#i have alot of feelings about this site
greetingsfromuranus · 2 years
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Nothing beats drawing twitter getting fucking demolished in a mildly erotic manner
(I actually drew the 2nd image first but putting it 2nd makes more sense chronologically)
35 notes · View notes
mirai-e-jump · 3 months
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Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger Photo Book: ~King of Kings~ Main Cast Member Interviews Support Cast Special Comments (translations below, LONG POST)
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Sakai Taisei (Gira Husty)
-The Director's valuable advice on how to play Gira in a natural way-
I think that we were able to complete filming without any issues due to the support of many people over the past year.
As an actor, I was inspired alot by the many career actors in the King-Ohger cast. In particular, Morioka Yutaka-san, who played Douga, and Masato Yano-san, who played Racules, both of whom I had many opportunities to work with, were very important. However, both of them didn't give me any specific advice on the set. They always had the attitude of, "You're free to do whatever you want to do," and I was grateful for that more than anything.
Filming was done in front of a green screen in the studio, which was a special environment, but since I personally didn't have much experience in filming dramas, I had no objections to it at all. Sometimes we filmed on location, so experiencing the "live scenery" and "atmosphere of the site" was nice, but in our situation, we felt uncomfortable unless we were in front of the green screen (laughs). It had become such a normal thing for us.
As for the performance, at first I couldn't understand the Director's intentions and was just figuring it out in my head, but then Director Kamihoriuchi Kazuya told me, "Feel it with your heart," and that's when it became easier to act. After that, I feel like I was able to take on the role of Gira more naturally throughout those days of filming.
Also, I think we showed "Gira two years later" in the new chapter partly through the visuals and direction, such as his costume and hairstyle, but I also wanted to play the role showing a more relaxed side in my own way.
-The wonderful thing about Gira is that he's always there for others-
What I was most mindful of throughout the year was definitely the relationship with Racules. I wasn't told of any future developments, so I was surprised when I read the scripts for episodes 41 and 42. Even though he's his older brother I played the role with a strong sense of, "Overthrow Racules!" I had heard during filming for episode 20 that he was going to reappear later, but I had no idea he was destined to carry such a cruel burden……That's why I was deeply moved by our joint fight scene in episode 42.
After that, in episode 43, I'll never forget the scene where we hold each other's hands. Compared to Yano-san, I think I'm still inexperienced in some aspects of acting, but I did my best in my own way, so I'd be happy if you could grasp the feelings the two of us have.
From episode 48 to the final episode, many of the cast members who've helped us in the past reappeared, and the motivation on set was even higher than usual. The main Director of the last three episodes was Kamihoriuchi-san, and the six of us who play the roles of the kings have absolute trust in the Director, but he's also someone who's uncompromising in his approach to the play, so I worked hard to "hang in there until the very end."
The final day of filming was the scene in the final episode where the six of us are untransformed. I personally didn't intend to be overly emotional just because it was the final take. However, when the Director said "OK!," the cast and crew involved in the production, including Yano-san, who wasn't supposed to be filming that day, gathered around. I thought, "So many people were watching over us" and became overwhelmed with emotion……I think I probably cried more than anyone else (laughs).
Looking back on all the episodes, I think that Gira was always portrayed as a character who stood by someone's side. He always tries to understand people's feelings, regardless of whether they're a king, retainer, or a citizen, and I thought it was wonderful to see that kind of attitude as I played Gira
As time goes on, please don't forget about Gira!
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Watanabe Aoto (Yanma Gast)
-Yanma's coolness is the charm that Director Kamioriuchi possesses-
Currently, when I look back at Yanma from a year ago, I feel alittle embarrassed because he seems so childish (laughs). I've jokingly said to the staff on set things like, "I want to reshoot that scene," but on the other hand, I felt that it was a performance that only I, who had just encountered Yanma, could give. That's just how I feel right now.
As for my role, it was largely created together with Director Kamihoriuchi Kazuya. In the beginning, I read stories about real kings and books by various leaders, and I tried to express them through "moving performances." In response, the Director told me to, "Take a more confident stance," and from that point on, I had the image of, "Even if he doesn't say much, his coolness will be shown through his actions." To be more specific, Yanma has something in common with Director Kamihoriuchi himself. I think that the Director's charm as a person is reflected through Yanma.
What I remember well from early filming was the N'kosopa scene in episode 2. We spent the whole day filming in the cold during the middle of winter with the participation of members of the TTFC (Toei Tokusatsu Fan Club), and it truly felt like a king and his people overcoming their difficulties as one. Episode 2 in particular was the one where I read the script repeatedly after my audition, so I'll never forget the excitement I felt when I saw the finished footage.
Every episode is filled with memories, but the developments that take place two years later starting from episode 27 stirred me up. At first, I thought he was going to be alittle more mature and relaxed, but now that his hair was a blonde pompadour, I decided to play a more active role. In episode 35, when they all go to take back the invaded N'kosopa, I felt Yanma's growth compared to episode 2. The actual successful recapture took place in episode 39. During that time, for the main episodes of Hymeno, Kaguragi, and Rita, Yanma had many funny moments, and as I played him I thought that even though things were tough, he doesn't stay down, which is another cool thing about him.
-The fans are part of the production!-
When he was being manipulated by Hilbil in episode 44, the interaction with Gira had many homages to the past. Usually, there are many opportunities for Yanma to say something preachy, but in this episode it's the opposite, and Yanma catching Gira's fist is also a reverse pattern from episode 17.
Also, defeating Hilbil using the 10 combination King-Ohger for the first time in a long time was a hot development, and in the end, we both said the exact same lines as in episode 2, being, "Lowlifes like you…(-Gira), Should know your place…(-Yanma), On your knees! (-both)."
From episode 48 to the final episode, new assets have been created, and I think that the viewers will enjoy the spectacular visuals until the very end.
In the scene where the "King's Proof" is returned, only my mouth is shown, and the Director told me, "The love you've received is too great, so it's okay if you cry." I intended to act dignified, but those words were like magic, and I was immediately overcome with emotion.
Other hot developments include the reappearance of major characters, and the relationship between the kings and the people they're meant to protect is also noteworthy.
Even after all the battles were over, Yanma still had work to do, and I was able to play the role of Yanma, who's always looking forward until the end.
After working on it for a year, first of all, I'm relieved that filming was completed successfully, and I'd like to take this opportunity to express my feelings of "thank you" to the many people who supported us.
Personally, I believe that King-Ohger was created by everyone, and the fans are also a part of the production. I'd be happy if you could think of us six kings from time to time.
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Murakami Erica (Hymeno Ran)
-The key to playing Hymeno is "how to deal with life"-
Hymeno has a selfish side, but if she shows it too forcefully, her position as a king will be in danger. Of course, it's not just being selfish, and the reason was depicted in episode 3, but reading the script and actually doing the performance gave off a different impression, so I explored this through the opinions of the people on set and through interactions with the cast. Also, after learning about the setting in which her parents were murdered in episode 7, I thought that Hymeno's key point was "how to deal with life."
I was acting without knowing what was going to happen next, but it was interesting to see things in a different point of view once all the facts were known, such as the foreshadowing of the anesthetic in episode 8 being revealed in episode 42. It was like reading a serialized manga, and there was a competition among the cast to see who would get the new script first (laughs), and the person who got it first would upload a photo of the script to our group chat.
Personally, my favorite episode was episode 28. I had alot of conversations with Kaku So-san about playing Kaguragi, and I was able to see a side of Kaguragi that I had never seen before, and I think we were able to deepen our understanding not only of our characters, but also of the cast. Other than that, I also enjoyed episode 36. The matchmaking competition was hard to endure because everyone was trying their best to make me laugh, like Yanma's weird face when he was being controlled by Jeramie (laughs). Also, Hymeno, who was being impersonated by Kamejim, casually crossed her legs even though she doesn't usually do that. The uglier the fake becomes, the brighter the real one shines, so I was conscious of the gap between the two while concealing her true identity.
When I got involved with Rita in episode 5, Director Kamihoriuchi Kazuya told me, "I want you to perform the role of Hymeno as if she's aware Rita will be hard to deal with." At first I thought, "Hymeno and Rita are incompatible, huh," but as they got closer and closer through Moffun and the "Wrath of God," I feel that they've become a very special person to Hymeno. That's why when Rita came to Ishabana in episode 30, Rita may have just been fulfilling their duties, but I thought it was cute that they misunderstood that Hymeno had gone out of her way to meet them. To be honest, I was pretty excited to film the tea scene (laughs).
-I was lifted up by Hymeno's inner strength-
The existence of Grodie, the enemy of her parents, was revealed in episode 30 and defeated in episode 47, but before that, I personally thought episode 46 was important. Jeramie decides to use his"King's Proof" to give life to the immortal Grodie, and Hymeno accepts his decision. There's a conversation between the two of them where they said, "It's okay to cry" and, "I'll ruin my makeup." The script was based on the answer I gave to screenwriter Takano Minato-san when he asked me, "What do you want to do?" I suggested that if a little girl was crying and Hymeno came to her, she might say something like, "What a waste of a pretty face" or "Your mascara will be ruined" to keep her positive. When I opened the script, I was surprised to find that she wouldn't be crying, but I was happy because I wanted to show Hymeno's strong will!
In the end, it was an "all star" effort, and I was thrilled that she was reunited with her parents in episode 49. Although the scene took place while both of them were concentrating on providing treatment, they were able to communicate without having to talk, and I felt a sense of closure within Hymeno. In the final episode, it was cool to see everyone stand up against Dagded, there were some unexpected surprises, and we were able to reach a truly wonderful ending.
All 50 episodes are filled with the passion of the cast and staff, and I think that no matter which episode you watch, you won't be disappointed. During all this, I myself was lifted up by Hymeno's inner strength, and I'm so glad that I was able to work with all the cast members until the end. I hope to see you again in the future, such as the FLT, so please continue to support us!
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Hirakawa Yuzuki (Rita Kaniska)
-Playing the role of Rita by moving their "mind" with their whole body-
The role of Rita is an "immovable" character, so the performance doesn't focus on movement, and their face is visible only through their left eye and you can't see their facial expressions, so it was difficult in the early days of filming. The solo performances were particularly difficult. In episode 12, there's the trial scene where Jeramie is listening to them, but since only my eye was visible, I was concerned that my blinking or the direction of my gaze might convey nuance that I didn't intend. At that time, Director Kamihoriuchi Kazuya gave me advice of, "If you perform by moving your mind with your whole body, it becomes an expression, so you don't have to be caught up in performing with only your left eye." This gave me confidence and made me think, "Maybe there's more I can do."
When talking about Rita, their relationship with Hymeno is also important. In addition to being king, Rita has the role of Chief International Justice, so there was a part of them that drew a line between themself and others, but after the interaction with Hymeno was depicted towards the end of episode 16, Rita was able to separate their work and private life, and the areas where they could express themself gradually became clearer. I thought that when they had tea together in episode 30, it was another scene that brought them closer together.
Also, Karras and Shiron are like parents to Rita. In episode 16, we learned some of Rita's past, which I thought could be reflected in future performances. After that, everything came together in episode 30. When I read the script and learned of Shiron's death, I was personally shaken, and during filming, I was able to fully feel Rita's feelings while acting. Also, while they were determined to seal Grodie in this episode, Hymeno stopped them from doing so, and it reminded them once again of how valued they are. Episode 30 is an unforgettable episode, not only because of their relationship with Hymeno, but also in the sense that Rita became stronger after preparing to die.
-It was a year of pursuing the role of Rita that I envisioned-
I was very happy to receive lots of feedback on SNS for the Idol episode.
The stage scene was only about two lines long in the script, but the set they created was so beautiful, so I went into filming thinking, "I hope the viewers will enjoy it."
It was the most difficult time for me, learning dances and recording at the same time as filming, but I have the impression that I did my best as "Hirakawa Yuzuki" in this episode, even though I was playing Rita.
Towards the end of episode 45, it was very exciting to see Kaguragi and Rita, who had never had a chance to really interact before, working together. Since we often filmed separately, when we met, Kaku So-san and I would report to each other with, "How did that scene go?"
I was also impressed by the scene in episode 48 where they launch the evacuation plan "Zero." It was really hard even for me to admit that they couldn't defeat Dagded, but I think that's just how much I got into the role.
At the end of the story that spanned a year, six people with very strong personalities come together, and if just one of them were missing, the story could not be completed, so I think it concluded in a way that was truly typical of "Ohsama Sentai."
Looking back, I had wanted to play the role of Rita since the audition stage, and being able to pursue my own vision of Rita for a year was an invaluable and truly precious experience.
Now that filming's over, I feel sad, but I hope that people will look back on the show after it's finished airing, and I hope that it grows into a show that'll continue to be loved forever.
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Kaku So (Kaguragi Dybowski)
-Until I did the difficult role of deceiving and tricking people-
In the beginning I was told that the role of Kaguragi was a character that deceives and tricks people, but at the same time, the Producer said, "Please don't make him someone that people dislike," and I thought, "No, that's going to be difficult" (laughs). In a way, Kaguragi has conflicting aspects, but in episode 4, the resolution within me improved, and I began to enjoy playing the role more.
Also, the "Hweh?" response when he's acting silly in episode 8 wasn't specifically written in the script, and when I first tried to just do the facial expression, Director Yamaguchi Kyohei said, "I want it to have alittle more impact," so I also added the voice. It's thanks to the Director that I was able to emphasize his personality.
Then there's the relationship with his younger sister Suzume. Kamura Mami-san, who plays Suzume, had such a convincing performance from the first day that it made me think, "That's Kaguragi's sister," and through her I was able to bring out the comedic side of my performance alot more.
All the episodes are memorable, but if I had to pick one main episode for Kaguragi, it would be episode 37. While I've always played the role that rides the line between good and evil, that episode gave more weight to the fact that he carries a tragic past, and I myself became more fond of Kaguragi. The honest and pure Kaguragi I played in the flashback scenes are literally just me (laughs), so it was easy to do. His voice is usually deep and threatening, but at that time I tried to show his "difference" by using a tone that was closer to my actual self.
It was also interesting to perform the scene where he and Racules, played by Masato Yano-chan, were trying to expose each other's secrets. However, I wasn't sure about their relationship, and one time when I asked Yano-chan, "Do you know when they'll become friends?," he left me hanging with, "No, I don't know" (laughs). I first found out about their backgrounds when I read the script for episode 42. In retrospect, he was mostly absent in episode 36, was he perhaps discussing things with Racules behind the scenes? The line at the end of episode 37, "Let's take the dirtiest road ahead from now on," was also foreshadowing.
As for Kaguragi, he probably believed in Suzume and followed Racules, and I believe that he carried out his own will even though he was prepared to be deceived.
-Even now, Kaguragi's in my heart!-
Towards the end of episode 45, it became a main episode between him and Rita, someone he had little chance to interact with up until then. It was a new experience for me to work with Yuzuyan, and we enjoyed each other's presence. The scenes where they both communicate their feelings were performed separately because I spoke to their partner Morphonia, but even though they weren't in the same space, it was really cool to depict that they shared the same mindset. Kaguragi may be deceiving on the surface, but deep down, he just wants to make people smile, and I was able to portray that side of him.
The final episode completes the story, but there's also some room that allows you to use your imagination, which is what I like about it. If it ended properly, that'd be sad, wouldn't it? During filming, I worked hard until the end, but I'm personally the type of person who likes to joke around and have fun while doing it. I'm glad that we were able to spend time in a cheerful atmosphere until the very final moment.
Even after all filming finishes, I still have many more opportunities to play Kaguragi, including performances at Theater G Rosso and the FLT, and I still feel as if Kaguragi is in my heart.
Having a stance like Kaguragi's may not be easily rewarded, but I think it's filled with what's important for people to live their lives.
Whenever you feel like giving up or are having a hard time, I'd be happy if you could remember Kaguragi and think, "Let's do our best!"
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Ikeda Masashi (Jeramie Brasieri)
-Jeramie, who's been alive for 2,000 years, shows his "composure"-
In my situation as Jeramie, I started out as the narrator, so my job began with voice recording. The other five had already started filming, and looking back, it feels nostalgic, as when I first greeted them, I was overwhelmed by their flashy costumes and everyone's aura. I made my first appearance as Jeramie at the end of episode 11, where I was suddenly performing with a mask on.
My real appearance began in the next one, episode 12, and since his character is set to have lived for 2,000 years, I thought I should have a certain amount of freedom in my performance. At the time, I still wasn't used to being on set, but it's not good to get nervous, so I just gave it my best shot. I was really happy that everyone was willing to talk to me during this time. Thanks to them, I was able to open up right away.
In the beginning, I think Jeramie was a character who he himself was hard to read between the lines (laughs), but as the story progressed, his growth was also depicted, which I personally found very rewarding to perform. In particular, I think that episode 26 was a turning point for Jeramie. Just before Desnarak VIII dies, the scene where they exchange the lines, "You'll become king, and make them see, that the Bugnarak are here" and, "You'll be there too……" is one of my favorites in the entire show. Desnarak VIII is family, as they share the same name "Narak," and the, "You'll be there too" was an expression of his feelings that he didn't want him to die, as Desnarak VIII's existence was a major factor in Jeramie's resolution to become king.
-The final episode had a perfect conclusion and everyone was satisfied-
After entering the new chapter, in episode 29, there was a scene in which I play a major role as the mastermind behind everything. It was difficult to find the right balance, but I acted with so much enthusiasm that I was willing to yell at everyone. As Jeramie, I wish for peace more than anyone else, as I want to protect everyone at the expense of myself, so I faced the situation as best as I could, which was both noble and heartbreaking.
Then, in episode 31, everyone fought to clear my (Jeramie's) name. I feel that Jeramie, who has been lonely for such a long time, had finally made true and kind friends. Also, the line "I love you" that he says to his mother (Nephila) in this episode really moved me. In episode 12, for those words he said, "There's no phrase in this world that's more cliche," but I didn't realize he would capture that foreshadowing so effectively.
There's a scene where he fights together with his mother towards the end of episode 49, and I'd like the parents who watch the show to pay attention to the relationship between us as parent and child.
Also, in episode 47, it was really intense when Grodie was given the "King's Proof." For Jeramie, the "King's Proof" is "eternal life," so he'll no longer be immortal if he uses it……The determination to reach that point was no ordinary feat, and it must've been very worrying. That's why the scene where Jeramie talks with Hymeno in front of the setting sun after making up his mind left such an impression on me. Marie was able to convey her thoughts clearly, so I was able to naturally get into the role, and I think the two of us were able to create a performance that worked well together.
The final episode perfectly portrayed Jeramie's role as the storyteller, which had continued from the first episode, and the story comes to a perfect conclusion based on what had happened so far. I was talking to everyone on set, and deep down, we feel we were able to end the show properly.
More than anything, I'm really satisfied that I was able to spend a year with this group. Throughout the year, I'm sure each of us had our own hard and painful times, but seeing everyone's faces on set made me feel at ease. I'm very grateful to the five of you who played the roles of king.
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Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger: The Kings Group Discussion Over the past year of filming, the bonds of the cast have gradually deepened. Looking back on filming, we asked them about their "true opinions" that they can only talk about now.
-Fun memories from the past year-
Kaku: The first topic is "fun memories." Does that mean the casual conversations we all had while filming? (laughs). We all talked in the moment and everyone would laugh and go "wahaha" alot.
Hirakawa: On the other hand, filming alone made me feel really lonely. It was natural for me to be with everyone else.
Murakami: It was part of our daily routine to go out and eat with everyone after we finished filming. It was fun~.
Watanabe: Also, the day before the broadcast was part of the fun!
Sakai: It's really exciting to see your own performance on screen. And then there were the reactions after the broadcast.
Hirakawa: We were popular every week on SNS.
Kaku: Each time, the character with the most active role would be trending.
Ikeda: For me, the recording sessions were also fun.
Murakami: I'd see footage for scenes I wasn't in for the first time during the recording, so that was alot of fun too.
-The many true selves that everyone's seen-
Murakami: After spending time with everyone, the first thing that surprised me was that Taisei actually likes to play pranks.
Sakai: Eh? I've never played one once.
Kaku: That's a lie!
Murakami: You did stuff like add wasabi to our kaisendon (laughs).
Hirakawa: It was really spicy! (laughs).
Murakami: Or before our cue, you'd shout, "Whaa!" from behind us.
Sakai: I never did that~
Ikeda: Yes you did~
Hirakawa: He did that to me too (laughs).
Murakami: It was also abit surprising that Aoto, who I thought was cool at first, would also mess around.
Watanabe: Eh? Really?
Hirakawa: It's also surprising that he pretends not to know. Actually, he's "in charge of being cute" (laughs).
Murakami: Yeah, "the person in charge of being cute."
Watanabe: When I first learned about the cast of the kings, I thought I was going to be the "cute one" (laughs).
Hirakawa: That's what we're saying!
Sakai: For Marie, even when we were filming late at night and everyone was tired, she had a fun aura surrounding her.
Kaku: Her jokes were amazing. We listened to these awkward jokes as we continued to perform at other sites.
Murakami: My nickname became "Mood Breaker."
Watanabe: Eh? This is my first time hearing that!
Murakami: Are you a liar?
Watanabe: That's a really straightforward insult! (laughs).
Murakami: Ahahahaha.
Sakai: The usual pattern is that Marie suddenly says something strange and everyone laughs.
Murakami: At first, I thought, "I have to do this properly," but halfway through I gave up (laughs).
Hirakawa: No, you gave up early on.
Murakami: Ehehe (laughs).
Kaku: For Masashi, he tried his best in the beginning to join in, but soon the two of us started speaking nonsense in our dressing room.
Ikeda: Conversations where you turn off your brain.
Kaku: That's it (laughs).
Watanabe: Definitely, when I passed by Masashi's dressing room, I often heard his voice from inside.
Ikeda: I have a loud voice!
Watanabe: Not a single sound came from the dressing room me and Taisei shared (laughs).
Sakai: You two seemed to be having fun.
Murakami: Yuzuyan is the youngest of the members, but she's like an "older sister" in some ways.
Ikeda: Yeah, she has the image of a caring person.
Kaku: Still, you're the youngest in your family, right?
Hirakawa: Yes!
Watanabe: It's fine now, but when we first met, she wouldn't even look me in the eyes (laughs).
Hirakawa: I'm a shy person, but I usually talk alot to hide my shyness. However, I was really nervous at the beginning of King-Oher (bitter smile).
Watanabe: And now, you're a lively person!
Sakai: I'm also from Kyushu, so I felt a sense of familiarity from the beginning. That's why I don't think you had any major changes from beginning to end, right?
Hirakawa: But, at some point, I started speaking with a dialect.
Sakai: Ah, that's right.
Murakami: Yuzuyan gave her all from the beginning.
Hirakawa: That's because Kaku-san, the oldest of our group, affectionately embraced all of us.
Kaku: Yeah! Say more of that!
Ikeda: Because of that, there was an atmosphere on the set where we could talk about anything.
Sakai: He really brought the five of us together.
Kaku: That makes me happy! Thank you (laughs).
Murakami: How cute~
Kaku: No, this is seriously embarrassing.
Hirakawa: (to Watanabe) Aren't you in charge of being cute?
Watanabe: (laughs).
Kaku: Conversely, I was saved by everyone's good character. That's why I wanted to support everyone. I've always felt that way.
-Feelings I want to share with everyone now-
Kaku: If we were to take this opportunity to say a few words to everyone, I'd first start with Masashi. Thanks for always messing around with me!
Watanabe: I hope Masashi will continue to do well with his friendliness.
Sakai: I want to work together again with you even after this job ends!
Hirakawa: I really appreciate the way you always looked out for everyone during filming.
Murakami: When we all go out together, he takes the initiative to invite us. Thank you for creating so many memories.
Ikeda: Eh! I'm so happy! Marie has always been cheerful, and I hope she continues to do her best with her cheerful and beloved character!
Murakami: Yeah! I'll do my best!
Watanabe: I hope you keep that smile on your face.
Sakai: She has the kind of character that I wish I had as a childhood friend or something. You always had a smile on your face and brightened up the set.
Kaku: For her performance, in the Hymeno episode (episode 36), Hymeno, who was being impersonated by Kamejim, was really interesting. I'd like to see a performance like that in a different production.
Hirakawa: Marie has always supported me with her "harmonizing" spirit. On the other hand, from now on, I hope to be able to help her as much as possible.
Murakami: Yuzuyan is the one who has always been there for me. I think that's her strength, and I hope she continues to be there for many people.
Hirakawa: Of course! Thank you.
Kaku: Despite being the youngest, she was the hardest worker in our group. During the idol episode (episode 38), even though she was having a hard time during filming, she simply said, "I have to practice tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and then the day after the day after tomorrow I have a costume fitting." That's what gave me courage and energy.
Watanabe: She was more aware of her surroundings than anyone else. You helped me there too.
Sakai: That's right. When I was alittle out of the loop, she'd casually come over to me.
Watanabe: I'd say it's okay to think for yourself from now on.
Ikeda: Right, take care of yourself more.
Watanabe: Be selfish.
Hirakawa: Well then, I guess my goal is to be Hymeno (laughs)
Murakami: For Kaku-san, when the time came, he'd show off his "dependable big brother" nature.
Ikeda: He's got a heart as generous as the universe itself.
Hirakawa: I asked Kaku-san for alot of advice during filming, and he always listened to everything. I'm sure I'll be asking him for advice again in the future.
Kaku: Please do, please do!
Watanabe: When I got heated, he'd calmly give me advice from an adult's point of view. I also got alot of advice from him.
Sakai: I'm not the type of person who can talk to others about things, but there were times when Kaku-san sensed that I was at a loss and approached me. That made me really happy.
Kaku: I was alittle worried that you'd all think, "How annoying" (laughs).
Murakami: Aoto seemed like he was laid back, but even when times were tough or difficult, he always made it a point to help liven up the mood.
Ikeda: Usually, Nabe-chan and I notice the same things. We'd both go, "Hmm?"
Watanabe: That's true! (laughs).
Ikeda: That made me happy.
Kaku: Also, he had a super funny and cute character. He made me laugh so much.
Hirakawa: In the beginning, I wasn't the type to talk much, but I was happy to open up to Aoto!
Sakai, Murakami, Kaku & Ikeda: Right?!
Watanabe: No, I think I opened up first.
Hirakawa: We opened up to each other. At first, I thought we'd never get along (laughs).
Watanabe: Eeeh~?
Hirakawa: I kept watching you from different angles, and then you spoke up unexpectedly. I spoke up too.
Ikeda: Such words! (laughs). (*she used alot of onomatopoeia)
Sakai: Aoto and I are the only ones who are the same age.
Ikeda: That's true
Sakai: Especially in the pilot (episodes 1-5), I still wasn't used to things, but I was really inspired by Aoto's good acting.
Watanabe: No, on the contrary, I was focused on Taisei.
Murakami: Taisei had a huge burden on his shoulders as the main character, and it must've been extremely difficult for him, but I thought it was really amazing that he didn't come off that way at all.
Ikeda: Yeah, I definitely respect that.
Hirakawa: You must've had a much harder year than us. Still, you never said "It's tough" or, "I'm tired" at all.
Sakai: No, there were times when it was tough.
Hirakawa: It's amazing that you never showed it.
Kaku: Taisei had alot of trial and error in the beginning, but halfway through, I learned alot from him, including how to switch between emotions and how to act. What'll happen when you play a different role in the future? Right now, I'm very excited about Taisei, and wonder what kind of actor he'll become in the future.
Murakami: After all, he's the "leader."
Ikeda: Thank you for being the leader of King-Ohger!
Sakai: Same here, thank you everyone!
Murakami: Even after this job ends, I want to see you all again.
Watanabe, Hirakawa, Kaku & Ikeda: We'll definitely get together again!
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Retainer Cast Special Comments From the cast members who fulfilled their roles as competent followers, supporting the kings of each country, their comments have arrived.
Morioka Yutaka (Douga) Profile: A strong retainer who served as part of the entourage for Racules. After that, he went job hunting in the other countries but wasn't hired, so he became the retainer for the next king, Gira, and protected the country.
"Please tell us what you respect about Douga."
Morioka: He's someone who values etiquette, does his absolute best in everything he does, and lives his life honestly through his own convictions. He has a strong will that allows him to sincerely offer advice to his king, but I also like the fact that there's a part of him that's somewhat out of the ordinary and we get a glimpse into his cute side.
"What are your impressions of Gira and Racules (including Sakai Taisei and Masato Yano), and were there any memorable moments during filming?"
Morioka: I think that both of them have a perfect link between their own personalities and those of the roles they played. Sakai Husty-sama is kind to everyone, and his natural side that's visible in his hard work is endearing, which makes me smile when I see him on set. Yano Husty-sama built his performance with great delicacy and precision. He truly is Racules. Their appearance have a certain "aura" that allows me to be their retainer without forcing myself to be aware of it.
"Give a message to the character you played!"
Morioka: Douga, you must be exhausted from the many things you had to do to support your country and family…..Sometimes, it's good to spend time relaxing and not think about anything.
"What was your most memorable moment in King-Ohger?"
Morioka: It'd be episode 21, the episode where Douga's job hunting. I have fond memories of the staff working together to support me to the best of their ability, even in the silliest scenes, including the wonderfully strange costumes and props as I traveled around each country. Then, after the short but intense performances with the other retainers of each country, there was the serious last scene with Gira-san. It was great and I'm truly grateful.
"A message to all the retainer members of the other countries!"
Morioka: Shiokara, don't address the kings with "you." Sebastian, despite your appearance, I'm in awe of your physical ability. Kuroda, I'd like to learn from you your excellent fighting skills. Morphonia, you should try to be alittle more motivated everyday. (*form of "you" meaning you're inferior to the speaker)
"Please give a message to the fans of King-Ohger."
Morioka: This was my first time participating in the Super Sentai series, and I was surprised and moved by the amount of energy and love shown by all the tokusatsu fans, and I was able to make it through this because of everyone's support. I can only express my gratitude. Your words on SNS and other sites have been well received. Please continue to love King-Ohger!
Chiwata Yuhei (Shiokara) Profile: When they first met, he saw Yanma as a yankii with a bossy attitude, but admired him after learning of his manly spirit. After that, as Yanma became king of N'kosopa, he became his retainer.
"Please tell us what you respect about Shiokara."
Chiwata: There's alot, but the most important would be his charm. You could call it junior colleague energy, but I think he's good at building relationships and closing the distance with people. I was never good at such things, but as I got older, I began to realize the importance of it and started to practice, and little by little, my weakness turned into my strength. However, I'm still not as good as Shiokara-kun, so I'd like to use him as a reference (laughs).
"What are your impressions of Yanma (including Watanabe Aoto), and were there any memorable moments during filming?"
Chiwata: I feel that Yanma is a character whose emotional growth was depicted throughout all the episodes. I think it's cool that he's able to calmly, sometimes violently, confront everything that happens to him, and then use what he learns from it to take the next steps in his life. I think this is also due to Aoto's acting ability, so Yanma and Aoto are one and the same! The most memorable moment was in episode 10. I still vividly remember thinking that the way he created the atmosphere of the scene was wonderful, just like Aoto.
"Give a message to the character you played!"
Chiwata: Thank you so much for your hard work! Keep up with the most coolest Yanma-kun and follow him wherever he goes!
"What was your most memorable moment in King-Ohger?"
Chiwata: It's episode 35. I was very happy that Shiokara's character, which had been built up, was given depth, and that his past of being very different was depicted. It was a really hot development, and as an actor, there were many scenes that required alot of passion, so even preparing for it was fun. Until the actual performance, I would read the script everyday and think, "How would Aoto react if I did this?" Normally, I don't discuss the scripts with Aoto, so imagining it was part of the fun. What's more, we wouldn't know the title of an episode until the week before it aired, so when I saw the title, "Don't Cry Slack Jawed Tanuki," I was moved. The last bit of the episode was a perfect fit. Furthermore, I was overwhelmed with emotion when I heard that it was (screenwriter) Takano Minato-san who came up with the idea. I was also very happy that this episode won a special award at the "Toei Tokusatsu Fan Awards 2023."
"A message to all the retainer members of the other countries!"
Chiwata: Originally, I don't think the Super Sentai series featured so many sub characters. This is because there are already six members making up the main cast. However, I think the reason why the retainers have become so beloved is due to the fact that we all played appealing characters, and continued to support the main cast, who played the kings, in different ways in each country. This resulted in the popularity of "retainers". And for that, I'm grateful. Thank you so much!
"Please give a message to the fans of King-Ohger."
Chiwata: First off, thank you so much for sticking with us for the past year. I still think about how fortunate I am to have been involved in this production in the long history of the Super Sentai series. It was a great experience for me to see everyone's excitement online every week, and to then go to the set feeling like I was carrying everyone's voice with me as I performed. In this show, each character stands out, and I've seen the characters moving freely in everyone's minds through fanart, and I feel that this was a production that has been truly loved by everyone. There were alot of things that made me feel like, "Ah! I see, I definitely think Shiokara would say that! I think I'll do it! I want to play Shiokara like this!," and they were alot of fun to see. I also felt a real love for the people who participated as extras and prepared costumes for the different countries. Thank you so much. The Super Sentai series is revised every year, but I hope that King-Ohger will remain in your hearts forever. And, for those of you who are children now, I'd like you to go back and watch it again when you grow up. I'm sure you'll see it differently. Until then, let's meet again soon!
Yoshimitsu Hiroto (Sebastian) Profile: His real name is Romane Dearborn (aged 25). Under orders from Hymeno, he was given a "butler looking" elderly appearance through special makeup, and changed his name to "Sebastian" when he became Hymeno's retainer.
"Please tell us what you respect about Sebastian."
Yoshimitsu: I think that Sebastian's willingness to fulfill any of Hymeno-sama's selfish requests is worthy of respect. Sebastian's life was saved by Hymeno-sama, so he must be absolutely obedient to her orders. Well~ I think Sebastian understands the kindness and compassion that goes beyond Hymeno-sama's selfishness.
"What are your impressions of Hymeno (including Murakami Erica), and were there any memorable moments during filming?"
Yoshimitsu: I think that Murakami Erica-san is an impeccable young lady. There are no complaints when it comes to her appearance. She's bright and has a great personality! In addition, she's positive. Even when she's depressed because the performance isn't going as well as she'd like, she doesn't let it get her down, saying, "I've gained this experience, so I can use it in the next performance." In the first place, I don't have time to hold back (laughs). She had a hard time sitting down on set. When I asked her to "sit down," she replied, "Because all the extras are standing, I can't sit," which shows just how considerate she is. She's a really good kid!!
"Give a message to the character you played!"
Yoshimitsu: When playing Sebastian, my hair is slicked back, I wear glasses, and I have a mustache. His appearance is balanced by the fact that he wears a tailcoat, but while in casual clothes, with his "slicked back hair, glasses, and mustache," wouldn't he stand out? On the train ride home from the set, there wouldn't be that many people who'd sit next to me, right? (laughs). Well, that's because I did ride the train looking like that.
"What was your most memorable moment in King-Ohger?"
Yoshimitsu: Was it episode 25 with the 20 person combination? If I'm remembering right, I rode in God Scopion. It was a fresh new experience for me, both the cockpit and the controls. Also, episode 36, where Romane Dearborn appears, personally left a deep impression on me. It was Sebastian with his special makeup removed. We find out how the super handsome Romane Dearborn ended up in the special makeup, and why he serves Hymeno-sama as a butler who changed his name to "Sebastian"……It's my favorite episodes because it depicts the bond between Hymeno-sama and Sebastian.
"A message to all the retainer members of the other countries!"
Yoshimitsu: To all the retainers, thank you so much for getting along with me. Douga-san and Boshimar-san are relatively closer in age with me, so when filming ended in the evening, we used to go out and drink alot. Morphonia-chan was my partner who liked to talk with me alot about old man stuff. I also talked to Shiokara-kun and Kuroda-kun about various things. From now on, please continue to support Sebastian!
"Please give a message to the fans of King-Ohger."
Yoshimitsu: Thank you very much for your support of King-Ohger over the past year. No matter how interesting a show is, it's not complete unless everyone watches it. This time, King-Ohger has been seen by so many people, and I think everyone involved in this production feels happy. If it remains in your heart and you remember it someday, King-Ohger will live on forever!! Thank you so much.
Hasegawa Kasumi (Morphonia) Profile: She's Rita's retainer and candidate to ascend to the throne as Gokkan's king. While she has a lazy personality, she's always concerned about Rita and never gives up on her work despite complaining.
"Please tell us what you respect about Morphonia."
Hasegawa: Even though she complained about it, no matter how difficult the environment or situation was, she was able to do her job. And, she never gave up on communicating with Rita. If it were me, I would've given up halfway (laughs). I also respect her quick thinking and ability to look ahead. She's a surprisingly capable kid (laughs).
"What are your impressions of Rita (including Hirakawa Yuzuki), and were there any memorable moments during filming?"
Hasegawa: I think Rita was and still is an interesting person. It's great that we're able to see them in many different situations, with the self they show on the outside and the real them. They're pure in a good way. When I first met Yuzuchin, I thought, "Waaah! It's Rita!! Rita's appeared!!" (laughs). When you talk to her, she's even friendlier, kinder, and more dependable than Rita. My partner. Also, I guess our most memorable moment was……the kabedon. I couldn't stop laughing (laughs).
"Give a message to the character you played!"
Hasegawa: When Chikyu is at peace, please relax and enjoy eating oranges under a kotatsu. Make sure to apply for paid vacations and eat lots of delicious food. Also, please continue to support Rita.
"What was your most memorable moment in King-Ohger?"
Hasegawa: It's episodes 10, 25, 38, and 45. I was impressed by the gradual deepening of her relationship with Rita. While reading the scripts, I felt that the way Rita and Morphonia relationship grew closer was very endearing. I remember that even when I was actually performing, there was a warm feeling within me. And the more we filmed these scenes, the more I came to love Rita.
"A message to all the retainer members of the other countries!"
Hasegawa: Douga-san, We look forward to welcoming your career change at Gokkan any time. Boshimar-san, I've had almost no interactions with the real Boshimar-san, so let's meet in Hakabaka if you get a chance. When the opportunity arises of course. Shiokara, I've been curious about this for awhile now, but what's up with your curly bang? Sebastian, you've been a great help to my Rita. Thanks for your continued support. Kuroda-san, next time, please treat me to some delicious food. Gerojim, you're alittle bigger than the others, so please consider your range when moving. That tail will hit you.
"Please give a message to the fans of King-Ohger."
Hasegawa: Thank you for supporting King-Ohger up to this point! Even though there were many strong "personalities" among the kings, they were able to reach the same goal in the end. Through this production, I also learned the strength of valuing one's own individuality and respecting the individuality of others. I hope that King-Ohger, which was created by many people including myself, will remain in everyone's memories. And with that, see you later!!
Kanzaki Hajime (Kuroda's Actor) Profile: A male kuroko who serves as the retainer to Toufu's king, Kaguragi. Although his face isn't shown, his movements are gorgeous and he's got a very nice voice.
"Please tell us what you respect about Kuroda."
Kanzaki: It's possible that he's known Kaguragi for a long time, but since becoming his retainer, he's kept the "king and retainer" relationship, and has been thinking and acting in accordance to his position as a kuroko. He's sometimes missing, but he has a cute side. And, he has a nice voice (thanks to Toriumi Kosuke-san!).
"What are your impressions of Kaguragi (including Kaku So), and were there any memorable moments during filming?"
Kanzaki: He's big! Of course, he's also tall, but his muscle mass and costume makes him look even bigger. In his spare time, he does muscle training with Masato Yano-san and others, and he'll work on his shoulders using a folding chair, so he's definitely stoic! Other than that, when the Director gave me the "OK" for a take in the film where I use a trampoline as Kuroda, he was happy and said, "You did it!" He's a magnificent man, not only with his body but also with his kind heart, it's as if he's Toufu's mother nature!
"Give a message to the character you played!"
Kanzaki: I read somewhere that originally there was no role for "Kuroda," but I started speaking lines along the way, and I'm grateful for this blessed year. Once the matter with the Uchu King has been settled, please take a good rest.
"What was your most memorable moment in King-Ohger?"
Kanzaki: It's episode 9, where I spoke as Kuroda for the first time. It was also fun to mess around with the other retainers! As for Toufu, it would be episode 37. It was like a Taiga Drama that condensed Kaguragi's past, which had been told little by little in the main story and the film into this one episode, and I was relieved that abit of Kuroda's past was also revealed.
"A message to all the retainer members of the other countries!"
Kanzaki: Boshimar-sama (Fukuzawa Jubun), I have fond memories of being mistaken for (Masato) Tsutamune-san when I first met him (laughs). He has a strong passion for acting, and I learned alot from him. I got goosebumps when I played the role of a soldier against him! Douga-sama (Morioka Yutaka), It was great that you got to play the role of a handsome old man with a family. On the other hand, when you were being interviewed in various countries, you were really funny and your actions were cool! Your style is good! Shiokara-sama (Chiwata Yuhei), He was always thinking stoically and calmly about how to make the viewers happy, which was a great inspiration! His style is good! Sebastian (Yoshimitsu Hiroto): Thank you so much for talking to me in your spare time and for thinking about a bunch of ideas for the flow of the performance on set! It's a pity that you couldn't do a backflip……If the opportunity arises, let's film it! Morphonia-sama (Hasegawa Kasumi), She had a "floaty" vibe, but she knew what was expected of her and was very stoic on the inside. It was wonderful to see her naturally embody what a senior colleague once told me, "Create fans among the staff." It's a pity that she couldn't do a back handspring……please do it if the opportunity arises! Gerojim-sama (Saitou Kenya, Suit Actor), With Gerojim's arrival, the retainer team became even more lively. The delicate acting that linked Seki Tomokazu-san's voice with his large body was wonderful! It's a pity that you couldn't perform a reverse somersault……If the opportunity arises… (laughs).
"Please give a message to the fans of King-Ohger."
Kanzaki: Everyone, thank you so much for supporting King-Ohger. It was a very meaningful year for me, as I was able to see the scenes in a different way than usual in the Action Club, I was able to appear on TikTok while rubbing shoulders with talented performers, and I was able to become part of the merchandise. Thank you so much for your letters and presents as well! I'll study so that I won't have any trouble when Kuroda appears again, thank you for your continued support!
Seki Tomokazu (Gerojim's VA) Profile: He's a Kaijim equipped with mayfly BNA and can mimic the appearance of humans by applying light refraction. He's currently working with Jeramie, who has become the king of the Bugnarak.
"Please tell us what you respect about Gerojim."
Seki: Ultimately, I think it's his unwavering faith. Even when he's lost, troubled, or frustrated, in the end, he tries to follow through with his beliefs. I respect his heart and attitude, which is like a blue flame, quiet but never extinguished.
"What are your impressions of Jeramie, and during recording, were there any episodes with memorable moments?"
Seki: First of all, I'm disappointed that I didn't get to work with Ikeda Masashi-san, who played Jeramie, even once during recording. When I saw Jeramie's performance during the broadcasts, I felt that his soft demeanor, intelligence, and his somewhat lonely appearance were all wonderful. I'd like to directly talk with him in person someday!
"Give a message to the character you played!"
Seki: I'm so glad you found a nice place to belong. I hope you'll feel safe and secure at Jeramie's side for all eternity.
"What was your most memorable moment in King-Ohger?"
Seki: That we were all able to ride the Shugods with the kings! I've ridden in Robo's as an enemy in previous productions, but I think the opportunity to ride a Robo in the Super Sentai series is very valuable! Even though it was just my voice, it was great to feel like I was in the fight with them!
"Please give a message to the fans of King-Ohger."
Seki: This year has flown by! I'm sure that everyone else feels the same way. However, I believe that the story will continue! Please continue to support King-Ohger, and let's see where we end up, together!
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kitchenlittle · 1 year
I want to make a little PSA and warning about future content being posted to my page very soon. I will not stand for the slander of writers who choose to write about Miles Morales due to popularity of the movies. Let me make something clear since it seems there are many fake Marvel Fans out there who know nothing about the universes. THERE ARE UNIVERSES WHERE MILES IS ALREADY AN ADULT.
Earth-8 comes to mind where Miles is LITTERALY a full grown MAN MARRIED TO GWEN STACY and they have 2 CHILDREN TOGETHER. Their names are Charlotte and Max Morales. LOOK IT UP IF YOU DONT BELIEVE.
Every universe has a differing age/look from the Miles Morales we see in the movies and know why? BECAUSE THERE IS DARN NEAR THOUSAND IF NOT INFINITE universes of Miles. SO YES. There is a universe with events just like the movie with slight differences and Miles over the age of 18. So litteraly any story about about Miles would litteraly be cannon in someway!
Just like how we can have a Adult Peter Parkers like in the movie exist at the same time as underage Peter Parkers like Tom Holland's. Or should I say," -Dr. Strange and the little nerd on Earth 199999 (AKA Tom Holland)"~Miguel O'hara. And if you were paying attention to the movies you'd know that Miles cannonly exist in live-action human form. Uncle Aaron played by musician and actor childish gamebino mentions he has a nephew who wants to protect to Spiderman. You see that same prowler Childish Gambino Uncle Aaron captured in the new movie. He was captured by Hobie Brown and locked uo as anamoly needing to be sent back to his universe. Meaning that Adult Miles can exist at the same time as kid Miles!
NOT ONLY THAT. But here is some hyprocracy I have found. THE ANIME FANDOM. The most popular characters in the anime are 15- 16. FROM Deku and Bakugou FROM MY HERO, to Luffy FROM ONEPEICE, to Sukuna/Yuji from JUJITSU KAISEN and many many more. Most main characters are highschool age. HOW IS IT? That they can age up charecter that alot of times we will never see 18 or older and write a fanfic sometimes while the charecter in the story is still 15-16 and get a away with it. But Miles Morales authors go out their way to age him up before they even write it and litteraly aren't wrong since their are universe where he is older, are weirdos and pe***. I don't see some anime writers doing that? Make it make sense?
A message for my unsure authors out there.
~So for all my writers not their scared to post their fics. Label it Earth-8 Miles who is a father and husband to Gwen and say it's a headcannon of what ps happend he's 18-25 before he got married if you feel that weird about it.
Some of ya'll are fake fans who completely missed the point of the movie and it's implications. Don't come in my DMs telling me to take anything down because I'm not. You will be blocked and locked out of interacting with my page. And if you feel uncomfortable block me. Just know if you block you will be missing out of 50+ fics I've been working on 18+ characters for about a year now and will be posting starting in July. It's littersly an event I've been working on called the 'Lemon Fest', since it's my birthday month.
Once again every charcter I write about had a cannon adult version of them made by the creators or is already an adult. I was going to keep this a secret by I've gotta protect my fellow authors especially if they are being wrongly targeted. Wanna get mad? Wanna get angry at some authors? Get mad at the ones the ones that write about you favorite anime charecters that are likely 15-16 then ask them to delete it...oh wait...you won't.. because if done that would litteraly be deleting 3/4 of the fanfiction written on this site.
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little-noko · 6 months
Black Friday week is here!
Kick off the 2023 holiday season with our weekend long sale!
Going through Friday, Nov 24th-Monday Nov 27th, we'll be offering 20% off on all websites, which include
LoadingCrewCraft.com (main website), our Shopify and our Etsy store! (Please note, Etsy does not carry our entire catalogue, and prices will still reflect Etsy original prices. Etsy prices are inflated to cover the high fees on that platform.)
Everything that's available for the sale is already listed on our sites, so take a look when you have the chance!
A note for this year from @alainaprana : Handmade items will be unavailable for immediate purchase.
I've kept alot of people up to date about my on and off health this year but I've not been able to sew enough to keep everything in stock. If you'd like something on reserve or want to at least ask about a specific items availability, please message me. I will let you know if its possible or not to get one in time for Christmas.
SHIPPING INFORMATION : The cut off date this year for ON TIME Christmas orders will be Wed Dec 13th at the latest !!
After that we cannot promise safe delivery, holiday shipping gets crazy slow and expensive. If you're concerned about lost or stolen packages this year feel free to DM me about priority upgrades on small items! Anything book or daki sized and over usually goes priority by default.
Thank you and have a wonderful Holiday!
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godbirdart · 9 months
You don’t have to answer this question as it’s probably dumb to ask…but do you know what platform(s) would be a good starting point? Particularly for original content rather then fanart? I heard deviantart is a good place where alot of ppl got there start on but there’s lots of art thrives and such.
don't even worry, it's not dumb at all! it's hard to gauge where to Begin in the vast hellscape that is the online world. i do get this question [and some adjacent questions] often so please allow me to use your ask as an excuse to post a few of my site rankings for various art things!!
for reference, these are the sites I'll be addressing because i have used them at some point within the last year. please note: my information on Cohost and Itaku specifically may be out of date as I haven't used them in a long while. naturally, this is all solely my perspective. i run both a furry/original content account and an anime/fanart account on most of these sites and run them reasonably independently from one another. these rankings are based on how well each account fares on each site.
I will be talking about Patreon and Ko-Fi as if people will only be posting paywalled content there. you Can publicly post on both sites, but for the sake of this post i'm only going to treat them as paywalled sites since well, that's kind of their purpose.
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the A-tier list sites here are the ones that are most practical, with a decent member presence and little to no algorithms impairing your reach. the only sites here with any sort of algorithm are tumblr and deviantart, but i feel they don't ruin your reach that much.
B-tier list is mostly centered around popularity. there are massive audiences on both masto and twitter. twitter can be really good if you're posting certain content. mastodon has countless instances [read: servers / subdomains, however you want to call them] that can help narrow down an audience and like-minded people. for example, i use mastodon.art whereas many furries may use meow.social. you Can be discovered by people on other servers than yours.
C-tier has been sorted in accordance to audience. this is solely in my experience, but not a lot of new people are flocking to cohost and itaku. we also just hate facebook in this house and i will never give a facebook products a high rating.
F-tier: if you are a new or growing artist, putting your art behind a paywall or making it a chat platform exclusive thing can really hinder your growth. you can still do this of course, but you won't get as many eyes on your work as you would on a public gallery. threads is there solely due to privacy issues that Cannot be overlooked. i will not recommend it.
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here's how i'd grade these sites for posting Original content, characters, stories, etc. your best sites will likely be furaffinity, deviantart, and tumblr. i've put these three here for their tag use, discoverability, and audience presence. tumblr can be a little glitchy with its tags, but they DO function.
A-tier is entirely centered around audience presence. these sites are great for showing off your work, but they don't have the same population as the S-tier. mastodon can be good as the quieter instances give you more discoverability. bluesky has been THRIVING when it comes to the furry community as of late [i'm personally on there daily] - the only reason i don't put it as S-tier is because it's invite-only AND you need to rely on your work being found through the Feeds feature if you aren't an already established artist.
B-tier: useful, but population may hinder your growth. toyhouse is GREAT for posting your original characters and stories, but it is invite-only and not necessarily gallery-focused [it can be USED for a gallery, but it's not the main purpose]. you can also post stories and lore to toyhouse. discord and telegram are Good, but again it can be hard to gain an audience through sites that require invites.
C-tier: it is DIFFICULT to grow on paywalled sites with original content. cohost [to my knowledge] has been stagnating with the release of bluesky.
F-tier: threads sucks, the end.
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S-tier here is sorted because of audience presence. while twitter does suck, i'm finding a LOT of success there with fanart. tumblr is The fandom site of course. furaffinity is great for a surprising range of fanart that isn't exclusive to furry, and deviantart's Groups feature is still going strong which can give you that extra exposure.
A-tier is: fans Go here, but the population or algorithm can make things tricky. instagram is good for fanwork but the algorithm and the speed that things are posted there can make discoverability an uphill battle. patreon; if you make comics or art with fan characters [especially 18+ content lmao] you can grow pretty rapidly there. patreon, like any other paywalled site, should be a secondary site and not your Primary posting location. artfol and pillowfort are still growing. pillowfort has a Communities feature - sort of like deviantart groups - that you can submit your art to which gives you that extra exposure. artfol is just a nice gallery site and the tagging system is,, decent enough. a little confusing because the tag system looks up keywords in posts and titles First, you have to tab over to hashtag searching specifically.
B-tier: invite only and audience reach. again, bluesky relies on your art to be picked up in Feeds, as there's currently no tag search. inkblot is growing but has a decent audience. ko-fi isn't as known as patreon for exclusive content but it's still a good site. mastodon has tagging that makes discoverability easier, but mastodon and its many servers can make things confusing for some people. itaku's not as commonly used so it may be harder to gain new eyes there once you establish yourself.
C-tier: posting fanart to these sites Can Work. toyhouse focuses on posting and sorting original characters, so treating it as a gallery site won't get your far fast. it isn't impossible to grow as an artist there, but the site isn't intended for fanart posting. i cannot say much on cohost here. telegram and discord, again, it's harder for people to discover you out of the blue unless you mention your server / channel on another site.
F-tier: fuck threads.
lastly, to address thieves,
thieves are gonna be everywhere. i'm sorry to say, but there will always be shitty people. i recommend the following:
watermark your art. not in the corner, don't just sign in one spot, place a Huge translucent watermark over the WHOLE art. i recommend making it a colour gradient too instead of one solid colour or greyscale.
also: sign your goddamned art! put your username on there!
post a low resolution when sharing online. less than 1200px wide or tall. 72dpi. JPEG format. keep the high res privately for yourself.
add a subtle noise filter over your art. it doesn't have to be high opacity, and it'll make your art a little grainy, but it's good for fucking with AI bots and ruining any print quality potential.
i hope this offers some insight! if you have a different experience on these sites, please feel free to add your testimonial in the replies or reblogs! not every artist is going to have the same experience and growth rate.
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thefiery-phoenix · 8 months
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Kenma is an obsessive yandere and he's also self aware 
You are in Kenma's math class and you were the only one who managed to catch his eye because of your shining personality. He really admired you, like alot
Even though this boi is OBSESSED with you, poor bby's really nervous about approaching you and blowing his first impression with you. So, he'll watch and admire you from far. And THAT means, he's basically like your secret admirer 
Though he might not seem like it, Kenma is a VERY perceptive person. He knows and understands what exactly a person is going through and their feelings. He cares for his friends a lot and YES, that ALSO includes a certain raven haired rooster ;) But these feelings are a bit.... different when it comes to you. He's never experienced love before and he has trouble understand these new feelings. He just can't understand HOW in the HECK you can make his heart flutter with your smile and his tummy become a zoo when you laugh. Sure, he's played games on love and all that before but he didn't bother going in depth about it but after he saw you, he made it like his mission to learn and know EACH and EVERY single thing about it
His confusion towards his feelings will most likely be manifested in dark, sinister and twisted feelings of love and obsession towards you. He's content with just watching you from far and if you speak to him, he'll be a stuttering mess. Poor bby
Doesn't like it when you hang around other people, ESPECIALLY Oikawa. He really hates how close you are with him. And he really wishes he could do something to get rid of those annoying little gnats you call 'friends'. Can't you see? They'll desert you one day and they'll NEVER love you like how Kenma does 
Luckily, Kuroo is Kenma's wingman and helps him get to you when he learns about his crush. I have a feeling Kuroo's also gonna help Kenma when it comes to kidnapping you and keeping you 'safe'
Sure, Kenma will collect little trinkets from you and have a collection of your items but he won't go as far as to collecting your clothes since he KNOWS that's just creepy as hell and he ain't that much of a creep
He will find out EVERYTHING about you and YES, that also includes that Wattpad and Tumblr account you haven't told anyone about. If you're an author on any of these sites, he'll find a way to login with your username and password after he reads them off from your secret diary, and he'll LOVE every word you've written. He'll also have access to your mails and everything since he wants to keep you safe from danger and he wants to know more about you 
As much as he creepily stalks the HELL out of you, he will respect your privacy and your personal space. He isn't a pervert to watch you take your showers and he drinks and DROWNS in his respect women juice like Kuroo 
He only stalks you since he just wants to make sure you get to places safely, like an escort mission in a game where you're the princess and he's your knight in shining armor or your prince charming 
Kenma won't go TOO far with his obsession. It'll take A LOT to make HIM snap and when he does snap, oh boy.... you better have your running shoes in handy since he is literally going to make Satan and Lucifer look like the Bubble Guppies, no joke
If he kidnaps you, it's going to be because he's scared and insecure that you'll like someone else and he doesn't blame you for that. But, he wants to make sure that you fall in love with him and if you don't, well... he'll make you fall in love with him
Don't EVER try escaping from him. Many bones WILL be broken and NONE of them are going to be HIS
When it comes to rivals and enemies, he'll let them off with a dire warning but if they are stupid enough to go near you again, he will literally kill them in the most painful way imaginable till that person is going to be BEGGING for death 
If you drive him stir crazy and over the edge, he'll just lock you in a dark room till you're ready to say sorry. He NEEDS you behave no matter WHAT he should do. He is rather strict when it comes to discipline and YES, he'll even take away the cat
After you're done with your punishment, he'll make you sit on his lap and wipe your tears while he cuddles with you and lets you play his video games or he'll let you watch your favorite movie on Netflix
Apart from this, he likes giving you little gifts from time to time like bracelets or if you like books, he'll get you books. If you're a gamer like him, he'll get you your own playstation and a nintendo switch or if you like drawing, expect a whole bunch of art supplies and sketch books sitting on the dining table wrapped neatly for you 
Would LOVE to have a family with you though he'll be nervous as hell. What if he won't be a good father? And he'll not force you till you're ready to have a family with him by having a bunch of crazy little toddlers running around here and there 
Manipulation will NEVER work on this dude so don't even try. He can easily tell when you're trying to manipulate him. He can calculate your every move and your thought since he studied you really well and you're easy to read like an open book. If you think you're 2 steps ahead of him, he's always 10 steps ahead of you 
Will never make you do things you're uncomfortable with. He gets shy sometimes when he shows you affection and if you reciprocate his feelings back, Tsundere mode activated. But, he'll cuddle you and hug and kiss you whenever you want
Nicknames include: Pudding (Why am I getting reminded of Harley Quinn calling Joker that?!), Kitty cat, Sweetheart, Darling, Kitten
Once you get Stockholm Syndrome, things will get easier for you and expect a neatly wrapped from Kenma's best man Kuroo who's happy for you both and is even MORE happy that he doesn't have to go chasing you around here and there anymore when you're trying to escape
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whatdoeseverybodywant · 8 months
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After getting back together, Janelle finds out thats she's pregnant. Follow along with Josh and Janelle as they deal with the highs and lows of her pregnancy.
I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS
Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤ 
Janelle is played by Justine Skye
Hopefully this is only 2 chapters but you know me lol it might be more.
Sequel to All I Need Is You: Read Here
Part 1 Part 2
TAGLIST: @christinabae @southerngirl41 @reci24 @jeyusos-girl @jeyusosgirl @melaninsugababy @baconeggndcheez @bemybabiibish @jstarr86 @nbanenefrmdao @purplehairgawdess @arination99 @alyyaanna @m3llowww @gomussy @jeysbae @hennyyybarb @babysyhsy @bebesobrielo
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After most  of the guests had left, Janelle and her father sat outside near the bonfire. Janelle couldn’t wipe the smile off of her face, she was so excited that her father was there with her. 
“I’m so proud of you Nelly, you have a good thing going here.” Her father said, breaking her out of her thoughts. 
“Thank you daddy.” 
“And that Josh. he loves you alot.” She smiled and looked over to where Josh and Xavier were trying to catch lighting bugs with Jon’s two kids. “He was persistent in trying to find me. “ He sighed and grabbed her hand, giving it a squeeze. “I’m sorry ‘bout everything Janelle. I wasn’t the best dad to you and your brothers but I promise imma do my best to be the best grandfather.” He cleared his throat, trying to make his voice not waver. “Josh already set me up with a rehab close by.  I want to be the best version of myself for my grandson.” 
Janelle couldn’t stop herself from crying. This was all she wanted, her daddy clean from drugs and in her life. 
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Josh looked over to where Janelle and her father were sitting and smiled to himself. He would do whatever to make her happy. 
“You really love her huh?” He looked over at his mom and nodded his head. “Good,” She said and pulled him into a hug. “I’m so happy for you Joshua, after everything that you’ve been through with Ximena.” She paused and cupped his cheek with her hand. “I’m happy you found love again.” 
 Josh hugged his mother tightly. Ximena had put him and his family through hell, from getting him arrested on false charges and then hiding Xavier until didn’t feel like being a mother anymore. He was happy that she found Janelle and that she accepted him and all his flaws. 
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Janelle placed a kiss on Xavier’s head and left out of his room. She had just put him to bed for the night. 
“Y’all good?” Josh asked once she came into their room and she nodded. He was standing by their closet, getting hsi clothes for the week ready, he was heading back on the road tomorrow. 
“Yeah, he just wanted to feel the baby move before he went to sleep.” She said with a chuckle as she started to get ready for bed. Once she was finished she walked over and wrapped her arms around him the best she could, mindful of her growing belly. 
“Ya’ dad make it to the rehab okay?” He asked and she nodded. 
“Yeah he texted me after Jon and Trin dropped him off. Thank you for doing that Joshua.”  She said as she got on her tippy toes and pressed a kiss to his cheek. 
“It’s no problem Nelle. I know you wanted ya’ dad around for the baby.” 
“Yeah, but to pay for his whole rehab treatment. You didn’t have to do that.”  He stopped packing and turned around to face her. 
“I wanted to. Me and him talked about him wanting to be clean for you and for our baby. He said he wanted this and I wanted to help.” He pressed his forehead against hers and whispered.  “I just want you to be happy Nelle.” 
“I am happy Josh. You and Xavier make me happy.” 
“Yeah?” He asked and she nodded.  “Good.” He said before placing a kiss on her lips. 
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Josh had been gone for about three days now. Janelle and Xaiver were up late - way past Xavier’s bedtime- they were waiting for Josh’s daily facetime call. Monday Night Raw had just gone off the air and Josh had let her know that he had a dark match afterwards she had told Xavier this but he insisted that he stay up so that he could talk to his dad. 
She looked down at Xavier when he shifted positions, his head was now resting on her belly. 
“Nelly?” he called out to her softly. 
“You okay X?” She asked and he nodded. 
“Can I asks a question?” He asked still talking lowly
“Yeah bud you can ask me anything.” She said, He didn’t say anything for a while. “Xavier, what's wrong?” She asked, moving him so he was sitting up and facing her. 
“When the baby gets here it’s gonna call you mommy?” He asked and she chuckled. 
“Well, not right away.” She said, smiling at his confused face. “The baby will have to learn how to talk first and then he’s gonna call me mommy.” 
“Okay. What about me?” He asked, staring into her eyes. 
“What do you mean?” 
“How comes the baby gets to call you mommy. You're my mommy too, right?” Janelles was speechless. She kept opening and closing her mouth. She let out a sigh of relief when her phone started to ring. 
“Oh look. It's your dad.” She said clearing her throat before answering the facetime call. 
“My bad y’all” He said as soon as the call connected. “My phone died. I had to charge it.” 
Janelle had opened her mouth to respond but Xavier beat her. “Dad, how comes the baby gets to call Nelly mom and I don’t? She’s my mom too, right?” Josh was just as speechless as Janelle now. He knew that this conversation was coming, he just wasn’t prepared for it. 
“Um, I- um.” He stuttered out. He looked at Janelle and she nodded her head slightly. “Xavi, you know Janelle’s not your biological mom right?” When Xavier nodded, Josh continued. “But she loves you a whole lot.” Xavier looked at Janelle who nodded in agreement. 
“But why can’t I call her mom?” He asked. Xavier was getting upset. It wasn’t fair that the baby could call her mom when he was there first. He should be able to call her mom. 
Janelle propped the phone on the coffee table in front of them and turned to Xavier. 
“You can call me whatever you want Xavier. You can call me mom if you want to.” She said getting choked up towards the end of her conversation. 
“Okay I want to call you mommy.” Janelle let out a choked sob and pulled Xavier into a tight hug. 
“Damn man, yall got me over here crying and shit.” Josh said causing Janelle to laugh. 
“Swear word daddy.” 
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They talked to Josh until he reached his hotel room. After saying goodnight to him, Janelle got Xavier ready for bed. After tucking him in she placed a kiss on his forehead. 
“Goodnight Xavi.”  He gave her a sleep smile and blew her kiss. 
“Goodnight mommy.” 
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Thank you all for reading,
Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤ 
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legend-the-dumb-jock · 2 months
@fatisthenewshape is in charge !!
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“Omg I can’t believe how boring his life is. I know he told me before that his life was nothing but I didn’t expect it to be this bad.” Finishing up the paper work from the most boring job ever I pushed my chair in. I wonder what he’s doing in Paris right now. Sure therapy wasn’t intentional but it happened somehow and now I knew I was in his American body. Right when I was about to walk out of the office I heard my email go off. I went back to check and it was yet again another down sizing. Me being good at this job of his wasn’t on the list hit it just meant his boring job was about to get more boring !!
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I screamed looking at that computer. “I can’t take this shit anymore!” I slammed the door shut to the office and on the way home grabbed some beer. In the apartment that night I just stared at the glow of the tv. I was only on my first beer and I was already feeling sleepy. I didn’t want to be in this body anymore. This life was so boring !! It was so much more fun when we just talked about transfo….. I sat tight yo on the couch. Maybe this was a way to really live a transformation. Maybe this was the chance I had to really make a change. Pulling up his tumblr account i reread everything he posted. I didn’t realize how many different changes he had written about. But needless to say after couple hours I have decided on the changes I would make. Closed my computer I walked back to the living room and opened up another beer.
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It was a couple months of my new ambitious beer drinking that I finally had a beer gut. He has written so many stories about having one that it was odd he didn’t actually have one. This was my first change I was going to make to him. And now here I am. Rubbing this big gut while I’m walking out of this office for the last time. It was now time for me to go onto the next phase of my plan. Destroying his education was right up his ally. He always talked about being dumb. And a dog. Well he needed a job that would fit that role.
I managed to get a job at a Construction site. The work was hard and labor intensive. I sweat all day and I smelled like crazy. But I kept drinking my beers and continuing on the path that I had set for him.
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Making so much less made my next changes a little hard. One of the things he fantasized about clearly was tattoos and I wanted to make sure he had them. But the massive decrease in pay from the corporate world made it hard. I started asking some of my coworkers about the I tattoos and before I knew Indians out they was an artist and was offering to give me some at a discount
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It was long before I was making daily visits to get as much ink as possible on his body. I was loving how fast his body was getting covered in tattoos. And the looks that people were giving. I was soon looking like a walking piece of graffitied skin. I began to do other things. Like adding gauges to hjs ears. One I had them completely obliterated to the point of now return I knew that his physical changes had to come to a close.
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For the next part in his journey I decided to delve deeper into one of his stories tropes that he wrote about alot. Problem was that I wasn’t willing to do any of the work. I found myself on the dark web one night and with a couple thousand dollars and his social security number it wasn’t long before the stranger had logged into the federal system and began to add charge after charge to his record. Drugs, possession, firearms. He was making this man a low life thug criminal and now there was nothing he would be able to do about it. He would be able to find the chat rooms or anything to get this resolved. I even perfected his signature and sending a copy to the stranger online he used that to validate the claims of all the charges he was placing on this body. We even managed to invalidate his college degrees and even high school degree. Now he was a high school drop out who went down the path of being a hard criminal. It wasn’t long before his face was being seen all over tv. Armed and dangerous. I was now living the body of a wanted man just like in those stories he wrote. It was t long before the police came and aggressively arrested me. And I just smirked. Bring in prison was going to be the utmost change to his life that would be able to make. And from the sounds of it. With all the charges I had managed to get on his record, he was going to be here for several years. Especially after I admitted to everything for him.
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WIBTA if I asked my boyfriend to not use his phone when we go camping with my family or to not come at all?
I have been going camping with my family every year since the yeat I was born. I am an adult now and have been with my boyfriend for several years, and he has come camping with me a few times.
The place we go camping only got cell service/electricity in the past few years. Which means for 90% of my life, I came up here and had to "unplug". I used to not like it as a teen, but as an adult with a real job, I really like getting away from it all. My family is so used to not having internet/ cell service/ wifi up here, that we still use it even though we can now.
This year, I noticed my boyfriend has been on his phone alot scrolling through social media. We camp with a lot of family friends (like, 4+ other families), so we constantly have people popping in and out of our site to hang out, chat, catch up etc etc because our site is in a central location. He obviously doesnt know these family friends as well as I do, but it feels rude that he essentially sits in a corner on his phone when there are "guests visiting". No one else really uses their phones either.
One night there was a firefly between our tent and the tent's rain cover that was putting in light show that was really cool to watch! But my boyfriend kept going on his phone, and the light from his phone was blocking out the firefly lights. I asked him to put his phone away because this was a magical experience for me and his phone was preventing me from seeing it. I felt bad asking him to put his phone away, but I have been camping here for XX number of years and having a firefly that close has never happened.
I think thats when I started to get concerned with his phone use. The idea that this magical once and a life time nature experience was happening, and he would rather be scrolling through social media which he can do the other 358 days a year. He also like to "update me" on all the horrible doom scrolling he sees on twitter etc, as well as try to show me memes and "group chat jokes." Even when we have people over and Im talking to them. He is NEVER like that in the "real world"
I talked to him about he behavoir a little bit, and he said that since he has ADHD he needs to be constantly stimulated and can't just "sit there and do nothing." I normally read while camping but he hates reading, so that doesnt work for him. He also complained about how my family just "sits around" while we go camping. I didn't say anything because I was embarrassed to tell him that I like that about camping too.
I have been thinking about asking him to either use his phone less next year, or to not come next year (he hasnt come every single year with me anyways, depending on his schedule). Cause to be it seems like he's not enjoying the 'camping' part of camping. I don't want to force my "unplugged lifestyle" on him if he really cant stand it. Nor do I want it to be an ultimatum that he has to "conform to my unplugged lifestyle, or not come." I also feel like asking him not to come is going to hurt his feelings a lot. This would have been easier if our campsite never got service or internet. He used to be a boy scout and go on week+ long camping trips, so its not like he's new to camping as a whole.
tldr: Im annoyed by my boyfriends excessive phone use while camping. WIBTA if I asked him to either stop or not come next year?
What are these acronyms?
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Bakugo x quirkless reader that uses alot of support items to get by in the hero course. (Gender neutral)
Bakugo and the reader spar for the first time and the reader ends up beating him.
How would bakugo end up reacting to the loss?
┊ ┊ ⋆˚  Thank you for the request! I hope you enjoy it! This was my first time writing a battle scene so I got really excited.
┊ ┊ ⋆˚ The reader is part class 1-B and they end up sparing during the joint training arc, bakugo's team doesn't win this time around.
Notice Me.
⋆ ★ Included- katsuki bakugo x reader. class 1-A/class 1-B training arc. season 5 spoilers. battle scenes. eventual fluff. bonus content.
⋆ ☆ Warnings- gn! reader. katsuki bakugo cussing. !season 5 spoilers! tense battle scenes. blood. bakugo mildly hurt. reader mildly hurt.
⋆ ★ Word Count- 4,972
☆ ⌒ ★ ⌒ ☆ ⌒ ★ ⌒ ☆ ⌒ ★ ⌒ ☆
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'You're quirkless.'
'Pick another dream kid.'
'Give up already.'
'Don't you get it? You will never be a hero.'
The memories coursed through your mind on repeat, throughout your whole life there has never been one person who truly thought you could become a hero, much less get accepted into the U.A. Hero Course. You had never let other people's opinions deter you, being a hero was your dream and you weren't going to give up no matter how hard you fought for it.
After you didn't develop a quirk at five years old your parents had taken you to the doctor, only for you to be diagnosed as quirkless. You had been devastated at first, but you never gave up hope that you could still become a hero and the major reason why you decided to keep going was Best Jeanist.
You've always looked up to Best Jeanist, even before you found out you were quirkless. He wasn't as flashy or strong as All Might but watching him made you feel that anything was possible as long as you worked for it. He became a goal for you to reach and eventually surpass someday, and you never looked back as you continued to fight and claw inch by inch towards that finish line.
After the U.A. Sports Festival, The number 4 hero had sent a request for you to intern with him and you had been over the moon for days. How could you not be? Your favorite hero noticed you and saw enough potential in you to take you into his agency and mentor you. The excitement did die down when you noticed Bakugo was there as well, you would watch him from afar. You had already realized how strong the explosive blonde was from the festival and was amazed at the sheer amount of strength he possessed.
Something about Katsuki Bakugo reminded you of all the people who would refuse to notice your determination, your strength towards becoming a hero and take it seriously. He never once looked at you during the festival or the internship, as if he didn't even realize you were there. While you would get on site training, he would be getting reformed. The image of any angry pomeranian at the groomers had you holding back laughter each time you saw him with combed hair.
Nevertheless, over the months you kept watching from the sidelines as he grew stronger and faced each challenge with ease. The sight stirred at your heart, he was motivating you to try even harder than you already were. The gap widened between you two, the sinking feeling in your heart as you raced to reach where he was but never quite getting there was gnawing at you.
If I could just get him to look at me...
Determination rushed through your veins as you prepared for your match. Bakugo was a fierce opponent when it came to strength , speed, and intellect. If your team was going to win, you would have to have a strategy. The team circled, mumbling in hushed voices over what the best course of action was.
"Do you really think this is going to work?" Togaru doubted.
"It has to." Setsuna assured him.
"I believe it will work, especially with y/n on the team." Kojiro boasted with praise.
"Thank you Kojiro, I won't let you down. I won't let any of you down. We will win for sure."
A stern look overtook your features, eyebrows furrowed and jaw clenched as you focused. A gentle hand on your shoulder broke you from your thoughts, Setsuna smiled warmly at you, her eyes softening upon meeting yours.
"You don't need to prove anything to us y/n, we know how strong you are. This plan won't work without you, so let's show class 1-A how much we've grown okay?!"
A bright smile formed on your lips as you all happily started to walk to the beginning position for the match in Ground Gamma.
Confidence started to take over the insecure thoughts that had once plagued your mind, you have worked just as hard as anyone else if not more. You had gotten stronger, found equipment that was more essential than before and honed in on your skills. This is your chance at proving without a doubt you deserved the spot you have the hero course.
Maybe if I can get him to notice me then...
If I could finally get him to acknowledge me...
The bitter winter wind buzzed around the students as the groups from Class 1-A and Class 1-B got into position. Bakugo's team was desperately still trying to come together with a plan in the last few moments before the match began.
"They have y/n, so it would be easiest to capture them first! However since they are the weakest link they might hide, Jiro could always use her quirk to locate them though." Sero contemplated deep in thought.
"I don't think y/n will be as easy to capture as you think, they are definitely stronger than back at the sports festival." Jiro breathed out.
The conversation finally caught Bakugo's attention from where he was standing, he gazed at the group before him and scoffed in annoyance.
"Heh! Who?"
"Jesus Bakugo, do you even remember anyone from class 1-B? Y/N the quirkless student who was using all the support items in the sports festival." Sero sighed in annoyance, then explained.
"You're worried about a quirkless wannabe? Are you kidding me?!"
He clicked his tongue with frustration , crimson red eyes glaring holes into his teammates before he continued.
"We leave them for last, they are obviously going to rely on their team for safety so we take it from them. Now listen up, this is what we are going to do."
Bakugo demanded their attention while laying out his plans for the match ahead, making sure everyone knew their roles in the team and that he would be the one to lead them to victory. Soon after he finished explaining, the siren blared through Ground Gamma causing both teams to rush into action.
He charges through the arena, deafening explosions shaking the ground as he goes. His eyes quickly darted over the area searching for the rival team as he moved further ahead from his group, he glanced over his shoulder to see them racing to keep up with his increasing speed. A large smirk formed on his lips, his ash blonde hair covering his eyes as he looked down for a moment with satisfaction at the team following his lead.
Movement from the corner of his eyes caught his attention, breaking his prideful thoughts and returning his attention to the battle ahead of them.
THERE!" Bakugo roared letting out a loud explosion from his palm as he placed himself on a pipe below his feet. "EARS!"
"It's Jiro!"
His eyes scanned the area as he waited for her to locate the whereabouts for their opponents, The hairs on the back of his neck stood up as the tension in the air grew thick through the silence. His hands crackled in anticipation of an attack at any moment, when Jiro's voice broke his concentration.
"SHE GOT ME!" She screamed eyes wide in frustration at the realization they were in a trap.
Bakugo grunted out a non verbal response before Setsuna voice appeared next to him, he quickly reacted throwing his arm defensively towards the voice only to see a mouth talking to him. Cackles echoed off the metal pipes as Setsuna laughed at bewilderment she had caused in the explosive blonde, noticing how his red eyes had gone wide at the use of her quirk.
"It's over now, I used Jiro's search ability against her." Setsuna snickered in glee.
Sero acted quickly, his tape zigzagged the structures surrounding them acting as a barricade and a form of protection from the other team. His pulse raced with adrenaline as his eyes searched the area, keeping a lookout for their blind spots when he noticed movement not too far away.
"Bakugo, over here!"
The blonde snarled out in annoyance at the trap his team had been led into, his brows knitted and his nostrils flared as he breathed out in frustration.
Kojiro had taken his opportunity to spread adhesive glue on Sero's tape and surrounding area, effectively trapping them in the confined space they occupied.
"Shoot, it backfired!" Sero bleated.
A sharp sound of metal scraping had attracted their attention towards Togaru who was heading towards the pipes directly over their heads. He sliced through the pipes effortlessly, sending them flying down towards the team. The pipes were ones specifically attached with Sero's tape and the adhesive glue, the realization hit them that if they were to be touched that would be the end of the match.
Sato, prepared to sacrifice himself in order for the others to get away, rushed in front of Sero and Jiro, hands raised in anticipation from the collision. Explosions blasted the sliced metal away with a resounding silence as the pipes crashed into the ground, scattered debris flying from the harsh impact. Sato's eyes widened as he turned to see Bakugo's hands still outstretched towards him while he dogged Setsuna's body parts.
"Bakugo!" They cheered in amazement.
"I'll start with Jiro!" Togaru advertised, as he rushed towards the girl.
Jiro gasped as the hard boot came into contact with her back pushing her out of the way of impact. Bakugo's palms crackled as he lined up his hand with the blade user, his voice thundered off the walls as he set off multiple rounds of explosions.
The team recuperated for a moment while the other group stalled in their attacks, taking in the information they gained about Class 1-B from the brief capture attempt. Anger and determination etched into Bakugo's face as his pupils flared with rage, a muscle in his jaw clenched tightly as he spoke.
"I've decided. I will have complete victory in every fight"
"4-0, no injuries! That's how someone who's really strong wins!"
Motivation renewed among his teammates as they listened to his determination, they rushed forward into action once more. Bakugo explosions propelled him into the air as he maneuvered his way around the terrain, wild red eyes searching for his first victim. Sero watched in amazement while eyebrows furrowed in thought, his mind plaguing him that something about the situation at hand was wrong.
"Jiro, are you able to pinpoint y/n's location?" He questioned suddenly.
"Huh? Wait, no I don't hear them at all."
"I have a bad feeling about this. that sneak attack would have been the perfect moment for them to show up and assist the team, don't you think?"
"Maybe you were right in the beginning and they are safely hidden away?" She repeated his words from before the match as her shoulders lifted slightly.
"Hm." His eyes looked into the distance while his mind raced to piece together their strategy.
Bakugo chased after Kojiro blind with rage as sent explosions flying towards the glue hero who kept escaping narrowly. His explosive bursts of smoke had constricted his vision as he was led down a dark pathway, not paying as much attention to his surroundings as he should have been.
You were perched high on a steel 6ft staff that you placed in preparation between the two buildings. The area allowed enough darkness to block your figure from view if the opponent was moving fast enough to not look carefully, the black stealth bodysuit as your hero costume also aided in the ability to hide from searching eyes.
The explosions rumbled through Ground Gamma, the closer he got to your location the more the buildings shook from the force. You breathed in slightly, your movements still balanced on the staff as you concealed your presence to the oncoming threat. You watched from above as your gaze calmly landed on Bakugo, the fierce blonde being led right into your trap. Kojiro spun around on his heels, suddenly throwing Bakugo off guard as he escaped to the roof above.
"KEH! STOP RUNNING YOU COWARD!" Bakugo snarled nostrils flaring as he reached out his palm to the retreating figure in his view.
"I would be more worried about yourself." You whispered , your hands gripping the staff as you whirled your body around picking up momentum from the sudden movement before releasing your grip and hurling yourself towards him.
Your foot inched closer towards him as you posed for maximum impact, he narrowly dodged moments before your foot would have hit his spine. Your lightweight steel toe boots instead made contact with the wall behind him, the impact caused the cement to crack as the building rumbled at the force dust and debris filling the air around you.
His face contorted into a scowl hiding the brief moment of shock that rushed through his facial features. He hadn't noticed you and wasn't expecting the attack you had launched at him, the only thing that had saved him was his impressive response time to your movements. He eyed you through the smoke, your eyes were trained on him, calm and unnerving that caused his mind to race.
Who is this extra?!
Why wasn't I able to sense their presence until moments before the attack?
His eyes examined the damage to the wall and how there was now a crumbling hole where your foot had made impact, the ground still shaking from the force you had used.
Did you have a power type quirk?
He couldn't shake the feeling he was missing something as he analyzed the opponent before him, you seemed familiar in a way as he continued to stare at you in silence. Your h/c blowing around your face from the cold wind, causing your cheeks to turn a rosy hue just barely noticeable under the slim fabric of the mask covering the area around your e/c eyes and top of your cheekbones. You had seemed so oddly familiar but as he searched through his memories he couldn't quite place you, it irritated him further as he gritted his teeth sending rapid fire explosions your way.
The steel staff had dislodged from its place between the buildings upon the quaking from the ongoing battle. It fell towards the ground collapsing into its condensed travel form, you maneuvered through the explosions as you retrieved the staff hitting the button on the side for it to extend back out. As the rod rushed out into the 6ft length once more it had hit the ground launching you to a safe distance away from the explosions. You took a quick breath before flipping your wrist and aiming towards a position behind Bakugo's line of vision, the Kevlar Wrist Shooter shot out a thin thread and dart at an incomprehensible speed. His eyes couldn't keep up with your movements as the strong thread swung you along, it barely being noticeable to the naked eye without light reflecting off the thread and with the darkness of the area it seemed almost invisible.
"You've lost Bakugo. Give up now." you declared suddenly showing up at his side the steel staff raised defensively against his neck.
He scoffed. "Are you afraid you face me head on?! You keep fucking attacking when my back is turned!"
He side turned to face you amusement played on his lips before he grabbed the staff with one hand and sent a powerful explosion towards your face sending you flying backwards. The staff was ripped from your hands as he threw it far in the distance.
"AH! I KNOW NOW!" He jeered, eyes blazing widely in your direction as your head hit the ground.
"You must be the quirkless wannabe! HAHA!" He mocked with a laugh as he watched you lay on the ground, the explosion had ripped your mask in half revealing more of your face.
"I'm not going to go easy on you just because you are quirkless, prepare to die!" His voice boomed out as he moved towards you recklessly.
His movements stopped suddenly, the silence filling the air after his voice had died out. You looked up at him barely containing the happiness you were feeling in that moment, a smirk forming as you took in his confused expression when his movements were constricted.
"I wouldn't move too much! It's thin kevlar thread, the strongest thread available on the market, can't melt and it's basically unbreakable. Since it's so fine the more you struggle and force your way out the more harm you'll do to your body, so if you don't want to lose that arm stop struggling."
When you had first picked the spot of the trap, you had placed a few lines of kevlar in different areas to confine him from leaving easily once he got there, and once you had him trapped you had placed reinforcements all around him to suppress his movements even more. He just needed to get tangled in one in order for your plan to come into fruition, there wouldn't be much he could do after that.
"FUCK OFF!" He roared out in frustration, his wrist snapping against the thin thread he tangled himself into as he let out more rounds of explosions.
Blood trickled down from the cuts forming on his arms at the movement as he hissed in pain. You finally stood up recovering from the earlier blow to your head, you glanced his way and sighed in annoyance knowing he wouldn't make this easy.
"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" He screamed pulling the pin on his gauntlets letting out a powerful explosion.
He managed to escape from his unseen bindings during the explosion, shredding the sleeves of his costume in the process and destroying one of his gauntlets. He breathed heavily the stinging pain darting through his body not only from over using his quirk, but from the thin cuts the thread had caused over the length of his arms and legs.
His mouth twisted into rage as he took in the damage you had caused, pops crackled in his palms as his fingers twitched in anticipation.
A quirkless nobody had trapped him.
No, a quirkless nobody had managed to make him bleed!
The thought caused his blood to boil as anger flooded his thoughts, he raced towards you lifting his remaining gauntlet as he pulled the pin aimed in your direction. You had narrowly escaped the wild attempt at you before dozens of separate explosions went off around you, the sheer force of them sending you flying as the debris ripped at your skin and costume.
Blood trickled down a cut on your cheek, dirt and dust covering you head to toe as you coughed out viciously grasping onto air. Your body had been thrown into one of your own kevlar traps causing the threads to sting at your skin from the impact.
"You aren't the only one who knows how to set a trap! While you were busy maneuvering from my explosions to get your staff I placed grenade bombs around the area!" He boasted in pride.
Upon looking at your beat up figure he scoffed at the sight of your broken wrist shooters, he had purposely aimed for them in the last explosion after realizing how they worked.
"KEH! Without your equipment you have nothing, you are nothing!" He taunted as he walked closer.
"That's not true!" You bite back acidly.
"It is, you have no weapons left! You are just a useless excuse of a hero!"
The taunting echoed through your mind as you screamed in frustration, he was only a few steps away from you now lifting up his hand to pull the finishing move. The cuts on your arms bleed heavily as you ripped them from the tangled trap of thread they had been placed in, you will yourself to move through the piercing pain as you stomped your feet hard on the cement ground. Your boots buzzed as they let out a whoosh of air impact propelling you into the air as you aim your steel knuckle duster towards your target.
The momentum rushed towards Bakugo at an unexpected speed, he had no time to counteract as your fist made an impact with his face. The slim steel knuckle duster sending out a cracking sound before the impact of the punch caused the stun gun add on to react. Within seconds it released a bright light of electricity as it ran through Bakugo's body, his muscles contracted from the sudden onslaught of electricity coursing through his veins as he fell to the ground.
You had stumbled to your feet as the air lift your boots had given you ran out and your body started to grow unsteady at the blood loss. Hands defensively reached out in preparation for another attack from the explosive blonde only to be met with silence. Your eyes glanced towards the ground where he was groaning in pain trying to move his body.
"MY NAME IS Y/N AND I AM A HERO!" You shout with as much energy as you can muster as you lean against a wall for support.
His eyes darted towards your lazily as he faded in and out of consciousness, taking in your battered worn out form with the tired bright smile placed on your lips. He grunted in response frustrated as he tried to move his arms but they wouldn't listen to his desperate command.
"You notice me yet Bakugo!? I'm as much of a threat as Todoroki is for the number one spot, don't ever forget that!"
He faded out of consciousness at your proclamation, darkness over taking his thoughts with the last thing he saw being your face beat up but bubbled with laughter. The bright e/c eyes shining in the light as a few stray tears rolled down your cheeks in satisfaction of your achievement.
Notice you?
Of course he noticed you.
How could he ever not notice you?
How did he go so long without realizing your existence?
Not only were you quirkless but in the hero course, you were somehow stronger than him. Managing to bring him down with your strategic planning and willpower to succeed, even if you had to use support equipment to do it there were plenty of people he's fought with quirks and tools and they had still lost against him. However, you were different from them and did the impossible proving how strong you truly were.
Watching you throughout the battle motivated him, pushed him to keep going. He wanted to do better, prove to you he could throw back anything you threw at him, not hold back punches no matter how much of a monster he may look like against a quirkless student. He would have to rematch you eventually, and then he will show you just how much stronger he had gotten from this match.
His thoughts raced back to you and how you shined beautifully among the unsettled smoke, how your happy smile stirred something in his heart that he couldn't quite place in the darkness of his subconscious.
So beautiful.
You are so beautiful and powerful.
He hated losing, but maybe it wasn't so bad to lose to you.
。・゚゚・ Bonus Scene:
Class 1-A and 1-B had decided to celebrate the hard work shown in the joint training session with a party. The dormitory was filled with laughter as the students mingled and gushed over each other's abilities they had shown hours before.
Bakugo watched you from afar as you laughed lightheartedly at something Setsuna had said, your cheeks still rosy from enduring the cold weather for so long outside. A jab at his side forced him to turn his gaze away from you and to the red haired intrusion now at his side.
"What do you want 'shitty hair'?" He barked his question out.
Kirishima laughed in response as he placed his arm over the blonde's shoulders, glancing at you from across the room before making eye contact with the red eyes glaring at him with annoyance.
"Geez lighten up! It's a party!"
Bakugo scoffed in response at the attempt.
"How about you go talk to y/n then instead of watching them from the corner like a stalker."
"How about you say that again and I'll make sure you can never walk again!"
The red haired boy laughed unbothered by his friends' harsh words, instead choosing to find the humor in them. He patted his shoulder as he moved away from him and took a few steps towards your direction causing the scowl Bakugo was sporting to falter a bit.
"Where are you going?" He asked cautiously.
"To meet y/n! I haven't gotten to actually introduce myself to them yet and they seem nice."
"No?" Kirishima questioned amused.
Bakugo rolled his eyes and stomped his feet as he walked towards you. He lifted his chin towards Kirishima as he passed him with annoyance clear on his face.
"I'll go talk to them, so you just leave us both alone."
"Of course!" He replied happily.
Setsuna's eyes had widened at the sight of Bakugo walking towards them, voice going silent in the middle of her sentence forcing you to look towards what had caught her attention. He was angrily stomping as he walked, crimson eyes making direct contact with yours causing your heart to flutter at the intense gaze.
He's actually noticing me now, not just oblivious to my existence like before.
He stopped a few steps from you, letting out an exasperated sigh as he rubbed the back of his neck. His hand reached back out towards you, waiting for a handshake in return so you placed your hand in his as you shook hands on a truce.
A smile brightly lit up your face as the two of you started to go over tactics and strategies used in the match.
"You did good today." He said softly, looking away from your eyes as he spoke.
"Thank you! So did you!" Heat rushing to your cheeks at the unexpected words.
The two of you paused for a moment in awkward silence, neither knowing how to carry on the conversation from moments before.
"Your support items were well thought out, do you have more?" He asked, breaking the silence, eyes still trained on his other classmates away from you.
"Yes! I really have tons! The older ones or the ones that I don't find as useful stay in my room, but I like having a variety I can choose from for different situations." You rambled bubbly, excited at explaining your items clearly.
"Can I see them sometime?"
The breath got stuck in your throat as you gasped lightly not expecting him to ask that question so suddenly.
"Yes!" You eventually mumble out looking away from him as well in embarrassment.
Setsuna watched the awkward and clumsy exchange from the sidelines and not being able to take the tension anymore from the both of you she interjected with a swift topic change.
"You two must have learned a lot of Best Jeanist when you both were interns there."
Bakugo's eyes widened as his gaze darted back to you, meeting your flustered face and wide e/c eyes staring back at him.
"You were at Best Jeanist too?"
"Yes, you didn't exactly acknowledge me back then." You laugh shyly in response.
"I notice you now."
Extra Bonus Content:
The Support Items I thought of for the character, even though not all of them made an appearance these were in my mind for the character throughout the scene.
Pocket staff- Extends into a steel 6ft staff, its heavy & sturdy enough to be used for combat and stealth attacks. (Placing staff in high areas and waiting for the enemy to walk under in order to sneak attack.) Attaches to the belt loop in compact form as a keychain for easy access.
Steel Stun Gun Knuckle Dusters- Slim compact Knuckle dusters that go over your gloves, upon hard impact with surface or person it releases a stun voltage.
Kevlar Wrist Shooters- Two compact wrist shooters that have 50ft of fine kevlar thread and darts that will hook them to any surface. This makes a good capture weapon as well as a movement tool because you can essentially hook the thread to various buildings and swing.
Air Lift Boots- Lightweight ankle boots with steel toe that has the ability to lift the user with a large force of air gusting out from the heel upon stomping the heel with enough force. This helps with speed and movement and in a pinch can work as a double sided weapon / escape tool.
Mask with Night Vision Adaptation- Eye mask that has automatic adaption feature in the dark for night vision.
Utility pouch strapped to thigh- holds fog marbles, compact laser , and emergency aid
Fog Marbles- Marbles that once smashed create a dense fog for 3 minutes to either assist in sneak attack or escape method.
Compact Laser- A small flashlight looking laser that can cut through hard and soft surfaces. Very good for stealth missions where you have to enter an area without much noise.
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⋆ ☆ A/N- I was definitely nervous writing the fighting scenes, I hope it turned out okay for everyone. Also, when I started this I wasn't sure which way I wanted to go with it but I'm pretty happy with how It turned out.
Feel free to send in requests, I have them open.
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mirai-e-jump · 7 months
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Hero Vision Vol.43 (2012/Winter) ft. Kamen Rider OOO Cast Members Watanabe Shu & Miura Ryosuke Memorial Trip (translations below)
Publication: March 7, 2012
-Silent Relationship-
Miura: In the year and a half since I first met Shu, the more I got to know him, the more I liked him.
Watanabe: In what ways?
Miura: Shu's been an actor for 3 years, right? Just as anything can be mastered after 3 years, I think you're at the stage where you've established your "base."
Watanabe: During that time, I was able to work on "Kamen Rider OOO," something I had always dreamed of doing, and, I was also able to meet Ryon-kun
Miura: Shu was grateful for everything and didn't take anything for granted, so he was able to establish a proper base. It's become his strength, and now he can go anywhere and do anything. If we want to learn from our mistakes, we make them, if we want to succeed, we make it happen. He's only 20 years old, so he's got alot of potential. I've been an actor for 10 years, and I'm at the point where I'm thinking, "What should I be doing from now on?" There are many people who say that if you can't do something, you're not allowed to do it. At the 10 year turning point, I was able to be apart of OOO, a work that I could really devote myself to. I realized that because I had the opportunity to meet Shu, who had so much potential, I had the chance to reflect on myself.
Watanabe: I've noticed alot of things from Ryon-kun too. Ryon-kun must've been thinking alot about how to make Ankh a "beloved monster," and how to express "Ryosuke Miura" himself in his photobooks. Never wasting any energy or time. The clothes, makeup, facial expressions, and movements all convey the desire to create a theme or concept, and then accomplishing it. That's why I used to get so angry during the filming of OOO. Especially when the makeup artist didn't arrive at the right time or there was a delay on set.
Miura: There were many times when I'd "freeze" the scene with a single word I said…..But, that was because I thought, "This isn't the way work should be done," or "This isn't the way the workplace should be."
Watanabe: Yeah, I want to learn from Ryon-kun's professionalism. That's how I was taught to be aware in the field, with a straight forward attitude to straighten things out. Ryon-kun has his own principles, and he wants to make sure that they're properly carried out, right?
Miura: I don't like being taken advantage of like I used to. I don't want people to think, "This is good enough for a young actor." Shu and I would never suck up to someone in a higher position. That's not what we're about, we want to make ourselves recognized by growing on the set. That's why I didn't have any unnecessary conversations with Shu or anyone else before a real take. Being an actor is job where you have to keep fighting with yourself, and there are many times where you'll feel lonely. There are some sites where the cast members act casual in order to make up for it, but I don't like that.
Watanabe: When Ryon-kun was on standby, there was a sense of tension that spread through the set. I could hear him quietly saying, "No more playing around." It was then that I realized, "This isn't the place to be screwing around," and I think the rest of the cast and staff felt the same way.
Miura: Everyone in OOO was able to perform with a high level of professionalism. If someone as talkative as Shu was on the scene without thinking, I feel like he would've caused too much trouble.
Watanabe: The reason that didn't happen was because of Ryon-kun. He led us through his actions. I did many things to Ryon-kun though. Things like the "Cola Incident."
Miura: You're going to bring this up again?! (laughs)
Watanabe: While on location for filming of the second half, Ryon-kun said he, "Wanted to drink some cola", so I told him, "I'll buy some for you," but I couldn't find a vending machine. While on the location bus eating my boxed lunch and thinking, "I'll take care of it later," Ryon-kun came to me and said, "Why are you eating food instead of buying me a cola?" You were just messing around, but you were still angry, right?
Miura: I just wanted to eat together with you.
Watanabe: It didn't feel like that (laughs). It wasn't just the cola, you were frustrated by alot of other things, right? I tried to lighten the mood by saying, "Why don't you have lunch?," I was able to buy a cola on location after filming, so I left it on Ryon-kun's seat.
Miura: When Eitoku-san (Suit Actor who played Ankh) told me, "It's from Shu-kun," I remember being really happy. Doing things like that, Shu always fills the space in my heart.
-On an adventure together-
Miura: Since OOO is over, I think we should go on more adventures.
Watanabe: Adventures?
Miura: To use a styling analogy, Shu often says, "Ryon-kun, what are you going to wear today? What should I do?" But, it doesn't matter what I answer. I know that you're always looking for the answer that's inside of you. I know this because I usually have an answer in my mind, even though you ask for opinions from others.
Watanabe: That's right. I'm impatient and want to know the answer right away, so I'll ask, "What do you mean?," and sometimes I'll say, "That's what it means, right?," responding before the other person can answer.
Miura: When it comes to clothing, Shu would say, "This isn't my style, so I won't wear it." I used to think, "I can't do this," but wearing different clothes changes you, and sometimes you like them even better. I've come to believe that these things are like anything else.
Watanabe: It's easy to understand if you compare it with clothes. Ryon-kun's visual sense of adventure is incredible. Are you still exploring things? Or have you decided that this is your style?
Miura: I don't decide. It's not that I think, "I'm the one who wears leopard print," I just think, "I'm the coolest" or "I'm definitely cuter than other people." Coolness and cuteness differs depending on the person, but I want to do everything I can and can only do now, fully utilizing both my own ideals and the appeal of the Ryosuke Miura that others desire.
Watanabe: Hmmm~ (is impressed). When I saw Ryon-kun's paisley patterned setup with a blue background, I thought, "So cute!~" (From Miura-kun's blog, February 20, 2011). When I saw it, I thought, "People can do so many things!" But since it's Ryon-kun, it'll probably take some time before I can pull it off myself~.
Miura: Wanna do it? (laughs). You've got an adventurous spirit.
Watanabe: Ryon-kun is slim, so he looks good in both cool and cute styles.
Miura: I used to avoid leather jackets because they didn't fit my body type, but after I was allowed to wear a biker's jacket as part of Ankh's costume, I began to think, "They're cool." Then I started to wear them in my private life, and now I wear them alot. You should try wearing them too.
Watanabe: Isn't it boring to settle on an idea?
Miura: No matter what Shu wears or what he does, he's still Shu. But it's definitely fun to be particular. Now, let's try wearing skinny jeans in our private lives.
Watanabe: Can I really wear them~?
Miura:: It doesn't matter if the zipper doesn't close. Just think that skinny is the only thing in this world!
Watanabe: That's an interesting concept! (laughs).
-We want to be "special" to each other-
Watanabe: In contrast to his fashion, Ryon-kun keeps his own problems to himself.
Miura: I just don't tell Shu about them.
Watanabe: What?! I should be the first one you tell!
Miura: Shu doesn't listen to other people. When he speaks, he looks the other person in the eye and leans forward, but when the other person begins to speak, he lowers his tone and says, "Hmm, hmm…."
Watanabe: My goal this year will be to listen!
Miura: Shu wants to be the center of attention. It's cute how visibly flustered he gets when someone other than himself is being focused on (laughs).
Watanabe: I don't like it when Ryon-kun hangs out with someone else, talks to someone else without me, or talks about something I don't understand even though we're together. I think, "What? Is Ryon-kun that type of person?," it's similar to the jealousy of accusing someone of cheating.
Miura: !!! (he burst out laughing). It's fine when he interrupts the conversation or tries to compete with me by saying, "I'm better than you," but it's a problem when he stays quiet. Shu doesn't talk when he's angry. When I say something, I have to say it all…..
Watanabe: That anger may be because he thought of me, or it may be about something that isn't negotiable at work. While I was happy, I was also worried about Ryon-kun himself.
Miura: At times like that, he'd ask, "Ryon-kun, what's wrong?" Whenever he's in a bad mood, I always try to calm him down, and I'm lucky if I also don't get stuck in a bad mood.
Watanabe: I overdid it sometimes (laughs). However, many things happened during our time together. I had alot of happy times and alot of frustrating times. I don't want to talk about it because it might distort my position and my feelings about the show……but, I thought it was great that Ankh was loved by so many people.
Miura: I think so too. Every time I saw Shu acting brave as the main character, and seeing him being loved by the staff, I thought it was something I couldn't do. Humans are always begging for something they don't have. We have different positions and characters, so it's not like we want to change for the other person (bitter smile).
Watanabe: Thanks to that, I was able to become more attached to my role and love it even more. What may seem like a negative thing can end up improving each other. Because I'm like that, no matter how close Ryon-kun is to other actors in his private life, he always comes back to me in the end. I'm number one among Ryon-kun.
Miura: Where does that confidence come from?
Watanabe: It's my desire for it to be that way.
Miura: (laughs). It's true that Shu is special to me. I've been surrounded by older people since I was little. There are people who pampered me and people who took good care of me, but somehow I couldn't trust them enough, and I always thought, "I have to get my act together." Especially on set, there's no place to relax….
Watanabe: That's true….
Miura: But, Shu's special. Only Shu can be spoiled. Shu's the first one where I think I can do anything with this person. Whether it's a photo shoot or an event, when Shu says, "Ryon-kun, it's okay," I can trust him with everything. Shu changed me from my very core.
Watanabe: Ehhh? Am I spoiled?
Miura: Shu was given special treatment during the photo shoot, right? When we all went to a donut shop to celebrate the makeup artist's birthday, I only bought grape juice for Shu (laughs).
Watanabe: That's right! I was the only one! (is happy).
Miura: I remember things like that every now and then. "We were together every day when we co starred together, so now it's fine if we don't see each other for a few months," I don't know why I ever said that……
Watanabe: Did you realize how much I meant to you after you left? Perhaps you got stuck in the "Watanabe Spiral?"
Miura: What does that mean?! (laughs).
Watanabe: It's the same for me. When I entered the set of OOO, I realized how blessed I was to be there. I felt like everyone loved me so much. At such times, I want to meet Ryon-kun and to confirm that, "I'm not alone."
Miura: Ahahaha!! (he bursts out laughing).
Watanabe: Well, after all, it's lonely, and we have to say "bye bye" now that we've finished filming.
Miura: I thought it was fine up until now, but I want to continue working with Shu and the others…..But, Shu doesn't think I'm special. To Shu, everyone is special.
Watanabe: What are you talking about?! Ryon-kun is the only one who keeps in touch with me this much.
Miura: I don't contact you as much as you say.
Watanabe: Is this because of the "email incident?"
Miura: When we first met, I said, "I don't feel comfortable messaging men."
Watanabe: I don't even message my friends to say, "See you tomorrow." The only emails I send are things like reminding my parents to send me contact lenses, or business matters like saying "I understand" to my manager (laughs). And yet, even though I send them to Ryon-kun myself, I can't?
Miura: You attach heart marks too.
Watanabe: That's right. Because you're really special to me.
Miura: I see (is satisfied). I'm a person who wants "Love" to exist in everything, including people, things, and work. I expect the same from others, can be jealous, and am abit troublesome.
Watanabe: Really? What if I want love too?
Miura: Then we're the same (is satisfied again).
Watanabe: I also rely on Ryon-kun. If I'm at a loss for materials at an event, if I'm talking too much, or if I feel like I'm going to make things worse, I'll say, "Hey, Ryon-kun?" and wave at him. When Ryon-kun replies, "Yeah?" or "What is it~," I respond with, "Miura-san, can I ask you something?," and then we end it with a joke.
Miura: Ah, that interaction, it really saved you (laughs). I'm glad~.
-The complete opposite path-
Miura: I feel at ease knowing that I'll be able to meet Shu again in the future, whether it's for interviews or at someone's birthday party. But, I'd like to keep in touch with Shu more easily. Even if it's, "I'm hungry, let's get something to eat even though we only have an hour."
Watanabe: Let's do it, let's do it!
Miura: And yet, for some reason, Shu can't do that……
Watanabe: Me being underage was probably a big part of it, huh? I also found myself wanting to meet Ryon-kun. Well, I already told you today, I'll change our relationship.
Miura: Please, by all means.
Watanabe: But, I'm short of money, and lately I've been eating alot of foods with a combination of bean sprouts (laughs). I don't like it when Ryon-kun takes care of me.
Miura: It'd be fun to have a "tasty bean sprout eating contest" at Shu's house.
Watanabe: Sounds good! I'm the best when it comes to bean sprouts, right?
Miura: Save some for me (laughs). Even if you say, "I can't do it because I don't have enough money," I'll say, "Okay, let's do it next time," or "It's okay, let's go together." Shu is serious about things like this. He seems to live freely, but he always tightens up where he needs to. It was the same with OOO.
Watanabe: That's because, as much as I was happy to be able to appear in a production that I admired, I also felt anxious and pressured. When it came to my acting, my responsibilities as the lead role, and communicating with Ryon-kun and the others…..I had alot of worries. When I saw Ryon-kun worrying, I had an optimistic attitude and said, "That's not something to worry about, right?," and it was because I didn't want to show everyone that I myself was worried and depressed.
Miura: Ah…I see…..
Watanabe: For me, I wanted to be everyone's "sunshine" on set. I felt that it was required of me, and I really wanted to make my dreams come true in a better way by being that way. That's why I wanted to challenge myself to do things that were beyond my capacity.
Miura: You overdid things.
Watanabe: I feel so too. There were times when I held in what I wanted to say because I didn't want to get into a fight with Ryon-kun. I instinctively avoided him because I was afraid that if my relationship with Ryon-kun deteriorated, it would become even more difficult to stand firm.
Miura: Why can we talk like this now?
Watanabe: I guess it's because I started seeing things from a different perspective. Just because I talked to someone about my troubles doesn't mean that the tension on set goes down. I don't think I needed to hold myself back so much, and I probably should have talked to Ryon-kun about it. I had too many assumptions about how things should be.
Miura: But, everyone was at ease saying, "Shu-kun doesn't change every day," and they respected Shu for that. This work was possible only because Shu was able to suppress his "insecurity" and "impossibility" and stand firm. By letting me out, the both of us survived together.
Watanabe: I see……We were complete opposites, but we faced the same direction as well.
Miura: That's why my feelings for Shu are actually very simple. At first I was surprised and thought, "Such a person exists!," then I thought, "He's amazing," "He's wonderful," and "I love him." I'm so grateful for him.
Watanabe: It feel the same. For me, this year and a half was because of Ryon-kun.
Miura: Now that our environments are changing, I think it's okay to feel down and talk to others when things get tough. You may run into conflicts when you ask for someone's opinion, and they may not tell you how to solve them, but it is much better than worrying about them alone. I don't want to run into the same problems again, so I think about them until the very last moment, and if it still doesn't work, I vent about it to someone else.
Watanabe: I see…..that sounds fine. Ryon-kun will listen to me now, right?
Miura: Of course, go ahead.
Watanabe: Thank you. Hah~……Today was the first time I've heard or talked about many things. I didn't have as much time as I thought I did while we were performing together (bitter smile). I think there are still alot of things I haven't talked about with Ryon-kun.
Miura: Let's talk whenever you want. It's sad to see the show end, but it was a year and a half of many encounters. I'm very happy that the people who came to know us through these encounters are supporting both of us together. I hope everyone will continue to watch over and support us as husband and wife for many years to come.
Watanabe: (laughs). It's been over a year and a half since me and Ryon-kun became a pair….I believe that together we were able to bring dreams and smiles to many people. We want you to support us forever, and let's grow even more so that we can live up to that.
Miura: Right!
Japanese Alphabet with Shu and Ryosuke (+ other page details)
Go to Hakone (page 65)
A: "The moment I'm in love" (Ai o kanjiru toki)
Shu: It's constant……Like the other day, when Ryon-kun gave me the bracelet that he'd been wearing for such a long time. Why'd you do that?
Ryosuke: I've been wearing it for many years now, and I wanted someone I cherish to have something that I cared about. I wonder if Shu writes about me on his blog or talks about me at events.
Shu: I wrote about Ryon-kun in my first blog of the year!
E: "The important part" (Erai tokoro)
Shu: It's strange for me to say this, but he's extremely professional. However, when he messes up, he really messes up.
Ryosuke: The organizers do a better job (laughs).
Shu: I was the organizer of my 20th birthday party and the New Year's party during OOO (laughs). Because it was a party with Ryon-kun and the others, I took the initiative.
Ryosuke: Everyone gets together because it's Shu, and even if they can't make it, they'll definitely let him know.
I: "Want to hold an event?" (Ibento o yarunara)
Ryosuke: A comedy act. At the request of one of my fans at a live event, they said I should be the funny man and Shu should be the straight man (laughs).
Shu: I like singing with Ryon-kun, so it'd be a concert.
O: "What happens when you're mad?" (Okoruto dounaru)
Shu: Ryon-kun stops talking to me and drags me through the day. He's never honest, even if he's sorry during the middle of the day, he won't talk to me until the next day.
Ryosuke: Shu is more flustered than mad. He always wants to be the center of attention, so when I'm talking to someone else, he wants to get between us (laughs).
U: "The jealous part" (Urayamashii tokoro)
Shu: Your visuals and the way you present yourself to the media. The way that you know what's expected of you and can express it.
Ryosuke: That you're full of potential. _
Arrives in Hakone Yumoto (page 66)
(top right) "Although the Romancecar (express train) had some trouble and had to stop at Odawara, it arrived safely at Hakone Yumoto without incident! "We have to take a picture that we've arrived!," and Watanabe-kun and Miura-kun went together to stand in front of the signboard."
KU: "A frustrated heart" (Kuyashii kokoro)
Ryosuke: There are alot of things. He bought an iPhone before I did, he built the cool and stylish house he lives in now, and he's a really strong drinker (laughs).
Shu: His fashion sense. Even if it's a single bag, it's an expensive high brand item!
KE: "Your ideal marriage partner" (Kekkon aite ni osusume ha)
Ryosuke: Definitely Shu. I think he'd be a good dad. He'd take us to various places to have fun, find amazing things for us to do during Summer vacation, and make delicious food to eat.
Shu: Definitely Ryon-kun. He can cook and do housework like a wife. Just being together with him is healing.
KO: "Love" (Koi)
Shu: When it comes to love, I want an answer immediately, so all I want to know is, "I like you or I don't like you." I don't think I could play around.
Ryosuke: I can't do it either. And I'm pretty jealous, so I'm sure I'll weigh them down.
Shu: There are some people who feel more loved the more they're bound!
Ryosuke: I guess so…..I wonder if it has to do with compatibility….
KA: "The cute parts" (Kawaii tokoro)
Ryosuke: His smile and dimples!
Shu: He's surprisingly innocent. I'm the same way, but when he's moved by something, he becomes all, "Uwa~ah!! (with sparkling eyes)"
KI: "Areas of concern" (Ki ni naru tokoro)
Shu: Sometimes, at our events, we'd speak using a fake Kansai dialect (laughs). Saying things like, "Why's that?" and "Is that so?"
Ryosuke: Even though neither of us are from the Kansai region (laughs).
Shu: It did make me feel closer to the guests though. _
Hatsuhana (page 67)
(top center) "When walking in front of Hakone Yumoto Station,"
Shu: Is that the soba shop? Right over there?
Ryosuke: It says "Inn" (laughs).
"Within a 5 minute walk, Watanabe-kun discovers multiple phantom soba shops."
SA: "The surprising thing" (Sapuraizu na koto)
Shu: I'll say it here. I got a Bluray recorder from Ryon-kun as a present for my 20th birthday!
Ryosuke: It's too late to say it! People think I didn't give it to you (laughs).
Shu: I missed the opportunity. So here it is now.
Ryosuke: In a good way, my impression of Shu hasn't changed since I met him. Also, I was really surprised at how well he eats (laughs).
SHI: "Horror story" (Shippaidan)
Shu: I don't mean to offend, but I often end up hurting people with my words…..
Ryosuke: If it were me who had done it, I wouldn't think, "That's terrible"….(laughs).
SU: "My favorite part" (Sukina tokoro)
Shu: There are alot of things, but if I had to pick one, I'd be that he's devoted to me.
Ryosuke: The part where he's always pulling me along, whether it's out of excitement or just to talk.
SE: "World view" (Sekaikan)
Shu: Recently, when we're together, we sometimes spend quiet time together.
Ryosuke: During the stage greeting for the film, "Kamen Rider x Kamen Rider Fourze & OOO: Movie War Mega Max," when I saw Shu sitting at the very back of the location bus, silently admiring the scenery outside the window, I thought to myself, "He's become more sexy since turning 20" (laughs).
Shu: I was probably just trying to appear cool (laughs).
SO: "When you need me by your side" (Soba ni ite hoshii toki)
Ryosuke: Now that Kamen Rider OOO is over, I hate that I'm not next to you.
Shu: I currently feel the same way. I've never been loved so much on a set, so I want to meet up with him once in awhile and spoil him, and I want to confirm that, "Ah, I have friends, and I can do my best going towards tomorrow."
TO: "Times where I make him feel special" (Tokubetsuda to omou toki)
Ryosuke: Always. In front of the other OOO members, I've always shown that, "Shu is the best."
Shu: I rarely send emails outside of business, but I only send emails with hearts attached to Ryon-kun.
TE: "The appropriate part" (Tekitona tokoro)
Shu: When I'm messing around. Sometimes I respond with, "I'm too busy to bother you" (laughs).
Ryosuke: Shu basically relaxes when he doesn't have to do something for himself or others (laughs).
TSU: "The cold (hearted) part" (Tsumetai tokoro)
Ryosuke: It wasn't towards me, but Shu's face was cold during a pre event meeting with the MC. I immediately asked, "What's this all about?," as it was a face you don't want to show to the visitors.
Shu: When I talked to Ryon-kun after the "Cola Incident", usually he'd laugh and say, "I see~," but he instead responded with, "No, I don't understand" in a cold way……It was scary.
CHI: "The part that's different" (Chigau tokoro)
Shu: Our personalities are the exact opposite. We're like the S and N on a magnet, so we fit together perfectly and can't be separated.
Ryosuke: Yeah, I'm interested because we're different, and I like seeing how things play out.
Shu: We look completely different too! A Japanese face and a Western face!
TA: "Fun memories" (Tanoshi katta omoide)
Ryosuke: During filming for OOO, we had our first date in Ueno! (May 22, 2011)
Shu: After filming, we went to Fuji Q Highland (interview done by Tokyo News Mook: Good Come, November 16 issue). But, you know, I always enjoyed those moments when we had off time, whether it was having a meal during a break or just sitting on the location bus. _
In the Corridor (page 68-69)
NA: "What would you name it?" (Namae wo tsukerunara?)
Shu: E&A, since it's Eiji & Ankh….."EA!" (pronounced ia = ear)
Ryosuke: Hey, are you sure that's okay? (giving a dirty look).
Shu: Eh~? (unhappy). Then, what about Miura-san?
Ryosuke: I want to be on "Team (blank)"
Shu: Since it's the year of the Dragon, how about "Ryuseikai?"
Ryosuke: Sounds good! Our goal is also to get more male fans, so it doesn't matter how grand it is!
NU: "The part I want to leave out" (Nukitai tokoro)
Shu: Dance! And also, professionalism!
Ryosuke: I have none. In the first place, I can't beat Shu, so I have no desire to lose to Shu, or to destroy Shu.
NI: "Similar parts" (Ni teru tokoro)
Ryosuke: That we value our family. Shu loves his family too, doesn't he?
Shu: Yeah, I love them. The similarity with Ryon-kun is……(thinking hard)……I can't think of any! I always see him as my complete opposite.
NE: "Sleeping face" (Negao)
Shu: Ryon-kun's sleeping face is beautiful.
Ryosuke: Shu's is cute. He's like a baby. He must feel comfortable, because he drools down to his collarbone (laughs).
Shu: That's how "Lake Watanabe" will be created.
Ryosuke: That's so gross! (he bursts out laughing).
NO: "Drinking" (Nomi)
Ryosuke: I want to drink at a kushikatsu (skewer) restaurant or some place with a counter.
Shu: I'd rather go to a dirty restaurant than a fancy one and share my true feelings with him. _
Hakone Glass Forest Art Museum (page 70)
HA: "Embarrassing things" (Hazukashii koto)
Ryosuke: I didn't want anyone to see the moments where I went into water, stood on high places, or anything I don't like, but I showed them all to Shu during the filming of OOO. I have nothing left to hide from Shu.
Shu: I'm lazy at home. I watch TV with just a towel wrapped around me after a bath, and my laundry is sometimes left in the washing machine, where it becomes stiff and crumpled…..
HI: "Secrets" (Himitsu)
Ryosuke: There's none. We're generally talkative, and when Shu acts stranger than usual, I get curious and ask what's up. Shu will often ask me, "Ryon-kun, did anything happen today?," so there are no secrets (laughs).
Shu: I have none either!
FU: "Dissatisfaction" (Fuman)
Ryosuke: When I'm having trouble with something I don't want to talk about, he asks me in front of everyone, "Ryon-kun, did something happen yesterday?" I'd like it to be just between the two of us.
Shu: Sometimes he says things that are impossible. Like, "Come to my concert in Osaka."
Ryosuke: Why's that? I'm requesting for Shu to show off his cute performance.
Shu: But, I also have plans…..
Ryosuke: I'll be in a bad mood if you don't come, okay?
Shu: Yeah, I'm not dissatisfied. This isn't dissatisfaction (laughs).
HE: "Disguise" (Hensou)
Ryosuke: I want to act cool like you always do.
Shu: Me too. I'm going to be cool like you always are.
Ryosuke: Can I pull it off?
Shu: Ryon-kun's coolness might be too difficult for me right now (laughs).
HO: "A serious moment" (Honki no shunkan)
Shu: The look in your eyes the moment you start your performance. It's completely different from usual.
Ryosuke: As expected, it's times during the performance.
(middle right) Fusing Experience "While wearing matching friendship bracelets, Miura-kun gave Watanabe-kun the handmade bracelet as a gift, and the two have a close relationship when it comes to accessories. They both made accessories by melting glass and presented them to each other."
Shu: Since it's the year of the Dragon, I think I'll choose something with a dragon motif for Ryon-kun~.
Ryosuke: Eh~? (unhappy).
Shu: No good? Well then, let's do something cute then.
Ryosuke: Hmmm, as I thought, Shu should get a "mask."
"And with that, they start with a complete showdown!"
(middle left) "They also created a gift for the readers."
Ryosuke: Don't move everything I just put down~ (laughs).
Shu: Ah, sorry.
"Watanabe-kun said, shifting the glass beads while curling, so we couldn't see the finished product."
Shu: The one I placed (a glass bead in the bottom center) doesn't make too much of an impression, huh? (laughs). Ryon-kun, please do something about it~
"In the end, Miura-kun arranged and completed it by hand."
(bottom left) Their collaborative "Heart Spoon" will be given away to 1 person!
(bottom middle) From Ryosuke to Shu: A mask necklace
From Shu to Ryosuke: A sparkling key holder _
Onsen (page 71)
MU: "Defenseless moments" (Mubobi na shunkan)
Ryosuke: The times when Shu is sleeping, right? (laughs). I personally think I'm flawless.
Shu: That's a lie~. He already said he's revealed alot of things to me.
Ryosuke: Hmmm, the truth is, the more I like someone, the more conscious I am about how I'm perceived. I just don't do it well with Shu (laughs).
Shu: Ah, I see!
MA: "Things I'm serious about" (Majimeda to omou tokoro)
Shu & Ryosuke: Things relatings to work.
MI: Miura Ryosuke
Shu: The kanji that make up bewitching, "Mysterious" and "Gorgeous," and even "Beautiful" suits him. His appearance, expressions, and everything about him is erotic and cool. Anyway, he's very sexy.
Ryosuke: Are you serious? That makes me happy! I think the eternal theme for me is to have "Love" in everything.
ME: "Meal" (Meshi)
Ryosuke: I'd like to pound real mochi using a mortar and pestle. I'll do the pounding and Shu will do the kneading. And, I want to try different flavors, like chocolate.
Shu: I want to have dinner at a fancy French restaurant in Ginza that costs 30,000 yen per person. I wonder what'll happen to us there.
Ryosuke: We'd probably panic? (laughs)
MO: "The popular parts" (Moteru tokoro)
Ryosuke: You have vitality, and the confidence to do so for whatever reason (laughs).
Shu: I think it's because I want to lead. I'm recommend by younger people (?). But, I'm not looked up to by people my age or those older than me……Ryon-kun is devoted. I can feel that he thinks of me as the center of his life.
Ryosuke: I still think that's heavy to say.
Shu: That's because there are some people in this world that want to be bound. _
Kiritani Hakoneso (page 72-73)
RU: "The parts of his looks that I like" (Rukkusu de sukina yo koro)
Shu: His small, well defined face and slim legs (he slaps Miura-kun's thighs). And, he has a flexible body.
Ryosuke: Actually I'm pretty stiff (his fingers can't reach the floor when he bends forward). I'm like Shu, I've got a firm face.
Shu: We both want things the other has.
RI: Request (Rikuesuto)
Shu: I want Ryon-kun to hurry up and invite me to his house!
Ryosuke: I don't want to because it's a mess right now. I'm planning to move, so wait until I'm in my new home.
Shu: Of course!
Ryosuke: My request would be to go out to eat a meal casually, not just for birthdays or New Year's parties, but also on days when there's nothing going on.
RA: "The lucky things" (Rakki na koto)
Ryosuke: After I met Shu, we started eating alot more food, and we started talking alot. I'm a much more positive person than before.
Shu: I learned alot about the rules of how things should be in the field and how things should be in this industry.
YO: "Weakness" (Yowami)
Ryosuke: It's no good to ignore Shu.
Shu: Loneliness and indifference are the worst. Ryon-kun is lonely too, isn't he?
Ryosuke: It's because I'm a Rabbit, as I was born in the year of the Rabbit.
Shu: I see, you're a Rabbit-chan~ (Does he even understand?)
YU: "How did you come up with your unit name?" (Yunitto mei o tsukerunara)
Shu: Ryosuke's R and Shu's S are taken to make "R&S." By the way, the "&" is taken away from "Earth." Earth also has it's meaning!
Ryosuke: I think it's nice to be big (laughs).
YA: "Being kind to me" (Yasashiku sa reta koto)
Ryosuke: Shu often asks, "Ryon-kun, are you eating your food properly? Are you hungry?" and "Ryon-kun, if there's any leftover, please give it to me."
Shu: In the end, it's my desires (laughs). When I call someone and they don't notice, Ryon-kun joins me and we call together.
Ryosuke: That?! (laughs)
Shu: It's too much that no one moves!
RE: "Means of contact" (Renraku shudan)
Shu: It's mainly emails. We send each other about the same amount. Ryon-kun often sends me messages when he's drunk, saying, "Shu-chan" or "To my beloved Shu."
Ryosuke: When I'm drunk and lonely, I want to meet Shu. It varies whether we respond to each other or not (laughs).
RO: "Lost (what they don't want to lose)" (Rosuto)
Shu: Our friendly relationship. The rest is my personality. As people often say, "I hope you don't change," and if there is a part of me that can support Ryon-kun now, I want to continue to do so.
Ryosuke: My job. I met Shu through work, and if it wasn't for this job, we might have never met.
WA: Watanabe Shu
Ryosuke: He's free…..the way I see it, he's not pretending about it.
Shu: I'm bright and positive. But, I may not be able to show my true self easily.
(bottom right) Since the Hero Vision release date was close to Miura-kun's 25th birthday (February 16th), Watanabe-kun gave him a surprise after dinner. Watanabe-kun was enthusiastically singing "Happy Birthday dear Ryon-kun~" (with a hint of euphoria), and Miura-kun was surprised and said, "Eh? Eh? You're kidding, right?" Miura-kun, with some tears in his eyes, said "Thank you," and Watanabe-kun gave him the biggest smile in return. _
Return to Tokyo (page 74)
(W)O: "The end" (Owari)
Shu: I heard that Hakone got the most snow this winter today. The snow must've been waiting for us to come. Maybe the snow said, "Ryon-kun, Shu-kun, why don't you come quickly? The scenery will be beautiful when it's all piled up."
Ryosuke: What's wrong with you? Saying such cute things (laughs).
Shu: It was alot of fun. The hot springs and the food were great, but I really enjoyed being with Ryon-kun! What about you Ryon-kun?
Ryosuke: It was fun. Since I was with Shu, I ate alot more food than usual (laughs). _
See You! (page 75)
N: "From now on" (Kore kara)
Shu: Next time, we'll climb Mt. Fuji, and at the top we'll shout, "Waaah~!"
Ryosuke: I want to climb it. But, it's said that you're risking your life.
Shu: Is that so? Well then, let's go fishing instead.
Ryosuke: Let's go to a river. I want to eat river fish.
Shu: Then let's go camping! Decide on sweets up to 300 yen.
Ryosuke: Then it's a field trip (laughs). I don't mind if we go to Korea and enjoy fancy gourmet food, or if I pick up some bamboo and go to Shu's house to have Nagashi Somen.
Shu: That's a wide range. Also, are you planning on leaving my house drenched? (laughs)
Ryosuke: Anywhere is fine if I'm with Shu.
Shu: Eh? (is happy)
Ryosuke: It'd be interesting to have an interview where we're just eating (laughs).
Shu: Then you can visit anytime! (laughs)
(*no Japanese word starts with the singular "N" character)
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Something wholesome to wake up too :D. I remember stumbling upon your post about both Megatronus and Orion being clerks/librarians/archivist thanks to the TF One movie making them both miners sooo have like my spin on it/headcanons based on the idea? -Megatronus and Orion met when Megs was still D-16 aka a miner. When Terminus managed to get a break from the mines, which was so rare, he would sneak Megs with him so the young miner could experience more. He took him to the Iacon Hall of Records since D-16 mentioned being curious about the history of Cybertron, there he met a young Orion.
-Orion and him would bond over data pads Orion managed to smuggle to the mine site, lots of them being old poetry and history that excited D-16. It is also how D-16 gets his name of Megatronus
-At some point, Alpha Trion catches on, and instead of being anger, decides "Eh fuck it, Orion needs someone around his age to talk to" //proceeds to yoink the young miner and giving him a better life
-Now a proper clerk for the Hall of Records with Orion, it is kind of chaos. It's basically "An introvert and ambivert become friends and they have to play rock, paper, scissors on who deals with people". Megs always loses, he hates it.
-Orion has def snuck Meg's poetry and writings into the records because he is so proud of Meg's work. Megs gets flustered.
-I lowkey just picture this AU being more chill. Yeah, Megs still wants the caste system gone, but is less violent about it, trying to use his words and peaceful protests first before being forced to go to more extremes. Orion maybe backing it up too because maybe the council just straight up ignored Megs because they see him as low-caste still and he's just "Ayo wtf".
-When maybe Orion becomes Optimus, Megs backs him up, helping archive everything while helping him connect with the low-castes who are wary of OP. Also def acts as OP's scary dog without realizing it lol
-Honestly i cant see clerk!Megs becoming the con tyrant warlord we know him as, I feel like he would be more calm and chill, preferring to spread his message while also like keeping OP in check so he doesn't become a tyrannt
-Would still call OP "Orion", and no one can stop him. Not even OP. As revenge OP scatters Megs poetry. In summary: Megs helps break the "serious and cold" prime act alot and helps a lot of the team connect with Optimus on a personal level
Sorry that this is long, but these ideas plagued me i hope that is okay!
Ooo on Terminus and Megatron sneaking to the surface, and that being how Orion met him
Yes on the smuggling of datapads to D-16, and makes sense he'd get his new name from them
Alpha Trion just... Taking Megatronus has to have consequences, significant consequences
Sfsgd yes, "you do it" "no you do it" "you lost, you do it" "🤬🤬🤬"
Yes on Orion and Megs sneaking the poetry into the records, preserve it yes
100% this is a more chill au idea, always was meant to be a more chill au idea
Interesting way it changes Megatronus
We really "the power of friendship"-ed this up, it's v cool. Megatronus has grown into himself in a different direction, and I bet their friendship being earlier and arguably closer effects Orion in an interesting way
I am a SUCKER for characters calling Optimus "Orion" as a sign of closeness, oh it's gotta have fun moments
OO on the team part? Does the war still happen and Op and Megs are on the same side, or does the team unite in a different different way?
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naughtygirl286 · 7 days
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So yeah this week we went to see the new Planet of the Apes movie Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes, Now there might be some spoilers below to you have been warned.
First off I was kind of surprised that there wasn't any cups or buckets or anything for this I thought there would be but I was wrong.
anyway as for the movie itself I was excited to go see this being I have seen all the "Apes" movies and we recently gotten the original 1974 TV series and animated series so I'm looking forward to watching them being I never seen them before, but like I said I enjoy the movies especially the recent Prequel Trilogy that started with Rise of the Planet of the Apes I thought those movies were excellent but anyway about this one like I said I was excited to go see it although it wasn't what I thought it was going to be about.
This one starts with some opening text that kinda quickly describes the previous movies and sets this one up and it opens pretty much where War for the Planet of the Apes ended and you witness the funeral for Cesar but after that scene you get a time jump where it says something like "Many generations later" and I did have to look up kinda the time frame of this movie and on many sites it ways close to Three hundred years have past from the death of Cesar! I original thought this movie was going to be about Cesar's Son but its not it is actually about a young ape name Noa and his group who are falconers and they call themselves the "Eagle Clan" and the journey that he goes on to rescue his people from an megalomaniac Ape named Proximus Caesar and how finds out the world and its history is much bigger and more then he would every imagine
Now there is nothing wrong with that new characters means all new stories and we are introduced to plenty of new characters like Raka (played by Peter Macon) who is like this disciple of Caesar who is spreading the gospel/word of Caesar. Thats right Caesar has become like this almost mythic religious figure that right he is "Monkey Jesus!" lol but seriously though he one who knows alot about the "time of Caesar" and the one who first starts teaching Noa of the world beyond his village and I really liked the character of Raka I thought he was a little weird, interesting and funny and I was kinda sad when he dies because he felt like an important character and important to the story but I also feel that his death wasn't in vain because it motivates Noa.
Another interesting new character is Nova aka Mae (played by Freya Allan) who is the main Human character and she is special being she is highly intelligent and can talk!! unlike the other humans in the series I was surprised just as much as Noa and Raka where in the movie but I believe this is because she is completely immune to the Simian Flu which is interesting on its own and she has a very important mission throughout the movie in which Noa helps her with and in turn she helps free his people. I did find her an interesting character also while watching this I was watching her and I was thinking maybe she could play the new Live Action Lara Croft? That is what was running through my mind maybe it was partly because of how the character was dressed? What she wears in the movie makes her look very similar to the 2013 Lara and I was thinking that when she was up on the screen.
also you are introduced to a megalomaniac Ape named Proximus Caesar who is the villain of this movie and who I thought was a very flamboyant character who has taken the teachings of Caesar and twisted them to his own selfish needs and wants to take all the human knowledge and use it to make himself the king of the world. like I said I feel that he was a very flamboyant and bombastic character and you kinda can't help but like him even though he is the villain of the movie
other then that all the other characters and performances were awesome and I thought everyone did a amazing job.
Now much like the previous movies this one is built on an impressive visual scale the visuals do what to wow you especially with the scenery of the abandoned cities and "human world" which I did think was impressive in its scope and production design. Visually the actual Planet of the Apes is really well done and shows how time as passed in the surrounding as well as the technology that is used to create the Apes through the motion capture it is amazing the animations is perfectly done especially for a wild character like Proximus Caesar. I personally would think this would be nominated for best visual effects next year and maybe even some of those other technical awards you don't see on the Oscars.
but yeah in the end it is an awesomely amazing movie and if you loved the previous one you'll probably love this one too. and if you didn't see any of the previous ones this is a whole new story and can be a jumping off point for anyone who wants to try it it has plenty of action and excitement and I would totally recommend it.
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ariel26c · 21 days
Hii I don't know how to share all this stuff but so let me start.
So I get to know about this all ' manifestation, subliminals, shifting loa , void state ' like two years ago and after that I was so happy to know that I can change my life and overcome with my insecurities.
So I started to listen subliminals day by day, list out things to manifest, read about other people success stories to motivate myself, affrim my desires before going to bed and immediately after walking up and after this all I didn't get what I wanted then being frustrated over this all I research why I am not able to manifest anything therefore many different sites said 'like maybe I was obsessing or reacting to my 3d and maybe my vibration are low or I wasn't drinking enough water or my mindset was wrong '
So after I thought yeah maybe this could be reason so I took break of like 3 months and started again no matter what happened in my home I kept reminding myself it will be okay and I started ignoring 3d as well , I meditate and even drink alot but still even after this it's all same I don't know what's wrong.
Right now I don't know where to conclude but I will be happy if you read this 💗
Hi my love. I understand your frustration but please don’t give up. You are not the exception. We are all capable of manifesting our dreams and our desires.
There is a lot of different information about manifestation that exists out there so it’s understandable to be confused. I personally don’t believe that obsessing over your desires or being in a low vibration is capable of effecting your manifestations. Here’s a few things I want you to keep in mind:
Your feelings aren’t going to negatively impact your manifestations.
Your doubts aren’t going to negatively impact your manifestations.
You make the rules. Some people believe in having to be in a constant state of high vibration but that’s what applies to them and it doesn’t have to apply to you.
Always assume you are doing things correctly. Sometimes constantly researching can cause confusion so you don’t need to do that anymore. Trust me when I say there’s nothing else left for you to research on. You know how to manifest even if you feel like you were doing it all wrong. It’s inevitable for you to get your desires if you persist. You can do no wrong if you persist.
To manifest all you have to do is:
1. Know what you want
2. Decide that you have it
3. Persist
You need to have more faith. The moment you decide that you have your desires is the moment that the change starts to take place. It’s just happening behind the scenes so it may seem like nothings working but in reality you are so powerful that you’re reality is changing just because you decided to create a new story for yourself.You decide if you have something not the 3D, so don’t give your power away to the 3D. You just have to continue persisting it’s that easy and don’t take no for an answer. Be stubborn.
From now onwards I want you do what feels right. Listen to Subliminals if you want to. Meditate if you want to. Affirm as much as you want to. What matters is that you persist.
You also don’t have to ignore the 3D. You can just accept what’s currently happening but that it doesn’t matter because it’s already done. You decided that you have your desire.
Hope this helped and reach out if you need any clarification :) 💗
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coconutredbulllover · 1 month
to everyone who has commented on the situation with paige and azzi id just like to say something
fans/people who actually have no clue and just know it happened and thats all don’t exactly feel the same empathy for the situation at the extent they would if they did know more, its a fact, people cant feel as bad for something if they dont know exactly what they’re feeling bad for. of course you can still feel extremely bad, a horrible and unforgivable thing happened but until you know what your actually feeling bad for its more like giving sympathy and condolences to a wall thats made of glass but its like the blurry type glass you cant really see through.
i dont reallt know if that made any sense but im basically trying to say that people who dont know and arent being informed since many people are staying silent in order to prevent spreading it, are like people who got told their dog went to a butterfly farm instead of being told it died. its like they were told a much much softer version of the real thing.
im not sure who or to what extent everyone on tumblr really knows about whats actually out there, but i just want ppl who only know the jist or general idea of what happened and even those who think they know or have seen all or most of it to know that it was actually alot that happened and the volume and extent of what happened was a really sickening thing to ever be informed of.
its insane paige was abt to come onto social media after just a weekend and be active, if you knew what i know then you would agree with me when i say paige is 100% only back on media rn to try and move peoples eyes past it and for pr reasons because thats whats best for the situation. she was most definitely not back after only a weekend ready to return to media just for the fun of it. they both are surrounded by a strong support system and while they may be smiling in the snippet of their lives we get to see, just know that putting up a strong front does not mean everything is okay and if u consider the extent of what happened it would be obvious that many signs point to them being very much not okay and that’s perfectly fine! they need time to heal from it and its not something you get over in a week. doing and feeling better doesnt mean actually being completely okay either healing takes time.
thank God its offseason and there isnt an actual full media spotlight on them right now, with how fast social media goes it likely wont be really talked about as a main focus in just a few weeks and its thankfully already starting to die down in just 1. i hope by the time the new season starts they feel alot better and the months will give them time to move past/through it and the world time to not remember or be focused on it.
im putting this on tumblr specifically because it is more of a hidden site compared to yk tiktok or twitter and likely wont spread anywhere crazy esp bc im keeping it low on actual details
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lieu-rey · 2 months
Tumblr media
yeah I'm aware of it, and the way I found out was kinda wild bc I literally opened my twitter the other day and the very first thing I see is my own art. I was dumbfounded to say the least lmao. im still not gonna put this person on full blast bc i dont want them getting a bunch of hate for this. regardless, thank you so much for letting me know, i really do appreciate it!
and I actually was gonna make a post about this since I've always allowed reposts with permission, it was in my bio for literal years, but it seems like people could never respect my bare minimum request of at least telling me that they're gonna repost my art. I've said yes to every person whos asked for my permission, honestly bc I'm just so thankful to them for honoring that.
I think the worst part is that for too long now, i thought so little of my own work that I didn't care that much where it went. and now I realize that I make this art with my own hands with years of practice and years of improvement and hours of work, I enjoy making it and i get to put boundaries and put in an effort to protect it. while I share it here so that I can share my silly drawings with others that can enjoy it too, there's something disheartening about a repost getting way more traction than my original post, especially on a completely different site. I understand that if I wanted alot more people to see my art then I'd post it myself on twitter (and not everyone has a tumblr either), but that doesn't give other people a right to post it for me. not to mention the fact that they're exposing my art to AI scraping on other websites, even when I go through the effort of glazing/nightshading it.
basically, I'm not allowing reposts anymore. not that that'll do much in the grand scheme of things but I'm just not about it anymore bc im sick of not being given the barest modicum of consideration.
moral of the story: for the love of fucking god have some goddamn respect for artists. no matter their skill, no matter how they feel about reposts.
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