathed. so yeah i get it. lol
and it matches the fantasy/magical world of the show so it works.
but anyway point being i don't relate to her in any way, or any of the characters, really. and i'm not someone who HAS to to care about or enjoy a piece of art or media, CLEARLY.
but i mention it to say that something about the show, story, characters, art, ethos and thesis, etc. just absolutely gutpunches me.
the deerfox episode? bawling every time i watch it. absolutely emotionally devastating.
and i don't cry at every episode. i am COMPELLED by it, though. it makes me FEEL and THINK. it's just so well done.
and the series finale, all 80 minutes of it, just absolutely destroyed me.
it was a situation where i could see all the narrative beats and the "twists" before they were revealed, but all that means is i'm an adult watching a children's show and they're incredibly good storytellers for me to know what's happening.
and knowing it, and knowing likely how it would end, etc., i was still absolutely devastated.
and they make you reckon with SERIOUS SHIT in the finale. even though everything ended up being okay, they really made the stakes REAL. and it was HEAVY!
and just so effective.
i was bummed because in looking up who the voice actor for mr. pooka was, i got spoiled for some plot points and i was REALLY annoyed about that.
but then they ended up being relatively minor plot points because it didn't reveal anything about the CONTEXT of those reveals, so they were still incredibly impactful.
oh one thing, though, and i guess spoilers for season 3 if you haven't watched it (and i HIGHLY recommend it. seasons 1 and 2 and the movie are AMAZING, and season 3 is DEVASTATINGLY good)
when her dad shows the fuck up out of nowhere and is like "haha i'm cool, right? :D you take after me! let's go do things! haha i'm completely broke! let's go out to eat! i have a weird job to do, yeah, come with me! haha lemme let you drive at an unreasonably young age! we're out in the middle of nowhere, it's fine!"
let's just say i sat stonefaced or grimacing through that entire episode, reliving some extremely identical memories of my own. lol
spoilers over
anyway, something about the heart of the show is so profoundly moving, and i absolutely love it. i highly recommend it, and i am in awe of how much they accomplished in season 3.
also miriam margoyles is in it!
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blumenct · 5 months
socializing this year and getting into a group of people to hang with has been genuinely life-changing but also i've been in a constant stream of going into panic states over basically nothing.
i have a pretty strong anxiety complex over people not inviting me to things. having friends my whole life who just never talk to me first, which is a coincidence so extreme i can only comprehend that i'm the problem. it sets an incredibly low bar of expectations for how i'd like to be treated by others and yet it isn't happening so idfk.
anyway. i cannot expect to be invited into groups of friends who are friends with other friends and such. unreasonable. but i would like to be approached more. this isn't due to lack of trying, i reach out to others and try to suggest things. i'm direct and as positive as i can muster. but man. the way i'm accustomed to disappointment actually physically hurts.
bought lethal company to try and play with literally anyone but as i sit here realizing *no one* will reach out to me first to play it, it like, seriously sucks. and that is just kind of where i am at life and now that i'm older it is hard to not feel like that's how it's gonna be forever! despite my efforts. very tired and lonely about it.
i refuse to give up but it feels really, really like something is wrong with me and i'm repulsive. it's an unhealthy expectation to think i can insert myself into a friend group but once i've actually become friends with some people over the course of a year it's like...right, i'm just not THAT much of a friend. this is so whiny, god. that's the worst part of this, the whining. and it sucks that the whining comes from being in such a positive place and otherwise feeling connected to people.
i remember a period in my life where i had a small group online i would do stuff with and how it was ruined in part by me and in part by them not being great people. but fuck, i had it, just for that brief time.
being in a social dead zone for like 7 years makes you forgot how ADDICTING being social is. it ruins you. all you wanna do is talk to the people you like. the most energizing thing imaginable. this is such a deprived way to feel.
anyway. all i can do is talk to people. i remind myself i'm not gonna be more important to someone who has known others longer. wow that's a grossly bleak way to think of friendship! what is wrong with me. but you don't make friends being silent.
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bylightofdawn · 1 year
Alright, I got about 3K written and the next part is gonna be a doozy Jaster's about to get some not happy fun news...hell it's not like it's a HUGE SURPRISE but he's going to find out Montross betrayed him and it's gonna be a s h i t s h o w.
And absolutely no one but Jaster was surprised, especially with the less than subtle hints I've been laying down. So that's going to take a while to write and since it's 12:30 I'm going to be a good girl and call it quits even though I high key cannot wait to write this terrible confrontation.
EDIT: Also, I'm gonna take a sec to edit and interrupt myself. I WROTE 3K WORDS IN ONE NIGHT. HOW FUCKING AWESOME IS THAT? And I've been regularly pumping out that word count which is how I've written like prolly 70K words in like 3 months. Maybe more I need to go back and look and see how much I'd written a few years ago when I started Seeds before my writing urge ran away from me.
Just did the calculation and it's rough but I'd written 11K of Seeds. With chapter 21 (not including 22 since I'm not adding stuff to the master doc until I'm done with a chapter) I'm at 103,000 words. I've written 92,000 words SINCE JANUARY. I can't even comprehend that. Like my brain cannot wrap itself around that large of a number. I get PANICKY thinking of a number that large and wondering how the fuck that happened. I wrote that? Me? It does not compute.
I am allowing myself to pat myself on the back for that accomplishment. I set out with an unofficial New Year's resolution (which I studiously never make because I feel like I always fail) to try and write a little bit a day. Well jokes on me because I've exceeded that expectation and resolution with flying colors. So this is me giving myself some well-deserved back pats and acknowledgment that I am awesome.
I'm not the greatest author out there, I have a lot of room for improvement but I am working on honing those skills, and that deserves to be acknowledged.
OKAY back to blathering on about Hot Toy's displays and diorama shit.
Instead I will write it tomorrow and try to get to bed at a reasonable hour. I want to take a second to blather on about something totally different. I've got three Star Wars Hot Toy's figures, my favorite boys Rex, Obi-Wan and Cody that I've picked up over the past few years. They live in an Ikea display case at the top and I love looking inside and seeing them but man I get so bummed at how shitty my display skills are.
I legit watched a Tested video today and Norm did this amazing customer display of like the new Bo-Katan hot toys figure displayed hanging from the ceiling seemingly in mid-flight descending on Mando. He apparently did it BEFORE he saw Mando S3 and he like a lot of us thought there'd be this huge confrontation between them. Anyway it looks amazing and I know I could never do anything that cool because 1) I lack the skill or experience. 2) I'm not backed by fucking Tested and have access to a $4,000 glowforge laser cutter to make custom acrylic cuts etc. Or a high end 3D printer etc. Suffice it to say that shit is an EXPENSIVE barrier to entry.
I have debated off and on spending a couple hundred dollars on a 3D printer and teaching myself how to do 3D modeling. I think it would be hard but I think I could teach myself how to do it. But it's justifying the price to even start. I have no interest in teaching myself how to do this and flipping shit on etsy with dozens of other people selling diorama pieces or turning it into a business. I don't think there's a lot of money to be had that way to be brutally honest and there's again dozens of sellers already doing that.
So I'd be literally investing a couple hundred dollars just to creatively challenge myself which isn't a bad thing. There's the satisfaction of learning a new skill and in learning. I just cannot justify the price just to satisfy my curiosity. I HAVE debated starting smaller. Like trying to do custom diorama bases all old-school and such. But I feel like there's still prolly a lot of up front money for supplies, prolly need more tools than the simple dremel I have. I don't even own a drill LOL I've been using my poor dremel as a drill for projects around my apartment and that has a very limited size of bits it can fit. Hell I wrestled with justifying buying that years ago, it was like 90 bucks and I've prolly realistically used it less than 10 times in like 5+ years.
I might still try it. I think I'd like to do a sort of desert /Utapau-inspired base for Cody and Obi-Wan.
Cody's figure actually came with a sandy textured base but Obi-Wan's was smooth. I ended up getting some 'action posable' stand off of Amazon which are hexagonal shaped and click together so I could display them together. Rex I'm just using the stand he came with which already has the bendable 'action' pose so he looks like he's flying. In a very lame and totally uninspired way. But we make due with the skills we have until we are willing to put for the effort to sharpen them and improve.
So really, I feel silly even whining about hating my display skills when I haven't managed to even move past the want and thinking stage of trying to improve it. I could buy a premade stand prolly for 50 to 100 bucks but that's a lot of money. Shit people are nuts, they are charging 50 bucks for what is essentially a full color vinyl sticker. Ya'l are joking, I know what that shit costs thanks to my years as being a printer so I could 100% get that made up for like 20-25 bucks at my local sign shop. Maybe less, I'll be honest I've been out of the game for a few years so it could be less or more.
People are charging stupid prices for those cool looking 3D printed ubiquitous Empire-inspired star destroyer panels. Like to the tune of 70 bucks for one panel like 4x12 panel. Which I'm sure is ALSO way overpriced. So technically I guess BUYING a 3D printer and making my own might end up being cheaper in the long run but....bro.
I think I could prolly get my hands on chipboard and maybe glue together a couple of layers and hand cut out the design though I suspect it wouldn't be as neat or clean. But it's cheaper than the shit they sell on etsy. Pffft I could prolly go by a print shop and see if they have some larger sheets. I do have some sintra left over from years ago when I attempted to make my set of Tobirama armor which is way stiffer but I nearly cut my finger off with the cut off wheel on my dremel soooooooooooo I'm very nervy around using the cut off wheel. LOL
I might find a thinner version online the stuff I used was like 1/4 thickness or something meant to be used for signs. Coroplast would be an excellent choice if it didn't have the visible ribbing where the expanded foam channels weren't so obvious. But that easily cuts with an exacto knife. Hmmmn I wonder if there would be a way of covering it maybe with plastic dip or something they use for foam sealant on foam armor? You can apparently sand that down.
That might not be a bad choice for like flat surfaces. And I'd be covering it with a sandy texture anyway. Just don't know if it can be heat formed. I might have to hit up Juan and see if he'd be willing to sell me a couple sheets of coroplast to experiment with. There are also things like paper mache, but ugh that shit is messy and I've had limited success making props with it in the past. Same for foam clay though I think with a couple of layers of plastidip it might not look as bad as the stuff I've done in the past.
And hell that's prolly less than 20 bucks in materials to just play around and find out. I love I've spent 30 minutes just typing up this long, meandering flow of thought. This is totally the quality content I'm sure people have followed my tumblr for.
But again it's post midnight and post midnight Gremlin brian!El is not responsible for the shit she posts. Maybe I should put that as a disclaimer on my blog. :P
Look it's Star Wara tangential. at least.
Of course, the problem with a small town is the only hobby store in town is Hobby Lobby and I REFUSE to give them any of my money so I might have to drive into San Antonio to Michaels to get some hobby crap. Or continue to support Daddy Bezos which I'm also not super hot on though it's become a sort of necessary evil at this point.
Man I wish I could go back to 10 years ago me when I didn't have to debate ethical consumerism cause it kinda sucks and I miss that obliviousness.
0 notes
kookiecrumb · 2 years
kth || Transitions and Positions Ch.6
header by: @jjkeverlast
Tumblr media
wc: 1k
summary: Taehyung is a beast on the field, but what happens when his body begins to undergo rather unprecedented-- and supernatural--changes? He consults you, the walking encyclopedia for all things spooky!
ch.6 summary: smut!
tags: quarterback/werewolf!taehyung x fem/classmate/werewolf enthusiast!reader
warnings: explicit language, intense scenes, smut~ (18+), scratching, knotting, unprotected sex*(please be safe), breastplay, praise kink, soft size kink, vocal, messy
a/n: smut under the cut ehehe
"Y/N…" The worry in his voice tells you he's hesitant to take advantage of your gracious offer. While you're the only comfort he's been provided throughout this process, you're also his friend and he's afraid of hurting you. "Are you absolutely sure? You have to be sure."
It's true that Taehyung is more powerful than you, and that you'd have to trust him to make this comfortable for the both of you…but something about it felt incredibly awkward. 
His eyes shine that tell-tale amber shade, and at this point you are sure he's in a full-fledged rut. His breathing intensifies. 
"You can't help it…can you? You need it…I'm gonna give it to you." 
In response, Taehyung removes the busted toy from his dick and watches his cum come spilling out of it on his abdomen and thighs. He nudges his head up towards you as you remove your pants with little difficulty. 
You immediately begin to touch yourself in front of him, moaning softly as you watch him use his fist to occupy his fat cock. You dip into the well of pooling arousal and swipe back up in long strokes, quickly adjusting yourself. 
"I have to be quick…" you manage. "I need to be on your dick soon…doesn't it ache already?" You ask, scooting forward toward your mate and joining him in touching himself. 
"Yes," he hisses. "Yeah, it hurts…come on, hurry up…" his desperation is devouring him. 
Your hand cannot possibly wrap around the girth of it. Taehyung's dick looks like it could easily be felt in your stomach, and it's covered in his warm cum. You stroke him firmly to sedate him while your digits fill your throbbing pussy. 
His stare is doused in the gasoline that is his desire for your body. With one piercing look at your drenched pussy, he bares his teeth. You feel his blood pumping through his erection as relief ripples throughout his body with each stroke. 
He grunts and pulls your hand away, desperate to penetrate you. He presses into you with his fingers and gushes as your excess lathers them. "Fuck look at how much you produce for me, how much you love having a monsters fingers inside you…" 
"That's what I am now, isn't it, Y/N? A monster?" Underneath his desire is something more innocent, as if he's astonished at what he has become, overwhelmed by the emotions that have taken control of his body. 
You bring your hands to his face. "I'm sorry…" 
"Don't be. Please, please don't be. Please don't hurt," he begs, his forehead against yours. He whispers it like a prayer. 
You bring his hips forward and rock yourself on the length. He immediately reciprocates, his claws poking at your back, leaving scratches on your skin. "Fuck– fuck! Fuck,,"
"This will hurt–" he gasps."I need it…" 
His eyes travel to the swell of your breasts. His eyebrows furrow, and something resembling a pure curiosity paints his visage– but it's far too lewd of an expression to be curiosity. He kisses between them. 
The pad of his tongue lands on your skin. He swipes the muscle to cover your bud in his saliva. He glances up at you before you realize his penis is already penetrating. 
The pain is so dull that you barely notice it at first. He is stretching you beyond what you could comprehend. As soon as the feeling registers, you rip out a shrieking moan.
 He feels so heavy inside your pussy that you feel yourself physically split apart. "Oh my fucking Go– God! Oh my fucking God, Tae," you groan. "Fuck, Go deeper, you command." 
His fingers wrap around your thighs and squeeze them hard before he manages to budge another glorious inch inside of your pretty pussy. "Relax for me…just a little bit more…I will." 
You ache for him unlike any natural craving. He's your most primal desire. You're his. He strokes your sides and your stomach to soothe you, kissing your back as he manages a shallow thrust. "I'm going to cum hard inside of you. Let your body react to mine." 
He manages to flip you so that he can view your face. 
You shiver as you hold on to his arms, your mouth opening with a guttural moan. You meet his eyes, completely transformed as he wedges himself deeper into your cervix. 
You pull yourself from him in soft protest as he begins to fuck his thick cock deep into your cunt. Mercilessly, yet with utmost attentiveness and care, Taehyung kisses your discomfort away as he shamelessly mates you. 
"Tae, Tae, yes. Tae, yes yes more," you encourage him as your limbs shake. He catches you, cradling you as he begins to rapidly expand inside you.
 He hisses, his fangs baring as he senses his orgasm. You contract to accommodate his knot. 
"Good boy–" you swallow between sharp breaths, "cum, cum inside of me, you can…it's good, Tae, you're so good…" you coax, drunk on his skin. 
With a staggered breath, Taehyung knots you hard. With a sudden jerk, You cream on his cock, covering him in your sticky arousal as he fills you with his thick, hot cum. 
His long digits remove themselves from your scalp, as you simultaneously pant wildly. You relax your body, a little sore. 
Taehyung is scanning you, concerned with any marks he left on you. Upon discovering that he scratched you, he frowns. "I'll heal it. I'll heal you," he says. 
"I like them," you reply, caressing his jaw. "I like you."
taglist: @xoneaboveallx @racyreverie @hwasatiny @thedarkwinterrose @nikkiordonez12 @anila127
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