#i do not feel as awkward for talking this much as i otherwise might because i suspect this is at least loosely relevant to
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Fen!!!! Hope you are doing weeeell 😇
The Aurryn thread had me in stitches omg. You created a problem... now take responsibility 👀
Also just completely ignoring the whole reaction you have to the luca questions..... hmmm... 🧐🤔
But back to my ask. It is my most favorite ask i alwaaaayyyyys ask and i neeed to ask. If no one else has. But i fucking love a jealous RO especially when they try to not be jealous or it's completely outrageous for them to be.
Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo: MC is at some ball thing and another noble is very much just trying to rizz the hell out of them. Like flirting their pants off (to hopefully flirt the MCs pants off too) and MC isn't uncomfortable but just enduring it because it's probably not something new. What do the ROs do/think about that 👀 📝
Also, I'm so glad the page is so lively, lol 💜
Hi again!! I’m doing well thank you! Hope you are good too. I see no problem with the aurynn situation 😏--in fact I have discovered I have the power to turn straight people gay with nothing more than a drawing so NONE of you are safe. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🔫🐛pew pew
Dunno what you are talking about with the Luca questions....there is nothing suspicious going on. :3
As for the jealousy question:
Kieran: pre-feelings, they won't really be very jealous and would probably only intervene bc they feel that someone flirting with their betrothed is going to be a bad look for them, you, and the noble. Post-feelings, they would start getting jealous but would have a hard time recognizing it as jealousy bc it is not a feeling they are familiar with. They'd probs spend a while just watching you from across the room with a troubled look and then find some excuse--if only to convince themselves they are doing this for a good reason--to cut in and dance with MC instead. They'd be in denial over feeling jealous.
Aurynn: pre-feelings, not going to care much so long as MC doesn't look uncomfortable. If MC does look uncomfortable or like they are so incredibly bored out of their skull, he'd step in but otherwise he is fine with letting MC handle it or if mc is flirting with others if they want to. He's a slut. He gets it. And he knows if MC really wants out of it they can just signal him with a look and he’ll come to the rescue but not without badgering the hell out of the noble first, if only just for the fun of it. Post-feelings, he's going to be struggling with why the hell he cares so much about seeing someone else rizzing mc up and might start getting petty about it. He wouldn't even care about rudely cutting in if it means he gets to monopolize your time and would probs overcompensate by being overly casual and talking too much so you can’t get a word in edgewise or question him bc he doesn’t quite know why he did that either.
Samira: Pre-feelings, so long as MC doesn't look uncomfortable, she would feel it would be rude to intrude even if she thinks it is a bad look for someone to be flirting with an engaged person so openly bc she is not nobility and feels a bit out of place cutting in between nobles but she would offer sympathetic looks if she can tell mc is just enduring it. Post-feelings, she might start to choose to interpret the noble's actions as overly brazen and mc as uncomfortable just to give herself an excuse to cut in. Would be staring daggers at the other noble even after they left despite herself.
Nihm: pre-feelings, would feel it would be bad for someone to be flirting with an engaged mc so openly and might leave it for Kieran to handle out of respect but if Kieran doesn’t notice then they might try to politely cut in so as not to cause a scene. post-feelings, they are going to have some internal suffering and maybe staring at mc longingly from across the ballroom as they try to figure out what they should do. Might cut in to avoid a bad situation and then feel really awkward afterwards bc they've cut in for selfish reasons and now don't know what to do about it. Might just leave out of embarrassment.
Lilith/Lucien: Petty about it either way. They might debate about stepping in at first and then very quickly lose that self-debate—if one even occurred at all—and scare away the noble, which wouldn't be hard considering L's reputation in Celestyl. They’d be pretty smug about having your undivided attention. They tend to pout if you choose someone else over them, depending on the situation.
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erstwhilesparrow · 1 year
what's double life, sparrow? it almost sounds like a dnd podcast title jsdfgkjh
reyni, i would like to preface this by saying that i'm genuinely delighted and flattered by your consistent efforts to reach out / discuss shared interests, and that i hope my responses reasonably convey how much i like seeing you in my inbox. i appreciate you! :]
that said. i regret to inform you double life is not a dnd podcast; it is a minecraft roleplay series on youtube. double life is the third season of what i think we're calling the life series, where a bunch of creators scheme, collect resources, and fight to the death on a very small map. the goal is to hold on to your limited number of lives longer than everyone else, and the prize is [???]. (the prize is you have fun fucking around with your friends, and a lot of people on the internet get very sad about your roleplay character.) i have seen double life be described by turns as a telenovela, a sitcom, and a minecraft gay marriage simulator. i really really like it, and in particular i'm a huge fan of the way they do soulmates, but i will put that under a cut for reasons of [talking a lot about something that is not really directly answering the question]. i'm (not very) sorry that i keep reblogging fanart that makes silly youtube videos look all edgy and serious :P
hi there, welcome to the space underneath the readmore! the thing about double life is its shiny new conceit, the thing that makes it different from previous seasons of the life series, is (:sparkles:) soulmates! each player is "soulbound" to one other player, and what this means mechanically is that when one of them takes damage, the other person takes that same amount of damage. what this means narratively, on the other hand, has widely varied depending on the creator / soulbound pair.
i've tried describing this set-up to multiple people without mentioning the minecraft component and the thing that particular exercise has thrown into sharp focus is that "person who feels your physical pain (and only your physical pain)" is. not necessarily a very conventional definition of soulmate. and the thing i keep ending up at is that i kind of adore that fact? it gets dressed up in language and behaviour we typically use when dealing with romantic relationships (some characters refer to their soulbound partners as their "crazy exes", others find their partner and immediately start flirting with them, i mean even just the fact that they call this being soulmates) but it is so important to me that the soulbond is fundamentally a game mechanic.
it's completely arbitrary who gets paired with who, and i know that none of the creators went into this game with the goal of picking apart the whole way people often think about romance, but the fact of its randomness combined with the ways the players talk about the bond is so deeply appealing to me for a soulmate story because i think it opens up avenues and / or spaces for discussing aspects of romantic relationships i am personally very interested in exploring?
i've thought for a long time about soulmate stories, because i'm invested in Doing Weird Shit to romance tropes (see: that summer i wrote what is to date my longest published fic about hanahaki But Make It Weirder) and this is sure one of them! i know there are other people -- on tumblr even! -- who are interested in this too, but i've never been totally satisfied with the stories i've seen?
like, obviously, just playing the trope straight throws me off because it constantly feels... too easy? like it shouldn't have worked out that neatly? it typically assumes a certain amount of... natural importance to romance that i don't agree with? but the ones that try to complicate the trope have also never quite clicked for me. the closest i've gotten to being able to say why is... i think they are often "what if soulmates existing sucked for this one specific person because [this person isn't their soulmate's soulmate / this person is in love with someone who isn't their soulmate / this person doesn't seem to have a soulmate at all / this person is aro which comes with its own set of potential complications]?" and there's. it feels like a personal problem? one that that specific person has to [repress / ignore / cope with / solve]? and that, on top of being wildly depressing, just. doesn't ring true or feel interesting to me?
because sometimes [gestures broadly at the whole thing of dating / relationships / falling in love] is good for people! it works out for them, and they genuinely are getting things they need / want out of it even though it's not perfect! i care about stories that can play around with that! i don't care about stories where this works out fairy-tale-happy-ending perfect, but i do care about what it takes to get to this being Good For You, what those types of people might fail to consider when they assess other people's relationships, the very subtle ways things can go wrong in a relationship because parties involved have been told their whole lives that this thing they're doing is Good and Correct and The Only Way, what it looks like to feel that pressure toward a romantic relationships and attempt to conform to those expectations, and so on. there are so many different ways to be hurt here! and that sort of thing just. doesn't fit into either of the models of soulmate stories i've described above?
but double life! double life has So Much of that! it's so delicious! there's such a range in the way that the players approach the bond, and it's so so fun and useful as a springboard for thinking about and illustrating -- in the [greatly exaggerated for funsies but nevertheless reflective of real parts of our society] way of sci-fi / fantasy fiction -- so many of the ways people approach romance, outside of the binary of [Perfect And Good] and [Just The Shittiest Ever]. and, again, i cannot imagine any of the creators set out to On Purpose say any of the stuff i've described here -- it was improv and playing around and friends trying out new stories to tell. but they give themselves over to an arbitrary system for defining their relations to each other, and some struggle to fit themselves to it and others don't, and we as the audience can see just how arbitrary it is but we and they find meaning regardless, and none of them think to say, "hey, what if we just gave up on every single piece of this system entirely?" and in the end it all falls apart anyway, because separate from being a soulmate story it was also a death game and it was never not going to be a tragedy. i care So Much about it. despite this being the season where the rules of the game themselves seemed to intertwine themselves with the concept of love, it was also the season where the power of love failed, where everything unravelled not despite but because of it.
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finniestoncrane · 5 months
Kink Dialogue Prompts - If you fancy, any of the following with Egon Spengler (Receiving?) :3c:
🌱 Virginity, 🥇 First Time, ✏️ Marking/Bititng, 🩺 Doctor RP (Giving), 🔴 Humiliation
Experimental Methods
Egon Spengler x Female!Reader, word count: 3.5k HELLO!? finally another excuse to write nasty again for egon, my fuckin beloved ;-; also i have been COOKING this one and it got away from me so it is LONG lmao mostly because i didn't realise you said any of and not all of the prompts oops and then i also added in prem.ejac. my actual beloved👻 request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: medical kink, losing virginity, marking kink, humiliation kink, premature ejaculation
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The walk from the elevator to your apartment door at the end of the hall felt like it took an eternity, definitely down to the dead silence between you and Egon which had been ongoing since the moment you left the restaurant down the block. He was often quite quiet once a date had ended, but this was different. There was a distinctly awkward air to the way he shuffled uncomfortably along beside you, and the soft sigh he had let out as he agreed to walk you to your door didn't exactly settle your nerves. That discomfort in the pit of your stomach was only exacerbated by the way he avoided all eye contact once you had placed the key in the lock, and stood, turned to him, as you held the door ajar. "Egon, I think you should come in so we can talk."
You nodded solemnly as you headed inside. He was a sweet man, very kind, very straight to the point. Besides the very limited bursts of anger you had seen him display at questioning skeptics and otherwise disinterested city officials, you couldn't imagine him wanting to harm anyone. So you had to be the one to broach the subject, since it seemed like he never would.
Once inside, you watched him make his way to the sofa, sitting on the very edge with his hands placed on his knees, palms rubbing nervously at the woolen fabric. When you were sitting beside him, you could hear his shallow breathing and the sound of him swallowing his nerves. As much as you were apprehensive about this converation, it spurred you on to know you were putting him out of his misery.
"Look, Egon. I know you're a sweet guy, but I don't want you to be uncomfortable just so you don't hurt my feelings. If you don't want to see me anymore in a... romantic way... then we don't have to."
"We can meet for coffee or go out for food alone or with other people, but as friends, y'know?"
"Yes. That is generally something we can do. I appreciate your time, and for being so forward with your feelings. If there's anything I can do to change your mind then-"
You raised your hands up, shaking your head in confusion.
"Wait, wait, wait. Change my mind? I... I'm not breaking up with you, Egon. I'm making it easier for you to break up with me."
His face was blank, except for the slight hint of confusion, and you could almost hear the gears of his mind grinding away as he puzzled over where you got the notion that he might want to break up with you. It didn't take him long though. He wasn't oblivious. The evidence was definitely piling up, although the intentions behind it had been lost in translation.
"I don't want to break up with you. I enjoy spending time with you. We share a lot of the same attributes in common and you are extremely tolerable of any discussions about my various interests."
"How romantic."
You smiled, emphasising the playful tone of your slight dig.
"And of course, I find you attractive. Very appealing, physically as well as emotionally and intellectually. Which is precisely the problem."
Egon sat in silence for a few moments, as though he expected you to psychically glean what he meant by that statement, waiting on your response. But when it was apparent that you had none, he took a deep breath and continued.
"This is our fifth date. I expect that you'll want to have sexual relations, or at least some form of physical contact beyond what we've experienced thus far."
Your eyes widened, surprised by how blunt he was, if not more technical or formal than you expected, and you stumbled over your words.
"I, uh... w-well, that would be nice! But, if that's not your thing then of course we don't have to."
Shocking you both, he abruptly removed his hand from his own leg and placed it on your knee, both of you looking at it before he snatched it back.
"I want to, of course. But, speaking openly, I haven't ever experienced that. Yet. With anyone."
In absolute disbelief, you blinked as your body moved backwards a little, your nose twitching, raising your mouth in a curious and surprised sneer.
"You're a virgin? You. Are a virgin. You?"
"Does that factual statement require this much questioning?"
"A little bit, yeah! I mean... I would've been all over you four dates ago if you'd seemed a bit more at ease with it. I don't know how you've gone forty years without someone-"
He interrupted you with a slight frown, lips pursed as he waved you off before he spoke.
"I've spurned a few advances, but believe it or not, there's something about my personality that other find rather..."
"Abrupt. Formal. Disinterested?"
Egon nodded in agreement, very well aware that you used the words with no hint of criticism or negativity, but rather truthfully, and, oddly enough to him, with an almost loving tone.
"And yet you find those attributes appealing."
"Of course! They come in a very nice package."
You leaned into him, placing your hand on his thigh, squeezing it gently between your fingers as you edged closer to him on the sofa. He watched your fingers moving, eyes closing as he took in the sesation of the touch. Even that smallest gesture was enough to excite him. Your hand, moving further up his long, slender leg, fingers tensing into the muscle and releasing their grip as your palm snaked higher and higher, closer and closer.
"Oh, ok. You definitely are interested then..."
It was impossible not to notice the distinct bulging at the front of his slacks, and you felt immediately bad for pointing it out, but Egon smiled, nervously adjusting his glasses and clearing his throat.
"I wouldn't have lied to you. Besides, I knew the biological response would betray me eventually. I'm only lucky to have gone this long with the problem arising, for want of a better word."
Taking stock of the situation, you considered the next steps. You didn't want to rush him, by any means, but you didn't want to let the opportunity go to waste. An intimate conversation could lead to a more intimate encounter, and that was definitely what you had been hoping for tonight.
"Egon, we can do whatever you want tonight. You can go home, with no hard feelings, and we can continue dating and wait until you're ready. Or we can give it a go. If you want to stop, we can. But I think this could be a nice experience for us, as a... couple. Let me guide you through this. I'll be very gentle, unless of course you tell me otherwise."
His face lit up with a warm smile, clearly in appreciation of your gentle offer and your efforts to make light of what was most definitely an awkward conversation. Still, though, he seemed too nervous to speak much, so the ball was once again in your court.
"Ok, so... is it the skills involved that are causing you problems? Or...?"
"I suppose so, but like most other things, you gain experience with practice..."
Your stomach flipped in excitement, a heat prickling over your skin at the notion that you might be involved in this practice.
"... It's an area I haven't really been involved with before. It's not as though you're something to study, to examine and figure out."
"That's... exactly what it's like, actually."
"I mean, that's what it could be. If that makes things easier for you. Maybe a little bit of roleplay, putting you in a position of control that you're familiar with... maybe that would make it a bit easier for you?"
Egon paused for a moment, considering your suggestion with a hopeful look, nodding silently before he spoke.
"Your hypothesis is intriguing, and I do think it would be beneficial to at least test it in an experiment before we rule it out completely as a possible solution. If... if you're sure...?"
Placing your hand over his, you squeezed it, reassuringly, as you leaned in to him.
"It's a new experience, yes. But don't worry, I'll help you through it... Doctor."
His eyes lit up, a fire suddenly burning in the pit of his stomach. Standing from the sofa, he took your hand and brought you up to him. Egon's eyes flitted towards the door to your bedroom.
"In that case then, please come with me and we can begin this examination."
You reached for his hand, hoping he'd guide you romantically to the privacy of your bedroom, but he was already fast ahead of you, his long limbs gaining the distance with his wide strides as you hurried excitedly into the room behind him.
"Now, if you'll lie back on the bed, please, and take a deep breath. Let me take care of you. I'm sure that whatever is wrong, I can provide some assistance."
Obedient, and with a level of excitement you weren't afraid to show, you bounced onto the mattress and laid back, inhaling and exhaling slowly and carefully as you listened to Egon pacing around the bed, finding the best place to conduct his examination. Standing on your right, looking down at you, you watched as he procured a small notepad and almost pointlessly short pencil from the inside pocket of his suit jacket.
"I think we should begin by noting the first examples you found of paranormal occurrences. Were the internal or external?"
Narrowing your eyes in confusion, you tried to think of an answer to the question, but before you could find a suitable one he had moved on to the next.
"If neither of those are pertinent to your experience, can you tell me if you had any sensations or evidence of being posessed?"
"What? Egon, what are you talking about?"
Blinking twice, he lowered himself to you, bending at the hip, and whispering in a lower voice as though he were trying not to break the roleplay experience.
"This is my area of expertise. The paranormal. I am examining you as a doctor of such, so... are you experiencing anything paranormal?"
Quickly catching on, you mustered up a few symptoms for him to use in his diagnosis.
"Oh... uh... yes! Well, Doctor Spengler, the reason I came to see you is that I've had a strange onset of problems, ones no ordinary doctor could diagnose. I think you might be my only hope now."
Reaching out, you took his hand in yours and squeezed, looking at him with wide, pleading eyes.
"And what might these symptoms be?"
"Well, I'm not sure if they're all related, but I do know that I've been feeling very irritable lately. Completely exhausted and filled with stress and tension. It's like there's something inside of me that I just need to get out, something that's controlling my behaviour."
"It sounds like you might need a formal adjuration addressed to the demonic presence that has decided to utilise you as its host."
"I need a what?"
"In layman's terms, an exorcism."
"Ah! Wow, that sounds very serious, Doctor Spengler."
The way you spoke his name, each consonant, each syllable, lingering on your lips and tongues, lustful and seductive, had him clearing his throat and swallowing the building, shaking nerves that it conjured.
"It can be. Could you detail when you feel these symptoms for me?"
"Hm... they mostly surface when I'm around my boyfriend. He's real neat, I think you'd like him. He's so intelligent, so sweet, and he's super hot."
"Ahem... he sounds, delightful."
"You don't think the demon, or whatever is inside of me, is targeting him, do you, Doctor Spengler?"
You forced a concerned pout onto your lips, looking up at Egon through your batting eyelashses as you watched him try to recover from not only the insinuation that he was hot, but that you considered him to be your boyfriend.
"I see... then I believe that perhaps this is not anything paranormal but very natural. I think a release of tension, of a more physical or... coital nature, is the required prescription here."
With his cheeks flushing at the mere mention of sexual activity, Egon adjusted his glasses once more as he avoided eye contact with you.
"Oh, thank you, Doctor Spengler! So... what should I do about this predicament? Do you think you could maybe administer the correct dosage for me? Perhaps we can do the procedure here?"
The deep red blush seeped further across Egon's skin, his pupils wider than you'd seen them before. Quickly, and with no attempt to do so discreetly, he moved his hands down in front of him, holding the notepad strategically in front of his pants.
"Are you hiding something down there, Doctor Spengler?"
Egon stuttered, dropping the note pad before bending to catch it swiftly, the tent at the front of his slacks visible for only a brief moment, but long enough that you could ascertain what he was working with below the tweed and formality.
"I-I-I'm... I-it's... I apologise, I didn't mean to rush things by getting ahead of myself. This is embarrassing."
"Oh, come on, Egon! You know as well as I do that it's a natural reaction. If you're going to be ashamed of anything, I would say it should be how easy it was to get you as flustered as you are... I mean look at your cheeks! Tell me... is any other part of you blushing pink?"
The silence was almost deafening, and he was once again unable to look into your eyes. Fearing you had taken it a little too far in your taunting, given it was his first time, you were quick to apologise, sitting up on the bed and holding his arm. But he brushed you off, working on his nervous habit of fiddling with the legs of his glasses as he replied.
"No need to apologise, I'm just quietly reconciling the facts. Yes, it was embarrassing, but your taunting made it worth it. It definitely played a fact in the increase in arousal, it would be a fascinating thing to study if I had any spare time. I'd even suggest that we experiment with that more this evening, but I'm worried it might lead to a quick conclusion to our combined efforts if the external stimuli is too... well, stimulating."
"How about we just remember that you're into it and add it to our list, hm?"
"We have a list?"
You eased yourself up onto your knees on the bed, holding on to the lapels of Egon's suit jacket as you watched his Adam's apple bob, his chest rising and falling as your hands soothed over his body.
"Now we do."
Your lips met his in a soft, interlocking embrace, with Egon catching on quickly after a sharp inhale. You could feel his smile against yours as the passion deepened, his hands falling to your sides as he held you steady as you balanced yourself against his surprisingly sturdy frame. Letting out a deep sigh as his hands curled around you, his palms flat against your spine as he stroked up and down, you found yourself leaning into him more, fingers pressing into the back of his neck as you kept him kissing you.
One of your hands pushed into his thick, tight curls as the other drifted back around and down his front, your fingers skirting over the buckle of his belt and hooking just below it, tugging his hips towards you. He came easily, putting up no resistance to your desire to have him closer to you.
Egon's breath haltered as he watched you in stunned silence, your fingers expertly, and quickly, unbuckling his belt and slowly, deftly, unzipping his pants. Looking up to him to make sure he was still on board, you caught his eyes, pupils wide, behind the slightly fogged lenses of his glasses. In response to the question you hadn't asked yet, you caught out of your peripheral the slight twitch of his cock, waiting impatiently for your touch.
As seductively as you could, you pulled his slacks down slightly, enough that you could hook your thumbs into the waistband of his white, y-fronts, watching as more of his cock was revealed until it sprang over the top.
He was an impressive length, and a thickness you could get used to with some practice. Looking at it, you considered that was probably why he so often wore looser slacks, given there was a lot for him to attempt to conceal. Without even realising it, you had begun to lick your lips, trying not to drool over yourself. So, to satiate your growing hunger, you wrapped your palm around the base of his length and began to stroke it.
Your movements were gentle, not too slow but not too fast. You were sure he had experienced some level of physical intimacy before, and he couldn't have gone forty years without some level of masturbation. Surely... but there was always a chance...
Either way, your ministrations against his thickening length had it pulsing and throbbing against the flat of your hand as you dragged it up and down, stroking his cock in rhythym with his breathing and matching the pace of his subconscious and almost imperceptible thrusting.
Despite having a grown man under your power, you were still preoccupied with his comfort, worried that you were moving things too quickly. So to counter your concerns, and keep things as pleasant as possible for you both, you took to looking deep into his eyes, past the lenses of his round frames. It was a piercing stare, one that was uncomfortable for only a moment before it deepened the intimacy, letting you see him in a completely new light as his jaw hung open and his tongue lapped at the air. You couldn't help but smile back at the lopsided grin he wore, your heartbeat unsteadied by the mere suggestion that you were making him happy.
A small, sultry giggle escaped your throat, and Egon groaned in reply, bucking his hips forward,standing on tiptoe and shuddering as he balanced himself back onto his heels again. Only when you felt the cooling of the warm liquid spread over your fingers did you realise what had happened.
With a quick glance down, you could see the last threads of cum spilling ont your hand from the flushed, pink head of Egon's cock. Drops and strands dripped down your knuckles, and as you loosened your grip, the action accompanied by a soft whimper from Egon, you fought the urge to lick your hand clean. There would be opportunities in the future to taste him, right now the priority was to assuage the concern you could see growing on his furrowed brow. You could feel your own underwear soaking in arousal at the idea of pushing Egon to climax so quickly, but he didn't seem to feel the same.
Looking to him, your mischievous grin was quickly contorted into an easy, comforting smile as you stood up and quickly kissed him. If your lips were firm against his, then there was no qay he could finish the entirely unnecessary apology that he was trying to make for what he felt was a speedy response to your touch. Resting your forehead against his, and letting his large nose press into yours, you pulled away from the deep kiss, a slowing tirade of softer ones following it until you were sure he would be quiet.
"It's ok, honestly. There's no need to apologise."
"Are you sure? I'd hate to be a disappointment."
"Hardly! In fact..."
You punctuated each word with a kiss, covering his cheeks, his chin, his neck and his collarbone in them.
"... I think it was pretty hot having that kind of power over you."
When you moved your lip back over his neck, you allowed your teeth to graze across his skin before sinking them in, closing your lips over and sucking at him, feeling his flesh warm in your mouth and delighting in the wet, smacking sound as you let go. With your drool settling in a strand against him, you bit your lip, suddenly a little embarrassed by the very forward nature of the bite. You waited for Egon's approval, or disapproval, of the flurry of affection, giggling when he finally spoke.
"To clarify, that bite was a positive response, yes?"
"Of course! I just wanted to... mark my territory. This way, whenever someone looks at you, they'll know you belong to someone. Just in case anyone else gets any ideas about being your first before I can get to you again."
Egon's fingers twitched, reachign instinctively in that recognisable flustered action to adjust his glasses, one side of his mouth lifted into a coy, but satisfied grin.
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lyneira · 1 year
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♡ sorry, they're already taken ♡
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-> someone confesses to you, his dear lover, in front of him, how would he react?
lyneira's 1.2k milestone event
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Watches from afar
Cater, Jack, Silver, Neige, Jamil, Kalim, Che'nya
He trusts that you'll turn them down and he knows that you know how to handle the situation, so he doesn't see the need to step in. They're just expressing their feelings and there isn't any real harm done from it, after all. It would also be a funny story to recall later in the future.
Though, don't be fooled by this calm nature of his. If they dare try to touch you or make any physical advances towards you, he will be on the perpetrator in an instant and will ensure that they regret it.
Epel, Floyd, Leona, Ace, Riddle, Sebek
When he sees them confessing to you, he'd scoff, absolutely astounded. Has he not made it clear enough to everyone that you two were together? He's always had his arm around you, always talked about you, and was almost always by your side, so to say that he was shocked that a person had the audacity to confess to you even after all that was an understatement. So he'll confront them immediately, telling them to back off since you two are already together. And if they don't, he won't hesitate to get physical
Don't worry though, if you tell him to calm down, he'll listen to you. As long as they understand that you're already taken- by him specifically- he'll be able to cool his jets.
After they leave, he'll huff while grabbing you and hugging you protectively, muttering to himself that he should make it more clear to others that you two are together. Maybe he'll find more ways of doing so, whether it's giving you one of his belongings to wear, or giving you love bites in places for everyone to see 😏 he'll find a way so that something like this doesn't happen again, as much as he can help it
Finds it 'funny'
Malleus, Jade, Rollo, Azul, Lilia, Rook, Vil
He'd be amused by the situation. (Not a funny "haha" type of "amused", but a rather one of intrigue and surprise) Look, he understands why they hold adoration for you. He understands it himself all too well, so he can't find himself blaming them. At the same time, just because he understands doesn't mean he's willing to let you go or share you. It seems that it must be reiterated that you're his and he's yours.
He'll be "kind" enough to let them finish their confession before standing his ground by approaching you, pulling you close to him by the waist and giving an ever so subtle threatening smile to the confessor, "I understand your sentiments towards my lover, truly...and we would appreciate if you'd take your leave now"
Basically, he'd act possessive asf in this situation, just like in the previous category, except with a different and less explosive demeanor
Awkwardly steps in
Ruggie, Idia, Deuce, Trey
He'll step in if he sees that you're feeling awkward about the situation (otherwise he'll let you handle it if he sees you have no problem dealing with it)
But tbh he'd definitely feel just as awkward in attempting to explain it to the confessor. It could be a possible misunderstanding or that they didn't know that you were already taken, so he'll set things right, albeit sheepishly.
It's not until the confessor underestimates him and tells you to ditch him does a surge of confidence suddenly flow within him and he'll become more forward and direct in proving that they won't be able go break you two up.
He might be awkward in certain situations, but when it comes to defending you and the love that you two share, he won't hesitate to fiercely protect it.
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a/n: tbh I felt "meh" about this one, but just wanted to have something out there and check if my posts are finally showing up again in the tags aaaa
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theghoulgirl · 4 months
Keith Kogane/Reader Headcannons- Section I
For these headcanons, this is specifically for Keith after the war. Therefore, I am going to make this an 18+ post because it would be super fucking weird if someone under that age read this. This is also the first part to an (currently) endless headcannons that I have.
Otherwise, enjoy! And please feel free to comment about any challenges against them or to apply your own for others to read! 
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In a friendship…
Would befriend someone who is either affiliated to the group or would be in ‘forced’ proximity with, such as work
He would connect well with someone who is a little bit of a goober, like Hunk or Lance.
Keith would also most definitely befriend a stoner and connect to them through trauma bonding
Home dude lost a lot throughout his life, he would absolutely use drugs and alcohol recreationally. 
He also connects really well with individuals who are intelligent in ways that contrast his own. 
Keith does not befriend someone based on physicality, but whether it’s on how much of an asshole you are. The less judgemental you are, the closer he will want to befriend you 
It takes a looong time to break down his walls. Before you are able to, he’s generally awkward and aloof. But once you either prove or he can see you are trustworthy, he’ll start to occasionally drop a hot piece of trauma to see your reaction to it. If you react well and don’t judge him, he’ll open up more. But if you become uncomfortable with it, he will probably keep you an arms distance away. 
Once you two are closer, most likely through quality time together (ex. Studying while he trains), he would get more and more playful with you. 
Specifically also slowly reveal more and more of his silly side. 
Poking you when he wants your attention and then pretending he didn’t poke you. Blames it on the air. 
Keith would absolutely spar with you in the kitchen using utensils 
He would occasionally crack a joke here and there as well
I also fully believe that Keith has ADHD, and if you have ADHD too, then it would just ricochet between the two of you. This would drive everyone absolutely insane. 
One moment Keith could be discussing battle plans and then you walk into the room and make a random noise, and he would repeat it back thus losing all sense of authority and seriousness. 
Eventually, as you two grow closer, Keith might also develop some feelings…
In a relationship…
He would not be the first person to confess. 
Unless someone were to give him confirmation, then he’d contemplate it. Otherwise, the other party would have to approach him 
Once y’all talk it out and are officially an item, he is going to be a little awkward and aloof again.
This man did not engage in courting behavior when he was in highschool. Sure, I’ll entertain the idea that some of his peers were infatuated with him, but he never actually pursued those relationships since he was focused on his own life problems and emotions. 
Therefore, he does not know how to flirt or how to date someone. 
But that does not mean he is not willing to try, especially for you. 
But in other news, Keith has matured with time and is an amazing communicator. 
He will let you know when he is uncomfortable with something, such as PDA. 
Speaking of PDA, he would prefer to keep most physical touches in private. 
Especially kissing.
But he does not mind holding your hand or resting his on your back
He would also let you know when he is getting nervous over not messing up the relationship. But all he needs is a little assurance that he is doing amazing and all he needs to do is be himself. 
Once he relaxes more into the relationship and gets more comfortable, he would be unabashedly affectionate towards you. In private though. Outside of seclusion ? He would mostly stick to teasing you or light touches. 
Section II coming soon!
Please also feel free to comment on more head cannons that you have! Or to give a contradicting thought!
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raythekiller · 11 months
pt 2: (sorry for not being specific- :,))
Masky, Hoodie, Tic Toby [basically all the proxies] Ben drowned, Jeff the killer, Nina the killer, EJ, LJ, and if possible [like a sibling relationship] with Sally Williams!
ps: Lane the lurker can also be added it’s optional. Also that man is hOts.
🍬 Anon
🗒 ❛ Transmasc Reader ༉‧₊˚✧
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Featuring: Jeff The Killer, Ben Drowned, Ticci Toby, Eyeless Jack, Laughing Jack, Masky, Hoodie, Nina The Killer, Sally Williams
#Notes: another one of many transmasc requests hell yeah
pronouns used: none, but male! reader
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Jeff The Killer
Mentioned this before, but it's likely he misgenders and even deadnames you just for shits and giggles (that only he finds funny), until you genuinely get upset and guilt comes crawling in, making him quit it. He doesn't understand that his words carry a weight with them most of the time, so it's more out of debauchery than straight up malice, which is a little rich coming from him. Despite this, he feels like he's the only one who can disrespect you like that (in his own twisted mind, that is) and will not stand for anyone doing the same thing, his protectiveness and violent tendencies coming into play. The knife he carries around isn't just for show, afterall.
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Ben Drowned
Doesn't care for gender or gender roles, which is a surprising level of maturity coming from someone that behaves like a pre teen boy most of the time. No matter how you dress or behave, he just sees you as a guy (even if you're in a dress and full makeup) cause that's what you are, no amount of femininity will change that fact for him, proposital or accidental. Doesn't even get mad when someone disrespects you in that regard, he just gets upset cause he straight up doesn't understand their prejudicial point of view, and just tells them to shut up in a flat voice, then ignoring any protest and moving his attention to you to ask if you're okay. Your comfort is of utmost importance to him.
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Ticci Toby
Also mentioned this before, but since I headcanon Cody to be transmasc and them to be best friends, he's quite used to it. Plus, his compassionate and understanding nature wouldn't allow it to be any other way. Treats you with extra care and is extremely protective, just because he knows you already struggle a lot and he wants to make things easier for you. Makes you feel included by inviting you to hang out with him and the other boys in their so called "guys night out", which earned a eyebrow raise from Jeff but complete acceptance from the others. Will not tolerate any kind of funny business when it comes to this and is quick to verbally and physically threaten anyone who disrespects you.
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Eyeless Jack
Approaches it more from a doctor's perspective than anything else, since otherwise he would feel a little awkward and is scared to accidently offend you since that's the last thing he wants. Offers to help you get started on T if you haven't already and tells you what to eat to help increase your testosterone levels. Super nice and respectful, just wants you to feel comfortable in your own skin. Like Toby, he's a little bit extra protective when it comes to you, but more often than not he just corrects people when you get misgendered by them. If they insist, he drags you away and leave the person talking to themselves, not willing to give them the time of day. Your comfort is more important than whatever stupidity is coming out of their mouth.
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Laughing Jack
He's literally a ragdoll, I don't think he cares or understands gender all that much. If you say you're a guy, then so be it, he'll refer to and treat you as one no questions asked and no matter how you look or sound like. I believe he likes to sew, so he might make you a few outfits that better fit your taste to help you feel better about yourself if you're having a bad dysphoria day. Calls you "Handsome" pretty often as well. Doesn't understand the concept of transphobia, it just doesn't make sense in his mind, so he's more confused than anything if he ever sees someone misgendering you. When he notices you getting more and more genuinely upset, it kinda clicks that they're doing it out of malice. Big chance of them not coming out alive from this encounter.
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My first instinct was to say he would be similar to Jeff, as usual, but considering the fact he was getting a liberal arts degree, I highly doubt it. At most raises an eyebrow if he ever sees you dressing more feminine, but never actually mentions it or disrespects you (in that regard, at least). Just be warned, since you're a man, he's going to treat you like one - bad side and all. No taking it easy on you during training or being chivalrous, if you're one of the guys, you're gonna get the same treatment. Despite all that, he's super quick to straight up point a fucking gun at anyone misgendering you, asking them to repeat themselves in a low and menacing tone.
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Super lowkey with making sure you feel validated and included, doesn't want to be too in your face about it. Just small things like talking about how all the guys are together while you're in the room as well or a quick signed "Looking handsome" as you walk by. He just doesn't want to be too forceful and end up backfiring and making you uncomfortable, but he wants you to know he considers you one of the boys™ just as much as he does the others. Introduces you to singers he likes that are also trans, like Frances Forever or Awfultune, and might even play some of their songs on his guitar for you. Doesn't pay any attention to people misgendering you, just tries to steal your attention while leaving them to talk to themselves, that shit eating grin ever present on his face.
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Nina The Killer
I'm sorry, but she's probably one of those "I always wanted to have a trans friend!" people. Not that she thinks you're just trans and nothing else, she does appreciate you for who you are as a person more than anything, but that's definitely her first thought. Super excited to have makeovers with you - she dresses you up super nicely (and emo) and is literally the embodiment of that one "Do you or do you not feel bonita?" audio, will not stop bugging you until you admit you feel handsome. Extremely passive aggressive with people who misgender you, going "Uhm, it's HE, actually" in a somewhat rude manner. If they insist you better hold her back or things might escalate.
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Sally Williams
This little sweetie is so nice to you. Might misgender you at first on accident until you or someone else explain it to her, then she just nods all excited and starts calling you "Big bro Y/N". Gives you piles and piles of drawings that she makes of you, each with a variation of "Best bro ever" written as the header, and looks up at you seesawing on the soles of her foot, waiting for you to compliment her artistic abilities, to which she hugs your waist tightly when you do.
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diagonal-queen · 9 months
Can I request HCs with Jouno with a very quiet reader whose love language is physical touch? Ignore this if you don't want to and take your time (:
Jouno with a quiet and touchy S/O
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♡ pairing: Jouno Saigiku x gn!Reader
♡ synopsis: Quiet and touchy you dates calm and (dis)agreeable Jouno Saigiku.
♡ wc: 729
♡ cw: Teensy tiny bit of NSFW but nothing too bad (Jouno gets a BONER!!!??!!!?????!???)
note: I've decided to try switching up the post formatting a little from here on out- just trying to make it a little nicer on the eyes. Please leave feedback if you guys like it or not!! Apologies for errors and I hope you enjoy x
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First of all, Jouno doesn't have an issue with you being quiet or being touchy
Even if you don't talk/make much noise he can listen to your heartbeat, the rustling of your hair, your breathing et cetera to tell how you're feeling and if you're nearby
He loves holding your hand and he runs his thumb over your knuckles <3
After a long day of work his favourite thing to do is come home and collapse into your warm, open arms
He says otherwise, but he actually prefers when he gets to lay on top of your chest so he can listen to your heartbeat. Also tits but yk
If you talk to him but not to others very often it makes him feel special. It also makes him feel very protective over you because he knows how much trust you have in him
(Even if you're fully capable of protecting yourself, or you do self-defence or you're just large or whatever. This man will make it his mission to keep you safe you have no choice sry)
Jouno loves to watch movies with you, especially horror movies, for a few reasons. He knows that you like movies since there's no need to talk during them, and he likes the way your heartbeat speeds up and you cling to his side when you get scared (I want to make a 'Don't Breathe' joke but I can't think of one lmao)
He likes talking to you because you're a good listener, and when I say 'talking' I just mean complaining about Tecchou because...duh. But he also really loves when you talk to him a lot because it makes him feel trusted, and he likes learning more about you
For real though he would probably prefer that you did get along with Tecchou, because you being friends with him might mean he'll annoy Jouno less. Maybe.
A lot of the time when you guys hang out you don't really even need to speak to each other. Y'know when you hang out with someone you love and you can just spend time with each other without having to talk and it's not awkward or anything? It's like that with him
He can sense your relaxation and happiness when you're with him and he loves it so much
He really likes to fluster you
I mean really likes to fluster you. He loves to tease you and make you blush, mostly in private, but in public if necessary (maybe another person tries to rizz you up and he sees this and just thinks 'absolutely not')
Like he'll call you all kinds of pet names (mostly stuff like 'darling' or 'my love'), put his arm around your waist, whisper flirtatious things into your ear, stuff like that
He would also never admit this but he especially loves when you do it back to him out of nowhere. When you suddenly gain confidence and take his chin in your fingers, run your thumb over his lip and purr something to him??
Even he can't stop the blood visibly rushing to his cheeks
and his cock lowkey
Y'all massage each other!! Jouno loves them because let's face it he really needs one, and he loves giving them to you because he likes helping you relax, and it also shows him the scope of your trust in him (he really values this)
You guys have a lot of at-home dates, but when you do go out you do cute things like eat at cafes and go for walks. You and he like to pet all the doggos/kittys you see (if you're not allergic obvs!)
He bought you a promise ring. You wear it every day and he couldn't be happier
If your love language is physical touch then his is probably gift giving or quality time. Since he doesn't have that much time to spend with you he tries to make up for it by treating you to things he thinks you would like (he's kind of a sugar daddy)
He especially likes buying you new clothes and seeing your excitement when you try them on and show them to him- he knows you look great, but more importantly he knows you're happy
If you're a soft-spoken or quiet person Jouno is seriously the guy for you. Plus, even the strongest soldiers need hugs :')
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taglist~ ♡ @gettinshiggywithit, @fyodorhatr, @flower-of-darkness, @bejeweledgirl
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eggtartz · 2 years
a/n : my first headcannons im writing this to clear up my head
summary : how tenjiku would be on their first date with you! (i might do the other gangs if y'all want me to)
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- oh boy he's nervous alright, he might not see like it but he went shopping all day long dragging the other members with him
- picked a place a bit far from the city because you said you liked the country side
- he enjoys you talking, it somehow calms him down
- he will bring you shopping that day if you're not too tired
- if you're tired, izana would bring you home and plan another date! (expect lots of surprises because he has influences everywhere)
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- can't stop sweating for the love of god because he's finally going out with someone he really likes
- ran teased him a lot about it
- will run to the other side of the car to open the door for you
- would be worried sick if you don't like his restaurant choice (tell him he did great, he loves compliments more than anything)
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- he would wear those very expensive brand of cologne that was too musky for your liking
- would bring you flowers! like huge bouquet ones..
- again, he acts calm while trying to hold your hand while driving but he's nervous as hell as you might reject him
- would bring you to wine tastings!
- fancy dinners too! and he would buy some new dresses for you to wear on that day
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- his hair slick back and all (no mullet no he wanted to look 'ravishing')
- he even removed his glasses and tried this goddamn lenses so he could look better on his date
- forgive him, he might stutter a lot. might be awkward at first
- try opening some topics that he knows, he'll be chatty then!
- will come home giggly, kicking his feet and shit after seeing your text messages
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- his first date idea was to bring you to a gang fight.. got smacked in the head by mochi because of that
- after lots of suggestions he went to the aquarium with you
- a lot of brushing hands attempting to hold your hand (you played dumb because he looked cute blushing)
- eats a lot of sweets with you
- im imagining a lot of dates going to carnivals afterwards!
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- he didn't touch any of his smoke that day because you didn't liked the smell of it
- ate a lot of chewing gum incase ykyk (he has planned how it'll go to but you just had other ideas)
- would dress up for once and not use his motorcycle but pick you up with his car
- would text kisaki so much, like spamming every update ('okay she likes the food' 'wait she frowning?' 'WAIT SHE'S FROWNING BECAUSE THE FOOD IS SO GOOD SHE'S SO CUTE')
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- fancy ass dates
- so fancy you felt underdressed
- he felt guilty for making you feel that way so before dropping you home, he bought you ice creams
- would eat it in the parking lot while laughing lightly as you both accidentally smudged bits of ice cream on your attires
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- would buy all sorts of pastries for to try
- thinks you're cute, cheek stuffed with lots of food
- you had that sugar rush so he had to endure you jumping around and being excited about the simplest things
- adores the reaction you gave as the warm pastry melts on your tongue
- more to action man, he doesn't talk much just occasional mmh, yeah, really but he's hearing you very closely.
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- wanted to bring you to the mall
- going in and out every store because he likes to spoil you. also he thinks you're endearing when you're happy
- would be the type of man to change their shoes if your heels was uncomfortable (imagine his big ass shoes in your foot while he walked in your heels flawlessly.. his days at juvie helped a lot with balance..)
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- for the date, he would buy your dress, your perfume, your shoes, new makeup, accessories, a new bag- should i go on because there's a list
- when you thought koko was done lmao YOU THOUGHT
- picked you up IN A DAMN LIMO
- please assure him that he's very much and tell him it's okay have a simple date (he does that because he's very insecure that he might not do enough)
- went back very late because the area you were had heavy traffic and you were in a limo....
*apologies for not adding sanzu because i can't wrap my head around him 😔*
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fairestwriting · 3 months
Yi Sang (and maybe Meursault as a treat) General Dating Headcanons Please And Thank You 💞
UMMM twsties dont leave me i will make content for you too soon. i just think that ummm... teehee... umm i think theyre neat:)
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Yi Sang
If we are being honest. Anyone would expect him to be at least a little awkward as a boyfriend. And he is obviously. But it's not as bad as one might imagine.
He's mostly just very private but also... soft. It's not that hard to tell when he likes someone if you pay attention. He's always a little more talkative and expressive, and even though he looks permanently tired you swear you can see him perk up just a little...
Type of guy who calls you "my love/beloved", in general puts his whole vocabulary into it when he's getting lovey-dovey. Rambles about the beauty of getting ice cream at the park and says something about how the cold and sweetness of it soothes his body from the searing heat but not as much as your presence soothes his soul. Stops for a bit because he can't handle the weather that well.
He is shy with physical affection though. Even in private. Mostly because it's been a long time. Gets nervous about handholding because his are too cold and blushes and gets startled by surprise touching... he does relax into it quickly though.
This much is just canon but, this man does not know what a self-care is. He showers and eats enough to not pass out and that's about it. Besure to tuck your Yi Sangs in at a reasonable time, because he will just stay up otherwise.
auagahhh my wife my beautiful bara wife
Guy who asks you out by staring you down with his unchanging murder glare and saying "I am attracted to you romantically and would like to be your partner. How do you feel about this matter."
Gives absolutely no indication that you two are dating in public. Not because he hates having people know but because That Is Just Meursault. He's also completely unnopposed to you making it public knowledge, though, and actually kind of basks on PDA like a cat napping on sunbeam. You know the murder glare softens up just a tiniest bit...
Opposite of Yi Sang in the physical to verbal affection scale. He likes having you two close to each other in general. Sits close to you and holds your hand, puts an arm around your waist or over your shoulders. If he wants a kiss he will stare until you notice and ask for it. He waits very patiently until you answer.
He is very warm... very cozy to cuddle and sleep with. Meursault chest pillow is real. Nobody will ever take that away from me. And he pets your head or holds you if you ask.
Despite his whole "only doing things when asked" thing if he notices you're not eating well or you're overworked he always offers to help. Texts you at night to remind you to sleep at a reasonable time. It's something like "if you get an insufficient amount of sleep you will not be able to perform well at work tomorrow". But the true Meursault lover knows what it really means.
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ryuichirou · 3 months
Alright, random question but what are your headcanons about which of the TWST boys are affectionate? You know, like they love cuddling, leaning on or just being close to whoever. Not to necessarily instigate anything, they just like being touchy-feely.
Another episode of “Ryu thinks that it’s going to take 20 minutes but ends up talking a whole lot” lol Thanks for your question, Anon! Even though you asked about them being affectionate, I think I ended up talking about them liking or not liking skinship… which isn’t necessarily wrong I guess, but still.
I hope you enjoy this list nonetheless. And thank you for the wait!
Riddle –  the perfect example of “he isn’t affectionate, but he likes affection”. He would complain if he got hugged, but it would actually feel very good. HUGGED, NOT SQUEEZED! >:( STAY AWAY, FLOYD! Although after Floyd attacks him with his tight hug and then releases him, Riddle starts feeling his surprising pleasant sting in his shoulders and thighs. Maybe he does like tight hugs…Not from Floyd though! Also, if Riddle gets overly emotional, he might hug someone, but he’ll get embarrassed about it.
Ace – he is at the stage of his life when he thinks that public displays of affection is cringe, even if it’s in a friendly way. But he still does a lot of physical stuff: he ruffles hair, grabs hands, leans on people and stuff. It’s not unusual for him to use Deuce as an armrest lol But hugs and all this stuff – he doesn’t like it.
Deuce – similar to Ace, but he is a bit more reserved these days. He used to be more physical though, because his delinquent senpais were very comfortable with each other physically. In a way, Deuce and Ace are also pretty comfortable with each other. They fall asleep together quite often: while sitting on a bench during recess, after PE on a mat, on a couch or even on their beds. If one of them starts dozing off, chances are, someone is going to find them sleeping together and drooling all over each other.
Trey – he would’ve been more openly affectionate if he didn’t try to stay neutral at all times. But Trey just can’t stop balancing between being not too friendly and not too distant, can he? Still, he could squeeze one’s shoulder, occasionally ruffle hair, but in general he is a “thumbs up” type of guy. But if he’s alone with someone he likes (Riddle yes), he would hug, caress his back, play with his hair and in general act like he’s compensating, being very greedy about it.
Cater – he’s pretty touchy-feely. He loves hugs, squeezing his cheek against another person’s cheek to take a selfie, he loves cuddles and holding hands, but he himself isn’t even sure how much of it is genuine. His go-to is to try to hug someone and get clingy anyway; whether he really likes it or not, touching another human being feels great. Wow I made him sound like an alien…
Leona – nah, he isn’t really affectionate. In theory, he wouldn’t mind napping with someone, but in actuality it would only make him super annoyed. It makes him remember all the times he and Falena used to sleep together as cubs, and he doesn’t like thinking about it.
Ruggie – he would be affectionate if he liked at least one person in this hellish school lol He feels like he doesn’t really need to be affectionate, there is just no point. Sometimes he thinks that Leona would want him to be, but Ruggie thinks that if Leona wants it, he could just ask for it, otherwise Ruggie won’t even bother. That being said, he ruffles Jack’s hair sometimes as a friendly gesture. Not often though, Jack’s too tall.
Jack – mega affectionate good boy who tries very hard not to get too touchy. If he didn’t hold back his urges, he would’ve grabbed people’s arms, hands, lean to them, smell them, nuzzle people’s necks with his cold nose, do a lot of ehhh dog skinship I guess. But in reality he feels way too awkward about these things, so he doesn’t do it often.
Azul – yes and no. He loves touching other people, but it’s more about asserting dominance, not showing affection. But even though he rarely shows it, Azul likes physical affection – he used to be cuddled a lot by everyone around him, so if he is way too happy he could hug and even kiss someone (if they’re close enough of course). He also never does it, but he loves to cuddle, but his cuddling style is cursed. Somehow, even when he’s cuddling, Azul is never fully relaxed, so he just squeezes his cuddle-buddy with his limbs so hard that he (mostly Idia) can’t even move… It also hurts afterwards…
Jade – not affectionate at all, his body language is as cold as his eyes. He is grabby, but it’s the observing/learning kind of grabby + the type of grabby to freak people out. I honestly can’t imagine a situation in which Jade would want to cuddle, other than maybe if he knows that a person he tries to cuddle would get scared or super mad. Because in that case he’s the cuddliest person alive! ^^ Cuddling is just a tactic to him to get what he wants, even if he just wants a reaction.
Floyd – he is a bit more cuddly than Jade and much more physical than him, he is one of the touchiest people in the cast. This is just how he talks to people, he plays with their clothes, hair, fingers, everything… but I guess it also doesn’t mean that he is affectionate at all. A lot of it depends on his mood, and every once in a while I can picture him wanting to grab someone and cuddle, but I think in general cuddling is pretty boring to him. Well, only if he can move around and touch his prey everywhere!
Kalim – the cuddliest bastard in the world. Skinship never ends. He hugs people he’s just met, he shakes hands, he high-fives, he clings to people, rests his head on their shoulders, touches everywhere. And it isn’t always obvious if he is being flirtatious or just playful, because he always seems flirtatious… but in fact it’s just him being friendly and very affectionate. He kisses his friends’ cheeks when he feels like it, why not? The only person he doesn’t do it all the time with is, ironically, Jamil, because Jamil always says “Kalim, don’t…” and sighs deeply. Every once in a while Kalim doesn’t bother him… every hour in a day.
Jamil – maybe it’s due to the fact that he has been overcuddled by Kalim for his entire life, but he isn’t very affectionate. He would prefer not to touch anyone and for others not to touch him. But unlike some others touch-me-nots on this list, Jamil doesn’t have the same awkwardness that comes to not being a hugger, for example. He is confident, he knows how to touch people and how to make affectionate gestures, he also knows how to respond to this kind of stuff (he’s way too used to it); he just doesn’t want to be touched. I feel like he wouldn’t even be able to cuddle properly, because he is never 100% relaxed.
Vil – he seems very unapproachable, but this is him always keeping TPO in mind. He is a Pomefiore Housewarden, and while it doesn’t mean that he can’t show affection, he thinks it’d be inappropriate for him to go around hugging people for no reason. He is pretty cuddly when he is alone with his loved ones, be it Rook (although Rook overpowers him when it comes to affection), Epel (this one is pretty rare lol), his dad (Vil is probably the most affectionate with him) or Ortho (he deserves all the cheek kisses when he is being a good boy).
Rook – one of the most physical and cuddly people in the cast. We’ve seen him grabbing and hugging people tightly a couple of times in the main story lol And this is him trying not to act too wildly! But sometimes he just can’t help his emotions. He really loves hugging and touching people, and just like with Kalim, sometimes he takes it a bit too far for it to be a friendly type of gesture, but unlike Kalim, he is much more aware of it. When it comes to intimacy with his loved ones, sometimes he wants to do nothing but to have sex and cuddle, but luckily for Vil (and all of us) he has a lot of stuff to do, a lot of people to hunt and a lot of irons in the fire, so their cuddling sessions usually last for an hour max.
Epel – sometimes he is pretty cuddly! When he is in his giggly mode, he could even get a little clingy. I feel like he was surrounded by ehhh physical warmth and cuddles?? Since he was the only kid in his village and he always got treated with adoration. But if someone was to address the fact that he is clingy, Epel would get angry and embarrassed…
Idia – he is so touch-starved and so isolated and asocial that I wouldn’t call him affectionate; he prefers to keep his hands to himself, and if it was possible he would hide his entire self in a pocket of his jacket and never come out of it. That being said, while it is super difficult, it’s not impossible to get him to cuddle, but it’s more of a “his loved one cuddles HIM and he allows it while secretly enjoying it a lot” type of thing. But I also think he enjoys rough treatment more lol
Ortho – he wasn’t designed to be affectionate, but he does pick up on things that he sees around or in the movies. Sometimes he implements some of these actions (hugs, hand holding, back rubbing) in his programme just to check which ones Idia reacts strongly to. Of course, he remembers all this data and uses it when needed~ Real!Ortho would be super affectionate and physical though, pretty close to how Kalim is.
Lilia – medium level, but closer to a high level. He is not a grabber/hugger, but a poker/tickler lol He would pat heads, scratch chins, play with hair and do this kind of stuff. He isn’t a huge fan of cuddles, but he enjoys them more now that he’s older and likes being lazy.
Silver – he is one gentle kid. He isn’t actively affectionate, i.e. he doesn’t hug and stuff, but when he does enjoy falling asleep next to someone or on someone else’s shoulder or lap. Sitting on someone’s lap is also a very comforting thing to him, as it reminds him of Lilia, but he doesn’t allow himself to do that anymore: he is too old for that. So, isn’t necessarily affectionate himself, but loves being petted, caressed and scratched.
Sebek – he is very physical, but not affectionate. Maybe it’s because he is still young, but he doesn’t want to show this “gentle” side that he might or might not have: it feels more natural for him to grab and pull. It’s not like he would completely hate cuddling if he was in a situation with someone he really really loves (*akhem* Malleus), but isn’t not something that he even thinks about all that often. And if Silver falls asleep on his shoulder… Sebek’s going to push him away (almost💕) every time!
Malleus – depends on a person and on his mood; for the majority of time he isn’t very physical, but he does crave this kind of thing sometimes. Mostly he would just hold hands or do this kind of stuff, but neither Lilia nor Sebek are the type to do that with him (Sebek would pass out lol). Malleus used to be more cuddly when he was younger, there was a period of time when he would always nuzzle to Lilia’s neck or chest and hug him tightly, but as he grew older he kind of stopped doing that. It’s a very vulnerable thing to him I guess.
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morganski-19 · 9 months
Things I Won't Say When I'm Sober Part 4
part one, part three, part 5
In the morning Steve wakes up like he fell asleep. Eddie still lying on his chest, wrapped up in Steve’s arms, deep asleep. Steve doesn’t quite know what to do. If he had to choose, he’d stay here until Eddie woke up. Assure him that he doesn’t judge him for what happened last night and that this was okay with him. That in fact, he wouldn’t care if every one of his mornings started like this. Watching Eddie wake up, feeling the deep inhales and heartbeats as he was wrapped up in Steve’s arms. The quiet moments in a relationship that make Steve’s heart flutter. 
He can’t choose that though, because he knows what’s actually going to happen. Eddie will wake up and immediately jump out of Steve’s arms, apologizing for what happened last night even through Steve’s reassurance. Then Steve would slip out that he liked it, that he wished it would happen more often. Eddie would look at him in disgust and kick Steve out of his bed. Kick him out of the trailer and never want to see him again. Steve would lose Eddie because he was stupid enough to catch feelings for his friend. 
Even though those feelings were probably the easiest thing Steve had ever caught. It was so simple and easy to fall for Eddie. And it would be so simple for Eddie to dismiss Steve and cut him out of his life because he felt this way. 
Steve has to get out of the bed. Not just to evade the inevitable, but also because the discomfort in his bladder can’t really be ignored. Slowly, he unwraps his arms around Eddie and lifts him slightly, moving him off of Steve and back on his side of the bed. He’s really lucky that Eddie sleeps like the dead, otherwise, this would have been a lot more awkward. 
He closes the door softly behind him, looking at Eddie again before he leaves. Robin is still asleep on the couch, curled up with the blanket that Eddie lent her. He remembers the promise that he made her last night. Knowing that she’ll ask pretty much as soon as she wakes up. That he’ll finally have to tell her what he’s been too afraid to even speak. She’ll be supportive, of course, but she might encourage it. Give him hope that Eddie might actually like him back even though he knows that’s not the case. 
Even if Eddie liked guys too, who’s to say that he would choose Steve out of all people? Steve wouldn’t blame him if he didn’t.
When he walks out of the bathroom, Robin sits up, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. “Steve,” she mumbles. 
“Sorry, did I wake you?” he whispers across the room. She shakes her head. He walks over and sits on the ground, his back leaning against the couch. “How’d you sleep.”
“Fine, I guess.” She rubs the goosebumps away on her arms. “How was sleeping with Eddie?’
Steve shrugs, unsure if he should tell her about what happened last night. “You know him, he’s the deepest sleeper I know. So it was fine.”
“So,” she drags out. “Anything you want to tell me?”
“I thought you were going to take longer to ask,” he sighs. 
Robin slides off of the couch and sits next to him. “We don’t have to talk about it now if you don’t want to. You did promise me though.”
“I know. Just … scared of him overhearing.”
“I mean you said it yourself, he’s asleep. Is it really that bad if he does?”
Steve nods, staring down at his fingers. “It could ruin everything, Rob. I-I’m just so scared that this-”
Robin grabs his hand. “Steve, look at me.” He does, the worry in his eyes meeting the soft comfort of hers. “You know you can tell me anything right?”
He nods, remembering the simple space of trust that they formed that day in the mall on the bathroom floor. Robin bore a part of her soul that she never told anyone else, the fear in her eyes that this small fact about herself would make him hate her. When in reality it only made him love her more. Because with the small amount of time they knew each other, she decided that he was safe enough to place her trust in. And now the roles are reversed, but that didn’t make it any easier to say. 
“I know. It’s just-,” he looks down at their joined hands. “Do you remember when you told me you liked girls? You were so scared to even say the words out loud that you almost didn’t say them at all.”
“Yeah, that was the first time I ever admitted it to someone else. But what does that have to do with this?”
He looks back up at her, hoping the small reference is enough for her to read his mind. “Robin.”
She squints her eyes before they widen with realization. “Oh.”
Steve nods, swallowing hard. “Yeah, oh.”
Robin bites her lip, looking at him with a small sense of sadness. “And the reason he can’t know is-”
“Yeah, 'cause I don’t know how he’ll react if he figures out I like him.” There is it, the words that have taken so long for him to accept out in the open. Free-floating in the warm comfort that is Robin’s presence. 
It isn’t long before Robin is hugging him, gripping him tightly and not letting go. Steve buries his face in her neck, letting the stress of the situation finally take over. Letting go of everything he’s tried so hard to keep in. 
“It’s going to be ok,” Robin assures, rubbing a hand up and down his back as the tears start to fall. She lets him cry on her for some time, not caring that the tears stain her shirt. Slowly, the tears start to stop and relief spreads through his body.
“Is this what you go through all of the time?” he asks quietly.
Robin scoffs. “Yeah. Sucks right.”
Steve lets out a wet laugh, sitting up and wiping away his remaining tears. “It really does.”
“Your situation is better than mine though. I think you have a good shot of him liking you back.”
“I don’t think so, Rob. How are you even sure that he likes guys?”
She shrugs. “I just have a feeling.”
“Like my feeling that Vicky liked you back.”
“Yes, except my feeling is correct,” she says with a roll of her eyes. 
“Did you,” he clears his throat. “Did you have that feeling about me?”
She gives him a smug look. “I might have guessed it.”
“Have you seen the way you’ve looked at Eddie recently? And the whole thing with his hair yesterday. The fuck was that?”
He laughs. “Ok, fair.”
Robin's face softens again. “What are you going to do?”
“I have no idea,” he looks forward again. “Just wait for it to go away I guess.”
“You really think that can happen?” she leans her head on his shoulder. 
Steve sighs. “Not really. Not soon at least. I haven’t felt like this for anyone in a while.”
“And you’re sure he doesn’t like you back?”
He presses his lips together and takes a second to think. “No, I’m sure.”
“Why are you sitting on the floor when there’s a couch right behind you?” Eddie asks, standing by the kitchen
“Uh,” Steve starts, trying not to panic. “How long have you been standing there?”
Eddie crosses his arms and squints his eyes. “I asked you first.”
Robin stretches next to him. “Cause the floor is comfortable and I got tired of sitting on your couch. Your turn.”
“I just walked out of my room and you two were just staring at my wall, so not more than thirty seconds I guess. You guys want some breakfast?” he walks behind the counter.
“Ugh I would, but I should really get home before my parents freak out.” Robin stands, using Steve’s shoulder as a balance. 
He follows, thankful for the easy out. “What should I do with these?” he gestures down to the clothes Eddie lent them.
“I don’t know, just bring them back the next time you come over. We can call them Stevie’s high pajamas. Nice bedhead by the way.”
Steve’s hand jumps to his head, immediately trying to smooth out his hair. “Is it bad?”
“Nah, it’s cute. Eddie turns away, pouring cereal into his bowl. 
“Well uh, bye. See you around I guess,” Steve jumbles out, feeling his face flush. 
He all but pushes Robin out the door as she yells goodbye. When they get to his car, he grips the steering wheel so tight his knuckles turn white. 
“You’re hopeless,” is all Robin says before he starts driving.
another part coming soon!! (it may be the last but depends on the length. it is wrapping up soon though.)
Tag list (lmk if you want to be added or removed): tag list: @imfinereallyy @estrellami-1 @paintsplatteredandimperfect @overhillunderhill @renaissan-vvitch @ashwagandalf @sirsnacksalot @lorelei724 @emly03 @super-cosmic-library @rozzieroos @dolphincliffs @henderdads @abyssal808 @evergreenprose @demolvr @steddiehyperfixation @stedumpsterfire @ent-is-indecisive @steddierthings @makeadealwithdean @kas-eddie-munson @extra-transitional @lunaticmarunatic @steveharringtonmilf @cardboardqueen @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme @panicatthediaz @ellietheasexylibrarian @hallucinatedjosten @awkwardgravity1 @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme @its-a-me-a-morgan @messrs-weasley @dreamlandforever @stevesbipanic @inmoonywetrust @sani-86 @aellafreya @lorelei724 @punkprettyboyprincess
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wheatnoodle · 2 years
welcome to part 4 besties of deaf!steve/steddie
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
she lets him play his show. she doesn’t want to ruin it for the other guys, though with the way eddie’s playing, he seems to be doing that himself.
robin cannot look away from him.
her jaw is clenched, thin arms crossed over her chest. while the rest of the bar vibes along to the music, she is stock still. the party tries to pretend they’re enjoying themselves but the awkward glances and forced smiles tell otherwise.
she sees red. and she doesn’t even have a ride to go to her best friend. her other half. she can feel him. her heart is in her stomach, her chest is empty. an aching cavity. she can barely focus.
eddie’s fumbling on stage. he keeps his head down, hair curtaining his face. he wont look at any of them, he can’t look at them. his fingers shake as he stares at his fretboard, fucking up what should be easy progressions. his face is on fire. he knows he needs to get his head in it, but he can’t stop thinking about steve. the way he crumbled right in front of him and, like he seemed to do quite often, scooped up his broken pieces to bring home by himself. every time eddie blinks, there’s teary doe eyes clouding his vision.
so, robin lets him play his show. it doesn’t last long, gareth being the one to shake his head and cut their set short. they pack their gear and step off the stage and robin has her fingers around eddie’s wrist. he has no time to protest as she drags him away. down a back hallway with one light hanging from the ceiling and graffiti on the walls.
she shoves him against the wall, grabbing fistfuls of his shirt and tugging him down to her eye level.
“what the fuck is your problem, eddie? what the fuck is your problem?” she hisses into his face, her brows drawn. eddie’s eyes are wide as he stares at her, mouth gaping like a fish. robin wants to smack the look off his features. seconds pass before he’s glaring at her in return.
“my problem? what, so me not wanting to be friends with someone who doesn’t give a shit about me is a problem?” he scoffs, knocking her hands off his shirt.
“what are you talking about?!” robin feels hysterical. she doesn’t know whether she should laugh or scream or cry or all of the above at the same time. “since when does steve not give a shit about you?!”
“since always! since high school!” he throws his arms out. he might be reaching robin’s hysteria, he thinks. “im the freak to him.”
“i cant believe you would say something like that. after everything? really? what happened to you being so totally lovesick you just had to go and start writing your music about it?”
eddie barks out a laugh, tilting his head back to the ceiling, to the one flickering light. “as if it even fucking matters. you know he’s said no every single time ive invited him here? or to a band practice? every time! i don’t even care if he likes it, i just want him to fucking show up!” he’s raising his voice. he knows he is.
“he’s deaf! you shithead!” robin tops his volume. her voice cracks as she puts her hands on eddie’s chest, shoving him again. her cheeks are ruddy, her own eyes glossing over at the intensity of her emotions.
“what?” eddie whispers and he stops. right there. he stops moving, stops blinking, stops breathing. his jaw is dropped. he has that stupid fish look on his face again. every thought leaves his brain, only robin’s words bouncing around in his head. he’s deaf. he’s deaf. he’s deaf.
“he’s deaf. from all of his stupid head injuries. he can’t hear your music at a show, eddie! there’s too much going on!” she’s crying now. angry tears rolling down her cheeks. she wipes them away furiously.
“what do you mean…”
“i mean he doesn’t want you to look at him different or like he’s weird. because he can’t hear. because king steve being deaf just doesn’t make sense and there go proving it,” she shakes her head, her fingers going into her hair to tug at the strands.
“i didn’t…i didn’t know,” eddie gulps thickly. his heart is pounding in his chest. steve is deaf. steve the hair harrington is deaf. steve the babysitter is deaf. steve the monster hunter is deaf. his stevie can’t hear.
“no shit. he doesn’t want any of you to.” eddie’s hands find her wrists and ease her fingers from her hair, pulling her against him. she slumps into his chest, crying in his shirt (if she makes sure to make it extra gross, that’s between her and the lord).
they stand there till she calms down. until she pulls back and tucks her hair behind her ears, wiping her eyes again for good measure.
“i…i need to go see him,” eddie says, nodding along like he’s trying to convince himself it’s what he should be doing. he pats his jeans pockets, finishing out the keys to his van.
“you need to fix this. i’ll get the others to start trying to get in contact with him,” robin sighs, resting the back of her head against the wall. eddie nods again, turning on his heel and sprinting down the hall.
he makes it to the door, gets his hand on the push bar. “eddie?” he turns back around when robin calls his name.
she hesitates a second before closing her eyes and sighing yet again. “don’t break his heart.”
his brow furrows briefly. “i won’t.”
@madcapromantic @youarenotgonnafindme @samcoxramblings @depressed-gays-of-marvel @zombiefang
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n04hfiction · 1 month
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Dating Loona Headcanons
Content/Warnings (If applicable): Sexual Content (MDNI, there’ll be a split between the NSFW content!), Profanity, Implied!Male Reader (Usage of “guy” once), OOC(?) Loona
Proofread: ✅
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Loona spent years in the adoption center, infact, a good chunk of her life, and she had only been with Blitzø for a few years now, so it’s safe to say you’re her first partner
She was most likely very awkward during the talking stage, she doesn’t talk to many outside of IMP, so honestly, it may not be easy for her at first
A talking stage with Loona consists of her being extremely awkward and nervous, borderline geeky in a sense, whether you realized it or not. She probably found you attractive from the start, like before you guys ever properly spoke, so it’s not even like she had something to start off of with you.
Going back to her life in the adoption center, we can tell that she wasn’t seen as something or someone important, and let’s be real here, she probably knew they thought that — So I can see her love language being words of affirmations, after so many years, the only thing she really needs is to be told she is enough
I can also imagine Loona’s love language in terms of giving being physical affection, she’s probably very clingy after her years in the shelter, and she just wants to hold you and never have to let you go, because she feels like if she does she might lose you forever
In terms of petnames, I can see this going two ways, Loona won’t really call you petnames aside from “babe” or maybe “hun” cause she feels like a lovesick teenager otherwise, but if you call her something she absolutely FOLDS!! Loona really gets into it whenever you call her something with “my ____”, or anything with “dear” or “sweet” - Which might surprise you, because she doesn’t use petnames BECAUSE she thinks they sound cheesy, but when you call her the cheesy petnames, she folds like a piece of paper!
An ideal date for Loona would be staying in and just cuddling while watching a movie, as much as Loona is down to party, her social battery can get drained pretty easy, so she’d much rather stay in with the one person she knows gets her - Except at your place, she’d rather die than cuddle with you infront of Blitzø
Speaking of Blitzø, she’s hesitant to introduce you both, she knows how Blitzø can be, especially when it comes to her and a guy, but she knows she has to have you both meet at some point.
Blitzø is protective (as well as defensive) at first, which honestly, is fair enough, but once he gets to know you he ends up liking you just fine! Especially if you let him ramble about his horse fantasies, he’ll really like you then!
This might be a surprise, but Loona isn’t much of a hand-holder, it’s just not her thing — and she really only kisses you in private, but she loves hugging you! This girl loves hugs! She hugs you goodbye after every date, she hugs you as her way of saying thank you when she can’t form the words quite right, she loves hugging you
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Along with being Loona’s first partner, you are also her first time, which comes with a few different things to unpack here.
Firstly, Loona is very insecure when it comes to sex (at first), and she hardly ever even touched herself before you. The first few times of even attempting sex she’ll back out, she’s really insecure and overall scared of being abandoned, the shelter really did do a number on her.
I also personally headcanon that Loona has body-image issues, she’s a bit thick in certain places, and she’s covered in fur - So if you’re not covered in fur, she’ll get very anxious about how you’ll choose to handle it. (Occasionally she’ll slip into her human disguise specifically for sex, because she is terrified of you getting annoyed by her fur for whatever reason).
Loona is very subby for the first few months of having sex with you, but as she starts to grow and get used to it, she can definitely start to dom, maybe even lean towards it, I see her as a softer but also teasing dom, but I can also see her being rougher when and if the situation calls for it
She fucking thrives off of anything to do with her clit (fingering, eating out, ect) - It’s also probably her more sensitive area. Making out with Loona while fingering her and fondling with her breasts is probably one of the things that gets her off the most, and (as long as you’re not opposed), she is definitely into the idea of riding your face
In contrast to her love language, she definitely has a degradation kink, she gets the biggest kick out of being called a whore or slut or a bitch or anything of that sorts (even if in non-sexual situations things would be much different)
Another thing, Loona isn’t one to cry or get overly vulnerable in a relationship (although she does from time to time), making her cry during sex is definitely something you do a lot (in a healthy and consensual way, ofc)
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atom-writings · 1 year
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(Hetalia Main 8 x Reader) Finding out their future S/O likes them through... unconventional means!
(Gender Neutral) Headcanons ~ A/N anon i hope u do not mind i changed the scenario the slightest bit so theyre not all the same. Also ur english is fine dont wrry!! <3 also srry for the wait ):
Trigger Warning: Implications about reader that might be wrong, Ivan is kind of invasive, awkwardness? Other than that, just fluff!
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One day, you and one of your closest friends went out to a local restaurant to hang out. You two talked for hours and hours, about everything and anything. Of course, during that time your love life came up. That part of your life has always been complicated, and you couldn’t think of a better person to talk it through with. Lately, you’d become entranced with your good friend Alfred. Everything about him drove you wild, and you could talk about him for hours.
But little did you know, the restaurant you love just happens to be one of his favourites too. So, a couple of booths away, he sat. At first, he tried not to intrude, but he couldn’t help but perk up upon hearing his name.
He doesn’t confront you with this immediately. In fact, he’s gonna keep that to himself as long as he can stand to. Which, probably isn’t that long.
He finds it very entertaining to watch your reaction to him… very subtly flirting. Leaning over your shoulder more than he needs to, brushing hands when you’re walking together, offering you his jacket…
Of course, he knows why you’re blushing, but you don’t know that he does. Isn’t that what makes it so much fun?
Eventually he’ll actually ask you out. But for now, he’ll just enjoy having this… power over you <3
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When you decided to invite your friends over to play a new board game, you had no choice but to invite Arthur over as well. Your feelings towards him maybe have been… complicated… but you couldn’t deny that any gathering felt lonely without him. Even if he could easily defeat all of you in any strategy game.
When you began playing, you all began quickly immersed. Your eyes couldn’t leave the game, and even a second away could cost you everything. So when Arthur lost a turn, it was only natural that he was forced to retrieve something for the group. You asked him to grab something from your room. However, that thing just happened to be right next to your trash can. 
When he finally found what he was looking for, it had fallen on top of the trash. As he picked it up, it revealed a crumpled-up letter underneath. Looking over his shoulder, he unfolded it. But scribbled hastily on that letter were the details of your true feelings towards a certain British gentleman…
He’s going to be blushing and panicking immediately. Leaves swiftly with next to no explanation (he’s gonna beat himself up later for that one-)
He’ll bring it up next time you meet. Of course, casually. He doesn’t want to pressure you, especially since he feels a little guilty about how he found out.
But thank god he did find out because he’d be much too scared of rejection otherwise. Asking you out feels incredibly vulnerable, but this way, both of you are happy.
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Although it had never been in your nature to reach out… you had come to a breaking point. Your feelings towards your friend, Francis, had become an issue. But considering how embarrassing it was to admit, asking your friends for advice was out the question. You would have to do it anonymously.
So, on a warm Saturday afternoon, you decided to call into a small English-speaking talk radio. You were visiting France, just for him, and hoped that the native Parisian host may be able to provide a unique perspective on how to proceed. Perhaps there was some… cultural barrier between you two?
So when you began describing your predicament, you couldn’t stop. Before you knew it you were gushing about your love for Francis. But in your haste, his name slipped out. You paused, right before on the other end, a familiar voice said your name.
Naturally, as soon as he finds out, he’s all in. He’s immediately asking you out and showering you in all the compliments he’s had to internalize (on air even-)
He’s gonna be a bit awkward just in the way that it’s hard for him to understand any reservations you may have. You’re both head over heels for each other, isn’t that enough?
Of course, it’s not. You hadn’t even planned to reveal your feelings yet, it was just a misunderstanding! Although it’s a dream to him, your uncomfortableness is no surprise. Set some boundaries, and he’ll be the most perfect boyfriend you could ever ask for.
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Yao always loved sharing his culture with you. One of his favourite ways to do so was through cooking! You had never been that much into cooking, but with him, it seemed much easier and way more fun. So when he invited you over to teach you a new traditional Chinese dish, you couldn’t say no. Even if you felt a little… awkward around him now.
But you considered that maybe, that day, you could finally tell him how you felt. Maybe then wouldn’t have to deal with that awkwardness, and possibly even end up with him, in a more romantic sense. But if he rejected you… the awkwardness would be ten-fold. You had no idea what to do! Luckily, you could always consult your friends.
So, while you and Yao cooked, you also texted your friends for advice… discreetly, of course. But as you two got more and more invested in your meal, you forgot about all your troubles. And by extension, your friends trying to give you advice. You even got so distracted that you forgot your phone on his kitchen table, and when he picked it up to investigate, he found your friend’s text thread telling you to confess.
He’s going to panic immediately. This isn’t how he wanted to find this out! It makes him feel all guilty… like he invaded your privacy. Obviously, he’s a little excited but still!
So he has no choice but to pretend he didn’t see anything. If you ask him about it, you’ll get nothing but denial. 
As soon as the time is right, and it’s not obvious that he already knew you’d say yes, he’ll ask you out himself. If anything, this incident will just be a little bump in the road to you guy’s eventual relationship. Honestly, he may still deny it even after you’re dating. It’s just… embarrassing for the both of you.
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Although you had only been friends for a short time, it felt as if you and Ivan had been together for years. When he asked to come over to your home for the first time, it came as a shock. Not because you didn’t want him to, but simply because you assumed he had already come over! You had spent a lot of time at his home already, so it felt natural
While you gave him the short tour, he couldn’t help himself but ask question after question. It seemed as if he was investigating your whole life based on your possessions. But considering how much you knew about him, you felt completely comfortable sharing. While you regaled him with the stories of your, relatively short, life so far he listened intently. Soaking in every detail and never looking away from you. In fact, he seemed so enthusiastic about you, you started to become flustered. You had been able to keep your feelings under control for most of your time spent together, but this was proving too much. No one else had ever paid as much attention to you as he had.
Soon enough, you had no choice but to excuse yourself from his overwhelming presence. But while you tried to busy yourself in another room, he was drawn to the beautiful journey laying on your desk. Although he knew it to be wrong, he couldn’t help but flip through a couple of pages. Unfortunately for everyone involved, those few pages just happened to detail your romantic feelings towards the Russian reading them.
Ivan, despite the way he found out, will be ecstatic! Absolutely no shame about how he found out about your feelings. Immediately rushes over to you and nearly tackles you to the ground in a hug.
At that point, he’s not even asking you out. You like him as well, so you’ll agree with no questions asked, right?
Despite that, he won’t take any reservations too personally. He’ll always be happy now that he knows you feel the same as him. Whatever that means for you.
He doesn’t even think about how invasive and uncomfortable it might’ve been for you to have him find out in such a personal way. But he’ll promise to never do it again, don’t worry.
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One thing that no one could deny about Italy, was that it was beautiful. Romantic architecture, perfect coastlines, its culture burst at the seams, and you couldn’t get enough of it. You were so possessed by its beauty that you couldn’t help falling into the local superstitions around it. In specific, you found yourself believing in wishes. By your friend Feliciano’s house, there was a beautiful, centuries-old fountain that locals wished in.
Normally, you wouldn’t believe in such things. But day by day you felt more desperate. You were in love with your friend, but you couldn’t risk losing him just because you wanted a little bit more. Although he acted quite affectionate with you, he did the same for everyone. All you wanted was for Feliciano to take the first step, for him to understand without words, or anything at this point!
So you went down to the fountain, bringing just one euro coin to sacrifice. It was in the evening, so only a few people remained in the square, leaving you almost alone. You wished out loud, confessing your true feelings to the world, in a desperate plea for them to come true. But little did you know, Feliciano had come with the same idea.
Oh, he’s definitely confronting you right away. Him being there while you confess has to be fate, there’s no other explanation!
He’s very smooth about it though. He’ll ask you out, but with no strings attached. By the end of the whole ordeal, you won’t feel embarrassed in the slightest. It’s almost like he has practice dealing with this kind of thing…
All he can think is how romantic this whole situation is. It’s like something out of a movie, and a perfect fairytale romance is all he’s ever wanted. Hopefully, you do too <3 
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Ludwig had always been a smart man. That was one of your favourite things about him. When you worked with him, it felt as if anything was possible. Even when he struggled, he would comfort you and promise that together, the solution would become clear. So when you had no idea where to start on your essay, he was the first person you asked to help.
So, early in the afternoon, he came over to your home. Laying out his own preliminary research, you couldn’t help but laugh. Somehow, in half the time, he was able to find double the information you could. But he wasn’t embarrassed, simply choosing to ignore your reaction and begin walking you through the writing process.
With his he;[, you couldn’t help but get on quite a roll. Any distractions faded away, and it felt as if every second could be used to it’s fullest extent. So when you needed a specific piece of information you had noted down before, you asked him to retrieve it. But when he grabbed the notebook you had asked him for, he opened it to reveal dozens of notes… about him. Even with little hearts dotting each line! 
He is so excited. I mean, he’s so freaked out about it he feels like he’s gonna pass out, but in a good way! It’s pretty adorable, he’s all flushed and can’t help but start stimming.
Next time you see him, he’s gonna try his best to ask you out and reveal that he feels the same. But, the first time, he might panic and dip out. 
He worried you’re gonna judge him for how he realized you liked him as well, and reject his advances. If you did he’d never live it down-
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As much as he loved you, he did not love your friends. Kiku would come to anything you invited him to, regardless of the fact that every time he would end up playing video games alone in your room. While everyone partied outside, he found the noise unbearable. But the fact that you didn’t question his decision to isolate, and even made an effort to still hang out with him alone, was one of his favourite things about you.
But one time, during one of those gatherings, he turned into a side room early. It had been a hard day for him, but still seeing you was his first priority. Right before he put his headphones on, he overheard someone saying his name from outside the door. 
The longer he listened, the colder he felt. Two of your friends were commenting on his behaviour, calling him strange and awkward. One questioned why he had even been invited, remarking that he didn’t fit into the group. He was about to interrupt their conversation when you joined their mean-spirited discussion.
But you didn’t agree with them, oh no. You told them that he was always invited because regardless of their rude opinions. Because, well, you loved him. More than just a friend would.
Oh, this is so awkward for him.  And you. What a situation! He’s so worried about what to do. He likes you a lot too, he keeps catching himself daydreaming about you… holding your hand, kissing your cheek, being in love with each other… but there’s no way you feel the same! He must have misheard!
He’s definitely not gonna bring up what he heard. As far as you’re aware, he knows absolutely nothing. And he’s trying his best to-
I seriously doubt he’d be the one who asked you out first, regardless of the situation. All this has done is make him doubt everything more. Just do him a favour and be direct, won’t you?
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weirdkpopgirl · 8 months
Promise | Jaemin Imagine #8
Title: Promise
Genre: Angst
Warnings: mentions of anxiety and breakdowns
Word Count: 1.3k
Author's Note: I'm aware that anxiety often takes center stage in my stories, and yet, here's another one I've penned, this time focusing on Jaemin. Drawing from my own struggles, I aimed to portray the challenges of being close to someone dealing with mental health issues. Even with a strong support system, it doesn't guarantee that your problems will vanish miraculously. To all those who grapple with similar issues, I hope this story encourages you to seek help if possible because you deserve happiness and good health.
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From the beginning, you and Jaemin had a fairly healthy relationship that was envied by your friends and family. Apart from the initial awkwardness (primarily on your side) during the early stages of dating, both of you treated each other with plenty of tender loving care. 
You could truthfully say that Jaemin wasn’t just your boyfriend, but also your closest confidant. Perhaps it was the fact that the two of you had been friends for a substantial period before dating. Being each other’s partners allowed a deeper understanding of one another, resulting in almost no arguments between the two of you. That being said, because he knew you so well, there was one factor that occasionally led to turbulence in your relationship.
Anxiety has been a constant companion throughout your life. It was much like a friend you recognized as toxic but still chose to spend time with. Lacking a proper support system during your childhood, coping with life as an adult became significantly more challenging. For you, anxiety has been this silent struggle you had been battling alone. However, you didn’t realize the effect it was having on your otherwise, perfect relationship.
The irony was that Jaemin was the most supportive presence in your life. However, the issue lay in your reluctance to accept his support. Whenever you were in a state of distress, you tended to distance yourself from him and withhold your true feelings. He had witnessed you break down before, and it bothered him that you pushed him away.
One evening, after returning to your apartment late, Jaemin could see in your eyes that it was more than the part-time job that was taking a toll on you. He could discern from the restrained smile on your face that you had no intention of sharing it with him. At that moment, Jaemin reached the point where he couldn't bear it any longer.
The warmth of his hand atop yours gained your attention. Gazing at you softly, he asked, “Princess, can we talk?”
“Why? Did I do something wrong?” you responded with a tinge of concern in your voice. You searched your memory for anything you might have upset him, but couldn’t think of anything specific.
After taking a deep breath, Jaemin met your eyes brewing with perplexity. You had no idea what he was about to say, which made him briefly consider retracting his words. However, he knew that he couldn’t allow anything to stop him.
“It’s about your anxiety, (Y/n),” Jaemin began to explain, using his most gentle tone. “I’ve noticed how much it’s impacting your physical and mental health. And I think that seeking help from a professional can make a difference.”
Yet no matter how delicately this subject was being brought up to you, your shoulders tensed and you withdrew your hand from his grasp.
Your eyes flashed with frustration. “Jaemin, therapy isn’t necessary—I’m fine.”
“But you don’t have to pretend you’re fine all the time. It’s okay to ask for help and lean on others. I just want what’s best for you, (Y/n),” he stressed. He could sense you retreating behind your wall, and he refused to let you block him again.
That was how this conversation escalated into the most intense argument you had ever experienced with Jaemin. He made a sincere effort to stay composed, but it proved challenging when you continued to shut him out and maintained your insistence that you could handle everything on your own. 
Nonetheless, voices were raised from both parties and the words that left your mouths stung immediately after they were said. So as quickly as the argument had started, it ended with you pushing away from him and storming out of the living room with your eyes glossed over with tears.
Guilt quickly consumed him and his previous frustration dissipated. After waiting a few minutes to give you some space, Jaemin quietly moved down the hallway in search of you. His feet stopped at the bathroom door when he saw the faint light seeping beneath it.
On the other side of the door, your shoulders shook as silent sobs wracked your body, leaving you barely able to catch your breath. 
Eventually, you heard a gentle knock on the door. “(Y/n), please let me in.”
A part of you wanted to tell him to go away and leave you alone. You could tell by the tone of his voice that he was done fighting. Yet, you couldn’t convince yourself that you deserve forgiveness. Not when the entire argument was your fault. Even though he had been nothing but patient and loving, it was you who didn’t have the courage to acknowledge your mental instability. You were the problem.
When you didn't respond, Jaemin decided to take matters into his own hands and cautiously pushed the door open. Inside, his heart ached when he found you seated across from the sink, your face buried in your knees, every part of your body trembling. He hadn’t intended for things to go this way.
Without any further hesitation, Jaemin joined you on the bathroom tiles, scooping you up into his arms. The comforting feeling of being held made you instinctively cling to him. Your tears soaked his shirt, but that was the least of Jaemin’s worries.
“I’m sorry, Princess,” he whispered, his chin resting against your forehead as he stroked your hair. “I didn’t mean to pressure you like that.”
You grimaced inwardly as your voice wavered. “I'm the one who should be apologizing. I... I know I just push you away when I’m having a hard time. But you already do so much for me, and I just don’t want to be a burden."
“You could never be a burden, (Y/n),” the tips of his fingers lifted your chin slightly, allowing you to meet his sincere gaze. “You’re my everything, and I can’t stand to see you hurting alone.”
His simple, yet sweet words made you feel so warm inside. It was that moment you realized Jaemin was never going to leave your side, even if it meant seeing you at your worst. Your wall of emotions remained resolute, refusing to crumble any time soon. However, the better half of you wanted to let Jaemin break down those barriers.
Before you could say anything, Jaemin could feel the resistance in you slowly fade away. Your hand slipped into his, intertwining your fingers as you released a light exhale. “The idea of seeking help is terrifying. But if you’re with me, I think I can do it.”
“It makes me so happy to hear you say that,” Jaemin smiled and squeezed your hand reassuringly. “And I promise, we’ll face your anxiety together.”
Your cheeks warmed when he pressed a soft kiss on the back of your hand. Then, he leaned in for a tender kiss on your lips, his fingers gently weaving through your hair. Your grip on his sweatshirt tightened as the kiss deepened, conveying all the love and understanding that words could never fully express. Jaemin's other arm remained securely wrapped around your waist as if it could shield you from all your worries.
When you finally pulled away, tears in your eyes had transformed into tears of happiness. "I love you, Jaemin."
"I love you too, Princess," he replied in a sing-song voice.
In that heartfelt moment, as he held you close, you both understood that your love had the strength to endure any storm, even the ones that threatened to tear the two of you apart. Despite the relentless assaults of your own mind, the love you shared with Jaemin served as a reassuring reminder that you could overcome it all, together.
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scumbagjaeger · 1 year
I know this is a little extra so feel free to unsee but can you do the entire nsfw alphabet for Porco? :D I'm still not over him xD
Hahah it is extra but that's okay because you and I are both extra xoxox, ESPECIALLY for Porco Galliard <3 <3 It's mostly gender neutral, the occasional mention of tits in one or two of the letters!
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NSFW Alphabet for Porco Galliard!! MDNI
A for Aphrodisiac [What always turns them on?]
I will always say that Porco is the type of guy who will get hard after kissing you for two seconds and I will die on this hill omg.
I think red always catches his eye and sends him to his knees (red lipstick, red undergarments, basically any capacity of red will make him turn red)
He's also one of those dumbasses who tries SO HARD not to be distracted by you playing with your hair, like tying it up into a ponytail or moving it away from your face? It immediately makes his brain think of blowjobs and he gets all mad and flustered about it
B for Bondage [Who gets tied up and how?]
I think he'd probably like to tie up his significant other more, but over time could find himself being tied up by you...
I honestly think he'd prefer to hold your hands behind your back, he finds it more intimate to be the one physically restraining you. If he is tying you up he'd probably opt for a tie or a belt, something he has in his closet that is HIS, maybe that he even wore out during the day. He'd make you remove his belt and then uses it to restrain your hands.
If he's being tied up, I think he'd actually lowkey really like to be tied up with something softer like a silk material? Something about the way it feels across his chest, something so delicate restraining him in such a lewd way.
C for Cuddling [How do they cuddle after sex?]
I think he'd be shy ngl!! Like he'd absolutely help clean up and make sure you're okay, but unless you're the one putting your head on his chest, he'd just lie there deadass. After a minute or two you might feel his hand reach out for yours under the blankets and give it a squeeze, as if to ask if it's okay for him to hold you. After that he'd definitely scoot closer to you and wrap his arm around you protectively, kissing your hair :)
D for Dirty [How do they dirty talk? What do they say?]
He'd be such a cocky asshole omg do I even need to explain that? Too bad I will anyway :)
"Look at you, this wet already? I haven't even begun to finger you and you're already soaking through your panties. Who's got you all desperate for cock, hmm? Damn right, don't forget who this pussy belongs to"
E for Exposed [What is the most daring place they’ve had sex?]
Reiner's bed LMAO sorry
F for Favorite [What do they find sexiest about their partner?]
Probably eyes, as cheesy as that is?? I think he'd love to watch your expressions. He'd love to make you look at him while you climax. Whether it's you looking up at him with needy, desperate eyes, or smirking while you're on top of him, he'll always tell you how pretty your eyes are.
You could also use this to your advantage while you're out in public by flashing him some big ol' doe eyes. He'll turn red hahah
G for Graceful [What is the weirdest position they’ve tried?]
Probably the one where he lifts you in the air? He's strong enough but the first time he tried it he almost lost his balance and fell on top of you lol. Holding you up and against the wall is much better.
I don't think he'd like the ones where he's like standing above you, he'd prefer to be on his knees or lying down with you, otherwise they just seem weird or awkward to him.
H for Hands [What do they do with their hands during sex?]
Grabby. Not in a romantic way necessarily, but in a needy way? Desperately gripping the fat of your ass and pulling you closer. Jaw grabber because he'd love to hold you as he's kissing you.
I for Imagination [What do they fantasize about?]
In any athletic situation, be it training in Liberio or a college soccer practice, he has to be super careful not to get carried away with thoughts of him fucking you there during training. He's already breathing heavy, muscles tense from working out, and he's imagining possessively taking you, sweaty and mean.
J for Jazz [What’s their go-to sexy song/playlist?]
Has the most cliche fuckboy songs on shuffle for sexy time. Basically the Fifty Shades of Grey soundtrack and it's cringey but that's fine
K for Kink [What’s their secret kink?]
I think he'd be a bit of an exhibitionist tbh!! I think he'd be a bit possessive of you and would want to show you off when he can, he wants everyone to know that he's the one leaving hickeys on your neck, and he's the only one who can make you feel like this.
Also a breeding kink but he'd want to keep that shit HIDDEN from you. He's probably a traditional type of guy, wants to get married before thinking about starting an actual family with you, but again the possessiveness?? Unfortunately he's not too good at keeping this one a secret lol.
L for Lingerie [What kind of underwear do they like to wear or have their partner wear?]
He probably is a Calvin Klein type guy, prefers their black or dark grey boxer briefs, no patterns because he thinks it's tougher/cooler to have solid colors
Likes red, probably not the biggest fan of super complex lingerie that is hard to take off/fuck in. Would basically die and go to heaven over a lacey teddy/dress that he insists you keep on while he fucks you
M for Moan [What kind of noises do they make? What sounds do they like to hear from their partner?]
He's embarrassed about the sounds he makes in bed because normally he can keep his composure enough to talk to you, but when he's getting close to climax his head is nestled into your neck and he sucks hickeys into your skin to try and keep his mouth from letting out the most pathetic moans and whimpers.
Ironically enough, the noises you make when you're falling apart are probably his favorite and will REFUSE to let you shy away from him. Listening you go from breathy moans to shameless whines and pleas, to cock-dumb babbling as you beg for release, are probably all music to his ears
N for Night [What time of day do they prefer to have sex and why?]
I think he's a traditionalist in that he believes night time is most romantic and therefore the best, but over time again I think he'd grow to be more of a midday type of guy, just the quick and fun type of stuff, if you have plans and are getting ready he'll start to kiss your shoulders, pulling you towards the bedroom with a cheeky grin
O for Oral [Giving or receiving? Why?]
This man looks like an actual angel from heaven when receiving but he's definitely someone who insists on returning the favor whenever you go down on him. He has a hard time looking at you while your mouth is around his cock because he has cum after two minutes after making eye contact with you during oral before.
Definitely loves to give too because he's a cocky motherfucker who loves to see you fall apart before him. If you're being pleasured first (he never expects you to reciprocate!! He just prefers to return the favor when you are going down on him) he will be rutting into the mattress because he is so turned on.
P for Position [What is their favorite position(s) and why?]
Ass man ass man ass man. Anything that will allow him to see your ass, smack your ass, etc. Reverse cowgirl? Doggy? He loves it all
Probably has a hard time keeping still (unless you've tied him up) so he likes doggy, but if you are on top he is definitely thrusting up into you so hopefully you can hold on for your life :)
Q for Quickie [How would they have sex if they’re in a hurry?]
Clothes stay half-on, just pulled down, shirts pulled up to expose your chest, has you pressed against the first surface he can find. He even speaks in a hurried manner, cooing about how hard you've made him, how wet you are, and how you're going to be late for work.
R for Role Play [What is their role-playing fantasy?]
I don't really think he'd have any major role play fantasies. Probably teases others for it, doesn't see the point lol he wants to be with you the way you are, nothing else?
But he's definitely open to trying some out within reason. Shuts down any teacher/student or incesty ones
S for Sexy [What would they do/wear to turn on their partner?]
Nothing lol. He's an attractive guy and he knows it! He'll walk around shirtless or just in his boxers if he wants to send you a signal lol. He'll wrap his big arms around you, or even just lift you up and bring you to the bedroom. If you're not in the mood he definitely won't force you into anything, opting to just throw you on the bed and tickle you or pretend to suplex you LMAOO but his arms/strength would be his go-to method of putting you in the mood (or displaying his strength to show you he's in the mood)
When he's drunk he'll just grab your hand and put them on his abs? He obviously won't make you touch his dick without checking that you want to!! But if you look at him in confusion he'll say "just reminding you that I have abs" lmao
T for Trust [How would they implement rough sex or kinks?]
He'd be CONSTANTLY checking in with you verbally. "Feels good, yeah? Want more?", otherwise he's good at reading your expressions so he studies you carefully, he's probably got you down to a science so he knows how and when to ease off
During aftercare he'll rub your back and check in again quietly, face red because he's embarrassed to repeat the dirty actions y'all just did lmao
U for Under [Who’s in charge and how?]
Porco is always in charge... so it seems.
In reality you've got that guy wrapped around your finger he will do anything for you anywhere, anytime. He could be the one calling the shots, slapping your ass as he rams into you, but within seconds you could have him on his back, begging you to hurry up and ride him because his dick is aching and he needs to cum :( please
V for Voyeur [What do they like to watch their partner do?]
I already said that he has a hard time watching you go down on him but he still loves it okay, he can only look for a few seconds or else he will bust. Probably loves to watch you suck on his fingers like a lil dirty freak >:)
Or after you've fallen apart, cock dumb and babbling, he likes seeing you ride out your orgasm and collapse onto the bed, chest still heaving and the pinkest blush on your face as you struggle to stay awake :) he's a softie for you when you're fucked out
W for Wet [How would they have sex in the shower?]
I think he'd love to finger you in the shower, under the guise of helping you wash your hair, somehow then he's got two fingers inside of you, curling and hitting that sweet spot while his other hand is feeling up your breast/chest. He honestly prefer to fuck you outside of the shower, he'd be pulling you out and fucking you over the bathroom countertop so you can see yourselves in the mirror. He might make you kiss or lick your own reflection oops. Then afterwards he'll pull you back into the shower to clean you up again :)
X for X-Rated [What kind of porn do they watch or read?]
He probably watches the cheesiest staged porn ever omg. I think he'd feel bad watching amateur stuff?? He probably saw an article about how much of it is revenge porn or people being coerced into it so he feels bad, and it's hard to get off when you're feeling morally conflicted :(-- Also not a fan of onlyfans while he's dating you, just because he feels like it's cheating?? Respects people for doing it but just gets uncomfortable, would probably consider it if he was single.
Y for Yummy [How would they involve food/drinks?]
I don't think he would too much, doesn't like the idea of there being crumbs on his sheets because he's kind of a clean freak oops.
I do think (after discussing it with his partner, while sober!) he'd love drunk sex? It's probably the sloppiest because obviously you're both giggly, stumbling over yourselves as you make your way to the bedroom or whatever surface is closest. A lot more smiley, even if he is the one calling the shots, he'd have this pink tinge covering his face as he breaks into a breathy laugh underneath you. "Fuck, yeah, like that, (Y/N), you ride me so good... Your tits look nice, hah"
Z for Zipper [How do they prefer to undress? Both themselves and their partner.]
SO QUICK OMG. Buttons are flying, zippers are breaking, fabric might even be tearing, depending on the situation or how riled up he is. I think he's an extremely passionate guy and he can't hold himself back once he has an opportunity to fuck
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Thanks for the ask Ece xoxoxo I will never not be obsessed with this man <3
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